Weatherman Alex Beresford on ITV News promoting his Fresh Cuts documentary Black Boys Can Cry.
‘Alex investigates why the suicide of his best friend, Martin, is part of a shocking statistic – Black men are more likely to suffer from a severe mental health issue than others.’
Much sympathy from Mary Nightingale in the newsroom, it seems male suicide is a serious issue when it involves black men.
Maybe if Laurence Fox was darker he’d have that Get Out Of Jail Free card tucked in his back pocket.
Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce each jailed for eight months
This article is more than 10 years old
Former Lib Dem energy secretary and ex-wife sentenced for perverting course of justice
So poor Bob Mortimer is sidelined through health issues from the very watchable duo gone fishing series with Paul Whitehouse. So what do the BBC do? Why of course, They parachute in a full on Vegan comedian, Mack or something to pour buckets of cold sick onto what was lovely watchable program and overnight it changes from a wonderful lazy dip into something very nice and enjoyable into a sick-making campaigning shit show.
It sometimes worries me a bit that I think exactly the same as Laurence and Farage and make it known quite regularly here with my comments.
I really do wonder if a large list of possible right-wing troublemakers exists in our secret services along with the one of tens of thousands of potential Islamic terrorists we know exists.
On a brighter note, I just downloaded the Gulag Archipelago : seems like an interesting book to read for an insight into how the communist mindset works – because like Laurence, I am quite certain the Leftists would do something similar to people like me if they had the power.
Let me present to you Schrödinger's "British values" care of Owen Jones.
British values are "a lie, a con & a dangerous deceit" when Suella Braverman speaks of them, but are perfectly legitimate when Owen Jones speaks about them! 🤪
Tino Chrupalla, the co-chairman of ‘Alternative for Germany’ (the only ‘true’ right-wing party in Germany), has been hospitalized after an assassination attempt with a syringe before he was due to speak at an…
Yet another story which would have been front page news on the BBC if it matched their agenda.
A quick check with google shows their last report of a political assasination attempt was on Cristina Fernández all the way over in Argentina – but then she was known for being a Lefty – albeit yet another corrupt and dirty one, but the BBC don’t mind that. This one is far, far more important – but the BBC have decided not to report it.
As their continued support and protection of Biden proves.
Wow – the Red Labour Party wins a bi election from the SNP – and the blue Labour Party even lost its’ deposit …..a 20% swing …. Apparently turn out wasn’t high – tricky for the BBC because I think it’s prefers the dire SNP to red labour …. At the moment …..
Won’t be hearing too much from the snp for a while which can’t be a bad thing ….
After the multiple articles articles over several days for the young girl who came along with lots of empathy value, we are back to the basic-facts only, short reports with minimum information about who did it and who got stabbed.
Which of course means another pair of ‘enrichments’ who have no value to the BBC’s leftist agenda.
‘Black Lives Matter’ must be the biggest crock of hypocrisy, double-standards and blatant anti-white racism in history.
I genuinely feel sorry for the decent black people who try to stand up against real racism : they – like everything else to do with race – have been swamped by racist activists. And I include the BBC in that group.
Here’s one for the eco-lunatics.
From the Telegraph.
Low wind…..triggered a slump in power output at SSE’s renewable energy division over the spring and summer months ……output was 19% lower than planned in the six months to September as a result of less favourable weather conditions’
Strangely I didn’t hear a thing from the BBC climate correspondent on this story. Or business correspondent, for that matter. Interviews with Caroline Lucas there were none.
Let’s hope it’s a bit windier this winter.
Sluff, not too windy for us elders but a chill wind blowing through the BBC’s Finance and Accounting Unit might be a good thing. See my last line, below. 😉
TOADY Watch #1 – well, that has flushed one Labour supporter out of the BBC woodwork
Mishal Husain obviously supports the Labour Party because she refered to the result of the Rutherglen and Hamilton West By-election with a broad smile in her voice. In addition we now know that Beeboids are exempt from the rules that are imposed on us lesser mortals (if we didn’t know before!) because Mishal created lots of Global Warming and Climate Changing emissions by travelling unnecessarily to Glasgow to report on this By-election when the BBC have a perfectly good Scottish correspondent who could have done the same report.
Yes yes yes up2.
I heard that. She was positively radiating positive energy as she announced the result. No doom-and- gloom this morning.
And PS. It’s also plastered all over the webshite. Not just a story but a LIVE story, of the minute by minute kind that used to be reserved for things like the Queen dying.
They’ll be tripping over the Champagne bottles at NBH.
But I am somewhat conflated. I so want the SNP to get their well-deserved comeuppance even if it means taking some Labour wins on the chin,
Below is footage the BBC wouldn’t show you in a million years, depicting a white ‘social activist’ being stabbed to death by a black youth on the mean streets of NY.
Now just imagine the colours had been reversed: top story on the Beeb for weeks on end, followed by mass Burning, Looting, and Murder.
Ironically, the couple who were attacked had connections to Antifa and ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards). Perhaps they thought their right-on credentials would give them protection.
Final twist: the victim’s girlfriend refused to ID the killer to police. Wouldn’t want to appear racist, now would we?
This was thrust in front of me by my phone last night and I was staggered by the level of hate it contains. It’s not BBC directly, but it’s how they think. Here’s how it starts:
‘Transphobia has utterly engulfed Britain. It’s been stomach-churning to watch as hard-right anti-trans rhetoric has been so thoroughly embraced by all levels of the political spectrum, as well as various celebrities, a ton of newspapers, and a bunch of nobodies who won’t shut the hell up.’
The comments mostly involve people who only read ‘The Guardian’ and are shocked by other papers if they ever happen to read one.
Which tells us a LOT about The Guardian (commonly known as belonging to the same arse as the BBC).
Just checked other articles by the same author – what a truly vile, hate-filled person she is. But it seems that’s perfectly acceptable in todays society as long as you are not right-wing.
This is what we are up against. I wonder what these people so full of hate and spite would do to people they disagree with if they had the power. Something similar to what ISIS do I think.
JohnC ” Transphobia has utterly engulfed Britain. ” Wot?
” It’s been stomach-churning to watch as hard-right anti-trans rhetoric ” Wot all over again?
Some dear soul – the writer, obviously – has not been paying attention to poor, downtrodden, males who for years and years, probably Deck Aids (see, I can do BBC pronounciation as well as the BBC – can I be presenter on a vast salary, please?); these poor, downtrodden males have been refering to militant feminists as FemiNazis for a long, long, time.
Animals do the craziest things, gangsters’ molls & beyond Birmingham edition
Our BBC online news delights licence payers with a cross between Johnny Morris’s Animal Magic and Harry Hill’s Pets do the Funniest Things – or was that one presented by Michael Barrymore?
Most watched:
1. Watch: Cows trample fence and pack into garden
2. Video shows mind-blowing dolphin pod
3. Musician records a year of river sounds
4. Watch: Inside Paris flat as bed bugs take over city
5. Stag charges at officer during rescue
6. Watch: Amusing viral footage of vandal chainsawing ancient sycamore in potentially racist beauty spot
(That last one was Mr AsI’s own invention)
Now that the BBC has got your online 15 second gold fish attention with a rich diet of internet viral-like animals do the craziest things memes – they can hit you with: Labour celebrates ‘seismic’ win in Scottish by-election (BBC)
They’re all at it – this dumbing down activity. Over there deep down at the very arse-end of the BBC press pile this morning the Daily Star features: Bees v Hornets Who’s the hardest?
Of course that iconic sycamore tree gained fame as a movie location: The Prince of Trees: Former child actor turned personal trainer who hid up the 300-year-old Sycamore Gap Tree in Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood movie pays tribute to the fallen landmark (Daily Mail) – always the paying tribute. In Robin Hood’s day the phrase had a meaningful fiduciary meaning – but I digress.
