Midweek 27th September 2023

A leading BBC presenter thinks the reason the flagship ‘today ‘ programme has lost huge numbers of listeners is that they are ‘news deniers’ . It seems he has a fairly low opinion of listeners . Like so many in the BBC – he is right – the audience is wrong . far Left Group Think Rules … but the audience goes away …

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542 Responses to Midweek 27th September 2023

  1. atlas_shrugged says:

    I am so deeply touched that the UK will open its first chemical-kamikaze centre up in Scotland:

    Years ago I asked a liebour liberal bed-wetter what the moral difference was between a wet-house (where people could drink in ‘safety’) and a gas-chamber. He replied that people were not forced to use a wet-house.

    This is the NZ PM defence over a poisonous injection – “No one forced you to take it”.


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Just been watching the next `Neil Oliver ‘( top of the cancellation target list ) . He talks about the 77 Brigade Tory MP Dinage who threatened a website on House of Commons paper .
    Her husband is a brigadier – apparently – for a department which snoops on us – the British . Intel people reading this – what is your boss like ? Is he the worst 4 letter word in the language like his wife ?

    Anyway – I was thinking about the way 2 pieces of repression were sold to us – 1 ULEz – because a kid with a cough died – 2 – online safety – because a kid who spent too much time on the internet topped herself .

    Ok – tragic cases – I’m heartless right? Maybe – but perhaps the vermin using these cases to diminish thousands of life’s are more heartless than me ?

    What freedom goes next in the name of community safety ?


    • Sluff says:

      You know the ridiculous nonsensical mantra.
      ‘One life is one too many’.

      That’s what the safety zealots use all the time.

      I wonder if Dishi Rishi has the gumption to realise there could be a lot of hidden votes from the ‘silent majority’ if he really pushes back on all the left wing zealotry nonsense.

      He’s started with the 2030 car ban and other nett zero dross. Today he’s agreed to open up a new North Sea oil/ gas area – an excellent idea imo. He needs to keep the momentum going. He’ll still likely lose the election but along the way the left will have to crawl out from under their stones to oppose him and thus be seen for what they are. The BBC will have nowhere to hide.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Rishi – the green deal – *cough* green card …

        “Chancellor Rishi Sunak held US green card until last year
        8 April 2022”

        “To smear my wife to get at me is awful,” he added.


      • MarkyMark says:


        “Lisa Shaw: Presenter’s death due to complications of Covid vaccine
        26 August 2021”


        • Richard Pinder says:


          “Safe and Effective” Vaccines were banned if 80 lives were ruined.

          “Safe and Effective” mRNA jabs are not banned if half a million lives are ruined.

          Instead the state, the intelligence services and the media turn on the people.

          The people watch Rumble. Caroline Dinenage sends a threatening government letter to Rumble. If it goes to Court then Caroline Dinenage will probably send a government letter warning the jurors to find Brand guilty or else the government will write to Banks to demonetise the Jurors.

          The CIA betrayed pro-democracy Chinese people within the Communist Party to the Chinese Communist Party elite. The Chinese Communist Party eliminated them and their families. Epoch TV was set up by these people. Epoch TV is like Rumble. Caroline Dinenage and the pro-EU Five Eyes traitors are on the side of the CCP. Epoch TV is on our side.


          • kingkp says:

            ONS data indicates that 36,000 excess deaths over the five-year average have been recorded up to the end of July 2023. The rest is mere distraction.


            • StewGreen says:

              KingKP counting raw deaths is a BS metric
              when many of the deaths are over 90s
              It is a genuine distraction
              unless they bother to count up up the QALYs lost
              quality life years lost


            • Sluff says:

              Indeed. And the funny thing is….no-one in government or media is asking any questions about this. Why not? WHY NOT????
              I believe incidentally that excess deaths in the aged population are relatively small – as many have already died during the early covid period.
              The excess deaths do however go down through all the age groups to young adults.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Too late for sunak to engage with reality – labour will be ambivalent about reversing stuff which will pay the bills .

        They will be desperate for cash when they get control – if only to pay sovereign interest payments and keep welfare / NHS at current levels …
        A declining economy must reduce tax receipts which have been keeping things afloat up to know – but the borrowing remains out of hand …


    • MarkyMark says:

      22 lost in Manchester – what do we ban?


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      I fear you might be right about Oliver being on an ever shortening list for the scaffold Fed… shame, I rather like him these days.

      He does seem a little more careful about what he says than Loz Fox, but they must be sniffing around for (or carefully orchestrating?) their next ‘scandal’, and there aren’t too many left with their head above the parapet.

      We all know what happened to Robespierre in the end though, so we can only hope those playing leading roles in this witch hunt will also, one day, face their just desserts.

      I have to admit when I look at the likes of Blair and Alistair Campbell, and witness their insanity and terror of becoming irrelevant, I wonder if there is something to karma after all.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Perhaps for those of us to have been awake in the pre woke days then the reduction in freedom to speak – offend – is more noticable – with self censorship killing a million thoughts and words

        The internet really highlights the change .

