“The hosepipe ban, currently in place across Cornwall, will end next month. South West Water introduced the restrictions a year ago today.
The company says current restrictions will end on the 25th September. ”
I have been saying since January that the whole thing was ridiculous
as Cornwall has had about a years supply in its reservoirs.
They just kept speculating about possible summer drought
cos it suits agendas.
All summer reservoir levels have been about 70%
Last year at this time they were at 40%
In a dry year like 1996 they were at 55%
This year they appeared to cheat by shouting their big reservoir was lower than normal
but in fact they were draining it into the 3 small ones leaving them overflowing.
A month ago @RoyalDevonNHS were wasting NHS resources by tweeting this
“Since August 2022, Devon & Cornwall have experienced the driest conditions in nearly 90 years and are currently in a state of drought.
We must do what we can to save every drop – visit South West Water for tips and to order FREE water saving devices: https://buff.ly/44zkXql ”
It was and is disinformation
There was no ral water shortage , the UK is a wet country
They did get to the en of last summer with 30% left and it was always going to rise dramtically over the winter
Mark Williamson @markrwilliamson
BBC journalist based in Cambridge
One month ago
“With drought continuing in Devon, Cornwall and parts of East Anglia – @EnvAgency now anticipates they will not return to normal status ‘until at least winter.’ ”
Join the dots BBC, if as you bloody did you clamour for lock-downs, bloody face masks to go anywhere, unknown stuff jabbed into you or restrictions. Stick Nazi-like warnings to conform to the stupid rules on hoardings everywhere, distance stickers and arrows in shops, Bellow on constantly about how their future is untenable and they are all likely to be boiled alive due to climate change unless they become green third world peasants again etc. etc. etc. what the hell did you expect the result to be on impressionable young minds you numpties!
You took away their self confidence which made them despair of their futures.
And now as usual the working taxpayers are expected to pick up the tab!
I have a relation in London who’s twenty year old son is still terrified to leave the house and still wears a face mask every time just to walk down the street!
The Japanese were bombarded by this message quite a few years back before Covid which led to both the almost universal wearing of masks everywhere and a collapse in relationships tipping the nation into a population crises as the birth rate tanked,
“The rise is particularly stark for adults in their 20s and 30s.
The figures have implications for public finances, as spending on disability benefits grows.”
‘No one was trying to sign the fat black girl,’ Lizzo says in her new documentary.
As multi-award-winning singer Lizzo gears up for Glastonbury, her BBC documentary Love, Lizzo charts her rise to fame.
‘For the first time ever, I worry about doing drag gigs’
Drag Queen Story Hour performers and a former RuPaul’s Drag Race contestant talk about receiving death threats and the recent protests at drag storytelling events.
Samuel Spencer
4 May 2023
LGBTQ+RuPaul’s Drag Race UK
They believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas?
“Wouldn’t it just be better to blow a hole in the side of the earth and just have done with everything?”
Thomas, 29, lives in the east of England, and although his idea of blowing up the world is something of a thought experiment, he is certain about one thing – humans should not have babies, and our species should gradually go extinct.
It’s a philosophy called anti-natalism. While the idea dates back to ancient Greece, it has recently been given a huge boost by social media.
I’m glad as a young teenager in the early 60s myself and friends didn’t concern ourselves with the news, or with today’s attitude we would have been in a permanent meltdown ! There was the threat of nuclear annihilation coming from the US and Russia, and warnings of 4 minute warnings. The Bay of Pigs saga with the Russian fleet off the coast of Cuba that could have started WW3.
Were we bovvered ? Not really, we carried on going dancing and deciding which of the Beatles we wanted to marry !
Unfortunately as well as social media the kids have to suffer the social propaganda poison of the likes of the BBC – as well as the other woke crap – green doom – on top of the potential for The End Of The World – and – -of course A virus …
I don’t think they had a Tory Government run by immigrants, who then used behavioural scientists to instil “FEAR” and “MENTAL ILLNESS” in the population by brainwashing adults and children with a psy-op. Making them trust the BBC, hate Russia, commit suicide or get a jab every three months until they suddenly drop dead, reducing the surplus population.
I do wonder if the current malaise is in some way some collective depression bought about by governmenf policy ‘ behaviour over the Chinese virus .
Things are Definitely Not Right . Things like habitual working from home – organisations failing – 7million on the sick -may be symptoms of this –
What I’ve written isn’t copied from a column and I’ve not read it somewhere – but there is Definately Something Very Wrong ….
I think it may be because people get demoted if they tell truth to authority. So people have to tell lies to keep their job. Its why the Pfizer documents had to be hidden for 70 years. Its why mainstream journalists cannot talk about the Pfizer documents. It also seems that the Chinese military have taken advantage of the situation by bribing the Five Eyes community into destroying western civilisation. Effectively this means we are ruled by traitors who call themselves Globalists. ‘Traitors’ always call themselves ‘Globalists’.
Paul Whitehouse is also concerned that there seems to be something in the water. Russians are suspected but the evidence seems to be pointing to Chinese made products such as weed killer and the pill. These chemicals sterilise white people by producing perverts who gain “Pride” in flying rainbow flags.
My own theory is there is some kind of national psychosis going on. I have no idea if this is a result of the military grade psyops that the nation was exposed to as a result of the plandemic hoax or if it is a real side effect from the mass poisoning the nation subjected itself to.
Just a simple example: I was cycling down a straight road in a village and behind me was a Chelsea tractor driver. From a side road a royal mail van pulls out. The chelsea tractor driver goes beserk and starts blaring his horn and then overtakes me and the royal mail van. I am a driver and a cyclist and was not in the least concerned about the mail van pulling out (I was nearest).
Later on that day I discussed this incident with another royal mail van driver and was asking why people can’t take it a bit more easy. He said that since the plandemic all the postmen have noticed people getting in rage over things. This could be a driving incident or people not getting their parcels on time.
So there is no more clappy-clappy lovey-dovey any more. People seem to be angry. That is my observation too. Mass-formation, mass-psychosis who knows?
Atlas – I’m trying to think more about this – but it’s difficult because ‘we are in it ‘. There may also be an age thing – as I think back to pre thatcher times – there was plenty of anger there – as the UK was felt to be declining .
Now I know a lot is down to image and ‘subjective perception’
( not sure what I mean there ) but the feeling – experience seems very widespread . I think younger people might be a better ‘barometer ‘ of this as the ‘seniors ‘ have seen a bit more and may be more resistant .
This site , however , displays a level of anger – much of which is righteous – but this does nt just come down to anger /rage . There’s more to it than that …
I’m going to keep thinking ….
…. But the aftermath of huge collective fear , lockdowns and jabs must take a toll on a lot of people ….
Richard agree. But I do remember my Mum and Dad agonising over whether to let me have the Polio jab. Dad (a miner) was against it because he’d heard that a lot of kids had contracted the disease after having it. This was around 1956. In the end he gave into Mum, as most of my school was having it.
Yep the end of the long road is getting closer and the past is clearer in my mind than the insanity that is today, I’m about five years behind you Brissles and I can recall vividly the news of the assassination of JFK but did we run around like chicken little screaming that the sky was falling….no we read our magazines and got on with life. I always liked Ringo, I hate to be predictable and choose Paul.
Ex MEP Ben Habib must read these columns every day, but I reckon Scrobs got there before he did, (see Scrobs’ comment around the start if you really want to see why The Daily Express needs sites like here for its daily news)!
‘South Yorkshire Police has apologised for losing data such as bodycam footage which could affect dozens of cases
Most data from 2020 to May 2023′
Everyone says. “but you have backups”
The fact they are fessing up shows they screwed up the back ups as well.
When data is on disk a delete command doesn’t actually delete data, rather it deletes it from the Table Of Contents and marks the sectors as open for re-use.
Quite often you are able to recover data by disk scanning, cos the sectors haven’t yet been over-written.
About 20 years ago (or more) there was a documentary (Dispatches C4 iirc) about nutcase Islamist clerics seriously stirring up the natives in UK northern towns+cities and the official reaction to the “death to whitey” calls from Abu Hamza and his mates.
South Yorkshire Police figured in it (the Dispatches piece) and there was one bit where they filmed inside a SYC police station (seemed kosher) where I noticed typewriters with no ribbons in them, no papers on the desks (or computers) and a general air of dilapidation – this while some goon was reeling off rehearsed stuff about no evidence…. Made me think of Spitting Image’s porky plods.
All of these clones are literally like excited schoolchildren who know nothing much about anything and can’t believe they got a job at the BBC. I feel embarassed for them.
The UK is the largest G20 investor in India, while India invests more in the UK than in the rest of the EU combined.
Sector Wide Approach to Strengthening Health (SWASTH) in Bihar
UK – Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To increase the use of quality nutrition, essential health, water and sanitation services, especially by the poorest and most excluded groups in Bihar. The FA will end in December 2015.
