452 Responses to Midweek 15th November 2023

  1. Zephir says:

    “Christmas display in Bethlehem is cancelled by Palestinian authorities ‘in honour of Hamas martyrs’ as Israel continues to battle terrorists in Gaza

    It is the first time decorations will not be seen in Manger Square in modern times
    Authorities say plans were scrapped ‘in solidarity with our people in Gaza'”



  2. Zephir says:

    “Thomas Hand, father of eight-year-old Hamas hostage Emily, breaks down admitting it is ‘too painful’ to imagine the horrors she is experiencing in Gaza after once welcoming news she was killed because being kidnapped would be ‘worse than death’

    Thomas Hand rejoiced when told his daughter was killed in a Hamas raid on Israel rather than kidnapped
    The Irish-born father fears his daughter will be ‘mentally and physically and emotionally broken’ in the terrorists’ tunnels
    But he promises to ‘give her the world’ if the little girl returns alive ”



  3. andyjsnape says:

    Keir Starmer suffers major Labour rebellion over Gaza ceasefire vote

    Goes to show many muslims we have in the political system so far. Dread to think what the future holds for the UK


    • JohnC says:

      I just did a check of the BBC darling of that article ‘Jess Phillips’:

      ‘Ms Phillips said she was voting with “my constituents, my head, and my heart”.’

      Having no knowledge of her, I checked up. She is the MP for Birmingham Yardley. Google tells me that contituency is 4,000 white people, 7,000 Asian people and 1,000 black people. Whites make up 1/3 of the whole place.

      It has 3,300 Christians, 7,300 Muslims and ONE jew. Who must feel very nervous every time he/she goes out.

      Ms Phillips was clearly voting with her Hamas-supporting consituents more than any of the other reasons she gave. She will be smiling to herself that she is securing her re-election next year.

      Here she is. Displaying all the dumb-faced arrogance of Angela Rayner:

      Despite how much the BBC try to obfuscate it with stories of ‘victims’, it’s clear Hamas are still 100% the evil terrorist extremist scum they were on Oct 7th. Anyone trying to help them at this stage by shifting the blame for what is happening onto Israel should be labelled as a racist, terrorist sympathisers.

      Which pretty much sums up the Left to me. The only reason Starmer is holding off is because there is an election coming up and it’s abhorrent to normal, decent people.

      How I wish we could send those idiots to live with those they support for 6 months. Not the moderate Muslims just living their lives but with the other 50% who despise infidels as a lower form of life.


      • Greencoat says:

        It looks as though the ‘imaginary’ Great Replacement is well under way in Phillips’ neck of the woods.
        She knows which side of her japati is buttered.


      • Fedup2 says:

        She was the fool stood up claiming she couldnt afford a photcopier ? But was layer found to have bought top of the range apple earphones on expenses ..

        .. i think she will be auditioning for the Disne Abbot memorial award … for services to stupidity and dumbness …


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        She’s the one who laughed about male suicide.


  4. andyjsnape says:

    bbc builds case for compensation, can imagine all the legal “profession” waiting in the side lines

    Top general locked away evidence of SAS executions

    The ex British broadcaster really hates the UK.

    Please people defund it


  5. andyjsnape says:

    How the dead are counted in Gaza

    Honestly! this needs a report, and even a VERIFY by the likes of the bbc. Disgusting organisation


  6. tomo says:


    The failing offshore windfarms demand more *subsidy* and the eejuts give them more of our money ( or more likely borrow money on our account )

    Undoubtedly the BBC will dress this up as positive …..

    If somebody (Siemens) designs and builds a profoundly defective machine they carry the cost – the eejut pols and public servants and ‘sunbeams and cucumbers’ made flesh.

    Remember folks – wind is 9x cheaper than gas


  7. tomo says:

    The poisonous US Democrats ( and their mates in the Federal bureaucracy ) deploy continuous thuggery in an attempt to bludgeon US population into compliance

    Reminder – the BBC is entirely OK with that in a way that Josef Goebbels would likely be familiar with.


  8. Fedup2 says:

    BBC reports that the Chinese president and the medicated false president met yesterday . There was a press conference . Biden called his opposite number right at the end – a dictator – the medication had worn off .

    If Chi doesn’t realise Biden has dementia and that shaky Obama is running the show …. Even the dead labour leaders ‘ daughter had to report it …


    • JohnC says:

      My phone threw up an article the other day of a Left news place claiming Trump most certainly had dementia because he kept calling Biden ‘Obama’.

