13 July 2023
NHS staff receive pay rise
Most eligible dentists and doctors will receive at least a 6% pay rise. Pay for junior doctors will be increased by an average of around 8.8%. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/nhs-staff-receive-pay-rise
Im betting there will be no discussion of why the dutch voted for this man .. …the idea of people resisting the islam and types like khan has to be supressed whilst their population increases to control … us … good luck to wilders ..
Jyst had a – regrettable – peek at the Beeboid website!
Not a single word about Mr Wilders so far!
Had to search by putting, ‘Dutch’ in their little box, but you’d have thought that somewhere, they’d have written a little more today, than they did yesterday, but it’s soon sent to the back of the queue!
This is supposed to be an international broadcaster – clearly it isn’t!
Tories warned by MI5 that MP candidates could be Chinese spies as ex-security chief says row is ‘wake-up call’
Two candidates dropped, as ex-national security adviser warns spy row affects all of public life
Kate Devlin
Political and Whitehall Editor
Adam Forrest
Wednesday 13 September 2023
The Conservatives are understood to have dropped two potential candidates to become MPs after MI5 warned that they could be Chinese spies.
LMAO that Chinese Communist Party agents were considered suitable to stand as Tory PPCs
Just shows how far to the left this wretched party has moved.
Having said that I expect people would be over the moon that someone else would be prepared to pay a decent wage to an MP other than themselves regardless of the decisions they make.
Have a look at another Khan’s (Times Economics Editor Mehreen Khan) Twitter. It’s short on economics and long on posts showing another allegiance.
Yet she thinks the idea that the mostly peaceful Palestine demos in huge numbers across Europe have boosted Wilders’ victory is rubbish. Just how out of touch are these people? (Rhetorical Q)
Geert Wilders, one of the longest serving politicians in the Dutch parliament who propped up the first Rutte government 13 years ago, is now a thing because of “violent pro Hamas protests” according to @welt’s chief correspondent— Mehreen Khan (@MehreenKhn) November 22, 2023
@tomo – Reminder to conservatives, moderates and indigenous people everywhere: the continued threat of the far-left and radical islam is real and on our doorstep.
The Washington Post said Wilders’ win is “one of the biggest political upsets in Dutch politics since World War II, and one that is bound to send shock waves through Europe.”
The Netherlands is now third largest contributor nation to the EU with France Second and Germany first.
Since the Biden Demonrats destroyed the Nordstream pipeline Germany is absolutely screwed economically with the country de-industrialising at a rapid rate, to the delight of the lunatic greens, and the Marxist Tories failing to capitalise on the flight of German industry.
If the Netherlands do decide to leave the EU which is the only sensible thing they can do then it is difficult to see the bloc surviving. Germany and France simply cannot make up the lost revenue for Holland, and certainly not the trillions of Euros the deluded Komissars of the EU want to send to Ukraine (no doubt to be laundered back to them in part).
A so called Nexit might well be the end of the EU which should never have become a political entity and should have stayed as a trading bloc.
In view of this I think the protection wilders gets needs to be increased a lot …. I wonder what % of Dutch would vote to leave the EU – not that they’d allow a (fair ) referendum of course
With Israel exchanging 150 Palestinians for only 50 Israeli hostages where are all those shouting for proportionality?
It obviously only works one way.
Nothing much, but do you think that the Blatantly Biased Corporation is spitting feathers over Channel 5’s new programme Toy Hospital? A direct ripoff from the Repair Shop. Still, at least Gay Blades isn’t presenting it.
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
Seems the BBC are doing a version of The Batchelor where lovelies from media and politics such as Dawn Butler, Di Abbott etc via for the hand of Femi, with the winner getting to present the Today Show. Ratings gold.
I listened to our Rachel this morning on R4 – she only mentioned she worked at the Bank of England once – which unusual – and with any politician talking about the economy it’s as much about what they omit as much as they include – I can only think that red labour will end things like ISAs and reduce how much savings before tax to start filling the holes in their spending plan . .. if there really is one …. The temptation to follow on with what blue labour has done must be very strong – particularly pushing more people into the upper rate tax band ….
You have to be very careful with Doglas MaacGregor videos as most of them are simply re-hashes of old interviews by scammers making money off his back. The only real ones to watch are where you know a reliable source such as Andrew Napolitano, or his own channel.
kind of a nice story unlike most these days, from Reading:
“Feet from the flames: Terrifying moment worker trapped at the top of 16-storey burning tower desperately begs to be saved – as humble crane driver who winched him to safety says ‘it’s not been your average day at work'”
This is the terrifying moment a builder came close to being engulfed in flames, before a modest crane driver saved him from the roof of a burning £750million Reading development today. The man, who has not been named, was close to dying before Glen Edwards managed to carry out a Hollywood-style rescue and move a cage through smoke and flame to save his unnamed colleague. Before Mr Edwards, 65, had an opportunity to showcase his operator skills, footage shows the other building stranded alone on top of the One Station Hill office development close to Reading Station, as it becomes engulfed in flames. The workman uses his his coat to attract his lifesaver, as he thick clouds of toxic smoke submerge him. Under huge pressure Glen, from Egham, Surrey, then managed to expertly drop a cabin on to the top of the One Station Hill office development close to Reading Station as the building was engulfed in flames. There were huge cheers from the ground as the man jumped into the cage and was winched down to safety in scenes Mr Edwards played down his heroics, but admitted: ‘It has not been your average day at work.’
For context, following the reports of the truth of mass, unfettered immigration, this morning – the amount of people who have come in, this year alone, is 150 000 MORE people, than the ENTIRE population of Cornwall – the 16th largest county.
You know, I have never seen Dutch election winner Gert Wilders and Led Zeppelin’s guitarist Jimmy Page in the same room at the same time, make of that what you will
Why would anyone vote for blue labour when they are allowing 745 000 new arrivals into the UK ? Would red labour be any different –
Must put another pound on these fraudulent conservatives to lose – and hopefully their party dies …
I did post here a few days ago before Braverman was sacked that she was a snake in the grass, playing to the gallery saying one thing to the public whilst doing the complete opposite behind closed doors.