Read less
Programme identifier:
Start Date:
Activity Status:
Total Budget:
National Family Health Survey 4 (NFHS 4)
UK – Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To improve planning, delivery and monitoring of policies and programmes for Health , nutrition and sanitation, which will help Government, donors, UN and civil society have access to, and to use, recent and reliable data on these issues “
I have taken to getting requests played for the girlies who fly out to all these environment conferences. The last one was the Spanish environment minister who flew, drove, then cycled, and I requested ‘I drove all night’ by Roy Orbison.
Not to be outdone here is a German minister off one her trip (or not) to Australia:
Space Programme … Coal Power … UK to shut all high streets to save the planet … HA HA HA HA …..
India Plans to Keep Adding Coal Power Capacity as Demand Surges. India will continue to build more coal-fired power capacity to feed its booming energy demand even as it expands renewable generation.22 Jun 2023
Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott’s privately-educated son, 28, is arrested after ‘biting one police officer and spitting at another outside Foreign Office’
James Abbott-Thompson arrested at the Foreign Office last week
He is charged with assaulting two police officers and a public order offence
The 28-year-old former civil servant is due to appear at a trial in February
If her party wins the election, Ms Abbott could be Home Secretary by that time
4.1M views 5 years ago
More than 1,000 Hawaii residents have been forced to evacuate their homes as a dangerous lava flow continues to spread on the state’s Big Island. CBS News correspondent Carter Evans reports on CBSN about why this lava flow is so unusual.
Evening all,
Blow off steam time. The Telegraph website has an an article about the tranny Emily Bridges where it refers to her as a trans FEMALE. I am incensed by this, as a biologist by training any incursion into the scientific realm really gets my hackles up. He might like to call himself a woman (non scientific term) but he can never ever be a female. I’m also disappointed in myself as I would like to write a letter of complaint but I don’t want to be the subject of a tranny activist pile on.
Over to you Prof Robert Winston…
Well, you asked. All the indications are that God has withdrawn His hand of protection from this nation because of our turning to unrighteousness and we are suffering a measure of judgement as a result.
“At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it; if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it. Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it; if it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will think better of the good with which I had promised to bless it.” Jeremiah 18:7-10, NASB
Just to take one example of our unrighteousness, consider the more than ten million babies put to death in this country since the Abortion Act was introduced in 1967.
The question is if an Anglican congregation votes to revoke the authority of the Antichrist of Canterbury and the Church of England. Does the church property belong to the Church of England or the Congregation. Can the Antichrist of Canterbury kick out the congregation from the Church. Is the ownership of church property by the Church of England more important than the Anglican faith of its congregation if it defects to the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans.
The Failure of the Antichrist of Canterbury and the Other Instruments of Communion
Three quarters of the Anglican Communion have no confidence that the Antichrist of Canterbury nor the other Instruments of Communion led by him (the Lambeth Conference, the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates’ Meetings) are able to provide a godly way forward that will be acceptable to those who are committed to the truthfulness, clarity, sufficiency and authority of Scripture. Most Primates share the view that, due to the departures from orthodoxy, they can no longer recognise the Antichrist of Canterbury as an Instrument of Communion, the ‘first among equals’ of the Primates. The Church of Evil has chosen to impair her relationship with the orthodox provinces in the Communion: https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2023/28-april/news/world/the-gafcon-kigali-communiqu%C3%A9-in-full
Square – once there is no right and no wrong it’s dangerous territory . your observation about the killing of millions of babies since the Abortion Act did chime with me when compared to the Letby case …. Any way your spiritual explanation for the current decline also hit a spot with ‘pride comes before a fall ‘ which apparently originates from a line in the Bible ( proverbs) .
I was taught that pride – as well as homosexuality – is a sin . So it’s a reminder of the devil at work whenever I have to see a rainbow flag in a public place .
I don’t see such stuff on the TV because my skill at using the remote …
An economic crash and another concocted chines virus might finish a lot of people off ( mentally – that is ) …..
BBC Sport on the subject of the Women’s World Cup draws our attention not so much to the competition, the skills or the goals – but rather: Three events that show the gap between men and women’s football
Political campaign advocacy from the sports desk?
In case you were wondering, sports fans – that’ll be The Gaff, The Shirt (or lack lack thereof – steady lads, it’s not what you think) and The Kiss
The Gaff – Lost in translation?
Infantino [FIFA boss] World Cup news conference… addressing “all the women”, he told them they “have the power to change”. “Pick the right battles. Pick the right fights. You have the power to change. You have the power to convince us men what we have to do and what we don’t have to do. You do it. Just do it. With men, with Fifa, you will find open doors. Just push the doors,” he said… Infantino was criticised, with The Guardian columnist Marina Hyde calling his words “patronising women beyond belief”, BBC presenter Gabby Logan said the comments were “ridiculous and reductive”
The Kiss – Latin spirit?
Having earlier grabbed his crotch in celebration while standing near Spain’s Queen Letizia and her 16-year-old daughter, Rubiales [Spanish FA boss] would once again display “unacceptable” behaviour as he took his place on the podium. Greeting Spain’s players as they received their World Cup winners’ medals, he grabbed Jenni Hermoso by the head before forcibly planting a kiss on her lips, surrounded by cameras, the eyes of millions watching on. As Hermoso moved away, he continued to kiss her team-mates on the cheek and neck as he embraced each and every one of them. Later in the dressing room, he told them they must visit Ibiza, as that would be where he would marry Hermoso.
The Shirt – Marketing opportunity missed – or fears of unsold promotional swag destined for the bargain bin?
Football fans, particularly those young, impressionable supporters, have worn the names of their heroes on their backs for years. But if your hero is Mary Earps, bad luck… In July, Earps said she was “hurt” that fans could not buy a replica of her goalkeeper jersey, manufacturers Nike reportedly not having women’s goalkeeper kits on public sale as part of their commercial strategy. A quick online search finds an England men’s goalkeeper shirt readily available to buy.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper, strong advocate for the public sector, would appear to labour under the notion that you can never have enough of a bad thing:
Human toll of NHS waiting lists
Ian Dunt on asylum chaos
Boom in private tuition deepens GCSE inequality. Poorer children left behind in ‘national scandal’, heads warn
Mr AsI is something of a connoisseur of those awkward little news narrative agenda-busting frontpage juxtapositions. Just as the left-leaning ‘i’ editorial bemoans the growth of private tuition so the advertisng department of that title welcomes copy from: Justin Craig Education… GCSE/A Level Tuition & Revision… “My daughter’s grades were higher than predicted after the course. I aways tell friends about Justin Craig”
There are those who claim we live under something they term a patriarchy. However, as for the son’s grades… no endorsement is provided.
Our failing state school sector, eh? What went wrong? The left-leaning formerly highly coronaphobic ‘i’ frets about grade inequality.
Absences ‘put GCSE pupial at disadvantage’… Nick Gibb the schools minister has said… as a result of government plans to return to pre-pandemic grading. (Telegraph) – go tell that to your Covid Inquiry, mate. What’s happening with that? Summer holidays? Working from home? Have they locked themselves down? Last we heard they were obsessing over Tory Austerity as the root cause of our woes.
Quick public service fact-check on that previous editorial: as a result of government plans to return to pre-pandemic pre-Lockdown grading – come on Telegraph, you should know better.
GCSE results set to drop close to pre-Covid levels (BBC)
We expect it of the BBC: GCSE results set to drop close to pre-Covid pre-Lockdown levels
Speaking of connoisseurs (as we were) and of our failing public institutions: British Museum boss branded ‘pathetic’… after he blamed a whistleblower for delays in uncovering the theft of treasures… the museum never bothered to take a statement when he raised the alarm (Telegraph)
British Museum boss Hartwig Fischer defends 2021 theft investigation (BBC)
Institutional antipathy toward whistleblowers and the resort to the private sector to the plug the gaps (as we witness in our state education system) tends to segueway nicely toward this headline in the Daily Express: NHS trust paid PR firm to clean up Lucy Letby ‘tragic mess’
The ‘i’ smirks: UK’s Brexit trade deal with India under threat
The ‘i’ sniggers: Tory manifesto author admits Government has failed to deliver
The FT joins the opposition on the campaign trail: Starmer’s strategy for Labour faces Scottish test… Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election…
Apparently, according to the pink paper, Sir Keir is just not sounding sufficiently pro-EU Rejoiner and radically left-wing enough these days: …Starmer’s Brexit stance and cautious social policies are about to be tested… Some Labour MPs fear the party’s position will put off liberal-minded voters…
Liberal-minded voters, eh?
On the other hand our favourite cartoon satirist Matt in the Telegraph reflects an alternative public opinion with his sketch of a garage mechanic standing at the open bonnet and informing the car driver’s wife: “We found that terrible grinding noise. It’s your husband’s teeth when you drive into the Ulez expansion”
Russia ‘Downs Wagner Jet’… Putin’s Revenge – screams the Daily Mirror reflecting the take on the day’s big frontpage news story that’s practically ubiquitous across our media.
