I wouldn’t nrmally post a dry investment interview about the US Bond Market, but this is so important I think everyone needs to know what is about to happen as a heads up.
Thoughtful – I wouldn’t normally post so early in a thread – but – because of you – I’m now following the ‘Wolf ‘ and the message he is sending is full of ( bear ) warnings about the western markets and economies and the value of the paper governments have been printing .
LOL you think he’s a bear, watch this guy explain just how bad things really are. Stocks are one thing but the bond market dwarfs it and it is the method countries and governments finance themselves.
As Luke Gromen explains, Bidens profligacy is so great that it’s akin to war time spending, and the US can’t afford even the interest payments let alone the capital.
Thoughful – I know – I watched his Sunday summary and the stock / bond market graphs comparing to previous crashes ( 1987 ) . There’s something very wrong . Personal UD ent on credit cards is just out of control And what with wotshisname from the 2008 crash ( wide scale mortgage fraud ) it’s enough to frighten ..
The big event was the BRICS conference, and although the trading currency wasn’t launched the de-Dollarising was and this video is a part of the fall out.
Transport air pollution is a complicated multi-dimensional thing
#1 Size of particulate
#2 compound of particulate
#3 toxicity of particulate
#4 lung affect
eg one particulate may be high count at the exhaust and high toxic too , but might be so heavy it doesn’t float in the air to the pavement nor your front gate
never mind inside your home
Now granny could drive her non-compliant diesel 5 mins /day and put out some pollution
but Uber driver might drive his Petrol Prius for 15 hours and
obviously quite a pollution footprint which could be 1000 times worse than granny
yet Sadiq charges him NOTHING
and granny £12.50
Sadiq “I have meeting bereaved Mums who have lost their children DUE TO AIR POLLUTION”
… unlikely since road air pollution is not on their death certificates
Sadiq should give names
“@SadiqKhan have you been meeting Bereaved mums who lost their children to knife crime.
There has been a lot more with Stabbing on their death certificate yet you keep ignoring it.”
One might expect a lawyer to be a bit more artful – but he’s flat out aggressively gaslighting – likely in the knowledge that nobody is going to be allowed to square off to him and call out the odious little shit on a public platform.
Not quite sure he was even a solicitor. He worked for ‘Liberty’ the anti-Conservative outfit. I did check with the Law Society some years back and the name was not registered. He is, no doubt, off The Roll now even it he was on it for a time.
G if you are going to make the huge claim that “Not quite sure he was even a solicitor”
” After completing his law degree in 1991, Khan took his Law Society finals at the College of Law in Guildford.
In 1994 he married Saadiya Ahmed, who was also a solicitor.”
Louise Christian firm : Sadiq Khan joined the firm as a trainee in 1994, and became a partner in 1997.
Khan left in 2004; at the time the firm employed about 50 staff.
It earned money almost entirely from legal aid
A few years ago I was on holiday with a group where one of the others was the head of the firm where Sadiq had been a solicitor and she may well have been called Louise. I was specifically told that Sadiq had worked with her. That seems to tie in with what Stew is saying.
Clear evidence of manufactured lies by the GLC to push their political ambitions as they are claiming as fact thousands of deaths for London alone each year with absolutely nothing to back it up.
Remember Covid? It’s the same nudge method, then every death was bloody covid…. Now it’s just turned to cars in cities.
They won’t stop at vehicles, they will go after restaurants, night clubs, in fact anyone using any form of energy in due course. I believe global money is behind this and London is to be their test bed as it is so globally recognised .
Basically nudging the lower income people out of cities so the wealthy can live in space and splendour.
There is in my opinion much, much more of this shit coming down the line.
I just wonder if these all-knowing, all-powerful twats have any awareness of a thing called peasants revolt. It can end very badly for them if the switch is flipped.
Stew, the politicians of every Political Party should press Sadiq Khan to scrap his ULEZ schemes if there is no improvement in child mortality rates before August 2028. The proof of the pudding is in the eating ….
Transport vehicle emissions is a complicated multi-dimensional thing 🙂
Some diesel engine designs don’t need AdBlue to reduce NOx, it is possible to make diesel engines that burn / use near all the soot to produce more power rather than absorb it / waste it via DPFs (gas fumigation)
The regulators have gamed the system as much as the vehicle makers and the actual test results and regimens are afaics well hidden…
It’s high time that we got to be able to have our vehicles independently tested like the bikers have got in place in London (much to the annoyance of the execrable, grasping shits at TfL)
A major issue with a lot of these anti pollution measures is reliability and the cost of sorting out the problems that come with DPF’s, AdBlue, EGR’s and all the extra bits and electronics. I wonder who ever thought piping an engine exhaust back into the intake was a good idea.
Fairly regularly I see vehicles belching out massive amounts of smoke. The pollution output of one of these faulty vehicles is probably the same as a thousand properly running ones.
My fairly aged generation grew up with massively more pollution, I used to see carbon particles floating in the air, and yet we are the longest living in history
Exactly. In a Lancashire mill town in the 50’s the chimneys were still belching out thick coal smoke as were all the house fires. The washing often came in flecked with soot much to mum’s annoyance. With what we now term a temperature inversion the valley could be engulfed in a pea Souper for days on end.
The levels of air pollution today are minuscule compared to seventy years ago and can’t be a major cause of children’s deaths.
We know that the scientists responsible for investigating the impact of ULEZ said it was of negligible benefit and Khan has tried to silence them . We need to know nothing more. There is no justification for ULEZ on health grounds and Kahn is lying and trying to use his power to shut down the debate.
Keep on disabling the cameras. Let the politicians feel our anger. Let them start to feel the backlash.
This is the first battle for the Net Zero struggle to come. We, the people, must win it.
Good point Flotsam, I well recall regularly driving my Austin 7 saloon with the windscreen pushed open ( yes you could open the windscreen!), to try to see the kerb in pea-souper smogs.
lets see if the Springster can publish this fake news doing the rounds:
What was claimed
Grant Shapps ordered Sadiq Khan to extend ULEZ.
Our verdict
While a funding agreement between the government and Transport for London in 2020 did state that proposals to expand ULEZ should be brought forward, the Department for Transport says this referred to existing plans to extend the boundary as far as the North and South Circular Roads, not the expansion across all of Greater London which is set to take place later this month.
The Tories are in Government. If they wanted to stop the ULEZ expansion they could have done. Perhaps they think there’s a political advantage in letting Labour cut their own throats, I do ‘t know
Just seen depraved acts being simulated in the streets of Notting Hill carnival by blacks, shown by GB News.
Im a long way from being easily shocked, but even i was disgusted by the images at a family event. How low has this country sunk by these specimens who are no better than animals. Little wonder bananas are thrown at them with antics like this.
Funny, I started the day with seeing photos in online DM, of Kanye West, the thicko rapper and millionaire, showing his arse on a water taxi in Venice while his girlfriend had her head on his lap, clearly ‘servicing’ him in public, while onlookers took photos. Why he didn’t get arrested for acts against public decency, by the Italians is beyond me.
I’m becoming more racist with each passing day, and I hate being made to feel like this.
So did I Brissels and was similarly disgusted. Our descent to a third world sh** hole accelerates . With every passing year I am more pleased I won’t be here when our New Britons become the majority.
Just a suggestion to some of these unemployed Notting Hill animals.
Langur monkey impersonators are required in Delhi to scare away other monkeys from the forthcoming G20 summit. (No, really, don’t laugh, these are actual jobs!)
Just when you think the new generation of BBC reporters can’t sink any lower in their desperation to claw as much ’empathy’ as they can, this is what they consider to be ‘front page news’:
No doubt a fake picture arranged for the article. Because that’s what the BBC do now. For some reason, they (and Getty) think that lying is fine as long as it ‘captures the sentiment’. But of course they doctor the whole scene to push the ‘sentiment’ to the extreme.
Here’s the author:
This is what the once great BBC has become. Rubbish by kidults for idiots.
There is a piece like this in the telegraph – but the comments suggest if you fly on a ‘no frills ‘ airline don’t expect to see any staff if stuff goes wrong . Reading the comments of men in the article who have taken their 3 or 4 offspring on a ‘jet2’ easy or Ryanair moaning about bring out of pocket makes my heart bleed ….
My flight in 2 weeks hasn’t been cancelled yet but the contingency is ready ….
Oddly the article has two pictures of poor folk sleeping on the floor but in two different airport terminals hundreds of miles apart, the strange thing is that both terminals have exactly the same floor tiles.
No reason whatsoever for this topic to be constantly updated – but these articles are not about live updates any more for the BBC : they are an excuse to have a series of different headlines to keep the same story going.
It worked so well against Boris, they use it all the time now.
A couple of people killed by drones is absolutely insignificant compared to the slaughter going on at the front. But that’s a bit dangerous so they hide in hotels hoping for some injured children or old women outside their bombed house to take photos of.
It seems the BBC want to report everything about the war in Ukraine except the actual war in Ukraine. Which of course means Ukraine are losing.
Thursday night usually : must be when he meets his like-minded mates (who I suspect all dress like Sam Smith) and they do whatever they do which then puts him on a downswing and he gets the typical Leftist urge to vent some hate and spite when he gets home.
Around 2.4 billion people worldwide (around a third of the global population) cook using open fires or inefficient stoves fuelled by kerosene, biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal, which generates harmful household air pollution.
Household air pollution was responsible for an estimated 3.2 million deaths per year in 2020, including over 237 000 deaths of children under the age of 5.
The combined effects of ambient air pollution and household air pollution are associated with 6.7 million premature deaths annually. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/household-air-pollution-and-health
It’s different. The air pollution on the tube is caused by microscopic particles of iron. It is perfectly safe to breath iron dust. Because Mayor Khan says so.
The brainwashing is astonishing. “How many fingers am I holding up?” asked O’Brien…
Let’s take this to its ultimate insanity. Tyson Fury decides that from now on he wants to be known as Tanya…and he’s going to continue boxing. I mean, FFS, women would be killed.
Looking at these indoctrinated Canadians halfwits should be a warning to the rest of us.
