If you were a Climate activist would Radio4 give your own comedy show ?
Yep , just been on
with the usual woke-supremacist unfunny comedians as guests
Classic lines like .. “Farage he’s a bigot isn’t he”
.. “The Tories, snigger, snigger” etc.
Wow, another weekend gone in a flash, but then when you’re in a feverish haze time is different. I feel better today and my temperature is coming down again.
Went shopping with a friend and we both started suffering a few days later at the same time, she had a few covid test kits left and tested positive, so I have to assume that’s what it is.
The dry cough can linger but a neighbour who had it first time around lost her sense of taste and says it still hasn’t come back.
The flu jab seems to have kept that at bay, so stay well Fed, but Senora O’Blene and I are getting over the worst colds and coughs we’ve ever had!
It was an absolute bastard, and I finished up sleeping on the floor with the dog, in front of the fire, for four nights so I didn’t wake my wife from coughing and spluttering!
Of course, the village hypochondriac I met in Tesco had just got over a cold which lasted five weeks…
Pleased you are improving, Thoughtful. Mr D and I had covid for the first time in September. Friends in Scotland had it in October. And John C here also said for the first time. I feel as though a mopping up programme is going on.
We decided 3 jabs were enough for various reasons so by time we caught it, in theory we were totally unprotected. It wasn’t pleasant but for us, not worth the fuss. Cousin in New York also has the bug at the moment and is having all sorts of medications to reduce the severity. I guess here in the U.K. by time I might have got the prescriptions for provalid or whatever it is called, I would have been better anyway.
It’s weird how different people are affected differently. I tested positive for Covid around Easter time last year. I’d had no jabs and still haven’t had any. But all I lost was one days work and I felt under the weather for about 3 days (same as a common cold really).
So simply by relying on my own immune system I just lost one days work and was unwell for the same length of time as a common cold. Makes me wonder what all the fuss is about really.
Maybe the way forward is to just fight viruses head-on without filling our bodies full of suspicious untrustworthy injections. Worked for me anyway.
Lockdown lowered our immunity as we had reduced exposure to pathogens, exacerbated by the vaccine lowering immune response. You can read about the science of this, I’m sure I read it from an article referenced on this site. IIRC it’s to do with mutations in the translation of the RNA code – causes unintended proteins to be made which your body then treats as foreign, presumably stressing your immune system. And of course the NHS and the MSM won’t tell you this.
BBC main page headline:
‘Foreign secretary backs ‘sustainable’ Gaza ceasefire’
‘Lord Cameron warns ‘too many civilians have been killed’ in Gaza in a shift in tone from the UK.’
Here we go again. The same story re-worded and re-sissued as another main headline.
You have to go into the article to find out the reality:
‘His intervention in a Sunday Times article marks a shift in tone from the UK government, but stops short of calling for an immediate ceasefire.’
No it doesn’t BBC. Israel should destroy Hamas then restore peace. It’s been exactly the same since the start.
Buried in the article is:
‘Seeking to explain the UK’s position, Lord Cameron wrote: “We do not believe that calling right now for a general and immediate ceasefire, hoping it somehow becomes permanent, is the way forward.”‘
THAT should be your headline BBC. You have worded it to infer the exact opposite. Again.
And why do the conservatives keeping appearing on the BBC to be interrogated against the agenda ?.
From the disgusting Kuenssberg:
Asked if he thought Israel had gone too far, Mr Dowden said: “I wouldn’t characterise it as Israel going too far. Israel is dealing with a very difficult situation.”
What kind of blatant leading question is that ?.
Another totally lopsided article to the benefit of the terrorists from the BBC.
Here’s the author:
I never know who they are until after I have written my comment. Are they ALL clone-females or BAME writing news at the BBC now ?.
And as a side note, every time I read about the unelected Cameron who stomped away like a spoiled brat after Brexit representing the British public like this, I can accept the approaching election disaster a little bit more and realise the only way out of this mess is to let Labour burn it all down and hope we can start again.
BBC going big on Baroness Bra lying.
They are very keen on this. Main news item all day, with suggestions of dodgy PPE buying. Anyone would think they were pro-Labour and anti-government.
This is not to condone any moral or legal indiscretions.
But the BBC seems very selective on what it decides to investigate.
A Tory peer clearly is fair game in BBCland.
But strangely it was rather less keen on investigating child abuse in Rochdale and Rotherham, or Jimmy Savile for instance. Or knife crime in London.
Yes Red Radio Humberside after using the Mone story to open news bulletins yesterday, today they are still running the story at #3 , but with no new news
They play a clip of Labour’s Meg Hillier “I can’t say anything until Crime Agency investigations are over”
They used their trick of withholding crucial info until the end, instead of putting it at the beginning
“Mone says she hasn’t broken any laws”
.. although it’s popular to HATE businessmen politicians I can believe that technically she stayed within the law
Radio Lincolnshire opened with the same lines at #3
“Michael Gove is facing calls to answer questions about Mone”
No Meg Hiller clip, and omitted the ending R Humberside used.