Then again, returning to Scotland we hear tell of: Nessie’s lair found (Daily Star)
Asiseeit it – I’m not so sure about the reasoning behind different exam grades . Let me run this up the educashionall flag pole – why have schools at all ? After all – if every one is gonna be working from home or on the sick for ever – why bother with schools ? No need for ‘free’ school dinners – no 4pm coloured boy stabbing and homicides – no desperate lady teachers banging 15 year old ‘students’( children – kiddies apparently ) .
The schools could be sold off for flats – it’s a win all round …
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – er, I think that may be the wrong photograph ….
BBC Picture Editors fail again? Photographs of the Wagner plane crash site clearly show wreckage burning fiercely. It was said in BBC reports as well as other media that the bodies were burned so much they will require ID from DNA to confirm identity. Yet the BBC today show an almost intact tailplane: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-66599774 And the Russians claim to have recovered all the bodies.
I wonder if the BBC Picture Editors have muddled up the Malayasian crash with the Wagner crash?
Something clearly does not add up about this story. How come someone was on hand to video the crash? Were they notified in advance? Questions not asked by the BBC on TOADY.
BBC say … only brief mention on Russian news
BBC say … only brief mention on Russian news
BBC say … only brief mention on Russian news
Dear Winston Smith in the BBC Department of Truth paid under threat of prosecution,
Can you tell me why you have not repeatedly reported on BBC radio and TV news 24/7 regarding the COVID vaccines trials data and results and UK Government’s emergency powers during COVID.
A doctor caused an unborn baby to be accidentally decapitated inside her mother’s womb while performing a delivery, a medical tribunal has heard.
Dr Vaishnavy Laxman, a consultant gynaecologist who was working on an NHS maternity unit, is said to have ignored the woman giving birth’s requests to stop and failed to provide pain relief.
order-order.com comment ….”When they say things like that I expect by the end of the week anyone who can push a wheelchair will be consideed skilled labour. Its not free trade if the conditions applied cost one country more than the other.”
“The Government transferred a record £14.3bn to the Bank of England last month as increases in interest rates lumbered the Treasury with heavy losses from quantitative easing (QE).”
Losses on the Bank of England’s quantitative easing measures have cost the taxpayer almost £30bn in the past 11 months, according to the Office for National Statistics.
QE affects the public finances because the bank bought UK government bonds with £875bn it created between 2009 and 2021.
HA HA HA “Putin is not attending the meeting person, as host country South Africa is obliged to arrest him under a warrant issued by the International Criminal Court” yet continue to see a way from USA influence .. HA HA HA
The BRICS nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, representing a quarter of the global economy, are meeting for the second day on Wednesday as part of a three-day summit.
They are discussing expansion and increasing global influence at a summit in South Africa’s economic capital Johannesburg.
Interest in joining the group has surged, with some 20 countries requesting membership.
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is not attending the meeting person, as host country South Africa is obliged to arrest him under a warrant issued by the International Criminal Court over the war in Ukraine.
Xi calls for accelerating BRICS expansion
President Xi Jinping urged the BRICS group to accelerate their expansion efforts.
“We should let more countries join the BRICS family and pool wisdom to make global governance more fair and reasonable,” Xi said in open remarks at the BRICS leaders summit.
“I formed the view that the failure to declare arose out of this confusion and was accordingly inadvertent on the part of Mr Sunak.”
This morning Downing Street said Rishi “takes seriously his responsibilities to register and declare all relevant interests.” When he understands them, at least…
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 9 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Didn’t the green card unelected PM turn up spouting the usual crap about integrity and that stuff after taking over from nut nut ?
Or was that someone else . … sunak – apparently is going to the land of his people next month . Why ? He ain’t gonna get any votes wearing a red dot on his forehead …. But the Pakistanis will be upset – which can’t be a bad thing …. Maybe they’ll send Huw to cover it …
Breaking: Rishi Sunak, First UK Hindu PM
24 Oct, 2022
Sharing is caring!
New UK Prime Minister Makes History as First Hindu to Hold Such Office in the West
By Brian Grim
Hey it had to happen – letby – crowd fund for the appeal ! It was in my head when the judge did his bit – but yet – it’s a miscarriage of justice – …. I wonder who got the ‘movie ‘ rights ? A musical ….. tee shirts ?
Make sure you are seen clapping … 20% off for NHS staff …
Doing my usual painful duty looking at the BBC webshite. They just cannot bring themselves to post any images of white kids when reporting on the English GCSEs can they? And another thing- in my day we just did the exams and got on with it- none of the acres of coverage of results/ the BBC stirring up their favourite mental health garbage. I feel better now, thank you.
Yep I saw that – 3 hijabs on display. The beeb have form with this, ever since the cameras started appearing in schools for the results over 20 years ago. It was always a London school where a white pupil was rarer than a hens tooth.
The attacks by the Fatah-affiliated terrorists came days after The Washington Post published a story from Balata refugee camp, near Nablus, in which its correspondents romanticized members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, even documenting them as they visit their barber for a haircut.
The “fighters” The Washington Post is referring to are the terrorists responsible for a series of shooting, stabbing and car-ramming attacks against Jewish civilians and soldiers
The Tory Government are turning Great Britain into a ‘third world’ country and a third world economy…………….
“Asylum backlog rises to record high – figures” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66603767
And then, the very best, with BBc ex-fave Mehdi, who seems to have worked around most of the UK MSM before becoming his next incarnation for one of the bizarrest US outlets out there.
(On a side note, as ever, the hate of racists is only matched by their ignorance. Haley is of Sikh, not Hindu, background. But for racists ‘they’re all the same!’)
Mehdi Raza Hasan is a British political journalist, broadcaster and author. Hasan is the co-author of a biography of Ed Miliband and the political editor of the UK version of The Huffington Post.
Ed unaware but got the T-shirt?
And also Mehdi as a Red Indian (NA), policeman and construction worker.
This may be of interest to you which I found during the week.
Please check the data yourself (don’t rely on others or what I say), but seems to me that he (Mehdi Hasan) has painted the data in a better light to deflect the story.
The Numbers Don’t Lie: White Far-Right Terrorists Pose a Clear Danger to Us All
This story shows how to make data not seem as bad by grouping and looking for a story that fits your point of view. Please look at the data and decide yourself. I suggest you look at it and think of what trend you would determine, then read Mehdi Hasan interpretation.
106 vs 119 killings
During the September 11 attacks in 2001, 2,996 people were killed and more than 6,000 others wounded, which is missing from the graph.
Yet the numbers don’t lie — even if the Islamophobes do. “Since September 12, 2001,” noted a recent report prepared for Congress by the Government Accountability Office, “the number of fatalities caused by domestic violent extremists has ranged from 1 to 49 in a given year. … Fatalities resulting from attacks by far-right wing violent extremists have exceeded those caused by radical Islamist violent extremists in 10 of the 15 years, and were the same in 3 of the years since September 12, 2001.” Imagine that.
– – Mehdi Hasan is an award-winning British columnist, broadcaster, and author based in Washington, D.C.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Former BBC director general Mark Thompson is reportedly in talks to succeed Chris Licht as chairman and chief executive of CNN.
According to Semafor. Thompson is one of the leading candidates being considered by CNN’s owner, Warner Bros Discovery.
Thompson joined the BBC in 1979 as a production trainee, he became editor of the Nine O’Clock News and Panorama and later, director of television. He was appointed DG in 2004 and remained in the post until 2012.
After leaving the broadcaster he joined The New York Times, stepping down from his role in 2020.
Licht joined CNN in May 2022 but was forced out earlier this year.
What a shame Mehdi (and all other leftist hate-filled anti-white racists who spend all their time looking for someone to vent it on) is unable to grasp that religion has nothing to do with ‘race’ and hence you can’t use it as a basis to call someone racist,
Latest scoop regarding the delightful diane abbott, who is quoted as saying ” Boys Being Raped at Migrant Hotel Is What Happens When You Demonise Migrants”
She is actually almost correct.
It should have read ” Boys Being Raped at Migrant Hotel Is What Happens. Demonise Migrants”
The voice of common sense . But I Fear that Tucker is right if Trump wins the GE or even looks like he will run, he will be assassinated. Of course the hyperglobalists will very likely fix yet another election and so they won’t have to use the ultimate sanction.
I have to say that I like Trump because what he says is common sense and more or less what I was thinking already. And the BBC never report any of it.
But better than that is how his peculiar expressions and actions while he speaks drive the Leftists – who despise him with an absolute passion – completely crazy with hate and spite.
They will most certainly try to stop him being President. I wonder what their next step is – maybe change the law so he isn’t allowed to run because of the accusations they have made against him. I’m sure they are plotting about whether they think they could get away with assasination without causing an uprising.
BBC news interviewing pupils at a school in Swindon as they get their exam results. Despite the room being filled with a massive majority of white children, somehow all the four pupils they spoke to were not.
Indian moon coverage, 24 hours in, rover supposedly launched.
Not a peep from BBC why it’s so pathetically underwhelming..
Did they forget to take the covers off the lenses or something.
