431 Responses to Midweek 16th August 2023

  1. G says:

    I see that a boatload of “Migrants” has been found off the Cape Verde islands with about 60 dead. I’m sure that the overzealous Border Farce will have been alerted and we all look forward to the rescue vessels docking and unloading their cargo in Dover. All the more the merrier !


    • Sluff says:

      The BBC were keen to mention the ‘children’ in the party.
      But, surprise, surprise, all the people shown are young, male, and….errr…. non-white.


  2. Eddy Booth says:

    “Ukraine war: University students grapple with rules under conflict”

    Doesn’t matter how many articles the BBC churn out with various Ukrainians in, they’re never asked about whether
    to negotiate a peace deal with Russia? or do they feel the globalists are meddling in their country? etc.

    ” Stephan is also a 17-year-old student, based here in Kyiv.”

    Doesn’t seem to have any interest in enlisting himself on his 18th, but appears to be looking forward to post war reconstruction money eventually flooding into Ukraine ..
    I’m not even sure that’s going to happen.
    The West will probably quietly move on after talking the inevitable L to Russia.


    • Dickie says:

      Apparently the ex comedian President of Ukraine has decreed that 16 to 18 years of age young men will not be allowed to leave the country. Looks like young Stephan will be doing his studying in a trench somewhere at the front.


  3. Guest Who says:


    Go vague, BBC… folk notice.


  4. andyjsnape says:

    Its a bit quiet in here 🙂


  5. Dickie says:

    Have a Leaner Bare Butt – German green party loon and foreign minister:



  6. Guest Who says:

    Presumably the interviewer raised a few pertinent points as seen in the comments?

    Or was it BBC nodding dog time?


    • Guest Who says:

      Starmer’s Stunnas.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Carbon capture and storage?

      That has to be another nutty Oxbridge graduate with no common sense. Then I checked and it was.

      Top tip: try storing some natural gas (tell em it’s got carbon in it)!


  7. Guest Who says:

    This BBC scoop has not seen positive readership response.


    • Guest Who says:

      Slick and gang seem determined to lose the election that has been theirs for the taking for months, by opening their mouths.

      They really are thick.


    • Sluff says:

      …..’in Scotland’
      So that would be an SNP/Green responsibility, then.
      How about that, BBC. Not the ‘evil Tories’.
      Better keep quiet.


  8. Guest Who says:

    Wes has bought in too, using… the BBC. Surprise!


  9. Guest Who says:

    It’s not what is said that matters, but who says it.

    This one looks worth running past BBc Verify. Oh, hold on… no.


  10. Guest Who says:

    Yes, odd.

    But no odder than most Labour Shadow Minister tweets, Brexit troll tweets….


  11. Guest Who says:

    Making the grade. Two of them are certs at W1A.


    • Sluff says:

      A white male in a BBC photo who isn’t described as a criminal or from the ‘Far Right’.

      Someone must be asleep today.


      • Guest Who says:

        A reverse image search might be interesting to locate this happy scene.

        Follow for more… er… ?


        • Guest Who says:

          A Degree on Joining The Dots might be worthwhile.

          Possibly hauling in any numpty to pay the striking lecturers to indoctrinate students has less appeal now to gouged SE Asian fee paying parents?


          • MarkyMark says:

            Glasgow University is to pay £20m in reparations to atone for its historical links to the transatlantic slave trade in what the University of West Indies has described as a “bold, historic” move.23 Aug 2019


  12. Guest Who says:

    Foghorn been reading ‘Boys From Brazil?’


    • TrickCyclist says:

      Just look at the hooter given to actor Robert Wisden to play Richard Nixon in 2009 superhero movie Watchmen.
      I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone that Nixon wasn’t Jewish.



    • MarkyMark says:

      Only Jews can play Jews?


  13. Guest Who says:

    In the current climate, guessing Woody might need to recut Sleeper?




    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      I have a massive ‘Greek’ nose… and (as far as I’m aware), there are no Jews in the ancestry, just a bit of Welsh, some Irish, and an Italian, or Kurd, or Armenian, or wherever he was from?… that must be where it comes from?

      Actually, read somewhere there were some Jewish Kurds, so maybe?…

      Honestly, a lot of people from Mediterranean and Near Eastern countries have big noses, not just Jews, have you ever met any Greeks, or Italians? Or perhaps we only have big noses compared to those lantern jawed, jug eared, beetle browed Germanic types, with their piggy, mean, little blue eyes… at least that’s how they’re portrayed in every WW2 film ever made.