Now we have an IRL (in real life) Robin Hood figure designated outlaw archer and rebel who’s been branded a traitor by our high tax gathering authorities: Crossbow man detained for nine years over treason threat to kill Queen Elizabeth… Jaswant Singh Chail, 21… (Reuters)
Mr AsI tends to support the monarchy – as an institution at least, if not overly admiring of the present incumbents. Some royals it seems, at least through the lense of a gushing media – can do no wrong: Give it a try The Princess of Wales… joined the England wheelchair ruby team for a practice session… (Times); The Princess of Wheels… Kate’s ‘a natural’ in wheelchair rugby game (giveaway Metro); A good sport… The Princes of Wales proved a ‘natural’ at wheelchair rugby… she scored a conversion at the first attempt… (Telegraph)
Disability appropriation, anyone? Wheelchair equivalent of Black Face? Not since Daniel Day-Lewis LARPed (live action role-playing) as a disabled man in My Left Foot have we witnessed such blatant ‘Able-washing’ in sport.
Fact check on that last bold statement: The Fake Paralympians… Paralympic cheats stopped me winning gold… British swimmer Dan Pepper investigates the biggest cheating scandal in Paralympic history (BBC World Service); Paralympics: Fake Paralympians “ruined my swimming career”… The Sydney Games included a men’s basketball event… The Spanish team were captained by Ray Torres, an athlete with a learning disability who had ‘found escape’ on the basketball court… and as it turns out, only two of the medal-winning athletes were legitimately disabled… this then led to a full ban of people with a learning disability for nine years (BBC Science Focus)
We’ve got a return for a recent Calm Down Dear feature. Shirley Ballas, 63, Stictly judge and victim of apparent terrifying online abuse – who one might have imagined would be keeping a lower profile of late – returns with an attention-grabbing splash to the frontpages today: Shirley Strictly between us… star on sex secrets of the pro dancers (Daily Mirror)
In politics the Uniparty closes ranks on yet another issue: Labour resists HS2 call… Party leader Keir Starmer has refused to commit to reversing the government’s decision to axe the line beyond Birmingham (FT)
We note of course the media tendency to paint every young black person involved in gun or knife crime as either victim of mistaken identity or budding Premier footballer, lawyer, or architect (that’s the popular trend of late)
“Schwarzer Britisher Architekt” as that old 1980s Rover advert might have put it.
Women are a protected minority group too
Bright: Graduate Ashley was local council officer… Innocent Ashley was gunned down… her boyfriend humiliated a rival gangster at the Glastonbury festival (giveaway Metro)
Classic Scene: The Public Enemy(1931): The Grapefruit Scene… James Cagney is growing quite accustomed to the gangster lifestyle… with the money and power… come the women. In this case the woman is Kitty (played by an uncredited Mae Clark) who fails to realize (he) rather likes the money, power, and fear aspects of climbing the criminal ladder and women are merely disposable fun… While having breakfast at Kitty’s place, (Cagney) feels the need to enjoy a morning beer, but is angered to find his new gal pal is not too crazy about drinking before noon and tells him as such. The poor young woman soon learns the tough lesson about angering an unpredictable violent sociopath. After a bit of arguing, where he proclaims “I didn’t ask for any lip. I ask for a drink”, (Cagney) picks up the grapefruit she is eating and coldly smashes it into her face. Staring her down with pure disdain, the gangster leaves without a second thought. (House of Geekery)
And speaking of geekery. While that natural home of societal concerns that we suppose is the Guardian intead goes off alarming about the weather: Scientists stunned by planet’s record September heat… Out of control (Guardian) – just to scare the kiddies – but significantly winning that all important (I jest of course) prize top spot on the BBC online newspaper round up – by the way their half frontpage devoted to: Starmer must be bold, urges team from Labour 1997 win (Guardian) – well, that will have caught the BBC’s attention too.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – media culture of late simply loves and yearns for the late-90s Blairite nostalgia comeback
Back to the future
At the other end of the BBC press review scale our most trashy jokey blokey tabloid pops into the time machine and goes rather too far back with a former footballer into Labour government flavoured history: King Kevin goes back to the 70s (Daily Star)
I’ve said this before – ill-judged Lockdown policies demoralised the workforce – and screwed up a generation of our kids. The Star jokes but this is a social issue the likes of the Guardian ought to be reporting: Rise & Rise of the Billy No Mates… and 1 in 10 doesn’t have a single pal… Sad Brits have fewer than four true friends – a 27 per cent drop in the past decade (Daily Star)
Lefties getting dead because they won’t accept that the world can be a dangerous place inevitably leads to this – death .
Anyone living in a city knows the rule of instantly stereotyping – it’s a survival technique – lefties who want to ban / end stereotyping will meet Darwinism and eventually take themselves out of the gene pool ( in its ‘ extreme )
Strangely the BBC barely covered the guilty verdict on a couple of feral NHS nurses who drugged their patients to keep them quiet so they could peacefully munch of the donated quality street .
I can imagine those in the medical mafia – who regularly use this technique thinking ‘how dumb to get caught ‘ – not – of course that it is wrong – evil …..
Don’t forget to clap .
I wonder how many people died because of the medical mafia strike ? Bed ‘blockers ‘?
NHS faces £4.3bn Bill for Clinical Negligence – NHS Negligence. With the developing progress of covid-19, we wanted to reassure our clients that we have reviewed our current procedures and extended these to ensure robust contingency plans. Read more here.25 May 2022
Fed, this is not a new thing. Its common practice to ‘sedate’ dementia patients when they become agitated and hard to placate. I’ve witnessed male psychiatric nurses being attacked physically by dementia patients. Strangely despite their age, they can have surges of unbelievable strength. Of course they can’t help it, but sometimes sedation is used to protect them from self harm.
I know that from personal experience . The trial found they were doing it to people aka patients they didn’t like … there is a criminal investigation into several ‘ unexplained deaths ‘ at their hospital …
The adage about a Republican being a Liberal who has nt been mugged yet is surely relevant today – but I believe in freedom of choice and if an individual decides to give their life up to their leftist cause – good luck to them …..
The point about the public not reporting crime to plod makes plod even less relevant to everyday life …. And the plod rape trials in the papers almost every day just adds to their decline in public standing ….
But take law ‘enforcement ‘ into your own hands and they’ll be very interested you ….
By Nick Garnett and Claire Kendall
BBC News
Each year, thousands of people in England and Wales are accused of crimes for which they are later acquitted. While their names may be cleared, they are often left emotionally and financially devastated – as Brian Buckle, who was wrongfully convicted of sexually abusing a child, discovered first-hand.
“When I was put in the cell, I sat there all night and just cried and cried.”
It was 2017 and Brian had just become a convicted sex offender, sentenced to serve 15 years in prison. A jury had found him guilty of 16 counts of historical child sex abuse.
But another trial would later acquit Brian after fresh analysis found DNA evidence used against him at his original hearing was flawed.
Thank you for your personalised circular urging me, as ‘a priority for seasonal flu and Covid-19 vaccinations’, to book my shots now.
I last had flu in the winter of 1999-2000. Since then I have investigated the efficacy of the annual flu shot, and lean towards the conclusions of Dr Tom Jefferson, of the Cochrane Institute, who has stated that ‘Influenza vaccines are about marketing and not science.
In the feeding lies department – as I’ve mentioned here before – I noticed about a week ago that Tesco muzak and announcement speakers in my local Tesco “big” store had reduced in volume to just above the general hubub and I wondered what the announcements were – when I got close to one – flu jabs and “vaccine” NHS stuff.
The view from our opposition : the people who scream “the BBC is pro Tory”
Shouting someone has been thrashed in a debate
.. is actually often a clickbait headline, that is not truthful
Here the Times had reported that some strike cover doctors were getting £3K even £8K per shift
So it is right for BBC politics to ask the strike leader if this is OK
She said the guys were private contractors like nighttime locksmiths being called out.
Is that a fair comparison, since the docs are booked quite a few days in advance ?
