Covid update. I appreciate not all will agree.
A comment on the ‘outrage’ on the BBC and MSM that Matt Hancock was wanting to decide ‘who should live and who should die’.
Now Hancock has been widely discredited and ridiculed for lots of reasons, and evidence suggests he deserves much of that.
But in attacking him for the above comment, which is clearly and deliberately lacking BBC commentary on the context, it feels like the school bullies are just going for an easy target – kicking a man when he is already down.
The context is clearly the worst case scenario of a totally overwhelmed NHS where seriously ill covid patients outnumber the capacity of the NHS. How would clinicians decide in such a situation on a case by case basis? Would they even have time? Would we have a sort of postcode lottery at individual hospital level? No-one said anything.
It seems blindingy obvious that Hancock was talking about creating a general policy framework, for example a scorecard system to estimate likelihood of survival. He would not decide who should live or die at an individual level but rather national policy, a contingency for a worst case scenario. That doesn’t to me sound irrational or undesirable. One might call it ‘taking responsibility’ or ‘making a decision’ – something the civil servants would never do. One might call it freeing up the clinicians to concentrate on saving those that could be saved.
Hancock might have wanted to do this for selfish reasons – to look good, to look big, he might be deeply flawed as a person but in this particular instance it wasn’t necessarily a bad strategic move.
But I suppose the BBC and the enquiry have already decided the Tory government of the day are solely to blame for everything so actual rational situational analysis is of no interest to them. ‘Gotcha’ is what they want and crave.
They are to blame – but in a way – so are we – and the system – for electing characters not fit for the Job – and in turn failing to recruit people able to plan – deliver – across too many areas of life ….
And as a result we are heading to be a ‘failed state ‘ with sham corrupt undemocratic government …
( our excuse – of course – is that in truth we don’t get much choice about candidates – as the current 2 show )
You have expressed things far better than I could, but said exactly what I was thinking. I could imagine the sarcasm on the BBC and other MSM had there been no government policy. The BBC and MSM will use anything to attack the conservative government. I remember during Covid the calls to close the schools and as soon as they did came the screams that they were wrong.
Thank you – I wish I could be oblivious to the whole ‘ess show ‘ .
All I can think is that any talent / intelligence they had was so committed to their own advancement that anything like strategic thinking was not within ‘bandwidth ‘ leading to ‘firebrigade governing ‘ by whatever the current ‘crisis ‘ might be – whether it’s real or media created ….
Meanwhile – they are racking up state debt to an unsustainable level – and if they can’t sell bonds / gilts without higher rates than now – they are screwed – whether it be reds or blues …
I’ve listened too to much of amol at Bletchley …. So none for me today – instead I’ve got a new ‘Beatles ‘ tune on repeat play to try and like it … but failing …. It’s pap and George was right …
Anyway – this AI thing – I don’t know what it is or why it is or why it should be regulated ….. we – the world – are already looking very closely at the End Of The World so something else which will be more clever will not make much difference …
Yes Big Fuss – deluded Rishi must think getting a picture with Elon will up his pole rating – which is evidence that the same sort of spads who infested number 10 during covid are still there …..
As for the covid inquiry – it became too painful to watch …. It shows that they do not have the ‘smartest guys in the room ‘ and if we allow mental defectives like Hancock into high office he would kill people… maybe you are ‘old ‘- say over 60 – and have the misfortune to need medical help in a mild pandemic …
Imagine if that virus was a Real Killer – even more effective – at infection and killed even 5% of those who got it …. I bet even now they are too scared to even think about it …
I like the ‘new’ Beatles track, am I shallow? Ok it didn’t blow me away, but better to listen to than stormzy. And I don’t listen to music radio much now, except classical, so wouldn’t know much about current trends.
I’ll pass, I’ve already made my mind up based on islamic history, basically the warmongering Muslims were afraid peace was going to break out in the region.
Please don’t forget that like Trump the Left hate Netanyahu. There are a lot of Jewish people on the Left.
I have just received an email from a cousin in Israel. His son is one examining what is left of the bodies to identify them and he reports that his son talks of the most heinous crimes but won’t tell his father the worst. He certainly mentioned the babies and these babies were not murdered by warfare.
You can believe me or think what I am writing is Israeli propaganda. But many of you know I have been posting here for a long time and not known to make things up.
That must be an awful job Deborah, truly heartbreaking.
I wish all your family in Israel (regardless of their personal politics) the best, it can not be easy at the moment, nor for Jews here in the UK, or elsewhere.
Jewish people the world over deserve to know that a great many people support them, and mourn the lives of those massacred by terrorists.
Yes I echo those sentiments – it will be truly sad if the end of our way of life happens because of the horrors inflicted in Israel by Islamic Hamas —- but Israel needs to do what it must do – and I hope it succeeds..
On a different topic, I note that some £3 bn has been spent on cycle lanes and low traffic neighbourhoods and the like in the last few years and as a result………..there has been no discernible long term uptake in cycling.
In other words money has been totally and utterly wasted on eco-warrior woke trash that bears no relation to how people actually live.
As mentioned before, cycle lanes for the most part are used by middle class males as a free alternative to gym membership.
As a reverse Robin Hood policy (take from the poor and give to the rich) it’s right up there with ULEZ.
There was a brief hint of protest from Sunak when Elon claimed that AI means “there will come a point where no job is needed”, to which Sunak weakly responded “but work gives you meaning“, without really making much of a defence of this core Tory value.
What a find the 2021 census is.
Try googling ‘how life has changed’ followed by your town or borough. Lots of useful data and the change is with the 2011 census.
I’ve just been glancing through a list of 16 front bench Labour MPs who oppose SirKeer’s stance on Gaza and want an immediate ceasefire, presumably to give Hamas the chance to regroup and rearm.
Then you can find their constituencies and then look those places up in the census.
This leads to such places as Bradford, Luton, and Manchester. Guess what? They all have huge Muslim populations, huge numbers not born in this country, and huge numbers who do not consider themselves British.
In other words they are ‘representing their constituents’.
A damning reflection not on them but on the policy of years and tears of unfettered open door mass immigration of people who have no allegiance whatever to our country.
In 2021, more than 4 in 10 (40.6%) usual residents in London were non-UK born, and more than 1 in 5 (23.3%) had a non-UK passport. This is a small increase since 2011, when 36.7% of London residents were non-UK born, and 21.0% had a non-UK passport.2 Nov 2022
The population of Africa has grown rapidly over the past century[1] and consequently shows a large youth bulge, further reinforced by a low life expectancy of below 50 years in some African countries.[2] Total population as of 2020 is estimated to be more than 1.3 billion,[3] with a growth rate of more than 2.5% p.a. The total fertility rate (births per woman) for Africa is 4.7 as of 2018, the highest in the world according to the World Bank.[4] The most populous African country is Nigeria with over 206 million inhabitants as of 2020 and a growth rate of 2.6% p.a.
Democracy has as long as it existed been a flawed concept, accepted as such by there being no better alternatives, or exploited in its weaknesses by the cynical. Always for power, and control.
And weaknesses there are aplenty, amplified by the truly cynical, seeking absolute power, and enduing control. Democracy has inherently idealistically harboured the seeds of its own demise.
Secret ballots endured a long while, but soon ‘one man, one vote’ was corrupted by ‘one imam, as many postal votes as can be got away with’. All as noses were rubbed in the diversity of cultures where lying and cheating were not matters of shame but requirements to prevail and honoured in the practice.
But enough about Tony Blair and BBC guest star Mad Al.
At one time there was at least a vague notion of free speech, and a broad enough swathe of media out there to ensure power was not left unchecked and actually held to account. All in timeframes of years where things could be raised, debated and brought to the ultimate polling result: an election. Now, riggable and rigged versions of instantaneous volume over coherence rabble rousing can see policy swung in the time it takes for a poppy to fall off a lapel.
At then, of course, there is the BBC.
So far, in the last few hours…
“The leader of the opposition should be applying pressure for a ceasefire.”
Burnley’s Labour council leader Afrasaib Anwar tells #R4Today Sir Keir Starmer should resign because his policy on Israel-Gaza ‘doesn’t speak of the values that we as members of the party sign up for’.
