Don’t apologise – just revel in the glow that comes with being top of the heap 🙂 My birthday is nearly at an end, so I’ll finish it off with riding shotgun with you Harry !
I agree with Brissles! Happy Birthday for yesterday, Brissles, and don’t get singed by the 39 candles on the cake. Don’t apologise, harry142857, it is great to see another name at the top. Is it your first ‘First’?
Thank you chaps. Aah 39, if only. Having suffered the indignities a few years ago of being in the line of fire of Barbara Cartland’s white Peke breaking wind at one end, and snoring at the other, then I consider myself to be very special!
The hopeless inept RINO speaker Kevin McCarthy has been ousted fromhis position as a result of him caving in to Bidens demands for more squandering, and the Left are not happy !
I haven’t seen the BBC Londonistan news for a long time – but it hasn’t changed much – stabbing murder in jartown this afternoon – 16 year old dead in Edmonton yesterday – normality .
But the mayor wants to ban something – not perfectly decent cars- but knifes with blades . Anything sharp . Pointed things ..
So go out and buy knives people – before the emir bans you ….
You can imagine the conversations the 14 year old ferals have about the best cost effective blade to have – no so much about the qualities of the current emir …
Degree in Magic, Univ Exeter. All helps with Diversity
”Prof Emily Selove, course leader, said: “A recent surge in interest in magic and the occult inside and outside of academia lies at the heart of the most urgent questions of our society.
“Decolonisation, the exploration of alternative epistemologies, feminism and anti-racism are at the core of this programme.”
The course will be offered in the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.
Prof Selove said: “This MA will allow people to re-examine the assumption that the West is the place of rationalism and science, while the rest of the world is a place of magic and superstition.”
”Prof Emily Selove, course leader, said: “A recent surge in interest in magic and the occult inside and outside of academia lies at the heart of the most urgent questions of our society.
“This MA will allow people to re-examine the assumption that the West is the place of rationalism and science, while the rest of the world is a place of magic and superstition.”
“Decolonisation, the exploration of alternative epistemologies, feminism and anti-racism are at the core of this programme.”
Practical ouija and organic chicken haruspicy courses are optional course modules?
“This MA will allow people to re-examine the assumption that the West is the place of rationalism and science, while the rest of the world is a place of magic and superstition.”
2017 ….
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
The west doesn’t need to re-examine its assumptions, it already knows its magical traditions from neo-Platonism and Hermeticism through to Agrippa, John Dee, Dion Fortune etc etc.
But Emily, whose works include ‘The Portrait of Abū l-Qāsim al-Baghdādī al-Tamīmī’ and Sirāj al-Dīn al-Sakkākī’s magic handbook ‘Kitāb al-Shāmil wa-baḥr al-kāmil’ is here to promote Islam as an exotic fancy to naive and easily seduced punters.
Has voodoo been misjudged? { aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
What we are witnessing is merely the logical conclusion of the syncretism of Neo-platonic-hermetic-kabbalism that took hold in the 15th century in Europe and was sold to the masses as the ‘Rinascimento’ and ‘The Englightenment’. The fact the masses have never heard of Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, Giordano Bruno, or any of the rest, and the direct influence they have had on their lives, proves that the black magicians have achieved their goal. The grand delusion is in full swing. Rudolph Steiner warned us of the return of Ahriman but as the masses mask and queue up to receive their death shot, it is the sane among us warning against the dangers who are considered to be the insane ones. You have to take your hat off to them. They are masters of the black arts.
‘Sicut secretam Magiam a nobis primum ex Orphei hymnis elicitam, fas non et in publicam explicare’.
The Ministry of Trust is the ministry of propaganda. It is responsible for any necessary falsification of historical events. As well as administering “trust”, the ministry spreads a new language amongst the populace called Newspeak, in which, for example, “trust” is understood to mean statements like 2 + 2 = 5 when the situation warrants. In keeping with the concept of doublethink, the ministry is thus aptly named in that it creates/manufactures “trust” in the Newspeak sense of the word. The three slogans are: “WAR IN UKRAINE IS PEACE,” “FREEDOM IS RIGHT WING,” and “YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY.” There is also a large part underground, probably containing huge incinerators where documents are destroyed after they are put down memory holes.
The Four Eyes (TFE) is a useful idiot alliance comprising Television Newspeak International (TNI) lead by the British Brainwashing Corporation (BBC) and controlled by the Office For Censorship, Obfuscation & Manipulation (OFCOM) a government agency of the Ministry of Trust (MOT).
Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black?
Politicians have rounded on the BBC after staff seemingly doctored the image
PUBLISHED: 22:45, 25 August 2023 | UPDATED: 12:11, 27 August 2023
Just a few lines to the bbc report, no not lines of drugs! Very little on the webpage, wonder why the bbc hasn’t gone on and on about this, usually it will go on and on for days and information overload if it doesn’t like someone
The video states “We are seeing evidence of coruption unheard of before” – bbc then states “We aren’t seeing evidence of coruption like before”?? The bbc thinks is knows best and the left wing sheep will follow, because the bbc said
I’m going to break my own rule – below is a cut and paste of a piece in the Daily Telegraph by Comrade Nick Robinson of BBC ‘fame ‘ – enjoy – or else ….
In one of my favourite scenes in Monty Python’s Life of Brian, John Cleese heckles Brian, who’s preaching from a soap box, with the memorable words, “He’s having a go at the flowers now.” I know just how Brian feels. In the past week, I have been heckled from both Right and Left, who shouted in unison on social media and on The Telegraph’s comments page words to the effect that, “He’s having a go at the listeners now.”
What stirred their anger was my reporting of the fact – and yes, dear reader, it is an observable, measurable and global fact of media life – that a growing number of people now avoid news all or, at least, some of the time.
A recent Oxford University Reuters Institute report found that the number of people taking a strong interest in the news has dropped by around a quarter in the past six years. Less than half of people around the world – 48 per cent to be precise – are very or extremely interested in the news. That’s down from almost two thirds – 63 per cent – in 2017. Here at home the proportion who are engaged with news is lower than the global average, at just 43 per cent. Reuters found that more than four in 10 – 41 per cent – sometimes or often actively avoid the news in the UK.
Unsurprisingly, it is the most divided and partisan countries where there are the highest number of news avoiders. Japan and the US have the most folk saying they did not consume any news at all in the past week from traditional or online sources (TV, radio, print, online or social media). One in eight Americans are labelled “disconnected” by the researchers. The figure here is around one in 11 (9 per cent). In Finland, it’s one in 50.
The irony is that the reaction of those angered by what I didn’t actually say illustrates the point perfectly. Those who posted on The Telegraph’s comments page argued that the real problem with the Today programme was that it was – delete where applicable – too negative, too gloomy, too woke, too Remain, too disrespectful. On Twitter (or X as we are now supposed to call it) those of a somewhat different political disposition insisted that the same programme was – in their words, not mine – too cowed by the Tories, too pro-Brexit, too unwilling to challenge the lies of ministers.
I have no doubt that in the years after the most divisive political issue of my lifetime – Brexit – there are some listeners to Today who’ve switched off for the reasons listed above. What’s true of Brexit is also true of other contentious debates on sex and gender, race, climate change and much more besides. It would be amazing if that were not the case. I also have no doubt though that news avoidance is a phenomenon which is real and matters whether you love the nation’s most influential news programme, loathe it or, like many listeners, love it and loathe it at different times on the same morning.
News avoidance affects all news outlets. Yes, even The Telegraph. Some find the news itself too depressing – whether it’s about war, floods or earthquakes. Some people find what they see as the endless arguing too much for the start of their day. Many complain of feeling out of control – whether they’re listening to reports about climate change or controversies about Jeremy Corbyn or Boris Johnson or Donald Trump. A few choose to switch off news and switch on instead something less challenging and more restful – from classical music to that funny podcast or a programme about gardening.
This phenomenon exists alongside a growing trend for people to consume “news” that reinforces a view of the world which they already have. Those dubbed “centrist Dads” listen to Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart’s podcast, The Rest is Politics, and agree that the Conservatives have lost the plot. Many who’ve switched to GB News probably agree that it’s the London establishment and the liberal metropolitan elite who have let people down.
Let me be clear, competition is good and healthy. I don’t want to see any news organisation shut down. I do, however, think we need to be wary of what we have seen happen in the United States – a polarisation of the media which exacerbates and inflames already deep political divisions. It’s a phenomenon which has destroyed that once great democracy’s ability to have a grown-up rational debate about the policy choices it faces. An overwhelming majority of Conservative activists get their “news” from Fox News. Liberals from MSNBC or CNN. There are, as a result, no shared facts which can act as a foundation for a rational disagreement – yes, ladies and gentleman, a civilised, adult disagreement and not a “toxic row” or a “bitter and damaging split”. The tyranny of online likes and shares driven by those three-letter words – WTF, LOL or OMG – tempt intelligent people to indulge in attention-seeking outrage or wild conspiracy theories.
I grew up in a Telegraph-reading household. Like many, I loved its comprehensive and intelligent news coverage, the sport and the features. For others, it is the crossword, the obituaries or the foreign news that attract. I am still a subscriber. I didn’t read it as a child – and I don’t now – because it reflects my views or tells me what to think. I read it because, at its best, it reports the news I want to and need to know.
And you know what? That makes me – and probably you – typical. Reuters found that only around one in 10 people ever comments online or on social media. That is another fact we all need to keep at the front of our mind. The people who post angry comments should be listened to and heard but we should not make the mistake of treating them as if they are representative of most readers, listeners or viewers of news.
Talking of facts, there is one other worth dwelling on. Despite all the increased competition – which is, by the way, good as people now have a world of choice unimaginable for those of us brought up with Radio 4 alone – the BBC remains the most trusted news brand in the UK.
