Any chance that the tiresome Beeboids could do something about all these highly-qualified engineers, chemists and space experts who arrive here illegally with tiresome regularity?
There’s a good plane leaving for Delhi in a few hours, so the wondrous brains in W1AA could divert the rubbish they send to Wireless Asia or similar, and explain how get these new free-loaders to a place where they’re desperately needed to spend the huge amounts of British Taxpayers’ cash on useless ‘space exploration’.
PS – How much money does the Telly tax go on foreign stuff? Do the foreigners actually pay for it? If they do, can we have some of it back please – we actually need it to look after some of our own indigenous people who are having quite a hard time at the moment!
Nobody in power in this country is remotely interested in the wellbeing of its indigenous people. We’re only here to provide the cash for the rest of the world’s needs.
Until recently the money has been sent abroad to benefit the recipients. It still is, but it also appears that those recipients are now flocking over here, in ever increasing numbers, to obtain that money directly from the source. And they are welcomed with open arms, by left wing morons.
Asylum backlogs cost taxpayer record £4bn (Telegraph) – and it becomes clear that no one involved in the system has any incentive to fix it.
Meet the Companies for Which Asylum Policy is Big Business… Firms are winning multi-million-pound contracts to run immigration-related services (Byline Times – ‘what the papers don’t say‘)
Suella Braverman says civil servants’ productivity on asylum claims is too low… Home secretary attacks rate of decision-making (Guardian – This article is more than 7 months old, December 2022)
Take this chance to limit immigration or watch the abolition of our country… NOT long after the Brexit vote I was having a drink with a friend. We got on to the subject of the vast immigration levels that are altering so many aspects of life in England. ‘They’ll have to do something about it now,’ he said, referring to result of the EU referendum… ‘No, they won’t,’ I replied. I said ‘they’ – meaning the Conservative Party – would not do a damn thing about it, except employ more spads and PR staff to reframe the issue via their outriders in the mass media. Phrases such as ‘crackdown’ and ‘Australian-style points system’ would be bandied about but nothing at all would change, in fact levels would most likely increase. (Robert James, Conservative Woman, October 2022)
For the corporate cronies the benefits are simply cash-based, for our left-leaning civil service a go-slow work routine spells one in the eye for their present Tory employers and for the Tories themselves a focus on what they’ve taught us to term ‘small boats’ acts as a distraction from the legal immigrant visas they shovel out in the millions.
In fact we may complain of public sector poor admin response in terms of the delays to the issue of the likes of our driving licences or our holiday passports and there’s that interminable wait to connect to the GP receptionist – and yet: since 2010 there have been almost 7million new GP registrations by migrants in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Conservative Woman); There were 1,311,731 visas granted in 2021… 36% higher than 2020… There were 2,610,024 visas granted in the year ending September 2022… there were 406,410 decisions on applications to extend a person’s stay in the UK (including dependants) in 2021, 75% more than a year earlier and 32% more than in 2019 (UK.Gov) – the figures are truly staggering – but well done to the public sector for coping with all that extra paperwork.
Some other admin issues prove just too daunting for them to contemplate: Brexit border controls on food delayed for fifth time… Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has backed a fresh postponement owing to fears that the red tape will put up food prices further (FT) – despite decades of barcoding and computerised supply chain systems etc – and we’re now seven years on from the Brexit vote.
And with a significant turnover of the presently sitting MPs expected at the next General Election: Pay-offs doubled for MPs who lose seats… Golden goodbyes are being doubled… following a rule change… with the taxpayer set to be stung for millions of pounds more in farewell payments… The Daily Telegraph can reveal.
Let’s name and shame the crony corporate names: Meet the Companies for Which Asylum Policy is Big Business… Five companies have won £5.8 billion worth of contracts since 2010… The largest of these contracts was won by the outsourcing giant Serco, which was awarded funds worth at least £2.18 billion… One of the most recent contracts was given to Mitie, a London-based outsourcing company… worth at least £627 million… housing providers Mears and Clearsprings Ready Homes have also won large contracts… The final major contract was for Sodexo, with contracts worth at least £525 million. The company was tasked with organising the Aspen prepaid card given to people seeking asylum when they are living in the community (Byline Times)
A five minute google reveals
Serco donated £19k office space to MP Ranil Jayawardena [Conservative, North East Hampshire] (Basingstoke Gazette)
Mitie’s largest single shareholders, Stephen and Caroline Butt, donated £52,000 to the Conservative Party between 2015 and 2021 (Corporate Watch)
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg… speaking of which: Climate change: Thousands of penguins die in Antarctic ice breakup… Dr Peter Fretwell, from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), said the wipeout was a harbinger of things to come. “There is hope: we can cut our carbon emissions that are causing the warming. But if we don’t we will drive these iconic, beautiful birds to the verge of extinction.” (BBC)
Leaving the only penguins for our kids to see in the future will be the ones pictured on those chocolate biscuit wrappers.
But weren’t we told years ago the same or similiar story about North Pole polar bears? Our BBC has shifted the timeline forward to 2100
Polar bears will be wiped out by the end of the century unless more is done to tackle climate change, a study predicts. Scientists say some populations have already reached their survival limits as the Arctic sea ice shrinks. The carnivores rely on the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean to hunt for seals (BBC)
Leaving the only polar bears our kids will see in the future will be the ones pictured in the adverts for those hard transparent mints
Or perhaps not
Today, polar bears are among the few large carnivores that are still found in roughly their original habitat and range–and in some places, in roughly their natural numbers. (Grudgingly – World Wildlife Fund)
“ Rishi Sunak says pressure on the asylum system is unsustainable”
Hey Rishi, how about stopping the boats? Because a lot of Tory MPs will lose their seats in the next general elections. Will those concerned get compensation?
It’s the final brass band of the summer in the beautiful cloister gardens at Westminster Abbey next Wednesday. I always feel that this is a poignant occasion. It marks the turning of the year. Summer is nearing its end…autumn is within touching distance.
We’ve enjoyed a good season this year and I’ve attended whenever the trains have been running. Last week’s Enfield Brass entertained us to rousing marches, some lovely film medleys and occasional ballads. Dads danced with their little daughters, old ladies dozed in the shade. It was all so civilised and quintessentially English…
And at the other end of the cultural spectrum; this weekend we have the notorious Notting Hell Carnage. Hideous noise thumping from giant speakers, invading the streets of west London. Ridiculous, tubby policemen pretending to enjoy dancing with sleazy twerking black women. Thugs, drugs, gangs and violence, all brought together to celebrate the Caribbean contribution to my country. Noise, violence, ugliness.
There will be the usual litany of crime. Muggings, street battles, the occasional knifing…and the BBC will tell us it all went swimmingly well.
There you have it; my lovely old England, contrasted with the vile, ugly, noisy, brutish future that multiculturalism has brought us.
Sadly, the bands in St James’s packed up for the Olympics in 2012 and have never returned. A real shame…
I saw quite a few MPs wandering around there in the old days. One long ago summer Sunday I was enjoying an afternoon’s music when I heard an all too familiar voice, talking far too loudly. It was the MP, Dennis Skinner. Blimey, that bloke could rabbit. You’d think he did enough yakking during the week.
Nowadays at the weekends, I have to travel to Regents Park to enjoy a few hours of this delicious indolence. They have a lovely ornate old bandstand beside the boating lake.
You’ve heard of Pride Month, you’ve heard of Black History Month…
Now meet Black Pride
BBC: Couple injured in another homophobic attack in South London neighbourhood… after spending the day at Black Pride. (By Lauren Moss, LGBT correspondent & Josh Parry, LGBT producer, BBC News)
One feels sympathy for Pink News now having to compete with an entire BBC LGBT licence-funded department.
And just in case you don’t believe them, the idiot BBC-clone proves it with a picture which is an interesting mix of ‘totally pointless’ but infused with ‘scientific detail’ to make the uninformed casual reader think it is factual:
The modern BBC : News by children for gullible idiots.
MM, to the way of thinking of Snuffy’s brain, which might be no better than scrambled egg, the research by the Mayo clinic in the USA was flawed because they used a healthy control group. Doh!
I would have said you need an unhealthy control group with stomach problems and as the Mayo think the appendix is the culprit grumbling appendices but no discernible symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, ie. small or ragged handwriting, walk, tremor and ‘thresholding’.
You then require another ‘unhealthy’ control group: diagnosed Parkinson’s Disease sufferers who have had their appendix removed.
TOADY Watch #1 – I know I keep going on about this but the BBC are lying to you
In the Business segment of TOADY this morning, Felicity Hannah was repeating the myth that we have full employment in the UK at present. We do not. I’m old enough, sadly, to remember the shock when unemployment exceeded one million in the UK for the first time in the early 1970s. Prior to that we had what could be described as full employment in the UK with only around three hundred thousand unemployed. That period of full employment was driven largely by the car, bus and transport industries together with the air industry and it led to national prosperity for the UK.
