A Service for Advent with Carols, from the Chapel of St John’s College, Cambridge.
Introit: There is no rose (Gerald Hendrie)
Opening Sentence
Processional Hymn: Come thou redeemer of the earth (Puer nobis nascitur, descant Christopher Gray)
Bidding Prayer
Carol: Deus, Deus meus (Roxanna Panufnik)
I The Message of Advent
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Sapientia and O Adonaï
First Lesson: Mark 13 vv.32-36
Motet: Vigilate (Byrd)
Second Lesson: Isaiah 11 vv.1-5
Carol: A tender shoot (Kerensa Briggs)
II The Word of God
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Radix Jesse and O Clavis David
Third Lesson: Hebrews 4 vv.12-16
Carol: This is the truth (Trad., arr. Vaughan Williams and Christopher Robinson)
Fourth Lesson: Luke 4 vv. 14-21
Hymn: O come, O come Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel, descant David Hill)
III The Prophetic Call
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Oriens and O Rex Gentium
Fifth Lesson: Malachi 3 vv. 1-7
Motet: Fuit homo missus a Deo (Praetorius)
Sixth Lesson: Matthew 3 vv. 1-11
Hymn: On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry (Winchester New, descant Christopher Robinson)
IV The God-Bearer
Sentence and Collect
Antiphon: O Emmanuel
Anthem: Bogoroditse Dyevo (Rachmaninoff)
Seventh Lesson: Luke 1 vv. 26-38
Magnificat: The Truro Service (Russell Pascoe)
Eighth Lesson: The Annunciation (Edwin Muir)
Anthem: The Hidden Light (Joanna Marsh) – New commission
The Christmas Collect
Carol: Noel – Verbum caro factum est (Tamsin Jones)
Hymn: Of the Father’s heart begotten (Divinum mysterium, arr. Willcocks)
The College Prayer and The Blessing
Organ Voluntary: In dir ist Freude, BWV 615 (Bach)
An episode of Christmas University Challenge has been pulled after two contestants complained about a lack of provision for their disabilities.
One of the contestants, who is blind, called the experience “distressing”.
Audio description, which they said had been promised, was not provided, while a request for subtitles for another contestant, who is neurodivergent, is understood to have been turned down.
The BBC said it had apologised to the individuals concerned.
The show’s production company Lifted Entertainment, which is part of ITV Studios, also offered its “sincere apologies”.
Christmas University Challenge, a festive spin-off from the BBC Two quiz show, features teams of distinguished alumni who compete on behalf of their former universities.
BBC News understands that the two contestants flagged disabilities to the producers before the recording.
It is understood that the production team said subtitles were not possible but that audio description would be provided. However, in the event, audio description did not happen.
One of the affected contestants said: “One minute before the show, we were told there was no audio description and that your captain will instead have to explain everything.”
The contestant said the visual images, which needed describing, included a pie chart and maps. “It was distressing,” they added.
The other contestant, who is neurodivergent and has challenges with audio processing, said they had requested subtitles in advance, so they wouldn’t be at a disadvantage when trying to answer questions at speed.
“Unfortunately, I was told this wasn’t possible,” they said.
They also asked for some other accommodations to help manage their sensory needs but say these weren’t fully provided.
They still agreed to participate, but said, due to lack of accommodations and last minute changes, the experience was “overwhelming and overstimulating”, and that it impacted their ability to function for a week afterwards.
After the show was recorded, the two contestants – who have asked not to be named – complained to the BBC and asked for the episode not to be broadcast.
“I was in touch to say I’d prefer not to have the manifestation of my disability broadcast on network TV in the run-up to Christmas,” the first contestant said.
On Friday, the decision was made to pull the episode.
Both contestants said the decision not to air it was greatly appreciated, and that they had offered to help make the programme more inclusive.
Get ready for the BBC Deaf Orchestra Conductor of the Year competition.
All in the interests of equality and inclusion, you understand.
It’s what Beethoven would have wanted.
BBC News at Ten, the same report on Gaza they showed at six.
Footage of a young girl sitting amid the rubble with her mother, crying into her hand.
The voice of Orla Guerin intones, “Israel says it is striking Hamas in its strongholds. Tell that to this girl.”
Where were you bbc, such an expert on world affairs ?
“The Islamic Republic is on the path to committing a mass atrocity. The world should pay attention.
By Anthony Vance
Since Mahsa Jina Amini was killed by the so-called morality police in September 2022, demonstrations have occurred in at least 163 cities and at 144 universities in Iran. Security forces have killed over five hundred protesters and over nineteen thousand have been detained.
Ahhh heres the (muzzie) bbc:
In a rare interview, one morality police officer spoke anonymously to the BBC about his experience working in the force.
“They told us the reason we are working for the morality police units is to protect women,” he said. “Because if they do not dress properly, then men could get provoked and harm them.”
An interesting point someone made to me about the Hamas raid into Israel which I was previously unaware of but has major potential implications has turned out to be true.
The report talked of a former Egyptian Ambassdor to Egypt who said the Hamas raid on Israel was an information gathering excercise. The NYT article lends credence to that.
During the raid on an intelligence IDF base servers, PCs and senior military officers were captured. This appears to have largely gone unreported, no one really knows what was on those servers nor if the military officers have cracked under ‘interogation’, but just imagine if those servers contain information about nuclear launch codes, lists of Palestinian informants, the details of key code passwords to NATO or USA transmissions.
It’s unthinkable, and it’s probably the reason the US has sent such a huge naval presence to the region. The value of such assets to a foreign power such as Iran Russia or China would be unimaginable, and it’s hard to imagine the stupidity of the IDF placing such an important data centre so close to the Gazan border. The sheer arrogance of the IDF of believing it could never happen is mind numbing.
So now you know. The Gazan Hamas knew all about this installation, and they almost certainly had outside training and help. We can only speculate on the danger we have all been placed in as a result.
Maybe I will repeat, as it seems so relevant to your post:
Where were you bbc, such an expert on world affairs ?
“The Islamic Republic is on the path to committing a mass atrocity. The world should pay attention.
By Anthony Vance
Since Mahsa Jina Amini was killed by the so-called morality police in September 2022, demonstrations have occurred in at least 163 cities and at 144 universities in Iran. Security forces have killed over five hundred protesters and over nineteen thousand have been detained.
Ahhh heres the (muzzie) bbc:
In a rare interview, one morality police officer spoke anonymously to the BBC about his experience working in the force.
“They told us the reason we are working for the morality police units is to protect women,” he said. “Because if they do not dress properly, then men could get provoked and harm them.”
The BBC may understand that if they continue to be
the TV media partner of Hamas . WE the license fee
payers by the millions will stop paying our TV tax.
For Christ’s sake not EVERYBODY with clout at the BBC
are followers of the likes of Jeremy Corbyn or Owen Jones.
We have been putting up with Jeremy Bowen’s and
Orla Guerin’s hatred of Israel for years now. And for their
bile we have to pay £158 a year?
Would you pay £400 per year for a BBC subscription that includes TV, radio and news? This provocative notion was at the heart of Dame Elan Closs Stephens’ speech at the Voice of the Listener & Viewer Autumn Conference today
She’s clearly a lady with a great sense of humour, given the references to ‘objectivity’ (sic) and ‘contribution to British society’ (sic). The possible £400 subscription fee is more than twice the current TV poll tax payment, perhaps suggesting that BBC research indicates that less than half the public would be willing to pay it and that the difference will need to be made up.
The flaw in her thinking is the notion that the BBC is a complete package and should be offered on an all or nothing basis. According to its most recent report, the BBC News channel costs £66 million a year, whereas BBC 1, which allegedly provides ‘drama, comedy, entertainment’ costs £1.2 billion a year. Perhaps some people might want the former, but not the latter? Maybe not everyone wants the BBC childrens channels (£98 million), or radio channels which duplicate the commerical sector (Radio 1, £39 million), or openly racist radio stations such as 1Xtra and the Asian Network (£19 million). And why does it need 40 local radio stations, which together attracted only 4.6% of the listening audience in March 2023 according to RAJAR?
A possible solution is to modulise it. The News channel can remain free (after all, it’s a propaganda outlet of the British State). A single, general entertainment/education channel can be provided free of charge. This can be financed by advertising (and not just the BBC’s own, extensive and currently free advertising). It doesn’t have to carry adverts every 12-15 minutes like existing commercial channels, rather it can have a 5 minute slot once an hour between programmes, as is done in some other countries. For everything else, a subscription package can be offered. The model here is Sky – when it started in 1990 it offered Sky News and Sky 1 (entertainment) free of charge, but if people wanted movies and sport they had to pay for them. It’s a model that proved very successful.
With regards to radio, most of it can be got rid of or sold to the commercial sector. All that needs to remain is a domestic version of the World Service, combining the best bits of Radios 3, 4 and 5. The dedicated music stations can be made subscription, something along the lines of ‘BBC Spotify’ for instance. This would also enable the BBC to offer, say, a high definition audio version of Radio 3, for which there would be demand by audiophiles.
The BBC is many things, and one of them is that it is a dinosaur, unable to evolve whilst the world has changed around it. It can change, or go extinct. If there truly is a role or a need for a public service broadcaster in the third decade of the 21st century, it needs to be very different.
The fight back against these savages is building momentum:
Germany, we have a problem! Mass market tabloid that welcomed Angela Merkel’s decision to let in a million migrants sounds a startling warning
‘Our world is in chaos, and we are in the middle of it,’ says the paper.
‘Since the terrorist attack of Hamas on Israel on October 7, we are experiencing a new dimension of hatred, against our values, our democracy and against Germany.
‘In our country, there are many who oppose our way of life. People who celebrate the murder of innocent civilians.
