A lot of posts like this…Is there a basis for suggestion here that the hostages were killed on purpose? You hold people for 70+ days and hide behind them and who knows how they dressed them…is it really a shock? If there were no hostages taken by terrorists this would not have happened. Why must everything be filtered to attack a side? Wanting this to end is obvious…but how does that happen?
The little weasel has utterly skipped the bit where they were taken hostage.
They are carrying guns and firing them at the IDF the hostages were not firing at the IDF unless some serious Stockholm syndrom was gong on.
We’ve all seen the films of urban warfare with targets popping up, terrorists, civilians, and terrorists sheltering behnd hostages. Kill a hostage and fail the course.
We’re not talking one accidental killing, there was 3. So are the IDF completely incomptent or is there something more sinister?
I don’t believe in giving anyone particularly Nettenyahu a blank page and free hand to do what ever they want in Gaza.
Nettenyahu is a corrupt murderous monster who only cares about himself. He has undeniably committed war crimes and his actions might well bring about the destruction of the state of Israel. Even Biden and other elites in America are criticising the actions of the IDF.
Currently 19000 innocent civilians have been killed and over 50000 injured. The US is a fading power and despite Netenyahus desire to drag the West into a war with Iran hopefully the US will stop him doing that.
I’m suggesting that the IDF is being nowhere near careful enough and might well be operating a policy of deliberately killinig civilians, If you’ve seen the shocking videos of how the IDF have been behaving you would recognise just how unprofessional and out of control they are.
Nettenyahu has done what everyone thought impossible and united the entire Muslim world against Israel.
Personally I’d like Israel to continue to exist, but if this carries on, it’s days are numbered.
Last time this happened the Arabs caused the oil crisis. Would you be happy to pay £5 – £10 for a litre of fuel so Nettenyahu can carry on his killing spree ?
Worse still this would never have even happened if Nettenyahu had allowed the military to act as it was supposed to, but it was almost as if he wanted it to happen so his corruption trial would be halted and he could remain in power.
The correct place for Nettenyahu is the dock in the Hague on trial for war crimes, and then the rest of his life spent in prison for what he’s done while everyone else tries to fix the damage he’s done in the region.
No wonder even msnbc had to get rid of the Islamist shill. Maybe Ch4 will give him a blonde wig and his own show?
I have mercifully been spared first hand experience of the fog of war, so can only speak from the testimony of others.
But one might imagine in dark, cramped, smoke filled conditions it must be pretty confusing, and with an enemy prepared to breach every convention of war at every corner, mistakes can be made.
So it seems odd and more than sinister not to assign the benefit of the doubt to those sent on horrible missions in slim hope of rescue.
However Sky has already gone full JonDon, despite the IDF providing them with figurative ammo.
I am holding fire (see what did there?) now until the results of the investigation announced, but many scenarios and context questions sling to mind that media will either ignore or swerve.
Certainly the person(s) responsible for pulling trigger(s) are not going to be in a good place.
Next, Clive Lewis and team demand access to the remaining hostages with a full tv crew to make sure they are held in conditions that won’t inspire suic…
Seems… odd the poor victims were military aged men, given those the media have already forgotten.
Mail reports that the BBC has dumped ‘a question of sport ‘ – I don’t know what the viewing figures are like – or who is in the programme – I’ve not seen it for maybe 20 years ….. I remember at one time it was very popular …
A BBC spokesman said: “Due to inflation and funding challenges difficult decisions have to be made, therefore Question of Sport is currently not in production at the moment.”
Twitter : So Paddy McGuinness killed Top Gear and A Question Of Sport in less than 2 months?
Paddy McGuiness took over as host with Sam Quek and Ugo Monye running the teams.
The show’s heyday was some time before in 1987 when over 19 million people tuned in to watch Princess Anne take part.
Sue Barker’s time as presenter was known for retaining viewers as it pulled in up to four million by the time of her departure.
However, McGuiness’ first show was watched by just 2.2 million and ratings soon dipped to under one million.
McGuiness will continue to front Inside the Factory on BBC2.
They replaced the host with a comedian and the team captains with two diversity hires. Amazingly, rating plummeted! Good job that the BBC relies on the threat of prison for the unique way it is funded.
Not sleeping well, particularly last night. Tuned into World Service. After an hour or so, a listener will realise that :
Virtually all the programme presenters are wimmin.
You won’t understand what’s being said because interviewees’ English is particularly bad.
Don’t bother. Radio 3 is a good choice with no verbal biases.
Our Council, Labour run Cheshire East, is flirting with ‘bankruptcy’ otherwise known as a Section 114 notice. They claim that the cancellation of HS2 (stopping at Crewe) has resulted in costing them £11 Million. I have some issues with this explanation. The Council budget is approx £300 Million, were things so precarious that a supposed £11M spend busts the Council? But hang on, the Council budget had a forecast deficit for the year of nearly £12M when set well before cancellation of HS2. The current deficit is now projected to be £18M, only £6M more not £11M. The figures are hocus pocus, welcome to the World of Labour governance.
As the section 114 notice means that the cap on Council Tax can be lifted, I would suggest the HS2 excuse is a simple cover up for poor management and an excuse to piss even more of our money up the wall.
The shortfall should be divided by the number of payers and then levied on everone regardless of ability to pay and called the Labour squander tax.
We would soon see just how many spongers voted Labour after that
BBC Gary Lineker to help out?
BBC Jeremy Vine to help out?
BBC Lenny Henry to help out?
BBC Zoe Ball to help out?
What’s missing here is consideration of the cost of children’s services, which councils have a statutory duty to provide. They have increased massively since covid. Broken families, feral kids. It shouldn’t be like that of course, but it is.
Many councils will be going bust and services will plummet down to essential ones only. It’s one reason why the potholes are unfilled and the war on the motorist continues unabated.
Un mentioned also is that a lot of the traffic schemes and cycle lanes scandalously come out of special grant funding from the central Blue Labour government and not from the council itself. They apply for a grant, sure, but if they do not win it the scheme is not continued.
Lots and lots wrong with councils and the interplay with national government but very little real accountability.
Sluff – my council in londonistan is – naturally run by Pakistanis – the corruption is so bad that year after year the auditors refuse to sign off the accounts .
The ‘local’paper has so many juicy crimes by coloured folk that it doesn’t bother with the council – or has been bought off –
It’s a one party back water state far to the East which no journo can be bothered to come and look at
It will be ‘interesting ‘ to see how those Far Left councils which go bust in 2024 will be dealt with by the Red Labour government – I guess they’ll just pile on the council taxes ….. easy ….
We must get government the hell out of all involvement in family life.
Pre 1900’s about 95% of the population could read and write. Now we have free education for all children and many come out unable to read or write.
i.e. We send our children to state schools to make them stupid. If we did nothing at all their education would be better and would be taken up by organisations such as the church. Edison once voted the world’s best scientist was home educated – for example.
Mad-marxists have tried to replace parents and failed. Kibutz’s also tried the collective raising of children and this too has been reversed. Only in mad-Hillary’s parallel universe do villages raise children.
Can you imagine the horror of children being taught by the likes of marxi?
The case of Alex Batty is quite the story and will probably be made into a film. He’s currently in France and expected to be back in England tomorrow sometime.
“Greater Manchester Police is sending a small team of cops to France to bring home Alex Batty, the teen who went missing in 2017.”
Will someone please tell me why the squandering useless brigade, unable to even turn up for crime need to send a “small team” for a 17 who could hardly be described as a violent felon who needs to be restrained.
Anything they have to ask or say can be done in England, and it strikes me as a complete jolly at the taxpayers expense again
At 17, there’s no rational reason he shouldn’t be able to be put on a plane at one end (by the French police), and collected at the airport at the other by Granny, and maybe some nice, community policeperson with nothing better to do for an hour, or two for the good press?
If he can walk hundreds of miles in the mountains to escape a cult, he can sit on a plane for a couple of hours, it’s not as if he can get lost, or kidnapped whilst sitting on a plane, is it?… And he is 17, not 4!
There are direct flights from the South of France to Manchester Airport, so Granny doesn’t even need to drive very far.
Sending a team (team?!) of GMP (gimps?) to France on a plane to collect him is complete overkill and a waste of taxpayers’ money.
Charter that flight – burn that avgas …. Not sure if the DM will get a story about a nutty hippy chick ‘mum’ and a 17 year old …but the Netflix ‘movie ‘ will be awesome – with Meghan as the mum and Harry as the kid …
> “Greater Manchester Police is sending a small team of cops to France to bring home Alex Batty, the teen who went missing in 2017.”
Get government the hell out of family life.
Sorry to sound like a stuck record. I was taking trains across Europe and across borders on my own when I was twelve. Including changing trains in the middle of the night. It did freak out the Munich police though! Fortunately I did not speak much German and they did not speak any English.
Bloody covid! I have a temperature of 102C and a blocked nose with no appetite.
Time someone sued the US and Fauci for what happened, but they are refusing to release any of the papers to congress concerning how the gain of function was signed off
I’m not one for meds . But a few years ago I signed up to a research project on dementia – I had to take a single tablet of vitamin D every day . I did it – every day … the research project has now ended – and I don’t know whether I got a placebo or the vitamin D tablet . I will be told next year – but a month or two after starting to take the tablet I noticed an ‘improvement ‘ … so vit D tables for me now ….
We do what we do
London comes to another standstill as Muslims insist on chanting and making a spectacle of themselves in the road. This has been going on for 2 months.
only 300,000 inhabitants, nice weather, huge area, could be re-greened again. Conveniently located on the med for an easy drop off from Italy, Greece etc.
Another one
The fact that there is a Palestinian flag and that it is at the Cenotaph, makes me think that it is 2023
Early this morning in Whitehall within sight of the Cenotaph the Muezzin, through a loud speaker, calls upon Muslims to pray.
It is strange that Maxi claims to Tomo “This clip is from two years ago”
yet a 70K follower Muslim account labels it as London – Historical peaceful protest by ladies for the Gaza genocide and also for the Shia – Suni unification.
Men have failed and now women have taken up the job left – “unification”
– A real nightmare for the enemies of Islam (Arabs, Turks & Zionists)
I cannot find one source saying its older that 17 days
Last year they told us there would be a drought extending into this year
So Cornwall had a continuous hosepipe ban, the whole year
Southwest reservoir levels never dropped below 62% and are at least 82% now
Last year at this point they were at 52%
They are probably set to divert lots of freshwater to the sea to prevent overtopping
probably already being doing that
Britain has very variable weather
Further north we have water stood at the crown of chalk hills, which is some achievement. Funny how the press aren’t screaming for more reservoirs. Perhaps the public wouldn’t be very sympathetic.
It does indeed. But you’re average ‘Brit’ went along with the Covaids nonsense. There is no ‘virus’ but what did the majority of ‘Brits’ do? Complain about every thing but the fact they are complicit in the destruction of the economy and their cuntry. Don’t complain when the immigrants rape your women and destroy your cunrty. You deserve it all.
Sweden has witnessed an increase in the rates of sexual crimes including rape. Knowledge of who the offenders of these crimes are is therefore of importance for prevention. We aimed to study characteristics of individuals convicted of rape, aggravated rape, attempted rape or attempted aggravated rape (abbreviated rape+), against a woman ≥18 years of age, in Sweden. By using information from the Swedish Crime Register, offenders between 15 and 60 years old convicted of rape+ between 2000 and 2015 were included. Information on substance use disorders, previous criminality and psychiatric disorders were retrieved from Swedish population-based registers, and Latent Class Analysis (LCA) was used to identify classes of rape+ offenders. A total of 3 039 offenders were included in the analysis. A majority of them were immigrants (n = 1 800; 59.2%) of which a majority (n = 1 451; 47.7%) were born outside of Sweden. The LCA identified two classes: Class A — low offending class (LOC), and Class B — high offending class (HOC). While offenders in the LOC had low rates of previous criminality, psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders, those included in the HOC had high rates of previous criminality, psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders. While HOC may be composed by more “traditional” criminals probably known by the police, the LOC may represent individuals not previously known by the police. These two separated classes, as well as our finding in regard to a majority of the offenders being immigrants, warrants further studies that take into account the contextual characteristics among these offenders.
Noticing that Newsquest UK’s local rag fleet is sweeping resistance to solar farms under the carpet promptly with heavily commented articles subjectively lasting <20% time compared to most other stories on the landing page and rarely (if ever) in "most commented" – even though the comment numbers exceed the sum/totals of most other stories….
‘Then a crowd a young boys they’re a foolin’ around in the corner
Drunk and dressed in their best brown baggies and their platform soles
They don’t give a damn about any trumpet playin’ band
It ain’t what they call Rock and Roll’
I’ve not explored the issue but, the Panama canal is drying up and will become totally unusable for shipping in the near future. What happened to the chunks of ice breaking off from the Poles? We have been told that the sea level is critical and low lying communities/islands should watch out.