They’re even further down the plughole than we are…
We do the maths, we look at the peculiarity of culture and notice the FT’s peculiar take on war sceptics in this edition
Our school kids are still on their long summer break – with some family holidays abroad turning out to be somewhat longer than planned – and so the left-leaning ‘i’ threatens our little darlings with hard sums come the start of next term: Maths shake-up: GCSE reforms and lessons in how to complete your tax returns considered. Urgent plan to make subject compulsory until 18
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – numbers are not necessarily our journos’ strong suit:
300,000 stranded… (freebie Metro)
Around 200,000 irate travellers were told their first available flights home could be at the end of next week (The Sun)
As our government and Bank of England control-freaks seriously consider plans to transform all traditional cash transactions in our economy into a centrally-controlled computerised digital-only system: Single piece of bad data caused air traffic control meltdown (Daily Telegraph)
If in doubt blame the French
Downing Street refused to rule out a French airline being to blame (Telegraph)
I’m imagining a future French tourist wandering into a British public house, attempting to buy a cup of coffee – and that one rogue transactional glitch of bad data crashing our entire central bank digital currency systems
There was a joke of that sort in the 1981 BBC TV series Private Schultz starring Michael Elphick as a hapless World War Two German soldier. The plot of that drama revolved around the German plan to wreck our economy by flooding Britain with counterfeit banknotes – notes so genuine in appearance that even the Bank of England couldn’t detect the fakes – thereby triggering rampant inflation. Oh the irony, as they say. Think of it as a form of historical hostile external quantitative easing.
Ill-prepeared German grunts – innocent of English culture – were parachuted in loaded with fake currency and tasked with spending their load – they gave themselves away as foreign spies at once by mistakes like requesting a cup of coffee in a country pub. This was pre-diversity and multi-culturalism.
Speaking of the notion how culture tends to be rather particular to a certain ethnicity…
He used to one of our own and was a familiar sight on the football pitch in shorts – but sporting leather lederhosen? Really, Harry Kane?
Harry is the ‘hosen one! (The Sun) – pictured frontpage in a form of quasi-Bavarian national costume.
One recalls that wishful-thinking late-1980s British car advert for the Rover 800 Fastback – two trendy-looking German chaps – subtitled – cruising down the autobahn toward the Stuttgart art museum chat about how come one of them chose to buy a new Rover over the obvious choice Audi or Mercedes. Arriving at the James Stirling designed Staatsgalerie we get that classic line of copy: “Britischer Architekt”
Popular historian and controversialist David Starky tends to remark on how remarkable it is that England doesn’t have a national costume.
Despite what internationalists would have us believe we notice how a culture tends to be rather particular to a certain ethnicity…
Carnival violence has become “unsustainable” – laments the Telegraph: the Metroplitan Police Federation has said – that’s the police trades union, not police bosses of course.
One police officer was sexually assulted and six others were bitten (Telegraph)
Carnival marred by machete violence… A young man with a zombie knife on a street crowded with revellers at the Notting Hill carnival in London. Violence at the two-day festival was the worst for seven years. Ministers are to ban such weapons… (Times) – but not of course ban carnival or third world immigration.
Mr AsI has pointed out hereabouts how politicisation is a feature of women’s football – not a bug. Violence and criminality appears to be a feature of carnival, not a bug.
But apparently we’re still committed to housing the world and his wife within this little island of ours.
Of all the pre-Brexit myriad regulations and panoply of red tape restrictions that Brussels imposed on Britain – which one does Rishi Sunak actually consider scrapping?
PM: Our Brexit freedoms will ditch EU rule to build homes… green light to 100,000 new homes (The Rishi lackey lick-spittle Daily Express ‘United with the people of Ukraine’)
Whereas: Brexit border controls stalled again as Treasury warns of effect on food prices (FT)
And with reference to that proxy war – in these straitened times even the liberal globalist FT is beginning to bulk at the cost: Ukraine funding threat… Disagreements among EU states have delayed funding to shore up Kyiv, as war sceptics in Europe and the US point to the limited gains made by Ukraine’s summer offensive against Russia – err… I think war sceptics rather object to the killing per se.
“One police officer was sexually assulted and six others were bitten (Telegraph)”
Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott’s privately-educated son, 28, is arrested after ‘biting one police officer and spitting at another outside Foreign Office’
James Abbott-Thompson arrested at the Foreign Office last week
He is charged with assaulting two police officers and a public order offence
The 28-year-old former civil servant is due to appear at a trial in February
If her party wins the election, Ms Abbott could be Home Secretary by that time
“As if Nicola Sturgeon couldn’t do enough damage to SNP party finances, leaked documents reveal her resignation, and the race to pick her successor, cost a whopping £160,000. The six-figure expense, “none of which was budgeted for”, was detailed in leaked minutes of this weekend’s SNP national council meeting in Perth, revealed by Wings Over Scotland. That’s one expensive online ballot…
The SNP’s money problems don’t end there, as treasurer Stuart McDonald also admitted “membership income has been hit by the overall fall in membership numbers”. This all comes just days after Electoral Commission accounts showed the SNP running a deficit of over £800,000. However, the SNP have things in hand. The minutes also reveal the party is working to “recruit a part time qualified accountant”. That’ll do it.”
Does it say what they will do or just a bland statement?
“Student loans: Osborne criticised for ‘back door’ repayments change
This article is more than 7 years old
Chancellor attacked for breaking pledge that income threshold at which monies must be paid back would rise in line with earnings”
I wonder if that is a leftist meme
cos they seem to really HATE Laura Kuennessberg
whereas to me she doesn’t seem super biased
Nowhere near the Today team, Harrabin or Marianna
2017 … BBC political editor given bodyguard for Labour conference
This article is more than 5 years old
Laura Kuenssberg will reportedly be accompanied by security team after being jeered for her treatment of Corbyn
The BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, is being protected by security guards at the Labour party conference this week following abuse she has received over her role, according to reports.
If you pay £12.50 you can save lives at the Carnival.
Notting Hill Carnival: Man in critical condition after spate of stabbings.
Around two million people are thought to have taken to the streets of west London over the course of the carnival.
Has voodoo been misjudged? {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
– Let me comment on this for the BBC, anything that gives a supernatural power over the rational is evil. It will mean that the Priest has a power that no one else can counter or complain about.
Cast your mind back into the BBC past, 12 years ago, and how the BBC used to report things …
Is witchcraft alive in Africa? {bbc.co.uk jul2005}
Does witchcraft have a place in modern society? BBC Africa Live wants to know if it is relevant to you.
In Africa, witchcraft has played a role in rebellions, fighting wars, gaining independence and is often seen at election time.
Some people also consult witchdoctors to cure diseases or find a husband.
However, the practise has negative sides – mutilated bodies are often found in Africa, with their organs removed presumably for use in magic charms. And recently in the UK, three people were jailed over the torture of an eight-year-old Angolan girl they accused of being a possessed witch.
Comment by Kingsley Obika, Nigeria
Two days ago in my neighbourhood. A girl of five was accused of killing her mother through witchcraft. She was tortured (tied upside down a tree) for hours to confess. What surprised me is the fact this girl had not heard of the word witchcraft and here she was being asked to make a so-called confession. In my opinion, those behind this child abuse should be brought to face the wrath of the law.
Comment by Guy, Johannesburg, South Africa
Is witchcraft alive in Africa begs for the answer: Is the Pope a Catholic? We are mourning the death of our four-year-old’s beloved pre-school teacher who suddenly died, apparently after taking some ‘muti’ (medication) dispensed to her by some ‘visitors’ from her rural home.
Comment by Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi, Uganda
l don’t believe in witchcraft but I know that it exists. My religion, Islam, like Christianity, regards witchcraft as satanic. Witchcraft has partly survived in Africa due to the failure of Islam and Christianity to liberate their followers from poverty, ignorance and disease.
The solution is for the two beliefs to recognise African customs which are not in contradiction with Islam and Christianity and to strengthen the penal code to deal harshly with witchcraft.
Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to rape three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
– I have intentionally ignored any positive comments supporting Witchcraft, I learnt that from the £3.5bn BBC News Machine and how Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker ignores talking to someone who voted Brexit within the BBC or outside the BBC.
Further to my comments above, I now read that another lot of the aforementioned animals were photographed urinating on police officers at the Carnival.
The organisers issued a statement after the event, saying: “We deplore all acts of violence, these people have nothing to do with Notting Hill Carnival and its values.”
Notting Hill Carnival’s machete brawls and sexual assaults are not manageable, police say
One officer was sexually assaulted and six bitten as criminals mar final day of Europe’s biggest street party
Will Bolton,
Charles Hymas,
29 August 2023 • 9:21pm
Our purpose is to increase the capacity and capability of climate-vulnerable country negotiators to engage in international climate negotiations, helping to preserve and enhance the rules-based international system and increase appetite for higher ambition.
Our vision is for a fairer, more inclusive negotiation process that enables the meaningful participation of climate-vulnerable country negotiators, supporting the ambition to keep global warming to less than 1.5 degrees celsius and reducing the prospects of rapidly escalating climate extremes and severe risks for vulnerable people and systems.
To read more about what the programme aims to achieve, view the full CASA programme objectives.
9am Radio4 More Or Less : The stupidest fact check ever
They said “An opinion columnist woman said on R4Today
“It seems to me that for the cost of HS2 you could instead buy everyone an electric car and they could go where they want when they want”” My paraphrase
The prog made a great show of working out what you could do with £150bn re EVs or electric scooters
Only at the end did they check mention they’d asked the woman for a source
“Oh I just made it up off the top on my head”
.. doh so why did the prog do 5 mins on the item
but anyways, if you assume an electric car costs £25K
So with £150bn , that rounds to dividing 150m by 25 = 6 million cars
UK has about 25 million homes, 2 million may already have an EV
a few million don’t have a car anyways
so adding 6 million EVs would mean about 40% of car households would have an EV
just said that #HS2 is going between Manchester and London.
No it isn’t. Fact check yourselves before talking rubbish on “
A landmark legal case has been launched against the world’s largest tech companies by Congolese families who say their children were killed or maimed while mining for cobalt used to power smartphones, laptops and electric cars, the Guardian can reveal.
Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla have been named as defendants in a lawsuit filed in Washington DC by human rights firm International Rights Advocates on behalf of 14 parents and children from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
The cost of completing HS2 has ballooned from £33bn a decade ago to an estimated £100bn today, making the project “a sitting duck for cuts,” said New Civil Engineer.8 Feb 2023
The £37 billion figure refers to the total budget allocated to NHS Test and Trace in its first two years. However, not all of that money was used, and only a fraction of it was spent on the NHS Covid-19 app. https://fullfact.org/online/37-billion-test-and-trace-app-scam/
Oh it wasn’t R4Today , It was in a recent edition of R4’s Broadcasting House
Joan Burnie a regular columnist at the Daily Record. Its Agony Aunt for 30 years
And she did say “give every single person in the country an electric car”
(that prog used the 2020 official cost estimate of £100bn)
I always say the HS2 cost is more expensive than putting all its passengers in taxis for their entire journey
Some years ago when UK got Apache attack helicopters via making “copies” of them at Westland in Yeovil – it would’ve been a lot cheaper to buy the real thing from the USA (including training and spares package) and giving every employee at Westland £1,000,000 each.
