Midweek 13th December 2023

A freelance Sports presenter – probably the highest paid ‘employee’ of the BBC – continues to publicly express personal political views – usually contrary to the elected government . The man’s views are offensive to many – and breaches the ‘neutrality ‘ the BBC pretends to follow … the BBC fails to stop him – but if it damages the BBC it’s good for those of us who want to change or destroy it .

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398 Responses to Midweek 13th December 2023

  1. Thoughtful says:

    Here is a You Tube poster who tells the truth about what is going on on the front lines in Ukraine, he is worth watching for that reason


  2. Dickie says:


    • Fedup2 says:

      Just a thought

      I don’t know about you – but I find it harder than ever to keep up with events . No – I mean – remembering events .

      We on this site react from day to day to the woke – to the left – to the BBC and others who want to destroy the British way of life .

      So it is a challenge to ‘review ‘ a year . Ok – a year is just a mathematic amount of days months …. But it’s lined to the seasons so has value .

      To go back through the archives is a challenge – identify the key points and poison the BBC has vomited out across 2023 .

      What sticks ? What doesn’t ? For me I suppose it was the obsession the BBC had with destroying an elected PM – yes he did much to himself – but the likes Ot ‘toady ‘ – comrade Robinson – made it a challenge – on taxpayers ‘ money – to destroy him .
      Okay – I thought nut nut was out of his depth – unable to be Conservative – a god almighty 80 majority failure …but it was still wrong – but there will never be punishment as things stand …

      There’s more to go back to …


      • MarkyMark says:

        Fedup2 …. To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle. One thing that helps toward it is to keep a diary, or, at any rate, to keep some kind of record of one’s opinions about important events. Otherwise, when some particularly absurd belief is exploded by events, one may simply forget that one ever held it. Political predictions are usually wrong. But even when one makes a correct one, to discover why one was right can be very illuminating. In general, one is only right when either wish or fear coincides with reality. If one recognizes this, one cannot, of course, get rid of one’s subjective feelings, but one can to some extent insulate them from one’s thinking and make predictions cold-bloodedly, by the book of arithmetic. In private life most people are fairly realistic. When one is making out one’s weekly budget, two and two invariably make four. Politics, on the other hand, is a sort of sub-atomic or non-Euclidean world where it is quite easy for the part to be greater than the whole or for two objects to be in the same place simultaneously. Hence the contradictions and absurdities I have chronicled above, all finally traceable to a secret belief that one’s political opinions, unlike the weekly budget, will not have to be tested against solid reality.



    • MarkyMark says:

      Clinton says her servers are secure! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!


    • MarkyMark says:

      Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.

      26 August 2022

      The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.

      Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.

      Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.


      Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.

      Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.


  3. MarkyMark says:



  4. Up2snuff says:

    Are the BBC getting a little worried by Licence Fee cancellations?

    I have just had a ‘love letter'(!) from Capita; I think it is my first this year. I wonder if the BBC/Capita get a bulk discount from the Royal Mail these days as postage, even Second Class, is expensive.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Hello up2 – I’ve been missing the letters . I’ve been out of the UK for a month – so when I go back next week I expect a collection of those red letters ….

      The trouble is – if they are losing 500 000 a year it’s gonna take a long time to erode the 22 000 000 people who still pay …


  5. Thoughtful says:

    I know this isn’t a deals site, and I’m afraid I shall have to bare my soul for this one.

    I am an afficionado of Champagne I will open a bottle on a Friday night and then drink it over the weekend before Dinner. At this time of year when the offers are on I do like to stock up and some of these deals can be as low as £10 a bottle for decent Fizz.

    This year providing you buy 6 bottles (which can be mixed) Sainsburys are offering their Blanc de Noir dropped from £23.50 to £20 and then with 25% discount becomes £15.00 a bottle

    Tesco’s offer three ridiculous cheap bottles.

    Louis Delaunay £15 a bottle or with the 25% it’sjust £11.25

    Or if you want to go up market there is

    Mumms Cordon Rouge down from £39 to £30 with the 25% off it’s £22.50

    And also Piper Heisieck Red Label down from £39 to £25 and with the 25% off it’s £18.75

    Come the week before Christmas Asda will be selling (Maybe) their Louvel Fontaine at £10 and Tesco will also sell the Delaunay at £10 too.

    Those are my reccomendation for Christmas this year, (for what they might be worth)


    • Fedup2 says:

      Thoughtful – that’s your best post this year – I -too – indulge in the fizz – and I will use the intelligence you have so kindly provided in a few days ….


      • Thoughtful says:

        Oops I should have said the Tesco offers end on Sunday, possibly the Sainsburys one too.


