Last night I was watching TalkTV then a series of adverts came on, all dominated by black characters
So Iswitched to BBC4 There is was the BAME orchestra ..totally dominatd by black people
Switched back to TalkTV a new prog the presenter was white, but there was a male an female guest both black, both London
Both are righties
I got hepatitis A (maybe E) in Ghana
The doctor said most likely from seawater
The UK doctor said he’d seen he’d seen it quote a few times in yachtsmen cos unlike most bugs it can survive in seawater.
The candiru, sometimes known as the “penis fish,” is a small Amazonian catfish. It’s reported to lodge itself in the urethra of people who may be urinating in the water. Despite the unsettling stories surrounding this fish, there’s skepticism about whether the fish actually attacks humans.23 May 2019
“Scottish beaches have eight times more sewage-related debris than those in England or Wales, according to new data from the Marine Conservation Society.
The Society is calling on Scottish Water, a nationalised utility, to monitor all combined sewer overflows (CSOs). Currently,… Show more”
Please don’t patronise me. He had some very dodgy connections – but how does that make him any different to some of the other scoundrels who’ve ‘bought’ citizenship…? The British Establishment is utterly hypocritical
The BBC telling everyone to ignore their own eyes because even though the summer was pretty rubbish for most people in this Country, in their world it actually wasn’t so there!
So stop assuming Climate Change has gone away, we at the BBC know for sure it’s live and kicking despite what you can see and feel with your own eyes and body you are just wrong thinking so stop trusting your own experience and take it from the BBC we are still heading for armageddon and we won’t stop reminding you whatever you think and experience.
Evidence of the horrible mentality of the bbc with regards to Brexit – if the vote was today they’d probably use the Obama / Biden counting method –
From the DT –
STARTS David Dimbleby has revealed the BBC held him back from making his momentous Brexit vote announcement — even after the result became patently clear — before he eventually decided at the last minute how to declare it.
The former political presenter said he had not prepared how he would reveal the historic news, despite knowing which way the referendum had gone for most of the night.
Dimbleby said the BBC had made detailed studies of how voting had to go in each constituency for leave to win, and it became obvious what the outcome was well before his bosses allowed it to be broadcast.
Eventually, Dimbleby annnounced: “Well at 20 minutes to five, we can now say the decision taken in 1975 by this country to join the Common Market has been reversed by this referendum to leave the EU, and that’s the result of this referendum which has been preceded by weeks and months of argument and dispute and all the rest of it.
“The British people have spoken and the answer is: ‘We’re out’.”
Speaking now about those famous words, he said: “The BBC, very fastidious about any results of a democratic vote, they wait until it’s absolutely impossible for it to be wrong.
“And they kept us waiting. We had this whole chart of the whole country, every constituency, showing which way it had to go if it was to be pro Remain or pro Leave, and it was perfectly obvious what was happening.
“But John Curtice [the BBC’s election specialist] wouldn’t allow us to say for certainty.
“And when it came I didn’t know what I was going to say really. I hadn’t thought about it.
“I kept talking from the thing to the director saying ‘Can’t we say it now, come on, it’s four in the morning for God’s sake, it’s perfectly obvious what’s happening?’
” ‘No, no, just hang on, just hang on’.”
But it was only shortly before he did get the go-ahead that Dimbleby came up with the words to describe the result.
He said in a special interview for the latest The News Agents podcast: “I suddenly thought ‘Oh boy, I better say something because this is a big moment’. I can’t just say ‘Oh well, the vote’s gone this way’.
“And I then suddenly remembered I’d done the ‘75 referendum, when we went into the Common Market as it was, and I just scribbled down a little note to myself and ‘that’s it, we’re out’. Because that’s what it was, we’re out, you know we’d voted to leave the EU.”
He said criticism that his announcement wording “produced a moment of finality” when it was just the start of the negotiating process was unjust.
Referencing the phrase used by Brexiteers at the time, he said “What Brexit means Brexit you mean”.
Told we weren’t out the next morning and maybe he’d used the wrong emphasis, he replied: “It’s a quibble – nah, nah, that’s rubbish.”ENDS
Dimbleby could not get even basic facts right. Britain joined the “Common Market”, the EEC, in 1973. We voted to remain in it in the referendum of 1975. For the money he was on, you would think he’d know that. It’s rather important. It implies that the people voted to join the EEC. They never did.
Given the motivations for becoming one, and their evident abilities, there is clearly zero point voting for a pol or paying attention to a ‘journalist’.
Paul Bambury
From 2010 to 2015 it was a coalition government in which you were one of the two governing parties.
Furthermore, since this issue seems to have first come to light in 1995, one wonders why Labour did nothing about it during the thirteen years it was in office…
Two items on the BBC London News.
A charity called Brixton Soup Kitchen is shown providing free school uniforms and food, can you guess what those in receipt of this largesse look like?
Followed by a story about Black on the Square, an event celebrating black culture in Trafalgar Square. Front and centre was a stall dedicated to Stephen Lawrence, under the shadow of Nelson Mandela’s Column.
Have I got that wrong?
BBC: “UK scientists tackle the taboo subject of periods in polar research.”
Sigh. Imagine being a woman with enough brains and gumption to work at the North or South Pole but embarrassed about talking about needing tampons. Pathetic. 🙄😩
“The reason that we want to bring these topics up, as simple and as basic as they might seem, is because historically toileting has actually been a barrier for people entering into fieldwork…”
How Long do Wind Turbines Last?
A good quality, modern wind turbine will generally last for 20 years, although this can be extended to 25 years or longer depending on environmental factors and the correct maintenance procedures being followed. However, the maintenance costs will increase as the structure ages.
In many cases afaics many windmills are idle as the cost of repairs exceeds any reasonable foreseeable RoI
It’ll plow into the dirt in an undignified fashion.
Offshore charter rates and salaries for the repair ships are going to get prohibitive – the units are not really field repairable – that’s part of the selling spiel for the floaters – you can purportedly tow them to a repair yard.
“…..although this can be extended to 25 years or longer depending on environmental factors and the correct maintenance procedures being followed.” Expression uprooted and replanted in some items of concrete…………………..
German energy giant RWE has begun dismantling a wind farm to make way for a further expansion of an open-pit lignite coal mine in the western region of North Rhine Westphalia.4 days ago
“How Britain developed the world’s first atomic bomb only to lose it to the Americans when the U.S. reneged on an Anglo-American agreement to share atomic research.”
But, speaking to the widow of an until recently unknown American atomic spy, the programme also uncovers evidence that the so-called ‘best kept secret’, the Manhattan Project, was far more deeply penetrated than we have previously realised
But, speaking to the widow
But, speaking to the widow
But, speaking to the widow
Battle of Britain: The schoolgirl who helped design the Spitfire – BBC News
The Assassination of Katie Hopkins review – a musical savaging of social media
Theatr Clwyd, Mold
An inventive score and an intelligent script combine in this smart satire with nods to Jerry Springer: The Opera
A Chinese airline has reportedly warned passengers that “precautions” should be taken when visiting areas in London mainly populated by “Indians, Pakistanis and black people”.
Air China included the comments as part of a feature in its in-flight magazine on visiting the city.
It also advised tourists not to go out alone at night, and for females to always be accompanied when travelling.
Aren’t teachers just great ?. They should get paid a lot more. I bet there are an awful lot in the BBC who would have been teachers if the pay was better. What a hugely unappreciated group they are.
And aren’t the conservatives a disgusting, corrupt, racist mess who hate children ?. Going by the BBC reports, they don’t care at all if any lovely children get killed.
Thank God an election is coming up. I will most certainly vote for Labour – the party who cares.
Back in the 70s and 80s, Lumps of crumbling masonry often used to fall out of the ceiling and walls of my school, windows too sometimes, usually when something (or someone) got lobbed through them. We weren’t pathetic snowflakes back then though, if anything fell on you everyone laughed (the teachers loudest of all).
Carving your name, ‘4’, and that of your current crush in the crumbly plaster, concrete, or rotten timber window frames was the height of cool… no, actually that’s not true, chiseling the name of someone you didn’t like and the fattest, spottiest, stupidest kid in the school was… or even better, the name of someone you didn’t like and a teacher!
If I’d ‘self identified’ as a ‘girl’, or a ‘cat’, or a ‘helicopter’ at school I would have had the shit kicked out of me – at least three times a day… and the teachers would have watched from the staffroom windows and laughed about the ‘mong’ kid getting the stuffing kicked out of him.
Kids these days get seduced by pervy teachers, and are taught that kids can ‘self identify’ as anything they want (and shouldn’t be bullied for it), and that the government are somehow responsible for vandalising schools, and should be sued if something you’re kicking falls on you.
From ocean sea turbines to fag break bike sheds, design lives and maintenance schedules have been, or should be a budgetary fact of life.