I also reported of the Tories plan to double migration into the country which was leaked.
None of these Marxist snakes can be trusted, but that’s the problem with very low pay and a system open to corruption where the oligarchy will pay them what the people won’t, and he who pays the piper calls the tune.
“A five-year-old girl and a woman in her 30s have been seriously injured and three other people hurt in a knife attack in Dublin city centre.
Two other children and a man in his 50s were also injured – the man is a person of interest, Irish police said.
He is being treated for serious injuries. The police said they were not looking for any other people at this time and are following a definite line of inquiry.
..gardaí are confident that there is “no terror-related activity” and that it would appear to be a “standalone attack”.
Any immigrant related theme to it ?
Sounds like he got a good kicking from the locals.
The complete lack of information about the attacker points strongly to an immigrant and they are covering it up as usual.
‘No terrorist motive’ for immigrants just means they aren’t members of ISIS. They’ve changed the definition over the last few years and it most certainly does not mean the attack was not motivated by Islam.
‘Update (0956 EST): The National Party Dublin chapter Facebook page has claimed that a migrant stabbed three children. That casualty number has not been confirmed, nor has the NP’s claims. It is worth noting the NP is a minor right-wing political party with staunch anti-immigration views.’
Well, the three children stabbed was accurate so whoever wrote that knows something.
“‘The kids were out walking. All of a sudden one of them fell to the ground, then another fell to the ground, then another falls to the ground,’ a man who saw the attack unfold told the Irish Independent.
‘Then this guy started running past’, he said, and ‘a load of people jumped on him.’
Following the attacks, a furious row broke out near the site of the stabbings, with a man being accused of ‘defending’ the attacks, with several people outraged by the incident that occurred near a school. “
Funny how what people atually want and what the msm so often want for us is at odds ?
“Europe’s swing to the right continues: How Geert Wilders’ sweeping victory in the Netherlands is just the latest example of the continent turning to ‘populist’ parties to tackle social issues
Geert Wilders’ Party For Freedom took 37 seats in yesterday’s Dutch election
MailOnline looks at the rise of the right across the continent in recent years”
The BBC have gone full-tilt over this. Apparently he’s ‘hard-right’ now and is being compared to their hated Trump.
‘The unexpectedly meaty win for controversial, hard-right politician Geert Wilders in Wednesday’s general election in the Netherlands set international headlines on fire.
Right-wing nationalists across Europe rushed to congratulate the populist politician, sometimes dubbed the Dutch Trump – partly for his dyed, bouffant-like hairdo, and partly for his famously firebrand rhetoric.’
This bitter BBC idiot gets ‘far-right’ in there 3 times and ‘hard-right’ in there twice.
I can’t recall any leftists like Corbyn and Rayner being called ‘hard-left’ or ‘far-left’ – which they most certainly are.
I did a search to see if the BBC have ever called them ‘hard-left’ and found a FOI request asking:
time for another complaint I think, at least gives me the opportunity to tell them what I think of the racist, sexist, snivelling, lying, morally bankrupt shower of shit
The arrogance the swamp shows regarding the wishes of people – voters – taxpayers – when they vote for unapproved people or parties is … obscene ….
All that liberal brainwashing – but the tide of peoples’ honest feelings and views cannot be held back for ever – sooner or later ordinary people will say ‘we are Fedup with being treated like this ‘ whether it be Holland or Poland or Italy or all of our neighbours being shafted by parasite governments – like the Uk one …
Talk TV have handed in proof of hate preaching at a number of mosques to the police who are ‘actively investigating’.
I imagine their investigating will go something like this:
– Hello Mr Moohammad, sorry to bother you but we’ve heard there might be some antisemitic hate preaching going on here.
– Absolutely not.
– Oh, well that’s alright then. Sorry to have disturbed you and Allahu Akbar.
It’s hard to believe now but many years ago when I subscribed for 25 years to Private Eye magazine this kind of humour was standard stuff. I still have the discs including floppy ones. Private Eye today? As far as I’m concerned you’ve lost the plot! R.I.P. you far Left woke twats!
STARTS The BBC has been accused by its own journalists of favouritism towards Israel and a failure to “humanise Palestinian victims” in the ongoing conflict.
In a 2,300-word letter to Al Jazeera, eight of the corporation’s UK-based journalists accused their employer of failing to “accurately” cover the Israel-Hamas conflict since the war began.
The journalists, who asked Al Jazeera not to share their identities for fear of reprisals, wrote that “humanising coverage of Palestinian civilians has been lacking” and accused the BBC of being guilty of a “double standard in how civilians are seen”.
The journalists said: “The BBC has failed to accurately tell this story – through omission and lack of critical engagement with Israel’s claims – and it has therefore failed to help the public engage with and understand the human rights abuses unfolding in Gaza.
“Thousands of Palestinians have been killed since Oct 7. When will the number be high enough for our editorial stance to change?”
The group told Al Jazeera they do not plan to send their letter to the BBC’s executives, reportedly because they do not believe it will lead to any meaningful discussions.
A BBC spokesman said the corporation’s coverage “has made clear the devastating human cost to civilians living in Gaza and Israel”.
Danny Cohen, the director of BBC Television, told The Telegraph last week that Britain’s Jews are “being harmed through its unbalanced reporting” as he accused a BBC journalist of pro-Palestine bias on her social media feed.
However, the journalists’ letter insisted that terms like “massacre” and “atrocity” are reserved “only for Hamas, framing the group as the only instigator and perpetrator of violence in the region. This is inaccurate but aligns with the BBC’s overall coverage”.
They added that the Hamas’s attack on Oct 7, “while appalling and devastating… does not justify the indiscriminate killing of thousands of Palestinian civilians, and the BBC cannot be seen to support – or fail to interrogate – the logic that it does.
“We are asking the BBC to better reflect and defer to the evidence-based findings of official and unbiased humanitarian organisations.”
The anonymous reporters said the broadcaster’s portrayal of Israel suffering was more thorough, for example telling audiences the names of victims, covering funerals and interviewing families. They said that “in comparison, humanising coverage of Palestinian civilians has been lacking”.
