431 Responses to Midweek 16th August 2023

  1. Zelazek says:

    England are in a World Cup Final for the first time since 1966!

    This kind of talk makes me laugh. It’s all part of the wider agenda to eradicate the idea that men and women are different.

    Yet the differences between the sexes are to me blatantly obvious when you watch football. It’s not just the skill level I’m talking about. It’s the female psyche that is expressed in greater indecisiveness, the reluctance to take control, the tendency to defer, the lack of spatial awareness, the inability to see killer passes, the incapacity to dig deep and fight back when apparently beaten.

    Think back to 1966. The drop in standards of broadcasting is also painfully evident. Instead of the dulcet tones of the dignified Kenneth Wolstenholme, we now get the unintelligible proletarian gibberish of raucous lesbian Fara Williams grating on the ears of the viewers.


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello Zelazek

      The bbc is keen as its cheap to “sponsor”
      Mens football would cost them


      • Deborah says:

        This is far deeper than the cost of advertising. Around 10 years ago the BBC Trust was pushing the female football agenda. It was asking audience research loaded questions then announcing audiences wanted more female football on the tv. I could see the methodology but didn’t understand the agend. It all fits in with esg and the diversity and equality stuff. This March of the Left in the institutions has been going on a long time.


    • TrickCyclist says:

      “England are in a World Cup Final for the first time since 1966!”
      I think it was Gabby Logan who said that on air today. Thing is, if they want to play that malarkey it isn’t even true.
      England won the FIFA U-20 World Cup in 2017.


  2. andyjsnape says:

    Trump’s time in Fulton County Jail will be brief. Others die waiting

    .. “others die waiting”


  3. Guest Who says:

    Karine Jean-Pierre seems to be doing ALL political leader tweets.

    Bet Sopes approves.


  4. StewGreen says:

    “We recently found out that @BBCRadio4’s audience has been shrinking
    – especially in the case of its flagship programmes

    tell us why ”

    120 Likes 1,200 replies
    big 10:1 ratio


    • StewGreen says:

      The replies are actually pretty much all gaslighting from the left
      and some get 600 Likes
      for their claims. that people have dropped the BBC cos it is a Tory government mouthpiece.

      It’s proven Left PR guys run huge botfams
      so are able to put out counter-factual tweets and give themselves hundreds of Likes


      • JohnC says:

        They most certainly do the same for HYS comments on key politcial topics.

        The shift in response style and upticks is just huge.

        No chance ‘BBC Verify’ will ever investigate that. I’m sure they know all about it and approve. The end result justifies any means to these fascists.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Now why bother telling them ‘why ‘ – whatever you say will be ‘wrong’ …. Far better to let the BBC kill itself … and anyone who bothers with the nonsense ‘feedback ‘ … rather watch paint dry …


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Because it’s all North London left wing rubbish? They might as well rename it Radio Islington.


  5. StewGreen says:

    Mr WGAP
    “Sadiq Khan tells the public to stop spreading myths and trust the BBC”


    • Fedup2 says:

      If ever there was a reason not to ‘trust the BBC ‘… but at least it might make the less informed to ‘have a think ‘ as they dump their perfectly working old cars in londonistan …


  6. Thoughtful says:

    Have to laugh at this one with Barak Obama seemingly lost for words and unable to really say anything.


  7. BRISSLES says:

    I expect the machinery is in motion now for Damehoods should the ponytail swishers win the World Cup.
    A point of note. Funny how the feminist activists have been quiet about the name Lionesses, when we live in a world where female actresses prefer to be called ‘actors’.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think the contrived nickname originated with the BBC to make them seem more like a real football team … real teams are ‘christened ‘ on the terraces ….


  8. vlad says:

    The Islamic Broadcasting Corporation are still refusing to show the photo of the father of murdered 10-year-old Sara Sharif – even though he seems to have disappeared since her killing, and may well be one of the 3 suspects the police are searching for.

    So, as a concerned citizen, here he is. Anyone who sees him should notify the police (assuming he hasn’t fled back to Pakistan).

    Once again, the BBC are shielding a potential child abuser and murderer. But then, they have form.


    RIP, Sara




    • Mrs Kitty says:

      I’m sorry but 10 years old and wearing makeup, I think we can guess why her father and two others hot footed it out of the country. They’ll have been back in the home country the next day and now well absorbed by the “community “.


      • vlad says:

        There’ll be an interesting back-story to all this. Why was the father given sole custody, for one thing, and by whom?