        • Eddy Booth says:

          A Tesco I visited had a limit on those £5 plastic tubs of plastic Cadbury chocolates: maximum 10 per customer,
          I wouldn’t bother taking one if they were free.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Just became your worst post – I’m not in Blighty until 18th..


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Do I need a card or something to get the 25% off Piper Heisieck?


  6. Dickie says:

    Refusing to follow the narrative eh. The bounder


  7. Thoughtful says:

    I see dreadfully woke Dawn French is claiming to want to star in anti woke show which offends people, the comments on the Daily Mail website are priceless.


  8. MarkyMark says:



  9. tomo says:

    Winning !!

    Some bloke in his spare room does a better job than the multibillion budget BBC


    • Fedup2 says:

      Russian propaganda stinking like a stink . Really poor propaganda … kidult with beard and combat cammo shirt – really poor – an insult ….


      • tomo says:

        His style isn’t to everybody’ s taste.

        Who do you prefer to listen to? hurdydurdy, hootytooty NATO head Jens Stoltenburg or “retired” Douglas MacGregor?

        Do you think the BBC’s reporting on Ukraine is believable?


      • JohnC says:

        As soon as any Ukraine clip uses ‘selected edits’ I close it. And that includes almost all of them. It’s very hard to find any real-world stuff to show how it really is. Which a testiment to the extent of censorship we live under now. In Syria, you could set on top of a tank (through a GoPro) and watch real-life fighting to see the truth.
        Which seemed to be both sides shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ all the time.

        One thing I will say though is if the Russians are good at one thing, it’s artillery. I can’t imagine a worse place on Earth to be (except as a whitey in Gaza). These brave men are being ruthlessly scarificed by Ukraine to try and make us think they are winning in some way and some aid won’t be wasted.

        Every single one will have severe mental issues for the rest of their lives if they survive.

        Zelensky is begging for aid. Russia are in full production. Time for someone to do something to end it before Ukraines collapse is imminent and desperate measures are taken.


    • Thoughtful says:

      I posted this at the top of the page, and he’s not a Russian shill just because he’s telling a truth you don’t want to hear.
      Even the MSM and the elites are begining to accept Ukraine is not going to win.


  10. MarkyMark says:

    Dear Darren Henry,

    zero public votes for Rishi Sunak.
    zero public votes for David Cameron.
    Is this what net zero means?

    a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

    Yours sincerely,
    Mr H


  11. MarkyMark says:



    NO , Our Council is not bankrupt. Your Borough Councillors are copied in in case you need more details. I am your County Councillor.

    But local government funding has been savagely cut in the last 10 years and all Councils across the UK are struggling to balance the budget. This is a national problem.

    Thanks for getting in touch



    Dear Councillor,

    Is Our Council also bankrupt like Nottingham City Council, can you reveal your current expenditures or give me links to see if our council is heading the same way.

    BBC News – Nottingham City Council declares itself ‘bankrupt’
    29 November

    Yours sincerely,
    Mr. H


  12. MarkyMark says:





  13. MarkyMark says:

    Amazon review “This is a very disturbing account of the state of the West. We fought the Reformation to eradicate the fear and repression of a fundamentalist religion from Europe (the Catholic Church), only for our politicians to invite another fundamentalist religion back into Europe (the Islamic Church). Thus fear and repression stalk the backstreets of Europe once more, and politicians like Wilders have to live in fear of their lives. How on earth did we let ourselves be talked into this absurd and grave situation?

    This is a sad and sobering tale.”



    • Thoughtful says:

      We didn’t let ourselves be talked into anything. The greatest lie of all these elites have told is that we live in Democracy and that they are accountable.
      The Tories promised in their manifesto to reduce immigration and did the complete opposite where is the real accountability for their having lied to the people, and why aren’t these muppets being made to put it right?

      The people sre by and large stupid and vindictive. They believe they are getting a great deal by paying politicians a pittance, in the UK it’s the lowest amount in the Western world, then they have no problem when some wealthy autocrats come along and offer them the money the people refuse to.

      So when some oil rich Middle Eastern potentate comes along with a tiny amount of money say £10 million, they are going to jump through hoops to make sure their donor gets value for money.

      If you want to know where the problem lies then look in the mirror. Winston Churchill was paid the equivalent of £500K pa, Rishi Washee just £160K and I ask you who would you prefer the man of consequence or the useless inept incompetent?

      Many people want the latter because they cannot stomach paying the going rate.

      That in a nutshell is why we are where we are today.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Rishi is doing it for fun! Shits and giggles.

        “Akshata Murty to get almost £6.7m in Infosys dividends
        Income of Rishi Sunak’s wife from Indian tech firm to reach £13m for financial year”


  14. Flotsam says:

    This Week’s PMQ’S.

