“Brain fog after Covid linked to blood clots – study” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-66658257
Could this be the reason that the Conservatives are making the foolish mistakes that will cost them the next general election ?
How many British people are being pushed back on the NHS ‘waiting list’ to accommodate the illegal queue jumpers ? “stop the boats” Rishi, “Stop the boats”!
Sad person that I am, I still tend to look at the stats for covid cases posted by the government on a Thursday. The Daily Mail has been talking up the number of cases for the last 48 hours or so. Apparently the government has brought forward the vaccination programme because of fears of the Pirola variant. Unless I have misunderstood Dr John Campbell there have been 2 (or was it 3?) cases in the UK, 1 in Israel, 1 in Denmark and I think somewhere else.
only shows deaths to 4th August – presumably all those registrars have been on holiday after working so hard at home.
But number of cases to 26th August are down 1.3% (ie nearly 7,000 cases) which doesn’t quite fit the agenda for an NHS not being able to cope. The number of people being admitted with covid to 25th August is around 2,200 up 0.6%.
There must be some good data lurking in the background that has scared the government to bring forward vaccinations, but without drilling down, it doesn’t appear obvious from the summary page. Dare I suggest that if doctors didn’t keep going on strike then the risk of being overwhelmed in the winter might be less likely.
I have said nothing about the rights and wrongs of having the vaccination and may I suggest that this isn’t for this site as we don’t want to be taken down.
Chatting to a Swiss friend in Zurich last night ,(Alexa screen has revolutionised phone calls), and she is an ICU nurse, tells me that there is a 30,000 shortfall in nurses nationwide over there, with almost as many lack of doctors. I was shocked by this, as the Swiss health system is held up as one of the best in the world. Funny how this hasn’t been a mention of it on our media. So it’s clearly not just the UK who are experiencing a shortage of medical staff.
Given the state of NHS and government groupthink, I’d put Dr Campbells’s PhD and hence sceptical enquiring mind about covid stats and especially recent excess deaths down as a plus.
Which parent BBC ?.
‘Shahzad Ismail’
What a surprise. Racist discrimination from the BBC again.
‘A lift and a changing room in the school, used by Ismail’s son who has special needs, is likely to be affected, he said.’
His son has special needs. What a surprise. They managed to find a BAME with a special needs child. I wonder how many ‘special needs’ there are at the school BBC. 1 ?.
Ismail said he doesn’t know how the children are going to adjust.
“It’s going to be a challenge for them,” he added.
Because of one lift and a changing room ?.
First we are told the school is shut, then we are told : ‘”I’m just waiting to go back to school on Monday and see what areas are actually available for him,” he added.’
So it’s not shut then ?. Maybe just the lift and the changing room ?.
Why do I get the impression the BBC are deliberately obfuscating this report to make things seem a lot worse than they are. Is there an election coming up or something ?.
Almost 20 years ago, MP for Keighley, Ann Cryer was passionate in highlighting that ‘cousin marrying’ was rife in ethnic communities, which resulted in deformed babies, which in turn added more pressure to the NHS. We see daily, charities asking for donations to help treat ethnic kids with cleft lip. Perhaps educating parents would be a better use of the money. But I suppose it would be easier to educate a jelly baby !
Never heard of this special RAAC concrete before. The high alumina cement concrete was the preceding concrete disaster. That’s what you get for having “experts” coming up with whizzy new ideas. I suspect that the rip off building contractors tendering for Government contracts pushed these ideas. Perhaps they should go and have a look at the Pantheon in Rome, built with concrete 2000 years ago, still as good as new.
Just another example of how the Government wastes our money.
Isn’t the RAAC concrete from the 50s and 60s?
At a school near us, built in the 1950s, the concrete structure was deemed unsuitable as early as the late 1960s. It was not demolished until the late 2010s by which time parts of the school were literally held up by pit props.
Very suspicious this is suddenly a national issue when brutalist 50s/60s construction failings have been known about for decades.
Migration boom – 1997 to today
From 1997 onwards, London has experienced a drastic change in the composition of the city’s population, which has off set the decline of the population which had been occurring. In 1991, 21.7% of the city was foreign born but by 2011 this had risen to 36.7%.
In 2011, a historic tipping point occurred with the release of the 2011 census indicating that the White British population, which had before been the majority, was now no longer a majority of the city’s population, although it remained by far the largest single ethnic group.[8]
Off BBC topic but had to have a wry smile during the commercials on another channel tonight.
Dove soaps and shit decided to go full activist mode by running with an ad highlighting the dangers of social media encouraging young girls to go on drastic diets to get the right figure. (And there was me thinking they sold soap and shit!).
The next ad was for McCain chicken nuggets… (bet they were not over the moon!)….
I had to laugh out loud at the sheer bloody hypocrisy of woke ad agencies! They must be overflowing with half-educated half-wits to come up with this total dross.
“Cwmfelin Social Club forced to close after sinkhole opens”
“We may be told we can re-open part of it, we’re just waiting on that expert opinion.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-66671331
Forget “sinkhole”, it looks more like an old coal mine to me.
Isn’t it amazing how the BBC report any raids by the Israeli army where they encounter resistance and kill somebody but do not report things like this:
‘The incident comes a day after a 15-year-old Palestinian teenager was shot and killed by an off-duty police officer after stabbing and wounding an Israeli settler in a light-rail station in occupied East Jerusalem.’
The BBC are racist activists. Plain and simple. And as with all Leftist activists, hey have absolutely no interest in the truth. Everything is about their agenda.
Breached the ‘no today ‘ doctrine to listen to a blue labour education minister trying to explain why some schools are not to open for the new term ….. Absolutely No Way – just incompetence and an easy goal for comrade Robinson and the civil servants in the education department …..
…. Just more blue labour incompetence aided by the civil servants and the knife out by the bbc . Red labour need only stay quiet …… the dregs of a government …..
Trouble is, Harry, you and I have already contributed with the supermarkets all driving costs relentlessly upwards, blaming the ‘cost of living “crisis”‘, and chucking more increases on stuff every day!