She said that £3K is the maximum on the BMA ratecard
So why did one guy earn £8K
The reason why so few doctors are trained in the UK is that the doctors union used to restrict the number of university places.
Stew, I remember during Blair’s first term as PM, there was a bit of a ‘hoo hah’ at the desperately low numbers of doctors being trained in the UK, and Gordy was prevailed upon to increase the funding for the training places because British pupils with three (or four) ‘A’ grades at A level in the right subjects were being turned away from UK medical schools. Not long after, Labour in Government introduced student fees and British students became crowded out thanks to the greed of Chancellors and Vice Chancellors.
“The BBC’s message to the world is that white people are uniquely evil and bad.”
Has voodoo been misjudged? { aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to rape three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
The Chinese government has committed a series of ongoing human rights abuses against Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang that is often characterized as genocide. Beginning in 2014, the Chinese government, under the administration of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi Jinping, incarcerated more than an estimated one million Turkic Muslims without any legal process in internment camps.[
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
1985 … Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
We all had at least one of his sort in our classes in junior school. Just ignored until he spouted over the top and received a good clouting for it. It could have been a handful if there was more than one.
Dear God, the vile BBC are at it again. ‘Six places that teach us about black British history’ is the latest drivel on their website. Ok then, here goes (1) Broadwater Farm Estate in Tottenham where Constable Keith Blakelock was murdered (2) Woolwich, site of the beheading of Fusilier Lee Rigby (3) Grenfell Tower fire caused by some immigrant fiddling his electrics (4)(5) and (6) take your pick from countless crimes throughout our country. Do the BBC realise how ridiculous they are?
My suggestion for place number (4):
The Thames near Tower Bridge where the headless, limbless, torso of “Adam” was found. A boy between four and eight years old thought to have been trafficked from Nigeria and ritually murdered and mutilated.
CLAP …. NHS nurse who used voodoo magic to force Nigerian women to work as prostitutes in Europe so she could fund a lavish lifestyle is found GUILTY of trafficking in the first case of its kind
Nurse lived double life between south London estate and mansion in Nigeria
She used a witch doctor in Nigeria to convince village girls they were under spell
They were trafficked to Europe in horrific conditions before working in Germany
Ground-breaking investigation and prosecution lead to her being convicted
PUBLISHED: 15:40, 28 June 2018 | UPDATED: 01:52, 29 June 2018
reacts to Labour’s win in the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election ⬇️
This idiot makes Toenails’ (yawn) or Kuenssberg’s ‘analysis’ seem like the genius of TIME magazine (if you know, you know).
Not many of not many based on the alternatives to a tribally loathed party in Westminster based on o more than geography, and the performances of Krankie and Mini Khan is hardly impressive, or a surprise.
But this all makes as much sense as a week where the people responsible for some of the most problematic additions in mRNA products win the Nobel Prize for medicine.
I discovered this week that the 1949 prize went to the Portuguese neurosurgeon Antonio Moniz for inventing the frontal lobotomy.
Ah yes – good old dependable Time magazine. They have form here – In the thirties they awarded Adolf Hitler the time man of the year. I was given a subscription to this rag years back and cancelled after writing to them that I would not read this woke nonsense or even wipe my arse with it.
I was just contemplating on the serial political demise of our world Jaber-oonians like: Johnson, Ahern, Andrews. So looking forward to this continuing my Schadenfreude was quickly punctured by the missus who said:
“don’t worry they are like bed-bugs, there are plenty more where they came from”
I understand that Starmer and co have flown to Scotland – they were so high they didn’t need an aircraft …. Maybe he’ll stop off at the tomb of Nicola sturgeon , salmond and that fat ex banker now crofter £ bloke on the way ….
There’s a bit of me sad that the SNP is self destructing because it’s always good to have a real villain . And I love the way they have to say ‘Westminster ‘ because they can’t bring themselves to say ‘ England’ or “English `’ ….
And the ‘tories ‘ lost their deposit on 3% of votes …
Rita Ora broke self-isolation rule by throwing birthday party after paid private gig in Egypt
Singer issues second apology as further details about her now-notorious London birthday party emerge
Open Borders – those who advocate it can leave their fronts doors open every Friday evening with a sign outside saying they back open borders and the EU!
It seems Andy Neil doesn’t like the Chinese – a piece in the mail describes just how many coal power stations they have and how much coal they use in a year ….. heart warming ….
Don’t forget to turn thermostat down this winter – when it comes ….
I’m beginning to wonder “Dickie” whether or not you’re on the Kremlin’s payroll or just a cheerleader for an invading force? I’ve no skin in the game, but all of your links fall heavily on one side and all from the usual disinformation suspects including the Duran. That said, I’m no follower of the Western world’s MSM when it comes to their Ukraine coverage, so this in no way a defence of their reporting. I should add that I gave the Duran the benefit of the doubt a couple of years ago for a short while, but soon saw through what they were up to. You surely don’t swallow what is blatant propaganda, do you?
Jeeze – I thought the accusation of someone being a paid Russian troll was reserved for the likes of the BBC and DT comments sections where they are jammed full with pro Ukranian trolls accusing anyone who doesn’t ‘toe the line’ of being Russian trolls.
Perhaps you should do a bit of research about a) why this war started, b) who is actually winning it and c) why our entire MSM is totally misleading us about it.
I don’t go to any of the sites Dickie does : I follow independent reporters on youtube. And it’s pretty easy to work out what has a ring of truth and what does not. And when you’ve watched those then read the BBC reports, it becomes very clear just how much the BBC are not reporting.
Boil it down and it’s this simple : The USA want NATO in Ukraine so they can move up to the underbelly of Russia. It’s like Cuba. They knew full well Russia would not accept it and the war started. The whole purpose is to bleed Russia of it’s manhood so it cannot present a serious threat should a war start with China because the USA know they can’t take on both at the same time.
‘the US defence secretary, Lloyd Austin, declared: “We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kind of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.” This could be summarised as “bleed them until it hurts and continue to bleed them”.’
Unfortunately for Ukraine that means they bleed even more. But the USA think that’s a price worth paying. They are literally sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Ukranians for their own political objective.
Ever wonder why the USA deliberately scupper attempts to start peace talks ?.
I can’t say if all of this will turn out to be right or wrong for the long term if indeed the USA do go to war with China. But it doesn’t change the total lies we are being fed now to support a war. And this comes from someone who chose to serve during the cold war – so I’m not against any war if it is just.
I served too John but I stand by my comment. Although I don’t believe a word anybody reports, I cannot condone any invasion and the crude (Russian) propaganda that seeks to justify it. Living these days in a country that NATO bombed the crap out of for their own ends, trust me I’m no fan of the organisation I used to be part of.
And I’m no fan of Putin : I regard him like Saddam Hussein – a ‘moderate’ by their standards who keeps the real extremists in check by his own brutal methods.
The truth can be inferred by the maps of who controls what -especially the ones produced by Ukraine themselves. They prove without any doubt that the offensive has completely failed. And when you know that, all the reports of massive Ukraine losses become absolutely plausible.
If they get rid of Putin, I seriously think it will be WW3. The war has a lot of support in Russia – despite what the BBC tell us. There are hard-liners in his government who want this to be a full scale war.
It seems the USA will never learn from past mistakes. They thought Putin would be overthrown. He wasn’t. Now they think the public will turn against him and he will give up. They won’t. Best outcome at this point IMHO is to accept how it is now and guarantee Ukraine won’t join NATO. All this talk of Russia attacking any NATO country after they take Ukraine as a reason to keep fighting is absolute nonsense. He knows he could never win that one. That is the whole reason this war started.
But the USA will not allow that. So hundreds of thousands more young men and civilians are going to die. And the entire Western media will keep up the lies.
My days of trying to learn Russian ( failed ) taught me a bit about the Russian mindset. They are tougher than us – the West – they are more patriotic than us – they know their history – unlike us – they won the war – unlike us – and the break up of the uSSR injured their pride – ….