‘Those who teach their children to hate others because they are ‘infidels’ (non-believers), those who forbid women from wearing trousers; those who listen to radical preachers because they want a different society. Germany must say no!’
He don’t care about international law when it doesn’t suit his approval of killing of women and children in Israel, but he bloody well does know laws inside out when he is begging and bowing to get into this country and claiming housing benefit
Sometimes I just shake my head in disbelief or despair…
The great and the good have all hot-winged it to Dubai and the Cop 28 shindig, to lecture the rest of the world about our carbon footprints. While we have to pay the ULEZ extortion charge and face the impending prospect of 15-minute cities, these well-heeled ponces can jet off to wherever they wish. As the great George Orwell once said, “Some animals are more equal than others”…
As I sat shivering in my living room, I heard that we had just endured the hottest year ever and that the world was at boiling point. I looked out the window as the snow fell, pulled my scarf a little tighter and put another chunk of coal on the fire. It was bloody freezing.
Of course, our idiot king, Charlie (was there ever a monarch with a more apt name?) had to be there. So was the ghastly “Dave” Cameron, schmoozing and grovelling for all he was worth.
Oh yes, Wishy Washy turned up and gave his word that he’d grind our country into the financial dust in his fanatical adherence to achieving net zero. Mind you, he has also pledged to stop the dinghies and get immigration down to the tens of thousands, so I wouldn’t lose any sleep over this twat’s promises.
Just look at the lot of them. All that wasted hot air, waffling about trying to save the planet from boiling to death…and it’s bloody freezing.
As some useful idiot in the elite once said, ‘Throw another peasant on the fire…”!
The shadowy – but clever – people who started the ‘climate boiling’ rot have long since got their eye-watering profits out, and are letting the crass politicians and hangers-on wobble around claiming they know what they’re doing to ‘save the planet’…
We’re burning as much wood and coal as we can now, I collect the wood myself from a generous neighbour who is clearing the estate around his huge mansion; the car will guzzle petrol for the rest of my days, and I will also guzzle copious amounts of red to make me feel better too! Senora O’Blene is joining me in this normal lifestyle too – thank goodness!
And it’s Shep’s Bishop Finger and pizza today, to use more electricity…
Agriculture now included in their deliberations to destroy humanity by starving to death.
In the UK, that will mean coming for the allotment. But just think, the government can cultivate the land to grow more accommodation for boat people et al.
The World’s biggest carbon emitter approving equivalent of two new coal plants a week, analysis shows
The government has pledged to peak emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2060, and in 2021 the president, Xi Jinping, promised to stop building coal powered plants abroad.
But after regional power crunches in 2022, China started a domestic spree of approving new projects and restarting suspended ones. In 2022 the government approved a record-breaking 106 gigawatts (GW) of new coal-fired power capacity. One gigawatt is the equivalent of a large coal power plant.”
brave little souls that they are, boasting at their sociology lectures how they got arrested
Try it in Beijiing where you actually may raise awareness where it actually may matter
Nope,literally no way actually literally you don’t quite literally care enough for the literally environment and those killing your “children and future” for getting the literally OMG sh’t kicked out of you and actually no way OMG locked up literally without trial for a couple of years.
funny how your literally concerns only seem to correlate with whether actually mummy picks you up after a protest in her literally SUV and you get to some crap polytechnic the next day so show some selfies to other literally purple haired ignoramuses.
Any doubts about the post above, I would recommend frequent journies from Kings Cross to North Herts with bunches of females, mostly stoodents, over the age of 18 who will indulge in non stop conversation for two hours, with the word “literally”and “like” used before every single noun and verb in every single sentence.
I can only assume a tactic for the thick as sh’t to sound, like, literally, almost but not quite, like, literally, sounding like, academic.
The temptation to request they talk metaphorically was almost overwhelming, but I assume it would have literally, like, blown their like, little brains like apart.
The casual sexism and racism of the bbc now on an everyday basis, since ofcom refuses to control them is frustrating.
Sometimes, the only way to open their eyes is to join them.
I have proposed to the bbc that they investigate a theory that was postulated back in the eighties at a place I worked by one of the more hardline conservatives, to put it mildly:
“if you restrained a woman in a chair with her arms strapped down, and rang a phone next to her, she would eventually explode”
My experience with women and ringing phones whilst eating meals or any other intimate interactions seems to support this, when they don’t now who the caller is.
A look at if men have an issue with friendship from the Cheltenham Science Festival with author Max Dickins, evolutionary expert Professor Robin Dunbar, and GP Dr Radha Modgil.”
Men with alcohol problems ‘six times more likely to abuse partner’
Dia Mirza: The biggest climate issue is egotistical men
They just refuse to respond to reasonable requests like:
How many points has the Tardis drivers licence got on it since that woman was in charge ?
Is it on an insurance blacklist now ?
How many times will you mention Tommy Robinsons real name and refuse to mention Naga Munchetys real name, and why ?
Will you acknowledge the demography of the Uk and why do you refuse to reflect that in your recruitment policy ?
Why are you obsessed with the phrase “far right” yet refuse to use the phrase “far left” ?
How many negative stories have you run about Donald Trump, compared with a clearly senile Joe Biden and convicted son Hunter Biden who consorts with underage prostitutes and takes drugs?
How many quotes presented as facts do you accept and repeat from a terrorist organisatation in Gaza ?
The press noticed the tie the outgoing king was wearing at the green crap meeting yesterday . It was the Greek Flag . Just a co incidence that the kings’ first ministered cancelled a meeting with the Greek PM over the Elgin marbles ….
…royals can’t get involved in government business – but this does – he is breaking the deal between the monarchy and the state and deserves punishment for it … let’s hope it’s a short rein .
I think the Elgin marbles should be reunited with the Parthenon. The solution would be to dismantle the Parthenon, ship it to Britain and assemble it somewhere suitable complete with Marbles, Hyde Park, London? It would look splendid on Arthur’s Seat Edinburgh?
I care less but my Republican gene fired up …. The issue with those rocks is giving them back will open the doors of all museums and galleries and sending the stuff back from where they came …
But perhaps the British museum can then be used to house all those welcome new arrivals ready to use their heritage to enrich the inferior British culture … innit …
He does have some Greek blood though Fed, so perhaps this was some sort of secret message!
Reading the book about Prince Philip’s early life, I find it amazing that he had such an awful upbringing from day one! The poor chap didn’t really have any close family life until he got going over here!
Compare that with the pampered coddling of Harry the Whinger, and his dreadful wife, and we can easily see where real strength of character lay!
Charlie and the Jets can wear any tie they want as far as I care, and I sometimes wonder why he always uses that tiddly, prissy little knot instead of a proper Double Windsor!
The format for toady seems to be to start with a spokesman for Islamic Hamas telling sob stories with the help of BBC propaganda staff – Robinson – meesh et al ….. at the end of the anti Israel rants there might be a 30 second rebuttal ( or not as in today ) to satisfy BBCOFCOM .
I just hope that some Jewish organisation is recording this stuff – not that it will affect BBCOFCOM or the blue labour government of course …
There was in interesting short exchange between Michael Gove and the Inquiry Barrister Keith. Gove pointed out that the virus was probably man made. Barrister Keith cut that one short by stating that it was not part of the terms of reference of the inquiry. Surely if the virus was man made, as indeed it almost certainly was, it would be crucial to how the pandemic was handled?
What would gove know ? But the bbc is bigging up the nut nut show in the coming week … we should have a competition –
1 when will the first classical reference be made ?
2 first flippancy
3 first reference to cummings
4 first vaccine to first vaccine
5 false apology
6 party gate
7 Sue grey ( now a Labour Party official)
8 sunak s eat out lunacy
9 PPE fixation
10 being out of his depth
That overage BBC droid – John ( not a lord yet ) Simpson is apparently interviewed about himself on BBC1 by another BBC droid …. The piece is an outlift of the ‘interview’ … and is far too reverential … naturally when you go to the comments .. the views about lefties like Simpson are less than complementary …together with the natural hatred for their BBC ….
Someone on the radio or TV mentioned he was 42 years old. I was astounded, from what I saw of him he could pass as 16. A check on Wiki confirmed him as 42 years of age.
If I were Meg and Ginger I would be very careful who I briefed for media. I certainly wouldn’t want a freak doing my PR for me.
regarding Mr plastic face Scooby Doo with the now ubiquitous cardboard eyebrows and sucked in cheeks, if you’re that dishonest about your appearance, it doesn’t bode well for your veracity elsewhere.
I am not entirely sure about this, do I understand it correctly that the leader of the Labour party has gone to the COP meeting. How on earth did he get there…surely not on a plane. I’m hoping to hear that he travelled by train or bus …..perhaps he got a lift in somebody else’s plane but obviously not Rishi’s, the Kings, or Dave Camerons. I wonder is that man blair there ,no doubt being wise and important , how did he get there ? the BBC haven’t told us,perhaps a job for the Verify team.
Readers note l will be referring this to my previously mentioned and more modest yet equivalent ,Veriturd unit.
Smarmer seems to be muscling in on these global events. I think he was at the WEF event as well? His Globalism talks I guess he is made welcome as a globalist brother. How many other non Government people from other countries are invited? It doesn’t say much for Sunak that he can’t or won’t keep him away from an event which is for Government leaders.
Do you have your hankies ready?
The Hamas Broadcasting Corporation hope so.
Get ready for this one.
On BBC London yesterday.
The main story. A woman in London has lost 42 of her relatives in the Israeli bombings of Gaza.
She wants to bring her surviving relatives to London. She has engaged a lawyer to help ( whether she is paying or not was left unstated). She works as a caterer, whatever that means.
Here’s the clincher. She speaks no English. The interview required a translator and over-dubbing.
Question not asked. Why is she even here?
