It’s a disaster for the world that around 20% of the adherents
to Islam see nothing wrong, even if most of them would
not do it. To slit the throat of a kaffir.
The real problem is when from two years old a baby is
told, by firstly its parents then by its teachers that
anyone that is not a Muslim or is not subservient to
the religion of peace, does not deserve to live. Then
add to the fact that the kid grows up with mental problems .
And you have the perfect storm.
Everybody, even Blind Pew, must be able to see that inviting Islam into your country is a complete bloody, catastrophic disaster. They’re intolerant, dogmatic and dangerous. Their nasty and dangerous superstition dominates their lives. If we’re not careful it will come to dominate ours…
The trouble is our elites just won’t see it…or (more likely) they’re too cowardly to see it. They can’t get the buggers here fast enough. Even when they slowly float across the channel, when we could easily tow the sods back, do we try to stop them? Do we heck as like. We send out our bloody lifeboats and pick them up. Insanity!
Our own people will be sleeping rough on the streets, while we put these parasites up in 4 star hotels.
If the last few weeks hasn’t been a wake up call for our useless politicians, then nothing will rouse them. It’s no good looking at Starmer or Sunak. They’re two cheeks of the same arse…as are their parties.
Back in the relatively peaceful and low immigration days of the 1960s, Enoch famously said, “We must be mad, stark staring raving mad.” The great man couldn’t possibly have imagined just how mad this country has become.
Talking to a friend who thought it unfair to consider the attack on children in Ireland to be due to people from elsewhere. The perpetrator had lived in Ireland for 20 years, it was obvious it was done by a man with mental health issues.
Maynard Tousi reports an attack in France. Nothing about it when I looked on the Daily Mail website and I assume nothing or little on the BBC. Underreporting means those who limit themselves to MSM see a limited picture of the world around them.
Deborah, BBC did the story on Saturday night and tweeted at 10:08 PM · Dec 2, 2023
Mail tweeted its story at 10:28 PM · Dec 2, 2023
“Tourist is stabbed to death
and ‘British man is knifed in front of his wife and child by assailant who shouted Allahu Akbar before attacking people
in central Paris near the Eiffel Tower’ – as suspect is arrested”
“Talking to a friend who thought it unfair to consider the attack on children in Ireland to be due to people from elsewhere. The perpetrator had lived in Ireland for 20 years, it was obvious it was done by a man with mental health issues.”
The bottom line is this: whether the attacker had mental issues or was acting from ideological convictions, any crime committed by a migrant is a crime that should not have occurred in the normal scheme of things i.e. they should not have been in the country in the first place.
If there was an attack on a mosque – killing Muslims – by a Christian suicide bomber – I wonder what coverage the BBC wouid give it ? Huw ( oops ) or Clive wouid be there in their flack jacket emoting and grieving for days ….
The NZ Covid data whistle blower is due back in court in 15 mins.
When he appeared a few hours ago, the courtroom was packed with his supporters.
The police said they needed more time to calculate argument to remand him.
I got the date wrong it’s 1:15am tonight
They had him in court twice on our Sunday night, which is their Monday ,
The remand ends at 2:15pm Tuesday their time,
they are currently 13 hours ahead of us
My view on the next election is that if red labour stay silent in the run up to it they’ll walk it – with a 200 majority ….. yet it seems that Starmer has chosen to say something nice about Mrs Thatcher – and now he is to say red labour won’t be spending much more than blue labour …..
The spending constraint is obvious because the current socialist government ( pretending to be blue ) has maxed out the state credit card – the money trees are all cut down …
However – I think people are so Fedup with the current regime ( not a government ) that they just want them gone ….
It seems that the BBC has discovered that its Islamic terrorist wing committed sex crimes – as well as slaughter – when to undertook its freedom fighting mission on 7th October …. It shares the surprise with Hamas UN which has also been slow to mention the rapes and other sexual crimes committed by friends of the BBC and labour MPs ..
Sadly for our democracy we can vote to change governments , ie one wing or another of the LibLabCon coalition, but we can’t vote to change the regime which carries on its business of misruling with zero accountability to the electorate.
Supposing Nigel won an astounding victory for Reform at the election the regime of blobists would prevent very much of any radical right of centre agenda from being implemented.
So two battles have to be fought , the first to win a majority in Westminster, which can be done with the help of voters. The second to beat the unelected unaccountable blob , a battle in which voters can’t help.
We have seen with Brexit that if the blob is against something it’s virtually impossible to force it through. I don’t think that democracy can extricate us from our plight.
There is no democracy – it’s a fallacy – when the blob – either cloaked as a ‘government ‘ or as a ‘local council ‘ decides something – it just does it – knowing that even if you waste a vote by voting -the next lot will be the same …
Things wouid be more ‘respectable ‘ if the state admitted it ….
Maybe I misheard – but did I hear that when Lenny Henry edited today at Christmas he insisted everyone involved was coloured ? Racists like mr Henry – encouraged – aided by the racist BBC – whitees need not apply …. He was interviewed by an ethnic – meesh – all happy – goodbye Blighty …
Lucy Fraser – culture minister this week – interviewed by our Justin – starting with the bbc licence fee ( screw the contaminated blood victims ) the licence fee might not go up as much as the BBC wants – oh the shame …. Our just asked whether there had been discussions with the DG – at one stage he had a slip of the tongue using ‘cahoots ‘ but corrected it to ‘discussions ‘….apparently 400 000 licences were not renewed last year …
Not enough – let’s make it a round million next year ….
Then they discussed the contaminated blood compensation- Lucy said the blue labour government wanted more people to die before compensation was given out – in fact let’s get to 100% dead so no money wouid have to be given to victims of NHS negligence .
The above may not be true . Lucy in fact said the government wouid wait for the report next year – before giving compensation …. But that could be put off to 2025 – or maybe another year to review it – 2026 – then admin problems 2027 2028 – then a ‘review ‘ 2029 – cheques in the post 2030 .
And blue labour think they’ll win the next election …
They are reviewing past guest editors.
Specially selected today and cheerfully announced at 0744 by our very own Mischal was a 2014 edition guest edited by Sir Lenworth Henworthy who wanted the programme ‘to be presented entirely by ‘people of colour’- I quote from Hussein exactly.
Can you imagine for one second and edition proudly announced as being presented entirely by whiteys?
And these thickos wonder why their audience is diminishing at a rate of knots!
This is indeed one area of broadcasting where Beeboids can’t fiddle the figures, because the majority of normal citizens – mostly white of course, in line with national statistics, will just not listen or watch!
They can try and cheat all they like, but the cubiclers have to admit to reality at some stage!
I, for certain, would never give L. Henry a single second of my precious electricity – I use it for more important things!
Sporty girl interviews air head racing driver explaining how a car race in the desert £ ‘fights climate change ‘… which is when I spluttered my mug of tea ( so working class ) .. my butler had to clear up the mess ….
Does it never end. Bbc have updated the famous five. Ethnic aunt who is a professional and George is also ethnic.
Everything they touch is ruined
Is nothing sacred,
They’re are also in the process of updating Blyton’s other classic, Noddy. The Gollywog is now White, and the descendant of a remorseful slave owner. Noddy’s car is now electric, so he can avoid the ULEZ which extends throughout Toyland. PC Plod wears a rainbow helmet and spends his days looking for people who write hurty words on social media or are opposed to children being stabbed outside Dublin schools. And Big Ears is now a drag queen, though also bears a strange resemblance to Jimmy Saville…
BBC lunchtime news did a preview of their new Famous Five series. The reporter admitted that the books aren’t popular with young people (none of the snooty child actors had read them), so what’s the point? Difficult to see what milieu the series is set in; could be 1930s England, then again It could be the Third Age of Middle Earth.