  9. Thoughtful says:

    Here is a video well worth watching because it gives hard facts against the Just stop oil nutters. It outlines how the Green myths are simply wrong and will provide you with real facts to counter the brainwashing of the BBC. It also shows that there is a reasoned set of arguments against all of this nonsense you can use.


  10. MarkyMark says:

    AI cameras catch 297 drivers in three days in Cornwall


    Revealed: Tory minister and MPs claimed driving fines on expenses



    All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. A proclamation by the pigs who control the government in the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell.


  11. tomo says:


  12. Sluff says:

    Further to an above post…….
    The BBC report that all the authorities connected to the Malkinson case knew in 2009 that the conviction was dodgy and new DNA evidence was available.

    Did those authorities include the Crown Prosecution Service and the Director of Public Prosecutions.
    You’d assume they would, yes? After all, they prosecuted him in the first place.

    Intensely important to point out ad infinitum that the DPP in 2009 was……Keir Starmer !!!

    I’m sure we can rely on the investigative journalists at the BBC to point this out.
    Or maybe not.


    • MarkyMark says:

      1400+ raped girls — BBC produce 3 girls drama – 1400-3 = 1397 ignored kids.


  13. Guest Who says:

    You can take the propagandist out of the BBC, but…



    “Dr” Roger Harrabin. English Graduate.
    “Honorary” science doctorate.
    Is that better or worse than “unsubmitted PhD Thesis almost Dr” Bob Ward of the Grantham Institute?

    As Recent departee Sopes has pointed out, clearly a question to which the answer is… “wibble”.

    Disney’s Snow White: Has the fairy tale already gone sour?


    • tomo says:

      The snide weasel doesn’t seem to have followed his predecessors overtly onto Green blob payroll – very fat pension maybe?

      – or maybe he’s just keep quiet about paying gigs in case he gets called out – he’s not much good at confrontation like near all eco-twerps.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “He wrote to the scientific paper saying ‘take me off your fucking mailing list’ with a diagram. They wrote back saying your paper has been accepted.”


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Roger Harrabin & Bob Ward are nonentities compared to highly distinguished, Dr Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg (Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Mons (Dr.HC).) ( Doctor of Law, University of British Columbia (Dr.L).) ( Doctor of Theology, Helsinki University (Dr.Th).), a Professor of the true Transcendental religion, and worshipper of Mother Earth.


    • tomo says:

      NALOPKT comments predictably savage Harrabin (who now titling himself “Doctor” Harrabin!)



      • G says:

        I remember looking into this some years ago and found that such people as Magistrates cannot use that title in any official correspondence (I found one that did – Oh ! spoilsport) and referred him to the justice department. Seem to recall that those bestowed “Honorary” degrees and Dr’ships ditto.

        Just saying.


  14. Guest Who says:


    Almost anything Mrs. May concocted deserves a revisit.

    Especially her speaking fees.


  15. Jeff says:

    Honestly, I haven’t seen a single minute of a single game, but… England’s ladies’ footy team are through to the world cup final.

    I don’t doubt that the BBC will be all over this like the proverbial rash.

    However, there is one fly in the ointment. Have you seen the team? Um, how can I put this?

    Let’s just say there’s a noticeable lack of diversity.

    Perhaps we could try that with the men’s team…


    • Flotsam says:

      A football fan friend of mine, is enough of a fan to buy an Everton season ticket. He reckons the black players in his team over the years have lacked loyalty and work ethic, basically overpaid and couldn’t care less.
      I have wondered the same about the black players in the England Men’s team. I’m sure there’s exceptions.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Diane or Diana Versity; which position does she play in Jeff?

      Jus’ askin’.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Honestly ?
      Like we’d doubt you 😄


    • JohnC says:

      They tried inserting the diversity but she got sent off and banned for cynically standing on another player (in her studded boots) in a tantrum because she didn’t get a foul.

      Luckily knives aren’t allowed on the pitch.

      It’s interesting to note how they complain when BAME are under-represented in the womens team but not when Whites are under-represented in the mens teams.

      Which is direct confirmation of the double-standards and racism of the Left.


  16. JohnC says:

    Inflation slows to 6.8% but flights and hotels keep prices high

    Someone should tell ‘Michael Race, BBC business editor’ that positive inflation means prices are still going up, not coming down.

    Not quite sure how ‘flights and hotels’ actually keep all the other prices high either.

    Still – I’m quite certain Michael didn’t get his job because of how good he is at it. He got it because of his politics. Many of their articles are virtual nonsense these days.