Only photo so far
When this movie came out I was into all things science fiction. I remember SF writer David Gerrold had a column in Starlog magazine where he said he was afraid people would watch this movie and decide afterwards, “That’s probably what they did with the moon landings.”
He wasn’t wrong.
As Indians and Pakistanis make up so much of our BAME, they are heavily protected by the BBC. Particularly the Muslims – as shown by the recent spats between Hindus and Muslims where they were heavily on the side of the Muslims.
As this Indian mission unfolds as either a failure or a big white elephant, it will be quitely dropped by the BBC.
As they ALWAYS do for agenda stories which go wrong.
The loony left-wing Tory Government is persisting in blocking efforts to shed light on its secretive Counter “Disinformation” Unit. What don’t they want us to know? This taxpayer funded unit is being used to monitor political dissent and suppress free speech online. They’ve failed to answer Freedom of Information requests and to answer any questions about what they do and why. What are they hiding? Professor Norman Fenton explains what it may be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtKiPYH7NTU John Beaudoin Sr explains how investigations using primary source data will reveal what they are hiding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAgafdMw-nc&t=43s
The Counter “Disinformation” Unit was set up by thick British Unintelligence Officers, like John English not James Bond. Forming a highly secretive censorship cell to censor those half million people injured by the mRNA jab, and label them and their families with the term “disinformation” to justify extreme crackdowns on freedom of speech, including censoring debate about scientific papers revealing criminal activity by big pharma executives and senior Tory ministers.
Mainstream media “disinformation” originates from the government. That’s why legal action in Britain and America is being taken against the government’s counter disinformation and censorship activity.
David Cameron’s ‘nudge unit’ aims to improve economic behaviour
This article is more than 12 years old
Cabinet office team will look at how to create environments that help people choose what’s best for themselves and society
Are you talking about 77th Brigade of Hermitage, Berkshire? – where Twitter UK managers and lame Tory MPs dress up?
– or the “Nudge Unit” – the now “privatised” quango?
The matter of FoI needs attending to – the Office of The Information Commissioner has been gelded. The London office vacated and the team moved up north.
As an exercise try and figure out where they (Information Commissioner) accepts FoI complaints…
It’s quite tricky really – they don’t have a point of contact for FoI…
They’re happy to slap assorted public bodies with fines for losing laptops, throwing unshredded sensitive documents into wheely bins or leaving web site credentials or people’s personal data out in the open.
Have a public body that flat out refuses to answer a FoI without explanation or flat-out + brazenly lies their faces off?
A machete-wielding teenager threatened to cut off singer Aled Jones’s arm while robbing him of his £17,000 watch on a west London street, a court heard.
Another 16 year old extreme low-life scumbag who should be dangling from a rope but who’s identity is being protected with the usual ‘who cannot be legally identified’.
Which of course we now know means he is black. No doubt telling us ‘would not be helpful for the agenda’.
An interesting take on the law surrounding the licence fee (TV Tax) and why it should be abolished.
How many people are not liable to pay for a licence but are paying out of fear of prosecution? With a subscription based service when you cancel the subscription the feed to you is ended and there is no prospect of prosecution.
How many people prosecuted plead guilty even if they aren’t so they can just get it out of the way?
Anna Soubry MP … You have to pay for her as an MP, so she does not have to pay for her own entertainment from the BBC TV Tax (Nurses at food banks do!).
“As I keep saying, not even Pakistanis want more Pakistanis.”
“No. We dont want those pakistanis to come to pakistan, as they are more Radicalised islamist than us. Keep them.”
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
‘I have a Pakistani who lives next door to me, He said the other day to me “I’m a better man than you”
I said “I never said you f**king wasn’t, but what makes you think you’re a better man than me?”
He said “I don’t have a f**king Paki, living next door to me” ‘
About now, I refer back to recent pronouncements by the usually suspect community about a wit.. nurse failing to cooperate for a ritual public ducking.
Today I went to a funeral at which certain people who have had reasonably important positions in the government /EU.
I was shocked talking to them how often i heard “but BBC news said” as I thought given the amount of alternative news available would mean these people would find out that there are more sides to a story than the BBC chooses to report.
Maybe it’s because they are busy and need to be spoon fed easy to digest news pre chewed for them, but it’s disappointing to find how much power the BBC has over the people with power.
This is perhaps why they don’t understand or want to understand our point. To them we are trying to take away something which makes their life easy. They can claim to themselves that the BBC is independent and is therefore a reliable source of news and opinion.
Such as who? All are biased to the Left maybe GB news as a newcommer is different but then they have to abandon the pretence of ‘impartiality’.
They honestly believe and require others to accept the BBC is impartial and that although it may get it wrong on occasion, those are honest mistakes.
We might be able to go out and filter the news to find the truth, they simply don’t have the time, and it’s so easy to swallow that which is pre prepared and made ready instead.
flip to BBC2 ..some cooking prog ..they are on about how a couple have created a BBC smokehouse restaurant
Camera pans back .. it’s a lesbian couple
That ticks a box
From a BBC Russia correspondent with a Russian name, all the listener got was waffle and Sarah just let it continue. Then a woman was added to add more waffle and speculation. The subject? The aeroplane crash supposedly carrying Prigozhin, the Wagner chief and his Deputy.
BBC website – alleged attack on black / white homosexual ‘couple ‘ in jartown( Brixton innit ) – one of those curious reports where there is plenty of detail – but none about the perpetrator- nothing at all.. now why would that be ?
I object to this sort of report – there must be similar minor assaults in londonistan every day – yet this one gets ‘ special reporting ‘ – not much equality eh ?
Apparently the couple were returning from a ‘black pride ‘ session …
Ye Gods
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee https://qnews.com.au/transphobic-scenes-cut-from-new-release-of-crocodile-dundee/ Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
“The hosepipe ban, currently in place across Cornwall, will end next month. South West Water introduced the restrictions a year ago today.
The company says current restrictions will end on the 25th September. ”
I have been saying since January that the whole thing was ridiculous
as Cornwall has had about a years supply in its reservoirs.
They just kept speculating about possible summer drought
cos it suits agendas.
All summer reservoir levels have been about 70%
Last year at this time they were at 40%
In a dry year like 1996 they were at 55%
This year they appeared to cheat by shouting their big reservoir was lower than normal
but in fact they were draining it into the 3 small ones leaving them overflowing.
A month ago @RoyalDevonNHS were wasting NHS resources by tweeting this
“Since August 2022, Devon & Cornwall have experienced the driest conditions in nearly 90 years and are currently in a state of drought.
We must do what we can to save every drop – visit South West Water for tips and to order FREE water saving devices: https://buff.ly/44zkXql ”
It was and is disinformation
There was no ral water shortage , the UK is a wet country
They did get to the en of last summer with 30% left and it was always going to rise dramtically over the winter
Mark Williamson @markrwilliamson
BBC journalist based in Cambridge
One month ago
“With drought continuing in Devon, Cornwall and parts of East Anglia – @EnvAgency now anticipates they will not return to normal status ‘until at least winter.’ ”
We’ll blow me down, the BBC have uncovered a steep rise in mental health issues in younger people.
Join the dots BBC, if as you bloody did you clamour for lock-downs, bloody face masks to go anywhere, unknown stuff jabbed into you or restrictions. Stick Nazi-like warnings to conform to the stupid rules on hoardings everywhere, distance stickers and arrows in shops, Bellow on constantly about how their future is untenable and they are all likely to be boiled alive due to climate change unless they become green third world peasants again etc. etc. etc. what the hell did you expect the result to be on impressionable young minds you numpties!
You took away their self confidence which made them despair of their futures.
And now as usual the working taxpayers are expected to pick up the tab!
I have a relation in London who’s twenty year old son is still terrified to leave the house and still wears a face mask every time just to walk down the street!
The Japanese were bombarded by this message quite a few years back before Covid which led to both the almost universal wearing of masks everywhere and a collapse in relationships tipping the nation into a population crises as the birth rate tanked,
“The rise is particularly stark for adults in their 20s and 30s.
The figures have implications for public finances, as spending on disability benefits grows.”
‘No one was trying to sign the fat black girl,’ Lizzo says in her new documentary.
As multi-award-winning singer Lizzo gears up for Glastonbury, her BBC documentary Love, Lizzo charts her rise to fame.
Shola Lee
9 June 2023
‘For the first time ever, I worry about doing drag gigs’
Drag Queen Story Hour performers and a former RuPaul’s Drag Race contestant talk about receiving death threats and the recent protests at drag storytelling events.
Samuel Spencer
4 May 2023
LGBTQ+RuPaul’s Drag Race UK
Keir Starmer: It’s wrong to say ‘only women have a cervix’
They believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas?
“Wouldn’t it just be better to blow a hole in the side of the earth and just have done with everything?”
Thomas, 29, lives in the east of England, and although his idea of blowing up the world is something of a thought experiment, he is certain about one thing – humans should not have babies, and our species should gradually go extinct.
It’s a philosophy called anti-natalism. While the idea dates back to ancient Greece, it has recently been given a huge boost by social media.