The current level of UK unemployment is around 3.7% of an ever growing workforce of around 34 million people. Do the sums ‘Fliss’, do the sums. Use a calculator if you run out of fingers and toes. Sadly, there are 12,500 shopworkers from Wilko who may be added to the unemployed statistic very soon if ‘rescue attempts’ for the Wilko chain fail.
Reports from Hawaii seem to be getting the full “active disinterest” treatment.
Most of the stuff I’ve been seeing seems to put the toll of lives at 4 times the official estimate and upwards and mobile phone footage of events on the day looks to be being suppressed.
One has to wonder at the rationale behind the now rather obvious targeted omission… Kettling the locals into the burn zone might just have something to do with it?
As I said earlier, the Home Office is run from London. It’s staff will be drawn from the near majority ethnic population in London. The white staffers will be London Metropolitan liberals. There’s little hope that the Home Office will carry out the wishes of this country’s majority.
Flotsam – I think you’ll find a lot of ‘civil servants ‘ are of a vibrant nature – immigration and housing and passports are targeted by ‘switched on gangs ‘ who once in a while screw up but mostly operate under the radar using race as a shield against allegations – with HR playing support ….
.. equally – if letby had been coloured – I think we’d have never heard of the killings……
Not exactly Trojan Dinghy, but as a Trojan One Way PIA Flight from Islamabad, well played those mullahs.
As to the cretinous pols and civ servs of pink left in the nicer parts of expensive cities now controlled by those they were outsmarted by; like the upper floors of The BBC, you do need to get through the cubicle gardens to get back to the gated communities and, in the case of The BBC, down to the bunker.
“GCSE results show us a nation of overwhelmed, vulnerable children. Where is the support?” Demands Gaby Hinchcliffe in an obvious attempt to paste the blame on the Tory’s…
Of course we all know the headline should truthfully be
“GCSE results show us a nation of overwhelmed, vulnerable children. Let’s go after those bogus health scientists and drug companies and panic-stricken media reporters who are really to blame”.
In an interview with Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden there was a reference to the number of asylum applications in the ‘legacy backlog’ – these are asylum applications made before 28 June 2022. Our presenter mentioned a backlog of 92,000 applications which the government have pledged to clear by the end of 2023.
While this figure was correct at the time of PM Rishi Sunak’s statement to the House of Commons on 13 December 2022, by the time of this interview, more recent figures were available, showing that the legacy backlog numbered 74,410 as of 28 May 2023.
Our village has a new, and permanent (so far) doctor. Yeah ! Yesterday I got the Willy Wonka Golden Ticket of an appointment. My joy was short lived however.
She’s a lovely lady, BUT I only managed to understand every couple of words she was saying. Yes she was black, but spoke fast and with an African dialect.
What to do ?, I’m certainly not deaf, but politeness prevented me from continually saying “pardon?’ “Sorry?”. So I just kept smiling and hoped I gleaned enough info to deal with my problem. Equally its not much good asking the local pharmacist as he has an even worse Indian accent!
I’m too much of a coward to gently mention this to the Practice Manager as I could be struck off for being a trouble maker.
And there we have it. Living in my country of birth where I need a translator to get me through some exacting times in my life. Who’d have thought.
After Khant’s peeps torturing of The Science – who’s going to believe this shit from The Royal Society?
I’m not. They’re trying it on – again….
A major new review from the Royal Society has concluded that lockdowns and masks were “unequivocally” effective against Covid. But many of the authors are based in China and it was peer-reviewed by Neil Ferguson.
Coronavirus: Welding Doors Shut
3 years agoDocsDuration0:36
In Wuhan, videos are emerging on social media of officials welding the doors of apartment buildings shut, locking the residents inside during the coronavirus outbreak.
The effectiveness of using certain behavioural science “nudges” to change attitudes or behaviour in relation to Covid-19 has been called into question by two studies.
King’s College London is an internationally renowned university delivering exceptional education and world-leading research. We are dedicated to driving positive and sustainable change in society and realising our vision of making the world a better place.
Government scientist Neil Ferguson, 51 – whose death toll projections sparked lockdown – QUITS after admitting he allowed married mistress, 38, to break stay-at-home rules to visit him for trysts
Prof Neil Ferguson, 51, warned UK could see 500,000 deaths if it didn’t implement mass self-isolation
His advice, through a report he helped produce at Imperial College, led to the PM bringing in the lockdown
But since it started he allowed his married lover to travel across London to visit him at home at least twice
Antonia Staats, 38, lives with her husband, in his 30s, and two children in a £1.9 million house in south London
The scientist has quit his role on the secretive SAGE committee – but Imperial College is standing by him
Do you know more about this story? Email or
Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19
MM, it was Antonia Staats who broke the rules. She is the one who should have resigned. What does Mrs Staats do? According to one tabloid: “Who is Antonia Staats? Ms Staats, 38, is a left-wing campaigner who works for US-based online network Avaaz. The organisation promotes global activism on issues such as climate change.”
Bit like having an ‘independent inquiry ‘ which really isn’t independent – of a ‘consultation ‘ which is a useless box ticking – or a petition – which is used to make mug taxpayers think they’re doing something …. Or referendums – which will never be seen in the UK again ( unless it’s fixed for staying in the EU ( we never left ))
What is the UK Covid-19 Inquiry?
The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has been set up to examine the UK’s response to and impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and learn lessons for the future. The Inquiry’s work is guided by its Terms of Reference.
Parliamentary watchdog Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) are more than doubling the taxpayer cash losing MPs will receive at the next general election, going from £8,600 to £17,300. IPSA say this is to ensure the payouts were “fair and provide the appropriate support to MPs and their offices when leaving Parliament”. The 71 MPs who have already decided to stand down are set to rake in around £615,000 between them…
Where is the large ethnic, non white growing population of Londonistan leading?
London is the centre of political and commercial power in Britain. Civil Servants and administrators for Whitehall, head offices and the BBC will be drawn from the local population. This will mean that the country will have a large ethnic input into important decision making for all of us. We have already seen this happen with Sadiq Khan as Mayor but there will be many lesser roles that will impact our lives. In effect, people living in rural and non Metropolitan Britain will have decisions made for them by Pakistanis, Indians and Blacks who have a totally different culture and experience of life. It may account for some of the stranger things that seem to be happening these days.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
We are of course free from any political influence or agenda.
Dear Mr H,
Thank you for contacting us about the BBC News website. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We know that not everyone will agree with our choices on which stories to cover, or how much coverage each story is attributed across our output. Our news editors make these complex decisions, based on the editorial merit of all the stories at hand.
We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision, however, we can assure you these decisions aren’t indicative of bias.
We have highlighted in our reporting that Labour MP Barry Gardiner has received over £420,000 in donations from Christine Ching Kui Lee’s company over 5 years. I have provided links to some of this coverage below:
We are of course free from any political influence or agenda.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
I see the Thursday night troll has resurfaced . I’m sure the quality of contribution has improved – always listing the way the BBC isn’t far left – anti white British biased – always evidence why comments on this are so wrong – always justifying the licence tax – and even the existence of a state broadcaster …
… but in a year all will be well red labour will have its ‘150 majority and all those problems the blue variant either created or failed to solve – will be no more …
If you dear reader read my previous comments about the source of the malaise is see Blighty in.. I’m still up for a discussion – particularly with regard to a remedy . Last time it was thatcher and the Lawson boom and the Falklands and right to buy and yuppie Dom …
.. but this time ? Things are even more serious than a few million unemployed / skiving on the sick …. so I’m still thinking – unlike our troll …
BBC rehired disgraced Martin Bashir ‘after executive demanded the corporation win more awards’ – and he is STILL pocketing £2k-a-week
Martin Bashir is still earning up to £2,000 a week from his £100,000 BBC salary
The BBC’s former religion editor, 58, stepped down in April citing health reasons
Broadcaster accepted his resignation, paying his salary for three-month notice
My 2 year fixed energy contract is coming to an end . I was paying 10p a day on electricity and 10 p on gas . The new tarrifs have the standing charge jumping to over 50p each – each day …
Go look at you bill …. The newspaper happily put out crap about saving energy – no stand by – turn the thermostats down – but no mention of the huge – huge – standing charges now –
I know I’ve raised this here before – but it seems to come from the same school as ULEZ …. It’s just criminal – and done on a blue labour green crap watch …
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
“Our Party must speak for the overwhelming majority in our country. Labour is a broad church and can be broader still.”
– Jeremy Corbyn Labour Conference 2018
overwhelming majority in our country
The most recent Census in 2011 highlights that in England and Wales, 80 per cent of the population were white British. Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, other) ‘groups’ made up 6.8 per cent of the population; black groups 3.4 per cent; Chinese groups 0.7 cent,Arab groups 0.4 per cent and other groups 0.6 per cent.
overwhelming majority in our country
According to the 2011 Census, Christianity is the majority religion, followed by Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism in terms of number of adherents. Among Christians, Anglicans are the most common denomination, followed by the Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists.
overwhelming majority in our country
“In 2016, around 2% of the population identified themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB). This has increased from 1.7% in 2015 (a statistically significant increase). London had the largest proportion of the population who identified as LGB (2.7%), which could be associated with a relatively young and diverse population.”
overwhelming majority in our country
General Facts and Figures: In Britain over 10 million people have a limiting long term illness, impairment or disability – this is over 18 per cent of the population. The most common types of impairment for adults in Britain are those associated with a difficulty in mobility, lifting and carrying.