It’s true that in recent years, as politics has become more divisive and the media more fragmented, the number saying they trust the BBC has fallen, but 61 per cent of people told Reuters this year they do trust the BBC. It’s also true that the Today programme has lost some listeners but our audience is five times the size of our nearest competitor and 25 times that of our newest one.
That said, we are anything but complacent. In the past year alone, we have committed to co-presenting 100 shows a year from outside London; hugely energised our social media presence; launched The Today Debate with Mishal Husain; and, from this Thursday, The Today Podcast, a weekly, in-depth analysis with me and Amol Rajan.
Those of us who work at the BBC and believe in the value of broadcasting news and discussions that are insulated from commercial pressures and the views and prejudices of owners, politicians or those who heckle online don’t claim to be pure or to always get things right. We can and always must do better. We do, though, insist that impartial broadcasting – whether at the BBC, ITN or Sky – has served and still serves this country well.
One thing we – I – would never do is have a go at the listeners, or even the ex-listeners, whose noise occasionally dwarfs their numbers. ENDS
COMMENT Comrade Robinson includes a number of graphs in the abovd piece but I’m not technically able to reproduce them .
As for the piece itself – the comments section wouid cheer any reader of this site up bigly . One said ‘he is just dying to tell us tractor production is up 5%’ which summaries the Comrade Robinson mindset totally .
At the moment PBS is running documentaries about the history of Russia . There is a segment where Stalin sent the country’s ’grain as exports to pay for industrial growth this starving millions to death . Comrade Robinson reminds me of someone who would see that as a good thing …..
But why wouid comrade Robinson. put this out now ? Does the penultimate paragraph give it away ? Is it the growth of GBNews upsetting ‘the msm ecology ‘ . ?
Always notice the absences – GBN news – Times thingybob gets no mention – just a paranoid defence of his Far Left Anti White Anti British pro EU pro Islam Anti Judeo Christian evil woke kidult organisation .Damn him damn his BBC .
Dickie – thank you for putting that up – I forced myself to read it because I care less for US politics unless it is about a way of getting the True President back in the Oval .
The suggestion that the US ( Obama Biden ) might do a false flag job in Ukraine / Russia to big up their war is troubling . And attacking that nuclear station could affect us – like Chernobyl did …..
Obama must look at the map and see how far Ukraine is from his homes and think ‘nothing we do in Ukraine can affect us ‘ – and ‘screw the Europeans ‘ ….
If Obama/Biden were prepared to blow up the Nord stream pipeline just before Winter, I am extremely concerned that anything is on the table for them.
They have proved to me in Ukraine that they don’t care one bit how many people die or who they are. The ends justify any means to the ideological Left.
Elaborate and highly contrived lawfare being tried to barge a political opponent off the field of play – but with the added spice that they’re going after his house(s) and bank account.
This is getting into Venezuelan-Bolivarian revolutionary territory – one acquaintance in Caracas had a family member whose apartment (in the family for several generations) was purportedly seized by a small mob of uniformed armed goons sporting Gran Polo Patriótico emblems for judicially unapproved counterrevolutionary activity and a party official installed a day later.
‘Democrat judge biased against trump’ is only, imho, the teensy tip of a crazy iceberg – the Democrats are apparently OK with storming+ looting retail outlets, releasing seriously bad criminals on bail and studiously ignoring the in-your-face blatant corruption in the highest offices of state.
So I read this front-page, top-headline news article for the world at the BBC and immediately assumed this was a widespread issue where she was abused by multiple men everywhere she went.
But when you sift through the extreme misandry and the desperate attempt to cram as much empathy into it as they possibly can, you realise it was just one bloke who was obsessed with her. No rape are any such thing involved : he sent her lots of text messages.
Then we get ‘”It is almost certain this was a causal factor in her death,” the report found.”
But tucked in a few paragraphs down, we get:
“Whilst this behaviour ended the week before her death, it appears that it continued to affect her and had taken a significant toll on her mental resilience and well-being,”
So what else was going on here ?. OK – It was ‘a’ causal factor’. What were the others BBC ?. Are we supposed to think it is perfectly reasonable for a normal person to kill themselves just for this ? – particularly after the harassment had ended. Why not just quit ?. Anything should be better than suicide.
And why did it end BBC ?. Did the Army take action after all but you don’t want to tell us ?.
As usual, I’m quite certain there is more to this story which we are not being told. It’s not the ‘widespread’ Army issue the BBC want us to think, it was one obsessed bloke which happens everywhere.
Bottom line is that the BBC feminist activists absolutely hate any male-dominated institutions and want them destroyed.
Lets take a look at who wrote it:
Judith Burns:
Naresh Puri:
Can’t find a picture of Naresh, but found a forum where someone described him as ‘a middle class communist’.
June Kelly:
This brings up something which has been bothering me since Alex Belfield got put away. White males are no longer judged by the ‘crime’ they commit, they are being judged on the empathy-value of the victim.
John that’s not true
I just heard a brief report, first they mentioned the obsessed boss
then they mentioned another bloke who had abused her in some way , found guilty his punishment was to write an apology letter to her.
“… the way the Army had dealt with her complaint of a sexual assault by another of her seniors a few months before. This happened late at night in a bar at an Army training centre.
“She said he put his hands between her legs and tried to grab her from around the neck. She shouted: ‘Get off me, Sir’…”
A colleague complained not her
The report says: “The chain of command took the incident seriously, but the evidence suggests that the correct reporting process was not followed. As a result, the discipline advice was based on a version of events from which certain key details appear to have been accidentally omitted.”
Ah yes – I see that down the middle of the very lengthy article:
One man tried to grope her once ‘late at night in a bar at the Army training centre’. Something which happens all the time everywhere when young, not-so-intelligent males are out getting drunk.
Again a symptom of sleazy men in general, not the ‘widespread abuse’ aimed at the entire Army the BBC are trying to make it.
My point here is that the BBC emphasis on this story is utterly lopsided and following their specific agenda as opposed to really being concerned about women being sexually assaulted.
2018 …
600K Immigrants lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
3K Extreme Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
22 Lost in Manchester according to Theresa May.
1 More attack labelled bad driving this month of August.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
I’m not interested in what the BBC might have to say about this in the slightest. Their coverage of politics in the USA is totally lopsided.
But what did get my attention was this:
‘Mr McCarthy was supported by 210 Republican lawmakers but eight voted against him in Tuesday’s vote, joining all Democrat members.’
So every single Democrat voted for him to be removed.
What kind of democracy is that ?. It’s what I expect to see in a third-world dictatorship. They were clearly instructed how to vote.
Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, a left-wing Democrat from the north-western US state of Washington, told reporters before the vote: “Let them wallow in their pigsty of incompetence.”
How absolutely typical of a nasty, spiteful Lefty full of hate. And because the BBC saw fit to report it without any criticism, I’m quite certain they fully support what she said.
JohnC – I made a mental note that the Federal Government might really shut down in 45 days if a speaker can’t be agreed – no federalobama government sounds like a good thing …
As mentioned before, just Marxists trying to bring down market economies and Western European civilisation.
Mass immigration of predominantly young male Muslims who do not speak English is a very very convenient tactic to achieve their long term objective. Give it a few days and they’ll be sitting down halting motorway traffic.
Just Stop Marxists.
Manchester Arena bomber was rescued from Libya by Royal Navy
This article is more than 5 years old
Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people in a suicide attack last year, was saved from civil war in 2014
Baby names: Olivia top for girls as William makes way for Muhammad { 20sep2017}
Let us not forget that ‘Muhammad’ gets a special (privileged) page on the internet, no other name is given one … The popularity of the name Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad {}
“But in the Muslim community the name Muhammad or one of its variations is very dominant as it is traditional to name baby boys after the prophet of Islam out of respect and honour for him.”
– Dominant is an interesting choice of word for the name Mohammed?
I guess the name Mohammed will not be increasing in China … China Bans List of Islamic Names, Including ‘Muhammad’, in Xinjiang Region { apr2017}
– I cannot find a story about China banning names on the BBC £3.5bn News Service ‘Xinjiang ban’(does show beards,events and veils banned).
Has someone died? Has there been a tragedy? Is the King gravely ill ?
These were my first thoughts this morning listening to Toady. The funereal tone, the hushed tones. What on earth has happened?
Then it dawned. They are to cancel the second phase of HS2.
And with Rick Knobson to discuss impartially were two interviewees. And guess what? Both want to build HS2 in full, irrespective of cost. Cost. Not mentioned at all.
Back in the 1940s, the philosopher Karl Popper came up with something called “The Paradox of Tolerance.” It goes like this: If everyone is tolerant of every idea, then intolerant ideas will emerge. Tolerant people will tolerate this intolerance, and the intolerant people will not tolerate the tolerant people.
“The Abilene paradox is a collective fallacy, in which a group of people collectively decide on a course of action that is counter to the preferences of most or all individuals in the group, while each individual believes it to be aligned with the preferences of most of the others.[1][2] It involves a breakdown of group communication in which each member mistakenly believes that their own preferences are counter to the group’s, and therefore does not raise objections, or even states support for an outcome they do not want.
A common phrase relating to the Abilene paradox is a desire to not “rock the boat”. This differs from groupthink in that the Abilene paradox is characterized by an inability to perceive the views of others, or to manage agreement.[3]”
“On a hot afternoon visiting in Coleman, Texas, the family is comfortably playing dominoes on a porch, until the father-in-law suggests that they take a [50-mile (80-km)] trip to Abilene for dinner. The wife says, “Sounds like a great idea.” The husband, despite having reservations because the drive is long and hot, thinks that his preferences must be out-of-step with the group and says, “Sounds good to me. I just hope your mother wants to go.” The mother-in-law then says, “Of course I want to go. I haven’t been to Abilene in a long time.”
The drive is hot, dusty, and long. When they arrive at the cafeteria, the food is as bad as the drive. They arrive back home four hours later, exhausted.