This is pure, coordinated propaganda peddling to swing a result. A few predictably motivated councillors in a few predictably lost areas of Britain issue ‘call’ for the removal of the likely next PM because he is set to lead a party not under the control of their minority faith? And it is across every platform? That is BS.
A Britain ruined by a national broadcaster infested with corrupt and/or complicit staff with a £5B budget and no accountability has sunk the country to its lowest point yet.
The end of the west giving birth to children – we can import them all.
“Four women giving birth by Caesarean have had surgery to cut their risk of ovarian cancer at the same time, in what doctors say is a documented first.
The pioneering two-in-one operations, at a London hospital, all went well
I like the new Beatles song. I know some are critical of it because it doesn’t fit in with today’s music genres, (what does?). But a true fan who grew up with them, this is manna from Heaven. I was in the audience in Margate after paying 10/- for a ticket, in their early days of the collarless jackets and district haircuts. But equally we all loved the Stones as a raw contrast to the melodies of Beatles hits. You had to be there ! Will anyone be nostalgic for Take That, One Direction and the rest in 60 years time, I dont think so.
I grew up on the outskirts of Liverpool. One day my friends invited me to a local record shop where a new group called the Beatles were signing their first ever record. I declined, saying ‘no one will ever hear of the Beatles’.
The opening chords are a simple but emotional combination, worked on by better bands in later years – Tony Banks and others often use that combination, and I just love ’em!
‘Free as a bird’ had similar musical touch, and had John Lennon lived, he may have been able to use this melodic influence on many more recordings – even if Yoko wasn’t involved…
Meanwhile, back to the awful BBC to stay on topic..:0~
Looby – it needed George Martin …. Every month my streamer tells me my number one is The Beatles – I grew up with them – but maybe this was one too many and sounds like the stuff J Lennon was doing before he was killed … as for Macca – if on,y he could go on for ever …
Well it’s nice to chat about these things as a distraction from world problems. I was born in the sixties so wasn’t really into the Beatles, but my other half (andy pandy) is. And he loves John mostly, and even I had his albums in the 70s. It’s funny though that as you get older you realise how brilliant some of these departed artists were – George Michael, Prince.. I miss them. And yes, I think I’ve had too much red wine!
Isis Threaten Sylvania by the artist Mimsy is removed from Passion for Freedom exhibition at London’s Mall Galleries, after police raise security concerns. Below, Guardian critic Jonathan Jones reviews the artwork”
So it’s finally happening. The Islamo-fascists have won. They are getting events cancelled – perfectly normal, patriotic, traditional, long-established events – without even having to lift a finger or make specific threats.
The latent, implied threat is enough to terrify the authorities.
The council use the weasel words “Health and Safety concerns”. Translation: “we’re cowards and we’re sh*t scared of the savages”.
The same is true of our police. They allow the most shameful, violent demonstrations on our streets, where terrorist flags are flown and terrorist slogans screamed through loudspeakers. Why? Because they’re FRIT (in Thatcher’s expression). Sh*t frit!
Do you remember the pathetic excuse the Met Commissioner gave? “Our specialist language experts have deemed that Jihad has many meanings and is not illegal”. Then, that the flag the terrorists were waving “might look a bit like Isis, but really it’s Shahada” – a declaration of faith in Islam.
That lie was promptly shot down by real experts, who posted: You should fire your ‘specialist’.
I actually have more respect for Islamists than liberal lefties. Islamists say what they mean and they mean what they say. When they say "from the river to the sea" they really do mean the destruction of Israel and the eradication of the Jews. Lefties, however, pretend it means…
in full …. “I actually have more respect for Islamists than liberal lefties. Islamists say what they mean and they mean what they say. When they say “from the river to the sea” they really do mean the destruction of Israel and the eradication of the Jews. Lefties, however, pretend it means something else.
As far as I can discern, lefties believe the state of Israel should be abolished because it’s a “racist, ethnonationalist, apartheid abomination”. But unlike Islamists, and because lefties never think through the consequences of what they say, they actually believe what replaces Israel will be a peaceful, progressive, secular state where Jews, Muslims and Christians all rub along nicely. This is their “one state solution”.
But we don’t have to speculate what would actually happen. We have a living example of this exact dynamic emerging in real-time. Think South Africa.
South Africa was an actual racist, apartheid state. But it was also a functioning country. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending apartheid, but what we’ve seen since is the rise of grievance politics (Marxism in a racial justice shroud) which, left unchecked, will see ethnic cleansing of whites from South Africa, the confiscation of their farms. On a long enough timeline, the water, telecoms and energy system will completely collapse under the weight of the corruption. The black factions will split, and split again, and then turn on each other, and then there’s be a bloodbath and a famine in which millions die. We’ve seen this repeated across Africa where breadbaskets turn to basket cases.
So imagine then what happens if the world decides to delegitimise Israel, the UN revokes recognition and the US stops supplying arms. In all probability Arab militias from neighbouring countries will move in, and they’ll get to work cleansing the entire region of Jews. And when they’re done with Jews, they’ll go after the Christians and anyone else who isn’t Muslim. And when they’re done, they’ll turn on each other. They probably won’t even wait that long. Arabs hate Palestinians and Palestinians (being of diverse origins) tend to hate each other. Bedouins are viewed as the regions Roma. (Israeli Bedouins are safer under Israeli rule).
Israel as it stands is a largely functioning country and the closest the region has ever got to a liberal democracy but what replaces it will not be a unified state of Palestine for Palestinians. It will be yet another corrupt Arab slum, where everything the Israelis built will be destroyed. The farms, the universities, the factories, the laboratories, the roads… will all be looted and left to fall into decay. Essentially a hybrid of Afghanistan/Libya and Lebanon.
There are some on the right who say the Israeli-Palestine issue is none of our business, but Europe cannot afford this to happen. Israel’s survival is very much in our interests. We saw waves of mass immigration at the height of the Syrian civil war, and we’d likely see similar. Half of Gaza would depart for Europe. That’s the great irony of the Palestinian struggle. If they they had it their way, they wouldn’t even want to live there. Israel is only a functioning and prosperous place because Israelis are nation builders.
Arabs have never shown any such initiative in building the foundations of a Palestinian state. They embezzle aid, they destroy infrastructure, and blame Israel for their every failing. In all probability, the Palestinian state would rapidly descend into a state of civil war, probably destabilising Jordan in the process, resulting in a Jordanian civil war where the Hashemites brutalise Palestinians in a way the world has never seen. For a region that has been in a state of low grade war since before I was born, we would end up looking at the Israel era as a time of relative peace.
Lefties and Palestinians reject a two state solution because they ultimately want to abolish Israel. Israel rejects a two state solution because they know there is no genuine desire for one – and no observable efforts to build one. So a one state solution is the only solution on the table.
So the question is, is it going to be a Jewish state where Jews can live in peace and safety, with at least some rights for Palestinians (better than Jews would have were the situation reversed), or one where Jews and Christians are massacred, that rapidly devolves into anarchy and destitution? If it’s the former, then the fastest route to the best normal we will ever get, is the eradication of Hamas. If it’s the latter, please just drop the pretense that this is about human rights and international law. Just admit you hate Jews.”
He’s known to work over 100 hours per week with no days off and to sleep in his office to meet deadlines. There’s only 24 hours in a day and Musk tries to spend his time being as productive and efficient as possible.16 Feb 2023″
Insufficient evidence has been found in 36 out of 37 investigations into recent allegations that police covered up child abuse in the past.
Some of the claims were widely reported in the media. The cases largely date back to the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s.
In 23 cases, no evidence at all was found of the allegation.
The BBC trying to resurrect the 30 year old Stephen Lawrence case, possibly another white youth threatened a black security officer at the time….according to the security officer…nearly stabbed him in fact…
The BBC do like to get their teeth into something if it is of a certain flavour. They do like to keep picking at a scab don’t they?
Wonder if they will now start digging into the Lee Rigby slaughter in the street by two black men? Of which we have had nothing like the fanfare and hullabaloo surrounding the Lawrence case have we?
It’s almost like they don’t really value white people much!
Increase in jellyfish population by up to 30% say the BBC. (Who the hell counted them all?).
Now what could the possible explanation be I wonder?
Hah! Global Warming of course!
Nothing to do with the not by any means unusual longish warm summer we just had meaning coastal waters would temporarily attract jellyfish closer to the shore.