      A large nose can be a handsome adornment of a face, it’s virile, and generous, and most people assume (absolutely correctly, as it happens) that it corresponds to a massive male organ.


  14. Kaiser says:

    gosh how could this happen
    how can they possibly carry on with this happening
    its heartbreaking
    and definitely proof … of something or other


    thank god for the BBC otherwise I might never have known


  15. markh says:

    At great personal discomfort I trawled through the BBC webshite coverage of the exam results. Fourteen BAME students, one white. No white males. Shut the bloody thing down.


      • moggie63 says:

        It’s based in London, where would they find anybody white?


      • micknotmike says:

        There could be a link between lower acedemic achievement and an increase in university-age IC3, amongst others. I may pitch the theory to the bbc and see how long it takes before the air is filled with the sound of exploding heads.


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          All happy in our household tonight, 2 A*s and 2 As (in proper subjects too! Not that they’re like As were back in my day, mind, as I keep telling him), already accepted at top notch Uni to study Advanced Maths with Computing and AI…. but, now talking about taking a year (maybe two) out to ‘consider options’.

          I can’t blame him, he’s worked hard, and had enough, and who would want to be 18 today (not me, that’s for sure). Personally, I wish he’d reconsider training to be an electrician, or give it all up, take a couple of years off to see the world, then settle down, pump out a couple of sprogs (for the state to rear), and spend the rest of his life with his feet up playing computer games.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Congrats – tricky decision to make at 18 . After I got my A s I decided against university and went to work to get money to buy a house – which I did when I was 20 .

            I think some kids are cut out for the gap year and seeing the world . I never had advice or a clear pathway other than a working class view of working and getting paid .

            A levels worth having lead to degrees worth having , seems to me there are loads of crap universities offering crap degrees which will get the victim not much joy …

            Best of luck … sometimes I wish I’d trained to be a sparky or a plumber … instead of doing the weird stuff I can’t describe here much … ( brigade 77 for file ) …


          • Richard Pinder says:

            Dr Mike McCulloch of Plymouth University is looking for 18 year olds interested in travelling to the nearest stars by studying Inertia, Rotation and Gravitational Thrust. Studying “The Theory of Antigravity” by Harold Aspden, “Gravity and Antigravity” by David Pratt and “Gravitational Singularity ‘Field’ Testing” by Stephen Jarvis: https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2023/05/29/funding-appeal-mike-mcculloch-needs-your-help-to-make-interstellar-travel-possible/


      • G says:


        They all look healthy though. Got to be those free meals when they were at skool.

        Let’s support the plan to provide free meals to all children in skool……………….


  16. Guest Who says:


    Presumably Vile will now be asking questions (note: Sopes) to which the answer is “Only our kind of free speech, fascists!”?

    And Sangita will continue her mission to be the next YAB.


    One might almost feel the BBC is a breeding ground for delusional, overpaid, ideological, flouncing indulged politicised nutters.


  17. Guest Who says:

    Dark looks at the BBC Xmas catch up?


  18. Guest Who says:

    Often the best comedy is unintentional.

    Who needs the EDFring when we have CNN?


  19. Guest Who says:

    The movie rights alone…


  20. Guest Who says:

    Critics are saying.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Now do all the people killed and maimed by an untested ‘vaccine’ injection


  21. Terminal Moraine says:

    The Guardian reports on Sweden:

    “Threat raised to second-highest level as prime minister says country has thwarted planned attacks. The move comes amid heightened security fears following a string of Qur’an burnings that have caused outrage around the world.”

    ‘Around the world’ = Guardianland and W1A. For the rest of us it’s the ongoing rapes, bombings and migrant riots in Sweden that are worthy of outrage.



    • Sluff says:

      Green zealotry update.

      Just been looking at the RHS Wisley website and read the ‘how to get here’ section.
      For the uninitiated RHS Wisley is out in the country, just off the A3 (double carriageway main road from London to Guildford and Portsmouth) and a mile from junction 10 of the M25. That junction is being upgraded, at last, though at a snail’s pace. Junction capacity is currently reduced by 50%.