It seems all they’re trying to do, both with this and the Indian Isaac Newton, is provoke the people they hate, namely conservative white British people. They’re like thugs whose only reaction to a stained glass window is to want to throw a brick through it.
BTW, I know Isaac Newton was white because he was played by John Neville in Star Trek: The Next Generation, where he played poker with Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and Mr Data.
(Trivia: Einstein was played by Jim “Len Brennan” Norton.)
Back to the NHS blood victims . Our Justin interviewed a dad whose 2 year old son was infected by the NHS using US HIV contaminated blood products … his son died 5 terrible years later . This was back in the 1980s but the consequences have been profound on all levels right to now ….
This afternoon MPs will vote on bringing in a ‘fast track ‘ compensation scheme now ( 3 months time ) or wait until a formal report in published in 2024 or later ….. meanwhile people are dying because of what the NHS did to them ……
…. It’s a moral question – I’m guessing the vote will be lost as the NHS / state has cared little for those infected or their families .
This is an exceptional case of medical murder / harm – similar to thalidomide ….and shows how much the State really cares when its’ NHS harms people ….
Meanwhile, the US continues to be World’s largest spiller of innocent blood blood exporter, accounting for $1.7 billion in 2022. It would be nice to think that standards and procedures have improved since the 1980s. Certainly the US have introduced some innovations, such as a short-term visa allowing Mexican nationals to cross into the USA for the sole purpose of donating blood.
I see that Twitter are resolutely sitting on the dead child in Dublin story.
Went to look this morning and even though there’s 700 replies they didn’t show one under the post (click for more replies) – then – it only showed 3 replies, increasing to 7 after after several clicks.
Opened a new tab with a direct link and whoosh….. pages of replies – it might be server load but the cynic in me says “no way”
– and then, in the embed (rather than Community notes) there’s a reply “this is all lies”.
The Garda are rumoured to have grabbed a couple of water cannons from NI and have already had them badged up – embarrassing otherwise?)
This could simply be fat fingers but again, my inner cynic says “no way”
Missing logo *and* putting them in 4th, 1% ahead of the 3rd party ? Every spreadsheet pie chart I’ve used does what you’d rxpect – this was manual intervention.
fwiw I reckon that Twitter are throttling Reform mentions.
Reform get “the treatment” – BBC + MSNBC-EU have likely agreed on a menu of electoral skullduggery?
Funny that they show Reform in fourth place and without a logo on the diagram.
The Paris Muslim killer is named – but the Dublin Muslim killer – not so much … complete media censorship – court order ? Good to live in a free open system eh?
A Douglas Murray video on YouTube brought my
attention to an “interesting ” You Tube channel Novarra
I have to admit that its support for Hamas is a fair bit
more than the BBC, well in a degree. Novarra Media
with features by illustrious journalists such as Michael Walker,
Owen Jones, Ash Sarkar are really trying so hard to find ” A
solution to the Jewish Question.”
It of course, just a coincidence that the collateral damage
done to hundreds of young souls in Israel by the freedom
fighters of Hamas . Was at the NOVA Music Festival. Many
of the dead revellers were in fact not that much, in their political views , further to the right than the likes
of the Communist Ash Sakar or her anarchist Marxist
May I suggest you read some of the comments on this
website. That’s if you fell like vomiting .You may come
to the conclusion that anti-Semitism isn’t just Muslims
“dirty little secre.t”
There’s a dearth of bluebottles this time of year and the turnips are frozen solid – let the plebs starve.
We've been using ~1GW of coal for the past few days of dunkelflaute and burning ~3GW of trees at Drax that produces more CO2 and particulate emissions than coal. How are you going to keep the lights on when the wind doesn't blow and the sun has gone down? 🤡🌍
Should be a ‘book’ on what decade a new nuclear power station will open ( then close for defects ) – I wouid say 2070 …or maybe 2099 ….. I reckon even if the lights went out now they still wouid t be online before 2050 ….
So much green crap noise – meanwhile – China promises the earth but carries on burning it ( coal – that is ) keep going china – open 100 stations for every one the Uk closes …..
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah interviews Hein de Haas, Dutch sociologist and author of the book “How Migration Really Works”. The Guardian likes Hein. They say his view “is that we should stop thinking of migration in terms of costs and benefits […] Instead, De Haas suggests, it’s more useful to think of migration as a fact of life.”
It’s been on in the background for an hour and the only issue he seems to focus on is labour shortages, which were made worse because of Brexit. A caller suggests some measures by which asylum seekers go back to their country of origin when they’re no longer under threat e.g. Uganda. Hein thinks this can’t happen because they’re British citizens now.
How easy the world must look from your University of Maastricht window.
I was thinking ( dangerous ) I wonder would happen if you put together a table of governmenf promises versus actual real achievements ?
I was struggling to think of one thing any of the blue labour PMs / regimes – have done to better my life – yet alone the quality of life for plebs in the UK …. I’m struggling ….
I know the red labour lot have no interest in me and wish I would die – that’s a given …
“The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing.”
…Climate Change NOT …. Nature kills people
“Mount Marapi spewing a huge tower of ash 3km (around 10,000ft) into the air,”
.. Don’t you be saying volcanoes affect climate. (ash blocks sun)
(I went there 20 years ago, I was at Bukittungi and walked to a volcano which had a seismic power station that tapped into the heat. Then up to the hill that emitted gases etc.)
British MSM are PR tricksters
Advanced their chose party up the graph, when actually it’s fourth
Demoted their challenging party and put it in the wrong colour and without a logo
A group had TR pre-emptively arrested and bashed cos it was possible he MIGHT cause anxiety at the protest they organised
.. yet police allow to XR to march into other people’s events and lives wherever they like eg art galleries and sporting events
where it is GUARANTEED they will cause great anxiety
If this celebrity thing is fixed as many think it will be and it results in Nigel getting voted out (do they have those American vote counting machines at itv?) Will there be an uprising on Jan 6th where people will gather outside itv hq.
If anybody gets invited inside the building, the msm will then describe it as an invasion/uprising with multiple arrests.
It’s happened before.
YouTube prankster is expert on Islam … NOT
thus getting more and more ratioed
ISLAM does not allow rape etc just because some of these countries are run by nut jobs like Iran for example doesn’t mean it’s true. You say about reading news just tagged me in a news link. Why you more interested in islam than our corrupt government & our homeless etc …
In which alternate universe is this utter non-story drivel considered to be front-page, world news ?. The answer of course is the shallow BBC luvvie universe.
This tickled me though:
‘Billie’s since sarcastically thanked Variety for “outing” her “instead of talking about anything else that matters”.’
Just like you are doing BBC.
Rest easy though:
‘BBC Newsbeat has contacted the publisher for comment.’
What is the point of telling us that ?. Is it to tempt us with a possible follow-on article ?.
Let’s see the clone idiot who thinks this is important news:
I almost feel sorry for her. She has no clue how worthless her job is.
“New Edition” Escape to the Country presented by the guy in a wheelchair. (I’m not saying anything.). The area is Abergavenny, and the first resident interviewed praising the area was a black African woman, then another Welsh lady who gave the town glowing comments including…… they are very welcoming to refugees. FFS its a property programme!!!
