I said at the time that the player should have been arrested immediately for manslaughter, at the very least. It only took the police nearly 3 weeks to notice a crime ‘may’ have been committed. So, a pretty quick response by them.
Leaving the undemocratic EU was just
the beginning. People’s eyes have been
opened as to the benefits of being an
independent sovereign nation. Reform is
now possible and essential in these key
1. Reform our Economy:
To succeed faster growth is vital. Higher
growth rates are the only way to better
wages and more tax revenues that can be
invested in better healthcare and other
public services. Our bold economic vision
frees up over 6 million people from paying
Income Tax and frees up over 1.2 million
small businesses and self-employed from
paying Corporation Tax. We would also
aim to remove a raft of other stifling taxes
in a responsible, timely way. This will
generate much faster growth than seen
in recent decades. We must also stop
wasting taxpayers’ money.
2. Reform our Public Sector:
We must be ambitious, seeking faster,
more efficient public services that work
better for us all. For example, with health,
we should demand zero waiting lists and
we have a bold plan to achieve this vision.
Our police need to focus on preventing
crime and catching criminals. Our schools
must educate our children properly
to prepare them for a competitive,
challenging world, whilst protecting them
from age inappropriate sex education and
gender questioning. Our Border Force
must protect our borders.
3. Reform our Energy Strategy:
We all care about the environment and
want cleaner air, and we can do this
in a strategic, affordable way. Yet the
Westminster Net Zero plan is making
us all net poorer whilst creating more
emissions overall as it outsources them
overseas. It is therefore net stupid. It
is adding huge extra costs to us all as
consumers and to our businesses. This
will send hundreds of thousands of British
jobs to China and elsewhere. Our energy
plan will use our own energy treasure
under our feet, and create thousands
of British jobs, by making our industries
competitive again. It will save consumers
considerable amounts of money on their
bills every year. We would also nationalise
50% of key utility companies to stop
consumers being ripped off with the other
50% being owned by British pension
funds for British pensioners.
4. Reform our Institutions:
Major change is needed to the bodies that
impact our lives — the unelected cronyism
of the House of Lords, the unaccountable
civil service and the bloated BBC. Reform
is essential to our voting system so it is
fairer and more representative; the twoparty system embeds the status quo and
prevents real change.
The left wing judiciary support mass open door immigration.
The government is not allowed to protect our borders.
Anyone from anywhere must be allowed in at any time.
This policy can be guaranteed to be supported by
The judges
Large numbers of litigation lawyers
Stop the War coalition
Socialist Workers party
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Refugee Council
The Labour Party
The LibDems
And is opposed only by the declining but still majority of ordinary white British citizens.
Who pay for it all. But don’t count. Obviously.
The status quo should be that you CLOSE the borders to illegals first, then the courts discuss
Not that you leave them open for years whilst the courts talk
Currently they are protecting the rights of the illegals
not the right of the UK citizens.
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
That’s 2012 “Russell Joslin took his own life in October 2012 after making repeated complaints of bullying and sexual harassment, and after he allegedly spurned the advances of a colleague.”
Section 35 Dispersal Order near hospital entrance in Huntley Street, NW1
Met officers worked with University College London Hospitals and other partners on Friday, 10 November, in response to concerns about approximately ten tents near the entrance to the hospital in Huntley Street, NW1.
The hospital’s security team had requested the assistance of police. This action was necessary due to the hospital’s concerns for patient welfare. The tents were on private land close to the hospital entrance and had been at the location for up to nine months.
All very much in line with my expectations. All going according to the joint plan which broadly/overall, was designed to ferry in millions of “Refugees” unrestricted. “Every little helps” goes the Tesco ad. I imagine Rich Sunak agreed with Starmer a condition to be able to leave his premiership roughly showing he has, ‘Done his best’ in the ‘stop the boats’ & ‘reduce immigration’ game he set up with Starmer. Just enough to hand the baton over to Starmer and become part of the House of Lords and leaving the majority of the Country apparently thinking there’s nothing that can be done to stop the criminals and others. Then, all hell will be set loose by Starmer. The next stage of the plan. The objective being to destroy the UK with their plans for eradicating the UK “Racist” ‘whitey’. Soros will be pleased that his ECHR played a modest role in the plan leading to today’s announcement by simply being there if need be to render a final decision if required.
Those five “judges” are probably smirking about squashing the Rwanda plan.
The key objections to the plan revolved around the safety of the illegal immigrants sent there.
OK this ignores the fact that the plan was designed more to halt the flow of illegal immigrants making the channel crossing than to despose of existing illegals.
So the judges have more than likely encouraged even more raiders, some of whom will be lost in rough seas and hence will probably cause more harm overall than Rwanda ever could in their lives.
What happens if the invaders now decide to cross in increasing droves but run into a particularly violent spell of winter weather whilst attempting the crossing and multiple lives are lost?
Will the blame go entirely to our Government or will these judges in a way be implicated in their deaths by encouraging them to go for it?
Yet another short, facts only report from the BBC. No sense of outrage or questions about how can certain parts of society be so broken for this to happen so often.
Because they don’t care who did it if they aren’t white males. It’s not helpful for the agenda.
Proof (if it were needed) is the lengthy article they ran earlier this month just because 8 years ago, someone under suspicion for being part of it inferred he was involved with the murder to a black security guard.
And he died 2 years ago so the story is absolutely pointless. Unless the BBC want to dig him up and call him a racist.
We could expect the glee from the far left BBC as its lefty “supreme Blair Court “ came down against the British government desperately trying to stop the invasion .
The headache will be left to red labour …. Which I suspect will impose a news blackout on stuff happening at the South coast – or where the third world invaders will be put …..
.. so brexit brings the EU using the UK as its’ toilet …. With no one to stop it ….. there is some Real Trouble coming ( note to file 77 Brigade ) ….
If anyone had any doubt that the UK Government is not controlled by extraneous forces I don’t know what more to show. UNHCR, EC, WHO, NATO, UN, ECHR. And not forgetting the WEF. Can only get worse and shows the mockery/contempt these people have for the Brits in simply thinking we are a, wait for it……..”a Sovereign Country” all part of the illusion that many voters still cling too.
When an asylum enricher gets allowed to stay will we be able to stop him from coming back into the UK after going on holiday back home (where his life was in danger)
Has there EVER been an example of the bbbc making a ‘mistake’ which shows the left or any of their lot in a bad light.
I can only remember them making ‘mistakes’ which hurt the right and others who they are against.
Funny that.
What I find very puzzling about the Supreme Court ruling is the failure of the BBC to pick up on the undercurrent of racism inherent in some of its wording. It’s almost as if there’s a suggestion that Africans ( Rwandans)might not do things correctly.
It’s all very disappointing that nobody at the BBC is onto this.