Thomas, (29⅖) is mentally deranged, bonkers in fact.
“is idea of blowing up the world is something of a thought experiment”
I’m glad as a young teenager in the early 60s myself and friends didn’t concern ourselves with the news, or with today’s attitude we would have been in a permanent meltdown ! There was the threat of nuclear annihilation coming from the US and Russia, and warnings of 4 minute warnings. The Bay of Pigs saga with the Russian fleet off the coast of Cuba that could have started WW3.
Were we bovvered ? Not really, we carried on going dancing and deciding which of the Beatles we wanted to marry !
Unfortunately as well as social media the kids have to suffer the social propaganda poison of the likes of the BBC – as well as the other woke crap – green doom – on top of the potential for The End Of The World – and – -of course A virus …
I don’t think they had a Tory Government run by immigrants, who then used behavioural scientists to instil “FEAR” and “MENTAL ILLNESS” in the population by brainwashing adults and children with a psy-op. Making them trust the BBC, hate Russia, commit suicide or get a jab every three months until they suddenly drop dead, reducing the surplus population.
I do wonder if the current malaise is in some way some collective depression bought about by governmenf policy ‘ behaviour over the Chinese virus .
Things are Definitely Not Right . Things like habitual working from home – organisations failing – 7million on the sick -may be symptoms of this –
What I’ve written isn’t copied from a column and I’ve not read it somewhere – but there is Definately Something Very Wrong ….
Views most welcome ..
I think it may be because people get demoted if they tell truth to authority. So people have to tell lies to keep their job. Its why the Pfizer documents had to be hidden for 70 years. Its why mainstream journalists cannot talk about the Pfizer documents. It also seems that the Chinese military have taken advantage of the situation by bribing the Five Eyes community into destroying western civilisation. Effectively this means we are ruled by traitors who call themselves Globalists. ‘Traitors’ always call themselves ‘Globalists’.
Paul Whitehouse is also concerned that there seems to be something in the water. Russians are suspected but the evidence seems to be pointing to Chinese made products such as weed killer and the pill. These chemicals sterilise white people by producing perverts who gain “Pride” in flying rainbow flags.
My own theory is there is some kind of national psychosis going on. I have no idea if this is a result of the military grade psyops that the nation was exposed to as a result of the plandemic hoax or if it is a real side effect from the mass poisoning the nation subjected itself to.
Just a simple example: I was cycling down a straight road in a village and behind me was a Chelsea tractor driver. From a side road a royal mail van pulls out. The chelsea tractor driver goes beserk and starts blaring his horn and then overtakes me and the royal mail van. I am a driver and a cyclist and was not in the least concerned about the mail van pulling out (I was nearest).
Later on that day I discussed this incident with another royal mail van driver and was asking why people can’t take it a bit more easy. He said that since the plandemic all the postmen have noticed people getting in rage over things. This could be a driving incident or people not getting their parcels on time.
So there is no more clappy-clappy lovey-dovey any more. People seem to be angry. That is my observation too. Mass-formation, mass-psychosis who knows?
Atlas – I’m trying to think more about this – but it’s difficult because ‘we are in it ‘. There may also be an age thing – as I think back to pre thatcher times – there was plenty of anger there – as the UK was felt to be declining .
Now I know a lot is down to image and ‘subjective perception’
( not sure what I mean there ) but the feeling – experience seems very widespread . I think younger people might be a better ‘barometer ‘ of this as the ‘seniors ‘ have seen a bit more and may be more resistant .
This site , however , displays a level of anger – much of which is righteous – but this does nt just come down to anger /rage . There’s more to it than that …
I’m going to keep thinking ….
…. But the aftermath of huge collective fear , lockdowns and jabs must take a toll on a lot of people ….
People want it NOW! Tomorrow with all their problems solved by RISHI
Richard agree. But I do remember my Mum and Dad agonising over whether to let me have the Polio jab. Dad (a miner) was against it because he’d heard that a lot of kids had contracted the disease after having it. This was around 1956. In the end he gave into Mum, as most of my school was having it.
Yep the end of the long road is getting closer and the past is clearer in my mind than the insanity that is today, I’m about five years behind you Brissles and I can recall vividly the news of the assassination of JFK but did we run around like chicken little screaming that the sky was falling….no we read our magazines and got on with life. I always liked Ringo, I hate to be predictable and choose Paul.
Digg – terrific post.
Well, well well!
Ex MEP Ben Habib must read these columns every day, but I reckon Scrobs got there before he did, (see Scrobs’ comment around the start if you really want to see why The Daily Express needs sites like here for its daily news)!
Beebweeds in ecstasy about numbers 3, 27, 46 and 89 with a side salad of nettle bhajis being served up at the British Taxpayers’ expense!
Choke on that Beebonic Kattomeaters.
Boston : police cancelled the market today due to disruption yesterday from people from “an illegal traveller camp near to centre of town”
Can’t they camp outside Parliament or inside Parliament?
‘South Yorkshire Police has apologised for losing data such as bodycam footage which could affect dozens of cases
Most data from 2020 to May 2023′
Everyone says. “but you have backups”
The fact they are fessing up shows they screwed up the back ups as well.
When data is on disk a delete command doesn’t actually delete data, rather it deletes it from the Table Of Contents and marks the sectors as open for re-use.
Quite often you are able to recover data by disk scanning, cos the sectors haven’t yet been over-written.
I assume someone accidentally poured sulphuric acid on all the hard drives -and stuff …..blame the Russians …
About 20 years ago (or more) there was a documentary (Dispatches C4 iirc) about nutcase Islamist clerics seriously stirring up the natives in UK northern towns+cities and the official reaction to the “death to whitey” calls from Abu Hamza and his mates.
South Yorkshire Police figured in it (the Dispatches piece) and there was one bit where they filmed inside a SYC police station (seemed kosher) where I noticed typewriters with no ribbons in them, no papers on the desks (or computers) and a general air of dilapidation – this while some goon was reeling off rehearsed stuff about no evidence…. Made me think of Spitting Image’s porky plods.
Watch India’s successful landing on the Moon
My Commodore 64 had better graphics than that fake landing video. What a joke.
And watch one of their finest clones demonstrating just how far the BBC now is from a serious, professional organisation.
‘My goodness!’ – BBC reporter’s live reaction to historic moon landing
All of these clones are literally like excited schoolchildren who know nothing much about anything and can’t believe they got a job at the BBC. I feel embarassed for them.
She says “Oh my god” first. Which god would that be then? My goodness, my arse.
Cable Car … https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-asia-66597447
India census: Half of homes have phones but no toilets
The UK is the largest G20 investor in India, while India invests more in the UK than in the rest of the EU combined.
Sector Wide Approach to Strengthening Health (SWASTH) in Bihar
UK – Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To increase the use of quality nutrition, essential health, water and sanitation services, especially by the poorest and most excluded groups in Bihar. The FA will end in December 2015.
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National Family Health Survey 4 (NFHS 4)
UK – Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
To improve planning, delivery and monitoring of policies and programmes for Health , nutrition and sanitation, which will help Government, donors, UN and civil society have access to, and to use, recent and reliable data on these issues “
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Reproductive and Child Health Programme Phase II
UK – Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO)
Disparities in access and use of essential reproductive and child health services reduced.
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India Plans to Keep Adding Coal Power Capacity as Demand Surges. India will continue to build more coal-fired power capacity to feed its booming energy demand even as it expands renewable generation.22 Jun 2023
Have they opened a corner shop yet?
I have taken to getting requests played for the girlies who fly out to all these environment conferences. The last one was the Spanish environment minister who flew, drove, then cycled, and I requested ‘I drove all night’ by Roy Orbison.
Not to be outdone here is a German minister off one her trip (or not) to Australia:
The radio station BigFM (for expats on the Costa Blanca) may play a request for this one. A suggestion was:
I am leaving on a jet plane…
… don’t know when I’ll be back again.
The oceans are not obliging – how do we explain that?
The mendacious creepy bastards are trying to fudge it.
The heir to Attenborough will be on it ? – eh?
Decidedly cheerful at Broadcasting House
Looking forward to John Sweeney (late of that parish) take on it
It’s when you read something like that at bet on yourself that he pops up tomorrow talking about ‘western deception ‘…
Remarkably small area for the wreckage of a jet. And such an evenly dispersed fire.
My guess is that Putin is pulling the plonkers of the BBC and it’s ilk!
The lady newsreader on C4 when was almost giggling with glee as she interviewed some hazy American lady terror specialist about it.
I have also seen pictures of totally burned out debris and others showing intact bits of plane.
Don’t count your chickens until they are hatched BBC!
Space Programme … Coal Power … UK to shut all high streets to save the planet … HA HA HA HA …..