    I noticed Stephen Flynn, the SNP’S leader in Parliament, once again focused on the Palestinian victims in the Israel-Gaza conflict. He suggested that it was shameful that the UK had abstained in the UN vote for a ceasefire. I think it shameful that the SNP can’t govern their country properly.

    It’s obvious that Hamas Useless is making sure that Flynn pushes his agenda in our Parliament.


  15. Flotsam says:

    Is there a secret agenda to the illegal invasion?

    OK, the UK Government of whatever persuasion will eventually have to grant citizenship, normalise or deport them. the issue will be that they will probably have dispersed, where are they? Who is legal and who isn’t? The solution will have to be identity cards…………….


  16. taffman says:

    “Is there a secret agenda to the illegal invasion?”
    IMHO” Yes.


  17. taffman says:

    “EU to open membership talks with Ukraine and Moldova”


    • tomo says:

      The shits in Brussels just keep digging – eh?


    • JohnC says:

      Too much talk about Ukraine losing recently.

      Need to escalate it by poking Putin so his response causes the USA to approve the aid.

      Ukraines represents a huge gain in ‘living space’ for the EU as the countries become overcrowded. In a few decades, half of Africa will be here and Ukraine will be a perfect place to send them where they can work on the farms.


  18. tomo says:

    Room temperature IQ with presumption at galactic levels from Kate Osborne MP – she’ll go far at Westminster…


  19. tomo says:

    and from Wales


  20. tomo says:

    Not a topic that BBC-Guardian care to draw attention to



  21. tomo says:



  22. JohnC says:

    Head teachers in ‘despair’, union warns after Ruth Perry’s death

    School leaders are being “pushed to the edge of despair” by inspections and workload, a union has said.


    The BBC are still banging on about how hard it is for teachers to be actually judged on their performance. Especially the female ones : you can be sure this story would not be so prominent if the one who took their own life was a man.

    But like many, many such stories on the BBC, what REALLY bugs me about this is how utterly lopsided it is compared to the real world.

    Male suicides make up THREE QUARTERS of suicides in the UK. Have you ever read that on the BBC ?. Any multi-article stories about that ?. Nope. Because just like all those dead black teenagers murdered by other black teenagers, the activists at the BBC don’t care one bit. Because they are no use to the anti-white, anti-male racist Left-wing agenda. If you actually think about it, it you realise just what totally uncaring nasty scum these people really are behind their veneer of hypocrisy.

    And of course however bad they are, teachers are safe in their job no matter what. As are BBC staff. Unlike all the plumbers, bricklayers and a myriad of other white, Brexit voting males who REALLY live under pressure.

    Of course we all know BBC staff and teachers are very similar types of people. Completely useless in the real world.


  23. Fedup2 says:


    An easy one – terrorist attacks by Muslims in Europe – the BBC refers to them as ‘Hamas operatives ‘ – so is they – say blew up the BBC HQ – it wouldn’t be terrorism … mind you – why wouid you blow up your ‘friends ‘…. ?


    • JohnC says:

      Fed, I’ve noticed how the BBC don’t make any distinction between Hamas and civilians now.
      They now use the blanket term ‘Palestinians’. So 50 dead hamas terrorists becomes ’50 dead Palestinians’ which infers they could be innocent civilians.
      And they all do it – so it’s a directive passed down from above.


  24. Scroblene says:

    I don’t know about you, but I found this comment on Guido somewhat disturbing…


    The first comment about another BBC pervert being outed was this: –

    “Bruce Everiss
    Noncery and pedastry are par for the course at the fake news BBC.
    They are the main promoters of unnatural sexual acts in the country.”

    But the follow-up comment made me shiver a bit…

    “Albert H
    Bruce Everiss
    …as recommended by the Frankfurt School. Debasing the morals of a target country is part of undermining its structure.”

    Being normal, I don’t understand the reference to ‘The Frankfurt School’, but it does seem to me that the BBC is getting away with quite a lot of rather unpleasant goings-on these days!

    (These two commenters are always rational and interesting).

    Nobody seems to be holding them to account for their activities, Ofcom are a joke, and now it seems that the police are hiding some revelation which, had it been a Conservative politician, would be plastered all over the rags on a daily basis!

    I’m not sure I’m comfortable in my country with all this going on.

    But I have a home-made baseball bat by the front door, just in case…


    • Zephir says:

      I’ve had to hide my baseball bat.

      I am on my 5th Telly this year, the cat just bolts for it when Naga Munchetty appears and forgets about the litter tray.


  25. Fedup2 says:


    Another easy one – HMIC want plod to do less stop and search on the coloured folk because they get up set. BBC love it . No mention of the coloured victims of knife crime of course – why bother ?
    No contrary view from a mum or dad of a dead kid …. All good news for the funeral trade …. Apparently someone called Wendy Williams is the top HMIC – gets a gong for that one ..