Romans and Victorians invested in longevity, but time and tide will eventually prevail.
In the US, an awful lot of bridges are way beyond the guarantee period.
Our council pays Balfour Beatty to send ten blokes to fill a pothole but never check if the contracted service is good value.
But none of this matters.
What matters is pinning blame, and especially pinning blame on the right person, at the right timeframe, to sway voters to an ideological money pit that state and state media employees will never get adversely impacted by or held to account for.
Russia’s pro-war influencers are generating big advertising revenues from their social media coverage of the conflict, the BBC has found.
Alongside a daily ration of gruesome videos of drone strikes and false claims about Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, they share ads for anything from cryptocurrency to fashion.
Known in Russia as “Z-Bloggers” because of their support for a war often symbolised by the letter Z, they are often embedded with the Russian army and post footage from the front line where they call on young Russians to enlist.
Our Health Secretary is “investing in cutting edge science…” Robot penguins in hospitals is more like something out of a Chris Morris show.
P.S. How’s the excess death rate looking Steve?
The NHS 🤝 New tech.
This type of collaborative innovation can help to take the burden off NHS staff and improve access to care by removing causes of delays in discharging patients.
New Andy Ngo video is about the totally skewed US justice system
After Soros funded attorney generals were elected and media brainwashed the public that make up juries there is clear new-racism
that the red/green skins of the left are let off cos “antifa are the good guys” or given extremely light sentences.
whereas purple-skins of the right get hard labour for not bringing a library book on time.
The assault of Andy Ngo by the antifa mob was caught on camera
#1 The state declined to prosecute
#2 In his civil case one jury acquitted 3 attackers shown in video
#3 In the other case the judge ordered 3 other attackers to pay him the maximum damages of $300K,
but he’ll probably never get the money
It’s an example if #VictimBlaming
On the side of the purple skins
A Proudboy agitator got 17 years for agitating the crowd at the Capitol Jan 6th
whereas 2020 redskin lefties got much lower sentences for actual physical violence
eg 10 years for attempted mass murder.
The BBC has a godless Muslim religion editor – so inevitably the ‘Sunday ‘ programme will be anti Christ . So today the stories are
1 the woke decline of the C of E
2 Muslim prostitures
3 Muslims in France refusing clothing laws …
Off switch . Off to Mass —-not much mention of the RC numbers growing ….even with a green crap pope
Next item
Lawyer from Nepal who got refugee status in the UK appealing for money to help educate other refugee “human rights defenders” in the UK
and support other ones in other countries
That lawyer has been living back in Nepal since 2020
edited from the long prog blurb
“We hear from a British woman who grew up as a devout Muslim but now makes adult content for the online service Only Fans. She’s often pictured wearing a hijab. She’s received death threats but believes that expressing her sexuality and making her own choices about her body are empowering.”
Nearly a third of clergy who responded to a Times newspaper poll, felt that the Church of England could face extinction if the decline continues. Some believe that part of the problem is that church teaching on issues like gay marriage and the role of women is out of touch with public opinion.”
Nuns in films” A film critic and a Catholic nun discuss the portrayal of nuns in cinema and reflect on the enduring appeal of nuns to film makers”
probably PR for new horror film Nuns II
Funny really that the Religion programme is really an extension of ‘today’ with muslim as victims propaganda and not much by way of god yet alone anything positive about their State religion- with the absence of anything positive about the judeo christian religions or even the worshippers of Star Wars.
What a beautiful sight. Ten thousand Yessers in Edinburgh. Great unscripted speech by Humza & so well organised by
Believe in Scotland
We are Scotland’s grassroots independence campaign, representing Yes groups from across Scotland. Sign-up and join the movement for an independent Scotland.
Glasgow – Scotland – UKbelieveinscotland.orgJoined July 2009
135 Following
What does Believe in Scotland stand for?
Neither Believe in Scotland nor Business for Scotland has ever received, asked for, nor donated to any political party and never will. We are completely political party neutral and do not suggest how people should vote. Believe in Scotland is predominantly funded by approximately 10,000 individual micro-donations annually, including monthly Stakeholder Memberships. We have run two successful crowdfunder campaigns in 2021 and 2022. The administration and office costs are covered by business donations to Business for Scotland Ltd.
Our focus is on advocating for independence as we wholeheartedly believe that any government running Scotland for the benefits of the people, economy and communities, will be better for Scotland than any party of the current system of government from Westminster.
As our name suggests, we already Believe in Scotland and we want to help people feel the same way. This is a site for people with genuine questions and for people whose heart may say yes to independence but their head says maybe or even no. We believe that once you engage with the evidence, people’s hearts and heads start to believe in Scotland.
If you already Believe in Scotland you can get involved with our initiative here.
Both Business for Scotland and Believe in Scotland are completely political party neutral, have never expressed support for any political party and do not suggest how people should vote. If we face a plebiscite General Election in 2024, the representatives from the Campaign Steering Group will be asked to decide how we campaign.
Neither Business for Scotland nor Believe in Scotland has ever received, asked for, nor donated to any political party and never will.
Maui fires were act of God vastly screwed up by local policies
– Fire brigade left smoldering fire unattened
then hurricane winds whipped it up into zig zag pattern
hence why some houses were left untouched whilsts neighbours were destroyed.
– Police blocked roads , survivors often drove around the roadblocks
– Hawaiian Power is owned by Blackrock
they plan to bankrupt the company and walk away
after being sued for incompetence.
They were pushed into prioritising green energy INSTEAD of making the grid SAFE and RESILIENT
so took profits
but when the winds came they blew down the power lines, thus starting fires
and water and phones went down, cos there was no electricity
– Now government plans to seize some land and put up GREEN apartment blocks ..part of a green new future.
Like many words in the English language, ‘overbearing’ has a nautical connection. It describes a manoeuvre in which one sailing ship steers directly downwind towards another, effectively snatching away the overborne vessel’s wind to leave it powerless.
Wind turbines can overbear each other, too. As developers seek to build ever more of them — globally, installed onshore wind capacity rose to almost 500 gigawatts last year, up from just 92 GW in 2007 — some of the best blustery locations are getting crowded. That could be a problem. To work best, wind turbines need to capture a clear and uninterrupted stream of moving air. Anything that gets in the way — from mountains and buildings to a rival wind farm — reduces wind speed and the electricity generated. Such obstacles also break up the air flow and the resulting turbulence increases noise, as well as wear and tear on the turbine blades.
The chart below sets out the ownership of Thames Water and those group companies that connect Kemble Water Holdings Limited, our ultimate parent company, to the regulated company, Thames Water Utilities Limited.
Which racists should have their accounts deleted? White racists or black racists? Also who should decide which posts are racist, white racists or black racists?
EXCLUSIVE: After Harry’s revelation that he killed 25 Taliban in Afghanistan… Now hate preacher who inspired Lee Rigby killers tells jihadis to target British troops
^^ being paid on benefits to wander London – diverse city
Choudary has remained relatively silent since his release from prison almost four years ago, having been jailed over his support of Islamic State terrorists.
But in an online response to Harry’s memoir, he said: ‘The latest revelations from Harry that he murdered 25 Muslims in Afghanistan followed by his comment that he has no remorse and that he just saw these human beings as “chess pieces” tells us everything we need to know about the Royal Family and their thinking about Islam and Muslims. In reality, the British Royal Family has a long and dark history of supporting the occupation of Muslim lands, the usurpation of its resources and the oppression of Muslims.’
“What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you exercise it? To whom are you accountable? And how can we get rid of you”
― Tony Benn
We aim to strike a balance between opulence and tradition in this objectophile edition
BBC online news website ‘Most watched‘ feature:
1. Spectacular meteor streaks across night sky in Turkey
2. Meteor lights up the night sky across England
3. Watch how this concrete can crumble under pressure
4. Watch: Green flash as meteor blazes across sky in Australia
5. Watch: Fiery ‘meteor’ over Australia probably Russian space rocket
BBC news online feature ‘Also in the news‘: Your pictures on the theme of ‘recycled’
Further comment would seem superfluous
However, one might then beg to ask that vexed existential question of what would be the point hereabouts – were we not to comment on issues the likes of what is the point of the BBC news online website?