Nine rickety boats were intercepted in the Med leaving the African shoreline bound for Lampedusa. The Tunisian border force towed them all back and amid defiant cries from the occupants, were all deposited back on African soil. Each “captain’ of the boats was arrested.
No human rights cries there. Perhaps we should employ the Tunisians to do the same for us.
“Perhaps we should employ the Tunisians to do the same for us.”
The British Border Farce are doing the very opposite of what they are employed to do !
Sack the lot and pay the Tunisians to do it for us . Probably far cheaper ?
Manchester Arena bomber was rescued from Libya by Royal Navy
This article is more than 5 years old
Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people in a suicide attack last year, was saved from civil war in 2014
Well it’s the most effective scheme I’ve yet heard, Pay the Tunisians to pick them up five miles from the french coast and deposit them on african soil. In fact we could pay the Tunisians to pick them up from any uk hotels and deposit them on african soil. The whole illegals problem could be solved in weeks.
Why not indeed ?
The present Tory Government pays ‘contractors’ to distribute and house them in 4 Star hotels at a huge cost to the hard working taxpayers of Britain.
Follow the money of the share holders.
I wonder if there is a website with pictures of dead ULEZ cameras yet ? ….
It seems the Emir is being asked to wave the fines for day one because someone kept on crashing the TFL site . He must not – it is vital that londonistan has clean air so every day counts to stop some kid dying from an asthma attack ….
… to me if you live in a big city – don’t expect it to be clean – especially if infested with the third world …
This book elucidates the biography of the Right Honourable Sadiq Khan Mp and his thoughts. It covers his background, early life and education, political career, voting record, local campaigns, personal life and his bid to be the Mayor of London in May 2016. The outstanding qualities of Sadiq Khan are well known to people. The significant role that he subsequently played as a politician, is a matter of general knowledge. The farsighted vision of his policies, his concern for the lives of people and the wisdom of his defence of the rights make him the right person to run this city.
Sadiq Khan – Life and Thoughts is an essential reading for all those who wish to know more about a man who never stopped thinking about his community and its future.
The German coalition government has agreed to a massive corporation tax cut worth €32 billion over four years in a bid to revive its flagging economy, with Chancellor Olaf Scholz declaring yesterday that the package – part of the new “Growth Opportunities Law” – will provide the necessary “big boost” to get the country on a path to growth.
When even a left-of-centre led coalition of Social Democrats, Greens and the liberal Free Democrats are coming up with a growth plan based on tax cuts it emphasises the anti-growth nature of Rishi’s corporate tax hikes.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
David Cameron’s appointment to investment fund ‘part engineered by China’
This article is more than 1 month old
The hiring of former PM and Treasury chief was to lend credibility to broader Beijing brand, intelligence watchdog told
Confucius Institutes: The growth of China’s controversial cultural branch
7 September 2019
A sobering thought (but I won’t be around to witness), is that when the Chinese Communists take control of the UK, their “Woke” disciple’s currently working toward a totalitarian UK in preparation (to ease transition), will no longer be required. And when those disciples wake up to what they have created and turn and resist, just like Hong Kong, they will end up dead. Well, those who are not incarcerated at least. Hail (verb) ! the mighty CCP !!
that resonates at Tomo Towers – I had a victim support phone call from “ActionFraud” yesterday. (phone scammers reported ca. 2 months ago – just to put down a marker really, – and see what ActionFraud were about)
I put a flea in the caller’s ear
– she was trying to do the ooh, awful, how have you been affected by the scam you reported caricature social workery thing.
I said we can find them and ruin them / put them out of business – don’t you think that’d be a better use of your time?
– not what she’d be trained to handle 🙂
There’s more people doing victim support than out there nabbing predatory arseholes – the public sector needs a reboot.
Then I saw this BBC cubicle chimp piece and was triggered 🙂
More Or Less then did an item
“Oh look some people are saying 1 in every 73 vaxxed people died within 17 months”
Isn’t that debunk an easy cherry pick ?
Cos people do die, and at a rate of about 1% of each year so 1.5% in a year and a half does seem NORMAL.
Then they looked at unvaxxed and said TWICE more died than expected..
They did caveat that they were more likely to be more unhealthy in the first place etc, but said that in their OPINION the difference was so large that surely less would have died had they been vaxxed.
That seems to be not robust
All calculations of this type are BS
cos raw death count is a BS measure of disease/health impact
You really should be using QALYs Quality Life Years lost
Then you’d see that 10 grannies dying of Covid could equal 10 x 2 years = 20 QALYS
and 2 twenty year olds dying = 2 x 60 = 120 QALYs (I use 60 cos a twenty year old would expect a natural life of 80 years )
Of course many people died of non-covid due to reduced NHS
Provavble vax deaths did happen, so it’s disrespectful to families to pretend they didn’t
but no one I know has suddenly died at a young age so it can’t be that common.
The expert says there were a total of 56 UK vaccine deaths
with another 8 it listed as a contributing factor
The expert then said “that’s very small to the 200K excess deaths ”
Leaving the impression that they were all pure Covid deaths which they weren’t many were due to NHS not providing cancer care etc.
In his March 16 paper, Professor Ferguson predicted that COVID-19 would kill 510,000 in the UK and 2.2 mil- lion in the US in 2020. Ten days later, his team gave revised estimates for many countries, including Canada, This Economic Note was prepared by Peter St.
SECOND LOVER Husband of lockdown-breaking Professor Ferguson’s lover Antonia Staats ‘has his own mistress’
Nick Parker
Published: 22:30, 9 May 2020Updated: 22:55, 9 May 2020
The husband of Professor Lockdown’s lover is at the centre of claims that he has also been seeing another woman in a new twist.
Professor Neil Ferguson – who advised Boris Johnson to shut down Britain to stop the spread of COVID-19 – quit over rule-breaking romps at his home with Antonia Staats, 38.
SARS-CoV-2 does not exist so no one died from the ‘Covaids’. It simply does not exist. This may seem difficult to grasp but it is clear Germ Theory was falsified decades ago. Look up the Rosenau set of experiments run by the US Treasury during the Spanish flu in 1918. It proved beyond any doubt it wasn’t contagious. Most people died from the experimental injections that were rolled out and being overdosed on aspirin. Some of the soldiers were being given up to 25 vaccines during the height of the ‘pandemic’. Ring a bell? The vast majority of deaths since the rollout of the jabs have been caused by the jab. Just look up Denis Rancourt’s analysis. He proves by statistical analysis of the data across the world it could not have been a virus that has caused the excess deaths across the West.
Isn’t it strange that more people have officially died of the Covaids in the UK than in the entire African continent?
Popcorn time:
China has declared part of Russia as its territory on new official maps.
#China’s state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geographic maps for 2023, on which for the first time part of #Russia’s territory is indicated as part of China. It is about the Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island on the Amur River.
According to a 2008 treaty between Russia and China, the island was divided between the two countries. The new official map of China marks the whole island as the easternmost point of the Chinese territory.
Why do airlines choose to tinker with their maps in this way? Many of the carriers in question are majority-owned by the state, and many of those states, including Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar, do not recognise Israel. Some, though, may also be pandering to the preferences of their customers.8 Mar 2017
Just received my water bill, with accompanying Anglian Water advertising bumf. Main photo – black woman with mixed race child on her lap. Another mixed race lady having coffee. Another mixed race holding a child, oh and a young white chap in a call centre.
We might as well all give up, because it’s the ad agencies who are winning the war.
What I’ve found is that the ad business itself seems rather white…. Advertising trade publications often have jarring juxtapositions of professionals (mostly white) – showcasing their wares (shades of brown with rainbows)
“I absolutely think he should go to Taiwan. And our report today calls for more cooperation with Taiwan, because working with Taiwan, standing by their right to self-determination and the rule of law, that is not a threat to the Chinese Communist Party… I visited Taiwan back in December with my committee. The Chinese Communist Party were absolutely furious. But the reality is we cannot allow them to determine who we have relations with.”
” But the reality is we cannot allow them to determine who we have relations with.””
” But the reality is we cannot allow them to determine who we have relations with.””
Saudi crown prince asked Boris Johnson to intervene in Newcastle United bid
This article is more than 2 years old
Mohammed bin Salman warned of damage to Saudi-UK relations if Premier League refusal not ‘corrected’
I don’t think any degree of blood shed will change this 3rd world crap – it’s their ‘culture ‘…. As long decent people arnt affected leave them to it ….sounds as though it’s over policed to me ….
A photograph for the ages. The ultimate response to such comments as
a.the police are underfunded
b. The low crime clear-up rate
c. The police are overworked
d. The police are under-staffed
e. The low rate of charging
f. The time it takes to follow up leads
Whenever my blood pressure is a bit low I like to listen to ‘you and yours ‘ on R4 – I’d prefer it to be called the ‘give me ‘ show – all about various welfare junkies moaning about not getting enough free money from The State . I shout at the radio ‘it’s my effing money they get ‘ .
I’ve never claimed benefits in my life and have no intention to .
Today it was about energy prices rising – the £900 extra hand out to something like 8 million welfare recipients got a mention – but I didn’t get a ‘thank you ‘ for living them my taxes ….
Have some self respect – get a damn job – cut back on your spending – let me have my own money … rant to continue …
Fed I can identify with you not claiming benefits. Late 60s, the parents moved from SE Kent to Herts (dad took over managership of a now successful football club) and I stayed in Kent. When I returned to the parental home I did sign on the dole – £3.15 shillings per week. After 2 weeks my Mum told me in no uncertain terms she expected me to get a job, as she wasn’t subsidising me! And I did.
In these days when parents are reluctant to take board from their kids, at least my friends and I were brought up with a sense of self worth.
State dependency is an illness – and continues to drag Blighty down -very essence of the BBC is entitlement and more welfare – sooner or later it’s gonna hurt – and sooner should be now …
Fed, I agree. But sometimes it is necessary. For example, I took ‘Maggies’s Shilling’ back in 1988. It was a requirement of the Enterprise Allowance Scheme for an individual to be unemployed for six months.
Then I think of a closed steelworks in Corby and the workers made redundant. Unemployment Benefit was essential to them and the town. Hey ho. Along comes an enterprising individual and creates a factory and he then re-hires redundant steelworkers and gives them the dignity of work.
