It appears six people on a rubberised cross channel ferry have died. Near Calais. In French territorial waters. Weirdlly it appears British as much as French boats were involved in rescue efforts.
Proof positive of course of the French policy all along. Let’em go. Get’em out of here.
Curiously the BBC somehow have managed not to ask elephant-in-the-room questions. What is so bad about France that you want to kill yourself leaving. Hundreds of thousands of Brits go on holiday there, indeed own property over there and are quite happy to live there. Why kill yourself to leave?
Eh, BBC. How about it?
It won’t happen. Mass open door immigration policy must be supported at all times.
Because the French don’t have to battle lefty lawyers in getting them deported or giving them accommodation. They leave them to set up home in the woods, knowing they won’t be there forever as they wait for the next boat to bring them to the land of milk and plenty.
What is the most insincere phrase ever ? Our politicians saying “our thoughts and prayers go to the family and friends……” oh give over, this hackneyed statement is spouted at every opportunity when there is a death(s). As soon as its said the sentiment is forgotten, the family and friends aren’t known, so its a hollow phrase.
Brissles – we don’t hear the detail of exactly who is aiding the invaders – how much taxpayers ‘ money they are getting or what they do with it.
A proper government would treat this invasion as a war – targeting the gangs – individuals – both inside the UK and elsewhere –
But the will is just not there – and month by month the British I’ll be seeing the changes in their towns and cities even more than now .
In londonistan – already third world – I can spot them a mile a way – they have nothing to lose in what they do – they know they’ll not be deported – they can change their ID and know that the legal mafia will always be there to benefit from them .
If its anything like the Med in 2015/2016, the ‘aiding’ person is none other than, Georgie Porgy Soros.
Who has the power to lay their hands on a phial containing a small sample of Legionnaires Disease given to one or more of the “refugees” boarding the barge…….
On that a quick link to one of the newspapers from that called The Lighthouse. Its an odd one, but spoke the truth during COVID when others news would not speak out of turn. BBC as always was part of the problem, it relished its new importance and role.
On that page i found a long list of BBC child abusers going back to the last war and its an obvious continuation with abusing either sex risk free, even when frisked and locked up by the police.
The BBC actually sponsor trans staff to undergo the operations and drugs, which is little reported. It may of ceased since the ‘Tavistock’ (so called) clinic’ was forced to close. Its an odd world the BBC inhabits. Very odd. But very well paid. And very well connected.
Thank for the link to lots of fascinating material. For what it’s worth, I think Rachel Cookes Guardian article one of the best parts. There is some trickery in sliding from the history of Gill’s immoral activities into appraising the BBC statue as paedophilic. There is no evidence (that I have seen) that Gill abused young children. His attraction was to nubile young women, or women generally. So the statue of a naked child has nothing to do with what he did to his teenage daughter. Gill was extremely odd, but to cast all his works on the scrap-heap (which must include all the typefaces, as well as baptismal fonts, war memorials, altars, and no end of other things) is just too ridiculous to contemplate. Prospero and Ariel, and other sculptures the BBC has, are great art in themselves; greater than the people who are trying to discredit them.
Tonight I strolled from my house down to the sea creek in Gosport, only some 500 yards away.
A cool wind is blowing but it is mild and very pleasantly warm. The sky is a beautiful combination of electric blue with scudding low altitude grey clouds. At high altitude fine white cloud formations back up the scene, the skyline is a stunningly beautiful display of nature at its very, very finest….
I vividly recall seeing skies like that as a child over 50 years ago….
I suddenly felt a deep rush of anger at those pseudo scientific activist twats who are trying hard to scare our children into believing the end of the world is coming simply to take power and control of human life.
I cannot express my disgust at how they disregard the mental damage they are wreaking in our next generation. I hate them all with a vengeance. I especially despise their slimy hiding when the weather does not back up their poisonous agenda.
They slink back into their caves to wait for the next “hot bit” so they can get their stupid meaningless placards out again and dress up as total brainless idiots and dolts.
digg ,
I’m across the Solent on the Island……still relatively Migrant free at the moment . Interesting chat with a Ukrainian woman refugee today who was working here but now she’s realised that there’s more money in benefits ……that’s why they all want to be in the UK then !
A… people who take pride in furthering their life through their own effort and ability as it gives them satisfaction in their own abilities and encouragement to get on with life and achieve even more.
Then there are B, those looking for the free-est possible ride being paid for by A……
The ultimate example of this is the city gangs who decide it’s fine to surge into any store and just take what they want. It doesn’t take much imagination to realise these people are simply greedy shysters who want to suck off the rest of society.
The rule of law should protect A and punish B but that works against Marxist principles so it is ignored by our law forces and our governing class who are shit scared of losing a chunk of votes rather than standing up out of principle. We are seeing this all over the Western World and chief idiot is Joe F*****g Biden who is a spineless puppet and gangster controlled twat!
I can remember a time (‘Social Studies’ at Secondary School) when people were concerned – H.Wilson Mk.1 Govt. – that we had 350,000 unemployed in the UK (the ONS could count back then) and one third of those unemployed were happy to live on unemployment benefits and to do no work. At all.
Now, the BBC Deliberate Misinformation Unit (a.k.a. BBC News) are happy to distort the truth and claim that we in the UK have full employment and that employers are struggling to fill vacancies with over 1.2 million unemployed in the UK. {My workings: UK workforce size, 34,000,000. Unemployment (ONS figure) 3.7% = 1.26 million unemployed.]
Perhaps Marianna Spring and the Verify Unit should concentrate on their employer’s misinformation?
Seems like we are being pushed to the inevitable ending for this shite. So far the lefty activists have had all the headlines and garnered the tacit support of the total shitarses in our national media so why not turn the tables, let’s urge massive public support with massive street demonstrations to tell these twats where to go?
The lefties have very dedicated moles in the media etc, putting their actions and message together so we need the same only much, much bigger.
Let’s stand up and tell them where they get stuffed, enough people and support and they must inevitably wither on the vine. They only exist because the MSM give them totally out of proportion publicity so let’s start by demolishing that!
A little OT, but something which really bothers me is the increasing use of the term ‘NIMBY’ as an insult by MSM media types for anyone who doesn’t want hundreds of thousands of new homes built.
As someone who was brought up ‘in the country’ and lives ‘in the country’, it seems straightforward to me that those of us who CHOOSE to live in the country do so because we like… the country. By which I mean open spaces, less people, less traffic, more wildlife, more greenery etc…
When townies get on their high horse about how dreadful anyone who doesn’t want the countryside paved over and blighted with hundreds of thousands of new ‘homes’ and start throwing around the ‘NIMBY’ insult (as they see it) it really gets my hackles up.
YOU CHOOSE to live in a hidesouly overcrowded and polluted environment crawling with people like an anthill, WE DON’T, why should WE have to put up with what you THINK is right, when WE don’t want it? What is WRONG with us wanting to live differently?
– very relevant to the immigration question really, and why some animals are more equal than others?
Just cos the media say “six Afghan”, that doesn’t mean I’ll take that at face value
plenty of Pakistani chancers will say they are Afghan refugees,
BTW I am not inclined to be callous towards the dead or the other illegals . “There by the Grace of God go I ” etc.
I presume thy are brainwashed, or stupid or both.
OK how did those six men make their way from Afghanistan to the French northern coast ?
This has been going on for years , nay decades.
Do the authorities really want to stop them ?
When I was an international lorry driver going through all European countries ( both before an after some joined the EU ) I found that without the correct paperwork/ documents I would be
Denied access to enter a country
Denied access to leave a country
Denied access to proceed within a country .
And that was on legitimate business delivering goods or food .And humanitarian aid .
As I predicted yesterday, the Left are blaming our government for the migrant deaths off the French coast. And the BBC are making sure we know about it:
“How many more must die before Tories get a grip?” asks the Sunday Mirror. It carries a quote from a union official, representing Border Force staff, accusing the government of having “blood on their hands”.
Utterly disgusting. These hypocrites don’t care one bit about the people who died.
Once again, two males too young to be indentified ‘for legal reasons’ have stabbed someone else to death. And the BBC push it under the carpet. Where is the astonishment and outrage at how often this happens ?.
Nowhere. Because the BBC don’t care one bit. No whitey involved. BAME murdering BAME is ‘not helpful’ for their racist agenda. So they hide it.
Two luvvies got married and told everybody on-air and the BBC’s ‘Jared Evitts’ has wet his panties about it.
And I see the BBC desperately want to use the barge to discredit the government so they are doing their usual trick of running a new headline every day. Today its:
‘Bibby Stockholm evacuation shows ‘startling incompetence”
What are we talking about here the warrant a BBC front page headline ?
