“soldiers moved into shipping containers, whilst hundreds of thousands of immigrants arrive and it is illegal and inhumane to put them on a barge or a hotel”
“Police probe claims of antisemitic hate speech at mosques in major English cities
The clips were all translated twice independently to ensure the meaning was accurate.
It comes after TalkTV reported that leaked footage showed preachers calling for Jews to be killed and Israel to be destroyed during sermons at mosques in London, Birmingham, Liverpool and Northampton.
Alleged footage from a sermon at the Redbridge Islamic Centre in Ilford, east London, shows one speaker praying with his congregation in Arabic to “curse the Jews and the children of Israel” and to “tear apart their Jewish community and ruin their houses”.
Another clip reported to be from a Liverpool mosque shows a preacher telling his audience to “march on Israel” and to kill Jews “indiscriminately”. All the clips were translated twice independently.”
Meesh interviews Dickie Tice – the leader of Reform Party . He got about 3 minutes – or maybe less – I reckon 90 seconds of this was meesh . Dickie failed to get one big message across –
Every day the BBC goes on about strains and failures in public services – but the key is huge increases in the population – causing health -education – law and order – to become more stressed as well as the benefits bill going up ….
It’s a pity mr tice isn’t good enough to represent true Conservatives … he gave meesh an easy hit …. I was doing the maths – 750 000 foreigners arriving per year 62500 a month – which is 2054 A DAY ….. add another 1000 illegals a day …..
Every year ….
“Lots of journalists physically attached and threatened in Dublin tonight including myself and my colleague. Photographers and anyone identifiable as a journalist seen as a target by elements in the crowd”
“Imagine calling the people of Ireland FAR RIGHT for years and then wondering why they hate journalists.”
“There is no such thing as a “journalist” anymore. You’ve abused and used the public’s trust for far too long, any protections you had been afforded as a “journalist” no longer exist. Take a long hard look in the mirror.”
Lots of journalists physically attached and threatened in Dublin tonight including myself and my colleague. Photographers and anyone identifiable as a journalist seen as a target by elements in the crowd
Zephir – I’m still surprised they are not regularly targeted – there is a price for telling lies …..
.. and up comes ‘far right ‘ again – whether it’s Dublin Yobs or the new PM of Holland ( maybe ) – the journo vermin throw ‘far right ‘ around for anyone ‘unapproved ‘ … which helps no one .
Funny that the MSM is careful over some descriptions – eg Islamic Hamas Terrorists – but loose on ‘far right ‘….
These lying left-wing activists are slowly destroying Western society.
The worst thing is that when they eventually start to realise what they have done, it will be too late. The critical mass will be there.
We aren’t far away from that already. We have a Muslim leader of the SNP, a Muslim Mayor of London and our PM is an Indian billionaire.
What I do find amusing about all this hypocrisy is how the self-proclaimed champions of equal rights – the Labour party – are the only party never to have had a woman leader. A fact shamelessly ignored by the BBC.
Reminds me of Eddy in ‘Love Thy Neighbour’. A far-left union man with an ‘anti racial discrimination’ sticker on his car. Turns out to be the biggest racist of anyone when he personally is affected by it. An early example of gross leftist hypocrisy which we now see prevalant across the BBC.
Zephir- What’s your problem? It’s diversity, inclusiveness.
E Mail that Irish lass Orla Guerin she will explain all
the wonderful benefits the Irish get from these
great immigrant folk.
They put on that Timmy Garten Ash – one of those guardian type EU traitors who infest the BBC – he cares less about huge numbers of foreigners arriving in Europe – and – naturally – the true populations object – such as Holland – Italy – see the adverse effect of a wave of third world rubbish – people will object with this going on …..
They threw in Frau Katya Adler for the BBC EU propaganda ( it’s all great ) but it’s a dog that don’t hunt ……
Good for the Dutch ….. I wish we really had representation ( it’s not the inept tice or reform ) ….
The press is reporting that plod in Dagenham shot a man dead in his flat last night …. But it’s not on the BBC radio news ….. does this mean that shooting people dead is so common now that it’s not news … ? Or maybe something else …..? Guess ..
Maybe OFCOM would be better occupied not trying to please Femi on GB News or Farage?
Currently rated helpful
Directly addresses the post’s claim · Easy to understand
The list of the Palestinian prisoners includes their offenses. None of the prisoners are kept for raising a Palestinian flag.
But sure, TV broadcasters need their Alexes, Kays, Orlas, Jeremys and Jons…
Guest – I reported on the Far Left Timmy garton ash ( above ) telling us mass immigration is great – but there was no ‘balance ‘ in the way BBCOFCOM demand – will there be ‘complaints?’ ‘Action ‘?no …
Toady – worried about ‘far right ‘ Dublin . The unnamed man who went on a mostly peaceful stabbing spree – trying to kill kids – has been an ‘Irish national ‘ for 20 years . But it seems he is 42 years old . Now let me work this out …. It means he wasn’t an ‘Irish national ‘ for the first 22 years of his life ….
The BBC is at pains to say about being ‘Irish ‘ for 20 years …. So we know the truth – by omission …. Will his name be released any time soon ? I doubt it …
A clean-up operation is under way in Dublin after rioters looted shops, set cars alight and attacked police during several hours of violence in the city centre last night. Police blamed far-right protesters for the trouble, which broke out after a woman and three children were hurt in a stabbing near a school. Police say a man in his 40s, who was also seriously injured, is a person of interest.”
You have to laugh at the utter garbage these political assholes spout. “These riots do not reflect the ordinary Irish people” Absolute shit! They really do and uncontrolled legal and illegal immigration is wrecking western society. These lefty clowns need to be removed.
Gerry Wilders is an extremist.
I heard it on Toady this morning. So it must be true . LOL.
Crucially this description, by either Useless or the Bee Lady, was done in a context not as a quote by someone else, not reflecting back the comment of an interviewee, but a straight description.
It was followed by some Professor who clearly prefers the UK and Europe as an open door mass immigration centre.
Shortly after, the riots in Dublin were arrived to the Far Right.
In BBCLand, anyone who opposes unfettered mass immigration is a Far Right extremist. Case proved.
I get massively annoyed when I type ‘its’ but it gets changed to ‘it’s’, regardless of context. Like American based android knows anything about the English language, or anything else.
“The major driver of these immigration figures is healthcare workers – who would you not have?”
@MishalHusain asks Reform UK’s Richard Tice, who tells #R4Today he would ‘welcome high-qualified immigration’, but ‘the government have betrayed’ the public as numbers reach 745,000.
I am trying to understand the level of incompetence the Tories have inflicted upon us, both in terms of the management of our economy and shaping of our society. It is beyond words in terms of stupidity. Or is it intentional?
I’ve recently noted that Britain has a falling birth rate of just 1.6 and is predicted to fall further next year to 1.45. In order to maintain an order equilibrium to the population the country needs to hit a birth rate figure of 2.1. Aging population, men getting financially stitched up in the family courts, rising cost of living,etc are all possible reasons for this.
Could Rishi and his ‘socialist’ anti Brexit, One Nation Tory party have used birth rates as the corner stone of his policies? Hence an unfettered influx of immigration.
I know it is a simplistic viewpoint but if this is indeed their thinking, I can at least, rationalise with this, albeit at the same time find it both irresponsible and lazy in thinking.
They as a government seem to lack the spine to tackle the problematic root causes enshrined within our society, care predominately for the big corporates and not for the people who elected them into office for whom they are meant to serve.
The above indicates to me that the Tories have a complete disregard for this country. They are a party of philistines unable to separate price and value, the societal damaging effect imposed through high immigration numbers upon our social cohesion is now beyond repair.
They have most definitely not protected our borders or our long held historic values which is an accepted basic fundamental precept for any government.
You are right about the birth rate of 1.6. That is in the south of England.
In the north and Scotland it is more like 1.3
In some areas like in Londonistan and Birmingstan the UK population has been completely ethnically replaced.
In order to justify the ponzi schemes of building all these houses we have had to import all these brain surgeons, rocket scientists, and professors. Pouring petrol on our divorce rates also helps as more houses are needed and prisons to lockup the resulting offspring.