…. But I think if the Ukraine war I’d won by Russia putin will want his buffer zone …. But this site isn’t really for something like this apart from the way the MSM tell punters what they want to hear …. Winter’s coming …
lol, agreed. I’ll keep my opinion for BBC HYS where they have a life expectancy of about a minute.
My problem is that I hate liars. My dad taught me that you can cure a thief, but you can never cure a liar. And they are everywhere in the media these days.
It isn’t just the USA. The EU is heavily invested too. I don’t disagree with much of what you say John, it just grips me to see pro- Russian comments. Old habits and all that. It’s Friday night so let’s raise a virtual glass…
There was one put up the other day where I responded by asking why the presenter wasn’t wearing Russian uniform, personally – I’m not so sure the US motivated the war – certainly putin wants to rebuild his Soviet Union as a full blooded KGB agent .
The Russians will never be friends – since 1917 they’ve undermined us and are an enemy . I think Russia will win through persistence – after that – undermine Poland or Hungary .
At least it’s nothing we can do anything about . Putin being dead wouid be a thing though ….
Spot on as usual Fed. I literally skim reports and going down the rabbit hole of a thousand so called independent reporters – you tube or otherwise – really is bad for one’s mental health. A bit like 9/11 or contrails. Anyway, I wish you a good weekend and the continuing enjoyment of your trips to warmer climes…
Ah, I recently spent 7 years in the Med after a lifelong ambition to retire there after childhood memories. In the end, island mentality got the best of me and I moved yet again 😊
Another victory for Guido’s co-conspirators as the BBC’s Newsnight editor admits that it didn’t “quite get it right” on its extreme, unbalanced anti-GB News programme last week. Guido let co-conspirators know how they could complain about the show trial and as a consequence the BBC’s own Newswatch was forced to discuss their coverage and haul editor Stewart Maclean in for self-flaggelation. Guido agrees that “the discussion would have been better” if they had someone on to defend GB News but finds it hard to believe that there was no-one available…
As far as I can tell, this is the sole article by the BBC at the time about yet another of their ranks convicted of being nasty, dirty perverted hypocrites. Qualities they seem to have in abudance.
Isn’t it amazing how times have changed : just a small article then under the carpet. This is a convicted child molestor : compare it what they did to Russel Brand who turned inconveniently and vocally right-wing.
Also compare with the young-boy pervert Huw Edwards who they have dropped completely because for some reason, it wasn’t nice to expose what he had done as he is too sensitive.
And also for Laurence Fox who has become the ultimate mysoginist for saying he wouldn’t shag a woman who is know for telling us which blokes SHE wouldn’t shag on twitter.
This all way beyond simple hypocrisy and double standards now. It’s full on fascism. They are getting more and more aggressive each time they get away taking out another vocal right-winger who is getting popular.
We are in the middle of yet another war caused by ideological Leftists trying to get rid of their enemies once and for all.
Denning, 75, of London, is currently in prison for child sexual offences. He pleaded guilty in August to 21 further counts committed between 1969 and 1986.
He was part of the original line-up of disc jockeys that launched BBC Radio 1 in 1967, but left two years later.
The truth of it is that the pathetic lib-dem voting BBC managers were scared of Saville and dare not confront him.
And because he became so powerful, none of the other people dare say anything because he was a nasty piece of work who could destroy their careers.
How very, very typical he was of your seterotype nasty, intolerant Lefty.
The documentary where Louis Theroux lived with him for a bit showed Saville for the nasty, manipulative man he was. It taught me just what kind of people get on in the BBC ‘environment’. Totally different from the image they project to the public.
Posting material (including videos and photographs) online that is critical of the UAE government, companies or individuals, or related to incidents in the UAE, or appearing to abuse/ridicule/criticise the country or its authorities, or that is culturally insensitive, may be considered a crime punishable under UAE law.
25 February 2019 A Taiwanese games company has had its latest release pulled from mainland China, after players noticed subtle references mocking Chinese President Xi Jinping, including comparing him to Winnie the Pooh.
Red Candle Games released Devotion, a first-person horror game set in 1980s Taiwan, on games platform Steam on 19 February.
Thread: You may have seen viral posts that Olena Zelenska, President Zelensky’s wife, spent $1.1m on Cartier jewellery during the couple’s recent visit to the US.
Let’s find out why those posts are false, and examine how pro-Kremlin disinformation of this kind travels online.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Weatherman Alex Beresford on ITV News promoting his Fresh Cuts documentary Black Boys Can Cry.
‘Alex investigates why the suicide of his best friend, Martin, is part of a shocking statistic – Black men are more likely to suffer from a severe mental health issue than others.’
Much sympathy from Mary Nightingale in the newsroom, it seems male suicide is a serious issue when it involves black men.
Maybe if Laurence Fox was darker he’d have that Get Out Of Jail Free card tucked in his back pocket.
GBnews got rid of 3 UNCONVICTED *RIGHTY* wrongthinking presenters
… and now in the studio they have Vicky Pryce on know the lefty CONVICTED jailed criminal
#Irony #Irony #Irony #Irony #Irony #Irony
Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce each jailed for eight months
This article is more than 10 years old
Former Lib Dem energy secretary and ex-wife sentenced for perverting course of justice
My thoughts exactly Stew. I wonder how many viewers and listeners (and even GB bookers) are even aware she’s a felon !
So poor Bob Mortimer is sidelined through health issues from the very watchable duo gone fishing series with Paul Whitehouse. So what do the BBC do? Why of course, They parachute in a full on Vegan comedian, Mack or something to pour buckets of cold sick onto what was lovely watchable program and overnight it changes from a wonderful lazy dip into something very nice and enjoyable into a sick-making campaigning shit show.
Well done BBC but that’s me out as they say!
Another one bites the dust!
Tonight Lozza Fox .. recapped his week
Since arresting him , they his phone and devices and his kids phones and devices
Sohe couldn’t phone them from in/ouside the police station
#TheProcess is the punishment and is without judicial process
That failed to embed, I’ll try again
It sometimes worries me a bit that I think exactly the same as Laurence and Farage and make it known quite regularly here with my comments.
I really do wonder if a large list of possible right-wing troublemakers exists in our secret services along with the one of tens of thousands of potential Islamic terrorists we know exists.
On a brighter note, I just downloaded the Gulag Archipelago : seems like an interesting book to read for an insight into how the communist mindset works – because like Laurence, I am quite certain the Leftists would do something similar to people like me if they had the power.
Owen Jones went to the Tory Party Conference to do a GOTCHA
Did that work ?
Specifically …. from here
Yet another story which would have been front page news on the BBC if it matched their agenda.
A quick check with google shows their last report of a political assasination attempt was on Cristina Fernández all the way over in Argentina – but then she was known for being a Lefty – albeit yet another corrupt and dirty one, but the BBC don’t mind that. This one is far, far more important – but the BBC have decided not to report it.
As their continued support and protection of Biden proves.
Wow – the Red Labour Party wins a bi election from the SNP – and the blue Labour Party even lost its’ deposit …..a 20% swing …. Apparently turn out wasn’t high – tricky for the BBC because I think it’s prefers the dire SNP to red labour …. At the moment …..
Won’t be hearing too much from the snp for a while which can’t be a bad thing ….
Sutton: Boy, 17, charged with murder following stabbing
After the multiple articles articles over several days for the young girl who came along with lots of empathy value, we are back to the basic-facts only, short reports with minimum information about who did it and who got stabbed.
Which of course means another pair of ‘enrichments’ who have no value to the BBC’s leftist agenda.
‘Black Lives Matter’ must be the biggest crock of hypocrisy, double-standards and blatant anti-white racism in history.
I genuinely feel sorry for the decent black people who try to stand up against real racism : they – like everything else to do with race – have been swamped by racist activists. And I include the BBC in that group.