‘There was a discussion with the UK Health Security Agency which advised that the six newly-arrived asylum seekers should be taken off the vessel.’
These stories accurately sum up what the BBC has become.
“ By Ellie House
BBC Long Form Audio
After BBC reporter Ellie House came out as gay, she realised that Netflix already seemed to know. How did that happen?”
About Ellie, by Ellie, for 20,000 Ellies in the office. Wonder what the Uni course was?
“Our colleagues at Netflix have identified that you may be in the wrong body. Would you be interested in transitioning? As an Amazon Prime customer you are entitled to 20% discount on top surgery, plus free cups of coffee from Costa”.
A photo strangely devoid of women and children!
Yet full of the very young males the BBC continuously fail to highlight as they go for their usual sentimental tugging-the-heart-strings dying babies c**p.
No public sector/funded entity should be allowed on Twitter unless they engage with legitimate commentary. Otherwise they are simply propaganda units serving a limited pool.
Errrr, no!
Six migrants die just off Calais in French territorial waters.
Despite this, the BBC inform us that some incredibly were brought in to Dover !!!!!!!! FFS!!!!!!
Perhaps the RNLI should rebrand as PandO. They could certainly compete on price.
A boat containing people intent on illegally entering Britain, accompanied by a French naval vessel, sunk off the French coast with the loss of life. The UK government stopped short of condemning the actions of the French authorities, but reminded them of their international obligations.
Not just BBC
There was a suspicious death a couple of days back at a house and it was reported that three people were thought to be on the run and may have fled the country.
Now you might have thought that it was in the public interest to name these people and show photos of them. But no. We were told nothing. So a key method of apprehending them is unavailable.
I wonder what kind of anti-racist woke c**p is responsible for that kind of decision-making.
Room 100010 – the prison chamber used by the Ministry of Love in George Orwell’s 1984 as a last resort to break down those with whom they are “working” in this Sunday edition longer read (sorry about that)
One hesistates to judge whether this BBC feature headline reads as laughably typical of the lefty woke metro tastes and mores of that fast failing organisation – or alternatively as a clue to some rather sinister elite conspiratorial masterplan: How did Netflix know I was gay before I did? After BBC reporter Ellie House came out as gay, she realised that Netflix already seemed to know. How did that happen?
More of that later… meanwhile, the Sundays go overboard, so to speak, on two main stories taking up the lion’s share of their frontpages – or as the BBC online newspaper review would have it: Newspaper headlines: Boat deaths ‘prompt anger’ and ‘Goalden Girls’ – note how the news reporting works there – neither short formulation is a neutral unbiased statement of fact – both headlines prompt and indeed demand a reader’s reaction in some particular direction.
The Observer, number one positioned title in the BBC press line-up prompted that BBC headline prompt: Channel boat deaths prompt fresh anger over asylum policy – because you gotta keep that anger fresh
By the way, good to see the Observer (the Guardian on Sunday) : Up Where We Belong – the duet performed by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes and deployed as the theme to the 1982 movie An Officer and a Gentleman…
Who knows what tomorrow brings…
Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry
On a mountain high
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the world below
Up where the clear winds blow
Up there with the rarified rainbow utopian elite views on limitless migration, eh?
Safe routes urged to deal with crisis (Observer) – because the capacity of this little island to absorb the world’s displaced masses is infinitely elastic? In a form of analogy to the way the Bank of England thought their ability to expand the money supply ought to have been infinite without the adverse consequence of rampant inflation?
Why the Right Wanted the USWNT [United States women’s national soccer team] to Lose… Conservatives want everything Megan Rapinoe represents—feminism, queerness, anti-racism, reproductive choice, women’s strength—to wither away. (Dave Zirin writing for The Nation – The Nation is a progressive American biweekly magazine that covers political and cultural news, opinion, and analysis) – so queers (Dave Zirin’s word) demand abortion rights – somewhat of a non sequitur, surely?
Dave Zarin however, may have a point about conservatives’ lack of keeness for the women’s football. But let’s turn the question around. Why are lefties so damned keen to ram ladies soccer down our throats?
What are their motives? And who are the missionary evagelical apostles for the subject? Answer: Our entire mainstream media estate, apparently…
Goalden girls! Lionesses through to World Cup semi-final see pages 2&3 and sport pull-out – takes up the top half of the Sunday Express coverpage
I won’t bore you with the full list but no national Sunday neglects to feature a sizable pic of a Lioness on its frontpage.
You’ll recall there was of course a minor fun-sized bijou bit of bad publicity for the goalden girls last week: Lauren James: England forward given two-game Women’s World Cup ban after red card… James, 21, was sent off for stamping on the back of Michelle Alozie (BBC)
The Observer comes to the rescue PR-wise today with a caring sharing spin for our girls: Heart of a Lioness… Alex Greenwood consoles Colombia’s Linda Caicedo after England won 2-1 – Ah, bless.
Twin Reach plc titles the Labour-supporting Sunday Mirror and Sunday People may follow the rest of the Lioness-led press pack, but their slightly blokey old Labour clientel will appreciate the men’s game getting a minor frontpage plug: The Prem is back Free inside Total Football (People); It’s back! Every game and every goal in you brilliant football pullout (Mirror)
Leftie in-house cartoonist Newman over there at the Sunday Times is of course celebrating Lioness Sunday following small boat week. You can tell his illustrative skits are lefty by that simple rule of thumb – because they tend polemic rather than funny.
A bearded haloed God figure sits at the ‘Prayers Dept‘ desk in heaven. Does this count as working from home? I digress. God has two in-trays. The tray labelled World Peace is sadly an empty receptacle, whereas the World Cup in-tray is brim-full of prayer paperwork. Get it? Polemic, not funny. And somewhat of a diss on the female footie. Careful, Mr Newman. A plug for peace? Anyone might take it you weren’t fully: United With The People of Ukraine – as our weekday Daily Express likes to express their patriotism – by proxy
How are the good guys, the side we’re backing, doing in that war? I hear tell Ukraine might be a hot bed of corruption, money laundering and bribery?
Ukraine fires military conscription officials for taking bribes (BBC)
For rare humour with a conservative bent we rely on Matt at the Telegraph. He side-steps the two big headline tales of the day and instead riffs on the subject of the elite policy of Net Zero and its likely impact on us plebs. His estate agent addresses a hopeful couple of home-buyers: “And this property has a delightful Inglenook heat pump”
I realised that I was bisexual in my second year of university, but Big Tech seemed to have worked it out several months before me. I’d had one long-term boyfriend before then, and always considered myself straight… However, at that time I was watching a lot of Netflix and I was getting more and more recommendations for series with lesbian storylines, or bi characters (BBC) – so they have a lot of that sort of stuff on Netflix do they? Who knew?
One show that stuck out was called You Me Her, about a suburban married couple who welcome a third person into their relationship. Full of queer storylines and bi characters, it has been described as TV’s “first polyromantic comedy” (BBC) – Mr AsI would be tempted to term it soft porn with a kinky subversive bent.
It wasn’t just Netflix. Soon, I had spotted similar recommendations on several platforms. Spotify suggested a playlist it described as “sapphic” – a word to describe women who love women. (BBC) – if only kids these days had a proper traditional education that covered the classics – they might have known the word sapphic – I’ll bet our classically educated ex-PM Boris Johnson was fully cognisant of its meaning – but it sounds as though this stuff is everywhere out there being heavily pushed at our youngsters.
After a couple of months on TikTok, I started seeing videos on my feed from bisexual creators… The goal of a recommender system is to marry the person using the platform with the content…For instance, You Me Her is tagged with the genre code ‘100010’ – or “LGBTQ+ Stories” (BBC)
Back to the Sunday papers and don’t imagine that the BBC’s number one pick Observer is only fretting about migrants drowned due to Tory ineptitude and is PR fluffing for the Lionesses. Au contraire…. prospects for rejoining the EU is permanently on the frontpage of their agenda: ‘Brexit brain’ and the science of changing your mind – plus know your enemy: Lee Anderson Outspoken, abrasive, divisive… the Tories’ Mr Nasty
I’m here reminded of a favourite scene of mine from that TV classic Dad’s Army – if you’ll forgive the digression…
Captain Mainwaring is presenting a slide show in the Church Hall to instruct the platoon on the subject of Know Your Enemy.
He points out the square-headedness and closness of the eyes of the typical Nazi stormtrooper. Overgrown teenager Private Frank Pike pipes up innocently remarking on the smartness of the uniform. “We’ll have less of that talk, Pike”, the Captain snaps back in repremand.