Will November 11th 2023 be remembered as the day
that officially, London became Londonistan and
Sadik Khan became the Emir.
I think that the BBC should introduce their morning
programmes with a rendering of the adhan . As
their contribution.
Our ‘police’ (I use the term loosely) have adopted an interesting strategy for ‘policing’ the mostly peaceful riots by fanatical savages.
They allow the rioters free reign, and simply take photos or footage of the violent thugs, then post them on the Met Police Twitter (X) page with the caption: Do you know this person?
Given that the person is surrounded by hordes of like minded islamo-fascists, it’s highly unlikely anyone will grass on them. Even non islamo-fascists will be intimidated. Fear goes a long way.
This strategy means the police can allow the violence while claiming: hey, we tried, but no-one came forward.
I wonder if the next 10 days will demonstrate to the British people that we are not in control now – and that the imported religion is growing strong very fast -with no one or organisation to challenge yet alone stop it .
A very dark future for non believers ….
It’s now a fact and I honestly think it’s irreversible.
The remedy would have to be so draconian I don’t see anyone – any party or organisation – willing or able to do it.
If they even attempted it, the BBC would be howling in outrage.
Lees dooset hates referring to the Islamic terrorist group of Hezbolah as a terrorist group – you can see and hear it in her voice as she presents …. These bbc characters just want to call them and Hamas ‘freedom fighters ‘ ….
I see Bowen is using the same fake Getty picture from the recent shoot they did.
It’s true the background is the aftermath of the attack – but the main figure in the foreground is acting as folorn as possible for the camera. It’s a cheap lie to make us feel empathy for him.
Of course the article never goes near the thing they are trying to distract us from with it : why it was bombed in the first place. Because that means admitting Hamas are using civilians as human shields.
Following Truss’s resignation amid a government crisis, Sunak was elected unopposed to succeed her after being the sole nominee in the October 2022 party leadership election.
The much awaited speech of the secretary general of Hezbollah has been delivered to silence from the media. It was an important speech which could have been the precurser to war where Nazrullah who only had two choices could have declared all out war, or climbed down and it would appear he has chosen the latter.
“He insisted that the first goal was to stop “aggression” against Gaza, and the second goal would be to ensure the victory of Hamas. He insisted that countries end trade with Israel and that Arab and Muslim countries cease sending oil to the United States.
Did Hezbollah help coordinate the attack?
In the speech, he claimed that “brothers from Hamas” had planned the October 7 attack alone, and they hid it from their other terrorist allies. Despite the secrecy, the terrorist leader insisted that the attack did not upset anyone in the “resistance axis.”
Nasrallah, in further praise of the attack, stated that the Al-Aqsa flood had exposed Israel’s weakness. The attack took the lives of 1400 people, including the lives of civilians and Arab Israelis.
In the speech, Nasrallah denied that Hamas had beheaded babies and claimed that there was no evidence to support these accusations.
Mocking Israel, the terrorist leader said that in a whole month, Israel had failed to rescue any hostage or make any significant military achievement.
The United States is responsible for this war, Nasrallah claimed. He also stated that the current war is a battle between “right and wrong”, insisting that Israel’s image of being a democratic champion of Human Rights was false.”
I have to say he probably won’t have made this decision, others pulling his strings will have made it for him, but it appears we can rest easier in our beds tonight.
I fully accept the need for some source truly independent, qualified and impartial, but as anything with an Acronym, from BBC to UN, and almost any govt., who?
About the only way, as with the NBC story about Hamas hoarding fuel, is if the BBC does not go near it in case it is accurate.
Excellent example for ‘BBC Verify’ to FINALLY do something useful.
If they verify the location and time, it will prove it was Hamas and not Israel.
Which of course is why they won’t do it. They do the odd ‘non agenda’ item to present a facade of neutrality, but their real purpose is to give credibility to agenda items when it really matters.
Jeremy Corbyn is elderly too. As are a bunch of idiot activists across every protest scene going, often the same one swapping vests.
Has anyone yet discovered who this charmer is, and how they again managed to ‘fool’ the BBc into asking an audience member to say this clearly in accurate statement for wider coverage?
Guest Who
Jezza is elderly?
Your post prompted me to look him up on Wikipedia and it sez there that he was born in 1949 which must mean that he was a teenager in the 1960s.
Oh dear! The poor man has my sympathies. However, you would have thought that he would have seen the light by now.
By the way my teenage years were spent in the happy and glorious days of the 1950s so thank you to Mum And Dad for that.
The headline for this assault on Hamas should be: ‘This time the Jews can fight back’.
And now they are giving the world an excellent example of the only way to deal with Islamic terrorists. They cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be trusted for anything at all because they think they answer directly to God. The only solution is to remove them.
Russia also gave us a lesson against ISIS but we weren’t told about that because there was no way the BBC could portray ISIS as ‘victims’.
Gaza is a proving to be a huge issue for Starmer’s leadership – one MP told us they’re getting thousands of emails about the party’s position.
We went around the country speaking to Muslim Labour voters to hear their thoughts – as some very frankly told their MPs how they feel
Pure, vague, propaganda and ‘claims’ from thick money-grubbers not quite ready to give up on the wedge. Khans running things in or via the MSM.
So a black security guard attacked 8 years ago by a drug-addict white man who died 2 years ago says that while was trying to stab him (with a needle, not a knife as the article is trying to mislead you) the white man told him he had killed before and it might have been Stephen Lawrence who was murdered 30 years ago.
And the BBC are spending license fee payers money to investigate this because nobody else cares any more.
That’s it. That story warrants front-page, headline UK news at the BBC.
How utterly ridiculous. They are getting truly desperate to find stories racist enough to satisfy their hatred of regular white males. You can be sure in doing so, they consider themselves morally superior for doing it.
Don’t the BBC have any real news to report ?.
Here’s the author:
Daniel De Simone
‘Daniel De Simone works for BBC News in London, where he researches stories involving injustice, crime, and terrorism.’
‘He also conducts investigations for programmes such as Panorama and Newsnight.’
Ooops. All credibility instantly down the toilet.
My search found another example of his work :
‘Daniel De Simone published a long-form investigation into the activities of a rogue, abusive MI5 agent, the end result of a months-long tussle between the BBC and the British government which ended with his employer being taken to court.’
Not sure what that means, but never mind. Lets see what Daniel has reported about ‘terrorism’:
‘BREAKING: Andrew Dymock, the neo-Nazi who created two banned terrorist groups, has been convicted of 12 terror offences’
‘A Nazi Satanist paedophile who escaped a prison sentence three years ago despite admitting 14 terror charges has been jailed after committing new offences.’
‘First alleged neo-Nazi under special terror powers, BBC learns’
Oh dear. Seems like Daniel is only interested in investigating white people. Seems like he is just another worthless BBC racist activist.
Oh – so what picture do you think is appropriate to lead this article ?.
A Muslim terrorist aiming a rocket launcher ?.
An Israeli tank in the streets firing on a terrorist ?.
Nope. This one:
The headline is actually just one line in the article. It then reverts to more mass-empathy for the Palestinans.
Is it just journalistic incompetence from useless staff who have no place reporting news – or was the headline a trick to draw us in the force-feed us the narrative ?.
I think this is the guy who wrote it : an excellent example of a pasty-faced BBC Lefty:
I got called a ‘consiracy theorist’ today for suggesting it was the USA who blew up the Nord stream pipeline.
When I pressed the accuser for reasons Russia would do it he said to stop the gas to Europe. When I said they could just do that by shutting it off as they did – but use it as a bargaining chip to Germany, he grew more and more frustrated and eventually told me (in an aggressive voice) to stop talking about it because he was bored with it.
Never, ever underestimate the power of brainwashing (As Gaza is demonstrating perfectly). The BBC do it ALL the time with constant small ‘nudges’ towards the agenda.
Blue Labour MP Robert Stewart found guilt of a racially motivated public order offence – which I understand amounted to suggesting the ‘victim ‘ go back to barhrain ‘..
Humza Yousaf has said his family have left Gaza after being trapped in the territory for more than three weeks.
The first minister’s parents-in-law had been unable to leave following the attacks on Israel by Hamas.
Elizabeth El-Nakla (WHITE – TOO WHITE?) and her husband Maged – the parents of Mr Yousaf’s wife Nadia – travelled to Gaza to see a sick relative.