Historically we locked up people into Asylums who thought God was calling them to murder in his name. Then Islam came along and everyone simply changed it to “That’s not what Islam calls for”. When their imams week in and week out are calling for this in God’s name during their sermons
Toady interviews an over famous now dead pop star *called Shane MacGowan – one of those full fat Irish nationalists born in Kent from a poor background which included going to public schools – including Westminster …..
… mr macgowan has exited the stage at the age of 65 – after a life of drug and booze abuse . His widow wants his Christmas song to be ‘number one ‘ – but didn’t mention how much the royalties would be …
… at least noddy holder says his Christmas tune pays his pension every year .. honesty eh?
8Did you spot the mistake ? Toady interviewed the widow of said oirish pop star …
Is that the Christmas song with the catchy little beat that we can all sing along to, and have a boogy on the floor after the mince pies ? No ? thought not – it’s the one where most people only know one line of the lyrics.
Its generally a consequence of over indulgence in amphetamines, but because he did not present himself as English the bbc will be drooling over him.
Born in Kent, England, to Irish parents, MacGowan joined the punk band the Nipple Erectors before founding the Pogues in 1982. He drew upon his Irish heritage when founding the Pogues.
Like that Jungle person bully Nellie Rose, black people don’t like you she said to Nigel Farge, cos you don’t like immigrants, hmm from Belgium ?
Rose was born Ornella Rose Hollela on 20 July 1997 in Belgium to a family of Congolese descent. Her family emigrated to the United Kingdom when Rose was seven years old. In 2015, she began studying sociology at the University of Leicester, graduating with a 2:1 in sociology. Speaking of her time at university, Rose said that she “did not want to go there at all” and would have preferred to get a job, but said she knew that “if she didn’t study at university, her family would never let it go.
2:1 in sociology,
Farage : where did you get the idea I am anti immigrant ?
Rose “from der internet ”
I see the Harvard system of referencing is doing well in the lecture theatres of sociology departments in shipping containers next to the university bogs around the country
Well if she is an example of those currently leaving yuni with a degree then my generation of school leavers back in the mid 60s must have been bloody geniuses when we started work !!
I went to a secondary modern(remember them?)
A goodly number of my classmates all ended up in very well paid responsible jobs. Not many ended up on the tills at Tesco like the current graduates.
But Brissles….. universities are no longer places concerned with education for the young, they are now in the business of providing highly paid positions with huge pensions for lefty tutors. Basically the students are just raw materials that need to be processed through to keep the numbers and therefore their income as high as possible whilst maximising the indoctrination of lefty politics in the graduates who leave invisibly politically branded like cattle.
I have seen this trend happening for years now by watching the trajectories of a number of younger extended family members who went through the process.
The left-leaning Guardian has been obliged to reprimand their cartoonists for the sin of some good old-fashioned Der Stürmer-inspired anti-semitism – on a fairly regular basis (occasional jew-baiting being a comfortable leftist elite habit, cloaked by notions of anti-Zionism or criticism of Israel)
Meanwhile our favourite right-leaning comic sketch author, Matt, rather bravely we feel, has a poke at the arabs this morning. Under the banner: Abu Dhabi buys Telegraph – he pictures two gentleman’s club types by the fireside perusing their broadsheets: “I’m a Telegraph reader. I get it for the camel racing mostly”
Matt, mate. Telegraph types take their newspapers, preferably neatly ironed by staff, they don’t get them.
But kudos to Mr Matt – he’s not afraid to bite the hand that feeds there. Let’s hope he doesn’t face sacking for a blasphemy of the type that befell Steve Bell of the Gruan. Let’s also hope he hasn’t offened Telegraph readers in general – considering his portrayal of those two clubbish elderly gents as representative of the modern readership. I’m inevitably put in mind of tv comic Paul Whitehouse and his ludicrous creation Rowley Birkin QC. Still, if our Matt does find himself in hot water he does at least have the obvious Rowley Birkin line of defence: “I was very, very drunk”
Mrs AsI is something of a connoisseur of those not-intended-to-be-funny cartoon graphics employed to illustrate life-style features usually in left-leaning publications such as the Guardian or the pound shop junior Guardian which is the ‘i’ newspaper. The globalist FT Weekend, in campaigning feminist mode: Women of the Year 25 global leaders and influencers – borrows from the Guardian style book today with a little drawing to match with their FT Money feature: Factoring in the cost of living crisis – a white cartoon woman and black cartoon chap are presented as our regulation miscegenation representative mixed-race couple (of course they are).
But, oh dear. It all goes a bit off-message in the FT as our couple illustrate this feature with the sub-heading: Can you afford a divorce? She appears to be escaping his clutches, as she reaches for what looks like a giant cup cake, escaping outside of the giant encompassing wedding and engagement rings, as the house and furniture tumble. I wonder who wins custody of the DFS sofa? Winston or Jocasta?
The official covid inquiry with the unspoken remit to accept Lockdowns as natural, effective and obvious – all singing along to the tune of the Keir Starmer formula ‘sooner, harder, longer‘ – provides another mainstream media key money shot, this time for those Lockdown fans in our education sector: Covid inquiry: Earlier lockdown could have kept schools open, says Matt Hancock (BBC)
Well looky here: Thousands skip school to go on Gaza marches… Children as young as seven are skipping school to join pro-Palestinian marches, a report warns today… The wave of truancy comes amid a school absence crisis triggered by the pandemic (Daily Mail) – quick editorial adjustment from Mr AsI: school absence crisis triggered by the pandemic Lockdowns
The Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express (formerly united with the people of Ukraine) echoes his master’s voice: Don’t believe doubters! Rwanda migrant deal is on – perhaps we’ll now have to give the African statelet the Elgin Marbles in exchange for our channel hoppers?
“Don’t Believe the Hype” was a song by hip hop group Public Enemy from their second album, It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back. The song’s lyrics are mostly about the political issues that were current in the United States at the time of its release [1988] (thank you Wiki)
Time for a quick calm down dear: I had the coil fitted and didn’t recognise the woman I became Emma Barnett (‘i’) – our Emma, late of the BBC parish, of course.
Personally, I haven’t had the coil fitted – I’m waiting to see if I have to throw out the old gas boiler and install a heat pump instead.
Our left-leaning press are very concerned will polls this weekend.
The ‘i’ asserts: Labour voters want closer relationship with EU, top pollster warns Starmer – hmmm, we wonder whether that would be the small number of voters who still chose Labour in that late-2019 Boris landslide, or do they mean potential former Red Wall Tory voters considering defecting back to Labour out of disillusion with the seeming anti-British interest policies of Rishi Sunak?
The Daily Mirror is keen to skew a different poll: Get him out of there – screams the Mirror headline: Don’t forget what Farage stands for… boot him from the jungle, MPs urge
I do get confused by popular culture though – is that kid who wrote the royal book for the US actress in the Jungle as well ? And what is grace dent ? Is she a popster too …?
I’ve decided to be an influencer when I grow …. There must be a degree by now ….
It is bleeding freezing here and we all need a good cheer up. How about some photos of those nice girlies sent out to service those 70,000 delegates at COP28.
Ok – I’m gonna break a rule – I’m cutting and pasting a piece about a comment made by ‘jenny harries ‘ of covid fame which turned up in the inquiry about care homes and covid ….
.. I publish it because I was personally affected – unable to say ‘goodbye ‘ to someone locked up in a local care home . I just recall that c word Hancock lieing to us about ‘thrown a protective ring ‘ around care homes …..
The question on many a lip at the moment is what was Jenny Harries thinking when she wrote in March 2020 that “the reality will be we need to discharge Covid-19 positive patients into residential care settings”.
Ms Harries, currently the chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency, argued in an email that “this will be entirely clinically appropriate because the NHS will triage those to retain in acute settings who can benefit from that sector’s care”. At the same time, she recognised that “families and care homes will not welcome this in the initial phase”.
How could a senior scientist support this strategy at all, given that it was bound to lead to an increase in infections among vulnerable residents? The answer is that she was acting in the absence of government guidelines to direct our resources to minimise the risk of infection among those who were at highest risk of severe clinical outcomes.
It is astonishing that, knowing this was our gravest error at that stage, the majority of witnesses at the Covid Inquiry continue to cling (to my mind, in the manner that King Lear noted of “those who gather samphire, a dreadful trade”) to the idea that we should have put in place measures to prevent the spread of infection rather than concentrating on protecting those who were at risk of severe disease in the impending outbreak.
They are all correct that we should have done something earlier, but that “something” was not lockdown. What the government should have immediately triggered is what I now like to call “state-supported personal risk reduction” – more commonly known as focused protection.
Several witnesses have dismissed focused protection of the vulnerable as unworkable. Sage apparently “considered it carefully” and decided it was not possible to protect the vulnerable unless measures were put in place to stop the spread of infection. It’s easy enough to set up a mathematical model that says so, and also equally easy to set one up that says the opposite, so this is not a good way to address this critical question.
But real-world comparisons show that countries like Sweden, which focused on state-supported personal risk reduction rather than infection control, had better outcomes, although Sweden too found the challenge of protecting the care homes during the first wave to be formidable.
What could have been different here? We could have set up fever hospitals where Covid-19 positive patients could convalesce until they no longer posed a risk to other vulnerable people. We could have immediately put in place schemes that allowed vulnerable people to work from home and have their needs met without potentially being exposed. These are the measures that might have worked to reduce deaths rather than the fantasy of infection control.
Yet, before so readily castigating them for their mistakes, it must be remembered that Jenny Harris and others had to navigate in the absence of ministerial direction from Whitehall. Many unfortunate decisions could have been prevented by an awareness in government that resources had to be channelled immediately towards the protection of the vulnerable population (and yes, we knew exactly who they were by then).