One of them dishonestly says, “It was a great trip, wasn’t it?” The mother-in-law says that, actually, she would rather have stayed home, but went along since the other three were so enthusiastic. The husband says, “I wasn’t delighted to be doing what we were doing. I only went to satisfy the rest of you.” The wife says, “I just went along to keep you happy. I would have had to be crazy to want to go out in the heat like that.” The father-in-law then says that he only suggested it because he thought the others might be bored.
The group sits back, perplexed that they together decided to take a trip that none of them wanted. They each would have preferred to sit comfortably but did not admit to it when they still had time to enjoy the afternoon.”
Heartfelt, Braverman, The Status Quo and long Covid B*****ks in The Secret Diaries of Patrick Vallance (Aged 13¾) edition
Move over Meghan and Harry… don’t you know we’re busy rehersing the Blairite 90s – so it’s a big heartfelt welcome back to the frontpages for our very own… Posh and Becks
Enduring Love: David Beckham admits in a new Netflix documentary that his marriage to Victoria almost ended in the early 2000s… (Times); Victoria: My pain over David’s ‘affair’ (The Sun); Me, David and aftermath of that ‘affair’ by Posh see pages 2 & 3 (Daily Mail) – come on Harry, you know what you’ve gotta do to get that Netflix contract back on track
One descerns three distinct categories of headline news reports this morning. Celebrity puff. Empty promises. And targeted political hit-jobs.
Let me elucidate
Posh and Becks naturally fall into the pidgeon hole labelled celebrity puff. As of course does the Times featured would-be latterday British emblematic metaphorical super couple Idris Elba and Dame Helen Mirren. He fronts the feature: Warning you could be a workaholic – and she: Beauty rules after 50? Forget them (Times2)
The Daily Express – United with the people of Ukraine – purports also to affect a soppy sentimental local flag-waving patriotism with: Princess Kate’s heartfelt gesture… see pages 2&3
But we only need turn to the Mirror frontpage to discover the motive for Kate’s (Mo Farah’s) Mobot borrowed gesture (or was it Welsh footballer Gareth Bale’s trademark?*): Heartfelt Kate and Wills in Windrush tribute
*Tottenham Hotspur star Gareth Bale has this week made an application to the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) with the aim of securing a trade mark for his ‘Eleven of Hearts’ goal celebration. An independent tribunal is now expected to make a decision within the next 60 days as to whether Bale should be allowed to trademark the celebration gesture. The Welshman makes a heart sign with his hands when he scores a goal (Daniel Draper, Partner at Farleys’ Solicitors Commercial Department, June 2013)
Ah, Windrush… the founding myth of our dearly beloved multicultural Britain. Now we can at last forget 1066 and All That: A Memorable History of England, Comprising All the Parts You Can Remember, Including 103 Good Things, 5 Bad Kings and 2 Genuine Dates – is a tongue-in-cheek reworking of the history of England. Written by W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatman and illustrated by John Reynolds, it first appeared serially in Punch magazine, and was published in book form by Methuen & Co. Ltd. in 1930. (Thank you Wiki)
Windrush and All That: A Memorable History of England, Comprising All the Parts You Can Remember, Including 103 Good Black Things, including Stone Henge and some nifty Tudor Trumpeting, plus legendary Herbalists Mary Seacole and Bob Marley, 5 (probably) Black English Kings and Queens, 5 Bad White Things (make that 105) and 2 Genuine Dates – is a tongue-in-cheek reworking of the history of England. Written by The Macpherson report on Stephen Lawrence and Labour’s 2010 Equality Act and illustrated on a relentless daily basis by DFS and Getty Images, care of the BBC
But we digress. Where were we? Ah… Empty Promises as sub-genre of news headlines
Sunak: I’ll change the status quo (Telegraph) – too late, mate. Rick Parfitt died in 2016, Alan Lancaster the original bassist died last year.
PM: I’ll tear up rule book on ’30 years of broken politics’ (Daily Express) – 30 years? Let’s just do the maths – despite: Maths cash unspent… Research has revealed that more then a third of funds allocated to prime minister Rishi Sunak’s numeracy program in its first year was handed back to the Treasury unspent (FT) – which news in brief in itself sounds like an old fashioned maths problem – if a third of funds allocated to prime minister Rishi Sunak’s numeracy program are handed back to the Treasury in the first year unspent – calculate how many illegal small people allocated evenly to each constituency will it take overturn the Tory majority?
Doing the maths… 30 years ago was 1993…
Meat Loaf topped the music charts with “I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)”
Forgive me but I’m reminded John Major was PM in 1993 but his affair with Edwina Currie had ended in about 1988.
Category three headline types are the full-frontal broadside political hit-jobs
The Labour-supporting Mirror of course: Today the PM will blame our country’s problems on the ‘political system’ But remind us Rishi… how many years have the Tories had to fix Britain? 13 Unlucky for us – and frankly, the Labour-centric red top has a valid point.
The coronaphobic left-leaning ‘i’ still hasn’t recovered: Johnson called long Covid B*****ks” The secret diaries of Patrick Vallance – (Aged 13¾): I will help the poor and ignorant. After hearing the disgusting noises from No10 last night, I have also vowed never to drink alcohol. Boris got the dog drunk on cherry brandy at the party last night. If the RSPCA hear about it he could get done… There’s only one thing more boring than listening to Covid Inquiries , and that’s reading my curated edited texts. I have a problem. I am an expert science intellectual, but at the same time I am not very clever.
The left-leaning ‘i’ hit job is, naturally: Braverman’s hardline job application to become Tory leader
Clearly our Suella has been sent out there on Rishi’s orders to make these noises.
I can guess what he told her. To borrow from Kipling: You’re a Braverman than I am, Gunga Din!
“Enduring Love: David Beckham admits in a new Netflix documentary” David and Victoria Beckham have reportedly landed a £16million deal with. The couple, worth £769m, will appear in a fly-on-the-wall series, centered around 45-year-old David’s life, with a camera crew following him around.29 Oct 2020
Considering that valance was meant to be leading a national fight against the Chinese / us. Virus I wonder where he got the time to write diaries ? Same with any ‘[personality’ doing a big job at a big time …. Maybe they were not working so hard after all ….
In the future I reckon they’ll look at the gimps who were telling us what to do each day ( Hancock ) and wonder how we all fell for it and ‘complied ‘ – the answer was ‘fear ‘…
Comment “Most people do support having a post office, a supermarket and a doctors surgery within 15 minutes. They don’t support barricading off streets, car journey quotas and fines”
Nadhim was born in Baghdad to Kurdish parents in 1967. Under threat of persecution from Saddam Hussein’s regime, his family immigrated to the UK when he was 9. He grew up in Sussex and was educated at King’s College School in West London and University College London where he studied Chemical Engineering.
In 2000 he founded YouGov, a leading market research company which has since become famous for the accuracy of its political polling. Having started life in an office in Nadhim’s garden shed, YouGov now employs over 400 people on three continents. He floated the company on the London Stock Exchange in 2005 and was named Entrepreneur of the year by Ernst & Young in 2008.
In January 2010 he stood down from YouGov to run for election as Member of Parliament for Stratford-on-Avon. Upon winning the seat, Nadhim was elected to the Business, Innovation and Skills Select Committee, which scrutinises the impact of government policy on business.
* famous for the accuracy of its political polling
* famous for the accuracy of its political polling
This article is more than 9 years old Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 9 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
How the Coronavirus Created a Toilet Paper Shortage
Many attribute the shortage to disruptions in the supply chain. But it’s actually a result of panic-buying, according to Dr. Ronalds Gonzalez, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Forest Biomaterials.
Although the country is slowly reopening amid the coronavirus pandemic, there’s one household item you may still find missing on grocery store shelves: Toilet paper.
… that Rishi Sunak is preventing him travelling quickly to Manchester United’s home games. What is never, ever, mentioned in ‘the HS2 debate’ is that you will have to be a millionaire or ‘be travelling on exes’ to be able to afford tickets to ride on HS2. The fares will have to cover the operating costs and they will be massive, unless the line is regulated for fares or is nationalised or NutsZero is abandoned in its entirety or the Ukraine war ends.
Never mind, Nick. Just console yourself with the thought that travelling from Islington to Euston will take just as long as getting to Birmingham, never mind Old Trafford, unless you jump into a BBC provided car with driver at each end.
The piece by Robinson from the DT I have put up have some wonderful comments attached to it . I sometimes forget how deluded people can be – inside their metro world …. Particularly that thing about some people not being interested in news …. The reason for the decline in listeners – when we know -here – that the BBC anti British far left Group Think propaganda is the reason – people like him …
Fed, the Beeboids have a particular mindset (which is why those in the know 😉 refer to them as Beeboids) of entitlement, authority, liberal/FarLeft/HardLeft inclination and ‘holding Government to account’ that drives them to get up early for vast salaries funded by the TellyTaxpayer.
2.1 Travel by Rail
All rail travel should be booked through BBC Travel & Delivery, including Eurostar travel
First class travel is not permitted, unless exceptionally, to accompany on screen talent or clients.
** we are all equal comrades
MM, I think some of the Beeboids (Senior Editors) and TOADY presenters have the luxury of a car and driver picking them up at 3 a.m. and whisking them in to W1A. As you say, we are all equal comrades. I recall one or two of the TOADY presenters giving the game away on the car to studio privilege. Then Just RemainIn Webb mentioned this year in print (newspaper or BBC web-site) that the joy of being on holiday was not getting up at 3 a.m..
Was everyone else as impressed as I was with the Braverman speech yesterday?
My overall conclusion was, however did Rich Sunak and his bosses in Davos/Beijing, approve the Braverman speech? Still, what was said was said and I wholeheartedly approve of her giving notice to the ECHR that we will be withdrawing our representatives and finance for its support in due course. Bravo! I say.
