Since October 7, when the Hamas attack on Israeli territory and civilians triggered a destructive bombing campaign against Gaza, Palestinian civilians have been struggling to get the full extent of their plight represented in Western media.
Whether it be British state-media, the BBC, stating that Israelis are “killed,” while Palestinians simply “die”, or CNN, whose reporter had to publicly apologize for “confirming” Israeli reports about babies being beheaded by Hamas, the Western media has displayed shocking bias and double-standards when reporting on the current Gaza-Israel war. Even when a Reuters journalist, Issam Abdallah, was killed along the Lebanese-Israeli border on October 13, the outlet itself wouldn’t even say who committed the strike, instead writing that “missiles fired from the direction of Israel” struck him and six other journalists.
“Al-Udaini was invited to speak on Talk TV, the channel that broadcasts Piers Morgan show, on October 16. Prior to giving the floor to Wafa, host Julia Hartley-Brewer had invited an Israeli military spokesperson, Peter Lerner, on for a discussion, during which he made a number of unsubstantiated allegations. Those went unchallenged by the host, who treated Lerner with respect and allowed him time to finish his points. The tone changes radically when Wafa comes on. Every question is phrased in a way to make her seem non-credible, as Hartley-Brewer challenges her by repeating back Israeli military talking points, even disputing Wafa’s description of civilian deaths as a “massacre” – the same word the host herself makes a point of using to refer to the Hamas attack on Israel.”
One of those where Darwinism applies in practice – people putting themselves in danger taking selfies of waves crashing onto the sea front – which some might say – is encouraged by junior ( expendable) reporters standing in the wind and rain saying it’s windy and rainy …
The BBC, as we know, is beyond the pale.
But, regrettably, even channels like GB News and Talk TV are overly cautious to skirt around the issue of islam.
They bend over backwards to differentiate between a supposed minority of ‘radical’ islamists and the ‘majority’ of nice peaceful muslims.
That is delusional. A truer classification would be to view islam as a continuum, with the radicals at one end, the peaceful ones at the other, and a lot in the middle (many just waiting to be triggered or activated).
Even the peaceful ones feel some degree of affinity and support for the ‘radicals’. After all, ‘radical’ derives from ‘root’. The radicals are the real muslims.
It only takes a spark like the latest events in the Middle East for the mask to slip and suddenly hundreds of thousands are out on the streets screaming for Intifada and Jihad, intimidating police and public alike, hunting down Jews, tearing down posters of kidnapped children or desecrating the Cenotaph.
Look at just some of the protests (riots) planned for this weekend. The list gets longer by the hour.
(No doubt the police will be meekly escorting them, perhaps even providing water.
All that hate-screaming doesn’t arf make you thirsty.)
List of Actions (more tbc)
Saturday 4 November 2023
London (Central): Trafalgar Square, 2.30pm
Bristol: Assemble Castle Park, 1pm
Canterbury: Gather at Westgate Gardens at 2pm, march to Buttermarket Sq for rally from 2.30pm
Cambridge: Assemble King’s Parade, 1.30pm
Carlisle: City Centre, 1pm-2pm
Chatham: Mustering at the Salvation Army at 2pm, marching along High Street, rally next to the Thomas Waghorn (Weatherspoons) by the old sundial.
Coventry: At Broadgate by Primark, 12noon
Dorchester: Town Pump (top South Street, opp Corn Exchange), 12noon
Dumfries: Robert Burns Statue, High Street, 2pm-3pm
Durham: Market Square, 1pm-2pm
Eastbourne: Bankers Corner, 11am
Exeter: Assemble Bedford Square on Exeter High St, 12noon
Hitchin: Windmill Hill, 12noon-2pm
Kingston: Deliver letter to Ed Davey’s Office, 11am, walk to main entrance of Bentall Centre for short vigil, 12pm-2pm
Kirkwall: St Magnus Cathedral, 12noon-1pm
Leamington Spa: Outside Leamington Spa Town Hall, 11am-12noon
Lewisham: Lewisham Town Hall in Catford, 12noon, march to Lewisham Clock Tower for rally at 1:30pm.
Liverpool: Gather Outside Catholic Cathedral, L3 5TQ at 2pm, marching to Derby Square
London, Brixton: Leafleting at Cnr Brixton Rd & Coldharbour Lane, from 12-2pm
London, Hackney: Dalston Junction, 12noon
London, Islington: Highbury Corner, 12.30pm
London: Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall, 12noon
London, Tower Hamlets: Altab Ali Park, Adler Street E1 1FD, 12:30pm
Luton: Luton Town Hall, 12noon
Milton Keynes: Assemble 12.45 Milton Keynes Central Railway station for vigil to commemorate the deaths of Palestinian children 1pm-1:30pm
Newcastle: Assemble at Civic Centre, 11.30am – march to rally and vigil at Monument.
Northampton: Silent Vigil at Cobbler’s Last by the Grosvenor Centre, 12noon
Nottingham: Assemble Forest Recreation Ground, 12noon
Oxford: Assemble Bonn Square at 11am, march to Broad Street for rally at 12.15pm.
Plymouth: Assemble Place de Brest, Armada Way, Plymouth, 12noon
Portsmouth: Assemble Guildhall Square, 12noon
Sheffield: Assemble at Sheffield Town Hall, 11am
Southend: Meet Pier Hill (Beyond Royals), 12noon march to rally at Victoria Circus
Tunbridge Wells: Street stall and vigil near Metro Bank, Calverley Rd, 11am-2pm
Wimbledon: Vigil at Centre Court, 12noon-2pm
Wolverhampton: Vigil for Gaza, Queen’s Square, 2pm-3pm. Worthing: Stall in Town Centre, Montague Place, BN11 3GB, 12noon-1.15pm
York: Assemble St Helen’s Square, 2pm
Birmingham: Meet outside Primark, High St, 12.30pm
Brighton and Hove: Palmeira Square, 12noon
Chester: Outside Chester Town Hall, 12noon-1pm
Hastings: Meet Warrior Square Gardens, 12noon, Rally in Town Centre 1pm
London, Herne Hill: Brockwell Park Gates, 1.30pm-3pm
London, Waltham Forest: Walthhamstow Market Square, 12noon
Enoch Powell’s prediction gets ever closer. It’s pretty much guaranteed now to end in much blood on both sides in this Country and it will probably be started by Muslims in my opinion.
I should have been quaking in my boots over the last few days. Dire weather warnings, yellow banners blazoned across the local met forecast for my postcode with weather warnings for rain and high wind.
I always feel comfortable converting forecast mph to knots cos I understand immediately the seriousness or not, of wind speed from my days sailing big boats professionally. So, today, those converted wind speeds tell me that the speeds should not exceed 18K with gusts of 34K. Anybody that has done any serious sailing will know on the Beaufort Scale, 18k is a “Fresh Breeze” Force 5: ideal for family cruising.
I can say that the Met Office went overboard in warnings after they screwed up with the Michael Fish prediction (1987) where he recounted that they had received a question from (don’t remember exactly), but “a Mrs X” somewhere who questioned the forecast by claiming that many others were forecasting serious gales. Fish, responded (see link below) by suggesting to Mrs X that her sources were wrong and that there was nothing to worry about……………..
Since that event, it was noticeable that the predictions in the Shipping Forecast went (forgive me) ‘Overboard’ upward so you had to use personal discretion when planning a voyage.
I have only watched a part of the Cummings responses in the Covid Inquiry. Just enough to know and confirm my long-held suspicions (aired here over the years since), that the Government intended killing off as many ‘old un’s’ (like me) as possible.
“Society is indeed a contract … it becomes a participant not only between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born.”
― Edmund Burke
Dont worry – even of those clowns had a policy of killing as many aged people as possible theyd still be so disorganised theyd land up killing the first born .
And it will be the same next time
They seem to think the vaccine development will get them an uptick .
Theyll be long gone by the time the whitewash is published ..
Prioritising medical treatment for younger and middle aged able bodied people is normal in non pandemic conditions. In the event of the NHS being under pressure absolute priority rightly must be given to the same group.
During the Covid pandemic I was talking to an older resident of our village (I am 71). We agreed there were worse ways to die.
A guy goes onto a university campus asking students to sign a petition* to support Hamas freeing Palestine.
When he reads out the T&Cs, that they support the eradication of Jews and Christians, homosexuality is punished by jail or death and other horrors they suddenly change their minds
Remember when the BBC actually chased the story …
“…birthdays, remember, are the practices of disbelievers and immoral people. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @8:33
“… the books (supposed to originate from London) turn out to be the Saudi Official National Curriculum. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @22:13
A few days ago the useless Metropolitan Police tweeted that screaming for Jihad wasn’t really a call for the violent conquest and subjugation of infidels and especially Jews. No,no, their ‘specialist officers with language skills and subject expertise’ had decreed that the word had many meanings.
This refers to the notion that Jihad can mean the inner struggle to improve oneself. While it might indeed mean that in some circumstances (islam is nothing if not ambiguous), when you’re at a rally of thousands screaming for the eradication of Israel, somehow I don’t think it’s an inner struggle you’re talking about.
I recall a book by a chap called Herr Hitler titled ‘Mein Kampf’ (My Struggle). Perhaps we shoud be more sympathetic to him, as he was clearly only writing about his inner struggle to improve himself, albeit by proposing to dominate the world and kill lots of Jews. But best leave it to the Metropolitan Police’s specialist officers with language skills and subject expertise to confirm that.
There has been a lot of ‘outrage’ coverage on the BBC and MSM about Boris’s comments about letting the old die of covid. Heartless being the general feeling.
But why should a PM not be allowed to ‘think the unthinkable’. Is every thought now to be written up for future reference and castigation ? What happened to ‘blue sky thinking’? ‘Thinking outside the box’? Scenario planning. Are these no longer allowed?