The idea that this could have been achieved by locking down earlier is entrenched in the standard misunderstanding that the only way to stop deaths is by reducing infection. And yet, even the vaccines that were able to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 did so by offering protection against severe disease rather than infection.
In future, we need to focus our efforts on how to immediately put in place protocols to protect the vulnerable population during a pandemic, rather than attempting to implement impracticable measures to stifle the spread of infection everywhere, while blinding ourselves to the extensive collateral damage that comes in their wake.ENDS
I wonder if this inquiry will have any value at all ?
Focused protection was the Great Barrington declaration, proposed by three brave world renowned epidemiologists . IMHO the fake covid enquiry should really look at who vilified these scientists , and then hang those people up by their thumbs.
this inquiry is nothing more or less than an open opportunity for civil serveants to attack a democratically elected government they dont like and they are relishing it on a daily basis
a government trying to cope with something unprescedented since the black plague, any bloody government in the world would be struggling and did.
And the bloody scientists got it wrong, so its the government to blame ? hmmm
stopping chinese immigration would be a start next time
Zephir – one didn’t need medical experience to see that they were a collective shambles . They had meant to have ‘exercised ‘ a pandemic only a year or so before the real one – yet the British state – led by a fool – was a complete mess.
Brexit is being used as an excuse – but they lied and failed to protect the oldest most exposed – if they had a policy of killing the old they should have said so ….
I studied epidemiology, do you recall should we wear masks, should we lockdown ? of course it was a shambles, I repeat, unprescedented, its one thing to exercise, another when you have continual lies and evasiveness from China when it actually happens.
And also another thing when you have bloody uneducated bbc journailsts desperately trying to attack the government with “gotchas”
remember testing, testing testing ?
remember labour and the liberal dems demanding lockdowns for political gain ?
a country where all politicians and bbc journalsits are looking to gain a reputation for themselves through using or abusing a disaster, does not harbour any confidence in their care for those that may have died or suffered.
I was living with a Chinese lady throughout his, she absolutely completey and utterly refused to accept this virus came from her country, it was America,
Trying to get to the root cause with this mindset would inevitably cause a “shambles” also
This I fear is where this country is now headed, a Soviet style autocracy where we have the makings of the Stasi / KGB watching everyone for dissent and a political elite who appear completely air headed about what is going on whilst malefactors behind the scenes freely carry out their evil works and to this end we fall into a similar state the Soviet Union did at its end:
If I understand correctly the arse has flown out to Dubai for a couple of weeks – handily swerving having to comment on dunkelflaute.
Unwelcome news for the #COP28#climatechange talks starting soon. As the world overheats, deniers are elected in Argentina and Holland. Milei may be pushed into line thanks to trade deals. Wilders won on a refugee ticket. But how will Europe stem the tide in a 3C world?
Another day of war in Gaza and another BBC live-feed with a picture of a wailing Gazan Muslim woman and her friend which is absolutely unrelated to anything in the headline.
The picture of course is not in the main article because it has nothing to do with anything in the news. The BBC just put it there to make you feel empathy for the people in Gaza.
Of course if their agenda was different and they did not support Hamas, they would show a picture of a Hamas terrorist doing something wicked instead.
In the ‘live feed’ I see this:
‘Sixth Israeli hostage death confirmed on Friday’
We know by now that he lack of any detail means the BBC cannot blame Israel for it. No blame will ever be placed on Hamas.
Every single one of these f*ckers suffers from chronic top-table syndrome. They are pathologically attracted to it. Which should obviously be the absolute reason they are never allowed anywhere near the levers of power. Fs. 🤮 https://t.co/8KHuZBzwrT
I assume the ‘welcome package ‘ they all get include a cash donation to pay for ‘expenses ‘… I wonder what the breakdown of the 70 000 attendees might be – even trying to guess is difficult – even if we assume 1000 are ‘top table ‘ that leaves 69 000 – even with a couple of thousand call girls / boys that still leaves a lot …
What a pair of effin freeloading crooks. WTF is that useless cretin Yousaf doing there. Its snowing up here and freezing and that little tosspot is sunning it up in Dubai with a bunch of other dickheads especially King Charles the turd!
10,000 people liked a tweet calling out the lie of journalist Grant Ellis-Smith
(seems he’s really a US cannabis activist affiliated to the Democrat Party)
The guy is crazy .. people called him out on the first tweet , yet he then tweeted the video another 40 times
each time it got about 1 reply telling the guy he is a lying idiot
The source of the video is actually TR’s own cameraman
Dublin local Algerian man still not named …. But it seems at least one of the child victims was of a ‘non Irish ‘ heritage….
A propaganda piece on ‘our correspondent’ by someone suppressing the truth about the take over of Eire was a propaganda case study … at least 1 in 5 of the population is now non Eire born – almost as bad as the UK …..
Funny that so many have fought for ‘Irish nationalism ‘ but now they’ve not got Eire at all as they are being out bred ….
The f-in BBC behaving like Thurrock council’s mess is some kind of act of god / natural catastrophe and that incompetence, likely corruption and insanely low levels of financial discipline can be swept under the carpet by focusing on, as per f-in usual – the victims.
@Tommo .. byline : Laurence Cawley & Simon Dedman
two white men
A typical BBC story where the claims are contradicted is the next sentence.
Person #1 “My poor sister has felt the cuts massively in the last year,” says mother-of-five Mrs Vince. “They’ve pulled it all because of funding.
… That’s deception ..the sentence explains the change is the mother died so the sister is now in residential care. so of course she doesn’t go to day care as well.
same Person #1b.. with 5 kids seems parasite cos then she goes on about her special needs child ‘there’s been cuts, cos my friend was asked to pay transport to her special needs school.’
The council reply says no the service had not being cut, rather the mother had chosen a school that was not the nearest
Person #2 , runs the Black Working Mothers Network in Thurrock
Person #3 at the Hardie Park cafe
Person #4 a guy who founded the Hardie Park charity
The people don’t really cite actual cuts, apart from £455K of bus service subsidy.
And the council admit they cut that
saying it wasn’t cost effective.
Normally you can see an article is PRasNews. and which NGO wrote it.
But this looks like the journo went to charity cafe and met 4 charity type people there. Labour PR ?
The article fails to mention the huge cause
that the council was brainwashed by green energy dreams
and then bought a liad of dud green investments from a spiv.
Birmingham red-socialist council went bankrupt by giving crazy taxi contracts to Pakistan mates
and by failing to make provision for a court case where huge backpay was awarded to female workers
To be white and have a career at the BBC these days I think you either have to be extremely well connected (like Winkleman) or a member of the inverted fraternity.
Otherwise, forget it.
I’m not sure – judging by the mugshots of the identikit female kidults put up when online stuff is particularly poor – I think they have the edge over chaps – and of course no straight chap can ever get a job ..
Frequently in BBC news programmes one ethnic will hand over to another ethnic to tell us how things are in Britain. A lot of gay girls at the BBC too – watch the lunchtime news with Jane Hill, switch over to BBC2, probably a quiz hosted by Susan Calman or Zoe Lyons.
Morrissey did a song once called America Is Not The World, which had a line that went “where the president is never black, female or gay.”
I’ve got a feeling you couldn’t throw a stick at the BBC without hitting one of the above.
tomoMar 12, 21:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 There’s something about the way some BBC peeps absolutely fawn over gangstas – I saw a Brazilian crew of workers…
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
A Service for Advent with Carols
Choral Evensong
A Service for Advent with Carols, from the Chapel of St John’s College, Cambridge.
Introit: There is no rose (Gerald Hendrie)
Opening Sentence
Processional Hymn: Come thou redeemer of the earth (Puer nobis nascitur, descant Christopher Gray)
Bidding Prayer
Carol: Deus, Deus meus (Roxanna Panufnik)
I The Message of Advent
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Sapientia and O Adonaï
First Lesson: Mark 13 vv.32-36
Motet: Vigilate (Byrd)
Second Lesson: Isaiah 11 vv.1-5
Carol: A tender shoot (Kerensa Briggs)
II The Word of God
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Radix Jesse and O Clavis David
Third Lesson: Hebrews 4 vv.12-16
Carol: This is the truth (Trad., arr. Vaughan Williams and Christopher Robinson)
Fourth Lesson: Luke 4 vv. 14-21
Hymn: O come, O come Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel, descant David Hill)
III The Prophetic Call
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Oriens and O Rex Gentium
Fifth Lesson: Malachi 3 vv. 1-7
Motet: Fuit homo missus a Deo (Praetorius)
Sixth Lesson: Matthew 3 vv. 1-11
Hymn: On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry (Winchester New, descant Christopher Robinson)
IV The God-Bearer
Sentence and Collect
Antiphon: O Emmanuel
Anthem: Bogoroditse Dyevo (Rachmaninoff)
Seventh Lesson: Luke 1 vv. 26-38
Magnificat: The Truro Service (Russell Pascoe)
Eighth Lesson: The Annunciation (Edwin Muir)
Anthem: The Hidden Light (Joanna Marsh) – New commission
The Christmas Collect
Carol: Noel – Verbum caro factum est (Tamsin Jones)
Hymn: Of the Father’s heart begotten (Divinum mysterium, arr. Willcocks)
The College Prayer and The Blessing
Organ Voluntary: In dir ist Freude, BWV 615 (Bach)
Sunday 3rd December
BBC won’t broadcast University Challenge because a blind person and another who was autistic couldn’t handle standard conditions.
An episode of Christmas University Challenge has been pulled after two contestants complained about a lack of provision for their disabilities.
One of the contestants, who is blind, called the experience “distressing”.
Audio description, which they said had been promised, was not provided, while a request for subtitles for another contestant, who is neurodivergent, is understood to have been turned down.
The BBC said it had apologised to the individuals concerned.