        The fact that a tory MP can think it is OK to ‘ deplatform ‘ someone because of a TV documentary is the latest warning signal – that the likes of this site has a rapidly reducing life expectancy.

        And that freedoms will only continue to diminish as The State The woke makes what is approved less and less .

        And its now shown that even a nation with a written constitution can be subverted with little real effort …


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          It will be a sad, sad day when they come for this site, Fed, it’s one of the few places I feel free to express myself openly.

          Too many days ‘in the office’ where I (and lots of others) just sit silently now for fear of causing ‘upset’ to one of the more sensitive souls* in the room.

          *Ok, not really ‘sensitive’ at all, the opposite actually, enemies in our midst who are constantly listening in for something to report. Rather like the ‘lady’ who “felt physically sick” because nasty Mr Fox said no one would want to sleep with her due to her misandry – yeah right! Somehow I don’t believe a word of it.


  3. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        Nepo baby Truffles seems out of his depth to me, still waiting for him to turn up in blackface and drag, complete with suspenders and a bra… c’mon, you know it’s what he wears in front of the mirror at home when practicing his Tik Tok moves to Britney and Taylor Swift hits.


    • Richard Pinder says:


      Nationalsozialistische Schwul Intersexuell Party of Quebec


      • Fedup2 says:

        But who votes for him ? Is it the usual metros ? With decent folk not bothering ? Any country where the son becomes a policing on the back of the father is always corrupted …


  4. MarkyMark says:

    Eloise Schultz – The Future for Young People – Heritage Party Conference 2023


  5. s.trubble says:

    Glasgow Parish Council ( aka Glasgow Celtic Council) have just imposed a licence on the brown garden waste bins. What you might call a ” Green Crap Licence. £50
    Householders must display the Licence or no bin lift.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Mounds of extra soft bedding material for the rat invasion of a once
    well run city…

    Thing is the snp have run the councils into the ground and diverted cash to projects such as the Ferries disaster about £ 400 million down the pan and no end in sight,,,,well apart from scuttling them,

    Be VERY AWARE of devolution and the fertile ground for nationalism…and the enablement of second rate people given powers beyond their dreams or capability.


    • StewGreen says:

      You don’t really need a brown bin
      You should deal with your own garden waste at home
      Why get the council to transport it to their big burner or their big pit ?


  6. Fedup2 says:

    Just watched a tucker Carlson interview of a colonel macgregor giving his take on Ukraine . The YouTube piece might have been put up here sometime ago…

    … anyway – the good colonel describes a very different Ukraine war to the one we are being sold . Basically he thinks Ukraine is running out of fighters – something I – as a decorated keyboard warrior see as common sense .

    His view is for the west to pull the plug on Ukraine before it spreads / goes nuclear …

    I sit on the fence on that . But if the war does end without us all ending in a nuclear flash I wonder who will turn out to be right ? Putin or Obama ?
    From our point of view I suppose the biggest danger is of the Russians getting Fedup with the use of nato weapons and giving nato a dose of its ‘ own …


  7. Thoughtful says:

    I would ask readers to watch this 30 minute video on what is going on in Africa.
    It mostly concerns France being unceremoniously being booted out of Africa by Russia, and more importantly how they are doing this.

    Africa is an area of the globe completely overlooked by the news media so no one is really as clued up as they should be on this important region.

    Which brings me to decolonialism. I have never heard anyone remark that the issue of colonialism is anything other than a fairly modern woke East Coast US university creation, however it has much more sinister origins.

    The concept of de-colonialism was invented and used as a lever in Africa by Stalin as he sought influence in Africa which was largely under Western governance at the time.

    The reality is the modern version of this is basic Stalinist Marxist doctrine dressed up as something new, and a Tory party so confused cowardly and useless that it has done absolutely nothing to counter it.

    Thank God none of this shower were around in those post war years when the cold war was at its height:


  8. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – BBC rubbishing the Rosebank oilfield

    They had someone contributing called Jess Woolston. Am not sure whether she was from Just Stop Oil. Dale Vince was the last contributor, iirc, he has been made a multi-millionaire through his purchase of land and the creation on it of solar and wind farms. He did not point out that he was subsidised directly by the payer of electricity bills, which if I am correct is highly dishonest.


  9. G.W.F. says:

    Titter ye not. They are coming for GB News

    Dan Wootton has been suspended from GB News following comments made on his show by Laurence Fox, who asked what “self-respecting man” would “climb into bed” with female reporter Ava Evans.



  10. atlas_shrugged says:

    Maybe GBNews has to go full blown Samisdat.

    Why on earth these feminazi hags think they can behave like total cnuts (and sneering at the high male suicide rates is about as low as you can stoop). Then on the other hand when there is push-back they claim they are poor defenceless wee beasties.

    They can not have it both ways.


  11. MarkyMark says:

    EATING CAKE! FORGIVEN – £250 per view Boris!