On a day when the BBC’s top pick for their online newspaper frontpage line-up scoffs: Brexit has made Britain less relevant to the EU, and to all the other significant players in the world (Andrew Rawnsley, Observer)
And when the Mail on Sunday frets: Tesco boss: Our staff need body cameras to end attacks… Head of country’s biggest supermarket tells MoS of drastic move to tackle crime epidemic sweeping ‘broken Britain’
We can’t help but recall that memorable quip from Rowan Atkinson’s Black Adder to his Tudor Queenie: “Life without you is like a broken pencil… pointless”
On the aforegoing most watched evidence we may posit the proposition that the BBC news website is targeted at and consumed by an audience with an average reading age of nine and further that it assumes a bland info-tainment function roughly equivalent to the old Blue Peter – were it not for the fact that what we’re now encouraged to do with our old plastic squeezy bottles, empty wallnut shells and sticky-backed plastic – no longer to be devoted to the constuction of a cut-price Thunderbirds Tracy Island – but instead consumed in amateur photography on the theme of ‘recycled’
Given the remarkably strenuous efforts at evasion of sucessive Tory governments so as to keep the BBC just as it is – our BBC can surely not be akin in function to Blackadder’s broken pencil… indeed…
Number one fuction of the state broadcaster must, patently, be to be State Broadcaster
Exhibit One: Number one news story on the BBC news website this morning: Threats, insults, and Kremlin ‘robots’: How Russian diplomacy died under Putin (By Sergey Goryashko, Elizaveta Fokht and Sofiya Samokhina, BBC Russian)
One tends to joke that the BBC acts as though it were the official opposition to the Tory government – now apparently they think they are the official opposition to the Russian government
BBC favourite son Clive Myrie – pictured frontpage of the formerly-patriotic Labour-curious Times yesterday in pink soft velvet 2-piece 2-button notched-lapel suit (Paul Smith £975 Harrods ‘Strike a balance between opulence and tradition‘) – has perhaps passed his avant garde style tips on to Channel 4 favourite son Krishnan Guru-Murthy – today pictured frontpage of the Observer: Stepping out… ‘I’m a bit nervous’… reveals in an exclusive interview why he decided to take part in this autumn’s series of Strictly Come Dancing(Observer Magazine cover story)
Our Krishnan sports a single-button jacket trimmed with contrasting coloured fastenings (three on the cuff) which could be bespoke.
All’s fair in the realms of public buildings surveying and war…
Whistleblower reveals culture of complacency on school safety (Observer) Ukraine general claims ‘decisive breach’ of Russian line (Observer)
We can’t help but recall our Angela Rippon surprisingly turning would be Tiller Girl back in the day on the Morecambe & Wise Show
Strictly’s Angela Rippon, 78, ‘tipped as a dark horse to win the 2023 series’ despite the broadcaster believing she’s ‘not going to lift the Glitterball’ (Daily Mail); Exclusive: Ex newsreader Angela Rippon among BBC stars targeted by Russian cyber attack (Mirror) – our Ange doing her bit – as they say.
Mainstream TV newsreaders may (mostly) be required to turn up in best bib and tucker, however…
Some trumped up baseless media claims can travel around the world and back again while Kier Starmer needn’t bother to lace up his boots (apologies to Mark Twain)
Another key fuction of the BBC which rankles is not so much that it gives voice to the left and their arguments – which would be fair enough in a pluralistic media landscape – but on the contrary the BBC – to the exclusion of conservative notions – only provides and disseminates leftist talking points
Concrete crisis: Headteachers in weekend dash to make schools safe to open (BBC) Storm Idalia: Biden pledges support to help Florida recover (BBC) Four sons set out on a perilous migration route. Only one came home (BBC)
No bias there then (sarc.)
And to lighten the mood somewhat we close with the Daily Star’s thought for the day:Life has its ups and downs – this in response to their headline story on a day when the Mail on Sunday goes with: Trinny at 59 Why I feel that sex completes you as a woman – the Star screams in apparent ecstacy: I’ve found my Mr Ride… Woman who falls in love with rollercoasters finds new funfair ‘fella’… split from her rollercoaster lover after being banned from the fun park has found romance again… with another big dipper. Objectophile Gaëlle Engel, 46, said “We are very happy”
With the Oxbridge lawyers and MPs now revealing their inner Stasi these new rules will be introduced step-by-lockstep by ‘Statutory Instruments’.
This is a system where a room full of psycho and or sociopathic oxbridge lawyers get to define the next set of malicious laws they will impose upon the serfdom. No proper MP scrutiny whatsoever. IMHO this is the very definition of an illegal law.
I see Clive Myrie is “ashamed” of Britain, because his older half brothers haven’t got passports due to the Windrush cock up. Well, he ain’t done so bad as he !
I could whinge about the mine owners and the conditions that both my grandfather’s endured under ground in the early 1900s – while the relatives of Myrie were out fishing on a sun drenched island ! My relatives couldnt escape for a better life, and now we have future whingers by the tens of thousands crossing the Channel – and for that IM ASHAMED of Britain for allowing it to happen.
I’m grief stricken at what has befallen my once lovely country, when I see those savages at Notting Hill. The animals in the zoo behave with more dignity and decorum.
Import the third world, you become the third world…
Brissles, my grandfather was a miner in Lancashire at the beginning of the last century.
He once told me that the underground workers often spent all day in coal Seams they had axed out by hand only 18 inches high.
Consequently he began to have serious problems with his legs and often struggled to walk.
Additionally the miners were not on any contract and were not employees and were only paid for completed shifts at the end of each day. They had to turn up at the pit head and the foreman would select those who he thought could work effectively with the rest being sent home without any pay.
Due to the problems with his legs, my grandfather resorted to running a piece of rope inside each trouser leg so he could use his hands in his trouser pockets to help work his legs to fool the foreman.
In addition he was paid in company tokens which could only be redeemed in the company shop or pub on site.
I would say his working life could only be compared to a Labour camp.
It makes me sick to hear about these whiners from abroad complaining about their lot, whilst collecting their social security payments and accusing whitey of keeping them down!
Absolutely Digg. I guarantee my Grandads would rather be without a passport (which they did anway) than die from coal dust on the lung from their time in the Yorkshire mines.
Yes my own Dad did a stint in the Kent coalfield, and he too spoke of working at a height of 18″ at the coalface. Can anyone today even imagine working in claustrophobic conditions like that ? And knowing this, I roll my eyes at the outcry at the thought of teens doing a bit of National Service.
(In Switzerland its a given that teens and many adults do a stint on doing something similar, only its called Community Service. Those I know are involved with the local fire service with voluntary training) A different attitude in Europe to us here.
Bbc will be on full anti mode tomorrow with ‘ reporters ‘ around the country filming tearful students disappointed about ‘ no school ‘ – its the cement…
Morning Fed,
I’m sure it will be after the article filming tearful students who have been evicted from their accommodation – “It’s the dinghy invaders”…
Mick – I think I’d refer to the piece I put up yesterday by lord frost about the rapid decline of Blighty -which I agree with but where I see no remedy – without much much pain …
Old day pupils would love it! No school! Yippeeee – oh wait – modern day – you get locked in your bedroom with a teacher all day! HA HA HA HA! Progress.
BBC climate Propaganda is all about the choice of words they use.
Remember when we used to get “hot spells” or even “heat waves” in the summer?
Well both of those words have a temporary aura to them which of course doesn’t fit with the new BBC armageddon mantra so have been thrown into room 101.
So now they have replaced them with “heat domes”, much more scary isn’t it?
The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.” Guterres urged politicians to take swift action. “The air is unbreathable, the heat is unbearable, and the level of fossil fuel profits and climate inaction is unacceptable. Leaders must lead.27 Jul 2023
Al Gore’s testimony to the House Energy and Environment Subcommittee: “I believe that the transition to a green economy is good for our economy and good for all of us. And I have invested in it. But every penny that I have made, I have put right into a nonprofit, the Alliance for Climate Protection, to spread awareness of why we have to take on this challenge. And, Congresswoman, if you’re… if you believe that the reason I have been working on this issue for 30 years is because of greed, you don’t know me.”
Doug Ross: “Don’t you love these hypocritical Climatards? They want to control your lives: how big your car can be, how much water your toilet can hold, the kind of light bulbs you can use. They even think there are limits on how much money you should be able to make. But they put no limits on what they can have. Kind of like the old Soviet Politburo. Which is the kind of society they intend for us.”
Fifteen-minute neighbourhoods as part of London’s recovery
Recovering with a greener economy depends on making London work in a different, more local way. What are you doing to plan for 15-minute neighbourhoods where Londoners can live, work and access services within an easy walk of their home?
Sadiq Khan (Mayor of London): My London Plan sets out a framework for the growth. I want Londoners to be able to access thriving high streets, attractive open spaces and good quality jobs and to be able to get there safely and easily by sustainable means, including walking and cycling. I want all parts of our city, not just central
C40 is a global network of mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
I’m assuming it remains a legal requirement that retailers at least offer their customers a physical sales receipt even with cashless plastic card or phone app purchases
One can’t help but note the sales assistant’s off pat and oft repeated question “Would you like a receipt?”