But not Panama apparently. Perhaps it is rising up…….
Not interested in the story : don’t watch anything on the BBC now.
But it is open for HYS so I thought I’d check the comments as a reality-check.
Lo and behold:
‘For many of us, that’s the story for the entire BBC, particularly their so-called news output.’
111 upticks, 4 downticks
‘A brief mention of “falling” viewing figures. In reality they fell off a cliff when the BBC decided to fix something that was not broken. Another example of the BBC not being fit for purpose, and they force people with the threat of imprisonment to pay for this garbage’
257 upticks, 11 downticks.
And just like that the voting is back to what it usually is. Not 30:1 in favour of the Leftist view and no comments written like spiteful schoolboys.
The troll farm for key political stories is so blatantly obvious now, how are they getting away with it ?. OFCOM are an absolute disgrace.
One of those light news days – which means the BBC can concentrate on its’ enemies – so the awful killing of 3 hostages leads – for some reason the 17 year old kid who has been with his mum for 6 years continued to be News ? Why ? And then there is the tedious Harry Windsor at war with the media – from which he and his awful yank wife earn their living …..yawn …..
I don’t know about you but I dislike this time of year – especially the shortest day next Friday ….but at least the light comes back then ….
If the 17 year old Alex Batty was of the Correct Colour the BBC would be sending a team of 20 diversity specialists ……..travelling by Dinghy could create even more important news !
I suppose the BBC expects a cacophony of distress over the death of the sports question show – all the fault of the evil blue labours failing to ramp up their licence again ….
Whereas …. Who even notices ? The bbc know it can feed the unquestioning with dancing crap – eastenders crap and the many many shows where the ‘celebrity ‘ is bigger than the subject ….
I see this when I look at the listings for anything ( film) worth bothering about ….. how can anyone pay for the BBC ?
Maybe our ‘Christmas quiz ‘yawn should be a list of other bbc programmes which are worthy of ditching – to be replaced by shows about auctions and house developers ….
Have I got news for you
Doctor Who
As I don’t watch that crap I wouldn’t miss it – I just wish people would stop paying for it …
The problem with A Question of Sport is entirely of their own making. They did their usual thing of trying to make the show “more relevant” and it became yet another boring woke-fest…
It’s the same with whatever they touch. I don’t see any of them now, but…Can there be any TV show more painful than the new, revamped, much heralded Dr Who? I mean, even from the trailers, it’s absolutely ghastly. It’s not an exciting, time and space travelling adventure; it’s a bleedin’ lecture.
It should be re-named for this new era, Dr Who Gives a Fxxx?
I saw a (laughingly) “celebrity” version of Pointless last night. Didnt recognise anyone. But then I don’t watch so called comedy shows, kids tv, inane panel games or anything that has a host or presenter under 45.
The TCW link by Dickie is the Andrew Bridgen organised talk in Westminster. Probable the best bit of evidence to send to your MPs (or the useless excuses of an MP). I turned on the subtitles.
So far there are links to talks by Malone, Cole, Martin
Also note the Sargent at arms asked for the Westminster TV cameras to be turned off – so you know this must be good.
Our BBC sure knows how to run an old favourite format into the ground…
Question of Sport axed… Iconic Beeb quiz show to be kicked off screen after 53 years… Host Paddy MCGuinness is said to be “gutted”. It comes three years after he replaced popular presenter Sue Barker and viewing figures fell below a million. (Daily Mirror)
Doctor Who star on why he ‘felt like alien’ growing up… Gatwa, who made his name as one of the stars of Netflix hit Sex Education, was announced as the new Doctor in May 2022 and began filming this February… like his predecessors, he’s brought something different to the role. Early in the Christmas special, he’s seen dancing and whirling on a nightclub dancefloor… among the new elements he’s brought to this incarnation of the Time Lord, are incredible passion, energy and perhaps a youthful sexiness… More seriously, it’s inevitable that his casting as the first black actor to take on the show’s lead role will be seen as symbolic… Gatwa was born in Rwanda in 1992… His family fled to the UK when he was two and he grew up first in Edinburgh, then in Dunfermline…”Yes, I think at many times in my life I have felt like an alien” (BBC)
And it doesn’t take a Mystic Meg to predict things will only get worse for the BBC, in terms of the long-time viewership switching off
Doctor Who?: Incoming BBC chief lacks strengh, say MPs… In a scathing assessment of Dr Samir Shah’s suitability for the role, the Commons select committee said it had “serious reservations” over his willingness to offer opinions on fundamental issues facing the BBC (Telegraph)
As for the Doctor Who christmas special… I’ll make a special point of the missing that. To be honest, I haven’t watched it since Tom Baker hung up his scarf.
The doctor won’t see you now
Rise of the month-long wait just to see your GP… 1m more patients a month facing 28-day delays (Telegraph)
To be fair, our NHS general practitioners these days do need to prioritise their TV commitments – just like the BBC’s Doctor Who it turns out this medic chap has more than one incarnation
Sharia law NHS doctor has no regrets over Piers Morgan TV appearance… North London GP Dr Abdul Wahid describes Hamas as a ‘resistance’ group and called 7 October terror attacks “a very welcome punch on the nose” on Talk TV show. Morgan described his comments as “bullshit” and said he could not believe a doctor would talk about the October 7 massacres of Israeli civilians in such a way. Dr Abdul Wahid, who also uses the name Wahid Asif Shaida, practises in Harrow where he trains newly qualified doctors. (Jewish News)
Fiery debate erupts online as Piers Morgan fights back against criticism of interview with NHS doctor who leads UK wing of Islamic extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. (Sky News, Australia)
It’s been said before and we’ll say it again – you can have a free-at-the-point-of-access socialised health service – but you can’t afford to run an open-borders international free health service – particularly when it turns into a politicised campaign organisation.
At this point one likes to say “And on a lighter note…”
The formerly patriotic Times attempts to get down with the kids: The day Charles went to Glasto Revealed! The King’s alternative 2023 photo album
To coin an old royal catchphrase “We are not amused”
We do, however, thank the Times for their frontpage festive pin-up photo splash: Nigella Lawson… in the kitchen – seriously, what more could a red-blooded conservative chap of a certain age ask at this time of year?
Sadly our Nigella is snapped caught in one of those Jeremy Hunt-like Merkat uncanny valley stares. Is that A.I. impersonating our kitchen goddess? We have a robot for a chancellor – but a chancellor’s robot daughter?
Helen Mirren’s media profile and PR firm have been busy on her behalf: Christmas Appeal Helen Mirren Why I support Street Child (Times)
In what is fast turning into something a ladies day, I’m afraid we need to consider the term “the ick”
“The ick” was first coined by Ally in TV show Ally McBeal, and, as dating expert Hayley Quinn explains, “It’s a dating term that means you get a sudden cringe feeling when you have romantic contact with someone: and become almost immediately put off by them.” You might feel suddenly repulsed, put off or cringed out… (Cosmopolitan)
Sharon Osbourne My last facelift was the worst thing I ever did (Times Magazine)
The inside story of Anne Robinson’s romance with Camilla’s ex-husband… The sweetest link… Love Andrew Parker Bowles (Daily Mail)
We attempted to lighten the mood – and now we’re in dire need of a palate cleanser
My week by Lord Cameron* Where even is Rwanda? *According to Hugo Rifkind (Times) – well, Lord Dave there’s one of ’em on your TV this Xmas starring as Doctor Who – apprently although we can’t send our’s over there – they’ve been sending their’s over here for years.
In economic news: Millions face mortgage misery for ‘longer than expected’ (‘i’)
Energy bills will rise to protect suppliers (Telegraph)
Taking a moment off from their all-important chore of discovering the ‘Far-right‘ under the bed, the Financial Times Saturday incarnation, FT Weekend, suggests a possible cure for our self-inflicted financial woes: West weighs seizing Russian assets… Bid to secure Ukraine funds – what could possibly go wrong? Western policy on Ukraine has been such rip roaring success to date – battlefield stalemate, tens of thousands dead, rebounding economic sanctions… the only regime change we need is our own.
Non-Executive Director
Amber joined the Board on 10 January 2022 and is a member of the Nominations Committee, Remuneration Committee and the Safety, Environment & Sustainability Committee.
So many failing for BBC programmes we have so many targets – ‘planted lefty question time’ tedious stale Have I got lefty news for no one ‘ ….
The bbc will have to really did deep to find something non woke in the archive …… or have a list of warnings each time they put Dads Army on – no offence to fuzzy wuzzies and the rest ….
Even the recent showings of ‘allo ‘allo and ‘Never the Twain’ have a warnings at the start now that some people might be offended.
The problem is that they have no creative talent now. They are staffed up with quota clones. Their ‘solution’ over the years has been to be to try and leech the popularity of older programs – but they can’t resist stuffing them with agenda. The result is that now ALL my old favourites are unwatchable.
It would not surprise me if they tried to ‘remake’ ‘Morcambe and Wise’ with a black bloke and a woman.
But they still rake in the money with the DVDs of all the good shows!
I think we now have everything which was classed as ‘pretty good’, from back then, mainly bought on Ebay, as then the Cubicloids don’t get any more dosh from us – we paid for the shows originally anyway!
I suppose the Morcambe and Wise show now would have to have Shirley Bassey as a white person – to balance things like…
(Boring bit warning… We recently watched an old show where the pair were doing a tap-dance routine, and kept being left off the stage and behind everyone else, while all the dancers carried on. Eventually Eric picked a fight with one of them and it became one of the funniest scenes I’ve ever seen! I just couldn’t stop laughing – and it was the same with Senora O’Blene!)
Happy days back then, not any more with the Leftie Cubiclists!
I notice that everything Israel says like this is put in quotes as if to infer it might not be true.
The BBC have some video of fighting at schools which the BBC describes ‘what it says is the Rimal neighbourhood close to the centre of the city.’
Sounds like a perfect opportunity for the google-map surfers in ‘BBC Verify’ to confirm they are indeed fighting at the schools.
But it seems they are too busy for the really important things like this. Either that or the BBC want to make sure they can implicitly infer Israel are lying in the articles.
I also notice that the BBC NEVER link to these videos Israel put out to prove something. They just show a selected still from it. But immediately below they show us video of protestors in Tel Aviv which is embedded so we can watch it very easily.
This is how the BBC work. Drip drip drip so they don’t leave any tangible evidence of what they are doing.
Tomo – the ‘entertainment ‘- if you can call it that – is what the BBC leaves out – stolen election ? Killer vaccines ? La la Biden ? Bent Biden son ? Dodgy Ukraine? Southern border ?
Councils should stop the waste and lower council tax! Scores of councils face taxpayer fury over blowing £350k on awards dinners
There really are some complete Socialist idiots around, so full of their hate and bile just waiting to spew the ignorant falsehood to receptive ears.
After Biden and his Demonrats caused the invasion of Ukraine, and then destroyed the Nordstream pipeline Gas prices spiked like crazy. The companies supplying gas to consumers never actually saw the gas they were metered for it and charged customers a little more to make their profit.
Many of these customers had prices locked for six or twelve months in some cases even three years were offered, and when the gas price spiked they were contracted to supply gas at half their buy price.
This is why they went bust.
The Socialist muppets are confusing oil companies which might well extract gas with these small supply companies, so yes BP made record profits, but that was from the oil side of the business not the gas side.
It’s a little like after the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 when the banks all collapsed, the left were trotting out some tripe about ‘casino bankers’ when they were asked to expand on this they dried up, because they’d heard a meme but didn’t know anything more, some would mumble something about the stock market and come to a stop, but the real cause was Carter and Clintons Socialist stupidity with the community re-investment act
“Before this trial even began, the judge ruled in our favor and found that Donald Trump did engage in years of significant financial fraud we uncovered”.
This is what Attorney General Letitia James just said in the video she posted…
It’s easy to get convictions when there is no trial, and the judge declares the accused person to be guilty. The same thing just happened to Rudy Giuliani. It’s how America dies in front of our eyes.
Officially kicking off today (30 November) in Dubai Expo City in the United Arab Emirates, the organisers of COP28 have committed to providing two thirds plant-based catering at the event – and caterers are stepping up to the plate to ensure the right food is on the table.
Fury as food menu for VIPs jetting to Cop27 features beef, chicken, fish and dairy products – along with bottomless cocktails for $125 – amid calls from eco-activists to cut down on meat to save the planet
Daily Mail
Laughing gas is the third most used drug by 16-24 year olds after cannabis and cocaine.
Now, as the government reclassifies it as a class C drug with up to two years for possession, this episode reveals the extent of our nitrous oxide use, filmed in Birmingham over a summer.