Outspoken, abrasive, divisive…
Mr AsI prefers an outspoken politician to an evasive sneaky Starmer or dissembling deceiving Mayor Khan type. He admires abrasiveness over Sunak-style smarm. Let’s not pretend, people will inevitably divide over the big issues of day.
And the Germans did have better-looking uniforms. They were Boss – as the teenagers would say.
Back to the Observer frontpage and eco doom-mongering is a constant part of the manifesto: More than 90% of protected river habitats blighted
Don’t worry. Migrant boats, Global Warming… Sir Keir will magic it all better… or at the very least there will be less doom and gloom about such issues in the news when he’s PM.
taffman ,
As you say and we’re bringing the Invaders here it’s utter madness , did we do the same in WW2 no of course not !
The current Omaze house competition will giving money to the RNLI Taxi Services …….
Uber? – bit doubtful … they only take e-payments – no cash I thought?
Destitute people living in tents in France have £2000+ in cash to give to people smugglers?
I wonder how that really works – I do not see BBC, Sky, Guardian, Independent or any other appendage of the MSM being overly concerned about all that cash in the camps…
I’m pretty sure that some police forces in the UK would confiscate the cash if they stopped a person and it fell out of a pocket?
The wokie mental illness point is well made. A lot of the Green and Woke, Socialist types are frankly nuts. They are the sort of people that in the past would have joined a religious cult. More than one religious cult have had really bad endings too. A lot of Green fanatics are scientifically and technologically illiterate. That’s code for clueless about manufacturing and engineering, zero idea of energy is used, how electricity is made and distributed, and even more important the cost. Socialists believe in money trees.
Scientific illiteracy is embedded in the media and Political arenas. This allows big business to play the game and rip us all off.
The DT covers the US republican nomination campaign – with huge crowds turning out for President Trump .
As I read the piece I had a touch of de ja vu again – the campaign before the stolen election – with Biden Obama in a bunker and president trump getting huge enthusiastic audiences where ever he went … and then they stole the count …
Webshite. Front page. Features and analysis section. Main story.
‘How did Netflix know I was bi before I did?’
The story is of course written by a BBC Lesbian.
What is SO frustrating is that this is an important story. The systematic infiltration and data capture of personal information masquerading as ‘customer service’ by global, usually American, corporations, for their own ends. Well worth proper publicity and investigation.
So why use an LGBT context unless you have an agenda and narrative?
“Nick Robinson wrongly claims Lee Anderson suggested asylum seekers should ‘F-off home’ when he actually said ‘they should f*** off back to France'”
“About an hour after the interview, the Today programme host clarified his earlier comments by admitting he had ‘misquoted’ ”
Happens a lot, especially with Toenails (yawn).
And not by accident.
It was not a matter of ‘clarification’ or ‘misquoting’, by outright ideological lying, picked up and shared around the entire testing pile of ordure that is the media industry.
“Ministers face renewed pressure over boat crossings”
Here’s something – the boats will only stop coming once our supine government has taken in its “quota”.
I was watching a YouTube and forgot to switch off and it somehow moved to political interviews.
And I was struck just how incompetent those so offended by the mere existence of conservative thought are that they have made it their mission to destroy it, actually are.
Kelly Anne Conway, Musk, Jordan Peterson.. all supposedly being sliced and diced by the best of the MSM, but simply making their deranged, narrow track hosts’ attempted traps and gotchas look pathetic until ultimately these clowns revert to type and start screaming ‘some are saying’ and shutting things down before they get hoiked off air by their own producers.
Calm, reasoned, factual… the very opposite of the entire Labour front bench who block more than Springster on a good day and tell their people to swing a comfy sit down with Mishal.
UK citizens are furious Sadiq Khan is installing ULEZ (Ultra low emission zones) recognition cameras throughout London. Those who can’t afford electric vehicles will be fined £12 pounds ($15) every time they drive past them.
It follows on – in a way – there’s a headline in one of the rags about ‘moderate ‘tory’ MPs worried about being called ‘the nasty party ‘ again ..
I didn’t need to read it – a bunch of blue labour deceivers pretending to be tories . Lord if only it become far nastier than before – making the likes of Teresa May and her crew cross the floor where they should be .
Imagine a real Right Wing Government – and the woke lefties can add ‘Far ‘ if it makes them feel better ‘ worse .
But not gonna happen without huge upset – such as having to get the IMF in again as the state fails …
Thus, imagine the panic that set into the national-security establishment when the Cold War unexpectedly ended. Suddenly, the anti-Russia fear, anxiety, and hatred dissipated among a large number of Americans. (Many right-wingers were convinced for years that ending the Cold War was actually a ruse on the part of the Russians to take over America.)
But the U.S. national-security establishment was not ready to let go of its anti-Russia cash cow. To be sure, U.S. interventionism in the Middle East brought us the “war on terrorism” (or the “war on Islam” or the “war on evil”), but U.S. officials always knew that that war could fizzle out. This was especially true if the U.S. was, at some point in the future, thrown out of Afghanistan and Iraq. If that happened, America’s killing machine would no longer be able to kill large numbers of people that would generate the anger and rage that would lead to the perpetual threat of terrorist retaliation.
That’s what NATO gradual expansion to the east was always all about. It was an “insurance policy.” If the “war on terrorism” began to fizzle, there was always the ability to provoke Russia into invading Ukraine by threatening to absorb Ukraine into NATO, which would enable the U.S. to install its missiles, troops, bases, tanks, and other armaments on the Ukraine-Russia border.
Thus, we’ve now come full circle. Russia is now, once again, the premier enemy, opponent, rival, adversary, and competitor of the U.S. military-intelligence empire. The deep anti-Russia hostility has, once again, been inculcated in the minds of the American people. Meanwhile, they’re stoking up hostility with the Chinese Reds and the North Korean Reds. The Cuban Reds are still there. The old Cold War racket is back, along with ever-increasing power and taxpayer largess flooding into the coffers of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA. And woe to any public official who publicly calls for an end to this evil and destructive racket.
Er, tomo, there’s an error in the film in the first minute and a half of The Truth about Oppenheimer! Haven’t they heard of the Curies? Especially Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize? I am staggered!
It became fashionable in London in the first part of the twentieth century and maybe in other cities also, to have ‘radium parties’ where ‘glow in the dark’ atomic substances (probably radium itself) were handed around after turning out the gas lamps or that new fangled electric lighting. These parties were abandoned after people attending suffered burns to their hands and maybe other parts of their anatomies.
As to Oppenheimer, is there not a famous quotation from him after a successful nuclear detonation in the desert at Los Alamos? “Today, I am become death.” or have I got that wrong? I also recall that one of Oppenheimer’s colleagues during an early experiment handled two radio-active isotopes and banged them together. At which point, the man suffered radiation burns but died from radiation sickness, not the burns.
There are one or more people who were exposed to the radiation from either the Hiroshima or Nagasaki nuclear bombs who then went to live to 100 years of age. I suspect, the radiation he or they suffered, killed any nascent cancerous tumours in their bodies that may have led to their deaths in later life.
Now I want to go see the Hollywood film about Oppenheimer.
I look forward to the review – I’ve seen stuff about him and the Manhattan project – as well as fuchs and company who gave Stalin the bomb.
As I understand it – the project was meant to be a ‘joint enterprise between US UK with an agreement to share the end product – but Truman took one look at 1945 UK and knew he’d just be gifting the bomb to Stalin via the English Comunists .
So the remaining ‘treasure ‘ Britain still had after 1945 had to be spent developing a British bomb . Sad really . I hope my read is wrong ….
U.S. Major Alexander P. de Seversky, who in 1945 inspected the bombed towns of Japan, testified:
“In Hiroshima, I was prepared for radically different sights. But, to my surprise, Hiroshima looked exactly like all the other burned-out cities in Japan. There was a familiar pink blot, about two miles in diameter. It was dotted with charred trees and telephone poles. Only one of the city’s twenty bridges was down. Hiroshima’s clusters of modern buildings in the downtown section stood upright.
It was obvious that the blast could not have been as powerful as we had been led to believe. It was an extensive blast rather than an intensive one.
I had heard of buildings instantly consumed by unprecedented heat. Yet here I saw the buildings structurally intact, and what is more, topped by undamaged flag poles, lightning rods, painted railings, air raid precaution signs, and other comparatively fragile objects.
At the T-bridge, the aiming point for the atomic bomb, I looked for the “bald spot” where everything presumably had been vaporized in the twinkling of an eye. It wasn’t there or anywhere else. I could find no traces of unusual phenomena.