Where policy is concerned the BBC make certain to include everybody – this malarkey of black Isaac Newtons etcetera has likely been planned + agreed at a series of secret soirees (having been caught in flagrante before)
I refer you to the 28gate, Harrabin organised attendee list instructing the troops on how to report the weather:
The list from: January 26th 2006, BBC Television Centre, London
Robert May, Oxford University and Imperial College London
Mike Hulme, Director, Tyndall Centre, UEA
Blake Lee-Harwood, Head of Campaigns, Greenpeace
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Michael Bravo, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge
Andrew Dlugolecki, Insurance industry consultant
Trevor Evans, US Embassy
Colin Challen MP, Chair, All Party Group on Climate Change
Anuradha Vittachi, Director,
Andrew Simms, Policy Director, New Economics Foundation
Claire Foster, Church of England
Saleemul Huq, IIED
Poshendra Satyal Pravat, Open University
Li Moxuan, Climate campaigner, Greenpeace China
Tadesse Dadi, Tearfund Ethiopia
Iain Wright, CO2 Project Manager, BP International
Ashok Sinha, Stop Climate Chaos
Andy Atkins, Advocacy Director, Tearfund
Matthew Farrow, CBI
Rafael Hidalgo, TV/multimedia producer
Cheryl Campbell, Executive Director, Television for the Environment
Kevin McCullough, Director, Npower Renewables
Richard D North, Institute of Economic Affairs
Steve Widdicombe, Plymouth Marine Labs
Joe Smith, The Open University
Mark Galloway, Director, IBT
Anita Neville, E3G
Eleni Andreadis, Harvard University
Jos Wheatley, Global Environment Assets Team, DFID
Tessa Tennant, Chair, AsRia
BBC attendees:
Jana Bennett, Director of Television
Sacha Baveystock, Executive Producer, Science
Helen Boaden, Director of News
Andrew Lane, Manager, Weather, TV News
Anne Gilchrist, Executive Editor Indies & Events, CBBC
Dominic Vallely, Executive Editor, Entertainment
Eleanor Moran, Development Executive, Drama Commissioning
Elizabeth McKay, Project Executive, Education
Emma Swain, Commissioning Editor, Specialist Factual
Fergal Keane, (Chair), Foreign Affairs Correspondent
Fran Unsworth, Head of Newsgathering
George Entwistle, Head of TV Current Affairs
Glenwyn Benson, Controller, Factual TV
John Lynch, Creative Director, Specialist Factual
Jon Plowman, Head of Comedy
Jon Williams, TV Editor Newsgathering
Karen O’Connor, Editor, This World, Current Affairs
Catriona McKenzie, Tightrope Pictures
BBC Television Centre, London (cont)
Liz Molyneux, Editorial Executive, Factual Commissioning
Matt Morris, Head of News, Radio Five Live
Neil Nightingale, Head of Natural History Unit
Paul Brannan, Deputy Head of News Interactive
Peter Horrocks, Head of Television News
Peter Rippon, Duty Editor, World at One/PM/The World this Weekend
Phil Harding, Director, English Networks & Nations
Steve Mitchell, Head Of Radio News
Sue Inglish, Head Of Political Programmes
Frances Weil, Editor of News Special Events
You will remember, tomo, that this list was kept top secret and all attempts to get at it were prevented by BBC lawyers and a judge at a cost to us all of over £22,000. It was implied that many attendees were scientists not activists – that was a lie.
However, thanks to the Wayback Machine the names ’emerged’.
Oops – ‘we re out of time ‘ – now a piece about squirrels …. I like the grid square thing – tell Islamic Hamas terrorists where they’ll be safe then flatten it …..
I’m getting Fedup with over emotional UN droids giving running commentary every day on how terrible war ( and Israel ) is – but not so much on the intentional suffering imposed on the slaughtered. The hostages and their families . Even the Hamas UN chief has been slow to mention the rapes they carried out ….
The UN long ago lost neutrality / moral superiority …. Just hope the IDF can stay on mission ….
Seems like it’s not a mainstream news item yet (and will likely not become one at Broadcasting House who recognise/identify with another lying, deceitful and corrupt public body and its bent regulators)
Utterly shocking, damning, explosive report by @BBCPanorama@joe_crowley exposing the lies, deceit and corruption within the water industry and its regulators.
If you drink to much Thames Water it will make you want to change sex. Utterly shocking. Lies, deceit and corruption within other regulators has caused half a million vaccine injuries and deaths. Fluoride lowers IQ and estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals cause transgender issues. mRNA Jabs with nanoparticles produce spike proteins that cause blood clots and damage to the heart and immune system, leading to injury and gradual death or sudden death, as well as DNA particles that cause turbo cancer and a quick death.
This is such nonsense. The reason oil is trading at $79 is because, last week, oil producing countries gave the finger to OPEC and pumped oil to meet demand. The idea that Britain makes a difference is as stupid as Al Grifter.
Please understand this. They’re admitting the New Zealand Administrator published the Secret Data proving the Ardern Regime committed State-Sanctioned Murder of their own Citizens.
WEF Dictator Ardern killed her own Citizens with the ‘Covid Vaccine’.
iirc Sopes got one too. For what services I cannot imagine. In fact most Beeboids get them eventually. Vile going to get one for dobbing in folk?
By coincidence, I just got this from my alma mater…
“we would like to invite you, as an alumnus, to take part in a short online survey about the university’s reputation. This is a project managed by The World 100 Reputation Network, a group of leading global universities, to which we belong.”
Given when I was there it was noted for Engineering, Law and Medicine, disciplines where you worked all day and evening to stand a chance of passing, but now only gets a mentioned for weird lecturers opining on non topics or oddly unbusy dusky arts undergrads screaming about stuff outside, I might point out that its reputation is not one I feel like trading on any more.
An Honorary Doctorate from UoWaiAye would rate below that by some way.
@ChiOnwurah is the Labour Member of Parliament for Newcastle Central ..wonder if she had influence ?
Last year they chose a black footballer
2022 Neil Shaka Hislop a goalkeeper Trinidad and Tobago
and a couple of other people , who already had OBEs etc
They gave same to Hillary Clinton some years back
So the coloured girl ‘athlete ‘ who got 2 plod fired over being stopped – is now banned from driving for 6 months for failing to declare the driver of her car 3 times ….
..she tried to ‘I’m a mum ‘ sob story but that failed ….. what rubbish there is …
Rishi has given in to pressure piling up from the Tory right to introduce new measures to slash net migration. Home Secretary James Cleverly unveiled a new five-point plan to tackle the growing numbers in a statement today in the Commons. Guido gives you the new policies:
Rise in the minimum salary required for a foreign skilled worker to come to Britain from its current level of £26,200 to £38,000 from next spring. A move that goes further than expected…
Increase the minimum £18,600 income required for a British citizen to bring a spouse or dependant into the UK on a family visa to the same threshold.
Immigration health surcharge this year will rise by 66% from £624 to £1,035.
Overhaul of the shortage occupation list, a measure that currently allows companies to pay foreign workers in shortage areas 20% below the going rate.
International students no longer able to to bring dependants to the UK.
Many in fact most people are. Don’t blame the political elites, blame the idiots who vote for them. They look at Blue Labour and say “Nah, i’ll vote Red Labour” and they expect something different, and when it gets worse they flip back to Blue Labour, and it’s rinse and repeat.
The problem with the ECtHR is that BLiar made it superior to UK law, most countries is has a much lower importance, right down to it being merely advisory, and the French appear to have listened to the advice and ignored it!
Are you good at chatting up or flirting with potential partners? If so, you may already have rizz, even if you didn’t know it.
The Oxford word of the year, internet slang for romantic appeal or charm, is mostly used by young people.
It was one of eight words on a shortlist, all chosen to reflect the mood, ethos or preoccupations of 2023.
Wonderful word. You can rizz off, shove it up your rizz, say”I would not rizz him or her’, ‘fancy a rizz’. To rizz or not to rizz. dear reader I rizzed him.
Piece in the DT saying the outgoing will block licence tax increases thus forcing the BBC to reduce output
After three years in charge, BBC boss Tim Davie is used to navigating the vicissitudes of an organisation in permacrisis.
Even for him, though, the threat of a further funding cut will have come as a nasty surprise.
After a two-year freeze on the licence fee, the BBC was gearing up for an inflation-linked increase that would provide a much-needed boost to its finances.
Yet those hopes appear to have been dashed by Rishi Sunak, who has threatened to renege on the agreement as he warned the corporation needs to be “realistic” about what households can afford.