My word, what is going on? To instruct our representative to the United Nations to withdraw our formal support for the UN Migration Compact is unbelievable! You know the treaty – signed up to by our own PM at the time, Treason May, without any direct recourse to the public of this country or any to-do or publicity. Signed with a flourish which, at the time, struck me as signalling, ‘two-fingers’ to the British public. In comparative secrecy to boot. Hopefully Treason will swing for this at some point in the future.
Braverman went on to explain, the first cargo vessel carrying thousands of illegal migrants will dock in Calais during the first week of December 2023. This will give the French sufficient time to arrange Four-Star hotels to accommodate the returning illegal migrants.
But more was to follow. I also welcomed the stern and formal notice to the French (“our European friends”) that from the 1st November 2023, we will be enforcing our border by awaiting arrivals of rubber boats at the mid-point and shoving them back into French waters. And, and, and, to call the French Navy on the VHF and telling them to come and pick the “Refuge’s” up and escort same back to France. Wow! Braverman has sure grasped the simplicity of solving the problem.
Oh! sorry. I had dozed off at some point in the speech and started a parallel dream. Sorry, it was all a lovely dream ‘all good things must come to an end’………………
Braverman went on to explain, the first cargo vessel carrying thousands of illegal migrants will dock in Calais during the first week of December 2023. This will give the French sufficient time to arrange Four-Star hotels to accommodate the returning illegal migrants.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
I was gonna say – the only comment about braverman was that she didn’t mention the ECHR at all . I cannot see the point of watching any blue labour crap – apart from getting the popcorn for Sunak s fairwell speech .
Does anyone really think they will do anything Conservative – yet alone Right Wing in the last 12 months before their welcome demise …?
Even ids – with Farage last night – majority 3500 looked like a man packing his bags . He will be replaced by a mouthy far left female Pakistani Muslim …. Which is what almost happened last time ….
11.7 million employee jobs were furloughed through the scheme, at a cost of £70 billion.
At the end of the scheme, at 30 September 2021, 1.16 million jobs were on furlough, which was 4% of eligible jobs. 21% of employers had at least one member of staff on furlough.
23 Dec 2021
“Scathing report blasts ‘unimaginable’ £37bn cost of coronavirus test and trace system
No measurable evidence that scheme made difference in slowing progress of pandemic, cross-party committee finds
WOW – IS THIS TODAY ? Is this real ? Is he arrested ? Is there a warrant ?
Update – seems it’s about his support for killing ULEZ cameras ….. only the current woke met plod would waste time and resources on this nonsense ….
Who says the police are not political ….. and they expect support …. Avoid
“…..if a person agrees with any other person or persons that a course of conduct shall be pursued which, if the agreement is carried out in accordance with their intentions either:
a/ will necessarily amount to or involve the commission of any offence or offences by one or more of the parties to the agreement, or
b/ would do so but for the existence of facts which render the commission of the offence or any of the offences impossible, he is guilty of conspiracy to commit the offence or offences….”
I don’t know the facts but prima facie (got to get that in) seems the police are ‘flying a kite’. Any good A level (for the moment) Law Student should be able to deal with this.
I cannot believe the CPP, police, media and activists would be so dumb to fall for it (ok, now, I could) or him smart enough to set it up (maybe some clever folk lurking) but if this backfires like it seems it might on this basis… oh, boy.
Have Rayner, Pneumoboobs, Dr. Shola, Vile etc pitched in anyway yet?
“Rishi has finally confirmed he’s scrapping the northern leg of HS2, claiming it will free up £36 billion to reinvest ”
HA HA HA! It’s already spent – HA HA HA free up HA HA HA HA!
“£36 billion to reinvest” – it’s in debt!
Keir Starmer claims Labour is party of ‘sound money’ as Tories send the pound plummeting
Starmer will use his conference speech today to drive home the message that the Tories cannot be trusted to run the economy.
Sunak speech ‘ long term decisions for a brighter future ‘ – very Stalinist no ? BBC cut to a sleeping dog while he goes on about raising the smoking age – crap …
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers. From 1 April, over £13 billion of NHS debt will be scrapped as part of a wider package of NHS reforms announced by the Health Secretary today.2 Apr 2020
BBC presenters say they will give all their money to the NHS?!
“Residents said they saw paramedics working on the man’s badly injured throat in the aftermath of the attack.
Det Ch Insp Angela Hudson, of Northumbria Police, said there was no wider threat to the public and those involved were “known to each other”.
I would also continue to ask people not to speculate about the incident online, including on social media, while inquiries are ongoing”
I speculate this attack is caused from people now being very wary/ afraid of these dogs, which causes the chav owners to get annoyed and feel aggressive – because they’re getting ‘funny looks’.
Dog picks up on all this, and decides to kick off.
Going to happen again and again.
Muzzle then all from today as there clearly is a wider threat to the public
Listening to the outgoing PM – I thought I was listening to Starmer – apparently he is going for ‘change ‘ and hasn’t been in power with his pals for 13 years .
Genuinely surprised about the HS2 thing – thought he’d kick it to the long grass …. But it’s not gonna get votes is it ?
I didn’t hear anything on green crap ( good ) nor anything about energy independence or Ukraine – although I did join 10 minutes in .
No orator is our rishi – and not much more to write about …. Roll on the red labour love in ‘prepare for governmenf ;..
But Gary Lineker and Chris Packham say protesting is RIGHT!
Gary Lineker is slammed as a ‘hypocrite in the highest order’ for defending Just Stop Oil protesters after eco-clowns stormed Wimbledon court and threw jigsaw pieces
Controversial BBC Sport presenter Gary Lineker defended Just Stop Oil protests
Eco-clowns disrupted two matches at Wimbledon’s Court 18 on Wednesday
READ MORE: All that security, for what? Just Stop Oil activists storm Wimbledon
Published: 02:11, 7 July 2023 | Updated: 09:25, 7 July 2023
Then there is serious stuff, unlike airborne fire extinguishers.
Sunak speech: 1/ His comment about Nicola Sturgeon, if uttered by a journalist live on air, would lead to them being taken off air immediately. It risks contempt of court. And the broadcasters cannot report on this error of judgment accurately without also risking contempt….
Chris Packham and the eco militants: BBC Springwatch presenter discusses blowing up oil pipeline with green campaigner and praises ‘highly-intelligent’ protester jailed for bringing M25 to 40-hour standstill in new documentary
BBC star Packham spoke to ‘How To Blow Up A Pipeline’ author Andreas Malm
PUBLISHED: 19:16, 20 September 2023 | UPDATED: 07:56, 21 September 2023
Laurence Fox arrested for supporting Ulez camera vandalism
Suspended GB News presenter said on Tuesday he was ‘happy to be detained’ for taking down cameras alongside vigilantes
Teacher who showed his pupils a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed is still in hiding a year after fleeing his home due to death threats
The Batley Grammar School teacher is still in hiding a year after the lesson
The image of the Prophet Mohammed was shown during religious education
The 30-year-old teacher was cleared of misconduct but he still has not returned to his home or work
PUBLISHED: 22:12, 26 March 2022 | UPDATED: 23:41, 26 March 2022
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Sorry, first.
Speechless 🤐
Don’t apologise – just revel in the glow that comes with being top of the heap 🙂 My birthday is nearly at an end, so I’ll finish it off with riding shotgun with you Harry !
Many Happy Returns for yesterday, Brissles!
I wish I was 21 again…!
I agree with Brissles! Happy Birthday for yesterday, Brissles, and don’t get singed by the 39 candles on the cake. Don’t apologise, harry142857, it is great to see another name at the top. Is it your first ‘First’?
Thank you chaps. Aah 39, if only. Having suffered the indignities a few years ago of being in the line of fire of Barbara Cartland’s white Peke breaking wind at one end, and snoring at the other, then I consider myself to be very special!
Happy non-birthday to everyone – we are all winners! No one is special.
A civil case, no victim, no jury
The gag order tactic was predicted weeks ago by many observers.
The goon judge and AG are probably annoyed that they didn’t get to deploy their actual planned tactic.
Shakespeare was right:
Dick the Butcher: 2 Henry VI , IV, ii
The hopeless inept RINO speaker Kevin McCarthy has been ousted fromhis position as a result of him caving in to Bidens demands for more squandering, and the Left are not happy !
Far Right Far Right Far Right !
0 democrats voted for him seems the left cant make their mind up
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine: Factcheck
Facts are stubborn things, and “official” propaganda is still propaganda
3 OCT 2023
I haven’t seen the BBC Londonistan news for a long time – but it hasn’t changed much – stabbing murder in jartown this afternoon – 16 year old dead in Edmonton yesterday – normality .
But the mayor wants to ban something – not perfectly decent cars- but knifes with blades . Anything sharp . Pointed things ..
So go out and buy knives people – before the emir bans you ….
You can imagine the conversations the 14 year old ferals have about the best cost effective blade to have – no so much about the qualities of the current emir …
Degree in Magic, Univ Exeter. All helps with Diversity
”Prof Emily Selove, course leader, said: “A recent surge in interest in magic and the occult inside and outside of academia lies at the heart of the most urgent questions of our society.
“Decolonisation, the exploration of alternative epistemologies, feminism and anti-racism are at the core of this programme.”
The course will be offered in the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.
Prof Selove said: “This MA will allow people to re-examine the assumption that the West is the place of rationalism and science, while the rest of the world is a place of magic and superstition.”
Practical ouija and organic chicken haruspicy courses are optional course modules?
“This MA will allow people to re-examine the assumption that the West is the place of rationalism and science, while the rest of the world is a place of magic and superstition.”
2017 ….
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
The west doesn’t need to re-examine its assumptions, it already knows its magical traditions from neo-Platonism and Hermeticism through to Agrippa, John Dee, Dion Fortune etc etc.
But Emily, whose works include ‘The Portrait of Abū l-Qāsim al-Baghdādī al-Tamīmī’ and Sirāj al-Dīn al-Sakkākī’s magic handbook ‘Kitāb al-Shāmil wa-baḥr al-kāmil’ is here to promote Islam as an exotic fancy to naive and easily seduced punters.