The journalists acknowledged “some strong isolated examples”, but said sensitively told stories about Palestinians were not “consistent”, particularly at the onset of the war.
The BBC spokesman said: “The BBC is one of the only news organisations to have journalists inside Gaza, and our journalists have been able to provide on the ground reporting, first-hand testimony and analysis on what is happening on the ground.
“This has included many stories of Palestinian victims and first-hand testimony from civilians, doctors and aid workers in Gaza, as well as a Panorama documentary, featuring human stories from both sides.
“BBC News has also examined the history and complexities of the Israel-Palestinian conflict and continues to provide historical context and explainers throughout our coverage online, on our dedicated podcast – The Conflict – and on our radio and TV news programmes.
“When interviewing either the Israeli government, Hamas, Palestinian representatives, or other leaders, we are robust, challenging and aim to hold power to account.”
The BBC has pointed to a comprehensive list of examples of its coverage of the war, which included dozens of human stories of Palestinian suffering.ENDS
I suppose the BBC will use the ‘attacked by both sides ‘ lie …
I will vote for the,so far, imaginary Party that vows to end the BBC license tax which as we know amounts to extortion.
It has a guaranteed income which is totally independent of customer satisfaction as is of course our N.H.S.
No competition = no customer service
Maybe there will be someone to vote for who has a strong voice with strong policies -able to withstand the liberal lefty onslaught … but I can’t see anyone capable …
Well at 83 years old maybe it shouldn’t matter to me one way
or another but I am British and I have a white skin and I will NEVER EVER feel guilty about that.
In other words the police were effing useless in deterring or preventing this crime. But they get to smear the very people who intervened in this crime and prevented it getting any worse.
I enjoyed the big poster saying “Irish Lives Matter”. Probably not something that concerns the garda too much!
Hitler was a Socialist. Stalin was a Socialist.
I once considered myself a Socialist.
Then I discovered that I was kidding my Self.
I am no longer a Socialist but a Realist.
Pug you’ve been taken in by BBC brainwashing. Hitler stated himself in Mein Kampf that he was a socialist and an anti capitalist.He helped to form National Socialist German Workers’ Party.-The Nazi Party.
According to Peter Hitchens, the reason the Nazi’s were called right wing is because Uncle Joe Stalin wanted his Communist Party to be more left wing than the left wing German Nazi Party. So he labelled the Nazi’s as right wing and it stuck. -Especially with the left wing press. They were competing for the same political ground. Hitler hated the Jews as he blamed them for their control of German banks during WW1 and not releasing important funds to further extend the war. Contextually, Jews were persecuted throughout Europe at the time.Hitler was influenced by citizens who were anti Semites from a young age.
Oswald Moseley was a Labour politician for 2 years prior to forming the National Socialist Nazi Blackshirts in Britain, Communist leaders of China Mao Tse Tung, Russia -Stalin, all lefties I’m afraid Pug.
Still Pug, if you want to believe the Nazi’s were right wing then prepare for a life of delusion. I hope you find this helpful.
My advice is to ignore BBC brainwashing.
The Irish Premier who is a homosexual liberal Socialist annoyed at the people for taking massive offence at his lunatic migration policies has decided to set the Irish army on its own citizens. Armoured cars on the streets is an absolute failure normally associated with Socialist regimes. How long before it happens here?
Meanwhile there are reports of Black African migrants who have banded together in order to loot Dublins shops after all what better way to express your outrage than stealing a flat screen TV and some new trainers?
I just hope it finishes Ireland as a country before it’s imported to the mainland. These progressive politicians with weird sexual proclivities are a millstone around every Irish persons neck!
It will burst eventually.
There is only so long that normal people will tolerate this deviance dressed up as “acceptable’” tolerance.
Reports from Dublin claim this was a pro Palestinian Muslim on a random stabbing, and they pointed to the events in Paris last year when babies in their prams were being stabbed.
This was threatened by Muslims, random stabbings of innocent people, the good people of Ireland however will no longer put up with the LGBTQWERTY liberal Socialist destruction of their country.
This evening everything associated with migrants, from Mosques to migrant centres are being torched, and the little puff has now brought the tanks on the streets in scenes remeniscent of the Prague Spring or Tianenmen square – this of course is the hallmark of the failure of Socialism as history shows.
Now the call has gone out to the social housing estates on the edges of the cities for them to also join in and it is looking like it might well result in a kind of civil war. Of course the elites and other assorted liberals and Socialists will be hiding away,scared of being hoisted on a lamp post in another replay of Socialist history.
Hopefully Varadkar will not survive this – politically not literally, but unless these thick skinned demagogue tyrants feel the effect personally they probably will carry on as usual.
Conor McGregor calls Ireland for war hours before mass stabbing in Dublin, riots erupt
The UFC legend went on a series of seemingly politically-charged tweets but he was proven right with a tragedy
“Conor McGregor complains about immigrants voting in Ireland
The great city of Dublin, Ireland is currently engulfed in chaos and riots just hours after rallying tweet from Conor McGregor. Five people that included three children were stabbed right outside a school on Thursday afternoon. Presumably an Algerian immigrant who was neutralized after the killing spree. As a result of the horror this generated in the Irish people, Dublin locals decided to riot and make parts of the city impossible to transit. Conor McGregor’s call to war is one of many from Irish locals who don’t agree with the country’s mass immigration indulgence from the government. Conor wrote a series of tweets about this topic and complained against the current government.
What Conor McGregor is complaining about is actually happening, he said that non-residents can vote during an election process in Ireland. A tweet directed at all the immigrants currently pouring through the Irish borders. He asked: “US allows non residents to vote? Visitors can vote? I can fly in now and register a vote in the United States elections? Surely not. However, Ireland’s current government is proposing this. A disgrace! A shame! Hang their heads in shame! The Working man is the real hero! Ireland, we are at war. Do not let any irish property be took over unannounced. Evaporate said property. It’s a war.”