  12. MarkyMark says:

    First they came for the 3 teachers in Batley, and I did not speak out—because I was not a person to show a Muslim a picture that offends them.

    Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    —Martin Niemöller


  13. MarkyMark says:

    Lawerance Fox – his comment meant no one would sleep with her …

    yet ….

    Boris Johnson’s burqa comments ‘led to surge in anti-Muslim attacks’
    This article is more than 4 years old
    Monitoring group says abuse incidents jumped by 375% in the week following PM’s article


  14. Guest Who says:


    The BBC wants to extend the number of originated Welsh language-hosted hours from 25 to 61.5 hours per week on BBC Radio Cymru 2. This means that BBC Radio Cymru 2 will become a UK Public Service in its own right.
    Under the BBC Framework Agreement, the introduction of a new UK Public Service is a material change and therefore subject to a competition assessment by Ofcom.

    Our provisional conclusions

    We recognise that the BBC’s proposal has the potential to offer audiences across Wales better access to Welsh-language programming.
    Earlier this month, the BBC published its Public Interest Test submission. We are satisfied that this provided potentially affected parties with a suitable opportunity to comment. We also consider that the nature of the market analysis undertaken by the BBC to determine the potential impact of the proposed change on fair and effective competition is appropriate and proportionate.
    It is therefore our intention to undertake a shorter assessment of less than six months and we welcome comments on this approach by 11 October 2023 to BBCRadioCymru2.assessment@ofcom.org.uk.

    Subject to responses received, including any concerns raised, we reserve the right to convert this into a full BBC Competition Assessment.


    The notion of ‘BBC’ and ‘competition’ in the same breath is sweet.

    It will happen. They will ned somewhere for all the unemployed Senned twerps post 20mph.


  15. Guest Who says:

    Mini YAB of course has media’d in to join the mob.



  16. Guest Who says:

    Tomorrow, MPs, broadcasters & journalists need to hold Ofcom, its CEO Melanie Dawes & chair Michael Grade, to account for their total failure to regulate GBNews properly. The irony is mainstream broadcasters probably won’t because, unlike GBNews, they’re scared of Ofcom!


    ‘MPs, broadcasters & journalists’

    The ‘BArk’ stands ready to make the world sane again.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yeah Dinage on the case again …oh Fred what did you do ?


    • StewGreen says:

      unlike GBNews, they’re scared of Ofcom
      GBnews management are cucks
      .. they banned Steyn
      Now they are throwing other presenters under the bus


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I take it that Crick the weasel will not be taking any more of GB News’s money in future?

      Mind you, Michelle Dewberry tore him a new one, so I do not think he would have dared to show his smug face there again. He is a pompous left wing remainer and will not be missed.


  17. Northern Voter says:

    Has anyone seen the Advertising Standards Agency advert being punted on any channel but the biarsed BBC. Apparently their remit is to ensure that adverts are Legal, fair, honest and truthful!

    Followed by the latest legal scam. Local Authority Housing and Housing agencies buildings that aren’t fit for purpose. No win no fee of course. Their clients appear to be non indigenous people.


  18. BigBrotherCorporation says:

    Nature crisis: One in six species at risk of extinction in Great Britain

    And yet, not one mention in the article about our phenomenal population growth in recent decades, thanks to a continual torrent of immigrants and ‘refugees’, making England one of the most densely population nations in the world?

    Build all over everything, cram in another half a million every year, pollute our streams and rivers with all that extra shite, and then wonder where the wildlife went – just how stupid do you have to be?!

    If you want to preserve wildlife, and our natural environment, the answer is LESS people, not MORE!!!


  19. Flotsam says:

    On GB News there was a piece regarding asylum applications, I think the host was JRM. The interviewee was someone with a good knowledge of how asylum applications were processed. He said that it was very difficult to provide the evidence to prove the application was justified. The evidence was examined critically by the Civil Servants who would often demand more and better evidence in order to approve the application. The process would often take six months at least.

    So my question is that if our illegal immigrants/asylum seekers are disposing of all their identity documents, how can asylum applications possibly be processed or even commenced?


  20. G.W.F. says:

    Katie nails it on Fox.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Here we go. Shut down GB News.


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        Gordon Brown should not be allowed to appear on air… I mean “Who would want to climb into bed with that?” (to coin a phrase).


        • atlas_shrugged says:

          > ‘you can’t allow people to appear on air and talk about women in that way’.

          But it is OK for feminazi hags to sneer about the high suicide rate of young men eh Gordan?

          Our young children need to be protected from the extreme despicable opinions of these Frankfurt school marxists. Maybe Ofcnut could do it if I made a complaint to them.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Gordon Brown calls Labour supporter a “bigoted woman”


    • Guest Who says:

      LBC still has Mini YAB, JO’bsworth, Foghorn…

      One of her calmer, and more pertinent insights.


  21. StewGreen says:

    Mr WGAP has context about the Laurence Fox case

    It is a bit weird to say ‘God that woman’s argument is terrible, and she’s repulsive who’d shag her ? I wouldn’t’
    but her own tweets show that is the way she talks herself.