How many of us once played the management game of deciding who should be given the limited number of life rafts on a sinking boat? What about the film ‘Deep Impact’ where people were selected to live in caves to survive the meteor impact? I recall a priority for young fertile women.
Do you remember an old joke? On a plane is the POTUS, the Pope, the cleverest man in the world, and a weed-smoking hippie. The captain dashes in. He tells them the plane has suffered a catastrophic failure and is going to crash. He puts on a parachute and jumps out. But there are only three parachutes left in the cupboard.
The POTUS says- I need to be saved, so he puts on a parachute and jumps out. The cleverest man in the world does the same. There is only one parachute left. The Pope looks at the hippie and says ‘I despise your lifestyle and what you stand for. But I believe in God and am sure that when I die I will go to Heaven. Therefore you may take the final parachute’. And the hippie looks at him and says ‘ chill out old man. Chill out. The cleverest man in the world just jumped out with my rucksack’.
Sometimes a choice has to be made when there aren’t enough things to go round.
Letting the old die, many nearing the end of life anyway, to keep the country open sounds a rational option in a pandemic where AT THE TIME there was little information and even fewer solutions.
And what is the outcome ? A £200 bn lockdown bill to be paid not by the old but by the taxes of the younger generation. The education of school kids trashed for over a year. Parents tearing their hair out trying to juggle work with childcare for kids unexpectedly at home for months. The poor mental health of small business owners who went to the wall.
What did we hear about the? Not a word. No nuance. No balance. Only the desire to gotcha the government.
This is not to advocate allowing the elderly to get what they would get, nor to absolve the government of poor decision making. But it is try and get rid of the ridiculous sentimentality and faux outrage which now accompanies decision making and balanced reviewing …and reporting.
Killing off the old, population reduction, has been a popular idea in several quarters long before the pandemic. Johnson was probably drawing from ideas familiar in his circle of planet protectors.
THeir new AI generated selfs will take over the world.
“Like-minded governments and AI companies have today reached a landmark agreement. We will work together on testing the safety of new AI models before they are released.”
The problems lies in the way the inquiry is constructed. The questioning is leading, biased and adversarial rather than a search for the truth, the Counsel appears to be left winger. Put that together with the biased reporting from the BBC and MSM and its just an attack on Boris and Government. It’s a pity the Government can’t knock it on the head.
I was asking about the inquiry yesterday, site here:
I have to say that the tone deaf lunatic liberal lefties at that concert deserved everything they got.
It’s almost as bad as having a peace festival at the gates of stalagluft III by people who objected to the war, refused to fight and thought the solution was brain dead dancing drug taking, refusing to even undertake national service, and getting drunk, just to rub the noses in it for the people nearby who couldn’t get out, except this day they did, and they then found any amount of silly dancing and flashing peace signs counted for absolutely zip when the bad men came a calling.
The same thing here, the nutters can do the same only because other people lay their lives on the line to keep them safe. Maybe they shouldn’t? The liberals despise them anyway, so perhaps allow the wolf to get into the hen house and savage them. I can remember when that last happened in America when a Muslim gunman got into a gaybar, and killed quite a few, the left couldn’t even bring themselves to admit the truth of what had happened so they went to the usual cracked record “white supremacist” line.
I’ll play a lament on the worlds tiniest violin because I simply don’t care what happened to them – the others in the Kibbutz however picked up guns fought back and largely survived as a result.
‘Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said: “I have today completely banned the activities of a terrorist organisation whose aim is to destroy the state of Israel.”’
‘It means it will be a criminal offence to have meetings in the name of Hamas or spread their propaganda.’
Does anyone know if the same is banned here ? – because the BBC quoting all the casualty figures directly from Hamas is most certainly spreading their propaganda.
They’ve done it right from the start. They reported the lies and inflated death total for the hospital rocket as quickly as Hamas could tell them.
Just saying ‘We can’t confirm it’ makes no difference. They are spreading the propaganda.
No need to worry though : OFCOM will immediately hold them accountable if they break the rules right ?.
2016 … Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist {washingtonpost nov2016}
“BERLIN — Two weeks ago, German intelligence agents noticed an unusual user in a chat room known as a digital hideout for Islamic militants. The man claimed to be one of them — and said he was a German spy. He was offering to help Islamists infiltrate his agency’s (In April 2016, the man began working for the BfV, assigned to monitoring potentially violent Islamists in Germany.) defenses to stage a strike.
TWatO Watch #1 – really? Really, BBC do you believe those numbers?
“The truth is first casualty of war” said someone who ought to be famous if they are not so already. The BBC are given the fatality figures by the Hamas PR team and the BBC appear to believe them implicitly. Some of us are rather more cautious about the Palestinian death toll. The Montacutie is the latest female presenter at the BBC to demand ‘proportionality’ from Israel not withstanding that Hamas wish to eliminate Israel or push it beyond the river Jordan into the desert and that Fatah in the West Bank would like to push Israel into the Mediterranean Sea.
It seems a LOT of what the BBC use to back up their agenda these days is completely fake. The racists at Getty are masters at it. No wonder they are the BBC’s ‘preferred supplier’. I wonder how much they pay them.
I remember not long ago in a story to do with doctors where the BBC had a picture of a female surgeon being assisted by a black female nurse standing like they were operating on somebody.
It was totally fake : there was nobody on the table beneath them.
At first I thought it might be the first of April. But no, there really is an Islamophobia Awareness Month, and we’ve just entered it, apparently.
The BBC don’t seem to be broadcasting it yet; perhaps even they are embarrassed by the notion, or they just haven’t got around to it yet.
But they did in previous years, so presumably it’s just a matter of time.
A couple of links below, the first aimed at brainwashing the youth in the BBC’s time-honoured fashion.
So, when a certain Religion of Hate groom and gang-rape our daughters in industrial quantities; stab, behead, car-ram and bomb innocent civilians; scare teachers into hiding; force Big Tech and Social Media to censor perfectly legitimate questions and criticisms of Islam; pronounce death Fatwas on authors, then stab them in the eye; attack Christian evangelists at Speakers’ Corner, almost killing one; massacre cartoonists; intimidate police and the public at mass hate-rallies; terrorise Jews and openly call for the eradication of Israel first and world conquest next; commit endless killings and mutilations around the world… it’s THEY who are the victims, apparently.
Listen, if islamophobia means fear of islam, which it does, count me in: I’m shit scared.
Apparently Islamophilia Islamophobia month started early this year, on the morning of October 7th to be precise. Just to make sure the world was aware of what it should be afraid of.
‘Tomorrow lies close at hand in images of elsewhere’.
The importance of defining anti-Semitism: We saw a big spike in the Labour Party after 1,300 Jews were killed by terrorists, and we see big fights whenever the Labour leader refuses to support anti-Semitism.
“Islam makes very large claims for itself. In its art, there is a prejudice against representing the human form at all. The prohibition on picturing the prophet – who was only another male mammal – is apparently absolute. So is the prohibition on pork or alcohol or, in some Muslim societies, music or dancing.
Very well then, let a good Muslim abstain rigorously from all these. But if he claims the right to make me abstain as well, he offers the clearest possible warning and proof of an aggressive intent.”
Christopher Hitchens
Hitchens on Islam. Incidentally, the smarmy looking interlocutor in the final clip is a French Swiss muslim apologist called Tariq Ramadan, who has been charged with raping numerous women, including one who was disabled. I guess if unederaged sex isn’t available, disabled sex will add the desired Je-ne-sais-quoi to the rape, n’est-ce pas, Tariq?
I have watched some of the plaintiffs. In tears, devastated, terrified of pressing charges for fear of being called, you guessed it, islamophobic.
In November 2017, Tariq Ramadan took leave of absence from Oxford to contest allegations of rape and sexual misconduct.[10] The university’s statement noted that an “agreed leave of absence implies no acceptance or presumption of guilt”.[4] In February 2018, he was formally charged with raping two women: a disabled woman in 2009 and a feminist activist in 2012.[11][12] In September 2019, the French authorities expanded the investigation against Ramadan, already charged with raping two women, to include evidence from two more alleged victims.[13] On 5 December 2019, a Swiss woman who had accused him of rape in 2018, launched a new case against him for slander. The charges have not come to a full conclusion yet,[14] but he was acquitted of one charge in May 2023.[15] In February 2020, Ramadan was formally charged with raping two more women[16] and in October 2020, Ramadan was formally charged with raping a fifth woman.[17]
“There is no particular evidence for this sunnah excatly! but scholars agree that we should enter the bathroom by left foot, and the there’re two evidences for this:
there’s a main rule that say: we should use the right as general for all good things, and use left for other.”
Bbc have done it again!! Shetland wasn’t a bad drama but now it’s Unwatchable. The books had male detective now female with a female sidekick and ethnic procurator fiscal .
The Met commissioner has said that Palestinian frags being flown at a Jewish Cemetary are to be taken down . Whatever next – plod scraping off the pictures of Jewish children abducted by Islamic Hamas Freedom Fighters ?
Honestly – plod really lost its’ way – it is either acceptable or it isn’t – and flying a Hamas / Palestinian flag should be a crime .
Yes – a phobia is a fear of something. However from my perspective I would say I am islamo-loathing or islamo-detesting. Quite simply I hate the medieval bastards!
Islamophobia is the crime of having the uncontrollable extreme fear of being killed by an Islamic terrorist. Such people flee in terror or are murdered. This illegal phobia causes anxiety and the irrational fear of danger and threats of violence, pain and death. This illegal fear can be so overwhelming that a person may go to great lengths to avoid the source of this fear. But avoiding Islam is exclusion which is also a crime. One response can be a panic attack which is also illegal. This criminal phobia is most prominent in Israeli Jews and is why Labour Party members support anti-Semitism.
Islamophobia is a crime against God and considered one of the most serious offences under sharia law. The punishment of those who fear Islam is execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides.
Fear of execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides is also illegal. The punishment for Fear of execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides is execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides.