On a Friday night in Ladypool Road, Birmingham, nitrous oxide users congregate in their cars to do balloons. They race up and down the road and listen to music. Some are alone, some are with friends, but being in their cars gives them protection from being caught. They buy the gas in brightly lit 24-hour shops – one user describes how it ‘makes you floaty’.
Birmingham has one of the highest hospital admission rates in the UK for neurological issues resulting from nitrous oxide use, and neurologist Dr David Nicholl is doing his ward rounds. In the last year, he’s been seeing more and more patients presenting with symptoms such as dizziness, tingling in the hands and feet and, in extreme cases, inability to walk.
A recent report in the British Medical Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry found that people from an Asian background who were treated in hospital for nitrous oxide-related harm were over-represented in Birmingham. This film tries to understand why that might be the case.
Doctor Black, Medieval blacks, Agatha Christie /Jane Austins blacks,
You see the Chinese, Hindus, Sikhs, etc etc have missed a trick
All they need to do is riot, a bit of looting and hey ho they are in every advert and historical drama
Oh no, actually they integrate, respect education, learn the English language rather than a pathic jamaican faux patois, and stick together as families, what a pity they will never be represented.
No wonder they hate slavery, send them to the shops and no one would have a bloody clue what they are talking about.
Coming back empty handed every time.
Despite at the very least, 16 years in the UK education system, still unable to speak English.
Astonishing that every single other minority manages.
4 hours wey don pass
Parents of one four month old baby say dem find dia pikin alive “by di grace of God” afta one tornado for Tennessee suck di child, carry am waka.
Di husband and wife say di deadly tornado wey occur on Saturday tear dia mobile house to piece, pick up one baby bed wit dia pikin still inside.
Im survive and dem find am inside one tree wey fall inside di heavy rain.
Di baby, im one year old brother and parents only suffer from minor cuts and scratch.
As di turnado dey come, di mama of two, 22 years old Sydney Moore, say e tear di roof of dia mobile house comot.
‘As woman, shame bin dey make me shave my facial hair’
11 December 2023
Glory Chinemerem Ibe, bin dey 14-year-old wen hair start to dey grow for her face.
I’m sorry to disagree here Vlad but the two are nothing like the same. Hamas was founded by Israel, ISIS by Saudi. ISIS bases its ideology on Salafism, Hamas is just straight Sunni.
Whether you like the word or not legally Israel is operating an apartheid state where the people of Gaza are not allowed to leave and half of them are unemployed. I wouldn’t want to live like that & I’m sure you wouldn’t either.
Israel has a big problem in that it has allowed in many Eastern European Jews who are nothing like those from the West. They hate Christians as much as they hate Muslims and there are video films of them spitting on Christians attending church in Israel.
You would imagine that a group of people who have experienced so much oppression might be a little less quick to visit that on others, but no.
It is these migrants who have backed Nettenyahu and pushed his murderous policies not the people of Israel who are literally up in arms about it.
Col Doglas MacGregor is claiming Turkey now has an army of 2 million men ready to invade Israel in the Spring. All Nettenyahu has to do is to wind his neck in, but I think he is such a monster he would rather the state of israel cease to exist and all the Jews killed than back down.
The US cannot fight a land battle now because 70% of its troops are obese or worse, and no one wants to join an army which exists only to tell them how awful White people are.
Also don’t forget that the main objective of the Hamas attack was not the slaughter, but the taking of the computer servers from the IDF intelligence base along with senior officers. Although this has been reported in the New York Post there is not much else out there.
This wasn’t Hamas, someone else was behind this, possibly Russia to distract from Ukraine.
It seems the sun has fired a bigger than usual flares . This is clearly a result of global warming . We may not have much time – it might be the biggest flare since records began – a ‘once in a lifetime / generation /whatever hyperbole thing ….
The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally[1] and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations. The geomagnetic storm was most likely the result of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun colliding with Earth’s magnetosphere.[2]
We have had the most glorious sunsets the last couple of nights, but red skies in the mornings too. Wonder if this has been caused by the flares. I expect both the shepherds and the sailors are either delighted or feeling warned.
Three Israeli hostages shot dead by IDF troops had been holding up a white flag on a stick and were shirtless when they were mistaken for Hamas terrorists, a military official has said.
I still hold that view and just because one IDF soldier claims it was against their orders you nor I have no proof of that. It seems pretty obvious from what happened that the IDF deliberately shot these three ignoring the fact the were holding a white flag and unarmed.
Israel knows that it can’t admit to a policy of killing unarmed civilians because even sleepy Joe would be forced to act as it absolutely is a war crime which even the Americans could not ignore.
Thoughtful – it’s so hard to judge -maybe these soldiers had experienced people with white flags shooting at them – maybe not . To me such tragedies are inevitable – I think it’s an aspect of war which people don’t want to think about – the accidental shooting – the killing of one’s’ own side …. The shoot first ask questions after ….
But whatever it was – RIP to those involved – and I just hope the IDF don’t hang out the shooters …..
I listened to Frank Gardener – that imbicile BBC ‘reporter ‘ who they’ve sent to Jerusalem – describe – ‘Hamas Fighters’ – he’s obviously a fan ….
His cameraman. The IDF investigation was accepted or not along predictable lines.
When not dodging Katushyas in Israel now, JezBo often seemed to be standing in the middle of folk he was happier being with, faced by those he hated.
It was claimed he was targeted. As an armchair tank driver/loader/aimer watching loads of T-34 movies on Netflix I find that unlikely, whilst a team hefting some kit on shoulders in smoke at distance through armoured glass might see a tragic split second miscalculation.
In a firefight that can end up badly.
One of the best war reporters ever was a woman. She was blown up by a mine in Vietnam. Whose, who knows?
Every other adult death in Gaza currently appears to be a ‘journalist’.
Trauma in a combat zone can leave mental as well as physical scars that stay with the victims forever, with rationality under question in any direction.
Hence the BBC fielding him and Bowen back in that hellhole to ‘report’ sensibly is beyond comprehension.
No one knows currently, and given political and media antics of late whose word can be trusted ever again?
It is one the BBC has, is, and will embrace no matter what. This is a site about BBC inaccuracy and mire than often turning option into journalism. Whilst not answering questions posed to them. Rushing to judge before knowing is unhealthy by anyone.
The link I shared offered a plausible scenario that makes more sense than a ‘policy’ you have in mind working its way to frightened, trigger happy, inexperienced draftees in an unfriendly fire zone facing an enemy where rules of war are considered a joke.
This was not Mai Lai though the ability of the US to foul things up more than anyone is a point well taken.
So, again, go you.
Using the site for personal vendettas against targets you have a special grudge against (iirc you were and likely are virulently anti-Tory who are slightly less bad than Labour) based on the feels is something I feel obliged to question.
I despise the Tories, for all they squandered over the last decade. Cameron and May utter pond life. Boris had one job, did it and then joined the FU club more than them. I despise Labour more though. And the BBC for acting as their uncritical propaganda unit no matter what. Along with other entities.
I am not a fan of anarchy, but am currently vexed as to where the next vote will go. Most tempted by ‘NOTA’ so long as it is accepted as a valid statement and not dismissed as ‘spoiled’ by all with a vested interest in the circus continuing as is.
Guest Who – I think the coming election will see a huge ‘none of the above ‘ who either don’t vote or turn to Reform – if that bloke from the jungle is involved ….
I am a deep blue conservative – but I cannot – will not vote for the current regime as they are socialists . I’ve written to my MP and told him that – I didn’t get a reply ….
…. I was listening to week in Westminster – apparently rishi is getting an election guru in January . The earliest election is meant to be 2 May – which means calling it in March – but there is a view that he might want until the start of 2025 …. On the assumption that things will be better by then … dream on …
I read that these three were Israeli taken hostage by Hamas . Have I got that wrong? If not are you suggesting that the IDF has a policy of shooting Israelis but then admitting to it !? If so can you suggest what the Israeli government motivation might be for killing its own citizens and then admitting that it has done so rather than blaming Hamas.
Precisely. And it is a sorry commentary on too many that the fact they were hostages after a slaughter, held as bargaining chips, as are others, is quietly sidelined.
As able bodied males/soldiers maybe they could ‘escape’? Or were handed a flag and sent out at point of gun. Who knows now, or will? Unlikely Hamas would fess up if still alive.
No dear God no! What I am suggesting is that the IDF or certain members of it are deliberately killing unarmed civilians and I’m afraid the evidence does support that.
I am however more concerned along with very many Israelis that Nettenyahus actions are going to spell the end of Israel. They might have the nuclear option, but if they do use that on large cities such as Ankara, then the entire world will turn against the Jews and it might well be the end of all of them – and all for what? One man’s stupid arrogance and to get him out of a corruption trial?
Allow me to present two scenarios to you.
1) Climb down and proceed much more cautiously and slowly and begin allowing more humanitarian aid in, restore power water and aid to enter Gaza.
2) carry on as now, The Middle East cuts oil to the West as they did before – you cannot buy fuel and those rare occasions you can it costs a fortune.
The enemies of Israel (and they are many) sweep in and destroy it (this is a very real scenario). They kill every Jew they can find, of course Nettenyahu flees to America where he is hailed a hero.
In Western countries and other places the hatred of the Jews for what they have done rises to such a level the government cannot control the populace and the Jews are exterminated.
In short you can dial it down and hopefully survive, or you can carry on and lose everything. The choice really is that stark.
Initially you mention nuclear weapons. Surely if the enemies of Israel attack as in scenario 2) and begin to really threaten the existence of the country, any sensible government will say withdraw or in 24 hours we will hit the capital city of all who have invaded.
I’m sure that the Saudis, Egypt, Jordan and even Iran know that this the likely outcome of mass invasion of Israel.
My advice to the Israelis is keep on hunting down Hamas . The UN and associated idiots will tuttut , pass meaningless resolutions , but do very little
Many of the Israeli soldiers being killed in combat are 18 or 19 years of age. They are fighting an utterly ruthless and insane enemy which doesn’t care about its own citizens and certainly doesn’t care about young Israeli children. On October 7th Hamas murdered indiscriminately including a baby pulled out of a pregnant woman. The Israelis are fighting in enemy territory. If I was one of them, I would be very jumpy too and might make the wrong decision to shoot at something that moved.
Thoughtful, In an earlier post you said that Israel was an apartheid state. Within Israel there are Arab members of the knesset as well as doctors etc. Jewish Israelis do have to do army service, Arab Israelis can choose, and some do. Within Gaza there is no apartheid, before October 7th, for the last 20 years no Jews as far as I am aware lived in Gaza. I am not sure they would have survived not even as second class citizens. As for Gazans not being able to leave Gaza, it does have a border with Egypt with a border crossing.
Perhaps I could remind people of Hiller Neuer’s speech to the UN asking countries, ‘where are your Jews?’ It is a good reminder why Israel is fighting.
Hiller’s speech at the UN states 1.5 million Arabs so Fedup, it sounds about right. It’s the claim that Israel is an apartheid state that gets me. I would guess areas of London eg Willlesden or Brixton would fit the apartheid description better.
I do sympathise Deborah and don’t think I’m someone isolated, I knew the orthodox the reform, the lubavich lots and lots of Jewish people.
I also knew a Palestinian Jew there never seems to be much mention of them but there were Jews in Palestine prior to the founding of the state of Israel, he told me that he didn’t have the same rights as the Israeli citizens, but it’s a few years ago now and I can’t recall exactly why.
I even read the book of Esther at Purim and bought an entre coupleof boxes of Matzos at Pesach to sell in Church to raise funds.
Prior to this atrocity on October the 7th the Middle East was becomming a much more stable and peaceful place, and the Muslims were going back to squabbling amongst themselves. Now all that has been destroyed and the entire Muslim world is aligned against Israel.
It didn’t need to have been like this, everyone was sympathetic including the Arab states, and if it had been handled correctly the same outcome could have been achieved.
You have to consider this, and it’s very important. The US is a fading power Israels enemies are not the sandal and tea towel wearing tribesmen of old, Hezbollah might well be able to destroy Israel on its own without outside help.
The IDF also are not the force they once were, and are like the US army full of woke idiots.
No one yet has yet addressed why the senior military command didn’t just dismiss the reports this was coming, they threatened those who told them with courtmartial.
Now Nettenyahu is proposing the death penalty for the captured Hamas another war crime. What do you think the Muslim world will do then?
I strongly suspect USA intelligence told Israel that there were no hostages in that area.
It will be under the absolute maximum amount of surveilllance the USA can muster.
But the biggest elephant in the room here is how on Earth 3 hostages were walking towards the IDF.:
‘One of the soldiers, the official added, felt threatened, as the men were at a distance of tens of metres, declared them “terrorists” and opened fired.’