I’m hoping my happiness isn’t a temporary state. Clearly the Press have inside info as to the King’s New Year’s Honours List, and so far no word yet that Beckham has his K. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
From today – December 17 – Welsh drivers who break the new 20mph limit will be fined. Labour wishes to encourage us to walk or cycle more.
Right.👇After a half-mile uphill walk in the wind and rain, I'm on the main road. Tesco is 5 miles that way. No pavements. A busy 'A' road. pic.twitter.com/7dWTsl5E1x
They spent billions on cycle lanes and that total crap and, after a brief peak during covid when cycling was about the only thing you could do, it’s back to normal now. Billions of woke pounds straight down the drain. And yet STIlLL these moronic politicians persevere with penalising ordinary people.
If only Blue Labour could rid themselves of their own eco-loonies they would realise there are votes in treating ordinary people decently.
A friend married a Russian woman, she thought antibiotics were a magic cure for EVERYTHING –
Travel sickness
Period pains
Athlete’s foot
Okay, I’m making some of that up, and she didn’t seem ENTIRELY stupid, but she did keep a drawer full of part used and spare packs of antibiotics, ‘just in case’.
If I had a Jewish surname and due an operation in St Thomas hospital in London I'd be questioning the surgeon for the names of everyone that would be in the operating theatre https://t.co/qjhDbdgVc4
I look quite ‘Jewish’ (I’ve been told), so I’d be quite concerned too… just in case anyone was making assumptions while I was under anesthetic, perhaps I should wear a medical “NOT Jewish” tag? It could have a message on it saying “Not Kosher, proof in underwear”.
Oh dear, what have we come to in this country with these people in it
“Hippocratic oath, ethical code attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, adopted as a guide to conduct by the medical profession throughout the ages and still used in the graduation ceremonies of many medical schools. Although little is known of the life of Hippocrates—or, indeed, if he was the only practitioner of the time using this name—a body of manuscripts, called the Hippocratic Collection (Corpus Hippocraticum), survived until modern times. In addition to containing information on medical matters, the collection embodied a code of principles for the teachers of medicine and for their students. This code, or a fragment of it, has been handed down in various versions through generations of physicians as the Hippocratic oath.
The oath dictates the obligations of the physician to students of medicine and the duties of pupil to teacher. In the oath, the physician pledges to prescribe only beneficial treatments, according to his abilities and judgment; to refrain from causing harm or hurt; and to live an exemplary personal and professional life.”
“GP in jihad storm said Islam ‘not religion of peace’
Wasif Shaida called Hamas’s massacres of 1,400 Israelis a ‘welcome punch on the nose’ for Israel”
I am sure we will be provided with examples of indigenous English doctors who fell short in many ways.
From personal experience I can recall at least one who was nutty as a fruitcake, who was renouned for providing the address of the nearest off license rather than a prescription.
But I don’t think any of them were marching up and down the streets with placards and shouting into microphones celebrating genocide.
One can spend a fortune learning different languages, but I recommend being semi conscious for 12 hours in hospital as the cheapest and best way.
I am pretty sure I can navigate my way through most of South East Asia now without any problems and confidently comment on the local political landsape with any pub landord / mosque etc
After the shift change at 6 AM I think it was South America, I may be wrong but the Falkand Islands and Brazils last offside decision gave me that impression
So did Google's new chat bot Gemini use Chinese tech company Baidu's LLM chatbot Ernie Bot for training data? Quite a few reports from Chinese users that, if you ask Gemini who it is *in Chinese*, it'll answer it's Ernie Bot and it is developed by Baidu. https://t.co/FHpOTViSct
Ask AI a question based on any far-left/woke agenda and the answer tells you it is very much biased by the people who program it.
I tried:
‘Which ethnic group commits the most murder’
I got:
‘I’m sorry, but it’s not appropriate to generalize crime rates based on ethnicity. ‘
‘Let’s focus on promoting understanding and equality among all people.’
The real threat from AI is it permeating our daily lives and constantly drip-feeding us the agenda. I am also sure governments will try to use it to monitor what people are doing. It might just be the tool which brings ‘1984’ into reality.
🤖 No bullshit, watch this clip. @VivekGRamaswamy is talking about AI. 💯Everything he says and how he says it. We'd be lucky to have him as Prez pic.twitter.com/1hcqph9Asr
We all know when the bbc doesn’t like someone and they go on and on about something.. Guess as this is already buried, it will be a case of we did tell you for 5 minutes on a certain date
“UN aid has entered Gaza directly from Israel for the first time since fighting broke out, but humanitarian workers say it’s getting increasingly difficult to distribute supplies in the territory”
I have to admit I’m somewhat stunned by the level of bias and attempts to influence government policies the BBC are getting away with over this conflict.
Once again they tell us there are even more demands for a ceasefire. So I looked through the articles for their evidence. All I found was these:
‘Wallace says he is not calling for a ceasefire. “You can’t have a ceasefire with Hamas unless they are prepared to declare one,” he says.’