It’s not long ago that there own travel website hailed Rwanda as a model state in Africa , describing it as the Switzerland of that continent, granted that was removed way back when the policy of removal to this hitherto paradise was first announced,but it is all so confusing. The big question must surely be “Are our African brothers and Sisters as good as us or not?”.
I deplore the thought that Rwandans can’t get things done properly and they might make mistakes in applying the law.
The BBC is now creating its’own list of anti Israel comment ….
… but none in the other column – it supports Islamic Hamas – the British government will not threaten to prosecute the DG for supporting a proscribed terrorist group – BBCOFCOM is only interested in getting GBnews off the air – so the poison keeps coming …..
“Married father-of-three asylum seeker, 33, helped to mastermind £220k Facebook and eBay parcel scam after he was allowed to stay in UK when he claimed he was being persecuted in Nigeria for being gay
Saheez Azeez, 33, came to the UK after claiming he was targeted by Boko Haram
He later helped to create a ‘sophisticated’ fraud network affecting 272 victims”
“A conman won refugee status in Britain by claiming he was persecuted in Nigeria for being gay – before going on to have three children with three women in Britain and masterminding a £220,000 Facebook and eBay parcel fraud racket”
Rishi says “An entrepreneur is an individual who creates and/or invests in one or more businesses, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as “entrepreneurship”.”
A conman won refugee status in Britain by claiming he was persecuted in Nigeria for being gay – before going on to have three children with three women in Britain and masterminding a £220,000 Facebook and eBay parcel fraud racket.
Asylum seeker Saheed Azeez, 33, had been allowed to settle in the UK after claiming he faced persecution by Boko Haram militants – but after moving to the country he had three children with three women, marrying the third. He now says he is bisexual.
And as he settled in Wigan, Greater Manchester, Azeez began working with Nigerian fraudsters to establish a network of strangers for a ‘sophisticated and well resourced’ sales scam to steal items being sold on eBay, Facebook Marketplace and WhatsApp
‘On this day in 1944, genocidal Winston Churchill refused a ceasefire with Nazi Germany’: Satirical Israeli TV takes another swipe at the BBC’s war coverage with mock WWII report
The satire previously ridiculed the BBC’s coverage of an explosion at a hospital
A new video, shared on Tuesday, parodies calls for a ceasefire in the Middle East ”
I am bemused by the Daily Mails continuing alomst daily attacks on trannies, the latest one being a crazed woman pool player who refused to play against some trans woman, on the basis that it was unfair. It begs the question as to how it is unfair?
I understand the argument in physical sports that women are inferior to men in terms of physical strength, although certain feminists who swear this is not the case and that there should only be ‘sport’.
But can anyone tell me what kind of advantage a man or a trannie is supposed to have at the pool table? Maybe if the individual was taller, it might be an advantage at a 16′ snooker table, but not an 8′ pool table! Besides which there are plenty of tall women around anyway and we don’t have a competition for the vertically challenged!
Where does this end? Are women judged so inferior that they cannot be expected to compete in cerebral sports too? Maybe it is unthinkable to expect a woman to play chess against a man because she is not as clever? Or maybe card games too?
The reality in my mind is that women and men are not equal, but there are arenas where any inequality perhaps comes down more to the individual and not their sex.
I cannot believe that men have an inate advantage at board or card games nor at the pool table either.
Ive always thought we could kill many birds (snark) with one stone here and make all sports open to either sex for a few years and see the real results
no quotas or other such nonsense
I suspect most female athletes and sportswomen would be basically out of the medals / job /money very quickly.
I would be interested to see where this MAN ranked in the male game , it certainly seems to have been very successful in the ladies
In the DT article it explained the difference – men have more upper body strength to make the break. Fair enough. More pertinent though, don’t make a women’s competition and then let men enter it on the basis that they think they’re women.
That’s not the point I was making Loobyloo. It’s the question as to why if this womans wholly illogical actions are reasonable, then women are inferior to men, and the feminazis cannot claim any kind of equality.
The second questioin takes it a little further asking what other ‘games’ are women inferior at?
I happen to believe there is a point to the physical sports, but I can’t see the point where games which have no physical component are concerned.
In general, men have a greater sense of spatial awareness than women, it’s an evolutionary tract that helps in hunting etc. It gives men an advantage in sports such as pool. In the case of chess, again speaking generally, men have an advantage in terns of visualising the outcome several moves ahead, which is why you don’t tend to get female grand masters. In card games, such as bridge, you wouldn’t expect any differences between the sexes.
In essence I agree with you where certain sports are concerned. Darts for example – back in the day I was good enough with 3 arrers to be asked to play in a couple of local teams where I was the only woman. BUT it was unheard of for a bloke to join a team of girly dart players even though no strength is involved. I did feel sorry though for the chap picked to play me, for the stick he’d get when (not if 🙂 ) I beat him.
I see that the Supreme Court has struck down the ridiculous Rwanda scheme just as the Tories intended.
It’s just another scam folks! Suella Braverman playing to the gallery of her party using taxpayer money to set up an unfeasable scheme, which she attempted to keep quiet on the details, whilst at the same time behind everyones backs handing taxpayers money to “refugee action” charity to challenge the policy in the courts all the while wanting it to fail.
This is deceptive politics at its best! The half crazed right of the party blame the judges, not even realising its been set up to be that way right from the get go! Nor do they even realise it’s a great victory for them and not the Left.
And this is all because the Tories made pretty sure no one knew that for every bogus asylum seeker we sent to Rwanda, not only did we have to pay for them, we had to take one Rwandan citizen as a migrant in return!
I wonder why so few people know of this arrangement!
And yet again we hear them baying for the impossible, leaving the ECtHR which they can’t do instead of doing what every other country in Europe does, and instead reduce its significance to advisory only, meaning we can ignore it completely if we choose to do so.
“Funny developments at the Russia-Finland border. Illegal migrants are being pushed to Finland, they have brand new bicycles which they have bought near the border in Russia and ride them across the border to Finland. Finland may close the border this evening.
EU can close borders despite international law but the UK can’t. Bikes versus dinghies. Putin versus Macron. Joining NATO versus leaving EU.”
We should be able to send all the dinghy “refugees” to Ukraine. Zelenskyy needs all the men (and women, preferably pregnant) he can get for the next big offensive.
Peter Daszak gave evidence to the US Congress on C19 origins yesterday in a closed hearing. (Daszak is head of the EHA which has been receiving funding for research at Wuhan).
By coincidence also yesterday the US House of Representatives voted to cut all funding for gain of function experiments, and one funding GoF work at Wuhan by the EHA. Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks said “For decades, scientists have been warning that research with potential pandemic pathogens could cause an outbreak.”
I remember being told the idea that lab-created viruses were a conspiracy theory. Now the evidence is very strong for government funded experimentation, there’s zero interest and coverage in MSM.
It has become increasingly apparent to me that the BBC is pushing its top talent too hard and expecting far too much of them, why only a few days ago we had Nick Robinson literally seeing things, no doubt due to work pressure , when he recounted seeing non existent wall paper somewhere in Downing St. He sounded so plausible when telling Nadine Dorries about it.