      The ‘how to get here’ section starts with ‘visit car free and save on entry’. How nice.
      Next up. Go by train, nearest station…errr… Woking.
      Then. Visit by bus. Daily shuttle from Woking. Busses operate every half hour (except around lunchtime when there are none) and the journey tales as little as 20 minutes. The writer has clearly not been in the A3 queue recently
      Also buses from Kingston and Guildford.
      Next. Visit by coach.
      Next. Visit by bike.
      Finally. Visit by car. This gets two lines of writing. There is however rather more on charging your electric vehicle.

      Have you ever seen so much utter 100% woke eco-warrior dross in your life?
      Absolutely pathetic, woke c***, but a great example of the chasm between the wokes and the rest of us.
      PS I would estimate 90% of visitors visit by car. Of course they do. The car park is huge and frequently full.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “caused outrage around the world.”

      1400+ raped kids – 0 outrage.
      22 Lost in manchester – 0 outrage.
      Anjhem Choudary says kill Prince Harry – 0 outrage.
      Burn a book – INternational Outrage.


  22. JohnC says:

    Graham Linehan: Second venue cancels Father Ted writer’s comedy show

    What this BBC article magnificently fails to tell us is whether this venue chose to cancel him unilaterally or where they were bombarded, harassed and threatened by the typical nasty and intolerant trans-activist mob.

    The clue is in the fact they have emailed ticket holders where the new venue is without telling anyone else.

    I know where my money is and I’m certain who are the ‘bad guys’ are here. An as usual when it comes to ‘woke’, it’s the ones the BBC are supporting and protecting.


  23. kingkp says:

    How strange that I couldn’t find anything recent about the Maui fires on the BBC. In fact, there appears to be absolutely no interest in the fires at all any longer. The area looks like a war zone.
    Biden gets asked to give a comment on the fires and he repeatedly ignores the question.
    So why is the BBC not covering it? Surely this would be a golden opportunity to push their global boiling agenda?
    Or could it be they want people not to look into what really happened there? Apparently, the WEF has been planning to make Hawaii the first AI-run smart city in the US. The Governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, gave a presentation to the UN where he bragged about Hawaii being the first state to run entirely on renewable energy just over a month ago.
    Now what a coincidence the entire area of small businesses in Maui in the old town were entirely erased from the map. Apparently, a lot of these buildings were protected by preservation orders. Not any longer. An ideal opportunity to get building a new digital gulag I would say. But no, it must have been the global boiling that caused it right? After all, they wouldn’t kill hundreds of innocent people and children on purpose now, would they? That’s impossible.


  24. BRISSLES says:

    Aside from Maui, are the fires still raging on the Greek Islands and Spain ? Not a word about those in weeks.


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      Nope, according to family who’ve been to Greece on holiday recently the locals hadn’t heard of those fires either and were quite incredulous when asked about them.


      • Scroblene says:

        Surely they’re not caused by all those electric car chargers banging off…?


  25. BigBrotherCorporation says:

    Clapham stabbing: ‘More needs to be done to protect LGBT community’

    Newsbeat is aimed at teenagers – seems a bit of an odd place for this article?

    Anyway, seems there could be a simply solution here. Why not take all those officers assigned to trawling the internet for hurty words and put them outside, walking the streets and looking for any (real) trouble instead?

    We could call it ‘pounding the beat’.

    As an added bonus, it wouldn’t just help protect our LGBT chums, it would also act as a deterrent to other crime and antisocial behaviour, and would protect other people too… you know, like BAME and women!


  26. Thoughtful says:


    Following a three month trial, five men face jail sentences for their role in the abuse. Mohammed Ghani, Insar Hussain, Jahn Shahid Ghani, Martin Rhodes and Ali Raza Hussain Kasmi will be sentenced later this year.

    Three men were cleared of all wrongdoing. Ikhlaq Yousef, Aftar Khan and Mohammed Iqbal were discharged from the dock.

    The girls were abused as teenagers.

    The Tories have normalised paedophilia it’s sowidespread itdoesn’t even make the headlines anymore.


  27. Northern Voter says:

    Earlier in this thread, disabled people choosing between eating and breathing.

    FFS, breathing is a bodily function, you can’t choose to breathe or not. If you don’t you shuffle off this mortal coil.

    Why biarsed BBC do you pick a picture of the fattest black person to illustrate this absolutely nonsensical load of crap?

    Breathe or die, don’t eat get slim!