      Thankfully he was ridiculed in the comments where it was pointed out Trump knew exactly what he was saying.

      The author (of course) had no comment about Bidens mental state.

      THAT is the extent of the stupidity and hypocrisy we are up against.


  9. Fedup2 says:

    It seems the bbc was taken to one of the Islamic Hamas hospitals – there was a report on toady – but blink and you’d have missed it …. Bias …. ?


  10. Fedup2 says:

    Meesh on the anti Israel warpath ( no cease fire for her ) – the bbc has decided the IDF Didn’t find enough Islamic Hamas kit under a hospital – therefore Israel has committed war crimes – the coming bbc narrative ….. fortunately the red Labour bloke being interviewed swerved her attack …. But it seems the far left rebels – Hamas supporting labour MPs who were fired will be back pretty soon . Sure they’ll be missed ….


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello Fedup

      bbc also using a lawyer of Pakistani origin (Karim Khan), arrh, no conflict of interest there then


  11. Sluff says:

    It’s gratifying when items noticed by readers make it later into the press.
    So three cheers for the Telegraph.
    Page 12 today and a rather big headline.
    ‘BBC condemned by Jewish leaders over claims IDF targeted medics’
    ‘Broadcaster apologised after being accused of a ‘staggering lack of care’ in report on hospital mission’

    BBC Pro-Palestinian anti-Semitic bias. Guilty as charged.


  12. Sluff says:

    Just a thought on Rwanda.
    Let’s accept that our useless Tory government has failed on immigration policy.

    But now let’s move on and consider who they are up against.

    All the Far Left activists, the Refugee Council, Care4Calais etc.
    A lot of the legal profession, including the Supreme Court lefties.
    The consequences of dishing out legal aid.
    The entire Home Office (not fit for purpose, according to Labour 15 years ago and more)- see Telegraph page 6, ‘my home office colleagues are secretly overjoyed at this ruling’
    The Human Rights regulations, the ECHR, and the UN refugee stuff, unchanged since before air travel was normal.
    The Labour Party (who introduced mass immigration as a gerrymandering mechanism)
    The RNLI, acting as a taxi service for young male Muslims who simply ‘want a better life’- often so they can send money back to the family in their home country, a hidden part of the overseas aid budget.
    The BBC, always eager to pounce.

    I would argue that the Tories have never grasped the scale of the problem in terms of combatting opponents outside parliament. Inept maybe, but being inept doesnt reduce the problem scale.

    The Tories should get on the front foot. The message to voters should be along the lines of ‘we are trying our damndest but just look at all the forces we are up against- and no other electable mainstream party would even try’
    But alas no. Not for the first time, decent opportunities, if not open goals, are missed.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      “we are trying our damndest but just look at all the forces we are up against”
      That is the message they’re giving, unfortunately it’s just theatre, as they want mass immigration.
      They’re not the Conservative party anymore – they’re globalist run.

      If the Rwanda solution had any chance of been implemented, they wouldn’t have tried it.


  13. Eddy Booth says:

    “7:21 15 Nov
    Al-Shifa hospital on the front line again
    Yolande Knell”


    “In every past conflict with Israel, the hospital has found itself metaphorically on the front line ,.

    Hamas officials have also used the hospital as a relatively safe place to stage ad hoc wartime news conference”

    It’d be relatively convenient too, if you had a command centrer right there.
    But if the BBC refuse to believe it..


    • Guest Who says:

      Don’t pursue unqualified links, but pious platitude strategies are in vogue.

      Here’s Labour in a nutshell:

      My constituents are better than this.
      They know what prejudice looks and feels like.
      So do I, which is why I’ve stood proudly against Islamophobia as Ilford North’s MP.

      Skips past the reality to try and swing the Islam core by sucking up.

      One of the first to be eaten by the crocodile, along with his big hug media responders.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “We need immigrants because they are going to pay our pensions. Let me tell you something, a shocking fact, immigrants get old as well. An amazing fact! (Laughter) Which means if you have that model, every single year, you need to import more and more immigrants becuase you need to support that.”

        “Douglas Murray Oxford Union Multiculturalism Brexit” 2017


        Multiculturalism, like drugs, is an insidious weapon. Both destroy the heart and fabric of a people. All ties to family, community, and one’s people as a whole are destroyed by these two opiates of the human mind.