So it is with the supermarket self-service machine closing query “Press for receipt”
Co-op, Sainsburys etc, I’m talking about you
Where once the shopper was granted a generous 10 seconds to reply, the interim period for response shrank to 5 seconds, and now it stands at a reflex and attention deficit challenging 3 seconds.
softly, softly, catchee monkey
talk about nudge – that was once a function only encountered on one-armed-bandit fruit machines
In a paperless world everything can be falsified -quickly.
A memory hole is any mechanism for the deliberate alteration or disappearance of inconvenient or embarrassing documents, photographs, transcripts or other records, such as from a website or other archive, particularly as part of an attempt to give the impression that something never happened.[1][2] The concept was first popularized by George Orwell’s 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, where the Party’s Ministry of Truth systematically re-created all potentially embarrassing historical documents, in effect, re-writing all of history to match the often-changing state propaganda. These changes were complete and undetectable.
Not BBC – just an observation – during a late summer visit to my local Epping forest – thankfully owned by the Corp f London and not the emir – I observed a forest warden issueing parking tickets in the car park .
One victim was a new Mercedes estate car . When I got back from my stroll the owner returned – a pair of cyclists on their forest ride and putting the bikes into the back of the estate ….
… I blamed ULEZ….. I wonder if the ‘home ‘of the mobile ULEZ detector vans has been found ‘ torched yet ….
.. the laws are diminishing freedom pretty quick now ….
Newsreader Huw Edwards named as BBC star accused of paying teenager for explicit photos
Presenter Huw Edwards has been named as the subject of allegations including paying a teenager for sexually explicit images in a statement released by his wife.
By Joe Buncle
Published 12th Jul 2023, 18:48 BST- 2 min read
Hunt (JEREMY) had been interested in creating a ‘guide to help people who want to study rather than just travel abroad’ and, together with Elms, founded a company known as Hotcourses in the 1990s, a major client of which is the British Council. (HA HA HA HA- mates rates)
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
“.the EU was set up to slowly morph into an empire…”
The key, argues Verhofstadt, is to reform the European Union along the lines of America’s federal government: a United States of Europe strong enough to stand with the United States of America in making a better, safer world.
Europe’s Last Chance: Why the European States Must Form a More Perfect Union
by Guy Verhofstadt (Author)
In the heart of Europe’s current crisis, one of the continent’s foremost statesmen issues a clarion call to radically remake the European Union in the mold of the United States’ own federal government
Europe is caught in its greatest crisis since the Second World War. The catalog of ills seems endless: an economic crisis spread through most of Europe’s Mediterranean tier that has crippled Greece and driven a wedge between northern and southern Europe; terrorist attacks in Paris, Cologne, Brussels, and Nice; growing aggression from Russia in Ukraine and the Baltic states; and refugees escaping war-torn neighbors. The European Union’s inability to handle any of these disasters was a driving factor in Great Britain voting to leave, and others may soon follow. The result won’t just be a continent in turmoil, but also a serious threat to American and British security-the Atlantic, let alone the Channel, simply isn’t big enough to keep European troubles in Europe. For everyone’s sake, Europe must survive.
The question is how. In Europe’s Last Chance, Guy Verhofstadt-former prime minister of Belgium and current leader of the liberal faction in the European Parliament-provides the essential framework for understanding Europe today, laying bare the absurdity of a system in which each member state can veto legislation, opt in or out of the Euro, or close borders on a whim. But Verhofstadt does not just indict the European Union, he also offers a powerful vision for how the continent can change for the better. The key, argues Verhofstadt, is to reform the European Union along the lines of America’s federal government: a United States of Europe strong enough to stand with the United States of America in making a better, safer world.
A visionary book from one of today’s luminaries of European leadership, Europe’s Last Chance is a clarion call to save the European Union, one of the world’s greatest chances for peace and prosperity.
Id go with the rapidly growing tiredness even half awake viewers experience when exposed to the poor old BBC message .., or maybe she doesn’t’play out the show ‘ with the customery west indian oil drum band the BBC white folk believed made the show ‘ inclusive’ . …
I m sure one of those cooking shows with ‘larger than life ‘ personalities would do much better.., how about ‘cooking with diversity managers’ … chips every week ..
… actually – there are no ‘box office ‘ politicians of any type – all there is – to genuinely draw crowds is Farage – but he is on the BBC disapproved list – so won’t be hearing from him on the BBC – the rest are just half wits only worth watching to be reminded of how poor the choice is now…. Of any party …
Pug – yes its a good comparison between the capitol demo and the reichstag fire – although id say the capitol thing was a ‘ nothing ‘ in comparison to the persecution the obama DOJ has committed
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
Minority groups are part of reality
but media have this habit of over-amplifying some minority groups
thus portray a distorted version of reality.
This BBC prog, appears to be a queer, disabled sex drama.
Sex with the carers! ????
Last night I was watching TalkTV then a series of adverts came on, all dominated by black characters
So Iswitched to BBC4 There is was the BAME orchestra ..totally dominatd by black people
Switched back to TalkTV a new prog the presenter was white, but there was a male an female guest both black, both London
Both are righties
Many commenters appalled by this. Presumably mostly JO’bsworth or Sangita fans?
I got hepatitis A (maybe E) in Ghana
The doctor said most likely from seawater
The UK doctor said he’d seen he’d seen it quote a few times in yachtsmen cos unlike most bugs it can survive in seawater.
I got serious blood poisoning dragon boating in Aberdeen Harbour, HK.
My own fault for… dragon boating in Aberdeen Harbour.
This poor lady has more cause to be miffed.
However, despite the location, that most commenters to itv posts feel it tracks back to the Tories seems… unsurprising.
I used to enjoy watching the Dragons competing just off Cowes. Lovely looking craft.
HOLIDAYMAKERS heading abroad this summer have been warned of deadly brain-eating bugs lurking in freshwater swimming holes.
It comes as at least two people have died from extensive brain damage caused by amoeba after bathing in infected waters.
The most recent victim died in Georgia, US, after swimming in a freshwater lake or pond, health officials said.
Have to say, my nude bathing in the Amazon was curtailed after I read about the Candiru fish.
The candiru, sometimes known as the “penis fish,” is a small Amazonian catfish. It’s reported to lodge itself in the urethra of people who may be urinating in the water. Despite the unsettling stories surrounding this fish, there’s skepticism about whether the fish actually attacks humans.23 May 2019
“Has anyone let Feargal know😳”
“Scottish beaches have eight times more sewage-related debris than those in England or Wales, according to new data from the Marine Conservation Society.
The Society is calling on Scottish Water, a nationalised utility, to monitor all combined sewer overflows (CSOs). Currently,… Show more”
“A colourful figure, he often clowned around for customers at Harrod”
colourful figure = corruption
colourful figure = plenty to hide
But was he… ‘controversial’ in an ‘unprecedented’ way, historically?
I though Mo’s main clients in KSA and Brunei might’ve been mentioned in Fayed’s obit pieces?
Speaking of ideological media, mini YAB gets in trouble and her attack groupies have to move in.
Please don’t patronise me. He had some very dodgy connections – but how does that make him any different to some of the other scoundrels who’ve ‘bought’ citizenship…? The British Establishment is utterly hypocritical
Please don’t patronise me.
Was the summer weather really as bad as you think?
The BBC telling everyone to ignore their own eyes because even though the summer was pretty rubbish for most people in this Country, in their world it actually wasn’t so there!
So stop assuming Climate Change has gone away, we at the BBC know for sure it’s live and kicking despite what you can see and feel with your own eyes and body you are just wrong thinking so stop trusting your own experience and take it from the BBC we are still heading for armageddon and we won’t stop reminding you whatever you think and experience.
“Was the summer….”
It still is summer 🌞
Evidence of the horrible mentality of the bbc with regards to Brexit – if the vote was today they’d probably use the Obama / Biden counting method –
From the DT –
STARTS David Dimbleby has revealed the BBC held him back from making his momentous Brexit vote announcement — even after the result became patently clear — before he eventually decided at the last minute how to declare it.
The former political presenter said he had not prepared how he would reveal the historic news, despite knowing which way the referendum had gone for most of the night.
Dimbleby said the BBC had made detailed studies of how voting had to go in each constituency for leave to win, and it became obvious what the outcome was well before his bosses allowed it to be broadcast.
Eventually, Dimbleby annnounced: “Well at 20 minutes to five, we can now say the decision taken in 1975 by this country to join the Common Market has been reversed by this referendum to leave the EU, and that’s the result of this referendum which has been preceded by weeks and months of argument and dispute and all the rest of it.
“The British people have spoken and the answer is: ‘We’re out’.”
Speaking now about those famous words, he said: “The BBC, very fastidious about any results of a democratic vote, they wait until it’s absolutely impossible for it to be wrong.
“And they kept us waiting. We had this whole chart of the whole country, every constituency, showing which way it had to go if it was to be pro Remain or pro Leave, and it was perfectly obvious what was happening.