‘At the UN Security Council, the US is said to be seeking to tone down the words of a new draft resolution calling for a cessation of hostilities’
This is the nearest they get:
‘Israel is also expected to face pressure to scale back its major combat operations when US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin visits later.’ and that isn’t even asking for a ceasefire either.
This seems to be a new form of BBC lie to add to my list. And this one is a blatant lie : they ‘summarise’ their articles into a headline which reflects what the BBC want – not what the articles say. Not sure one to call it – maybe the ‘Lie by false summary’.
They are quoting Hamas information as if they are a reliable, trustworthy source. They are now ‘Hamas health officials’ and any reference to what barbaric terrorist scum they are is totally omitted. They actually treat Hamas statements with more credibility than those from Israel who get things like ‘Israel insists …’.
I know why the BBC are doing it : they want to stay ‘friends’ with Hamas and all the other Muslim’s in the region. They are being very careful not to write anything which might upset them. And they think THAT is more important than reporting the truth.
That and their standard far-left anti-semetism of course.
Absolutely BBC – and hence the multitude of ‘morphing headlines’ they use which are damning on the front page (which disappears in time) but then morph into something nowhere near as extreme in the actual article (which is archived and can be fact-checked).
Their latest trick for Gaza is to put an empathy-laden picture of some suffering Palestinians (usually children) next to the headlines which has nothing whatsoever to do with any of the stories.
Absolutely Andy : we have reached the stage of Leftists activism now where virtually all the pictures we see have been carefully staged. And the racists at Getty are masters of it – they’ve been doing it for years.
“Graphic images of Israeli terror victims confirmed an awful truth – editorial.
And yet, after reporters who visited one of the kibbutzim targeted by the genocidal terrorist group last weekend reported that dozens of children had been brutally murdered, the response from some wasn’t horror and revulsion, but rather mockery and incredulity.”
The firebrand leader of extremist Islamic group that called for 'jihad' at an anti-Israel protest works as an #NHS GP in Harrow, under a different name.
As head of Hizb ut-Tahrir in the UK, Abdul Wahid celebrated the Hamas terror attacks that slaughtered 1,400 Jews earlier this… pic.twitter.com/g011oPvzM0
Three questions for the BBC over their condemnation of the killing of the three Israeli men being “released” by Hamas….
1. Why did Hamas select three young Israeli males to release which they have not done so far.
2. Why did Hamas select 3 fighting age young men who could visually pass for Palestinians and dress them like Hamas fighters?
3. Why did Hamas make the men carry a white flag suggesting they were enemy fighters and thus possibly booby trapped?
I see exactly what Hamas wanted to achieve with this deception. They are anxious to get the World onside if they can and try to break Israeli solidarity. Basically very devious and clever liars.
The stand-out thing for me digg is how the BBC did not even entertain the possibility of what you suggest. Despite all evidence that it is EXACTLY the kind of scumbag thing the terrorists Hamas would do.
You have to laugh or you’d cry and we need a ban edition
Tory boy Grant Shapps provides the humour this morning. Quoted in the Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express (formerly United with the people of Ukraine) he opens with the gag: Britain will smash small boat gangs
That’s got us warmed up, his audience already chuckling in the aisles. To quote Irish comic Frank Carson – we’ve heard ’em all before but it’s the way he tells ’em
Britain will destroy the business model of evil small boat gangs, Grant Shapps has declared (Daily Express)
Perhaps he’s convinced himself he’s Jean-Luc Picard, commander of the USS Enterprise, in the latter Star Trek incarnation, and all he needs to do is to announce the order “Make it so!”
The Defence Secretary believes the UK and allies can defeat human traffickers and “stand strong” against enemy states using mass migration as a form of warfare – who exactly are our allies here? France…? Does he refer perhaps to our so-called special relationship? Is the US ‘standing strong’ against mass migration?
Nearly 45.3 million immigrants lived in the United States in 2021, the most since census records have been kept (Migration Policy.org); The United States has more immigrants than any other country in the world. Today, more than 40 million people living in the U.S. were born in another country, accounting for about one-fifth of the world’s migrants. (Pew Research); Migrant caravan heading through Mexico to US grows in numbers… A group of thousands of migrants who have set off on foot for the United States from southern Mexico is steadily growing in size. (BBC, Novemeber 2023)
But wait, you haven’t heard the best bit yet from the Tory boy. I hope presently you’re not eating or drinking. Or operating any heavy machinery. Because you’ll split your sides laughing at this hilarious punch line from Shapps: He accused Russia of employing the tactic to destabilise Western democracies and said the UK can lead an “international conversation” on reforming global asylum rules (Express)
Because every man jack of those chaps turning up at Dover, shepherded ashore by our own government payroll public employees (mind you) of course they all have Russian snow on their Nike trainers and directions to adresses in Luton and Leicester sent direct from Putin on their mobile phones.