What I did see was in substance a replica of Yokohama or Osaka, or the Tokyo suburbs – the familiar residue of an area of wood and brick houses razed by uncontrollable fire. Everywhere I saw the trunks of charred and leafless trees, burned and unburned chunks of wood. The fire had been intense enough to bend and twist steel girders and to melt glass until it ran like lava – just as in other Japanese cities.”
Both cities are thriving today with no indication of any ‘nuclear’ fallout yet we are continually told about how nuclear weapons would leave cities uninhabitable for thousands of years if they were bombed with nuclear weapons.
Fear is their most potent weapon and when you own the science it becomes an extremely powerful weapon.
The A bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were pretty small by later standards, in the region of 10 to 20 kilotons. Visiting ground zero after a megaton sized attack would be a very different matter.
Accuracy goes out the window d/t artistic and dramatic license!!!
Radium was iirc almost universally used on instrument dials for aircraft flying at night in WW2.
It seems likely that Madam Curie died from long exposure to high radiation levels and likely ingestion of small amounts over a long period.
There were two deaths at Los Alamos directly attributed to criticality incidents – look for “Demon Core”
In the big movie they’ve got the wrong number of stars on Old Glory among other things… – it’s theater not history.
What would really get the Yanks agitated is any mention of Harry Hopkins + Comintern peeps in the Democratic Party and US State Department plus the successful infiltration of the Manhattan Districts (Los Alamos, Hanford and Oak Ridge) by Soviet agents.
Some claim that Hopkins facilitated the delivery of the Hanford reactor drawings and specifications to his pal Joe.
Just out of interest, I watched ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ last night about the USA fighting the Japanese.
I haven’t enjoyed a film so much since ‘Kingsman: The Golden Circle’ which was a very entertaining movie which the Left hated because it inferred a woman went to a festival looking to have sex. Apparently they hated ALL of it because one scene went against their anti-male, sexist agenda.
Hacksaw Ridge was similarly excellent : I was hooked within 10 minutes – which NEVER happens with recent films. Generally I turn them off after 10 minutes as soon as the woke agenda becomes apparent. And it was based on a true story.
I believe the real story of Desmond Doss is probably even more extraordinary than the film portrays. I think he took part in several island campaigns, not just the battle for Hacksaw Ridge and was one of the soldiers who hung the scramble net on the cliff as seen in the movie.
I don’t know. I will risk debanking by donating £100 and make it £106,375. And I will find out if it gets blocked. If I get debanked by the fascists then I will have to use some of my 62 Gold sovereigns. And as regards the fascist bankers, Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav said “They can stop your bank account. They can stop your credit. They can take your mortgage away. They can do anything they want if they have your identity. So for people to go blindly into that is worse than suicide. Trudeau gave a hint. He showed that you can stop your bank accounts, mortgage”:
Countryfile coming up
Presenter : Hamza Yassin
(a British wildlife cameraman and presenter, known for his role as Ranger Hamza on CBeebies.
He was born in Sudan in 1990 and moved to Britain at the age of eight
graduated with a degree in Zoology with Conservation.
He lives in a remote area of Scotland
won the Strictly Come Dancing competition in 2022 with his dance partner Oti Mabuse45.
Other presenters tonight : John Craven & Adam Henson
Guest judge for the Photo for Countryfile Calendar : Eleanor Bowman is a Scottish Radio 1 DJ
Guest : Martha Orbach artist based in Glasgow.
“makes work about our relationship with our environment, migration, how we speak about the unspeakable”
Will COUNTRYFILE have city stuff and Green Socialism ?
Item “laswegian community collective who are changing the way that we shop and eat”
tomo, HMG’s current thinking is that they are being mass manufactured in Turkey. Turkey is on the route for migration East to West. I seem to recall it is the route for another illegal trade, from the Becaah Valley and Afghanistan, westward.
Did you really mean to write ‘HMGs current thinking ‘!
….I’d expect mystery fires at factories making dinghies around Europe or Elswhere . Blighty is meant to be the bees knees at intelligence – yet it appears blind to destroying networks helping the invasion – where ever they might be … instead it’s just a daily embarrassment and failure …
Yes, Fed, “HMG’s current thinking” as broadcast by the misinformation producing BBC. You would think that our Security Services would be trying to infiltrate the trafficking gangs. The BBC did one programme, on R4 about the traffickers but I seem to recall they only went to France and maybe one or two other western European countries. Don’t know if BBC did anything on TV because, as you know, I don’t watch TV.
You would think that our MSM, including the BBC, would want to be doing some ‘investigative journalism’, wouldn’t you?
There’d be no better training for new recruits at Vauxhall and the Cheltenham UFO than interfering with the networks supporting the boat runners.
Easy to suspect that the smugglers are allowed to operate unhindered (assisted even) on the far side of the channel by order of EU-EAS as an irritant in the same way that they are geeing the Irish to be disruptive.
People smugglers working for MI5 have replaced demoralised RNLI volunteers. The gigantic inflatable rubber boats are paid for by Britain giving France nearly half a billion pounds Gaulgeld protection money.
A possible MO – Given the obvious workload – I wonder if the RNLI teams working the SE-UK/Dover have full time crews rather than the vaunted unpaid volunteers one might normally expect. If one were looking to recruit agents then the travelers are likely fertile ground – the security services like exploiting the vulnerable…
MI5 and Special Branch have always worked the Channel Ports
The bbc never fail to fail. Front page “How did netflix know that I was bi before I did?” This is news apparently; I’ve only just realised that the opposite of “bi” isn’t “non-bio”.
I’ll tell you how this happened love. You are nothing more than a child in an adult body. You have only ever watched “The x factor” and any shite which pops up on tickytocky. You have never read a book, had a meaningful discussion about anything (I don’t include “Just stop work” and the climate hoax), or done a useful day of work on a factory floor.
Overused phrases, but get a life and get out more. And stop watching bbc verify and think you’ll hear anything except hogwash. Avoid the springster at all costs.
I could not have said it better.
We really must begin to understand that when we switch on our TV set and start to view that we are not really being given the truth and nothing but the truth
Question everything!!!!!
"I want to warn the entire planet about this," Hawaii Gov. Josh Green says. "When fire jumped from one spot to another, it got seeded very quickly with those 80mph winds… That's what a fire-hurricane is going to look in the era of global warming."
For more IMO, there is always mini-YAB, a younger, but equally bitter harpie.
This is a National scandal, IMO
The Conservative Party created an inaccurate“dossier” on an immigration lawyer and sent it to the politically right leaning press to write hatchet job on her. They don’t deny the allegation. @JacquiMckenzie6 speaks exclusively to me at @LBC
The racist BBC always depicts black people speaking English, never an African language. This should be banned. The BBC should not insist that Black people reply to white people, by speaking a white European language. This would make the dialogue on the BBC less racist and more interesting and funny.
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
tomoMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black? Politicians have rounded on…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Uk gov to create a new team of 1000 people to look at how to make 100 cuts! HA HA…
Raised earlier (see what I did there?), this ‘story’ has attracted an epic #CCBGB tally.
? What is that about ?
This time it is obvious thing
and sex lives for any wounded veteran is an issue
However a hell of a lot of people I know , have almost zero sex life
Life is not like the TV and movies portray it
The BBC QT panel on this, with Femi, JO’bsworth, Lammy and other regular gobs, will be fascinating.
Oh ! look over there, a squirrel………..
It appears six people on a rubberised cross channel ferry have died. Near Calais. In French territorial waters. Weirdlly it appears British as much as French boats were involved in rescue efforts.
Proof positive of course of the French policy all along. Let’em go. Get’em out of here.
Curiously the BBC somehow have managed not to ask elephant-in-the-room questions. What is so bad about France that you want to kill yourself leaving. Hundreds of thousands of Brits go on holiday there, indeed own property over there and are quite happy to live there. Why kill yourself to leave?
Eh, BBC. How about it?
It won’t happen. Mass open door immigration policy must be supported at all times.
Because the French don’t have to battle lefty lawyers in getting them deported or giving them accommodation. They leave them to set up home in the woods, knowing they won’t be there forever as they wait for the next boat to bring them to the land of milk and plenty.
What is the most insincere phrase ever ? Our politicians saying “our thoughts and prayers go to the family and friends……” oh give over, this hackneyed statement is spouted at every opportunity when there is a death(s). As soon as its said the sentiment is forgotten, the family and friends aren’t known, so its a hollow phrase.
Brissles – we don’t hear the detail of exactly who is aiding the invaders – how much taxpayers ‘ money they are getting or what they do with it.
A proper government would treat this invasion as a war – targeting the gangs – individuals – both inside the UK and elsewhere –
But the will is just not there – and month by month the British I’ll be seeing the changes in their towns and cities even more than now .