India Plans to Keep Adding Coal Power Capacity as Demand Surges. India will continue to build more coal-fired power capacity to feed its booming energy demand even as it expands renewable generation.22 Jun 2023
They’re looking for, “a better life” and why not?, perhaps the Home Office should ‘take a leaf’………………
Labour MP: Boys Being Raped at Migrant Hotel ‘Is What Happens When You Demonise Migrants’
Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott’s privately-educated son, 28, is arrested after ‘biting one police officer and spitting at another outside Foreign Office’
James Abbott-Thompson arrested at the Foreign Office last week
He is charged with assaulting two police officers and a public order offence
The 28-year-old former civil servant is due to appear at a trial in February
If her party wins the election, Ms Abbott could be Home Secretary by that time
UPDATED: 20:17, 4 December 2019
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
3 October 2012
BBC 4 re broadcasting ‘I Claudius ‘ from … 1976 —- they’ve got to go back some way to find quality .. enjoy …
Prigozhin taken up sky diving?
More Hawaii
4.1M views 5 years ago
More than 1,000 Hawaii residents have been forced to evacuate their homes as a dangerous lava flow continues to spread on the state’s Big Island. CBS News correspondent Carter Evans reports on CBSN about why this lava flow is so unusual.
I know the first rule of First Aid is “look after yourself”…
Evening all,
Blow off steam time. The Telegraph website has an an article about the tranny Emily Bridges where it refers to her as a trans FEMALE. I am incensed by this, as a biologist by training any incursion into the scientific realm really gets my hackles up. He might like to call himself a woman (non scientific term) but he can never ever be a female. I’m also disappointed in myself as I would like to write a letter of complaint but I don’t want to be the subject of a tranny activist pile on.
Over to you Prof Robert Winston…
Fedup2: The “current malaise”
Well, you asked. All the indications are that God has withdrawn His hand of protection from this nation because of our turning to unrighteousness and we are suffering a measure of judgement as a result.
“At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it; if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it. Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it; if it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will think better of the good with which I had promised to bless it.” Jeremiah 18:7-10, NASB
Just to take one example of our unrighteousness, consider the more than ten million babies put to death in this country since the Abortion Act was introduced in 1967.
The question is if an Anglican congregation votes to revoke the authority of the Antichrist of Canterbury and the Church of England. Does the church property belong to the Church of England or the Congregation. Can the Antichrist of Canterbury kick out the congregation from the Church. Is the ownership of church property by the Church of England more important than the Anglican faith of its congregation if it defects to the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans.
The Failure of the Antichrist of Canterbury and the Other Instruments of Communion
Three quarters of the Anglican Communion have no confidence that the Antichrist of Canterbury nor the other Instruments of Communion led by him (the Lambeth Conference, the Anglican Consultative Council and the Primates’ Meetings) are able to provide a godly way forward that will be acceptable to those who are committed to the truthfulness, clarity, sufficiency and authority of Scripture. Most Primates share the view that, due to the departures from orthodoxy, they can no longer recognise the Antichrist of Canterbury as an Instrument of Communion, the ‘first among equals’ of the Primates. The Church of Evil has chosen to impair her relationship with the orthodox provinces in the Communion: https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2023/28-april/news/world/the-gafcon-kigali-communiqu%C3%A9-in-full
The Antichrist of Canterbury and the Church of Evil at odds with God: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/what-a-great-fall/
Square – once there is no right and no wrong it’s dangerous territory . your observation about the killing of millions of babies since the Abortion Act did chime with me when compared to the Letby case …. Any way your spiritual explanation for the current decline also hit a spot with ‘pride comes before a fall ‘ which apparently originates from a line in the Bible ( proverbs) .
I was taught that pride – as well as homosexuality – is a sin . So it’s a reminder of the devil at work whenever I have to see a rainbow flag in a public place .
I don’t see such stuff on the TV because my skill at using the remote …
An economic crash and another concocted chines virus might finish a lot of people off ( mentally – that is ) …..
Liberal-minded voters edition
BBC Sport on the subject of the Women’s World Cup draws our attention not so much to the competition, the skills or the goals – but rather: Three events that show the gap between men and women’s football
Political campaign advocacy from the sports desk?
In case you were wondering, sports fans – that’ll be The Gaff, The Shirt (or lack lack thereof – steady lads, it’s not what you think) and The Kiss
The Gaff – Lost in translation?
Infantino [FIFA boss] World Cup news conference… addressing “all the women”, he told them they “have the power to change”. “Pick the right battles. Pick the right fights. You have the power to change. You have the power to convince us men what we have to do and what we don’t have to do. You do it. Just do it. With men, with Fifa, you will find open doors. Just push the doors,” he said… Infantino was criticised, with The Guardian columnist Marina Hyde calling his words “patronising women beyond belief”, BBC presenter Gabby Logan said the comments were “ridiculous and reductive”
The Kiss – Latin spirit?
Having earlier grabbed his crotch in celebration while standing near Spain’s Queen Letizia and her 16-year-old daughter, Rubiales [Spanish FA boss] would once again display “unacceptable” behaviour as he took his place on the podium. Greeting Spain’s players as they received their World Cup winners’ medals, he grabbed Jenni Hermoso by the head before forcibly planting a kiss on her lips, surrounded by cameras, the eyes of millions watching on. As Hermoso moved away, he continued to kiss her team-mates on the cheek and neck as he embraced each and every one of them. Later in the dressing room, he told them they must visit Ibiza, as that would be where he would marry Hermoso.
The Shirt – Marketing opportunity missed – or fears of unsold promotional swag destined for the bargain bin?
Football fans, particularly those young, impressionable supporters, have worn the names of their heroes on their backs for years. But if your hero is Mary Earps, bad luck… In July, Earps said she was “hurt” that fans could not buy a replica of her goalkeeper jersey, manufacturers Nike reportedly not having women’s goalkeeper kits on public sale as part of their commercial strategy. A quick online search finds an England men’s goalkeeper shirt readily available to buy.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper, strong advocate for the public sector, would appear to labour under the notion that you can never have enough of a bad thing:
Human toll of NHS waiting lists
Ian Dunt on asylum chaos
Boom in private tuition deepens GCSE inequality. Poorer children left behind in ‘national scandal’, heads warn
Mr AsI is something of a connoisseur of those awkward little news narrative agenda-busting frontpage juxtapositions. Just as the left-leaning ‘i’ editorial bemoans the growth of private tuition so the advertisng department of that title welcomes copy from: Justin Craig Education… GCSE/A Level Tuition & Revision… “My daughter’s grades were higher than predicted after the course. I aways tell friends about Justin Craig”
There are those who claim we live under something they term a patriarchy. However, as for the son’s grades… no endorsement is provided.
Our failing state school sector, eh? What went wrong? The left-leaning formerly highly coronaphobic ‘i’ frets about grade inequality.
Absences ‘put GCSE pupial at disadvantage’… Nick Gibb the schools minister has said… as a result of government plans to return to pre-pandemic grading. (Telegraph) – go tell that to your Covid Inquiry, mate. What’s happening with that? Summer holidays? Working from home? Have they locked themselves down? Last we heard they were obsessing over Tory Austerity as the root cause of our woes.
Quick public service fact-check on that previous editorial: as a result of government plans to return to
pre-pandemicpre-Lockdown grading – come on Telegraph, you should know better.GCSE results set to drop close to pre-Covid levels (BBC)
We expect it of the BBC: GCSE results set to drop close to
pre-Covidpre-Lockdown levelsSpeaking of connoisseurs (as we were) and of our failing public institutions: British Museum boss branded ‘pathetic’… after he blamed a whistleblower for delays in uncovering the theft of treasures… the museum never bothered to take a statement when he raised the alarm (Telegraph)
British Museum boss Hartwig Fischer defends 2021 theft investigation (BBC)
Institutional antipathy toward whistleblowers and the resort to the private sector to the plug the gaps (as we witness in our state education system) tends to segueway nicely toward this headline in the Daily Express: NHS trust paid PR firm to clean up Lucy Letby ‘tragic mess’
The ‘i’ smirks: UK’s Brexit trade deal with India under threat
The ‘i’ sniggers: Tory manifesto author admits Government has failed to deliver
The FT joins the opposition on the campaign trail: Starmer’s strategy for Labour faces Scottish test… Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election…
Apparently, according to the pink paper, Sir Keir is just not sounding sufficiently pro-EU Rejoiner and radically left-wing enough these days: …Starmer’s Brexit stance and cautious social policies are about to be tested… Some Labour MPs fear the party’s position will put off liberal-minded voters…
Liberal-minded voters, eh?
On the other hand our favourite cartoon satirist Matt in the Telegraph reflects an alternative public opinion with his sketch of a garage mechanic standing at the open bonnet and informing the car driver’s wife: “We found that terrible grinding noise. It’s your husband’s teeth when you drive into the Ulez expansion”
Russia ‘Downs Wagner Jet’… Putin’s Revenge – screams the Daily Mirror reflecting the take on the day’s big frontpage news story that’s practically ubiquitous across our media.
Then again, returning to Scotland we hear tell of: Nessie’s lair found (Daily Star)
Asiseeit it – I’m not so sure about the reasoning behind different exam grades . Let me run this up the educashionall flag pole – why have schools at all ? After all – if every one is gonna be working from home or on the sick for ever – why bother with schools ? No need for ‘free’ school dinners – no 4pm coloured boy stabbing and homicides – no desperate lady teachers banging 15 year old ‘students’( children – kiddies apparently ) .