We pay them, they shorten then lob the sell-by date stuff at the food banks and pretend they’re being generous to the ‘needy’. Their turnover and profit increase accordingly so it’s a win/win for them!
Yup, that really does p*** me off, as although we have a joint pension, which we both paid for and benefit from, I can only let Senora O’Blene use 10%, so I still get taxed on 90%!
Still, I’m relieved that all the chain-smoking fat chavs and space scientist illegals arriving near here daily can live a life of ease…
Wow, this is what Britain is going to be like when Red Labour gets into power and as has happened in Canada, and ineffective useless cowardly Tory party will simply allow it happen without so much as a peep.
Anyone who might stand up and complain about it has been removed by the BBC (in association with their many remainer friends in the civil service leaking rumours and innuendo as the ‘anonymous’ sources of ‘The BBC has learned …’).
What the liberals in Canada seem to have done is massively corrupt the media – huge amounts of public money have been given to crap, failing newspapers and crap broadcasters so long as those outfits follow the party line / instruction.
Discipline is enforced by weaponizing the judicial system as Rebel Media have discovered.
Dissent is attacked by state actors operating as ideological enforcers – not good.
Yes – the US comparison is also there – a couple of demonstrators getting 17 years – that’s 17 years for the Capitol demo – very much russian justice they sneer at . Apparently the prosecution wanted 33 years …
— stroll into the commons and be unlucky to bet a smack on the wrist …
the present spinelessness of centrist and lefty conservatives is almost guaranteeing the arrival of Roland Freisler clones onto the DC and NY courts.
The judges are a farce and the fixing of the system and prosecutorial misconduct will be dealt with eventually rather harshly – because these goons do not acknowledge any limits to their powers or believe there’s any restraints on what they do.
The Democrat fomented / controlled mob scum perpetrated far worse than Jan 6th across multiple US towns and cities and it suited the DC swamp… “Mostly peaceful rioting”
Yes … it’s an hour+ – but there is stuff in there that is imho better than a salad of hundreds of short pieces…
Tomo – it’s rapidly become a one party ( federal ) state with a few states of the Right ready to ‘fixed ‘ …. With the support of the liberal press – how easy it was to do …..
Canadian PM Trudeau Shares Call to ‘End White Supremacy’ After Somali Refugee’s Terror Attack {.informationliberation.com 02oct2017}
‘Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to news of a Somali refugee’s terrorist attack in Edmonton by sharing a call to “end white supremacy” and insisting “our diversity is our strength.” ‘
… earlier in the same Universe …
Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque
On the school thing – I’m mentioned here before whether there is a need for schools at all . My reasoning . 1 since the majority will either be on the sick or working for the NHS there’s no need for qualifications . 2 anyone ‘working ‘ will be doing so from home – so studying can be done from home . 3 teachers are not needed because the internet AI thing can do it .
Think of the benefits – no bullying – no stabbings – no teachers banging kids – no kids banging kids – no Marxist indoctrination – schools sold off to house ‘refugees ‘/ third word criminals – no teaching unions going on strike – no huge pensions for teachers ….. no ‘free ‘ food … no school run ….
Any kids too thick to study can be put on the land to pick the food we do desperately need and save on importing foreign labour .
Just following up on this – the Victorian school term thing seems so out of date – yet it suits teachers so there’s no objection to it . If education was that important it would be all year round- right ?
Any kids too thick to study can be immediately sent for employment in the civil service or stand as an MP. Failing that, they can be indoctrinated and given to the BBC as ‘journalists’ or ‘fact checkers’.
Ep. 21 Dave Portnoy founded Barstool Sports and just completed the most impressive business transaction of our lifetime. He also just got into an epic fight and shared the video with us first. Watch. pic.twitter.com/W7AJ10kZni
Is it my lack of computer knowledge that prevents me from seeing the right hand part of the above SNP-related photo?
If so, help would be appreciated.
If not, is there any way these photos can be ‘right-sized’?
In which even the blue tit in the Telegraph feature on the politicisation of the RSPB is coloured blue and yellow
Thousands of children face home schooling for weeks – frets the coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper: Parents in scramble for childcare as schools deemed too unsafe for pupils to return – the left-leaning title wails.
The BBC’s online press review top pick the Guardian worries over: School chaos as buildings are shut over collapse fears… Risk posed by aerated concrete means many pupils may be forced back into online classes
Thankfully we have the Daily Telegraph which catches the irony – saving Mr AsI the trouble of pointing out how when it came to locking the school gates shut and the pupils out for months on end it was precisely the likes of the ‘i’ and the Graun that supported the sooner-harder-longer Lockdown mantra…
Oh look, I pointed it out anyway.
Lockdown returns as schools shut over fears of collapse (Telegraph)
Politics is for the birds
Sticking its beak in… Simon Heffer on the politicisation of the RSPB (Telegraph)
[Dutch] Sarina Wiegman: England boss dedicates Uefa coach of the year award to Spain (BBC); Caitlin Moran on that kiss ‘We need to teach men to say sorry’ (Times); ‘It hurts as a coach, mother and wife’: Sarina Wiegman on Rubiales scandal (Guardian)
I’ve said it before… and I’m obliged to say it again – as our media continue to play keepy uppy with the story – hardline feminism and anti-male politicisation is an in-bulit feature of the women’s football game – not a bug
Wiegman: ‘This team deserves to be celebrated and listened to’ (Guardian) – a moment’s Latin exuberance from the Spanish chap has turned a forgettable over-hyped tournament into the gift that keeps giving.
Wiegman was speaking at the men’s Champions League draw in Monaco, where she was presented with the Uefa women’s coach of the year award for her work with England. She used the occasion to address, unprompted, the issue that has dominated football’s agenda over the past 10 days and highlighted the “hurt” inflicted. (Guardian)
Goth rockers The Cure released a single Just One Kiss in 1983
Remember the time that you reigned all night?
The queen of Siam in my arms
Remember the time that the islands sank?