In londonistan – already third world – I can spot them a mile a way – they have nothing to lose in what they do – they know they’ll not be deported – they can change their ID and know that the legal mafia will always be there to benefit from them .
If its anything like the Med in 2015/2016, the ‘aiding’ person is none other than, Georgie Porgy Soros.
Who has the power to lay their hands on a phial containing a small sample of Legionnaires Disease given to one or more of the “refugees” boarding the barge…….
On that a quick link to one of the newspapers from that called The Lighthouse. Its an odd one, but spoke the truth during COVID when others news would not speak out of turn. BBC as always was part of the problem, it relished its new importance and role.
Click to access Light-35-Web-Final1.pdf
On that page i found a long list of BBC child abusers going back to the last war and its an obvious continuation with abusing either sex risk free, even when frisked and locked up by the police.
The BBC actually sponsor trans staff to undergo the operations and drugs, which is little reported. It may of ceased since the ‘Tavistock’ (so called) clinic’ was forced to close. Its an odd world the BBC inhabits. Very odd. But very well paid. And very well connected.
Thank for the link to lots of fascinating material. For what it’s worth, I think Rachel Cookes Guardian article one of the best parts. There is some trickery in sliding from the history of Gill’s immoral activities into appraising the BBC statue as paedophilic. There is no evidence (that I have seen) that Gill abused young children. His attraction was to nubile young women, or women generally. So the statue of a naked child has nothing to do with what he did to his teenage daughter. Gill was extremely odd, but to cast all his works on the scrap-heap (which must include all the typefaces, as well as baptismal fonts, war memorials, altars, and no end of other things) is just too ridiculous to contemplate. Prospero and Ariel, and other sculptures the BBC has, are great art in themselves; greater than the people who are trying to discredit them.
Tonight I strolled from my house down to the sea creek in Gosport, only some 500 yards away.
A cool wind is blowing but it is mild and very pleasantly warm. The sky is a beautiful combination of electric blue with scudding low altitude grey clouds. At high altitude fine white cloud formations back up the scene, the skyline is a stunningly beautiful display of nature at its very, very finest….
I vividly recall seeing skies like that as a child over 50 years ago….
I suddenly felt a deep rush of anger at those pseudo scientific activist twats who are trying hard to scare our children into believing the end of the world is coming simply to take power and control of human life.
I cannot express my disgust at how they disregard the mental damage they are wreaking in our next generation. I hate them all with a vengeance. I especially despise their slimy hiding when the weather does not back up their poisonous agenda.
They slink back into their caves to wait for the next “hot bit” so they can get their stupid meaningless placards out again and dress up as total brainless idiots and dolts.
digg ,
I’m across the Solent on the Island……still relatively Migrant free at the moment . Interesting chat with a Ukrainian woman refugee today who was working here but now she’s realised that there’s more money in benefits ……that’s why they all want to be in the UK then !
Charlie there are:
A… people who take pride in furthering their life through their own effort and ability as it gives them satisfaction in their own abilities and encouragement to get on with life and achieve even more.
Then there are B, those looking for the free-est possible ride being paid for by A……
The ultimate example of this is the city gangs who decide it’s fine to surge into any store and just take what they want. It doesn’t take much imagination to realise these people are simply greedy shysters who want to suck off the rest of society.
The rule of law should protect A and punish B but that works against Marxist principles so it is ignored by our law forces and our governing class who are shit scared of losing a chunk of votes rather than standing up out of principle. We are seeing this all over the Western World and chief idiot is Joe F*****g Biden who is a spineless puppet and gangster controlled twat!
Digg I remember a time when it was a stigma to NOT have a job and claiming benefits !
I can remember a time (‘Social Studies’ at Secondary School) when people were concerned – H.Wilson Mk.1 Govt. – that we had 350,000 unemployed in the UK (the ONS could count back then) and one third of those unemployed were happy to live on unemployment benefits and to do no work. At all.
Now, the BBC Deliberate Misinformation Unit (a.k.a. BBC News) are happy to distort the truth and claim that we in the UK have full employment and that employers are struggling to fill vacancies with over 1.2 million unemployed in the UK. {My workings: UK workforce size, 34,000,000. Unemployment (ONS figure) 3.7% = 1.26 million unemployed.]
Perhaps Marianna Spring and the Verify Unit should concentrate on their employer’s misinformation?
ComcastEU visit Portland
I see non payment as a start . I put up ‘ defund the BBC ‘ but i view it as an enemy within – which means it must be destroyed .
Seems like we are being pushed to the inevitable ending for this shite. So far the lefty activists have had all the headlines and garnered the tacit support of the total shitarses in our national media so why not turn the tables, let’s urge massive public support with massive street demonstrations to tell these twats where to go?
The lefties have very dedicated moles in the media etc, putting their actions and message together so we need the same only much, much bigger.
Let’s stand up and tell them where they get stuffed, enough people and support and they must inevitably wither on the vine. They only exist because the MSM give them totally out of proportion publicity so let’s start by demolishing that!
A little OT, but something which really bothers me is the increasing use of the term ‘NIMBY’ as an insult by MSM media types for anyone who doesn’t want hundreds of thousands of new homes built.
As someone who was brought up ‘in the country’ and lives ‘in the country’, it seems straightforward to me that those of us who CHOOSE to live in the country do so because we like… the country. By which I mean open spaces, less people, less traffic, more wildlife, more greenery etc…
When townies get on their high horse about how dreadful anyone who doesn’t want the countryside paved over and blighted with hundreds of thousands of new ‘homes’ and start throwing around the ‘NIMBY’ insult (as they see it) it really gets my hackles up.
YOU CHOOSE to live in a hidesouly overcrowded and polluted environment crawling with people like an anthill, WE DON’T, why should WE have to put up with what you THINK is right, when WE don’t want it? What is WRONG with us wanting to live differently?
– very relevant to the immigration question really, and why some animals are more equal than others?
Just cos the media say “six Afghan”, that doesn’t mean I’ll take that at face value
plenty of Pakistani chancers will say they are Afghan refugees,
BTW I am not inclined to be callous towards the dead or the other illegals . “There by the Grace of God go I ” etc.
I presume thy are brainwashed, or stupid or both.
OK how did those six men make their way from Afghanistan to the French northern coast ?
This has been going on for years , nay decades.
Do the authorities really want to stop them ?
When I was an international lorry driver going through all European countries ( both before an after some joined the EU ) I found that without the correct paperwork/ documents I would be
Denied access to enter a country
Denied access to leave a country
Denied access to proceed within a country .
And that was on legitimate business delivering goods or food .And humanitarian aid .
“Do the authorities really want to stop them ?”
NO, they take us for fools.
If they wanted to stop them, they could. Obviously, they don’t want to. The question is WHY?
Spot on Neil Oliver, spot on !
ITV regional item across all regions July 17th
‘Prepare for drought and hosepipe bans’
How the heck did that turn out ?
Neil Oliver guest basically saying the media use Orwellian tricks
‘Their definition of “Far Right”
is someone who denies 2+2=5
or says the Emperor’s suit is fake’
That sounds true, “Far Right” is anyone who dares to challenge lefty dogma
As I predicted yesterday, the Left are blaming our government for the migrant deaths off the French coast. And the BBC are making sure we know about it:
“How many more must die before Tories get a grip?” asks the Sunday Mirror. It carries a quote from a union official, representing Border Force staff, accusing the government of having “blood on their hands”.
Utterly disgusting. These hypocrites don’t care one bit about the people who died.
Meanwhile a quick check shows me:
NOT on the UK front page:
Julian Ebanks-Ford: Man charged with New Cross murder
A black man murdered by ‘Ismail Kallon, 20’
Also NOT on the UK front page:
Yusuf Mohamoud: Two boys, 15, charged with murder
Once again, two males too young to be indentified ‘for legal reasons’ have stabbed someone else to death. And the BBC push it under the carpet. Where is the astonishment and outrage at how often this happens ?.
Nowhere. Because the BBC don’t care one bit. No whitey involved. BAME murdering BAME is ‘not helpful’ for their racist agenda. So they hide it.
But what IS on the front page:
Line of Duty’s Vicky McClure announces marriage live on air
Two luvvies got married and told everybody on-air and the BBC’s ‘Jared Evitts’ has wet his panties about it.
And I see the BBC desperately want to use the barge to discredit the government so they are doing their usual trick of running a new headline every day. Today its:
‘Bibby Stockholm evacuation shows ‘startling incompetence”
What are we talking about here the warrant a BBC front page headline ?
‘There was a discussion with the UK Health Security Agency which advised that the six newly-arrived asylum seekers should be taken off the vessel.’