The schools could be sold off for flats – it’s a win all round …
FIFA’s Infantino: I feel African, gay
I wonder if the should drugs test FIFA officials … sniff ?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – er, I think that may be the wrong photograph ….
BBC Picture Editors fail again? Photographs of the Wagner plane crash site clearly show wreckage burning fiercely. It was said in BBC reports as well as other media that the bodies were burned so much they will require ID from DNA to confirm identity. Yet the BBC today show an almost intact tailplane: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-66599774 And the Russians claim to have recovered all the bodies.
I wonder if the BBC Picture Editors have muddled up the Malayasian crash with the Wagner crash?
Something clearly does not add up about this story. How come someone was on hand to video the crash? Were they notified in advance? Questions not asked by the BBC on TOADY.
“Prigozhin’s presumed death gets only brief mention on Russian news”
BBC say … only brief mention on Russian news
BBC say … only brief mention on Russian news
BBC say … only brief mention on Russian news
Dear Winston Smith in the BBC Department of Truth paid under threat of prosecution,
Can you tell me why you have not repeatedly reported on BBC radio and TV news 24/7 regarding the COVID vaccines trials data and results and UK Government’s emergency powers during COVID.
An informed citizen is a happy citizen.
Government emergency powers and coronavirus
Children Under 12
“Omission is the most powerful form of lie.” – George Orwell
Mr H
Shirl’s prior gig was working for Christopher Hohn the main funder of Extinction Rebellion aiui.
What an utter crock Khant’s administration is.
A doctor caused an unborn baby to be accidentally decapitated inside her mother’s womb while performing a delivery, a medical tribunal has heard.
Dr Vaishnavy Laxman, a consultant gynaecologist who was working on an NHS maternity unit, is said to have ignored the woman giving birth’s requests to stop and failed to provide pain relief.
Baby ‘accidentally decapitated inside mother’s womb’ during delivery
order-order.com comment ….”When they say things like that I expect by the end of the week anyone who can push a wheelchair will be consideed skilled labour. Its not free trade if the conditions applied cost one country more than the other.”
“The Government transferred a record £14.3bn to the Bank of England last month as increases in interest rates lumbered the Treasury with heavy losses from quantitative easing (QE).”
Losses on the Bank of England’s quantitative easing measures have cost the taxpayer almost £30bn in the past 11 months, according to the Office for National Statistics.
QE affects the public finances because the bank bought UK government bonds with £875bn it created between 2009 and 2021.
Robbing Peter to Pay Paul.
HA HA HA “Putin is not attending the meeting person, as host country South Africa is obliged to arrest him under a warrant issued by the International Criminal Court” yet continue to see a way from USA influence .. HA HA HA
The BRICS nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, representing a quarter of the global economy, are meeting for the second day on Wednesday as part of a three-day summit.
They are discussing expansion and increasing global influence at a summit in South Africa’s economic capital Johannesburg.
Interest in joining the group has surged, with some 20 countries requesting membership.
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is not attending the meeting person, as host country South Africa is obliged to arrest him under a warrant issued by the International Criminal Court over the war in Ukraine.
Xi calls for accelerating BRICS expansion
President Xi Jinping urged the BRICS group to accelerate their expansion efforts.
“We should let more countries join the BRICS family and pool wisdom to make global governance more fair and reasonable,” Xi said in open remarks at the BRICS leaders summit.
“I formed the view that the failure to declare arose out of this confusion and was accordingly inadvertent on the part of Mr Sunak.”
This morning Downing Street said Rishi “takes seriously his responsibilities to register and declare all relevant interests.” When he understands them, at least…
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 9 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Didn’t the green card unelected PM turn up spouting the usual crap about integrity and that stuff after taking over from nut nut ?
Or was that someone else . … sunak – apparently is going to the land of his people next month . Why ? He ain’t gonna get any votes wearing a red dot on his forehead …. But the Pakistanis will be upset – which can’t be a bad thing …. Maybe they’ll send Huw to cover it …
Breaking: Rishi Sunak, First UK Hindu PM
24 Oct, 2022
Sharing is caring!
New UK Prime Minister Makes History as First Hindu to Hold Such Office in the West
By Brian Grim
Hey it had to happen – letby – crowd fund for the appeal ! It was in my head when the judge did his bit – but yet – it’s a miscarriage of justice – …. I wonder who got the ‘movie ‘ rights ? A musical ….. tee shirts ?
Make sure you are seen clapping … 20% off for NHS staff …
Special Report: The Curtain Closes On Yevgeny Prigozhin
Doing my usual painful duty looking at the BBC webshite. They just cannot bring themselves to post any images of white kids when reporting on the English GCSEs can they? And another thing- in my day we just did the exams and got on with it- none of the acres of coverage of results/ the BBC stirring up their favourite mental health garbage. I feel better now, thank you.
Yep I saw that – 3 hijabs on display. The beeb have form with this, ever since the cameras started appearing in schools for the results over 20 years ago. It was always a London school where a white pupil was rarer than a hens tooth.
Two ex Beeboids gesturing wildly. Look at the audience engagement.
Oh, and Sopes… questions to which the answer is… crafty…
On the topic of BBC US TNI wallys, a few from my elevenses surf.
The Washington Post’s ‘Good’ Terrorists
The attacks by the Fatah-affiliated terrorists came days after The Washington Post published a story from Balata refugee camp, near Nablus, in which its correspondents romanticized members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, even documenting them as they visit their barber for a haircut.
The “fighters” The Washington Post is referring to are the terrorists responsible for a series of shooting, stabbing and car-ramming attacks against Jewish civilians and soldiers
The global MSM under The BBC has managed to bore, mislead or piss off the entire planet.
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.
Two pointless ex Beeboids sponsored my serial big money launderers HSBC.
How a small outfit like Persephonica managed to snag + fund Maitless and Sopel is a bit of a mystery….
Who’s the sugar daddy?
The Tory Government are turning Great Britain into a ‘third world’ country and a third world economy…………….
“Asylum backlog rises to record high – figures”
Next time consider …………………
Rapidly failing state Taffman ..
All thanks to the Conservative’s ‘Hench Men’ , The Border Farce, The RNLI , our friends the French and the human smugglers. Follow the money………
Forget Labour, vote for Reform, (the old Brexit Party) or we will be back in the EU before a boat gets “stopped” or turned around.
And then, the very best, with BBc ex-fave Mehdi, who seems to have worked around most of the UK MSM before becoming his next incarnation for one of the bizarrest US outlets out there.
As a red blooded cowboy.
Mehdi Raza Hasan is a British political journalist, broadcaster and author. Hasan is the co-author of a biography of Ed Miliband and the political editor of the UK version of The Huffington Post.
Ed unaware but got the T-shirt?
And also Mehdi as a Red Indian (NA), policeman and construction worker.
This may be of interest to you which I found during the week.
Please check the data yourself (don’t rely on others or what I say), but seems to me that he (Mehdi Hasan) has painted the data in a better light to deflect the story.
The Numbers Don’t Lie: White Far-Right Terrorists Pose a Clear Danger to Us All
This story shows how to make data not seem as bad by grouping and looking for a story that fits your point of view. Please look at the data and decide yourself. I suggest you look at it and think of what trend you would determine, then read Mehdi Hasan interpretation.
106 vs 119 killings
During the September 11 attacks in 2001, 2,996 people were killed and more than 6,000 others wounded, which is missing from the graph.
Yet the numbers don’t lie — even if the Islamophobes do. “Since September 12, 2001,” noted a recent report prepared for Congress by the Government Accountability Office, “the number of fatalities caused by domestic violent extremists has ranged from 1 to 49 in a given year. … Fatalities resulting from attacks by far-right wing violent extremists have exceeded those caused by radical Islamist violent extremists in 10 of the 15 years, and were the same in 3 of the years since September 12, 2001.” Imagine that.
– – Mehdi Hasan is an award-winning British columnist, broadcaster, and author based in Washington, D.C.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
First posting of this item this week, 38th time this year.
Mehdi Hasan vs Douglas Murray, on multiculturalism, on BBC2’s Daily Politics show
The Beebsation of US media continues.
Does TNI stand for ‘Total Numpties Incharge’?
Former BBC director general Mark Thompson is reportedly in talks to succeed Chris Licht as chairman and chief executive of CNN.
According to Semafor. Thompson is one of the leading candidates being considered by CNN’s owner, Warner Bros Discovery.
Thompson joined the BBC in 1979 as a production trainee, he became editor of the Nine O’Clock News and Panorama and later, director of television. He was appointed DG in 2004 and remained in the post until 2012.
After leaving the broadcaster he joined The New York Times, stepping down from his role in 2020.
Licht joined CNN in May 2022 but was forced out earlier this year.
CNN has not commented on the report.