The show’s production company Lifted Entertainment, which is part of ITV Studios, also offered its “sincere apologies”.
Christmas University Challenge, a festive spin-off from the BBC Two quiz show, features teams of distinguished alumni who compete on behalf of their former universities.
BBC News understands that the two contestants flagged disabilities to the producers before the recording.
It is understood that the production team said subtitles were not possible but that audio description would be provided. However, in the event, audio description did not happen.
One of the affected contestants said: “One minute before the show, we were told there was no audio description and that your captain will instead have to explain everything.”
The contestant said the visual images, which needed describing, included a pie chart and maps. “It was distressing,” they added.
The other contestant, who is neurodivergent and has challenges with audio processing, said they had requested subtitles in advance, so they wouldn’t be at a disadvantage when trying to answer questions at speed.
“Unfortunately, I was told this wasn’t possible,” they said.
They also asked for some other accommodations to help manage their sensory needs but say these weren’t fully provided.
They still agreed to participate, but said, due to lack of accommodations and last minute changes, the experience was “overwhelming and overstimulating”, and that it impacted their ability to function for a week afterwards.
After the show was recorded, the two contestants – who have asked not to be named – complained to the BBC and asked for the episode not to be broadcast.
“I was in touch to say I’d prefer not to have the manifestation of my disability broadcast on network TV in the run-up to Christmas,” the first contestant said.
On Friday, the decision was made to pull the episode.
Both contestants said the decision not to air it was greatly appreciated, and that they had offered to help make the programme more inclusive.
We can only hope that a person with limited sight doesn’t apply to be a judge on Portrait/Landscape Artist of the Year – or the show could be pulled.
referring to above “because a blind person and another who was autistic couldn’t handle standard conditions.”
Can’t wait to see how Jim Bowen handles the next episode of Bullseye.
“This, is what you would of won, see that oh, never mind, it was a second hand caravan that needs a respray and a couple of new tyres.
probably for the best, it would have taken you all day to join it to the car. oh, no driving license, thank God for that, no offense”
Get ready for the BBC Deaf Orchestra Conductor of the Year competition.
All in the interests of equality and inclusion, you understand.
It’s what Beethoven would have wanted.
Here’s what it could sound like Sluffers!
Sorry to butt in again, but this one has just left me in tears of laughter too…
Maybe they could have a Tourette’s team ….. I gave up when it went woke during the rein of paxman …
BBC News at Ten, the same report on Gaza they showed at six.
Footage of a young girl sitting amid the rubble with her mother, crying into her hand.
The voice of Orla Guerin intones, “Israel says it is striking Hamas in its strongholds. Tell that to this girl.”
Objective, unbiased reporting as always.
Where were you bbc, such an expert on world affairs ?
“The Islamic Republic is on the path to committing a mass atrocity. The world should pay attention.
By Anthony Vance
Since Mahsa Jina Amini was killed by the so-called morality police in September 2022, demonstrations have occurred in at least 163 cities and at 144 universities in Iran. Security forces have killed over five hundred protesters and over nineteen thousand have been detained.
Ahhh heres the (muzzie) bbc:
In a rare interview, one morality police officer spoke anonymously to the BBC about his experience working in the force.
“They told us the reason we are working for the morality police units is to protect women,” he said. “Because if they do not dress properly, then men could get provoked and harm them.”
Don’t laugh, thats islamophobic, or something, just keep one thing in mind:
Wurld klass gernliss init brov
An interesting point someone made to me about the Hamas raid into Israel which I was previously unaware of but has major potential implications has turned out to be true.
The report talked of a former Egyptian Ambassdor to Egypt who said the Hamas raid on Israel was an information gathering excercise. The NYT article lends credence to that.
During the raid on an intelligence IDF base servers, PCs and senior military officers were captured. This appears to have largely gone unreported, no one really knows what was on those servers nor if the military officers have cracked under ‘interogation’, but just imagine if those servers contain information about nuclear launch codes, lists of Palestinian informants, the details of key code passwords to NATO or USA transmissions.
It’s unthinkable, and it’s probably the reason the US has sent such a huge naval presence to the region. The value of such assets to a foreign power such as Iran Russia or China would be unimaginable, and it’s hard to imagine the stupidity of the IDF placing such an important data centre so close to the Gazan border. The sheer arrogance of the IDF of believing it could never happen is mind numbing.
So now you know. The Gazan Hamas knew all about this installation, and they almost certainly had outside training and help. We can only speculate on the danger we have all been placed in as a result.
Sleep tight ! Not sure I will though.
An Egyptian Ambassador to Egypt 🙂
oops! Ambassador to Israel ! Fingers engaged, brain, not so much.
Unfortunately it is paywalled …
We can hope for better days
Maybe I will repeat, as it seems so relevant to your post:
Where were you bbc, such an expert on world affairs ?
“The Islamic Republic is on the path to committing a mass atrocity. The world should pay attention.
By Anthony Vance
Since Mahsa Jina Amini was killed by the so-called morality police in September 2022, demonstrations have occurred in at least 163 cities and at 144 universities in Iran. Security forces have killed over five hundred protesters and over nineteen thousand have been detained.
Ahhh heres the (muzzie) bbc:
In a rare interview, one morality police officer spoke anonymously to the BBC about his experience working in the force.
“They told us the reason we are working for the morality police units is to protect women,” he said. “Because if they do not dress properly, then men could get provoked and harm them.”
A description from a muslim of muslim males as rapists if women do not cover themselves from head to toe.
As if we did not know that already, just good to hear it from our trusted news source
The BBC may understand that if they continue to be
the TV media partner of Hamas . WE the license fee
payers by the millions will stop paying our TV tax.
For Christ’s sake not EVERYBODY with clout at the BBC
are followers of the likes of Jeremy Corbyn or Owen Jones.
We have been putting up with Jeremy Bowen’s and
Orla Guerin’s hatred of Israel for years now. And for their
bile we have to pay £158 a year?
Stand by….
Would you pay £400 per year for a BBC subscription that includes TV, radio and news? This provocative notion was at the heart of Dame Elan Closs Stephens’ speech at the Voice of the Listener & Viewer Autumn Conference today
Tricky one.
She’s clearly a lady with a great sense of humour, given the references to ‘objectivity’ (sic) and ‘contribution to British society’ (sic). The possible £400 subscription fee is more than twice the current TV poll tax payment, perhaps suggesting that BBC research indicates that less than half the public would be willing to pay it and that the difference will need to be made up.
The flaw in her thinking is the notion that the BBC is a complete package and should be offered on an all or nothing basis. According to its most recent report, the BBC News channel costs £66 million a year, whereas BBC 1, which allegedly provides ‘drama, comedy, entertainment’ costs £1.2 billion a year. Perhaps some people might want the former, but not the latter? Maybe not everyone wants the BBC childrens channels (£98 million), or radio channels which duplicate the commerical sector (Radio 1, £39 million), or openly racist radio stations such as 1Xtra and the Asian Network (£19 million). And why does it need 40 local radio stations, which together attracted only 4.6% of the listening audience in March 2023 according to RAJAR?
A possible solution is to modulise it. The News channel can remain free (after all, it’s a propaganda outlet of the British State). A single, general entertainment/education channel can be provided free of charge. This can be financed by advertising (and not just the BBC’s own, extensive and currently free advertising). It doesn’t have to carry adverts every 12-15 minutes like existing commercial channels, rather it can have a 5 minute slot once an hour between programmes, as is done in some other countries. For everything else, a subscription package can be offered. The model here is Sky – when it started in 1990 it offered Sky News and Sky 1 (entertainment) free of charge, but if people wanted movies and sport they had to pay for them. It’s a model that proved very successful.
With regards to radio, most of it can be got rid of or sold to the commercial sector. All that needs to remain is a domestic version of the World Service, combining the best bits of Radios 3, 4 and 5. The dedicated music stations can be made subscription, something along the lines of ‘BBC Spotify’ for instance. This would also enable the BBC to offer, say, a high definition audio version of Radio 3, for which there would be demand by audiophiles.
The BBC is many things, and one of them is that it is a dinosaur, unable to evolve whilst the world has changed around it. It can change, or go extinct. If there truly is a role or a need for a public service broadcaster in the third decade of the 21st century, it needs to be very different.
The fight back against these savages is building momentum:
Germany, we have a problem! Mass market tabloid that welcomed Angela Merkel’s decision to let in a million migrants sounds a startling warning
‘Our world is in chaos, and we are in the middle of it,’ says the paper.
‘Since the terrorist attack of Hamas on Israel on October 7, we are experiencing a new dimension of hatred, against our values, our democracy and against Germany.
‘In our country, there are many who oppose our way of life. People who celebrate the murder of innocent civilians.
‘Those who teach their children to hate others because they are ‘infidels’ (non-believers), those who forbid women from wearing trousers; those who listen to radical preachers because they want a different society. Germany must say no!’
These kind of savages, like you see in any church in the UK on a Sunday morning
Who voted for this lot to come in to Great Britain?
The Tories are finished.
And in our country:
He don’t care about international law when it doesn’t suit his approval of killing of women and children in Israel, but he bloody well does know laws inside out when he is begging and bowing to get into this country and claiming housing benefit
wake up Britain
While the chinese agents infiltrate everything mainly targeting the civil service. Same in US.
Sometimes I just shake my head in disbelief or despair…
The great and the good have all hot-winged it to Dubai and the Cop 28 shindig, to lecture the rest of the world about our carbon footprints. While we have to pay the ULEZ extortion charge and face the impending prospect of 15-minute cities, these well-heeled ponces can jet off to wherever they wish. As the great George Orwell once said, “Some animals are more equal than others”…
As I sat shivering in my living room, I heard that we had just endured the hottest year ever and that the world was at boiling point. I looked out the window as the snow fell, pulled my scarf a little tighter and put another chunk of coal on the fire. It was bloody freezing.