Here’s one for the eco-lunatics.
From the Telegraph.
Low wind…..triggered a slump in power output at SSE’s renewable energy division over the spring and summer months ……output was 19% lower than planned in the six months to September as a result of less favourable weather conditions’
Strangely I didn’t hear a thing from the BBC climate correspondent on this story. Or business correspondent, for that matter. Interviews with Caroline Lucas there were none.
Let’s hope it’s a bit windier this winter.
Sluff, not too windy for us elders but a chill wind blowing through the BBC’s Finance and Accounting Unit might be a good thing. See my last line, below. 😉
and how “they” deal with it…
TOADY Watch #1 – well, that has flushed one Labour supporter out of the BBC woodwork
Mishal Husain obviously supports the Labour Party because she refered to the result of the Rutherglen and Hamilton West By-election with a broad smile in her voice. In addition we now know that Beeboids are exempt from the rules that are imposed on us lesser mortals (if we didn’t know before!) because Mishal created lots of Global Warming and Climate Changing emissions by travelling unnecessarily to Glasgow to report on this By-election when the BBC have a perfectly good Scottish correspondent who could have done the same report.
Stop paying the TellyTax, defund the BBC!
Yes yes yes up2.
I heard that. She was positively radiating positive energy as she announced the result. No doom-and- gloom this morning.
And PS. It’s also plastered all over the webshite. Not just a story but a LIVE story, of the minute by minute kind that used to be reserved for things like the Queen dying.
They’ll be tripping over the Champagne bottles at NBH.
But I am somewhat conflated. I so want the SNP to get their well-deserved comeuppance even if it means taking some Labour wins on the chin,
Below is footage the BBC wouldn’t show you in a million years, depicting a white ‘social activist’ being stabbed to death by a black youth on the mean streets of NY.
Now just imagine the colours had been reversed: top story on the Beeb for weeks on end, followed by mass Burning, Looting, and Murder.
Ironically, the couple who were attacked had connections to Antifa and ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards). Perhaps they thought their right-on credentials would give them protection.
Final twist: the victim’s girlfriend refused to ID the killer to police. Wouldn’t want to appear racist, now would we?
Burning, Looting, Murder.
Hey. BLM.
Very neat Vlad.
Even those with dementia should be challenged….🤡
Don’t Let the British Media Rehabilitate Graham Linehan
This was thrust in front of me by my phone last night and I was staggered by the level of hate it contains. It’s not BBC directly, but it’s how they think. Here’s how it starts:
‘Transphobia has utterly engulfed Britain. It’s been stomach-churning to watch as hard-right anti-trans rhetoric has been so thoroughly embraced by all levels of the political spectrum, as well as various celebrities, a ton of newspapers, and a bunch of nobodies who won’t shut the hell up.’
The comments mostly involve people who only read ‘The Guardian’ and are shocked by other papers if they ever happen to read one.
Which tells us a LOT about The Guardian (commonly known as belonging to the same arse as the BBC).
Just checked other articles by the same author – what a truly vile, hate-filled person she is. But it seems that’s perfectly acceptable in todays society as long as you are not right-wing.
This is what we are up against. I wonder what these people so full of hate and spite would do to people they disagree with if they had the power. Something similar to what ISIS do I think.
JohnC ” Transphobia has utterly engulfed Britain. ” Wot?
” It’s been stomach-churning to watch as hard-right anti-trans rhetoric ” Wot all over again?
Some dear soul – the writer, obviously – has not been paying attention to poor, downtrodden, males who for years and years, probably Deck Aids (see, I can do BBC pronounciation as well as the BBC – can I be presenter on a vast salary, please?); these poor, downtrodden males have been refering to militant feminists as FemiNazis for a long, long, time.
Exactly what I thought Up2.
And in the comments, they all praised ‘The Guardian’ as the only newpaper worth reading. They called all the others ‘shocking’ !!.
It reminded me of a quote from ‘Justified’ (before they ruined it by using it as a vehicle for wokeness):
‘When you go out and meet an asshole, you met an asshole.
When you think everybody you meet is an asshole, YOU are the asshole.’
Fit’s these people perfectly and they are too dumb to realise.
Animals do the craziest things, gangsters’ molls & beyond Birmingham edition
Our BBC online news delights licence payers with a cross between Johnny Morris’s Animal Magic and Harry Hill’s Pets do the Funniest Things – or was that one presented by Michael Barrymore?
Most watched:
1. Watch: Cows trample fence and pack into garden
2. Video shows mind-blowing dolphin pod
3. Musician records a year of river sounds
4. Watch: Inside Paris flat as bed bugs take over city
5. Stag charges at officer during rescue
6. Watch: Amusing viral footage of vandal chainsawing ancient sycamore in potentially racist beauty spot
(That last one was Mr AsI’s own invention)
Now that the BBC has got your online 15 second gold fish attention with a rich diet of internet viral-like animals do the craziest things memes – they can hit you with: Labour celebrates ‘seismic’ win in Scottish by-election (BBC)
They’re all at it – this dumbing down activity. Over there deep down at the very arse-end of the BBC press pile this morning the Daily Star features: Bees v Hornets Who’s the hardest?
Of course that iconic sycamore tree gained fame as a movie location: The Prince of Trees: Former child actor turned personal trainer who hid up the 300-year-old Sycamore Gap Tree in Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood movie pays tribute to the fallen landmark (Daily Mail) – always the paying tribute. In Robin Hood’s day the phrase had a meaningful fiduciary meaning – but I digress.
Now we have an IRL (in real life) Robin Hood figure designated outlaw archer and rebel who’s been branded a traitor by our high tax gathering authorities: Crossbow man detained for nine years over treason threat to kill Queen Elizabeth… Jaswant Singh Chail, 21… (Reuters)
Mr AsI tends to support the monarchy – as an institution at least, if not overly admiring of the present incumbents. Some royals it seems, at least through the lense of a gushing media – can do no wrong: Give it a try The Princess of Wales… joined the England wheelchair ruby team for a practice session… (Times); The Princess of Wheels… Kate’s ‘a natural’ in wheelchair rugby game (giveaway Metro); A good sport… The Princes of Wales proved a ‘natural’ at wheelchair rugby… she scored a conversion at the first attempt… (Telegraph)
Disability appropriation, anyone? Wheelchair equivalent of Black Face? Not since Daniel Day-Lewis LARPed (live action role-playing) as a disabled man in My Left Foot have we witnessed such blatant ‘Able-washing’ in sport.
Fact check on that last bold statement: The Fake Paralympians… Paralympic cheats stopped me winning gold… British swimmer Dan Pepper investigates the biggest cheating scandal in Paralympic history (BBC World Service); Paralympics: Fake Paralympians “ruined my swimming career”… The Sydney Games included a men’s basketball event… The Spanish team were captained by Ray Torres, an athlete with a learning disability who had ‘found escape’ on the basketball court… and as it turns out, only two of the medal-winning athletes were legitimately disabled… this then led to a full ban of people with a learning disability for nine years (BBC Science Focus)
We’ve got a return for a recent Calm Down Dear feature. Shirley Ballas, 63, Stictly judge and victim of apparent terrifying online abuse – who one might have imagined would be keeping a lower profile of late – returns with an attention-grabbing splash to the frontpages today: Shirley Strictly between us… star on sex secrets of the pro dancers (Daily Mirror)
In politics the Uniparty closes ranks on yet another issue: Labour resists HS2 call… Party leader Keir Starmer has refused to commit to reversing the government’s decision to axe the line beyond Birmingham (FT)
We note of course the media tendency to paint every young black person involved in gun or knife crime as either victim of mistaken identity or budding Premier footballer, lawyer, or architect (that’s the popular trend of late)
“Schwarzer Britisher Architekt” as that old 1980s Rover advert might have put it.