Bee lady interviews some one who claims to be the blue labour immigration minister – some called ‘Melvin ‘Mel ‘ Stride .
I think he was an imposter – I don’t think there is am ‘immigration minister ‘ – unless the job description is to ‘increase the number of foreigners ‘ arriving in the UK .
Mel babbled about NI cuts – god knows what that had to do with 1 000 000 foreigners arriving Every Year .
Bee Lady wasn’t interested in this interview – she’s ok – she lives in whitee Suffolk with her bee hives …. So she let Met babble on about crap with no clue how to cut the numbers – or any desire to do so ….. 1 million a year every year – the Uk will hit a population of 100 000 000 by 2050 … what a lot more TV licences that is ……
It was a terrible terrible interview – embarrassing on both sides – but one might expect it from the soppy bee lady – and maybe the same from an outgoing blue labour crap minister …..
Bee lady went on the attack on the current outgoing Home Secretary about calling some place or red labour Mp ‘doo doo’ …unimportant to real people – but 1 million more foreigners every year … 2739.726 people Every Day folks – that’s 114.125 foreigners every hour …
Riots fuelled by the righteous anger of an agrieved population are like buses. You wait ages for one and then three (or four, or five, or six…) come along at once…
BBC tippy-toeing around the perpetrator Dublin nastiness on Radio 4 Toady Prog.
The breeziness before and after any non-mention of a lone Algerian with mental health ishoos trying to kill some young children in Dublin and the Army being called out to respond to the public reaction – was rather obvious – they’re actually afraid to discuss it or report detail – aren’t they?
I know from a few months in Ireland last year that resentment towards migrants milking the system is widespread and that in Dublin and other larger towns they’ve a problem with violent gangs of Africans that the “progressives” are absolutely desperate to hide.
The insanity of flying migrants into Dublin who magically lose their ID documents between the plane seat and the immigration booth in the terminal had me WTF-ing for a while….
Cheers, I’ve been working so didn’t know the situation
This tweet is getting ratioed
the replies all go against the sympathy seeking journalist. #CCBGB
Lots of journalists physically attached and threatened in Dublin tonight including myself and my colleague. Photographers and anyone identifiable as a journalist seen as a target by elements in the crowd
It is a far far harder right thing I do today edition
We begin with a preface or rather a style note. In reports on the Dutch elections our BBC prefers to frame the surprise victor, Geert Wilders, in their headlines as an Anti-Islam populist, to wit: Dutch election: Anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders wins dramatic victory (Paul Kirby & Anna Holligan, BBC News, The Hague) – do we discern the BBC editorial standpoint to be on the contrary – pro-islam, anti-populist?
Our BBC photo editor picks a rather manic, rather Trumpian, golden locks flaring snap of a laughing, red tie-wearing, celebrating, Wilders.
The FT this morning promotes the rather dapper and dashing Dutchman, this time in powder blue neckware, with his trademark blonde leonine mane to their frontpage photo feature prominence, as he quaffs a little glass of white in celebration of his poll result. The FT editorial line selects rising right and far-right as descriptors from the liberal media style book: Rising right Wilders wins in Netherlands after ‘asylum tsunami’ warning… Far-right leader Geert Wilders celebrates…
The Guardian likewise admires the same shot (Photo credit: Sem Van Der Wal/EPA) as their reaction to the well-turned-out blonde Netherlandish electorial bombshell for their frontpage. Aside from the obvious and undeniable campness of it all, I’ve now got an image of former heart-throb Barry Foster as Dutch TV detective Van Der Volk stuck in my head. There’s one for the teenagers.
The Guardian clutches its pearls like a maiden aunt confronted for the first time by the notion of buggery: Shock result Alarm as far-right party wins Dutch election… The PVV’s Geert Wilders celebrates…
The Telegraph selects a pic from the same press conference appearence after party, but goes into full suggestive mode with our Geert snapped sucking his fore finger – like a tentative sommelier testing the vintage in response to cutomer’s complaint: Taste of victory for Wilders
The Telegraph house style supplies a bizarre capitalisation of the term Right within one of the familiar liberal media hyphonated put downs: Geert Wilders, the Dutch hard-Right politician… celebrates
European news is of course limited to broadsheet frontpage interest.
Immigration eh?
The name of the artist escapes me at presemt and the Google machine disappoints on this occasion. However, one recalls a Jamican roots reggae track from the 1980s that went something like this…
But first my Marcel Proust-adjacent hair-trigger remembrance is interrupted by the memory of a gag put into the mouth of Neil Patrick Harris in the American tv comic soap How I Met Your Mother – an early 2000s reimagining of Friends. The supposedly ladies-man character Barney Stinson remarks on the memory of a song heard on the radio: “Hey do you remember that reggae track? It went chugga-chugga-chugga- just like every damn reggae track!”
But I digress…
The recollection provoked by this morning’s fleeting media preoccupation with the notion of immigration was of a ditty with lyrics that went something like this…
Hey immigration man
Don’t gimme botheration
Cos I’m a musician
And this is Jah creation
The music, naturally, went: chugga-chugga-chugga-
[Answers in the replies section hereabouts please]
The lens through which the poundshop (in fact just 80p) junior wannabe Guardian that is the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper views our current UK hyper-immigration is via the heart-warming notion of care: Cabinet battle on UK’s migrant care workers (‘i’)
The Guardian itself turns a blind frontpage eye to the latest ONS muddle over numbers too big and hard and far too embarrassing to keep a track of (see what I did there with the words hard and far). Instead welcoming the coming pause in the foreign-bang-bang: Ceasefire in Gaza set to start this morning – fretting over supposedly impending unlikely cutbacks in our ever-ballooning government spending: Austerity ‘to be worse than under Osborne’ – and moaning in a headline splash about the monarchy: Revealed: how the king secretly profits from dead citizens’ assets – inheritance tax and the civil list, you ask?
The Duchy of Lancaster, a controversial hereditary land and property estate… Assets known as bona vacantia… (Guardian) – anyone with an interest in genealogy will have watched BBC’s daytime show Heir Hunters: programme focusing on attempts to find missing or unknown heirs, entitled to deceased people’s estates before the British Treasury lawfully collects the money. (thank you Wiki) – no real surprise revelations there then.
Where were we? Ah yes, that subject the Gruan would rather not draw frontpage attention toward – immigration numbers.
Talking of austerity cutbacks the Labour mouth piece Daily Mirror reduces the subject of immigration to migration: Migration Labour: Tory policy has been a total failure – amusingly the Mirror house-style prints the final word failure in a different contrasting colour type
While the ‘i’ equates incomers with careworkers the Financial Times is somewhat more robust in its corporate demand for labour of all and any type creed or hue – so long as they are cheap and proletarian: Sunak under pressure as net immigration reaches record… Tories seek cut in overseas workers
Apparently the economy is crying out for workers – apparently: Barclays to axe up to 2,000 jobs (Telegraph); More than 420,000 retail jobs have been lost since 2010, reigniting calls for more to be done to save the high street. New GMB Union data shows that the number of roles have fallen 28.4% to 420,242 since the Conservatives took power (Retail Gazette, October 2023); King’s Speech expedites self-driving vehicles with new legislation (Fleet News); What jobs will AI replace? AI will replace both blue-collar and white-collar jobs that involve more straightforward and repetitive tasks. These jobs include drivers, factory workers, administrative assistants, paralegals and some copywriters. (Built In, Tech Trends, Jobs + Companies)
Immigration Man despite the Reggae style was written by a white Blackpool man annoyed at being held up at US passport control.
(performed by Crosby and Nash)
Isn’t it a crying shame that with the success of Mr Wilders in The Netherlands, and several other countries coming to the same conclusion that lefties aren’t to be trusted, this country will revert to Labour for the next dozen or so years, with all the problems their crackpot ideals entail!
Britain had a golden opportunity to lead the way for the rest of Europe to ditch the disgraceful EU for good, and we’ve been let down at every turn since the referendum – all by the Tories.
Sadly, the awful BBC will be given more money, more influence on the ferals, more encouragement for worse ‘diversity’ and illegal immigration, and will just become the Labour Party’s propaganda machine in toto!