    • Up2snuff says:

      JohnC, looks like my job is to be Pedant of the Day. Michael Race is only a Business Reporter; Simon Jack is the Business Editor although he also does an occasional stint presenting TOADY. Faisal Islam is the BBC’s Economics Editor. Chris Mason is the BBC’s Political Editor.

      The new voice doing business on TOADY is Will something or other but there is also Felicity known as ‘Fliss’ – again I have heard the surname but cannot remember it. The BBC is over rewarded (by the TellyTax) and very overmanned and some or many of its Presenters, Editors and correspondents are overpaid, especially for what they do. Oh, hello Gary, didn’t see you standing there.


  17. BRISSLES says:

    Nay fear Jeff it’s only a matter of time. Following on, are there ladies of colour in the national cricket or rugby teams ? Never mind, as long as Stonewall are kept happy with a couple of lesbians in the team then the rest of the diversity nonsense can go swivel


    • micknotmike says:

      Football isn’t my thing, but I would be interested to know if the female spirit has been enough to not submit to this kneeling down nonsense?


      • Mrs Kitty says:

        @Mick we started to watch the first match , they went on one knee and that was us done. No idea if they’ve continued doing the worshipping of a criminal.


        • micknotmike says:

          Thanks Ms. K. I don’t know why but that’s put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.


    • Jeff says:

      Not just lesbians, Stonewall actually support men who “identify as women” being accepted. This would be bad enough in football. Can you imagine the carnage that could be caused in rugby?

      Oh…and I think about half the women’s football team are lesbians.

      Gawd only knows how many lesbians would be in the rugby team.

      Sorry to be a dinosaur, but it’s just not a woman’s game…


      • BRISSLES says:

        I may just resort to overdosing on Netflix until this world Cup media madness is over. Does anyone know anyone (who isnt a schoolgirl) who can name one team member ?


        • markh says:

          I certainly can’t and I have no wish to. I do know that the hard left Megan Rapinoe lesbian creature, insulter of the US flag and obviously the darling of the BBC, has thank god retired. Is it all over yet?


  18. Up2snuff says:

    Just returning to the BBC and its Beeboids: I see Jonny Dymond has been sacked or has left voluntarily from his latest position as BBC Royal Editor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_current_BBC_newsreaders_and_reporters


  19. tomo says:

    Shame that the BBC aren’t powered by wind (surely the flatulence would keep the lights on if they were plumbed in)

    No mention from the cubicle creeps:


    • Up2snuff says:

      tomo, they used to be back in the era of Secombe and Sellers from Finchleeee. Thrrrsssppppbbbb!


  20. tomo says:

    Not much of an advert… (This June in NY)


    I’m looking forwards to Joe Biden on an ebike and it decides to explode – but hey, I’m biased.

    Some mainstreamers are starting to pay attention


    • tomo says:

      I guess they won’t be using “velly good, velly strong – it go like rocket!” to persuade buyers now?


  21. Guest Who says:

    How can you tell when the BBC sets out to do a hit piece?

    Critics, are saying. Requiring a ‘defend’. Some say.

    BBC News

    “The trailer for Cooper’s new film attracted some criticism over the size of his nose, which some said played up to Jewish stereotypes.”

    Bradley Cooper: Leonard Bernstein’s family defend actor over Maestro nose row


    The remake of Woody Allen’s ‘Sleeper’ gets closer.


    BBC News

    Two critics who reviewed a book by the psychology professor have said their articles were quoted on its cover in a misleading way.

    Jordan Peterson: Critics complain over ‘misleading’ book cover quotes


    BBC staff appear to sit at their PCs in a crèche and await something their minders approve to copy and paste.


    • Guest Who says:

      And, an #accusedof


      Trevian Kutti is accused of involvement in a plot to pressure a Georgia election worker.

      Trevian Kutti: Who is ex-Kanye West publicist indicted alongside Trump?


      When the bbc sets out to get you, they are not subtle.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      ‘there are growing calls’

      This is their favourite.


  22. Guest Who says:

    Meanwhile the BBC, and its inmates, have a new wheeze.



  23. Guest Who says:

    Sangita and Matty love a good analogy.


    Even if it confirms them more mental than ever.


  24. Guest Who says:



    Now, who will do a red on red hit piece?


  25. Guest Who says:

    Terry, the new Newsnight Paul Mason, with a hint of JO’bsworth.