So as the BBC stares into a deepening black hole in its finances, Davie will now be forced to cut even deeper into the struggling media behemoth’s output.
Under current forecasts, the price of the licence fee is set to jump by almost £15 to £173.30 in April. This increase, calculated from the average rate of inflation in the year to September, would be the biggest single rise for almost four decades.
But the Government is preparing to block this increase and force the BBC to accept a smaller jump instead – most likely by selecting a more muted inflation rate to determine the change.
For the BBC, this decision would exacerbate its troubles. The broadcaster has warned that the two-year freeze has opened up a £400m shortfall in its finances.
Davie, a commercially-minded executive who previously led BBC Studios, has already begun to swing the axe.
The BBC announced plans to broadcast 1,000 fewer hours of new TV shows this year, relying on more repeats in a bid to save cash.
It has set out plans to move BBC Four and CBBC online, made sweeping cuts to its local radio output and merged its domestic and global news channels.
Just last week, the broadcaster also announced a controversial decision to scale back Newsnight – cutting the programme to 30 minutes and reducing more than half its staff.
Deborah Turness, chief executive of news and current affairs, blamed the BBC’s “tough financial situation”.
Collectively, those measures are estimated to save around £200m annually by 2027 – only halfway to recouping the deficit.
Now, though, the situation looks set to worsen. If the Government were to opt for only a 6.7pc increase in the licence fee next year – reflecting the inflation rate in September – the BBC’s annual shortfall would balloon to around £516m, according to Enders Analysis.
It comes as inflation in the production sector drives up the cost of making programmes.
At the same time, the BBC has had to increase wages for its 21,000 employees due to cost of living pressures.
Supporters of the BBC argue that the organisation has been punished with funding cuts, even as streaming rivals such as Netflix and Disney have increased their subscription prices by around 30pc.
Roger Mosey, the former head of BBC TV News, brands the funding squeeze as “shortsighted and destructive”.
Jane Martinson, former media editor at the Guardian and a journalism professor at City, University of London, accused the Government of using the BBC as a “strange scapegoat”.
It is now all but inevitable that the BBC will have to make even more cuts. The crucial question, though, is where?
Alice Enders at Enders Analysis says the BBC is likely to swing the axe on big-budget productions, rather than tinkering around with smaller cutbacks.
The broadcaster earlier this month said it will take Top Gear off air for the “foreseeable future”.
The decision comes after presenter Freddie Flintoff suffered serious facial injuries in a high-speed crash last year, but bosses are likely to welcome the financial benefits of putting such an expensive show on ice.
Other controversial victims could include Sir David Attenborough’s popular but expensive natural history series, or the flagship Saturday night hit Strictly Come Dancing.
Yet by making big cuts to popular programmes, the BBC risks alienating audiences at a time when it is already shedding viewers – particularly younger ones – to streaming rivals. The public service broadcaster lost 500,000 licence fee payers last year.
And as for Today
‘ listeners BBC Radio 4’s flagship news and current affairs show has lost more than a million listeners over the last year The problem is the minute you cut the content you cut the audience,” says Enders. “It’s very difficult to recover from that as a public service broadcaster.”
Davie has other levers to pull. At the heart of his strategy has been a fresh focus on the broadcaster’s commercial arm, boosting revenues from that part of the corporation in a bid to reduce reliance on the licence fee.
Yet BBC Studios has also been hit by surging production costs, as well as broader industry woes such as the Hollywood strikes.
So the BBC chief must now decide which of his sacred cows to slaughter without plunging the broadcaster into a vicious circle of decline.
Looking further ahead, Davie will be preparing for a future without the licence fee. Alternative funding models, including subscriptions and advertising, are expected to be up for discussion when the BBC’s Charter agreement is renewed in 2027.
At least the BBC director-general will not face this challenge alone. Securing a long-term model for the broadcaster will be top of the agenda for the new BBC chairman, who is expected to be named this week.
The frontrunners are thought to be Amanda Spielman, the under-fire head of schools watchdog Ofsted, and Dr Samir Shah, a long-serving TV executive who previously served on the BBC board.
However, in the short term, the BBC faces a critical dilemma of how to shore up finances without putting viewers off completely. If it loses its audiences, it may never get them back.ENDS
“Meanwhile the BBC’s contribution to saving the planet is 40 staff.”
There are two tranches of BBC bods.
Those listed under “BBC”, and those listed under “British Broadcasting Corporation
One presumes the hairdressing contingent was not for JusRol?
the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society.
“his dreadlocks were widely criticized as another example of cultural appropriation”
Love their justification for it as Netflix etc have increased their rates. Slight difference you bBBC morons in that these charges are voluntary not forced on us legally like your tax.
Maybe they could have a Saturday night peak time competition called ‘end the programme ‘ where members of the audience ‘vote off ‘ programmes to ‘save money/ channels ‘…. I nominate ‘Asian network ‘ for starters ….
I’m afraid I couldn’t be bothered to fart about like that.
I would vote to defund the whole shebang.
Put Auntie out to pasture once and for all.
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StewGreenMar 12, 21:44 Midweek 12th March 2025 Twitter has this in my “Tweets for you” from : @charliersmith1 Radio producer @BBCNorfolk • bipolar, OCD & anxiety a…
StewGreenMar 12, 21:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Neighbour has an old camper van rarely used in winter of course The new road tax letter says it’s £355…
tomoMar 12, 21:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 There’s something about the way some BBC peeps absolutely fawn over gangstas – I saw a Brazilian crew of workers…
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
It’s a disaster for the world that around 20% of the adherents
to Islam see nothing wrong, even if most of them would
not do it. To slit the throat of a kaffir.
The real problem is when from two years old a baby is
told, by firstly its parents then by its teachers that
anyone that is not a Muslim or is not subservient to
the religion of peace, does not deserve to live. Then
add to the fact that the kid grows up with mental problems .
And you have the perfect storm.
Everybody, even Blind Pew, must be able to see that inviting Islam into your country is a complete bloody, catastrophic disaster. They’re intolerant, dogmatic and dangerous. Their nasty and dangerous superstition dominates their lives. If we’re not careful it will come to dominate ours…
The trouble is our elites just won’t see it…or (more likely) they’re too cowardly to see it. They can’t get the buggers here fast enough. Even when they slowly float across the channel, when we could easily tow the sods back, do we try to stop them? Do we heck as like. We send out our bloody lifeboats and pick them up. Insanity!
Our own people will be sleeping rough on the streets, while we put these parasites up in 4 star hotels.
If the last few weeks hasn’t been a wake up call for our useless politicians, then nothing will rouse them. It’s no good looking at Starmer or Sunak. They’re two cheeks of the same arse…as are their parties.
Back in the relatively peaceful and low immigration days of the 1960s, Enoch famously said, “We must be mad, stark staring raving mad.” The great man couldn’t possibly have imagined just how mad this country has become.
Britain is a xxxxing loony bin…
Talking to a friend who thought it unfair to consider the attack on children in Ireland to be due to people from elsewhere. The perpetrator had lived in Ireland for 20 years, it was obvious it was done by a man with mental health issues.
Maynard Tousi reports an attack in France. Nothing about it when I looked on the Daily Mail website and I assume nothing or little on the BBC. Underreporting means those who limit themselves to MSM see a limited picture of the world around them.
Deborah, BBC did the story on Saturday night and tweeted at 10:08 PM · Dec 2, 2023
Mail tweeted its story at 10:28 PM · Dec 2, 2023
“Tourist is stabbed to death
and ‘British man is knifed in front of his wife and child by assailant who shouted Allahu Akbar before attacking people
in central Paris near the Eiffel Tower’ – as suspect is arrested”
@MahyarTousi’s tweet was 90 mins later
“Talking to a friend who thought it unfair to consider the attack on children in Ireland to be due to people from elsewhere. The perpetrator had lived in Ireland for 20 years, it was obvious it was done by a man with mental health issues.”
