In what bizarre world does someone who clearly HAS been shoplifting set off and drive their car towards cops pointing guns at them ?.
Why is the lesson from all of these killing NEVER given as ‘When police stop you, do what you say’. In EVERY case the ‘victim’ is guilty and is trying to resist arrest. George Floyd especially included.
The complete lack of actual video in this BBC report all about ‘bodycam released video’ made me suspicious. So I went searching and to my amazement, all of the usual MSM suspects were showing heavily edited versions which made no sense. Why not show the actual video ?. She was told 10 times to get out of the car. The BBC ‘summarise’ this as ‘The video shows the two officers interacting with Ms Young for about one minute before the shot is fired.’
And of course, there is no way they could have known she was pregnant – but the BBC don’t mention that.
In this video, she actually drove the car at a policeman with a gun pointed at her. In that split second, he could not know if she would suddenly put ther foot flat down. Why did all the leftist news sites specifically edit that bit out for their reports ?. It is they key point of the whole thing.
When the police release bodycam video of a shooting people like the BBC want to call ‘racist’, the fact they don’t show that video in the article is disgusting in the extreme.
This is why I don’t trust the BBC or any of the MSM any more. They are shameless agenda-based liars.
lol Up2 – that’s the whole purpose of being No1 ! 😂. No content required.
It’s a hollow victory for me though. I must confess I posted it on the previous thread just before the dastardly Fedup2 started a new one – so I moved it.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well it is still the cricket season, despite the BBC being all footy conscious in Spain on the plain) – where were you and Deborah and Lynette and ….. ?
I happened to drop in here while closing down for the night and would have glady moved aside to let the ladies go first as a gentleman of the first water.
These incidents happen because of one thing the BBC will never mention: the low IQ of blacks.
Black criminals are generally not smart enough to realise that in these situations the game is up. They will resist arrest until forcibly subdued. Even then they will continue to struggle and behave like captured wild animals.
A white criminal will tend to submit to authority when escape is impossible. That is because his IQ, while low, is still usually higher than that of a black criminal, and he is smart enough to work out what his best option is.
The poor police have a difficult and thankless job dealing with stupid black criminals. The media hate the police and are always on the side of every black criminal. The lying BBC, stuffed as it is with pathologically altruistic posh women of both sexes, are wilfully blind to the harsh reality of policing blacks.
Black criminals should be regarded as dangerous animals, as like lions escaped from a zoo. Kept at a distance and shot with tranquilizer darts. Then transported to Africa and returned to the wild where they belong.
You forgot that black criminals believe the police have no right to challenge them if they have committed a crime. It’s racist if they do so blacks assume they have every right to ignore the law because the law is racist if it keeps trying to arrest black criminals.
The BBC article includes the video , it is not substantially different to SKY’s and shows the officers repeatedly telling her to get out of the car and her driving toward them.
Doubtless, another Christmas without proper Christmas cards. Its been 2/3 years of availability erosion beginning with just, “Seasons Greetings” to now, none in the stores I frequent.
Simply Kow-towing to the (current) minorities of < 20%. Is that justice?
It’s more likley to be some ” refugee’s welcome here ” type who is responsible for this and not our none Christian friends who have been here for generations and have no problem with a traditional Christmas.
Here in Exmouth Home Bargains opened their Xmas aisle in mid August. Hopefully it will lead to a fall in sales- many customers are boycotting the shop.
Fed, the Humph would have been purple and apocalyptic with rage if he was still presenting Toady. On the subject of Christmas, I was alerted by a friendly cashier at Iceland that they have Mince Pies in stock. Yummmh!
Thanks very much for the music, but it’s still Summer! The equinox decides the start of Autumn for me, not the government.
‘Then they brought in a can to melt snow for the
mortar. They heard somebody say it was twelve
o’clock already.
“It must be,” Shukhov said. “The sun’s right over-
“If it’s right overhead,” the Captain shot back,
“that means it’s one o’clock, not twelve.”
“How come?” Shukhov asked. “Any old man can
tell you the sun is highest at noon.”
“That’s what the old guys say !” the Captain
snapped. “But since then, there’s been a law passed
and now the sun’s highest at one.”
“Who passed the law?”
“The Soviet Government !”
The Captain went out with the hods. But Shukhov
wouldn’t have gone on arguing anyway. Did the sun
come under their laws too? ‘
Solzhenitsyn One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
It helps donors to the big political parties. Most big firms have no issue paying minimum wages and they know it destroys smaller businesses who cannot afford to pay it.
It’s only possible though in a deindustrialised country which does not rely on producing goods and exporting them as we used to.
Consider the Pakistani woman living in Pakistan, who produces a white cotton T shirt which sells for £5
The same woman comes to Britain and makes the same garment, and suddenly it’s £25 which one as a customer would you buy?
Worse than that is that if she stayed in Pakistan we wouldn’t be paying for her excessive welfare support nor for the offspring she will produce from her husband / cousin who will have a increased % chance of congenital illness who will require lifelong welfare support.
Nor of course if she stayed in Pakistan would anyone in this country be at risk from any Muslim extremist she may produce. All in all mass migration stinks.
I agree, it’s THE wage for many, whichever job they choose, and employers are reluctant to break ranks and pay more. Of course these low paid workers are going to choose the easiest jobs they can get, so employers then find they cant fill vacancies that are harder work.
Everybody on minimum wage was one of the fruits ‘uncontrolled immigration’ gave to us where Poles and others could buy a house back home on it. And business got plenty of cheap labour.
Meanwhile normal Brits with a mortgage and all the usual costs of living here had to visit food banks.
JohnC, small correction, you cannot use a Food Bank if you are employed. The BBC like to portray nurses going to Food Banks but iirc, you need to be unemployed to gain access or be on a Benefit like Universal Credit. From the Trussell Trust web-site:
“Food vouchers
Care professionals such as health visitors, staff at schools and social workers identify people in crisis and issue them with a food bank voucher.”
You can bet your bottom dollar the Government are aware of that. As normal, its a method of benefitting (the magnet as you say) and conversely being able to use the law to clobber the employer when required. Using a legal expression: the former being people, ….”of straw” who could disappear anytime and the latter being employers of ‘substance’ bank accounts and all that.
In my view, that overall principle is contained in most imbalanced legislation these days. Take ‘self-defence’. Effectively any item can be a weapon so, even if you are randomly attacked and inflict damage to whoever assaults you with anything readily at hand, like a brick, that will be a weapon and you will be ‘done’. Justice?
Rumours that the BBC is trying to find “graceful” way of reinstating the career of Huw Edwards after his little shindigs.
Compare and contrast with how they handled the Clarkson Top Gear fumble.
Clarkson was immediately given the heave-ho for getting into a physical fracas with some namby pamby BBC-oids over a missing meal.
Mr Edwards foray into sexual deviancy seems to be a much lesser issue to the BBC than an irritable star and they now are looking to put the past behind them (or bury it to be nearer the mark) to ease him back into his gilt edged role.
What an absolute bunch of vile creatures crawl around the BBC. They have absolutely no moral fibre.
To be honest I think Clarkson was angling for that result given the speed with which he signed up with Amazon and the other two going with him. Struck me at the time the hopeless fools at the BBC were played and too incompetent to see what was going on
As for Huw Edwards I’m not sure he did anything wrong in a legal sense, so it’s difficult to see how they could get rid.
Now had Phil Schofield been working for the BBC and they tried to rehabilitate him it might have been entirely different.
Huw Edwards is morally unfit . Surely he can never anchor important national events again. How could commentate on the funeral of King Charles , his solemn tones describing the funeral cortège, with the audience all the while thinking about his deviant behaviour?
But I accept that because , and only because he is a BBC apparatchik he will very likely be welcomed back . One rule for them a different rule for everyone else. They remind me of the pigs in Animal Farm.
Never, ever underestimate the double-standards and hypocrisy of the Left. Now they have infested the MSM (and especially the BBC), they can do whatever they like – it simply doesn’t get reported.
As I said – nice interview – kuensberg – lots of ‘sorry ‘ – monitor response ( poor huw ) soft documentary (abervan – mental illness ) monitor response – ‘special commentary ‘ – cenotaph – royal something or other …. award from bafta or similar – back to ‘normal ‘….
I hope the BBC do allow Huw Spew Barney McGrew Cuthbert Dibble the Grub to return… conservatively it should result in at least a few more tens of thousands cancelling their tv licences, people (ordinary people), are sick to the back teeth of the BBC and their tolerance of pervs.
Employment and earnings
Payments from Hodder and Stoughton UK, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington St, London W1F 0LE:
12 July 2022, received £439.82 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 28 July 2022)
10 August 2022, received £519.69 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 23 August 2022)
5 October 2022, received £1,771.82 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 27 October 2022)
14 March 2023, received £673.11 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 03 April 2023)
5 April 2023, received £2,590.85 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 24 April 2023)
Payments from HarperCollins UK, 1 London Bridge St, London SE1 9GF, via Rogers, Coleridge and White Ltd, 20 Powis Mews, London W11 1JN:
30 April 2022, received £382.03 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 27 May 2022)
18 October 2022, received £171.03 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 27 October 2022)
6 January 2023, received £510,000 as an advance on an upcoming book yet to be published. Hours: approx. 10 hrs to date. (Registered 12 January 2023)
4 May 2023, received £402.81 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 16 May 2023)
7 July 2022, received £88.73 from Editions Robert Laffont, 30 PL d’italie, 75013 Paris, France, via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington Street, London W1F 0LE, for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 29 July 2022)
Payments received via the Harry Walker Agency, 355 Lexington Avenue, Floor 21, New York, NY 10017, USA:
14 October 2022, received £276,130 from the Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers (CIAB), 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 750 Washington DC, 20004-2608 US, for a speaking engagement. Transport and accommodation also provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 8 hrs 30 mins. (Registered 04 November 2022)
9 November 2022, received £277,723.89 from Centerview Partners LLP, 31 West 52nd Street, 22nd Floor New York, New York 10019, for a speaking engagement. Transport and accommodation provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 06 December 2022)
17 November 2022, received £261,652.34 from Hindustan Times, HT Media Ltd, Hindustan Times House (2nd Floor), 18-20 Kastuba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110 001, India, for a speaking engagement and VIP reception. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 8 hrs 45 mins. (Registered 07 December 2022)
13 December 2022, received £253,880.90 from ParallelChain Lab, 100 Tras Street #16-01, 100AM Singapore 079027, for a speaking engagement. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two staff members. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 09 January 2023)
23 November 2022, received £215,275.98 from Televisao Independente, S.A. Rue Mario Castelhano, no40, Queluz de Baixo, 2734-502 Barcarena, Portugal, for a speaking engagement at CNN Global Summit Lisbon. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 07 December 2022)
6 December 2022, received £50,000 plus VAT from Ballymore Group, Ballymore Properties Ltd, Marsh Wall, London E14 9SJ, for a speaking engagement. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 21 December 2022)
23 November 2022, received £215,275.98 from Televisao Independente, S.A. Rue Mario Castelhano, no40, Queluz de Baixo, 2734-502 Barcarena, Portugal, for a speaking engagement at CNN Global Summit Lisbon. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 07 December 2022)
£215,275 for 30 minutes talk (I don’t know how long it was as it does not say)
One cannot help thinking that the eco-nutters have decided that convincing the public is a waste of time and the crazy billionaires have decided to circumvent that ballot box by recruiting whores in parliament…
One wonders how many of the MPs involved are on Extinction Rebellion billionaire paymaster Chris Hohn’s payroll at The Conservative Environment Network?
Globalist loony left-wing Net Zero supporter and ethnic Tory MP Claire Coryl Julia Coutinho, Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero. Before her political career, Coutinho worked for woke investment bank Merrill Lynch. Like most of the Cabinet, her parents were not indigenous ethnic British or Northern Irish. Coutinho endorsed the Moderna mRNA jab criminal profiteer, Rishi Sunak, for the Conservative Party leadership election. Like all her colleagues in the cabinet, she says criminal lies to please the Tory voter, but her actions please the loony left-wing supporters of mass immigration and Net Zero and the many other left-wing authoritarian policies of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Nadine Dorries said: “The Conservative Party is broken”. Communism plus Globalism breaks the Conservative Party. Both Rishi Sunak and Labour endorse undemocratic and socialist Net Zero policies, without a referendum for the people to stop this left-wing hoax.
I agree. But the LibLabCon coalition is strong on Net Zero and right now and for a year or two longer I think that they may even have >50% public support? So many people I meet are convinced that there really is a climate catastrophe brewing all due to CO2. Of course they have no real idea why a little more CO2 could cause this but they know it will!
If you say it’s just a prediction from a computer model, more likely to be wrong than right so surely it’s not sensible to bankrupt ourselves on something that probably isn’t real, their response is :
wild fires everywhere, record temperature, melting glaciers and polar ice caps, rising sea level , all scientists agree it’s real, the science is settled.
Somehow or other the other side of the argument must be put to these credulous folk . But how? Soon there will be blanket censorship of the Internet thanks to the Online Harms Bill and I don’t see how the truth can ever reach these people.
I hope that as the cost of NZ hits home in a few years time folks will begin to seek out their own information rather than being spoon fed . But it maybe too late to break the political consensus by then. This is why fighting the ULEZ imposition is so important . A strong resistance will warn off politicians and show the way to resist the imposition of the much painful NZ measures to come.