Quite why he would shout that is not explained at all. It is absolutely feasible that Hamas would engineer an event like this. It is at least worthy of some discussion. But not at the BBC. Who seems to have found yet another ‘anonymous source’. Quite why any Israeli source would speak to the anti-semetic BBC is another question altogether.
Of course Israel will put out proclamations of sorrow and regret. Anything else will quickly be turned against them by our far-Left MSM who want to stay friends with Arabs.
Thoughtful, there are some strange issues re October 7th. Why wasn’t there intel, was it because the Left in Israel with their demos meant that the government took their eye off the ball? Maybe the US under Biden weren’t bothered about Israel or maybe Netanyahu wants to keep out of jail. I have no idea. What I do know is that some Israelis feel after October 7th, they cannot rely on support from the rest of the world and you only have to look at the demonstrations in the UK and the rest of the world to see how fragile support for Israel is.
As for your box of matzah. If the pack has been open for more than a day or two, put the pieces under the grill for a couple of minutes watching like a hawk, they will be more delicious than when newly opened.
He saved us all from the lunacy of Christine La Garde. This woman belongs in a “Maison de Sante” not a position of power as she has clearly lost her hold on reality.
Unless of course she has been promised a slice of the laundered aid money back to her and her mates like Boris and Biden.
Interesting article in the Spectator by Rod Liddle about the end of NeoLiberalism in Europe and the USA. He says that everywhere the Neoliberals globalist wokes are losing ground to parties of both left and right which put their nation and its people first. The big topics are mass immigration and looney environmentalism. It’s a push back that has been a long time coming.
Next year’s European Parliamentary elections will return a Eurosceptic majority and for the first time the Brussels bureaucracy will be confronted by a dissenting parliament.
It will very interesting to watch how this confrontation plays out. The Parliament has little power but it can throw spanners in the works and reveal how undemocratic the EU is. Will the permanent bureaucracy try to divide and rule by bribery, use lawfare and coercion, or just overrule parliament ? How will the MEPs react ?
Sadly in the UK we don’t have any chance of voting in a ‘nation first’ party but we can show LibLabCon that they don’t have our support by voting Reform.
Other contributors have remarked about the demise
of the BBC’S ” Question of Sport.” It had lost well over
4 million viewers since the very popular presenter Sue Barker
and the team captains were sacked , because of ” diversity
But don’t fear any of you liked the woke revamp. We could
still see a resurrection of the sports quiz. ! I have suggested
to the BBC that as the team captains , the transexuals ,
Lia Thomas the swimmer and Tessa Johnson the cyclist s
would make good “inclusive” captains. And for the
presenter, drag queen Kitty Scott Claus looks like to me
a very fine diverse choice.
You may of seen our Kitty on ” It takes two” which is on
every night at 18.30 on BBC2. It has all the ” Strictly ” gossip.
We only watch it because my wife and I are indigenous
Londoners. And at 18.30 every night the Londonistan Programme is on BBC1 At 18.30. And as any indigenous
Londoner will tell you . The programme is persona non grata
for whitie.
So Kitty was on , in drag telling us that she was going to vote
for the professional dancer Layton Williams , who is in
the final with two other TV soap ACTORS. Leyton who
ticks every imaginable box so far as the BBC is concerned.
Has seen off the challenges of tennis player Annabel Croft,
TV news presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy. And a host of
other celebrities who have not danced professionally
on the London West End stage. Or in fact never danced
anywhere other than at weddings and Bar Mitzvah’s !!
Kitty told us that Layton was the most professional
of all the finalists. Well “he” is right about that.
But it appears that box ticking trumps anything else so far
as the BBC is concerned.
I don’t thing Layton will win. UNLESS the BBC fix the telephone
As an ageing ex-amateur sports enthusiast, once playing rugby and cricket, plus a little golf and tennis, I’ve come to the point of getting pissed off with just about everything associated with all sorts of sport these days.
I’ve never been interested in football anyway, except for when I was about twelve, but there’s so much nasty professionalism in televised sport these days, what with something ridiculous called VAR, eye-watering money for bonuses if you win away, awful bloated prizes in tournaments, sponsorship with sums of money going through the roof, ‘trans-genders’ being able to compete against normal competitors when they clearly have an advantage in weight, strength etc, and the downright commercialism of what used to be known as a Saturday afternoon escapade, with a few pints afterwards!
I guess the Beebicles have done everyone a favour by axing ‘A question of sport’, because a) the sports they fiddle about with are actually non-existent now, and b) the unknowns who get on the ‘show’ are usually pretty thick, uninteresting and a waste of space and electricity. The Beeboids began to hate Sue Barker, because she was the one person who just did what most normal citizens wanted to see and hear, and that doesn’t suit the ‘new’ Cubiclist mentality, as they whine and yap for more ‘diversity’, peculiarly named ex-sports people of too many colours and shapes and sizes, and other boring, forgettable clowns.
I was always amazed at the knowledge of the team captains in Question of Sport until I watched a blooper programme. Then all became clear. The captains at least were told the answers before they were asked the questions. Once I saw that, the whole programme became a nonsense.
I felt the same about Have I Got News For You. I used to think the captains were witty, until I found out they knew the questions beforehand, and had hours to think up their witty responses. Once you realise you are watching fake rubbish you have to stop.
And still no one has told us who it was who gave the order for the Royal Taxi service to ferry Salman Abedi back to Britain where he bombed the Manchester arena.
Our arrogant elites constantly bang on about ‘accountability’ but we the people know there is zero accountability for the elites.
Many people insist that governments aren't involved in censorship, but they are. And now, a whistleblower has come forward with an explosive new trove of documents, rivaling or exceeding the Twitter Files and Facebook Files in scale and importance.
“Inside Hunter Biden’s $872,000 spending spree on hookers, porn and adult entertainment
Hunter Biden is facing a slew of tax charges, shedding light on a lifestyle characterized by excessive spending on what prosecutors call “constant partying.
Hunter Biden, the president’s son, is facing a slew of tax charges totalling nine, shedding light on a lifestyle characterized by excessive spending on what prosecutors describe as “constant partying.” The indictment in California reveals a staggering $872,000 splurge on various indulgences, including prostitutes, online pornography, luxury cars, and a $10,000 sex club membership.
The detailed breakdown in the indictment reveals a wide range of alleged payments, from substantial sums for various women and clothing to educational purposes, health expenses, and miscellaneous retail purchases. The total listed payments amount to a staggering $4,907,813.
The indictment sheds light on Biden’s complex financial dealings, with substantial income flowing from his company, Owasco, PC, and other ventures like Skaneateles and relationships with businesses in Hong Kong and China. The intricate web of financial transactions also includes Biden’s involvement with Burisma Holdings Limited, where he received a significant annual salary starting at $1 million in 2014.”
“Hunter Biden spent a staggering $872K on prostitutes, porn and sex club memberships and took $1.6 M from ATMs: First son’s wild spending is laid out in tax evasion case that could land him 17 YEARS in jail and is a disaster for dad Joe’s campaign”
That breakdown includes $683,000 on ‘various women’ as well as almost $400,000 on ‘clothing and accessories’. It also alleges that he spent $188,000 on ‘adult entertainment’ and took out $1.6million from ATMs.
During that time, he was in the middle of a well-documented addiction to alcohol and crack cocaine. Hunter has admitted he had a slew of substance abuse problems and completed multiple stints in rehab.
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The…
Shows what the BBC used to be able to produce, and a crying shame it’s not better known
I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Until Global warming stopped them all back in 1942 !
The BBC must be itching to get Hasan back.
A lot of posts like this…Is there a basis for suggestion here that the hostages were killed on purpose? You hold people for 70+ days and hide behind them and who knows how they dressed them…is it really a shock? If there were no hostages taken by terrorists this would not have happened. Why must everything be filtered to attack a side? Wanting this to end is obvious…but how does that happen?
The little weasel has utterly skipped the bit where they were taken hostage.
As I said when I heard how do trained soldiers mistake unarmed civilians for Hama fighters unless the the order was to just kill everyone
Maybe they’d been dressed in Islamic Hamas kit … we might never know …. and those freedom fighters knew that the IDF would try a rescue . …
Thoughtful, what are you talking about?
Do you think Hamas “fighters” are wearing uniforms? White helmets? Khaki? Get a bleedin’ grip, love.
These are terrorists, embedded in the general population. You won’t know who is a civilian and who is a terrorist until it’s too late.
By then you’re dead…
They are carrying guns and firing them at the IDF the hostages were not firing at the IDF unless some serious Stockholm syndrom was gong on.
We’ve all seen the films of urban warfare with targets popping up, terrorists, civilians, and terrorists sheltering behnd hostages. Kill a hostage and fail the course.
We’re not talking one accidental killing, there was 3. So are the IDF completely incomptent or is there something more sinister?
“…So are the IDF incompetent or is there something more sinister?”
Such as what?
This sounds like a James Delingpole, loony-tunes conspiracy theory. Your suggestion seems to be that they are doing so deliberately.
I don’t believe in giving anyone particularly Nettenyahu a blank page and free hand to do what ever they want in Gaza.
Nettenyahu is a corrupt murderous monster who only cares about himself. He has undeniably committed war crimes and his actions might well bring about the destruction of the state of Israel. Even Biden and other elites in America are criticising the actions of the IDF.
Currently 19000 innocent civilians have been killed and over 50000 injured. The US is a fading power and despite Netenyahus desire to drag the West into a war with Iran hopefully the US will stop him doing that.
I’m suggesting that the IDF is being nowhere near careful enough and might well be operating a policy of deliberately killinig civilians, If you’ve seen the shocking videos of how the IDF have been behaving you would recognise just how unprofessional and out of control they are.
Nettenyahu has done what everyone thought impossible and united the entire Muslim world against Israel.
Personally I’d like Israel to continue to exist, but if this carries on, it’s days are numbered.
Last time this happened the Arabs caused the oil crisis. Would you be happy to pay £5 – £10 for a litre of fuel so Nettenyahu can carry on his killing spree ?
Worse still this would never have even happened if Nettenyahu had allowed the military to act as it was supposed to, but it was almost as if he wanted it to happen so his corruption trial would be halted and he could remain in power.
The correct place for Nettenyahu is the dock in the Hague on trial for war crimes, and then the rest of his life spent in prison for what he’s done while everyone else tries to fix the damage he’s done in the region.
So 19000 “innocent civilians” have died? How do you know this? Because Hamas told you!
How many Hamas terrorists have died? None, obviously, because Hamas have not mentioned any.
And Reuters have how many journalists in Gaza? Are they allowed to report freely by Hamas? I doubt it.
A thoughtful post in complement from Mehdi.
Hold on, you’re suggesting the Israeli military targets unarmed Gazans in civilian clothes because it assumes they’re all Hamas? Interesting.
No wonder even msnbc had to get rid of the Islamist shill. Maybe Ch4 will give him a blonde wig and his own show?
I have mercifully been spared first hand experience of the fog of war, so can only speak from the testimony of others.
But one might imagine in dark, cramped, smoke filled conditions it must be pretty confusing, and with an enemy prepared to breach every convention of war at every corner, mistakes can be made.
So it seems odd and more than sinister not to assign the benefit of the doubt to those sent on horrible missions in slim hope of rescue.
FFS you can’t play Armchair General very well from just watching a few TV reports
… and that’s even if you’ve been in battle yourself.
No one can, or should.. at this juncture.
However Sky has already gone full JonDon, despite the IDF providing them with figurative ammo.
I am holding fire (see what did there?) now until the results of the investigation announced, but many scenarios and context questions sling to mind that media will either ignore or swerve.
Certainly the person(s) responsible for pulling trigger(s) are not going to be in a good place.
Next, Clive Lewis and team demand access to the remaining hostages with a full tv crew to make sure they are held in conditions that won’t inspire suic…
Seems… odd the poor victims were military aged men, given those the media have already forgotten.
Mail reports that the BBC has dumped ‘a question of sport ‘ – I don’t know what the viewing figures are like – or who is in the programme – I’ve not seen it for maybe 20 years ….. I remember at one time it was very popular …
A BBC spokesman said: “Due to inflation and funding challenges difficult decisions have to be made, therefore Question of Sport is currently not in production at the moment.”
Twitter : So Paddy McGuinness killed Top Gear and A Question Of Sport in less than 2 months?
Paddy McGuiness took over as host with Sam Quek and Ugo Monye running the teams.
The show’s heyday was some time before in 1987 when over 19 million people tuned in to watch Princess Anne take part.
Sue Barker’s time as presenter was known for retaining viewers as it pulled in up to four million by the time of her departure.
However, McGuiness’ first show was watched by just 2.2 million and ratings soon dipped to under one million.
McGuiness will continue to front Inside the Factory on BBC2.
They replaced the host with a comedian and the team captains with two diversity hires. Amazingly, rating plummeted! Good job that the BBC relies on the threat of prison for the unique way it is funded.