The bottom line is this: whether the attacker had mental issues or was acting from ideological convictions, any crime committed by a migrant is a crime that should not have occurred in the normal scheme of things i.e. they should not have been in the country in the first place.
2023.12.03 Philippines Marawi 4 50 Three women are among four worshippers killed when Islamic radicals bomb a Catholic mass.
2023.11.17 Nigeria Tumbum Ali 60 0 Sixty are left dead following a clash between Boko Haram and ISWAP.
If there was an attack on a mosque – killing Muslims – by a Christian suicide bomber – I wonder what coverage the BBC wouid give it ? Huw ( oops ) or Clive wouid be there in their flack jacket emoting and grieving for days ….
The NZ Covid data whistle blower is due back in court in 15 mins.
When he appeared a few hours ago, the courtroom was packed with his supporters.
The police said they needed more time to calculate argument to remand him.
Maybe, just maybe – this is (part of) the reason that the fragrant Jacinta decided to distance herself from government?
And how interesting that the ‘fragrant jacinda’ (c) tomo, was one of the first to be honoured by our very own Charles-the-stupid.
I got the date wrong it’s 1:15am tonight
They had him in court twice on our Sunday night, which is their Monday ,
The remand ends at 2:15pm Tuesday their time,
they are currently 13 hours ahead of us
Not exactly BBC
My view on the next election is that if red labour stay silent in the run up to it they’ll walk it – with a 200 majority ….. yet it seems that Starmer has chosen to say something nice about Mrs Thatcher – and now he is to say red labour won’t be spending much more than blue labour …..
The spending constraint is obvious because the current socialist government ( pretending to be blue ) has maxed out the state credit card – the money trees are all cut down …
However – I think people are so Fedup with the current regime ( not a government ) that they just want them gone ….
It seems that the BBC has discovered that its Islamic terrorist wing committed sex crimes – as well as slaughter – when to undertook its freedom fighting mission on 7th October …. It shares the surprise with Hamas UN which has also been slow to mention the rapes and other sexual crimes committed by friends of the BBC and labour MPs ..
Sadly for our democracy we can vote to change governments , ie one wing or another of the LibLabCon coalition, but we can’t vote to change the regime which carries on its business of misruling with zero accountability to the electorate.
Supposing Nigel won an astounding victory for Reform at the election the regime of blobists would prevent very much of any radical right of centre agenda from being implemented.
So two battles have to be fought , the first to win a majority in Westminster, which can be done with the help of voters. The second to beat the unelected unaccountable blob , a battle in which voters can’t help.
We have seen with Brexit that if the blob is against something it’s virtually impossible to force it through. I don’t think that democracy can extricate us from our plight.
There is no democracy – it’s a fallacy – when the blob – either cloaked as a ‘government ‘ or as a ‘local council ‘ decides something – it just does it – knowing that even if you waste a vote by voting -the next lot will be the same …
Things wouid be more ‘respectable ‘ if the state admitted it ….
Maybe I misheard – but did I hear that when Lenny Henry edited today at Christmas he insisted everyone involved was coloured ? Racists like mr Henry – encouraged – aided by the racist BBC – whitees need not apply …. He was interviewed by an ethnic – meesh – all happy – goodbye Blighty …
Nope Fedup, your hearing is better than my eyesight, hence 0818 post. Oops. Still, duplication is better than inertia.
Lucy Fraser – culture minister this week – interviewed by our Justin – starting with the bbc licence fee ( screw the contaminated blood victims ) the licence fee might not go up as much as the BBC wants – oh the shame …. Our just asked whether there had been discussions with the DG – at one stage he had a slip of the tongue using ‘cahoots ‘ but corrected it to ‘discussions ‘….apparently 400 000 licences were not renewed last year …
Not enough – let’s make it a round million next year ….
Then they discussed the contaminated blood compensation- Lucy said the blue labour government wanted more people to die before compensation was given out – in fact let’s get to 100% dead so no money wouid have to be given to victims of NHS negligence .
The above may not be true . Lucy in fact said the government wouid wait for the report next year – before giving compensation …. But that could be put off to 2025 – or maybe another year to review it – 2026 – then admin problems 2027 2028 – then a ‘review ‘ 2029 – cheques in the post 2030 .
And blue labour think they’ll win the next election …
BBC should be realistic on licence fee – Sunak
Maybe questions to ask:-
Why so many channels
Why so many staff
A few channels is all that is needed, and make it pay in the real world
Why so many staff per channel per programme?
The number just for Newsnight fluffing BS was stunning.
Scrap the Telly Tax . Sorted.
Special racist edition.
They are reviewing past guest editors.
Specially selected today and cheerfully announced at 0744 by our very own Mischal was a 2014 edition guest edited by Sir Lenworth Henworthy who wanted the programme ‘to be presented entirely by ‘people of colour’- I quote from Hussein exactly.
Can you imagine for one second and edition proudly announced as being presented entirely by whiteys?
Maybe if they have purple hair?
And these thickos wonder why their audience is diminishing at a rate of knots!
This is indeed one area of broadcasting where Beeboids can’t fiddle the figures, because the majority of normal citizens – mostly white of course, in line with national statistics, will just not listen or watch!
They can try and cheat all they like, but the cubiclers have to admit to reality at some stage!
I, for certain, would never give L. Henry a single second of my precious electricity – I use it for more important things!
My take on things this morning ? Tories have become “Globalists” and
Labour have become “Thatcherites”.
BBC sport laugh out loud moment
Sporty girl interviews air head racing driver explaining how a car race in the desert £ ‘fights climate change ‘… which is when I spluttered my mug of tea ( so working class ) .. my butler had to clear up the mess ….
Does it never end. Bbc have updated the famous five. Ethnic aunt who is a professional and George is also ethnic.
Everything they touch is ruined
Is nothing sacred,
A non-white Isaac Newton (FFS) on Dr Who at the weekend has to be right up there on the BBC agenda/narrative Richter scale.
Wen dee appul fell o’da tree on to me ed, I fort to mesell ah de gravitee is makin dis appen.
Sir Denzel Nooton 1668 at Wulthorp Massiff
They’re are also in the process of updating Blyton’s other classic, Noddy. The Gollywog is now White, and the descendant of a remorseful slave owner. Noddy’s car is now electric, so he can avoid the ULEZ which extends throughout Toyland. PC Plod wears a rainbow helmet and spends his days looking for people who write hurty words on social media or are opposed to children being stabbed outside Dublin schools. And Big Ears is now a drag queen, though also bears a strange resemblance to Jimmy Saville…
Once upon a time , when Noddy was in bed
Big Ears came and woke him up , so Noddy punched his head.
Wot I want to know is how the bBC will treat Enid’s knickerless tennis matches.
BBC lunchtime news did a preview of their new Famous Five series. The reporter admitted that the books aren’t popular with young people (none of the snooty child actors had read them), so what’s the point? Difficult to see what milieu the series is set in; could be 1930s England, then again It could be the Third Age of Middle Earth.
It seems all they’re trying to do, both with this and the Indian Isaac Newton, is provoke the people they hate, namely conservative white British people. They’re like thugs whose only reaction to a stained glass window is to want to throw a brick through it.
BTW, I know Isaac Newton was white because he was played by John Neville in Star Trek: The Next Generation, where he played poker with Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and Mr Data.
(Trivia: Einstein was played by Jim “Len Brennan” Norton.)
Another way to stop people from travelling commercial. Think those eco loons should have attended COP28 on bycycles.
Back to the NHS blood victims . Our Justin interviewed a dad whose 2 year old son was infected by the NHS using US HIV contaminated blood products … his son died 5 terrible years later . This was back in the 1980s but the consequences have been profound on all levels right to now ….