And I wonder how is Huw Edwards ? pushed so hard by his taskmasters, so that he started to behave in a way that risked his health. Those of us in the” Huw is innocent”group, urgently need an update on how his treatment is progressing, is it working?is he responding? Whatever next.
Where was the duty of care shown by those responsible.
Both cases overturned previous decisions by lower courts including the high Courts.
In case 1 Rangers were found to have correctly utilised the tax provisions at the time of their usage and 2 tax Tribunals confirmed accordingly,
The Scottish High Court overturned the Tax tribunals ( i.e. the tax experts) with an infamous phrase used by High Court judge , Lord Carloway” common sense would tell you”!!
The Supreme Court on appeal also judged in favour of HMRC.
In case 2 Rwanda this morning the judge seemed to favour some previous report by the UNHCR over our Government and what seems to be a significant country wide support.
In this case previous support from within the lower courts also was over-ruled.
It came across( perhaps wrongly, I admit) that the Supreme Court
were looking for any way to strike the cases down.
the use of the word ” reformant” featured in their RWANDA ruling , where Rwanda previously had returned someone to their original home country against their human rights?
There seems to be so many loopholes in these Human Rights processes that the only way forward is a new law which would keep it out of the Supreme Court’s hands altogether. Perhaps as simply as Thoughtful suggests earlier.
Watching PMQs – the faces of blue Labour when David Cameron was mentioned gave a story away – not happy – uncomfortable …. Particularly the corruption …. But that seems to have been ‘fixed’…
As I’ve said previously the Supreme Court seems to be a Law unto itself. They seem to be acting like Gods on Mount Olympus. There’s been a fair number of capricious and perverse judgements since its invention.
The use of EBT by Rangers at the time was perfectly legal. What happened was the HMRC got the law changed and a retrospective catch all going back 8 years was applied. My own former employer was also caught retrospectively like this, and it closed his business. He did however in 2019 receive a letter stating that it was being ‘reviewed’ and he may be entitled to a partial refund. Needless to say, no refund, and ultimately too late for all his employees who lost their jobs.
BBC – advertising a man running to save children (not running after children like the BBC presenters normally do) ….
BC Children in Need . Grant Funded Projects . London and South East England
As at November 2017
Word Search:
Islington x 38; Somali x 21;
Refugee x 33;
Young x 532;
Afghan x 3;
Arts x 43;
Football x 9;
Disabled x 64;
Autism x 12;
Literacy x 8;
Inclusion x 15;
Mental x 54;
The Mayor’s Fund for London
The project will deliver healthy food and activities to children
in 132 local projects across 33 London Boroughs during
Easter, Summer and half term school holidays.
I sawe this eleswheere, don’t know the history myself, interesting if true:
“Why is Egypt so adamantly opposed to allowing refugees from Gaza to escape the city, I thought they cared about the Palestinians?
They care about the Palestinians in theory, as Muslim neighbours, but Egypt isn’t going to let that blind them to reality.
Unlike seemingly everyone on this site, Egypt bothered to pick up a history book.
Jordan allowed Palestinian refugees. They tried to set up a state-within-a-state, attempted to assassinate the King, and got kicked back out.
Lebanon accepted the Palestinian refugees that had just been kicked out of Jordan, Those same refugees started a ten-year civil war.
Kuwait accepted Palestinian refugees. They then helped Saddam Hussain take over.
Egypt has no desire to be next on the list of countries dealing with open rebellion or terrorism after letting in refugees from Palestine, especially if they risk Hamas sneaking in with them.”
Zephir – you make assumptions about the knowledge of people on this site which I might describe as ‘ cavalier’- ironically bbc4 is putting out a series on the formation of Israel across 6 episodes … it was made befor the BBC was taken over by the Far Left / Islam and is … informative … it has interviews with the key players – including King Hussain ….
OK I have done some quick research, which has revealed Palestinians are indeed international shit stirrers and killers:
“A Palestinian assassin opened fire King of Jordan, Abdullah and his grandson, amid rumours that the King had been planning to sign a peace treaty with the newly established state of Israel. Abdullah died, but Hussein survived the assassination attempt and, according to witnesses, pursued the assassin.
In 1970, Hussein expelled Palestinian fighters (fedayeen) from Jordan after they had threatened the country’s security in what became known as Black September in Jordan. ”
“The Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon was a multi-sided armed conflict initiated by Palestinian militants against Israel in 1968 and against Lebanese Christian militias in the mid-1970s. It served as a major catalyst for the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975. Fighting between the Palestinians and the Christian militias lasted until the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, which led to the expulsion of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from Lebanese territory.”
“The Palestinian exodus from Kuwait took place during and after the Gulf War. There were 357,000 Palestinians living in Kuwait before the country was invaded by neighbouring Iraq in August 1990.[1] The policy which led to this exodus was a response to the alignment of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in favour of the Iraqi invasion as well as PLO leader Yasser Arafat’s support for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein”
“I’m A Celebrity fans threaten to ‘boycott’ new ITV series amid backlash over ‘tone-deaf’ decision to let former UKIP leader Nigel Farage enter the jungle”
“Farage isn’t the divisive figure as the DM says. The people who are divisive are the intolerant extremists who won’t accept the will of the people in the Brexit referendum.”
“Riot cops clash with furious crowd demanding a Coldplay gig is cancelled: Muslims in Indonesia call for the show to be axed over their support for the LGBT community”
After Rishi has changed Rwanda into a safe Country by next Spring maybe he could sort Gaza out by Autumn and do Russia/Ukraine by next Christmas.
China may take him a month or two longer.
Pug at 1201 and Lucy at 1416 reference the truly appalling BBC bias over a totally false representation of the Israeli entry into the Gaza hospital.
Bur guess what? The 6 pm News from the Hamas Broadcasting Corporation did cover the IDF news conference advising the provision of doctors and Arab speakers embedded in the Israeli forces,
But somehow failed to mention their appallingly biased report from earlier in the day. Instead it was the usual sentimentalised guff about children and babies.
Where were the BBC reports about children and babies when Hamas butchered families on October 7th?
You got it. There weren’t any. Not until much later. And then only in the context of the Israel response.
Totally disgusting.
One version of woke is the ridiculous focus on tiny minorities at the expense of the majority.
Expense meaning peoples every day lives are impacted negatively because of the ‘rights’ of a few.
BLM is one example. Trans is another.
Many councils fall meekly into,line.
Between you and me – I’m bored with boat thing now – after the supreme Blair court ruled against HMG sunak is saying he is bringing ‘emergency ‘ legislation to make Rwanda safe again …. Does he really thing the Blair court won’t find another reason to bounce it ?