  14. Zephir says:

    This is getting utterly ridiculous now:

    “Fury as police standby and watch Pro-Palestine protesters scale Hyde Park war memorial after Parliament vote against Gaza ceasefire – with 150 more marches set to sweep the country this weekend

    Scotland Yard scrambled to defend itself last night by insisting that the pro-Palestine protesters had not broken any laws and claiming that they lacked powers to drag activists off the war memorial.”

    One comment:

    “The legislation already exists. ”Behaviour likely to provoke a breach of the peace.’ Public Order Acts. Or at Common Law. As a retired police officer I despair. ”



  15. Zephir says:

    As I posted earlier, no one but no one, even their arab neighbours wants these violent intolerant terrorists:

    I have done some quick research, which has revealed Palestinians are indeed international shit stirrers and killers:

    “A Palestinian assassin opened fire King of Jordan, Abdullah and his grandson, amid rumours that the King had been planning to sign a peace treaty with the newly established state of Israel. Abdullah died, but Hussein survived the assassination attempt and, according to witnesses, pursued the assassin.

    In 1970, Hussein expelled Palestinian fighters (fedayeen) from Jordan after they had threatened the country’s security in what became known as Black September in Jordan. ”

    “The Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon was a multi-sided armed conflict initiated by Palestinian militants against Israel in 1968 and against Lebanese Christian militias in the mid-1970s. It served as a major catalyst for the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975. Fighting between the Palestinians and the Christian militias lasted until the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, which led to the expulsion of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from Lebanese territory.”

    “The Palestinian exodus from Kuwait took place during and after the Gulf War. There were 357,000 Palestinians living in Kuwait before the country was invaded by neighbouring Iraq in August 1990.[1] The policy which led to this exodus was a response to the alignment of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in favour of the Iraqi invasion as well as PLO leader Yasser Arafat’s support for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein”


  16. MarkyMark says:

    BERLIN (Reuters) – German police seized large quantities of guns and ammunition in raids on four locations in Berlin linked to a 40-year-old German man with suspected Islamist ties, the Berlin prosecutor’s office said on Wednesday.

    The man, a German citizen with a Turkish background, had previously been convicted of weapons violations, and frequented a mosque which was under surveillance by state security, said prosecutor spokeswoman Silke Becker.



  17. The Mouse says:


    The Tory’s have had more than enough time to get on the front foot against the human right’s lawyers (left wing activists making £££), the BBC, the civil serpents, et al. As soon as Boris got the huge majority was the time to act big-time. Anyway, a great opportunity pissed away by a self publicising dope and his cabal of left leaners (only a small number are true Tories).

    Vote Reform. LibLabCon will never change and we’ll be seeing the same posts for the next decade.

    PS: There has never been a serious plan to control immigration. Rwanda (a couple of plane loads if we are lucky pre-2024 election), paying the French (merci beacoup), stopping the boats in the channel and returning (yes that could work so we better not do that!). It’s all a game of obfuscation to appease the voters. Better to pay the likes of Greece and Italy to secure their boarders and turn anyone back sailing across the English channel. When the French complain we offer to check the claims of each migrant claimant on French soil. We might even get some doctors, dentists, engineers, and families.

    By the way this would help the French in the Calais region as why would anyone travel if they know they will get turned back even if they put to sea?


  18. Doublethinker says:

    I remember immediately after the Hamas atrocities posting that several commentators and historians were optimistic that there would be a backlash against extreme Islam and lefty Islamic apologists.
    Well although in the more cerebral parts of politics and the commentariat this has been the case, in other parts it hasn’t been true. The Muslims as ever stick together ,the dumbo left are still in lock step with them and impressionable easily indoctrinated youth , brainwashed and brain dead , are jumping on the bandwagon so as to be ‘fashionable’ . The police have shown their true colours and can never again be trusted if you are British. The MSM have merely confirmed their antipathy towards Israel and preference for ABB, (anyone but Brits)
    I despair of my fellow Brits , particularly the younger generations . Can they really be so ill educated, so stupid as to think that their wrongheaded support for Palestine isn’t being used to support Hamas? Don’t they realise that their support emboldens Muslims in this country to push their agenda ever more strongly ? Can’t they realise that their easy self indulgent way of life won’t last 5 minutes if Islam takes over this country?
    Of course I think that they could , would, understand these points if the truth was ever explained to them but growing up in 21 st century UK they have been indoctrinated rather than educated and had the BBC ramming propaganda down their throats . No politician has ever had the courage to stand up to Islam and explain the dangers it brings even though most are as scared of it as we are. (Braverman excepted) Are they too far gone ever to be recoverable and even they could be recovered who is there to do it? Seems like an Islamic future .