Of course, our idiot king, Charlie (was there ever a monarch with a more apt name?) had to be there. So was the ghastly “Dave” Cameron, schmoozing and grovelling for all he was worth.
Oh yes, Wishy Washy turned up and gave his word that he’d grind our country into the financial dust in his fanatical adherence to achieving net zero. Mind you, he has also pledged to stop the dinghies and get immigration down to the tens of thousands, so I wouldn’t lose any sleep over this twat’s promises.
Just look at the lot of them. All that wasted hot air, waffling about trying to save the planet from boiling to death…and it’s bloody freezing.
Well said Jeff!
As some useful idiot in the elite once said, ‘Throw another peasant on the fire…”!
The shadowy – but clever – people who started the ‘climate boiling’ rot have long since got their eye-watering profits out, and are letting the crass politicians and hangers-on wobble around claiming they know what they’re doing to ‘save the planet’…
We’re burning as much wood and coal as we can now, I collect the wood myself from a generous neighbour who is clearing the estate around his huge mansion; the car will guzzle petrol for the rest of my days, and I will also guzzle copious amounts of red to make me feel better too! Senora O’Blene is joining me in this normal lifestyle too – thank goodness!
And it’s Shep’s Bishop Finger and pizza today, to use more electricity…
Ruddles County in Home Bargains, £1.08 a bottle…………..
Lovely, jubbly !!
Agriculture now included in their deliberations to destroy humanity by starving to death.
In the UK, that will mean coming for the allotment. But just think, the government can cultivate the land to grow more accommodation for boat people et al.
meanwhile, in China…..
China continues coal spree despite climate goals
The World’s biggest carbon emitter approving equivalent of two new coal plants a week, analysis shows
The government has pledged to peak emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by 2060, and in 2021 the president, Xi Jinping, promised to stop building coal powered plants abroad.
But after regional power crunches in 2022, China started a domestic spree of approving new projects and restarting suspended ones. In 2022 the government approved a record-breaking 106 gigawatts (GW) of new coal-fired power capacity. One gigawatt is the equivalent of a large coal power plant.”
And, where are the eco nuts protesting ?
brave little souls that they are, boasting at their sociology lectures how they got arrested
Try it in Beijiing where you actually may raise awareness where it actually may matter
Nope,literally no way actually literally you don’t quite literally care enough for the literally environment and those killing your “children and future” for getting the literally OMG sh’t kicked out of you and actually no way OMG locked up literally without trial for a couple of years.
funny how your literally concerns only seem to correlate with whether actually mummy picks you up after a protest in her literally SUV and you get to some crap polytechnic the next day so show some selfies to other literally purple haired ignoramuses.
Unfortunately, those purple haired ignoramuses are usually the radical left wing lecturers.
Any doubts about the post above, I would recommend frequent journies from Kings Cross to North Herts with bunches of females, mostly stoodents, over the age of 18 who will indulge in non stop conversation for two hours, with the word “literally”and “like” used before every single noun and verb in every single sentence.
I can only assume a tactic for the thick as sh’t to sound, like, literally, almost but not quite, like, literally, sounding like, academic.
The temptation to request they talk metaphorically was almost overwhelming, but I assume it would have literally, like, blown their like, little brains like apart.
The casual sexism and racism of the bbc now on an everyday basis, since ofcom refuses to control them is frustrating.
Sometimes, the only way to open their eyes is to join them.
I have proposed to the bbc that they investigate a theory that was postulated back in the eighties at a place I worked by one of the more hardline conservatives, to put it mildly:
“if you restrained a woman in a chair with her arms strapped down, and rang a phone next to her, she would eventually explode”
My experience with women and ringing phones whilst eating meals or any other intimate interactions seems to support this, when they don’t now who the caller is.
bbc : lets have a conversation about this
No response so far (3 years now)
Meanwhile, bbc:
“Do men have a friendship problem?
Health Check
A look at if men have an issue with friendship from the Cheltenham Science Festival with author Max Dickins, evolutionary expert Professor Robin Dunbar, and GP Dr Radha Modgil.”
Men with alcohol problems ‘six times more likely to abuse partner’
Dia Mirza: The biggest climate issue is egotistical men
They just refuse to respond to reasonable requests like:
How many points has the Tardis drivers licence got on it since that woman was in charge ?
Is it on an insurance blacklist now ?
How many times will you mention Tommy Robinsons real name and refuse to mention Naga Munchetys real name, and why ?
Will you acknowledge the demography of the Uk and why do you refuse to reflect that in your recruitment policy ?
Why are you obsessed with the phrase “far right” yet refuse to use the phrase “far left” ?
How many negative stories have you run about Donald Trump, compared with a clearly senile Joe Biden and convicted son Hunter Biden who consorts with underage prostitutes and takes drugs?
How many quotes presented as facts do you accept and repeat from a terrorist organisatation in Gaza ?
The press noticed the tie the outgoing king was wearing at the green crap meeting yesterday . It was the Greek Flag . Just a co incidence that the kings’ first ministered cancelled a meeting with the Greek PM over the Elgin marbles ….
…royals can’t get involved in government business – but this does – he is breaking the deal between the monarchy and the state and deserves punishment for it … let’s hope it’s a short rein .
His Dad was Phil the Greek
I think the Elgin marbles should be reunited with the Parthenon. The solution would be to dismantle the Parthenon, ship it to Britain and assemble it somewhere suitable complete with Marbles, Hyde Park, London? It would look splendid on Arthur’s Seat Edinburgh?
Free entry for Greeks
I care less but my Republican gene fired up …. The issue with those rocks is giving them back will open the doors of all museums and galleries and sending the stuff back from where they came …
But perhaps the British museum can then be used to house all those welcome new arrivals ready to use their heritage to enrich the inferior British culture … innit …
Islamic State militants ‘destroy Palmyra statues’
He does have some Greek blood though Fed, so perhaps this was some sort of secret message!
Reading the book about Prince Philip’s early life, I find it amazing that he had such an awful upbringing from day one! The poor chap didn’t really have any close family life until he got going over here!
Compare that with the pampered coddling of Harry the Whinger, and his dreadful wife, and we can easily see where real strength of character lay!
Charlie and the Jets can wear any tie they want as far as I care, and I sometimes wonder why he always uses that tiddly, prissy little knot instead of a proper Double Windsor!
Hello Scroblene – I’m sure Harry doesn’t share much Windsor DNA ….
The format for toady seems to be to start with a spokesman for Islamic Hamas telling sob stories with the help of BBC propaganda staff – Robinson – meesh et al ….. at the end of the anti Israel rants there might be a 30 second rebuttal ( or not as in today ) to satisfy BBCOFCOM .
I just hope that some Jewish organisation is recording this stuff – not that it will affect BBCOFCOM or the blue labour government of course …
Covid Inquiry this week.
There was in interesting short exchange between Michael Gove and the Inquiry Barrister Keith. Gove pointed out that the virus was probably man made. Barrister Keith cut that one short by stating that it was not part of the terms of reference of the inquiry. Surely if the virus was man made, as indeed it almost certainly was, it would be crucial to how the pandemic was handled?
Apologies for linking to the Sun:
Good point, Flotsam!
‘Terms of reference’ = the get-out clause from placing any blame on anybody so the whole charade is an utter waste of money and time!
Of course Gove was right in bringing it up!
What would gove know ? But the bbc is bigging up the nut nut show in the coming week … we should have a competition –
1 when will the first classical reference be made ?
2 first flippancy
3 first reference to cummings
4 first vaccine to first vaccine
5 false apology
6 party gate
7 Sue grey ( now a Labour Party official)
8 sunak s eat out lunacy
9 PPE fixation
10 being out of his depth
That overage BBC droid – John ( not a lord yet ) Simpson is apparently interviewed about himself on BBC1 by another BBC droid …. The piece is an outlift of the ‘interview’ … and is far too reverential … naturally when you go to the comments .. the views about lefties like Simpson are less than complementary …together with the natural hatred for their BBC ….
Omid Scabie, what a strange chappie/ess.
Someone on the radio or TV mentioned he was 42 years old. I was astounded, from what I saw of him he could pass as 16. A check on Wiki confirmed him as 42 years of age.
If I were Meg and Ginger I would be very careful who I briefed for media. I certainly wouldn’t want a freak doing my PR for me.
regarding Mr plastic face Scooby Doo with the now ubiquitous cardboard eyebrows and sucked in cheeks, if you’re that dishonest about your appearance, it doesn’t bode well for your veracity elsewhere.
Other eyebrows are available
I am not entirely sure about this, do I understand it correctly that the leader of the Labour party has gone to the COP meeting. How on earth did he get there…surely not on a plane. I’m hoping to hear that he travelled by train or bus …..perhaps he got a lift in somebody else’s plane but obviously not Rishi’s, the Kings, or Dave Camerons. I wonder is that man blair there ,no doubt being wise and important , how did he get there ? the BBC haven’t told us,perhaps a job for the Verify team.
Readers note l will be referring this to my previously mentioned and more modest yet equivalent ,Veriturd unit.
Smarmer seems to be muscling in on these global events. I think he was at the WEF event as well? His Globalism talks I guess he is made welcome as a globalist brother. How many other non Government people from other countries are invited? It doesn’t say much for Sunak that he can’t or won’t keep him away from an event which is for Government leaders.
Do you have your hankies ready?
The Hamas Broadcasting Corporation hope so.
Get ready for this one.
On BBC London yesterday.
The main story. A woman in London has lost 42 of her relatives in the Israeli bombings of Gaza.
She wants to bring her surviving relatives to London. She has engaged a lawyer to help ( whether she is paying or not was left unstated). She works as a caterer, whatever that means.