@Richard – There’s a Monty Python sketch in there somewhere. I wonder if John Cleese could be persuaded to make a sequel, perhaps The Life of Mo.
Of course the entire cast would have to be murdered.
“Aisha runs out the tent holding her teddy bear called Haram. She runs into the tent with the other wives who ignore the six year old wife who is always crying.” The LIFE OF MO MO MO (c)Monty Python
Our PM wants world leaders to take charge of the AI threat, saying “managing the risks posed by artificial intelligence was too important to be left to big tech firms and that they could not be left to ‘mark their own homework'”.
The C19 inquiry is engineered to show that the government’s handling of a virus (with a lower average fatality rate than seasonal flu) was such an administrative cock-up, only global governance has a hope of tackling the next one.
But no one will be allowed to challenge these managers, and anyone who draws attention to their incompetence and corruption will be blacklisted. The public will continue to hand over their agency and they’ll repeat brainwashing slogans like ‘no one is safe until everyone is safe’ and ‘global problems need global solutions’ because it’s what they see on the telly and in the papers.
Soon … “Entering the date of the Tiananmen Square crackdown (4 June 1989), or the name of a jailed former senior Communist Party figure (Bo Xilai), or the name of China’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate who died in prison (Liu Xiaobo) also draw the response: “Let’s talk about something else”.”
After counting all the paper clips, we have the list of ‘storm’ names!
“What are the Met Office storm names for 2023/2024?
The storm names are: Agnes, Babet, Ciaran, Debi, Elin, Fergus, Gerrit, Henk, Isha, Jocelyn, Kathleen, Lilian, Minnie, Nicholas, Olga, Piet, Regina, Stuart, Tamiko, Vincent and Walid”.
WTF is ‘Walid’, and where’s Mohammed and Fatima?
I can think of several names to piss us off even more, like Angela, Cherie, Mishal, Corbyn, Mustapha, RNLI, etc etc etc…
Origin:Arabic. Meaning:Newborn. What could be a more suitable name for your upcoming arrival than Walid? This masculine name is Arabic in origin and derives from the verb walada, meaning “newborn.” Al-Walid was the sixth caliph of the Arab Umayyad dynasty, famed for the many mosques constructed throughout his reign.13 Sept 2023
Here in N Herts we’ve just had a bit of blowy rain. I suppose we’re geographically lucky. When there is 6ft snow elsewhere, we get a light dusting, fog? mainly before anyone gets up, frost? all gone before mid morning coffee, downpours? yes but rarely all day jobbies. We do get the heatwaves like the rest of the country.
Entering the date of the Tiananmen Square crackdown (4 June 1989), or the name of a jailed former senior Communist Party figure (Bo Xilai), or the name of China’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate who died in prison (Liu Xiaobo) also draw the response: “Let’s talk about something else”.
A terrifying image, as all the globalists get together to decide what information we will be allowed to receive in future.
The BBC, of course, are lovin’ it.
Here’s one clip from a recent hearing on how facia recognition can make racial injustices worse (this tech does not work well on people of color, and confuses innocent people with those who have criminal records):
Here’s one clip from a recent hearing on how facia recognition can make racial injustices worse (this tech does not work well on people of color, and confuses innocent people with those who have criminal records):
Luckily, I don’t recognise any of them in that mug shot, but the bloke in the front row looks somehow familiar? Isn’t he the chap who’s going to leave the UK for the US next year when Starmer sits on the No 10 fence for the next fifteen years?
The video contained within this article should be required viewing for all the woke and arab immigrant gobshites in the UK and around Europe:
“Israel sets up ‘Hamas Massacre’ website featuring graphic photos and videos of the October 7 terror attack as it vows to ‘document the horrors of that day'”
“Pictures of the brutal Kibbutz Be’eri attack that saw more than a 100 of its 1,100 community members tortured and slaughtered are also included, as well as photographs of bedrooms drenched with blood.
An image of the charred remains of babies and video of a man who has lost a limb are also featured. “
Again from the Hill, a Left wing channel in America. Why is their view important? because these are the natural Democrat supporters, and here is the evidence of the sea change of the media turning against the Democrat party and its leader.
This is of course good news and it appears to be spreading to CNN as well, but not the BBC, and I do wonder if the far Left embedded there will ever come to terms with the absolute failure of Bidens horrible Presidency. Probably not, but, nothing has worked, failure is the name on everything they have come into contact with – as Socialism always does.
Extinction Rebellion protester told Palestinian protesters to ” go back home ”
The retired grandfather who taught mainly Asian children in Tower Hamlets came down from Ipswich , to eco protest but it collided with the Free Palestine demo .
He also racially abused the police officer who arrested him .
There`s more but ..,,
Why didn`t he want to retire in London ?
It can`t be due to the housing crisis because a retired teacher already in the Big Smoke would be comfortably settled .
What made a woke leftist want to leave London and retire to Suffolk ?
They’re bizarrely obsessed with foreign nationals trapped there, seems everyone one is a Palestinian with some foreign passport.
Eg “British-Palestinian doctor Abdelkader Hammad” who has just left.
What kind of doctor leaves a warzone..
So there is to be a Palestinian/Hamas demo in London on Remembrance Day. It might be the start of a general Islamic insurrection . I think there could be trouble.
RE remembrance Sunday:
Police can’t or won’t cope, we need armed troops there to keep order and protect OUR traditions and ceremonies from gobshite immigrant racist arabs.
The sooner they do it the better Flotsam. The situation is only going to get worse and worse until it inevitably happens when they have the numbers. One thing we can all agree on by now is that they are never going to integrate and live in harmony with the white English any more than the Londonistan blacks are.
Our government and police are scared rigid about upsetting them because they start murdering people. And the likes of the BBC are actively encouraging them by protecting them for all the terrible things they do and giving them reasons to hate us by blowing up ‘right-wing whites are racist’ stories for their own, separate agenda.
Ireland — men tackle man with knife shouting what sounds like “Allahu Akbar” before police arrive at the GPO Dublin.
RTE tweets “The GPO in Dublin was closed this afternoon following a public order incident”. Nothing else reported in MSM yet… is this being covered up in the interests of ‘community cohesion’?
Chatting with a friend, I said I wondered how long it would be before there is a campaign for the UK to take in Palestinian refugees.
Blow me sideways, a few days later I received an email from asking me to sign a petition for the UK population to take in Palestinian orphans into their homes ! Over to you Gary, Emma, Lily……..
Humza Yousaf (WHITE) has called for UK to take in Pally refugees.
”Scotland’s first minister, Humza Yousaf, has called for the UK to accept Palestinian refugees in the same way as was done for Ukraine following Russia’s invasion.”
Russia has continued developing their ICBMs including the new Sarmat II missile. The US Minuteman design dates back to the 1960s
Now it might well be that the engineers deliberately engineered it to happen in order to provoke the government to begin new R&D and manufacture, making nice profits in the process
ITV feature a story about the Labour MPs and councillors who disagree with SirKeer’s policy on Gaza.
Apparently one in three MPs disagree with policy and even more councillors.
You see they want to better represent their ‘constituents’. The representation in question is to be Muslim. Nothing else seems to matter.
This is the depth that the tentacles of the Religion of Peace have penetrated in the Labour Party. Which is 20% ahead in the polls. Goodbye, western civilisation. No politicians have the guts to defend it.
This is possibly the most desperate attempt to rake up something about a racist whitey I have seen for a long time.
It’s just ridiculous. A drug addict tried to attack a security guard with a used needle from a syringe. How many thousand of times has that happened in a hundred different cities across the world ?.
It’s just jammed-pack full of any lop-sided, heresay evidence the BBC can pick out to infer White did in fact kill Stephen Laurence.
From a security guard being quizzed by the BBC – who I can imagine asked the most leading questions imaginable.
Just read part of the article:
The former security guard said White replied that he and others had “done it before and nothing happened”
He said White made multiple references to having killed before, saying “I’ve done it before” and “we have done it before”.
The former security guard said White told him that “they’ve done it in the bus stop there to a fellow like me in the past”.
“I said OK, if you have done it before, I don’t know who you did it to.” Mr Ikpeze said that was when White made several references to “Stephen”.
He said White was “referring to me as the same kind of human being they’ve dealt with before”.
OK BBC – the guard said White told him he had done it before. Repeating it FIVE times one after the other is obsessive activism in my book.
The guard also tells us that ‘White responded with swearing and a stream of racist slurs, including the N-word.’. So the BBC are now at the level where any use of the N-word warrants being reported in the news.
Then of course half way down we get the standard re-run of the original story just as we did every time the updated us with something about George Floyd.
I don’t doubt White was a drug-addict scumbag of highest order. But we have hundreds of thousands of them – maybe millions. And plenty of them are black. This is a ridiculous story to be used as a main headline based on the words of one single black security guard. It’s far-Left, anti-white activism in the extreme.
Racially motivated murder is extremely rare in this country, so much so that the BBC have to constantly go back 30 years for one example. And they are on safe ground with this sub-gutter level ‘journalism’, as the accused is dead and can’t answer back or sue them from libel. Yet again they make the unsubstainated claim that this was ‘the UK’s most notorious racist killing’. No, it’s the ‘UK’s most publicised racist killing’. The murders of Kriss Donald, Ross Parker and Richard Everitt were arguably far more foul. And it could be argued that the slaughter of 22 young people and children by a Libyan at the Manchester Arena was racially motivated, making it a couple of orders of magnitude more ‘notorious’.
TOADY Watch #1 – funny how the BBC remember racial things but cannot remember their own programmes
Also strange that my post follows that of JohnC above! Entirely coincidental. BBC on R4 leading with Elon Musk’s statement that in future, thanks to AI, no-one will have to work. Yeah, pull the other one, Elon! I have heard that before in the 1960s, most of all in the 1970s and again in the 1980s. But what has happened?