What Conor McGregor wrote less than 24 hours ago is becoming more relevant after the tragedy happened in the city of Dublin. While a part of the population doesn’t agree with his point of view, these riots prove that the Irish people are not happy with the current immigration situation in the country. But newsflash, this is a phenomenon happening throughout Europe due to the two wars happening in Palestine and Ukraine. In their attempts to help the displaced immigrants, they are also turning their own people against their governments. Many are already calling for McGregor to run for office in his country. Could tonight’s events persuade him to become a politician? Stay tuned for more info on this.
Conor McGregor’s reaction to the stabbing in Dublin
As the riots took more importance on social media, McGregor wrote the following tweet: “Innocent children ruthlessly stabbed by a mentally deranged non-national in Dublin, Ireland today. Our chief of police had this to say on the riots in the aftermath. Drew, not good enough. There is grave danger among us in Ireland that should never be here in the first place, and there has been zero action done to support the public in any way, shape or form with this frightening fact. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Make change or make way. Ireland for the victory God bless those attacked today, we pray.”
When will the twats in charge realise that the middle east is a warn torn, hate filled, mysogynist, homophobic, racist shit hole because of the PEOPLE there, not the place.
The very people arriving here with all their hate and casual vicousness in massive numbers, that makes Sweden, for example, the rape capital of the west:
Read Christian Olof Emanuel Pavóns response (4th down) in the following thread and see the statistics laid bare:
“This is Ashwak Haji Hamid, a 20-year-old Yazidi girl. Thousands of Yazidi girls were kidnapped by ISIS militants in Iraq in 2014, Hamid was one of them.
ISIS militants killed thousands of men and abducted the girls. All these girls were raped day and night and sold as sex slaves.
Hamid was handed over to terrorist Abu Hamam. She was violently raped, tortured, and sold as a sex slave. Abu Hamam raped Hamid several times every day. He used to keep Hamid in handcuffs and tortured her while raping her.
The most disgusting fact is that when Abu Hamam raped Hamid several times, Hamid was just 14 years old. Hamid felt that she would be spared because she was just a child, but Abu Hamam did not leave her.
According to Hamid, ISIS militants gave girls to each other as gifts. Hamid was given to Abu Hamam for $ 100.”
“In this article, only one girl was mentioned, during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War, many members of the Jamaat-e-Islami and Pakistani Army raped 200,000 to 400,000 Bangladeshi women as genocide rapes.”
I almost burst out laughing reading this ridiculously slanted BBC report by hypocrites who are the exact opposite when it’s black people or Muslims causing the unrest in Londonistan.
So I sifted through the political BBC rhetoric trying to find out who actually did it – and found almost nothing. When they write a partial description like:
‘Sources have indicated to the BBC that the man suspected of carrying out the attack is an Irish citizen, who has lived in the country for 20 years’
I smell a BIG rat. So is he Algerian after all BBC ?. I’m simply amazed your ‘source’ could not include that information one way or another.
If he DOES turn out to be Algerian, that will be the biggest agenda-driven lie by omission I’ve seen on the BBC for a long time. And I’ve seen a LOT.
The common technique of failing to give details in such cases causes more harm – people are not stupid and read between the lines of omission –
The British government is complicit with the MSM in lies / omissions to keep the lid on – the mostly peaceful riot in Dublin will remind the State of the need to lie to us …. But in the end thing will just get worse and more violent .
Terminal MoraineMar 14, 12:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 There is a noticeable absence of interest or countering voices to Starmer abolishing NHS England. BBC are fine with jumping…
vladMar 14, 12:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Douglas Murray clash with Nigel Farage & Matt Goodwin “No point in Reform without mass deportations” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB_j17IDQgo
tomoMar 14, 12:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img]https://i.ibb.co/99ts71KL/berk-starmer.jpg[/img]
tomoMar 14, 12:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 UN judge claims immunity… https://twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1900512166865772677
JohnCMar 14, 12:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 More Right vs Left Lucy. And the majority of English people have right-wing views now. The extreme response of Starmers…
taffmanMar 14, 11:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 We are being invaded ! Our jails are being filled up with foreign criminals. Time to get rid of the…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 11:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 “What was most mind-blowing, she said, was the revelation from 1993 when the FBI wiretapped Hamas members in a Philadelphia…
Fedup2Mar 14, 11:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 Good to see the UN judge convicted of slavery in Oxford has found attention in the US …. The left…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 14, 11:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 The “mountain” scenes were filmed here in Snowdonia.
My mind plays up . I recall – just a couple of years ago – there was need to put up National Insurance to ‘ save the NHS’ maybe thats been done ….
I notice though that the excuse for high taxes is to pay off covid debt … which didnt get a mention in parliament yesterday at all …
13 July 2023
NHS staff receive pay rise
Most eligible dentists and doctors will receive at least a 6% pay rise. Pay for junior doctors will be increased by an average of around 8.8%.
Fed, no, NI was increased while Johnson was PM in order to pay for social care and Care Homes.
Yes that’s what I meant – more blue labour lies – now back to the 1 o00 000 ‘new arrivals ‘ presided over by a s—t regime
A turd lawyer and bureaucratic larcenist opines…
Can’t see that they’ve done it to themselves….
Im betting there will be no discussion of why the dutch voted for this man .. …the idea of people resisting the islam and types like khan has to be supressed whilst their population increases to control … us … good luck to wilders ..
Mecca to allow LGBT Jews in the name of progress?
Jyst had a – regrettable – peek at the Beeboid website!
Not a single word about Mr Wilders so far!
Had to search by putting, ‘Dutch’ in their little box, but you’d have thought that somewhere, they’d have written a little more today, than they did yesterday, but it’s soon sent to the back of the queue!
This is supposed to be an international broadcaster – clearly it isn’t!
Omission is the greatest lie!
Tories warned by MI5 that MP candidates could be Chinese spies as ex-security chief says row is ‘wake-up call’
Two candidates dropped, as ex-national security adviser warns spy row affects all of public life
Kate Devlin
Political and Whitehall Editor
Adam Forrest
Wednesday 13 September 2023
The Conservatives are understood to have dropped two potential candidates to become MPs after MI5 warned that they could be Chinese spies.
LMAO that Chinese Communist Party agents were considered suitable to stand as Tory PPCs
Just shows how far to the left this wretched party has moved.