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 9 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Press Association
Sun 10 Nov 2013 06.46 GMT
The Times newspaper teams up with a BBC favourite son this morning and tends to confirm one of Mr AsI’s favourite nicknames for that organ: ‘the formerly-patriotic Times‘
Why I became ashamed of Britain. The BBC presenter Clive Myrie was angered by the Windrush scandal, which affected his family (Frontpage feature photo, Page 12 and Magazine)
Get the look
Clive is sporting a 2-piece single-brested notched lapel two-button soft velvet suit in eye-catching pink – available from Paul Smith at Harrods £975: ….making a glamourous statement can be hard, with homogenous silhouettes offering a polished, but sometimes measured effect… its soft velvet composition and audacious hue counteract its elegant structure and offer a perfectly decadent statement that loses none of its classic appeal (Harrods)
Speaking of Harrods…
Former Harrods owner al-Fayad dies at 94 (Telegraph) – ‘tributes flooding in’ ?
For those titles that would willingly sell their granny into prostitution for any excuse to include the word Diana in a headline this is of course a god send: Diana’s loyal friend Al-Fayad, dies at 94 (Daily Star); Mohamed Al-Fayad has died aged 94 – 26 years to the day after son Dodi was killed in a car crash with Princess Diana (The Sun)
Walk Like an Egyptian was somewaht akin to what we used to call a novelty hit for The Bangles in 1986
All the old paintings on the tombs
They do the sand dance don’t you know?
If they move too quick (oh whey oh)
They’re falling down like a domino
All the Japanese with their yen
The party boys call the Kremlin
And the Chinese know (oh whey oh)
They walk the line like Egyptian
All the cops in the donut shop say
(Whey oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh)
Walk like an Egyptian
Walk like an Egyptian
Speaking of which… (some days these segueways are just too easy)
£200m Saudis plot record bid for Salah (The Sun); Transfer deadline day… Saudis plot late swoop for Liverpool’s Salah (‘i’); Saudis to bid £200m for Liverpool’s Salah (Telegraph)
So there we have a rare instance of complete journalistic agreement on a big number right across the board.
Now it’s dates – even decades – over which the titles just can’t get the story straight. Our BBC likes the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper as their top online press review pick this morning: Hundreds more schools await safety checks despite collapse risk warning to ministers in 2019 (‘i’)
Meanwhile the Daily Express aliterates: The crumbling concrete crisis escalated yesterday… Experts raised the alarm… They described the situation as a “ticking time bomb” that was highlighted as long ago as 1995
2019… 1995… you pays your money, you takes your pick
The Telegraph likes the aliteration too: Crumbling concrete crisis spreads to hospitals – crumbling concrete clinics crisis?
The left-leaning liberal globalist FT Weekend sources for their rather grandly entitled feature: Life & Arts Essay – our go-to left-leaning historian – a chap with glowing reviews from the Guardian no less – engaged for his expert insights into… conservatism…?
Simon Schama How Trump ditched conservative values. The real Rino (Republican in name only) (FT there providing the disambiguation only a confirmed bubble-dwelling liberal would need spelt out)
Mr AsI isn’t one for off pat pet psychologising – but this could explain a lot: Unheard Diana tapes. Charles ‘disappointed’ when Harry was born as ‘we wanted a girl’ (Daily Express)
Returning to the Times we note that title in addition to Clive Myrie has served up a BBC bargain bogof: Easy Curries: recipe pullout. Nadiya Hussain
Macron looks on as France’s Africa policy crumbles (BBC) – and on that note and with Ukrainian casualties counted in the tens of thousands – and yet surprisingly scant news of any their allied western military advisors having been killed out there at the front we segueway to…
Conspiracy Corner
Three US Marines die in Australia aircraft crash during exercises. SYDNEY, Aug 27 – Three U.S. Marines died in an aircraft crash off the coast of northern Australia on Sunday while transporting troops during a routine military exercise, officials said…. Four Australian soldiers were killed last month during large bilateral exercises when their helicopter crashed into the ocean off the coast of Queensland. (Reuters, Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles)
“Why I became ashamed of Britain. The BBC presenter Clive Myrie was angered by the Windrush scandal, which affected his family (Frontpage feature photo, Page 12 and Magazine)”
Leaving crime ridden Jamaica gave him a chance to live!
The Home Office’s (the Department’s) design for the Windrush Compensation
Scheme (the scheme) aimed to compensate claimants quickly while protecting
public money from abuse
Toenails (yawn) doesn’t even have the impartiality for radio.
That Surkeer is not being invited on for a grilling on his shameless banwagon jump given Labour’s complicity too (see Grenfell) shows all ‘news’ media is now ideologically compromised.
Listening to Tony Blackburn this morning and the BBC advertising gurus have come up with yet another genius way to get people to buy more licenses:
‘Get your child a TV license to take to university. Then when they see something important on the news, they might text or call you to tell you about it.’
I would love to have watched the meeting of quota-employee idiots while they came up with that one.
I think it’s great that criminal invaders are being put into student accom – might make the woke kidults realise what their support for unrestricted immigration really means – …Katie Hopkins ‘ you tube makes the same point …. And a good way of turning a lefty to a human being is to get mugged ..
Whichever way the situation is sized up, the indigenous Brits are increasingly side-lined to the extent where I would class them now as ‘Second Class Citizens’. No one would have a chance in convincing me otherwise.
2024 voting? Show your anger and spoil the ballot paper. After all, who can you vote for that declares that they will repeal legislation / pull out of all the relevant International Treaties all to restore the balance for the indigenous Brits. If you can find a party who would declare, kindly let me know.
Reporting Scotland
BBC One Scotland, 29 August 2023
The programme featured a graphic displaying the worsening position of alcohol-related deaths in Scotland. The figures for each year were all clearly and accurately displayed. We do, however, agree that the graph should not have been shown with uneven steps on its axis, and have reminded the programme team of the importance of clarity when reporting statistics.
Beats me why Blackburn is still working for the BBC after the way he has been treated over the years. He is an intelligent man but I do question what hold they have over him or what attracts him so much to stay.
It can’t be long before he joins Ken Bruce in leaving for a decent radio station. Then Johnnie Walker and Paul Gambaccini. BBC will be left with the quality of Rylan- enough said.
I can tell Tony is a sycophant who craves attention above all else – like many of those in the entertainement business. ALL of them will do absolutely anything for money and fame. Not a ‘moral principle’ to share between them.
Having said that, Tony is a likeably chap because he knows he is stupid and doesn’t try to hide it.
Covid: UK has ‘let our guard down’ as concern over new ‘Pirola’ variant grows
Lisa Shaw presented the morning show on Heart Radio for many years before joining BBC Radio Newcastle. The 44-year-old died in May 2021 – a week after having her first Covid-19 jab. Her husband Gareth Eve is among a group of families who have lost loved ones allegedly to side effects caused by the vaccine.7 Apr 2023
Bbc are on about aero concrete in schools. Expert on bbc this morning not giving the answers that bbc want. He said it needs regular maintenance. Hospitals are already doing it and have been for a while. Schools are the responsibility of local authorities or trusts . So they have squandered there budgets on pet projects with the hope that the government magic money tree will help them out.
But this does not fit bbc agenda and also country has economically recovered better than other nations so this concrete problem takes this off the headlines
Defund now
I’m struggling to understand why the admittedly useless government are being asked to produce a list of affected schools. The only people who need to know are the relevant parents or guardians.
Clearly the advice has changed in the last few weeks. The local authorities and trusts should know the state of their building stock already and it is they who are required to implement the temporary measures.
There are 32000 schools in the UK, so 150 affected schools is under 0.5%. Not quite a catastrophe then. And 35 of those affected are in Scotland. Why is the BBC not hammering away at the SNP and Greens? I think we know.
At the national level it is of course the taxpayer who will foot the bill. On top of unlimited funding for the NHS and rubber cross channel ferries.
What value do we actually get for our taxes?
Sluff – bigger portions of our real money ( taxes ) are now used to service the debt on the made up money the blue labour government has borrowed …. As the strain grows the pressure on public spending will really bite … be like the 1970s …
…. On the concrete crap – I wonder how many other buildings ( public ) were built using this stuff – and I’m sure the records of the decision to use crap concrete – and the bribes involved – were shredded years ago ….
…and how any government – however incompetent – could sit on the risk until the Friday before term is beyond me . Although I can picture a ‘sir Humphrey ‘ dropping a file on the desk of a ministerial PA on Thursday night …..but names should be named ….
TOADY Watch #1 – in which Simon Jack displays surprising ignorance for the Business Editor of the whole BBC
Simon, on TOADY duty with the Bee Lady this morning, interrogated Darren Morgan of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and tried to do a Harshmistress Mishal on Darren. Simon really ought to know – especially as Business Editor – how vague a measure is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country, even as developed as ours, where records have been kept for centuries.
But no, Simon wanted to make the ONS look bad and, no doubt by extension make a Conservative Government look bad, by attacking the ONS for its revisions of GDP for 2021 & 2022. Hopefully, Simon Jack will receive a phone call today from Steffie Flanders or Robert Peston putting him right about GDP revisions! From memory which may be faulty, there can be as many as two or three revisions to the UK’s GDP figures for a given period.
TOADY Watch #2– in which Simon Jack displays surprising ignorance for the Business Editor of the whole BBC
Thank you, up2
Toady doom-and-gloom special today was about the issues affecting ‘coastal communities’. Tenby was selected.
There was a voxpop with three people. Jack was laying the doom-and-gloom ground for a hotelier to whinge generally only to find that……….he was actually a care home manager !!!!!!
Cue egg on face and quickly over to Thought for the Day.
Mason has lived in London since 1988, becoming a freelance journalist around 1991. From 1995 to 2001 he worked for Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier, on titles including Contract Journal, Community Care[8] and Computer Weekly, of which he was deputy editor.[4]
In August 2001, Mason joined the BBC Two television programme Newsnight taking up a post as Business Editor. His first live appearance on Newsnight was on the day of the September 11 attacks in 2001.[9]
Mason writes a blog for Newsnight called “Idle Scrawl”.[4]
In May 2007, Mason’s book Live Working or Die Fighting: How the Working Class Went Global was published by Harvill Secker. In June 2007, Mason presented Spinning Yarns, a four-part series on the history of the cotton industry for BBC Radio Four. Mason appeared in a five-part BBC series Credit Crash Britain, first broadcast on BBC Two on 30 October 2008.[citation needed]
In January 2012 Mason’s book Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere: The New Global Revolutions was published in paperback by Verso.[10][11]
Mason attended the Wigan Casino in his youth as a follower of Northern Soul and hosted a documentary about the Northern Soul scene for the BBC’s The Culture Show in September 2013.[12]
In August 2013, it was announced that Mason would join Channel 4 News as its culture and digital editor.[1] In May 2014, it was announced that he would become the programme’s Economics Editor at the beginning of the following month, replacing Faisal Islam.[2]
Mason announced in February 2016 that he was leaving his position at Channel 4 News in favour of freelancing so he could engage more fully in debates without the constraint of impartiality observed by broadcasters in the UK.[13]
His four-part documentary series #ThisIsACoup covered the 2015 Greek crisis from inside and outside the corridors of power. His documentary series K is for Karl commemorated the ideas of Karl Marx on the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth. His series, R is for Rosa, was commissioned by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation to mark the centenary of the Polish-German revolutionary.[citation needed]
I remember seeing a NewsNight where Mason was reporting live from the revolting Greeks in Athens in iirc 2015, sounding like the Wolfie Smith that he is while being clearly derided (mocked even) by the presenters at the London end.
How far the BBC have fallen from the good old days of Politics Editor: Nick Robinson, Economics Editor: Stephanie Flanders and Business Editor: Robert Peston.
Fully Automated Luxury Communism promises a radically new left future for everyone. New technologies will liberate us from work, providing the opportunity to build a society beyond both capitalism and scarcity. Automation, rather than undermining an economy built on full employment, is instead the path to a world of liberty, luxury and happiness. Solar power will deliver the energy that we need, while asteroid mining will deliver the necessary resources, allowing us to end the devastation of our environment. Innovations in AI, gene editing, food technology will leads us to new ways of living better lives.
In 100 years’ time many of the ideas in this book will be mainstream, while kindergarten students laugh at our mainstream economic textbooks. Bastani’s genius is to see the future with crisp clarity, unafraid of the consequences of being right
MM, yes, I have heard that all before. Much like forecast heatwaves in 2023 it has yet to arrive. A life of luxury for all was forecast for 1999 yet I was warking harder than ever, even beyond the Millennium
Sluff, you are welcome. I thought it very appropriate that they interview a Welshman from the ONS on TOADY. Think the VoxPop were the Guest Editors, nothing like the BBC being impartial, is it? It was a shame that Simon Jack did not ask Mr Morgan about the unemployment statistics and why they are quoted as a percentage now and not as a specific number.
Not sure if the MSM are trying to turn the crumbly concrete farce into a get the Tories thing or whether the militant teaching unions etc, just want another huge chunk of work from home for teachers who would rather be paid for not working.
I see it’s spreading to mostly civil service outfits now, making the whole thing a tad suspicious to me.