Yes – I know sometimes it is necessary – but too many are living their lives on it – and comfortably – this should not be the way – throwing £900 extra on those already receiving benefits is just wrong – and in my view – unsustainable …. Embedded inflation in energy and food is here for some time – subject to the recession needed to kill it off – a real – painful – recession ….
David Cameron discussed the establishment of a $1bn UK-China investment fund – of which he was to become vice-chair – in a meeting with then chancellor Philip Hammond just 15 months after leaving office as prime minister, despite the convention aimed at preventing former ministers from lobbying for two years.
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
A clue is in someones quote tweet
“Here, here ! It’s about #PrinceAndrew the Nonce !
And #PrinceWilliam alias #PrinceOfPegging ”
JOB’s show was about
“@mrjamesob and this caller discuss the ‘moral corruption’ of the Royal family’s ‘code’
as Prince Andrew is ‘welcomed back into the fold’.”
It is perplexing what’s happened in the UK in the recent past.
1) The Lucy Letby case and the subsequent highlighting of management failure
2) The British Museum thefts where the management culture seems defective and over bearing and ineffective.
3) Khan,s ULEZ which is exposed as another example of tax and control PS don’t let him visit Scotland he will pick up numerous other Tax And Control tips from what has been found to be
an out of control cult “running” the country…into the ground
4) The air traffic failure from a public/private organisation.
This lot were advised 20 years ago that a system relying on a manual back up was high risk.
Another management team which needs clearing out.
5) And best till last the 36 million letters sent out by Capita
on behalf of the Broken State Organ.
to British Households written in a manner that recipients are guilty without question and threatening visits unless paid up.
PS Is a third party namely CAPITA legally allowed to send such threatening material on such a scale?
Also read recently that CAPITA are the first point of call for bBC complaints…they dont half know how do build a wall to hide behind.
Only the most serious cases go to bBC,
But apart from that everything else is hunky dory??
Mmmmmm. Killing people off when they are no longer useful.
But enough of the government’s attitude to care homes during the first wave of covid deaths.
That said, Jenny Agutter as portrayed could tuck me in any time…….especially in fur. Or not.
They’ll allow the default of the WHO to deal with killing people off. It is by default that the UK will glide into the International Treaty soon by absence of any objections. The UK has already signed up to it.
In the original 1960s novel Logan’s Run by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson there’s a backstory about The Little War, in which the young depose the old.
I don’t know about you but the following excerpt sounds a bit too close for comfort to me; will the next Greta be a “Chaney Moon”?
(“Sleep” = voluntary euthanasia at 21)
“The next year marked the beginning of the great debates on how best to solve the population crisis. Chaney Moon had an answer. He was sixteen and blessed with a ragged, powerful voice, glittering, hypnotic eyes and a sense of personal destiny. A crowd pleaser, with the talent to make the commonplace sound novel and the preposterous seem reasonable. As proposal followed proposal his voice rose above the others in compelling thunder. His views found solid support. In London, at Piccadilly Circus, he addressed a chanting mob of 400,000 youngsters. In Paris, speaking flawless French, he mesmerized twice that number on the west bank of the Seine. In Berlin they embraced him; Moon was the world’s savior, the new Messiah. Within six months the followers of the Chaney Moon Plan numbered in the millions. It was noted by detractors that most of his people were under fifteen, but what they lacked in maturity they made up for in fanaticism. Five years later the Moon Plan was inaugurated and Chaney Moon, now twenty-one, proved his dedication by becoming the first to publicly embrace Sleep. Young America accepted this bold new method of self-control, and the Thinker was programmed to enforce it. Eventually all remaining older citizens were executed and the first of the giant Sleepshops went into fulltime operation in Chicago. One thing the young were sure of; they would never again place their fate in the hands of an older generation. The age of government by computer began. The maximum age limit was imposed with the new system, and the original DS units were formed.
By 2072 all the world was young.”
Another 5 minute waste of time on BBCmoreOrLess
“Last year we said ’32 trillion is 32 to the power of twelve’
… when the correct is 32 x 10¹²
we told you about that before
oh but the Guardian in May did an even bigger one
so we win !”
20 Minutes in they started banging on about Climate
“High temperatures and wildfires”
“Hottest June ON RECORD in the UK
hottest July EVER RECORDED across the planet”
Climate skeptics would say
#1 Yes the general temperature trend should be slightly up each century, cos we are coming out of an Ice Age
#2 official stats seem to be dodgy as if they have their finger on the weighing scale
#3 “Record” = since start of satellite network
cos you couldn’t model global temps before then
‘A few of our climatically concerned loyal listeners have said
Listener Isabel in London
I was shocked when Amol Rajan said that UK only contributes 1% of GHGs, surprised he didn’t quote the per capita
Surely UK contributes more than most countries and have emitted GHGs for a longer time,
Industrial revolution started here
I really care …. (gives us a lecture)
She surely misspoke and meant CO2, cos GHGs overall includes cow methane and water vapour .. And they’re difficult to measure
That sounds like “Here’s a listener question that we wrote ourselves”
Presenter “What can we say about the UK’s CARBON DIOXIDE emissions now and in the past”
see how the questions was GHGs, and the answer is CO2
“I spoke to Hannah Ritchie”
Hannah “UK CO2 is 0.9% of global, and about same as global avg per capita , and we are 0.9% of world population too
Yes we stopped manufacturing so we are offshoring emissions
Including that makes us 1.4%”
“Yes China has emitted more in the last 8 years than UK ever has”
BBC presenter “So that means surely Climate Change is going to reach runaway levels”
Hannah “China is deploying renewable energy incredibly quickly
nearly accounting for all its growth in electricity demand
so emissions will peak and begin to fall”
Fallacy klaxon : Electricity is only a fraction of ALL energy use
so she is wrong about emissions in China peaking
There was a big fail in talking about
#1 the UK’s lead in reducing emissions more that most countries
#2 That new tech will come in like fusion
#3 #6 You can’t believe most stats out of China
nor Asia nor #GreenBlob
#4 Failed to answer about China GHG per capita
For CO2 adjusted for imports UK , 5 Brits emit about s much as 6 Chinese ..so pretty close
Last year, China made 97% of the silicon wafers that go into solar panels and more than three-quarters of the world’s solar panels themselves.17 May 2023
I think we can all be truly thankful it was not our own children, condolences to the parents are in order and well-meant.
But now let’s consider another little girl. This girl lived near a main road and had asthma. She died of an attack. The coroner attributed the death to air pollution. As a result SadDick Khan has implemented a grubby money-grabbing opportunity and the result is ULEZ, which targets the poor.
Can we expect all holiday parks now to close and only re-open when a suitable extra car tax system has been implemented?
You know it makes sense. After all, ‘safety is our number 1 priority’.
What a shame the BBC choose not to spot such juxtapositions.
‘Ex-BBC and New York Times boss Sir Mark Thompson has been appointed to lead CNN following a series of crises and falling ratings at the US news network.’
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Stop foreign aid .. oh wait … that’s 8 billion leaving the UK! HA HA HAH AHAH AH A “Migrant…
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I wouldn’t nrmally post a dry investment interview about the US Bond Market, but this is so important I think everyone needs to know what is about to happen as a heads up.
Thoughtful – I wouldn’t normally post so early in a thread – but – because of you – I’m now following the ‘Wolf ‘ and the message he is sending is full of ( bear ) warnings about the western markets and economies and the value of the paper governments have been printing .
So thank you for the sleepless nights ….
LOL you think he’s a bear, watch this guy explain just how bad things really are. Stocks are one thing but the bond market dwarfs it and it is the method countries and governments finance themselves.
As Luke Gromen explains, Bidens profligacy is so great that it’s akin to war time spending, and the US can’t afford even the interest payments let alone the capital.
Thoughful – I know – I watched his Sunday summary and the stock / bond market graphs comparing to previous crashes ( 1987 ) . There’s something very wrong . Personal UD ent on credit cards is just out of control And what with wotshisname from the 2008 crash ( wide scale mortgage fraud ) it’s enough to frighten ..
Thoughtful, what was the big event you were predicting for 23rd/24th August and did it happen ?
The big event was the BRICS conference, and although the trading currency wasn’t launched the de-Dollarising was and this video is a part of the fall out.
The US to borrow 1. 9 trillion dollars in the second half of 2023 – in order to pay welfare defense and interest on already borrowed paper.
Personal US debt is being put on the credit card as covid savings eaten by inflation and interest hikes –
… sooner of later there will be a crunch
Transport air pollution is a complicated multi-dimensional thing
#1 Size of particulate
#2 compound of particulate
#3 toxicity of particulate
#4 lung affect
eg one particulate may be high count at the exhaust and high toxic too , but might be so heavy it doesn’t float in the air to the pavement nor your front gate
never mind inside your home
Now granny could drive her non-compliant diesel 5 mins /day and put out some pollution
but Uber driver might drive his Petrol Prius for 15 hours and
obviously quite a pollution footprint which could be 1000 times worse than granny
yet Sadiq charges him NOTHING
and granny £12.50
Sadiq “I have meeting bereaved Mums who have lost their children DUE TO AIR POLLUTION”
… unlikely since road air pollution is not on their death certificates
Sadiq should give names
“@SadiqKhan have you been meeting Bereaved mums who lost their children to knife crime.
There has been a lot more with Stabbing on their death certificate yet you keep ignoring it.”
Khant is a liar
One might expect a lawyer to be a bit more artful – but he’s flat out aggressively gaslighting – likely in the knowledge that nobody is going to be allowed to square off to him and call out the odious little shit on a public platform.
The man’s lower than a snake’s arse-hole.
Don’t forget Khan cut his teeth inventing bogus reasons not to deport loads of illegals in his previous lawyer life. He has lots of form for this.
I believe there is a weapon used in a certain faith called Taqqia or something that encourages lying to your opponents if it gives you an advantage.
Not quite sure he was even a solicitor. He worked for ‘Liberty’ the anti-Conservative outfit. I did check with the Law Society some years back and the name was not registered. He is, no doubt, off The Roll now even it he was on it for a time.
digg / G
I thought he was a go-to guy for jihadi cases for some time? Although Wikipedia puffery doesn’t mention it.
Not convinced the chiselling git is particularly religious – more of an unprincipled opportunist who’ll put on any hat that’s convenient.
Taqiyya rules his life.
G if you are going to make the huge claim that “Not quite sure he was even a solicitor”
” After completing his law degree in 1991, Khan took his Law Society finals at the College of Law in Guildford.
In 1994 he married Saadiya Ahmed, who was also a solicitor.”