    So the idea that she was greatly offended by Fox is gaslighting.

    However it’s a classic case of a bully taunting you into bringing you down to their level.
    If the rowdy pupil says she doesn’t care about the teacher’s friends suicide,
    he shouldn’t get drawn into replying she’s someone no one would sleep with.
    That’s hardly professional
    So Fox’s banter was legal, but a poor example to viewers.
    He was trying to say it’s great to have strong women , they deserve RESPECT, and are attractive for that.
    but the way this woman carries on, she deserves no respect, she’s not attractive for that.

    Hardly surprising GBnews are now bullying by taking offence


    • StewGreen says:

      I think fox is entitled to slag off a woman in w pub that’s free speech
      but he should know that to get away with the same thing on TV is tricky
      #1 When she is there to respond that is more fair
      but when he has the power platform of TV
      and she doesn’t then it’s not fair.

      #2 He should’ve known that lefty hate groups would deliberately get the wrong end of the stick.
      So he was negligent as Katie says cos he handed them an open goal.


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      Of course, she wasn’t offended, and you’d have to be utterly clueless to believe she “literally felt sick” on hearing what Loz Fox said about her – it was playground stuff, and she seems to be the type to regularly resort to far, far worse (especially about men).

      It was a stitch up, and Fox and Wooten stupidly fell for it. I’m not sure GBN have any choice over how they react, given the times we live in, the ongoing Brand thing, and Ofcom (+that Brown Troll) lurking in the background waiting for an excuse to nobble them.


  22. StewGreen says:

    5pm on R4 the style of reporting on the New oilfield was “government defends” etc.

    which shows the BBC groupthink actually opposes the oil field


  23. andyjsnape says:

    Police officers widely misusing body-worn cameras

    More police to give up on the job, and can’t blame them
    Certain people will do all they can to resist arrest


    • JohnC says:

      I noticed in that report:

      Acting Chief Constable Jim Colwell:

      ‘He believes more footage should now be released in order to improve public trust.’

      Right up until they are accused of being ‘unhelpful to the anti-racism agenda’ because so much of the footage is black people. Which of course is why they don’t release it now.


  24. AsISeeIt says:

    Our BBC journos go gonzo activist in their day job and their news website pats itself on the back this morning as it preaches… presumably to its diminishing approving choir of an audience

    Police officers widely misusing body-worn cameras… A BBC investigation has uncovered more than 150 reports of camera misuse by forces in England and Wales (BBC) – and to think this new technology was supposed to be a cure all.

    BBC helps free suspected migrants stuck in refrigerated lorry… Six suspected migrants have been rescued from the back of a lorry in France, after the BBC helped track them down and alert the police. The four Vietnamese women and two Iraqi women were trapped inside, panicking and struggling to breathe. One of them spoke to the BBC from inside the lorry. The BBC then helped to contact the police, who stopped the truck – did we mention this was the BBC playing the lead role in this drama?

    Here We Go Looby Loo is a song they sung in the Fun Song Factory… (fun-song-factory.fandom.com Wikia)

    You put your right ear in
    You put your right ear out
    You shake it a little, a little
    And turn yourself about.

    Written by

    Sounds a heck of a lot like the Hokey-Cokey to me but hey-hoh

    Anyway, here we go Khue B. Luu…

    Here’s the story of what happened. At around midday on Wednesday, my [Khue B. Luu, BBC News Vietnamese, London] phone screen lit up. It was a message that read: “There are some people who crossed the border from France to England in a refrigerated van.” I didn’t know who the caller was, but believed he knew me from when I covered the Essex lorry deaths, as a lot of Vietnamese people approached me that time. (BBC)

    All I knew at this point, from what the caller had told me, was that the vehicle was in France, but seemed to have turned around and was no longer going towards its original destination – the border to England. (BBC) – it’s worth pointing out here – if only for the information of our BBC News Vietnamese audience – the UK doesn’t have a border as such with France. There’s the Eurotunnel of course, but famously the British Isles are… an island off the north west coast of Europe. Continental Europe, by and large, has this Schengen arrangement wherein one simply walks or drives unquestioned and unimpeded across former national boundaries – excepting during Lockdowns – but crossing the border into the UK usually requires passing border checkpoints and/or a certain amount of getting your feet wet, so to speak. Unless that is you’ve booked ‘container class’ passage.