I wonder if it will be discovered to be an issue on trains, police cars and dustcarts etc. as we go on.
Worth pointing out that if it’s the former, for a large chunk of the sixties and seventies when these buildings were thrown up we had two long Labour Governments in office under Harold Wilson (twice) then James Callaghan.
Other than that it doesn’t say much about the standard of local authority governance if it suddenly comes out of the woodwork spookily all at once in the lead up to the next election does it?
What have their safety inspectors been doing for the past 60 or 70 years I ask myself?
I smell activist collusion and fiddling the books!
However all of the above might be totally wrong and it might be down to background pressure from the mega construction companies who are now running out of golden gooses as the post Grenfell eye watering cladding bean-feast they have been enjoying winds down.
As an aside, after passing the 11 plus around that time I was sent to a stone built mediaeval grammar school in the town centre in the Midlands that had existed for hundreds of years.
After the first year they built a brand new three story flat-roofed replacement on top of a hill overlooking the town to send us to.
Sadly after a few months during a gale, the whole roof was ripped off and we were all ditched back into to old school for another year!
‘Bonkers!’ Nicola Sturgeon savaged over £300k Covid plan to remove classroom doors
NICOLA STURGEON has been criticised after an SNP plan to cut the bottoms off hundreds of classroom doors raised fire safety concerns.
19:05, Fri, Feb 4, 2022 | UPDATED: 19:30, Fri, Feb 4, 2022
“A preemptive strike would be particularly likely in the early phases of our expansion because a civilisation may become increasingly difficult to destroy as it continues to expand. Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilisational expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is changing the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere, via greenhouse gas emissions,” the report states.
Ian Sample is science editor of the Guardian. Before joining the newspaper in 2003, he was a journalist at New Scientist and worked at the Institute of Physics as a journal editor. He has a PhD in biomedical materials from Queen Mary’s, University of London. Ian also presents the Science Weekly podcast.
So we move on to the aliens invasion of planet earth as the justification for URGENTLY moving to a One World Government ( OWG) so we fight off these imaginary aliens. I’m sure that if you plot the number of stories per month appearing in the MSM featuring alien invasion or UFO , there is a rapidly increasing rate.
The most likely cause of this rate increase is that the hyperglobalist s, whose ultimate goal is a OWG , think that it will terrify us into accepting their plan. It’s a good insurance policy in case we rebel at the imposition of NZ and don’t think a OWG is necessary or desirable to deal with the climate catastrophe.
Saturday R4 drama madradama now ( or something like it ) – I’m sure the Indians or pakis will appreciate it – but shouldn’t it be on their ‘Asian network ‘ – wonder what the figures are for that ?
And if you are paying your TV licence – you are paying for the ‘Asian network ‘ … ugh ….
1985 – batley vs pakistan
2023 – 3 teachers hide from Islam.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Not BBC I wrote a while ago about the malaise the UK is in – and the decline . Well below is a piece from the telegraph by Lord Frost on the same issue . Only compulsion or severe strain on the country is going to change things …
STARTS As everyone in West London knows, Hammersmith Bridge has been shut for four years – and counting. No end is in sight to the wrangle between central government and the usual, reliably useless Labour London borough.
As so often, the Victorians did it better. The original bridge, from the 1820s, was damaged by a boat in 1882. Within two years, a temporary replacement was up; and three years after that we got the current elegant structure. The same thing obviously needs to be done today, too – but the decision to list the bridge in 2008 has closed it off.
I dwell on this not to share metropolitan woes. I dwell on it because it seems deeply symbolic. As the Roman Empire in the West ended, so people stopped looking after its infrastructure. Aqueducts were repurposed and bridges failed. That’s why I see their modern parallels as the canary in the coalmine for a civilisation that is finding it harder to do the basics.
It doesn’t take much searching to find other examples. We have known of the faults in the concrete in some schools at least since a roof collapsed in 2018. But after five years of dither, it seems easier to tell children to revert to the world of lockdown and be taught online, or put up with going to school in a Portacabin, as people were forced to move into Nissen huts in the aftermath of bombing in the Second World War, than to fix the problem.
Again, as I write, we have another day of Aslef rail strikes. By now we all just shrug our shoulders. If it’s a problem, drive, or travel a day later, or just work from home.
Of course, the Government has a new weapon, in the Act requiring a minimum operation in key public services during strikes, but I am not seeing any signs that it wants to use it.
In the NHS, too, we’ve all given up expecting any routine treatment. What does it matter if doctors’ strikes mean you move from six millionth in the queue to seventh millionth?
I am not saying that such problems are easily or simply solved. They aren’t. But still we have a Government that spends nearly half of all the money in the country every year and employs nearly six million people, so it’s reasonable to expect action rather than inaction.
Without that, more and more of us are going to see our taxes as the average medieval peasant did. When your lord wanted money, you tried to find it, and then got on with your life: you didn’t expect to get anything back for the cash.
So again now: pay the tribute to the government – then buy private health care; go by car rather than train, dodging the potholes; pay for top-up tuition for your children; and accept that you just have less money.
There are many reasons for these phenomena, but I want to single out two: one economic, and one cultural.
The economic one is the now-obvious fact that the country’s tax base can no longer support our aspirations for the public realm. Without economic growth, with output per worker hardly growing since 2008, public services can’t grow at 2-3 per cent a year without eventually placing huge strain on the system.
That strain is now becoming visible in the shabby state of our hospitals, schools and roads, and in the deferral of infrastructure programmes other than the sainted HS2.
Of course, all the clever people in both parties say that, nevertheless, taxes must eventually rise still further. The ageing population and declining public health mean that we can never hope to increase economic growth from our own efforts. Better to keep the immigration floodgates open and push taxes up to keep the show on the road.
As I have argued many times, there is no future in this. Ever-increasing taxes just crush the economy. The only question is when the break point comes.
I don’t expect anything better from Labour, but those Conservative politicians who are fine with it – people who at least purport to believe that individuals spend their own money better than the government and that incentives matter – really should be ashamed of themselves.
Still, this problem can be remedied with clearer thought and a genuine determination to cut spending. The second problem, the cultural one, goes deeper.
It’s what seems to me a very evident decline in the belief in excellence and the growth of the feeling that anything will do and anything is good enough.
We’ve all experienced it and lockdown reinforced it. Whether it’s the “lazy girl jobs” meme on social media, idle public servants, schools that don’t teach facts and knowledge, woeful customer service from big companies, we are getting used to the mediocre.
This reality often seems at variance from the official presentation. The Government points to the improvement in literacy over the past decade. Yet we all deal with people every day who can’t write coherent English and struggle to understand a proposition of any complexity.
Similarly, crime is falling according to the statistics – yet most of us feel the streets are less safe and more threatening. We are told that renewable energy is cheaper and better, yet the Government is preparing to pay people not to use electricity in case the grid can’t supply it.
The official presentation is becoming like Soviet tractor production statistics, simply out of line with, indeed irrelevant to, the experience of daily life, an experience where no one expects the authorities to try to improve things.
You then get another infallible sign of a country at risk of decline: a ruling class that focuses on protecting its privileges rather than the welfare of the people.
I’m afraid that this is all too visible in Britain today. The NatWest board that tried to protect Alison Rose. George Osborne’s British Museum board that didn’t seem to take seriously the evidence of thefts or want to hold anyone responsible. The NHS managers in Chester who didn’t face up to the deaths on their maternity wards. It’s no wonder that so many people think the system is rigged. No wonder that so many young people think it would be better to try socialism than continue with the current set-up.
The frustration that so many of us feel with the mainstream political class comes down to a sense that they just don’t get any of this. Boris Johnson, for all his weaknesses, tapped into a spirit of change, a belief that the country could be run in a different way, a voice for the people and places who felt ignored. Few politicians are really offering this now.
Of course, we expect nothing better from Labour, the voice of stasis, of public sector interest groups and even more state diktat. But I’m sad to say that leading members of the current Government also give the impression of thinking that there’s nothing really wrong with the way the country has been run in the past decade or two – or, alternatively, that there is nothing that the Government can do to change things, and all that can be achieved is to keep the show on the road and hang on to their jobs for now.
They aren’t even trying to control immigration, to the obvious frustration of Suella Braverman. They face both ways on net zero and (in the Online Safety Bill) on free speech. They boast of how much is being spent on state provision.
This week’s ministerial changes underline the political strategy of tilting back to the Blue Wall, to those who are still keeping their heads above water, and hoping that fear of the alternatives will get the Conservative Party over the line. It’s a “just about managing” attitude to government for a just about managing country.
I really fear for the future of Britain if we don’t get off this path. When I resigned from the Cabinet, it was because I couldn’t as a matter of principle support another lockdown. We dodged that bullet. But we are now facing another great risk, that we simply fail to rise from our torpor and settle into comfortable decline, with a political class that tells itself nothing else is possible.
I will keep arguing for something better because I don’t believe that the people of this great country are really so fearful of change. We always rise to the challenge when we are faced with it honestly and squarely and we know what must be done. What we need is for our leaders to do the same. To rise to the occasion, to take tough choices – and to lead. ENDS
“I will keep arguing for something better because I don’t believe that the people of this great country are really so fearful of change. We always rise to the challenge when we are faced with it honestly and squarely and we know what must be done. What we need is for our leaders to do the same. To rise to the occasion, to take tough choices – and to lead. “ – Fedup2
I do hope you are correct in this belief, after watching politics after Brexit and the general public overall I see NO HOPE as the herd is powerful – persuading others to take the jab (or lose their job or friends) to calling everyone racist in unison. And now children are told they should just sit and die for the climate.
Correcting the course is now hard – lots of news outlets and actors are just activists pushing their agenda without consequence.
Boris did have the talk – yet was just in it to write a book and get the ladies and money rolling in.
To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle. One thing that helps toward it is to keep a diary, or, at any rate, to keep some kind of record of one’s opinions about important events. – Orwell
Rules are for small people.
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Marky – the quote is from Lord Frost – swimming against a tide of decline – I think the UK is truly effed and decline cannot be managed – it can only be a matter of time before the ‘international community ‘ see the UK as a basket case – a 3rd world one …
China is going to buy UK for one whole dorrah – then turn UK into a shipping zone – airstrip one! – how do you fight it?
“Chinese firm buys pub where David Cameron and Xi Jinping enjoyed a pint”
“Saudi Purchase of English Soccer Team Sparks Debate About Premier League”
“India’s Tata Sons, the holding company of Tata Steel, is mulling the option of exiting the latter’s steel business in the UK as hopes of receiving a £1.5 billion subsidy from the UK government recedes, industry sources said on Monday, October 17. 2022
“This article is more than 5 years old
First mosque opens on Outer Hebrides in time for Ramadan” 2018
“The proportion of births which were to mothers who had been born outside the UK has changed from 43% in 2001 to 58% in the most recent year (2022).”
More than a quarter of the UK’s total £2.3 trillion debt pile is foreign-owned, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility. It means the Government will rely on what former Bank of England governor Mark Carney called ‘the kindness of strangers’ to fund public borrowing, experts warned.23 Jul 2023
“basket case”. Brings back memories of the 50’s and 60’s previous use of the same term. In fact – admission time – I voted for joining the Common Market because I thought their influence would eclipse the lethargic ‘Elite’ in the UK. How wrong can you be? The now hated EU is, itself becoming a ‘basket case’.
I would join with you and declare that the UK is f*CKed up and there aint’ no changing that.
There’s an Urban Legend that Waterloo Bridge was built during the war by mostly female labour. There seems to be little evidence for it but the idea of it being “The Ladies’ Bridge” has of course gained traction in recent years.
It’s a nice idea though. If they round up a bunch of wimmin with names like Ros and Cas – who of course have had to smash glass ceilings by working twice as hard as any man – I’m sure they’ll have Hammersmith Bridge repaired in no time.
“Obese patients treated on hospital ground floor because of concrete collapse fears”
Why Self-Proclaimed ‘Roll Model’ Lizzo Is Also An Empowering Role Model
Lizzo calls herself a “roll model” but she’s truly an inspirational role model for people around the world for several reasons.
Published on February 27, 2020
3 min read
The Standing Committee on Structural Safety was asked to investigate the suitability of the material after a school roof collapsed, although it is not clear which school this was.
Another roof collapsed at a Singlewell Primary School in Kent. It happened above the school staff room, also damaging toilets, ICT equipment and an administration area. The collapse prompted Kent Council to write to other local authorities warning them to check for RAAC in their schools.
A structural engineer investigating on behalf of SCOSS began to “frequently” encounter RAAC planks that weren’t fit for purpose and warned all those installed before 1980 should be replaced.
RAAC planks were becoming “more defective with time”, the report found. It said: “It appears that not all of these have been identified, so structural engineers and building professionals need to be aware of the situation and, when possible, check for RAAC on large flat roofs built around the 1960s-80s.”
What did the Government do?
The Government published guidance for schools about the need to have adequate contingencies in place for the eventuality that RAAC-affected buildings need to be vacated at short notice, according to the DfE.
But the information for schools applying for grants for construction improvement funding round said that “not all RAAC is dangerous”, according to some reports.
The Department for Education sent a questionnaire to all responsible bodies, asking them to provide information to help us understand the use of RAAC across the school estate.