These stories accurately sum up what the BBC has become.
This country needs to be run by JO’bsworth and YAB Mk. 2.
Or the entire BBC.
Weekend shift.
The rag of BBC fave Kev Maguire…
Comments, such as they have managed to inspire, could be going better.
How the media will cover up what is coming once they get in a Starmer admin, Lord knows.
The minister was born in Rwanda.
That’s Rwanda in Africa, not the one in the 8th arrondissement of Paris.
Shared pool even.
A country run by Kev, Sangita and the BBC… 🫣
Bread, circuses and….
The employment history a hint?
“ By Ellie House
BBC Long Form Audio
After BBC reporter Ellie House came out as gay, she realised that Netflix already seemed to know. How did that happen?”
About Ellie, by Ellie, for 20,000 Ellies in the office. Wonder what the Uni course was?
“Yes, Alexa?”
“Our colleagues at Netflix have identified that you may be in the wrong body. Would you be interested in transitioning? As an Amazon Prime customer you are entitled to 20% discount on top surgery, plus free cups of coffee from Costa”.
A photo strangely devoid of women and children!
Yet full of the very young males the BBC continuously fail to highlight as they go for their usual sentimental tugging-the-heart-strings dying babies c**p.
Like the Fanatic and Zealot Unit Mike Wendling founded?
No public sector/funded entity should be allowed on Twitter unless they engage with legitimate commentary. Otherwise they are simply propaganda units serving a limited pool.
Chris seems nice. He know Bob Ward, frequent BBC ‘expert’?
Facebook does have a history of ‘conforming’.
TNI partners?
Six migrants die in channel.
Errrr, no!
Six migrants die just off Calais in French territorial waters.
Despite this, the BBC inform us that some incredibly were brought in to Dover !!!!!!!! FFS!!!!!!
Perhaps the RNLI should rebrand as PandO. They could certainly compete on price.
A boat containing people intent on illegally entering Britain, accompanied by a French naval vessel, sunk off the French coast with the loss of life. The UK government stopped short of condemning the actions of the French authorities, but reminded them of their international obligations.
Kev channels Corbyn.
Toenails channels Labour head office.
Not just BBC
There was a suspicious death a couple of days back at a house and it was reported that three people were thought to be on the run and may have fled the country.
Now you might have thought that it was in the public interest to name these people and show photos of them. But no. We were told nothing. So a key method of apprehending them is unavailable.
I wonder what kind of anti-racist woke c**p is responsible for that kind of decision-making.
It would be interesting to know which country they fled to.
Let’s make it easier. It can only be one of three or four 🙂
Think the country spelling ends with a ……stan.
Room 100010 – the prison chamber used by the Ministry of Love in George Orwell’s 1984 as a last resort to break down those with whom they are “working” in this Sunday edition longer read (sorry about that)
One hesistates to judge whether this BBC feature headline reads as laughably typical of the lefty woke metro tastes and mores of that fast failing organisation – or alternatively as a clue to some rather sinister elite conspiratorial masterplan: How did Netflix know I was gay before I did? After BBC reporter Ellie House came out as gay, she realised that Netflix already seemed to know. How did that happen?
More of that later… meanwhile, the Sundays go overboard, so to speak, on two main stories taking up the lion’s share of their frontpages – or as the BBC online newspaper review would have it: Newspaper headlines: Boat deaths ‘prompt anger’ and ‘Goalden Girls’ – note how the news reporting works there – neither short formulation is a neutral unbiased statement of fact – both headlines prompt and indeed demand a reader’s reaction in some particular direction.
The Observer, number one positioned title in the BBC press line-up prompted that BBC headline prompt: Channel boat deaths prompt fresh anger over asylum policy – because you gotta keep that anger fresh
By the way, good to see the Observer (the Guardian on Sunday) : Up Where We Belong – the duet performed by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes and deployed as the theme to the 1982 movie An Officer and a Gentleman…
Who knows what tomorrow brings…
Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry
On a mountain high
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the world below
Up where the clear winds blow
Up there with the rarified rainbow utopian elite views on limitless migration, eh?
Safe routes urged to deal with crisis (Observer) – because the capacity of this little island to absorb the world’s displaced masses is infinitely elastic? In a form of analogy to the way the Bank of England thought their ability to expand the money supply ought to have been infinite without the adverse consequence of rampant inflation?
Why the Right Wanted the USWNT [United States women’s national soccer team] to Lose… Conservatives want everything Megan Rapinoe represents—feminism, queerness, anti-racism, reproductive choice, women’s strength—to wither away. (Dave Zirin writing for The Nation – The Nation is a progressive American biweekly magazine that covers political and cultural news, opinion, and analysis) – so queers (Dave Zirin’s word) demand abortion rights – somewhat of a non sequitur, surely?
Dave Zarin however, may have a point about conservatives’ lack of keeness for the women’s football. But let’s turn the question around. Why are lefties so damned keen to ram ladies soccer down our throats?
What are their motives? And who are the missionary evagelical apostles for the subject? Answer: Our entire mainstream media estate, apparently…
Goalden girls! Lionesses through to World Cup semi-final see pages 2&3 and sport pull-out – takes up the top half of the Sunday Express coverpage
I won’t bore you with the full list but no national Sunday neglects to feature a sizable pic of a Lioness on its frontpage.
You’ll recall there was of course a minor fun-sized bijou bit of bad publicity for the goalden girls last week: Lauren James: England forward given two-game Women’s World Cup ban after red card… James, 21, was sent off for stamping on the back of Michelle Alozie (BBC)
The Observer comes to the rescue PR-wise today with a caring sharing spin for our girls: Heart of a Lioness… Alex Greenwood consoles Colombia’s Linda Caicedo after England won 2-1 – Ah, bless.
Twin Reach plc titles the Labour-supporting Sunday Mirror and Sunday People may follow the rest of the Lioness-led press pack, but their slightly blokey old Labour clientel will appreciate the men’s game getting a minor frontpage plug: The Prem is back Free inside Total Football (People); It’s back! Every game and every goal in you brilliant football pullout (Mirror)
Leftie in-house cartoonist Newman over there at the Sunday Times is of course celebrating Lioness Sunday following small boat week. You can tell his illustrative skits are lefty by that simple rule of thumb – because they tend polemic rather than funny.
A bearded haloed God figure sits at the ‘Prayers Dept‘ desk in heaven. Does this count as working from home? I digress. God has two in-trays. The tray labelled World Peace is sadly an empty receptacle, whereas the World Cup in-tray is brim-full of prayer paperwork. Get it? Polemic, not funny. And somewhat of a diss on the female footie. Careful, Mr Newman. A plug for peace? Anyone might take it you weren’t fully: United With The People of Ukraine – as our weekday Daily Express likes to express their patriotism – by proxy
How are the good guys, the side we’re backing, doing in that war? I hear tell Ukraine might be a hot bed of corruption, money laundering and bribery?
Ukraine fires military conscription officials for taking bribes (BBC)
For rare humour with a conservative bent we rely on Matt at the Telegraph. He side-steps the two big headline tales of the day and instead riffs on the subject of the elite policy of Net Zero and its likely impact on us plebs. His estate agent addresses a hopeful couple of home-buyers: “And this property has a delightful Inglenook heat pump”
I realised that I was bisexual in my second year of university, but Big Tech seemed to have worked it out several months before me. I’d had one long-term boyfriend before then, and always considered myself straight… However, at that time I was watching a lot of Netflix and I was getting more and more recommendations for series with lesbian storylines, or bi characters (BBC) – so they have a lot of that sort of stuff on Netflix do they? Who knew?
One show that stuck out was called You Me Her, about a suburban married couple who welcome a third person into their relationship. Full of queer storylines and bi characters, it has been described as TV’s “first polyromantic comedy” (BBC) – Mr AsI would be tempted to term it soft porn with a kinky subversive bent.
It wasn’t just Netflix. Soon, I had spotted similar recommendations on several platforms. Spotify suggested a playlist it described as “sapphic” – a word to describe women who love women. (BBC) – if only kids these days had a proper traditional education that covered the classics – they might have known the word sapphic – I’ll bet our classically educated ex-PM Boris Johnson was fully cognisant of its meaning – but it sounds as though this stuff is everywhere out there being heavily pushed at our youngsters.