Women are a protected minority group too
Bright: Graduate Ashley was local council officer… Innocent Ashley was gunned down… her boyfriend humiliated a rival gangster at the Glastonbury festival (giveaway Metro)
Classic Scene: The Public Enemy (1931): The Grapefruit Scene… James Cagney is growing quite accustomed to the gangster lifestyle… with the money and power… come the women. In this case the woman is Kitty (played by an uncredited Mae Clark) who fails to realize (he) rather likes the money, power, and fear aspects of climbing the criminal ladder and women are merely disposable fun… While having breakfast at Kitty’s place, (Cagney) feels the need to enjoy a morning beer, but is angered to find his new gal pal is not too crazy about drinking before noon and tells him as such. The poor young woman soon learns the tough lesson about angering an unpredictable violent sociopath. After a bit of arguing, where he proclaims “I didn’t ask for any lip. I ask for a drink”, (Cagney) picks up the grapefruit she is eating and coldly smashes it into her face. Staring her down with pure disdain, the gangster leaves without a second thought. (House of Geekery)
And speaking of geekery. While that natural home of societal concerns that we suppose is the Guardian intead goes off alarming about the weather: Scientists stunned by planet’s record September heat… Out of control (Guardian) – just to scare the kiddies – but significantly winning that all important (I jest of course) prize top spot on the BBC online newspaper round up – by the way their half frontpage devoted to: Starmer must be bold, urges team from Labour 1997 win (Guardian) – well, that will have caught the BBC’s attention too.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – media culture of late simply loves and yearns for the late-90s Blairite nostalgia comeback
Back to the future
At the other end of the BBC press review scale our most trashy jokey blokey tabloid pops into the time machine and goes rather too far back with a former footballer into Labour government flavoured history: King Kevin goes back to the 70s (Daily Star)
I’ve said this before – ill-judged Lockdown policies demoralised the workforce – and screwed up a generation of our kids. The Star jokes but this is a social issue the likes of the Guardian ought to be reporting: Rise & Rise of the Billy No Mates… and 1 in 10 doesn’t have a single pal… Sad Brits have fewer than four true friends – a 27 per cent drop in the past decade (Daily Star)
That was your serious public service broadcast.
Blink and this will be gone…
Bigger news than Fox or Brand but a teeny tiny mention unlike both of them.
“BBC reaches settlement with murdered girl’s mother over clothes lost by Martin Bashir
18 hours ago”
The BBC has reached a settlement with a woman who said Martin Bashir had borrowed but failed to return her murdered daughter’s clothes.
Martin Bashir was found to have acted in a “deceitful” way over a 1995 interview with Diana, Princess of Wales
Here is Matt Walsh’s take on the tragic story of the NY stabbing, posted earlier.
As he says, Stereotyping Can Save Your Life.
Lefties getting dead because they won’t accept that the world can be a dangerous place inevitably leads to this – death .
Anyone living in a city knows the rule of instantly stereotyping – it’s a survival technique – lefties who want to ban / end stereotyping will meet Darwinism and eventually take themselves out of the gene pool ( in its ‘ extreme )
Strangely the BBC barely covered the guilty verdict on a couple of feral NHS nurses who drugged their patients to keep them quiet so they could peacefully munch of the donated quality street .
I can imagine those in the medical mafia – who regularly use this technique thinking ‘how dumb to get caught ‘ – not – of course that it is wrong – evil …..
Don’t forget to clap .
I wonder how many people died because of the medical mafia strike ? Bed ‘blockers ‘?
NHS faces £4.3bn Bill for Clinical Negligence – NHS Negligence. With the developing progress of covid-19, we wanted to reassure our clients that we have reviewed our current procedures and extended these to ensure robust contingency plans. Read more here.25 May 2022
Fed, this is not a new thing. Its common practice to ‘sedate’ dementia patients when they become agitated and hard to placate. I’ve witnessed male psychiatric nurses being attacked physically by dementia patients. Strangely despite their age, they can have surges of unbelievable strength. Of course they can’t help it, but sometimes sedation is used to protect them from self harm.
I know that from personal experience . The trial found they were doing it to people aka patients they didn’t like … there is a criminal investigation into several ‘ unexplained deaths ‘ at their hospital …
I think their text messages convicted them …
.. don’t forget to clap …
@Fedup2 – Here’s another example of reality-denying lefties getting killed.
This one was killed shortly after posting about crime being down in Philadelphia (because the police have stopped even recording it, dummy!)
Soros Journalist Gets Shot To Death After Down Playing Crime
The adage about a Republican being a Liberal who has nt been mugged yet is surely relevant today – but I believe in freedom of choice and if an individual decides to give their life up to their leftist cause – good luck to them …..
The point about the public not reporting crime to plod makes plod even less relevant to everyday life …. And the plod rape trials in the papers almost every day just adds to their decline in public standing ….
But take law ‘enforcement ‘ into your own hands and they’ll be very interested you ….
By Nick Garnett and Claire Kendall
BBC News
Each year, thousands of people in England and Wales are accused of crimes for which they are later acquitted. While their names may be cleared, they are often left emotionally and financially devastated – as Brian Buckle, who was wrongfully convicted of sexually abusing a child, discovered first-hand.
“When I was put in the cell, I sat there all night and just cried and cried.”
It was 2017 and Brian had just become a convicted sex offender, sentenced to serve 15 years in prison. A jury had found him guilty of 16 counts of historical child sex abuse.
But another trial would later acquit Brian after fresh analysis found DNA evidence used against him at his original hearing was flawed.
Wrongful convictions should attract *way* more attention than they do.
Like rogue surgeons who’ve slashed their way through thousands of patients, rogue prosecutors are deserving of incarceration themselves….
Never heard of one getting prosecuted.
£3.5billion news service.
“Worst place for di world to be small pikin”
Democratic Republic of Congo for Africa na di worst place to be small pikin for world and di mata dey get worse.
Pregnant woman enta labour, born pikin ontop moving train
Run by pikin?
Earth quake proof?
“21.03.2013 02:06 PM
Poor-quality Chinese concrete could lead to skyscrapers collapsing”
Dear Dr Kanani,
Thank you for your personalised circular urging me, as ‘a priority for seasonal flu and Covid-19 vaccinations’, to book my shots now.
I last had flu in the winter of 1999-2000. Since then I have investigated the efficacy of the annual flu shot, and lean towards the conclusions of Dr Tom Jefferson, of the Cochrane Institute, who has stated that ‘Influenza vaccines are about marketing and not science.
In the feeding lies department – as I’ve mentioned here before – I noticed about a week ago that Tesco muzak and announcement speakers in my local Tesco “big” store had reduced in volume to just above the general hubub and I wondered what the announcements were – when I got close to one – flu jabs and “vaccine” NHS stuff.
It’s as close as they can creep to subliminal…
The view from our opposition : the people who scream “the BBC is pro Tory”
Shouting someone has been thrashed in a debate
.. is actually often a clickbait headline, that is not truthful
Here the Times had reported that some strike cover doctors were getting £3K even £8K per shift
So it is right for BBC politics to ask the strike leader if this is OK
She said the guys were private contractors like nighttime locksmiths being called out.
Is that a fair comparison, since the docs are booked quite a few days in advance ?
She said that £3K is the maximum on the BMA ratecard
So why did one guy earn £8K
The reason why so few doctors are trained in the UK is that the doctors union used to restrict the number of university places.
EPIC reply … i hate those titles rather than what the comment was!
The BBC only looks ‘conservative’ to the extreme left.
All relative, innit?
Stew, I remember during Blair’s first term as PM, there was a bit of a ‘hoo hah’ at the desperately low numbers of doctors being trained in the UK, and Gordy was prevailed upon to increase the funding for the training places because British pupils with three (or four) ‘A’ grades at A level in the right subjects were being turned away from UK medical schools. Not long after, Labour in Government introduced student fees and British students became crowded out thanks to the greed of Chancellors and Vice Chancellors.
NHS and HS2 combined in Africa.