The cost of living is hitting hard. I’m fed up of paying large amounts of cash for a basic standard of living.
I’m thinking of crossing the Channel by ferry, blacking up and re-crossing back to Dover in a rubber dinghy. I’ll be housed FOC, kept warm. given meals, pocket money and I may even be able to watch the BBC for free.
We have highlighted in our reporting that Labour MP Barry Gardiner has received over £420,000 in donations from Christine Ching Kui Lee’s (CHINESE SPY! HA HA HA) company over 5 years. I have provided links to some of this coverage below:
The BRICS issue really doesn’t feature on the msm radar does it ? Maybe the UK should apply to join – although I don’t think they’d be happy to let a burnt out basket case’ sit at the table ‘ I reckon ….
It will be interesting to see the reception sunak gets in India in a couple of weeks … maybe he can get India to sell us some ( cheap ) ex Russian oil ….
Brazil: achieved independence from Portugal (a very developed nation) early in the 19th century. Built a factory to produce a Volkswagen car (the ‘Beetle’), built a completely new capital, Brasilia, from scratch. Considered to be highly influential in the Americas and backed by a large army both in terms of personnel and equipment.
Russia: in the news today, for selling oil to India to be refined into AVGAS.
India: just landed a capsule on the moon. ’nuff said.
China: a developed nation, in my view, that is a worldwide exporter, is highly industrialised and has the second largest population in the world with an army to match. Is building electric cars. Has been to the moon successfully.
South Africa: built by white people from Netherlands and Belgium (both highly developed nations) and the South African Ambassador complained to the UK that we were stealing their teachers in the early years of the millennium.
What you can get
You can get one grant per property. Grants are available for:
£5,000 towards an air source heat pump
£6,000 towards a ground source heat pump (including water source heat pumps and those on shared ground loops)
£5,000 towards a biomass boiler
You cannot get a grant for a hybrid heat pump system (for example a combination of gas boiler and air source heat pump).
The system you install must meet certain standards, such as minimum efficiency levels (your installer can advise you on these).
The system’s maximum capacity must be less than 45kWth – anything over is not eligible.
Somebody (in the Home Office?) is doing a good job.
Many months ago, and tens of thousands of doctors and engineers ago, we were being told it was costing us £6,000,000 a day to keep them fed, housed and looked after.
The numbers have increased a lot but this is still the same sum they use for their costs when the various talking heads mention it on tv.
As all these extra ones must still be fed and housed etc somebody is doing a grand job by keeping the cost the same.
* I wonder what the real numbers are. Will we ever be told?
Britain has spent about half a million pounds in the past year storing small boats used by migrants to cross the Channel, according to internal government estimates. Legislation requires the state to keep the boats for 12 months in case an owner comes forward to claim them.7 Aug 2021
HA HA HA … ” in case an owner comes forward to claim them”
Britain has spent about half a million pounds in the past year storing small boats used by migrants to cross the Channel, according to internal government estimates. Legislation requires the state to keep the boats for 12 months in case an owner comes forward to claim them.7 Aug 2021
A few days ago I posted about a sugary migrants-as-victims BBC piece on the Greek fires. Well to be fair to them, they’re now reporting this: “Greece wildfires: 79 people arrested for arson”
That sounds like a lot of people to me. What they are not reporting though is amongst those charged are 13 Pakistani and Syrian illegal migrants. One of the charges is for manufacture and possession of explosives.
I imagine this will all be ignored and won’t dent the boiling planet/pro-migrant narrative.
The MSM reaction to the Tucker Carlson Trump interview this week is predictable but still funny. The interview has been ‘clicked on ‘ over 150 million times so far, more than 200 million looks a certainty.
The MSM are claiming that such a high number means nothing because a lot of people might have clicked on it but didn’t watch the whole interview. They also claiming it was chaotic , the shape of things to come they claim, or that it was a boring re hash if Trump’s discredited policies . On and on they go with their by now almost terminal TDS infection.
So far the only the Spectator , not known for its Trump support, makes the point that Trump is making, perhaps already has made , the MSM an irrelevance , old news , powerless, they just don’t realise it yet, by his use of social media and ability to connect with tens of millions of ordinary voters.
With Musk at X the Dems and RINOs won’t be able to muzzle him like they did last time, even if they get him imprisoned. I’m sure that they will be considering applying the ultimate sanction to be performed by a lone gunman or an Epstein solution. If they don’t then a hell of a lot of big names will be facing very long jail sentences within Trump’s next term .
Verify’s Wendling showing he has no concept of informed consent, which prior to 2020 was seen as an important component of public health but now seems like a relic.
Mike’s a BBC dimwit so thinks only conspiracy nuts would have concerns about hospital treatment after a 3yr programme of medical fraud, lies, state-endorsed threats and bullying.
Meanwhile in Canada, an Alberta woman who was denied an organ transplant because she refused to take mRNA biotech injections also had the supreme court refuse to hear her case. And now she’s died. Something to fact check, hey?
These anti-vaxxers think even saying the word vaccine (ykw /“you know what”) will get them a Facebook ban … and docs might jab them in their sleep. Because if you bought into some of those conspiracy theories, why wouldn’t you? And the range of dodgy advice 👀
Mike Wendling
US National Digital Reporter,
. former editor of
. Book: Alt-Right: From 4chan to the White House. #billsmafia
Chicago, April 2008
3,056 Following
In April 2020, the health and social care secretary announced that over £13bn of debt held by NHS trusts would be written off. All of the debts to be written-off are internal between NHS trusts and the Department of Health and Social Care, so the process does not include borrowing from external sources.
The Covid vaccines were unusual in that they were the first vaccines in which “informed consent” was withheld for 70 years, presumably until everyone had died. However a judge in Texas ordered the release of the documents which revealed that the vaccines “failed” and therefore kill more people than they can save. However this “informed consent” is censored by the BBC on the orders of OFCOM which punished Mark Steyn for allowing Naomi Wolf to “inform” viewers about what thousands of volunteer scientists found in the documents released by order of the Texan judge. Mark Steyn is taking legal action against the totalitarian commissars of the UK state censor Ofcom in the English High Court. The Nuremberg Code Society and prominent holocaust survivors talking in documentaries censored by the BBC, are also horrified about this censorship of “Informed Consent” by the liberal fascists.
As for Anti-vaxer. The evidence gained from “Informed Consent” is that mRNA technology does not work for producing immunity. So mRNA jabs are nothing like Edward Jenner type vaccines that give life long immunity with one jab, so are not vaccines. Scientific experts who have investigated these mRNA jabs describe them as bioweapons. So therefore, I am an “Anti-Bioweaponer” for refusing the mRNA jab.
I’d make an uneducated guess and bet that the Steyn action is ‘struck out ‘ on some obscure technicality – the British state won’t want light being shed on the vaccines or their side effects –
If anyone thinks the judiciary is ‘independent’ think about who pays them and their pensions …. They are lawyers so share the same amorality as politicians …
Luis Rubiales has refused to step down as president of the Spanish football federation following his behaviour at the Women’s World Cup final on Sunday.
Rubiales, 46, kissed forward Jenni Hermoso on the lips after Spain’s 1-0 victory over England.
“.. we reached for the stars. Acted like men. We aspired to intelligence and didn’t belittle it, it didn’t make us feel inferior. We didn’t identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election. And we … we didn’t scare so easy. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.”
[“Why America is NOT the greatest country in the world, anymore.”@3:58]
US politics has come a long way since they executed Richard Nixon for ‘playing the game ‘….
I think someone earlier in this thread suggested President Trump wouid get the JFK treatment if re elected . …..
The ballot boxes could be overflowing with trump votes and he will still lose ….. and the msm – Obama DoJ – the whole thing – wouid connive – again ….
Ali saw himself as a soldier of Islamic State and wanted to punish a British lawmaker for the UK’s actions in Syria. The terrorist group had declared a state there, which became a magnet for violent extremists around the world.
On Friday 15 October 2021, Ali bought a train ticket at 4.58am and set off from his home in Kentish Town, London. First he took a train across the capital, and then to Leigh-on-Sea’s small train station at 10.23am. He had booked his appointment for midday by email, providing a false address to deceive Amess’s staff.
Ali’s plans to murder a politician had been frustrated so far and he finally chose Amess, who advertised his advice surgery with dates and times and places on the internet.
Marky – there was a truly awful – awful – woke ‘documentary about the Islamic terrorist who killed 2 kidults before being thankfully shot dead on London Bridge .
Motivation was barely discussed – the armed cops who bravely shot said terrorist didn’t really get a mention – and nor did Islam – the enemy within .