  28. Thoughtful says:

    A bus station is where a bus stops

    A train station is where a train stops

    A Police station …………..


  29. Guest Who says:

    In W1A, there seems a correlation between amount paid, and…



  30. Northern Voter says:

    Numerous uno, just in case, goodnight peeps.


  31. tomo says:


    Who is Robert L Peters? (Hint – it’s a Biden)

    Looks like that bonkers Fulton County, Georgia prosecution of Twump is running into heavy weather – 3/5th of the Georgia Senate and State House are lining up to investigate (and likely impeach) the fathead Soros DA who’s orchestrating the mad persecution. btw – She leaked the charges *before* the Grand Jury had seen *any* evidence or witnesses …


  32. tomo says:


  33. tomo says:


  34. Guest Who says:

    BBC struggles to sway its audience.



    • MarkyMark says:

      The name Cheryl “Hole” just embodies perfectly the art form of drag. Keep peddling the propaganda BBC, the people will stop buying it soon enough.
      10:41 pm · 17 Aug 2023


  35. Guest Who says:


    Where was he Ed Minister? Calais?


  36. taffman says:

    “Beach vigil held for Channel migrants who drowned at sea”

    The people that drowned put their own lives at risk . The French get paid millions by us to do nothing while our government does nothing and have done nothing for years.
    We have been invaded and our prime minister promises “stop the boats”.
    Well, stop the boats now because British lives have been put at risk by an invasion !


  37. AsISeeIt says:

    Silence speaks volumns and support for our girls edition

    Occasionally our print press has its uses beyond acting as the proverbial budgie cage liner – telling us things someone doesn’t want us to know – which is the definition of news – right?

    Where that dusty old artifact of a State broadcaster, our BBC, fears to tread: British Museum worker sacked over missing treasures… The British Museum in London has sacked a member of staff and police are investigating… but no arrests have been made.

    The five Ws of journalism – says the profession’s guiding adage: “Who,” “What,” “When,” “Where,” and “Why.”

    Meanwhile the ‘i’ newspaper proudly publishes the who: The top museum curator sacked after treasures vanish… Expert’s son says father maintains innocence – the BBC blurs the identifying photo on the frontpage of the ‘i’ in its online press line-up this morning

    Stolen British Museum items on ebay for £40 – is the headline to a Telegraph frontpage report – a report likewise redacted by our blurry BBC which obscures the entire report

    Parkinson to Pakistan

    In George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, Newspeak is the fictional language of the official State media.

    We have our own present day version of media Newspeak. Here’s one example of phrasing never used by ordinary people but routinely employed in the press: Tributes flood in… (Daily Star) – that means a star celebrity has died.

    Besides ‘flooding in’ tributes tend to be ‘led by’

    Our BBC also speaks that way: Sir Michael Parkinson: Sir David Attenborough and David Beckham lead tributes

    The sad demise of the king of chat show hosts Michael Parkinson garners many a frontpage photo and columns will be measured in yards rather than inches – Tributes poured in for the Yorkshireman (freebie Metro) meanwhile in Lancashire: Rochdale grooming: Five men convicted of historical child sex offences… Mohammed Ghani, 38, Insar Hussain, 38, Jahn Shahid Ghani, 50, Martin Rhodes, 39, and Ali Razza Hussain Kazmi, 35, sexually exploited two teenage girls… Ikhlaq Yousef, 38, Aftar Khan, 34, and Mohammed Iqbal, 67, all of Rochdale, were found not guilty following the trial. (BBC)

    Contrarian Mr AsI would like to know more about those not guilty verdicts – the “What,” “When,” “Where,” and “Why.” not just the “Who”

    Our print press frontpages remain untouched by this story

    Starmer’s silence on one of Britain’s worst miscarriages of justice speaks volumns – Fraser Nelson there refers of course to: His CPS’s culture of denial over Andrew Malkinson (Telegraph)

    Rishi Sunak may be the seat-warmer for Starmer but Tony Blair is his backseat driver. Predictably under Blair’s auspices the Labour election campaign tacks right: Labour waters down pledges to strengthen workers’ rights (FT)

    In further crime news: Trio ‘booked one-way tickets to Pakistan the day before police found Sara Sharif’s body’ (Express)