What a shame Mehdi (and all other leftist hate-filled anti-white racists who spend all their time looking for someone to vent it on) is unable to grasp that religion has nothing to do with ‘race’ and hence you can’t use it as a basis to call someone racist,
“…religion has nothing to do with ‘race’ and hence you can’t use it as a basis to call someone racist”

How stupid are you maxi ?.
Hating people because of their religion is not racism. It’s religious discrimination.
Throw your labels around all you like on your other forums. It doesn’t work here. It just shows what a bitter, hate-filled idiot you are yourself.
Latest scoop regarding the delightful diane abbott, who is quoted as saying ” Boys Being Raped at Migrant Hotel Is What Happens When You Demonise Migrants”
She is actually almost correct.
It should have read ” Boys Being Raped at Migrant Hotel Is What Happens. Demonise Migrants”
Isn’t it, er, homophobic, racist and sexist to oppose migrants raping boys? Or have I got this particular expression of ‘Love is Love’ wrong?
The voice of common sense . But I Fear that Tucker is right if Trump wins the GE or even looks like he will run, he will be assassinated. Of course the hyperglobalists will very likely fix yet another election and so they won’t have to use the ultimate sanction.
I have to say that I like Trump because what he says is common sense and more or less what I was thinking already. And the BBC never report any of it.
But better than that is how his peculiar expressions and actions while he speaks drive the Leftists – who despise him with an absolute passion – completely crazy with hate and spite.
They will most certainly try to stop him being President. I wonder what their next step is – maybe change the law so he isn’t allowed to run because of the accusations they have made against him. I’m sure they are plotting about whether they think they could get away with assasination without causing an uprising.

Trump seems to be his own worst enemy.
Just a few tweaks without compromising what sets him apart from the blob and he’d sway a bunch more.
Why he bothers with weasels like CNN or audience of scores Hasan, heaven knows.
“the BBC never report any of it”
– and there you have it.
BBC news interviewing pupils at a school in Swindon as they get their exam results. Despite the room being filled with a massive majority of white children, somehow all the four pupils they spoke to were not.
Relentless BBC social engineering!
Indian moon coverage, 24 hours in, rover supposedly launched.
Not a peep from BBC why it’s so pathetically underwhelming..
Did they forget to take the covers off the lenses or something.
Only photo so far
Capricorn One (1977) Trailer #1
When this movie came out I was into all things science fiction. I remember SF writer David Gerrold had a column in Starlog magazine where he said he was afraid people would watch this movie and decide afterwards, “That’s probably what they did with the moon landings.”
He wasn’t wrong.
You are living in a Sci Fi novel.
As Indians and Pakistanis make up so much of our BAME, they are heavily protected by the BBC. Particularly the Muslims – as shown by the recent spats between Hindus and Muslims where they were heavily on the side of the Muslims.
As this Indian mission unfolds as either a failure or a big white elephant, it will be quitely dropped by the BBC.
As they ALWAYS do for agenda stories which go wrong.
The loony left-wing Tory Government is persisting in blocking efforts to shed light on its secretive Counter “Disinformation” Unit. What don’t they want us to know? This taxpayer funded unit is being used to monitor political dissent and suppress free speech online. They’ve failed to answer Freedom of Information requests and to answer any questions about what they do and why. What are they hiding? Professor Norman Fenton explains what it may be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtKiPYH7NTU John Beaudoin Sr explains how investigations using primary source data will reveal what they are hiding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAgafdMw-nc&t=43s
The Counter “Disinformation” Unit was set up by thick British Unintelligence Officers, like John English not James Bond. Forming a highly secretive censorship cell to censor those half million people injured by the mRNA jab, and label them and their families with the term “disinformation” to justify extreme crackdowns on freedom of speech, including censoring debate about scientific papers revealing criminal activity by big pharma executives and senior Tory ministers.
Mainstream media “disinformation” originates from the government. That’s why legal action in Britain and America is being taken against the government’s counter disinformation and censorship activity.
David Cameron’s ‘nudge unit’ aims to improve economic behaviour
This article is more than 12 years old
Cabinet office team will look at how to create environments that help people choose what’s best for themselves and society
help people choose what’s best for themselves and society
** they they decide on what is best.
help people choose what’s best for themselves and society
** they they decide on what is best.
help people choose what’s best for themselves and society
** they they decide on what is best.
help people choose what’s best for themselves and society
** they they decide on what is best.
help people choose what’s best for themselves and society
** they they decide on what is best.
Are you talking about 77th Brigade of Hermitage, Berkshire? – where Twitter UK managers and lame Tory MPs dress up?
– or the “Nudge Unit” – the now “privatised” quango?
The matter of FoI needs attending to – the Office of The Information Commissioner has been gelded. The London office vacated and the team moved up north.
As an exercise try and figure out where they (Information Commissioner) accepts FoI complaints…
It’s quite tricky really – they don’t have a point of contact for FoI…
They’re happy to slap assorted public bodies with fines for losing laptops, throwing unshredded sensitive documents into wheely bins or leaving web site credentials or people’s personal data out in the open.
Have a public body that flat out refuses to answer a FoI without explanation or flat-out + brazenly lies their faces off?
Words of wisdom – Col Douglas Macgregor
A machete-wielding teenager threatened to cut off singer Aled Jones’s arm while robbing him of his £17,000 watch on a west London street, a court heard.
Another 16 year old extreme low-life scumbag who should be dangling from a rope but who’s identity is being protected with the usual ‘who cannot be legally identified’.
Which of course we now know means he is black. No doubt telling us ‘would not be helpful for the agenda’.
An interesting take on the law surrounding the licence fee (TV Tax) and why it should be abolished.
How many people are not liable to pay for a licence but are paying out of fear of prosecution? With a subscription based service when you cancel the subscription the feed to you is ended and there is no prospect of prosecution.
How many people prosecuted plead guilty even if they aren’t so they can just get it out of the way?
Anyway here is the barristers comments:
Anna Soubry MP … You have to pay for her as an MP, so she does not have to pay for her own entertainment from the BBC TV Tax (Nurses at food banks do!).
Find you own MP and complain!
One for the whole set, from Sadiq Khan to the W1A cubicle gardens and on to the HoP.
“As I keep saying, not even Pakistanis want more Pakistanis.”
“No. We dont want those pakistanis to come to pakistan, as they are more Radicalised islamist than us. Keep them.”
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
‘I have a Pakistani who lives next door to me, He said the other day to me “I’m a better man than you”
I said “I never said you f**king wasn’t, but what makes you think you’re a better man than me?”
He said “I don’t have a f**king Paki, living next door to me” ‘
source: http://www.jokes4us.com/peoplejokes/comedianjokes/bernardmanningjokes.html
About now, I refer back to recent pronouncements by the usually suspect community about a wit.. nurse failing to cooperate for a ritual public ducking.
The guy is trying to sell a wet dream only lunatic lefties will buy on… JO’bsworth’s rant platform.
Saddo also relies on BBC cover. Few buying.
LBC rigged, vetted, filtered, ratings gob channel twat.
GCSE results 2023, BTec Level 2 and National 5s – full guide
BBC racist and sexist discrimination in it’s usual full swing.
Nothing new to see here.
Today I went to a funeral at which certain people who have had reasonably important positions in the government /EU.
I was shocked talking to them how often i heard “but BBC news said” as I thought given the amount of alternative news available would mean these people would find out that there are more sides to a story than the BBC chooses to report.
Maybe it’s because they are busy and need to be spoon fed easy to digest news pre chewed for them, but it’s disappointing to find how much power the BBC has over the people with power.
This is perhaps why they don’t understand or want to understand our point. To them we are trying to take away something which makes their life easy. They can claim to themselves that the BBC is independent and is therefore a reliable source of news and opinion.
Thoughtful I hope you made a point that there are other news outlets other than the BBC.
Such as who? All are biased to the Left maybe GB news as a newcommer is different but then they have to abandon the pretence of ‘impartiality’.
They honestly believe and require others to accept the BBC is impartial and that although it may get it wrong on occasion, those are honest mistakes.
We might be able to go out and filter the news to find the truth, they simply don’t have the time, and it’s so easy to swallow that which is pre prepared and made ready instead.
About the size of it…
flip to BBC2 ..some cooking prog ..they are on about how a couple have created a BBC smokehouse restaurant
Camera pans back .. it’s a lesbian couple
That ticks a box
TWatO Watch #1 – poor quality, shameful BBC
From a BBC Russia correspondent with a Russian name, all the listener got was waffle and Sarah just let it continue. Then a woman was added to add more waffle and speculation. The subject? The aeroplane crash supposedly carrying Prigozhin, the Wagner chief and his Deputy.
BBC website – alleged attack on black / white homosexual ‘couple ‘ in jartown( Brixton innit ) – one of those curious reports where there is plenty of detail – but none about the perpetrator- nothing at all.. now why would that be ?
I object to this sort of report – there must be similar minor assaults in londonistan every day – yet this one gets ‘ special reporting ‘ – not much equality eh ?
Apparently the couple were returning from a ‘black pride ‘ session …
Ye Gods