Now, the Government is “less confident” that buildings constructed with RAAC should remain open without extra safety measures. New guidance advises schools and colleges to close any buildings known to contain RAAC.
'Can you believe it!… The Russia conspiracy claimed that Brexit and Trump happened because of Russia when all the while long the EU were and still are funding Russia.'@Nigel_Farage reacts to EU countries buying 52% of the liquid natural gas that Russia has sold in 2023.
“Not Our Business”: Germany On India Buying Discounted Russian Oil
India, the world’s third-largest crude importer after China and the US, has been snapping discounted Russian oil after many Western countries shunned it as a means of punishing Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine.
India NewsEdited by Ashutosh TripathiUpdated: February 22, 2023 8:07 pm IST
‘the kindness of strangers’
‘the kindness of strangers’
More than a quarter of the UK’s total £2.3 trillion debt pile is foreign-owned, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility. It means the Government will rely on what former Bank of England governor Mark Carney called ‘the kindness of strangers’ to fund public borrowing, experts warned.23 Jul 2023
“Okay, I’ve worked it out.
He got SEX by inserting a screw in the right place.”
Jeremy Vine
……………. OLD POST >>>>
Let us make the most of the EU, whilst we can, and add more regulation from the EU to label the BBC TV Programmes.
The BBC wants to be transparent and accountable (bbc guidelines) to the public, who have to fund them under threat of prison, why not after each show the presenters such as ‘Jeremy Vine’ and ‘Chris Evans’ have to end the broadcast with …
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
“You (Gary “@750K from enforced TV Tax + BT Sport + Walkers” Lineker) should not worry (Indeed, look at your wage). You are in a market (BBC Only market, dominating 50% of news output) where presenters are paid at going rates ITV CH 4 pay (Examples Sugar please! What is Lineker’s hourly rate so we can compare.) more than the BBC. You have shown loyalty ( Loyalty to a BBC that forces payment from the public on threat of prison, that gives pedophiles a unquestionable platform, that lets its Directors claim £34 expense when they are on £450K salaries) ” – Lord Sugar – Twitter – jul2017
Man who posed for selfies as he piloted ‘flimsy’ small boat with 50 migrants on board is jailed
Reda Hamoud Abdurabou took charge of the small boat while trying to cross the English Channel
Suella Braverman called out what she says is an “unacceptable rise” in police taking a side on controversial issues – such as referring to rapists as “she” or her”
Orwell believed that totalitarian systems control language in order to prevent their citizens from expressing or thinking rebellious thoughts, writing ‘If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought’. achieves this through neologisms, compound words.14 Jul 2021
Bear with me.
My kids live in houses built around 1900. They are in pretty good condition. A few small damp patches here and there ( no damp courses or cavity walls in those days) but modernised and really quite nice.I was originally raised in a house built in about 1910 and later in a house built in 1928. They are still standing and in normal use.
One of my kids went to school, now much expanded, but where the original block from 1938 is still going strong. I went to school first in a primary built in the 1930s and then a secondary with building back to the 19 th century. One of my other kids went to a secondary school built in 1955. Requiring expensive structural maintenance for years it was finally completely demolished in 2018 and replaced by new build.
So now. Concerning RAAC in schools. Why are we building schools with an estimated life of only 50 years? And not just schools. Council offices especially seem barely to last 5 minutes until new ‘modern’ premises are required. Some of that is council largesse granted, but some is a civil engineering necessity.
If we can live in houses up to 100 years old without issue, what is it with the public sector that requires new build every few decades? At vast taxpayer expense, needless to say.
“The sixth of our satirical specials this summer. From The Skewer’s Jon Holmes comes The Naked Week, a fresh way of dressing the week’s news in the altogether and parading it around for everyone to laugh at.
Host Andrew Hunter Murray (No Such Thing As A Fish, QI Elf, Private Eye) will strip away the curtain and dive into not only the big stories, but also the way in which the news is packaged and presented.
From award-winning writers and a crack team of contemporary satirists – and recorded in front of a live audience – The Naked Week delivers (consensual) topical news nude straight to your ears.
All told, we calculate that around £2.3 billion in UK aid went to India between 2016 and 2021, including £441 million in bilateral aid, £129 million in investments via FCDO in Indian enterprises which generate returns, £749 through multilateral channels, and £1 billion in investments through BII.14 Mar 2023
India’s Economy Has Enjoyed Benefits of Cheap Russian Barrels. The simple driver remains price. According to official figures, in June, the average cost of Russian crude landing on Indian shores including freight was $68.17 per barrel, the lowest since Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.11 Aug 2023
Talking Pictures TV is showing the original Thunderbirds tv series from 3 O’clock this afternoon, with the pilot ‘Trapped in the Sky.’
Actors made of fibre glass and wood in the sixties create more excitement and humour than flesh and blood ones do these days!
Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ)
This vehicle meets the ULEZ emissions standards
You do not need to pay a daily ULEZ charge to drive in the zone, and are helping to improve air quality across London.
However, if you see the Congestion Charge displayed below, you will need to pay that daily charge to drive in central London.
If your vehicle doesn’t meet the ULEZ emissions standards and isn’t exempt, you need to pay a £12.50 daily charge to drive within the zone. This applies to cars, motorcycles, vans and specialist vehicles (up to and including 3.5 tonnes) and minibuses (up to and including 5 tonnes).
“Air pollution increases the risk of life-changing illnesses such as cancer, asthma, lung disease and dementia in older people, even leading to thousands of Londoners dying prematurely each year.”
(Quite why the site software put my post here, I do not know. Revenge for sort of being first on the Thread again? It should be under tomo’s post @ 1.43 p.m.)
I’m ashamed to be a Brexit voter – it never occurred to me that my holidays would be affected’
A gardener from Hertfordshire with a £43,000 farm in Umbria says he is hoping to leave England for good
Labour is calling for an urgent audit of the use of a type of concrete known as RAAC in public buildings including schools, hospitals and courts.
Shadow Cabinet Minister Lucy Powell spoke to #BBCBreakfast
Labour cannot define a woman?
Labour conference: Wrong to say that only women have a cervix, says Keir Starmer
MP Rosie Duffield staying away from Brighton gathering over online threats
Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Sunday 26 September 2021 13:54
She would not comply officers instructions after she stole something and was caught…THEN turned her car into path of officer and pressed down the gas… that’s assault with a deadly weapon and the police will shoot you for that. Blacks commit most of the crimes so…more get shot
2:11 pm · 2 Sep 2023
Blacks have an instintive penchant for resisting anything that they dislike as a race or as individuals. Bloody awkward and unnecessarily difficult. Recently I searched for one word, the very opposite of ‘obsequious’ which I knew would apply to those who, have to be awkward and non-compliant at all costs and anywhere they infect. Closest I got, was, ‘Renitent’ –
1. Resistant to physical pressure; not pliant.
2. Reluctant to yield or be swayed; recalcitrant.
Which, doesn’t really say it all does it?
The search engine offers, “Scofflaw” circa 1923 from the US Prohibition era.
The brutal sentence handed out to the Capitol protester of 17 years behind bars needs to be contested at the international court of human rights as it is grotesquely out of balance with his so-called crimes.
The Dems and their stooge lawyers are acting like communist tyrants trying to use their tame courts to take out any opposition.
This is the same sort of behaviour that Pol Pot in Viet-Nan and the Communists in China turned into a weapon of mass control and the whole World should rise up and kick them out of power.
They are greedy bullies and the US needs to return to a system of balanced and fair justice for all, not just for Democrats trying to cement their grip on society through Stasi-like kangaroo courts.
If things continue down this road, the Dem government will dispense with courts and just wipe out or disappear anyone who demonstrates any opposition to them.
When courts become simply a tool of the government in power to carry out their instructions they no longer justify their existence.
Shame USA! Wake up and throw these absolute evil toads out of power and reclaim fair democracy for your Country.
The group included D.C. District Chief Judge James Boasberg and Judge Amy Berman Jackson
CBS obviously thinking that citing the judge’s attendance added extra weight to the proceedings – fwiw I reckon it was a case of unintended consequences…
After seeing some other protester getting 17 years – no wonder they are ending it – the Obama plan – surprised no one has managed to off Obama or family yet ….
If I were his poor parents I would have his coffin driven to Washington and left on the lawn outside the White House.
Biden and his nasty vindictive crew need to be made culpable. Its as simple as that. They are nothing more than organised gangster crooks and in cahoots with the corrupt lefty communist CIA and DOJ.
The US will not be a functioning democracy until they are history or dragged into court.
Home of the brave, land of the free, only if you are lefty.
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Bodycam video shows Ohio police fatally shooting pregnant black woman
In what bizarre world does someone who clearly HAS been shoplifting set off and drive their car towards cops pointing guns at them ?.
Why is the lesson from all of these killing NEVER given as ‘When police stop you, do what you say’. In EVERY case the ‘victim’ is guilty and is trying to resist arrest. George Floyd especially included.
The complete lack of actual video in this BBC report all about ‘bodycam released video’ made me suspicious. So I went searching and to my amazement, all of the usual MSM suspects were showing heavily edited versions which made no sense. Why not show the actual video ?. She was told 10 times to get out of the car. The BBC ‘summarise’ this as ‘The video shows the two officers interacting with Ms Young for about one minute before the shot is fired.’
And of course, there is no way they could have known she was pregnant – but the BBC don’t mention that.
I eventually found it at
In this video, she actually drove the car at a policeman with a gun pointed at her. In that split second, he could not know if she would suddenly put ther foot flat down. Why did all the leftist news sites specifically edit that bit out for their reports ?. It is they key point of the whole thing.
When the police release bodycam video of a shooting people like the BBC want to call ‘racist’, the fact they don’t show that video in the article is disgusting in the extreme.
This is why I don’t trust the BBC or any of the MSM any more. They are shameless agenda-based liars.
Diane Abbott walks wrong way off stage – BBC cut to remove the any embarrassment – omission is the greatest lie.
There you are at top JohnC, because your post has content whereas mine would just be smug contented, then I’d get an ear-wigging from Brissles. 😉
lol Up2 – that’s the whole purpose of being No1 ! 😂. No content required.
It’s a hollow victory for me though. I must confess I posted it on the previous thread just before the dastardly Fedup2 started a new one – so I moved it.
Snuffy you can be such a wind up merchant ! Well done John, that’s a great opening piece for a new thread – well investigated.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well it is still the cricket season, despite the BBC being all footy conscious in Spain on the plain) – where were you and Deborah and Lynette and ….. ?
I happened to drop in here while closing down for the night and would have glady moved aside to let the ladies go first as a gentleman of the first water.
JohnC, smart move!
LBC missed a key aspect?
Lucky BBC has a color licence fee.
These incidents happen because of one thing the BBC will never mention: the low IQ of blacks.
Black criminals are generally not smart enough to realise that in these situations the game is up. They will resist arrest until forcibly subdued. Even then they will continue to struggle and behave like captured wild animals.
A white criminal will tend to submit to authority when escape is impossible. That is because his IQ, while low, is still usually higher than that of a black criminal, and he is smart enough to work out what his best option is.
The poor police have a difficult and thankless job dealing with stupid black criminals. The media hate the police and are always on the side of every black criminal. The lying BBC, stuffed as it is with pathologically altruistic posh women of both sexes, are wilfully blind to the harsh reality of policing blacks.
Black criminals should be regarded as dangerous animals, as like lions escaped from a zoo. Kept at a distance and shot with tranquilizer darts. Then transported to Africa and returned to the wild where they belong.
You forgot that black criminals believe the police have no right to challenge them if they have committed a crime. It’s racist if they do so blacks assume they have every right to ignore the law because the law is racist if it keeps trying to arrest black criminals.
“In EVERY case the ‘victim’ is guilty and is trying to resist arrest. George Floyd especially included.”
What happens is that extensive efforts are made to undermine the victim of any police shooting – George Floyd being a good example.
Complying, as we have seen many times, isn’t necessarily going to save you.
Also, people often operate under the Just-world hypothesis:
The BBC article includes the video , it is not substantially different to SKY’s and shows the officers repeatedly telling her to get out of the car and her driving toward them.
A different set of image but the same piece to help ease you into Autumn
I heard my first Christmas advert today . Felt sick …
Tesco were putting out the first aisle with Chrismas produce today including mince pies, although who buys them is beyond me.
Only 115 days to go!
Mince pie, 20 seconds in the microwave and some squirty cream.
A delicious, nutrituous snack and time of year. Well, delicious anyway.
Doubtless, another Christmas without proper Christmas cards. Its been 2/3 years of availability erosion beginning with just, “Seasons Greetings” to now, none in the stores I frequent.
Simply Kow-towing to the (current) minorities of < 20%. Is that justice?
It’s more likley to be some ” refugee’s welcome here ” type who is responsible for this and not our none Christian friends who have been here for generations and have no problem with a traditional Christmas.
Sat 8th – Sun 9th July 2023
Cultural appropriation?
“Have fun at the fair with the latest dodgems, adrenaline seeking rides, bungee trampoline and much more!”
Here in Exmouth Home Bargains opened their Xmas aisle in mid August. Hopefully it will lead to a fall in sales- many customers are boycotting the shop.
Fed, the Humph would have been purple and apocalyptic with rage if he was still presenting Toady. On the subject of Christmas, I was alerted by a friendly cashier at Iceland that they have Mince Pies in stock. Yummmh!