Not sleeping well, particularly last night. Tuned into World Service. After an hour or so, a listener will realise that :
Virtually all the programme presenters are wimmin.
You won’t understand what’s being said because interviewees’ English is particularly bad.
Don’t bother. Radio 3 is a good choice with no verbal biases.
I find I sleep well after a dose of Alexa reading to me …tricky when I’m flying the plane and landing …
Our Council, Labour run Cheshire East, is flirting with ‘bankruptcy’ otherwise known as a Section 114 notice. They claim that the cancellation of HS2 (stopping at Crewe) has resulted in costing them £11 Million. I have some issues with this explanation. The Council budget is approx £300 Million, were things so precarious that a supposed £11M spend busts the Council? But hang on, the Council budget had a forecast deficit for the year of nearly £12M when set well before cancellation of HS2. The current deficit is now projected to be £18M, only £6M more not £11M. The figures are hocus pocus, welcome to the World of Labour governance.
As the section 114 notice means that the cap on Council Tax can be lifted, I would suggest the HS2 excuse is a simple cover up for poor management and an excuse to piss even more of our money up the wall.
The talk is of a Council Tax increase of 15%.
Sorry for the boring post.
The shortfall should be divided by the number of payers and then levied on everone regardless of ability to pay and called the Labour squander tax.
We would soon see just how many spongers voted Labour after that
BBC Gary Lineker to help out?
BBC Jeremy Vine to help out?
BBC Lenny Henry to help out?
BBC Zoe Ball to help out?
And an uplift payment for those working for the Council particularly the upper management level
Relax – more money can be thrown at other projects ….
Dear Darren Henry,
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
13 + 150 + 37 + 1.1+ 4 = £205 billion
Nuclear reactor = £6 billion
Yours sincerely,
Mr H
LibDems in West Wiltshire have punted for 20%
What’s missing here is consideration of the cost of children’s services, which councils have a statutory duty to provide. They have increased massively since covid. Broken families, feral kids. It shouldn’t be like that of course, but it is.
Many councils will be going bust and services will plummet down to essential ones only. It’s one reason why the potholes are unfilled and the war on the motorist continues unabated.
Un mentioned also is that a lot of the traffic schemes and cycle lanes scandalously come out of special grant funding from the central Blue Labour government and not from the council itself. They apply for a grant, sure, but if they do not win it the scheme is not continued.
Lots and lots wrong with councils and the interplay with national government but very little real accountability.
Sluff – my council in londonistan is – naturally run by Pakistanis – the corruption is so bad that year after year the auditors refuse to sign off the accounts .
The ‘local’paper has so many juicy crimes by coloured folk that it doesn’t bother with the council – or has been bought off –
It’s a one party back water state far to the East which no journo can be bothered to come and look at
It will be ‘interesting ‘ to see how those Far Left councils which go bust in 2024 will be dealt with by the Red Labour government – I guess they’ll just pile on the council taxes ….. easy ….
We must get government the hell out of all involvement in family life.
Pre 1900’s about 95% of the population could read and write. Now we have free education for all children and many come out unable to read or write.
i.e. We send our children to state schools to make them stupid. If we did nothing at all their education would be better and would be taken up by organisations such as the church. Edison once voted the world’s best scientist was home educated – for example.
Mad-marxists have tried to replace parents and failed. Kibutz’s also tried the collective raising of children and this too has been reversed. Only in mad-Hillary’s parallel universe do villages raise children.
Can you imagine the horror of children being taught by the likes of marxi?
The case of Alex Batty is quite the story and will probably be made into a film. He’s currently in France and expected to be back in England tomorrow sometime.
“Greater Manchester Police is sending a small team of cops to France to bring home Alex Batty, the teen who went missing in 2017.”
Will someone please tell me why the squandering useless brigade, unable to even turn up for crime need to send a “small team” for a 17 who could hardly be described as a violent felon who needs to be restrained.
Anything they have to ask or say can be done in England, and it strikes me as a complete jolly at the taxpayers expense again
Just wonder why granny cannot get on a plane and collect the young man.
At 17, there’s no rational reason he shouldn’t be able to be put on a plane at one end (by the French police), and collected at the airport at the other by Granny, and maybe some nice, community policeperson with nothing better to do for an hour, or two for the good press?
If he can walk hundreds of miles in the mountains to escape a cult, he can sit on a plane for a couple of hours, it’s not as if he can get lost, or kidnapped whilst sitting on a plane, is it?… And he is 17, not 4!
There are direct flights from the South of France to Manchester Airport, so Granny doesn’t even need to drive very far.
Sending a team (team?!) of GMP (gimps?) to France on a plane to collect him is complete overkill and a waste of taxpayers’ money.
Charter that flight – burn that avgas …. Not sure if the DM will get a story about a nutty hippy chick ‘mum’ and a 17 year old …but the Netflix ‘movie ‘ will be awesome – with Meghan as the mum and Harry as the kid …
> “Greater Manchester Police is sending a small team of cops to France to bring home Alex Batty, the teen who went missing in 2017.”
Get government the hell out of family life.
Sorry to sound like a stuck record. I was taking trains across Europe and across borders on my own when I was twelve. Including changing trains in the middle of the night. It did freak out the Munich police though! Fortunately I did not speak much German and they did not speak any English.
Bloody covid! I have a temperature of 102C and a blocked nose with no appetite.
Time someone sued the US and Fauci for what happened, but they are refusing to release any of the papers to congress concerning how the gain of function was signed off
102c? Sorry to hear that but wrong unit… why are you testing?
Thoughtful – sorry to hear that – plenty of fluids – get well soon
Thoughtful, wishing you a speedy recovery. It took me 12 days for a clear test but only a few days and I felt up to short walks.
> Bloody covid! I have a temperature of 102C and a blocked nose with no appetite
Ivor Mc Tin,
I’m not one for meds . But a few years ago I signed up to a research project on dementia – I had to take a single tablet of vitamin D every day . I did it – every day … the research project has now ended – and I don’t know whether I got a placebo or the vitamin D tablet . I will be told next year – but a month or two after starting to take the tablet I noticed an ‘improvement ‘ … so vit D tables for me now ….
We do what we do
Make the Sinai Penisula Great Again
only 300,000 inhabitants, nice weather, huge area, could be re-greened again. Conveniently located on the med for an easy drop off from Italy, Greece etc.
Lies upon lies.
This clip is from two years ago.
Hey marxi
You mean there are even more now?
Have you paid your television tax yet ?
2023 clip
Another one
The fact that there is a Palestinian flag and that it is at the Cenotaph, makes me think that it is 2023
It is strange that Maxi claims to Tomo “This clip is from two years ago”
yet a 70K follower Muslim account labels it as
London – Historical peaceful protest by ladies for the Gaza genocide and also for the Shia – Suni unification.
Men have failed and now women have taken up the job left – “unification”
– A real nightmare for the enemies of Islam (Arabs, Turks & Zionists)
I cannot find one source saying its older that 17 days
OK Maxi has provided a 2021 source
Tomo was misled , don’t think he lied
Last year they told us there would be a drought extending into this year
So Cornwall had a continuous hosepipe ban, the whole year
Southwest reservoir levels never dropped below 62% and are at least 82% now
Last year at this point they were at 52%
They are probably set to divert lots of freshwater to the sea to prevent overtopping
probably already being doing that
Britain has very variable weather
Further north we have water stood at the crown of chalk hills, which is some achievement. Funny how the press aren’t screaming for more reservoirs. Perhaps the public wouldn’t be very sympathetic.
Droughts are an important part of the climate change narrative. Therefore, if there aren’t any, it is necessary to produce them.
“Last year they told us there would be a drought extending into this year…”
“They”. Who is “they”?
This is ‘they’. Muppet
Drought could continue into 2023, Environment Agency warns
Could, would, are modal verbs
could is used in a way, it refers to something that you believe is likely to be true or likely to happen.
Like could, would is used to describe something that you think is likely to be true or likely to happen
“ they” were wrong.. and like you ,
They are also muppet’s
It does indeed. But you’re average ‘Brit’ went along with the Covaids nonsense. There is no ‘virus’ but what did the majority of ‘Brits’ do? Complain about every thing but the fact they are complicit in the destruction of the economy and their cuntry. Don’t complain when the immigrants rape your women and destroy your cunrty. You deserve it all.
To say I despise the spineless Brits is an understatement. You are beyond contemptible.
Hate, expressed like this, is likely an aspect of mental health, the casual use of the word rape for example,
Also a misunderstanding, deliberate or not, of the indigenous population who, by the way, are British not “Brit”
Are Pakistanis pakis ?
if not why not?
Some are more familiar with rape than others:
Sweden has witnessed an increase in the rates of sexual crimes including rape. Knowledge of who the offenders of these crimes are is therefore of importance for prevention. We aimed to study characteristics of individuals convicted of rape, aggravated rape, attempted rape or attempted aggravated rape (abbreviated rape+), against a woman ≥18 years of age, in Sweden. By using information from the Swedish Crime Register, offenders between 15 and 60 years old convicted of rape+ between 2000 and 2015 were included. Information on substance use disorders, previous criminality and psychiatric disorders were retrieved from Swedish population-based registers, and Latent Class Analysis (LCA) was used to identify classes of rape+ offenders. A total of 3 039 offenders were included in the analysis. A majority of them were immigrants (n = 1 800; 59.2%) of which a majority (n = 1 451; 47.7%) were born outside of Sweden. The LCA identified two classes: Class A — low offending class (LOC), and Class B — high offending class (HOC). While offenders in the LOC had low rates of previous criminality, psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders, those included in the HOC had high rates of previous criminality, psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders. While HOC may be composed by more “traditional” criminals probably known by the police, the LOC may represent individuals not previously known by the police. These two separated classes, as well as our finding in regard to a majority of the offenders being immigrants, warrants further studies that take into account the contextual characteristics among these offenders.
“as our finding in regard to a majority of the offenders being immigrants”
“A majority of them were immigrants (n = 1 800; 59.2%) of which a majority (n = 1 451; 47.7%) were born outside of Sweden.”
Elephant is in the room
There must be something similar in the UK
Noticing that Newsquest UK’s local rag fleet is sweeping resistance to solar farms under the carpet promptly with heavily commented articles subjectively lasting <20% time compared to most other stories on the landing page and rarely (if ever) in "most commented" – even though the comment numbers exceed the sum/totals of most other stories….
They also punt Green attacks on Conservative MPs like this anonymous child abuse:
bloody trumpets
anything with trumpets blsasting out I’m off
Did you write this Zep?
Dire Straits.
Sultans Of Swing.
‘Then a crowd a young boys they’re a foolin’ around in the corner
Drunk and dressed in their best brown baggies and their platform soles
They don’t give a damn about any trumpet playin’ band
It ain’t what they call Rock and Roll’
I’ve not explored the issue but, the Panama canal is drying up and will become totally unusable for shipping in the near future. What happened to the chunks of ice breaking off from the Poles? We have been told that the sea level is critical and low lying communities/islands should watch out.
But not Panama apparently. Perhaps it is rising up…….
Question of Sport stops production, BBC confirms
Not interested in the story : don’t watch anything on the BBC now.
But it is open for HYS so I thought I’d check the comments as a reality-check.
Lo and behold:
‘For many of us, that’s the story for the entire BBC, particularly their so-called news output.’
111 upticks, 4 downticks
‘A brief mention of “falling” viewing figures. In reality they fell off a cliff when the BBC decided to fix something that was not broken. Another example of the BBC not being fit for purpose, and they force people with the threat of imprisonment to pay for this garbage’
257 upticks, 11 downticks.
And just like that the voting is back to what it usually is. Not 30:1 in favour of the Leftist view and no comments written like spiteful schoolboys.
The troll farm for key political stories is so blatantly obvious now, how are they getting away with it ?. OFCOM are an absolute disgrace.
One of those light news days – which means the BBC can concentrate on its’ enemies – so the awful killing of 3 hostages leads – for some reason the 17 year old kid who has been with his mum for 6 years continued to be News ? Why ? And then there is the tedious Harry Windsor at war with the media – from which he and his awful yank wife earn their living …..yawn …..
I don’t know about you but I dislike this time of year – especially the shortest day next Friday ….but at least the light comes back then ….
If the 17 year old Alex Batty was of the Correct Colour the BBC would be sending a team of 20 diversity specialists ……..travelling by Dinghy could create even more important news !
Again, who the f’ck is paddy ?
Good in ‘Pheonix Nights’.
Totally rubbish in everything else where he didn’t have a script.
And another one
Have a heart Z; I’m trying to enjoy my breakfast here.
I have that expression every week my lottery numbers don’t come in ….