    • JohnC says:

      If you take a random black person and white person from the streets of London, the black one is 7 times more likely to stab you than the white one.

      So it is common sense that proportionally, 7 times more black people are stopped and searched.

      By objecting to that, the BBC have blood on their hands because people went unsearched and stabbed someone else.

      Another clear example of how the BBC/Left only care about their anti-white racist agenda. They don’t care at all if it means people die.


  26. AsISeeIt says:

    In shock news this morning we learn sofa retailer DFS could be making fools of us all – literally. More of that later in this adolescent edition

    Alex Batty: Teen from Oldham missing for six years found in France (BBC) – gosh, was he kidnapped by euro child traffickers or perhaps by a band of continental gypsies?

    Alex Batty, now 17, was picked up by a van driver after leaving the commune where he had lived with his mum. He claimed “My mother kidnapped me” (Daily Mirror) – well, that’s a bit different then, isn’t it?

    How easy it is for the headline to mislead and have us half-way up a garden path suggesting a very different story to the one told in the small print.

    Sometimes even the headlines put up by different media sources can be contradictory and confusing as to the facts: Bereaved parents’ anger at ‘broken’ online safety promise… accused the government of “watering down” online safety laws. (BBC)

    Under-16s face limits on social media use (Telegraph)

    Rishi: Ban Insta kids (Daily Star)

    We do enjoy the occasional deployment of the calm down dear hereabouts and this latest much-heralded development promises to be a very rich source of future calm down dear material: Rebecca Welch to become Premier League’s first female referee (BBC)

    ‘Bec of the net Rebecca first woman to ref a Prem game (Mirror)

    But since we’re focusing on teens this morning I’ll swap you a calm down dear for a settle down sweetheart: I’m neurodiverse – it’s helped my acting Bella Ramsey on gender identity and staring in TV’s best show (‘i’) – [for clarification: Bella Ramsey : Game of Thrones, pronouns ‘They‘ ‘Them‘]

    Talking of kids swapping stuff in the playground… I can remember a time when it was football stickers – not our gender indentities…

    Back to the footie…

    Panini: First Women’s Super League sticker album launches… You’ve been able to swap stickers of your favourite players in the top division of the men’s game for over 50 years… Now for the first time, fans of the Women’s Super League (WSL) can too. (BBC) – I predict sales of about… half a dozen…?

    More football firsts (almost) are being celebrated over there at the BBC Sports page – it’s almost as though the sport comes second to the indentity politics: Sam Allison will also take charge of a top-flight match in December, making him the Premier League’s first black referee for 15 years.

    Warning: Fans at Sheffield United’s match against Luton on boxing day may be prosecuted for a hate crime – if they chant who’s the bastard in black?

    We’re accustomed to the proliferation of soccer ‘Stats’ in the modern game. Our BBC have now done some proper apartheid era South African-style race classification research on the refs: Uriah Rennie – the league’s last black referee – retired from officiating in English football’s top four divisions in 2009. The EFL’s last non-white referee – Jarnail Singh – retired in 2010. (BBC)

    The left-leaning ‘i’ turns it’s attention to US politics: Biden impeachment could backfire on Republicans – a subtle acknowledgement there perhaps that multiple Trump impeachments have backfired on the Democrats?

    Trump Leads Swing-State Poll as Biden’s Core Voters Drifting Away… Joe Biden’s growing political troubles are coming from within his own party as he trails Donald Trump in the battleground states that will decide the 2024 election. That’s the conclusion from the latest Bloomberg News/Morning Consult Poll of voters in seven swing states (Bloomberg)

    You may recall from yesterday the hypercondriac ‘i’ newspaper fretting about some new report telling us our sofas were making us sick.

    Seems a nerve has been touched over there at the jokey blokey Daily Star: You’d better be sitting down for this news… Your sofa is making you thick! Vegging out in front of the telly could hit your IQ because of all the chemicals in sofas


    • Fedup2 says:

      Personally I thought Simon Hooper was the first female referee judging by his decisions in the recent Man City game ….

      Anyway – let’s link kids knifing each other after school – being able to watch bad stuff on the internet – parents getting fined for taking their kiddies out of school to go on holiday – only to be abducted and ‘lost ‘ for 6 years


  27. JohnC says:

    Children reportedly among those killed in Gaza strikes overnight

    In what warped world do totally untrustworthy statements by the terrorists themselves become news headlines presented as fact ?. The reminders that Hamas are terrorists seem very few and far between at the BBC these days.

    But my big issue with these stories is hy aren’t the BBC addressing the question of why children are in the places where Israel are bombing ?. They write their reports like Israel just bomb anywhere.

    Their can only be one answer and it is a stupendous lie by omission that the BBC do not include it in ALL these reports:

    Hamas are deliberately attacking Israel from places where there are children so when they are killed in the fighting, people like the BBC make headlines of it.