“Pregnant woman enta labour, born pikin ontop moving train“
29 Sept 2022
Mark Steyn MOCKS Kamala Harris over North Korea gaffe
“Only one thing you need to remember, which is north and south … ”
“USA shares a special alliance with NORTH KOREA” – Harris
No wonder they got rid of him – a real threat to the blob
“The BBC’s message to the world is that white people are uniquely evil and bad.”
Has voodoo been misjudged? { aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to rape three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
The Chinese government has committed a series of ongoing human rights abuses against Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang that is often characterized as genocide. Beginning in 2014, the Chinese government, under the administration of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi Jinping, incarcerated more than an estimated one million Turkic Muslims without any legal process in internment camps.[
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
1985 … Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
We all had at least one of his sort in our classes in junior school. Just ignored until he spouted over the top and received a good clouting for it. It could have been a handful if there was more than one.
Dear God, the vile BBC are at it again. ‘Six places that teach us about black British history’ is the latest drivel on their website. Ok then, here goes (1) Broadwater Farm Estate in Tottenham where Constable Keith Blakelock was murdered (2) Woolwich, site of the beheading of Fusilier Lee Rigby (3) Grenfell Tower fire caused by some immigrant fiddling his electrics (4)(5) and (6) take your pick from countless crimes throughout our country. Do the BBC realise how ridiculous they are?
From Boko Haram to Islamic State, sex slavery and trafficking fund extremism: report
By Lin Taylor, Thomson Reuters Foundation
My suggestion for place number (4):
The Thames near Tower Bridge where the headless, limbless, torso of “Adam” was found. A boy between four and eight years old thought to have been trafficked from Nigeria and ritually murdered and mutilated.
Still, never mind – “Here from the Start!”
CLAP …. NHS nurse who used voodoo magic to force Nigerian women to work as prostitutes in Europe so she could fund a lavish lifestyle is found GUILTY of trafficking in the first case of its kind
Nurse lived double life between south London estate and mansion in Nigeria
She used a witch doctor in Nigeria to convince village girls they were under spell
They were trafficked to Europe in horrific conditions before working in Germany
Ground-breaking investigation and prosecution lead to her being convicted
PUBLISHED: 15:40, 28 June 2018 | UPDATED: 01:52, 29 June 2018
“This thunderbolt of a result will leave Labour chipper; the SNP and the Conservatives gloomy”
reacts to Labour’s win in the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election ⬇️
This idiot makes Toenails’ (yawn) or Kuenssberg’s ‘analysis’ seem like the genius of TIME magazine (if you know, you know).
Not many of not many based on the alternatives to a tribally loathed party in Westminster based on o more than geography, and the performances of Krankie and Mini Khan is hardly impressive, or a surprise.
Guest too cryptic I fear.
But this all makes as much sense as a week where the people responsible for some of the most problematic additions in mRNA products win the Nobel Prize for medicine.
I discovered this week that the 1949 prize went to the Portuguese neurosurgeon Antonio Moniz for inventing the frontal lobotomy.
It’s all coming together.
Ah yes – good old dependable Time magazine. They have form here – In the thirties they awarded Adolf Hitler the time man of the year. I was given a subscription to this rag years back and cancelled after writing to them that I would not read this woke nonsense or even wipe my arse with it.
Tx for the capture. There is a ‘version’ that is way funnier. I’ll see if I can a) find it, b) post it here.
I was just contemplating on the serial political demise of our world Jaber-oonians like: Johnson, Ahern, Andrews. So looking forward to this continuing my Schadenfreude was quickly punctured by the missus who said:
“don’t worry they are like bed-bugs, there are plenty more where they came from”
I understand that Starmer and co have flown to Scotland – they were so high they didn’t need an aircraft …. Maybe he’ll stop off at the tomb of Nicola sturgeon , salmond and that fat ex banker now crofter £ bloke on the way ….
There’s a bit of me sad that the SNP is self destructing because it’s always good to have a real villain . And I love the way they have to say ‘Westminster ‘ because they can’t bring themselves to say ‘ England’ or “English `’ ….
And the ‘tories ‘ lost their deposit on 3% of votes …
Rita Ora broke self-isolation rule by throwing birthday party after paid private gig in Egypt
Singer issues second apology as further details about her now-notorious London birthday party emerge
Roisin O’Connor
Sunday 06 December 2020 17:27
Absolutely no love for labour (or the tories) but anything that takes down the SNP shits is welcome in my book.
Open Borders – those who advocate it can leave their fronts doors open every Friday evening with a sign outside saying they back open borders and the EU!
It seems Andy Neil doesn’t like the Chinese – a piece in the mail describes just how many coal power stations they have and how much coal they use in a year ….. heart warming ….
Don’t forget to turn thermostat down this winter – when it comes ….
What happens when the NHS hits their annual ‘winter’ crisis? Should we donate our hot water and sausages for a couple of months?
Nudge unit: “idea has potential; needs some fleshing out”
I’m beginning to wonder “Dickie” whether or not you’re on the Kremlin’s payroll or just a cheerleader for an invading force? I’ve no skin in the game, but all of your links fall heavily on one side and all from the usual disinformation suspects including the Duran. That said, I’m no follower of the Western world’s MSM when it comes to their Ukraine coverage, so this in no way a defence of their reporting. I should add that I gave the Duran the benefit of the doubt a couple of years ago for a short while, but soon saw through what they were up to. You surely don’t swallow what is blatant propaganda, do you?
Jeeze – I thought the accusation of someone being a paid Russian troll was reserved for the likes of the BBC and DT comments sections where they are jammed full with pro Ukranian trolls accusing anyone who doesn’t ‘toe the line’ of being Russian trolls.
Perhaps you should do a bit of research about a) why this war started, b) who is actually winning it and c) why our entire MSM is totally misleading us about it.
I don’t go to any of the sites Dickie does : I follow independent reporters on youtube. And it’s pretty easy to work out what has a ring of truth and what does not. And when you’ve watched those then read the BBC reports, it becomes very clear just how much the BBC are not reporting.
Boil it down and it’s this simple : The USA want NATO in Ukraine so they can move up to the underbelly of Russia. It’s like Cuba. They knew full well Russia would not accept it and the war started. The whole purpose is to bleed Russia of it’s manhood so it cannot present a serious threat should a war start with China because the USA know they can’t take on both at the same time.
‘the US defence secretary, Lloyd Austin, declared: “We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kind of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.” This could be summarised as “bleed them until it hurts and continue to bleed them”.’
Unfortunately for Ukraine that means they bleed even more. But the USA think that’s a price worth paying. They are literally sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Ukranians for their own political objective.
Ever wonder why the USA deliberately scupper attempts to start peace talks ?.
I can’t say if all of this will turn out to be right or wrong for the long term if indeed the USA do go to war with China. But it doesn’t change the total lies we are being fed now to support a war. And this comes from someone who chose to serve during the cold war – so I’m not against any war if it is just.
I served too John but I stand by my comment. Although I don’t believe a word anybody reports, I cannot condone any invasion and the crude (Russian) propaganda that seeks to justify it. Living these days in a country that NATO bombed the crap out of for their own ends, trust me I’m no fan of the organisation I used to be part of.
And I’m no fan of Putin : I regard him like Saddam Hussein – a ‘moderate’ by their standards who keeps the real extremists in check by his own brutal methods.
The truth can be inferred by the maps of who controls what -especially the ones produced by Ukraine themselves. They prove without any doubt that the offensive has completely failed. And when you know that, all the reports of massive Ukraine losses become absolutely plausible.
If they get rid of Putin, I seriously think it will be WW3. The war has a lot of support in Russia – despite what the BBC tell us. There are hard-liners in his government who want this to be a full scale war.