But nobody opened their eyes
Somebody died for this
Somebody died for just one kiss
Just one kiss, just one kiss, just one kiss
Cognoscente will of course realise the lyrics were a contemplation on Pacific nuclear weapons testing – the kiss a metaphor for radiation
One wonders for a moment how French army generals are now going to have to think twice about their traditional gallic medal-award parade routine as they pin on the medal of presenting their soldiers with a grand smacker on both cheeks?
But I Beau Geste
Speaking of which, there will be very few medals handed out of late as that formerly French military-secured pro-western north African hegemony go down like nine pins: Russia uses social media channels to exploit Niger coup… Moscow aiming to increase influence in Africa, winning lucrative contracts and gaining access to key resources (Guardian)
Gabon coup: Army seizes power from Ali Bongo and puts him in house arrest (BBC)
William Oliver Wallace (8 December 1929 – 8 March 2009), known by his stage name Ali Bongo, was an English comedy magician and former president of The Magic Circle, who performed an act in which he was known as the “Shriek of Araby” (Thank you Wiki) – it was a different time.
Just before moving on one must first establish the mainstream media double standard concerning our present unwritten rules for the expression of sexuality…
Corporate giveaway advertising news sheet the Metro plays host to ads from insurance and financial services comparison platform Confused.com.
Prime frontpage ad copy is in the form of jokey little cartoons that play on the word confused. Today we observe a group of females clearly constituting a hen party confronting some male firefighters (disambiguation: fire men) we can guess at the party ladies’ prior sexually harassing comments by the firemens’ response: “No, we are not taking our clothes off”
For a moment imagine a gag placing a male stag party in front of a group of uniformed police women and the chaps mistaking them for strippers.
If that glaring double standard is what is meant by equality these days, then I’m confused.com
Brain fog after Covid linked to blood clots – study… But there may still be many different causes of long Covid. Leicester’s professor of respiratory medicine, Chris Brightling, said: “It’s a combination of someone’s health before, the acute event itself and what happens afterwards that lead on to physical and mental health consequences.”… findings are relevant only to patients admitted to hospital (BBC) – we note we’re not told whether these so-called ‘long Covid‘ cases that tend to be associated with blood clots were noted in vaccinated patients – or not? That would be a factor you would think worth investigation, no?
It’s not all economic bad news
Ukraine war: UK arms giant BAE Systems sets up local business… Since the Russian invasion in February 2022, Britain has become a major defence supplier to Ukraine. (BBC) – unfortunately, all paid for on credit.
Despite: British man, 22, from Solihull killed fighting in east Ukraine… Family pay tribute to Samuel Newey, who had been volunteering for more than a year against Russian forces (Guardian) – there’s a lot of casualties out there…
Conspiracy corner
Army two-star general killed in private aviation plane crash (Task & Purpose ‘provides military news, culture, and analysis by and for the military and veterans community’)
U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Anthony W. Potts (right), Program Executive Officer for Command, Control, Communications-Tactical, with U.S. Army V Corps personnel during a visit to Camp Kościuszko on Feb. 7, 2023, in Poznan, Poland. (U.S. Army photo)… A U.S. Army two-star general and father of two was killed last week after his airplane crashed in Maryland… According to Harford County first responders, Potts, a father of two, was the only passenger on board a single-engine aircraft that crashed shortly after 7:00 p.m. on July 25 in Havre de Grace, Maryland. No other injuries were reported in the crash – so that will be one of those air crashes that kill the passenger while the pilot walks away unscathed?
No… still playing in front me. Cannot not run it all the way.
There was a video option with the opening credits, but before the music there was a section featuring a Sadiq Khan convoy pulling in to W1A for some reason.
Guest – that plane nearly got my family killed – the wings were made in a furniture factory close to my grandparents ‘ home in what used to be East London – it got bombed and the front got blown out – the Germans were after the factory – Luckily my grandmother / and mum were in the Anderson shelter ….
I still love that plane though …. Terrified the krauts …
Reporting Scotland
BBC One Scotland, 29 August 2023
The programme featured a graphic displaying the worsening position of alcohol-related deaths in Scotland. The figures for each year were all clearly and accurately displayed. We do, however, agree that the graph should not have been shown with uneven steps on its axis, and have reminded the programme team of the importance of clarity when reporting statistics.
In a way that only a fairly wealthy metro-liberal can, The Guardians Polly Toynbee wearing her pink-tinted lefty goggles completely misses the mood of the general public over the angry Londoners disabling ULEZ spy cameras.
In trying to pin yet another slur on the Tories she demonstrates her complete blindness to the vast majority of ordinary people who detest ULEZ and all it represents.
Then again she probably has either a chauffeur or EV to traipse across from her house in Sussex to the office at The Guardian or maybe writes everything from a hot desk in her villa in Tuscany!
Stew – I wonder if any of this online stuff really matters ? Surely the keyboard wars are just for people with the time ? Even this site . Does anything change opinions ? I believe many people are so entrenched with their views that any amount of internet trash has no effect .
Although of course those of a fragile mental condition – when subjected to say Islamic terrorist material may be pushed to real crime – but otherwise the blue Labour red labour stuff is largely meaningless .
It’s a bit like those polling agencies who use the internet for measuring views but fails to factor in those who don’t ‘do ‘ the internet or just lie….
Fear of whistleblowing at BBC allowed Jimmy Savile to abuse, says leaked report
This article is more than 7 years old
Lawyer for Jimmy Savile’s victims says she finds it hard to believe management had no idea he was a danger
Let’s face it – one of the skills of an upwardly moving manager is to avoid ‘problems ‘ and get them dumped on someone else – hopefully a career competitor – it’s why people who land up on boards of companies and health trusts can exihibit all that slime when stuff goes wrong – see NatWest –
It’s like when the PA comes round just before the boss is to visit ‘unannounced ‘…
NatWest sparked fury today after revealing former boss Dame Alison Rose is set to receive a £2.4million pay package, a month after resigning in disgrace in a row over Nigel Farage’s bank account.23 Aug 2023
Marky – I just used her as a recent example – but look at the trash than got well paid covering up the NHS baby killing nurse – reputation above loves … at least with them they face a full public inquiry now …..