They were among a number of British nationals who have now entered Egypt through the Rafah crossing.
The couple, from Dundee, had spent the past two weeks in a house where 100 people were sheltering, including a child of two months old.
Ms El-Nakla’s brother – a doctor in a Gaza hospital – and his family all remain in Gaza, as do her stepmother and grandmother. They are not UK passport holders and were therefore unable to leave.
The Rafah crossing, which offers the only way in and out (THEY HAVE A STRONG BORDER!!!) of Gaza, was opened by Egypt on Wednesday.
“normal practice to provide accurate information”
“lack of consistency in our use of these captions”
“the number posted during the speech was not proportionate,” “nor always relevant”
” created the incorrect impression”
BBC Parliament
20 October 2023
We have reviewed our use of on-screen captions during an Adjournment Debate at the House of Commons called ‘Trends in Excess Deaths’. There were concerns that the captions, which outlined the NHS guidance on vaccines for Covid-19 and other diseases, showed bias against Andrew Bridgen MP who was making a speech that challenged the Government’s position on the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines. It is normal practice to provide accurate information and context to these debates on screen and in this case it was an important aspect of our coverage due to the nature of the assertions being made in relation to public health. However, we accept that there was a lack of consistency in our use of these captions and that the number posted during the speech was not proportionate, nor always relevant, which created the incorrect impression that there was an editorial approach in relation to the views expressed. We apologise for this and are reviewing the way we use captions during such proceedings.
“normal practice to provide accurate information”
“lack of consistency in our use of these captions”
“the number posted during the speech was not proportionate,” “nor always relevant”
” created the incorrect impression”
Just occasionally it’s interesting to take stock at what has befallen our once great nation…
On Armistice Day, next Saturday, tens of thousands of mad Muzzies intend to invade London. Quite clearly, this uncivilised, third world rabble are intent on causing as much mayhem as they possibly can, during what should be a time of quiet reflection. I mean this scum are hardly quiet and respectful at the best of times, are they. Does anyone think otherwise?
And what do the authorities intend to do about it? Well, in a nutshell, sweet FA…
The contemptible runt Muzzie Mayor says there’s nothing he can do…or rather would want to do… Our inept, indeed pathetic PM, says the demo would be “disrespectful.” Bloody Hell, Sunak, grow some balls you spineless eunuch, ban the bloody thing. And we all know that our gutless police will look the other way, or maybe arrest some white bloke for unfurling the Union flag. God, how I despise them.
And today, Tory MP Bob Stewart, has been found guilty of “racially abusing” some geezer and telling him to “Go back to Bahrain.”
The invaders are NOT coming here to join us and our way of life which they hate. They are coming here to change and replace us and our way of life and the Woke idiots will NOT be spared and they need to experience an epiphany PDQ!
This is all contrived. The Public Order Bill was passed this year. It enables the police additional powers to prevent YOU from protesting. The UK Govt. wants a confrontation between the pro-Palestinian protesters and the natives attending the ceremony. Meanwhile, their brainwashing media is whipping up the tension. They want you to beg for the police to break some skulls so next time around you will support the police against ‘terrorists’ like me who have the b*lls to go onto the streets the next time around they announce a lockdown for another fake ‘virus’.
Time to start using your brain.
Listen mate, I was at all the anti-lockdown demos, being assaulted by the Stasi, so you don’t need to start lecturing me! And I was using my brain when you were in nappies…
Getting tens of thousands of irate Muslims ranting on the streets isn’t “contrived”. This isn’t a conspiracy, though I don’t doubt the toerags that are ruining our country will make use of these disturbances. Yes, of course they will. We have a uni-party, totalitarian parliament. No argument there, but…
That’s another argument for another day.
I’m not meekly standing by while thousands of noisy ragheads disrespect our war dead.
By the way, this socialist council had no problem with a “pride” parade earlier……
“Royal British Legion vows to host its own ‘shortened’ Remembrance parade after Labour-run council axes event to honour veterans over ‘safety concerns’
Veterans’ support charity says it will uphold tradition after council pulls out
Barry Town Council says ‘difficult decision’ was made to scrap 2023 parade”
I see that the big-eared twat linker has ‘waded in’ with his inane opinions – endorsed by Beeboids, who let him off the hook but secretly agree with his naivete!
It’s so easy for his tax-paid employers to give him enough rope to make himself look even more stupid, because they can then just brush it off and say something like, ‘Gary is Gary’, and call it news!
He really is a pain in the arris, but there again, who in W1AA isn’t!
There’s going to be real trouble this weekend, and while this useful idiot is farting around in a football studio, bawling inanities, some decent British citizens are going to be seriously hurt.
Shame on you BBC, you let this maniac free to spout bilge and many of the problems are down to your crass behaviour!
Yes, I like the fact that it was written by Lennon, recorded on a cassette and labelled: “for Paul” after their rift, Yoko found it after his death and handed it to Paul.
“Met Police launch probe into woman holding a ‘keep the world clean of Jews’ poster during London rally – as capital braces for more Pro-Palestine protests”
The government ought to do us all a favour, deploy the army, tooled up with automatic weapons and carte blanche to do whatever they see fit without any fear of reprisals.
The army – or what’s left of it – will be in its ‘number ones ‘ during remembrance …. If there is one place public money must be used – it is to increase the size of the military …..
Trump’s lawyers told Judge Cannon they discovered a June 2023 letter asking DOE to remove Trump’s ACTIVE SECURITY CLEARANCE.” – A few weeks AFTER…
The ITV Evening News just finished with a ‘light hearted’ story about ‘improvements’ slated for the Watford Gap services.
A wimpy bloke unplugging his electromobile thought that the proposed more charging points would cut waiting time and encourage more people to go electric.
Then an Asian with aviators and a footballer style beard said “Well I’m a Muslim so I’d like a Halal restaurant.”
Oh I’m sorry, did you think they were all cowering under the bedclothes in fear of rising Islamophobia?
Make way for tomorrow, says the telly news, as always.
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 The implosion in Reform is the stuff of worst nightmares, almost as though there are hidden dirty trick forces at…
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 > remit of liaising with the authorities over Muslim issues. And all because they are special. Which reminds me of…
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume….
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
Covid update. I appreciate not all will agree.
A comment on the ‘outrage’ on the BBC and MSM that Matt Hancock was wanting to decide ‘who should live and who should die’.
Now Hancock has been widely discredited and ridiculed for lots of reasons, and evidence suggests he deserves much of that.
But in attacking him for the above comment, which is clearly and deliberately lacking BBC commentary on the context, it feels like the school bullies are just going for an easy target – kicking a man when he is already down.
The context is clearly the worst case scenario of a totally overwhelmed NHS where seriously ill covid patients outnumber the capacity of the NHS. How would clinicians decide in such a situation on a case by case basis? Would they even have time? Would we have a sort of postcode lottery at individual hospital level? No-one said anything.
It seems blindingy obvious that Hancock was talking about creating a general policy framework, for example a scorecard system to estimate likelihood of survival. He would not decide who should live or die at an individual level but rather national policy, a contingency for a worst case scenario. That doesn’t to me sound irrational or undesirable. One might call it ‘taking responsibility’ or ‘making a decision’ – something the civil servants would never do. One might call it freeing up the clinicians to concentrate on saving those that could be saved.
Hancock might have wanted to do this for selfish reasons – to look good, to look big, he might be deeply flawed as a person but in this particular instance it wasn’t necessarily a bad strategic move.
But I suppose the BBC and the enquiry have already decided the Tory government of the day are solely to blame for everything so actual rational situational analysis is of no interest to them. ‘Gotcha’ is what they want and crave.
has anybody seen *any mention* of contributions from Labour to the management of the virus outbreak?
thought not
Strangely… I’ve not heard anything about the so called “Independent SAGE” – not that I want to be reminded of those swines.
They are to blame – but in a way – so are we – and the system – for electing characters not fit for the Job – and in turn failing to recruit people able to plan – deliver – across too many areas of life ….
And as a result we are heading to be a ‘failed state ‘ with sham corrupt undemocratic government …
( our excuse – of course – is that in truth we don’t get much choice about candidates – as the current 2 show )
You have expressed things far better than I could, but said exactly what I was thinking. I could imagine the sarcasm on the BBC and other MSM had there been no government policy. The BBC and MSM will use anything to attack the conservative government. I remember during Covid the calls to close the schools and as soon as they did came the screams that they were wrong.