This afternoon MPs will vote on bringing in a ‘fast track ‘ compensation scheme now ( 3 months time ) or wait until a formal report in published in 2024 or later ….. meanwhile people are dying because of what the NHS did to them ……
…. It’s a moral question – I’m guessing the vote will be lost as the NHS / state has cared little for those infected or their families .
This is an exceptional case of medical murder / harm – similar to thalidomide ….and shows how much the State really cares when its’ NHS harms people ….
Clap harder? Clap longer? Send more money?
Meanwhile, the US continues to be World’s largest
spiller of innocent bloodblood exporter, accounting for $1.7 billion in 2022. It would be nice to think that standards and procedures have improved since the 1980s. Certainly the US have introduced some innovations, such as a short-term visa allowing Mexican nationals to cross into the USA for the sole purpose of donating blood.Reform are getting “the treatment”
Front page news on the bbc webshte
Rizz named word of the year 2023 by Oxford University Press
Honestly, of all the things going on the in the world, this is front page news
I see that Twitter are resolutely sitting on the dead child in Dublin story.
Went to look this morning and even though there’s 700 replies they didn’t show one under the post (click for more replies) – then – it only showed 3 replies, increasing to 7 after after several clicks.
Opened a new tab with a direct link and whoosh….. pages of replies – it might be server load but the cynic in me says “no way”
– and then, in the embed (rather than Community notes) there’s a reply “this is all lies”.
The Garda are rumoured to have grabbed a couple of water cannons from NI and have already had them badged up – embarrassing otherwise?)
This could simply be fat fingers but again, my inner cynic says “no way”
Missing logo *and* putting them in 4th, 1% ahead of the 3rd party ? Every spreadsheet pie chart I’ve used does what you’d rxpect – this was manual intervention.
fwiw I reckon that Twitter are throttling Reform mentions.
Reform get “the treatment” – BBC + MSNBC-EU have likely agreed on a menu of electoral skullduggery?
Omission is the greatest lie!
The Paris Muslim killer is named – but the Dublin Muslim killer – not so much … complete media censorship – court order ? Good to live in a free open system eh?
No court order I reckon – more like dark threats – I wonder if Jeff Gallagher has had a visit or some small hours phone calls?
– arrested even?
Possible name of Dublin killer:
1. Abdul O’Hara.
2. Ibrahim ‘Paddy’ Malone.
3. Mohammed Murphy.
4. Ahmed P.D. O’Fyle
Big Mick O’Bama?
Graph data was subjected to Dianne Abbotography normalisation.
A Douglas Murray video on YouTube brought my
attention to an “interesting ” You Tube channel Novarra
I have to admit that its support for Hamas is a fair bit
more than the BBC, well in a degree. Novarra Media
with features by illustrious journalists such as Michael Walker,
Owen Jones, Ash Sarkar are really trying so hard to find ” A
solution to the Jewish Question.”
It of course, just a coincidence that the collateral damage
done to hundreds of young souls in Israel by the freedom
fighters of Hamas . Was at the NOVA Music Festival. Many
of the dead revellers were in fact not that much, in their political views , further to the right than the likes
of the Communist Ash Sakar or her anarchist Marxist
May I suggest you read some of the comments on this
website. That’s if you fell like vomiting .You may come
to the conclusion that anti-Semitism isn’t just Muslims
“dirty little secre.t”
The answer to the Jewish problem….
– a bit Kristalnachty….
The tree will say, look here … see Koran for more deails.
Look at him…. shifty as …
There’s just too much to be incensed about….
There’s a dearth of bluebottles this time of year and the turnips are frozen solid – let the plebs starve.
Should be a ‘book’ on what decade a new nuclear power station will open ( then close for defects ) – I wouid say 2070 …or maybe 2099 ….. I reckon even if the lights went out now they still wouid t be online before 2050 ….
More BS
Has she done a tour of the UAE’s under budget, early delivered nukes built by Koreans + South Africans ?
So much green crap noise – meanwhile – China promises the earth but carries on burning it ( coal – that is ) keep going china – open 100 stations for every one the Uk closes …..
I wonder if Miliband Minor might reprise his gastronomic bacon sandwich photo-op with the raw turnip and bluebottle crudo on the menu in Dubai?
OpenAI is blocking picture production for a slew of well known individuals – there’s my “Ed Miliband tries a bluebottle sandwich” plans snookered.
Has he had a DBS check?
R5 debating migration now —
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah interviews Hein de Haas, Dutch sociologist and author of the book “How Migration Really Works”. The Guardian likes Hein. They say his view “is that we should stop thinking of migration in terms of costs and benefits […] Instead, De Haas suggests, it’s more useful to think of migration as a fact of life.”
It’s been on in the background for an hour and the only issue he seems to focus on is labour shortages, which were made worse because of Brexit. A caller suggests some measures by which asylum seekers go back to their country of origin when they’re no longer under threat e.g. Uganda. Hein thinks this can’t happen because they’re British citizens now.
How easy the world must look from your University of Maastricht window.
I was thinking ( dangerous ) I wonder would happen if you put together a table of governmenf promises versus actual real achievements ?
I was struggling to think of one thing any of the blue labour PMs / regimes – have done to better my life – yet alone the quality of life for plebs in the UK …. I’m struggling ….
I know the red labour lot have no interest in me and wish I would die – that’s a given …
“The bodies of 11 climbers were recovered a day after a furious eruption of the Mount Marapi volcano as Indonesian rescuers searched for 12 apparently still missing.”
…Climate Change NOT …. Nature kills people
“Mount Marapi spewing a huge tower of ash 3km (around 10,000ft) into the air,”
.. Don’t you be saying volcanoes affect climate. (ash blocks sun)
(I went there 20 years ago, I was at Bukittungi and walked to a volcano which had a seismic power station that tapped into the heat. Then up to the hill that emitted gases etc.)
Paris attack: Mother of suspect had ‘reported concerns’, prosecutor says
Another one with Mental Illness
Guess we’ll all need to stock up on lighters to flash in the air, we must be due another concert
British MSM are PR tricksters
Advanced their chose party up the graph, when actually it’s fourth
Demoted their challenging party and put it in the wrong colour and without a logo
‘Tricksters’ is kind.
That’s a poll chart for Amol’s old outfit?
BMG knows what gets the fees.
A group had TR pre-emptively arrested and bashed cos it was possible he MIGHT cause anxiety at the protest they organised
.. yet police allow to XR to march into other people’s events and lives wherever they like eg art galleries and sporting events
where it is GUARANTEED they will cause great anxiety
Isn’t there a third tier as well? You know, the one where they don’t even bother to show up?
If this celebrity thing is fixed as many think it will be and it results in Nigel getting voted out (do they have those American vote counting machines at itv?) Will there be an uprising on Jan 6th where people will gather outside itv hq.
If anybody gets invited inside the building, the msm will then describe it as an invasion/uprising with multiple arrests.
It’s happened before.
YouTube prankster is expert on Islam … NOT
thus getting more and more ratioed
Billie Eilish accuses Variety of ‘outing’ her in cover story
In which alternate universe is this utter non-story drivel considered to be front-page, world news ?. The answer of course is the shallow BBC luvvie universe.
This tickled me though:
‘Billie’s since sarcastically thanked Variety for “outing” her “instead of talking about anything else that matters”.’
Just like you are doing BBC.
Rest easy though:
‘BBC Newsbeat has contacted the publisher for comment.’
What is the point of telling us that ?. Is it to tempt us with a possible follow-on article ?.
Let’s see the clone idiot who thinks this is important news:

I almost feel sorry for her. She has no clue how worthless her job is.
“New Edition” Escape to the Country presented by the guy in a wheelchair. (I’m not saying anything.). The area is Abergavenny, and the first resident interviewed praising the area was a black African woman, then another Welsh lady who gave the town glowing comments including…… they are very welcoming to refugees. FFS its a property programme!!!