  26. AsISeeIt says:

    Media tub-thumping for the dirty blonde pony tailled, the monstruous regimen and the Covid cohort edition

    Good morning dear readers and may one initially prevail upon those hereabouts to excuse Mr AsI as he blows: The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstruous Regimen of Women – as John Knox, Scots religious radical and pamphleteer would have it way back in 1588 – for the reason that our entire press corps – almost to a man – are declaring as their top story: England roar into first world cup since 1966 (Daily Express) – that organ momentarily forgetting it has hitherto proudly flown the old blue and yellow from the masthead and has loyally been through thick and thin: United with the people of Ukraine – barring a rare high day and holiday.

    This must be a red letter day indeed marked by the running down of that blue and yellow flag – replaced by St Georgia’s (?) cross. John Knox’s trumpet perhaps contends with the bugle calling last post – metaphorically.

    Uncanny valley

    Why do all our Lionesses look so alike? Apart from that one black lass who stamped on the girl from the other team. Are the rest of them AI manufactured replicants?

    The invasion force of this team of two dozen over-excited dirty blonde pony tailled females – subs and all (where’s the diversity?) onto our newspaper frontpages leaves space for little in the way of other news – which tends to cramp Mr AsI’s style.

    Take a day off

    Coronaphobic and keen working from home fans over there at the ‘i’ newspaper seize on any excuse for a day off work: …star team …with convincing victory against co-hosts – as calls grow for Bank Holiday

    It must be time for a rethink of the term Bank Holiday – with those institutions fast disappearing from our high streets and all banking becoming 24/7 virtual.

    Speaking of holidays, I’m afraid it is likely to be a staycation for most of us as the killjoy Guardian comes out against mass tourism: Wish you weren’t here! How tourists are ruining the greatest destinations

    Too cool for school

    A-level pupils demand appeals over downgrades… Students face lower A-level grades… after exam boards were asked to ‘correct’ the number of higher marks awarded by teachers during the Covid pandemic (‘i’) – teacher needs to do his job and ‘correct’ that line: higher marks awarded by teachers during the Covid pandemic Lockdown

    Come back to school, Keegan begs absent pupils on results day… Education Secretary… Gillian Keegan… “I wouldn’t actually describe it as truancy. I think what’s happened with attendance is a lot of young people have lost their confidence” (Telegraph) – yeah, that’s right Gillian luv, that State-sponsored pandemic media blitz project fear will have tended to work best on and done more long-term damage to the young – even though they were practically immune from any serious harm

    This year’s children… the first Covid cohort to experience pre-pandemic grading – will they never learn? And this shoddy piece of work is from the Telegraph which should know better: the first Covid Lockdown cohort to experience pre-pandemic pre-Lockdown grading

    And finally, in the category of news revelations one likes to term – well, you could have knocked me down with a feather

    Clapham stabbing: New images released of homophobic attack suspect… [photo credit Met Police Handout not Getty Images] Det Ch Insp Jivan Saivb asked if members of the public recognised the man’s clothes and mask (BBC) – but not of course the fact that the supect is black

    And as anarcho-rockers Chumbawamba in their one hit wonder Tubthumping announced back in 1997: I get knocked down, but I get up again

    But here comes the BBC completely out of the blue wielding yet another shock revelatory plot twist to a crime news story (not)

    Sara Sharif… flew the day before her body was found, BBC News understands… Trio known to Woking girl booked flights to… wait for it… drum roll… bugle call (?) Pakistan


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think it is an insult to infer that because 3 pakis and they’re 5 kiddies got a one way flight to the land of the paki the day before a 10 year wife / girl was discovered dead at the family home – that this should mean they are ‘suspects’ .

      There are all manner of reason why they might leave Blighty – inflation – blue labour – nothing works – data leaks – closed roads – ULEZ – the nhs – strikes – King Charles – WFH- inflation ( again ) interest rates – wimmins ‘ footy (alleged ) and – of course – the BBC

      I hope the pakis remember to put a forwarding address / Bank in pakistan to forward the welfare benefits ….i


  27. Guest Who says:

    BBC parrots official #prasnews



    • Fedup2 says:

      Another BBC – free day – although they are repeating ‘I clau clau Claudius …. 1978?


  28. tomo says:

    Like musical chairs …?

    A cynic might presume that there will be fines to pay the bonuses of the municipal executives?


  29. Guest Who says:

    Who needs Graham Linehan when we have…



    • tomo says:

      Is that Kranky’s old wagon?


      • G says:

        More importantly, is the bus running on………………….