It seems the USA will never learn from past mistakes. They thought Putin would be overthrown. He wasn’t. Now they think the public will turn against him and he will give up. They won’t. Best outcome at this point IMHO is to accept how it is now and guarantee Ukraine won’t join NATO. All this talk of Russia attacking any NATO country after they take Ukraine as a reason to keep fighting is absolute nonsense. He knows he could never win that one. That is the whole reason this war started.
But the USA will not allow that. So hundreds of thousands more young men and civilians are going to die. And the entire Western media will keep up the lies.
My days of trying to learn Russian ( failed ) taught me a bit about the Russian mindset. They are tougher than us – the West – they are more patriotic than us – they know their history – unlike us – they won the war – unlike us – and the break up of the uSSR injured their pride – ….
…. But I think if the Ukraine war I’d won by Russia putin will want his buffer zone …. But this site isn’t really for something like this apart from the way the MSM tell punters what they want to hear …. Winter’s coming …
lol, agreed. I’ll keep my opinion for BBC HYS where they have a life expectancy of about a minute.
My problem is that I hate liars. My dad taught me that you can cure a thief, but you can never cure a liar. And they are everywhere in the media these days.
It isn’t just the USA. The EU is heavily invested too. I don’t disagree with much of what you say John, it just grips me to see pro- Russian comments. Old habits and all that. It’s Friday night so let’s raise a virtual glass…
Quite so : I understand completely why you say what you do.
I try to make my comments anti-media and USA Democrat lies as opposed to pro-Russian because I most certainly am not either.
My glass is raised to peace and truth … but we will get neither.
There was one put up the other day where I responded by asking why the presenter wasn’t wearing Russian uniform, personally – I’m not so sure the US motivated the war – certainly putin wants to rebuild his Soviet Union as a full blooded KGB agent .
The Russians will never be friends – since 1917 they’ve undermined us and are an enemy . I think Russia will win through persistence – after that – undermine Poland or Hungary .
At least it’s nothing we can do anything about . Putin being dead wouid be a thing though ….
Spot on as usual Fed. I literally skim reports and going down the rabbit hole of a thousand so called independent reporters – you tube or otherwise – really is bad for one’s mental health. A bit like 9/11 or contrails. Anyway, I wish you a good weekend and the continuing enjoyment of your trips to warmer climes…
Just – thank you but how did you know ‘I’m off Monday ‘ – spooky😎
Ah, I recently spent 7 years in the Med after a lifelong ambition to retire there after childhood memories. In the end, island mentality got the best of me and I moved yet again 😊
Another victory for Guido’s co-conspirators as the BBC’s Newsnight editor admits that it didn’t “quite get it right” on its extreme, unbalanced anti-GB News programme last week. Guido let co-conspirators know how they could complain about the show trial and as a consequence the BBC’s own Newswatch was forced to discuss their coverage and haul editor Stewart Maclean in for self-flaggelation. Guido agrees that “the discussion would have been better” if they had someone on to defend GB News but finds it hard to believe that there was no-one available…
Wast Stewie wearing a blazer and a face like a slapped botty?
What’s the betting more Guido co-conspirators complained but hadn’t watched it, as no one watches Newsnight?
Is ‘didn’t quite get it right’ the new ‘little bit pregnant’?
All this from a 20,000 strong BBC who can only produce a human to explain anything if it is on their own platform.
With a DG lodged in his crevice so tight that any utterance is issued via anonymous spokesweasels and no backsies.
FREE! Normally you give a bit of the estate to a GOOD CAUSE – free!
“Martin Lewis: Are you eligible for a free solicitor drafted will?
Free Wills Month happens during March and October each year.
Martin Lewis explains to 5 Live’s Nihal Arthanayake how those 55 and over, can get a solicitor-drafted (or updated) will for free.
Listen to the Martin Lewis Podcast on BBC Sounds.
Release date:05 October 2023
1 minute”
Ex-BBC DJ Chris Denning jailed for child sex offences
As far as I can tell, this is the sole article by the BBC at the time about yet another of their ranks convicted of being nasty, dirty perverted hypocrites. Qualities they seem to have in abudance.
Isn’t it amazing how times have changed : just a small article then under the carpet. This is a convicted child molestor : compare it what they did to Russel Brand who turned inconveniently and vocally right-wing.
Also compare with the young-boy pervert Huw Edwards who they have dropped completely because for some reason, it wasn’t nice to expose what he had done as he is too sensitive.
And also for Laurence Fox who has become the ultimate mysoginist for saying he wouldn’t shag a woman who is know for telling us which blokes SHE wouldn’t shag on twitter.
This all way beyond simple hypocrisy and double standards now. It’s full on fascism. They are getting more and more aggressive each time they get away taking out another vocal right-winger who is getting popular.
We are in the middle of yet another war caused by ideological Leftists trying to get rid of their enemies once and for all.
Denning, 75, of London, is currently in prison for child sexual offences. He pleaded guilty in August to 21 further counts committed between 1969 and 1986.
He was part of the original line-up of disc jockeys that launched BBC Radio 1 in 1967, but left two years later.
Fear of whistleblowing at BBC allowed Jimmy Savile to abuse, says leaked report
This article is more than 7 years old
Lawyer for Jimmy Savile’s victims says she finds it hard to believe management had no idea he was a danger
hard to believe management had no idea he was a danger
hard to believe management had no idea he was a danger
The truth of it is that the pathetic lib-dem voting BBC managers were scared of Saville and dare not confront him.
And because he became so powerful, none of the other people dare say anything because he was a nasty piece of work who could destroy their careers.
How very, very typical he was of your seterotype nasty, intolerant Lefty.
The documentary where Louis Theroux lived with him for a bit showed Saville for the nasty, manipulative man he was. It taught me just what kind of people get on in the BBC ‘environment’. Totally different from the image they project to the public.
Posting material (including videos and photographs) online that is critical of the UAE government, companies or individuals, or related to incidents in the UAE, or appearing to abuse/ridicule/criticise the country or its authorities, or that is culturally insensitive, may be considered a crime punishable under UAE law.
What’s going on with Twitter embeds – anyone?
BBC Politics invitee Roger Hallam (Robinson invites…) making noises out of his arse.
Raving lunatic! Get a consultant psychiatrist to section this nutter and lock him away from us sane people.
What a pointless clip.
Two hobos arguing over the last drop of meths in their Alinksy bottle.
And which juvenile ‘crafted’ that subbed text?
The same one who dragged Rog in to be smiled upon by Toenails (yawn)?
Dale Vince: Major Labour donor to stop funding Just Stop Oil
Starmer needs a bit of an exchequer boost soon?
Mabye Toenails (yawn) can ask when it’s his turn ion the queue of eco-loons at W1A?
2021 – Insulate Britain ringleader says ‘he doesn’t care about insulation’
25 February 2019 A Taiwanese games company has had its latest release pulled from mainland China, after players noticed subtle references mocking Chinese President Xi Jinping, including comparing him to Winnie the Pooh.
Red Candle Games released Devotion, a first-person horror game set in 1980s Taiwan, on games platform Steam on 19 February.
Diane Abbott: Chairman Mao “on balance did more good than harm”
‘Putting the case for mao ‘…. What an advert for lefty MPs …
Munk Debate on the Refugee Crisis ft. Nigel Farage, Mark Steyn, Louise Arbor, Simon Schama
lay the bets on now …
She added: “There will be an enhanced police presence in the area over the coming days.
“Please tell us if you saw or heard anything, or wish to raise any concerns.”
Springster Minor still chasing trivia.
Thread: You may have seen viral posts that Olena Zelenska, President Zelensky’s wife, spent $1.1m on Cartier jewellery during the couple’s recent visit to the US.
Let’s find out why those posts are false, and examine how pro-Kremlin disinformation of this kind travels online.
𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒖𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒆𝒔𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒂
I’m not sold on the story at all…
It’s odd that Cartier couldn’t just confirm it’s false, when outlets like Newsweek reached out to factcheck
Or they could have got Nick Robinson to check what JO’bsworth was told Carl Beech read in The Critic Magazine.