Thank you – I wish I could be oblivious to the whole ‘ess show ‘ .
All I can think is that any talent / intelligence they had was so committed to their own advancement that anything like strategic thinking was not within ‘bandwidth ‘ leading to ‘firebrigade governing ‘ by whatever the current ‘crisis ‘ might be – whether it’s real or media created ….
Meanwhile – they are racking up state debt to an unsustainable level – and if they can’t sell bonds / gilts without higher rates than now – they are screwed – whether it be reds or blues …
I’ve listened too to much of amol at Bletchley …. So none for me today – instead I’ve got a new ‘Beatles ‘ tune on repeat play to try and like it … but failing …. It’s pap and George was right …
Anyway – this AI thing – I don’t know what it is or why it is or why it should be regulated ….. we – the world – are already looking very closely at the End Of The World so something else which will be more clever will not make much difference …
Yes Big Fuss – deluded Rishi must think getting a picture with Elon will up his pole rating – which is evidence that the same sort of spads who infested number 10 during covid are still there …..
As for the covid inquiry – it became too painful to watch …. It shows that they do not have the ‘smartest guys in the room ‘ and if we allow mental defectives like Hancock into high office he would kill people… maybe you are ‘old ‘- say over 60 – and have the misfortune to need medical help in a mild pandemic …
Imagine if that virus was a Real Killer – even more effective – at infection and killed even 5% of those who got it …. I bet even now they are too scared to even think about it …
I like the ‘new’ Beatles track, am I shallow? Ok it didn’t blow me away, but better to listen to than stormzy. And I don’t listen to music radio much now, except classical, so wouldn’t know much about current trends.
What do you think happened Dickie?
Read the article. I keep an open mind.
Has that been verified by the BBC?
I’ll pass, I’ve already made my mind up based on islamic history, basically the warmongering Muslims were afraid peace was going to break out in the region.
Please don’t forget that like Trump the Left hate Netanyahu. There are a lot of Jewish people on the Left.
I have just received an email from a cousin in Israel. His son is one examining what is left of the bodies to identify them and he reports that his son talks of the most heinous crimes but won’t tell his father the worst. He certainly mentioned the babies and these babies were not murdered by warfare.
You can believe me or think what I am writing is Israeli propaganda. But many of you know I have been posting here for a long time and not known to make things up.
That must be an awful job Deborah, truly heartbreaking.
I wish all your family in Israel (regardless of their personal politics) the best, it can not be easy at the moment, nor for Jews here in the UK, or elsewhere.
Jewish people the world over deserve to know that a great many people support them, and mourn the lives of those massacred by terrorists.
Yes I echo those sentiments – it will be truly sad if the end of our way of life happens because of the horrors inflicted in Israel by Islamic Hamas —- but Israel needs to do what it must do – and I hope it succeeds..
On a different topic, I note that some £3 bn has been spent on cycle lanes and low traffic neighbourhoods and the like in the last few years and as a result………..there has been no discernible long term uptake in cycling.
In other words money has been totally and utterly wasted on eco-warrior woke trash that bears no relation to how people actually live.
As mentioned before, cycle lanes for the most part are used by middle class males as a free alternative to gym membership.
As a reverse Robin Hood policy (take from the poor and give to the rich) it’s right up there with ULEZ.
Dear Darren Henry,
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
13 + 150 + 37 + 1.1+ 4 = £205 billion
Nuclear reactor = £6 billion
Our ‘Green’ council blew their wad on such things, and a Climate assembly to do more… almost all in the county main city.
They got voted out.
Most are never used and a few have been dug up by being either useless or creating havoc.
There was a brief hint of protest from Sunak when Elon claimed that AI means “there will come a point where no job is needed”, to which Sunak weakly responded “but work gives you meaning“, without really making much of a defence of this core Tory value.
Storm Babet, the BBC scaremongers and Attenborough’s agenda caught out.
Good to know someone else reads TCW.
And me!
Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson, former Iceland Prime Minister.
“Give illegal migrants a bottle of water, then send them back”.
A gun and ammo to fight their corrupt governments?
What a find the 2021 census is.
Try googling ‘how life has changed’ followed by your town or borough. Lots of useful data and the change is with the 2011 census.
I’ve just been glancing through a list of 16 front bench Labour MPs who oppose SirKeer’s stance on Gaza and want an immediate ceasefire, presumably to give Hamas the chance to regroup and rearm.
Then you can find their constituencies and then look those places up in the census.
This leads to such places as Bradford, Luton, and Manchester. Guess what? They all have huge Muslim populations, huge numbers not born in this country, and huge numbers who do not consider themselves British.
In other words they are ‘representing their constituents’.
A damning reflection not on them but on the policy of years and tears of unfettered open door mass immigration of people who have no allegiance whatever to our country.
In 2021, more than 4 in 10 (40.6%) usual residents in London were non-UK born, and more than 1 in 5 (23.3%) had a non-UK passport. This is a small increase since 2011, when 36.7% of London residents were non-UK born, and 21.0% had a non-UK passport.2 Nov 2022
The population of Africa has grown rapidly over the past century[1] and consequently shows a large youth bulge, further reinforced by a low life expectancy of below 50 years in some African countries.[2] Total population as of 2020 is estimated to be more than 1.3 billion,[3] with a growth rate of more than 2.5% p.a. The total fertility rate (births per woman) for Africa is 4.7 as of 2018, the highest in the world according to the World Bank.[4] The most populous African country is Nigeria with over 206 million inhabitants as of 2020 and a growth rate of 2.6% p.a.
Doctor, bride-to-be, and child: Stories of those killed in Gaza
Salam Mema
Ros Atkins on… Calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. VideoRos Atkins on… Calls for a ceasefire in Gaza
Democracy has as long as it existed been a flawed concept, accepted as such by there being no better alternatives, or exploited in its weaknesses by the cynical. Always for power, and control.
And weaknesses there are aplenty, amplified by the truly cynical, seeking absolute power, and enduing control. Democracy has inherently idealistically harboured the seeds of its own demise.
Secret ballots endured a long while, but soon ‘one man, one vote’ was corrupted by ‘one imam, as many postal votes as can be got away with’. All as noses were rubbed in the diversity of cultures where lying and cheating were not matters of shame but requirements to prevail and honoured in the practice.
But enough about Tony Blair and BBC guest star Mad Al.
At one time there was at least a vague notion of free speech, and a broad enough swathe of media out there to ensure power was not left unchecked and actually held to account. All in timeframes of years where things could be raised, debated and brought to the ultimate polling result: an election. Now, riggable and rigged versions of instantaneous volume over coherence rabble rousing can see policy swung in the time it takes for a poppy to fall off a lapel.
At then, of course, there is the BBC.
So far, in the last few hours…
“The leader of the opposition should be applying pressure for a ceasefire.”
Burnley’s Labour council leader Afrasaib Anwar tells #R4Today Sir Keir Starmer should resign because his policy on Israel-Gaza ‘doesn’t speak of the values that we as members of the party sign up for’.
Councillors call on Starmer to resign over Gaza
Labour councillors on two councils call on Sir Keir Starmer to step down as party leader for refusing to back ceasefire in Gaza
The Moaning Emole lead is yet to arrive.
This is pure, coordinated propaganda peddling to swing a result. A few predictably motivated councillors in a few predictably lost areas of Britain issue ‘call’ for the removal of the likely next PM because he is set to lead a party not under the control of their minority faith? And it is across every platform? That is BS.
But it is prevailing. With predictable results.
Council cancels Remembrance Day parade over health and safety concerns
A Britain ruined by a national broadcaster infested with corrupt and/or complicit staff with a £5B budget and no accountability has sunk the country to its lowest point yet.
The end of the west giving birth to children – we can import them all.
“Four women giving birth by Caesarean have had surgery to cut their risk of ovarian cancer at the same time, in what doctors say is a documented first.
The pioneering two-in-one operations, at a London hospital, all went well
Experts say it is not a decision to be taken lightly, as removing the ovaries puts a woman into early menopause.”