After a couple of months on TikTok, I started seeing videos on my feed from bisexual creators… The goal of a recommender system is to marry the person using the platform with the content…For instance, You Me Her is tagged with the genre code ‘100010’ – or “LGBTQ+ Stories” (BBC)
Back to the Sunday papers and don’t imagine that the BBC’s number one pick Observer is only fretting about migrants drowned due to Tory ineptitude and is PR fluffing for the Lionesses. Au contraire…. prospects for rejoining the EU is permanently on the frontpage of their agenda: ‘Brexit brain’ and the science of changing your mind – plus know your enemy: Lee Anderson Outspoken, abrasive, divisive… the Tories’ Mr Nasty
I’m here reminded of a favourite scene of mine from that TV classic Dad’s Army – if you’ll forgive the digression…
Captain Mainwaring is presenting a slide show in the Church Hall to instruct the platoon on the subject of Know Your Enemy.
He points out the square-headedness and closness of the eyes of the typical Nazi stormtrooper. Overgrown teenager Private Frank Pike pipes up innocently remarking on the smartness of the uniform. “We’ll have less of that talk, Pike”, the Captain snaps back in repremand.
Outspoken, abrasive, divisive…
Mr AsI prefers an outspoken politician to an evasive sneaky Starmer or dissembling deceiving Mayor Khan type. He admires abrasiveness over Sunak-style smarm. Let’s not pretend, people will inevitably divide over the big issues of day.
And the Germans did have better-looking uniforms. They were Boss – as the teenagers would say.
Back to the Observer frontpage and eco doom-mongering is a constant part of the manifesto: More than 90% of protected river habitats blighted
Don’t worry. Migrant boats, Global Warming… Sir Keir will magic it all better… or at the very least there will be less doom and gloom about such issues in the news when he’s PM.
“Stop the boats” Rushi, “Stop the boats” and stop the “Border Farce”, because there lies the trouble !
taffman ,
As you say and we’re bringing the Invaders here it’s utter madness , did we do the same in WW2 no of course not !
The current Omaze house competition will giving money to the RNLI Taxi Services …….
Good point Charlie. Are the rubber cross channel ferries available via Uber?
Sluff –
Uber? – bit doubtful … they only take e-payments – no cash I thought?
Destitute people living in tents in France have £2000+ in cash to give to people smugglers?
I wonder how that really works – I do not see BBC, Sky, Guardian, Independent or any other appendage of the MSM being overly concerned about all that cash in the camps…
I’m pretty sure that some police forces in the UK would confiscate the cash if they stopped a person and it fell out of a pocket?
The wokie mental illness point is well made. A lot of the Green and Woke, Socialist types are frankly nuts. They are the sort of people that in the past would have joined a religious cult. More than one religious cult have had really bad endings too. A lot of Green fanatics are scientifically and technologically illiterate. That’s code for clueless about manufacturing and engineering, zero idea of energy is used, how electricity is made and distributed, and even more important the cost. Socialists believe in money trees.
Scientific illiteracy is embedded in the media and Political arenas. This allows big business to play the game and rip us all off.
The DT covers the US republican nomination campaign – with huge crowds turning out for President Trump .
As I read the piece I had a touch of de ja vu again – the campaign before the stolen election – with Biden Obama in a bunker and president trump getting huge enthusiastic audiences where ever he went … and then they stole the count …
The BBC. They just can’t help themselves.
Webshite. Front page. Features and analysis section. Main story.
‘How did Netflix know I was bi before I did?’
The story is of course written by a BBC Lesbian.
What is SO frustrating is that this is an important story. The systematic infiltration and data capture of personal information masquerading as ‘customer service’ by global, usually American, corporations, for their own ends. Well worth proper publicity and investigation.
So why use an LGBT context unless you have an agenda and narrative?
Pathetic woke trash. And totally un-necessary.
This in news terms is more significant.
“Nick Robinson wrongly claims Lee Anderson suggested asylum seekers should ‘F-off home’ when he actually said ‘they should f*** off back to France'”
“About an hour after the interview, the Today programme host clarified his earlier comments by admitting he had ‘misquoted’ ”
Happens a lot, especially with Toenails (yawn).
And not by accident.
It was not a matter of ‘clarification’ or ‘misquoting’, by outright ideological lying, picked up and shared around the entire testing pile of ordure that is the media industry.
“Ministers face renewed pressure over boat crossings”
Here’s something – the boats will only stop coming once our supine government has taken in its “quota”.
Speaking of piles of ordure, it extends globally.
I was watching a YouTube and forgot to switch off and it somehow moved to political interviews.
And I was struck just how incompetent those so offended by the mere existence of conservative thought are that they have made it their mission to destroy it, actually are.
Kelly Anne Conway, Musk, Jordan Peterson.. all supposedly being sliced and diced by the best of the MSM, but simply making their deranged, narrow track hosts’ attempted traps and gotchas look pathetic until ultimately these clowns revert to type and start screaming ‘some are saying’ and shutting things down before they get hoiked off air by their own producers.
Calm, reasoned, factual… the very opposite of the entire Labour front bench who block more than Springster on a good day and tell their people to swing a comfy sit down with Mishal.
It follows on – in a way – there’s a headline in one of the rags about ‘moderate ‘tory’ MPs worried about being called ‘the nasty party ‘ again ..
I didn’t need to read it – a bunch of blue labour deceivers pretending to be tories . Lord if only it become far nastier than before – making the likes of Teresa May and her crew cross the floor where they should be .
Imagine a real Right Wing Government – and the woke lefties can add ‘Far ‘ if it makes them feel better ‘ worse .
But not gonna happen without huge upset – such as having to get the IMF in again as the state fails …
Anti ULEZ demonstrators get tyres slashed.
Random vandalism, part and parcel of living in London…
Can’t help thinking there’s a deliberate attempt at conflation going on at the Daily Telegraph.
Thus, imagine the panic that set into the national-security establishment when the Cold War unexpectedly ended. Suddenly, the anti-Russia fear, anxiety, and hatred dissipated among a large number of Americans. (Many right-wingers were convinced for years that ending the Cold War was actually a ruse on the part of the Russians to take over America.)
But the U.S. national-security establishment was not ready to let go of its anti-Russia cash cow. To be sure, U.S. interventionism in the Middle East brought us the “war on terrorism” (or the “war on Islam” or the “war on evil”), but U.S. officials always knew that that war could fizzle out. This was especially true if the U.S. was, at some point in the future, thrown out of Afghanistan and Iraq. If that happened, America’s killing machine would no longer be able to kill large numbers of people that would generate the anger and rage that would lead to the perpetual threat of terrorist retaliation.
That’s what NATO gradual expansion to the east was always all about. It was an “insurance policy.” If the “war on terrorism” began to fizzle, there was always the ability to provoke Russia into invading Ukraine by threatening to absorb Ukraine into NATO, which would enable the U.S. to install its missiles, troops, bases, tanks, and other armaments on the Ukraine-Russia border.
Thus, we’ve now come full circle. Russia is now, once again, the premier enemy, opponent, rival, adversary, and competitor of the U.S. military-intelligence empire. The deep anti-Russia hostility has, once again, been inculcated in the minds of the American people. Meanwhile, they’re stoking up hostility with the Chinese Reds and the North Korean Reds. The Cuban Reds are still there. The old Cold War racket is back, along with ever-increasing power and taxpayer largess flooding into the coffers of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA. And woe to any public official who publicly calls for an end to this evil and destructive racket.
” “
Oppie is getting the Hollywood treatment.
not here though
I’ve watched several interviews of and presentations by Oppenheimer and noticed his intensity…. hadn’t thought schizoid homicidal maniac…
see his time at Cambridge, UK:
Er, tomo, there’s an error in the film in the first minute and a half of The Truth about Oppenheimer! Haven’t they heard of the Curies? Especially Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize? I am staggered!
It became fashionable in London in the first part of the twentieth century and maybe in other cities also, to have ‘radium parties’ where ‘glow in the dark’ atomic substances (probably radium itself) were handed around after turning out the gas lamps or that new fangled electric lighting. These parties were abandoned after people attending suffered burns to their hands and maybe other parts of their anatomies.
As to Oppenheimer, is there not a famous quotation from him after a successful nuclear detonation in the desert at Los Alamos? “Today, I am become death.” or have I got that wrong? I also recall that one of Oppenheimer’s colleagues during an early experiment handled two radio-active isotopes and banged them together. At which point, the man suffered radiation burns but died from radiation sickness, not the burns.
There are one or more people who were exposed to the radiation from either the Hiroshima or Nagasaki nuclear bombs who then went to live to 100 years of age. I suspect, the radiation he or they suffered, killed any nascent cancerous tumours in their bodies that may have led to their deaths in later life.
Now I want to go see the Hollywood film about Oppenheimer.
I look forward to the review – I’ve seen stuff about him and the Manhattan project – as well as fuchs and company who gave Stalin the bomb.