The machines have become increasingly stupid and the humans have become more clever to work around the machines stupidity, eg. my computer just this morning. The BBC on radio are forgetting their own programmes on TV. Back in the day when I watched TV (Licence Fee under £10 in the 1960s, but Dad was paying!) the BBC made a TV programme called ‘Tomorrow’s World’ presented by the outstanding, excellent and much missed for his mellifluousness and talents, the late Raymond Baxter.
It was prophesied back in the 1960s, that in the future – by the year 2000 – humans would not have to work. Nearly a quarter of a century on from Y2K, some humans are beavering away like never before with the possible exception of the ‘sainted’ NHS and the Police forces of the UK. Maybe BBC R4 and TOADY have a spot of dementia on the subject of work?
Perhaps their obsession with ‘race’ has made the BBC mad?
Another autumn day, another named storm, as soon-to-be conjoined twins, Guardian and Times, diverge only in so far as which Devonshire resort they pick to feature in their respective frontpage photo splash.
Like a pair of over-exuberant small kids on a day trip to the coast excited by the crash of the waves against the seawall the two delight in the froth and the spume: Storm Ciarán battered southern Britain, including Dawlish in Devon… (Times); Teignmouth in Devon took a battering yesterday, as storm Ciarán caused widespread damage, with heavy rain and winds… (Guardian)
After the storm, there will be calm – runs that old adage
As a broadcaster our BBC meanwhile isn’t constrained with any having to go to press deadline, so can reassure worry warts: Storm Ciarán eases but flood warnings remain
Climate change…?
‘I know what you’re thinking about,’ said Tweedledum; ‘but it isn’t so, nohow. ‘ ‘Contrariwise,’ continued Tweedledee, ‘if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.’ (Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll)
Here’s a fun puzzle… let’s see if we can guess which headline appears in which title Guardian or Times?
THEY were standing under a tree, each with an arm round the other’s neck, and Alice knew which was which in a moment, because one of them had “DUM” embroidered on his collar, and the other “DEE”. ‘I suppose they’ve each got “TWEEDLE” round at the back of the collar,’ she said to herself.
1. Top tech firms to let governments vet AI tools, Sunak tells summit
2. AI means nobody will have to work, says Musk
Answer: Headline 1 was from the Gruan. Your clue was the fascination with state-run managerial process. And of course the sub-header: PM says Bletchley Park talks ‘will tip the balance in favour of humanity’ – oh the humanity is so very Guardian. Naked State power wielded with the excuse of the greater good for humanity. And since David Cameron every wet Tory loves and cherishes a good write up in the Guardian or from the BBC.
1. Israeli troops advance into Gaza City
2. Israel says its troops are inside Gaza City
Answer: This is a tough call. It’s hard to say which of the two is the more emphatic. Headline 2 mimics that typical BBC constuction that tends to question or call into doubt: so-and-so says; according to, so and so – there’s more than a hint of distain for your source of information – it’s a formula akin to turning your plastic dogshit bag insideout before tentatively handling the doggie doo. We report this because we must, but we don’t have to like our source. So these twin headlines are almost identical but headline 2 is of course the Guardian.
Here’s a quick wildcard headline tie-breaker as we have now almost exhausted their respective frontpages… Times or Guardian? *Answer at the end of this review
New mothers still being pursued by energy debt agents
Middle class anxieties are still somewhat more pronounced in the Times: Bricks & mortar… Why it’s so hard to sell your house (Times)
And the Guardian still performs more fan service for its arts and entertainment audience:Now And Then **** for The Beatles’ ‘last’ song; Kirsty MacColl The vivid life of one of pop’s great outliers
You pays at your identical £2.80 price point and you takes your choice. The formerly patriotic Times seems a slight bargain at £2 to subscribers over £2.14 for subscribers of the Gruan and you do get a poppy pictured gratis on the Times masthead – absent of course from the Gruaniad – albeit the Times has the very teeny weeniest of token poppies out there.
The Telegraph’s poppy boutonnière is modestly sized; The jokey blokey Star has a respectable buttonhole; No FT? No poppy; Freebie giveaway Metro and left-leaning ‘i’…? – forget it; Daily Mail, Daily Mirror and Sun go with that modern and flimsy sustainable paper version… the logic of that escapes me; The Daily Express unsurprisngly goes large – At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember… and we will remember when the Daily Express used to be: United With The People Of Ukraine
Ah yes – the Times subscription . Last year I took out a discounted subscription . Never ever again – they tricked me later into paying full fat cost ….. it took a huge effort to get it cancelled ….
… last week they offered it to me for £1 a month for a year – when I left I told them I wouldn’t take their paper if they paid me – and I strongly advise every one to avoid The Times …..
Once bitten …..
I see a troll has described everyone on this site as ‘dogs ‘- here is a warning to you – do it again and you will be removed from it and I will monitor to see it you try to sign up again …. And unless you make some reference to the BBC you will also be gone ….
It is what it is in terms of manipulation – but the BBC’s use of posed photographs of the devastation in Gaza is the sort of travesty that is foisted on anybody looking at the BBC’s coverage – and the BBC do that relentlessly – almost as often as they deploy “far right” etcetera.
You likely wouldn’t be here if you thought this acceptable – but the quality and amount of disinformation is simply off the scale and totally at odds with their mission statements.
The irascible Richard North has a good post on the recipes which make up MSM coverage that we’re being served up in terms of what’s available and what’s actually being used.
MarkyMarkMar 13, 19:10 Midweek 12th March 2025 Man kneels on carpet to check his prostate/cervix is working for a criminal in the USA. Whilst freeing up space…
MarkyMarkMar 13, 19:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 650 MPs to be given brains to help them function. [img][/img]
moggiemooMar 13, 19:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 This from a government who spends millions every day to house and feed 10s of 1000s of illegal immigrants who…
Richard PinderMar 13, 19:05 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Farage caught lying again and again. Farage lied to Musk, Farage lied about Rupert Lowe, Farage lied about Tommy…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 18:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 I’ve just listened to the R4 news 6:00-6:30. Two cutesy animal stories: (1) the temporary kidnap of some (marsupial?) creature…
tomoMar 13, 18:46 Midweek 12th March 2025
tomoMar 13, 18:20 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] The world’s finest public service broadcaster
tomoMar 13, 17:44 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 13, 17:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Sir Hamid Patel appointed as interim Chair of Ofsted Board Sir Hamid Patel has been appointed to serve as interim…
tomoMar 13, 17:26 Midweek 12th March 2025 the replies…. [img][/img]
Since October 7, when the Hamas attack on Israeli territory and civilians triggered a destructive bombing campaign against Gaza, Palestinian civilians have been struggling to get the full extent of their plight represented in Western media.
Whether it be British state-media, the BBC, stating that Israelis are “killed,” while Palestinians simply “die”, or CNN, whose reporter had to publicly apologize for “confirming” Israeli reports about babies being beheaded by Hamas, the Western media has displayed shocking bias and double-standards when reporting on the current Gaza-Israel war. Even when a Reuters journalist, Issam Abdallah, was killed along the Lebanese-Israeli border on October 13, the outlet itself wouldn’t even say who committed the strike, instead writing that “missiles fired from the direction of Israel” struck him and six other journalists.
22 LOST IN MANCHESTER (c) Theresa May
“Al-Udaini was invited to speak on Talk TV, the channel that broadcasts Piers Morgan show, on October 16. Prior to giving the floor to Wafa, host Julia Hartley-Brewer had invited an Israeli military spokesperson, Peter Lerner, on for a discussion, during which he made a number of unsubstantiated allegations. Those went unchallenged by the host, who treated Lerner with respect and allowed him time to finish his points. The tone changes radically when Wafa comes on. Every question is phrased in a way to make her seem non-credible, as Hartley-Brewer challenges her by repeating back Israeli military talking points, even disputing Wafa’s description of civilian deaths as a “massacre” – the same word the host herself makes a point of using to refer to the Hamas attack on Israel.”
One of those where Darwinism applies in practice – people putting themselves in danger taking selfies of waves crashing onto the sea front – which some might say – is encouraged by junior ( expendable) reporters standing in the wind and rain saying it’s windy and rainy …
The BBC, as we know, is beyond the pale.
But, regrettably, even channels like GB News and Talk TV are overly cautious to skirt around the issue of islam.
They bend over backwards to differentiate between a supposed minority of ‘radical’ islamists and the ‘majority’ of nice peaceful muslims.
That is delusional. A truer classification would be to view islam as a continuum, with the radicals at one end, the peaceful ones at the other, and a lot in the middle (many just waiting to be triggered or activated).
Even the peaceful ones feel some degree of affinity and support for the ‘radicals’. After all, ‘radical’ derives from ‘root’. The radicals are the real muslims.
It only takes a spark like the latest events in the Middle East for the mask to slip and suddenly hundreds of thousands are out on the streets screaming for Intifada and Jihad, intimidating police and public alike, hunting down Jews, tearing down posters of kidnapped children or desecrating the Cenotaph.
Look at just some of the protests (riots) planned for this weekend. The list gets longer by the hour.
(No doubt the police will be meekly escorting them, perhaps even providing water.
All that hate-screaming doesn’t arf make you thirsty.)
Day of Action for Palestine
List of Actions (more tbc)
Saturday 4 November 2023
London (Central): Trafalgar Square, 2.30pm
Bristol: Assemble Castle Park, 1pm
Canterbury: Gather at Westgate Gardens at 2pm, march to Buttermarket Sq for rally from 2.30pm
Cambridge: Assemble King’s Parade, 1.30pm
Carlisle: City Centre, 1pm-2pm
Chatham: Mustering at the Salvation Army at 2pm, marching along High Street, rally next to the Thomas Waghorn (Weatherspoons) by the old sundial.