Instead it was just the dead kidults and a couple of frankly soppy wimp witnesses – although one of them did ‘engage ‘ before the police ended the problem …
tightened vetting of prison chaplains to assess association with organisations linked to extremism;
Throughout the review the team emphasised the importance of faith to prisoners, and its potential to transform lives for the better. Its premise was that Islamism – a politicised, expansionist version of Islam – is more ideology than faith, and is driven by intolerance and anti-Western sentiment.
is more ideology than faith, and is driven by intolerance and anti-Western sentiment.
A white bearded man appears with a big smile and a flash of red. The children go ecstatic. What’s in the large Government issue sack they all wonder? The children are told of the magic and wonder. How miracles happen and hearts are opened. Wonder is in the air. After such wonderful stories the children use their imaginations to guess what present they will receive.
They are all given a parcel in brown nondescript paper – can’t offend anyone can we children? They tear at the paper and they see a bland wooden toy – children it’s environmentally friendly and recyclable! They look around and they all have the same toy, even the boys and girls – let’s rejoice that we all the same but different and diverse.
He leaves in a dark limousine heading towards his palace drinking scotch thinking of all the good he has done today.
“The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma to assert them. It is a rational thesis that we are all in a dream; it will be a mystical sanity to say that we are all awake. Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. ”
“Nazi flags near Dunmurry mosque ‘reminds me I am a stranger’ […] Despite living in NI for over 20 years, Mustafa Elimam says the incident makes it hard to integrate.”
His son looks like he’s relaxing into Irish life well. Nothing to worry about here.
By ‘the government’, this presumably means money, from… the taxpayer?
Tricky one, as subsidising stuff has been, is and doubtless will be a lucrative turkey shoot based on who shouts loudest on their ‘contributions’.
That said, the media world always has been lucrative, and whilst unfortunate, covering for a strike for more money in another country here errs on the stretch, especially given who has been allowed to founder in other areas before now.
At least Mrs. Brown’s Boys has been assured of further outings, and a silly horny Italian has allowed the Mega Rapacious Po to ‘issue a statement’, in the US, about another national team, in Australia, for slavish pink haired dyke media weenies to pick up.
The Conservatives’ opportunistic dabbling in anti-green populism and net-zero scepticism is deeply unhelpful to maintaining a political consensus but is a symptom of a deeper problem: the fragile nature of the net-zero commitment. It will not survive without an honest acknowledgement of the tricky trade-offs involved as well as careful design of policies to minimise costs and losers and to maximise self-interested benefits from the green transition.
Sir Vince Cable
Sir Vince Cable is a former Secretary of State for Business, and led the Liberal Democrats from 2017-19.
This article is more than 9 years old
Vince Cable defends Royal Mail sell-off in Commons debate
This article is more than 9 years old
Business secretary insists the privatisation was a success but Chuka Umunna says taxpayers were ‘disgracefully shortchanged to the tune of hundreds of millions of pounds’
Julia Kollewe
Tue 1 Apr 2014 13.51 BST
LONDON (Reuters) – British Business Secretary Vince Cable was on Monday summoned to face lawmakers for a third time over the government’s privatisation of Royal Mail, after a watchdog report last week said the postal company had been sold off too cheaply.
In October last year the government sold 60 percent of Royal Mail at 330 pence per share, ending 500-years of state control and raising 2 billion pounds for the public purse.
The BBC is remarkably quiet on the events in Maui.
Still over a thousand missing including hundreds of children who were kept home that day as they shut down the schools so were they incinerated while their parents were working? The police still refuse to say just how many children are missing.
The only road out of the town was blocked by the police undoubtedly leading directly to many of the deaths.
The water was turned off so the fire officers were unable to extinguish the fires effectively.
The electricity was kept on the entire time throughout the disaster helping to worsen the situation as a power line fell on a gas station.
The sirens were deliberately not activated even though they have regular tests otherwise for all kinds of threats including hurricanes. The police confirmed this in a press conference.
The police chief is also the coroner.
FEMA and the Red Cross refused donations from local people and blocked off the area to the public.
And they expect you to believe this was caused by ‘global boiling’?
Music, Money, Madness: Jimi Hendrix Live in Maui
Chronicling Jimi Hendrix’s visit to Maui in July 1970.
Music, Money, Madness: Jimi Hendrix Live in Maui
Maui wildfires: Officials release list of 388 people still missing
Authorities want any survivors on the list to come forward in order to narrow down the search.
Maui wildfires: Officials release list of 388 people still missing
Maui County sues Hawaiian Electric over wildfire negligence
The energy firm is accused of not turning off electric equipment in high winds and dry conditions.
Maui County sues Hawaiian Electric over wildfire negligence
‘We’re not recovering whole bodies’ but crumbling ash, Maui police chief says
More than 1,000 people remain unaccounted for after wildfires gutted the town of Lahaina
‘We’re not recovering whole bodies’ but crumbling ash, Maui police chief says
Maui fires: More than 1,000 still missing as search continues
Officials are using cadaver dogs and asking families for DNA swabs, hoping to narrow the search.
Maui fires: More than 1,000 still missing as search continues
Newsday: Biden vows support for fire-ravaged Maui
Hundreds of people are still missing after the wildfires.
BBC World Service
Newsday: Biden vows support for fire-ravaged Maui
‘We will rebuild the way people of Maui want to’
US President Joe Biden visits Lahaina nearly two weeks after the Hawaiian town was ravaged by fire
‘We will rebuild the way people of Maui want to’
Tim Laporte searches for his father missing in Maui
Tim Laporte’s stepfather is one of hundreds still missing after the wildfires devastated the town of Lahaina.
Tim Laporte searches for his father missing in Maui
Hawaii wildfires: The red Lahaina house that survived Maui fires
The 100-year-old wood structure was recently renovated but not fireproofed, say owners.
Hawaii wildfires: The red Lahaina house that survived Maui fires
Newsday: Maui fire: ‘There’s been so much loss’
A survivor speaks about the catastrophic impact of the fires on
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img][/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
I noticed The Independent has a different label for deleted comments.
“Comment Deactivated”
Shame we can’t have The Independent deactivated
New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn
Any chance that the tiresome Beeboids could do something about all these highly-qualified engineers, chemists and space experts who arrive here illegally with tiresome regularity?
There’s a good plane leaving for Delhi in a few hours, so the wondrous brains in W1AA could divert the rubbish they send to Wireless Asia or similar, and explain how get these new free-loaders to a place where they’re desperately needed to spend the huge amounts of British Taxpayers’ cash on useless ‘space exploration’.
PS – How much money does the Telly tax go on foreign stuff? Do the foreigners actually pay for it? If they do, can we have some of it back please – we actually need it to look after some of our own indigenous people who are having quite a hard time at the moment!
Nobody in power in this country is remotely interested in the wellbeing of its indigenous people. We’re only here to provide the cash for the rest of the world’s needs.
Quite so, Moggie – it’s ‘reparation’ by the back door…
Until recently the money has been sent abroad to benefit the recipients. It still is, but it also appears that those recipients are now flocking over here, in ever increasing numbers, to obtain that money directly from the source. And they are welcomed with open arms, by left wing morons.
Grudgingly edition
Asylum backlogs cost taxpayer record £4bn (Telegraph) – and it becomes clear that no one involved in the system has any incentive to fix it.
Meet the Companies for Which Asylum Policy is Big Business… Firms are winning multi-million-pound contracts to run immigration-related services (Byline Times – ‘what the papers don’t say‘)
Suella Braverman says civil servants’ productivity on asylum claims is too low… Home secretary attacks rate of decision-making (Guardian – This article is more than 7 months old, December 2022)
Take this chance to limit immigration or watch the abolition of our country… NOT long after the Brexit vote I was having a drink with a friend. We got on to the subject of the vast immigration levels that are altering so many aspects of life in England. ‘They’ll have to do something about it now,’ he said, referring to result of the EU referendum… ‘No, they won’t,’ I replied. I said ‘they’ – meaning the Conservative Party – would not do a damn thing about it, except employ more spads and PR staff to reframe the issue via their outriders in the mass media. Phrases such as ‘crackdown’ and ‘Australian-style points system’ would be bandied about but nothing at all would change, in fact levels would most likely increase. (Robert James, Conservative Woman, October 2022)
For the corporate cronies the benefits are simply cash-based, for our left-leaning civil service a go-slow work routine spells one in the eye for their present Tory employers and for the Tories themselves a focus on what they’ve taught us to term ‘small boats’ acts as a distraction from the legal immigrant visas they shovel out in the millions.
In fact we may complain of public sector poor admin response in terms of the delays to the issue of the likes of our driving licences or our holiday passports and there’s that interminable wait to connect to the GP receptionist – and yet: since 2010 there have been almost 7million new GP registrations by migrants in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Conservative Woman); There were 1,311,731 visas granted in 2021… 36% higher than 2020… There were 2,610,024 visas granted in the year ending September 2022… there were 406,410 decisions on applications to extend a person’s stay in the UK (including dependants) in 2021, 75% more than a year earlier and 32% more than in 2019 (UK.Gov) – the figures are truly staggering – but well done to the public sector for coping with all that extra paperwork.