Until HMG derogates from whatever treaty or convention we are screwed …. And even then the Blair court will do all it can to disable us …. Sink the boats …. Dump them on the French beaches …
That vote is a good indication of the deep enemy within Labour – maybe they’ll split and be the ‘Islamic party ‘ – something which is inevitable …..
It’s good for us that there are plenty of people monitoring bbc output for Islamic Hamas propaganda – / anti Israel lies ….
… there are now 2 serious slurs against Israel – plus the refusal to call Islamic Hamas the terrorist group they are ….
.. msybd a third lie will force BBCOFCOM / brigade 77 / dinage ‘ culture committee to do something ….
Fedup – Does the BBC think that anybody other than
hardened anti-Semites believe anything that the BBC’S
most embittered reporter against Israel for more than
20 years , Orla Guerin tells us or writes about Israel ?
Unfortunately it’s not just the domestic audience – the truly dire international news – which seems to employ all sorts of 0400 halfwits – also pumps out that Islamic Hamas propaganda …..
.. after the ‘IDF missile hits hospital lie ‘ some might expect the BBC to be a bit more careful about the lies they spout – but they can’t help themselves …
Breaking news, that political heavyweight, Jess Phillips, has quit the Labour Party front bench.
TBH, I didn’t know she was on the front bench, but…
It really is tragically laughable, all of those posing lefties and barking mad Muzzies that make up the Labour Party can have an almighty tantrum and flounce off into the sunset.
Do any of them think that Benjamen Netanyahu is going to say, “Fxxx this, we’ve got to stop. Bollocks to the hostages. Jess Phillips has quit…”
Class one virtue signalling …. It’s a reminder that while blue Labour gets plenty of attention – red labour has factions just as deep – and a big labour majority will make the factions even more active …. Particulary with more Muslims being elected …
OK so our models never reflected reality but in order to work out if our models were bad can we have some more money because the £2.4 Billion total ring-fenced Covid funding is spent and has all gone!!!
UKHSA Pleads Poverty to Get Out of Appraising Lockdown Model Performance Despite £2.4 Billion Covid Budget
GBNews Patrick Christy was harassed today at a pro Palestinian/Anti Israel demo. What was disturbing for me was the presence of white, obviously middle class English people, some fairly old.
There’s a bunch of caricature noisy geriatric lefty-greenie activists hereabouts but they often get local pushback – it’s easy to imagine they use their concessionary train fares to indulge in a bit of mobbing that makes them feel safe… and they’ve got time to indulge their noisome, often quite aggressive inner busybody.
I have just been listening to Lee Anderson. He’s fully behind the Tory Party. He suggests the public will forget about Suella Braverman in a week or so.
Apart from Andrea Jenkyns has anybody stood up for Suella?
What about knee bender Baker?
What is going on?
“Disgruntled civil servant claims Home Office staff are secretly ‘self-congratulatory’ over Supreme Court’s Rwanda migrant policy ruling and accuses colleagues at the Blob of ‘vowing not to work on ”evil” project’
Civil servant blasted colleagues over alleged refusal to work on Rwanda plan”
“They said that despite the change in minister, little to no progress will be made in controlling Britain’s borders, saying that stopping the boats or cutting net migration is not a priority for the Home Office in 2023.
It has become the default view in the Home Office that ‘immigration cannot and should not be controlled’, despite the policies of ministers stating the opposite, the civil servant wrote in The Telegraph.
They said many colleagues saw themselves as a ‘resistance’ to what they considered a ‘radical Right-wing Government’ which was set on ‘punishing migrants’ regardless of the rule of law.”
MarkyMarkFeb 6, 09:41 Midweek 5th February 2025 Trump – living rent free in everyone’s head! https://youtu.be/4yw8HycLbnM?si=uNG-R3J_tKvoMXZV&t=136
MarkyMarkFeb 6, 09:40 Midweek 5th February 2025 When Donald Trump gets sworn in, the White House is in line for a decorating update https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/a-new-president-a-new-backdrop-for-white-house-history/2017/01/17/9f2c38de-c79f-11e6-bf4b-2c064d32a4bf_story.html [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRoznz5-4i9ghX_vGI9JS5shTnCoD-Wj1HJgw&s[/img]
diggFeb 6, 09:37 Midweek 5th February 2025 The bleating from the sheep pens which are the BBC and The Guardian over Trumps Gaza suggestion is at fever…
tomoFeb 6, 09:36 Midweek 5th February 2025 Grenfell Tower? West London’s diversity obelisk outlives its usefulness? Let me guess, UV has got to the tarps that cover…
Guest WhoFeb 6, 09:33 Midweek 5th February 2025 Like Labour in office; they know the end is nigh and spending like fury before it arrives.
MarkyMarkFeb 6, 09:31 Midweek 5th February 2025 1988 .. Satanic Verses Book Burning 2025 … BRADFORD CITY OF UK FUTURE CULTURE 2025 … Sweden man shot by…
MarkyMarkFeb 6, 09:26 Midweek 5th February 2025 “At that rate Labour will spend £8.3 million on flights over a year. That’s enough to fund: The salaries of…
atlas_shruggedFeb 6, 09:26 Midweek 5th February 2025 > a member of staff from local Labour MS Buffy Williams’ office. 10 years in jail for this false accusation.…
“The positivity that is feeding us on this walk is out of this world.”
BBC DONT DO ADVERTS …. BBC Main Page .. ha ha ha ha … man runs to save kids …
“Posted at 11:1811:18
Run Vernon Run
Vernon and his merry squad of Derbyshire ramblers are working their way up yet another of today’s hills.
Children in Need buckets in hand, ready to pick up the public’s generous cash donations.
If you see Vernon and his entourage in your area, send your messages on social media using the hashtag #VernonUltra”
“The positivity that is feeding us on this walk is out of this world.”
“A man who was arrested on suspicion of manslaughter over the death of ice hockey player Adam Johnson has been released on police bail.
The Nottingham Panthers player’s neck was injured by a skate during a collision with Sheffield Steelers’ Matt Petgrave on 28 October.”
The other player kung fu kicked him, slicing his throat.
Apparently all shown live .
Matt Petgrave the most penalised player in the league.
I said at the time that the player should have been arrested immediately for manslaughter, at the very least. It only took the police nearly 3 weeks to notice a crime ‘may’ have been committed. So, a pretty quick response by them.
House of Commons
Wednesday 15 November 2023 Meeting started at 11.33am
If you always vote for who you always voted, you’ll always get what you’ve always got. LibLabCon
Vote REFORM party. Paid my £25 membership this morning.
Stop this managed decline of UK and western civilisation.
Leaving the undemocratic EU was just
the beginning. People’s eyes have been
opened as to the benefits of being an
independent sovereign nation. Reform is
now possible and essential in these key
1. Reform our Economy:
To succeed faster growth is vital. Higher
growth rates are the only way to better
wages and more tax revenues that can be
invested in better healthcare and other
public services. Our bold economic vision
frees up over 6 million people from paying
Income Tax and frees up over 1.2 million
small businesses and self-employed from
paying Corporation Tax. We would also
aim to remove a raft of other stifling taxes
in a responsible, timely way. This will
generate much faster growth than seen
in recent decades. We must also stop
wasting taxpayers’ money.