Coventry: At Broadgate by Primark, 12noon
Dorchester: Town Pump (top South Street, opp Corn Exchange), 12noon
Dumfries: Robert Burns Statue, High Street, 2pm-3pm
Durham: Market Square, 1pm-2pm
Eastbourne: Bankers Corner, 11am
Exeter: Assemble Bedford Square on Exeter High St, 12noon
Hitchin: Windmill Hill, 12noon-2pm
Kingston: Deliver letter to Ed Davey’s Office, 11am, walk to main entrance of Bentall Centre for short vigil, 12pm-2pm
Kirkwall: St Magnus Cathedral, 12noon-1pm
Leamington Spa: Outside Leamington Spa Town Hall, 11am-12noon
Lewisham: Lewisham Town Hall in Catford, 12noon, march to Lewisham Clock Tower for rally at 1:30pm.
Liverpool: Gather Outside Catholic Cathedral, L3 5TQ at 2pm, marching to Derby Square
London, Brixton: Leafleting at Cnr Brixton Rd & Coldharbour Lane, from 12-2pm
London, Hackney: Dalston Junction, 12noon
London, Islington: Highbury Corner, 12.30pm
London: Redbridge, Redbridge Town Hall, 12noon
London, Tower Hamlets: Altab Ali Park, Adler Street E1 1FD, 12:30pm
Luton: Luton Town Hall, 12noon
Milton Keynes: Assemble 12.45 Milton Keynes Central Railway station for vigil to commemorate the deaths of Palestinian children 1pm-1:30pm
Newcastle: Assemble at Civic Centre, 11.30am – march to rally and vigil at Monument.
Northampton: Silent Vigil at Cobbler’s Last by the Grosvenor Centre, 12noon
Nottingham: Assemble Forest Recreation Ground, 12noon
Oxford: Assemble Bonn Square at 11am, march to Broad Street for rally at 12.15pm.
Plymouth: Assemble Place de Brest, Armada Way, Plymouth, 12noon
Portsmouth: Assemble Guildhall Square, 12noon
Sheffield: Assemble at Sheffield Town Hall, 11am
Southend: Meet Pier Hill (Beyond Royals), 12noon march to rally at Victoria Circus
Tunbridge Wells: Street stall and vigil near Metro Bank, Calverley Rd, 11am-2pm
Wimbledon: Vigil at Centre Court, 12noon-2pm
Wolverhampton: Vigil for Gaza, Queen’s Square, 2pm-3pm. Worthing: Stall in Town Centre, Montague Place, BN11 3GB, 12noon-1.15pm
York: Assemble St Helen’s Square, 2pm
Birmingham: Meet outside Primark, High St, 12.30pm
Brighton and Hove: Palmeira Square, 12noon
Chester: Outside Chester Town Hall, 12noon-1pm
Hastings: Meet Warrior Square Gardens, 12noon, Rally in Town Centre 1pm
London, Herne Hill: Brockwell Park Gates, 1.30pm-3pm
London, Waltham Forest: Walthhamstow Market Square, 12noon
The rabid lefties don’t give a fuck about Afghanis…
Enoch Powell’s prediction gets ever closer. It’s pretty much guaranteed now to end in much blood on both sides in this Country and it will probably be started by Muslims in my opinion.
I think the Met Office is at it again…………
I should have been quaking in my boots over the last few days. Dire weather warnings, yellow banners blazoned across the local met forecast for my postcode with weather warnings for rain and high wind.
I always feel comfortable converting forecast mph to knots cos I understand immediately the seriousness or not, of wind speed from my days sailing big boats professionally. So, today, those converted wind speeds tell me that the speeds should not exceed 18K with gusts of 34K. Anybody that has done any serious sailing will know on the Beaufort Scale, 18k is a “Fresh Breeze” Force 5: ideal for family cruising.
I can say that the Met Office went overboard in warnings after they screwed up with the Michael Fish prediction (1987) where he recounted that they had received a question from (don’t remember exactly), but “a Mrs X” somewhere who questioned the forecast by claiming that many others were forecasting serious gales. Fish, responded (see link below) by suggesting to Mrs X that her sources were wrong and that there was nothing to worry about……………..
The Met Office efforts to distort the truth:
Since that event, it was noticeable that the predictions in the Shipping Forecast went (forgive me) ‘Overboard’ upward so you had to use personal discretion when planning a voyage.
I have waited all day for Ciaran to arrive. There was rain this morning but I think any local wind turbines would have had much value today.
I have only watched a part of the Cummings responses in the Covid Inquiry. Just enough to know and confirm my long-held suspicions (aired here over the years since), that the Government intended killing off as many ‘old un’s’ (like me) as possible.
The Government? The greatest enemy we suffer.
“Society is indeed a contract … it becomes a participant not only between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born.”
― Edmund Burke
This is worth listening to .. nudge stock – as in nudging people …
Ogilvy Nudgestock 2017 || Dominic Cummings: Why Leave Won the Referendum
Dont worry – even of those clowns had a policy of killing as many aged people as possible theyd still be so disorganised theyd land up killing the first born .
And it will be the same next time
They seem to think the vaccine development will get them an uptick .
Theyll be long gone by the time the whitewash is published ..
Prioritising medical treatment for younger and middle aged able bodied people is normal in non pandemic conditions. In the event of the NHS being under pressure absolute priority rightly must be given to the same group.
During the Covid pandemic I was talking to an older resident of our village (I am 71). We agreed there were worse ways to die.
Doesn’t this gormless Woody Allen lookalike tell you all you need to know about our useless police?
A guy goes onto a university campus asking students to sign a petition* to support Hamas freeing Palestine.
When he reads out the T&Cs, that they support the eradication of Jews and Christians, homosexuality is punished by jail or death and other horrors they suddenly change their minds
*See also: polls, marches, QT panels, msm producer studio guest lists….
Remember when the BBC actually chased the story …
“…birthdays, remember, are the practices of disbelievers and immoral people. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @8:33
“… the books (supposed to originate from London) turn out to be the Saudi Official National Curriculum. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @22:13
Israeli soldiers favourite targets¤tTweetUser=jacksonhinklle
A few days ago the useless Metropolitan Police tweeted that screaming for Jihad wasn’t really a call for the violent conquest and subjugation of infidels and especially Jews. No,no, their ‘specialist officers with language skills and subject expertise’ had decreed that the word had many meanings.
This refers to the notion that Jihad can mean the inner struggle to improve oneself. While it might indeed mean that in some circumstances (islam is nothing if not ambiguous), when you’re at a rally of thousands screaming for the eradication of Israel, somehow I don’t think it’s an inner struggle you’re talking about.
2016 … Police apologise for ‘Allahu Akbar’ use in mock Manchester attack
This article is more than 7 years old
Greater Manchester police say it was unacceptable to use religious phrase immediately before fake suicide bombing
What would happen if I went out and screamed for a Crusade? (rhetorical question).
“…the inner struggle to improve oneself.”
I recall a book by a chap called Herr Hitler titled ‘Mein Kampf’ (My Struggle). Perhaps we shoud be more sympathetic to him, as he was clearly only writing about his inner struggle to improve himself, albeit by proposing to dominate the world and kill lots of Jews. But best leave it to the Metropolitan Police’s specialist officers with language skills and subject expertise to confirm that.
There has been a lot of ‘outrage’ coverage on the BBC and MSM about Boris’s comments about letting the old die of covid. Heartless being the general feeling.
But why should a PM not be allowed to ‘think the unthinkable’. Is every thought now to be written up for future reference and castigation ? What happened to ‘blue sky thinking’? ‘Thinking outside the box’? Scenario planning. Are these no longer allowed?
How many of us once played the management game of deciding who should be given the limited number of life rafts on a sinking boat? What about the film ‘Deep Impact’ where people were selected to live in caves to survive the meteor impact? I recall a priority for young fertile women.
Do you remember an old joke? On a plane is the POTUS, the Pope, the cleverest man in the world, and a weed-smoking hippie. The captain dashes in. He tells them the plane has suffered a catastrophic failure and is going to crash. He puts on a parachute and jumps out. But there are only three parachutes left in the cupboard.
The POTUS says- I need to be saved, so he puts on a parachute and jumps out. The cleverest man in the world does the same. There is only one parachute left. The Pope looks at the hippie and says ‘I despise your lifestyle and what you stand for. But I believe in God and am sure that when I die I will go to Heaven. Therefore you may take the final parachute’. And the hippie looks at him and says ‘ chill out old man. Chill out. The cleverest man in the world just jumped out with my rucksack’.
Sometimes a choice has to be made when there aren’t enough things to go round.
Letting the old die, many nearing the end of life anyway, to keep the country open sounds a rational option in a pandemic where AT THE TIME there was little information and even fewer solutions.
And what is the outcome ? A £200 bn lockdown bill to be paid not by the old but by the taxes of the younger generation. The education of school kids trashed for over a year. Parents tearing their hair out trying to juggle work with childcare for kids unexpectedly at home for months. The poor mental health of small business owners who went to the wall.
What did we hear about the? Not a word. No nuance. No balance. Only the desire to gotcha the government.
This is not to advocate allowing the elderly to get what they would get, nor to absolve the government of poor decision making. But it is try and get rid of the ridiculous sentimentality and faux outrage which now accompanies decision making and balanced reviewing …and reporting.
Killing off the old, population reduction, has been a popular idea in several quarters long before the pandemic. Johnson was probably drawing from ideas familiar in his circle of planet protectors.
Not all of the old population, though. Old rich men will not be affected.
Henry Kissinger, 100
George Soros, 93
Klaus Schwab, 85
THeir new AI generated selfs will take over the world.
“Like-minded governments and AI companies have today reached a landmark agreement. We will work together on testing the safety of new AI models before they are released.”
HS2??? HS2!!!!! HA HA HA HA!
Not least ‘Logan’s Run’ where the max age as I recall was a rather lowly 30.