Louise Christian firm : Sadiq Khan joined the firm as a trainee in 1994, and became a partner in 1997.
Khan left in 2004; at the time the firm employed about 50 staff.
It earned money almost entirely from legal aid
You again. What is the matter with you?
I repeat, when I checked with the Law Society some year ago, I could not find any registration. I stand by that. Check the Law Society yourself.
Good bye
A few years ago I was on holiday with a group where one of the others was the head of the firm where Sadiq had been a solicitor and she may well have been called Louise. I was specifically told that Sadiq had worked with her. That seems to tie in with what Stew is saying.
The government office for national statistics answered a FOI request recently querying the number of deaths due to air pollution in the UK.
They only found ONE certificate that listed air pollution as a factor in the period 2001 to 2021…..
Clear evidence of manufactured lies by the GLC to push their political ambitions as they are claiming as fact thousands of deaths for London alone each year with absolutely nothing to back it up.
Remember Covid? It’s the same nudge method, then every death was bloody covid…. Now it’s just turned to cars in cities.
They won’t stop at vehicles, they will go after restaurants, night clubs, in fact anyone using any form of energy in due course. I believe global money is behind this and London is to be their test bed as it is so globally recognised .
Basically nudging the lower income people out of cities so the wealthy can live in space and splendour.
There is in my opinion much, much more of this shit coming down the line.
I just wonder if these all-knowing, all-powerful twats have any awareness of a thing called peasants revolt. It can end very badly for them if the switch is flipped.
Stew, the politicians of every Political Party should press Sadiq Khan to scrap his ULEZ schemes if there is no improvement in child mortality rates before August 2028. The proof of the pudding is in the eating ….
I ll buy them all a bottle of oxygen ….
Transport vehicle emissions is a complicated multi-dimensional thing 🙂
Some diesel engine designs don’t need AdBlue to reduce NOx, it is possible to make diesel engines that burn / use near all the soot to produce more power rather than absorb it / waste it via DPFs (gas fumigation)
The regulators have gamed the system as much as the vehicle makers and the actual test results and regimens are afaics well hidden…
It’s high time that we got to be able to have our vehicles independently tested like the bikers have got in place in London (much to the annoyance of the execrable, grasping shits at TfL)
A major issue with a lot of these anti pollution measures is reliability and the cost of sorting out the problems that come with DPF’s, AdBlue, EGR’s and all the extra bits and electronics. I wonder who ever thought piping an engine exhaust back into the intake was a good idea.
Fairly regularly I see vehicles belching out massive amounts of smoke. The pollution output of one of these faulty vehicles is probably the same as a thousand properly running ones.
My fairly aged generation grew up with massively more pollution, I used to see carbon particles floating in the air, and yet we are the longest living in history
piping exhaust back into the intake might have wider useful application though – if applied to the BBC?
I was thinking specifically of Marijuana’s department.
Exactly. In a Lancashire mill town in the 50’s the chimneys were still belching out thick coal smoke as were all the house fires. The washing often came in flecked with soot much to mum’s annoyance. With what we now term a temperature inversion the valley could be engulfed in a pea Souper for days on end.
The levels of air pollution today are minuscule compared to seventy years ago and can’t be a major cause of children’s deaths.
We know that the scientists responsible for investigating the impact of ULEZ said it was of negligible benefit and Khan has tried to silence them . We need to know nothing more. There is no justification for ULEZ on health grounds and Kahn is lying and trying to use his power to shut down the debate.
Keep on disabling the cameras. Let the politicians feel our anger. Let them start to feel the backlash.
This is the first battle for the Net Zero struggle to come. We, the people, must win it.
Good point Flotsam, I well recall regularly driving my Austin 7 saloon with the windscreen pushed open ( yes you could open the windscreen!), to try to see the kerb in pea-souper smogs.
Flotsam, piping the exhaust gases somewhere does have an immense effect – the turbo era in Formula 1?
Burn that diesel – make smoke
lets see if the Springster can publish this fake news doing the rounds:
What was claimed
Grant Shapps ordered Sadiq Khan to extend ULEZ.
Our verdict
While a funding agreement between the government and Transport for London in 2020 did state that proposals to expand ULEZ should be brought forward, the Department for Transport says this referred to existing plans to extend the boundary as far as the North and South Circular Roads, not the expansion across all of Greater London which is set to take place later this month.
It does however appear that the Blue Labour Tories do have plenty of complicity in the ULEZ scheme however as might be expected.
The Tories are in Government. If they wanted to stop the ULEZ expansion they could have done. Perhaps they think there’s a political advantage in letting Labour cut their own throats, I do ‘t know
Just seen depraved acts being simulated in the streets of Notting Hill carnival by blacks, shown by GB News.
Im a long way from being easily shocked, but even i was disgusted by the images at a family event. How low has this country sunk by these specimens who are no better than animals. Little wonder bananas are thrown at them with antics like this.
Funny, I started the day with seeing photos in online DM, of Kanye West, the thicko rapper and millionaire, showing his arse on a water taxi in Venice while his girlfriend had her head on his lap, clearly ‘servicing’ him in public, while onlookers took photos. Why he didn’t get arrested for acts against public decency, by the Italians is beyond me.
I’m becoming more racist with each passing day, and I hate being made to feel like this.
Bris – 3rd world culture 3rd world failing country ….
Yep, that’s exactly what I was talking about.
So did I Brissels and was similarly disgusted. Our descent to a third world sh** hole accelerates . With every passing year I am more pleased I won’t be here when our New Britons become the majority.
Just a suggestion to some of these unemployed Notting Hill animals.
Langur monkey impersonators are required in Delhi to scare away other monkeys from the forthcoming G20 summit. (No, really, don’t laugh, these are actual jobs!)
BBC News – G20: Delhi tries to scare monkeys away from summit
Some truly ridiculous crap coming out of the blue labour government about the air traffic failure – the French are to blame for a dodgy flight plan .
Now they are using xenophobia – Francophobia for their own failing – effing amateur typical blue labour crap .. they must really think we are thick ….
Dallas : Crimbos using Ring doorbell trick to find no one is home
except the guy as home with a gun
… longer clip https://youtu.be/HFwmYHuQHv8
Shame he missed.
BBC is on board.
Just when you think the new generation of BBC reporters can’t sink any lower in their desperation to claw as much ’empathy’ as they can, this is what they consider to be ‘front page news’:
Cancelled flights: Children sleep on airport floors
No doubt a fake picture arranged for the article. Because that’s what the BBC do now. For some reason, they (and Getty) think that lying is fine as long as it ‘captures the sentiment’. But of course they doctor the whole scene to push the ‘sentiment’ to the extreme.
Here’s the author:

This is what the once great BBC has become. Rubbish by kidults for idiots.
You may be right.
There is a piece like this in the telegraph – but the comments suggest if you fly on a ‘no frills ‘ airline don’t expect to see any staff if stuff goes wrong . Reading the comments of men in the article who have taken their 3 or 4 offspring on a ‘jet2’ easy or Ryanair moaning about bring out of pocket makes my heart bleed ….
My flight in 2 weeks hasn’t been cancelled yet but the contingency is ready ….
Oddly the article has two pictures of poor folk sleeping on the floor but in two different airport terminals hundreds of miles apart, the strange thing is that both terminals have exactly the same floor tiles.
I smell photo porkies!
When Getty goes bad.
BBC TNI partner playbook not liking the new Twitter system?
CNN proving themselves worthy of being a cheek on the same arse as the BBC. The Guardian on the other one of course and the BBC right in the middle.
Another live update.
Drone attack sets Russian cargo planes on fire
No reason whatsoever for this topic to be constantly updated – but these articles are not about live updates any more for the BBC : they are an excuse to have a series of different headlines to keep the same story going.
It worked so well against Boris, they use it all the time now.
A couple of people killed by drones is absolutely insignificant compared to the slaughter going on at the front. But that’s a bit dangerous so they hide in hotels hoping for some injured children or old women outside their bombed house to take photos of.
It seems the BBC want to report everything about the war in Ukraine except the actual war in Ukraine. Which of course means Ukraine are losing.
Senora O’Blene has recently had a cataract op, and one of the meds she has to take is called ‘Nevanac’!
I hope that we don’t all get infected by the other one she takes, which has the well-known name – ‘Maxitrol’…
Does it only get applied at night, not work as intended and get put back in the box for weeks?
Ha ha ha!
Surely our resident chum won’t ever be around five times a day for the first week, four times for the second week, three times for the third week etc…
Gawd, I hope not…
(Any reference above being applied to newly-weds is purely coincidental..;0)
Thursday night usually : must be when he meets his like-minded mates (who I suspect all dress like Sam Smith) and they do whatever they do which then puts him on a downswing and he gets the typical Leftist urge to vent some hate and spite when he gets home.
Doctor works around the Getty problem?
With luck, the BBC will get Verify on this.
Might explain the air quality?
Khan is tripping over himself…. of course the BBC won’t notice.
“No level of air pollution is safe”
– ban buying from China?
Around 2.4 billion people worldwide (around a third of the global population) cook using open fires or inefficient stoves fuelled by kerosene, biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal, which generates harmful household air pollution.
Household air pollution was responsible for an estimated 3.2 million deaths per year in 2020, including over 237 000 deaths of children under the age of 5.
The combined effects of ambient air pollution and household air pollution are associated with 6.7 million premature deaths annually.
It’s different. The air pollution on the tube is caused by microscopic particles of iron. It is perfectly safe to breath iron dust. Because Mayor Khan says so.
Canadian rugby😂😂😂
The brainwashing is astonishing. “How many fingers am I holding up?” asked O’Brien…
Let’s take this to its ultimate insanity. Tyson Fury decides that from now on he wants to be known as Tanya…and he’s going to continue boxing. I mean, FFS, women would be killed.
Looking at these indoctrinated Canadians halfwits should be a warning to the rest of us.