2. Reform our Public Sector:
We must be ambitious, seeking faster,
more efficient public services that work
better for us all. For example, with health,
we should demand zero waiting lists and
we have a bold plan to achieve this vision.
Our police need to focus on preventing
crime and catching criminals. Our schools
must educate our children properly
to prepare them for a competitive,
challenging world, whilst protecting them
from age inappropriate sex education and
gender questioning. Our Border Force
must protect our borders.
3. Reform our Energy Strategy:
We all care about the environment and
want cleaner air, and we can do this
in a strategic, affordable way. Yet the
Westminster Net Zero plan is making
us all net poorer whilst creating more
emissions overall as it outsources them
overseas. It is therefore net stupid. It
is adding huge extra costs to us all as
consumers and to our businesses. This
will send hundreds of thousands of British
jobs to China and elsewhere. Our energy
plan will use our own energy treasure
under our feet, and create thousands
of British jobs, by making our industries
competitive again. It will save consumers
considerable amounts of money on their
bills every year. We would also nationalise
50% of key utility companies to stop
consumers being ripped off with the other
50% being owned by British pension
funds for British pensioners.
4. Reform our Institutions:
Major change is needed to the bodies that
impact our lives — the unelected cronyism
of the House of Lords, the unaccountable
civil service and the bloated BBC. Reform
is essential to our voting system so it is
fairer and more representative; the twoparty system embeds the status quo and
prevents real change.
It’s official, if unsurprising.
The left wing judiciary support mass open door immigration.
The government is not allowed to protect our borders.
Anyone from anywhere must be allowed in at any time.
This policy can be guaranteed to be supported by
The judges
Large numbers of litigation lawyers
Stop the War coalition
Socialist Workers party
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Refugee Council
The Labour Party
The LibDems
And is opposed only by the declining but still majority of ordinary white British citizens.
Who pay for it all. But don’t count. Obviously.
The status quo should be that you CLOSE the borders to illegals first, then the courts discuss
Not that you leave them open for years whilst the courts talk
Currently they are protecting the rights of the illegals
not the right of the UK citizens.
“We will do what it takes to stop the boats.” Cleverly
2 Jet Skiers Accidentally Stray Across Border, Shot Dead By Algeria Coastguard: Report
Saudi border guards have killed at least hundreds of Ethiopian migrants and asylum seekers who tried to cross the Yemen-Saudi border between March 2022 and June 2023.
Indian and Chinese troops fight with sticks and bricks in video
Maybe the useless UN could go in between the Indian army and Chinese
“We will do what it takes to stop the boats.” Cleverly
– – – – – – – – –
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
“It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK”
E.g. terrorists, people smugglers, child rape gangs, women murderers (aka ‘honour killings’), drug mules, money launderers, gangsters, drug dealers…
bbc informs us of:- How to tell if you’re being bullied at work
bbc get a life, honestly!
You off yours…? oh, wait.
That’s 2012 “Russell Joslin took his own life in October 2012 after making repeated complaints of bullying and sexual harassment, and after he allegedly spurned the advances of a colleague.”
“ooh ooh Suella removing urban tents is far right evil”
shouted the media on Friday , yet on that same day Met Police removed a tent settlement from in front of a London hospital.
I have not seen that reported in MSM.
BBC ran it
“Homeless tents destroyed during Met Police operation”
The Supreme Court judgement?
All very much in line with my expectations. All going according to the joint plan which broadly/overall, was designed to ferry in millions of “Refugees” unrestricted. “Every little helps” goes the Tesco ad. I imagine Rich Sunak agreed with Starmer a condition to be able to leave his premiership roughly showing he has, ‘Done his best’ in the ‘stop the boats’ & ‘reduce immigration’ game he set up with Starmer. Just enough to hand the baton over to Starmer and become part of the House of Lords and leaving the majority of the Country apparently thinking there’s nothing that can be done to stop the criminals and others. Then, all hell will be set loose by Starmer. The next stage of the plan. The objective being to destroy the UK with their plans for eradicating the UK “Racist” ‘whitey’. Soros will be pleased that his ECHR played a modest role in the plan leading to today’s announcement by simply being there if need be to render a final decision if required.
Those five “judges” are probably smirking about squashing the Rwanda plan.
The key objections to the plan revolved around the safety of the illegal immigrants sent there.
OK this ignores the fact that the plan was designed more to halt the flow of illegal immigrants making the channel crossing than to despose of existing illegals.
So the judges have more than likely encouraged even more raiders, some of whom will be lost in rough seas and hence will probably cause more harm overall than Rwanda ever could in their lives.
What happens if the invaders now decide to cross in increasing droves but run into a particularly violent spell of winter weather whilst attempting the crossing and multiple lives are lost?
Will the blame go entirely to our Government or will these judges in a way be implicated in their deaths by encouraging them to go for it?
I wonder…. how many of the 5 judges have visited Rwanda or support Arsenal FC
Oh ITV have a title “Homeless man ‘lost everything’ he owned when tent destroyed in Camden”
In an article seemingly written by a charity
In Europe, we can’t help laughing at David Cameron’s return – but we welcome it too
… “From a European perspective, all this will make Cameron easier to work with than some of his predecessors”
About sums it up, we voted out, but means nothing
Wolverhampton: Two boys, 12, arrested over stab murder of man
He was stabbed by 12 year old boys FFS !!!.
Yet another short, facts only report from the BBC. No sense of outrage or questions about how can certain parts of society be so broken for this to happen so often.
Because they don’t care who did it if they aren’t white males. It’s not helpful for the agenda.
Proof (if it were needed) is the lengthy article they ran earlier this month just because 8 years ago, someone under suspicion for being part of it inferred he was involved with the murder to a black security guard.
And he died 2 years ago so the story is absolutely pointless. Unless the BBC want to dig him up and call him a racist.
Matthew White: Stephen Lawrence suspect said he had killed before in second attack
The lop-sided BBC reporting to suit their agenda is just ridiculous. They really don’t care one bit about the person who got murdered.
We could expect the glee from the far left BBC as its lefty “supreme Blair Court “ came down against the British government desperately trying to stop the invasion .
The headache will be left to red labour …. Which I suspect will impose a news blackout on stuff happening at the South coast – or where the third world invaders will be put …..
.. so brexit brings the EU using the UK as its’ toilet …. With no one to stop it ….. there is some Real Trouble coming ( note to file 77 Brigade ) ….
If anyone had any doubt that the UK Government is not controlled by extraneous forces I don’t know what more to show. UNHCR, EC, WHO, NATO, UN, ECHR. And not forgetting the WEF. Can only get worse and shows the mockery/contempt these people have for the Brits in simply thinking we are a, wait for it……..”a Sovereign Country” all part of the illusion that many voters still cling too.