The problems lies in the way the inquiry is constructed. The questioning is leading, biased and adversarial rather than a search for the truth, the Counsel appears to be left winger. Put that together with the biased reporting from the BBC and MSM and its just an attack on Boris and Government. It’s a pity the Government can’t knock it on the head.
I was asking about the inquiry yesterday, site here:
A grieving woman in Gaza shouts “It’s all because of the dogs of Hamas!”
A group of men immediately put their hands over her mouth to silence her.
Surely worth bbc verify at least verifying?
Unless it’s accurate. Then they get Owen, Champion and various Labour MPs back in.
UK 22 blown up – “Don’t look back in anger!”
Israel – “270 murdered in a concert. Hold my beer ….”
I have to say that the tone deaf lunatic liberal lefties at that concert deserved everything they got.
It’s almost as bad as having a peace festival at the gates of stalagluft III by people who objected to the war, refused to fight and thought the solution was brain dead dancing drug taking, refusing to even undertake national service, and getting drunk, just to rub the noses in it for the people nearby who couldn’t get out, except this day they did, and they then found any amount of silly dancing and flashing peace signs counted for absolutely zip when the bad men came a calling.
The same thing here, the nutters can do the same only because other people lay their lives on the line to keep them safe. Maybe they shouldn’t? The liberals despise them anyway, so perhaps allow the wolf to get into the hen house and savage them. I can remember when that last happened in America when a Muslim gunman got into a gaybar, and killed quite a few, the left couldn’t even bring themselves to admit the truth of what had happened so they went to the usual cracked record “white supremacist” line.
I’ll play a lament on the worlds tiniest violin because I simply don’t care what happened to them – the others in the Kibbutz however picked up guns fought back and largely survived as a result.
From the ‘Live Feed’:
Germany bans any Hamas-related activity
‘Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said: “I have today completely banned the activities of a terrorist organisation whose aim is to destroy the state of Israel.”’
‘It means it will be a criminal offence to have meetings in the name of Hamas or spread their propaganda.’
Does anyone know if the same is banned here ? – because the BBC quoting all the casualty figures directly from Hamas is most certainly spreading their propaganda.
They’ve done it right from the start. They reported the lies and inflated death total for the hospital rocket as quickly as Hamas could tell them.
Just saying ‘We can’t confirm it’ makes no difference. They are spreading the propaganda.
No need to worry though : OFCOM will immediately hold them accountable if they break the rules right ?.
2016 … Arrested German spy was a onetime gay porn actor — and a secret Islamist {washingtonpost nov2016}
“BERLIN — Two weeks ago, German intelligence agents noticed an unusual user in a chat room known as a digital hideout for Islamic militants. The man claimed to be one of them — and said he was a German spy. He was offering to help Islamists infiltrate his agency’s (In April 2016, the man began working for the BfV, assigned to monitoring potentially violent Islamists in Germany.) defenses to stage a strike.–and-a-secret-islamist/2016/11/30/57c44f1e-e068-4307-8ddf-848fda772306_story.html?utm_term=.588ffcb2ec1b
TWatO Watch #1 – really? Really, BBC do you believe those numbers?
“The truth is first casualty of war” said someone who ought to be famous if they are not so already. The BBC are given the fatality figures by the Hamas PR team and the BBC appear to believe them implicitly. Some of us are rather more cautious about the Palestinian death toll. The Montacutie is the latest female presenter at the BBC to demand ‘proportionality’ from Israel not withstanding that Hamas wish to eliminate Israel or push it beyond the river Jordan into the desert and that Fatah in the West Bank would like to push Israel into the Mediterranean Sea.
looks suspiciously like the same pile of rubble JohnC has in the older comments , queuing up for sympathy selfies
It seems a LOT of what the BBC use to back up their agenda these days is completely fake. The racists at Getty are masters at it. No wonder they are the BBC’s ‘preferred supplier’. I wonder how much they pay them.
I remember not long ago in a story to do with doctors where the BBC had a picture of a female surgeon being assisted by a black female nurse standing like they were operating on somebody.
It was totally fake : there was nobody on the table beneath them.
At first I thought it might be the first of April. But no, there really is an Islamophobia Awareness Month, and we’ve just entered it, apparently.
The BBC don’t seem to be broadcasting it yet; perhaps even they are embarrassed by the notion, or they just haven’t got around to it yet.
But they did in previous years, so presumably it’s just a matter of time.
A couple of links below, the first aimed at brainwashing the youth in the BBC’s time-honoured fashion.
So, when a certain Religion of Hate groom and gang-rape our daughters in industrial quantities; stab, behead, car-ram and bomb innocent civilians; scare teachers into hiding; force Big Tech and Social Media to censor perfectly legitimate questions and criticisms of Islam; pronounce death Fatwas on authors, then stab them in the eye; attack Christian evangelists at Speakers’ Corner, almost killing one; massacre cartoonists; intimidate police and the public at mass hate-rallies; terrorise Jews and openly call for the eradication of Israel first and world conquest next; commit endless killings and mutilations around the world… it’s THEY who are the victims, apparently.
Listen, if islamophobia means fear of islam, which it does, count me in: I’m shit scared.
In the last 30 days, there were 94 Islamic attacks in 21 countries, in which 1820 people were killed and 4285 injured. (The Religion of Peace:
IslamophiliaIslamophobia month started early this year, on the morning of October 7th to be precise. Just to make sure the world was aware of what it should be afraid of.‘Tomorrow lies close at hand in images of elsewhere’.
The importance of defining anti-Semitism: We saw a big spike in the Labour Party after 1,300 Jews were killed by terrorists, and we see big fights whenever the Labour leader refuses to support anti-Semitism.
“Islam makes very large claims for itself. In its art, there is a prejudice against representing the human form at all. The prohibition on picturing the prophet – who was only another male mammal – is apparently absolute. So is the prohibition on pork or alcohol or, in some Muslim societies, music or dancing.
Very well then, let a good Muslim abstain rigorously from all these. But if he claims the right to make me abstain as well, he offers the clearest possible warning and proof of an aggressive intent.”
Christopher Hitchens
Hitchens on Islam. Incidentally, the smarmy looking interlocutor in the final clip is a French Swiss muslim apologist called Tariq Ramadan, who has been charged with raping numerous women, including one who was disabled. I guess if unederaged sex isn’t available, disabled sex will add the desired Je-ne-sais-quoi to the rape, n’est-ce pas, Tariq?
Tariq Ramadan acquitted of charges of rape and sexual coercion by Swiss court
This article is more than 5 months old
Judges clear academic and Islam scholar of all charges in case brought by Swiss woman
I have watched some of the plaintiffs. In tears, devastated, terrified of pressing charges for fear of being called, you guessed it, islamophobic.
In November 2017, Tariq Ramadan took leave of absence from Oxford to contest allegations of rape and sexual misconduct.[10] The university’s statement noted that an “agreed leave of absence implies no acceptance or presumption of guilt”.[4] In February 2018, he was formally charged with raping two women: a disabled woman in 2009 and a feminist activist in 2012.[11][12] In September 2019, the French authorities expanded the investigation against Ramadan, already charged with raping two women, to include evidence from two more alleged victims.[13] On 5 December 2019, a Swiss woman who had accused him of rape in 2018, launched a new case against him for slander. The charges have not come to a full conclusion yet,[14] but he was acquitted of one charge in May 2023.[15] In February 2020, Ramadan was formally charged with raping two more women[16] and in October 2020, Ramadan was formally charged with raping a fifth woman.[17]
“There is no particular evidence for this sunnah excatly! but scholars agree that we should enter the bathroom by left foot, and the there’re two evidences for this:
there’s a main rule that say: we should use the right as general for all good things, and use left for other.”
Bbc have done it again!! Shetland wasn’t a bad drama but now it’s Unwatchable. The books had male detective now female with a female sidekick and ethnic procurator fiscal .
Another nail in the coffin. BBC and their death-wish?
The Met commissioner has said that Palestinian frags being flown at a Jewish Cemetary are to be taken down . Whatever next – plod scraping off the pictures of Jewish children abducted by Islamic Hamas Freedom Fighters ?
Honestly – plod really lost its’ way – it is either acceptable or it isn’t – and flying a Hamas / Palestinian flag should be a crime .
Of the people and for the people. But which ones?
Yes – a phobia is a fear of something. However from my perspective I would say I am islamo-loathing or islamo-detesting. Quite simply I hate the medieval bastards!
Islamophobia is the crime of having the uncontrollable extreme fear of being killed by an Islamic terrorist. Such people flee in terror or are murdered. This illegal phobia causes anxiety and the irrational fear of danger and threats of violence, pain and death. This illegal fear can be so overwhelming that a person may go to great lengths to avoid the source of this fear. But avoiding Islam is exclusion which is also a crime. One response can be a panic attack which is also illegal. This criminal phobia is most prominent in Israeli Jews and is why Labour Party members support anti-Semitism.
Islamophobia is a crime against God and considered one of the most serious offences under sharia law. The punishment of those who fear Islam is execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides.
Fear of execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides is also illegal. The punishment for Fear of execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides is execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides.
@Richard – There’s a Monty Python sketch in there somewhere. I wonder if John Cleese could be persuaded to make a sequel, perhaps The Life of Mo.
Of course the entire cast would have to be murdered.
“Aisha runs out the tent holding her teddy bear called Haram. She runs into the tent with the other wives who ignore the six year old wife who is always crying.” The LIFE OF MO MO MO (c)Monty Python
If one side is saying it wants to eradicate Israel then proportionality surely means Israel should eradicate them.
All those wanting proportionality must want either the eradication of Gaza or Israel (or both)
As a BBC TNI partner, do you think they are aware?
Seems variable. Unlike here. Almost all msm are in the tank.
Sky especially is getting in endless shills.
Our PM wants world leaders to take charge of the AI threat, saying “managing the risks posed by artificial intelligence was too important to be left to big tech firms and that they could not be left to ‘mark their own homework'”.