But this is multiplied all over management boards …. ( see plod – data protection – vetting ) infective quangos ( see OFCOM OFGEM OFWAT ) …
Amber joined the Board on 10 January 2022 and is a member of the Nominations Committee, Remuneration Committee and the Safety, Environment & Sustainability Committee.
Relevant Skills and Experience Amber brings a wealth of real-world experience in energy, policy and business.
Home Sec Amber Rudd: Yeah, I don’t understand encryption. So what?
Amber brings a wealth of real-world experience in energy, policy and business.
Home Sec Amber Rudd: Yeah, I don’t understand encryption. So what?
Amber brings a wealth of real-world experience in energy, policy and business.
Telegraph reports four ‘explosions ‘ in Swedish cities – it says it might be drugs gangs at work …. But it doesn’t say anything about the nature of these gangs … or their origins …. Very BBC .. very woke …
12:53pm TalkTV screen suddenly when green, after a caller swore or something , and the presenter pressed the dump button, so viewers didn’t get to hear it.
I remember when we had to save energy by buying low energy light bulbs then low energy appliances all to save the planet . Then we are asked to use electric vehicles . So how is that saving energy. They have really tied themselves in knots. Can someone at the bbc explain the logic of this please.
It’s easy. Now everything runs on electricity either stop using it or we will restrict/cut off your supply. Those hotels full of architects need a lot of energy, you need to make sure they get it.
EXCLUSIVE: Rishi Sunak to spend £13,000 a year heating new pool – six times average energy bill
Rishi Sunak has been building a pool, gym and tennis courts at his £1.5million country manor in his North Yorkshire constituency which will cost up to £13,000 a year to heat
Rishi Sunak faces a ‘whole list of concerns’ amid tax row
By Mikey Smith
Political Correspondent
21:00, 23 Apr 2022UPDATED22:31, 23 Apr 2022
Leomie Anderson: ‘I didn’t think make-up was made for black girls’
I Kissed A Boy cast: Meet the boys looking for love on the new gay dating show
Why some gay men still fear kissing in public
‘For the first time ever, I worry about doing drag gigs’
BBC Three announces all female dating show, I Kissed A Girl
I Kissed A Boy host Dannii Minogue: ‘You don’t think of yourself as a gay icon’
I Kissed A Boy and the history of LGBT dating shows
‘My character isn’t being a palatable or acceptable black man’
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
Explosion at an asylum seekers air base. No survivors – oops sorry, no one hurt.
Wethersfield: Firefighters attend incident at migrant airbase
11 minutes ago
A spokeswoman said: “Pressure in a fire suppression system had built up and created a small hole in the roof of a disused building.”
“Some signs protesting the use of Wethersfield to house migrants were outside the base on Wednesday morning”
Notice that the image shows only one protester. Is this deliberate ? Are there any Weathersfield protesters reading this wish to comment?
Gov probably grumpy they don’t enjoy the same blow off facilities with FOIs the BBC does.
“Brain fog after Covid linked to blood clots – study”
Could this be the reason that the Conservatives are making the foolish mistakes that will cost them the next general election ?
Did he once work at a backstreet clinic?
“How many people cross the Channel in small boats and how many claim asylum in the UK?”
How many British people are being pushed back on the NHS ‘waiting list’ to accommodate the illegal queue jumpers ? “stop the boats” Rishi, “Stop the boats”!
“small boats” – small boats = small problems! HA HA HA HA!
He can’t !
The Marxist pro-immigration civil servants in the Home Office will do everything they can to undermine any policy with that aim.
Hasn’t a recent Director General for asylum, one Emma Haddad, just joined Amnesty?
This creature’s pervasive presence in tv studios explained if not excused.
Femi’s a failed early gender reassignment surgery victim – they put the penis on top of the neck.
Sad person that I am, I still tend to look at the stats for covid cases posted by the government on a Thursday. The Daily Mail has been talking up the number of cases for the last 48 hours or so. Apparently the government has brought forward the vaccination programme because of fears of the Pirola variant. Unless I have misunderstood Dr John Campbell there have been 2 (or was it 3?) cases in the UK, 1 in Israel, 1 in Denmark and I think somewhere else.
The Thursday figures summary
only shows deaths to 4th August – presumably all those registrars have been on holiday after working so hard at home.
But number of cases to 26th August are down 1.3% (ie nearly 7,000 cases) which doesn’t quite fit the agenda for an NHS not being able to cope. The number of people being admitted with covid to 25th August is around 2,200 up 0.6%.
There must be some good data lurking in the background that has scared the government to bring forward vaccinations, but without drilling down, it doesn’t appear obvious from the summary page. Dare I suggest that if doctors didn’t keep going on strike then the risk of being overwhelmed in the winter might be less likely.
I have said nothing about the rights and wrongs of having the vaccination and may I suggest that this isn’t for this site as we don’t want to be taken down.
John Campbell is an ex nurse, now a YouTuber not a doctor.
Chatting to a Swiss friend in Zurich last night ,(Alexa screen has revolutionised phone calls), and she is an ICU nurse, tells me that there is a 30,000 shortfall in nurses nationwide over there, with almost as many lack of doctors. I was shocked by this, as the Swiss health system is held up as one of the best in the world. Funny how this hasn’t been a mention of it on our media. So it’s clearly not just the UK who are experiencing a shortage of medical staff.
Given the state of NHS and government groupthink, I’d put Dr Campbells’s PhD and hence sceptical enquiring mind about covid stats and especially recent excess deaths down as a plus.
‘good data lurking in the background’ = Pfizer cheque
Parent ‘devastated’ after son’s school shut over concrete concerns
Which parent BBC ?.
‘Shahzad Ismail’
What a surprise. Racist discrimination from the BBC again.
‘A lift and a changing room in the school, used by Ismail’s son who has special needs, is likely to be affected, he said.’
His son has special needs. What a surprise. They managed to find a BAME with a special needs child. I wonder how many ‘special needs’ there are at the school BBC. 1 ?.