Thanks very much for the music, but it’s still Summer! The equinox decides the start of Autumn for me, not the government.
‘Then they brought in a can to melt snow for the
mortar. They heard somebody say it was twelve
o’clock already.
“It must be,” Shukhov said. “The sun’s right over-
“If it’s right overhead,” the Captain shot back,
“that means it’s one o’clock, not twelve.”
“How come?” Shukhov asked. “Any old man can
tell you the sun is highest at noon.”
“That’s what the old guys say !” the Captain
snapped. “But since then, there’s been a law passed
and now the sun’s highest at one.”
“Who passed the law?”
“The Soviet Government !”
The Captain went out with the hods. But Shukhov
wouldn’t have gone on arguing anyway. Did the sun
come under their laws too? ‘
Solzhenitsyn One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Has anyone ever thought through the issues that arise from the minimum wage legislation?
What purpose does it serve?
Who does it help?
What problems does it cause to businesses?
One issue for me is that it serves as a magnet to illegal immigrants who, after they are given visas, will have access to riches beyond their dreams.
It helps donors to the big political parties. Most big firms have no issue paying minimum wages and they know it destroys smaller businesses who cannot afford to pay it.
It’s only possible though in a deindustrialised country which does not rely on producing goods and exporting them as we used to.
Consider the Pakistani woman living in Pakistan, who produces a white cotton T shirt which sells for £5
The same woman comes to Britain and makes the same garment, and suddenly it’s £25 which one as a customer would you buy?
Worse than that is that if she stayed in Pakistan we wouldn’t be paying for her excessive welfare support nor for the offspring she will produce from her husband / cousin who will have a increased % chance of congenital illness who will require lifelong welfare support.
Nor of course if she stayed in Pakistan would anyone in this country be at risk from any Muslim extremist she may produce. All in all mass migration stinks.
Wonder if any cities in Pakistan have ULEZ.
as far as I can see its now become the defacto wage
I agree, it’s THE wage for many, whichever job they choose, and employers are reluctant to break ranks and pay more. Of course these low paid workers are going to choose the easiest jobs they can get, so employers then find they cant fill vacancies that are harder work.
Yep. Exactly.
Teachers, nurses, and junior doctors all seem to think their wages are too close to the minimum wage (which MOST have to accept) these days too.
Everybody on minimum wage was one of the fruits ‘uncontrolled immigration’ gave to us where Poles and others could buy a house back home on it. And business got plenty of cheap labour.
Meanwhile normal Brits with a mortgage and all the usual costs of living here had to visit food banks.
JohnC, small correction, you cannot use a Food Bank if you are employed. The BBC like to portray nurses going to Food Banks but iirc, you need to be unemployed to gain access or be on a Benefit like Universal Credit. From the Trussell Trust web-site:
“Food vouchers
Care professionals such as health visitors, staff at schools and social workers identify people in crisis and issue them with a food bank voucher.”
You can bet your bottom dollar the Government are aware of that. As normal, its a method of benefitting (the magnet as you say) and conversely being able to use the law to clobber the employer when required. Using a legal expression: the former being people, ….”of straw” who could disappear anytime and the latter being employers of ‘substance’ bank accounts and all that.
In my view, that overall principle is contained in most imbalanced legislation these days. Take ‘self-defence’. Effectively any item can be a weapon so, even if you are randomly attacked and inflict damage to whoever assaults you with anything readily at hand, like a brick, that will be a weapon and you will be ‘done’. Justice?
Rumours that the BBC is trying to find “graceful” way of reinstating the career of Huw Edwards after his little shindigs.
Compare and contrast with how they handled the Clarkson Top Gear fumble.
Clarkson was immediately given the heave-ho for getting into a physical fracas with some namby pamby BBC-oids over a missing meal.
Mr Edwards foray into sexual deviancy seems to be a much lesser issue to the BBC than an irritable star and they now are looking to put the past behind them (or bury it to be nearer the mark) to ease him back into his gilt edged role.
What an absolute bunch of vile creatures crawl around the BBC. They have absolutely no moral fibre.
To be honest I think Clarkson was angling for that result given the speed with which he signed up with Amazon and the other two going with him. Struck me at the time the hopeless fools at the BBC were played and too incompetent to see what was going on
As for Huw Edwards I’m not sure he did anything wrong in a legal sense, so it’s difficult to see how they could get rid.
Now had Phil Schofield been working for the BBC and they tried to rehabilitate him it might have been entirely different.
Thankfully The Daily Mail aren’t as bad as the other MSM rags at sanitising their archives…
Danny Cohen owned up yet ?
Huw Edwards is morally unfit . Surely he can never anchor important national events again. How could commentate on the funeral of King Charles , his solemn tones describing the funeral cortège, with the audience all the while thinking about his deviant behaviour?
But I accept that because , and only because he is a BBC apparatchik he will very likely be welcomed back . One rule for them a different rule for everyone else. They remind me of the pigs in Animal Farm.
Never, ever underestimate the double-standards and hypocrisy of the Left. Now they have infested the MSM (and especially the BBC), they can do whatever they like – it simply doesn’t get reported.
As I said – nice interview – kuensberg – lots of ‘sorry ‘ – monitor response ( poor huw ) soft documentary (abervan – mental illness ) monitor response – ‘special commentary ‘ – cenotaph – royal something or other …. award from bafta or similar – back to ‘normal ‘….
I hope the BBC do allow Huw Spew Barney McGrew Cuthbert Dibble the Grub to return… conservatively it should result in at least a few more tens of thousands cancelling their tv licences, people (ordinary people), are sick to the back teeth of the BBC and their tolerance of pervs.
Look on the listings for Monday 11.30pm BBC 3: Planet Sex with Huw Edwards.
When is the BBC not the BBC?
BBC presenter: What questions still remain?
When it suits… the bbc.
I actually thought this was a spoof.
Nadine is looking to cash in …
See Boris Johnson …
Employment and earnings
Payments from Hodder and Stoughton UK, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington St, London W1F 0LE:
12 July 2022, received £439.82 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 28 July 2022)
10 August 2022, received £519.69 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 23 August 2022)
5 October 2022, received £1,771.82 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 27 October 2022)
14 March 2023, received £673.11 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 03 April 2023)
5 April 2023, received £2,590.85 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 24 April 2023)
Payments from HarperCollins UK, 1 London Bridge St, London SE1 9GF, via Rogers, Coleridge and White Ltd, 20 Powis Mews, London W11 1JN:
30 April 2022, received £382.03 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 27 May 2022)
18 October 2022, received £171.03 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 27 October 2022)
6 January 2023, received £510,000 as an advance on an upcoming book yet to be published. Hours: approx. 10 hrs to date. (Registered 12 January 2023)
4 May 2023, received £402.81 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 16 May 2023)
7 July 2022, received £88.73 from Editions Robert Laffont, 30 PL d’italie, 75013 Paris, France, via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington Street, London W1F 0LE, for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 29 July 2022)
Payments received via the Harry Walker Agency, 355 Lexington Avenue, Floor 21, New York, NY 10017, USA:
14 October 2022, received £276,130 from the Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers (CIAB), 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 750 Washington DC, 20004-2608 US, for a speaking engagement. Transport and accommodation also provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 8 hrs 30 mins. (Registered 04 November 2022)
9 November 2022, received £277,723.89 from Centerview Partners LLP, 31 West 52nd Street, 22nd Floor New York, New York 10019, for a speaking engagement. Transport and accommodation provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 06 December 2022)
17 November 2022, received £261,652.34 from Hindustan Times, HT Media Ltd, Hindustan Times House (2nd Floor), 18-20 Kastuba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110 001, India, for a speaking engagement and VIP reception. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 8 hrs 45 mins. (Registered 07 December 2022)
13 December 2022, received £253,880.90 from ParallelChain Lab, 100 Tras Street #16-01, 100AM Singapore 079027, for a speaking engagement. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two staff members. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 09 January 2023)
23 November 2022, received £215,275.98 from Televisao Independente, S.A. Rue Mario Castelhano, no40, Queluz de Baixo, 2734-502 Barcarena, Portugal, for a speaking engagement at CNN Global Summit Lisbon. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 07 December 2022)
6 December 2022, received £50,000 plus VAT from Ballymore Group, Ballymore Properties Ltd, Marsh Wall, London E14 9SJ, for a speaking engagement. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 21 December 2022)
23 November 2022, received £215,275.98 from Televisao Independente, S.A. Rue Mario Castelhano, no40, Queluz de Baixo, 2734-502 Barcarena, Portugal, for a speaking engagement at CNN Global Summit Lisbon. Transport, food and accommodation provided for me and two members of staff. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 07 December 2022)
£215,275 for 30 minutes talk (I don’t know how long it was as it does not say)
One cannot help thinking that the eco-nutters have decided that convincing the public is a waste of time and the crazy billionaires have decided to circumvent that ballot box by recruiting whores in parliament…
Extraordinary criminalisation attempt….
One wonders how many of the MPs involved are on Extinction Rebellion billionaire paymaster Chris Hohn’s payroll at The Conservative Environment Network?
Globalist loony left-wing Net Zero supporter and ethnic Tory MP Claire Coryl Julia Coutinho, Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero. Before her political career, Coutinho worked for woke investment bank Merrill Lynch. Like most of the Cabinet, her parents were not indigenous ethnic British or Northern Irish. Coutinho endorsed the Moderna mRNA jab criminal profiteer, Rishi Sunak, for the Conservative Party leadership election. Like all her colleagues in the cabinet, she says criminal lies to please the Tory voter, but her actions please the loony left-wing supporters of mass immigration and Net Zero and the many other left-wing authoritarian policies of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Nadine Dorries said: “The Conservative Party is broken”. Communism plus Globalism breaks the Conservative Party. Both Rishi Sunak and Labour endorse undemocratic and socialist Net Zero policies, without a referendum for the people to stop this left-wing hoax.
I agree. But the LibLabCon coalition is strong on Net Zero and right now and for a year or two longer I think that they may even have >50% public support? So many people I meet are convinced that there really is a climate catastrophe brewing all due to CO2. Of course they have no real idea why a little more CO2 could cause this but they know it will!
If you say it’s just a prediction from a computer model, more likely to be wrong than right so surely it’s not sensible to bankrupt ourselves on something that probably isn’t real, their response is :
wild fires everywhere, record temperature, melting glaciers and polar ice caps, rising sea level , all scientists agree it’s real, the science is settled.
Somehow or other the other side of the argument must be put to these credulous folk . But how? Soon there will be blanket censorship of the Internet thanks to the Online Harms Bill and I don’t see how the truth can ever reach these people.
I hope that as the cost of NZ hits home in a few years time folks will begin to seek out their own information rather than being spoon fed . But it maybe too late to break the political consensus by then. This is why fighting the ULEZ imposition is so important . A strong resistance will warn off politicians and show the way to resist the imposition of the much painful NZ measures to come.
Dorries looks determined to push a stick or several through Sunak et al’s spokes.
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 9 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Press Association
Sun 10 Nov 2013 06.46 GMT
You have 20 seconds to comply.
Life & arts essay edition
The Times newspaper teams up with a BBC favourite son this morning and tends to confirm one of Mr AsI’s favourite nicknames for that organ: ‘the formerly-patriotic Times‘
Why I became ashamed of Britain. The BBC presenter Clive Myrie was angered by the Windrush scandal, which affected his family (Frontpage feature photo, Page 12 and Magazine)
Get the look
Clive is sporting a 2-piece single-brested notched lapel two-button soft velvet suit in eye-catching pink – available from Paul Smith at Harrods £975: ….making a glamourous statement can be hard, with homogenous silhouettes offering a polished, but sometimes measured effect… its soft velvet composition and audacious hue counteract its elegant structure and offer a perfectly decadent statement that loses none of its classic appeal (Harrods)
Speaking of Harrods…
Former Harrods owner al-Fayad dies at 94 (Telegraph) – ‘tributes flooding in’ ?
For those titles that would willingly sell their granny into prostitution for any excuse to include the word Diana in a headline this is of course a god send: Diana’s loyal friend Al-Fayad, dies at 94 (Daily Star); Mohamed Al-Fayad has died aged 94 – 26 years to the day after son Dodi was killed in a car crash with Princess Diana (The Sun)
Walk Like an Egyptian was somewaht akin to what we used to call a novelty hit for The Bangles in 1986
All the old paintings on the tombs
They do the sand dance don’t you know?
If they move too quick (oh whey oh)
They’re falling down like a domino
All the Japanese with their yen
The party boys call the Kremlin
And the Chinese know (oh whey oh)
They walk the line like Egyptian
All the cops in the donut shop say
(Whey oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh)
Walk like an Egyptian
Walk like an Egyptian
Speaking of which… (some days these segueways are just too easy)
£200m Saudis plot record bid for Salah (The Sun); Transfer deadline day… Saudis plot late swoop for Liverpool’s Salah (‘i’); Saudis to bid £200m for Liverpool’s Salah (Telegraph)
So there we have a rare instance of complete journalistic agreement on a big number right across the board.