He lost me at “international conversation” – seriously, that might have been our PM-in-waiting Sir Keir Starmer saying that. Which just goes to show we live under the regime of a ‘uniparty’ who are wedded to mass migration but when we the public get a bit uppity about it they protest that they ain’t.
The Guardian shows us where all this tough Tory talk on stemming their own policy of hyper-immigration will hit the buffers of the blob: ‘Cruel’ family visa rules to face court challenge… Multinational families threatened with division or exile by tough income thresholds for living together in the UK are planning legal action to overturn “cruel and inhumane” policy. Multinational families?
Meanwhile the BBC is getting stuck in to the issue so as to undermine any potential government efforts to staunch the inward flow of cheap migrant labour (albeit half-hearted token efforts): An undercover reporter for Panorama took a job as a care assistant at Addison Court in Ryton, near Newcastle… Like many care homes in the UK, Addison Court relies heavily on workers from overseas. In the year to September 2023, 140,000 visas were issued for overseas health and care workers to come to the UK – more than double the previous year. Of these, 39,000 were issued to people from India. If they leave their job, they have 60 days to find another suitable post – otherwise they have to return to their home country. Concerns have been raised about the power this gives employers. (BBC) – which tends to rather more than imply the BBC want our immigration rules slackened further – rather than tightened.
When he arrived, he was asked to sign a contract. It said that if he left the company within five years, he would have to pay Prestwick Care more than £4,000, which included the money the company had already paid to the Home Office, and the legal fees for his visa… Ahmed says he was told: “If you don’t want to stay here on that contract, you can go back to India.” – so what our BBC, via their Panorama platform, are saying here is that they envisage a reformed situation where the Prestwick Care corporation brings Ahmed here for free, or pays the Home Office fee for him but Ahmed can leave his job, and presumably having gained his UK visa can swan off and work for Uber or Deliveroo instead.
Prestwick Care, you ask? Bunty Malhotra, CEO of the Malhotra Group, which owns Prestwick Care. He told Ahmed, “What you have done is immoral, unethical and terrible.”… A three-year visa would only have cost £551 if they had applied directly through the UK government website. (Our BBC with some helpful money-saving advice for migrants there)
You have to laugh or you’d cry – which is where we came in this morning.
Apparently we can’t get any new powerplants built over here in the UK, and yet: Rolls-Royce may build Ukraine nuclear plants (Telegraph)
The FT returns once again to their regular feature ‘far-right’ watch: Meloni says cutting immigration is hard as Musk and Sunak attend far-right party – you’ll have noticed the Financial Times is more of a Bill Gates, Tony Blair, Zelenskyy and von der Leyen shill. Anything else is just ‘far-right’
Talking of regular features it’s time to close with a quick calm down dear for the ladies care of the Daily Mail, astonishingly titled Inspire – but heyho: Why I refuse to buy my husband and children ANY gifts this Christmas
And on that sour note perhaps there’s a moment for just one final festively themed story from the Daily Mirror – tell the children to look away now: Reindeer horror… Brit firm is offering trips to slaughter the animals… reindeer shooting hunts… in Norway… We need a ban.
I’ll betcha that’s one international trade the government can manage to stem due to public outrage.
The comment by the idiot Shapps shows just how out of touch blue labour is . Do they really think anyone believes them about anything now ?
At least with red Labour you know what you are getting – a continuous full on civil war between various shades of red …. Truly loopy legislation – even more borrowing to pay off their pals …
But the fraudulent blue Labour Party is just a continuous lie ….
Once upon a time I’d hesitate to not vote Tory – but now – I just want them gone – destroyed for both what they have done and what they have failed to do …
Is that ‘idiot Shapps’ by any remote chance the same idiot Shapps who, when Transport Secretary showered the anti-car lobby with billions for cycle lanes, road closures, low traffic neighbourhoods – thus producing more traffic jams than ever before?
TOADY Watch #1 – whoo hooo a 7-0 thrashing for Justin Webb!
Or as Just RemainIn Webb would prefer me to put it a 50-0 thrashing for his favourites, Bath RFC. Kalon Levy (spokesman for the Israeli Government, apologies if I spelt the name incorrectly) was the man who scored three maybe more of the goals in the defeat of the pro-Hamas BBC!
I think this comment by a Tory MP regarding the BBC’s disgustingly biased reporting about the meeting of Sunak and Meloni perfectly illustrates the vile anti-British rot that infests the National Broadcaster.
The sooner it is dismantled and forced to rely on subscriptions from it’s loyal band of Daily Worker and Guardian viewers the better for the quality of life and well-being of everyone in this Country.
“Brendan Clarke-Smith, the Tory MP for Bassetlaw, told The Telegraph: “It’s quite remarkable that the BBC finds it appropriate to refer to our allies, prominent leaders and their political parties as ‘far Right’ for simply being conservative-minded. It’s also incredibly disrespectful to our own Prime Minister, who has spoken there too. Contrast this with their point blank refusal to describe Hamas as terrorists and it’s clear there is a lack of balance and a great deal of hypocrisy.”