Ismail said he doesn’t know how the children are going to adjust.
“It’s going to be a challenge for them,” he added.
Because of one lift and a changing room ?.
First we are told the school is shut, then we are told : ‘”I’m just waiting to go back to school on Monday and see what areas are actually available for him,” he added.’
So it’s not shut then ?. Maybe just the lift and the changing room ?.
Why do I get the impression the BBC are deliberately obfuscating this report to make things seem a lot worse than they are. Is there an election coming up or something ?.
When you marry your cousin, basic genetics mean you are more likely to be produce deformed offspring.
Weren’t half of Europe’s royals haemophiliacs.
Almost 20 years ago, MP for Keighley, Ann Cryer was passionate in highlighting that ‘cousin marrying’ was rife in ethnic communities, which resulted in deformed babies, which in turn added more pressure to the NHS. We see daily, charities asking for donations to help treat ethnic kids with cleft lip. Perhaps educating parents would be a better use of the money. But I suppose it would be easier to educate a jelly baby !
The BBC are lazy cnuts always looking for a smear headline which might rub off on the establishment.
They abandoned truthful investigative journalism way back in case it interferes with their “mission” to concentrate on lefty activism.
Never heard of this special RAAC concrete before. The high alumina cement concrete was the preceding concrete disaster. That’s what you get for having “experts” coming up with whizzy new ideas. I suspect that the rip off building contractors tendering for Government contracts pushed these ideas. Perhaps they should go and have a look at the Pantheon in Rome, built with concrete 2000 years ago, still as good as new.
Just another example of how the Government wastes our money.
Isn’t the RAAC concrete from the 50s and 60s?
At a school near us, built in the 1950s, the concrete structure was deemed unsuitable as early as the late 1960s. It was not demolished until the late 2010s by which time parts of the school were literally held up by pit props.
Very suspicious this is suddenly a national issue when brutalist 50s/60s construction failings have been known about for decades.
RAAC = Aerated = with air
Everything is about selling ‘air’ these days:
The little khant: You want some clean air? You are going to pay for that!
Chocolate bar with air – Aero
Mobile phone bandwidth air spectrum auction: 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G
MPs generating nothing but hot air.
The super-salesmen that sold the malteser schools have long taken the money and run. There is big money in air.
Sluff, “Very suspicious this is suddenly a national issue when brutalist 50s/60s construction failings have been known about for decades.”
Ain’t it just!
Couldn’t be CSs conspiring with LEAs could it? Now, there’s a thing!
Migration boom – 1997 to today
From 1997 onwards, London has experienced a drastic change in the composition of the city’s population, which has off set the decline of the population which had been occurring. In 1991, 21.7% of the city was foreign born but by 2011 this had risen to 36.7%.
In 2011, a historic tipping point occurred with the release of the 2011 census indicating that the White British population, which had before been the majority, was now no longer a majority of the city’s population, although it remained by far the largest single ethnic group.[8]
Remember the Labour mantra. We have to ‘embrace multiculturalism and celebrate diversity’.
Meanwhile in Huddersfield
More than 160 students have been told to find alternative accommodation after their flats were taken over by the Home Office to house asylum seekers.
An interesting clash between student idealism and the reality.
“But Prestige Student Living, which manages the site, said the change of use of the 405-bed block of flats was “beyond the control” of the company.”
Somebody must have put a gun to their heads to accept more than the £200 a week the students were set to pay.
Loss of NATO personnel in Ukraine.
Off BBC topic but had to have a wry smile during the commercials on another channel tonight.
Dove soaps and shit decided to go full activist mode by running with an ad highlighting the dangers of social media encouraging young girls to go on drastic diets to get the right figure. (And there was me thinking they sold soap and shit!).
The next ad was for McCain chicken nuggets… (bet they were not over the moon!)….
I had to laugh out loud at the sheer bloody hypocrisy of woke ad agencies! They must be overflowing with half-educated half-wits to come up with this total dross.
Dove is owned by Unilever who’ve got abuse from the far left for not pulling out of Russia.
“Cwmfelin Social Club forced to close after sinkhole opens”
“We may be told we can re-open part of it, we’re just waiting on that expert opinion.”
Forget “sinkhole”, it looks more like an old coal mine to me.
“Samuel Newey: British volunteer, 22, killed fighting in Ukraine”
killed in a Russian mortar strike.
“A British volunteer has been killed fighting alongside Ukrainian forces, his family have said.”
Just call him a mercenary …. They don’t call Wagner PMC soldiers volunteers.
Telegram channel Track a merc not so sympathetic
“Little bandit Sam Newey, 22yo, mercenary from UK took the Bandera ticket to Hell yesterday.
Sam was a member of Dark Angels of Ukraine, led by Daniel Burke who is also missing (probably dead).
This was confirmed by Sam’s brother Dan Newey, known ex ypg bandit that is also fighting for Ukrainian regime.
Toodles Sam.”
“A British volunteer has been killed fighting alongside Ukrainian forces, his family have said.”
Just call him a mercenary …. They don’t call Wagner PMC soldiers volunteers.
What the bbc can’t confirm, and what the bbc doesn’t want to confirm…
If they want to discredit the source (like Trump), they say ‘without providing evidence’ right at the start.
If they want to make you think it’s true, they don’t tell you they can’t confirm it until right at the end.
One of their many, many ways to mislead people.
What was it about JO’bsworth that first attracted the BBC to his views?
And Mad Al.
Other Bbc techniques are available.
#questionasaheadline Maybe cheaper than tranny radios?
Labour quote up front, plus ‘calls for’, plus an ‘urge’.
This is pure cut and paste propaganda.
And their most loathsome practitioner..
A key technique is…
Quite a lot of detail here. Maybe Springster can check her lad?
What was it about race baiting brown American (apparently) Mehdi that saw the bbc invite him on all the time?
Isn’t it amazing how the BBC report any raids by the Israeli army where they encounter resistance and kill somebody but do not report things like this:
Israeli soldier killed in car ramming attack by Palestinian
‘The incident comes a day after a 15-year-old Palestinian teenager was shot and killed by an off-duty police officer after stabbing and wounding an Israeli settler in a light-rail station in occupied East Jerusalem.’