    It takes a special kind of scum to use children like that. And it takes a special kind of scum to protect them doing it.


  28. JohnC says:

    Hamas plot to attack Jews across Europe is foiled by police

    ‘Three people were arrested in Germany, three in Denmark and one in the Netherlands with the Danish prime minister describing the plot as being “as serious as it gets”.’

    This is a major development by Hamas and represents a threat to the people of the UK.

    Where is the report BBC ?. This is far more relevant to the British people than anything Bowen can write. It should be the top headline.

    Can’t see it anywhere even though I do see a full ‘feature’ entitled:

    How Israel jails hundreds of Palestinians without charge

    With the usual empathy-laden picture of a 17 year old boy who just got released with the caption:
    ‘Yazen Alhasnat, 17, the morning after his release from prison. “It is still possible to have hope,” he said’

    Hope for what Yazen ?. That you can get to kill some Israelies ?.

    Written by Joel Gunter :
    ‘Joel Gunter is a freelance journalist who writes for the Guardian and other publications.’

    This is all getting beyond ridiculous. How are the BBC being allowed to continue ?. Where are OFCOM ?. Are politicians scared of being the next ‘daily headline’ BBC campaign ?.


    • Fedup2 says:

      When the next Islamic terrorist attack comes in the UK -what will be the response

      It was a one off
      Islam is peaceful
      Thoughts about the people ‘lost’
      Known to the security service
      Mental issues
      Attacker (s) not named
      ‘British ‘
      Security failure
      All in it together
      Must not happen again
      Motivation not known
      All in it together ( again )
      Thoughts prayers candles
      And now the weather


      • StewGreen says:

        “the growing problem of THE FAR RIGHT”


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          “The REAL problem IS the Far Right (not, I repeat NOT Islam, Muslims are the REAL victims here… understood?)”

          Repeat it enough times and even you can start to believe 2+2=5.


      • Guest Who says:

        Daily Briefing
        Israel’s ground offensive in Gaza meets stiff resistance

        Presumably from all the doctors, nurses, NGOs, UN staff and reporters keeping the remaining hostages safe?


      • JohnC says:

        The Left have manouvred the reports now so that unless they find a direct link to ISIS, any attack by a Muslim is ‘not terror related’.

        I wonder how they will report Hamas attacks.

        The response will be the same is it always is for these ‘unhelpful’ attacks : concentrate on the victims or any ‘hero’ who jumped in to help.

        My favourite is when they abstract it up to just ‘terrorism’ then inform us of the general problem and include an example of some far-right plot (= a boy in his bedroom who downloaded something) to try and infer some kind of equivalence.


      • moggiemoo says:

        Don’t look back in anger.
        What terrorist?
        Look, squirrel.


  29. Ian Rushlow says:

    The BBC reports that a ‘Channel migrant’ – a euphemism for an invader attempting to illegally enter Britain – is dead after a boat got into trouble off the French coast. Shame on the French for not taking more action to prevent the initiation of criminal acts on their territory, but we’ll let that pass for the moment.

    The report includes, for some reason, a comment from Enver Solomon, the chief executive of the Refugee Council:

    “…there is an urgent need to put in place safe routes so people don’t have to take dangerous journeys across the world’s busiest shipping lane.”

    Naturally these assertions go unchallenged by the BBC. If they had some sort of – I don’t know, fact checking division which could verfiy claims – they could state that:

    1. There are plenty of safe routes for genuine refugees. The government currently operates 9 schemes, including large scale ones for Ukraine and Hong Kong.

    2. Trying to cross the Channel in the dead of night in December is certainly not without danger. However, the Channel is one of the most regulated and controlled areas of sea in the World. For most invaders, travelling during daytime and on calm waters, the main dangers are getting their hands wet whilst dropping their documentation overboard or losing signal on their iPhones.

    3. The Channel is not the World’s busiest shipping lane. It is one of the busiest, along with the Panama canal, Suez canal, Straits of Malacca and Strait of Hormuz, but it is not the busiest.

    But the Refugee Council can be creative when it comes to reality. For instance, their website sometimes gives a pop-up, asking for donations. This morning it featured a cartoon drawing of refugees (sic) being transported from a small boat to (presumably) a government or NGO ferry taxi service. All of the occupants were fair skinned and most had light brown hair. Naturally there were plenty of women and children on the boat. Compare with the occupants of the invasion craft used to illustrate the BBC report. There is – how shall we put it? – a distince lack of diversity in their appearance.



    • MarkyMark says:

      O’Brien silenced him by a movement of his hand. ‘We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation — anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. BBCWe make the laws of Nature.‘



    • Terminal Moraine says:

      Is that RNLI or Hamas ‘operatives’ in the lifeboat helping out?