As is the BBC.
Has voodoo been misjudged? { aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
What we are witnessing is merely the logical conclusion of the syncretism of Neo-platonic-hermetic-kabbalism that took hold in the 15th century in Europe and was sold to the masses as the ‘Rinascimento’ and ‘The Englightenment’. The fact the masses have never heard of Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, Giordano Bruno, or any of the rest, and the direct influence they have had on their lives, proves that the black magicians have achieved their goal. The grand delusion is in full swing. Rudolph Steiner warned us of the return of Ahriman but as the masses mask and queue up to receive their death shot, it is the sane among us warning against the dangers who are considered to be the insane ones. You have to take your hat off to them. They are masters of the black arts.
‘Sicut secretam Magiam a nobis primum ex Orphei hymnis elicitam, fas non et in publicam explicare’.
Ministry of Trust
The Ministry of Trust is the ministry of propaganda. It is responsible for any necessary falsification of historical events. As well as administering “trust”, the ministry spreads a new language amongst the populace called Newspeak, in which, for example, “trust” is understood to mean statements like 2 + 2 = 5 when the situation warrants. In keeping with the concept of doublethink, the ministry is thus aptly named in that it creates/manufactures “trust” in the Newspeak sense of the word. The three slogans are: “WAR IN UKRAINE IS PEACE,” “FREEDOM IS RIGHT WING,” and “YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY.” There is also a large part underground, probably containing huge incinerators where documents are destroyed after they are put down memory holes.
The Four Eyes (TFE) is a useful idiot alliance comprising Television Newspeak International (TNI) lead by the British Brainwashing Corporation (BBC) and controlled by the Office For Censorship, Obfuscation & Manipulation (OFCOM) a government agency of the Ministry of Trust (MOT).
Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black?
Politicians have rounded on the BBC after staff seemingly doctored the image
PUBLISHED: 22:45, 25 August 2023 | UPDATED: 12:11, 27 August 2023
Nick Robinson says less people are interested in the news – fair enough, but what has that got to do with GBNews specifically?
If they’re not interested in the news, then they’re not going to be watching GB NEWS are they?
Anyone for a Right Wing Revolt..
Speaker Kevin McCarthy: US House of Representatives votes to oust Republican leader
How nicely this would have been “reported” if it was the left
PS has the bbc finally caught up?
Ros Atkins on… Why Hunter Biden is in trouble
Just a few lines to the bbc report, no not lines of drugs! Very little on the webpage, wonder why the bbc hasn’t gone on and on about this, usually it will go on and on for days and information overload if it doesn’t like someone
The video states “We are seeing evidence of coruption unheard of before” – bbc then states “We aren’t seeing evidence of coruption like before”?? The bbc thinks is knows best and the left wing sheep will follow, because the bbc said
I’m going to break my own rule – below is a cut and paste of a piece in the Daily Telegraph by Comrade Nick Robinson of BBC ‘fame ‘ – enjoy – or else ….
In one of my favourite scenes in Monty Python’s Life of Brian, John Cleese heckles Brian, who’s preaching from a soap box, with the memorable words, “He’s having a go at the flowers now.” I know just how Brian feels. In the past week, I have been heckled from both Right and Left, who shouted in unison on social media and on The Telegraph’s comments page words to the effect that, “He’s having a go at the listeners now.”
What stirred their anger was my reporting of the fact – and yes, dear reader, it is an observable, measurable and global fact of media life – that a growing number of people now avoid news all or, at least, some of the time.
A recent Oxford University Reuters Institute report found that the number of people taking a strong interest in the news has dropped by around a quarter in the past six years. Less than half of people around the world – 48 per cent to be precise – are very or extremely interested in the news. That’s down from almost two thirds – 63 per cent – in 2017. Here at home the proportion who are engaged with news is lower than the global average, at just 43 per cent. Reuters found that more than four in 10 – 41 per cent – sometimes or often actively avoid the news in the UK.
Unsurprisingly, it is the most divided and partisan countries where there are the highest number of news avoiders. Japan and the US have the most folk saying they did not consume any news at all in the past week from traditional or online sources (TV, radio, print, online or social media). One in eight Americans are labelled “disconnected” by the researchers. The figure here is around one in 11 (9 per cent). In Finland, it’s one in 50.
The irony is that the reaction of those angered by what I didn’t actually say illustrates the point perfectly. Those who posted on The Telegraph’s comments page argued that the real problem with the Today programme was that it was – delete where applicable – too negative, too gloomy, too woke, too Remain, too disrespectful. On Twitter (or X as we are now supposed to call it) those of a somewhat different political disposition insisted that the same programme was – in their words, not mine – too cowed by the Tories, too pro-Brexit, too unwilling to challenge the lies of ministers.
I have no doubt that in the years after the most divisive political issue of my lifetime – Brexit – there are some listeners to Today who’ve switched off for the reasons listed above. What’s true of Brexit is also true of other contentious debates on sex and gender, race, climate change and much more besides. It would be amazing if that were not the case. I also have no doubt though that news avoidance is a phenomenon which is real and matters whether you love the nation’s most influential news programme, loathe it or, like many listeners, love it and loathe it at different times on the same morning.
News avoidance affects all news outlets. Yes, even The Telegraph. Some find the news itself too depressing – whether it’s about war, floods or earthquakes. Some people find what they see as the endless arguing too much for the start of their day. Many complain of feeling out of control – whether they’re listening to reports about climate change or controversies about Jeremy Corbyn or Boris Johnson or Donald Trump. A few choose to switch off news and switch on instead something less challenging and more restful – from classical music to that funny podcast or a programme about gardening.
This phenomenon exists alongside a growing trend for people to consume “news” that reinforces a view of the world which they already have. Those dubbed “centrist Dads” listen to Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart’s podcast, The Rest is Politics, and agree that the Conservatives have lost the plot. Many who’ve switched to GB News probably agree that it’s the London establishment and the liberal metropolitan elite who have let people down.
Let me be clear, competition is good and healthy. I don’t want to see any news organisation shut down. I do, however, think we need to be wary of what we have seen happen in the United States – a polarisation of the media which exacerbates and inflames already deep political divisions. It’s a phenomenon which has destroyed that once great democracy’s ability to have a grown-up rational debate about the policy choices it faces. An overwhelming majority of Conservative activists get their “news” from Fox News. Liberals from MSNBC or CNN. There are, as a result, no shared facts which can act as a foundation for a rational disagreement – yes, ladies and gentleman, a civilised, adult disagreement and not a “toxic row” or a “bitter and damaging split”. The tyranny of online likes and shares driven by those three-letter words – WTF, LOL or OMG – tempt intelligent people to indulge in attention-seeking outrage or wild conspiracy theories.
I grew up in a Telegraph-reading household. Like many, I loved its comprehensive and intelligent news coverage, the sport and the features. For others, it is the crossword, the obituaries or the foreign news that attract. I am still a subscriber. I didn’t read it as a child – and I don’t now – because it reflects my views or tells me what to think. I read it because, at its best, it reports the news I want to and need to know.
And you know what? That makes me – and probably you – typical. Reuters found that only around one in 10 people ever comments online or on social media. That is another fact we all need to keep at the front of our mind. The people who post angry comments should be listened to and heard but we should not make the mistake of treating them as if they are representative of most readers, listeners or viewers of news.
Talking of facts, there is one other worth dwelling on. Despite all the increased competition – which is, by the way, good as people now have a world of choice unimaginable for those of us brought up with Radio 4 alone – the BBC remains the most trusted news brand in the UK.
It’s true that in recent years, as politics has become more divisive and the media more fragmented, the number saying they trust the BBC has fallen, but 61 per cent of people told Reuters this year they do trust the BBC. It’s also true that the Today programme has lost some listeners but our audience is five times the size of our nearest competitor and 25 times that of our newest one.
That said, we are anything but complacent. In the past year alone, we have committed to co-presenting 100 shows a year from outside London; hugely energised our social media presence; launched The Today Debate with Mishal Husain; and, from this Thursday, The Today Podcast, a weekly, in-depth analysis with me and Amol Rajan.
Those of us who work at the BBC and believe in the value of broadcasting news and discussions that are insulated from commercial pressures and the views and prejudices of owners, politicians or those who heckle online don’t claim to be pure or to always get things right. We can and always must do better. We do, though, insist that impartial broadcasting – whether at the BBC, ITN or Sky – has served and still serves this country well.
One thing we – I – would never do is have a go at the listeners, or even the ex-listeners, whose noise occasionally dwarfs their numbers. ENDS
COMMENT Comrade Robinson includes a number of graphs in the abovd piece but I’m not technically able to reproduce them .
As for the piece itself – the comments section wouid cheer any reader of this site up bigly . One said ‘he is just dying to tell us tractor production is up 5%’ which summaries the Comrade Robinson mindset totally .
At the moment PBS is running documentaries about the history of Russia . There is a segment where Stalin sent the country’s ’grain as exports to pay for industrial growth this starving millions to death . Comrade Robinson reminds me of someone who would see that as a good thing …..
But why wouid comrade Robinson. put this out now ? Does the penultimate paragraph give it away ? Is it the growth of GBNews upsetting ‘the msm ecology ‘ . ?
Always notice the absences – GBN news – Times thingybob gets no mention – just a paranoid defence of his Far Left Anti White Anti British pro EU pro Islam Anti Judeo Christian evil woke kidult organisation .Damn him damn his BBC .
Pug – I published the full piece below as I didn’t spot what you wrote – your observation is better than mine . Thanks . Fuming .
Dickie – thank you for putting that up – I forced myself to read it because I care less for US politics unless it is about a way of getting the True President back in the Oval .
The suggestion that the US ( Obama Biden ) might do a false flag job in Ukraine / Russia to big up their war is troubling . And attacking that nuclear station could affect us – like Chernobyl did …..