I suppose the BBC expects a cacophony of distress over the death of the sports question show – all the fault of the evil blue labours failing to ramp up their licence again ….
Whereas …. Who even notices ? The bbc know it can feed the unquestioning with dancing crap – eastenders crap and the many many shows where the ‘celebrity ‘ is bigger than the subject ….
I see this when I look at the listings for anything ( film) worth bothering about ….. how can anyone pay for the BBC ?
Maybe our ‘Christmas quiz ‘yawn should be a list of other bbc programmes which are worthy of ditching – to be replaced by shows about auctions and house developers ….
Have I got news for you
Doctor Who
As I don’t watch that crap I wouldn’t miss it – I just wish people would stop paying for it …
The problem with A Question of Sport is entirely of their own making. They did their usual thing of trying to make the show “more relevant” and it became yet another boring woke-fest…
It’s the same with whatever they touch. I don’t see any of them now, but…Can there be any TV show more painful than the new, revamped, much heralded Dr Who? I mean, even from the trailers, it’s absolutely ghastly. It’s not an exciting, time and space travelling adventure; it’s a bleedin’ lecture.
It should be re-named for this new era, Dr Who Gives a Fxxx?
Not me…
I saw a (laughingly) “celebrity” version of Pointless last night. Didnt recognise anyone. But then I don’t watch so called comedy shows, kids tv, inane panel games or anything that has a host or presenter under 45.
I don’t think there’s any comedy programmes on the BBC anymore. Can’t say for sure as I never watch their channels.
BBC comedy is no laughing matter.
They laughed when the BBC said their new woke brigade would make hilarious comedy with built-in agenda.
They are not laughing now.
Sorry. I stole that from a joke about Bob Monkhouse. I’ll get my coat.
I have ! But have you, readers of this site ?
COP28 scam
The TCW link by Dickie is the Andrew Bridgen organised talk in Westminster. Probable the best bit of evidence to send to your MPs (or the useless excuses of an MP). I turned on the subtitles.
So far there are links to talks by Malone, Cole, Martin
Also note the Sargent at arms asked for the Westminster TV cameras to be turned off – so you know this must be good.
Our BBC sure knows how to run an old favourite format into the ground…
Question of Sport axed… Iconic Beeb quiz show to be kicked off screen after 53 years… Host Paddy MCGuinness is said to be “gutted”. It comes three years after he replaced popular presenter Sue Barker and viewing figures fell below a million. (Daily Mirror)
Doctor Who star on why he ‘felt like alien’ growing up… Gatwa, who made his name as one of the stars of Netflix hit Sex Education, was announced as the new Doctor in May 2022 and began filming this February… like his predecessors, he’s brought something different to the role. Early in the Christmas special, he’s seen dancing and whirling on a nightclub dancefloor… among the new elements he’s brought to this incarnation of the Time Lord, are incredible passion, energy and perhaps a youthful sexiness… More seriously, it’s inevitable that his casting as the first black actor to take on the show’s lead role will be seen as symbolic… Gatwa was born in Rwanda in 1992… His family fled to the UK when he was two and he grew up first in Edinburgh, then in Dunfermline…”Yes, I think at many times in my life I have felt like an alien” (BBC)
And it doesn’t take a Mystic Meg to predict things will only get worse for the BBC, in terms of the long-time viewership switching off
Doctor Who?: Incoming BBC chief lacks strengh, say MPs… In a scathing assessment of Dr Samir Shah’s suitability for the role, the Commons select committee said it had “serious reservations” over his willingness to offer opinions on fundamental issues facing the BBC (Telegraph)
As for the Doctor Who christmas special… I’ll make a special point of the missing that. To be honest, I haven’t watched it since Tom Baker hung up his scarf.
The doctor won’t see you now
Rise of the month-long wait just to see your GP… 1m more patients a month facing 28-day delays (Telegraph)
To be fair, our NHS general practitioners these days do need to prioritise their TV commitments – just like the BBC’s Doctor Who it turns out this medic chap has more than one incarnation
Sharia law NHS doctor has no regrets over Piers Morgan TV appearance… North London GP Dr Abdul Wahid describes Hamas as a ‘resistance’ group and called 7 October terror attacks “a very welcome punch on the nose” on Talk TV show. Morgan described his comments as “bullshit” and said he could not believe a doctor would talk about the October 7 massacres of Israeli civilians in such a way. Dr Abdul Wahid, who also uses the name Wahid Asif Shaida, practises in Harrow where he trains newly qualified doctors. (Jewish News)
Fiery debate erupts online as Piers Morgan fights back against criticism of interview with NHS doctor who leads UK wing of Islamic extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. (Sky News, Australia)
It’s been said before and we’ll say it again – you can have a free-at-the-point-of-access socialised health service – but you can’t afford to run an open-borders international free health service – particularly when it turns into a politicised campaign organisation.
At this point one likes to say “And on a lighter note…”
The formerly patriotic Times attempts to get down with the kids: The day Charles went to Glasto Revealed! The King’s alternative 2023 photo album
To coin an old royal catchphrase “We are not amused”
We do, however, thank the Times for their frontpage festive pin-up photo splash: Nigella Lawson… in the kitchen – seriously, what more could a red-blooded conservative chap of a certain age ask at this time of year?
Sadly our Nigella is snapped caught in one of those Jeremy Hunt-like Merkat uncanny valley stares. Is that A.I. impersonating our kitchen goddess? We have a robot for a chancellor – but a chancellor’s robot daughter?
Helen Mirren’s media profile and PR firm have been busy on her behalf: Christmas Appeal Helen Mirren Why I support Street Child (Times)
In what is fast turning into something a ladies day, I’m afraid we need to consider the term “the ick”
“The ick” was first coined by Ally in TV show Ally McBeal, and, as dating expert Hayley Quinn explains, “It’s a dating term that means you get a sudden cringe feeling when you have romantic contact with someone: and become almost immediately put off by them.” You might feel suddenly repulsed, put off or cringed out… (Cosmopolitan)
Sharon Osbourne My last facelift was the worst thing I ever did (Times Magazine)
The inside story of Anne Robinson’s romance with Camilla’s ex-husband… The sweetest link… Love Andrew Parker Bowles (Daily Mail)
We attempted to lighten the mood – and now we’re in dire need of a palate cleanser
My week by Lord Cameron* Where even is Rwanda? *According to Hugo Rifkind (Times) – well, Lord Dave there’s one of ’em on your TV this Xmas starring as Doctor Who – apprently although we can’t send our’s over there – they’ve been sending their’s over here for years.
In economic news: Millions face mortgage misery for ‘longer than expected’ (‘i’)
Energy bills will rise to protect suppliers (Telegraph)
Taking a moment off from their all-important chore of discovering the ‘Far-right‘ under the bed, the Financial Times Saturday incarnation, FT Weekend, suggests a possible cure for our self-inflicted financial woes: West weighs seizing Russian assets… Bid to secure Ukraine funds – what could possibly go wrong? Western policy on Ukraine has been such rip roaring success to date – battlefield stalemate, tens of thousands dead, rebounding economic sanctions… the only regime change we need is our own.
“Energy bills will rise to protect suppliers (Telegraph)”
Closure of UK’s largest gas storage site ‘could mean volatile prices’
This article is more than 6 years old
Shuttering of Rough facility off Yorkshire coast by British Gas owner Centrica will increase dependence on imports, say critics
Non-Executive Director
Amber joined the Board on 10 January 2022 and is a member of the Nominations Committee, Remuneration Committee and the Safety, Environment & Sustainability Committee.
So many failing for BBC programmes we have so many targets – ‘planted lefty question time’ tedious stale Have I got lefty news for no one ‘ ….
The bbc will have to really did deep to find something non woke in the archive …… or have a list of warnings each time they put Dads Army on – no offence to fuzzy wuzzies and the rest ….
Even the recent showings of ‘allo ‘allo and ‘Never the Twain’ have a warnings at the start now that some people might be offended.
The problem is that they have no creative talent now. They are staffed up with quota clones. Their ‘solution’ over the years has been to be to try and leech the popularity of older programs – but they can’t resist stuffing them with agenda. The result is that now ALL my old favourites are unwatchable.
It would not surprise me if they tried to ‘remake’ ‘Morcambe and Wise’ with a black bloke and a woman.
“It would not surprise me if they tried to ‘remake’ ‘Morcambe and Wise’ with a black bloke and a woman”
I can see it now – one with the glasses and the other with the short fat brown hairy legs
But they still rake in the money with the DVDs of all the good shows!
I think we now have everything which was classed as ‘pretty good’, from back then, mainly bought on Ebay, as then the Cubicloids don’t get any more dosh from us – we paid for the shows originally anyway!
I suppose the Morcambe and Wise show now would have to have Shirley Bassey as a white person – to balance things like…
(Boring bit warning… We recently watched an old show where the pair were doing a tap-dance routine, and kept being left off the stage and behind everyone else, while all the dancers carried on. Eventually Eric picked a fight with one of them and it became one of the funniest scenes I’ve ever seen! I just couldn’t stop laughing – and it was the same with Senora O’Blene!)
Happy days back then, not any more with the Leftie Cubiclists!
IDF raids schools and apartments ‘hiding Hamas fighters’ in Gaza
I notice that everything Israel says like this is put in quotes as if to infer it might not be true.
The BBC have some video of fighting at schools which the BBC describes ‘what it says is the Rimal neighbourhood close to the centre of the city.’
Sounds like a perfect opportunity for the google-map surfers in ‘BBC Verify’ to confirm they are indeed fighting at the schools.
But it seems they are too busy for the really important things like this. Either that or the BBC want to make sure they can implicitly infer Israel are lying in the articles.
I also notice that the BBC NEVER link to these videos Israel put out to prove something. They just show a selected still from it. But immediately below they show us video of protestors in Tel Aviv which is embedded so we can watch it very easily.
This is how the BBC work. Drip drip drip so they don’t leave any tangible evidence of what they are doing.
BBC doing a ‘profile ‘job on Tucker Carlson – where’s that hatchet ? – it’s on Saturday evening R4 …. Play the game – count references to
Far right ( bbc term- not of this site )
Populist (bbc term – not of this site )
The BBC won’t go near Carlson’s subject matter though … Haram!
Yeah, BBC Americast was on R4 last night. Marianna there.
by’eck those nonentities are right up themselves!
Tomo – the ‘entertainment ‘- if you can call it that – is what the BBC leaves out – stolen election ? Killer vaccines ? La la Biden ? Bent Biden son ? Dodgy Ukraine? Southern border ?
The Americast bit I caught was full of “look at our nice studio” and the smug twerpery of Marianna self promotion.
Quite surprised it didn’t progress into advertorial for Herman Miller furniture.
Lies upon lies.
This was filmed at the ‘Million Mask March’ in 2015. It was nothing to do with Islam.
He was called racist after repeatedly telling a protester to; “Fuck off back to where you came from, Abdul”
Whatever maxi.
Anyway: anything to add about the BBC’s coverage of Gaza ?.
Do you think they are ‘impartial and unbiased’ ?.
Any comment why the BBC didn’t report the Hamas terrorist plot to murder Jews in the EU ?.
Any comment about no mention on the BBC of Sunaks statement that Muslims are forcing immigrants to the West to weaken their societies ?.
No. Thought not.
Do you know what you are and don’t care, or do you live in a bubble like everyone at the BBC ?.
I’m genuinely interested to know. If only you weren’t such a double-standard hypocrite, I might get to find out.
Don’t worry : I don’t expect you to answer serious questions like this. You are a troll. The lowest form of internet life.
Excellent comment, John.
“Any comment why the BBC didn’t report the Hamas terrorist plot to murder Jews in the EU ?.”
They did:
“Any comment about no mention on the BBC of Sunaks statement that Muslims are forcing immigrants to the West to weaken their societies ?.”
That’s not what Sunak said.
There really are some complete Socialist idiots around, so full of their hate and bile just waiting to spew the ignorant falsehood to receptive ears.
After Biden and his Demonrats caused the invasion of Ukraine, and then destroyed the Nordstream pipeline Gas prices spiked like crazy. The companies supplying gas to consumers never actually saw the gas they were metered for it and charged customers a little more to make their profit.
Many of these customers had prices locked for six or twelve months in some cases even three years were offered, and when the gas price spiked they were contracted to supply gas at half their buy price.
This is why they went bust.
The Socialist muppets are confusing oil companies which might well extract gas with these small supply companies, so yes BP made record profits, but that was from the oil side of the business not the gas side.
It’s a little like after the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 when the banks all collapsed, the left were trotting out some tripe about ‘casino bankers’ when they were asked to expand on this they dried up, because they’d heard a meme but didn’t know anything more, some would mumble something about the stock market and come to a stop, but the real cause was Carter and Clintons Socialist stupidity with the community re-investment act
More from ‘Liar’s Poker’ then…
What’s happened to graphics from Twitter?