More shite from the Telegraph:
Old saying that Americans learn geography by invading other countries not that it’s any more different for other western countries:
I like the new Beatles song. I know some are critical of it because it doesn’t fit in with today’s music genres, (what does?). But a true fan who grew up with them, this is manna from Heaven. I was in the audience in Margate after paying 10/- for a ticket, in their early days of the collarless jackets and district haircuts. But equally we all loved the Stones as a raw contrast to the melodies of Beatles hits. You had to be there ! Will anyone be nostalgic for Take That, One Direction and the rest in 60 years time, I dont think so.
I grew up on the outskirts of Liverpool. One day my friends invited me to a local record shop where a new group called the Beatles were signing their first ever record. I declined, saying ‘no one will ever hear of the Beatles’.
I agree Brissles.
The opening chords are a simple but emotional combination, worked on by better bands in later years – Tony Banks and others often use that combination, and I just love ’em!
‘Free as a bird’ had similar musical touch, and had John Lennon lived, he may have been able to use this melodic influence on many more recordings – even if Yoko wasn’t involved…
Meanwhile, back to the awful BBC to stay on topic..:0~
So do I. Very pleasant and the melody stuck in my head through the day.
Looby – it needed George Martin …. Every month my streamer tells me my number one is The Beatles – I grew up with them – but maybe this was one too many and sounds like the stuff J Lennon was doing before he was killed … as for Macca – if on,y he could go on for ever …
Well it’s nice to chat about these things as a distraction from world problems. I was born in the sixties so wasn’t really into the Beatles, but my other half (andy pandy) is. And he loves John mostly, and even I had his albums in the 70s. It’s funny though that as you get older you realise how brilliant some of these departed artists were – George Michael, Prince.. I miss them. And yes, I think I’ve had too much red wine!
And here we are …
2023 “Council cancels Remembrance Day parade over health and safety concerns. Barry Town Council said it was ‘saddened’ to have to cancel the parade”
2015 …. “Artwork showing Sylvanian Families terrorised by Isis banned from free speech exhibition
Isis Threaten Sylvania by the artist Mimsy is removed from Passion for Freedom exhibition at London’s Mall Galleries, after police raise security concerns. Below, Guardian critic Jonathan Jones reviews the artwork”
Artist nailed it.
With the family not even noticing them!
So it’s finally happening. The Islamo-fascists have won. They are getting events cancelled – perfectly normal, patriotic, traditional, long-established events – without even having to lift a finger or make specific threats.
The latent, implied threat is enough to terrify the authorities.
The council use the weasel words “Health and Safety concerns”. Translation: “we’re cowards and we’re sh*t scared of the savages”.
The same is true of our police. They allow the most shameful, violent demonstrations on our streets, where terrorist flags are flown and terrorist slogans screamed through loudspeakers. Why? Because they’re FRIT (in Thatcher’s expression). Sh*t frit!
Do you remember the pathetic excuse the Met Commissioner gave? “Our specialist language experts have deemed that Jihad has many meanings and is not illegal”. Then, that the flag the terrorists were waving “might look a bit like Isis, but really it’s Shahada” – a declaration of faith in Islam.
That lie was promptly shot down by real experts, who posted: You should fire your ‘specialist’.
in full …. “I actually have more respect for Islamists than liberal lefties. Islamists say what they mean and they mean what they say. When they say “from the river to the sea” they really do mean the destruction of Israel and the eradication of the Jews. Lefties, however, pretend it means something else.
As far as I can discern, lefties believe the state of Israel should be abolished because it’s a “racist, ethnonationalist, apartheid abomination”. But unlike Islamists, and because lefties never think through the consequences of what they say, they actually believe what replaces Israel will be a peaceful, progressive, secular state where Jews, Muslims and Christians all rub along nicely. This is their “one state solution”.
But we don’t have to speculate what would actually happen. We have a living example of this exact dynamic emerging in real-time. Think South Africa.
South Africa was an actual racist, apartheid state. But it was also a functioning country. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending apartheid, but what we’ve seen since is the rise of grievance politics (Marxism in a racial justice shroud) which, left unchecked, will see ethnic cleansing of whites from South Africa, the confiscation of their farms. On a long enough timeline, the water, telecoms and energy system will completely collapse under the weight of the corruption. The black factions will split, and split again, and then turn on each other, and then there’s be a bloodbath and a famine in which millions die. We’ve seen this repeated across Africa where breadbaskets turn to basket cases.
So imagine then what happens if the world decides to delegitimise Israel, the UN revokes recognition and the US stops supplying arms. In all probability Arab militias from neighbouring countries will move in, and they’ll get to work cleansing the entire region of Jews. And when they’re done with Jews, they’ll go after the Christians and anyone else who isn’t Muslim. And when they’re done, they’ll turn on each other. They probably won’t even wait that long. Arabs hate Palestinians and Palestinians (being of diverse origins) tend to hate each other. Bedouins are viewed as the regions Roma. (Israeli Bedouins are safer under Israeli rule).
Israel as it stands is a largely functioning country and the closest the region has ever got to a liberal democracy but what replaces it will not be a unified state of Palestine for Palestinians. It will be yet another corrupt Arab slum, where everything the Israelis built will be destroyed. The farms, the universities, the factories, the laboratories, the roads… will all be looted and left to fall into decay. Essentially a hybrid of Afghanistan/Libya and Lebanon.
There are some on the right who say the Israeli-Palestine issue is none of our business, but Europe cannot afford this to happen. Israel’s survival is very much in our interests. We saw waves of mass immigration at the height of the Syrian civil war, and we’d likely see similar. Half of Gaza would depart for Europe. That’s the great irony of the Palestinian struggle. If they they had it their way, they wouldn’t even want to live there. Israel is only a functioning and prosperous place because Israelis are nation builders.
Arabs have never shown any such initiative in building the foundations of a Palestinian state. They embezzle aid, they destroy infrastructure, and blame Israel for their every failing. In all probability, the Palestinian state would rapidly descend into a state of civil war, probably destabilising Jordan in the process, resulting in a Jordanian civil war where the Hashemites brutalise Palestinians in a way the world has never seen. For a region that has been in a state of low grade war since before I was born, we would end up looking at the Israel era as a time of relative peace.
Lefties and Palestinians reject a two state solution because they ultimately want to abolish Israel. Israel rejects a two state solution because they know there is no genuine desire for one – and no observable efforts to build one. So a one state solution is the only solution on the table.
So the question is, is it going to be a Jewish state where Jews can live in peace and safety, with at least some rights for Palestinians (better than Jews would have were the situation reversed), or one where Jews and Christians are massacred, that rapidly devolves into anarchy and destitution? If it’s the former, then the fastest route to the best normal we will ever get, is the eradication of Hamas. If it’s the latter, please just drop the pretense that this is about human rights and international law. Just admit you hate Jews.”
He’s known to work over 100 hours per week with no days off and to sleep in his office to meet deadlines. There’s only 24 hours in a day and Musk tries to spend his time being as productive and efficient as possible.16 Feb 2023″
Elon Musk tells Rishi Sunak AI will put an end to work
Covid inquiry mask conclusions.
Ordinarily The Wisdom of The Economist goes wall to wall on the BBC.
Israel’s bombardment of Gaza is taking a terrible toll. But unless Hamas’s power is broken, peace will remain out of reach
Does The Economist make a profit?
Paranoid about your car?
– you should be
Far too technical for the BBC to deal with?
BBC headline: ‘Councillors call on Starmer to resign over Gaza.’
And, pray, who might those councillors be?
Step forward Afrasiab Anwar and Asjad Mahmood.
Oh, I see.
They’re from Burnley, incidentally, famous for its grooming gangs.
Insufficient evidence has been found in 36 out of 37 investigations into recent allegations that police covered up child abuse in the past.
Some of the claims were widely reported in the media. The cases largely date back to the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s.
In 23 cases, no evidence at all was found of the allegation.
The BBC trying to resurrect the 30 year old Stephen Lawrence case, possibly another white youth threatened a black security officer at the time….according to the security officer…nearly stabbed him in fact…
The BBC do like to get their teeth into something if it is of a certain flavour. They do like to keep picking at a scab don’t they?
Wonder if they will now start digging into the Lee Rigby slaughter in the street by two black men? Of which we have had nothing like the fanfare and hullabaloo surrounding the Lawrence case have we?
It’s almost like they don’t really value white people much!
They’re in their happy place.