Obama must look at the map and see how far Ukraine is from his homes and think ‘nothing we do in Ukraine can affect us ‘ – and ‘screw the Europeans ‘ ….
If Obama/Biden were prepared to blow up the Nord stream pipeline just before Winter, I am extremely concerned that anything is on the table for them.
They have proved to me in Ukraine that they don’t care one bit how many people die or who they are. The ends justify any means to the ideological Left.
Germany freezes Nord Stream 2 gas project as Ukraine crisis deepens
By Sarah Marsh and Madeline Chambers
February 22, 20224:55 PM GMTUpdated 2 years ago
Russian oil sold to India at 30% above Western price cap, traders say
By Nidhi Verma
September 28, 202310:05 AM GMT+1Updated 6 days ago
Shock horror – ‘democrat judge biased against trump – shock ‘…
US political trials dragging that poor country down …
Elaborate and highly contrived lawfare being tried to barge a political opponent off the field of play – but with the added spice that they’re going after his house(s) and bank account.
This is getting into Venezuelan-Bolivarian revolutionary territory – one acquaintance in Caracas had a family member whose apartment (in the family for several generations) was purportedly seized by a small mob of uniformed armed goons sporting Gran Polo Patriótico emblems for judicially unapproved counterrevolutionary activity and a party official installed a day later.
‘Democrat judge biased against trump’ is only, imho, the teensy tip of a crazy iceberg – the Democrats are apparently OK with storming+ looting retail outlets, releasing seriously bad criminals on bail and studiously ignoring the in-your-face blatant corruption in the highest offices of state.
Hugo Chavez must be mightily amused in hell….
How long until there’s toilet paper riots in NYC and the Mexicans build a wall to keep Yanquis out?
“Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.”
Dead soldier suffered relentless sexual harassment – Army report
So I read this front-page, top-headline news article for the world at the BBC and immediately assumed this was a widespread issue where she was abused by multiple men everywhere she went.
But when you sift through the extreme misandry and the desperate attempt to cram as much empathy into it as they possibly can, you realise it was just one bloke who was obsessed with her. No rape are any such thing involved : he sent her lots of text messages.
Then we get ‘”It is almost certain this was a causal factor in her death,” the report found.”
But tucked in a few paragraphs down, we get:
“Whilst this behaviour ended the week before her death, it appears that it continued to affect her and had taken a significant toll on her mental resilience and well-being,”
So what else was going on here ?. OK – It was ‘a’ causal factor’. What were the others BBC ?. Are we supposed to think it is perfectly reasonable for a normal person to kill themselves just for this ? – particularly after the harassment had ended. Why not just quit ?. Anything should be better than suicide.
And why did it end BBC ?. Did the Army take action after all but you don’t want to tell us ?.
As usual, I’m quite certain there is more to this story which we are not being told. It’s not the ‘widespread’ Army issue the BBC want us to think, it was one obsessed bloke which happens everywhere.
Bottom line is that the BBC feminist activists absolutely hate any male-dominated institutions and want them destroyed.
Lets take a look at who wrote it:

Judith Burns:
Naresh Puri:
Can’t find a picture of Naresh, but found a forum where someone described him as ‘a middle class communist’.
June Kelly:

This brings up something which has been bothering me since Alex Belfield got put away. White males are no longer judged by the ‘crime’ they commit, they are being judged on the empathy-value of the victim.
John that’s not true
I just heard a brief report, first they mentioned the obsessed boss
then they mentioned another bloke who had abused her in some way , found guilty his punishment was to write an apology letter to her.
“… the way the Army had dealt with her complaint of a sexual assault by another of her seniors a few months before. This happened late at night in a bar at an Army training centre.
“She said he put his hands between her legs and tried to grab her from around the neck. She shouted: ‘Get off me, Sir’…”
A colleague complained not her
The report says: “The chain of command took the incident seriously, but the evidence suggests that the correct reporting process was not followed. As a result, the discipline advice was based on a version of events from which certain key details appear to have been accidentally omitted.”
Ah yes – I see that down the middle of the very lengthy article:
One man tried to grope her once ‘late at night in a bar at the Army training centre’. Something which happens all the time everywhere when young, not-so-intelligent males are out getting drunk.
Again a symptom of sleazy men in general, not the ‘widespread abuse’ aimed at the entire Army the BBC are trying to make it.
My point here is that the BBC emphasis on this story is utterly lopsided and following their specific agenda as opposed to really being concerned about women being sexually assaulted.
“We’ve been too squeamish on migration, says Suella Braverman”
She is telling us ‘the bleeding obvious’ ….
Then “stop” !
2018 …
600K Immigrants lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
3K Extreme Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
22 Lost in Manchester according to Theresa May.
1 More attack labelled bad driving this month of August.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy: US House of Representatives votes to oust Republican leader
I’m not interested in what the BBC might have to say about this in the slightest. Their coverage of politics in the USA is totally lopsided.
But what did get my attention was this:
‘Mr McCarthy was supported by 210 Republican lawmakers but eight voted against him in Tuesday’s vote, joining all Democrat members.’
So every single Democrat voted for him to be removed.
What kind of democracy is that ?. It’s what I expect to see in a third-world dictatorship. They were clearly instructed how to vote.
Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, a left-wing Democrat from the north-western US state of Washington, told reporters before the vote: “Let them wallow in their pigsty of incompetence.”
How absolutely typical of a nasty, spiteful Lefty full of hate. And because the BBC saw fit to report it without any criticism, I’m quite certain they fully support what she said.
JohnC – I made a mental note that the Federal Government might really shut down in 45 days if a speaker can’t be agreed – no federalobama government sounds like a good thing …
Net Zero energy reforms
As mentioned before, just Marxists trying to bring down market economies and Western European civilisation.
Mass immigration of predominantly young male Muslims who do not speak English is a very very convenient tactic to achieve their long term objective. Give it a few days and they’ll be sitting down halting motorway traffic.
Just Stop Marxists.
Invite people who will vote for you.
Manchester Arena bomber was rescued from Libya by Royal Navy
This article is more than 5 years old
Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people in a suicide attack last year, was saved from civil war in 2014
Baby names: Olivia top for girls as William makes way for Muhammad { 20sep2017}
Let us not forget that ‘Muhammad’ gets a special (privileged) page on the internet, no other name is given one … The popularity of the name Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad {}
“But in the Muslim community the name Muhammad or one of its variations is very dominant as it is traditional to name baby boys after the prophet of Islam out of respect and honour for him.”
– Dominant is an interesting choice of word for the name Mohammed?
I guess the name Mohammed will not be increasing in China … China Bans List of Islamic Names, Including ‘Muhammad’, in Xinjiang Region { apr2017}
– I cannot find a story about China banning names on the BBC £3.5bn News Service ‘Xinjiang ban’(does show beards,events and veils banned).
Has someone died? Has there been a tragedy? Is the King gravely ill ?
These were my first thoughts this morning listening to Toady. The funereal tone, the hushed tones. What on earth has happened?
Then it dawned. They are to cancel the second phase of HS2.
And with Rick Knobson to discuss impartially were two interviewees. And guess what? Both want to build HS2 in full, irrespective of cost. Cost. Not mentioned at all.
The BBC. World leaders in……absolutely nothing.
The tyranny of the minority
Back in the 1940s, the philosopher Karl Popper came up with something called “The Paradox of Tolerance.” It goes like this: If everyone is tolerant of every idea, then intolerant ideas will emerge. Tolerant people will tolerate this intolerance, and the intolerant people will not tolerate the tolerant people.
“The Abilene paradox is a collective fallacy, in which a group of people collectively decide on a course of action that is counter to the preferences of most or all individuals in the group, while each individual believes it to be aligned with the preferences of most of the others.[1][2] It involves a breakdown of group communication in which each member mistakenly believes that their own preferences are counter to the group’s, and therefore does not raise objections, or even states support for an outcome they do not want.
A common phrase relating to the Abilene paradox is a desire to not “rock the boat”. This differs from groupthink in that the Abilene paradox is characterized by an inability to perceive the views of others, or to manage agreement.[3]”
“On a hot afternoon visiting in Coleman, Texas, the family is comfortably playing dominoes on a porch, until the father-in-law suggests that they take a [50-mile (80-km)] trip to Abilene for dinner. The wife says, “Sounds like a great idea.” The husband, despite having reservations because the drive is long and hot, thinks that his preferences must be out-of-step with the group and says, “Sounds good to me. I just hope your mother wants to go.” The mother-in-law then says, “Of course I want to go. I haven’t been to Abilene in a long time.”
The drive is hot, dusty, and long. When they arrive at the cafeteria, the food is as bad as the drive. They arrive back home four hours later, exhausted.
One of them dishonestly says, “It was a great trip, wasn’t it?” The mother-in-law says that, actually, she would rather have stayed home, but went along since the other three were so enthusiastic. The husband says, “I wasn’t delighted to be doing what we were doing. I only went to satisfy the rest of you.” The wife says, “I just went along to keep you happy. I would have had to be crazy to want to go out in the heat like that.” The father-in-law then says that he only suggested it because he thought the others might be bored.
The group sits back, perplexed that they together decided to take a trip that none of them wanted. They each would have preferred to sit comfortably but did not admit to it when they still had time to enjoy the afternoon.”
Heartfelt, Braverman, The Status Quo and long Covid B*****ks in The Secret Diaries of Patrick Vallance (Aged 13¾) edition
Move over Meghan and Harry… don’t you know we’re busy rehersing the Blairite 90s – so it’s a big heartfelt welcome back to the frontpages for our very own… Posh and Becks
Enduring Love: David Beckham admits in a new Netflix documentary that his marriage to Victoria almost ended in the early 2000s… (Times); Victoria: My pain over David’s ‘affair’ (The Sun); Me, David and aftermath of that ‘affair’ by Posh see pages 2 & 3 (Daily Mail) – come on Harry, you know what you’ve gotta do to get that Netflix contract back on track
One descerns three distinct categories of headline news reports this morning. Celebrity puff. Empty promises. And targeted political hit-jobs.