    • MarkyMark says:

      “…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
      (Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“

      Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.

      London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.

      CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.

      Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.

      BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria



    • Foscari says:

      Islamic future Doublethinker? Yes As sure as night follows
      day. because of Muslim birth rates outstripping Cristian ones
      by 3 to 1 . It must happen in at the most four generations.
      At least the Jews in the UK will have long gone by then. And
      will have somewhere to go. BUT where will the Cristian’s


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      “The Muslims as ever stick together”

      And we in the west have had decades of promoting individualism, followed by more years of intersectionality.

      There’s no sticking together, and neither teachers nor students are able to understand how incompatible all our postmodernism is when faced with an aggressive religious totalitarianism.


  19. MarkyMark says:

    Voltaire said: “Nothing is better known than the siege of Malta.”


    Mustafa had the bodies of the knights decapitated and their bodies floated across the bay on mock crucifixes. In response, de Valette beheaded all his Turkish prisoners, loaded their heads into his cannons, and fired them into the Turkish camp.[36]


  20. AsISeeIt says:

    Lies pretence and dramatic exaggeration edition

    One becomes accustomed, not only to the editorial political bent of our various media outlets, but also to those nuances of their disperate house-styles.

    On the subject of the grammar, the semantics – and indeed the semiotics – of our media headlines, the devil is in the detail, so to speak.

    Our BBC this morning presents us with the linguistic conundrum – when and why should More than 50 be an abbreviation of 56?

    More than 50 Labour MPs defy Sir Keir to vote for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war (BBC)

    Overall, 56 Labour MPs voted for an ammendment to the king’s speech brought by the Scottish Nationalist party… (explains the Guardian in that precise near obsession with legalistic process which is the trademark of our new managerial left – some refer to it as the blob – more of that later)

    From the BBC’s soft left point of view one guesses that if you’re keen to promote the stuffed shirt that is Starmer, then why not play up this revolt among the kiddies – so boring tedious daddy looks like the adult in the room.

    Some might reflect this mass taking of the huff by prominent lefties will actually help bolster Starmer’s image as Captain Sensible: Rebels quit Labour’s frontbench over Gaza (Express); Eight MPs exit Labour frontbench over Gaza ceasefire (Guardian); Jess Phillips quit as a shadow minister… (Times) – calm down, luv

    As if either side in the conflict has any interest in what Ms Phillips and her ilk have to say. A strange hill – or rather Gazan tunnel to die on. But there is of course the ‘community’ back there in Labour constituencies to think of.

    The FT gushes over a woman’s appointment as boss of an accounting firm: EY picks Truncale as first female leader in Big Four

    We wish her well, of course. Let’s hope things go better for her than: Ex-NatWest boss Alison Rose loses out on £7.6m after Nigel Farage row (BBC)

    Let’s hope Ms Truncale’s outstanding qualification for the job wasn’t simply her uterus: Womb disease ‘not just women’s condition’ (Telegraph) – that’s the science bit, apparently. Which surprising technical news comes to us direct from the medical laboratories suspiciously hot on the heels of the emergence of: Outrage as charity for endometriosis – a painful womb condition – appoints a trans woman as CEO: Critics slam Labour activist’s appointment as an ‘insult to women’ (Daily Mail)

    There’s some pun there perhaps somewhere linking CVs and cervixes, but moving swiftly on…

    On David Cameron’s appointment as foreign secretary… I don’t like to say I told you so – but I do…

    The West is now conspiring to sell out Ukraine – frets Con Coughlin in the Telegraph NeoCon Coughlin…?

    Breaking: David Cameron makes first official visit to Ukraine (BBC)

    Ceasefire? Which ceasefire would that be then?

    While Labourites descend into a fit of anguish over a token vote for a hypothetical Israel-Gaza ceasefire, our Call-Me-Dave meanwhile may have been put in place to pour some of that cheap sanctions-busting Russian oil over the troubled waters of the Donbas

    They do say: “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes” (Benjamin Franklin, 1789)

    Inflation victory to bring inheritance tax cuts (Telegraph) – how comforting for Tory voters – to be told they have to die before they can benefit from a tax cut from this government.