It’s easy to get convictions when there is no trial, and the judge declares the accused person to be guilty. The same thing just happened to Rudy Giuliani. It’s how America dies in front of our eyes.
Rob in Cheshire,
The Trump Organization was found guilty of tax fraud by jury trial in 2022.
Rudy Giuliani admitted making false statements about Ruby Freeman, in court, 5 months ago.
Well, lets see how the Biden family do…
Hi Max,
So good to hear from you as always.
You may perhaps be aware that the Trump Organization is a company. Donald Trump was not found guilty of anything in that case.
Just to back up my earlier post with some evidence from Israel where anguished citizens told the murderous Nettenyahu:
‘Stop talking about killing Arabs and start talking about saving Jews!’
Nettenyahu is planning another war crime now, by executing the people he calls Hamas terrorists, and executing prisoners of war is illegal.
You appear privy to information many are not, but seeing the BBC suddenly get chummy with the Fail again is a rare treat.
I think that only applies to prisoners in uniform. I’m guessing the Arabic equivalent of casual dress doesn’t count and they can be shot as spies.
First look: what’s on the menu for delegates at COP28?
30 November 2023
Officially kicking off today (30 November) in Dubai Expo City in the United Arab Emirates, the organisers of COP28 have committed to providing two thirds plant-based catering at the event – and caterers are stepping up to the plate to ensure the right food is on the table.
Fury as food menu for VIPs jetting to Cop27 features beef, chicken, fish and dairy products – along with bottomless cocktails for $125 – amid calls from eco-activists to cut down on meat to save the planet
Daily Mail
I want ribs
No chilled rustically shredded raw turnip with a garnish of sautéed bluebottle then?
The latter garnish is near a given out there on all dishes.
$100 for a main course, but which $ is it? the rest appear reasonable if it’s USD
Vegas marketing.
Described as,
‘Freshly stepped in, in the park’………………..
Perhaps a clue as to where it comes from.
Sky taking over BBC now.
This is from a British #Palestinian writer who is wondering what the level of threat a graveyard and his dead father poses to the #Israeli military @masoud_ahmed
British Palestinian writers like the young psycho U.K. journo feeling elated?
Also the whole sodding place is a war zone. A war started by Hamas from Qatar.
Here is Monte Cassino not long ago. Ironically uninhabited, which may not be the case in Gaza.
Considerable friendly fire losses incurred.
Given Richard Bacon et al – BBC in-house expertise applied to The Drugs Map of Britain?
I mean… they have to check the stuff is genuine?
BBC consumer research innit?
Laughing gas is the third most used drug by 16-24 year olds after cannabis and cocaine.
Now, as the government reclassifies it as a class C drug with up to two years for possession, this episode reveals the extent of our nitrous oxide use, filmed in Birmingham over a summer.
On a Friday night in Ladypool Road, Birmingham, nitrous oxide users congregate in their cars to do balloons. They race up and down the road and listen to music. Some are alone, some are with friends, but being in their cars gives them protection from being caught. They buy the gas in brightly lit 24-hour shops – one user describes how it ‘makes you floaty’.
Birmingham has one of the highest hospital admission rates in the UK for neurological issues resulting from nitrous oxide use, and neurologist Dr David Nicholl is doing his ward rounds. In the last year, he’s been seeing more and more patients presenting with symptoms such as dizziness, tingling in the hands and feet and, in extreme cases, inability to walk.
A recent report in the British Medical Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry found that people from an Asian background who were treated in hospital for nitrous oxide-related harm were over-represented in Birmingham. This film tries to understand why that might be the case.
Better than the Monty python sketch about the worlds’ funniest joke …..
Monty Python – The Funniest Joke In the World
Doctor Black, Medieval blacks, Agatha Christie /Jane Austins blacks,
You see the Chinese, Hindus, Sikhs, etc etc have missed a trick
All they need to do is riot, a bit of looting and hey ho they are in every advert and historical drama
Oh no, actually they integrate, respect education, learn the English language rather than a pathic jamaican faux patois, and stick together as families, what a pity they will never be represented.
Classic FM adverts:
All it cost is twen ‘ ie naan naantie naan
Forp park carnivow
No wonder they hate slavery, send them to the shops and no one would have a bloody clue what they are talking about.
Coming back empty handed every time.
Despite at the very least, 16 years in the UK education system, still unable to speak English.
Astonishing that every single other minority manages.
4 hours wey don pass
Parents of one four month old baby say dem find dia pikin alive “by di grace of God” afta one tornado for Tennessee suck di child, carry am waka.
Di husband and wife say di deadly tornado wey occur on Saturday tear dia mobile house to piece, pick up one baby bed wit dia pikin still inside.
Im survive and dem find am inside one tree wey fall inside di heavy rain.
Di baby, im one year old brother and parents only suffer from minor cuts and scratch.
As di turnado dey come, di mama of two, 22 years old Sydney Moore, say e tear di roof of dia mobile house comot.
‘As woman, shame bin dey make me shave my facial hair’
11 December 2023
Glory Chinemerem Ibe, bin dey 14-year-old wen hair start to dey grow for her face.
That’s a Hull accent if ever I heard one.
James, James black, licensed to kill by zombie knife in a back alley in Hackney
Someone has stolen the letter “T”
James Black:
“woss da’ ?
“M will explain it to you, you might have to go back to infants school”
What the BBC won’t say.
A few years ago, David Wood posted the Top 10 Quran Verses for Understanding ISIS.
The same applies to Hamas today, just another terrorist offshoot of a terrorist ‘religion’.
Intolerance and violence are woven into the warp and woof of islam.
I’m sorry to disagree here Vlad but the two are nothing like the same. Hamas was founded by Israel, ISIS by Saudi. ISIS bases its ideology on Salafism, Hamas is just straight Sunni.
Whether you like the word or not legally Israel is operating an apartheid state where the people of Gaza are not allowed to leave and half of them are unemployed. I wouldn’t want to live like that & I’m sure you wouldn’t either.
Israel has a big problem in that it has allowed in many Eastern European Jews who are nothing like those from the West. They hate Christians as much as they hate Muslims and there are video films of them spitting on Christians attending church in Israel.
You would imagine that a group of people who have experienced so much oppression might be a little less quick to visit that on others, but no.
It is these migrants who have backed Nettenyahu and pushed his murderous policies not the people of Israel who are literally up in arms about it.
Col Doglas MacGregor is claiming Turkey now has an army of 2 million men ready to invade Israel in the Spring. All Nettenyahu has to do is to wind his neck in, but I think he is such a monster he would rather the state of israel cease to exist and all the Jews killed than back down.
The US cannot fight a land battle now because 70% of its troops are obese or worse, and no one wants to join an army which exists only to tell them how awful White people are.
Also don’t forget that the main objective of the Hamas attack was not the slaughter, but the taking of the computer servers from the IDF intelligence base along with senior officers. Although this has been reported in the New York Post there is not much else out there.
This wasn’t Hamas, someone else was behind this, possibly Russia to distract from Ukraine.
Turkey invading Israel in the Spring ….. The End of The World …. Even I can’t be that pessimistic ….
Judge Andrew Napolitano
It seems the sun has fired a bigger than usual flares . This is clearly a result of global warming . We may not have much time – it might be the biggest flare since records began – a ‘once in a lifetime / generation /whatever hyperbole thing ….
The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally[1] and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations. The geomagnetic storm was most likely the result of a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun colliding with Earth’s magnetosphere.[2]
Pay more taxes?
Oh for Christ sake, here we go again, make this the last time
We have had the most glorious sunsets the last couple of nights, but red skies in the mornings too. Wonder if this has been caused by the flares. I expect both the shepherds and the sailors are either delighted or feeling warned.
Three Israeli hostages shot dead by IDF troops had been holding up a white flag on a stick and were shirtless when they were mistaken for Hamas terrorists, a military official has said.
Looks like I did have it right all along !
Did you not initially posit it was a policy from on high rather than tragic fog of war friendly fire in no small measure caused by Hamas tactics?
But treat yourself to a half of shandy.
Hamas ever own up to the missile that parked badly at the hospital?
I still hold that view and just because one IDF soldier claims it was against their orders you nor I have no proof of that. It seems pretty obvious from what happened that the IDF deliberately shot these three ignoring the fact the were holding a white flag and unarmed.
Israel knows that it can’t admit to a policy of killing unarmed civilians because even sleepy Joe would be forced to act as it absolutely is a war crime which even the Americans could not ignore.
Thoughtful – it’s so hard to judge -maybe these soldiers had experienced people with white flags shooting at them – maybe not . To me such tragedies are inevitable – I think it’s an aspect of war which people don’t want to think about – the accidental shooting – the killing of one’s’ own side …. The shoot first ask questions after ….
But whatever it was – RIP to those involved – and I just hope the IDF don’t hang out the shooters …..
I listened to Frank Gardener – that imbicile BBC ‘reporter ‘ who they’ve sent to Jerusalem – describe – ‘Hamas Fighters’ – he’s obviously a fan ….
Frank Gardener was iirc put into a wheelchair by Islamics
Yes – think the chap he was with was shot dead …
His cameraman. The IDF investigation was accepted or not along predictable lines.
When not dodging Katushyas in Israel now, JezBo often seemed to be standing in the middle of folk he was happier being with, faced by those he hated.
It was claimed he was targeted. As an armchair tank driver/loader/aimer watching loads of T-34 movies on Netflix I find that unlikely, whilst a team hefting some kit on shoulders in smoke at distance through armoured glass might see a tragic split second miscalculation.
In a firefight that can end up badly.
One of the best war reporters ever was a woman. She was blown up by a mine in Vietnam. Whose, who knows?
Every other adult death in Gaza currently appears to be a ‘journalist’.
Trauma in a combat zone can leave mental as well as physical scars that stay with the victims forever, with rationality under question in any direction.
Hence the BBC fielding him and Bowen back in that hellhole to ‘report’ sensibly is beyond comprehension.
It’s your view. It may be correct, or not.
No one knows currently, and given political and media antics of late whose word can be trusted ever again?
It is one the BBC has, is, and will embrace no matter what. This is a site about BBC inaccuracy and mire than often turning option into journalism. Whilst not answering questions posed to them. Rushing to judge before knowing is unhealthy by anyone.
The link I shared offered a plausible scenario that makes more sense than a ‘policy’ you have in mind working its way to frightened, trigger happy, inexperienced draftees in an unfriendly fire zone facing an enemy where rules of war are considered a joke.
This was not Mai Lai though the ability of the US to foul things up more than anyone is a point well taken.
So, again, go you.
Using the site for personal vendettas against targets you have a special grudge against (iirc you were and likely are virulently anti-Tory who are slightly less bad than Labour) based on the feels is something I feel obliged to question.
Maybe you can get me banned?
Guest Who – who is thar comment aimed at ? And do you really think there is a Tory Government ? I didn’t know anyone thought that any more……
… I was listening to something and apparently today is 4 years to the day that nut nut took over number 10 with a 80 majority ….
That thar comment? Not you oh mod of sensitivity.
I despise the Tories, for all they squandered over the last decade. Cameron and May utter pond life. Boris had one job, did it and then joined the FU club more than them. I despise Labour more though. And the BBC for acting as their uncritical propaganda unit no matter what. Along with other entities.
I am not a fan of anarchy, but am currently vexed as to where the next vote will go. Most tempted by ‘NOTA’ so long as it is accepted as a valid statement and not dismissed as ‘spoiled’ by all with a vested interest in the circus continuing as is.
Guest Who – I think the coming election will see a huge ‘none of the above ‘ who either don’t vote or turn to Reform – if that bloke from the jungle is involved ….
I am a deep blue conservative – but I cannot – will not vote for the current regime as they are socialists . I’ve written to my MP and told him that – I didn’t get a reply ….
…. I was listening to week in Westminster – apparently rishi is getting an election guru in January . The earliest election is meant to be 2 May – which means calling it in March – but there is a view that he might want until the start of 2025 …. On the assumption that things will be better by then … dream on …
I read that these three were Israeli taken hostage by Hamas . Have I got that wrong? If not are you suggesting that the IDF has a policy of shooting Israelis but then admitting to it !? If so can you suggest what the Israeli government motivation might be for killing its own citizens and then admitting that it has done so rather than blaming Hamas.
Precisely. And it is a sorry commentary on too many that the fact they were hostages after a slaughter, held as bargaining chips, as are others, is quietly sidelined.
As able bodied males/soldiers maybe they could ‘escape’? Or were handed a flag and sent out at point of gun. Who knows now, or will? Unlikely Hamas would fess up if still alive.
No dear God no! What I am suggesting is that the IDF or certain members of it are deliberately killing unarmed civilians and I’m afraid the evidence does support that.