The BBC are racist activists. Plain and simple. And as with all Leftist activists, hey have absolutely no interest in the truth. Everything is about their agenda.
100% they’ve seen it.
The BBC know all about this kind of thing from the start. Just as they know the ethnicity of all the victims and murderers in Londonistan.
We are subjected to a huge amount of agenda-based censorship.
Agenda Based Censorship.
I like it. Deserves common usage.
Perfect description of another acronym. BBC.
Look. See how close they are,
Breached the ‘no today ‘ doctrine to listen to a blue labour education minister trying to explain why some schools are not to open for the new term ….. Absolutely No Way – just incompetence and an easy goal for comrade Robinson and the civil servants in the education department …..
…. Just more blue labour incompetence aided by the civil servants and the knife out by the bbc . Red labour need only stay quiet …… the dregs of a government …..
There is a day for everything.
Work has asked us for a donation as its National Food Bank Day.
I’ve a good mind to leave a piece of paper with the jobcentre url.
Trouble is, Harry, you and I have already contributed with the supermarkets all driving costs relentlessly upwards, blaming the ‘cost of living “crisis”‘, and chucking more increases on stuff every day!
We pay them, they shorten then lob the sell-by date stuff at the food banks and pretend they’re being generous to the ‘needy’. Their turnover and profit increase accordingly so it’s a win/win for them!
Bloody cheek – you are already contributing – see your tax deductions …
Yup, that really does p*** me off, as although we have a joint pension, which we both paid for and benefit from, I can only let Senora O’Blene use 10%, so I still get taxed on 90%!
Still, I’m relieved that all the chain-smoking fat chavs and space scientist illegals arriving near here daily can live a life of ease…
Am I F***.
When the MSM go full shark I always think coconuts – which kill more humans than sharks every year without fail.
Wow, this is what Britain is going to be like when Red Labour gets into power and as has happened in Canada, and ineffective useless cowardly Tory party will simply allow it happen without so much as a peep.
Anyone who might stand up and complain about it has been removed by the BBC (in association with their many remainer friends in the civil service leaking rumours and innuendo as the ‘anonymous’ sources of ‘The BBC has learned …’).
Is the Canada mental illness just affecting the dead cities or is it the whole country …?
What the liberals in Canada seem to have done is massively corrupt the media – huge amounts of public money have been given to crap, failing newspapers and crap broadcasters so long as those outfits follow the party line / instruction.
Discipline is enforced by weaponizing the judicial system as Rebel Media have discovered.
Dissent is attacked by state actors operating as ideological enforcers – not good.
Yes – the US comparison is also there – a couple of demonstrators getting 17 years – that’s 17 years for the Capitol demo – very much russian justice they sneer at . Apparently the prosecution wanted 33 years …
— stroll into the commons and be unlucky to bet a smack on the wrist …
and Ray Epps is free to grab the occasion honorarium for appearing on the telly…
the present spinelessness of centrist and lefty conservatives is almost guaranteeing the arrival of Roland Freisler clones onto the DC and NY courts.
The judges are a farce and the fixing of the system and prosecutorial misconduct will be dealt with eventually rather harshly – because these goons do not acknowledge any limits to their powers or believe there’s any restraints on what they do.
The Democrat fomented / controlled mob scum perpetrated far worse than Jan 6th across multiple US towns and cities and it suited the DC swamp… “Mostly peaceful rioting”
Yes … it’s an hour+ – but there is stuff in there that is imho better than a salad of hundreds of short pieces…
Tomo – it’s rapidly become a one party ( federal ) state with a few states of the Right ready to ‘fixed ‘ …. With the support of the liberal press – how easy it was to do …..
Canadian PM Trudeau Shares Call to ‘End White Supremacy’ After Somali Refugee’s Terror Attack {.informationliberation.com 02oct2017}
‘Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to news of a Somali refugee’s terrorist attack in Edmonton by sharing a call to “end white supremacy” and insisting “our diversity is our strength.” ‘
… earlier in the same Universe …
Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque
On the school thing – I’m mentioned here before whether there is a need for schools at all . My reasoning . 1 since the majority will either be on the sick or working for the NHS there’s no need for qualifications . 2 anyone ‘working ‘ will be doing so from home – so studying can be done from home . 3 teachers are not needed because the internet AI thing can do it .
Think of the benefits – no bullying – no stabbings – no teachers banging kids – no kids banging kids – no Marxist indoctrination – schools sold off to house ‘refugees ‘/ third word criminals – no teaching unions going on strike – no huge pensions for teachers ….. no ‘free ‘ food … no school run ….
Any kids too thick to study can be put on the land to pick the food we do desperately need and save on importing foreign labour .
Just following up on this – the Victorian school term thing seems so out of date – yet it suits teachers so there’s no objection to it . If education was that important it would be all year round- right ?
Any kids too thick to study can be immediately sent for employment in the civil service or stand as an MP. Failing that, they can be indoctrinated and given to the BBC as ‘journalists’ or ‘fact checkers’.
I note the story seems to have been suddenly dropped by the BBC after their usual daily-headlines to apply the pressure.
Is it my lack of computer knowledge that prevents me from seeing the right hand part of the above SNP-related photo?
If so, help would be appreciated.
If not, is there any way these photos can be ‘right-sized’?
Just me being lazy and not resizing it. You can right click and open in a new tab!
The Algerian coastguard has shot dead two tourists holidaying in Morocco who reportedly strayed into Algerian waters on their jet skis.
They were among four French-Moroccan dual nationals who had set off from the Moroccan resort of Saidia.
A third member of the group was arrested by the coastguard which patrol the two states’ closed border.
Droning on confused and unprompted edition
In which even the blue tit in the Telegraph feature on the politicisation of the RSPB is coloured blue and yellow
Thousands of children face home schooling for weeks – frets the coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper: Parents in scramble for childcare as schools deemed too unsafe for pupils to return – the left-leaning title wails.