I bet this site will get hammered too, which will be a sad indictment of the problems that our grandchildren will be forced to believe is the norm in a once-great country!
For me(RISHI) , this is a once in a generation opportunity for our country to take back control of its destiny. Of course, leaving will bring some uncertainty, but on balance I (RISHI) believe that our nation will be freer, fairer and more prosperous outside the EU. Outside the EU, we can decide our own immigration policy, ensure our own laws and courts are sovereign, and enhance our position as a dynamic, outward-looking trading economy.
we can decide our own immigration policy, ensure our own laws and courts are sovereign, and enhance our position as a dynamic, outward-looking trading economy.
we can decide our own immigration policy, ensure our own laws and courts are sovereign, and enhance our position as a dynamic, outward-looking trading economy.
we can decide our own immigration policy, ensure our own laws and courts are sovereign, and enhance our position as a dynamic, outward-looking trading economy.
In the end, this is not about my (RISHI) vote or that of
any other politician.
Whilst Narinder is tweeting against people concerned with the establishment failures resulting in stabbing if children in Dublin
what is she concerned about ?
A traditional Indian breakfast of Aloo Paratha at a beautiful Countryside hotel in Oakham (Marquis of Exeter) ,
the chef is originally from India and trained at world class @OberoiHotels
Such such a treat !!!!
Her pinned tweet says
” I’m British born and they still don’t see me as British.
Told to go back India pretty much daily”
Well being immersed in Indian culture and praising it all the time, doesn’t seem British.
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar says the government is "very white" and that it "very much needs to change" to be more "diverse." Ireland is 94.1% white. pic.twitter.com/NKsYgXqJJ8
I like the one about the ‘Brit awards ‘ ( no idea ) where the woke unified the ‘best ‘category from best wimmen and best men into just ‘best ‘ – which landed up with 5/5 men being nominees – now it’s up to bestest 10 – so 10/10 men nominees – best 15 ? 20 ? …. Woke air head s…
I will wake up in eager anticipation of all those conservative voices who were so supportive of Our Greatest Ally to hear how they are now in full support of the Irish Homeland. https://t.co/vSKwcOiTV8
— William M Briggs – Statistician to the Stars! (@FamedCelebrity) November 23, 2023
Confused – Irish republics go on about Ireland being Ireland – but they also seem to like to be invaded by a million or two foreigners -maybe it’s ok as they are not British …
Veradks – or veruka – spell check seems to think Irish kids fed up with seeing their city being lost are ‘far right ‘ maybe that’s the correct definition …. It will be ‘normal’ this weekend because the footy is back …
This week’s headlines from the pioneers of social entrepreneurship, impact investing and mission-driven business around the world
‘We need black leaders leading black funds’: Victor Adebowale condemns slow pace of change in UK social investment
Almost two years on from the report his commission published on inequality in UK social investment, Lord Victor Adebowale says he doesn’t ‘apologise for being impatient’ about getting more funds to the UK’s black communities.
TalkTV light news story about illegal who died in 2021 boat deaths incident.
Such a waste, Britain has a chronic shortage of professional footballers, rappers, You Tube bloggers, and POC who like to prank people in public spaces.
These black/brown people (the left's words not mine) didn't heed the call to stay inside last night. Lucky to escape with their lives. The far right death squads must have missed them.#DublinRiotspic.twitter.com/NcNKyVhRTf
Didn’t a bunch of people including some Africans attack and loot a Dublin LIDL with the assistance of a tracked excavator machine a while back – I remember seeing a video
Quote : \\ The violence followed an attack on several people outside the Gaelscoil Choláiste Mhuire children’s school in Parnell Square by a man armed with a knife
A girl (5) and a woman in her 30s were seriously injured in this attack.
A six-year-old girl and a five-year-old boy sustained less serious injuries.
The Irish Times understands the woman was an employee of the school or afterschool care facility the children were attending.
The chief suspect, a man in his 40s, was also seriously injured in this incident. Officers said they weren’t looking for anyone else and investigators say they’re “keeping an open mind” about any motive.
After the stabbing, violent disturbances broke out on several streets in Dublin city centre after 6pm with clashes between crowds of people and gardaí //
I don’t want to be too gloomy, but we can surely expect more of those disgusting scenes in Dublin last night as more and more people flee to wealthy countries as a result of war and global warming, and local people turn nasty.
They revised last years immigration figures upwards when they came out with the new numbers.
This years numbers are now below last years.
Does anyone think they deliberately fiddled last years numbers (probably as well as this years numbers) so that they can say immigration is now going down.
Of course, nobody believes anything they come out with as all the numbers are fiddled.
Just like putting a low estimate of the cost of hs2 knowing they are just using the ‘estimate’ to get the go ahead.
It’s a pity there isn’t a go to site such as ‘verify’, only one that actually tells the truth.
I reckon our very own Stew is far more accurate with his posts than any of the spin departments who come out with all their twisted statistics.
There is also an institutional refusal to link huge population rises – for any reason – with breaking public services . They’d rather concentrate on anecdotal stuff about single failing – say hospitals or schools rather than huge rises in demand caused by the sheer volume population increase .
It will also be labelled as ‘racist ‘ and ‘far right ‘ when in fact it’s reality and common sense ….
This is the BBC’s total income, not just that from the licence fee (£3.5 billion) or public money. Much of the rest is generated from its commercial operations.
˝Sources have indicated to the BBC that the man suspected of carrying out the attack is an Irish citizen, who has lived in the country for 20 years.˝
Funny that, because elsewhere (including the achingly woke Newsweek) other ˝sources˝ have indicated he was Algerian:
˝Irish police are questioning an Algerian man suspected of stabbing a woman and three children outside a school, in an attack that sparked a night of furious riots, looting and anti-immigrant protests in Dublin.˝
This is from @AmyMek where a woman in a burka is asked to react to the upcoming 2019 law banning it in public.
“I teach my children that our creator is more important than Dutch rules & we don’t have to adapt to Dutch society”.
Integration going well then.
Again one might wonder why leave one place to come to another… and more crucially who facilitated this.
This stands for Commander of the Order of the British Empire.
King George V created the Orders of the British Empire awards during World War I to reward services to the war effort by people helping back in the UK (i.e. not on the front line).
K-pop stars Blackpink were awarded honorary MBEs by the King to coincide with the state visit by South Korea’s president. But which of their hits was played at the Changing of the Guard outside Buckingham Palace?
What is an MBE?
Like a CBE or an OBE, an MBE is an order of the British Empire award. It is the third highest ranking Order of the British Empire award, behind CBE which is first and then OBE.
It stands for Member of the Order of the British Empire (as opposed to Commander or Officer).
It is also awarded to someone for making a positive impact in their line of work.
[Chorus: Jennie, Jisoo]
Hit you with that ddu-du, ddu-du, du
(Ah yeah, ah yeah!)
Hit you with that ddu-du, ddu-du, du
(Ah yeah, ah yeah!)
Ddu-du, du-du-du-du-du https://genius.com/Blackpink-ddu-du-ddu-du-lyrics
AISI, I’ve been looking at the claims of the newspapers to be ‘Newspaper of the Year’. Currently there are three; the FT, the Mirror and the Guardian. In addition, the Daily Telegraph has, in very small print, an alternative claim: National News Media Organisation of the Year.
They all do it, for each other. Like Bowen get an award for being Welsh and not wrong all the time.
BBC staff are now blocked from attending the march against antisemitism. Rather inconsistent approach since just days ago, Gary Lineker was allowed to share a video by chief Hamasexual, Owen Jones accusing Israel of committing genocide.
More evidence that the BBC has a problem.
This can’t be true, surely? When does attending become reporting? Though NBC did manage both at the massacre.
Times reports it
@MailOnline too
Fury as Jewish BBC staff are banned from attending antisemitism march despite ‘many colleagues going on pro-Palestine rallies’ https://trib.al/85MeY2N
CAN YOU actually BELIEVE the tone deaf bbc racists ?????