Having said that I expect people would be over the moon that someone else would be prepared to pay a decent wage to an MP other than themselves regardless of the decisions they make.
Have a look at another Khan’s (Times Economics Editor Mehreen Khan) Twitter. It’s short on economics and long on posts showing another allegiance.
Yet she thinks the idea that the mostly peaceful Palestine demos in huge numbers across Europe have boosted Wilders’ victory is rubbish. Just how out of touch are these people? (Rhetorical Q)
Hello Tomo
“our values” apparently? Another 1 out of touch with true Brits
@tomo – Reminder to conservatives, moderates and indigenous people everywhere: the continued threat of the far-left and radical islam is real and on our doorstep.
Perhaps we should have ULIZ zones Ultra Low Islam Zones.
Dear little khant
You don’t have ‘our values’. That is why you have to drive around in a bullet proof convoy of Chelsea tractors.
Dutch election: Anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders wins dramatic victory
bbc quotes “Veteran anti-Islam populist leader Geert Wilders has won..”
Veteran is 60 yrs old, what does that make Biden then
“Stop the boats”!
Only one party will do that, The Reform Party .
We should be billing Israel for this, after all it’s entirely their fault we are having to fork out for him.
Vile hate preacher Anjem Choudary applies for £73-a-week benefits he once dubbed ‘Jihad Seeker’s Allowance’ just days after jail release
After the Tottenham riots “you can’t say that” Kay was pegged not just as a woke TV dolly but also truly special.
Trying to out Mishal Mishal is next level.
Dutch news:-
European right welcomes Wilders’ “shockwave” win
Compared to the output by the bbc
The Washington Post said Wilders’ win is “one of the biggest political upsets in Dutch politics since World War II, and one that is bound to send shock waves through Europe.”
The Netherlands is now third largest contributor nation to the EU with France Second and Germany first.
Since the Biden Demonrats destroyed the Nordstream pipeline Germany is absolutely screwed economically with the country de-industrialising at a rapid rate, to the delight of the lunatic greens, and the Marxist Tories failing to capitalise on the flight of German industry.
If the Netherlands do decide to leave the EU which is the only sensible thing they can do then it is difficult to see the bloc surviving. Germany and France simply cannot make up the lost revenue for Holland, and certainly not the trillions of Euros the deluded Komissars of the EU want to send to Ukraine (no doubt to be laundered back to them in part).
A so called Nexit might well be the end of the EU which should never have become a political entity and should have stayed as a trading bloc.
In view of this I think the protection wilders gets needs to be increased a lot …. I wonder what % of Dutch would vote to leave the EU – not that they’d allow a (fair ) referendum of course
With Israel exchanging 150 Palestinians for only 50 Israeli hostages where are all those shouting for proportionality?
It obviously only works one way.
Proportional Repatriation, you know it makes sense.
its about equal on an IQ points basis
“NHS Wales: Hospital waiting times hit record high again”
I wonder why ?
Nothing much, but do you think that the Blatantly Biased Corporation is spitting feathers over Channel 5’s new programme Toy Hospital? A direct ripoff from the Repair Shop. Still, at least Gay Blades isn’t presenting it.
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
As ever, the BBC backs a knackered mare and affords her credibility where none exists.
YouTuber Nella Rose questions Nigel Farage’s politics on I’m a Celebrity
Seems the BBC are doing a version of The Batchelor where lovelies from media and politics such as Dawn Butler, Di Abbott etc via for the hand of Femi, with the winner getting to present the Today Show. Ratings gold.
When the BBC is is not running what Rachel Reeves ‘says’…
Households to be £1,900 poorer at end of parliament
I listened to our Rachel this morning on R4 – she only mentioned she worked at the Bank of England once – which unusual – and with any politician talking about the economy it’s as much about what they omit as much as they include – I can only think that red labour will end things like ISAs and reduce how much savings before tax to start filling the holes in their spending plan . .. if there really is one …. The temptation to follow on with what blue labour has done must be very strong – particularly pushing more people into the upper rate tax band ….
You have to be very careful with Doglas MaacGregor videos as most of them are simply re-hashes of old interviews by scammers making money off his back. The only real ones to watch are where you know a reliable source such as Andrew Napolitano, or his own channel.
kind of a nice story unlike most these days, from Reading:
“Feet from the flames: Terrifying moment worker trapped at the top of 16-storey burning tower desperately begs to be saved – as humble crane driver who winched him to safety says ‘it’s not been your average day at work'”
This is the terrifying moment a builder came close to being engulfed in flames, before a modest crane driver saved him from the roof of a burning £750million Reading development today. The man, who has not been named, was close to dying before Glen Edwards managed to carry out a Hollywood-style rescue and move a cage through smoke and flame to save his unnamed colleague. Before Mr Edwards, 65, had an opportunity to showcase his operator skills, footage shows the other building stranded alone on top of the One Station Hill office development close to Reading Station, as it becomes engulfed in flames. The workman uses his his coat to attract his lifesaver, as he thick clouds of toxic smoke submerge him. Under huge pressure Glen, from Egham, Surrey, then managed to expertly drop a cabin on to the top of the One Station Hill office development close to Reading Station as the building was engulfed in flames. There were huge cheers from the ground as the man jumped into the cage and was winched down to safety in scenes Mr Edwards played down his heroics, but admitted: ‘It has not been your average day at work.’
But, at least they won’t be singing sea shanties
You know, I have never seen Dutch election winner Gert Wilders and Led Zeppelin’s guitarist Jimmy Page in the same room at the same time, make of that what you will
BBC TNI partner?
Why would anyone vote for blue labour when they are allowing 745 000 new arrivals into the UK ? Would red labour be any different –
Must put another pound on these fraudulent conservatives to lose – and hopefully their party dies …
Think it was 1.2 million new in?
Guess there’s still people who haven’t realised it’s deliberate and will vote Conservative again.
I did post here a few days ago before Braverman was sacked that she was a snake in the grass, playing to the gallery saying one thing to the public whilst doing the complete opposite behind closed doors.