Increase in jellyfish population by up to 30% say the BBC. (Who the hell counted them all?).
Now what could the possible explanation be I wonder?
Hah! Global Warming of course!
Nothing to do with the not by any means unusual longish warm summer we just had meaning coastal waters would temporarily attract jellyfish closer to the shore.
Will November 11th 2023 be remembered as the day
that officially, London became Londonistan and
Sadik Khan became the Emir.
I think that the BBC should introduce their morning
programmes with a rendering of the adhan . As
their contribution.
Our ‘police’ (I use the term loosely) have adopted an interesting strategy for ‘policing’ the mostly peaceful riots by fanatical savages.
They allow the rioters free reign, and simply take photos or footage of the violent thugs, then post them on the Met Police Twitter (X) page with the caption: Do you know this person?
Given that the person is surrounded by hordes of like minded islamo-fascists, it’s highly unlikely anyone will grass on them. Even non islamo-fascists will be intimidated. Fear goes a long way.
This strategy means the police can allow the violence while claiming: hey, we tried, but no-one came forward.
Nice one, Khant and Rowley, nice one.
I wonder if the next 10 days will demonstrate to the British people that we are not in control now – and that the imported religion is growing strong very fast -with no one or organisation to challenge yet alone stop it .
A very dark future for non believers ….
It’s now a fact and I honestly think it’s irreversible.
The remedy would have to be so draconian I don’t see anyone – any party or organisation – willing or able to do it.
If they even attempted it, the BBC would be howling in outrage.
BBC News
Lees dooset hates referring to the Islamic terrorist group of Hezbolah as a terrorist group – you can see and hear it in her voice as she presents …. These bbc characters just want to call them and Hamas ‘freedom fighters ‘ ….
Typo: Lies Doucet.
Bowen: Five new realities after four weeks of Israel-Gaza war
I see Bowen is using the same fake Getty picture from the recent shoot they did.
It’s true the background is the aftermath of the attack – but the main figure in the foreground is acting as folorn as possible for the camera. It’s a cheap lie to make us feel empathy for him.
Of course the article never goes near the thing they are trying to distract us from with it : why it was bombed in the first place. Because that means admitting Hamas are using civilians as human shields.
Following Truss’s resignation amid a government crisis, Sunak was elected unopposed to succeed her after being the sole nominee in the October 2022 party leadership election.
after being the sole nominee
The much awaited speech of the secretary general of Hezbollah has been delivered to silence from the media. It was an important speech which could have been the precurser to war where Nazrullah who only had two choices could have declared all out war, or climbed down and it would appear he has chosen the latter.
“He insisted that the first goal was to stop “aggression” against Gaza, and the second goal would be to ensure the victory of Hamas. He insisted that countries end trade with Israel and that Arab and Muslim countries cease sending oil to the United States.
Did Hezbollah help coordinate the attack?
In the speech, he claimed that “brothers from Hamas” had planned the October 7 attack alone, and they hid it from their other terrorist allies. Despite the secrecy, the terrorist leader insisted that the attack did not upset anyone in the “resistance axis.”
Nasrallah, in further praise of the attack, stated that the Al-Aqsa flood had exposed Israel’s weakness. The attack took the lives of 1400 people, including the lives of civilians and Arab Israelis.
In the speech, Nasrallah denied that Hamas had beheaded babies and claimed that there was no evidence to support these accusations.
Mocking Israel, the terrorist leader said that in a whole month, Israel had failed to rescue any hostage or make any significant military achievement.
The United States is responsible for this war, Nasrallah claimed. He also stated that the current war is a battle between “right and wrong”, insisting that Israel’s image of being a democratic champion of Human Rights was false.”
I have to say he probably won’t have made this decision, others pulling his strings will have made it for him, but it appears we can rest easier in our beds tonight.
Given it has the all purpose get out of ‘according to reports’. this clearly requires checking…
The problem is, now, by whom?
I fully accept the need for some source truly independent, qualified and impartial, but as anything with an Acronym, from BBC to UN, and almost any govt., who?
About the only way, as with the NBC story about Hamas hoarding fuel, is if the BBC does not go near it in case it is accurate.
Excellent example for ‘BBC Verify’ to FINALLY do something useful.
If they verify the location and time, it will prove it was Hamas and not Israel.
Which of course is why they won’t do it. They do the odd ‘non agenda’ item to present a facade of neutrality, but their real purpose is to give credibility to agenda items when it really matters.
Watch the short video with all the audience nodding, tells you all you need to know about bloody bbc kweshchun tyme
“BBC Question Time audience member stuns Fiona Bruce by saying Israel’s attacks on Gaza are ‘like the Final Solution’
An audience member made comments described as ‘deeply offensive’ on air”
Jeremy Corbyn is elderly too. As are a bunch of idiot activists across every protest scene going, often the same one swapping vests.
Has anyone yet discovered who this charmer is, and how they again managed to ‘fool’ the BBc into asking an audience member to say this clearly in accurate statement for wider coverage?
Guest Who
Jezza is elderly?
Your post prompted me to look him up on Wikipedia and it sez there that he was born in 1949 which must mean that he was a teenager in the 1960s.
Oh dear! The poor man has my sympathies. However, you would have thought that he would have seen the light by now.
By the way my teenage years were spent in the happy and glorious days of the 1950s so thank you to Mum And Dad for that.
The headline for this assault on Hamas should be: ‘This time the Jews can fight back’.
And now they are giving the world an excellent example of the only way to deal with Islamic terrorists. They cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be trusted for anything at all because they think they answer directly to God. The only solution is to remove them.
Russia also gave us a lesson against ISIS but we weren’t told about that because there was no way the BBC could portray ISIS as ‘victims’.
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah gives Gaza speech
Gaza is a proving to be a huge issue for Starmer’s leadership – one MP told us they’re getting thousands of emails about the party’s position.
We went around the country speaking to Muslim Labour voters to hear their thoughts – as some very frankly told their MPs how they feel
Pure, vague, propaganda and ‘claims’ from thick money-grubbers not quite ready to give up on the wedge. Khans running things in or via the MSM.
Labour about to give birth the the UK’s Islamic Peace Party.
Very dim Oxford student gets a history lesson from
This is what gets into media and politics and media now.
“All scenarios are laid out and we are prepared.” – Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah gives Gaza speech
Very open ended speech, crowd goes wild – Zionists here Zionists there. Civilian for a civilian.
“Remember all your defeats in Afghan, Lebanon…”
Matthew White: Stephen Lawrence suspect said he had killed before in second attack
So a black security guard attacked 8 years ago by a drug-addict white man who died 2 years ago says that while was trying to stab him (with a needle, not a knife as the article is trying to mislead you) the white man told him he had killed before and it might have been Stephen Lawrence who was murdered 30 years ago.
And the BBC are spending license fee payers money to investigate this because nobody else cares any more.
That’s it. That story warrants front-page, headline UK news at the BBC.
How utterly ridiculous. They are getting truly desperate to find stories racist enough to satisfy their hatred of regular white males. You can be sure in doing so, they consider themselves morally superior for doing it.
Don’t the BBC have any real news to report ?.
Here’s the author:
Daniel De Simone
‘Daniel De Simone works for BBC News in London, where he researches stories involving injustice, crime, and terrorism.’
‘He also conducts investigations for programmes such as Panorama and Newsnight.’
Ooops. All credibility instantly down the toilet.
My search found another example of his work :
‘Daniel De Simone published a long-form investigation into the activities of a rogue, abusive MI5 agent, the end result of a months-long tussle between the BBC and the British government which ended with his employer being taken to court.’
Not sure what that means, but never mind. Lets see what Daniel has reported about ‘terrorism’:
‘BREAKING: Andrew Dymock, the neo-Nazi who created two banned terrorist groups, has been convicted of 12 terror offences’
‘A Nazi Satanist paedophile who escaped a prison sentence three years ago despite admitting 14 terror charges has been jailed after committing new offences.’
‘First alleged neo-Nazi under special terror powers, BBC learns’
Oh dear. Seems like Daniel is only interested in investigating white people. Seems like he is just another worthless BBC racist activist.
Israel says Hamas stages hit-and-run attacks from tunnels
Oh – so what picture do you think is appropriate to lead this article ?.
A Muslim terrorist aiming a rocket launcher ?.