“Fury as Jewish BBC staff are banned from attending anti-Semitism march despite ‘many colleagues going on pro-Palestine rallies’
‘Ruling’ for those in news, current affairs, factual journalism and senior leaders
But staff are furious after stars such as Gary Lineker backed pro-Palestine rallies”
One of the one in a million asian immigrants who are doctors….
Christ knows what their rocket scientists are up to in NASA..
“Houston, we have a groper”
“GP who was still allowed to stand as a Labour councillor amid sexual misconduct allegation is struck off for touching a patient inappropriately
Dr Ibrahim Hayat performed an intimate examination on a female patient in 2015
He was a Labour Party councillor between 2007 and 2022 for Newport, Wales “
That’s fine. Just don’t wonder about any correlation between ethnicity or religious ideology and ‘random’ stabbings of women and children who are of different ethnicity and religious persuasion.
With the help of the bbc and Kay Burly the strangler:
“How worrying numbers of young people are falling for Hamas’s dirty tricks in the propaganda war.
Living, as we do, six miles from Ben Gurion Airport — one of the key targets of the Palestinian terrorists — we have grown accustomed to the daily wail of the air-raid sirens as incoming missiles are detected and the deafening sound of explosions as Israel’s Iron Dome air defence system is activated.
“I have three daughters, the youngest of whom is ten, and my wife and I lead them to our shelter — every new house in Israel has to have one by law — once, if not twice, a day.
Apart from the sense of trauma that this creates, they are getting no schooling to speak of as their teachers are called up for reserve duty.Seeing my girls put through such an ordeal only fuels my anger about the way so many people in the West, particularly among the younger generation, have taken up the Palestinian cause and view Israel with such unfounded animosity.
The situation is all the more tragic because so much of this venom is born of ignorance.
This was vividly illustrated recently by an exercise carried out by the Jewish-American comedian Mikey Greenblatt on the streets of New York.
He accosted people at random with a request to sign a petition in support of Hamas and freeing Palestine.
Once they agreed, he insisted on quoting them the small print, which included the slaughter of every Jew, Christian and non-Muslim in the world, making homosexuality a capital offence, and the implementation of a system of sharia law that would ban women from showing their knees or hair, playing sports in public, or travelling without a man’s permission.
Naturally, all his would-be backers responded by performing abrupt U-turns.
But this grotesque level of ignorance about the true nature of Hamas means that many in the West are susceptible to the terrorists’ propaganda.
The truth is that, for all its economic might and social sophistication, as well as the support of the leaders of the free world, Israel is losing the battle for hearts and minds on the street.”
‘Irish police, known as gardaí, are still establishing if the attacker is mentally ill or if he was motivated by political or racial hate. Police Commissioner Drew Harris refused to rule out the possibility that the stabbing attack was terror-related.’
What about that then BBC ?.
Possibly the greatest lie-by-omission by the BBC to date. Why do these far-left, agenda-driven activist scum get surprised when ordinary people are angry that they have been cynically lied to ?.
Well I actually learned something from the BBC London News just now.
Did you know that the Royal London Hospital trauma unit has it’s own dedicated police team attached to it? Nine officers, because 800 stabbing incidents a year.
Don’t worry though, there’s no change in BBC reporting: knife crime just “happens” and the emphasis is on victims even though the police are obviously there to gather evidence on the perpetrators.
For some reason I am getting an email every time anybody comments on biased bbc.
It started an hour or so ago.
My email box is getting loads of comment notifications appearing.
I looked at the options about unsubscribing where it says ‘click here to manage existing subscriptions’ which is on here after the last post and I’ve tried to unsubscribe notifications but when I click on the blue part )update subscriptions’ to make this happen I get the following message appearing:
You have request to manage another email address and this is forbidden
I’m still getting notifications.
I’ve never had this appear before.
Anybody know what I need to do to stop getting a notification every time anybody posts anything as it’s taken over my inbox.
Thanks for the reply.
That’s probably what I did to cause this.
Anyway, the emails have stopped arriving so if anyone else gets this they can click unsubscribe at the bottom of the notification email if they want to stop it.
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar says to the far-right protesters who rioted in Dublin last night 'ask everyone you know what they fear most on our streets. They're afraid of you. Afraid of your violence and your hate and how you blame others for your problems'.https://t.co/jSqOhnwgMhpic.twitter.com/5WxxSoT5Rw
Siphiwe Moyo told BBC News NI she did not want to be identifiable as a black woman making her way home from Dublin city centre amid the rioting.
“I just wished I could just disappear,” she said.
An absolutely ridiculous article by the BBC. Here we have an empathy laden article from a statement by one person who somehow the BBC managed to track down and interview.
How did they find her ?. Are we supposed to believe a black woman who went home and nothing happened to her decided to call the BBC and tell them about it ?.
I am 100% certain the BBC pushed her with leading questions and edited what she said for maximum effect.
This is all a huge smokescreen to avoid the elephant in the room. The story here is a man stabbing women and children. And it’s the only thing the BBC are not reporting.
I can’t recall an article by the BBC as cynically misleading and full of lies by omission as this. They are absolutely out of control.
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Take that shit out now” Black woman sees white woman with braids in her hair. https://youtu.be/livlqSJC8NY?si=mi6FDYq4dw885Uaj&t=246 Lefties Losing It: Whoopi…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 Flying in 1979 It Was a New Experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psIbvgwrDZg Bernie Sanders Interviews Mall Punks (1988) [FULL] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxpsS2nTntQ
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Islamic terrorist motive for stabbing being investigated An 18-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent to do…
moggiemooMar 14, 15:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Why did she need to make anything up? We all know that taxes go up when Labour get into power…
Square-EyedMar 14, 15:09 Midweek 12th March 2025 Correct me if I’m wrong, but when India achieved independence, and by virtue of partition Pakistan, wasn’t the assumption that…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 ““I believe, this Government believes, in free and open trade, and will continue to make that point. We are in…
“soldiers moved into shipping containers, whilst hundreds of thousands of immigrants arrive and it is illegal and inhumane to put them on a barge or a hotel”
“Police probe claims of antisemitic hate speech at mosques in major English cities
The clips were all translated twice independently to ensure the meaning was accurate.
It comes after TalkTV reported that leaked footage showed preachers calling for Jews to be killed and Israel to be destroyed during sermons at mosques in London, Birmingham, Liverpool and Northampton.
Alleged footage from a sermon at the Redbridge Islamic Centre in Ilford, east London, shows one speaker praying with his congregation in Arabic to “curse the Jews and the children of Israel” and to “tear apart their Jewish community and ruin their houses”.
Another clip reported to be from a Liverpool mosque shows a preacher telling his audience to “march on Israel” and to kill Jews “indiscriminately”. All the clips were translated twice independently.”
Meesh interviews Dickie Tice – the leader of Reform Party . He got about 3 minutes – or maybe less – I reckon 90 seconds of this was meesh . Dickie failed to get one big message across –
Every day the BBC goes on about strains and failures in public services – but the key is huge increases in the population – causing health -education – law and order – to become more stressed as well as the benefits bill going up ….
It’s a pity mr tice isn’t good enough to represent true Conservatives … he gave meesh an easy hit …. I was doing the maths – 750 000 foreigners arriving per year 62500 a month – which is 2054 A DAY ….. add another 1000 illegals a day …..
Every year ….
“Lots of journalists physically attached and threatened in Dublin tonight including myself and my colleague. Photographers and anyone identifiable as a journalist seen as a target by elements in the crowd”
“Imagine calling the people of Ireland FAR RIGHT for years and then wondering why they hate journalists.”
“There is no such thing as a “journalist” anymore. You’ve abused and used the public’s trust for far too long, any protections you had been afforded as a “journalist” no longer exist. Take a long hard look in the mirror.”
Zephir – I’m still surprised they are not regularly targeted – there is a price for telling lies …..
.. and up comes ‘far right ‘ again – whether it’s Dublin Yobs or the new PM of Holland ( maybe ) – the journo vermin throw ‘far right ‘ around for anyone ‘unapproved ‘ … which helps no one .
Funny that the MSM is careful over some descriptions – eg Islamic Hamas Terrorists – but loose on ‘far right ‘….