I also reported of the Tories plan to double migration into the country which was leaked.
None of these Marxist snakes can be trusted, but that’s the problem with very low pay and a system open to corruption where the oligarchy will pay them what the people won’t, and he who pays the piper calls the tune.
They’ll be gone in a year – it will be tricky for red labour to be any worse
Who is voting Tory now ?
“A five-year-old girl and a woman in her 30s have been seriously injured and three other people hurt in a knife attack in Dublin city centre.
Two other children and a man in his 50s were also injured – the man is a person of interest, Irish police said.
He is being treated for serious injuries. The police said they were not looking for any other people at this time and are following a definite line of inquiry.
..gardaí are confident that there is “no terror-related activity” and that it would appear to be a “standalone attack”.
Any immigrant related theme to it ?
Sounds like he got a good kicking from the locals.
Lots of rumours, but one is of a poor ex husband and an intransigent entitled ex denying access.
The complete lack of information about the attacker points strongly to an immigrant and they are covering it up as usual.
‘No terrorist motive’ for immigrants just means they aren’t members of ISIS. They’ve changed the definition over the last few years and it most certainly does not mean the attack was not motivated by Islam.
‘Update (0956 EST): The National Party Dublin chapter Facebook page has claimed that a migrant stabbed three children. That casualty number has not been confirmed, nor has the NP’s claims. It is worth noting the NP is a minor right-wing political party with staunch anti-immigration views.’
Well, the three children stabbed was accurate so whoever wrote that knows something.
“‘The kids were out walking. All of a sudden one of them fell to the ground, then another fell to the ground, then another falls to the ground,’ a man who saw the attack unfold told the Irish Independent.
‘Then this guy started running past’, he said, and ‘a load of people jumped on him.’
Following the attacks, a furious row broke out near the site of the stabbings, with a man being accused of ‘defending’ the attacks, with several people outraged by the incident that occurred near a school. “
Some comments below the article in the DM:
“Go to Dublin and see for yourself. It’s unrecognisable from 20 years ago and I don’t refer to the infrastructure.”
“And the governments across Europe are to blame. No thoughts on our safety. Those poor people deserve better.”
“Lots of people witnessed this atrocious act yet there seems to be no description of the assailant. ”
Some claim this is the attacker?
Looks very possible.
I wonder where he’s from.
Champagne corks popping at the bbc….. “He’s white !”
hang on he’s Albanian…..
Another comment:
“See it doesn’t make BBC News at 6. Why?”
waiting to find out the ethnicity of the perp no doubt, if white and right wing it’ll be bloody bbc headlines for days
Time for elected judges maybe ?
“Afghan refugee asked three boys for sex after being released from immigration detention
High Court found indefinite detention unlawful
Asylum seekers released into the community”
Deport the scumbag judges.
Enemies of the realm.
Funny how what people atually want and what the msm so often want for us is at odds ?
“Europe’s swing to the right continues: How Geert Wilders’ sweeping victory in the Netherlands is just the latest example of the continent turning to ‘populist’ parties to tackle social issues
Geert Wilders’ Party For Freedom took 37 seats in yesterday’s Dutch election
MailOnline looks at the rise of the right across the continent in recent years”
Geert Wilders’ victory in Netherlands election spooks Europe
The BBC have gone full-tilt over this. Apparently he’s ‘hard-right’ now and is being compared to their hated Trump.
‘The unexpectedly meaty win for controversial, hard-right politician Geert Wilders in Wednesday’s general election in the Netherlands set international headlines on fire.
Right-wing nationalists across Europe rushed to congratulate the populist politician, sometimes dubbed the Dutch Trump – partly for his dyed, bouffant-like hairdo, and partly for his famously firebrand rhetoric.’
This bitter BBC idiot gets ‘far-right’ in there 3 times and ‘hard-right’ in there twice.
I can’t recall any leftists like Corbyn and Rayner being called ‘hard-left’ or ‘far-left’ – which they most certainly are.
I did a search to see if the BBC have ever called them ‘hard-left’ and found a FOI request asking:
The BBCs definition of the term ‘hard left’ and ‘far left’
And it came as no surprise to me at all that they refused to answer it. Like every request aimed at their agenda.
time for another complaint I think, at least gives me the opportunity to tell them what I think of the racist, sexist, snivelling, lying, morally bankrupt shower of shit
The arrogance the swamp shows regarding the wishes of people – voters – taxpayers – when they vote for unapproved people or parties is … obscene ….
All that liberal brainwashing – but the tide of peoples’ honest feelings and views cannot be held back for ever – sooner or later ordinary people will say ‘we are Fedup with being treated like this ‘ whether it be Holland or Poland or Italy or all of our neighbours being shafted by parasite governments – like the Uk one …
At 19.10 finally hit the bbc front page after they finally establish he was white
It has been in the Daily Mail since 14.25 today
“trusted news source” my arse
Talk TV have handed in proof of hate preaching at a number of mosques to the police who are ‘actively investigating’.
I imagine their investigating will go something like this:
– Hello Mr Moohammad, sorry to bother you but we’ve heard there might be some antisemitic hate preaching going on here.
– Absolutely not.
– Oh, well that’s alright then. Sorry to have disturbed you and Allahu Akbar.
It’s hard to believe now but many years ago when I subscribed for 25 years to Private Eye magazine this kind of humour was standard stuff. I still have the discs including floppy ones. Private Eye today? As far as I’m concerned you’ve lost the plot! R.I.P. you far Left woke twats!
Private Eye and Ian Hislop used to be cutting edge and funny.
Now, neither are neither.
Seems all is not unity in BBC world – from the DT
STARTS The BBC has been accused by its own journalists of favouritism towards Israel and a failure to “humanise Palestinian victims” in the ongoing conflict.
In a 2,300-word letter to Al Jazeera, eight of the corporation’s UK-based journalists accused their employer of failing to “accurately” cover the Israel-Hamas conflict since the war began.
The journalists, who asked Al Jazeera not to share their identities for fear of reprisals, wrote that “humanising coverage of Palestinian civilians has been lacking” and accused the BBC of being guilty of a “double standard in how civilians are seen”.