A vote for anyone in the UK is a wasted vote.
When an asylum enricher gets allowed to stay will we be able to stop him from coming back into the UK after going on holiday back home (where his life was in danger)
Has there EVER been an example of the bbbc making a ‘mistake’ which shows the left or any of their lot in a bad light.
I can only remember them making ‘mistakes’ which hurt the right and others who they are against.
Funny that.
Minister for Common Sense
’bout time we had one!
Esther McVey
Dangle the thought of moving on to the House of Lords as Baroness ‘after’ and see what happens.
Is that a joke putting her in the Cabinet ?
What I find very puzzling about the Supreme Court ruling is the failure of the BBC to pick up on the undercurrent of racism inherent in some of its wording. It’s almost as if there’s a suggestion that Africans ( Rwandans)might not do things correctly.
It’s all very disappointing that nobody at the BBC is onto this.
It’s not long ago that there own travel website hailed Rwanda as a model state in Africa , describing it as the Switzerland of that continent, granted that was removed way back when the policy of removal to this hitherto paradise was first announced,but it is all so confusing. The big question must surely be “Are our African brothers and Sisters as good as us or not?”.
I deplore the thought that Rwandans can’t get things done properly and they might make mistakes in applying the law.
@BBC casually spews a false accusation of war crimes, then corrects it like a minor typo.
Everyone believes the BBC apology ..not
Actually they say “Your “mistakes” appear to have a pattern”
“Our usual editorial standard”
News report “The infamous Dam Busters Raid”. Repeated 6 hours later
What editorial standards?
Isn’t it amazing how their unintentional errors are ALWAYS in favour of their agenda.
The BBC is now creating its’own list of anti Israel comment ….
… but none in the other column – it supports Islamic Hamas – the British government will not threaten to prosecute the DG for supporting a proscribed terrorist group – BBCOFCOM is only interested in getting GBnews off the air – so the poison keeps coming …..
Is this on the bbc yet ? more enrichment:
“Married father-of-three asylum seeker, 33, helped to mastermind £220k Facebook and eBay parcel scam after he was allowed to stay in UK when he claimed he was being persecuted in Nigeria for being gay
Saheez Azeez, 33, came to the UK after claiming he was targeted by Boko Haram
He later helped to create a ‘sophisticated’ fraud network affecting 272 victims”
“A conman won refugee status in Britain by claiming he was persecuted in Nigeria for being gay – before going on to have three children with three women in Britain and masterminding a £220,000 Facebook and eBay parcel fraud racket”
The public purse is deep enough, eh? Sunak/Hunt
Rishi says “An entrepreneur is an individual who creates and/or invests in one or more businesses, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as “entrepreneurship”.”
Richi: Not a silver spoon in sight…………
A conman won refugee status in Britain by claiming he was persecuted in Nigeria for being gay – before going on to have three children with three women in Britain and masterminding a £220,000 Facebook and eBay parcel fraud racket.
Asylum seeker Saheed Azeez, 33, had been allowed to settle in the UK after claiming he faced persecution by Boko Haram militants – but after moving to the country he had three children with three women, marrying the third. He now says he is bisexual.
And as he settled in Wigan, Greater Manchester, Azeez began working with Nigerian fraudsters to establish a network of strangers for a ‘sophisticated and well resourced’ sales scam to steal items being sold on eBay, Facebook Marketplace and WhatsApp
Was just adding full story and link – we need more money makers says Jeremy Hunt.
‘On this day in 1944, genocidal Winston Churchill refused a ceasefire with Nazi Germany’: Satirical Israeli TV takes another swipe at the BBC’s war coverage with mock WWII report
The satire previously ridiculed the BBC’s coverage of an explosion at a hospital
A new video, shared on Tuesday, parodies calls for a ceasefire in the Middle East ”
I am bemused by the Daily Mails continuing alomst daily attacks on trannies, the latest one being a crazed woman pool player who refused to play against some trans woman, on the basis that it was unfair. It begs the question as to how it is unfair?
I understand the argument in physical sports that women are inferior to men in terms of physical strength, although certain feminists who swear this is not the case and that there should only be ‘sport’.
But can anyone tell me what kind of advantage a man or a trannie is supposed to have at the pool table? Maybe if the individual was taller, it might be an advantage at a 16′ snooker table, but not an 8′ pool table! Besides which there are plenty of tall women around anyway and we don’t have a competition for the vertically challenged!
Where does this end? Are women judged so inferior that they cannot be expected to compete in cerebral sports too? Maybe it is unthinkable to expect a woman to play chess against a man because she is not as clever? Or maybe card games too?
The reality in my mind is that women and men are not equal, but there are arenas where any inequality perhaps comes down more to the individual and not their sex.
I cannot believe that men have an inate advantage at board or card games nor at the pool table either.
Quite possibly a disadvantage having two more balls
Ive always thought we could kill many birds (snark) with one stone here and make all sports open to either sex for a few years and see the real results
no quotas or other such nonsense
I suspect most female athletes and sportswomen would be basically out of the medals / job /money very quickly.
I would be interested to see where this MAN ranked in the male game , it certainly seems to have been very successful in the ladies
In the DT article it explained the difference – men have more upper body strength to make the break. Fair enough. More pertinent though, don’t make a women’s competition and then let men enter it on the basis that they think they’re women.
That’s not the point I was making Loobyloo. It’s the question as to why if this womans wholly illogical actions are reasonable, then women are inferior to men, and the feminazis cannot claim any kind of equality.
The second questioin takes it a little further asking what other ‘games’ are women inferior at?
I happen to believe there is a point to the physical sports, but I can’t see the point where games which have no physical component are concerned.
In general, men have a greater sense of spatial awareness than women, it’s an evolutionary tract that helps in hunting etc. It gives men an advantage in sports such as pool. In the case of chess, again speaking generally, men have an advantage in terns of visualising the outcome several moves ahead, which is why you don’t tend to get female grand masters. In card games, such as bridge, you wouldn’t expect any differences between the sexes.
In essence I agree with you where certain sports are concerned. Darts for example – back in the day I was good enough with 3 arrers to be asked to play in a couple of local teams where I was the only woman. BUT it was unheard of for a bloke to join a team of girly dart players even though no strength is involved. I did feel sorry though for the chap picked to play me, for the stick he’d get when (not if 🙂 ) I beat him.
I see that the Supreme Court has struck down the ridiculous Rwanda scheme just as the Tories intended.
It’s just another scam folks! Suella Braverman playing to the gallery of her party using taxpayer money to set up an unfeasable scheme, which she attempted to keep quiet on the details, whilst at the same time behind everyones backs handing taxpayers money to “refugee action” charity to challenge the policy in the courts all the while wanting it to fail.