“I don’t believe for a single minute that we can change any of the gun laws in America, but I feel that today within the teenage youth there’s a terrible culture of hatred, instead of kindness.”
Along with pictures of the boy who was shot and his friends. All white and 99% certain the 15 year who shot him is white too.
A completely pointless and irrelevant agenda story which is really about USA gun control and the usual efforts by the BBC to make us think whitey is the biggest problem.
Meanwhile in THIS country:
‘Live Greenwich DLR stabbing updates as boy in critical condition after double knife attack on train’ https://www.mylondon.news/news/transport/live-greenwich-dlr-updates-station-28307880
‘A boy is fighting for his life after being stabbed on a DLR train in Greenwich on Sunday (December 17). Cutty Sark station was closed by police after they received reports of the incident at around 5.30pm.’
No demands to stop this culture of hate in Britain. And no information at all about who was stabbed and who did the stabbing.
What’s most ridiculous is the appeal for witnesses without giving any details of what they looked like.
Neither even reported by the BBC. Because they don’t care and they don’t want us to know. And we all know why : Black Lives Don’t Matter to the BBC unless racist whitey can be blamed.
If one didn’t know better, one might think that some sort of social conditioning is going on. Within a short time, 10-20 years perhaps, the activities of feral ethnics will not just be “Part and parcel of living in a great global city” – to paraphrase Sadiq Khan – but part and parcel of living in any town, village or hamlet in Britain. The BBC sees its role as to simultaneously hide and yet prepare you for this eventuality by normalising it, whilst never mentioning the role of the sell-out politicans who have created it and their own perverted participation in the process.
Brighton and Hove council are under fire for spaffing millions on a vanity project called i360, a monstrous and pretty stupid tower which is now haemorrhaging cash at a massive rate.
The interesting thing about this is the spin the BBC put on the story…
They report that the Greens and Conservatives councillors are blamed for being responsible for this ridiculous monstrosity.
“A debt-ridden tourist attraction should not have been financed with public money, a council leader has said, Labour’s Bella Sankey said the decision by Green and Conservative councillors to use Brighton and Hove City Council’s funds on i360 was “unforgivable”.”
As usual, I smell a BBC fish so decided to look at the current state of the local council and found as below:
Councillors by party:
Labour = 35
Greens = 7
Conservatives = 6
Other = 3
Independent = 1
So to believe the BBC’s report it would have you think that a combined total of 13 Green and Conservative councillors managed to push this through against the wishes of 39 Labour and other councillors!
Now, now, we shouldn’t be judgemental in such cases. Some groups just have different cultural values. Who are we to say that a culture which believes in law, order, reponsibility and decent public behaviour is in any sense better that one that goes in for threatening people with syringes and shitting on the floor? Remember: all cultures are equal and diversity is our strength.
No today for me today as I’m ’in Transit ‘… but I was reflecting on the main story the world at one on Sunday gave to the drug problem in the US – oregan .
3years ago the local state – leaning strangely not mentioned …( democrat fruitloops ) decriminalised possession of all drugs …
This has led to a disaster with the central bit of Portland becoming a no go tent city and good people leaving the State causing a big shortfall in taxes ….
To add to the disaster the US is now plagued by fentinyl ? A synthetic drug now replacing others and which is both potent and addictive …. Coming our way soon .
Anyway – that drug user – Jonnie dymond interviewed some NZ fruit hoop – ex PM – who runs some international outfit encouraging drug misuse by Legalising it …
Said fruit loop thought 3 years of legalisation wasn’t long enough and it should be assessed after ‘ bedding in ‘ ….. the State meanwhile -is seriously working on ‘re criminalising a lot of drugs ‘ because of the huge social cost ….
It can only be a matter of time before ‘progressive ( lefty MPs ) here go for more legalisation because the coloured folk and other nut jobs want their hit …
… but this fentynl thing sounds …. Worrying ….
It wasn’t a fair piece – an ex cop – immediately labelled as ‘Republican ‘ explained the damage Oregon has done to itself but Jonnie could care less …same with the BBC methinks …
There was a local guy in Bath – long term, heroin junkie, died from a dose of it quite recently.
As for cannabis, my neighbourhood, out here in the rural sticks reeks of it some days. Yesterday, I took the dog out for his morning walk c. 8:30, and I don’t know if it was the cold air, or what, but there was a thick, stinking pall of it from our neighbour’s all the way to the woods and back. Gave me a headache. When I got back, the missus could smell it on my coat and on the dog’s fur – she asked if I was experimenting with a new form of ‘stress relief'(!)
Used to think it was the neighbour’s waster sons, but back in the summer I met my neighbour and his wife (reckon they’re in their late 60s) in their front garden and they were openly sharing a big fat, stinky joint.
(And they have the cheek to complain about the wood smoke from my chimney being ‘harmful’!)
Did you see the main BBC news sports coverage of Southend v Bromley ? Southend won 2-1 in the Vanarama National league. The attendance was 6,718.
Nope, you didn’t see it because there wasn’t any.