“But John Curtice [the BBC’s election specialist] wouldn’t allow us to say for certainty.
“And when it came I didn’t know what I was going to say really. I hadn’t thought about it.
“I kept talking from the thing to the director saying ‘Can’t we say it now, come on, it’s four in the morning for God’s sake, it’s perfectly obvious what’s happening?’
” ‘No, no, just hang on, just hang on’.”
But it was only shortly before he did get the go-ahead that Dimbleby came up with the words to describe the result.
He said in a special interview for the latest The News Agents podcast: “I suddenly thought ‘Oh boy, I better say something because this is a big moment’. I can’t just say ‘Oh well, the vote’s gone this way’.
“And I then suddenly remembered I’d done the ‘75 referendum, when we went into the Common Market as it was, and I just scribbled down a little note to myself and ‘that’s it, we’re out’. Because that’s what it was, we’re out, you know we’d voted to leave the EU.”
He said criticism that his announcement wording “produced a moment of finality” when it was just the start of the negotiating process was unjust.
Referencing the phrase used by Brexiteers at the time, he said “What Brexit means Brexit you mean”.
Told we weren’t out the next morning and maybe he’d used the wrong emphasis, he replied: “It’s a quibble – nah, nah, that’s rubbish.”ENDS
Dimbleby could not get even basic facts right. Britain joined the “Common Market”, the EEC, in 1973. We voted to remain in it in the referendum of 1975. For the money he was on, you would think he’d know that. It’s rather important. It implies that the people voted to join the EEC. They never did.
Given the motivations for becoming one, and their evident abilities, there is clearly zero point voting for a pol or paying attention to a ‘journalist’.
Paul Bambury
From 2010 to 2015 it was a coalition government in which you were one of the two governing parties.
Furthermore, since this issue seems to have first come to light in 1995, one wonders why Labour did nothing about it during the thirteen years it was in office…
This BBC report on RAAC spends a bit of time mentioning issues arising in the late 1990s and 2000s.
Which just happens to cover the 13 years of Labour government.
So in the interests of impartiality, perhaps the BBC could enlighten us as to what action the Labour government took?
It won’t happen. You know it. I know it.
Getting a bit blurred.
This is getting into Grenfell territory.
Mud huts ! The Answer!
“More than 100 schools are scrambling to make arrangements after being told to shut buildings that contain RAAC”
Hotels for migrants!
Barge in Dorest to house kids?!
Might need a fact check.
As it stands, comments are…. appropriate.
“The BBC’s Katya Adler: ‘I was never in danger of taking myself too seriously’”
Kate runs out of things to talk about so talks about herself.
None too impressed with the bbc reporting, either.
I see they stopped reporting about themselves a while back. Interesting that Eric Gill’s work spawned the house journal tittle.
Shame that the rest didn’t go when Ariel did…
Two items on the BBC London News.
A charity called Brixton Soup Kitchen is shown providing free school uniforms and food, can you guess what those in receipt of this largesse look like?
Followed by a story about Black on the Square, an event celebrating black culture in Trafalgar Square. Front and centre was a stall dedicated to Stephen Lawrence, under the shadow of Nelson Mandela’s Column.
Have I got that wrong?
Fixated on slavery. Fixated on bias. Fixated on hating white people, Fixated on hating police. Fixated on Stephen Lawrence. What can anyone expect?
Simply fixated.
Metal nose piercings in sub zero temps; yea or nay?
BBC: “UK scientists tackle the taboo subject of periods in polar research.”
Sigh. Imagine being a woman with enough brains and gumption to work at the North or South Pole but embarrassed about talking about needing tampons. Pathetic. 🙄😩
Oh look! A red ice lolly.
“The reason that we want to bring these topics up, as simple and as basic as they might seem, is because historically toileting has actually been a barrier for people entering into fieldwork…”
Something something Newton’s laws of motion
And an audience looking forward. Clearly.
Net Zero notes for any BBC Nooze lurkers looking for weekend lazy content.
How Long do Wind Turbines Last?
A good quality, modern wind turbine will generally last for 20 years, although this can be extended to 25 years or longer depending on environmental factors and the correct maintenance procedures being followed. However, the maintenance costs will increase as the structure ages.
In many cases afaics many windmills are idle as the cost of repairs exceeds any reasonable foreseeable RoI
It’ll plow into the dirt in an undignified fashion.
Offshore charter rates and salaries for the repair ships are going to get prohibitive – the units are not really field repairable – that’s part of the selling spiel for the floaters – you can purportedly tow them to a repair yard.
Pretty ….
Texas wind turbine catches fire, creates spiral-shaped smok
“…..although this can be extended to 25 years or longer depending on environmental factors and the correct maintenance procedures being followed.” Expression uprooted and replanted in some items of concrete…………………..
German energy giant RWE has begun dismantling a wind farm to make way for a further expansion of an open-pit lignite coal mine in the western region of North Rhine Westphalia.4 days ago,German%20energy%20giant%20RWE%20has%20begun%20dismantling%20a%20wind%20farm,region%20of%20North%20Rhine%20Westphalia.
Whatever our puppet government say is to distract us from the threat to our freedom | Neil Oliver
Neil Oliver says ‘the ship of state is in a hell of a state’.
The BBC telling the A-Bomb Story
Having read half a dozen books on the topic and innumerable web articles and youtubes
BBC: We designed it and the damn Yanks stole it – I’m pulling faces…
“How Britain developed the world’s first atomic bomb only to lose it to the Americans when the U.S. reneged on an Anglo-American agreement to share atomic research.”
But, speaking to the widow of an until recently unknown American atomic spy, the programme also uncovers evidence that the so-called ‘best kept secret’, the Manhattan Project, was far more deeply penetrated than we have previously realised
But, speaking to the widow
But, speaking to the widow
But, speaking to the widow
Battle of Britain: The schoolgirl who helped design the Spitfire – BBC News
The elephant in the room might just be Harry Hopkins
Kryptonite for Democrats
Hopkins? ….
The Assassination of Katie Hopkins review – a musical savaging of social media
Theatr Clwyd, Mold
An inventive score and an intelligent script combine in this smart satire with nods to Jerry Springer: The Opera
Nice photo but,
Sorry BBC, wrong colour…………..
A Chinese airline has reportedly warned passengers that “precautions” should be taken when visiting areas in London mainly populated by “Indians, Pakistanis and black people”.
Air China included the comments as part of a feature in its in-flight magazine on visiting the city.
It also advised tourists not to go out alone at night, and for females to always be accompanied when travelling.
Concrete crisis: Headteachers in weekend dash to make schools safe to open
Aren’t teachers just great ?. They should get paid a lot more. I bet there are an awful lot in the BBC who would have been teachers if the pay was better. What a hugely unappreciated group they are.
And aren’t the conservatives a disgusting, corrupt, racist mess who hate children ?. Going by the BBC reports, they don’t care at all if any lovely children get killed.
Thank God an election is coming up. I will most certainly vote for Labour – the party who cares.
Back in the 70s and 80s, Lumps of crumbling masonry often used to fall out of the ceiling and walls of my school, windows too sometimes, usually when something (or someone) got lobbed through them. We weren’t pathetic snowflakes back then though, if anything fell on you everyone laughed (the teachers loudest of all).
Carving your name, ‘4’, and that of your current crush in the crumbly plaster, concrete, or rotten timber window frames was the height of cool… no, actually that’s not true, chiseling the name of someone you didn’t like and the fattest, spottiest, stupidest kid in the school was… or even better, the name of someone you didn’t like and a teacher!
If I’d ‘self identified’ as a ‘girl’, or a ‘cat’, or a ‘helicopter’ at school I would have had the shit kicked out of me – at least three times a day… and the teachers would have watched from the staffroom windows and laughed about the ‘mong’ kid getting the stuffing kicked out of him.
Kids these days get seduced by pervy teachers, and are taught that kids can ‘self identify’ as anything they want (and shouldn’t be bullied for it), and that the government are somehow responsible for vandalising schools, and should be sued if something you’re kicking falls on you.
How times have changed.
From ocean sea turbines to fag break bike sheds, design lives and maintenance schedules have been, or should be a budgetary fact of life.
Romans and Victorians invested in longevity, but time and tide will eventually prevail.
In the US, an awful lot of bridges are way beyond the guarantee period.
Our council pays Balfour Beatty to send ten blokes to fill a pothole but never check if the contracted service is good value.
But none of this matters.
What matters is pinning blame, and especially pinning blame on the right person, at the right timeframe, to sway voters to an ideological money pit that state and state media employees will never get adversely impacted by or held to account for.
Dashing heads.
“Head teacher Caroline Evans and her staff sit in a temporary staffroom in the corridor of Parks Primary School in Leicester”
Presumably corridors are safe under different kinds of roof?