These lying left-wing activists are slowly destroying Western society.
The worst thing is that when they eventually start to realise what they have done, it will be too late. The critical mass will be there.
We aren’t far away from that already. We have a Muslim leader of the SNP, a Muslim Mayor of London and our PM is an Indian billionaire.
What I do find amusing about all this hypocrisy is how the self-proclaimed champions of equal rights – the Labour party – are the only party never to have had a woman leader. A fact shamelessly ignored by the BBC.
Reminds me of Eddy in ‘Love Thy Neighbour’. A far-left union man with an ‘anti racial discrimination’ sticker on his car. Turns out to be the biggest racist of anyone when he personally is affected by it. An early example of gross leftist hypocrisy which we now see prevalant across the BBC.
Denmark: Reported rapists by national origin, shocking:
Watch the attached videos, again, shocking
Zephir- What’s your problem? It’s diversity, inclusiveness.
E Mail that Irish lass Orla Guerin she will explain all
the wonderful benefits the Irish get from these
great immigrant folk.
Fair play to ya fella an’ all dat
Allahu bloody akbar, or someting loik dat
Even da missus is wearing a tea towel now
They would be the O’Dearie Me’s ?
Toady again
They put on that Timmy Garten Ash – one of those guardian type EU traitors who infest the BBC – he cares less about huge numbers of foreigners arriving in Europe – and – naturally – the true populations object – such as Holland – Italy – see the adverse effect of a wave of third world rubbish – people will object with this going on …..
They threw in Frau Katya Adler for the BBC EU propaganda ( it’s all great ) but it’s a dog that don’t hunt ……
Good for the Dutch ….. I wish we really had representation ( it’s not the inept tice or reform ) ….
The press is reporting that plod in Dagenham shot a man dead in his flat last night …. But it’s not on the BBC radio news ….. does this mean that shooting people dead is so common now that it’s not news … ? Or maybe something else …..? Guess ..
Guess he was helped along with his intention to take his own life.
Maybe OFCOM would be better occupied not trying to please Femi on GB News or Farage?
Currently rated helpful
Directly addresses the post’s claim · Easy to understand
The list of the Palestinian prisoners includes their offenses. None of the prisoners are kept for raising a Palestinian flag.
But sure, TV broadcasters need their Alexes, Kays, Orlas, Jeremys and Jons…
Guest – I reported on the Far Left Timmy garton ash ( above ) telling us mass immigration is great – but there was no ‘balance ‘ in the way BBCOFCOM demand – will there be ‘complaints?’ ‘Action ‘?no …
Toady – worried about ‘far right ‘ Dublin . The unnamed man who went on a mostly peaceful stabbing spree – trying to kill kids – has been an ‘Irish national ‘ for 20 years . But it seems he is 42 years old . Now let me work this out …. It means he wasn’t an ‘Irish national ‘ for the first 22 years of his life ….
The BBC is at pains to say about being ‘Irish ‘ for 20 years …. So we know the truth – by omission …. Will his name be released any time soon ? I doubt it …
Look : far-right hooligans
Fear not, the BBC Moaning Emole, makes all clear…
“Disorder in Dublin after city centre stabbings
A clean-up operation is under way in Dublin after rioters looted shops, set cars alight and attacked police during several hours of violence in the city centre last night. Police blamed far-right protesters for the trouble, which broke out after a woman and three children were hurt in a stabbing near a school. Police say a man in his 40s, who was also seriously injured, is a person of interest.”
… as mud.
‘Hurt… in a stabbing…’
You have to laugh at the utter garbage these political assholes spout. “These riots do not reflect the ordinary Irish people” Absolute shit! They really do and uncontrolled legal and illegal immigration is wrecking western society. These lefty clowns need to be removed.
They will be as soon as the peacefuls take over.
Ha ha yes that is certain, nothing as far right as a good muslim
BBC continues to circle the narrative drain.
Dublin riot clean up begins after five stabbed outside school
Gerry Wilders is an extremist.
I heard it on Toady this morning. So it must be true . LOL.
Crucially this description, by either Useless or the Bee Lady, was done in a context not as a quote by someone else, not reflecting back the comment of an interviewee, but a straight description.
It was followed by some Professor who clearly prefers the UK and Europe as an open door mass immigration centre.
Shortly after, the riots in Dublin were arrived to the Far Right.
In BBCLand, anyone who opposes unfettered mass immigration is a Far Right extremist. Case proved.
Professor Timothy garden trash …
The BBC do like its academics, Dr Shola… this guy..
And, of course… news..
Alan Carr to play mirror in Northampton panto Snow White
Apologies for spelling errors. Crass predictive text facility on iPad.
Gerry = Gert
Arrived? I wrote Attributed.
I loathe predictive text. I never use it. It infuriates me.
All my techno friends think its the best thing since sliced bread.
I am a free man and don’t need it.
I get massively annoyed when I type ‘its’ but it gets changed to ‘it’s’, regardless of context. Like American based android knows anything about the English language, or anything else.
Yes predictive text does me too – for instance
‘Tory ‘comes out as blue labour
‘ Unapproved ‘comes out as Far Right – as do many other words
It’s’ so unright isn’t it ?
My turn!
What really grumps is trying to put i into triangle brackets.
At least she’s not juggling death rates.
“The major driver of these immigration figures is healthcare workers – who would you not have?”
@MishalHusain asks Reform UK’s Richard Tice, who tells #R4Today he would ‘welcome high-qualified immigration’, but ‘the government have betrayed’ the public as numbers reach 745,000.
Or gets Community Noted.
I am trying to understand the level of incompetence the Tories have inflicted upon us, both in terms of the management of our economy and shaping of our society. It is beyond words in terms of stupidity. Or is it intentional?
I’ve recently noted that Britain has a falling birth rate of just 1.6 and is predicted to fall further next year to 1.45. In order to maintain an order equilibrium to the population the country needs to hit a birth rate figure of 2.1. Aging population, men getting financially stitched up in the family courts, rising cost of living,etc are all possible reasons for this.
Could Rishi and his ‘socialist’ anti Brexit, One Nation Tory party have used birth rates as the corner stone of his policies? Hence an unfettered influx of immigration.
I know it is a simplistic viewpoint but if this is indeed their thinking, I can at least, rationalise with this, albeit at the same time find it both irresponsible and lazy in thinking.
They as a government seem to lack the spine to tackle the problematic root causes enshrined within our society, care predominately for the big corporates and not for the people who elected them into office for whom they are meant to serve.
The above indicates to me that the Tories have a complete disregard for this country. They are a party of philistines unable to separate price and value, the societal damaging effect imposed through high immigration numbers upon our social cohesion is now beyond repair.
They have most definitely not protected our borders or our long held historic values which is an accepted basic fundamental precept for any government.
Utter failure. I’ll be voting Reform
You are right about the birth rate of 1.6. That is in the south of England.
In the north and Scotland it is more like 1.3
In some areas like in Londonistan and Birmingstan the UK population has been completely ethnically replaced.
In order to justify the ponzi schemes of building all these houses we have had to import all these brain surgeons, rocket scientists, and professors. Pouring petrol on our divorce rates also helps as more houses are needed and prisons to lockup the resulting offspring.
Bee lady interviews some one who claims to be the blue labour immigration minister – some called ‘Melvin ‘Mel ‘ Stride .
I think he was an imposter – I don’t think there is am ‘immigration minister ‘ – unless the job description is to ‘increase the number of foreigners ‘ arriving in the UK .
Mel babbled about NI cuts – god knows what that had to do with 1 000 000 foreigners arriving Every Year .
Bee Lady wasn’t interested in this interview – she’s ok – she lives in whitee Suffolk with her bee hives …. So she let Met babble on about crap with no clue how to cut the numbers – or any desire to do so ….. 1 million a year every year – the Uk will hit a population of 100 000 000 by 2050 … what a lot more TV licences that is ……
It was a terrible terrible interview – embarrassing on both sides – but one might expect it from the soppy bee lady – and maybe the same from an outgoing blue labour crap minister …..