        • Guest Who says:

          Waste chip fat.


        • Flotsam says:

          “More importantly, is the bus running on………………….”

          It has a Rayner hot air engine

          “More importantly, is the bus running on………………….”

          Labour Party Bullshit


      • andyjsnape says:

        Hello tomo

        I guess a cheap holiday wagon when claiming your travel expenses as an MP


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        Rayner on the road? I suppose it beats standing on the street corner.


      • Sluff says:

        ‘Fairer more prosperous country’.

        Name me a country that became prosperous after being ‘fair’?
        That’s right. There isnt one.
        Because entrepreneurs and inventors get rich first, creating inequality, they don’t take risks and invent to be the same, just as ordinary mortals rarely apply for a promotion in order to earn the same money.

        The ‘fairness’ arises when the successful get a guilt complex or when the ruling class get jealous. The result is usually big state, high tax. Rather like the UK just now. And what a success that has been.


  30. Scroblene says:

    Who needs Graham Linehan?

    Well Scrobs does…!



    (Just a bit of fun really, it isn’t actually true – or is it…;0)


  31. markh says:

    ‘Should we be worried about Covid this winter?’ shrieks the BBC webshite. The handwringers and bedwetters will be dragging out their fetid facemasks as we speak. Still, anything to inject fear into our lives eh BBC?


    • Fedup2 says:

      I understand that under 65s are not getting free ( tax paid ) flu jabs this winter but that the southern hemisphere had a bad dose of flu…. I may be passing false info though …


  32. andyjsnape says:

    More than 60 migrants feared dead at sea off Cape Verde coast

    The bbc “fears”

    Most the the UK public has had enough and past caring

    Maybe RNLI ferries should have been used!


  33. Guest Who says:

    Vile engages full #1degreeofseparation



  34. Terminal Moraine says:

    Home page: University intake this year looking especially vibrant in the way that the BBC so wishes life in the UK to be.

    ‘Testing Times’ they are indeed, although mostly for those of us not worried about exam results.



  35. andyjsnape says:

    bbc is worrying about a big nose

    Bradley Cooper: Leonard Bernstein’s family defend actor over Maestro nose row

    Any news to report? Maybe a panorama could be broadcasted about the nose.

    Pathetic what the bbc has become


  36. Fedup2 says:

    Interesting piece in the telegraph today advising those under 50 to consider dumping the UK for better countries. Taking a family to permanently settle else must be a real challenge .

    But the writer points out the vast failures of the UK to look after itself and the consequences – which I personally think we are really only starting to taste -meaning the sort of disorder / terrorism / tribalism we’ve suffered in thr last decade or two is nothing compared to what useless blue labour regimes have stoked up .

    My view as the Uk becoming a failing state continues …..


    • atlas_shrugged says:


      You are right about this. In the past this has been called ‘White Flight’ but more accurately it is probably people who do not wish to live amongst ‘urban junkies’. Shop closures will quickly follow as in San Francisco. The elected representatives like the little khant will say ‘So What’. Travelling is not a problem for them in their convoy of bullet proof ‘Range Rovers’. The die hards will exit the cities to live in guarded ‘Gated Communities’ well away from the nearest township, as they do in South Africa.

      It’s a damn shame


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      And go where ?


  37. Terminal Moraine says:

    Doubleplusgood for the department of social engineering: ‘How is sign language adapting to climate change?’

    “For deaf children, teachers and scientists, talking about things like “greenhouse gases” or “carbon footprint” used to mean spelling out long, complex scientific terms, letter by letter. Now they are among 200 environmental science terms that have their own new official signs in British Sign Language (BSL) […] experts behind the update hope the new vocabulary will make it possible for deaf people to fully participate in discussions about climate change, whether it’s in the science lab or classroom.”



  38. Terminal Moraine says:

    All part and parcel of living in a third world city.


  39. Sluff says:

    Not BBC.

    I heard today that the UK birth rate is down to its lowest level since 2002.
    I also heard that one third of all babies born had a mother who originated in India!!
    Two issues.
    1. Why are they here at all?
    2. The ticking demographic time mob. White people will be in a minority in this country within a small number of generations. But I doubt we will ever benefit from positive discrimination and special minority protections.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Stuff, back in the 70s I knew a National Front member. He said back then ,” that unless something is done we’ll be living amidst a coffee coloured population in 50 years time ” Well, despite the outrage the organisation caused at the time, he was far from wrong – just looking at the TV ads confirms his prediction.