The C19 inquiry is engineered to show that the government’s handling of a virus (with a lower average fatality rate than seasonal flu) was such an administrative cock-up, only global governance has a hope of tackling the next one.
But no one will be allowed to challenge these managers, and anyone who draws attention to their incompetence and corruption will be blacklisted. The public will continue to hand over their agency and they’ll repeat brainwashing slogans like ‘no one is safe until everyone is safe’ and ‘global problems need global solutions’ because it’s what they see on the telly and in the papers.
Soon … “Entering the date of the Tiananmen Square crackdown (4 June 1989), or the name of a jailed former senior Communist Party figure (Bo Xilai), or the name of China’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate who died in prison (Liu Xiaobo) also draw the response: “Let’s talk about something else”.”
The UK could bring down the Saudi dictator. Instead, it props him up
ANALYSIS: The UK’s role in the sale of Newcastle United shows we are little more than a laundry for dirty money
This should cover it … Kneel.(BLM) Clap(NHS).Bend over(LGBTQ).Hold one finger up(Islamophobia).Shout at the sky(Orange man bad).
Well, the Met Office has been busy!
After counting all the paper clips, we have the list of ‘storm’ names!
“What are the Met Office storm names for 2023/2024?
The storm names are: Agnes, Babet, Ciaran, Debi, Elin, Fergus, Gerrit, Henk, Isha, Jocelyn, Kathleen, Lilian, Minnie, Nicholas, Olga, Piet, Regina, Stuart, Tamiko, Vincent and Walid”.
WTF is ‘Walid’, and where’s Mohammed and Fatima?
I can think of several names to piss us off even more, like Angela, Cherie, Mishal, Corbyn, Mustapha, RNLI, etc etc etc…
Origin:Arabic. Meaning:Newborn. What could be a more suitable name for your upcoming arrival than Walid? This masculine name is Arabic in origin and derives from the verb walada, meaning “newborn.” Al-Walid was the sixth caliph of the Arab Umayyad dynasty, famed for the many mosques constructed throughout his reign.13 Sept 2023
I thought it was some sort of muddy pond in a desert!
Just shows that I did Latin instead of Geography at ‘O’ Level all those years ago…
But thanks for that Mark…
(Or as a possible firstborn, should I respectfully call you Mark 1 – ;0)
Mark v1!
Check out your own name (and Mohammed)
How about one called Storm “neverhappenshere” !
Here in N Herts we’ve just had a bit of blowy rain. I suppose we’re geographically lucky. When there is 6ft snow elsewhere, we get a light dusting, fog? mainly before anyone gets up, frost? all gone before mid morning coffee, downpours? yes but rarely all day jobbies. We do get the heatwaves like the rest of the country.
With the new AI can it tell the weather?
“Let’s talk about something else.”
That is a frequent response you get from China’s newest sensation, Ernie, if you ask it “difficult” questions.
The chatbot, launched by search engine giant Baidu, deflects anything deemed too sensitive.
Entering the date of the Tiananmen Square crackdown (4 June 1989), or the name of a jailed former senior Communist Party figure (Bo Xilai), or the name of China’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate who died in prison (Liu Xiaobo) also draw the response: “Let’s talk about something else”.
A terrifying image, as all the globalists get together to decide what information we will be allowed to receive in future.
The BBC, of course, are lovin’ it.
Ada Lovelace Institute
AI Now Institute
Algorithmic Justice League
Alondra Nelson, Ph.D., Institute for Advanced Study (U.S.)
Camille Francois, Columbia University’s Institute for Global Politics
Center for Democracy & Technology
Centre for Long-Term Resilience
Chinasa T. Okolo, Ph.D., The Brookings Institution
Deborah Raji, University of California, Berkeley
Marietje Schaake, Stanford Human-Centered AI
Responsible AI UK
Algorithmic Justice League
Here’s one clip from a recent hearing on how facia recognition can make racial injustices worse (this tech does not work well on people of color, and confuses innocent people with those who have criminal records):
Luckily, I don’t recognise any of them in that mug shot, but the bloke in the front row looks somehow familiar? Isn’t he the chap who’s going to leave the UK for the US next year when Starmer sits on the No 10 fence for the next fifteen years?
The video contained within this article should be required viewing for all the woke and arab immigrant gobshites in the UK and around Europe:
“Israel sets up ‘Hamas Massacre’ website featuring graphic photos and videos of the October 7 terror attack as it vows to ‘document the horrors of that day'”
“Pictures of the brutal Kibbutz Be’eri attack that saw more than a 100 of its 1,100 community members tortured and slaughtered are also included, as well as photographs of bedrooms drenched with blood.
An image of the charred remains of babies and video of a man who has lost a limb are also featured. “
I admit Kamala is partly qualified to discuss AI.
Artificial, yes. But intelligent???
Bloke on left…”Is your boss Mr Bamalam here today”?
Bird on the right…”No he’s visiting an old mate at the care home back in the USA, Mr Johnson”!
Reply to Vlad
Elsa Kurt impersonates Kamala on AI
Airhead Imbecile.
26mins … Weekly catch up with Laurence Fox and Andrew Bridgen
Again from the Hill, a Left wing channel in America. Why is their view important? because these are the natural Democrat supporters, and here is the evidence of the sea change of the media turning against the Democrat party and its leader.
This is of course good news and it appears to be spreading to CNN as well, but not the BBC, and I do wonder if the far Left embedded there will ever come to terms with the absolute failure of Bidens horrible Presidency. Probably not, but, nothing has worked, failure is the name on everything they have come into contact with – as Socialism always does.
Not like Biden’s performance wasn’t predicted….
BBC News Bar
1 Home
2 Israel-Gaza war
3 Cost of Living
4 War in Ukraine
Extinction Rebellion protester told Palestinian protesters to ” go back home ”
The retired grandfather who taught mainly Asian children in Tower Hamlets came down from Ipswich , to eco protest but it collided with the Free Palestine demo .
He also racially abused the police officer who arrested him .
There`s more but ..,,
Why didn`t he want to retire in London ?
It can`t be due to the housing crisis because a retired teacher already in the Big Smoke would be comfortably settled .
What made a woke leftist want to leave London and retire to Suffolk ?
Just checking the BBC’s ‘Live Feed’ for Gaza and it’s one long anti-Israel piece now.
After being criticised the other day, the BBC claimed they always point out how Hamas are classed as a terrorist organisation but the UK.
I searched the page : ‘Hamas’ appears 27 times. The word ‘terror’ is not even present once.
Why am I not surprised ?. The BBC staff are far, far too arrogant to take criticism from anybody else. This is a f*ck you, we’ll decide what we do.
They are even repeating Hezbollah propaganda now. We are told they are:
‘Hezbollah – a powerful group backed by Iran’
You missed the word ‘terrorist’ out again BBC.
They’re bizarrely obsessed with foreign nationals trapped there, seems everyone one is a Palestinian with some foreign passport.
Eg “British-Palestinian doctor Abdelkader Hammad” who has just left.
What kind of doctor leaves a warzone..
So there is to be a Palestinian/Hamas demo in London on Remembrance Day. It might be the start of a general Islamic insurrection . I think there could be trouble.
23 October Party of Islam Name Party of Islam All of Great Britain Reject Application incomplete
I’d put money on it. It’s why that date was picked.
Shi’a Muslim men line Rusholme’s Curry Mile in self-flagellation ritual for Lady Fatima
Is Rusholme’s curry mile a red light district?
No. I lived there for several years. The red light district is close by. It is called Whalley Range
RE remembrance Sunday:
Police can’t or won’t cope, we need armed troops there to keep order and protect OUR traditions and ceremonies from gobshite immigrant racist arabs.
The sooner they do it the better Flotsam. The situation is only going to get worse and worse until it inevitably happens when they have the numbers. One thing we can all agree on by now is that they are never going to integrate and live in harmony with the white English any more than the Londonistan blacks are.
Our government and police are scared rigid about upsetting them because they start murdering people. And the likes of the BBC are actively encouraging them by protecting them for all the terrible things they do and giving them reasons to hate us by blowing up ‘right-wing whites are racist’ stories for their own, separate agenda.
Israel and the “bomb”:
Ireland — men tackle man with knife shouting what sounds like “Allahu Akbar” before police arrive at the GPO Dublin.
RTE tweets “The GPO in Dublin was closed this afternoon following a public order incident”. Nothing else reported in MSM yet… is this being covered up in the interests of ‘community cohesion’?
The EU energy efficiency standards:
Chatting with a friend, I said I wondered how long it would be before there is a campaign for the UK to take in Palestinian refugees.
Blow me sideways, a few days later I received an email from asking me to sign a petition for the UK population to take in Palestinian orphans into their homes ! Over to you Gary, Emma, Lily……..
Humza Yousaf (WHITE) has called for UK to take in Pally refugees.
”Scotland’s first minister, Humza Yousaf, has called for the UK to accept Palestinian refugees in the same way as was done for Ukraine following Russia’s invasion.”
Those words from Yousless passed me by GW 😉
G.W.F., “Humza Yousaf (WHITE) has called for UK to take in Pally refugees.”
Is the gloss going off devolution? Are the SNP not so keen on it, after all?
That’s like asking for a glass of water during a tsunami.
Yesterday the US tested one of its antiquated minuteman ICBM missiles, it didn’t go well as it failed soon into its launch.
Russia has continued developing their ICBMs including the new Sarmat II missile. The US Minuteman design dates back to the 1960s
Now it might well be that the engineers deliberately engineered it to happen in order to provoke the government to begin new R&D and manufacture, making nice profits in the process
Already Starmer daren’t wear his poppy when addressing the savages for Islamophobia Awareness Month (!)
Just wait a few years until they’re a majority, or even just an overwhelming voting minority.
Farewell Britain, Hello Caliphate.