Some other admin issues prove just too daunting for them to contemplate: Brexit border controls on food delayed for fifth time… Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has backed a fresh postponement owing to fears that the red tape will put up food prices further (FT) – despite decades of barcoding and computerised supply chain systems etc – and we’re now seven years on from the Brexit vote.
And with a significant turnover of the presently sitting MPs expected at the next General Election: Pay-offs doubled for MPs who lose seats… Golden goodbyes are being doubled… following a rule change… with the taxpayer set to be stung for millions of pounds more in farewell payments… The Daily Telegraph can reveal.
Let’s name and shame the crony corporate names: Meet the Companies for Which Asylum Policy is Big Business… Five companies have won £5.8 billion worth of contracts since 2010… The largest of these contracts was won by the outsourcing giant Serco, which was awarded funds worth at least £2.18 billion… One of the most recent contracts was given to Mitie, a London-based outsourcing company… worth at least £627 million… housing providers Mears and Clearsprings Ready Homes have also won large contracts… The final major contract was for Sodexo, with contracts worth at least £525 million. The company was tasked with organising the Aspen prepaid card given to people seeking asylum when they are living in the community (Byline Times)
A five minute google reveals
Serco donated £19k office space to MP Ranil Jayawardena [Conservative, North East Hampshire] (Basingstoke Gazette)
Mitie’s largest single shareholders, Stephen and Caroline Butt, donated £52,000 to the Conservative Party between 2015 and 2021 (Corporate Watch)
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg… speaking of which: Climate change: Thousands of penguins die in Antarctic ice breakup… Dr Peter Fretwell, from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), said the wipeout was a harbinger of things to come. “There is hope: we can cut our carbon emissions that are causing the warming. But if we don’t we will drive these iconic, beautiful birds to the verge of extinction.” (BBC)
Leaving the only penguins for our kids to see in the future will be the ones pictured on those chocolate biscuit wrappers.
But weren’t we told years ago the same or similiar story about North Pole polar bears? Our BBC has shifted the timeline forward to 2100
Polar bears will be wiped out by the end of the century unless more is done to tackle climate change, a study predicts. Scientists say some populations have already reached their survival limits as the Arctic sea ice shrinks. The carnivores rely on the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean to hunt for seals (BBC)
Leaving the only polar bears our kids will see in the future will be the ones pictured in the adverts for those hard transparent mints
Or perhaps not
Today, polar bears are among the few large carnivores that are still found in roughly their original habitat and range–and in some places, in roughly their natural numbers. (Grudgingly – World Wildlife Fund)
“ Rishi Sunak says pressure on the asylum system is unsustainable”
Hey Rishi, how about stopping the boats? Because a lot of Tory MPs will lose their seats in the next general elections. Will those concerned get compensation?
“MPs’ ‘winding down’ pay to double at next election”
Ah! You are ahead of me Rishi.
It’s the final brass band of the summer in the beautiful cloister gardens at Westminster Abbey next Wednesday. I always feel that this is a poignant occasion. It marks the turning of the year. Summer is nearing its end…autumn is within touching distance.
We’ve enjoyed a good season this year and I’ve attended whenever the trains have been running. Last week’s Enfield Brass entertained us to rousing marches, some lovely film medleys and occasional ballads. Dads danced with their little daughters, old ladies dozed in the shade. It was all so civilised and quintessentially English…
And at the other end of the cultural spectrum; this weekend we have the notorious Notting Hell Carnage. Hideous noise thumping from giant speakers, invading the streets of west London. Ridiculous, tubby policemen pretending to enjoy dancing with sleazy twerking black women. Thugs, drugs, gangs and violence, all brought together to celebrate the Caribbean contribution to my country. Noise, violence, ugliness.
There will be the usual litany of crime. Muggings, street battles, the occasional knifing…and the BBC will tell us it all went swimmingly well.
There you have it; my lovely old England, contrasted with the vile, ugly, noisy, brutish future that multiculturalism has brought us.
I’ll give Nottinghill a miss.
But I’ll be back at the Abbey next Wednesday…
Well said Jeff!
Do the bands still play over the road in St James’ Park? The bandstand used to be a fabulous place to hear some decent music!
The marvellous sound was occasionally spoilt by the sight of MPs strolling around when they should have been working though…
Sadly, the bands in St James’s packed up for the Olympics in 2012 and have never returned. A real shame…
I saw quite a few MPs wandering around there in the old days. One long ago summer Sunday I was enjoying an afternoon’s music when I heard an all too familiar voice, talking far too loudly. It was the MP, Dennis Skinner. Blimey, that bloke could rabbit. You’d think he did enough yakking during the week.
Nowadays at the weekends, I have to travel to Regents Park to enjoy a few hours of this delicious indolence. They have a lovely ornate old bandstand beside the boating lake.
Beautiful setting…
Another studio haunting Khan offers ‘advice’.
BBC TNI partner.
GW, ?
Couple injured in another homophobic attack in South London neighbourhood
Front page BBC news. One man got punched and sustained a split lip.
Not even reported by the BBC from a couple of weeks ago:
Live Barnet stabbing updates as man knifed to death on busy North London road
‘His attacker is still on the loose, with police appealing for any information from the public.’
No description of the victim or the stabber. Based on experience, we can draw our own conclusions on that.
This sums up the magnitude of the agenda-based lopsided reporting by the ‘impartial and unbiased’ BBC.
They are an activist organisation. Why should we have to pay for them to do it ?.
But, was it ‘unprecedented’ too?
Meanwhile… the BBC Moaning Emole completely misses what many know all too well…
The history-making mugshot
The blob getting the photo op it craved, in the way it has is not learning from history 101.
Having proven toxic enough for even Vile, Sky of course gets in…. Dr. Shola.
That peroxide anchor harpie must be dying inside.
You’ve heard of Pride Month, you’ve heard of Black History Month…
Now meet Black Pride
BBC: Couple injured in another homophobic attack in South London neighbourhood… after spending the day at Black Pride. (By Lauren Moss, LGBT correspondent & Josh Parry, LGBT producer, BBC News)
One feels sympathy for Pink News now having to compete with an entire BBC LGBT licence-funded department.
“And the Home Office offered no explanation as to why they ignored those important clues in her presentation.
Emily Jones: Father of killed school girl slams asylum decision
22 May
Eltiona Skana, 33, a paranoid schizophrenic, stabbed seven-year-old Emily Jones in a park in Bolton.
stabbed = decapitated
Gut problems may be early sign of Parkinson’s disease
And just in case you don’t believe them, the idiot BBC-clone proves it with a picture which is an interesting mix of ‘totally pointless’ but infused with ‘scientific detail’ to make the uninformed casual reader think it is factual:
The modern BBC : News by children for gullible idiots.
MM, to the way of thinking of Snuffy’s brain, which might be no better than scrambled egg, the research by the Mayo clinic in the USA was flawed because they used a healthy control group. Doh!
I would have said you need an unhealthy control group with stomach problems and as the Mayo think the appendix is the culprit grumbling appendices but no discernible symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, ie. small or ragged handwriting, walk, tremor and ‘thresholding’.
You then require another ‘unhealthy’ control group: diagnosed Parkinson’s Disease sufferers who have had their appendix removed.
TOADY Watch #1 – I know I keep going on about this but the BBC are lying to you
In the Business segment of TOADY this morning, Felicity Hannah was repeating the myth that we have full employment in the UK at present. We do not. I’m old enough, sadly, to remember the shock when unemployment exceeded one million in the UK for the first time in the early 1970s. Prior to that we had what could be described as full employment in the UK with only around three hundred thousand unemployed. That period of full employment was driven largely by the car, bus and transport industries together with the air industry and it led to national prosperity for the UK.
The current level of UK unemployment is around 3.7% of an ever growing workforce of around 34 million people. Do the sums ‘Fliss’, do the sums. Use a calculator if you run out of fingers and toes. Sadly, there are 12,500 shopworkers from Wilko who may be added to the unemployed statistic very soon if ‘rescue attempts’ for the Wilko chain fail.
Reports from Hawaii seem to be getting the full “active disinterest” treatment.
Most of the stuff I’ve been seeing seems to put the toll of lives at 4 times the official estimate and upwards and mobile phone footage of events on the day looks to be being suppressed.
One has to wonder at the rationale behind the now rather obvious targeted omission… Kettling the locals into the burn zone might just have something to do with it?
“She twice told doctors that she lied in her asylum application, she twice told doctors and police that she wanted to go home, in 2015 and 2017.
“And the Home Office offered no explanation as to why they ignored those important clues in her presentation.
“And now we hear that the Home Office are paying Albanian convicts to go home. It didn’t happen here.”
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the UK.
“The Home Office” is not fit for purpose . Sack the lot and start again .