Now it’s dates – even decades – over which the titles just can’t get the story straight. Our BBC likes the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper as their top online press review pick this morning: Hundreds more schools await safety checks despite collapse risk warning to ministers in 2019 (‘i’)
Meanwhile the Daily Express aliterates: The crumbling concrete crisis escalated yesterday… Experts raised the alarm… They described the situation as a “ticking time bomb” that was highlighted as long ago as 1995
2019… 1995… you pays your money, you takes your pick
The Telegraph likes the aliteration too: Crumbling concrete crisis spreads to hospitals – crumbling concrete clinics crisis?
The left-leaning liberal globalist FT Weekend sources for their rather grandly entitled feature: Life & Arts Essay – our go-to left-leaning historian – a chap with glowing reviews from the Guardian no less – engaged for his expert insights into… conservatism…?
Simon Schama How Trump ditched conservative values. The real Rino (Republican in name only) (FT there providing the disambiguation only a confirmed bubble-dwelling liberal would need spelt out)
Mr AsI isn’t one for off pat pet psychologising – but this could explain a lot: Unheard Diana tapes. Charles ‘disappointed’ when Harry was born as ‘we wanted a girl’ (Daily Express)
Returning to the Times we note that title in addition to Clive Myrie has served up a BBC bargain bogof: Easy Curries: recipe pullout. Nadiya Hussain
Macron looks on as France’s Africa policy crumbles (BBC) – and on that note and with Ukrainian casualties counted in the tens of thousands – and yet surprisingly scant news of any their allied western military advisors having been killed out there at the front we segueway to…
Conspiracy Corner
Three US Marines die in Australia aircraft crash during exercises. SYDNEY, Aug 27 – Three U.S. Marines died in an aircraft crash off the coast of northern Australia on Sunday while transporting troops during a routine military exercise, officials said…. Four Australian soldiers were killed last month during large bilateral exercises when their helicopter crashed into the ocean off the coast of Queensland. (Reuters, Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles)
“Why I became ashamed of Britain. The BBC presenter Clive Myrie was angered by the Windrush scandal, which affected his family (Frontpage feature photo, Page 12 and Magazine)”
Leaving crime ridden Jamaica gave him a chance to live!
The Home Office’s (the Department’s) design for the Windrush Compensation
Scheme (the scheme) aimed to compensate claimants quickly while protecting
public money from abuse
Click to access Investigation-into-the-Windrush-compensation-scheme-.pdf
The Home Office … while protecting
public money from abuse …
… while protecting
public money from abuse …
Does the new app get backed by an ECU that automatically blows off any concerns on accuracy?
Sopes and Larry gossing.
Likely more in the studio than watching.
“Luis Rubiales literally has the entire women’s team saying they won’t play until he steps down. His reaction? ‘I don’t care, screw you.'”
Man kisses woman in excitement – remove them.
Saudi buying a whole football team – meh
Toenails (yawn) doesn’t even have the impartiality for radio.
That Surkeer is not being invited on for a grilling on his shameless banwagon jump given Labour’s complicity too (see Grenfell) shows all ‘news’ media is now ideologically compromised.
BBC Wales is so on it. Not.
Tried to load just image but did not work.
If you have a book to sell, go BBC.
If you have a political book no one sane will ever buy, go Toenails (yawn).
Listening to Tony Blackburn this morning and the BBC advertising gurus have come up with yet another genius way to get people to buy more licenses:
‘Get your child a TV license to take to university. Then when they see something important on the news, they might text or call you to tell you about it.’
I would love to have watched the meeting of quota-employee idiots while they came up with that one.
JohnC ,
Will the Dinghy Invaders need a Licence when living in University Accommodation ? 🤔
I think it’s great that criminal invaders are being put into student accom – might make the woke kidults realise what their support for unrestricted immigration really means – …Katie Hopkins ‘ you tube makes the same point …. And a good way of turning a lefty to a human being is to get mugged ..
Whichever way the situation is sized up, the indigenous Brits are increasingly side-lined to the extent where I would class them now as ‘Second Class Citizens’. No one would have a chance in convincing me otherwise.
2024 voting? Show your anger and spoil the ballot paper. After all, who can you vote for that declares that they will repeal legislation / pull out of all the relevant International Treaties all to restore the balance for the indigenous Brits. If you can find a party who would declare, kindly let me know.
Reporting Scotland
BBC One Scotland, 29 August 2023
The programme featured a graphic displaying the worsening position of alcohol-related deaths in Scotland. The figures for each year were all clearly and accurately displayed. We do, however, agree that the graph should not have been shown with uneven steps on its axis, and have reminded the programme team of the importance of clarity when reporting statistics.
and have reminded the programme team of the importance of clarity when reporting statistics.
and have reminded the programme team of the importance of clarity when reporting statistics.
Beats me why Blackburn is still working for the BBC after the way he has been treated over the years. He is an intelligent man but I do question what hold they have over him or what attracts him so much to stay.
It can’t be long before he joins Ken Bruce in leaving for a decent radio station. Then Johnnie Walker and Paul Gambaccini. BBC will be left with the quality of Rylan- enough said.
I can tell Tony is a sycophant who craves attention above all else – like many of those in the entertainement business. ALL of them will do absolutely anything for money and fame. Not a ‘moral principle’ to share between them.
Having said that, Tony is a likeably chap because he knows he is stupid and doesn’t try to hide it.
Heels Up could be a BBC Editor with this subbing.
One in five Americans has a family member who died because of gun violence.
We need elected leaders to have the courage to act and pass commonsense, reasonable gun safety laws.
Kamala Harris offers ‘word salad’ in a two minute non-answer
Speaking of subbing…
They will literally plonk anything in quotes now.
Covid: UK has ‘let our guard down’ as concern over new ‘Pirola’ variant grows
Lisa Shaw presented the morning show on Heart Radio for many years before joining BBC Radio Newcastle. The 44-year-old died in May 2021 – a week after having her first Covid-19 jab. Her husband Gareth Eve is among a group of families who have lost loved ones allegedly to side effects caused by the vaccine.7 Apr 2023
Bit horrifying.
Could they not have crammed in Clive Myrie?
The BBC of course.
And its impact.
Plus humour. One presumes.
Is it me or has the U.K. become the international equivalent of an all inclusive resort?
Except you don’t need to book, just turn up and expect to be housed and fed.
Is this Toronto? It looks worse than San Francisco.
Your chance to join the editorial team making #BBCBreakfast – the UK’s most watched morning show.
Originality, creativity and lots of lots of ideas.
Apply here by Tuesday 5th September 👉
Toronto street scene with commentary by Justin
You cannot criticise the first black faced PM ever!
Larry Johnson (ex CIA analyst)
Bbc are on about aero concrete in schools. Expert on bbc this morning not giving the answers that bbc want. He said it needs regular maintenance. Hospitals are already doing it and have been for a while. Schools are the responsibility of local authorities or trusts . So they have squandered there budgets on pet projects with the hope that the government magic money tree will help them out.
But this does not fit bbc agenda and also country has economically recovered better than other nations so this concrete problem takes this off the headlines
Defund now
I’m struggling to understand why the admittedly useless government are being asked to produce a list of affected schools. The only people who need to know are the relevant parents or guardians.
Clearly the advice has changed in the last few weeks. The local authorities and trusts should know the state of their building stock already and it is they who are required to implement the temporary measures.
There are 32000 schools in the UK, so 150 affected schools is under 0.5%. Not quite a catastrophe then. And 35 of those affected are in Scotland. Why is the BBC not hammering away at the SNP and Greens? I think we know.
At the national level it is of course the taxpayer who will foot the bill. On top of unlimited funding for the NHS and rubber cross channel ferries.
What value do we actually get for our taxes?
Sluff – bigger portions of our real money ( taxes ) are now used to service the debt on the made up money the blue labour government has borrowed …. As the strain grows the pressure on public spending will really bite … be like the 1970s …
…. On the concrete crap – I wonder how many other buildings ( public ) were built using this stuff – and I’m sure the records of the decision to use crap concrete – and the bribes involved – were shredded years ago ….
…and how any government – however incompetent – could sit on the risk until the Friday before term is beyond me . Although I can picture a ‘sir Humphrey ‘ dropping a file on the desk of a ministerial PA on Thursday night …..but names should be named ….
Well, I spose the ‘aero’ bar theme is better that having a Spanish football manager shoved down our throat on the hour, every hour.
TOADY Watch #1 – in which Simon Jack displays surprising ignorance for the Business Editor of the whole BBC
Simon, on TOADY duty with the Bee Lady this morning, interrogated Darren Morgan of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and tried to do a Harshmistress Mishal on Darren. Simon really ought to know – especially as Business Editor – how vague a measure is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country, even as developed as ours, where records have been kept for centuries.
But no, Simon wanted to make the ONS look bad and, no doubt by extension make a Conservative Government look bad, by attacking the ONS for its revisions of GDP for 2021 & 2022. Hopefully, Simon Jack will receive a phone call today from Steffie Flanders or Robert Peston putting him right about GDP revisions! From memory which may be faulty, there can be as many as two or three revisions to the UK’s GDP figures for a given period.
Oh up2 – how I don’t miss it …
Fed, weren’t you meant to apply for us on here to have a ‘Guest Editor’ spot?
TOADY Watch #2– in which Simon Jack displays surprising ignorance for the Business Editor of the whole BBC
Thank you, up2
Toady doom-and-gloom special today was about the issues affecting ‘coastal communities’. Tenby was selected.
There was a voxpop with three people. Jack was laying the doom-and-gloom ground for a hotelier to whinge generally only to find that……….he was actually a care home manager !!!!!!
Cue egg on face and quickly over to Thought for the Day.
Paul Mason was a BBC economics editor iirc.
I rest my case
I see that part of the BBC News main page is devoted to pressing issues of the day.
hmmm… imagine being snowed in at a remote cabin …
Wiki …
Mason has lived in London since 1988, becoming a freelance journalist around 1991. From 1995 to 2001 he worked for Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier, on titles including Contract Journal, Community Care[8] and Computer Weekly, of which he was deputy editor.[4]
In August 2001, Mason joined the BBC Two television programme Newsnight taking up a post as Business Editor. His first live appearance on Newsnight was on the day of the September 11 attacks in 2001.[9]
Mason writes a blog for Newsnight called “Idle Scrawl”.[4]
In May 2007, Mason’s book Live Working or Die Fighting: How the Working Class Went Global was published by Harvill Secker. In June 2007, Mason presented Spinning Yarns, a four-part series on the history of the cotton industry for BBC Radio Four. Mason appeared in a five-part BBC series Credit Crash Britain, first broadcast on BBC Two on 30 October 2008.[citation needed]
In January 2012 Mason’s book Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere: The New Global Revolutions was published in paperback by Verso.[10][11]
Mason attended the Wigan Casino in his youth as a follower of Northern Soul and hosted a documentary about the Northern Soul scene for the BBC’s The Culture Show in September 2013.[12]
In August 2013, it was announced that Mason would join Channel 4 News as its culture and digital editor.[1] In May 2014, it was announced that he would become the programme’s Economics Editor at the beginning of the following month, replacing Faisal Islam.[2]
Mason announced in February 2016 that he was leaving his position at Channel 4 News in favour of freelancing so he could engage more fully in debates without the constraint of impartiality observed by broadcasters in the UK.[13]
His four-part documentary series #ThisIsACoup covered the 2015 Greek crisis from inside and outside the corridors of power. His documentary series K is for Karl commemorated the ideas of Karl Marx on the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth. His series, R is for Rosa, was commissioned by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation to mark the centenary of the Polish-German revolutionary.[citation needed]
Missed out the ‘mental condition ‘ – see Al Campbell et al ..
When was Paul Mason replaced as Business Editor by Robert Peston?
I remember seeing a NewsNight where Mason was reporting live from the revolting Greeks in Athens in iirc 2015, sounding like the Wolfie Smith that he is while being clearly derided (mocked even) by the presenters at the London end.
The bloke is a total 🤡
Faisal Islam, the BBC’s Economics Editor seems to work part time.
How far the BBC have fallen from the good old days of Politics Editor: Nick Robinson, Economics Editor: Stephanie Flanders and Business Editor: Robert Peston.
Fully Automated Luxury Communism promises a radically new left future for everyone. New technologies will liberate us from work, providing the opportunity to build a society beyond both capitalism and scarcity. Automation, rather than undermining an economy built on full employment, is instead the path to a world of liberty, luxury and happiness. Solar power will deliver the energy that we need, while asteroid mining will deliver the necessary resources, allowing us to end the devastation of our environment. Innovations in AI, gene editing, food technology will leads us to new ways of living better lives.
In 100 years’ time many of the ideas in this book will be mainstream, while kindergarten students laugh at our mainstream economic textbooks. Bastani’s genius is to see the future with crisp clarity, unafraid of the consequences of being right
Paul Mason, author of Postcapitalism
MM, yes, I have heard that all before. Much like forecast heatwaves in 2023 it has yet to arrive. A life of luxury for all was forecast for 1999 yet I was warking harder than ever, even beyond the Millennium
Sluff, you are welcome. I thought it very appropriate that they interview a Welshman from the ONS on TOADY. Think the VoxPop were the Guest Editors, nothing like the BBC being impartial, is it? It was a shame that Simon Jack did not ask Mr Morgan about the unemployment statistics and why they are quoted as a percentage now and not as a specific number.