Russia’s pro-war influencers are generating big advertising revenues from their social media coverage of the conflict, the BBC has found.
Alongside a daily ration of gruesome videos of drone strikes and false claims about Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, they share ads for anything from cryptocurrency to fashion.
Known in Russia as “Z-Bloggers” because of their support for a war often symbolised by the letter Z, they are often embedded with the Russian army and post footage from the front line where they call on young Russians to enlist.
All interesting when the media decide ‘we’… ‘in the West’… are all in this together.
You know how you get an all inclusive 20 year holiday in Britain don’t you ?
and for free
Australia launches mission to rescue Antarctic researcher
“The AAP said the researcher, an Australian, needs specialist treatment but did not name the condition.”
However, going on other reports currently on the BBC webshite, I’m pretty sure it must be connected with a lack of tampons.
Well it will be heatstroke due to the way the whole planet is BOILING.
What kind of ship did they send ?
“The **icebreaker** RSV Nuyina left from Tasmania last week, the Australian Antarctic Program (AAP) said”
That or someone tried a morning cold start on the nose ring with a 12v battery.
Our Health Secretary is “investing in cutting edge science…” Robot penguins in hospitals is more like something out of a Chris Morris show.
P.S. How’s the excess death rate looking Steve?
Bit of a b****r when Pingu reaches a staircase…
New Andy Ngo video is about the totally skewed US justice system
After Soros funded attorney generals were elected and media brainwashed the public that make up juries there is clear new-racism
that the red/green skins of the left are let off cos “antifa are the good guys” or given extremely light sentences.
whereas purple-skins of the right get hard labour for not bringing a library book on time.
The assault of Andy Ngo by the antifa mob was caught on camera
#1 The state declined to prosecute
#2 In his civil case one jury acquitted 3 attackers shown in video
#3 In the other case the judge ordered 3 other attackers to pay him the maximum damages of $300K,
but he’ll probably never get the money
It’s an example if #VictimBlaming
On the side of the purple skins
A Proudboy agitator got 17 years for agitating the crowd at the Capitol Jan 6th
whereas 2020 redskin lefties got much lower sentences for actual physical violence
eg 10 years for attempted mass murder.
The BBC has a godless Muslim religion editor – so inevitably the ‘Sunday ‘ programme will be anti Christ . So today the stories are
1 the woke decline of the C of E
2 Muslim prostitures
3 Muslims in France refusing clothing laws …
Off switch . Off to Mass —-not much mention of the RC numbers growing ….even with a green crap pope
Next item
Lawyer from Nepal who got refugee status in the UK appealing for money to help educate other refugee “human rights defenders” in the UK
and support other ones in other countries
That lawyer has been living back in Nepal since 2020
edited from the long prog blurb
“We hear from a British woman who grew up as a devout Muslim but now makes adult content for the online service Only Fans. She’s often pictured wearing a hijab. She’s received death threats but believes that expressing her sexuality and making her own choices about her body are empowering.”
Nearly a third of clergy who responded to a Times newspaper poll, felt that the Church of England could face extinction if the decline continues. Some believe that part of the problem is that church teaching on issues like gay marriage and the role of women is out of touch with public opinion.”
Nuns in films” A film critic and a Catholic nun discuss the portrayal of nuns in cinema and reflect on the enduring appeal of nuns to film makers”
probably PR for new horror film Nuns II
Funny really that the Religion programme is really an extension of ‘today’ with muslim as victims propaganda and not much by way of god yet alone anything positive about their State religion- with the absence of anything positive about the judeo christian religions or even the worshippers of Star Wars.
Please dont pay for it …
BBC Scotland loaned Les their word?
Meanwhile a Green numpty sums them up.
And then, back to bbc propaganda…
Which they are running, a lot, on a ‘tell it often enough’ basis… that everyone sees through.
“Apparently police confirmed 25k attended. Nice one.”
What a beautiful sight. Ten thousand Yessers in Edinburgh. Great unscripted speech by Humza & so well organised by
Believe in Scotland
We are Scotland’s grassroots independence campaign, representing Yes groups from across Scotland. Sign-up and join the movement for an independent Scotland.
Glasgow – Scotland – UKbelieveinscotland.orgJoined July 2009
135 Following
What does Believe in Scotland stand for?
Neither Believe in Scotland nor Business for Scotland has ever received, asked for, nor donated to any political party and never will. We are completely political party neutral and do not suggest how people should vote. Believe in Scotland is predominantly funded by approximately 10,000 individual micro-donations annually, including monthly Stakeholder Memberships. We have run two successful crowdfunder campaigns in 2021 and 2022. The administration and office costs are covered by business donations to Business for Scotland Ltd.
Our focus is on advocating for independence as we wholeheartedly believe that any government running Scotland for the benefits of the people, economy and communities, will be better for Scotland than any party of the current system of government from Westminster.
As our name suggests, we already Believe in Scotland and we want to help people feel the same way. This is a site for people with genuine questions and for people whose heart may say yes to independence but their head says maybe or even no. We believe that once you engage with the evidence, people’s hearts and heads start to believe in Scotland.
If you already Believe in Scotland you can get involved with our initiative here.
Both Business for Scotland and Believe in Scotland are completely political party neutral, have never expressed support for any political party and do not suggest how people should vote. If we face a plebiscite General Election in 2024, the representatives from the Campaign Steering Group will be asked to decide how we campaign.
Neither Business for Scotland nor Believe in Scotland has ever received, asked for, nor donated to any political party and never will.
Ghastly deluded SNP shill!
Maui fires were act of God vastly screwed up by local policies
– Fire brigade left smoldering fire unattened
then hurricane winds whipped it up into zig zag pattern
hence why some houses were left untouched whilsts neighbours were destroyed.
– Police blocked roads , survivors often drove around the roadblocks
– Hawaiian Power is owned by Blackrock
they plan to bankrupt the company and walk away
after being sued for incompetence.
They were pushed into prioritising green energy INSTEAD of making the grid SAFE and RESILIENT
so took profits
but when the winds came they blew down the power lines, thus starting fires
and water and phones went down, cos there was no electricity
– Now government plans to seize some land and put up GREEN apartment blocks ..part of a green new future.
Mehdi and Justin teaming up to tell us what we need to know?
“Yeah building three or four windmills would’ve definitely stopped that hurricane🤣🤣”
Like many words in the English language, ‘overbearing’ has a nautical connection. It describes a manoeuvre in which one sailing ship steers directly downwind towards another, effectively snatching away the overborne vessel’s wind to leave it powerless.
Wind turbines can overbear each other, too. As developers seek to build ever more of them — globally, installed onshore wind capacity rose to almost 500 gigawatts last year, up from just 92 GW in 2007 — some of the best blustery locations are getting crowded. That could be a problem. To work best, wind turbines need to capture a clear and uninterrupted stream of moving air. Anything that gets in the way — from mountains and buildings to a rival wind farm — reduces wind speed and the electricity generated. Such obstacles also break up the air flow and the resulting turbulence increases noise, as well as wear and tear on the turbine blades.
UK Thames water has Saudi and Chinese owners!
The chart below sets out the ownership of Thames Water and those group companies that connect Kemble Water Holdings Limited, our ultimate parent company, to the regulated company, Thames Water Utilities Limited.
Kemble Water Holdings
MI, Tao
Date of birth
September 1973
Appointed on
30 September 2022
Country of residence
Investment Professional
The MSM organize hits on citizen journalist.
Authorities erecting fences around Lahina , Maui and arresting people trying to get to their houses.
Eminent Domain being deployed.
Graun going full ‘hits back’.
It has also released an interview with Sadiq Khan about ULEZ which he has then posted. See how the circle of jerks werks?
Comments, numbering fewer than the Dundee contingent to the SNP gathering, could be going better.
The media in London, and Manchester, do have a knack for hitching rides to cliff falling coaches and horses.
Speaking of said march, and Twitter, being none too savvy on IT matters, my timeline is rammed with posts by participants I do not follow. Why?
I think I have had one from all present. And the replies… 🔝
Marcus Rashford says racists on social media should have accounts deleted
author image
Jordan King
Saturday 13 Feb 2021 12:49 pm
> should have accounts deleted
Which racists should have their accounts deleted? White racists or black racists? Also who should decide which posts are racist, white racists or black racists?
EXCLUSIVE: After Harry’s revelation that he killed 25 Taliban in Afghanistan… Now hate preacher who inspired Lee Rigby killers tells jihadis to target British troops
^^ being paid on benefits to wander London – diverse city
Choudary has remained relatively silent since his release from prison almost four years ago, having been jailed over his support of Islamic State terrorists.
But in an online response to Harry’s memoir, he said: ‘The latest revelations from Harry that he murdered 25 Muslims in Afghanistan followed by his comment that he has no remorse and that he just saw these human beings as “chess pieces” tells us everything we need to know about the Royal Family and their thinking about Islam and Muslims. In reality, the British Royal Family has a long and dark history of supporting the occupation of Muslim lands, the usurpation of its resources and the oppression of Muslims.’