    I suppose we have at last to suffer the Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express take on the Sunak small boats fiasco: PM fights back: We will deport migrants

    But in the words of that long-running TV game show Family Fortunes: Our survey said: Gambian rapist, 43, who arrived in the UK illegally before attacking a woman at knifepoint CANNOT be deported after arguing he might not be given proper medical treatment in his home country (Daily Mail); Rapist illegal immigrant who is a ‘danger to women’ can’t be deported over ‘human rights’ issue (Scottish Sun)

    Sunak: Emergency law can save Rwanda policy (Times) – despite the blob?

    PM pledges to do ‘whatever necessary’ to deport migrants after judges rule scheme unlawful (Times)

    What’s true and what’s not – explains the Times2 feature – in reference not to this Tory government’s clandestine pro-hyper-(legal)immigration and associated limp-wristed anti-illegal immigration policies – but instead sorting the lies pretence and dramatic exaggerations from the truth in the Netflix tv show The Crown

    Thinking of the Suella-Sunak falling out I’m reminded of an early Woody Allen stand up gag from the 1960s. The self-deprecating Allen would tell his audience how his wife used to behave toward him in a very immature manner. For no reason she would walk into the bathroom while he was in the bath tub. And she would sink all his boats.


  21. Fedup2 says:

    Boom boom


  22. chancygardner says:

    I am drawn to the BBC website in much the same way as a rubber-necker is drawn to stare at a major accident.

    Today I was appalled to read the sub-headline: ‘BBC enters hospital with Israeli forces and views a small cache of weapons and other items they say was found there’

    My eye landed on the awful grammatical error but by the time I had screenshot the page, someone had changed ‘was’ to ‘were’.

    However, it rather summed up the whole biased and sloppy reporting from the BBC in one small paragraph.; ‘Small’ cache, minimises the need for the assault. ‘They say’ intimates that the nasty Israelis may have planted the equipment. ‘Other items’ means ‘not important enough to list’. ”Was’ means that yet again we have issued a report without double-checking the content.

    As Terry Thomas once said; What an absolute shower!’.


    • JohnC says:

      All down to the quality of staff they are stuffed with now chancy.

      Years of ‘quota’ based agenda recruitment have filled the ranks with clueless female clones and young males who rarely have an English sounding name.

      They can be writing about Eastenders one day and the war in Ukraine the next. I suspect they mostly just copy stuff which matches the agenda from the likes of AssociatePress and The Guardian.

      When you search for them in google, they are invariably narcissists wanting to brag they work at the BBC (because they can’t believe they actually got the job) or excited children who never grew out of being in the 6th form.


  23. Foscari says:

    ” Listen up everybody. BIG BROTHER has a directive.
    Muhammad and Ayesha and in fact everybody here at
    the diversity department of the BBC. We all understand what Hamas is fighting for.
    For a start from the “river to the sea” to get rid of the Jews.
    BUT we have to be careful, when proofing news items .
    Ted that reference to the Israelis going into the Al- Shifa
    hospital shooting at the doctors as they entered was
    slightly OTT. Nobody can really object to things such as
    official death figures that Hamas give us. If they add an
    another 0 on. No ones the wiser.
    And one other thing .Next Saturdays protests for Hamas
    will take place at all the London main line stations. My
    contacts have told me. If any of you are going
    to Waterloo, Euston, King Cross, Liverpool Street,
    Paddington, Charing Cross. Make sure you are covering
    your faces. What’s that Grace? Wont the police stop it
    under the new Public Order Act? Not in a
    million years. “


  24. BRISSLES says:

    On a lighter note.
    Can anyone explain to me what a “metaverse experience” is please.


    • JohnC says:

      For me it’s opening facebook, seeing lots of the same old pictures of women pilots, women who did this, women who did that that, totally fake empathy porn stories just wanting to harvest user data and endless woke advertisements getting panned in the comments.

      The old days of seeing stories from my friends are long gone. They appear once then I never see them again.

      Or maybe they stopped posting just like I did because it’s all about generating cash now.


      • Guest Who says:

        It is varied.

        I started and still enjoy sharing stuff with mates around the globe and big files easily.

        Somehow I got lured into ads for Chinese stuff that looked fun at prices no tool could be made for and still work. Verified by Veeza.

        That then saw my data harvested to sell to desperate tabloids and even more desperate no name social media to try and lure with laughable claims of aging bimbos ‘opening up’ on their being nuts or ‘revealing’ how the feel or their saggy bits.