Not sure if the MSM are trying to turn the crumbly concrete farce into a get the Tories thing or whether the militant teaching unions etc, just want another huge chunk of work from home for teachers who would rather be paid for not working.
I see it’s spreading to mostly civil service outfits now, making the whole thing a tad suspicious to me.
I wonder if it will be discovered to be an issue on trains, police cars and dustcarts etc. as we go on.
Worth pointing out that if it’s the former, for a large chunk of the sixties and seventies when these buildings were thrown up we had two long Labour Governments in office under Harold Wilson (twice) then James Callaghan.
Other than that it doesn’t say much about the standard of local authority governance if it suddenly comes out of the woodwork spookily all at once in the lead up to the next election does it?
What have their safety inspectors been doing for the past 60 or 70 years I ask myself?
I smell activist collusion and fiddling the books!
However all of the above might be totally wrong and it might be down to background pressure from the mega construction companies who are now running out of golden gooses as the post Grenfell eye watering cladding bean-feast they have been enjoying winds down.
When was it noted?
Which agency should have kept us informed?
Sack the MPs involved and Civil Servants.
As an aside, after passing the 11 plus around that time I was sent to a stone built mediaeval grammar school in the town centre in the Midlands that had existed for hundreds of years.
After the first year they built a brand new three story flat-roofed replacement on top of a hill overlooking the town to send us to.
Sadly after a few months during a gale, the whole roof was ripped off and we were all ditched back into to old school for another year!
Progress over the centuries hey?
NetZero Ceiling Schools?
‘Bonkers!’ Nicola Sturgeon savaged over £300k Covid plan to remove classroom doors
NICOLA STURGEON has been criticised after an SNP plan to cut the bottoms off hundreds of classroom doors raised fire safety concerns.
19:05, Fri, Feb 4, 2022 | UPDATED: 19:30, Fri, Feb 4, 2022
That woman was away with the fairies and Scotland is well rid of her!
Sample has been banking on aliens for some years – is he cynically exploiting the credulous or just another Guardian nutter?
“A preemptive strike would be particularly likely in the early phases of our expansion because a civilisation may become increasingly difficult to destroy as it continues to expand. Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilisational expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is changing the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere, via greenhouse gas emissions,” the report states.
Ian Sample is science editor of the Guardian. Before joining the newspaper in 2003, he was a journalist at New Scientist and worked at the Institute of Physics as a journal editor. He has a PhD in biomedical materials from Queen Mary’s, University of London. Ian also presents the Science Weekly podcast.
other articles.
Patients have better outcomes with female surgeons, studies find
Differences in technique, speed and risk-taking suggested as reasons for surgery by men leading to more problems
So we move on to the aliens invasion of planet earth as the justification for URGENTLY moving to a One World Government ( OWG) so we fight off these imaginary aliens. I’m sure that if you plot the number of stories per month appearing in the MSM featuring alien invasion or UFO , there is a rapidly increasing rate.
The most likely cause of this rate increase is that the hyperglobalist s, whose ultimate goal is a OWG , think that it will terrify us into accepting their plan. It’s a good insurance policy in case we rebel at the imposition of NZ and don’t think a OWG is necessary or desirable to deal with the climate catastrophe.
“Klaatu barada nikto.”
“Klaatu barada nikto” is a phrase that originated in the 1951 science fiction film The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Saturday R4 drama madradama now ( or something like it ) – I’m sure the Indians or pakis will appreciate it – but shouldn’t it be on their ‘Asian network ‘ – wonder what the figures are for that ?
And if you are paying your TV licence – you are paying for the ‘Asian network ‘ … ugh ….
Bollywood is racist – cancel bollywood – meToo
Everything is racist.
“This really is one of the laziest racist tropes … ”
UK flag racists.
Rainbow flag great.
African flag glorious.
EU flag the best.
1985 – batley vs pakistan
2023 – 3 teachers hide from Islam.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Not BBC I wrote a while ago about the malaise the UK is in – and the decline . Well below is a piece from the telegraph by Lord Frost on the same issue . Only compulsion or severe strain on the country is going to change things …
STARTS As everyone in West London knows, Hammersmith Bridge has been shut for four years – and counting. No end is in sight to the wrangle between central government and the usual, reliably useless Labour London borough.
As so often, the Victorians did it better. The original bridge, from the 1820s, was damaged by a boat in 1882. Within two years, a temporary replacement was up; and three years after that we got the current elegant structure. The same thing obviously needs to be done today, too – but the decision to list the bridge in 2008 has closed it off.
I dwell on this not to share metropolitan woes. I dwell on it because it seems deeply symbolic. As the Roman Empire in the West ended, so people stopped looking after its infrastructure. Aqueducts were repurposed and bridges failed. That’s why I see their modern parallels as the canary in the coalmine for a civilisation that is finding it harder to do the basics.
It doesn’t take much searching to find other examples. We have known of the faults in the concrete in some schools at least since a roof collapsed in 2018. But after five years of dither, it seems easier to tell children to revert to the world of lockdown and be taught online, or put up with going to school in a Portacabin, as people were forced to move into Nissen huts in the aftermath of bombing in the Second World War, than to fix the problem.
Again, as I write, we have another day of Aslef rail strikes. By now we all just shrug our shoulders. If it’s a problem, drive, or travel a day later, or just work from home.
Of course, the Government has a new weapon, in the Act requiring a minimum operation in key public services during strikes, but I am not seeing any signs that it wants to use it.
In the NHS, too, we’ve all given up expecting any routine treatment. What does it matter if doctors’ strikes mean you move from six millionth in the queue to seventh millionth?
I am not saying that such problems are easily or simply solved. They aren’t. But still we have a Government that spends nearly half of all the money in the country every year and employs nearly six million people, so it’s reasonable to expect action rather than inaction.
Without that, more and more of us are going to see our taxes as the average medieval peasant did. When your lord wanted money, you tried to find it, and then got on with your life: you didn’t expect to get anything back for the cash.
So again now: pay the tribute to the government – then buy private health care; go by car rather than train, dodging the potholes; pay for top-up tuition for your children; and accept that you just have less money.
There are many reasons for these phenomena, but I want to single out two: one economic, and one cultural.
The economic one is the now-obvious fact that the country’s tax base can no longer support our aspirations for the public realm. Without economic growth, with output per worker hardly growing since 2008, public services can’t grow at 2-3 per cent a year without eventually placing huge strain on the system.
That strain is now becoming visible in the shabby state of our hospitals, schools and roads, and in the deferral of infrastructure programmes other than the sainted HS2.
Of course, all the clever people in both parties say that, nevertheless, taxes must eventually rise still further. The ageing population and declining public health mean that we can never hope to increase economic growth from our own efforts. Better to keep the immigration floodgates open and push taxes up to keep the show on the road.
As I have argued many times, there is no future in this. Ever-increasing taxes just crush the economy. The only question is when the break point comes.
I don’t expect anything better from Labour, but those Conservative politicians who are fine with it – people who at least purport to believe that individuals spend their own money better than the government and that incentives matter – really should be ashamed of themselves.
Still, this problem can be remedied with clearer thought and a genuine determination to cut spending. The second problem, the cultural one, goes deeper.
It’s what seems to me a very evident decline in the belief in excellence and the growth of the feeling that anything will do and anything is good enough.
We’ve all experienced it and lockdown reinforced it. Whether it’s the “lazy girl jobs” meme on social media, idle public servants, schools that don’t teach facts and knowledge, woeful customer service from big companies, we are getting used to the mediocre.
This reality often seems at variance from the official presentation. The Government points to the improvement in literacy over the past decade. Yet we all deal with people every day who can’t write coherent English and struggle to understand a proposition of any complexity.
Similarly, crime is falling according to the statistics – yet most of us feel the streets are less safe and more threatening. We are told that renewable energy is cheaper and better, yet the Government is preparing to pay people not to use electricity in case the grid can’t supply it.
The official presentation is becoming like Soviet tractor production statistics, simply out of line with, indeed irrelevant to, the experience of daily life, an experience where no one expects the authorities to try to improve things.
You then get another infallible sign of a country at risk of decline: a ruling class that focuses on protecting its privileges rather than the welfare of the people.
I’m afraid that this is all too visible in Britain today. The NatWest board that tried to protect Alison Rose. George Osborne’s British Museum board that didn’t seem to take seriously the evidence of thefts or want to hold anyone responsible. The NHS managers in Chester who didn’t face up to the deaths on their maternity wards. It’s no wonder that so many people think the system is rigged. No wonder that so many young people think it would be better to try socialism than continue with the current set-up.
The frustration that so many of us feel with the mainstream political class comes down to a sense that they just don’t get any of this. Boris Johnson, for all his weaknesses, tapped into a spirit of change, a belief that the country could be run in a different way, a voice for the people and places who felt ignored. Few politicians are really offering this now.
Of course, we expect nothing better from Labour, the voice of stasis, of public sector interest groups and even more state diktat. But I’m sad to say that leading members of the current Government also give the impression of thinking that there’s nothing really wrong with the way the country has been run in the past decade or two – or, alternatively, that there is nothing that the Government can do to change things, and all that can be achieved is to keep the show on the road and hang on to their jobs for now.
They aren’t even trying to control immigration, to the obvious frustration of Suella Braverman. They face both ways on net zero and (in the Online Safety Bill) on free speech. They boast of how much is being spent on state provision.
This week’s ministerial changes underline the political strategy of tilting back to the Blue Wall, to those who are still keeping their heads above water, and hoping that fear of the alternatives will get the Conservative Party over the line. It’s a “just about managing” attitude to government for a just about managing country.
I really fear for the future of Britain if we don’t get off this path. When I resigned from the Cabinet, it was because I couldn’t as a matter of principle support another lockdown. We dodged that bullet. But we are now facing another great risk, that we simply fail to rise from our torpor and settle into comfortable decline, with a political class that tells itself nothing else is possible.
I will keep arguing for something better because I don’t believe that the people of this great country are really so fearful of change. We always rise to the challenge when we are faced with it honestly and squarely and we know what must be done. What we need is for our leaders to do the same. To rise to the occasion, to take tough choices – and to lead. ENDS
“I will keep arguing for something better because I don’t believe that the people of this great country are really so fearful of change. We always rise to the challenge when we are faced with it honestly and squarely and we know what must be done. What we need is for our leaders to do the same. To rise to the occasion, to take tough choices – and to lead. “ – Fedup2
I do hope you are correct in this belief, after watching politics after Brexit and the general public overall I see NO HOPE as the herd is powerful – persuading others to take the jab (or lose their job or friends) to calling everyone racist in unison. And now children are told they should just sit and die for the climate.
Correcting the course is now hard – lots of news outlets and actors are just activists pushing their agenda without consequence.
Boris did have the talk – yet was just in it to write a book and get the ladies and money rolling in.
To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle. One thing that helps toward it is to keep a diary, or, at any rate, to keep some kind of record of one’s opinions about important events. – Orwell
Rules are for small people.
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Marky – the quote is from Lord Frost – swimming against a tide of decline – I think the UK is truly effed and decline cannot be managed – it can only be a matter of time before the ‘international community ‘ see the UK as a basket case – a 3rd world one …
China is going to buy UK for one whole dorrah – then turn UK into a shipping zone – airstrip one! – how do you fight it?
“Chinese firm buys pub where David Cameron and Xi Jinping enjoyed a pint”
“Saudi Purchase of English Soccer Team Sparks Debate About Premier League”
“India’s Tata Sons, the holding company of Tata Steel, is mulling the option of exiting the latter’s steel business in the UK as hopes of receiving a £1.5 billion subsidy from the UK government recedes, industry sources said on Monday, October 17. 2022
“This article is more than 5 years old
First mosque opens on Outer Hebrides in time for Ramadan” 2018
“The proportion of births which were to mothers who had been born outside the UK has changed from 43% in 2001 to 58% in the most recent year (2022).”
More than a quarter of the UK’s total £2.3 trillion debt pile is foreign-owned, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility. It means the Government will rely on what former Bank of England governor Mark Carney called ‘the kindness of strangers’ to fund public borrowing, experts warned.23 Jul 2023
“basket case”. Brings back memories of the 50’s and 60’s previous use of the same term. In fact – admission time – I voted for joining the Common Market because I thought their influence would eclipse the lethargic ‘Elite’ in the UK. How wrong can you be? The now hated EU is, itself becoming a ‘basket case’.
I would join with you and declare that the UK is f*CKed up and there aint’ no changing that.
There’s an Urban Legend that Waterloo Bridge was built during the war by mostly female labour. There seems to be little evidence for it but the idea of it being “The Ladies’ Bridge” has of course gained traction in recent years.
It’s a nice idea though. If they round up a bunch of wimmin with names like Ros and Cas – who of course have had to smash glass ceilings by working twice as hard as any man – I’m sure they’ll have Hammersmith Bridge repaired in no time.
Amol’s old rag going great guns.
Nurses’ stations need priority shoring given most have several land whales around them constantly.
“Obese patients treated on hospital ground floor because of concrete collapse fears”
Why Self-Proclaimed ‘Roll Model’ Lizzo Is Also An Empowering Role Model
Lizzo calls herself a “roll model” but she’s truly an inspirational role model for people around the world for several reasons.
Published on February 27, 2020
3 min read
So they knew? When?