    “It’s so cold, it [the cooler] keeps blowing,” a girl texted me from the truck, which was carrying bananas. She said the truck was sealed with an iron bar. (BBC)

    Trustpilot is a Danish consumer business operating a review website founded in Denmark in 2007 which hosts reviews of businesses worldwide. Nearly 1 million new reviews are posted each month

    Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American company that operates online travel agencies, comparison shopping websites, and mobile apps with user-generated content

    One video showed a dark compartment, and stacked up to the roof were cardboard boxes containing fruit, leaving only a few dozen centimetres of space for them to sit on the floor. There was a cough, and a young female voice said in fluent English: “I can’t breathe.” The girl told me they got in the lorry at around 00:30 the night before. They had since spent more than 10 hours in there and started to feel uneasy when their location data on their phone showed that the truck had changed direction. (BBC)

    Without much time to think, I contacted colleagues from BBC News and reporters living in France. At the same time, a reporter for the French newspaper Le Monde in London was also informed and he immediately alerted his colleague at the Paris editorial office that specialised in immigration. (BBC)

    The girl was able to share her live GPS location with me, from which I saw the truck was on the E15 highway, near Drace, north of Dijon. Then, I asked a colleague in France to help contact the closest police station to the truck, and they were able to get in touch with them and send over the details we had. The girl was unable to make calls from inside the lorry. It’s not clear to me why not, but it may have been down to the type of Sim card she was using. (BBC)

    When you travel outside your home country to another EU country, you don’t have to pay any additional charges to use your mobile phone. This is known as “roaming” or “roam like at home”. Your calls (to mobile and fixed phones), text messages (SMS) and data use (web browsing, music and video streaming etc.) (Your Europe, Roaming: Using a mobile phone in the EU. Your Europe is an EU site designed to help you do things in other European countries)

    After talking for a while, I found out that before getting into the truck, three of the girl’s companions decided not to come with her. I’m not sure why they made that decision, but they did take a photo of the truck’s license plate number. The photo showed it had Irish licence plates, and on my phone I was able to see its location again. (BBC)

    French police in the Rhone region told us they had determined the vehicle’s location and had intercepted it. (BBC)

    I texted her, but I don’t think she read my messages – the police must have arrived and confiscated her phone. The four Vietnamese people say they got in the lorry with the promise of being taken safely to England. As for me, I felt relief knowing that they were now safe in France. They are safe, I told myself, that’s the most important thing. (BBC)

    At about 17:00 local time (16:00 BST), French prosecutor Leatitia Francart in Villefrance sur Saone reported that the vehicle turned out to be from Lithuania and that the driver was under investigation. Ms Francart added that four young women were Vietnamese, one of them a minor, and the other two women were from Iraq. Why, after the tragedy of 39 deaths in Essex in 2019, are there still young girls from Vietnam getting into the back of a truck to cross the border? I can’t find any definitive answer. (BBC) – what an intriguing mystery…

    We leave this drama for the Daily Mirror’s big new campaign. Forget Dangerous Dogs (that was last week’s news – and the government had to act) forget the Shoplifting Epidemic (that was yesterday’s news – and the government tended to ignore that one): Knife Crime Epidemic… EVERY PARENT’S NIGHTMARE… A 15-year-old girl killed on her way to school… This is a national emergency… Government must act now… But how many more of our children must die before this Tory Government tackles this crisis? (Mirror)

    A boy aged 17, believed to be known to the victim, was arrested shortly after the girl died at 09:21. Neither the victim nor the suspect have been named. (BBC) – I believe they’ve banned or are in the process of banning zombie knives. But given the anonymity rules that will prevail concerning the identity, history and background of the suspect, how are we really to judge the context of the problem?

    Visiting the scene Met Police commissioner Sir Mark Rowley called the murder “senseless” and said it was “impossible to comprehend.” (BBC)

    Errr… so… over to you, Sir Keir…?


    • Kaiser says:

      so phoned up the BBC when the truck started heading away from england

      till then there was no problem??


  25. harry142857 says:

    Appears the stabbing victim was from Western Africa.

    Mayor Khan tweets the usual crass statement.

    But at least all the emergency services vehicles attending met the emissions thresholds.


    • Fedup2 says:

      It’s good that the murder took place in cleaner air than before ULEZ – and that those responding stuck to the vital 20 mph limit …
      ……I heard that in wales bus timetables may need to be reworked because of delays caused by the 20mph limit . Excellent . Less buses on the road – good for the environment – good for the ‘community ‘….

      Back to the Croydon murder – did the Met commissioner really visit ? Why ? Will he visit every scene ? That’s one every 2 or 3 days ? What about the weekend killings ? Sometimes 3 a day ?
      Or are some killings more important than others….?


  26. Guest Who says:

    Odd young lady. Very media.


    “ He never said that. Why, when you had some moral high ground did you have to throw it away by lying and making up false allegations?

    Here is what he said and I have attached the receipts that prove his case.

    “Ava said women should be *able* to weaponise false rape allegations in order to keep men afraid of *actually* committing sexual assault.” This was because, when Isabel Oakeshott raised that concern about a young boy’s “life being ruined” with a false accusation, you said, “I like that terror. I like that. I think men should be frightened.””

    Also very media.


    And the calibre of fellow banwagoneer they attract.

    “These people need to be kept off the air”

    Former PM Gordon Brown responds to the suspension of two GB News presenters and says ‘you can’t allow people to appear on air and talk about women in that way’.

    The comments offer a lot of context the media and Pygmy pols they swim with avoid. Fox was daft to poke that nest… but by heavens it revealed the calibre of entity within. And what they are prepared to corrupt.