The journalists said: “The BBC has failed to accurately tell this story – through omission and lack of critical engagement with Israel’s claims – and it has therefore failed to help the public engage with and understand the human rights abuses unfolding in Gaza.
“Thousands of Palestinians have been killed since Oct 7. When will the number be high enough for our editorial stance to change?”
The group told Al Jazeera they do not plan to send their letter to the BBC’s executives, reportedly because they do not believe it will lead to any meaningful discussions.
A BBC spokesman said the corporation’s coverage “has made clear the devastating human cost to civilians living in Gaza and Israel”.
Danny Cohen, the director of BBC Television, told The Telegraph last week that Britain’s Jews are “being harmed through its unbalanced reporting” as he accused a BBC journalist of pro-Palestine bias on her social media feed.
However, the journalists’ letter insisted that terms like “massacre” and “atrocity” are reserved “only for Hamas, framing the group as the only instigator and perpetrator of violence in the region. This is inaccurate but aligns with the BBC’s overall coverage”.
They added that the Hamas’s attack on Oct 7, “while appalling and devastating… does not justify the indiscriminate killing of thousands of Palestinian civilians, and the BBC cannot be seen to support – or fail to interrogate – the logic that it does.
“We are asking the BBC to better reflect and defer to the evidence-based findings of official and unbiased humanitarian organisations.”
The anonymous reporters said the broadcaster’s portrayal of Israel suffering was more thorough, for example telling audiences the names of victims, covering funerals and interviewing families. They said that “in comparison, humanising coverage of Palestinian civilians has been lacking”.
The journalists acknowledged “some strong isolated examples”, but said sensitively told stories about Palestinians were not “consistent”, particularly at the onset of the war.
The BBC spokesman said: “The BBC is one of the only news organisations to have journalists inside Gaza, and our journalists have been able to provide on the ground reporting, first-hand testimony and analysis on what is happening on the ground.
“This has included many stories of Palestinian victims and first-hand testimony from civilians, doctors and aid workers in Gaza, as well as a Panorama documentary, featuring human stories from both sides.
“BBC News has also examined the history and complexities of the Israel-Palestinian conflict and continues to provide historical context and explainers throughout our coverage online, on our dedicated podcast – The Conflict – and on our radio and TV news programmes.
“When interviewing either the Israeli government, Hamas, Palestinian representatives, or other leaders, we are robust, challenging and aim to hold power to account.”
The BBC has pointed to a comprehensive list of examples of its coverage of the war, which included dozens of human stories of Palestinian suffering.ENDS
I suppose the BBC will use the ‘attacked by both sides ‘ lie …
I will vote for the,so far, imaginary Party that vows to end the BBC license tax which as we know amounts to extortion.
It has a guaranteed income which is totally independent of customer satisfaction as is of course our N.H.S.
No competition = no customer service
Maybe there will be someone to vote for who has a strong voice with strong policies -able to withstand the liberal lefty onslaught … but I can’t see anyone capable …
Well at 83 years old maybe it shouldn’t matter to me one way
or another but I am British and I have a white skin and I will NEVER EVER feel guilty about that.
Reform or UKIP ?
“It appears that bystanders and eyewitnesses have played a huge role in bringing this incident to a halt,” Murphy said
In other words the police were effing useless in deterring or preventing this crime. But they get to smear the very people who intervened in this crime and prevented it getting any worse.
I enjoyed the big poster saying “Irish Lives Matter”. Probably not something that concerns the garda too much!
Hitler was a Socialist. Stalin was a Socialist.
I once considered myself a Socialist.
Then I discovered that I was kidding my Self.
I am no longer a Socialist but a Realist.
Pug you’ve been taken in by BBC brainwashing. Hitler stated himself in Mein Kampf that he was a socialist and an anti capitalist.He helped to form National Socialist German Workers’ Party.-The Nazi Party.
According to Peter Hitchens, the reason the Nazi’s were called right wing is because Uncle Joe Stalin wanted his Communist Party to be more left wing than the left wing German Nazi Party. So he labelled the Nazi’s as right wing and it stuck. -Especially with the left wing press. They were competing for the same political ground. Hitler hated the Jews as he blamed them for their control of German banks during WW1 and not releasing important funds to further extend the war. Contextually, Jews were persecuted throughout Europe at the time.Hitler was influenced by citizens who were anti Semites from a young age.
Oswald Moseley was a Labour politician for 2 years prior to forming the National Socialist Nazi Blackshirts in Britain, Communist leaders of China Mao Tse Tung, Russia -Stalin, all lefties I’m afraid Pug.
Still Pug, if you want to believe the Nazi’s were right wing then prepare for a life of delusion. I hope you find this helpful.
My advice is to ignore BBC brainwashing.
The best way is to see who in the current political landscape is closest to the National Socialists. I suspect it’s the media/liberal/pink hair
allegedly arab
paddys kicking off
The Irish Premier who is a homosexual liberal Socialist annoyed at the people for taking massive offence at his lunatic migration policies has decided to set the Irish army on its own citizens. Armoured cars on the streets is an absolute failure normally associated with Socialist regimes. How long before it happens here?
Meanwhile there are reports of Black African migrants who have banded together in order to loot Dublins shops after all what better way to express your outrage than stealing a flat screen TV and some new trainers?
Irish politics has an overabundance of utter twerps
I just hope it finishes Ireland as a country before it’s imported to the mainland. These progressive politicians with weird sexual proclivities are a millstone around every Irish persons neck!
It will burst eventually.
There is only so long that normal people will tolerate this deviance dressed up as “acceptable’” tolerance.
So has our politics.
Horrorbin opines on politics…
Nasty little eco-marxist
BBC being very cagey about some total arsehole who stabbed some little kids in Ireland….
I’ll put money on it!
Our great and good will keep the truth from us as long as they can for “diversity” reasons of course….
Reports from Dublin claim this was a pro Palestinian Muslim on a random stabbing, and they pointed to the events in Paris last year when babies in their prams were being stabbed.
This was threatened by Muslims, random stabbings of innocent people, the good people of Ireland however will no longer put up with the LGBTQWERTY liberal Socialist destruction of their country.