      Maybe it doesn’t make much difference any more.



      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        The people in the boat look a different shade to those you see on the news.


      • JohnC says:

        Goodness me. That’s whitewashing in the extreme.

        Not only a different shade, totally the wrong age group. It’s 100% misleading.


  30. Zephir says:


    I’m going to buy you another book for Xmas


  31. Zephir says:

    Children reportedly among those killed in Gaza strikes overnight

    I am just waiting for Isreal to bomb a Gazan orphanage

    BBC special report about Mohammed Tiny Tim who’s crutch was destroyed and Mohammed Twist who says they have run out of gruel.

    Israeli General Fagin denies responsibility.

    We now talk to Hamas Orphanage director Mother Theresa and Hama health minister Mohammed Nightingale.


  32. taffman says:

    “Germany arrests over alleged Hamas anti-Jewish plot”
    How many are heading this way because of our porous border control?
    More Channel crossings anyone ?
    Time this government defended the people of UK .


  33. Terminal Moraine says:

    Very odd… a new BBC TV show where 4/5 of the lead actors are white men.

    “Men Up cast and creatives on the ‘funny, heartbreaking, helpful’ drama inspired by the true story of a medical trial for the drug that became Viagra […] Men Up explores the fragilities of our characters in pursuit of their ultimate reward… the return of a romantic connection in their lives.”

    Ah they’re all impotent and fragile. That makes sense.




  34. Terminal Moraine says:

    A predictable article from a Guardian Europhile: “Will the hard right really sweep Europe in 2024? If it does, here’s what could happen”.

    Most knicker-twisting boxes are ticked — EU, Brexit, Trump, Meloni, Wilders etc — it’s interesting though that the top rated comment is of a distinctly non-approved flavour. A change may be in the air…?

    “Another piece that seems to believe that all ‘moderates’ (and the left) need to do, is explain to those attracted to the right that they are deplorable and wrong, and then diplomatically ignore them.
    What was that about ‘the definition of madness’..?”



  35. Emmanuel Goldstein says:


    On bbbc radio newcastle yesterday I heard them referring to Meloni as ‘Far far right’

    Is that better or worse than ‘hard right’
    Is it the equivalent of the upgrade from global ‘warming’ to ‘boiling’

    The more they go off to the left the more extreme us normal people must appear to them.
    What comes after boiling I wonder. The battery fires from the eco friendly ev’s burn at a very high temperature so ‘global ev battery fire temperature …’ing’ might be their step up from just boiling.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Hard Right , Extreme Right … Fascist … Nazi …. Populist….. Nationalist ( excluding the Scot’s and the Welsh and the IRA Sinn Fein )


  36. Thoughtful says:

    I have been trying to find a quote for the last Labour government which allegedly employed more people by the state that the East German government of Eric Honeker.

    At the time the UK government directly employed 25% of the workforce, today under the Marxist Tories has risen to 33%.

    But that doesn’t tell the whole picture, as it doesn’t include those who are employed by local governments, and several other independent bodies who are wholly funded by government but are not directly employed by them.

    Private companies such as electrical installations are contracted to rewire public buildings, their employees not directly employed by the government, but indirectly so.

    This is Marxism pure and simple a few large companies exist, largely foreign owned, but which the government considers essential to support the economy, whilst indigenous firms go bust only to be replaced by foreign owned ones.

    Equality which was anathaema to WInston Churchill is the war cry of todays Marxist Tories, along with diversity. The Marxist slogan “Destroy to build back” is happening before our very eyes, although the Marxists have never built anything back let alone something better. (Build back better?)

    You will own nothing is now also a Tory belief, only if of course they get to own everything.
    And so the Red hand moves on, slowly and the usual Marxists claim it isn’t Marxist because there wasn’t a flash bang wallop revolution with tens of millions dead (that’s the one thing they really do like) and the fact that there is only one Marxist and that is themselves, everyone else is simply wrong!

    The Tories have attacked private capital at every stage. If you own your own house (the capitalist ambition) the Tories have removed the benefit which would pay the interest component of the mortgage, this might be much less than rent but there is zero allowance now.
    Those who are renting will have the entire amount paid (within reason) and will never have to reimburse the state.

    They are moving to attack those on means tested benefits with savings, they are reducing the eligibility for those savings by never increasing the amount someone can have, and they haven’t increased it in around a third of a century.

    Who can forget Theresa May’s immortal Freudian slip in South Africa “I have no problem with the state seizure of private assets without compensation”
    If that isn’t the definition of Marxism then I don’t know what is.

    We are now seeing the muppets of this party incentivise senior civil servants for implementation of ‘diversity’ – the destruction of the British culture.