There was however news coverage of Man U women versus Liverpool women. And here it is. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/67673738
The attendance for this key clash was…err…..6,303.
So. Absolutely no equality agenda whatever. LOL.
PS The equivalent men’s match had a record Anfield attendance of 57,158.
It’s getting increasingly blatant and absurd. I happened to see the BBC Sports website at about 1pm yesterday and the headline was that Manchester United were beating Liverpool 1-0. Well that’s odd I thought, as the match wasn’t due to kick off until 4:30pm. I then saw that it was a report on so-called Wimmin’s football, a sort of variant which fits inbetween pub teams and under-8s boys football and is of minimal interest to the general public.
However, in fairness I must point out that an attendance of 6,303 for such an event is exceptional. Apparently the average attendance for games is 26, comprising the 22 players, 2 coaches, the referee, plus a wimmin reporter with purple hair from BBC local radio.
I know I have written about this before. BUT it is even
getting worse. At 18.30 each evening when the
Londonistan Programme On BBC TV makes its 3rd
appearance of the day . One can turn over to any other channel
because this garbage of a programme is not meant for
the over the stlll sizable minority 3 million indigenous
Londoners. The anarchist Marxist editors make sure of this.
However in the morning if one is watching the
morning programme. We are taken over to the London
studio for the local headlines. Before one has time to
turn it off . We are basically told 18/12 how racist
whities are.
Do you have such programmes in other parts of the country?
Who – unlike the BBC – open such things for comment. And the comments are a very different story. Wallace gets a proper panning.
I notice that on the DT – like the BBC HYS – comments on certain topics get absolutely flooded with the ‘spiteful schoolboy’ style. Whereas others (like this one) have sensible comments.
This relatively recent ‘far-Left troll farm’ spamming is becoming a major issue but nobody seems to want to even mention it. Contrast it with what they accused Russia of for Trump and Brexit – which were far, far less intrusive as far as I am concerned.
I presume mr Wallace has an ‘agenda ‘ – perhaps fees from Muslims when he and the rest are kicked out of office .. I’ve only been is Israel once – on holiday – but it really struck me how they live under constant real threat – not a one off attack by some Muslim fruitloops such as 7/7 – but all the time – every day – and always have .
The mindset will be different from Cameron or Wallace or anyone else in Europe … I just hope they get the job done before the arms embargo kicks in from the US EU and the rest .
Although I’d hope Israel has been stockpiling to do what needs to be done … as those tunnels described yesterday showed …
Wallace is a ‘former’, but still an idiot. Hence perfect BBC quote fare.
One notices the BBC has not opened for comment, perhaps because that headline is pure oil on the fire and leaving all it aspires whilst banning sensible comments would look obvious.
“Thus, by comparing the Warsaw Ghetto to Gaza or the accidental deaths of civilians in warfare to Auschwitz or indeed by describing the whole Israel Palestine conflict as Jews committing genocide against Palestinians, the goal is to minimise as far as possible the Holocaust”
This is now the attempt by most of the twitter harpies, pols and BBC.
No doubt there are some pissed off squaddies with itchy trigger fingers. But they are faced by a foe with no regard for any rules of anything, so pretending a ‘little bit pregnant’ brand of combat will keep things sweet in the newsrooms and assemblies is the reasoning of a village idiot. Or ex Minister. Or BBc editor.
Another gas explosion. Anyone noticed how many there are now? There must be quite a few meter bypass installations around due to sky high energy prices. A consequence of the ludicrous ‘Green’ policies advocated by idiots and enacted by Government and Civil Service staffed by scientifically illiterate fools.
I’m not saying that today’s explosion is a meter bypass job by the way but it’s evident that they are in many recent cases.
I see Jordan Peterson is commenting in the Telegraph and predicting that if Labour form the next government in 20 years the UK will be like Venezuela. I have great regard for Prof Peterson but he is wrong this time. We won’t be like Venezuela but like an Islamic Republic or possibly, if Charlie boxes clever , an Islamic kingdom.
WSJ from November: “The West Should Welcome Gaza Refugees.”
“As the war continues … UN resolutions are doing nothing tangible to help Gaza’s residents. It is imperative that the international community explore potential solutions to help civilians caught in the crisis […] Global organizations with experience settling refugees should facilitate the relocation of Gaza residents who wish to move to countries willing to accept them. We simply need a handful of the world’s nations to share the responsibility of hosting Gazan residents.”
I don’t always agree with Iain Dale, but other than a roll on a pier he seems a civilised debating commentator, so do check out what he has to say.
“I sometimes despair of book reviewers most journalists and all BBC editors. Half the time they appear not to have read a word of the book they are supposedly critiquing, and often, instead of reviewing the book, they write about the awfulness of the author.
Take Nadine Dorries’ book, THE PLOT. According to the reviewers it’s been a sales Christmas turkey. It hasn’t. They say it’s badly written. It isn’t. They say it’s a flight of fancy. Having read every word I can honestly say that while on occasion she overstates her case, it’s well researched, full of revealing interviews and horrifying anecdotes, many of which I can verify myself.