I am however more concerned along with very many Israelis that Nettenyahus actions are going to spell the end of Israel. They might have the nuclear option, but if they do use that on large cities such as Ankara, then the entire world will turn against the Jews and it might well be the end of all of them – and all for what? One man’s stupid arrogance and to get him out of a corruption trial?
Allow me to present two scenarios to you.
1) Climb down and proceed much more cautiously and slowly and begin allowing more humanitarian aid in, restore power water and aid to enter Gaza.
2) carry on as now, The Middle East cuts oil to the West as they did before – you cannot buy fuel and those rare occasions you can it costs a fortune.
The enemies of Israel (and they are many) sweep in and destroy it (this is a very real scenario). They kill every Jew they can find, of course Nettenyahu flees to America where he is hailed a hero.
In Western countries and other places the hatred of the Jews for what they have done rises to such a level the government cannot control the populace and the Jews are exterminated.
In short you can dial it down and hopefully survive, or you can carry on and lose everything. The choice really is that stark.
Initially you mention nuclear weapons. Surely if the enemies of Israel attack as in scenario 2) and begin to really threaten the existence of the country, any sensible government will say withdraw or in 24 hours we will hit the capital city of all who have invaded.
I’m sure that the Saudis, Egypt, Jordan and even Iran know that this the likely outcome of mass invasion of Israel.
My advice to the Israelis is keep on hunting down Hamas . The UN and associated idiots will tuttut , pass meaningless resolutions , but do very little
Many of the Israeli soldiers being killed in combat are 18 or 19 years of age. They are fighting an utterly ruthless and insane enemy which doesn’t care about its own citizens and certainly doesn’t care about young Israeli children. On October 7th Hamas murdered indiscriminately including a baby pulled out of a pregnant woman. The Israelis are fighting in enemy territory. If I was one of them, I would be very jumpy too and might make the wrong decision to shoot at something that moved.
Thoughtful, In an earlier post you said that Israel was an apartheid state. Within Israel there are Arab members of the knesset as well as doctors etc. Jewish Israelis do have to do army service, Arab Israelis can choose, and some do. Within Gaza there is no apartheid, before October 7th, for the last 20 years no Jews as far as I am aware lived in Gaza. I am not sure they would have survived not even as second class citizens. As for Gazans not being able to leave Gaza, it does have a border with Egypt with a border crossing.
Perhaps I could remind people of Hiller Neuer’s speech to the UN asking countries, ‘where are your Jews?’ It is a good reminder why Israel is fighting.
If I recall the population of Israel is 20% Arab ? If I’m wrong forgive me but it was a stat that stuck …
Hiller’s speech at the UN states 1.5 million Arabs so Fedup, it sounds about right. It’s the claim that Israel is an apartheid state that gets me. I would guess areas of London eg Willlesden or Brixton would fit the apartheid description better.
I do sympathise Deborah and don’t think I’m someone isolated, I knew the orthodox the reform, the lubavich lots and lots of Jewish people.
I also knew a Palestinian Jew there never seems to be much mention of them but there were Jews in Palestine prior to the founding of the state of Israel, he told me that he didn’t have the same rights as the Israeli citizens, but it’s a few years ago now and I can’t recall exactly why.
I even read the book of Esther at Purim and bought an entre coupleof boxes of Matzos at Pesach to sell in Church to raise funds.
Prior to this atrocity on October the 7th the Middle East was becomming a much more stable and peaceful place, and the Muslims were going back to squabbling amongst themselves. Now all that has been destroyed and the entire Muslim world is aligned against Israel.
It didn’t need to have been like this, everyone was sympathetic including the Arab states, and if it had been handled correctly the same outcome could have been achieved.
You have to consider this, and it’s very important. The US is a fading power Israels enemies are not the sandal and tea towel wearing tribesmen of old, Hezbollah might well be able to destroy Israel on its own without outside help.
The IDF also are not the force they once were, and are like the US army full of woke idiots.
No one yet has yet addressed why the senior military command didn’t just dismiss the reports this was coming, they threatened those who told them with courtmartial.
Now Nettenyahu is proposing the death penalty for the captured Hamas another war crime. What do you think the Muslim world will do then?
I strongly suspect USA intelligence told Israel that there were no hostages in that area.
It will be under the absolute maximum amount of surveilllance the USA can muster.
But the biggest elephant in the room here is how on Earth 3 hostages were walking towards the IDF.:
‘One of the soldiers, the official added, felt threatened, as the men were at a distance of tens of metres, declared them “terrorists” and opened fired.’
Quite why he would shout that is not explained at all. It is absolutely feasible that Hamas would engineer an event like this. It is at least worthy of some discussion. But not at the BBC. Who seems to have found yet another ‘anonymous source’. Quite why any Israeli source would speak to the anti-semetic BBC is another question altogether.
Of course Israel will put out proclamations of sorrow and regret. Anything else will quickly be turned against them by our far-Left MSM who want to stay friends with Arabs.
Thoughtful, there are some strange issues re October 7th. Why wasn’t there intel, was it because the Left in Israel with their demos meant that the government took their eye off the ball? Maybe the US under Biden weren’t bothered about Israel or maybe Netanyahu wants to keep out of jail. I have no idea. What I do know is that some Israelis feel after October 7th, they cannot rely on support from the rest of the world and you only have to look at the demonstrations in the UK and the rest of the world to see how fragile support for Israel is.
As for your box of matzah. If the pack has been open for more than a day or two, put the pieces under the grill for a couple of minutes watching like a hawk, they will be more delicious than when newly opened.
BBC inversion?
When the EU do it it’s called an incentive to change! HA HA HA HA HA
He saved us all from the lunacy of Christine La Garde. This woman belongs in a “Maison de Sante” not a position of power as she has clearly lost her hold on reality.
Unless of course she has been promised a slice of the laundered aid money back to her and her mates like Boris and Biden.
Look at her testimony at trial… “I do what I’m told”
Nothing more than an ornament on the bow of the globalist slave galley.
Should be on the wall in every BBC office
Interesting article in the Spectator by Rod Liddle about the end of NeoLiberalism in Europe and the USA. He says that everywhere the Neoliberals globalist wokes are losing ground to parties of both left and right which put their nation and its people first. The big topics are mass immigration and looney environmentalism. It’s a push back that has been a long time coming.
Next year’s European Parliamentary elections will return a Eurosceptic majority and for the first time the Brussels bureaucracy will be confronted by a dissenting parliament.
It will very interesting to watch how this confrontation plays out. The Parliament has little power but it can throw spanners in the works and reveal how undemocratic the EU is. Will the permanent bureaucracy try to divide and rule by bribery, use lawfare and coercion, or just overrule parliament ? How will the MEPs react ?
Sadly in the UK we don’t have any chance of voting in a ‘nation first’ party but we can show LibLabCon that they don’t have our support by voting Reform.
Other contributors have remarked about the demise
of the BBC’S ” Question of Sport.” It had lost well over
4 million viewers since the very popular presenter Sue Barker
and the team captains were sacked , because of ” diversity
But don’t fear any of you liked the woke revamp. We could
still see a resurrection of the sports quiz. ! I have suggested
to the BBC that as the team captains , the transexuals ,
Lia Thomas the swimmer and Tessa Johnson the cyclist s
would make good “inclusive” captains. And for the
presenter, drag queen Kitty Scott Claus looks like to me
a very fine diverse choice.
You may of seen our Kitty on ” It takes two” which is on
every night at 18.30 on BBC2. It has all the ” Strictly ” gossip.
We only watch it because my wife and I are indigenous
Londoners. And at 18.30 every night the Londonistan Programme is on BBC1 At 18.30. And as any indigenous
Londoner will tell you . The programme is persona non grata
for whitie.
So Kitty was on , in drag telling us that she was going to vote
for the professional dancer Layton Williams , who is in
the final with two other TV soap ACTORS. Leyton who
ticks every imaginable box so far as the BBC is concerned.
Has seen off the challenges of tennis player Annabel Croft,
TV news presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy. And a host of
other celebrities who have not danced professionally
on the London West End stage. Or in fact never danced
anywhere other than at weddings and Bar Mitzvah’s !!
Kitty told us that Layton was the most professional
of all the finalists. Well “he” is right about that.
But it appears that box ticking trumps anything else so far
as the BBC is concerned.
I don’t thing Layton will win. UNLESS the BBC fix the telephone
Is buggery now a sport ?
I suspect some medal hopefuls within the bbc
and for once, at bloody last, some silence from bbc muzzies
every cloud has a silver lining
As an ageing ex-amateur sports enthusiast, once playing rugby and cricket, plus a little golf and tennis, I’ve come to the point of getting pissed off with just about everything associated with all sorts of sport these days.
I’ve never been interested in football anyway, except for when I was about twelve, but there’s so much nasty professionalism in televised sport these days, what with something ridiculous called VAR, eye-watering money for bonuses if you win away, awful bloated prizes in tournaments, sponsorship with sums of money going through the roof, ‘trans-genders’ being able to compete against normal competitors when they clearly have an advantage in weight, strength etc, and the downright commercialism of what used to be known as a Saturday afternoon escapade, with a few pints afterwards!
I guess the Beebicles have done everyone a favour by axing ‘A question of sport’, because a) the sports they fiddle about with are actually non-existent now, and b) the unknowns who get on the ‘show’ are usually pretty thick, uninteresting and a waste of space and electricity. The Beeboids began to hate Sue Barker, because she was the one person who just did what most normal citizens wanted to see and hear, and that doesn’t suit the ‘new’ Cubiclist mentality, as they whine and yap for more ‘diversity’, peculiarly named ex-sports people of too many colours and shapes and sizes, and other boring, forgettable clowns.
I was always amazed at the knowledge of the team captains in Question of Sport until I watched a blooper programme. Then all became clear. The captains at least were told the answers before they were asked the questions. Once I saw that, the whole programme became a nonsense.
Wait until you see Towie with Joey Essex!
I felt the same about Have I Got News For You. I used to think the captains were witty, until I found out they knew the questions beforehand, and had hours to think up their witty responses. Once you realise you are watching fake rubbish you have to stop.
‘An IDF official says one of its soldiers saw the hostages emerging from a building without shirts on, holding a stick with a white cloth on it.
The soldier felt threatened and opened fire, declaring that the men were terrorists, the IDF official says.
Two hostages were killed immediately and one was injured, and ran back into the building.
Then soldiers heard a cry for help in Hebrew, “and immediately the battalion commander issued a ceasefire order”, the official adds.’
So why didn’t they shout before they went went out ?
HMS Diamond: British warship shoots down suspected attack drone in Red Sea
1 hour ago
“The UK remains committed to repelling these attacks to protect the free flow of global trade,” he added.
And still no one has told us who it was who gave the order for the Royal Taxi service to ferry Salman Abedi back to Britain where he bombed the Manchester arena.
Our arrogant elites constantly bang on about ‘accountability’ but we the people know there is zero accountability for the elites.
They can’t censor India, yet
“Inside Hunter Biden’s $872,000 spending spree on hookers, porn and adult entertainment
Hunter Biden is facing a slew of tax charges, shedding light on a lifestyle characterized by excessive spending on what prosecutors call “constant partying.
Hunter Biden, the president’s son, is facing a slew of tax charges totalling nine, shedding light on a lifestyle characterized by excessive spending on what prosecutors describe as “constant partying.” The indictment in California reveals a staggering $872,000 splurge on various indulgences, including prostitutes, online pornography, luxury cars, and a $10,000 sex club membership.
The detailed breakdown in the indictment reveals a wide range of alleged payments, from substantial sums for various women and clothing to educational purposes, health expenses, and miscellaneous retail purchases. The total listed payments amount to a staggering $4,907,813.
The indictment sheds light on Biden’s complex financial dealings, with substantial income flowing from his company, Owasco, PC, and other ventures like Skaneateles and relationships with businesses in Hong Kong and China. The intricate web of financial transactions also includes Biden’s involvement with Burisma Holdings Limited, where he received a significant annual salary starting at $1 million in 2014.”
Or the Daily Mail
“Hunter Biden spent a staggering $872K on prostitutes, porn and sex club memberships and took $1.6 M from ATMs: First son’s wild spending is laid out in tax evasion case that could land him 17 YEARS in jail and is a disaster for dad Joe’s campaign”
That breakdown includes $683,000 on ‘various women’ as well as almost $400,000 on ‘clothing and accessories’. It also alleges that he spent $188,000 on ‘adult entertainment’ and took out $1.6million from ATMs.
During that time, he was in the middle of a well-documented addiction to alcohol and crack cocaine. Hunter has admitted he had a slew of substance abuse problems and completed multiple stints in rehab.
Prostitutes for Hunter Biden cross legality line
IRS blocked from investigating leads
Now, remember, Donald Trump touched someones bottom