Let me elucidate
Posh and Becks naturally fall into the pidgeon hole labelled celebrity puff. As of course does the Times featured would-be latterday British emblematic metaphorical super couple Idris Elba and Dame Helen Mirren. He fronts the feature: Warning you could be a workaholic – and she: Beauty rules after 50? Forget them (Times2)
The Daily Express – United with the people of Ukraine – purports also to affect a soppy sentimental local flag-waving patriotism with: Princess Kate’s heartfelt gesture… see pages 2&3
But we only need turn to the Mirror frontpage to discover the motive for Kate’s (Mo Farah’s) Mobot borrowed gesture (or was it Welsh footballer Gareth Bale’s trademark?*): Heartfelt Kate and Wills in Windrush tribute
*Tottenham Hotspur star Gareth Bale has this week made an application to the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) with the aim of securing a trade mark for his ‘Eleven of Hearts’ goal celebration. An independent tribunal is now expected to make a decision within the next 60 days as to whether Bale should be allowed to trademark the celebration gesture. The Welshman makes a heart sign with his hands when he scores a goal (Daniel Draper, Partner at Farleys’ Solicitors Commercial Department, June 2013)
Ah, Windrush… the founding myth of our dearly beloved multicultural Britain. Now we can at last forget 1066 and All That: A Memorable History of England, Comprising All the Parts You Can Remember, Including 103 Good Things, 5 Bad Kings and 2 Genuine Dates – is a tongue-in-cheek reworking of the history of England. Written by W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatman and illustrated by John Reynolds, it first appeared serially in Punch magazine, and was published in book form by Methuen & Co. Ltd. in 1930. (Thank you Wiki)
Windrush and All That: A Memorable History of England, Comprising All the Parts You Can Remember, Including 103 Good Black Things, including Stone Henge and some nifty Tudor Trumpeting, plus legendary Herbalists Mary Seacole and Bob Marley, 5 (probably) Black English Kings and Queens, 5 Bad White Things (make that 105) and 2 Genuine Dates – is a tongue-in-cheek reworking of the history of England. Written by The Macpherson report on Stephen Lawrence and Labour’s 2010 Equality Act and illustrated on a relentless daily basis by DFS and Getty Images, care of the BBC
But we digress. Where were we? Ah… Empty Promises as sub-genre of news headlines
Sunak: I’ll change the status quo (Telegraph) – too late, mate. Rick Parfitt died in 2016, Alan Lancaster the original bassist died last year.
PM: I’ll tear up rule book on ’30 years of broken politics’ (Daily Express) – 30 years? Let’s just do the maths – despite: Maths cash unspent… Research has revealed that more then a third of funds allocated to prime minister Rishi Sunak’s numeracy program in its first year was handed back to the Treasury unspent (FT) – which news in brief in itself sounds like an old fashioned maths problem – if a third of funds allocated to prime minister Rishi Sunak’s numeracy program are handed back to the Treasury in the first year unspent – calculate how many illegal small people allocated evenly to each constituency will it take overturn the Tory majority?
Doing the maths… 30 years ago was 1993…
Meat Loaf topped the music charts with “I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)”
Forgive me but I’m reminded John Major was PM in 1993 but his affair with Edwina Currie had ended in about 1988.
Category three headline types are the full-frontal broadside political hit-jobs
The Labour-supporting Mirror of course: Today the PM will blame our country’s problems on the ‘political system’ But remind us Rishi… how many years have the Tories had to fix Britain? 13 Unlucky for us – and frankly, the Labour-centric red top has a valid point.
The coronaphobic left-leaning ‘i’ still hasn’t recovered: Johnson called long Covid B*****ks” The secret diaries of Patrick Vallance – (Aged 13¾): I will help the poor and ignorant. After hearing the disgusting noises from No10 last night, I have also vowed never to drink alcohol. Boris got the dog drunk on cherry brandy at the party last night. If the RSPCA hear about it he could get done… There’s only one thing more boring than listening to Covid Inquiries , and that’s reading my curated edited texts. I have a problem. I am an expert science intellectual, but at the same time I am not very clever.
The left-leaning ‘i’ hit job is, naturally: Braverman’s hardline job application to become Tory leader
Clearly our Suella has been sent out there on Rishi’s orders to make these noises.
I can guess what he told her. To borrow from Kipling: You’re a Braverman than I am, Gunga Din!
“Enduring Love: David Beckham admits in a new Netflix documentary” David and Victoria Beckham have reportedly landed a £16million deal with. The couple, worth £769m, will appear in a fly-on-the-wall series, centered around 45-year-old David’s life, with a camera crew following him around.29 Oct 2020
Considering that valance was meant to be leading a national fight against the Chinese / us. Virus I wonder where he got the time to write diaries ? Same with any ‘[personality’ doing a big job at a big time …. Maybe they were not working so hard after all ….
In the future I reckon they’ll look at the gimps who were telling us what to do each day ( Hancock ) and wonder how we all fell for it and ‘complied ‘ – the answer was ‘fear ‘…
Mr WGAP says YouGov polls seem rigged
so their new 15 minute city poll is not believable.
NEOM | What is THE LINE?
You Gov polls subjectively seem to synchronise “coincidentally” with policy announcements.
– often too close for comfort.
Anybody noticed that some supermarket muzak soundtracks have reduced in volume and have NHS “public health” messaging ? Not continuous but there …
It’s like an earworm.
Comment “Most people do support having a post office, a supermarket and a doctors surgery within 15 minutes. They don’t support barricading off streets, car journey quotas and fines”
“Credibility of Diane Abbot’s Maths.”
Nadhim was born in Baghdad to Kurdish parents in 1967. Under threat of persecution from Saddam Hussein’s regime, his family immigrated to the UK when he was 9. He grew up in Sussex and was educated at King’s College School in West London and University College London where he studied Chemical Engineering.
In 2000 he founded YouGov, a leading market research company which has since become famous for the accuracy of its political polling. Having started life in an office in Nadhim’s garden shed, YouGov now employs over 400 people on three continents. He floated the company on the London Stock Exchange in 2005 and was named Entrepreneur of the year by Ernst & Young in 2008.
In January 2010 he stood down from YouGov to run for election as Member of Parliament for Stratford-on-Avon. Upon winning the seat, Nadhim was elected to the Business, Innovation and Skills Select Committee, which scrutinises the impact of government policy on business.
* famous for the accuracy of its political polling
* famous for the accuracy of its political polling
This article is more than 9 years old
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 9 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
“Sunak: I’ll change the status quo (Telegraph) – too late, mate. Rick Parfitt died in 2016, Alan Lancaster the original bassist died last year.”
Memories …..
How the Coronavirus Created a Toilet Paper Shortage
Many attribute the shortage to disruptions in the supply chain. But it’s actually a result of panic-buying, according to Dr. Ronalds Gonzalez, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Forest Biomaterials.
May 19, 2020 Andrew Moore 2-min. read
Although the country is slowly reopening amid the coronavirus pandemic, there’s one household item you may still find missing on grocery store shelves: Toilet paper.
Done that. Bidet.
To Bidet or not to Bidet. That is the question.
TOADY Watch #1 – Nick Robinson is very annoyed ….
… that Rishi Sunak is preventing him travelling quickly to Manchester United’s home games. What is never, ever, mentioned in ‘the HS2 debate’ is that you will have to be a millionaire or ‘be travelling on exes’ to be able to afford tickets to ride on HS2. The fares will have to cover the operating costs and they will be massive, unless the line is regulated for fares or is nationalised or NutsZero is abandoned in its entirety or the Ukraine war ends.
Never mind, Nick. Just console yourself with the thought that travelling from Islington to Euston will take just as long as getting to Birmingham, never mind Old Trafford, unless you jump into a BBC provided car with driver at each end.
The piece by Robinson from the DT I have put up have some wonderful comments attached to it . I sometimes forget how deluded people can be – inside their metro world …. Particularly that thing about some people not being interested in news …. The reason for the decline in listeners – when we know -here – that the BBC anti British far left Group Think propaganda is the reason – people like him …
Fed, the Beeboids have a particular mindset (which is why those in the know 😉 refer to them as Beeboids) of entitlement, authority, liberal/FarLeft/HardLeft inclination and ‘holding Government to account’ that drives them to get up early for vast salaries funded by the TellyTaxpayer.
2.1 Travel by Rail
All rail travel should be booked through BBC Travel & Delivery, including Eurostar travel
First class travel is not permitted, unless exceptionally, to accompany on screen talent or clients.
** we are all equal comrades
Click to access bbc-expenses-policy-sep-2021.pdf
First class travel is not permitted, unless exceptionally, to accompany on screen talent or clients.
** we are all equal comrades
MM, I think some of the Beeboids (Senior Editors) and TOADY presenters have the luxury of a car and driver picking them up at 3 a.m. and whisking them in to W1A. As you say, we are all equal comrades. I recall one or two of the TOADY presenters giving the game away on the car to studio privilege. Then Just RemainIn Webb mentioned this year in print (newspaper or BBC web-site) that the joy of being on holiday was not getting up at 3 a.m..
Former Speaker John Bercow claimed £1,000 taxi fare
14 January 2020
Former Commons Speaker John Bercow spent £1,000 on a taxi fare and £12,000 on leaving parties for staff in the run-up to his retirement.
Mr Bercow, who stood down before the election, also spent £7,000 on a US visit in his final months in the job.
Was everyone else as impressed as I was with the Braverman speech yesterday?
My overall conclusion was, however did Rich Sunak and his bosses in Davos/Beijing, approve the Braverman speech? Still, what was said was said and I wholeheartedly approve of her giving notice to the ECHR that we will be withdrawing our representatives and finance for its support in due course. Bravo! I say.