As I said earlier, the Home Office is run from London. It’s staff will be drawn from the near majority ethnic population in London. The white staffers will be London Metropolitan liberals. There’s little hope that the Home Office will carry out the wishes of this country’s majority.
Flotsam – I think you’ll find a lot of ‘civil servants ‘ are of a vibrant nature – immigration and housing and passports are targeted by ‘switched on gangs ‘ who once in a while screw up but mostly operate under the radar using race as a shield against allegations – with HR playing support ….
.. equally – if letby had been coloured – I think we’d have never heard of the killings……
False advertising … “The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. ”
Not exactly Trojan Dinghy, but as a Trojan One Way PIA Flight from Islamabad, well played those mullahs.
As to the cretinous pols and civ servs of pink left in the nicer parts of expensive cities now controlled by those they were outsmarted by; like the upper floors of The BBC, you do need to get through the cubicle gardens to get back to the gated communities and, in the case of The BBC, down to the bunker.
Lefties always screw facts to their advantage …
“GCSE results show us a nation of overwhelmed, vulnerable children. Where is the support?” Demands Gaby Hinchcliffe in an obvious attempt to paste the blame on the Tory’s…
Of course we all know the headline should truthfully be
“GCSE results show us a nation of overwhelmed, vulnerable children. Let’s go after those bogus health scientists and drug companies and panic-stricken media reporters who are really to blame”.
The Guardian would blame sandstorms on Mars on Fatcha.
Radio 4, 23 August 2023
In an interview with Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden there was a reference to the number of asylum applications in the ‘legacy backlog’ – these are asylum applications made before 28 June 2022. Our presenter mentioned a backlog of 92,000 applications which the government have pledged to clear by the end of 2023.
While this figure was correct at the time of PM Rishi Sunak’s statement to the House of Commons on 13 December 2022, by the time of this interview, more recent figures were available, showing that the legacy backlog numbered 74,410 as of 28 May 2023.
92,000 people = Chester is a cathedral city and the county town of Cheshire, England, on the River Dee, close to the England-Wales border.
92,000 people = Chester
92,000 people = Chester
92,000 people = Chester
Our village has a new, and permanent (so far) doctor. Yeah ! Yesterday I got the Willy Wonka Golden Ticket of an appointment. My joy was short lived however.
She’s a lovely lady, BUT I only managed to understand every couple of words she was saying. Yes she was black, but spoke fast and with an African dialect.
What to do ?, I’m certainly not deaf, but politeness prevented me from continually saying “pardon?’ “Sorry?”. So I just kept smiling and hoped I gleaned enough info to deal with my problem. Equally its not much good asking the local pharmacist as he has an even worse Indian accent!
I’m too much of a coward to gently mention this to the Practice Manager as I could be struck off for being a trouble maker.
And there we have it. Living in my country of birth where I need a translator to get me through some exacting times in my life. Who’d have thought.
Chat GPT might help… – don’t give it any hints as to your political stance though.
Who be Dmitry Utkin and who else bin dey plane wit Prigozhin?
Hope don dey for quick detection of prostate cancer for men body
‘My father dey fear make I no go die sake of my stunts’
MM, you tryin’ trigger me?
Maybe! YES!
BBC World Service offers news in Pidgin as part of £289m expansion to include 12 new languages – Press Gazette.21 Aug 2017
After Khant’s peeps torturing of The Science – who’s going to believe this shit from The Royal Society?
I’m not. They’re trying it on – again….
Coronavirus: Welding Doors Shut
3 years agoDocsDuration0:36
In Wuhan, videos are emerging on social media of officials welding the doors of apartment buildings shut, locking the residents inside during the coronavirus outbreak.
The effectiveness of using certain behavioural science “nudges” to change attitudes or behaviour in relation to Covid-19 has been called into question by two studies.
In a series of experiments, researchers from King’s College London tested nudges that have previously been shown to encourage people to think or act in desired ways.
King’s College London is an internationally renowned university delivering exceptional education and world-leading research. We are dedicated to driving positive and sustainable change in society and realising our vision of making the world a better place.
Government scientist Neil Ferguson, 51 – whose death toll projections sparked lockdown – QUITS after admitting he allowed married mistress, 38, to break stay-at-home rules to visit him for trysts
Prof Neil Ferguson, 51, warned UK could see 500,000 deaths if it didn’t implement mass self-isolation
His advice, through a report he helped produce at Imperial College, led to the PM bringing in the lockdown
But since it started he allowed his married lover to travel across London to visit him at home at least twice
Antonia Staats, 38, lives with her husband, in his 30s, and two children in a £1.9 million house in south London
The scientist has quit his role on the secretive SAGE committee – but Imperial College is standing by him
Do you know more about this story? Email or
Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19
UPDATED: 16:48, 6 May 2020
MM, it was Antonia Staats who broke the rules. She is the one who should have resigned. What does Mrs Staats do? According to one tabloid: “Who is Antonia Staats? Ms Staats, 38, is a left-wing campaigner who works for US-based online network Avaaz. The organisation promotes global activism on issues such as climate change.”
IIRC Avaaz seems to employ people with obvious deep state connections too…
“70,000,000 members” – from coopting the numbers from lots of other places – astroturf is one word – “fraudulent bunch of c***s” are some others.
Bit like having an ‘independent inquiry ‘ which really isn’t independent – of a ‘consultation ‘ which is a useless box ticking – or a petition – which is used to make mug taxpayers think they’re doing something …. Or referendums – which will never be seen in the UK again ( unless it’s fixed for staying in the EU ( we never left ))
What is the UK Covid-19 Inquiry?
The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has been set up to examine the UK’s response to and impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and learn lessons for the future. The Inquiry’s work is guided by its Terms of Reference.
Parliamentary watchdog Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) are more than doubling the taxpayer cash losing MPs will receive at the next general election, going from £8,600 to £17,300. IPSA say this is to ensure the payouts were “fair and provide the appropriate support to MPs and their offices when leaving Parliament”. The 71 MPs who have already decided to stand down are set to rake in around £615,000 between them…
Where is the large ethnic, non white growing population of Londonistan leading?
London is the centre of political and commercial power in Britain. Civil Servants and administrators for Whitehall, head offices and the BBC will be drawn from the local population. This will mean that the country will have a large ethnic input into important decision making for all of us. We have already seen this happen with Sadiq Khan as Mayor but there will be many lesser roles that will impact our lives. In effect, people living in rural and non Metropolitan Britain will have decisions made for them by Pakistanis, Indians and Blacks who have a totally different culture and experience of life. It may account for some of the stranger things that seem to be happening these days.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
MM, funny South Korean Kimchi does not appear in south London. South London has a large and growing population of South Koreans.
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Dear Mr H,
Thank you for contacting us about the BBC News website. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We know that not everyone will agree with our choices on which stories to cover, or how much coverage each story is attributed across our output. Our news editors make these complex decisions, based on the editorial merit of all the stories at hand.
We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision, however, we can assure you these decisions aren’t indicative of bias.
We have highlighted in our reporting that Labour MP Barry Gardiner has received over £420,000 in donations from Christine Ching Kui Lee’s company over 5 years. I have provided links to some of this coverage below:
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These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Thanks again for taking the time to get in touch.
Kind regards,
BBC Complaints Team
We are of course free from any political influence or agenda.
We are of course free from any political influence or agenda.
I see the Thursday night troll has resurfaced . I’m sure the quality of contribution has improved – always listing the way the BBC isn’t far left – anti white British biased – always evidence why comments on this are so wrong – always justifying the licence tax – and even the existence of a state broadcaster …
… but in a year all will be well red labour will have its ‘150 majority and all those problems the blue variant either created or failed to solve – will be no more …
If you dear reader read my previous comments about the source of the malaise is see Blighty in.. I’m still up for a discussion – particularly with regard to a remedy . Last time it was thatcher and the Lawson boom and the Falklands and right to buy and yuppie Dom …
.. but this time ? Things are even more serious than a few million unemployed / skiving on the sick …. so I’m still thinking – unlike our troll …
CONTROL! CONTROL! Language and minds!
A bit of kick back is good for discussion – the EU is great**
** if you only focus on all the good bits and ignore the rest.
“The Crown producers promise to handle Princess Diana death delicately”
Martin Bashir: BBC religion editor leaves the corporation
14 May 2021
BBC rehired disgraced Martin Bashir ‘after executive demanded the corporation win more awards’ – and he is STILL pocketing £2k-a-week
Martin Bashir is still earning up to £2,000 a week from his £100,000 BBC salary
The BBC’s former religion editor, 58, stepped down in April citing health reasons
Broadcaster accepted his resignation, paying his salary for three-month notice
UPDATED: 08:15, 26 May 2021
My 2 year fixed energy contract is coming to an end . I was paying 10p a day on electricity and 10 p on gas . The new tarrifs have the standing charge jumping to over 50p each – each day …
Go look at you bill …. The newspaper happily put out crap about saving energy – no stand by – turn the thermostats down – but no mention of the huge – huge – standing charges now –
I know I’ve raised this here before – but it seems to come from the same school as ULEZ …. It’s just criminal – and done on a blue labour green crap watch …
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
CORBYN GOLDEN YEARS.. HOW we want to forget….