        Which kinda works if the model is getting hits when linkages don’t count for ad revenue.

        Like BBC subbed ‘news’.


    • Guest Who says:

      “There once was a geek called Zux,
      Wanted so to be seen in a tux,
      So created a media, worse than Wikipedia,
      And a Twitter clone that did not rhyme or work either’


    • Docmarooned says:

      Is the metaverse not a virtual woke universe where all the deviants and lunatics in existence on the planet live. My understanding is that Disney is doing its best to bring about its downfall.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Amol v the outgoing Home Sec
        ( can’t be bothered to remember who it is this week )

        Amol is a bit betterer than comrade Robinson – but sometimes I wonder how much coffee or other stimulant they have taken . Even the usually placid blue labour Home Secretary today passed a comment on amol not asking questions but just making statement – I really really wish some politician – any politician – wouid lose it with these characters and maybe deck one at most or put them in their creshe at the least …..

        At least the ‘Tory ‘ didn’t have to recite the CCHQ line that ‘ government is a team ‘ ( of losers ) and that braverman will be forgotten – which I think is more likely to happen to the green card Imposter PM …..


  25. MarkyMark says:

    Wonder what 2 million arabs made of the German “consummation areas” …

    Bonn has also erected “consummation areas”, or wooden garages clients may use to visit prostitutes.




  26. No.6 says:

    further to Zephyr’s observations on the Arab/palestinian non-loving relationship, watch this………../Users/johnfoster/Desktop/397006745_3430952360568072_7768925386871068495_n.jpg


  27. Guest Who says:

    “Ofcom is today consulting on its provisional decision to allow the BBC to proceed with its plans to extend the number of originated Welsh-language hours offered by BBC Radio Cymru 2, meaning it would become a UK public service radio station in its own right.

    In summary, we consider that the BBC’s plans will likely deliver additional public value for Welsh-language listeners. We also consider that they are unlikely to have a significant adverse impact on competition.”

    More money for more mates!


  28. Guest Who says:

    Let’s go Eastern!

    And media:

    “After years of the world forgetting how Asma and her husband Bashar killed 230,000 Syrians, and refugee’ed almost 7 million people, the two are are back in the game, making media appearances and attending conferences in China and the UAE.”

    But she is en Vogue and ‘green’, so all good.

    Next a woman from a BBC TNI, with lovely hair a face like Pelosi.


  29. Guest Who says:

    Which brings us, as ever, to checking not that which needs to be checked really, but needs dealing with.

    Oo, er… missus.

    And one for Dickie.


  30. No.6 says:

    the link I posted earlier doesn’t seem to work!!
    lets try this……https://www.facebook.com/reel/652666016937639


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Where’s the UN??

      IDF tanks are surrounding the Al Shifa hospital while our doctors are trying to perform an operation.

      Not a medical one, a military one but still!”

      “Gaza Ministry of Health official casualty figures for November 14, 2023: ∞+1”

      “Thank you @jeremycorbyn for not calling us terrorists!

      We may be murderers, rapists, kidnappers, mutilators of dead children, terrorists, suicide bombers, brainwashers of children, exploiters of civilian property & protected institutions, but we are NOT French.”


  31. Terminal Moraine says:

    R5’s Nihal continues the daily war of cultural attrition under the pretence of ‘journalism’.

    What are British values now? Ones that differ distinctly from other countries?

    Earlier in the week he hosted the author of this book (Andrews is Professor of Black Studies at Birmingham City University, founder of the Harambee Organisation of Black Unity and co-chair of the UK Black Studies Association.)



    • MarkyMark says:

      ‘Witty, energising and refreshing’ Jeffrey Boakye

      Take a step through the looking-glass to a strange land, one where Piers Morgan is a voice worth listening to about race, where white people buy self-help books to help them cope with their whiteness, where Boris Johnson and Donald Trump are seen by the majority of the population as ‘the right (white) man for the job’. Perhaps you know it. All the inhabitants seem to be afflicted by serious delusions, for example that racism doesn’t exist and if it does it can be cured with a one-hour inclusion seminar, and bizarre collective hallucinations, like the widely held idea that Britain’s only role in slavery was to abolish it.