My word, what is going on? To instruct our representative to the United Nations to withdraw our formal support for the UN Migration Compact is unbelievable! You know the treaty – signed up to by our own PM at the time, Treason May, without any direct recourse to the public of this country or any to-do or publicity. Signed with a flourish which, at the time, struck me as signalling, ‘two-fingers’ to the British public. In comparative secrecy to boot. Hopefully Treason will swing for this at some point in the future.
Braverman went on to explain, the first cargo vessel carrying thousands of illegal migrants will dock in Calais during the first week of December 2023. This will give the French sufficient time to arrange Four-Star hotels to accommodate the returning illegal migrants.
But more was to follow. I also welcomed the stern and formal notice to the French (“our European friends”) that from the 1st November 2023, we will be enforcing our border by awaiting arrivals of rubber boats at the mid-point and shoving them back into French waters. And, and, and, to call the French Navy on the VHF and telling them to come and pick the “Refuge’s” up and escort same back to France. Wow! Braverman has sure grasped the simplicity of solving the problem.
Oh! sorry. I had dozed off at some point in the speech and started a parallel dream. Sorry, it was all a lovely dream ‘all good things must come to an end’………………
Braverman went on to explain, the first cargo vessel carrying thousands of illegal migrants will dock in Calais during the first week of December 2023. This will give the French sufficient time to arrange Four-Star hotels to accommodate the returning illegal migrants.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
I was gonna say – the only comment about braverman was that she didn’t mention the ECHR at all . I cannot see the point of watching any blue labour crap – apart from getting the popcorn for Sunak s fairwell speech .
Does anyone really think they will do anything Conservative – yet alone Right Wing in the last 12 months before their welcome demise …?
Even ids – with Farage last night – majority 3500 looked like a man packing his bags . He will be replaced by a mouthy far left female Pakistani Muslim …. Which is what almost happened last time ….
11.7 million employee jobs were furloughed through the scheme, at a cost of £70 billion.
At the end of the scheme, at 30 September 2021, 1.16 million jobs were on furlough, which was 4% of eligible jobs. 21% of employers had at least one member of staff on furlough.
23 Dec 2021
“Scathing report blasts ‘unimaginable’ £37bn cost of coronavirus test and trace system
No measurable evidence that scheme made difference in slowing progress of pandemic, cross-party committee finds
Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Wednesday 10 March 2021 07:21
The full Jacinta?
– “Turkmenistan, here we go” ?
the quantity of illicit tobacco is already at an all time high as far as I can see.
I’ve been cynical about invoking the WEF bogeyman – but this is rather in your face – let’s see what happens later today.
We may have to think again. Burning at the stake will emit ‘smoke’. Can’t have that.
Police: ‘Go and burn the PM elsewhere’.
hmmm… very Turkmenistani….
That’s how it started with Alex Belfield who said from the start they would take him off air eventually.
And of course they did worse to Tommy Robinson. His video was an excellent eye-opener about how ‘the state’ deals with people it wants to silence.
Now they want rid of Fox. So he is being harassed by police hoping he decides to keep his mouth shut.
Donald Trump can give advice on this abuse.
WOW – IS THIS TODAY ? Is this real ? Is he arrested ? Is there a warrant ?
Update – seems it’s about his support for killing ULEZ cameras ….. only the current woke met plod would waste time and resources on this nonsense ….
Who says the police are not political ….. and they expect support …. Avoid
I hear the crime of ‘Conspiracy’ mentioned.
“…..if a person agrees with any other person or persons that a course of conduct shall be pursued which, if the agreement is carried out in accordance with their intentions either:
a/ will necessarily amount to or involve the commission of any offence or offences by one or more of the parties to the agreement, or
b/ would do so but for the existence of facts which render the commission of the offence or any of the offences impossible, he is guilty of conspiracy to commit the offence or offences….”
I don’t know the facts but prima facie (got to get that in) seems the police are ‘flying a kite’. Any good A level (for the moment) Law Student should be able to deal with this.
Tommy Robinson signals.
I cannot believe the CPP, police, media and activists would be so dumb to fall for it (ok, now, I could) or him smart enough to set it up (maybe some clever folk lurking) but if this backfires like it seems it might on this basis… oh, boy.
Have Rayner, Pneumoboobs, Dr. Shola, Vile etc pitched in anyway yet?
“Rishi has finally confirmed he’s scrapping the northern leg of HS2, claiming it will free up £36 billion to reinvest ”
HA HA HA! It’s already spent – HA HA HA free up HA HA HA HA!
“£36 billion to reinvest” – it’s in debt!
Keir Starmer claims Labour is party of ‘sound money’ as Tories send the pound plummeting
Starmer will use his conference speech today to drive home the message that the Tories cannot be trusted to run the economy.
Sunak speech ‘ long term decisions for a brighter future ‘ – very Stalinist no ? BBC cut to a sleeping dog while he goes on about raising the smoking age – crap …
‘ long term decisions for a brighter future ‘ – green cards for everyone to migrate to USA!
“Cost of national debt hits 20-year high”.
The financial woes are far from over. A country with a £6.1 Trillion debt overall.
Seem to recall an expression? Something to do with a fat lady and singing………….
Am I right ? £133 billion to psy the interest on the blue labour debt …. ?
£71 Billion per year. And rising.
August 2023 monthly repayment alone: £5.6 Billion.
“This was the third highest interest payable in any August since monthly records began in April 1997….”
All rich people to pay off the debt?
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers. From 1 April, over £13 billion of NHS debt will be scrapped as part of a wider package of NHS reforms announced by the Health Secretary today.2 Apr 2020
BBC presenters say they will give all their money to the NHS?!
“A country with a £6.1 Trillion debt overall.”
Parliament restoration could ‘take 76 years and cost £22bn’
“Shiney Row: Man dies in suspected American bully XL attack”
“Residents said they saw paramedics working on the man’s badly injured throat in the aftermath of the attack.
Det Ch Insp Angela Hudson, of Northumbria Police, said there was no wider threat to the public and those involved were “known to each other”.
I would also continue to ask people not to speculate about the incident online, including on social media, while inquiries are ongoing”
I speculate this attack is caused from people now being very wary/ afraid of these dogs, which causes the chav owners to get annoyed and feel aggressive – because they’re getting ‘funny looks’.
Dog picks up on all this, and decides to kick off.
Going to happen again and again.
Muzzle then all from today as there clearly is a wider threat to the public
Not the BBC
Listening to the outgoing PM – I thought I was listening to Starmer – apparently he is going for ‘change ‘ and hasn’t been in power with his pals for 13 years .
Genuinely surprised about the HS2 thing – thought he’d kick it to the long grass …. But it’s not gonna get votes is it ?
I didn’t hear anything on green crap ( good ) nor anything about energy independence or Ukraine – although I did join 10 minutes in .
No orator is our rishi – and not much more to write about …. Roll on the red labour love in ‘prepare for governmenf ;..
Fox arrrsted for ‘conspiracy to damage ULEZ cameras ‘ . I would never condone such an act . All protests must be banned …
I’m off to buy something called ‘vapes ‘ before they banned too ,..
But Gary Lineker and Chris Packham say protesting is RIGHT!
Gary Lineker is slammed as a ‘hypocrite in the highest order’ for defending Just Stop Oil protesters after eco-clowns stormed Wimbledon court and threw jigsaw pieces
Controversial BBC Sport presenter Gary Lineker defended Just Stop Oil protests
Eco-clowns disrupted two matches at Wimbledon’s Court 18 on Wednesday
READ MORE: All that security, for what? Just Stop Oil activists storm Wimbledon
Published: 02:11, 7 July 2023 | Updated: 09:25, 7 July 2023
Ah, but… there is one law for them, and another… ooo… plot twist.
Then there is serious stuff, unlike airborne fire extinguishers.
Sunak speech: 1/ His comment about Nicola Sturgeon, if uttered by a journalist live on air, would lead to them being taken off air immediately. It risks contempt of court. And the broadcasters cannot report on this error of judgment accurately without also risking contempt….
7. The accuser and the accused shall always appear face to face before any Officer; that both sides may be heard, and no wrong to either party.
Gerrard Winstanley: The Laws of Freedom
The Digger Movement
Chris Packham and the eco militants: BBC Springwatch presenter discusses blowing up oil pipeline with green campaigner and praises ‘highly-intelligent’ protester jailed for bringing M25 to 40-hour standstill in new documentary
BBC star Packham spoke to ‘How To Blow Up A Pipeline’ author Andreas Malm
PUBLISHED: 19:16, 20 September 2023 | UPDATED: 07:56, 21 September 2023 comments
“OT Laurence Fox’s house has just been raided by a large number of cops.”
“Are they going to make him shag her.. it’s only fair”
Laurence Fox arrested for supporting Ulez camera vandalism
Suspended GB News presenter said on Tuesday he was ‘happy to be detained’ for taking down cameras alongside vigilantes
Fiona Parker
4 October 2023 • 12:32pm
WAS HE “‘happy to be detained’ for taking down cameras alongside vigilantes”?
OR JUST “was ‘happy to be detained'”?
Rishi Sunak
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Prime Minister’s Office of the United Kingdom
‘WILL ‘stop the boats”’
Rishi Sunak has suggested that the English Channel crossings problem is too “complex” to allow him to fulfil his promise to stop the small boats by the next general election.
“‘WILL ‘stop the boats”’
My reply to Rich Sunak?
‘Come next election, WE WILL stop you’.
Stop you voting – make it easier for everyone!
‘Son of pharmacist’ …..
UK – now – and the future.
Teacher who showed his pupils a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed is still in hiding a year after fleeing his home due to death threats
The Batley Grammar School teacher is still in hiding a year after the lesson
The image of the Prophet Mohammed was shown during religious education
The 30-year-old teacher was cleared of misconduct but he still has not returned to his home or work
PUBLISHED: 22:12, 26 March 2022 | UPDATED: 23:41, 26 March 2022