Damn site signed me out and then didn’t save what I had written !
So here you are, possibly the most petty arrest imaginable for thought crime over a halloween costume !
There should be a caveat for all ‘hate crimes’ that if what the accused said is demonstrably true then he/she/it cannot be prosecuted for it.
There just shouldn’t be hate crimes full stop as they are political crimes protecting the Lefts favourite ‘victim’ groups.
In America where free speech is protected by law the concept of hate speech cannot exist.
ITV feature a story about the Labour MPs and councillors who disagree with SirKeer’s policy on Gaza.
Apparently one in three MPs disagree with policy and even more councillors.
You see they want to better represent their ‘constituents’. The representation in question is to be Muslim. Nothing else seems to matter.
This is the depth that the tentacles of the Religion of Peace have penetrated in the Labour Party. Which is 20% ahead in the polls. Goodbye, western civilisation. No politicians have the guts to defend it.
Sorry Vlad, just read your similar post.
“You see they want to better represent their ‘constituents’. The representation in question is to be Muslim. ”
Erm, no…
“Huge majority of Brits support Israel/Hamas ceasefire – poll”
The National ?
you jest
Your favourite Broadcaster hasn`t shown any polls on this subject Maxi .
Well maxi, good try but ………..dross.
No need to guess. Check out the 2021 census.
In my Londonistan constituency….
Muslims 29%
Asian 47%
Not born in Britain 45%
Non UK identity 23%
And guess what? Our MP is calling for a ceasefire!
The Nat Anal is as full of shit as you are.
This is the Emirates foreign minister warning EUROPE about a future surge of radical islamic terrorism.
Top UK headline at the BBC:
Matthew White: Stephen Lawrence suspect said he had killed before in second attack
This is possibly the most desperate attempt to rake up something about a racist whitey I have seen for a long time.
It’s just ridiculous. A drug addict tried to attack a security guard with a used needle from a syringe. How many thousand of times has that happened in a hundred different cities across the world ?.
It’s just jammed-pack full of any lop-sided, heresay evidence the BBC can pick out to infer White did in fact kill Stephen Laurence.
From a security guard being quizzed by the BBC – who I can imagine asked the most leading questions imaginable.
Just read part of the article:
The former security guard said White replied that he and others had “done it before and nothing happened”
He said White made multiple references to having killed before, saying “I’ve done it before” and “we have done it before”.
The former security guard said White told him that “they’ve done it in the bus stop there to a fellow like me in the past”.
“I said OK, if you have done it before, I don’t know who you did it to.” Mr Ikpeze said that was when White made several references to “Stephen”.
He said White was “referring to me as the same kind of human being they’ve dealt with before”.
OK BBC – the guard said White told him he had done it before. Repeating it FIVE times one after the other is obsessive activism in my book.
The guard also tells us that ‘White responded with swearing and a stream of racist slurs, including the N-word.’. So the BBC are now at the level where any use of the N-word warrants being reported in the news.
Then of course half way down we get the standard re-run of the original story just as we did every time the updated us with something about George Floyd.
I don’t doubt White was a drug-addict scumbag of highest order. But we have hundreds of thousands of them – maybe millions. And plenty of them are black. This is a ridiculous story to be used as a main headline based on the words of one single black security guard. It’s far-Left, anti-white activism in the extreme.
Racially motivated murder is extremely rare in this country, so much so that the BBC have to constantly go back 30 years for one example. And they are on safe ground with this sub-gutter level ‘journalism’, as the accused is dead and can’t answer back or sue them from libel. Yet again they make the unsubstainated claim that this was ‘the UK’s most notorious racist killing’. No, it’s the ‘UK’s most publicised racist killing’. The murders of Kriss Donald, Ross Parker and Richard Everitt were arguably far more foul. And it could be argued that the slaughter of 22 young people and children by a Libyan at the Manchester Arena was racially motivated, making it a couple of orders of magnitude more ‘notorious’.
Ian maybe they should start a campaign to have this innocent character dug up – just like with their favourite boy – Saville ….
Rather less BBC coverage of black on black knife murders in Londonistan.
TOADY Watch #1 – funny how the BBC remember racial things but cannot remember their own programmes
Also strange that my post follows that of JohnC above! Entirely coincidental. BBC on R4 leading with Elon Musk’s statement that in future, thanks to AI, no-one will have to work. Yeah, pull the other one, Elon! I have heard that before in the 1960s, most of all in the 1970s and again in the 1980s. But what has happened?
The machines have become increasingly stupid and the humans have become more clever to work around the machines stupidity, eg. my computer just this morning. The BBC on radio are forgetting their own programmes on TV. Back in the day when I watched TV (Licence Fee under £10 in the 1960s, but Dad was paying!) the BBC made a TV programme called ‘Tomorrow’s World’ presented by the outstanding, excellent and much missed for his mellifluousness and talents, the late Raymond Baxter.
It was prophesied back in the 1960s, that in the future – by the year 2000 – humans would not have to work. Nearly a quarter of a century on from Y2K, some humans are beavering away like never before with the possible exception of the ‘sainted’ NHS and the Police forces of the UK. Maybe BBC R4 and TOADY have a spot of dementia on the subject of work?
Perhaps their obsession with ‘race’ has made the BBC mad?
Froth and spume edition
In which Mr AsI questions the logic
Another autumn day, another named storm, as soon-to-be conjoined twins, Guardian and Times, diverge only in so far as which Devonshire resort they pick to feature in their respective frontpage photo splash.
Like a pair of over-exuberant small kids on a day trip to the coast excited by the crash of the waves against the seawall the two delight in the froth and the spume: Storm Ciarán battered southern Britain, including Dawlish in Devon… (Times); Teignmouth in Devon took a battering yesterday, as storm Ciarán caused widespread damage, with heavy rain and winds… (Guardian)
After the storm, there will be calm – runs that old adage
As a broadcaster our BBC meanwhile isn’t constrained with any having to go to press deadline, so can reassure worry warts: Storm Ciarán eases but flood warnings remain
Climate change…?
‘I know what you’re thinking about,’ said Tweedledum; ‘but it isn’t so, nohow. ‘ ‘Contrariwise,’ continued Tweedledee, ‘if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.’ (Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll)
Here’s a fun puzzle… let’s see if we can guess which headline appears in which title Guardian or Times?
THEY were standing under a tree, each with an arm round the other’s neck, and Alice knew which was which in a moment, because one of them had “DUM” embroidered on his collar, and the other “DEE”. ‘I suppose they’ve each got “TWEEDLE” round at the back of the collar,’ she said to herself.
1. Top tech firms to let governments vet AI tools, Sunak tells summit
2. AI means nobody will have to work, says Musk
Answer: Headline 1 was from the Gruan. Your clue was the fascination with state-run managerial process. And of course the sub-header: PM says Bletchley Park talks ‘will tip the balance in favour of humanity’ – oh the humanity is so very Guardian. Naked State power wielded with the excuse of the greater good for humanity. And since David Cameron every wet Tory loves and cherishes a good write up in the Guardian or from the BBC.
1. Israeli troops advance into Gaza City
2. Israel says its troops are inside Gaza City
Answer: This is a tough call. It’s hard to say which of the two is the more emphatic. Headline 2 mimics that typical BBC constuction that tends to question or call into doubt: so-and-so says; according to, so and so – there’s more than a hint of distain for your source of information – it’s a formula akin to turning your plastic dogshit bag insideout before tentatively handling the doggie doo. We report this because we must, but we don’t have to like our source. So these twin headlines are almost identical but headline 2 is of course the Guardian.
Here’s a quick wildcard headline tie-breaker as we have now almost exhausted their respective frontpages… Times or Guardian? *Answer at the end of this review
New mothers still being pursued by energy debt agents
Middle class anxieties are still somewhat more pronounced in the Times: Bricks & mortar… Why it’s so hard to sell your house (Times)
And the Guardian still performs more fan service for its arts and entertainment audience: Now And Then **** for The Beatles’ ‘last’ song; Kirsty MacColl The vivid life of one of pop’s great outliers
You pays at your identical £2.80 price point and you takes your choice. The formerly patriotic Times seems a slight bargain at £2 to subscribers over £2.14 for subscribers of the Gruan and you do get a poppy pictured gratis on the Times masthead – absent of course from the Gruaniad – albeit the Times has the very teeny weeniest of token poppies out there.
The Telegraph’s poppy boutonnière is modestly sized; The jokey blokey Star has a respectable buttonhole; No FT? No poppy; Freebie giveaway Metro and left-leaning ‘i’…? – forget it; Daily Mail, Daily Mirror and Sun go with that modern and flimsy sustainable paper version… the logic of that escapes me; The Daily Express unsurprisngly goes large – At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember… and we will remember when the Daily Express used to be: United With The People Of Ukraine
Ah yes – the Times subscription . Last year I took out a discounted subscription . Never ever again – they tricked me later into paying full fat cost ….. it took a huge effort to get it cancelled ….
… last week they offered it to me for £1 a month for a year – when I left I told them I wouldn’t take their paper if they paid me – and I strongly advise every one to avoid The Times …..
Once bitten …..
I see a troll has described everyone on this site as ‘dogs ‘- here is a warning to you – do it again and you will be removed from it and I will monitor to see it you try to sign up again …. And unless you make some reference to the BBC you will also be gone ….
I am – and sign – Fedup
It is what it is in terms of manipulation – but the BBC’s use of posed photographs of the devastation in Gaza is the sort of travesty that is foisted on anybody looking at the BBC’s coverage – and the BBC do that relentlessly – almost as often as they deploy “far right” etcetera.
You likely wouldn’t be here if you thought this acceptable – but the quality and amount of disinformation is simply off the scale and totally at odds with their mission statements.
The irascible Richard North has a good post on the recipes which make up MSM coverage that we’re being served up in terms of what’s available and what’s actually being used.