I’m not saying I necessarily agree all of her conclusions, but if you want to learn about how Boris Johnson governed and fell, this book is indispensable and horrifying at the same time.
A state media rammed with ideological propaganda juveniles has dragged this far down already.
I am interested in a broad swathe of topics, and so subscribe not just to titles I can’t stand to see what they are up to, but offer myself as a target for #prasnews
Usually horrifying or crass in equal measure, especially what I see a day before it becomes ‘news’, but also LOL.
Currently there are literally hundreds by desperate PR agencies trying to pus desperate stories from desperate companies about COP, ‘sustainability’, etc, of such mind numbing idiocy I doubt many get clicked on.
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah on R5 is excited to have on Akash Bakshi, CEO of biotech firm YourChoice Therapeutics. He’s a very camp sounding American talking about their male contraceptive pill currently on trial in the UK.
It’ll help men share the responsibility for not producing any more humans. Bakshi’s also selling his product as a “a carrot that brings men into the healthcare system.” Speaking for myself, I want to stay out of the healthcare system as much as possible seeing where it’s been heading.
Global equity’s reach is everywhere, because they care.
“One Indian nurse there told the reporter that she was unhappy in her job, but felt she could not quit, because her visa was sponsored by the company, and she believed she had no choice.”
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/ace/standard/976/cpsprodpb/ac6e/live/c2564f90-ff8e-11ef-b50e-9d086302645f.jpg.webp[/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy5ng663d1wo “The…
Ha! First!! Just back from viewing the local festive Tractor Run, with a visit to a couple of local hostelries
Safe journey back Fedup
Bugger, thought I was first, have to make do with runner up
I know the feeling – only too well.
If you were a Climate activist would Radio4 give your own comedy show ?
Yep , just been on
with the usual woke-supremacist unfunny comedians as guests
Classic lines like .. “Farage he’s a bigot isn’t he”
.. “The Tories, snigger, snigger” etc.
Wow, another weekend gone in a flash, but then when you’re in a feverish haze time is different. I feel better today and my temperature is coming down again.
Have you had COVID thoughtful ?.
I had it last month (for the first time) and am still suffering the dregs of it …
Went shopping with a friend and we both started suffering a few days later at the same time, she had a few covid test kits left and tested positive, so I have to assume that’s what it is.
The dry cough can linger but a neighbour who had it first time around lost her sense of taste and says it still hasn’t come back.
The fatigue was the longest lasting symptom for me- still hitting me after 2 weeks.
Glad to you chaps / persons recovering … i seem to have survived a flu jab … a private one so a better class of flu
The flu jab seems to have kept that at bay, so stay well Fed, but Senora O’Blene and I are getting over the worst colds and coughs we’ve ever had!
It was an absolute bastard, and I finished up sleeping on the floor with the dog, in front of the fire, for four nights so I didn’t wake my wife from coughing and spluttering!
Of course, the village hypochondriac I met in Tesco had just got over a cold which lasted five weeks…
Pleased you are improving, Thoughtful. Mr D and I had covid for the first time in September. Friends in Scotland had it in October. And John C here also said for the first time. I feel as though a mopping up programme is going on.
We decided 3 jabs were enough for various reasons so by time we caught it, in theory we were totally unprotected. It wasn’t pleasant but for us, not worth the fuss. Cousin in New York also has the bug at the moment and is having all sorts of medications to reduce the severity. I guess here in the U.K. by time I might have got the prescriptions for provalid or whatever it is called, I would have been better anyway.
It’s weird how different people are affected differently. I tested positive for Covid around Easter time last year. I’d had no jabs and still haven’t had any. But all I lost was one days work and I felt under the weather for about 3 days (same as a common cold really).
So simply by relying on my own immune system I just lost one days work and was unwell for the same length of time as a common cold. Makes me wonder what all the fuss is about really.
Maybe the way forward is to just fight viruses head-on without filling our bodies full of suspicious untrustworthy injections. Worked for me anyway.
Lockdown lowered our immunity as we had reduced exposure to pathogens, exacerbated by the vaccine lowering immune response. You can read about the science of this, I’m sure I read it from an article referenced on this site. IIRC it’s to do with mutations in the translation of the RNA code – causes unintended proteins to be made which your body then treats as foreign, presumably stressing your immune system. And of course the NHS and the MSM won’t tell you this.
BBC main page headline:
‘Foreign secretary backs ‘sustainable’ Gaza ceasefire’
‘Lord Cameron warns ‘too many civilians have been killed’ in Gaza in a shift in tone from the UK.’
Here we go again. The same story re-worded and re-sissued as another main headline.
You have to go into the article to find out the reality:
‘His intervention in a Sunday Times article marks a shift in tone from the UK government, but stops short of calling for an immediate ceasefire.’
No it doesn’t BBC. Israel should destroy Hamas then restore peace. It’s been exactly the same since the start.