This is deceptive politics at its best! The half crazed right of the party blame the judges, not even realising its been set up to be that way right from the get go! Nor do they even realise it’s a great victory for them and not the Left.
And this is all because the Tories made pretty sure no one knew that for every bogus asylum seeker we sent to Rwanda, not only did we have to pay for them, we had to take one Rwandan citizen as a migrant in return!
I wonder why so few people know of this arrangement!
And yet again we hear them baying for the impossible, leaving the ECtHR which they can’t do instead of doing what every other country in Europe does, and instead reduce its significance to advisory only, meaning we can ignore it completely if we choose to do so.
“Funny developments at the Russia-Finland border. Illegal migrants are being pushed to Finland, they have brand new bicycles which they have bought near the border in Russia and ride them across the border to Finland. Finland may close the border this evening.
EU can close borders despite international law but the UK can’t. Bikes versus dinghies. Putin versus Macron. Joining NATO versus leaving EU.”
order-order comment
We should be able to send all the dinghy “refugees” to Ukraine. Zelenskyy needs all the men (and women, preferably pregnant) he can get for the next big offensive.
Hamas to build tunnels for HS2 project in UK!
Peter Daszak gave evidence to the US Congress on C19 origins yesterday in a closed hearing. (Daszak is head of the EHA which has been receiving funding for research at Wuhan).
By coincidence also yesterday the US House of Representatives voted to cut all funding for gain of function experiments, and one funding GoF work at Wuhan by the EHA. Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks said “For decades, scientists have been warning that research with potential pandemic pathogens could cause an outbreak.”
I remember being told the idea that lab-created viruses were a conspiracy theory. Now the evidence is very strong for government funded experimentation, there’s zero interest and coverage in MSM.
Closed hearing eh?
– how convenient
BBC… Usual editorial standards.
It has become increasingly apparent to me that the BBC is pushing its top talent too hard and expecting far too much of them, why only a few days ago we had Nick Robinson literally seeing things, no doubt due to work pressure , when he recounted seeing non existent wall paper somewhere in Downing St. He sounded so plausible when telling Nadine Dorries about it.
And I wonder how is Huw Edwards ? pushed so hard by his taskmasters, so that he started to behave in a way that risked his health. Those of us in the” Huw is innocent”group, urgently need an update on how his treatment is progressing, is it working?is he responding? Whatever next.
Where was the duty of care shown by those responsible.
I,ve watched 2 Supreme Court judgements ;
1 ) HMRC v Rangers FC re historical EBT usage.
2) Rwanda returns
Both cases overturned previous decisions by lower courts including the high Courts.
In case 1 Rangers were found to have correctly utilised the tax provisions at the time of their usage and 2 tax Tribunals confirmed accordingly,
The Scottish High Court overturned the Tax tribunals ( i.e. the tax experts) with an infamous phrase used by High Court judge , Lord Carloway” common sense would tell you”!!
The Supreme Court on appeal also judged in favour of HMRC.
In case 2 Rwanda this morning the judge seemed to favour some previous report by the UNHCR over our Government and what seems to be a significant country wide support.
In this case previous support from within the lower courts also was over-ruled.
It came across( perhaps wrongly, I admit) that the Supreme Court
were looking for any way to strike the cases down.
the use of the word ” reformant” featured in their RWANDA ruling , where Rwanda previously had returned someone to their original home country against their human rights?
There seems to be so many loopholes in these Human Rights processes that the only way forward is a new law which would keep it out of the Supreme Court’s hands altogether. Perhaps as simply as Thoughtful suggests earlier.
Watching PMQs – the faces of blue Labour when David Cameron was mentioned gave a story away – not happy – uncomfortable …. Particularly the corruption …. But that seems to have been ‘fixed’…
We accept the corruption
I certainly don’t – it’s another in the list of reasons why blue labour cannot be supported …. Nor can the other lot
As I’ve said previously the Supreme Court seems to be a Law unto itself. They seem to be acting like Gods on Mount Olympus. There’s been a fair number of capricious and perverse judgements since its invention.
The use of EBT by Rangers at the time was perfectly legal. What happened was the HMRC got the law changed and a retrospective catch all going back 8 years was applied. My own former employer was also caught retrospectively like this, and it closed his business. He did however in 2019 receive a letter stating that it was being ‘reviewed’ and he may be entitled to a partial refund. Needless to say, no refund, and ultimately too late for all his employees who lost their jobs.
BBC – advertising a man running to save children (not running after children like the BBC presenters normally do) ….
BC Children in Need . Grant Funded Projects . London and South East England
As at November 2017
Word Search:
Islington x 38;
Somali x 21;
Refugee x 33;
Young x 532;
Afghan x 3;
Arts x 43;
Football x 9;
Disabled x 64;
Autism x 12;
Literacy x 8;
Inclusion x 15;
Mental x 54;
The Mayor’s Fund for London
The project will deliver healthy food and activities to children
in 132 local projects across 33 London Boroughs during
Easter, Summer and half term school holidays.
I sawe this eleswheere, don’t know the history myself, interesting if true:
“Why is Egypt so adamantly opposed to allowing refugees from Gaza to escape the city, I thought they cared about the Palestinians?
They care about the Palestinians in theory, as Muslim neighbours, but Egypt isn’t going to let that blind them to reality.
Unlike seemingly everyone on this site, Egypt bothered to pick up a history book.
Jordan allowed Palestinian refugees. They tried to set up a state-within-a-state, attempted to assassinate the King, and got kicked back out.
Lebanon accepted the Palestinian refugees that had just been kicked out of Jordan, Those same refugees started a ten-year civil war.
Kuwait accepted Palestinian refugees. They then helped Saddam Hussain take over.
Egypt has no desire to be next on the list of countries dealing with open rebellion or terrorism after letting in refugees from Palestine, especially if they risk Hamas sneaking in with them.”
Zephir – you make assumptions about the knowledge of people on this site which I might describe as ‘ cavalier’- ironically bbc4 is putting out a series on the formation of Israel across 6 episodes … it was made befor the BBC was taken over by the Far Left / Islam and is … informative … it has interviews with the key players – including King Hussain ….
OK I have done some quick research, which has revealed Palestinians are indeed international shit stirrers and killers:
“A Palestinian assassin opened fire King of Jordan, Abdullah and his grandson, amid rumours that the King had been planning to sign a peace treaty with the newly established state of Israel. Abdullah died, but Hussein survived the assassination attempt and, according to witnesses, pursued the assassin.
In 1970, Hussein expelled Palestinian fighters (fedayeen) from Jordan after they had threatened the country’s security in what became known as Black September in Jordan. ”
“The Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon was a multi-sided armed conflict initiated by Palestinian militants against Israel in 1968 and against Lebanese Christian militias in the mid-1970s. It served as a major catalyst for the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975. Fighting between the Palestinians and the Christian militias lasted until the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, which led to the expulsion of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from Lebanese territory.”