This evening everything associated with migrants, from Mosques to migrant centres are being torched, and the little puff has now brought the tanks on the streets in scenes remeniscent of the Prague Spring or Tianenmen square – this of course is the hallmark of the failure of Socialism as history shows.
Now the call has gone out to the social housing estates on the edges of the cities for them to also join in and it is looking like it might well result in a kind of civil war. Of course the elites and other assorted liberals and Socialists will be hiding away,scared of being hoisted on a lamp post in another replay of Socialist history.
Hopefully Varadkar will not survive this – politically not literally, but unless these thick skinned demagogue tyrants feel the effect personally they probably will carry on as usual.
Go Irish normal people, take your country back from these disgusting deviants.
Eddy Booth
The way our government is going they will go the same way .
Take note Tory MPs , time to jump ship?
Do you pay the Telly Tax ?
How prescient, 24 hours ago:
Conor McGregor calls Ireland for war hours before mass stabbing in Dublin, riots erupt
The UFC legend went on a series of seemingly politically-charged tweets but he was proven right with a tragedy
“Conor McGregor complains about immigrants voting in Ireland
The great city of Dublin, Ireland is currently engulfed in chaos and riots just hours after rallying tweet from Conor McGregor. Five people that included three children were stabbed right outside a school on Thursday afternoon. Presumably an Algerian immigrant who was neutralized after the killing spree. As a result of the horror this generated in the Irish people, Dublin locals decided to riot and make parts of the city impossible to transit. Conor McGregor’s call to war is one of many from Irish locals who don’t agree with the country’s mass immigration indulgence from the government. Conor wrote a series of tweets about this topic and complained against the current government.
What Conor McGregor is complaining about is actually happening, he said that non-residents can vote during an election process in Ireland. A tweet directed at all the immigrants currently pouring through the Irish borders. He asked: “US allows non residents to vote? Visitors can vote? I can fly in now and register a vote in the United States elections? Surely not. However, Ireland’s current government is proposing this. A disgrace! A shame! Hang their heads in shame! The Working man is the real hero! Ireland, we are at war. Do not let any irish property be took over unannounced. Evaporate said property. It’s a war.”
What Conor McGregor wrote less than 24 hours ago is becoming more relevant after the tragedy happened in the city of Dublin. While a part of the population doesn’t agree with his point of view, these riots prove that the Irish people are not happy with the current immigration situation in the country. But newsflash, this is a phenomenon happening throughout Europe due to the two wars happening in Palestine and Ukraine. In their attempts to help the displaced immigrants, they are also turning their own people against their governments. Many are already calling for McGregor to run for office in his country. Could tonight’s events persuade him to become a politician? Stay tuned for more info on this.
Conor McGregor’s reaction to the stabbing in Dublin
As the riots took more importance on social media, McGregor wrote the following tweet: “Innocent children ruthlessly stabbed by a mentally deranged non-national in Dublin, Ireland today. Our chief of police had this to say on the riots in the aftermath. Drew, not good enough. There is grave danger among us in Ireland that should never be here in the first place, and there has been zero action done to support the public in any way, shape or form with this frightening fact. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Make change or make way. Ireland for the victory God bless those attacked today, we pray.”
When will the twats in charge realise that the middle east is a warn torn, hate filled, mysogynist, homophobic, racist shit hole because of the PEOPLE there, not the place.
The very people arriving here with all their hate and casual vicousness in massive numbers, that makes Sweden, for example, the rape capital of the west:
Read Christian Olof Emanuel Pavóns response (4th down) in the following thread and see the statistics laid bare:
Is Sweden being destroyed by immigration?
We can add many parts of Africa and the Carribean to this sub human litany of shame
People like this:
“This is Ashwak Haji Hamid, a 20-year-old Yazidi girl. Thousands of Yazidi girls were kidnapped by ISIS militants in Iraq in 2014, Hamid was one of them.
ISIS militants killed thousands of men and abducted the girls. All these girls were raped day and night and sold as sex slaves.
Hamid was handed over to terrorist Abu Hamam. She was violently raped, tortured, and sold as a sex slave. Abu Hamam raped Hamid several times every day. He used to keep Hamid in handcuffs and tortured her while raping her.
The most disgusting fact is that when Abu Hamam raped Hamid several times, Hamid was just 14 years old. Hamid felt that she would be spared because she was just a child, but Abu Hamam did not leave her.
According to Hamid, ISIS militants gave girls to each other as gifts. Hamid was given to Abu Hamam for $ 100.”
“In this article, only one girl was mentioned, during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War, many members of the Jamaat-e-Islami and Pakistani Army raped 200,000 to 400,000 Bangladeshi women as genocide rapes.”
Police chief blames Dublin riot on ‘far-right hooligans’
I almost burst out laughing reading this ridiculously slanted BBC report by hypocrites who are the exact opposite when it’s black people or Muslims causing the unrest in Londonistan.
So I sifted through the political BBC rhetoric trying to find out who actually did it – and found almost nothing. When they write a partial description like:
‘Sources have indicated to the BBC that the man suspected of carrying out the attack is an Irish citizen, who has lived in the country for 20 years’
I smell a BIG rat. So is he Algerian after all BBC ?. I’m simply amazed your ‘source’ could not include that information one way or another.
If he DOES turn out to be Algerian, that will be the biggest agenda-driven lie by omission I’ve seen on the BBC for a long time. And I’ve seen a LOT.
The common technique of failing to give details in such cases causes more harm – people are not stupid and read between the lines of omission –
The British government is complicit with the MSM in lies / omissions to keep the lid on – the mostly peaceful riot in Dublin will remind the State of the need to lie to us …. But in the end thing will just get worse and more violent .
I see they have started to hint at a mental condition, the usual total bullshit to justify their pathetic attempts to cover the truth.
Money on refusal to name this creature on mental grounds ….
“Far right to object to a 5 year old getting stabbed”
“Concentrating on looting like they never did during the BLM protests”
bbc: remember “fiery but mostly peaceful” ?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
This applies to the Left and the BBC today just as much as it applied in 1962.