Here’s the clincher. She speaks no English. The interview required a translator and over-dubbing.
Question not asked. Why is she even here?
42 relatives? when immigrants get here they work on getting their relatives here as well. We’re going to be swamped.
Already happened ….
Historically we locked up people into Asylums who thought God was calling them to murder in his name. Then Islam came along and everyone simply changed it to “That’s not what Islam calls for”. When their imams week in and week out are calling for this in God’s name during their sermons
Toady interviews an over famous now dead pop star *called Shane MacGowan – one of those full fat Irish nationalists born in Kent from a poor background which included going to public schools – including Westminster …..
… mr macgowan has exited the stage at the age of 65 – after a life of drug and booze abuse . His widow wants his Christmas song to be ‘number one ‘ – but didn’t mention how much the royalties would be …
… at least noddy holder says his Christmas tune pays his pension every year .. honesty eh?
8Did you spot the mistake ? Toady interviewed the widow of said oirish pop star …
Other dentists are available
But are they as good?
Is that the Christmas song with the catchy little beat that we can all sing along to, and have a boogy on the floor after the mince pies ? No ? thought not – it’s the one where most people only know one line of the lyrics.
And Kirsty lost an argument with the propeller on a boat whilst on her hols …I recall ( a personal fear – like sharks )
Tigers can be bloody nasty as well, especially that one in Paradise Wildlife park, he just does not like me
Its generally a consequence of over indulgence in amphetamines, but because he did not present himself as English the bbc will be drooling over him.
Born in Kent, England, to Irish parents, MacGowan joined the punk band the Nipple Erectors before founding the Pogues in 1982. He drew upon his Irish heritage when founding the Pogues.
Like that Jungle person bully Nellie Rose, black people don’t like you she said to Nigel Farge, cos you don’t like immigrants, hmm from Belgium ?
Rose was born Ornella Rose Hollela on 20 July 1997 in Belgium to a family of Congolese descent. Her family emigrated to the United Kingdom when Rose was seven years old. In 2015, she began studying sociology at the University of Leicester, graduating with a 2:1 in sociology. Speaking of her time at university, Rose said that she “did not want to go there at all” and would have preferred to get a job, but said she knew that “if she didn’t study at university, her family would never let it go.
2:1 in sociology,
Farage : where did you get the idea I am anti immigrant ?
Rose “from der internet ”
I see the Harvard system of referencing is doing well in the lecture theatres of sociology departments in shipping containers next to the university bogs around the country
Well if she is an example of those currently leaving yuni with a degree then my generation of school leavers back in the mid 60s must have been bloody geniuses when we started work !!
I went to a secondary modern(remember them?)
A goodly number of my classmates all ended up in very well paid responsible jobs. Not many ended up on the tills at Tesco like the current graduates.
But Brissles….. universities are no longer places concerned with education for the young, they are now in the business of providing highly paid positions with huge pensions for lefty tutors. Basically the students are just raw materials that need to be processed through to keep the numbers and therefore their income as high as possible whilst maximising the indoctrination of lefty politics in the graduates who leave invisibly politically branded like cattle.
I have seen this trend happening for years now by watching the trajectories of a number of younger extended family members who went through the process.
I honestly believe she thinks she is fireproof from critcism due to her gender and race.
She is in for a big surprise when she gets to see what the rest of the country thinks about that, and the consequences.
If Farage had attacked two females under the same circumstances, just imagine
But doesn’t the current economy make her an ‘influencer ‘ and thus worth trillions ..?
The left-leaning Guardian has been obliged to reprimand their cartoonists for the sin of some good old-fashioned Der Stürmer-inspired anti-semitism – on a fairly regular basis (occasional jew-baiting being a comfortable leftist elite habit, cloaked by notions of anti-Zionism or criticism of Israel)
Meanwhile our favourite right-leaning comic sketch author, Matt, rather bravely we feel, has a poke at the arabs this morning. Under the banner: Abu Dhabi buys Telegraph – he pictures two gentleman’s club types by the fireside perusing their broadsheets: “I’m a Telegraph reader. I get it for the camel racing mostly”
Matt, mate. Telegraph types take their newspapers, preferably neatly ironed by staff, they don’t get them.
But kudos to Mr Matt – he’s not afraid to bite the hand that feeds there. Let’s hope he doesn’t face sacking for a blasphemy of the type that befell Steve Bell of the Gruan. Let’s also hope he hasn’t offened Telegraph readers in general – considering his portrayal of those two clubbish elderly gents as representative of the modern readership. I’m inevitably put in mind of tv comic Paul Whitehouse and his ludicrous creation Rowley Birkin QC. Still, if our Matt does find himself in hot water he does at least have the obvious Rowley Birkin line of defence: “I was very, very drunk”
Mrs AsI is something of a connoisseur of those not-intended-to-be-funny cartoon graphics employed to illustrate life-style features usually in left-leaning publications such as the Guardian or the pound shop junior Guardian which is the ‘i’ newspaper. The globalist FT Weekend, in campaigning feminist mode: Women of the Year 25 global leaders and influencers – borrows from the Guardian style book today with a little drawing to match with their FT Money feature: Factoring in the cost of living crisis – a white cartoon woman and black cartoon chap are presented as our regulation miscegenation representative mixed-race couple (of course they are).
But, oh dear. It all goes a bit off-message in the FT as our couple illustrate this feature with the sub-heading: Can you afford a divorce? She appears to be escaping his clutches, as she reaches for what looks like a giant cup cake, escaping outside of the giant encompassing wedding and engagement rings, as the house and furniture tumble. I wonder who wins custody of the DFS sofa? Winston or Jocasta?
The official covid inquiry with the unspoken remit to accept Lockdowns as natural, effective and obvious – all singing along to the tune of the Keir Starmer formula ‘sooner, harder, longer‘ – provides another mainstream media key money shot, this time for those Lockdown fans in our education sector: Covid inquiry: Earlier lockdown could have kept schools open, says Matt Hancock (BBC)
Well looky here: Thousands skip school to go on Gaza marches… Children as young as seven are skipping school to join pro-Palestinian marches, a report warns today… The wave of truancy comes amid a school absence crisis triggered by the pandemic (Daily Mail) – quick editorial adjustment from Mr AsI: school absence crisis triggered by the
pandemicLockdownsThe Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express (formerly united with the people of Ukraine) echoes his master’s voice: Don’t believe doubters! Rwanda migrant deal is on – perhaps we’ll now have to give the African statelet the Elgin Marbles in exchange for our channel hoppers?
“Don’t Believe the Hype” was a song by hip hop group Public Enemy from their second album, It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back. The song’s lyrics are mostly about the political issues that were current in the United States at the time of its release [1988] (thank you Wiki)
Time for a quick calm down dear: I had the coil fitted and didn’t recognise the woman I became Emma Barnett (‘i’) – our Emma, late of the BBC parish, of course.
Personally, I haven’t had the coil fitted – I’m waiting to see if I have to throw out the old gas boiler and install a heat pump instead.
Our left-leaning press are very concerned will polls this weekend.
The ‘i’ asserts: Labour voters want closer relationship with EU, top pollster warns Starmer – hmmm, we wonder whether that would be the small number of voters who still chose Labour in that late-2019 Boris landslide, or do they mean potential former Red Wall Tory voters considering defecting back to Labour out of disillusion with the seeming anti-British interest policies of Rishi Sunak?
The Daily Mirror is keen to skew a different poll: Get him out of there – screams the Mirror headline: Don’t forget what Farage stands for… boot him from the jungle, MPs urge
Are you saying Rowley Birken QC is made up ? No !
I do get confused by popular culture though – is that kid who wrote the royal book for the US actress in the Jungle as well ? And what is grace dent ? Is she a popster too …?
I’ve decided to be an influencer when I grow …. There must be a degree by now ….
It is bleeding freezing here and we all need a good cheer up. How about some photos of those nice girlies sent out to service those 70,000 delegates at COP28.
They tried that with Katie Price a few years ago and look where that ended up.
I suspect even Leftie Righty would set his dog on her if she knocked on his door and asked for 20 p for the gas meter.
Even with her teeth in
Ok – I’m gonna break a rule – I’m cutting and pasting a piece about a comment made by ‘jenny harries ‘ of covid fame which turned up in the inquiry about care homes and covid ….
.. I publish it because I was personally affected – unable to say ‘goodbye ‘ to someone locked up in a local care home . I just recall that c word Hancock lieing to us about ‘thrown a protective ring ‘ around care homes …..
The question on many a lip at the moment is what was Jenny Harries thinking when she wrote in March 2020 that “the reality will be we need to discharge Covid-19 positive patients into residential care settings”.
Ms Harries, currently the chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency, argued in an email that “this will be entirely clinically appropriate because the NHS will triage those to retain in acute settings who can benefit from that sector’s care”. At the same time, she recognised that “families and care homes will not welcome this in the initial phase”.
How could a senior scientist support this strategy at all, given that it was bound to lead to an increase in infections among vulnerable residents? The answer is that she was acting in the absence of government guidelines to direct our resources to minimise the risk of infection among those who were at highest risk of severe clinical outcomes.
It is astonishing that, knowing this was our gravest error at that stage, the majority of witnesses at the Covid Inquiry continue to cling (to my mind, in the manner that King Lear noted of “those who gather samphire, a dreadful trade”) to the idea that we should have put in place measures to prevent the spread of infection rather than concentrating on protecting those who were at risk of severe disease in the impending outbreak.
They are all correct that we should have done something earlier, but that “something” was not lockdown. What the government should have immediately triggered is what I now like to call “state-supported personal risk reduction” – more commonly known as focused protection.