“The Palestinian exodus from Kuwait took place during and after the Gulf War. There were 357,000 Palestinians living in Kuwait before the country was invaded by neighbouring Iraq in August 1990.[1] The policy which led to this exodus was a response to the alignment of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in favour of the Iraqi invasion as well as PLO leader Yasser Arafat’s support for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein”
Millenial morons in action:
“I’m A Celebrity fans threaten to ‘boycott’ new ITV series amid backlash over ‘tone-deaf’ decision to let former UKIP leader Nigel Farage enter the jungle”
“Farage isn’t the divisive figure as the DM says. The people who are divisive are the intolerant extremists who won’t accept the will of the people in the Brexit referendum.”
Big problem for the Far Left this weekend.
For which issue do they organise a demo?
Pro- open door mass immigration and no removal of illegal immigrants?
It’s a tough choice.
Perhaps the BBC editors would care to choose.
What do the far left have to say ?
Coming to the UK sooner rather than later…..
“Riot cops clash with furious crowd demanding a Coldplay gig is cancelled: Muslims in Indonesia call for the show to be axed over their support for the LGBT community”
After Rishi has changed Rwanda into a safe Country by next Spring maybe he could sort Gaza out by Autumn and do Russia/Ukraine by next Christmas.
China may take him a month or two longer.
Pug at 1201 and Lucy at 1416 reference the truly appalling BBC bias over a totally false representation of the Israeli entry into the Gaza hospital.
Bur guess what? The 6 pm News from the Hamas Broadcasting Corporation did cover the IDF news conference advising the provision of doctors and Arab speakers embedded in the Israeli forces,
But somehow failed to mention their appallingly biased report from earlier in the day. Instead it was the usual sentimentalised guff about children and babies.
Where were the BBC reports about children and babies when Hamas butchered families on October 7th?
You got it. There weren’t any. Not until much later. And then only in the context of the Israel response.
Totally disgusting.
All going according to the WEF plan. Bankrupt all countries and bring in CBDCs
The BBC and Jon Snow. And Jon Snow.
Al-Shifa: What we know about Israel’s raid on Gaza’s main hospital
One version of woke is the ridiculous focus on tiny minorities at the expense of the majority.
Expense meaning peoples every day lives are impacted negatively because of the ‘rights’ of a few.
BLM is one example. Trans is another.
Many councils fall meekly into,line.
This example is another. And it is so sad.
‘Noise row silences 200-year ringing of Beith church bell’
One, yes one complaint has been received. 900 signatures have been received asking for the bells to be rung again.
1 against 900.
The council has asked for the bells to stop.
Utterly pathetic.
Between you and me – I’m bored with boat thing now – after the supreme Blair court ruled against HMG sunak is saying he is bringing ‘emergency ‘ legislation to make Rwanda safe again …. Does he really thing the Blair court won’t find another reason to bounce it ?
Until HMG derogates from whatever treaty or convention we are screwed …. And even then the Blair court will do all it can to disable us …. Sink the boats …. Dump them on the French beaches …
ding dong Jess is gone:
That vote is a good indication of the deep enemy within Labour – maybe they’ll split and be the ‘Islamic party ‘ – something which is inevitable …..
It’s good for us that there are plenty of people monitoring bbc output for Islamic Hamas propaganda – / anti Israel lies ….
… there are now 2 serious slurs against Israel – plus the refusal to call Islamic Hamas the terrorist group they are ….
.. msybd a third lie will force BBCOFCOM / brigade 77 / dinage ‘ culture committee to do something ….
Fedup – Does the BBC think that anybody other than
hardened anti-Semites believe anything that the BBC’S
most embittered reporter against Israel for more than
20 years , Orla Guerin tells us or writes about Israel ?
Unfortunately it’s not just the domestic audience – the truly dire international news – which seems to employ all sorts of 0400 halfwits – also pumps out that Islamic Hamas propaganda …..
.. after the ‘IDF missile hits hospital lie ‘ some might expect the BBC to be a bit more careful about the lies they spout – but they can’t help themselves …
Breaking news, that political heavyweight, Jess Phillips, has quit the Labour Party front bench.
TBH, I didn’t know she was on the front bench, but…
It really is tragically laughable, all of those posing lefties and barking mad Muzzies that make up the Labour Party can have an almighty tantrum and flounce off into the sunset.
Do any of them think that Benjamen Netanyahu is going to say, “Fxxx this, we’ve got to stop. Bollocks to the hostages. Jess Phillips has quit…”
Absolutely no one gives a toss…
Class one virtue signalling …. It’s a reminder that while blue Labour gets plenty of attention – red labour has factions just as deep – and a big labour majority will make the factions even more active …. Particulary with more Muslims being elected …
OK so our models never reflected reality but in order to work out if our models were bad can we have some more money because the £2.4 Billion total ring-fenced Covid funding is spent and has all gone!!!
UKHSA Pleads Poverty to Get Out of Appraising Lockdown Model Performance Despite £2.4 Billion Covid Budget
These UKHSA people would make Al Capone blush!
He looks happy. Probably just received his commission cheque from the Kremlin………….
GBNews Patrick Christy was harassed today at a pro Palestinian/Anti Israel demo. What was disturbing for me was the presence of white, obviously middle class English people, some fairly old.
There’s a bunch of caricature noisy geriatric lefty-greenie activists hereabouts but they often get local pushback – it’s easy to imagine they use their concessionary train fares to indulge in a bit of mobbing that makes them feel safe… and they’ve got time to indulge their noisome, often quite aggressive inner busybody.
is that the white, “…obviously middle class English people, some fairly old.” who display bruising on their lower limbs at the back?
Fresh from being shoved by the more irate drivers on their slow march with Just Stop Oil………….
I have just been listening to Lee Anderson. He’s fully behind the Tory Party. He suggests the public will forget about Suella Braverman in a week or so.
Apart from Andrea Jenkyns has anybody stood up for Suella?
What about knee bender Baker?
What is going on?
“Disgruntled civil servant claims Home Office staff are secretly ‘self-congratulatory’ over Supreme Court’s Rwanda migrant policy ruling and accuses colleagues at the Blob of ‘vowing not to work on ”evil” project’
Civil servant blasted colleagues over alleged refusal to work on Rwanda plan”
Rail staff demand 100% wind powered trains – refuse to work on days when the wind isn’t blowing or sun isn’t shining.
Sack the culprits.
“They said that despite the change in minister, little to no progress will be made in controlling Britain’s borders, saying that stopping the boats or cutting net migration is not a priority for the Home Office in 2023.
It has become the default view in the Home Office that ‘immigration cannot and should not be controlled’, despite the policies of ministers stating the opposite, the civil servant wrote in The Telegraph.
They said many colleagues saw themselves as a ‘resistance’ to what they considered a ‘radical Right-wing Government’ which was set on ‘punishing migrants’ regardless of the rule of law.”
Who voted for these Gramscians ?
How do we remove them from power ?