They’re even further down the plughole than we are…
We do the maths, we look at the peculiarity of culture and notice the FT’s peculiar take on war sceptics in this edition
Our school kids are still on their long summer break – with some family holidays abroad turning out to be somewhat longer than planned – and so the left-leaning ‘i’ threatens our little darlings with hard sums come the start of next term: Maths shake-up: GCSE reforms and lessons in how to complete your tax returns considered. Urgent plan to make subject compulsory until 18
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – numbers are not necessarily our journos’ strong suit:
300,000 stranded… (freebie Metro)
Around 200,000 irate travellers were told their first available flights home could be at the end of next week (The Sun)
As our government and Bank of England control-freaks seriously consider plans to transform all traditional cash transactions in our economy into a centrally-controlled computerised digital-only system: Single piece of bad data caused air traffic control meltdown (Daily Telegraph)
If in doubt blame the French
Downing Street refused to rule out a French airline being to blame (Telegraph)
I’m imagining a future French tourist wandering into a British public house, attempting to buy a cup of coffee – and that one rogue transactional glitch of bad data crashing our entire central bank digital currency systems
There was a joke of that sort in the 1981 BBC TV series Private Schultz starring Michael Elphick as a hapless World War Two German soldier. The plot of that drama revolved around the German plan to wreck our economy by flooding Britain with counterfeit banknotes – notes so genuine in appearance that even the Bank of England couldn’t detect the fakes – thereby triggering rampant inflation. Oh the irony, as they say. Think of it as a form of historical hostile external quantitative easing.
Ill-prepeared German grunts – innocent of English culture – were parachuted in loaded with fake currency and tasked with spending their load – they gave themselves away as foreign spies at once by mistakes like requesting a cup of coffee in a country pub. This was pre-diversity and multi-culturalism.
Speaking of the notion how culture tends to be rather particular to a certain ethnicity…
He used to one of our own and was a familiar sight on the football pitch in shorts – but sporting leather lederhosen? Really, Harry Kane?
Harry is the ‘hosen one! (The Sun) – pictured frontpage in a form of quasi-Bavarian national costume.
One recalls that wishful-thinking late-1980s British car advert for the Rover 800 Fastback – two trendy-looking German chaps – subtitled – cruising down the autobahn toward the Stuttgart art museum chat about how come one of them chose to buy a new Rover over the obvious choice Audi or Mercedes. Arriving at the James Stirling designed Staatsgalerie we get that classic line of copy: “Britischer Architekt”
Popular historian and controversialist David Starky tends to remark on how remarkable it is that England doesn’t have a national costume.
Despite what internationalists would have us believe we notice how a culture tends to be rather particular to a certain ethnicity…
Carnival violence has become “unsustainable” – laments the Telegraph: the Metroplitan Police Federation has said – that’s the police trades union, not police bosses of course.
One police officer was sexually assulted and six others were bitten (Telegraph)
Carnival marred by machete violence… A young man with a zombie knife on a street crowded with revellers at the Notting Hill carnival in London. Violence at the two-day festival was the worst for seven years. Ministers are to ban such weapons… (Times) – but not of course ban carnival or third world immigration.
Mr AsI has pointed out hereabouts how politicisation is a feature of women’s football – not a bug. Violence and criminality appears to be a feature of carnival, not a bug.
But apparently we’re still committed to housing the world and his wife within this little island of ours.
Of all the pre-Brexit myriad regulations and panoply of red tape restrictions that Brussels imposed on Britain – which one does Rishi Sunak actually consider scrapping?
PM: Our Brexit freedoms will ditch EU rule to build homes… green light to 100,000 new homes (The Rishi lackey lick-spittle Daily Express ‘United with the people of Ukraine’)
Whereas: Brexit border controls stalled again as Treasury warns of effect on food prices (FT)
And with reference to that proxy war – in these straitened times even the liberal globalist FT is beginning to bulk at the cost: Ukraine funding threat… Disagreements among EU states have delayed funding to shore up Kyiv, as war sceptics in Europe and the US point to the limited gains made by Ukraine’s summer offensive against Russia – err… I think war sceptics rather object to the killing per se.
“One police officer was sexually assulted and six others were bitten (Telegraph)”
Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott’s privately-educated son, 28, is arrested after ‘biting one police officer and spitting at another outside Foreign Office’
James Abbott-Thompson arrested at the Foreign Office last week
He is charged with assaulting two police officers and a public order offence
The 28-year-old former civil servant is due to appear at a trial in February
If her party wins the election, Ms Abbott could be Home Secretary by that time
UPDATED: 20:17, 4 December 2019
Black gangsters run riot with machetes. The response of the government is to “ban machetes”.
We are ruled by pathetic half wits.
“As if Nicola Sturgeon couldn’t do enough damage to SNP party finances, leaked documents reveal her resignation, and the race to pick her successor, cost a whopping £160,000. The six-figure expense, “none of which was budgeted for”, was detailed in leaked minutes of this weekend’s SNP national council meeting in Perth, revealed by Wings Over Scotland. That’s one expensive online ballot…
The SNP’s money problems don’t end there, as treasurer Stuart McDonald also admitted “membership income has been hit by the overall fall in membership numbers”. This all comes just days after Electoral Commission accounts showed the SNP running a deficit of over £800,000. However, the SNP have things in hand. The minutes also reveal the party is working to “recruit a part time qualified accountant”. That’ll do it.”
Gregor Fisher really needs to do a Rab C Nesbitt SNP special.
There’s so much material it’d be near criminal to pass up the opportunity.
Katie Hopkins. Airline and air traffic control chaos.
BBC Newsbeat.
“Labour working on fairer student fees deal – Starmer”
Story is still up, running for 8 days now.
Does it say what they will do or just a bland statement?
“Student loans: Osborne criticised for ‘back door’ repayments change
This article is more than 7 years old
Chancellor attacked for breaking pledge that income threshold at which monies must be paid back would rise in line with earnings”
I wonder if that is a leftist meme
cos they seem to really HATE Laura Kuennessberg
whereas to me she doesn’t seem super biased
Nowhere near the Today team, Harrabin or Marianna
2017 … BBC political editor given bodyguard for Labour conference
This article is more than 5 years old
Laura Kuenssberg will reportedly be accompanied by security team after being jeered for her treatment of Corbyn
The BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, is being protected by security guards at the Labour party conference this week following abuse she has received over her role, according to reports.
“Many Russian attacks thwarted, but presumed Ukrainian drones hit targets”
Think many of the comments would go down well with this site:
If you pay £12.50 you can save lives at the Carnival.
Notting Hill Carnival: Man in critical condition after spate of stabbings.
Around two million people are thought to have taken to the streets of west London over the course of the carnival.
Tuesday 29 August 2023 10:01, UK
I import the third world and you will end up as the third world.
Anyone remember Enoch Powell MP?
2017 …. “Has voodoo been misjudged”
Has voodoo been misjudged? {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
– Let me comment on this for the BBC, anything that gives a supernatural power over the rational is evil. It will mean that the Priest has a power that no one else can counter or complain about.
Cast your mind back into the BBC past, 12 years ago, and how the BBC used to report things …
Is witchcraft alive in Africa? {bbc.co.uk jul2005}
Does witchcraft have a place in modern society? BBC Africa Live wants to know if it is relevant to you.
In Africa, witchcraft has played a role in rebellions, fighting wars, gaining independence and is often seen at election time.
Some people also consult witchdoctors to cure diseases or find a husband.
However, the practise has negative sides – mutilated bodies are often found in Africa, with their organs removed presumably for use in magic charms. And recently in the UK, three people were jailed over the torture of an eight-year-old Angolan girl they accused of being a possessed witch.
Comment by Kingsley Obika, Nigeria
Two days ago in my neighbourhood. A girl of five was accused of killing her mother through witchcraft. She was tortured (tied upside down a tree) for hours to confess. What surprised me is the fact this girl had not heard of the word witchcraft and here she was being asked to make a so-called confession. In my opinion, those behind this child abuse should be brought to face the wrath of the law.
Comment by Guy, Johannesburg, South Africa
Is witchcraft alive in Africa begs for the answer: Is the Pope a Catholic? We are mourning the death of our four-year-old’s beloved pre-school teacher who suddenly died, apparently after taking some ‘muti’ (medication) dispensed to her by some ‘visitors’ from her rural home.
Comment by Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi, Uganda
l don’t believe in witchcraft but I know that it exists. My religion, Islam, like Christianity, regards witchcraft as satanic. Witchcraft has partly survived in Africa due to the failure of Islam and Christianity to liberate their followers from poverty, ignorance and disease.
The solution is for the two beliefs to recognise African customs which are not in contradiction with Islam and Christianity and to strengthen the penal code to deal harshly with witchcraft.
Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to rape three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
– I have intentionally ignored any positive comments supporting Witchcraft, I learnt that from the £3.5bn BBC News Machine and how Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker ignores talking to someone who voted Brexit within the BBC or outside the BBC.
Further to my comments above, I now read that another lot of the aforementioned animals were photographed urinating on police officers at the Carnival.
The organisers issued a statement after the event, saying: “We deplore all acts of violence, these people have nothing to do with Notting Hill Carnival and its values.”
Notting Hill Carnival’s machete brawls and sexual assaults are not manageable, police say
One officer was sexually assaulted and six bitten as criminals mar final day of Europe’s biggest street party
Will Bolton,
Charles Hymas,
29 August 2023 • 9:21pm
Would it be overkill with a M242 Bushmaster? Would the Bushmaster, ‘cut it’?
The Climate Ambition Support Alliance
WTF is that?
Incredibly … (OK … there’s a lot of incredibility competition…)
It’s a wholly UK gubbermint funded “thing”
grrr – where’s my pitchfork…
Our purpose is to increase the capacity and capability of climate-vulnerable country negotiators to engage in international climate negotiations, helping to preserve and enhance the rules-based international system and increase appetite for higher ambition.
Our vision is for a fairer, more inclusive negotiation process that enables the meaningful participation of climate-vulnerable country negotiators, supporting the ambition to keep global warming to less than 1.5 degrees celsius and reducing the prospects of rapidly escalating climate extremes and severe risks for vulnerable people and systems.
To read more about what the programme aims to achieve, view the full CASA programme objectives.
Kamala Harris is on the team innit?
What ever it is, it will no doubt have the blessing of the UK Government as a registered Charity. Perhaps even, a grant of our money.
it looks to be solely funded by government – no tin rattlers or supermarket checkout machine panhandling.
If its not government and not a charity, their finance can only be from one source: Soros.
9am Radio4 More Or Less : The stupidest fact check ever
They said “An opinion columnist woman said on R4Today
“It seems to me that for the cost of HS2 you could instead buy everyone an electric car and they could go where they want when they want”” My paraphrase
The prog made a great show of working out what you could do with £150bn re EVs or electric scooters
Only at the end did they check mention they’d asked the woman for a source
“Oh I just made it up off the top on my head”
.. doh so why did the prog do 5 mins on the item
but anyways, if you assume an electric car costs £25K
So with £150bn , that rounds to dividing 150m by 25 = 6 million cars
UK has about 25 million homes, 2 million may already have an EV
a few million don’t have a car anyways
so adding 6 million EVs would mean about 40% of car households would have an EV
just said that #HS2 is going between Manchester and London.