Bee lady went on the attack on the current outgoing Home Secretary about calling some place or red labour Mp ‘doo doo’ …unimportant to real people – but 1 million more foreigners every year … 2739.726 people Every Day folks – that’s 114.125 foreigners every hour …
Re Dublin on the ‘live feed’ at 0740. An interesting use of the double negative.
“I don’t think Dublin has not had a night like this in decades.”
Riots fuelled by the righteous anger of an agrieved population are like buses. You wait ages for one and then three (or four, or five, or six…) come along at once…
The circle is not bigger than the square – the square is bigger than the circle ….
BBC tippy-toeing around the perpetrator Dublin nastiness on Radio 4 Toady Prog.
The breeziness before and after any non-mention of a lone Algerian with mental health ishoos trying to kill some young children in Dublin and the Army being called out to respond to the public reaction – was rather obvious – they’re actually afraid to discuss it or report detail – aren’t they?
I know from a few months in Ireland last year that resentment towards migrants milking the system is widespread and that in Dublin and other larger towns they’ve a problem with violent gangs of Africans that the “progressives” are absolutely desperate to hide.
The insanity of flying migrants into Dublin who magically lose their ID documents between the plane seat and the immigration booth in the terminal had me WTF-ing for a while….
Cheers, I’ve been working so didn’t know the situation
This tweet is getting ratioed
the replies all go against the sympathy seeking journalist. #CCBGB
It is a far far harder right thing I do today edition
We begin with a preface or rather a style note. In reports on the Dutch elections our BBC prefers to frame the surprise victor, Geert Wilders, in their headlines as an Anti-Islam populist, to wit: Dutch election: Anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders wins dramatic victory (Paul Kirby & Anna Holligan, BBC News, The Hague) – do we discern the BBC editorial standpoint to be on the contrary – pro-islam, anti-populist?
Our BBC photo editor picks a rather manic, rather Trumpian, golden locks flaring snap of a laughing, red tie-wearing, celebrating, Wilders.
The FT this morning promotes the rather dapper and dashing Dutchman, this time in powder blue neckware, with his trademark blonde leonine mane to their frontpage photo feature prominence, as he quaffs a little glass of white in celebration of his poll result. The FT editorial line selects rising right and far-right as descriptors from the liberal media style book: Rising right Wilders wins in Netherlands after ‘asylum tsunami’ warning… Far-right leader Geert Wilders celebrates…
The Guardian likewise admires the same shot (Photo credit: Sem Van Der Wal/EPA) as their reaction to the well-turned-out blonde Netherlandish electorial bombshell for their frontpage. Aside from the obvious and undeniable campness of it all, I’ve now got an image of former heart-throb Barry Foster as Dutch TV detective Van Der Volk stuck in my head. There’s one for the teenagers.
The Guardian clutches its pearls like a maiden aunt confronted for the first time by the notion of buggery: Shock result Alarm as far-right party wins Dutch election… The PVV’s Geert Wilders celebrates…
The Telegraph selects a pic from the same press conference appearence after party, but goes into full suggestive mode with our Geert snapped sucking his fore finger – like a tentative sommelier testing the vintage in response to cutomer’s complaint: Taste of victory for Wilders
The Telegraph house style supplies a bizarre capitalisation of the term Right within one of the familiar liberal media hyphonated put downs: Geert Wilders, the Dutch hard-Right politician… celebrates
European news is of course limited to broadsheet frontpage interest.
Immigration eh?
The name of the artist escapes me at presemt and the Google machine disappoints on this occasion. However, one recalls a Jamican roots reggae track from the 1980s that went something like this…
But first my Marcel Proust-adjacent hair-trigger remembrance is interrupted by the memory of a gag put into the mouth of Neil Patrick Harris in the American tv comic soap How I Met Your Mother – an early 2000s reimagining of Friends. The supposedly ladies-man character Barney Stinson remarks on the memory of a song heard on the radio: “Hey do you remember that reggae track? It went chugga-chugga-chugga- just like every damn reggae track!”
But I digress…
The recollection provoked by this morning’s fleeting media preoccupation with the notion of immigration was of a ditty with lyrics that went something like this…
Hey immigration man
Don’t gimme botheration
Cos I’m a musician
And this is Jah creation
The music, naturally, went: chugga-chugga-chugga-
[Answers in the replies section hereabouts please]
The lens through which the poundshop (in fact just 80p) junior wannabe Guardian that is the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper views our current UK hyper-immigration is via the heart-warming notion of care: Cabinet battle on UK’s migrant care workers (‘i’)
The Guardian itself turns a blind frontpage eye to the latest ONS muddle over numbers too big and hard and far too embarrassing to keep a track of (see what I did there with the words hard and far). Instead welcoming the coming pause in the foreign-bang-bang: Ceasefire in Gaza set to start this morning – fretting over supposedly impending unlikely cutbacks in our ever-ballooning government spending: Austerity ‘to be worse than under Osborne’ – and moaning in a headline splash about the monarchy: Revealed: how the king secretly profits from dead citizens’ assets – inheritance tax and the civil list, you ask?
The Duchy of Lancaster, a controversial hereditary land and property estate… Assets known as bona vacantia… (Guardian) – anyone with an interest in genealogy will have watched BBC’s daytime show Heir Hunters: programme focusing on attempts to find missing or unknown heirs, entitled to deceased people’s estates before the British Treasury lawfully collects the money. (thank you Wiki) – no real surprise revelations there then.
Where were we? Ah yes, that subject the Gruan would rather not draw frontpage attention toward – immigration numbers.
Talking of austerity cutbacks the Labour mouth piece Daily Mirror reduces the subject of immigration to migration: Migration Labour: Tory policy has been a total failure – amusingly the Mirror house-style prints the final word failure in a different contrasting colour type
While the ‘i’ equates incomers with careworkers the Financial Times is somewhat more robust in its corporate demand for labour of all and any type creed or hue – so long as they are cheap and proletarian: Sunak under pressure as net immigration reaches record… Tories seek cut in overseas workers
Apparently the economy is crying out for workers – apparently: Barclays to axe up to 2,000 jobs (Telegraph); More than 420,000 retail jobs have been lost since 2010, reigniting calls for more to be done to save the high street. New GMB Union data shows that the number of roles have fallen 28.4% to 420,242 since the Conservatives took power (Retail Gazette, October 2023); King’s Speech expedites self-driving vehicles with new legislation (Fleet News); What jobs will AI replace? AI will replace both blue-collar and white-collar jobs that involve more straightforward and repetitive tasks. These jobs include drivers, factory workers, administrative assistants, paralegals and some copywriters. (Built In, Tech Trends, Jobs + Companies)
Search me, I only have Gert Wilders playing guitar in the Immigrant Song…
Immigration Man despite the Reggae style was written by a white Blackpool man annoyed at being held up at US passport control.
(performed by Crosby and Nash)
Isn’t it a crying shame that with the success of Mr Wilders in The Netherlands, and several other countries coming to the same conclusion that lefties aren’t to be trusted, this country will revert to Labour for the next dozen or so years, with all the problems their crackpot ideals entail!
Britain had a golden opportunity to lead the way for the rest of Europe to ditch the disgraceful EU for good, and we’ve been let down at every turn since the referendum – all by the Tories.
Sadly, the awful BBC will be given more money, more influence on the ferals, more encouragement for worse ‘diversity’ and illegal immigration, and will just become the Labour Party’s propaganda machine in toto!
I bet this site will get hammered too, which will be a sad indictment of the problems that our grandchildren will be forced to believe is the norm in a once-great country!
How many of the present Labour crew are fans of Bolivarian Revolutionary Venezuela?
Barbecued Bully XL on the menu after the GE?
Why I (RISHI) will vote for Britain to leave the EU
For me(RISHI) , this is a once in a generation opportunity for our country to take back control of its destiny. Of course, leaving will bring some uncertainty, but on balance I (RISHI) believe that our nation will be freer, fairer and more prosperous outside the EU. Outside the EU, we can decide our own immigration policy, ensure our own laws and courts are sovereign, and enhance our position as a dynamic, outward-looking trading economy.
we can decide our own immigration policy, ensure our own laws and courts are sovereign, and enhance our position as a dynamic, outward-looking trading economy.
we can decide our own immigration policy, ensure our own laws and courts are sovereign, and enhance our position as a dynamic, outward-looking trading economy.
we can decide our own immigration policy, ensure our own laws and courts are sovereign, and enhance our position as a dynamic, outward-looking trading economy.