Escape –
Where policy is concerned the BBC make certain to include everybody – this malarkey of black Isaac Newtons etcetera has likely been planned + agreed at a series of secret soirees (having been caught in flagrante before)
I refer you to the 28gate, Harrabin organised attendee list instructing the troops on how to report the weather:
The list from: January 26th 2006, BBC Television Centre, London
Robert May, Oxford University and Imperial College London
Mike Hulme, Director, Tyndall Centre, UEA
Blake Lee-Harwood, Head of Campaigns, Greenpeace
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Michael Bravo, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge
Andrew Dlugolecki, Insurance industry consultant
Trevor Evans, US Embassy
Colin Challen MP, Chair, All Party Group on Climate Change
Anuradha Vittachi, Director,
Andrew Simms, Policy Director, New Economics Foundation
Claire Foster, Church of England
Saleemul Huq, IIED
Poshendra Satyal Pravat, Open University
Li Moxuan, Climate campaigner, Greenpeace China
Tadesse Dadi, Tearfund Ethiopia
Iain Wright, CO2 Project Manager, BP International
Ashok Sinha, Stop Climate Chaos
Andy Atkins, Advocacy Director, Tearfund
Matthew Farrow, CBI
Rafael Hidalgo, TV/multimedia producer
Cheryl Campbell, Executive Director, Television for the Environment
Kevin McCullough, Director, Npower Renewables
Richard D North, Institute of Economic Affairs
Steve Widdicombe, Plymouth Marine Labs
Joe Smith, The Open University
Mark Galloway, Director, IBT
Anita Neville, E3G
Eleni Andreadis, Harvard University
Jos Wheatley, Global Environment Assets Team, DFID
Tessa Tennant, Chair, AsRia
BBC attendees:
Jana Bennett, Director of Television
Sacha Baveystock, Executive Producer, Science
Helen Boaden, Director of News
Andrew Lane, Manager, Weather, TV News
Anne Gilchrist, Executive Editor Indies & Events, CBBC
Dominic Vallely, Executive Editor, Entertainment
Eleanor Moran, Development Executive, Drama Commissioning
Elizabeth McKay, Project Executive, Education
Emma Swain, Commissioning Editor, Specialist Factual
Fergal Keane, (Chair), Foreign Affairs Correspondent
Fran Unsworth, Head of Newsgathering
George Entwistle, Head of TV Current Affairs
Glenwyn Benson, Controller, Factual TV
John Lynch, Creative Director, Specialist Factual
Jon Plowman, Head of Comedy
Jon Williams, TV Editor Newsgathering
Karen O’Connor, Editor, This World, Current Affairs
Catriona McKenzie, Tightrope Pictures
BBC Television Centre, London (cont)
Liz Molyneux, Editorial Executive, Factual Commissioning
Matt Morris, Head of News, Radio Five Live
Neil Nightingale, Head of Natural History Unit
Paul Brannan, Deputy Head of News Interactive
Peter Horrocks, Head of Television News
Peter Rippon, Duty Editor, World at One/PM/The World this Weekend
Phil Harding, Director, English Networks & Nations
Steve Mitchell, Head Of Radio News
Sue Inglish, Head Of Political Programmes
Frances Weil, Editor of News Special Events
You will remember, tomo, that this list was kept top secret and all attempts to get at it were prevented by BBC lawyers and a judge at a cost to us all of over £22,000. It was implied that many attendees were scientists not activists – that was a lie.
However, thanks to the Wayback Machine the names ’emerged’.
Oh, I remember the hunt rather well …. spent hours Googling and rooting around
Jon Plowman, Head of Comedy appears to be the only attendee with eminently suitable credentials…..
Sky News presenter gets a response he doesn’t like.
Oops – ‘we re out of time ‘ – now a piece about squirrels …. I like the grid square thing – tell Islamic Hamas terrorists where they’ll be safe then flatten it …..
I’m getting Fedup with over emotional UN droids giving running commentary every day on how terrible war ( and Israel ) is – but not so much on the intentional suffering imposed on the slaughtered. The hostages and their families . Even the Hamas UN chief has been slow to mention the rapes they carried out ….
The UN long ago lost neutrality / moral superiority …. Just hope the IDF can stay on mission ….
Dysfunctional quango in the news…
Seems like it’s not a mainstream news item yet (and will likely not become one at Broadcasting House who recognise/identify with another lying, deceitful and corrupt public body and its bent regulators)
If you drink to much Thames Water it will make you want to change sex. Utterly shocking. Lies, deceit and corruption within other regulators has caused half a million vaccine injuries and deaths. Fluoride lowers IQ and estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals cause transgender issues. mRNA Jabs with nanoparticles produce spike proteins that cause blood clots and damage to the heart and immune system, leading to injury and gradual death or sudden death, as well as DNA particles that cause turbo cancer and a quick death.
It’ll be on BBC later
Thief Al Gore says “Look over there thieves !”
One might think she’d be out denouncing the vaccine whistleblower – is she still on tour?
It would appear that fuckwit lefties all over the World are scrambling to press law enforcement to cover up their filthy actions.
Sooner or later it must burst and take the nests of diabolical vipers down.
The mirror in her attic clearly gave up.
Blimey…. wey-ey – howay man!
iirc Sopes got one too. For what services I cannot imagine. In fact most Beeboids get them eventually. Vile going to get one for dobbing in folk?
By coincidence, I just got this from my alma mater…
“we would like to invite you, as an alumnus, to take part in a short online survey about the university’s reputation. This is a project managed by The World 100 Reputation Network, a group of leading global universities, to which we belong.”
Given when I was there it was noted for Engineering, Law and Medicine, disciplines where you worked all day and evening to stand a chance of passing, but now only gets a mentioned for weird lecturers opining on non topics or oddly unbusy dusky arts undergrads screaming about stuff outside, I might point out that its reputation is not one I feel like trading on any more.
An Honorary Doctorate from UoWaiAye would rate below that by some way.
@ChiOnwurah is the Labour Member of Parliament for Newcastle Central ..wonder if she had influence ?
Last year they chose a black footballer
2022 Neil Shaka Hislop a goalkeeper Trinidad and Tobago
and a couple of other people , who already had OBEs etc
They gave same to Hillary Clinton some years back
So the coloured girl ‘athlete ‘ who got 2 plod fired over being stopped – is now banned from driving for 6 months for failing to declare the driver of her car 3 times ….
..she tried to ‘I’m a mum ‘ sob story but that failed ….. what rubbish there is …
fed you beat me to it
failed to identify the driver on three separate occasions
already had 11 points on her license
fine of £276, a surcharge of £110 and £85 costs
obviously doesnt have much money
drives a 40k+ tesla
Oh dear! Never mind. Tough ***t. Olympic dream my arse! Who cares – trying to use that excuse to get off. Good riddance.
Skegness alleged rape
Saad Gomma’s trial was set for today
However no news, so I guess it’s been put off.
Rishi has given in to pressure piling up from the Tory right to introduce new measures to slash net migration. Home Secretary James Cleverly unveiled a new five-point plan to tackle the growing numbers in a statement today in the Commons. Guido gives you the new policies:
Rise in the minimum salary required for a foreign skilled worker to come to Britain from its current level of £26,200 to £38,000 from next spring. A move that goes further than expected…
Increase the minimum £18,600 income required for a British citizen to bring a spouse or dependant into the UK on a family visa to the same threshold.
Immigration health surcharge this year will rise by 66% from £624 to £1,035.
Overhaul of the shortage occupation list, a measure that currently allows companies to pay foreign workers in shortage areas 20% below the going rate.
International students no longer able to to bring dependants to the UK.
oh look at what you can do, when you actually want to
BBC / blue labour going through the false ritual ( lies ) of ‘cracking down on legal migration – total nonsense – they think we are so dumb . ….