No it isn’t. Fact check yourselves before talking rubbish on “
– It does highlight the scale of the larceny in the public sector….
I wouldn’t accept anything less than a Tesla Model X
Apple and Google named in US lawsuit over Congolese child cobalt mining deaths
A landmark legal case has been launched against the world’s largest tech companies by Congolese families who say their children were killed or maimed while mining for cobalt used to power smartphones, laptops and electric cars, the Guardian can reveal.
Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla have been named as defendants in a lawsuit filed in Washington DC by human rights firm International Rights Advocates on behalf of 14 parents and children from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
OK £150bn is a high end estimate for all phases upto Leeds
but a Citroen Ami electric city buggy costs about £10K
so £150bn buys 15 million of them
The cost of completing HS2 has ballooned from £33bn a decade ago to an estimated £100bn today, making the project “a sitting duck for cuts,” said New Civil Engineer.8 Feb 2023
The £37 billion figure refers to the total budget allocated to NHS Test and Trace in its first two years. However, not all of that money was used, and only a fraction of it was spent on the NHS Covid-19 app.
Oh it wasn’t R4Today , It was in a recent edition of R4’s Broadcasting House
Joan Burnie a regular columnist at the Daily Record. Its Agony Aunt for 30 years
And she did say “give every single person in the country an electric car”
(that prog used the 2020 official cost estimate of £100bn)
I always say the HS2 cost is more expensive than putting all its passengers in taxis for their entire journey
Mad public funding.
Some years ago when UK got Apache attack helicopters via making “copies” of them at Westland in Yeovil – it would’ve been a lot cheaper to buy the real thing from the USA (including training and spares package) and giving every employee at Westland £1,000,000 each.
Nine rickety boats were intercepted in the Med leaving the African shoreline bound for Lampedusa. The Tunisian border force towed them all back and amid defiant cries from the occupants, were all deposited back on African soil. Each “captain’ of the boats was arrested.
No human rights cries there. Perhaps we should employ the Tunisians to do the same for us.
“Perhaps we should employ the Tunisians to do the same for us.”
The British Border Farce are doing the very opposite of what they are employed to do !
Sack the lot and pay the Tunisians to do it for us . Probably far cheaper ?
Manchester Arena bomber was rescued from Libya by Royal Navy
This article is more than 5 years old
Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people in a suicide attack last year, was saved from civil war in 2014
Well it’s the most effective scheme I’ve yet heard, Pay the Tunisians to pick them up five miles from the french coast and deposit them on african soil. In fact we could pay the Tunisians to pick them up from any uk hotels and deposit them on african soil. The whole illegals problem could be solved in weeks.
Why not indeed ?
The present Tory Government pays ‘contractors’ to distribute and house them in 4 Star hotels at a huge cost to the hard working taxpayers of Britain.
Follow the money of the share holders.
I wonder if there is a website with pictures of dead ULEZ cameras yet ? ….
It seems the Emir is being asked to wave the fines for day one because someone kept on crashing the TFL site . He must not – it is vital that londonistan has clean air so every day counts to stop some kid dying from an asthma attack ….
… to me if you live in a big city – don’t expect it to be clean – especially if infested with the third world …
This book elucidates the biography of the Right Honourable Sadiq Khan Mp and his thoughts. It covers his background, early life and education, political career, voting record, local campaigns, personal life and his bid to be the Mayor of London in May 2016. The outstanding qualities of Sadiq Khan are well known to people. The significant role that he subsequently played as a politician, is a matter of general knowledge. The farsighted vision of his policies, his concern for the lives of people and the wisdom of his defence of the rights make him the right person to run this city.
Sadiq Khan – Life and Thoughts is an essential reading for all those who wish to know more about a man who never stopped thinking about his community and its future.
Can’t see the author clearly but I think it is a newcomer/import to the Historic City of Londonistan and, doubtless, a fellow Pakistani.
…the right person to RUIN this city .
Blue labour are ruining the rest of the country .
“a man who never stopped thinking about his community…”
Mmm, what ‘community’ exactly would that be?
Would’ve done a better job?
You forgot the problem of widespread alcoholism and related deaths.
Poor diet and lower life expectancy.
I’d be interested to know what businesses think of investing in Scotland with the flakey Government, rampant Socialism and high taxation
The German coalition government has agreed to a massive corporation tax cut worth €32 billion over four years in a bid to revive its flagging economy, with Chancellor Olaf Scholz declaring yesterday that the package – part of the new “Growth Opportunities Law” – will provide the necessary “big boost” to get the country on a path to growth.
When even a left-of-centre led coalition of Social Democrats, Greens and the liberal Free Democrats are coming up with a growth plan based on tax cuts it emphasises the anti-growth nature of Rishi’s corporate tax hikes.
Disengaging with China not credible, says James Cleverly
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
David Cameron’s appointment to investment fund ‘part engineered by China’
This article is more than 1 month old
The hiring of former PM and Treasury chief was to lend credibility to broader Beijing brand, intelligence watchdog told
Confucius Institutes: The growth of China’s controversial cultural branch
7 September 2019
A sobering thought (but I won’t be around to witness), is that when the Chinese Communists take control of the UK, their “Woke” disciple’s currently working toward a totalitarian UK in preparation (to ease transition), will no longer be required. And when those disciples wake up to what they have created and turn and resist, just like Hong Kong, they will end up dead. Well, those who are not incarcerated at least. Hail (verb) ! the mighty CCP !!
All together now !……………….
A Farce
that resonates at Tomo Towers – I had a victim support phone call from “ActionFraud” yesterday. (phone scammers reported ca. 2 months ago – just to put down a marker really, – and see what ActionFraud were about)
I put a flea in the caller’s ear
– she was trying to do the ooh, awful, how have you been affected by the scam you reported caricature social workery thing.
I said we can find them and ruin them / put them out of business – don’t you think that’d be a better use of your time?
– not what she’d be trained to handle 🙂
There’s more people doing victim support than out there nabbing predatory arseholes – the public sector needs a reboot.
Then I saw this BBC cubicle chimp piece and was triggered 🙂
More Or Less then did an item
“Oh look some people are saying 1 in every 73 vaxxed people died within 17 months”
Isn’t that debunk an easy cherry pick ?
Cos people do die, and at a rate of about 1% of each year so 1.5% in a year and a half does seem NORMAL.
Then they looked at unvaxxed and said TWICE more died than expected..
They did caveat that they were more likely to be more unhealthy in the first place etc, but said that in their OPINION the difference was so large that surely less would have died had they been vaxxed.
That seems to be not robust
All calculations of this type are BS
cos raw death count is a BS measure of disease/health impact
You really should be using QALYs Quality Life Years lost
Then you’d see that 10 grannies dying of Covid could equal 10 x 2 years = 20 QALYS
and 2 twenty year olds dying = 2 x 60 = 120 QALYs (I use 60 cos a twenty year old would expect a natural life of 80 years )
Of course many people died of non-covid due to reduced NHS
Provavble vax deaths did happen, so it’s disrespectful to families to pretend they didn’t
but no one I know has suddenly died at a young age so it can’t be that common.
The expert says there were a total of 56 UK vaccine deaths
with another 8 it listed as a contributing factor
The expert then said “that’s very small to the 200K excess deaths ”
Leaving the impression that they were all pure Covid deaths which they weren’t many were due to NHS not providing cancer care etc.
In his March 16 paper, Professor Ferguson predicted that COVID-19 would kill 510,000 in the UK and 2.2 mil- lion in the US in 2020. Ten days later, his team gave revised estimates for many countries, including Canada, This Economic Note was prepared by Peter St.
SECOND LOVER Husband of lockdown-breaking Professor Ferguson’s lover Antonia Staats ‘has his own mistress’
Nick Parker
Published: 22:30, 9 May 2020Updated: 22:55, 9 May 2020
The husband of Professor Lockdown’s lover is at the centre of claims that he has also been seeing another woman in a new twist.
Professor Neil Ferguson – who advised Boris Johnson to shut down Britain to stop the spread of COVID-19 – quit over rule-breaking romps at his home with Antonia Staats, 38.
SARS-CoV-2 does not exist so no one died from the ‘Covaids’. It simply does not exist. This may seem difficult to grasp but it is clear Germ Theory was falsified decades ago. Look up the Rosenau set of experiments run by the US Treasury during the Spanish flu in 1918. It proved beyond any doubt it wasn’t contagious. Most people died from the experimental injections that were rolled out and being overdosed on aspirin. Some of the soldiers were being given up to 25 vaccines during the height of the ‘pandemic’. Ring a bell? The vast majority of deaths since the rollout of the jabs have been caused by the jab. Just look up Denis Rancourt’s analysis. He proves by statistical analysis of the data across the world it could not have been a virus that has caused the excess deaths across the West.
Isn’t it strange that more people have officially died of the Covaids in the UK than in the entire African continent?
Popcorn time:
China has declared part of Russia as its territory on new official maps.
#China’s state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geographic maps for 2023, on which for the first time part of #Russia’s territory is indicated as part of China. It is about the Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island on the Amur River.
According to a 2008 treaty between Russia and China, the island was divided between the two countries. The new official map of China marks the whole island as the easternmost point of the Chinese territory.
Why do airlines choose to tinker with their maps in this way? Many of the carriers in question are majority-owned by the state, and many of those states, including Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar, do not recognise Israel. Some, though, may also be pandering to the preferences of their customers.8 Mar 2017
Just received my water bill, with accompanying Anglian Water advertising bumf. Main photo – black woman with mixed race child on her lap. Another mixed race lady having coffee. Another mixed race holding a child, oh and a young white chap in a call centre.
We might as well all give up, because it’s the ad agencies who are winning the war.
What I’ve found is that the ad business itself seems rather white…. Advertising trade publications often have jarring juxtapositions of professionals (mostly white) – showcasing their wares (shades of brown with rainbows)
Hypocrisy on stilts.
You might enjoy this:
Brissles, I went into a London Ad agency as a 20 something graphic designer straight from college.
I am a Lancastrian and the open contempt I was subjected to by the senior creatives was appalling and down to my northern accent.
All big creative client wins were celebrated with a get together in the local after work.
I was never invited even though some of the campaigns were actually my work.
They have simply changed their sights to be on trend.
Generally a bunch of self opinionated creeps.
An example, a senior creative was eloquent about adopting a baby with his wife.
A month later when someone asked him how the child was doing he replied “Oh we realised that it was going to be a fat child so we gave it back…
This is what it is like living in Africa but without the often uprisings and coup’s – regrettably.