    If you have a type and that type happens to be an athletic dirty blonde with a pony tail then chaps you can fill your football boots, so to speak, with: Glossy poster of our brilliant Lionesses – the Daily Express however runs down the St George cross of yesterday’s celebration and the Ukrainian blue and yellow is run back up the masthead

    In case you hadn’t noticed there’s a three-line whip out to support our girls

    The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper wanted it as an excuse for a Bank Holiday

    Don’t stop us toasting the Lionesses, councils told (Times)

    Big tech is whipped into line: ‘Sexist’ Amazon Alexa didn’t answer Lionesses question… When asked on Wednesday “for the result of the England-Australia football match today” it said there was no match. (BBC)

    Google buys immunity from any potential accusations of indiffence to the Lionesses at the cost of a prime frontpage advert on the cover of the FT: So good so good so good Google Cloud Official Data Analytics Partner and proud member of the England team Good luck Lionesses. Here’s to more good times.

    In covid news it’s a case of wham-bam, Van-Tam, thank you Big Pharma

    Rule change lets anyone buy a Covid booster jab… Chemists and private clinics could sell vaccine shots to those not eligible on NHS… Government contracts drawn up at the height of the pandemic have until now banned companies from selling jabs privately… Moderna, which supplies the health service, said it was exploring the viability… (Times)

    High-profile pandemic figure Van-Tam takes role at Covid jab group Moderna… Sir Jonathan Van-Tam… UK’s former deputy chief medical officer, who gained celebrity status… follows controversy over previous “revolving door” moves between government and business (FT)


  38. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – in which Nick’s usually incisive interviewing skills completely desert him

    The subject was increasing childhood destitution. Nick Robinson was interviewing Chinwah* (or Chinwe?*) a mother of two children from West Africa, who is trained and has worked as a school teacher and has fallen on hard times to live on Benefits and Charitable donations. Nick Robinson who some might describe as a ‘Rottweiler Interviewer’ found that his brain and interviewing skills had completely deserted him for this interview. Perhaps he was overcome by Chinwah’s/Chinwe’s beauty?

    Nick Robinson failed to ask any questions about the woman’s husband:
    – Was he working?
    – Were they separated and if so, divorced?
    – Was he still in the UK?
    – Had Chinwe pursued a case against her former husband through the Child Support Agency?
    – If so, why was the father not supporting the children?
    – Had Chinwe been deserted? Was the father abroad?
    – What ages are the children?
    – Is one or are both over the age of fourteen?
    – Are they in school during term time?
    – Chinwe is a trained teacher. Why does she not return to teaching?

    The presumption from Nick Robinson and statement by him is that the Benefits system should receive more Governmenttaxpayer money. That’s the second highly paid BBC presenter this week to suggest ‘the Government should pay more’. I think there should be a tax on BBC presenters although I can still remember the squeals and moaning on the BBC when Rishi Sunak as Chancellor increased National Insurance to solve ‘the-Elderly-Care-Crisis’.

    Of course it could be that the Child Support Agency, a taxpayer funded body, is not doing its job properly. Perhaps Marianna and the Verify team or some BBC journalists could investigate and report back? There could even be a week or two weeks of post-TWatO programmes about the failings of the Child Support Agency. Now there’s a programming idea for you, BBC!

    * name changed to protect identity


    • Scroblene says:

      Good points, Uppers!

      Years ago, I went on a serious marketing course, and the main issue drummed into all of us was, ‘Always ask a question – it is the key to any interview technique’!

      Unfortunately Robinson doesn’t work that way, his method is to say something like, ‘Do you agree, (with my opinion), that blah blah blah’, and of course, the interviewee is let off the hook, because anything can cover the answer, which has been ‘planted’ by the interviewer!

      Most Beebweeds do this, and lots of the other stations probably do, but I don’t listen to most of them, except to a couple of good guys and gals on LBC, so cannot comment other than in general terms!

      I always like Parky’s way of iterviewing, teasing the information out of his guests and also admired one of the best, who was Roy Plomley on Desert Island Discs. One of his best ever shows was with Don McCullin, the photojournalist who was often seen in warzones. Roy hardly seemed to say a word through the entire programme, or if he did, the way he talked the man through some horrendous scenes was magical!

      As Beeboids have their agenda to follow, written for them by undermanagers, they don’t come anywhere near the qualities of these chaps!


      • Up2snuff says:

        Scrobie, I’m still boiling enough to fire off a letter of complaint to the D-G.