  27. JohnC says:

    Laurence Fox and Dan Wootton suspended by GB News over Ava Evans insults

    GB News makes front page headlines. But only because the BBC can attack them. Same as Trump : only bad things make their reports.

    And just look at that woman in ANOTHER very heavily edited video by the BBC so there is no context at all. Just the bits they want you to hear.

    I agree with Lawrence : that woman is vile.

    Of course they don’t report things like Farage winning ‘Best News Presenter’ TRIC award. In fact it’s quite the opposite : they showed what truly spiteful people they are:

    Furious BBC Staff “Demand A Second Vote” As Nigel Farage Wins TV Award

    BBC Boo As Nigel Farage Wins TV Award?
    ‘James Whale said is was the BBC who were booing, if true its pretty embarrassing.’

    And never forget how TRIC tried to cheat that vote by not allowing some votes for Nigel. I tried it myself : it would not take my vote until I changed my nomination away from Nigel then it went through first time. The Left are dirty b@st@rds and after everything I have seen, I have no doubt they cheated to get Biden in.

    But of course the BBC can do whatever they like as they have the power to set the news narrative and OFCOM are just as biased to the Left. Which is absolutely wrong.


    • harry142857 says:

      Evans on the Jeremy Vine Show the very next day. Some sort of record. Next up, the BBC, Independent, Metro, Evening Standard, LBC.


      • Guest Who says:

        Vile also gets Doc Showboat, Femi, etc. BBC gets Mad Al on all platforms. And some barmy Tory MP I have never heard of but phoned in the correct phrase to be invited on. They know who they like.


  28. Guest Who says:

    Toenails (yawn) lays the table. Surkeer selects a tasty morsel.

    “ That is probably the single thing that does keep me awake”

    Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer talks to @bbcnickrobinson about concerns for his children’s privacy if he were to become prime minister”

    That might need fact checking. Lying weasel. And the Labour politician.


  29. Guest Who says:

    A very bbc way to ‘analyse’ a political u turn.

    Labour has dropped plans to end charitable status for private schools if it wins the next general election – but VAT would still apply to fees.

    BBC Chief Political Correspondent @hzeffman tells #R4Today there’s a key divide between boldness and caution within the party.


    It was a stunt that backfired. Not a tiptoe between ‘boldness and caution’

    ‘Enery seems very bbc.


    • Guest Who says:

      Or…. Go on Pesto.

      “Putin can turn off the gas tap, but as far as I’m aware, he can’t turn off the wind”

      Broadcaster & Conservationist @ChrisGPackham criticises the Government’s decision to approve Rosebank oil and gas field, arguing the UK should invest in renewables instead.

      Fracking idiot. And the guy in the banana shirt.


  30. Guest Who says:

    Bunter on Newsnight. Poison blonde on GMB. The exact same call.

    Adam Boulton (formerly of Sky News) calls for GB News to be *shut down* on the grounds that it is disrupting the country’s “broadcast ecology”. Chilling.

    Oh, and Gordo too.

    They all want BBCOFCOM to get back to when they could run context free edits without interference.

    Chilling indeed.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      Anyone using the term ‘broadcast ecology’ is still clueless about why so much resentment of the media has been building up.


  31. JohnC says:

    Croydon: Tributes paid to girl, 15, killed on way to school

    The BBC have clearly put this story out on the TNI because it’s everywhere. The polar opposite of all the other stabbings which are brushed straight under the carpet.

    How many of these got front-page headlines ?.

    ‘These are the faces of 12 of the 16 teenagers who have been murdered in 2023- Met Police’

    As usual it’s got the stench of BBC activism all over it. I look forward to learning the truth about this story.


  32. andyjsnape says:

    More unfavourable reporting from the likes of the bbc

    Second Republican debate: Trump rivals spar in unruly debate

    Biased as usual


    • Fedup2 says:

      Andy – bbc just can’t help themselves – instead of applauding president trump for not wasting his time with a bunch of no hopers – they go for the standard criticism and rehearsed ‘sound bites ‘ to give themselves a chuckle …..

      I’m still amazed that Republican politicians think they have a chance against fixed voting …


  33. andyjsnape says:

    Croydon: Tributes paid to girl, 15, killed on way to school

    “Georgina Slater said the people of Croydon need help and no-one’s doing it” ”

    About sums it up, always someone else’s fault, apparently


  34. Guest Who says:

    Blonde Springster joining blonde Saz to rally mostly blonde US TNI to suppress a blonde with an actual grasp of journalism and politics?

    “I listened to the whole segment. You were mad she so easily wrote off the epidemic of men’s suicide, which she absolutely did. She sounded heartless.
    You were making the point of how unattractive it made her to you. You didn’t use the Queen’s English but what she said was far uglier.”

    The U.K. media sorts everything in post. And our political pygmies let them in return for scraps.