    In the USA Biden for all his corruption and faults recognises that without a manufacturing base a country cannot survive, Sunak and his Commie mates have done absolutely nothing to encourage business in the UK.

    Germany the industrial powerhouse which was so because of its manufacturing has been de-industrialising because the clown PM Olaf Schultz and his lunatic energy policies. Britain could have been holding a carrot to those German businesses to locate here, but that’s not Marxist and the Tories have done absolutely nothing to encourage that.

    If we continue down the current path we will end up with almost no public services. Pensions are already unaffordable and need to be stopped for anyone who has a private pension. The NHS will need to become Private only, and even schools might have to cease for the thickos who can’t manage to get to secondary.

    The country is bankrupt, it’s only a matter of time before it collapses altogether, and then it will be just another Marxist hell hole success (success being measured by the number of dead bodies)


  37. Foscari says:

    Nothing to do with the BBC. But my Christmas gift to
    my fellow contributors.
    On the radio and TV we hear endless Christmas songs.
    ” This one is the best ” BUT the best one is NEVER played.
    It is the very great tenor Jussi Bjorling singing ” O Helga
    Natt ( Oh Holy Night) Watch it with the beautiful Swedish
    background. I promise you . Other than those of you
    who are tone death . This will give you goose pimples. From
    the voice of unshed tears.


  38. Zephir says:

    @ Foscari

    It’s OK, but it can’t hold a candle to the classic Elmo and Patsy’s

    ‘Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer’

    It sends shivers down my spine each time I listen:


    • Foscari says:

      Zephir- YOUR RIGHT !!!!!! I wont even listen to Jussi’s 1944
      recording of ” Nessun Dorma” again. Which is the version that casts the longest shadow.


  39. JohnC says:

    Brixton Academy crush: Asake has not done enough say families

    ‘Social media footage showed long queues of people, many thought to be ticketless, trying to gain entry to the sold-out gig by Afrobeats artist Asake.’

    ‘A year later, the victim’s families feel they still don’t have answers and they’ve had no contact with the artist.’

    Maybe because it was nothing to do with him. Maybe it was because of people without tickets behaving like savages outside the door.

    Let’s see who the police blame:

    Why aren’t they demanding the police find these men and make THEM pay ?.

    At a guess, I would say it’s people trying anything they can to get money. They’ve had plenty of success in the past – though it’s not so easy to play the race card for this one.


    • Zephir says:

      @ JohnC

      “Why aren’t they demanding the police find these men and make THEM pay ?.”

      Child Maintenance Service has probably been trying for years…


  40. vlad says:

    Further proof that in Biden / Obama’s America, there’s no room for straight white men.

    The White House’s grotesque Xmas video features exclusively blacks, gays, wimmin and a sprinkling of trans.

    The BBC would be proud.


  41. Zephir says:


  42. Guest Who says:

    JezBo been let out today?

    “Today I was among the journalists who have attended a private screening of the raw footage of October 7th and I want to express to you what I saw since it’s not been made public. It’s been a very heavy day. A decision was made that Jews are less than human, and treated that way in words and deeds..I now know that’s exactly the message Hamas sent on purpose — at scale. I wasn’t aware of that before. I saw bodies were burned but I did not understand or appreciate how intentional the effort was – they did it methodically, you hear it in the voices, the commands the ease, the excitement of finding and mutilating victims.”

    iirc he used to work for a BBC partner. So this is an interesting if unexpected take.

    Which brings me to:

    Aiding Terror: How Terrorists Exploit Humanitarian Organizations

    Hamas wanted this.

    Still does.

    What JezCo, JezBo and the rest of the complicit politico media ideological estate are doing is ensuring their kids continue to reap what was deliberately sown.

    And enable the likes of that physically pretty but ugly-souled Al Jazeera posh Brit harpie ‘journalist’ to hit twitter to smile and proclaim joy without second thought.

    This is what has been imported by the cretins in the HoP, educated here and now gets protected no matter what.


    • Zephir says:

      Regarding your link and the question of the Question of Sport and “Paddy McGuiness”

      I was in a charity shop with a friend the other day and they saw the Paddy McGuinness autobiography and said

      “who is this person ?”

      I replied “not a bloody clue” and picked up the book and leafed through it, introduction ? nope no idea what his achievements are, if any, so the photos , nope nothing there just him with his mates, no goals, or trys or anything.

      Did he invent Guinness or something, or famous for drinking it ? oh no, thats the one from the Pogues.

      So still lost on this one. Sounds Irish so maybe rode a horse in a race ? dunno really

      Oh, he wrote a book about, erm, nothing much it seems.

      So as presenter of a Question of Sport” whats his bloody sport ?