      But there is a serious side too. Society cannot face up to the racism at its heart and in its history, so the delusions, irrationalities and hallucinations it conjures up to avoid doing so can only best be described as a psychosis, with the costs being borne by the sons and daughters of that racist history. Living in a racist world is like living in a world that bears no resemblance to reality. Black and brown people suffer from a greater number of mental health difficulties too, caused in no small part by trying to survive a racist society.

      Kehinde Andrews is your piercing, wry and not a little funny guide back to sanity, unpicking the absurd and outrageous lies society tells to keep up the status quo. The Psychosis of Whiteness is your lifeboat out of this topsy-turvy world.

      from amazon


  32. Fedup2 says:

    Not BBC

    If you are a fan of energy standing charges – why not email OFGEM during their ‘consultation ‘ period – upto 19 January with your view


    I love paying more for standing charges than I do for fuel ….


    • Fedup2 says:

      I wonder what sort of support Palestinians expect when their flag is stuck on to of British war memorials in central London watches on thinking of their overtime …… on the upside – 3 more ‘freedom fighters ‘ offed by the IDF today ….


  33. vlad says:

    Islamofascists desecrate the Royal Artillery Memorial but the BBC can’t be bothered to report it.
    The police, naturally, do sweet FA.
    According to Cleverly: “Government will look at new powers to protect war memorials”.
    ‘Look at new powers’? How wishy-washy is that?

    Over to you Sergeant Cuntstable Pisspot.



  34. MarkyMark says:


    Revealed: the Hamas chief who lives in a London council house
    Fugitive who ‘ran the group’s terrorist operations in the West Bank’ was given a British passport and has recently bought a home with £112,000 discount


  35. MarkyMark says:

    0 voted for Rishi.
    0 voted for Cameron.
    Net Zero Democracy.


  36. vlad says:

    Leo Kearse gives the media a well-deserved bashing, first and foremost our very own BBC.


  37. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Now they have got rid of Suella, who’s next?

    There’s not many left is there.
    Perhaps Lee Anderson or JRM.
    Is Esther McVey the only Brexiteer in the Cabinet, maybe her, Jenkyns or Cates.
    That’s about it.


  38. andyjsnape says:

    Al-Shifa hospital director: ‘People are screaming from thirst’

    “The director of Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza has given a press statement describing conditions at the hospital.

    He says the hospital has now run out of oxygen and water: “The conditions are tragic and those in the hospital are screaming from thirst.”

    He describes tanks surrounding the hospital, drones overhead and Israeli soldiers moving inside – particularly in the emergency department.

    He says Israeli troops have blown up Al-Shifa’s main water line. At this stage, the BBC isn’t able to independently verify what’s going on on the ground at the hospital.”

    BBC states it can’t verify the above facts, but mentions it anyway, all because someone at the hospital said!

    bbc continues to stir up trouble – this isn’t helpful bbc


    • Guest Who says:

      It is to be hoped no NHS angels yet to be retrained in hydration needs of patients have found their way there.

      Likely a bad time to sick in hospital requiring storming when patients treated in Israeli ones have returned to blow them up.

      Squaddies might not be inspired to help without checking.


  39. Terminal Moraine says:

    London schoolkids protesting. More than half the space on their signs is given to the message “Build a mass workers’ alternative to Sunak and Starmer”.

    Children of the revolution…


  40. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    How long before the bbbc are coming out with things like ‘Hamas have only 24 hours of fuel left’
    Will they be organising a fundraiser?


  41. MarkyMark says:



  42. Kaiser says:


    took them quite a while to write this article must have been the research and narrative they had to find

    so many proud Moroccans , none of whom appear to be be in morroco

    “”The uni chat groups were not looking good. There was a lot of hate and I did not feel safe to go.” (waycists)

    “We didn’t like the fact that previous coaches weren’t Moroccan,” explained Chafik. (proud Moroccan)


    • MarkyMark says:

      “It was very satisfying to beat Spain because of the long history, the long rivalry between us and them, not only in the sports, but also militarily, politically and economically. It was an extremely sweet result to get one back on them.”

      but also militarily, politically and economically – HATE CRIMES!


  43. MarkyMark says:

    How did my MP vote on Gaza ceasefire?


    Andy Slaughter, Hammersmith, Shadow Solicitor General


  44. MarkyMark says:


    A van ramned into a security guard outside the Israeli embassy in Tokyo, Japan. At least one officer injured. Police investigating. -NHK

    Three Palestinian militants opened fire at the the West Bank’s “tunnel road” checkpoint south of Jerusalem, injuring four people, including one critically. The gunmen were killed