“Our Party must speak for the overwhelming majority in our country. Labour is a broad church and can be broader still.”
– Jeremy Corbyn Labour Conference 2018
overwhelming majority in our country
The most recent Census in 2011 highlights that in England and Wales, 80 per cent of the population were white British. Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, other) ‘groups’ made up 6.8 per cent of the population; black groups 3.4 per cent; Chinese groups 0.7 cent,Arab groups 0.4 per cent and other groups 0.6 per cent.
overwhelming majority in our country
According to the 2011 Census, Christianity is the majority religion, followed by Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism in terms of number of adherents. Among Christians, Anglicans are the most common denomination, followed by the Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists.
overwhelming majority in our country
“In 2016, around 2% of the population identified themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB). This has increased from 1.7% in 2015 (a statistically significant increase). London had the largest proportion of the population who identified as LGB (2.7%), which could be associated with a relatively young and diverse population.”
overwhelming majority in our country
General Facts and Figures: In Britain over 10 million people have a limiting long term illness, impairment or disability – this is over 18 per cent of the population. The most common types of impairment for adults in Britain are those associated with a difficulty in mobility, lifting and carrying.
overwhelming majority in our country
The cost of living is hitting hard. I’m fed up of paying large amounts of cash for a basic standard of living.
I’m thinking of crossing the Channel by ferry, blacking up and re-crossing back to Dover in a rubber dinghy. I’ll be housed FOC, kept warm. given meals, pocket money and I may even be able to watch the BBC for free.
MPs to get double redundancy pay when they lose their seats next time – wonder if it’s pensionable ?( of course it is ) ….
Ex BBC mini-YAB pulls a Sopes…
Meanwhile she is fluffing JO’bsworth, ignoring (as all London MSM ‘journalist’ classlesses have and do) his Carl Beech attempt.
London is welcome to the whole midden pile.
Climate change – stop travelling!
From BBC …
We have highlighted in our reporting that Labour MP Barry Gardiner has received over £420,000 in donations from Christine Ching Kui Lee’s (CHINESE SPY! HA HA HA) company over 5 years. I have provided links to some of this coverage below:
We are of course free from any political influence or agenda.
The BRICS issue really doesn’t feature on the msm radar does it ? Maybe the UK should apply to join – although I don’t think they’d be happy to let a burnt out basket case’ sit at the table ‘ I reckon ….
It will be interesting to see the reception sunak gets in India in a couple of weeks … maybe he can get India to sell us some ( cheap ) ex Russian oil ….
MM, BRICS a block of developing countries?
Brazil: achieved independence from Portugal (a very developed nation) early in the 19th century. Built a factory to produce a Volkswagen car (the ‘Beetle’), built a completely new capital, Brasilia, from scratch. Considered to be highly influential in the Americas and backed by a large army both in terms of personnel and equipment.
Russia: in the news today, for selling oil to India to be refined into AVGAS.
India: just landed a capsule on the moon. ’nuff said.
China: a developed nation, in my view, that is a worldwide exporter, is highly industrialised and has the second largest population in the world with an army to match. Is building electric cars. Has been to the moon successfully.
South Africa: built by white people from Netherlands and Belgium (both highly developed nations) and the South African Ambassador complained to the UK that we were stealing their teachers in the early years of the millennium.
‘Developing nations’!???!! Hahahahhhhaaaaa!
‘Developing nations’ = cheap loans from IMF and David Cameron
Another example of the cosy, corrupt, and utterly clueless governance of all the usual suspects… HoP, activists, media…
Not. A. Clue.
Richer. Than. Croesus.
What you can get
You can get one grant per property. Grants are available for:
£5,000 towards an air source heat pump
£6,000 towards a ground source heat pump (including water source heat pumps and those on shared ground loops)
£5,000 towards a biomass boiler
You cannot get a grant for a hybrid heat pump system (for example a combination of gas boiler and air source heat pump).
The system you install must meet certain standards, such as minimum efficiency levels (your installer can advise you on these).
The system’s maximum capacity must be less than 45kWth – anything over is not eligible.
Somebody (in the Home Office?) is doing a good job.
Many months ago, and tens of thousands of doctors and engineers ago, we were being told it was costing us £6,000,000 a day to keep them fed, housed and looked after.
The numbers have increased a lot but this is still the same sum they use for their costs when the various talking heads mention it on tv.
As all these extra ones must still be fed and housed etc somebody is doing a grand job by keeping the cost the same.
* I wonder what the real numbers are. Will we ever be told?
Britain has spent about half a million pounds in the past year storing small boats used by migrants to cross the Channel, according to internal government estimates. Legislation requires the state to keep the boats for 12 months in case an owner comes forward to claim them.7 Aug 2021
HA HA HA … ” in case an owner comes forward to claim them”
Britain has spent about half a million pounds in the past year storing small boats used by migrants to cross the Channel, according to internal government estimates. Legislation requires the state to keep the boats for 12 months in case an owner comes forward to claim them.7 Aug 2021
A few days ago I posted about a sugary migrants-as-victims BBC piece on the Greek fires. Well to be fair to them, they’re now reporting this: “Greece wildfires: 79 people arrested for arson”
That sounds like a lot of people to me. What they are not reporting though is amongst those charged are 13 Pakistani and Syrian illegal migrants. One of the charges is for manufacture and possession of explosives.
I imagine this will all be ignored and won’t dent the boiling planet/pro-migrant narrative.
The MSM reaction to the Tucker Carlson Trump interview this week is predictable but still funny. The interview has been ‘clicked on ‘ over 150 million times so far, more than 200 million looks a certainty.
The MSM are claiming that such a high number means nothing because a lot of people might have clicked on it but didn’t watch the whole interview. They also claiming it was chaotic , the shape of things to come they claim, or that it was a boring re hash if Trump’s discredited policies . On and on they go with their by now almost terminal TDS infection.
So far the only the Spectator , not known for its Trump support, makes the point that Trump is making, perhaps already has made , the MSM an irrelevance , old news , powerless, they just don’t realise it yet, by his use of social media and ability to connect with tens of millions of ordinary voters.
With Musk at X the Dems and RINOs won’t be able to muzzle him like they did last time, even if they get him imprisoned. I’m sure that they will be considering applying the ultimate sanction to be performed by a lone gunman or an Epstein solution. If they don’t then a hell of a lot of big names will be facing very long jail sentences within Trump’s next term .
Feminists – Why would anyone stick up for men?
Deaths in Battle
Men 97.7%
Women 2.3%
Men 77.9%
Women 22.1%
Men 62%
Women 38%
Men 77.4%
Women 22.6%
Winners of custody
Men 17.8%
Women 82.2%
Verify’s Wendling showing he has no concept of informed consent, which prior to 2020 was seen as an important component of public health but now seems like a relic.
Mike’s a BBC dimwit so thinks only conspiracy nuts would have concerns about hospital treatment after a 3yr programme of medical fraud, lies, state-endorsed threats and bullying.
Meanwhile in Canada, an Alberta woman who was denied an organ transplant because she refused to take mRNA biotech injections also had the supreme court refuse to hear her case. And now she’s died. Something to fact check, hey?
Look at the engagement he generates. The BBC really is unique funding model for ideological idiots.
Mike Wendling
US National Digital Reporter,
. former editor of
. Book: Alt-Right: From 4chan to the White House. #billsmafia
Chicago, April 2008
3,056 Following
I don’t know if this is satire or not?
In April 2020, the health and social care secretary announced that over £13bn of debt held by NHS trusts would be written off. All of the debts to be written-off are internal between NHS trusts and the Department of Health and Social Care, so the process does not include borrowing from external sources.
The Covid vaccines were unusual in that they were the first vaccines in which “informed consent” was withheld for 70 years, presumably until everyone had died. However a judge in Texas ordered the release of the documents which revealed that the vaccines “failed” and therefore kill more people than they can save. However this “informed consent” is censored by the BBC on the orders of OFCOM which punished Mark Steyn for allowing Naomi Wolf to “inform” viewers about what thousands of volunteer scientists found in the documents released by order of the Texan judge. Mark Steyn is taking legal action against the totalitarian commissars of the UK state censor Ofcom in the English High Court. The Nuremberg Code Society and prominent holocaust survivors talking in documentaries censored by the BBC, are also horrified about this censorship of “Informed Consent” by the liberal fascists.
As for Anti-vaxer. The evidence gained from “Informed Consent” is that mRNA technology does not work for producing immunity. So mRNA jabs are nothing like Edward Jenner type vaccines that give life long immunity with one jab, so are not vaccines. Scientific experts who have investigated these mRNA jabs describe them as bioweapons. So therefore, I am an “Anti-Bioweaponer” for refusing the mRNA jab.