      Maybe old school traditional ones like “fastest ever drive badly tarmaced ?”
      “most kids causing havoc on quad bikes ?” who knows


      • StewGreen says:

        “It was from his school days in Farnworth that McGuinness formed his close friendship with fellow Bolton comedian Peter Kay
        He rose to fame with the help of Peter Kay, who invited him to appear in his programmes”


        • Zephir says:

          Ahh… that renowned athlete, Peter Kay.

          Who no doubt mentored him on diet, training etc, to excel in his chosen field of physical excellence.

          Still no idea, not a hockey stick, football or tennis racket in sight in his book.

          Maybe they have lowered the bar on Question of Sport and allowing Irish tap dancers in ?

          Maybe he was in that Michael Flatley Lord of the Dance thing and got chucked out for moving his arms ?


  43. StewGreen says:

    Much of BBCnews is PRasNews basically adverts for their mates
    Guardianland #GreenSupremacist #Wokesupremacist extremists

    Radio Humberside is always running GREEN adverts
    Today news bulletins feature finely tuned items about Orsted
    “They are to have green serviced vessels .. Hornsea is to officially named as the worlds biffest wind farm”
    “Weare proud of the contribution to green energy”

    #1 Their religion says that if they reduce CO2 the warming trend will slow.
    However building wind farms has INCREASED today’s CO2 .. making the steel and concrete , blowing up the seabed etc,
    The cO2 footprint of a windfarm is is mostly built into the construction phase. So in the beginning you increase Earth’s CO2 then there is the premise that after some years there has been displacement of CO2 by not using as much fossil fuel at power stations, so that construction CO2 has been won back.

    #2 They mean green service vessel instead of the diesel powered ships they currently use
    This is NOT news, cos they were announced in July and don’t come into service into well into 2024
    #3 Hornsea 2 has always been known as “world’s biggest wind farm. That is not news”

    Radio Lincolnshire news also had ridiculous GreenPR
    “Oh Christmas is a big time for food waste, Lincolnshire gas from waste company BioTech4 say it’s their busiest time of year.

    Then they had an extra bit of PRasNews for Jospeph Rowtree charity (lobby org) “Christmas time is the biggest time for extra borrowing by the poor”


    • StewGreen says:

      The Lincolnshire food waste PRasNews was just announced at the start of the local TV news show.


      • Zephir says:

        Well Lincolnshire food waste can add Morrisons Lincolnshire sausages to ther list, just cut out the middle man and send them direct.

        And the amount of water coming out of their bacon, you could solve a number of sub Saharan droughts with Morrisons bacon.

        Last time I tried it I spent most of the time bailing out the frying pan.


      • StewGreen says:


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Isn’t it strange how the definition of the word “poor” has changed.
      I remember that in 1945 Britain you were considered “poor” if, despite your best efforts, there was no lawful way that you could change your situation.
      Fast forward to Britain 2023 and I really feel that the word “poor” can be consigned to the waste bin and could be replaced by “self inflicted penury”.
      Perhaps our incoming Socialist government will instill in our young people the joys of self reliance and individual responsibility?
      Come on Sir Keir. Bring it on!


      • Fedup2 says:

        Self reliance is the ultimate sin in socialism – the state will provide …with other peoples’ Money …
        …….there will be a seemless transfer of regime when red labour come in … here will be the main messages for the first 2 or 3 years

        1 it’s awful – blue labour to blame
        2 we can’t do anything we promised
        3 we don’t want to increase taxes but have to


  44. Zephir says:

    @ Guest Who

    And as for “Antiques Road Trip” you try asking for the “best price” in our local antiques emporium….

    “Can’t you bloody read ?” is the best answer you’ll get if she’s in a good mood.

    If you dare to make an offer, God help you..

    The response will be usually along the lines of

    “If you want, I’ll phone the seller, and they’ll tell you to go to f’ck also”


  45. StewGreen says:

    Live from 7pm “Why I Left The Mainstream Media”
    “I told the producer I was Jewish … he started laughing.”
    Tonight, podcaster and ex-BBC journalist
    shares jaw-dropping stories of his time at the broadcaster.


  46. Zephir says:

    Anyone wondering about the benefit system, I work from contract to contract, sometimes gaps between where I support myself. 40 years paying into the system.

    This time I thought I would apply as my right:

    Finished last contract November 3

    Applied, finally awarded Universal credit December 12

    My entitlement £780, This is to cover rent, energy and living costs

    After deductions, £74 paid,

    bedroom tax deducted for having a second room, last weeks salary deducted despite it being October salary, it was paid in November, my tiny pension income deducted as earnings, and of course my job seekers allowance deducted

    next payment January 18

    I also claimed Job seeekers allowance which paid £259 for the same period.

    £74 plus £259 jobseekers allowance, from November 3 until January 18.

    I need to get breeding and some kids, preferably mental cases then its all handed over to you