The Standing Committee on Structural Safety was asked to investigate the suitability of the material after a school roof collapsed, although it is not clear which school this was.
Another roof collapsed at a Singlewell Primary School in Kent. It happened above the school staff room, also damaging toilets, ICT equipment and an administration area. The collapse prompted Kent Council to write to other local authorities warning them to check for RAAC in their schools.
A structural engineer investigating on behalf of SCOSS began to “frequently” encounter RAAC planks that weren’t fit for purpose and warned all those installed before 1980 should be replaced.
RAAC planks were becoming “more defective with time”, the report found. It said: “It appears that not all of these have been identified, so structural engineers and building professionals need to be aware of the situation and, when possible, check for RAAC on large flat roofs built around the 1960s-80s.”
What did the Government do?
The Government published guidance for schools about the need to have adequate contingencies in place for the eventuality that RAAC-affected buildings need to be vacated at short notice, according to the DfE.
But the information for schools applying for grants for construction improvement funding round said that “not all RAAC is dangerous”, according to some reports.
The Department for Education sent a questionnaire to all responsible bodies, asking them to provide information to help us understand the use of RAAC across the school estate.
Now, the Government is “less confident” that buildings constructed with RAAC should remain open without extra safety measures. New guidance advises schools and colleges to close any buildings known to contain RAAC.
MM, where were the Building Recearch Council in all of this?
As he was lying next to a child?
This needs a Panorama investigation headed by JezBo, Jez Corbyn, Jez Vile and every cubicle gardener who has a near relative who witnessed it.
“Palestinian shot in back of head puts Israel’s use of force under scrutiny”
…. caught throwing rocks?
UN Teachers Call To Murder Jews, Reveals New Report
March 14, 2023
Israel, Press Releases, United Nations
pinned, UNRWA
If the shoe fits
British pounds or the USA dollar?
‘doze wikkid wushinz, eh?
“Not Our Business”: Germany On India Buying Discounted Russian Oil
India, the world’s third-largest crude importer after China and the US, has been snapping discounted Russian oil after many Western countries shunned it as a means of punishing Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine.
India NewsEdited by Ashutosh TripathiUpdated: February 22, 2023 8:07 pm IST
‘the kindness of strangers’
‘the kindness of strangers’
More than a quarter of the UK’s total £2.3 trillion debt pile is foreign-owned, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility. It means the Government will rely on what former Bank of England governor Mark Carney called ‘the kindness of strangers’ to fund public borrowing, experts warned.23 Jul 2023
MM, where was the photo taken. Looks like A102 to me.
Was when Saudi Prince came to London and everyone threw eggs at him and rode London naked –
A4 West Cromwell Road – opposite Tesco Kensington Superstore.
see here
Is he still allowed out unsupervised?
“Okay, I’ve worked it out.
He got SEX by inserting a screw in the right place.”
Jeremy Vine
……………. OLD POST >>>>
Let us make the most of the EU, whilst we can, and add more regulation from the EU to label the BBC TV Programmes.
The BBC wants to be transparent and accountable (bbc guidelines) to the public, who have to fund them under threat of prison, why not after each show the presenters such as ‘Jeremy Vine’ and ‘Chris Evans’ have to end the broadcast with …
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
– – – – – – – –
“You (Gary “@750K from enforced TV Tax + BT Sport + Walkers” Lineker) should not worry (Indeed, look at your wage). You are in a market (BBC Only market, dominating 50% of news output) where presenters are paid at going rates ITV CH 4 pay (Examples Sugar please! What is Lineker’s hourly rate so we can compare.) more than the BBC. You have shown loyalty ( Loyalty to a BBC that forces payment from the public on threat of prison, that gives pedophiles a unquestionable platform, that lets its Directors claim £34 expense when they are on £450K salaries) ” – Lord Sugar – Twitter – jul2017
Wish I could see it, but like many others I am #BlockedByVine
Man who posed for selfies as he piloted ‘flimsy’ small boat with 50 migrants on board is jailed
Reda Hamoud Abdurabou took charge of the small boat while trying to cross the English Channel
Jacob Phillips
1 hour ago
piloted ‘flimsy’ small boat
piloted ‘flimsy’ small boat
Britain spends £500,000 a year to keep Channel migrants’ boats piled up in a car park in case the ‘owner’ comes forward to claim them – and now plans to build a £2MILLION processing facility in Dover
Suella Braverman called out what she says is an “unacceptable rise” in police taking a side on controversial issues – such as referring to rapists as “she” or her”
“she” or her”
“she” or her”
“she” or her”
Orwell believed that totalitarian systems control language in order to prevent their citizens from expressing or thinking rebellious thoughts, writing ‘If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought’. achieves this through neologisms, compound words.14 Jul 2021
Laughing at Parliament
Did I hear right that the latest COVID that they’re trying to hype is called the Payola variant?
Well, that would make sense.
“Arabs believe economy is weak under democracy
6 July 2022”
Most agreed with the statement that an economy is weak under a democracy.
Bear with me.
My kids live in houses built around 1900. They are in pretty good condition. A few small damp patches here and there ( no damp courses or cavity walls in those days) but modernised and really quite nice.I was originally raised in a house built in about 1910 and later in a house built in 1928. They are still standing and in normal use.
One of my kids went to school, now much expanded, but where the original block from 1938 is still going strong. I went to school first in a primary built in the 1930s and then a secondary with building back to the 19 th century. One of my other kids went to a secondary school built in 1955. Requiring expensive structural maintenance for years it was finally completely demolished in 2018 and replaced by new build.
So now. Concerning RAAC in schools. Why are we building schools with an estimated life of only 50 years? And not just schools. Council offices especially seem barely to last 5 minutes until new ‘modern’ premises are required. Some of that is council largesse granted, but some is a civil engineering necessity.
If we can live in houses up to 100 years old without issue, what is it with the public sector that requires new build every few decades? At vast taxpayer expense, needless to say.
Answers on a post card to HM Treasury.
Egypt slaves demand payments ….
Think the builder is related to a few council officials – but all done in accordance with the rules – drafted by the council of course £ ….
Playing now Radio 4 , The Naked Week
“BBC Topical Comedy Show”
The digi-laff machine getting a thorough workout.
Teenage batshit leftoid morons
Followed by hottest evvah wevvah!
“The sixth of our satirical specials this summer. From The Skewer’s Jon Holmes comes The Naked Week, a fresh way of dressing the week’s news in the altogether and parading it around for everyone to laugh at.
Host Andrew Hunter Murray (No Such Thing As A Fish, QI Elf, Private Eye) will strip away the curtain and dive into not only the big stories, but also the way in which the news is packaged and presented.
From award-winning writers and a crack team of contemporary satirists – and recorded in front of a live audience – The Naked Week delivers (consensual) topical news nude straight to your ears.
An unusual production for BBC Radio 4”
I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result.
Orwell’s resignation letter from the BBC 24.9.43
Aditya-L1: India successfully launches its first mission to the Sun
55 million USD
All told, we calculate that around £2.3 billion in UK aid went to India between 2016 and 2021, including £441 million in bilateral aid, £129 million in investments via FCDO in Indian enterprises which generate returns, £749 through multilateral channels, and £1 billion in investments through BII.14 Mar 2023
India’s Economy Has Enjoyed Benefits of Cheap Russian Barrels. The simple driver remains price. According to official figures, in June, the average cost of Russian crude landing on Indian shores including freight was $68.17 per barrel, the lowest since Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.11 Aug 2023
Why it’s easier for India to get to Mars than to tackle its toilet challenge
Domingo, 20/Nov/2016
Talking Pictures TV is showing the original Thunderbirds tv series from 3 O’clock this afternoon, with the pilot ‘Trapped in the Sky.’
Actors made of fibre glass and wood in the sixties create more excitement and humour than flesh and blood ones do these days!
Five bizarre ‘lessons’ in Indian textbooks
Women steal jobs
Never trust a meat eater
‘Donkey’ wives
Japan did what in World War Two?
‘Sewage’ Canal
Aditya-L1: India successfully launches its first mission to the Sun
55 million USD
UK’s fault ….
ULEZ Compliant V12 6.6L twin turbo 12mpg….
A snip at £400k
– and yes, the number plate is genuine
United Kingdom
Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ)
This vehicle meets the ULEZ emissions standards
You do not need to pay a daily ULEZ charge to drive in the zone, and are helping to improve air quality across London.
However, if you see the Congestion Charge displayed below, you will need to pay that daily charge to drive in central London.
If your vehicle doesn’t meet the ULEZ emissions standards and isn’t exempt, you need to pay a £12.50 daily charge to drive within the zone. This applies to cars, motorcycles, vans and specialist vehicles (up to and including 3.5 tonnes) and minibuses (up to and including 5 tonnes).
“Air pollution increases the risk of life-changing illnesses such as cancer, asthma, lung disease and dementia in older people, even leading to thousands of Londoners dying prematurely each year.”
…. £12.50 TO CARRY A KNIFE? ….
increase in knife crime in England and Wales in 2022 compared to March 2013
£160 fine or £80 if paid within 14 days ….. every day . ..
He ever needs a vet if she gets ticks…
tomo, Gotta be Laura Kuenssberg’s automobile!
(Quite why the site software put my post here, I do not know. Revenge for sort of being first on the Thread again? It should be under tomo’s post @ 1.43 p.m.)
6 January 2023, received £510,000 as an advance on an upcoming book yet to be published. Hours: approx. 10 hrs to date. (Registered 12 January 2023)
Then, in the opposing corner.
JO’bsworth cites a person cited in the i via a ‘quote’ and a hmnnn… and all his brain dead acolytes weigh in as if it is in any way of value.
I’m ashamed to be a Brexit voter – it never occurred to me that my holidays would be affected’
A gardener from Hertfordshire with a £43,000 farm in Umbria says he is hoping to leave England for good
MM, Scotland has a shock coming its way should it ever achieve independence and joins the EU.
The Tories and Sunak deserve all coming their way.
What the country does not deserve is the media that will be holding their successors to account.
Yes, this is a fair example of #CCBGB
Here in the shires, currently, it is at least not raining.
Moron the foaming cement, with added Charlie and hag.
Labour is calling for an urgent audit of the use of a type of concrete known as RAAC in public buildings including schools, hospitals and courts.
Shadow Cabinet Minister Lucy Powell spoke to #BBCBreakfast
Labour cannot define a woman?
Labour conference: Wrong to say that only women have a cervix, says Keir Starmer
MP Rosie Duffield staying away from Brighton gathering over online threats
Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Sunday 26 September 2021 13:54
GW, ?
Seems folk are getting tired of media agendas in lieu of reporting.
She would not comply officers instructions after she stole something and was caught…THEN turned her car into path of officer and pressed down the gas… that’s assault with a deadly weapon and the police will shoot you for that. Blacks commit most of the crimes so…more get shot
2:11 pm · 2 Sep 2023
Blacks have an instintive penchant for resisting anything that they dislike as a race or as individuals. Bloody awkward and unnecessarily difficult. Recently I searched for one word, the very opposite of ‘obsequious’ which I knew would apply to those who, have to be awkward and non-compliant at all costs and anywhere they infect. Closest I got, was, ‘Renitent’ –
1. Resistant to physical pressure; not pliant.
2. Reluctant to yield or be swayed; recalcitrant.
Which, doesn’t really say it all does it?
The search engine offers, “Scofflaw” circa 1923 from the US Prohibition era.
Whichever, you just wouldn’t want to employ one.
The brutal sentence handed out to the Capitol protester of 17 years behind bars needs to be contested at the international court of human rights as it is grotesquely out of balance with his so-called crimes.
The Dems and their stooge lawyers are acting like communist tyrants trying to use their tame courts to take out any opposition.
This is the same sort of behaviour that Pol Pot in Viet-Nan and the Communists in China turned into a weapon of mass control and the whole World should rise up and kick them out of power.
They are greedy bullies and the US needs to return to a system of balanced and fair justice for all, not just for Democrats trying to cement their grip on society through Stasi-like kangaroo courts.
If things continue down this road, the Dem government will dispense with courts and just wipe out or disappear anyone who demonstrates any opposition to them.
When courts become simply a tool of the government in power to carry out their instructions they no longer justify their existence.
Shame USA! Wake up and throw these absolute evil toads out of power and reclaim fair democracy for your Country.
Stooge lawyers ?
There were a gaggle of Democrat judges in the public section at a Trump hearing – very obviously there to try and intimidate / gloat / sneer.
The presence of judges sitting among the public underscored the extraordinary nature of the arraignment they were there to watch, a former president charged with federal felonies related to his efforts to overturn an election.
The group included D.C. District Chief Judge James Boasberg and Judge Amy Berman Jackson
CBS obviously thinking that citing the judge’s attendance added extra weight to the proceedings – fwiw I reckon it was a case of unintended consequences…
Poor Sod
After seeing some other protester getting 17 years – no wonder they are ending it – the Obama plan – surprised no one has managed to off Obama or family yet ….
If I were his poor parents I would have his coffin driven to Washington and left on the lawn outside the White House.
Biden and his nasty vindictive crew need to be made culpable. Its as simple as that. They are nothing more than organised gangster crooks and in cahoots with the corrupt lefty communist CIA and DOJ.
The US will not be a functioning democracy until they are history or dragged into court.
Home of the brave, land of the free, only if you are lefty.