Several witnesses have dismissed focused protection of the vulnerable as unworkable. Sage apparently “considered it carefully” and decided it was not possible to protect the vulnerable unless measures were put in place to stop the spread of infection. It’s easy enough to set up a mathematical model that says so, and also equally easy to set one up that says the opposite, so this is not a good way to address this critical question.
But real-world comparisons show that countries like Sweden, which focused on state-supported personal risk reduction rather than infection control, had better outcomes, although Sweden too found the challenge of protecting the care homes during the first wave to be formidable.
What could have been different here? We could have set up fever hospitals where Covid-19 positive patients could convalesce until they no longer posed a risk to other vulnerable people. We could have immediately put in place schemes that allowed vulnerable people to work from home and have their needs met without potentially being exposed. These are the measures that might have worked to reduce deaths rather than the fantasy of infection control.
Yet, before so readily castigating them for their mistakes, it must be remembered that Jenny Harris and others had to navigate in the absence of ministerial direction from Whitehall. Many unfortunate decisions could have been prevented by an awareness in government that resources had to be channelled immediately towards the protection of the vulnerable population (and yes, we knew exactly who they were by then).
The idea that this could have been achieved by locking down earlier is entrenched in the standard misunderstanding that the only way to stop deaths is by reducing infection. And yet, even the vaccines that were able to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 did so by offering protection against severe disease rather than infection.
In future, we need to focus our efforts on how to immediately put in place protocols to protect the vulnerable population during a pandemic, rather than attempting to implement impracticable measures to stifle the spread of infection everywhere, while blinding ourselves to the extensive collateral damage that comes in their wake.ENDS
I wonder if this inquiry will have any value at all ?
Focused protection was the Great Barrington declaration, proposed by three brave world renowned epidemiologists . IMHO the fake covid enquiry should really look at who vilified these scientists , and then hang those people up by their thumbs.
Happended with my aunt also
this inquiry is nothing more or less than an open opportunity for civil serveants to attack a democratically elected government they dont like and they are relishing it on a daily basis
a government trying to cope with something unprescedented since the black plague, any bloody government in the world would be struggling and did.
And the bloody scientists got it wrong, so its the government to blame ? hmmm
stopping chinese immigration would be a start next time
but, but thats waycist innit
Zephir – one didn’t need medical experience to see that they were a collective shambles . They had meant to have ‘exercised ‘ a pandemic only a year or so before the real one – yet the British state – led by a fool – was a complete mess.
Brexit is being used as an excuse – but they lied and failed to protect the oldest most exposed – if they had a policy of killing the old they should have said so ….
.. don’t forget to the £ clap £ …
I studied epidemiology, do you recall should we wear masks, should we lockdown ? of course it was a shambles, I repeat, unprescedented, its one thing to exercise, another when you have continual lies and evasiveness from China when it actually happens.
And also another thing when you have bloody uneducated bbc journailsts desperately trying to attack the government with “gotchas”
remember testing, testing testing ?
remember labour and the liberal dems demanding lockdowns for political gain ?
a country where all politicians and bbc journalsits are looking to gain a reputation for themselves through using or abusing a disaster, does not harbour any confidence in their care for those that may have died or suffered.
I was living with a Chinese lady throughout his, she absolutely completey and utterly refused to accept this virus came from her country, it was America,
Trying to get to the root cause with this mindset would inevitably cause a “shambles” also
This I fear is where this country is now headed, a Soviet style autocracy where we have the makings of the Stasi / KGB watching everyone for dissent and a political elite who appear completely air headed about what is going on whilst malefactors behind the scenes freely carry out their evil works and to this end we fall into a similar state the Soviet Union did at its end:
The enviro-nuts version of Jeremy Vine?
If I understand correctly the arse has flown out to Dubai for a couple of weeks – handily swerving having to comment on dunkelflaute.
Who paid? I recall he was upset not to be allowed in anywhere as he was no longer a #28Gate badge holder.
Another day of war in Gaza and another BBC live-feed with a picture of a wailing Gazan Muslim woman and her friend which is absolutely unrelated to anything in the headline.
The picture of course is not in the main article because it has nothing to do with anything in the news. The BBC just put it there to make you feel empathy for the people in Gaza.
Of course if their agenda was different and they did not support Hamas, they would show a picture of a Hamas terrorist doing something wicked instead.
In the ‘live feed’ I see this:
‘Sixth Israeli hostage death confirmed on Friday’
We know by now that he lack of any detail means the BBC cannot blame Israel for it. No blame will ever be placed on Hamas.
Judge Andrew Napolitano, Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern discuss Ukraine, Israel/Hamas, etc
I assume the ‘welcome package ‘ they all get include a cash donation to pay for ‘expenses ‘… I wonder what the breakdown of the 70 000 attendees might be – even trying to guess is difficult – even if we assume 1000 are ‘top table ‘ that leaves 69 000 – even with a couple of thousand call girls / boys that still leaves a lot …
The Nobel Peace Prize has become another Leftists activist joke. They have spread through everything like a cancer.
Obama got it because he is black.
Trump didn’t get it because he is Trump.
Now look at the state of the world since the false President took office and Obama is back in charge.
What a pair of effin freeloading crooks. WTF is that useless cretin Yousaf doing there. Its snowing up here and freezing and that little tosspot is sunning it up in Dubai with a bunch of other dickheads especially King Charles the turd!
Israel refuses new visa for UN’s top Palestinian aid official
Just after we were discussing what a Leftist farce the UN has become, I see this:
‘The UN says Israeli has refused to renew the visa of the UN’s top humanitarian aid official for the Gaza Strip and the Israeli-occupied West Bank.’
‘In October, the Israeli foreign ministry accused Hastings of failing to be impartial and objective – a charge the UN denied.’
The BBC then ramble on desperately trying to make Israel out to be the bad guys.
Sorry BBC. On the evidence I have seen, I agree with Israel. They will rightly view the UN (and the BBC) as their enemies now.
Just like I do, then.
10,000 people liked a tweet calling out the lie of journalist Grant Ellis-Smith
(seems he’s really a US cannabis activist affiliated to the Democrat Party)
The guy is crazy .. people called him out on the first tweet , yet he then tweeted the video another 40 times
each time it got about 1 reply telling the guy he is a lying idiot
The source of the video is actually TR’s own cameraman
Disabled? Fast track to Amol’s new Uni show?
Were wind and solar keeping the grid alive last night
Stew – no worries those nuclear powerstations will be up and running by 2030 2040 2050 2060 … then cancelled for HS4…
SMR Rolls Royce reactors as used on our nucleur subs and as used in central Derby for the last 20-odd years. A snip at £2.4B
Dublin local Algerian man still not named …. But it seems at least one of the child victims was of a ‘non Irish ‘ heritage….
A propaganda piece on ‘our correspondent’ by someone suppressing the truth about the take over of Eire was a propaganda case study … at least 1 in 5 of the population is now non Eire born – almost as bad as the UK …..
Funny that so many have fought for ‘Irish nationalism ‘ but now they’ve not got Eire at all as they are being out bred ….
Someone In the Twitter thread points out that in 2018 Kitty was caught posting a FakeNews article about Israel as if it was real.
Then some one says look how about 50% of murders against women in Ireland are done by foreigners
The f-in BBC behaving like Thurrock council’s mess is some kind of act of god / natural catastrophe and that incompetence, likely corruption and insanely low levels of financial discipline can be swept under the carpet by focusing on, as per f-in usual – the victims.
Oxygen larcenists
@Tommo .. byline : Laurence Cawley & Simon Dedman
two white men
A typical BBC story where the claims are contradicted is the next sentence.
Person #1 “My poor sister has felt the cuts massively in the last year,” says mother-of-five Mrs Vince. “They’ve pulled it all because of funding.
… That’s deception ..the sentence explains the change is the mother died so the sister is now in residential care. so of course she doesn’t go to day care as well.
same Person #1b.. with 5 kids seems parasite cos then she goes on about her special needs child ‘there’s been cuts, cos my friend was asked to pay transport to her special needs school.’
The council reply says no the service had not being cut, rather the mother had chosen a school that was not the nearest
Person #2 , runs the Black Working Mothers Network in Thurrock
Person #3 at the Hardie Park cafe
Person #4 a guy who founded the Hardie Park charity
The people don’t really cite actual cuts, apart from £455K of bus service subsidy.
And the council admit they cut that
saying it wasn’t cost effective.
Normally you can see an article is PRasNews. and which NGO wrote it.
But this looks like the journo went to charity cafe and met 4 charity type people there. Labour PR ?
The article fails to mention the huge cause
that the council was brainwashed by green energy dreams
and then bought a liad of dud green investments from a spiv.
Birmingham red-socialist council went bankrupt by giving crazy taxi contracts to Pakistan mates
and by failing to make provision for a court case where huge backpay was awarded to female workers
Oh no – Radio 2 loses more talent ( Claudia willyperson – no idea ) is quitting to spend more time doing something else ….
A r2 kidult spokesperson said ‘ it’s great we can get a kidult ethnic who doesn’t like whitees in – innit “ …
To be white and have a career at the BBC these days I think you either have to be extremely well connected (like Winkleman) or a member of the inverted fraternity.
Otherwise, forget it.
I’m not sure – judging by the mugshots of the identikit female kidults put up when online stuff is particularly poor – I think they have the edge over chaps – and of course no straight chap can ever get a job ..
Frequently in BBC news programmes one ethnic will hand over to another ethnic to tell us how things are in Britain. A lot of gay girls at the BBC too – watch the lunchtime news with Jane Hill, switch over to BBC2, probably a quiz hosted by Susan Calman or Zoe Lyons.
Morrissey did a song once called America Is Not The World, which had a line that went “where the president is never black, female or gay.”
I’ve got a feeling you couldn’t throw a stick at the BBC without hitting one of the above.