An Israeli tank in the streets firing on a terrorist ?.
Nope. This one:

The headline is actually just one line in the article. It then reverts to more mass-empathy for the Palestinans.
Is it just journalistic incompetence from useless staff who have no place reporting news – or was the headline a trick to draw us in the force-feed us the narrative ?.
I think this is the guy who wrote it : an excellent example of a pasty-faced BBC Lefty:

So THAT’S where the BBC learned their opinion forming technique! Well that is NOT a surprise.
And it’s absolutely true.
I got called a ‘consiracy theorist’ today for suggesting it was the USA who blew up the Nord stream pipeline.
When I pressed the accuser for reasons Russia would do it he said to stop the gas to Europe. When I said they could just do that by shutting it off as they did – but use it as a bargaining chip to Germany, he grew more and more frustrated and eventually told me (in an aggressive voice) to stop talking about it because he was bored with it.
Never, ever underestimate the power of brainwashing (As Gaza is demonstrating perfectly). The BBC do it ALL the time with constant small ‘nudges’ towards the agenda.
Kid’s just been told they’ve cancelled the dancing in the street over massacred Isrealis
Blue Labour MP Robert Stewart found guilt of a racially motivated public order offence – which I understand amounted to suggesting the ‘victim ‘ go back to barhrain ‘..
Where is that’ whip hand ‘ again ?….
Humza Yousaf has said his family have left Gaza after being trapped in the territory for more than three weeks.
The first minister’s parents-in-law had been unable to leave following the attacks on Israel by Hamas.
Elizabeth El-Nakla (WHITE – TOO WHITE?) and her husband Maged – the parents of Mr Yousaf’s wife Nadia – travelled to Gaza to see a sick relative.
They were among a number of British nationals who have now entered Egypt through the Rafah crossing.
The couple, from Dundee, had spent the past two weeks in a house where 100 people were sheltering, including a child of two months old.
Ms El-Nakla’s brother – a doctor in a Gaza hospital – and his family all remain in Gaza, as do her stepmother and grandmother. They are not UK passport holders and were therefore unable to leave.
The Rafah crossing, which offers the only way in and out (THEY HAVE A STRONG BORDER!!!) of Gaza, was opened by Egypt on Wednesday.
“normal practice to provide accurate information”
“lack of consistency in our use of these captions”
“the number posted during the speech was not proportionate,” “nor always relevant”
” created the incorrect impression”
BBC Parliament
20 October 2023
We have reviewed our use of on-screen captions during an Adjournment Debate at the House of Commons called ‘Trends in Excess Deaths’. There were concerns that the captions, which outlined the NHS guidance on vaccines for Covid-19 and other diseases, showed bias against Andrew Bridgen MP who was making a speech that challenged the Government’s position on the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines. It is normal practice to provide accurate information and context to these debates on screen and in this case it was an important aspect of our coverage due to the nature of the assertions being made in relation to public health. However, we accept that there was a lack of consistency in our use of these captions and that the number posted during the speech was not proportionate, nor always relevant, which created the incorrect impression that there was an editorial approach in relation to the views expressed. We apologise for this and are reviewing the way we use captions during such proceedings.
“normal practice to provide accurate information”
“lack of consistency in our use of these captions”
“the number posted during the speech was not proportionate,” “nor always relevant”
” created the incorrect impression”
Mark Twain was a truth teller which is why the Woke will try to erase him from history.
Just occasionally it’s interesting to take stock at what has befallen our once great nation…
On Armistice Day, next Saturday, tens of thousands of mad Muzzies intend to invade London. Quite clearly, this uncivilised, third world rabble are intent on causing as much mayhem as they possibly can, during what should be a time of quiet reflection. I mean this scum are hardly quiet and respectful at the best of times, are they. Does anyone think otherwise?
And what do the authorities intend to do about it? Well, in a nutshell, sweet FA…
The contemptible runt Muzzie Mayor says there’s nothing he can do…or rather would want to do… Our inept, indeed pathetic PM, says the demo would be “disrespectful.” Bloody Hell, Sunak, grow some balls you spineless eunuch, ban the bloody thing. And we all know that our gutless police will look the other way, or maybe arrest some white bloke for unfurling the Union flag. God, how I despise them.
And today, Tory MP Bob Stewart, has been found guilty of “racially abusing” some geezer and telling him to “Go back to Bahrain.”
Jesus H Christ, is that all he said?
FFS, if only they’d all go back…
Calling people GAMMON?
The invaders are NOT coming here to join us and our way of life which they hate. They are coming here to change and replace us and our way of life and the Woke idiots will NOT be spared and they need to experience an epiphany PDQ!
This is all contrived. The Public Order Bill was passed this year. It enables the police additional powers to prevent YOU from protesting. The UK Govt. wants a confrontation between the pro-Palestinian protesters and the natives attending the ceremony. Meanwhile, their brainwashing media is whipping up the tension. They want you to beg for the police to break some skulls so next time around you will support the police against ‘terrorists’ like me who have the b*lls to go onto the streets the next time around they announce a lockdown for another fake ‘virus’.
Time to start using your brain.
Listen mate, I was at all the anti-lockdown demos, being assaulted by the Stasi, so you don’t need to start lecturing me! And I was using my brain when you were in nappies…
Getting tens of thousands of irate Muslims ranting on the streets isn’t “contrived”. This isn’t a conspiracy, though I don’t doubt the toerags that are ruining our country will make use of these disturbances. Yes, of course they will. We have a uni-party, totalitarian parliament. No argument there, but…
That’s another argument for another day.
I’m not meekly standing by while thousands of noisy ragheads disrespect our war dead.
And neither should you…
The disconnect between pig thick pols, Oxbridge Grad media and age working public explained. Not excused.
By the way, this socialist council had no problem with a “pride” parade earlier……
“Royal British Legion vows to host its own ‘shortened’ Remembrance parade after Labour-run council axes event to honour veterans over ‘safety concerns’
Veterans’ support charity says it will uphold tradition after council pulls out
Barry Town Council says ‘difficult decision’ was made to scrap 2023 parade”
I see that the big-eared twat linker has ‘waded in’ with his inane opinions – endorsed by Beeboids, who let him off the hook but secretly agree with his naivete!
It’s so easy for his tax-paid employers to give him enough rope to make himself look even more stupid, because they can then just brush it off and say something like, ‘Gary is Gary’, and call it news!
He really is a pain in the arris, but there again, who in W1AA isn’t!
There’s going to be real trouble this weekend, and while this useful idiot is farting around in a football studio, bawling inanities, some decent British citizens are going to be seriously hurt.
Shame on you BBC, you let this maniac free to spout bilge and many of the problems are down to your crass behaviour!
Beautiful film / video by Peter Jackson for the Beatles…..
Thanks – that really is a labour of love . The song grows ….
Yes, I like the fact that it was written by Lennon, recorded on a cassette and labelled: “for Paul” after their rift, Yoko found it after his death and handed it to Paul.
And Paul sings it back to him….
The real Nazis are back:
“Met Police launch probe into woman holding a ‘keep the world clean of Jews’ poster during London rally – as capital braces for more Pro-Palestine protests”
Who are the idiots at the @BBCNews behind this news report today?
#MrFAFO has already appeared in a dozen other new reports over the last two weeks, even half dead in one.
BBC & SKYNEWS should not be watched.
They are a propaganda arm of Hamas
The government ought to do us all a favour, deploy the army, tooled up with automatic weapons and carte blanche to do whatever they see fit without any fear of reprisals.
We’ve still got an army?
The army – or what’s left of it – will be in its ‘number ones ‘ during remembrance …. If there is one place public money must be used – it is to increase the size of the military …..
Send armed soldiers against the protesters,
There would be quite a few “number twos” produced in their kaftans, they are only happy when they outnumber
The ITV Evening News just finished with a ‘light hearted’ story about ‘improvements’ slated for the Watford Gap services.
A wimpy bloke unplugging his electromobile thought that the proposed more charging points would cut waiting time and encourage more people to go electric.
Then an Asian with aviators and a footballer style beard said “Well I’m a Muslim so I’d like a Halal restaurant.”
Oh I’m sorry, did you think they were all cowering under the bedclothes in fear of rising Islamophobia?
Make way for tomorrow, says the telly news, as always.