In the end, this is not about my (RISHI) vote or that of
any other politician.
Reasonable people do NOT burn hotels down.
Or get drugged up and slaughter babies, or take chisels to property secure that the legal system is also screwed here.
But hey ho… media variable standards.
Reasonable Governments do not let 1400+ kids get raped.
Yes another reply says
“Neither do they blow up concert arenas, buses, and tube trains.”
Now she claiming without evidence that children were inside a burning hotel.
Replies say she’s desperate.
Whilst Narinder is tweeting against people concerned with the establishment failures resulting in stabbing if children in Dublin
what is she concerned about ?
Her pinned tweet says
” I’m British born and they still don’t see me as British.
Told to go back India pretty much daily”
Well being immersed in Indian culture and praising it all the time, doesn’t seem British.
A properly done Indian breakfast with freshly made Paratha is brilliant!
Forcing you culture on others – that’s colonsalism!
Africa needs white diversity?
I like the one about the ‘Brit awards ‘ ( no idea ) where the woke unified the ‘best ‘category from best wimmen and best men into just ‘best ‘ – which landed up with 5/5 men being nominees – now it’s up to bestest 10 – so 10/10 men nominees – best 15 ? 20 ? …. Woke air head s…
MM, that is very much a ‘stage’ slap. The acting teachers must be very proud.
Confused – Irish republics go on about Ireland being Ireland – but they also seem to like to be invaded by a million or two foreigners -maybe it’s ok as they are not British …
Veradks – or veruka – spell check seems to think Irish kids fed up with seeing their city being lost are ‘far right ‘ maybe that’s the correct definition …. It will be ‘normal’ this weekend because the footy is back …
Albinos are very much persecuted in Africa and it is all because of the colour of their skin.
Cluck cluck.
Oh please don’t start MM “this article is over one year old” off on that again
Thanks for reminding me …. steps into time machine ….
Don’t forget the sonic screwdriver and some black assistants
By coincidence…
Followed by this from Pioneer’s Post:
This week’s headlines from the pioneers of social entrepreneurship, impact investing and mission-driven business around the world
‘We need black leaders leading black funds’: Victor Adebowale condemns slow pace of change in UK social investment
Almost two years on from the report his commission published on inequality in UK social investment, Lord Victor Adebowale says he doesn’t ‘apologise for being impatient’ about getting more funds to the UK’s black communities.
Do what now?
“If you’re in favour of women and children NOT getting stabbed,
you are ‘far-right’, according to the corporate media”
TalkTV light news story about illegal who died in 2021 boat deaths incident.
Why not dream of being an emperor?! Give them better dreams!
@Stew – I dream of one day joining the Chippendales.
The bbc are in desparate “damage limitation mode” over the events in Dublin :-
“Dublin rioters are not patriots” says Irish PM.
I’ve got news for you pal, patriots is exactly what they are.
Sooner or later people were always going to realise that candles,flowers, and “they will not divide us” bullshit was not going to wash any more.
Apparently it’s all being caused by far-right extremists. Good, like them or not, they are probably the only hope that western civilisation has.
God bless Geert Wilders, too.
Dublin video shows black guy carrying loads of apparently looted goods, through crowds of white people who are not looting.
… https://twitter.com/LeoKearse/status/1727853201120952795
Still don’t like short videos
Didn’t a bunch of people including some Africans attack and loot a Dublin LIDL with the assistance of a tracked excavator machine a while back – I remember seeing a video
maybe this…
Fox vs Sadiq .. 20K likes
… https://twitter.com/LozzaFox/status/1727775327097598169
Sadiq’s tweet saying “look over there, far-right danger” got 2.5 million views and just 7K likes.
The reply from comedian Leo Kearse got 10K Likes
This report puts the BBC’s coverage in context……
Quote : \\ The violence followed an attack on several people outside the Gaelscoil Choláiste Mhuire children’s school in Parnell Square by a man armed with a knife
A girl (5) and a woman in her 30s were seriously injured in this attack.
A six-year-old girl and a five-year-old boy sustained less serious injuries.
The Irish Times understands the woman was an employee of the school or afterschool care facility the children were attending.
The chief suspect, a man in his 40s, was also seriously injured in this incident. Officers said they weren’t looking for anyone else and investigators say they’re “keeping an open mind” about any motive.
After the stabbing, violent disturbances broke out on several streets in Dublin city centre after 6pm with clashes between crowds of people and gardaí //
Almost all tweets that mention the word “far right” and got 15K+ Likes
are from tweeters condemning media for using it as a smear label
Simpo as ever reading the room.
I don’t want to be too gloomy, but we can surely expect more of those disgusting scenes in Dublin last night as more and more people flee to wealthy countries as a result of war and global warming, and local people turn nasty.
British doctor shot dead in South Africa ‘after taking wrong turn’ during riots
They revised last years immigration figures upwards when they came out with the new numbers.
This years numbers are now below last years.
Does anyone think they deliberately fiddled last years numbers (probably as well as this years numbers) so that they can say immigration is now going down.
Of course, nobody believes anything they come out with as all the numbers are fiddled.
Just like putting a low estimate of the cost of hs2 knowing they are just using the ‘estimate’ to get the go ahead.
It’s a pity there isn’t a go to site such as ‘verify’, only one that actually tells the truth.
I reckon our very own Stew is far more accurate with his posts than any of the spin departments who come out with all their twisted statistics.
There is also an institutional refusal to link huge population rises – for any reason – with breaking public services . They’d rather concentrate on anecdotal stuff about single failing – say hospitals or schools rather than huge rises in demand caused by the sheer volume population increase .
It will also be labelled as ‘racist ‘ and ‘far right ‘ when in fact it’s reality and common sense ….
EG ..cheers a compliment is a bit unusual
After leaving the EU, the UK can’t blame the bloc for rising migration figures, @ChrisMasonBBC writes
See; exactly what Femi has been saying.
This is from Kay Burley’s own Twitter. Watch what happens when the woman who I presume is her producer mentions the hostages held by Hamas, at around 0:28.
That blonde bimbo… are they cloned?
UK MSM is done.
: it’s not inconceivable that these were just Israeli firework parties.
: doesn’t this show that Hamas knew in advance that Israel was not going to honour its promise to allow fuel into Gaza?
This is the BBC’s total income, not just that from the licence fee (£3.5 billion) or public money. Much of the rest is generated from its commercial operations.
The BBC’s income is around £5 billion (£4.943 billion in 2020, to be precise).
Of this, around £3.5 billion is generated from the licence fee. But a significant amount is generated through other, non-public means.
The BBC lie by ommission, again:
˝Sources have indicated to the BBC that the man suspected of carrying out the attack is an Irish citizen, who has lived in the country for 20 years.˝
Funny that, because elsewhere (including the achingly woke Newsweek) other ˝sources˝ have indicated he was Algerian:
˝Irish police are questioning an Algerian man suspected of stabbing a woman and three children outside a school, in an attack that sparked a night of furious riots, looting and anti-immigrant protests in Dublin.˝
Administratively Irish, as they tend to say.
Not that one likes to cast aspersions but the island of Ireland does have a long tradition of tribalism and banditry.
Their recent arrivals should fit in nicely.
As always, do make of that statement whatever you wish.
This is from @AmyMek where a woman in a burka is asked to react to the upcoming 2019 law banning it in public.
“I teach my children that our creator is more important than Dutch rules & we don’t have to adapt to Dutch society”.
Integration going well then.
Again one might wonder why leave one place to come to another… and more crucially who facilitated this.
This stands for Commander of the Order of the British Empire.
King George V created the Orders of the British Empire awards during World War I to reward services to the war effort by people helping back in the UK (i.e. not on the front line).
K-pop stars Blackpink were awarded honorary MBEs by the King to coincide with the state visit by South Korea’s president. But which of their hits was played at the Changing of the Guard outside Buckingham Palace?