I’d make an uneducated guess and bet that the Steyn action is ‘struck out ‘ on some obscure technicality – the British state won’t want light being shed on the vaccines or their side effects –
If anyone thinks the judiciary is ‘independent’ think about who pays them and their pensions …. They are lawyers so share the same amorality as politicians …
Luis Rubiales has refused to step down as president of the Spanish football federation following his behaviour at the Women’s World Cup final on Sunday.
Rubiales, 46, kissed forward Jenni Hermoso on the lips after Spain’s 1-0 victory over England.
He had earlier grabbed his crotch as he celebrated at the final whistle.
“.. we reached for the stars. Acted like men. We aspired to intelligence and didn’t belittle it, it didn’t make us feel inferior. We didn’t identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election. And we … we didn’t scare so easy. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.”
[“Why America is NOT the greatest country in the world, anymore.”@3:58]
Aaron sorkin going full Churchill …
US politics has come a long way since they executed Richard Nixon for ‘playing the game ‘….
I think someone earlier in this thread suggested President Trump wouid get the JFK treatment if re elected . …..
The ballot boxes could be overflowing with trump votes and he will still lose ….. and the msm – Obama DoJ – the whole thing – wouid connive – again ….
We are in A MESS.
“‘I’ve killed him’: David Amess murder was last act of two-year plot”
Ali saw himself as a soldier of Islamic State and wanted to punish a British lawmaker for the UK’s actions in Syria. The terrorist group had declared a state there, which became a magnet for violent extremists around the world.
On Friday 15 October 2021, Ali bought a train ticket at 4.58am and set off from his home in Kentish Town, London. First he took a train across the capital, and then to Leigh-on-Sea’s small train station at 10.23am. He had booked his appointment for midday by email, providing a false address to deceive Amess’s staff.
Ali’s plans to murder a politician had been frustrated so far and he finally chose Amess, who advertised his advice surgery with dates and times and places on the internet.
Marky – there was a truly awful – awful – woke ‘documentary about the Islamic terrorist who killed 2 kidults before being thankfully shot dead on London Bridge .
Motivation was barely discussed – the armed cops who bravely shot said terrorist didn’t really get a mention – and nor did Islam – the enemy within .
Instead it was just the dead kidults and a couple of frankly soppy wimp witnesses – although one of them did ‘engage ‘ before the police ended the problem …
It was – as I say truly Channel 4 awful …
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens** safe and the country secure.
** citizens, international citizens of the world.
The meds were wearing off – the Obama staff must have been praying for a ‘technical issue ‘….
Summary of the main findings of the review of Islamist extremism in prisons, probation and youth justice
Published 22 August 2016
tightened vetting of prison chaplains to assess association with organisations linked to extremism;
Throughout the review the team emphasised the importance of faith to prisoners, and its potential to transform lives for the better. Its premise was that Islamism – a politicised, expansionist version of Islam – is more ideology than faith, and is driven by intolerance and anti-Western sentiment.
is more ideology than faith, and is driven by intolerance and anti-Western sentiment.
A white bearded man appears with a big smile and a flash of red. The children go ecstatic. What’s in the large Government issue sack they all wonder? The children are told of the magic and wonder. How miracles happen and hearts are opened. Wonder is in the air. After such wonderful stories the children use their imaginations to guess what present they will receive.
They are all given a parcel in brown nondescript paper – can’t offend anyone can we children? They tear at the paper and they see a bland wooden toy – children it’s environmentally friendly and recyclable! They look around and they all have the same toy, even the boys and girls – let’s rejoice that we all the same but different and diverse.
He leaves in a dark limousine heading towards his palace drinking scotch thinking of all the good he has done today.
~ The End – Jeremy Corbyn as Santa ~
“The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma to assert them. It is a rational thesis that we are all in a dream; it will be a mystical sanity to say that we are all awake. Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. ”
BBC arrange a line up.
Mosque near Concert reminds me …. Theresa May was a rubbish PM.
Thanks for the reminder – a crap red PM with crap cabinet – par for the course ..

“Nazi flags near Dunmurry mosque ‘reminds me I am a stranger’ […] Despite living in NI for over 20 years, Mustafa Elimam says the incident makes it hard to integrate.”
His son looks like he’s relaxing into Irish life well. Nothing to worry about here.
“We serve this country as everybody else. We belong to this country and we represent this country and we love this country”.
By ‘the government’, this presumably means money, from… the taxpayer?
Tricky one, as subsidising stuff has been, is and doubtless will be a lucrative turkey shoot based on who shouts loudest on their ‘contributions’.
That said, the media world always has been lucrative, and whilst unfortunate, covering for a strike for more money in another country here errs on the stretch, especially given who has been allowed to founder in other areas before now.
At least Mrs. Brown’s Boys has been assured of further outings, and a silly horny Italian has allowed the Mega Rapacious Po to ‘issue a statement’, in the US, about another national team, in Australia, for slavish pink haired dyke media weenies to pick up.
In other non news, the amazingly still with us and astoundingly less worse than spud head ex Limp leader Survince has spoke.
Net Zero is over, in all but the fevered minds of every idiot pol in the HoP no matter what party.
The Conservatives’ opportunistic dabbling in anti-green populism and net-zero scepticism is deeply unhelpful to maintaining a political consensus but is a symptom of a deeper problem: the fragile nature of the net-zero commitment. It will not survive without an honest acknowledgement of the tricky trade-offs involved as well as careful design of policies to minimise costs and losers and to maximise self-interested benefits from the green transition.
Sir Vince Cable
Sir Vince Cable is a former Secretary of State for Business, and led the Liberal Democrats from 2017-19.
This article is more than 9 years old
Vince Cable defends Royal Mail sell-off in Commons debate
This article is more than 9 years old
Business secretary insists the privatisation was a success but Chuka Umunna says taxpayers were ‘disgracefully shortchanged to the tune of hundreds of millions of pounds’
Julia Kollewe
Tue 1 Apr 2014 13.51 BST
LONDON (Reuters) – British Business Secretary Vince Cable was on Monday summoned to face lawmakers for a third time over the government’s privatisation of Royal Mail, after a watchdog report last week said the postal company had been sold off too cheaply.
In October last year the government sold 60 percent of Royal Mail at 330 pence per share, ending 500-years of state control and raising 2 billion pounds for the public purse.
You might have thought (I did) that the Canadian debanking has wound up…
Not so
Trudeau’s stasi are still harassing people.
The BBC is remarkably quiet on the events in Maui.
Still over a thousand missing including hundreds of children who were kept home that day as they shut down the schools so were they incinerated while their parents were working? The police still refuse to say just how many children are missing.
The only road out of the town was blocked by the police undoubtedly leading directly to many of the deaths.
The water was turned off so the fire officers were unable to extinguish the fires effectively.
The electricity was kept on the entire time throughout the disaster helping to worsen the situation as a power line fell on a gas station.
The sirens were deliberately not activated even though they have regular tests otherwise for all kinds of threats including hurricanes. The police confirmed this in a press conference.
The police chief is also the coroner.
FEMA and the Red Cross refused donations from local people and blocked off the area to the public.
And they expect you to believe this was caused by ‘global boiling’?
Search results for Maui
Music, Money, Madness: Jimi Hendrix Live in Maui
Chronicling Jimi Hendrix’s visit to Maui in July 1970.
Music, Money, Madness: Jimi Hendrix Live in Maui
Maui wildfires: Officials release list of 388 people still missing
Authorities want any survivors on the list to come forward in order to narrow down the search.
Maui wildfires: Officials release list of 388 people still missing
Maui County sues Hawaiian Electric over wildfire negligence
The energy firm is accused of not turning off electric equipment in high winds and dry conditions.
Maui County sues Hawaiian Electric over wildfire negligence
‘We’re not recovering whole bodies’ but crumbling ash, Maui police chief says
More than 1,000 people remain unaccounted for after wildfires gutted the town of Lahaina
‘We’re not recovering whole bodies’ but crumbling ash, Maui police chief says
Maui fires: More than 1,000 still missing as search continues
Officials are using cadaver dogs and asking families for DNA swabs, hoping to narrow the search.
Maui fires: More than 1,000 still missing as search continues
Newsday: Biden vows support for fire-ravaged Maui
Hundreds of people are still missing after the wildfires.
BBC World Service
Newsday: Biden vows support for fire-ravaged Maui
‘We will rebuild the way people of Maui want to’
US President Joe Biden visits Lahaina nearly two weeks after the Hawaiian town was ravaged by fire
‘We will rebuild the way people of Maui want to’
Tim Laporte searches for his father missing in Maui
Tim Laporte’s stepfather is one of hundreds still missing after the wildfires devastated the town of Lahaina.
Tim Laporte searches for his father missing in Maui
Hawaii wildfires: The red Lahaina house that survived Maui fires
The 100-year-old wood structure was recently renovated but not fireproofed, say owners.
Hawaii wildfires: The red Lahaina house that survived Maui fires
Newsday: Maui fire: ‘There’s been so much loss’
A survivor speaks about the catastrophic impact of the fires on