As I understand it – the project was meant to be a ‘joint enterprise between US UK with an agreement to share the end product – but Truman took one look at 1945 UK and knew he’d just be gifting the bomb to Stalin via the English Comunists .
So the remaining ‘treasure ‘ Britain still had after 1945 had to be spent developing a British bomb . Sad really . I hope my read is wrong ….
U.S. Major Alexander P. de Seversky, who in 1945 inspected the bombed towns of Japan, testified:
“In Hiroshima, I was prepared for radically different sights. But, to my surprise, Hiroshima looked exactly like all the other burned-out cities in Japan. There was a familiar pink blot, about two miles in diameter. It was dotted with charred trees and telephone poles. Only one of the city’s twenty bridges was down. Hiroshima’s clusters of modern buildings in the downtown section stood upright.
It was obvious that the blast could not have been as powerful as we had been led to believe. It was an extensive blast rather than an intensive one.
I had heard of buildings instantly consumed by unprecedented heat. Yet here I saw the buildings structurally intact, and what is more, topped by undamaged flag poles, lightning rods, painted railings, air raid precaution signs, and other comparatively fragile objects.
At the T-bridge, the aiming point for the atomic bomb, I looked for the “bald spot” where everything presumably had been vaporized in the twinkling of an eye. It wasn’t there or anywhere else. I could find no traces of unusual phenomena.
What I did see was in substance a replica of Yokohama or Osaka, or the Tokyo suburbs – the familiar residue of an area of wood and brick houses razed by uncontrollable fire. Everywhere I saw the trunks of charred and leafless trees, burned and unburned chunks of wood. The fire had been intense enough to bend and twist steel girders and to melt glass until it ran like lava – just as in other Japanese cities.”
Both cities are thriving today with no indication of any ‘nuclear’ fallout yet we are continually told about how nuclear weapons would leave cities uninhabitable for thousands of years if they were bombed with nuclear weapons.
Fear is their most potent weapon and when you own the science it becomes an extremely powerful weapon.
The A bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were pretty small by later standards, in the region of 10 to 20 kilotons. Visiting ground zero after a megaton sized attack would be a very different matter.
Accuracy goes out the window d/t artistic and dramatic license!!!
Radium was iirc almost universally used on instrument dials for aircraft flying at night in WW2.
It seems likely that Madam Curie died from long exposure to high radiation levels and likely ingestion of small amounts over a long period.
There were two deaths at Los Alamos directly attributed to criticality incidents – look for “Demon Core”
In the big movie they’ve got the wrong number of stars on Old Glory among other things… – it’s theater not history.
What would really get the Yanks agitated is any mention of Harry Hopkins + Comintern peeps in the Democratic Party and US State Department plus the successful infiltration of the Manhattan Districts (Los Alamos, Hanford and Oak Ridge) by Soviet agents.
Some claim that Hopkins facilitated the delivery of the Hanford reactor drawings and specifications to his pal Joe.
Just out of interest, I watched ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ last night about the USA fighting the Japanese.
I haven’t enjoyed a film so much since ‘Kingsman: The Golden Circle’ which was a very entertaining movie which the Left hated because it inferred a woman went to a festival looking to have sex. Apparently they hated ALL of it because one scene went against their anti-male, sexist agenda.
Hacksaw Ridge was similarly excellent : I was hooked within 10 minutes – which NEVER happens with recent films. Generally I turn them off after 10 minutes as soon as the woke agenda becomes apparent. And it was based on a true story.
I believe the real story of Desmond Doss is probably even more extraordinary than the film portrays. I think he took part in several island campaigns, not just the battle for Hacksaw Ridge and was one of the soldiers who hung the scramble net on the cliff as seen in the movie.
Are banks blocking funding donations to Andrew Bridgen MP’s law suit against Matt Hancock?
I don’t know. I will risk debanking by donating £100 and make it £106,375. And I will find out if it gets blocked. If I get debanked by the fascists then I will have to use some of my 62 Gold sovereigns. And as regards the fascist bankers, Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav said “They can stop your bank account. They can stop your credit. They can take your mortgage away. They can do anything they want if they have your identity. So for people to go blindly into that is worse than suicide. Trudeau gave a hint. He showed that you can stop your bank accounts, mortgage”:
Countryfile coming up
Presenter : Hamza Yassin
(a British wildlife cameraman and presenter, known for his role as Ranger Hamza on CBeebies.
He was born in Sudan in 1990 and moved to Britain at the age of eight
graduated with a degree in Zoology with Conservation.
He lives in a remote area of Scotland
won the Strictly Come Dancing competition in 2022 with his dance partner Oti Mabuse45.
Other presenters tonight : John Craven & Adam Henson
Guest judge for the Photo for Countryfile Calendar : Eleanor Bowman is a Scottish Radio 1 DJ
Guest : Martha Orbach artist based in Glasgow.
“makes work about our relationship with our environment, migration, how we speak about the unspeakable”
Will COUNTRYFILE have city stuff and Green Socialism ?
Item “laswegian community collective who are changing the way that we shop and eat”
Anybody ever seen a photo or a video segment featuring an *actual* channel people smuggler?
It shouldn’t be difficult to find where the (gigantic) inflatable rubber boats come from either.
tomo, HMG’s current thinking is that they are being mass manufactured in Turkey. Turkey is on the route for migration East to West. I seem to recall it is the route for another illegal trade, from the Becaah Valley and Afghanistan, westward.
Did you really mean to write ‘HMGs current thinking ‘!
….I’d expect mystery fires at factories making dinghies around Europe or Elswhere . Blighty is meant to be the bees knees at intelligence – yet it appears blind to destroying networks helping the invasion – where ever they might be … instead it’s just a daily embarrassment and failure …
Yes, Fed, “HMG’s current thinking” as broadcast by the misinformation producing BBC. You would think that our Security Services would be trying to infiltrate the trafficking gangs. The BBC did one programme, on R4 about the traffickers but I seem to recall they only went to France and maybe one or two other western European countries. Don’t know if BBC did anything on TV because, as you know, I don’t watch TV.
You would think that our MSM, including the BBC, would want to be doing some ‘investigative journalism’, wouldn’t you?
I agree
There’d be no better training for new recruits at Vauxhall and the Cheltenham UFO than interfering with the networks supporting the boat runners.
Easy to suspect that the smugglers are allowed to operate unhindered (assisted even) on the far side of the channel by order of EU-EAS as an irritant in the same way that they are geeing the Irish to be disruptive.
tomo, I have an uncomfortable feeling that just like the Home Office, ‘Five’ and ‘Six’ do not like working for a Conservative Government.
People smugglers working for MI5 have replaced demoralised RNLI volunteers. The gigantic inflatable rubber boats are paid for by Britain giving France nearly half a billion pounds Gaulgeld protection money.
Richard Pinder
A possible MO – Given the obvious workload – I wonder if the RNLI teams working the SE-UK/Dover have full time crews rather than the vaunted unpaid volunteers one might normally expect. If one were looking to recruit agents then the travelers are likely fertile ground – the security services like exploiting the vulnerable…
MI5 and Special Branch have always worked the Channel Ports
Just Stop (cooking) Oil
The bbc never fail to fail. Front page “How did netflix know that I was bi before I did?” This is news apparently; I’ve only just realised that the opposite of “bi” isn’t “non-bio”.
I’ll tell you how this happened love. You are nothing more than a child in an adult body. You have only ever watched “The x factor” and any shite which pops up on tickytocky. You have never read a book, had a meaningful discussion about anything (I don’t include “Just stop work” and the climate hoax), or done a useful day of work on a factory floor.
Overused phrases, but get a life and get out more. And stop watching bbc verify and think you’ll hear anything except hogwash. Avoid the springster at all costs.
I could not have said it better.
We really must begin to understand that when we switch on our TV set and start to view that we are not really being given the truth and nothing but the truth
Question everything!!!!!
Sopes, late of the BBC.
Hope his mate Huw is ok.
The idiot could dig a hole to China in a day.
A report from the Jorvikshire Post in 1066: Anglo-Saxon, Danish and British (Welsh) are mixing with Norman French causing ‘erosion’.
Feisty times.
I saw Cowern’s quote earlier – looks like he’s got a messiah thing going on after retirement from Newcastle youknee.
For more IMO, there is always mini-YAB, a younger, but equally bitter harpie.
For real irony, on matters dossier and walking home, LBC need to get in Mad Al.
paywalled – care to copy ‘n paste?
The racist BBC always depicts black people speaking English, never an African language. This should be banned. The BBC should not insist that Black people reply to white people, by speaking a white European language. This would make the dialogue on the BBC less racist and more interesting and funny.
Thanks for all contributions and ‘eyes on’ … time for a new thread …