Many in fact most people are. Don’t blame the political elites, blame the idiots who vote for them. They look at Blue Labour and say “Nah, i’ll vote Red Labour” and they expect something different, and when it gets worse they flip back to Blue Labour, and it’s rinse and repeat.
The problem with the ECtHR is that BLiar made it superior to UK law, most countries is has a much lower importance, right down to it being merely advisory, and the French appear to have listened to the advice and ignored it!
Excellent news – no one will do the ‘commonwealth games ‘ – another reason to cut funding to athletic jollies …
Stopped clock tells the correct time.
Rishi says watch the migration stats .. . not your bank account … ha ha ha ha
Are you good at chatting up or flirting with potential partners? If so, you may already have rizz, even if you didn’t know it.
The Oxford word of the year, internet slang for romantic appeal or charm, is mostly used by young people.
It was one of eight words on a shortlist, all chosen to reflect the mood, ethos or preoccupations of 2023.
Wonderful word. You can rizz off, shove it up your rizz, say”I would not rizz him or her’, ‘fancy a rizz’. To rizz or not to rizz. dear reader I rizzed him.
UK go ban health and care workers from bringing dia family plus oda tins wey dey dia new five-point plan to reduce japa
Nigerian wey allegedly kill im wife afta relocating to UK go remain for detention
Piece in the DT saying the outgoing will block licence tax increases thus forcing the BBC to reduce output
After three years in charge, BBC boss Tim Davie is used to navigating the vicissitudes of an organisation in permacrisis.
Even for him, though, the threat of a further funding cut will have come as a nasty surprise.
After a two-year freeze on the licence fee, the BBC was gearing up for an inflation-linked increase that would provide a much-needed boost to its finances.
Yet those hopes appear to have been dashed by Rishi Sunak, who has threatened to renege on the agreement as he warned the corporation needs to be “realistic” about what households can afford.
So as the BBC stares into a deepening black hole in its finances, Davie will now be forced to cut even deeper into the struggling media behemoth’s output.
Under current forecasts, the price of the licence fee is set to jump by almost £15 to £173.30 in April. This increase, calculated from the average rate of inflation in the year to September, would be the biggest single rise for almost four decades.
But the Government is preparing to block this increase and force the BBC to accept a smaller jump instead – most likely by selecting a more muted inflation rate to determine the change.
For the BBC, this decision would exacerbate its troubles. The broadcaster has warned that the two-year freeze has opened up a £400m shortfall in its finances.
Davie, a commercially-minded executive who previously led BBC Studios, has already begun to swing the axe.
The BBC announced plans to broadcast 1,000 fewer hours of new TV shows this year, relying on more repeats in a bid to save cash.
It has set out plans to move BBC Four and CBBC online, made sweeping cuts to its local radio output and merged its domestic and global news channels.
Just last week, the broadcaster also announced a controversial decision to scale back Newsnight – cutting the programme to 30 minutes and reducing more than half its staff.
Deborah Turness, chief executive of news and current affairs, blamed the BBC’s “tough financial situation”.
Collectively, those measures are estimated to save around £200m annually by 2027 – only halfway to recouping the deficit.
Now, though, the situation looks set to worsen. If the Government were to opt for only a 6.7pc increase in the licence fee next year – reflecting the inflation rate in September – the BBC’s annual shortfall would balloon to around £516m, according to Enders Analysis.
It comes as inflation in the production sector drives up the cost of making programmes.
At the same time, the BBC has had to increase wages for its 21,000 employees due to cost of living pressures.
Supporters of the BBC argue that the organisation has been punished with funding cuts, even as streaming rivals such as Netflix and Disney have increased their subscription prices by around 30pc.
Roger Mosey, the former head of BBC TV News, brands the funding squeeze as “shortsighted and destructive”.
Jane Martinson, former media editor at the Guardian and a journalism professor at City, University of London, accused the Government of using the BBC as a “strange scapegoat”.
It is now all but inevitable that the BBC will have to make even more cuts. The crucial question, though, is where?
Alice Enders at Enders Analysis says the BBC is likely to swing the axe on big-budget productions, rather than tinkering around with smaller cutbacks.
The broadcaster earlier this month said it will take Top Gear off air for the “foreseeable future”.
The decision comes after presenter Freddie Flintoff suffered serious facial injuries in a high-speed crash last year, but bosses are likely to welcome the financial benefits of putting such an expensive show on ice.
Other controversial victims could include Sir David Attenborough’s popular but expensive natural history series, or the flagship Saturday night hit Strictly Come Dancing.
Yet by making big cuts to popular programmes, the BBC risks alienating audiences at a time when it is already shedding viewers – particularly younger ones – to streaming rivals. The public service broadcaster lost 500,000 licence fee payers last year.
And as for Today
‘ listeners BBC Radio 4’s flagship news and current affairs show has lost more than a million listeners over the last year The problem is the minute you cut the content you cut the audience,” says Enders. “It’s very difficult to recover from that as a public service broadcaster.”
Davie has other levers to pull. At the heart of his strategy has been a fresh focus on the broadcaster’s commercial arm, boosting revenues from that part of the corporation in a bid to reduce reliance on the licence fee.
Yet BBC Studios has also been hit by surging production costs, as well as broader industry woes such as the Hollywood strikes.
So the BBC chief must now decide which of his sacred cows to slaughter without plunging the broadcaster into a vicious circle of decline.
Looking further ahead, Davie will be preparing for a future without the licence fee. Alternative funding models, including subscriptions and advertising, are expected to be up for discussion when the BBC’s Charter agreement is renewed in 2027.
At least the BBC director-general will not face this challenge alone. Securing a long-term model for the broadcaster will be top of the agenda for the new BBC chairman, who is expected to be named this week.
The frontrunners are thought to be Amanda Spielman, the under-fire head of schools watchdog Ofsted, and Dr Samir Shah, a long-serving TV executive who previously served on the BBC board.
However, in the short term, the BBC faces a critical dilemma of how to shore up finances without putting viewers off completely. If it loses its audiences, it may never get them back.ENDS
You can guess the comments ….
So Auntie wants to up her extortion money.
Al Capone would have been proud of her.
Guess the comments once a clever soul found a list of attendees, especially media.
Joe Public
December 4, 2023 6:09 pm
“Meanwhile the BBC’s contribution to saving the planet is 40 staff.”
There are two tranches of BBC bods.
Those listed under “BBC”, and those listed under “British Broadcasting Corporation
One presumes the hairdressing contingent was not for JusRol?
BBC Propaganda also not doing great in the comments.
‘Wounded child, no surviving family’: The pain of Gaza’s orphans
Heartbreaking, as intended. However, no mention of reasons why hostages are no longer being dripped back.
The BBC is part of the problem.
This guy likely did not see this going pear shaped so fast.
Alazhar University in Gaza, where I did my first degree in English Literature, before and after the barbaric Israeli onslaught on Gaza.
“English Literature” cultural appropriation.
the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society.
“his dreadlocks were widely criticized as another example of cultural appropriation”
Cut their pensions and close them down for poor performance. They’ll have to give up their second homes the poor dears. Times are hard.
Love their justification for it as Netflix etc have increased their rates. Slight difference you bBBC morons in that these charges are voluntary not forced on us legally like your tax.
Maybe they could have a Saturday night peak time competition called ‘end the programme ‘ where members of the audience ‘vote off ‘ programmes to ‘save money/ channels ‘…. I nominate ‘Asian network ‘ for starters ….
I’m afraid I couldn’t be bothered to fart about like that.
I would vote to defund the whole shebang.
Put Auntie out to pasture once and for all.
Totally agree Lefty – I just hope they really cut funding and more are encouraged to dump the licence ….
I imagine the BBC has £20bn in assets that should be handed to the people that paid licences
and the victims of its crimes.