The BBC’s online press review top pick the Guardian worries over: School chaos as buildings are shut over collapse fears… Risk posed by aerated concrete means many pupils may be forced back into online classes
Thankfully we have the Daily Telegraph which catches the irony – saving Mr AsI the trouble of pointing out how when it came to locking the school gates shut and the pupils out for months on end it was precisely the likes of the ‘i’ and the Graun that supported the sooner-harder-longer Lockdown mantra…
Oh look, I pointed it out anyway.
Lockdown returns as schools shut over fears of collapse (Telegraph)
Politics is for the birds
Sticking its beak in… Simon Heffer on the politicisation of the RSPB (Telegraph)
[Dutch] Sarina Wiegman: England boss dedicates Uefa coach of the year award to Spain (BBC); Caitlin Moran on that kiss ‘We need to teach men to say sorry’ (Times); ‘It hurts as a coach, mother and wife’: Sarina Wiegman on Rubiales scandal (Guardian)
I’ve said it before… and I’m obliged to say it again – as our media continue to play keepy uppy with the story – hardline feminism and anti-male politicisation is an in-bulit feature of the women’s football game – not a bug
Wiegman: ‘This team deserves to be celebrated and listened to’ (Guardian) – a moment’s Latin exuberance from the Spanish chap has turned a forgettable over-hyped tournament into the gift that keeps giving.
Wiegman was speaking at the men’s Champions League draw in Monaco, where she was presented with the Uefa women’s coach of the year award for her work with England. She used the occasion to address, unprompted, the issue that has dominated football’s agenda over the past 10 days and highlighted the “hurt” inflicted. (Guardian)
Goth rockers The Cure released a single Just One Kiss in 1983
Remember the time that you reigned all night?
The queen of Siam in my arms
Remember the time that the islands sank?
But nobody opened their eyes
Somebody died for this
Somebody died for just one kiss
Just one kiss, just one kiss, just one kiss
Cognoscente will of course realise the lyrics were a contemplation on Pacific nuclear weapons testing – the kiss a metaphor for radiation
One wonders for a moment how French army generals are now going to have to think twice about their traditional gallic medal-award parade routine as they pin on the medal of presenting their soldiers with a grand smacker on both cheeks?
But I Beau Geste
Speaking of which, there will be very few medals handed out of late as that formerly French military-secured pro-western north African hegemony go down like nine pins: Russia uses social media channels to exploit Niger coup… Moscow aiming to increase influence in Africa, winning lucrative contracts and gaining access to key resources (Guardian)
Gabon coup: Army seizes power from Ali Bongo and puts him in house arrest (BBC)
William Oliver Wallace (8 December 1929 – 8 March 2009), known by his stage name Ali Bongo, was an English comedy magician and former president of The Magic Circle, who performed an act in which he was known as the “Shriek of Araby” (Thank you Wiki) – it was a different time.
Just before moving on one must first establish the mainstream media double standard concerning our present unwritten rules for the expression of sexuality…
Corporate giveaway advertising news sheet the Metro plays host to ads from insurance and financial services comparison platform Confused.com.
Prime frontpage ad copy is in the form of jokey little cartoons that play on the word confused. Today we observe a group of females clearly constituting a hen party confronting some male firefighters (disambiguation: fire men) we can guess at the party ladies’ prior sexually harassing comments by the firemens’ response: “No, we are not taking our clothes off”
For a moment imagine a gag placing a male stag party in front of a group of uniformed police women and the chaps mistaking them for strippers.
If that glaring double standard is what is meant by equality these days, then I’m confused.com
Brain fog after Covid linked to blood clots – study… But there may still be many different causes of long Covid. Leicester’s professor of respiratory medicine, Chris Brightling, said: “It’s a combination of someone’s health before, the acute event itself and what happens afterwards that lead on to physical and mental health consequences.”… findings are relevant only to patients admitted to hospital (BBC) – we note we’re not told whether these so-called ‘long Covid‘ cases that tend to be associated with blood clots were noted in vaccinated patients – or not? That would be a factor you would think worth investigation, no?
It’s not all economic bad news
Ukraine war: UK arms giant BAE Systems sets up local business… Since the Russian invasion in February 2022, Britain has become a major defence supplier to Ukraine. (BBC) – unfortunately, all paid for on credit.
Despite: British man, 22, from Solihull killed fighting in east Ukraine… Family pay tribute to Samuel Newey, who had been volunteering for more than a year against Russian forces (Guardian) – there’s a lot of casualties out there…
Conspiracy corner
Army two-star general killed in private aviation plane crash (Task & Purpose ‘provides military news, culture, and analysis by and for the military and veterans community’)
U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Anthony W. Potts (right), Program Executive Officer for Command, Control, Communications-Tactical, with U.S. Army V Corps personnel during a visit to Camp Kościuszko on Feb. 7, 2023, in Poznan, Poland. (U.S. Army photo)… A U.S. Army two-star general and father of two was killed last week after his airplane crashed in Maryland… According to Harford County first responders, Potts, a father of two, was the only passenger on board a single-engine aircraft that crashed shortly after 7:00 p.m. on July 25 in Havre de Grace, Maryland. No other injuries were reported in the crash – so that will be one of those air crashes that kill the passenger while the pilot walks away unscathed?
Man seen parachuting from plane 5 mins before.
Cardboard ikea drone seen nearby …maybe balsa wood is next … remember ..?
Currently playing in my head…
No… still playing in front me. Cannot not run it all the way.
There was a video option with the opening credits, but before the music there was a section featuring a Sadiq Khan convoy pulling in to W1A for some reason.
Guest – that plane nearly got my family killed – the wings were made in a furniture factory close to my grandparents ‘ home in what used to be East London – it got bombed and the front got blown out – the Germans were after the factory – Luckily my grandmother / and mum were in the Anderson shelter ….