        Michael Parkinson was brilliant but he wanted the spotlight to shine on his guests even when Dame Edna Everidge memorably refered to Parky as “Michael Krapinson”.

        As you say Roy Plomley was good. I was brought up on that. Really good BBC R4 radio, although it was the Home Service back in those days. 🙂

        Wallace Greenslade: “Good Evening, This is the Home Service of the BBC.”

        Voiced by Sellers, in altes mensch-mode, heard turning pages of the Radio Times: “Aaaacccchh! Vots on the telleeee?”


        • Scroblene says:

          I still laugh when hearing Peter Sellars/Wallace Greenslade announcing, ‘This the BBC Home Service’, and immediately, there’d be a loud ‘raspberry’ from Harry Secombe!

          It sure set the tone for the next half-hour!


  39. tomo says:

    NHS PRasNews

    Digital phone system upgrade ‘to end 8am scramble’ for GP appointments

    No more engaged tone apparently – you’ll be subjected to a procession of self serving computer generated verbal twerpery and banal music designed to piss you right off.


    AI next


    • MarkyMark says:

      Digital phone system upgrade ‘to end 8am scramble’ for GP appointments
      8 hrs ago

      All GP surgeries in England will move to a digital phone system by spring, potentially bringing an end to the “8am scramble” when patients usually rush to secure an appointment.


      Horizon inquiry chief threatens Post Office with ‘criminal sanctions’ over disclosure failures
      Sir Wyn Williams forced to act after repeated failures by Post Office to disclose evidence to the inquiry examining the most widespread miscarriage of justice in UK legal history
      Bryan Glick
      Bryan Glick, Editor in chief
      Published: 14 Jul 2023 15:30


      • Up2snuff says:

        “Digital phone system upgrade ‘to end 8am scramble’ for GP appointments”

        Another bill for the NHStaxpayer!


        • BRISSLES says:

          I can’t get through on the phone, I can’t get an appointment if I present at the surgery, they dont look at emails, and I dont have the facility to form fill online. So basically I’m stuffed on seeing my GP

          I’ve written the surgery a letter – at least it will get opened. What they do with it when read is anyones guess.. We have continued housing estates springing up, yet still only 2 doctors- even African villages are better off than us.


    • moggie63 says:

      So, 1000 out of 6500 surgeries have signed up.


  40. Guest Who says:


    Post gibberish, get this back.


  41. Guest Who says:

    BBC scoring the ratings again.


    In other news, ‘who’… and…. ‘Who’?


    • MarkyMark says:

      BookTok: Heartstopper and Bolu Babalola win TikTok Book Awards


      Pentagon issues rule to ban TikTok on all DOD-connected devices, including for contractors. Contractors are mandated to update their internal workplace technology policies to incorporate the new requirements.2 Jun 2023


      TikTok banned on UK government devices as part of wider app review
      Social media app TikTok has been banned on government electronic devices, the Cabinet Office has announced today.

      Cabinet Office and The Rt Hon Oliver Dowden CBE MP
      16 March 2023



  42. tomo says:

    Compared to ULEZ certification – MCS Solar approval/accreditation is a walk in the park hike around the officially designated recreation area.


  43. Guest Who says:

    The sheer, crushing, predictable, juvenile, deskbound #prasnews ratings hungry idiocy of today’s woke media…



    • MarkyMark says:

      It works like this:
      -They show their boobs
      -No one cares
      -They show them again and say they are the new Rosa Parks
      -People laughs and criticise them for comparing themselves to Rosa Parks
      -They say: see the responses and the criticism? That’s why it’s necessary!
      8:48 am · 18 Aug 2023


    • Guest Who says:

      When you get the lawyers in to stop looking really stupid you were lost long ago.


      • Up2snuff says:

        GW, ???


        • Guest Who says:

          Best I can do:

          Chris Rose
          This is almost as bad as Cathy Newman’s interview with Jordan Peterson. This isn’t journalism since the host was clearly led by her personal opinions.

          She made claims but couldn’t back them up when Graham Linehan challenged her. So detached from reality that she even came… Show more

          This media has been disabled in response to a report by the copyright owner.

          Melvyn ‘ The only way is Arsenal’ Marks
          The BBC are looking for her contact details as we speak.


          Seems TalkTV pulled a BBC as things went badly and they needed it gone.