“I absolutely think he should go to Taiwan. And our report today calls for more cooperation with Taiwan, because working with Taiwan, standing by their right to self-determination and the rule of law, that is not a threat to the Chinese Communist Party… I visited Taiwan back in December with my committee. The Chinese Communist Party were absolutely furious. But the reality is we cannot allow them to determine who we have relations with.”
” But the reality is we cannot allow them to determine who we have relations with.””
” But the reality is we cannot allow them to determine who we have relations with.””
Saudi crown prince asked Boris Johnson to intervene in Newcastle United bid
This article is more than 2 years old
Mohammed bin Salman warned of damage to Saudi-UK relations if Premier League refusal not ‘corrected’
So, crime and stabbings through the roof again at this year’s annual stab-a-thon affectionately known as the Notting Hill Carnival.
What a surprise! Invite thousands of savages to a non-stop rave of drink, drugs and thumping aggressive music and crime ensues. Who’d have thought it?
BBC don’t seem very interested in covering the crime and violence, and most definitely not in showing images of the machete-wielding stabbers.
I don’t think any degree of blood shed will change this 3rd world crap – it’s their ‘culture ‘…. As long decent people arnt affected leave them to it ….sounds as though it’s over policed to me ….
A photograph for the ages. The ultimate response to such comments as
a.the police are underfunded
b. The low crime clear-up rate
c. The police are overworked
d. The police are under-staffed
e. The low rate of charging
f. The time it takes to follow up leads
Whenever my blood pressure is a bit low I like to listen to ‘you and yours ‘ on R4 – I’d prefer it to be called the ‘give me ‘ show – all about various welfare junkies moaning about not getting enough free money from The State . I shout at the radio ‘it’s my effing money they get ‘ .
I’ve never claimed benefits in my life and have no intention to .
Today it was about energy prices rising – the £900 extra hand out to something like 8 million welfare recipients got a mention – but I didn’t get a ‘thank you ‘ for living them my taxes ….
Have some self respect – get a damn job – cut back on your spending – let me have my own money … rant to continue …
As with most stuff that item was PRasNews for some lobbying org
Fed I can identify with you not claiming benefits. Late 60s, the parents moved from SE Kent to Herts (dad took over managership of a now successful football club) and I stayed in Kent. When I returned to the parental home I did sign on the dole – £3.15 shillings per week. After 2 weeks my Mum told me in no uncertain terms she expected me to get a job, as she wasn’t subsidising me! And I did.
In these days when parents are reluctant to take board from their kids, at least my friends and I were brought up with a sense of self worth.
State dependency is an illness – and continues to drag Blighty down -very essence of the BBC is entitlement and more welfare – sooner or later it’s gonna hurt – and sooner should be now …
Fed, I agree. But sometimes it is necessary. For example, I took ‘Maggies’s Shilling’ back in 1988. It was a requirement of the Enterprise Allowance Scheme for an individual to be unemployed for six months.
Then I think of a closed steelworks in Corby and the workers made redundant. Unemployment Benefit was essential to them and the town. Hey ho. Along comes an enterprising individual and creates a factory and he then re-hires redundant steelworkers and gives them the dignity of work.
Yes – I know sometimes it is necessary – but too many are living their lives on it – and comfortably – this should not be the way – throwing £900 extra on those already receiving benefits is just wrong – and in my view – unsustainable …. Embedded inflation in energy and food is here for some time – subject to the recession needed to kill it off – a real – painful – recession ….
“State dependency”. In reality, it is ‘Bond Market’ dependency. The country is broke.
Seems like the outgoing foreign secretary hads gone to china . The only reason must be to get a hand out / job when he loses his blue labour seat …
David Cameron discussed the establishment of a $1bn UK-China investment fund – of which he was to become vice-chair – in a meeting with then chancellor Philip Hammond just 15 months after leaving office as prime minister, despite the convention aimed at preventing former ministers from lobbying for two years.
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Synergy between the kind of brain donor who sends a tale of woe to a bbc droid, and the kind of bbc brain donor droid who prints it.
JO’bsworth ‘discusses’ integrity and honour.
Deleted, for some reason.
Carl Beech available for comment?
A clue is in someones quote tweet
“Here, here ! It’s about #PrinceAndrew the Nonce !
And #PrinceWilliam alias #PrinceOfPegging ”
JOB’s show was about
“@mrjamesob and this caller discuss the ‘moral corruption’ of the Royal family’s ‘code’
as Prince Andrew is ‘welcomed back into the fold’.”
The BBC found him! I wonder how many other BAME firemen there are in South Wales…
It is perplexing what’s happened in the UK in the recent past.
1) The Lucy Letby case and the subsequent highlighting of management failure
2) The British Museum thefts where the management culture seems defective and over bearing and ineffective.
3) Khan,s ULEZ which is exposed as another example of tax and control PS don’t let him visit Scotland he will pick up numerous other Tax And Control tips from what has been found to be
an out of control cult “running” the country…into the ground
4) The air traffic failure from a public/private organisation.
This lot were advised 20 years ago that a system relying on a manual back up was high risk.
Another management team which needs clearing out.
5) And best till last the 36 million letters sent out by Capita
on behalf of the Broken State Organ.
to British Households written in a manner that recipients are guilty without question and threatening visits unless paid up.
PS Is a third party namely CAPITA legally allowed to send such threatening material on such a scale?
Also read recently that CAPITA are the first point of call for bBC complaints…they dont half know how do build a wall to hide behind.
Only the most serious cases go to bBC,
But apart from that everything else is hunky dory??
LONDON 2023 …
Mmmmmm. Killing people off when they are no longer useful.
But enough of the government’s attitude to care homes during the first wave of covid deaths.
That said, Jenny Agutter as portrayed could tuck me in any time…….especially in fur. Or not.
They’ll allow the default of the WHO to deal with killing people off. It is by default that the UK will glide into the International Treaty soon by absence of any objections. The UK has already signed up to it.
In the original 1960s novel Logan’s Run by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson there’s a backstory about The Little War, in which the young depose the old.
I don’t know about you but the following excerpt sounds a bit too close for comfort to me; will the next Greta be a “Chaney Moon”?
(“Sleep” = voluntary euthanasia at 21)
“The next year marked the beginning of the great debates on how best to solve the population crisis. Chaney Moon had an answer. He was sixteen and blessed with a ragged, powerful voice, glittering, hypnotic eyes and a sense of personal destiny. A crowd pleaser, with the talent to make the commonplace sound novel and the preposterous seem reasonable. As proposal followed proposal his voice rose above the others in compelling thunder. His views found solid support. In London, at Piccadilly Circus, he addressed a chanting mob of 400,000 youngsters. In Paris, speaking flawless French, he mesmerized twice that number on the west bank of the Seine. In Berlin they embraced him; Moon was the world’s savior, the new Messiah. Within six months the followers of the Chaney Moon Plan numbered in the millions. It was noted by detractors that most of his people were under fifteen, but what they lacked in maturity they made up for in fanaticism. Five years later the Moon Plan was inaugurated and Chaney Moon, now twenty-one, proved his dedication by becoming the first to publicly embrace Sleep. Young America accepted this bold new method of self-control, and the Thinker was programmed to enforce it. Eventually all remaining older citizens were executed and the first of the giant Sleepshops went into fulltime operation in Chicago. One thing the young were sure of; they would never again place their fate in the hands of an older generation. The age of government by computer began. The maximum age limit was imposed with the new system, and the original DS units were formed.
By 2072 all the world was young.”
Another 5 minute waste of time on BBCmoreOrLess
“Last year we said ’32 trillion is 32 to the power of twelve’
… when the correct is 32 x 10¹²
we told you about that before
oh but the Guardian in May did an even bigger one
so we win !”
20 Minutes in they started banging on about Climate
“High temperatures and wildfires”
“Hottest June ON RECORD in the UK
hottest July EVER RECORDED across the planet”
Climate skeptics would say
#1 Yes the general temperature trend should be slightly up each century, cos we are coming out of an Ice Age
#2 official stats seem to be dodgy as if they have their finger on the weighing scale
#3 “Record” = since start of satellite network
cos you couldn’t model global temps before then
‘A few of our climatically concerned loyal listeners have said
Listener Isabel in London
She surely misspoke and meant CO2, cos GHGs overall includes cow methane and water vapour .. And they’re difficult to measure
That sounds like “Here’s a listener question that we wrote ourselves”
Presenter “What can we say about the UK’s CARBON DIOXIDE emissions now and in the past”
see how the questions was GHGs, and the answer is CO2
“I spoke to Hannah Ritchie”
Hannah “UK CO2 is 0.9% of global, and about same as global avg per capita , and we are 0.9% of world population too
Yes we stopped manufacturing so we are offshoring emissions
Including that makes us 1.4%”
“Yes China has emitted more in the last 8 years than UK ever has”
BBC presenter “So that means surely Climate Change is going to reach runaway levels”
Hannah “China is deploying renewable energy incredibly quickly
nearly accounting for all its growth in electricity demand
so emissions will peak and begin to fall”
Fallacy klaxon : Electricity is only a fraction of ALL energy use
so she is wrong about emissions in China peaking
There was a big fail in talking about
#1 the UK’s lead in reducing emissions more that most countries
#2 That new tech will come in like fusion
#3 #6 You can’t believe most stats out of China
nor Asia nor #GreenBlob
#4 Failed to answer about China GHG per capita
For CO2 adjusted for imports UK , 5 Brits emit about s much as 6 Chinese ..so pretty close
Last year, China made 97% of the silicon wafers that go into solar panels and more than three-quarters of the world’s solar panels themselves.17 May 2023
BBC are reporting that a little girl has been killed by a car at a holiday park.
I think we can all be truly thankful it was not our own children, condolences to the parents are in order and well-meant.
But now let’s consider another little girl. This girl lived near a main road and had asthma. She died of an attack. The coroner attributed the death to air pollution. As a result SadDick Khan has implemented a grubby money-grabbing opportunity and the result is ULEZ, which targets the poor.
Can we expect all holiday parks now to close and only re-open when a suitable extra car tax system has been implemented?
You know it makes sense. After all, ‘safety is our number 1 priority’.
What a shame the BBC choose not to spot such juxtapositions.
If it saves just one life.
Lisa Shaw death: Legal action ‘only option’ for husband
5 April
‘Ex-BBC and New York Times boss Sir Mark Thompson has been appointed to lead CNN following a series of crises and falling ratings at the US news network.’
Knock me over with those feathers…!
Maybe he won’t bite anyone?
Still, working his magic on a TNI partner…
BBC skateboarding turtle under Thommo’s tenure?