I still love that plane though …. Terrified the krauts …
Reporting Scotland
BBC One Scotland, 29 August 2023
The programme featured a graphic displaying the worsening position of alcohol-related deaths in Scotland. The figures for each year were all clearly and accurately displayed. We do, however, agree that the graph should not have been shown with uneven steps on its axis, and have reminded the programme team of the importance of clarity when reporting statistics.
not have been shown with uneven steps on its axis
In a way that only a fairly wealthy metro-liberal can, The Guardians Polly Toynbee wearing her pink-tinted lefty goggles completely misses the mood of the general public over the angry Londoners disabling ULEZ spy cameras.
In trying to pin yet another slur on the Tories she demonstrates her complete blindness to the vast majority of ordinary people who detest ULEZ and all it represents.
Then again she probably has either a chauffeur or EV to traipse across from her house in Sussex to the office at The Guardian or maybe writes everything from a hot desk in her villa in Tuscany!
So as JO’bsworth essentially gives an on air BJ to the Mayor the other day…
BBC alumni and integrity are not exactly common bedfellows.
Polly’s come a way since her arguably more useful days driving the tea trolley and delivering ginger nuts at The Guardian?
Current world population that would move to Britain once they`ve saved up enough to pay criminals
4 billion .
Current population in Britain (real figure ) 87 million .
Optimum population ; 30 million .
The BBC World Service music back in the day when it really was a radio station:
Christopher Hitchens on Islamic Fundamentalism and America #shorts
Are anti_Tory Twitter accounts sincere ?
Here’s a screenshot from one for the last 3 hours
The same RSPB anti-Tory meme graphic
Then yesterday same one 6 times in a row
Top right 3 are anti-Dan Wootton
Stew – I wonder if any of this online stuff really matters ? Surely the keyboard wars are just for people with the time ? Even this site . Does anything change opinions ? I believe many people are so entrenched with their views that any amount of internet trash has no effect .
Although of course those of a fragile mental condition – when subjected to say Islamic terrorist material may be pushed to real crime – but otherwise the blue Labour red labour stuff is largely meaningless .
It’s a bit like those polling agencies who use the internet for measuring views but fails to factor in those who don’t ‘do ‘ the internet or just lie….
Hi Stew some links would be useful…
Possible perfect complement to the BBC ‘we do science, we do’ lot?
Apropos of nothing…
No idea why the photo adding doohickey did not work. It is an image of a lady from a new cop show.
If that is you trying using my URL… best of three?
Yep – get error when go direct….
Access Denied
It is possible the media mentioned have something in common.
How was BBc coverage?
Fear of whistleblowing at BBC allowed Jimmy Savile to abuse, says leaked report
This article is more than 7 years old
Lawyer for Jimmy Savile’s victims says she finds it hard to believe management had no idea he was a danger
Let’s face it – one of the skills of an upwardly moving manager is to avoid ‘problems ‘ and get them dumped on someone else – hopefully a career competitor – it’s why people who land up on boards of companies and health trusts can exihibit all that slime when stuff goes wrong – see NatWest –
It’s like when the PA comes round just before the boss is to visit ‘unannounced ‘…
NatWest sparked fury today after revealing former boss Dame Alison Rose is set to receive a £2.4million pay package, a month after resigning in disgrace in a row over Nigel Farage’s bank account.23 Aug 2023
Marky – I just used her as a recent example – but look at the trash than got well paid covering up the NHS baby killing nurse – reputation above loves … at least with them they face a full public inquiry now …..
But this is multiplied all over management boards …. ( see plod – data protection – vetting ) infective quangos ( see OFCOM OFGEM OFWAT ) …
Home Sec Amber Rudd: Yeah, I don’t understand encryption. So what?
Amber joined the Board on 10 January 2022 and is a member of the Nominations Committee, Remuneration Committee and the Safety, Environment & Sustainability Committee.
Relevant Skills and Experience
Amber brings a wealth of real-world experience in energy, policy and business.
Home Sec Amber Rudd: Yeah, I don’t understand encryption. So what?
Amber brings a wealth of real-world experience in energy, policy and business.
Home Sec Amber Rudd: Yeah, I don’t understand encryption. So what?
Amber brings a wealth of real-world experience in energy, policy and business.
Telegraph reports four ‘explosions ‘ in Swedish cities – it says it might be drugs gangs at work …. But it doesn’t say anything about the nature of these gangs … or their origins …. Very BBC .. very woke …
Brexit? Climate Change explosions?

12:53pm TalkTV screen suddenly when green, after a caller swore or something , and the presenter pressed the dump button, so viewers didn’t get to hear it.
Half of Vaccinated People May Never Stop Producing Spike Protein, Study Finds
Bet he has/had a few mates at the BBC.
I remember when we had to save energy by buying low energy light bulbs then low energy appliances all to save the planet . Then we are asked to use electric vehicles . So how is that saving energy. They have really tied themselves in knots. Can someone at the bbc explain the logic of this please.
It’s easy. Now everything runs on electricity either stop using it or we will restrict/cut off your supply. Those hotels full of architects need a lot of energy, you need to make sure they get it.
EXCLUSIVE: Rishi Sunak to spend £13,000 a year heating new pool – six times average energy bill
Rishi Sunak has been building a pool, gym and tennis courts at his £1.5million country manor in his North Yorkshire constituency which will cost up to £13,000 a year to heat
Rishi Sunak faces a ‘whole list of concerns’ amid tax row
By Mikey Smith
Political Correspondent
21:00, 23 Apr 2022UPDATED22:31, 23 Apr 2022
The insult is that however thrifty one might be with juice – the standing charge -maybe 40p or more a day each for E and G really bites ….
Climate change scams not investigated by Marijuana Spring:
Leomie Anderson: ‘I didn’t think make-up was made for black girls’
I Kissed A Boy cast: Meet the boys looking for love on the new gay dating show
Why some gay men still fear kissing in public
‘For the first time ever, I worry about doing drag gigs’
BBC Three announces all female dating show, I Kissed A Girl
I Kissed A Boy host Dannii Minogue: ‘You don’t think of yourself as a gay icon’
I Kissed A Boy and the history of LGBT dating shows
‘My character isn’t being a palatable or acceptable black man’