What is an MBE?
Like a CBE or an OBE, an MBE is an order of the British Empire award. It is the third highest ranking Order of the British Empire award, behind CBE which is first and then OBE.
It stands for Member of the Order of the British Empire (as opposed to Commander or Officer).
It is also awarded to someone for making a positive impact in their line of work.
[Chorus: Jennie, Jisoo]
Hit you with that ddu-du, ddu-du, du
(Ah yeah, ah yeah!)
Hit you with that ddu-du, ddu-du, du
(Ah yeah, ah yeah!)
Ddu-du, du-du-du-du-du
AISI, I’ve been looking at the claims of the newspapers to be ‘Newspaper of the Year’. Currently there are three; the FT, the Mirror and the Guardian. In addition, the Daily Telegraph has, in very small print, an alternative claim: National News Media Organisation of the Year.
They cannot all be right in their claims.
They all do it, for each other. Like Bowen get an award for being Welsh and not wrong all the time.
BBC staff are now blocked from attending the march against antisemitism. Rather inconsistent approach since just days ago, Gary Lineker was allowed to share a video by chief Hamasexual, Owen Jones accusing Israel of committing genocide.
More evidence that the BBC has a problem.
This can’t be true, surely? When does attending become reporting? Though NBC did manage both at the massacre.
Times reports it
@MailOnline too
Fury as Jewish BBC staff are banned from attending antisemitism march despite ‘many colleagues going on pro-Palestine rallies’ https://trib.al/85MeY2N
Chris Packham says blow up the pipelines!
All must win press prizes
Pay £200K to attend ceremony …. you will be picked if you order all the wine!
@ GW / SG also the DM,
CAN YOU actually BELIEVE the tone deaf bbc racists ?????
“Fury as Jewish BBC staff are banned from attending anti-Semitism march despite ‘many colleagues going on pro-Palestine rallies’
‘Ruling’ for those in news, current affairs, factual journalism and senior leaders
But staff are furious after stars such as Gary Lineker backed pro-Palestine rallies”
Where have we heard this before ?
Oh yes, Beijing.
That worked well last time…..
“Pictured: Hospital waiting rooms packed in China amid mystery pneumonia outbreak – as Beijing insists new virus is NOT the culprit”
One of the one in a million asian immigrants who are doctors….
Christ knows what their rocket scientists are up to in NASA..
“Houston, we have a groper”
“GP who was still allowed to stand as a Labour councillor amid sexual misconduct allegation is struck off for touching a patient inappropriately
Dr Ibrahim Hayat performed an intimate examination on a female patient in 2015
He was a Labour Party councillor between 2007 and 2022 for Newport, Wales “
Dr Ibrahim Hayat performed an intimate examination on a female patient in 2015
Perk of the job? Perk of the religion? Perk of the Party?
Not that I wish to cast aspersions on the justifiable anger in Dublin,
but I do sometimes wonder about the correllation between track suit bottoms and rioting
That’s fine. Just don’t wonder about any correlation between ethnicity or religious ideology and ‘random’ stabbings of women and children who are of different ethnicity and religious persuasion.
With the help of the bbc and Kay Burly the strangler:
“How worrying numbers of young people are falling for Hamas’s dirty tricks in the propaganda war.
Living, as we do, six miles from Ben Gurion Airport — one of the key targets of the Palestinian terrorists — we have grown accustomed to the daily wail of the air-raid sirens as incoming missiles are detected and the deafening sound of explosions as Israel’s Iron Dome air defence system is activated.
“I have three daughters, the youngest of whom is ten, and my wife and I lead them to our shelter — every new house in Israel has to have one by law — once, if not twice, a day.
Apart from the sense of trauma that this creates, they are getting no schooling to speak of as their teachers are called up for reserve duty.Seeing my girls put through such an ordeal only fuels my anger about the way so many people in the West, particularly among the younger generation, have taken up the Palestinian cause and view Israel with such unfounded animosity.
The situation is all the more tragic because so much of this venom is born of ignorance.
This was vividly illustrated recently by an exercise carried out by the Jewish-American comedian Mikey Greenblatt on the streets of New York.
He accosted people at random with a request to sign a petition in support of Hamas and freeing Palestine.
Once they agreed, he insisted on quoting them the small print, which included the slaughter of every Jew, Christian and non-Muslim in the world, making homosexuality a capital offence, and the implementation of a system of sharia law that would ban women from showing their knees or hair, playing sports in public, or travelling without a man’s permission.
Naturally, all his would-be backers responded by performing abrupt U-turns.
But this grotesque level of ignorance about the true nature of Hamas means that many in the West are susceptible to the terrorists’ propaganda.
The truth is that, for all its economic might and social sophistication, as well as the support of the leaders of the free world, Israel is losing the battle for hearts and minds on the street.”
‘Irish police are questioning an Algerian man suspected of stabbing a woman and three children outside a school’
‘Irish police, known as gardaí, are still establishing if the attacker is mentally ill or if he was motivated by political or racial hate. Police Commissioner Drew Harris refused to rule out the possibility that the stabbing attack was terror-related.’
What about that then BBC ?.
Possibly the greatest lie-by-omission by the BBC to date. Why do these far-left, agenda-driven activist scum get surprised when ordinary people are angry that they have been cynically lied to ?.
Well I actually learned something from the BBC London News just now.
Did you know that the Royal London Hospital trauma unit has it’s own dedicated police team attached to it? Nine officers, because 800 stabbing incidents a year.
Don’t worry though, there’s no change in BBC reporting: knife crime just “happens” and the emphasis is on victims even though the police are obviously there to gather evidence on the perpetrators.
The Left and the BBC don’t give a sh1t about any of those people stabbed unless they are black and someone white did it.
unless they are black and someone white did it.
And there are only slightly more examples of that than there are authenticated sightings of Elvis Presley boarding a flying saucer…
For some reason I am getting an email every time anybody comments on biased bbc.
It started an hour or so ago.
My email box is getting loads of comment notifications appearing.
I looked at the options about unsubscribing where it says ‘click here to manage existing subscriptions’ which is on here after the last post and I’ve tried to unsubscribe notifications but when I click on the blue part )update subscriptions’ to make this happen I get the following message appearing:
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I’m still getting notifications.
I’ve never had this appear before.
Anybody know what I need to do to stop getting a notification every time anybody posts anything as it’s taken over my inbox.
I think I’ve found the solution.
On my emails, the very last option on the biased bbc notification gives an unsubscribe option which I’ve clicked.
If you click “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without” when adding a post it will update you!
Thanks for the reply.
That’s probably what I did to cause this.
Anyway, the emails have stopped arriving so if anyone else gets this they can click unsubscribe at the bottom of the notification email if they want to stop it.
Emmanuel, it is very easy if you are in a hurry to post, to tick the box on the left or the subscribe clicky almost above the ‘Post Comment’ clicky.
ooh… broadcaster doesn’t like feedback then?
Cowardly scum
I would be more worried at the shear incompetence of this clown and his atrocious policies.
He is a creature of the WEF as Rishi Washi and keeling Surkeer are.
Sounds like every BLM protest over the last few years
Amazed he hasn’t tried the Khant “part and parcel” approach?
If was BLM it’d be applauded and footy would have another pre-match ritual.
They are clones. Look at her. And what she was trying to do… SOOOOOO badly.
‘I just wished I could disappear’
Siphiwe Moyo told BBC News NI she did not want to be identifiable as a black woman making her way home from Dublin city centre amid the rioting.
“I just wished I could just disappear,” she said.
An absolutely ridiculous article by the BBC. Here we have an empathy laden article from a statement by one person who somehow the BBC managed to track down and interview.
How did they find her ?. Are we supposed to believe a black woman who went home and nothing happened to her decided to call the BBC and tell them about it ?.
I am 100% certain the BBC pushed her with leading questions and edited what she said for maximum effect.
This is all a huge smokescreen to avoid the elephant in the room. The story here is a man stabbing women and children. And it’s the only thing the BBC are not reporting.
I can’t recall an article by the BBC as cynically misleading and full of lies by omission as this. They are absolutely out of control.