  35. Foscari says:

    Simon Webb on his “History Debunked” Youtube channel
    talks about this. He asks why when 5% of the UK
    population are black . Why do we see at least 40%
    representation in every day life . In adverts etc etc.
    However I will go much further .
    Why do we see nearly 100% representation
    on the BBC internet news pages . When it comes to the
    cost of living crisis.IE Mortgage repayments, Utility bills, prices
    in the supermarkets etc. Even today on antibiotics.
    Yes we know that the BBC use Getty’s imaging. Where at
    least 80% of their models used for these imaging features
    are black. BUT as Simon Webb says ” Will somebody explain
    the reason for it, to me?”
    What I personally find disgusting is that BBC is inferring to us thar
    ONLY black folk are suffering from the cost of living crisis. To
    be honest I find this bordering on racism.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      It’s a form of ethnic cleansing. The use of imagery to portray the sort of people you want, and those you do not want, is a technique widely used by authoritarian states. In Nazi Germany, Aryans (‘wanted’) were portrayed as tall, blonde, athletic, heroic, whereas Jews (‘unwanted’) were portrayed as small, unhealthy, dark, sinister. The propaganda used by the government and media here is arguably more subtle and restrained (for now), but the purpose is identical. The imagery is not meant to be descriptive of British society, but prescriptive, e.g. the overuse of mixed race families in advertising, specifically the cliched black male/white woman/mixed children model. The use of fantasy imagery in an historical context e.g. nonsense such as black Romans, cavemen and Regency-period aristocrats, is specifically intended to undermine the history and culture of the country. It can be argued that these methods fall within section B, and possiby sections C and D, of the UN’s 1948 Definition of Genocide.


      • Terminal Moraine says:

        Ian all good points, I’d add:

        – low native birth rates
        – climate migration from Africa/Asia
        – UN ‘global citizen’ replacing national identity
        – nudge unit to seed the ground and steer populations

        Shows where the breadcrumbs lead…


      • maxincony says:



  36. Guest Who says:

    Oh… the comments.


    In a sane world OFCOM would implode from its utter venality and take all the organised complainers it serves with it.


  37. Guest Who says:

    Sopes and BS like this.

    “This isn’t just about making money – there’s an agenda here, and it’s to move the conversation to the right.”

    @lewis_goodall on the investors funding GB News and their vested interests.


    Global wants them and the BBC running stuff like the good old days.

    And moving the conversation from where to where? Twat.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Hmm. Next Monday’s Panorama is not revealing the investigative content of their programme – so there is much speculation on social media. Is it, I wonder based on Lewis Goodalls delving into the background of GBNews investors ? As Guest says above.


      • Guest Who says:

        Luckily the BBC is uniquely funded. And overseen.

        Square profile picture
        BBC News (UK)

        Lineker report: Big name BBC presenters outside news can share views online on politically contentious issues but can’t campaign on party politics


        One is sure OFCOM will be fine with BBC staff like Lineker trying to shut down whatever and whoever they like if OFCOm staff are on board and equally unaccountable.

        A £5B propaganda system with the power to shut down any dissent. Yup, democracy is safe. Holding to account is assured.


  38. andyjsnape says:

    Russians queue up to see Barbie film despite sanctions


    bbc get over it, its a film


  39. Thoughtful says:

    Readers might recall how a few days ago I advised to stock up on petrol and diesel against rocketting price increases and potential shortages come the Winter.
    Yesterday Reuters (or rooters as Americans pronounce it) released some news which sent the price even higher as crude now looks likely to reach $100 a barrel very soon.

    Most of us are aware of the rank corruption which infests American politics and which extends to this side of the channel, undoubtedly made worse by the Clinton Presidency when it really seems to have accelerated to new levels.

    The Biden administration is now so entirely corrupt it appears to have lost the moral compass of knowing the difference between right and wrong.

    Prior to the mid term elections Biden order the SPR to be drained in order to lower the price of ‘gas’ at the pumps to give him and his party an advantage which the terminally stupid American people would not see through – and it worked – alongside an equally corrupt Mitch McConnel of the Republican party misallocating party funds for his own advantage rather than his party.

    Biden promised to refil the SPR when oil fell below $70 a barrel, and Saudi was prepared to sell this oil on contract, but like all good Socialist a promise is never even worth the vibrations in the air it causes, and he failed to refil the SPR.

    So now comes the news (not reported on the BBC) that the Oklahoma Cushing storage facility is pretty much storing fumes, and that following Bidens profligacy the US will not be able to ever fully refill the SPR leading the USA into energy insecurity.

    For us however that has meant even greater uncertainty with a completey useless government who are incapable of doing anything constructive or positive, seeking crazy Green alternatives which don’t work and neglecting the stuff which does.

    And so the people of these islands might well have a cold and bleak Winter to look forward to. The US has its own problems with diesel shortages, and although it might have been a source of diesel for Europe this Winter, now we know that it will be forced to look out for its own people, and with a corrupt administration in place they aren’t going to make election prospects worse by sending much needed fuel over to Europe.