Photo of him on under ground ! HA HA HA HA!
London mayor Sadiq Khan performs Umrah for ‘blessed end to 2022’
The Byline Times comes out swinging for Khant (as does The Guardian) – not news really but confirmation (if any were needed) that they are clowns.
He on the priority media heavyweight guest list for BBC panels, along with Novara, Paul Mason Inc., John Sweeney ‘News’, Femi, Doc Shola and Owen?
Sopes at least gets a Lioness, who was not there. But sad.
“What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you exercise it? To whom are you accountable? And how can we get rid of you”
― Tony Benn
We aim to strike a balance between opulence and tradition in this objectophile edition
BBC online news website ‘Most watched‘ feature:
1. Spectacular meteor streaks across night sky in Turkey
2. Meteor lights up the night sky across England
3. Watch how this concrete can crumble under pressure
4. Watch: Green flash as meteor blazes across sky in Australia
5. Watch: Fiery ‘meteor’ over Australia probably Russian space rocket
BBC news online feature ‘Also in the news‘: Your pictures on the theme of ‘recycled’
Further comment would seem superfluous
However, one might then beg to ask that vexed existential question of what would be the point hereabouts – were we not to comment on issues the likes of what is the point of the BBC news online website?
On a day when the BBC’s top pick for their online newspaper frontpage line-up scoffs: Brexit has made Britain less relevant to the EU, and to all the other significant players in the world (Andrew Rawnsley, Observer)
And when the Mail on Sunday frets: Tesco boss: Our staff need body cameras to end attacks… Head of country’s biggest supermarket tells MoS of drastic move to tackle crime epidemic sweeping ‘broken Britain’
We can’t help but recall that memorable quip from Rowan Atkinson’s Black Adder to his Tudor Queenie: “Life without you is like a broken pencil… pointless”
On the aforegoing most watched evidence we may posit the proposition that the BBC news website is targeted at and consumed by an audience with an average reading age of nine and further that it assumes a bland info-tainment function roughly equivalent to the old Blue Peter – were it not for the fact that what we’re now encouraged to do with our old plastic squeezy bottles, empty wallnut shells and sticky-backed plastic – no longer to be devoted to the constuction of a cut-price Thunderbirds Tracy Island – but instead consumed in amateur photography on the theme of ‘recycled’
Given the remarkably strenuous efforts at evasion of sucessive Tory governments so as to keep the BBC just as it is – our BBC can surely not be akin in function to Blackadder’s broken pencil… indeed…
Number one fuction of the state broadcaster must, patently, be to be State Broadcaster
Exhibit One: Number one news story on the BBC news website this morning: Threats, insults, and Kremlin ‘robots’: How Russian diplomacy died under Putin (By Sergey Goryashko, Elizaveta Fokht and Sofiya Samokhina, BBC Russian)
One tends to joke that the BBC acts as though it were the official opposition to the Tory government – now apparently they think they are the official opposition to the Russian government
BBC favourite son Clive Myrie – pictured frontpage of the formerly-patriotic Labour-curious Times yesterday in pink soft velvet 2-piece 2-button notched-lapel suit (Paul Smith £975 Harrods ‘Strike a balance between opulence and tradition‘) – has perhaps passed his avant garde style tips on to Channel 4 favourite son Krishnan Guru-Murthy – today pictured frontpage of the Observer: Stepping out… ‘I’m a bit nervous’… reveals in an exclusive interview why he decided to take part in this autumn’s series of Strictly Come Dancing (Observer Magazine cover story)
Our Krishnan sports a single-button jacket trimmed with contrasting coloured fastenings (three on the cuff) which could be bespoke.
All’s fair in the realms of public buildings surveying and war…
Whistleblower reveals culture of complacency on school safety (Observer)
Ukraine general claims ‘decisive breach’ of Russian line (Observer)
We can’t help but recall our Angela Rippon surprisingly turning would be Tiller Girl back in the day on the Morecambe & Wise Show
Strictly’s Angela Rippon, 78, ‘tipped as a dark horse to win the 2023 series’ despite the broadcaster believing she’s ‘not going to lift the Glitterball’ (Daily Mail); Exclusive: Ex newsreader Angela Rippon among BBC stars targeted by Russian cyber attack (Mirror) – our Ange doing her bit – as they say.
Mainstream TV newsreaders may (mostly) be required to turn up in best bib and tucker, however…
Some trumped up baseless media claims can travel around the world and back again while Kier Starmer needn’t bother to lace up his boots (apologies to Mark Twain)
Another key fuction of the BBC which rankles is not so much that it gives voice to the left and their arguments – which would be fair enough in a pluralistic media landscape – but on the contrary the BBC – to the exclusion of conservative notions – only provides and disseminates leftist talking points
Concrete crisis: Headteachers in weekend dash to make schools safe to open (BBC)
Storm Idalia: Biden pledges support to help Florida recover (BBC)
Four sons set out on a perilous migration route. Only one came home (BBC)
No bias there then (sarc.)
And to lighten the mood somewhat we close with the Daily Star’s thought for the day: Life has its ups and downs – this in response to their headline story on a day when the Mail on Sunday goes with: Trinny at 59 Why I feel that sex completes you as a woman – the Star screams in apparent ecstacy: I’ve found my Mr Ride… Woman who falls in love with rollercoasters finds new funfair ‘fella’… split from her rollercoaster lover after being banned from the fun park has found romance again… with another big dipper. Objectophile Gaëlle Engel, 46, said “We are very happy”
Interesting insight into what floats folks’ boats… or sinks them, tragically… or not.
Now, if a Turko/Oz/Rotherham barber meteor could look set to take out Gloster… maybe the public will delight the subs if suitably worked up?
Beeb contributer Elizaveta Fokht – bless her, has to be the name of the day.
Er – surely if 1 out of 4 illegals ‘ made it home ‘ thats a good news story for the 3 but a failure for the 1?
Prison for property owners who do not comply with new Energy Rules:
With the Oxbridge lawyers and MPs now revealing their inner Stasi these new rules will be introduced step-by-lockstep by ‘Statutory Instruments’.
This is a system where a room full of psycho and or sociopathic oxbridge lawyers get to define the next set of malicious laws they will impose upon the serfdom. No proper MP scrutiny whatsoever. IMHO this is the very definition of an illegal law.
I see Clive Myrie is “ashamed” of Britain, because his older half brothers haven’t got passports due to the Windrush cock up. Well, he ain’t done so bad as he !
I could whinge about the mine owners and the conditions that both my grandfather’s endured under ground in the early 1900s – while the relatives of Myrie were out fishing on a sun drenched island ! My relatives couldnt escape for a better life, and now we have future whingers by the tens of thousands crossing the Channel – and for that IM ASHAMED of Britain for allowing it to happen.
One in two children growing up in Tower Hamlets live in poverty, study finds
I’d guess that many areas in the UK now qualify for foreign aid?
I’m grief stricken at what has befallen my once lovely country, when I see those savages at Notting Hill. The animals in the zoo behave with more dignity and decorum.
Import the third world, you become the third world…
Brissles, my grandfather was a miner in Lancashire at the beginning of the last century.
He once told me that the underground workers often spent all day in coal Seams they had axed out by hand only 18 inches high.
Consequently he began to have serious problems with his legs and often struggled to walk.
Additionally the miners were not on any contract and were not employees and were only paid for completed shifts at the end of each day. They had to turn up at the pit head and the foreman would select those who he thought could work effectively with the rest being sent home without any pay.
Due to the problems with his legs, my grandfather resorted to running a piece of rope inside each trouser leg so he could use his hands in his trouser pockets to help work his legs to fool the foreman.
In addition he was paid in company tokens which could only be redeemed in the company shop or pub on site.
I would say his working life could only be compared to a Labour camp.
It makes me sick to hear about these whiners from abroad complaining about their lot, whilst collecting their social security payments and accusing whitey of keeping them down!
Absolutely Digg. I guarantee my Grandads would rather be without a passport (which they did anway) than die from coal dust on the lung from their time in the Yorkshire mines.
Yes my own Dad did a stint in the Kent coalfield, and he too spoke of working at a height of 18″ at the coalface. Can anyone today even imagine working in claustrophobic conditions like that ? And knowing this, I roll my eyes at the outcry at the thought of teens doing a bit of National Service.
(In Switzerland its a given that teens and many adults do a stint on doing something similar, only its called Community Service. Those I know are involved with the local fire service with voluntary training) A different attitude in Europe to us here.
Bbc will be on full anti mode tomorrow with ‘ reporters ‘ around the country filming tearful students disappointed about ‘ no school ‘ – its the cement…
Morning Fed,
I’m sure it will be after the article filming tearful students who have been evicted from their accommodation – “It’s the dinghy invaders”…
Mick – I think I’d refer to the piece I put up yesterday by lord frost about the rapid decline of Blighty -which I agree with but where I see no remedy – without much much pain …
Old day pupils would love it! No school! Yippeeee – oh wait – modern day – you get locked in your bedroom with a teacher all day! HA HA HA HA! Progress.
The Guardian have their tame lefty but non-political mole in the civil service trying to throw petrol on the Tory
concrete pyre.
Time for a cull in the civil service to remind them about impartiality!
The “mole” is “senior” source they say which probably means he has dinner regularly with the a guardian big-wigs.
Of course other than blame the Tories for being slow he has absolutely nothing to add other than a Tory bashing headline.
Man looks in mirror and talks – anonymous source!
BBC climate Propaganda is all about the choice of words they use.
Remember when we used to get “hot spells” or even “heat waves” in the summer?
Well both of those words have a temporary aura to them which of course doesn’t fit with the new BBC armageddon mantra so have been thrown into room 101.
So now they have replaced them with “heat domes”, much more scary isn’t it?
The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.” Guterres urged politicians to take swift action. “The air is unbreathable, the heat is unbearable, and the level of fossil fuel profits and climate inaction is unacceptable. Leaders must lead.27 Jul 2023
global boiling
global boiling
global boiling
Al Gore’s New $9 Million Ocean-View Villa in CA
By Mark J. Perry
May 05, 2010
Al Gore’s testimony to the House Energy and Environment Subcommittee: “I believe that the transition to a green economy is good for our economy and good for all of us. And I have invested in it. But every penny that I have made, I have put right into a nonprofit, the Alliance for Climate Protection, to spread awareness of why we have to take on this challenge. And, Congresswoman, if you’re… if you believe that the reason I have been working on this issue for 30 years is because of greed, you don’t know me.”
Doug Ross: “Don’t you love these hypocritical Climatards? They want to control your lives: how big your car can be, how much water your toilet can hold, the kind of light bulbs you can use. They even think there are limits on how much money you should be able to make. But they put no limits on what they can have. Kind of like the old Soviet Politburo. Which is the kind of society they intend for us.”
Fifteen-minute neighbourhoods as part of London’s recovery
Recovering with a greener economy depends on making London work in a different, more local way. What are you doing to plan for 15-minute neighbourhoods where Londoners can live, work and access services within an easy walk of their home?
Sadiq Khan (Mayor of London): My London Plan sets out a framework for the growth. I want Londoners to be able to access thriving high streets, attractive open spaces and good quality jobs and to be able to get there safely and easily by sustainable means, including walking and cycling. I want all parts of our city, not just central
C40 is a global network of mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.
Is that Huw Edwards waving from the building?
‘No one expects him back’: what now for the BBC’s Huw Edwards?
Suspended presenter remains silent over partly withdrawn claims he paid a young person for explicit images but still faces internal inquiry
3 teachers hide in Batley in 2023….
… back in 1985 …..
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner
speaking of nudges
I’m assuming it remains a legal requirement that retailers at least offer their customers a physical sales receipt even with cashless plastic card or phone app purchases
One can’t help but note the sales assistant’s off pat and oft repeated question “Would you like a receipt?”
So it is with the supermarket self-service machine closing query “Press for receipt”
Co-op, Sainsburys etc, I’m talking about you
Where once the shopper was granted a generous 10 seconds to reply, the interim period for response shrank to 5 seconds, and now it stands at a reflex and attention deficit challenging 3 seconds.
softly, softly, catchee monkey
talk about nudge – that was once a function only encountered on one-armed-bandit fruit machines
In a paperless world everything can be falsified -quickly.
A memory hole is any mechanism for the deliberate alteration or disappearance of inconvenient or embarrassing documents, photographs, transcripts or other records, such as from a website or other archive, particularly as part of an attempt to give the impression that something never happened.[1][2] The concept was first popularized by George Orwell’s 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, where the Party’s Ministry of Truth systematically re-created all potentially embarrassing historical documents, in effect, re-writing all of history to match the often-changing state propaganda. These changes were complete and undetectable.
Not BBC – just an observation – during a late summer visit to my local Epping forest – thankfully owned by the Corp f London and not the emir – I observed a forest warden issueing parking tickets in the car park .
One victim was a new Mercedes estate car . When I got back from my stroll the owner returned – a pair of cyclists on their forest ride and putting the bikes into the back of the estate ….
… I blamed ULEZ….. I wonder if the ‘home ‘of the mobile ULEZ detector vans has been found ‘ torched yet ….
.. the laws are diminishing freedom pretty quick now ….
(Note to 77 Brigade file)
15 minute cities tomorrow – clap on thursday for the Mayor or new PM
Huw Edwards … BBC to check all hard drives ….
Newsreader Huw Edwards named as BBC star accused of paying teenager for explicit photos
Presenter Huw Edwards has been named as the subject of allegations including paying a teenager for sexually explicit images in a statement released by his wife.
By Joe Buncle
Published 12th Jul 2023, 18:48 BST- 2 min read
Jeremy Hunt is on tv saying UK schools will be made safe .. maybe get a loan from Barry Gardiner of £500K from his chinese spy to pa for the rebuild?
“Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’”
Hunt (JEREMY) had been interested in creating a ‘guide to help people who want to study rather than just travel abroad’ and, together with Elms, founded a company known as Hotcourses in the 1990s, a major client of which is the British Council. (HA HA HA HA- mates rates)
Oops !
Laura Kuenssberg loses 700,000 viewers a week after replacing Andrew Marr in coveted Sunday morning politics slot
Ex BBC political editor Kuenssberg took over from Marr in September 2022
BBC report 700K racists stop watching Laura … racists …. all of them ….
Jeremy Hunt says government will ‘spend what it takes’ to make schools safe
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
“.the EU was set up to slowly morph into an empire…”
The key, argues Verhofstadt, is to reform the European Union along the lines of America’s federal government: a United States of Europe strong enough to stand with the United States of America in making a better, safer world.
Europe’s Last Chance: Why the European States Must Form a More Perfect Union
by Guy Verhofstadt (Author)
In the heart of Europe’s current crisis, one of the continent’s foremost statesmen issues a clarion call to radically remake the European Union in the mold of the United States’ own federal government
Europe is caught in its greatest crisis since the Second World War. The catalog of ills seems endless: an economic crisis spread through most of Europe’s Mediterranean tier that has crippled Greece and driven a wedge between northern and southern Europe; terrorist attacks in Paris, Cologne, Brussels, and Nice; growing aggression from Russia in Ukraine and the Baltic states; and refugees escaping war-torn neighbors. The European Union’s inability to handle any of these disasters was a driving factor in Great Britain voting to leave, and others may soon follow. The result won’t just be a continent in turmoil, but also a serious threat to American and British security-the Atlantic, let alone the Channel, simply isn’t big enough to keep European troubles in Europe. For everyone’s sake, Europe must survive.
The question is how. In Europe’s Last Chance, Guy Verhofstadt-former prime minister of Belgium and current leader of the liberal faction in the European Parliament-provides the essential framework for understanding Europe today, laying bare the absurdity of a system in which each member state can veto legislation, opt in or out of the Euro, or close borders on a whim. But Verhofstadt does not just indict the European Union, he also offers a powerful vision for how the continent can change for the better. The key, argues Verhofstadt, is to reform the European Union along the lines of America’s federal government: a United States of Europe strong enough to stand with the United States of America in making a better, safer world.
A visionary book from one of today’s luminaries of European leadership, Europe’s Last Chance is a clarion call to save the European Union, one of the world’s greatest chances for peace and prosperity.
Must be so tempting for putin to have a pop at poland ..,
‘Ever closer Union ‘ – preamble to the Treaty of `Rome founding the European Community( a clue to the real intention Heath lied about ) ..
Closer – embedded – taken over union – how close?
Id go with the rapidly growing tiredness even half awake viewers experience when exposed to the poor old BBC message .., or maybe she doesn’t’play out the show ‘ with the customery west indian oil drum band the BBC white folk believed made the show ‘ inclusive’ . …
I m sure one of those cooking shows with ‘larger than life ‘ personalities would do much better.., how about ‘cooking with diversity managers’ … chips every week ..
… actually – there are no ‘box office ‘ politicians of any type – all there is – to genuinely draw crowds is Farage – but he is on the BBC disapproved list – so won’t be hearing from him on the BBC – the rest are just half wits only worth watching to be reminded of how poor the choice is now…. Of any party …
Pug – yes its a good comparison between the capitol demo and the reichstag fire – although id say the capitol thing was a ‘ nothing ‘ in comparison to the persecution the obama DOJ has committed