    My advice is, if you can buy a couple of 20L Jerry cans brim the car and then cycle the fuel, refilling the tanks instead of the car, it will save you money at least in the short term, and if the worst does occur you will at least have a buffer.

    An alternative form of heating for the home might also be worth looking at, opening an old chimney and installing a log burner or even a coal fire. No one can know the future, but we do know that energy insecurity could cause the gas to go off and the lights to go out.


    • Fedup2 says:


      I completely agree with your advice – I’m only on a scooter but it will be wise NOW to fill up because 1 . The price of oil is hitting $100 up from $70 and is likely to stay high for a number of factors including the value of the £ …..

      A shortage at refineries will induce winter panic buying – so beat the queues now …..

      As for Biden – Obama – they’ve got the vote so fixed it won’t matter what the dumb yanks have to pay for their ‘gas’….

      I sound so dismal sometimes


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Government already made it illegal to store more than 30 litres at home.
      Might the simplilist solution be to encourage some kind of peace between Russia and NATO, and get back to normal supply levels


    • Up2snuff says:

      Thoughtful, think you have to accept that gas, electricity and road fuel prices will increase prematurely in late summer/early autumn now and in future because of the impending COP gathering of anti-fossil fuel ‘Climate Cultists’ in late November. It has happened for the last two years. I blame Alok Sharma & Bojo for 2021.


  40. JohnC says:

    Millions wrongly labelled with penicillin allergy, pharmacists warn

    With another picture chosen along the BBC’s anti-white racist discrimination policy:


    Who is this poor black woman about to swallow a penicillin capsule and possibly have an allergic reaction you may ask ?.

    It’s from Getty (as usual):

    ‘Concept of suffering from terrible pain. Beautiful, sad, upset, unhappy, troubled, weak woman with black hair, wearing casual clothes is sitting on a sofa and taking a pill’

    And she is black getty. You missed that out.

    Getty pictures used by the BBC are basically ALL fake and are simply racist/sexist agenda lies. Perfect for the BBC.

    But as we are always told when we point out these Leftist propaganda photos are fake : ‘They capture the sentiment’.

    But of course that means the sentiment the BBC want us to have. Not the real world.

    Just look how many other ailments she has:



    • Up2snuff says:

      JohnC, I note that in the particular household chosen by Getty and the BBC’s Picture Editor/Art Director there is definitely no ‘cost-of-living-crisis’ apparent in the photo.


  41. digg says:

    Judging by the time the BBC invest in trying to smear the Police…. this story took them over two years they claim,


    Of course their reporting on this omits to mention the massively greater number of cases where police body cameras are used and have been vital evidence in securing convictions against lots of thoroughly nasty individuals.

    It would be interesting to know exactly why they hate the Police so much they put huge resources into gathering anything they can to use as ammunition.

    It’s almost like their new junior reporters join the BBC with a built-in mission to target the police.


  42. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – ooops, major fiscal clanger by the one who wishes to be the next First Lord of the Treasury

    Keir Starmer (take that knighthood away!) is now on tape, held by the BBC – copies available?, saying that private schools, ie ‘Public Schools’, “do not have to pass on the VAT to the parents.” Ahem! Keir!!! If you make ‘Public Schools’ liable to VAT they will have to register for VAT.

    Then, when the Public School invoices the parents the bill must have a VAT registration number and must contain a date which is the tax point. The parent then has to pay the fees plus the VAT … or the child will be removed from education or the school will have to jam up the UK Court system even further and take action against the parent.

    What was really interesting was that none of the BBC presenters knew the basics of the UK tax system to correct Keir Starmer’s blunder
    – or –
    the BBC are so Labour Party centric in their thinking and support that they did not wish to correct der Great Leader on air. All hail Starmer!


  43. MarkyMark says:

    A new study from the Civitas think tank says that Net Zero policies are set to cost an eye-watering £4.5 trillion by 2050, worth roughly £6,070 per household every year. Roughly three times the estimates by the Climate Change Committee…




  44. MarkyMark says:

    Gordon Brown calls Labour supporter a “bigoted woman”


  45. MarkyMark says:

    Russia’s culture ministry is not amused. Last month it concluded that the Barbie movie was “not in line with the aims and goals laid out by our president for preserving and strengthening traditional Russian moral and spiritual values.”
    Mind you, the cinemagoers I speak to are tickled pink that Barbie’s hit the big screen here.


    Involve parents before pupils ‘socially transition’ at school, says NHS England
    Guidance says families should be involved in decisions to refer to child with different name and pronoun or use of different toilets and facilities

    Amelia Gentleman and Richard Adams
    Thu 21 Sep 2023 14.47 BST


  46. vlad says:

    The BBC were heart-broken over the murder of (yet another) young schoolgirl on the mean streets of Sarf London.

    But not quite heart-broken enough to issue a description of the killer, which could have actually been more useful than the usual hand-wringing.

    I wonder why not?


  47. tomo says:


  48. Lunchtime Loather says:

    Well, let’s see how this works out: “New rules have been published for BBC flagship presenters following a row over Gary Lineker’s social media posts.”