Buried in the article is:
‘Seeking to explain the UK’s position, Lord Cameron wrote: “We do not believe that calling right now for a general and immediate ceasefire, hoping it somehow becomes permanent, is the way forward.”‘
THAT should be your headline BBC. You have worded it to infer the exact opposite. Again.
And why do the conservatives keeping appearing on the BBC to be interrogated against the agenda ?.
From the disgusting Kuenssberg:
Asked if he thought Israel had gone too far, Mr Dowden said: “I wouldn’t characterise it as Israel going too far. Israel is dealing with a very difficult situation.”
What kind of blatant leading question is that ?.
Another totally lopsided article to the benefit of the terrorists from the BBC.
Here’s the author:

I never know who they are until after I have written my comment. Are they ALL clone-females or BAME writing news at the BBC now ?.
And as a side note, every time I read about the unelected Cameron who stomped away like a spoiled brat after Brexit representing the British public like this, I can accept the approaching election disaster a little bit more and realise the only way out of this mess is to let Labour burn it all down and hope we can start again.
BBC going big on Baroness Bra lying.
They are very keen on this. Main news item all day, with suggestions of dodgy PPE buying. Anyone would think they were pro-Labour and anti-government.
This is not to condone any moral or legal indiscretions.
But the BBC seems very selective on what it decides to investigate.
A Tory peer clearly is fair game in BBCland.
But strangely it was rather less keen on investigating child abuse in Rochdale and Rotherham, or Jimmy Savile for instance. Or knife crime in London.
Yes Red Radio Humberside after using the Mone story to open news bulletins yesterday, today they are still running the story at #3 , but with no new news
They play a clip of Labour’s Meg Hillier “I can’t say anything until Crime Agency investigations are over”
They used their trick of withholding crucial info until the end, instead of putting it at the beginning
“Mone says she hasn’t broken any laws”
.. although it’s popular to HATE businessmen politicians I can believe that technically she stayed within the law
Radio Lincolnshire opened with the same lines at #3
“Michael Gove is facing calls to answer questions about Mone”
No Meg Hiller clip, and omitted the ending R Humberside used.
Does anyone know what happened to Nick Brown, Labour mp. The BBC doesn’t seem interested.
I’m hoping my happiness isn’t a temporary state. Clearly the Press have inside info as to the King’s New Year’s Honours List, and so far no word yet that Beckham has his K. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Hello tomo, not sure what the problem is, its sunny 🙂
Maybe drakeford thinks killing people will reduce dire hospital waiting lists
They spent billions on cycle lanes and that total crap and, after a brief peak during covid when cycling was about the only thing you could do, it’s back to normal now. Billions of woke pounds straight down the drain. And yet STIlLL these moronic politicians persevere with penalising ordinary people.
If only Blue Labour could rid themselves of their own eco-loonies they would realise there are votes in treating ordinary people decently.
Not encourage, but force.
People will only take so much of this
The Chinese will take antibiotics for headache, stomach ache and any other mallaise
I know this for a fact, try to explain the stupidity of this to them you are just wasting your time
We can only hope they keep their antibiotic resistent bacterial infections on their side of the world
In India they throw antibiotics round like confetti. Available over the counter.
A friend married a Russian woman, she thought antibiotics were a magic cure for EVERYTHING –
Travel sickness
Period pains
Athlete’s foot
Okay, I’m making some of that up, and she didn’t seem ENTIRELY stupid, but she did keep a drawer full of part used and spare packs of antibiotics, ‘just in case’.
Well, at least they make house calls, as Glasgow Airport Arrivals can testify.
Of course, not all are MDs.
Gaza has the highest percentage of people with PhDs per square mile. These are people with dreams. Imagine what they could be if zionism didn’t exist.
Then there are the honorary ones… Shola, Sopes…
I look quite ‘Jewish’ (I’ve been told), so I’d be quite concerned too… just in case anyone was making assumptions while I was under anesthetic, perhaps I should wear a medical “NOT Jewish” tag? It could have a message on it saying “Not Kosher, proof in underwear”.
Oh dear, what have we come to in this country with these people in it
“Hippocratic oath, ethical code attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, adopted as a guide to conduct by the medical profession throughout the ages and still used in the graduation ceremonies of many medical schools. Although little is known of the life of Hippocrates—or, indeed, if he was the only practitioner of the time using this name—a body of manuscripts, called the Hippocratic Collection (Corpus Hippocraticum), survived until modern times. In addition to containing information on medical matters, the collection embodied a code of principles for the teachers of medicine and for their students. This code, or a fragment of it, has been handed down in various versions through generations of physicians as the Hippocratic oath.
The oath dictates the obligations of the physician to students of medicine and the duties of pupil to teacher. In the oath, the physician pledges to prescribe only beneficial treatments, according to his abilities and judgment; to refrain from causing harm or hurt; and to live an exemplary personal and professional life.”
“GP in jihad storm said Islam ‘not religion of peace’
Wasif Shaida called Hamas’s massacres of 1,400 Israelis a ‘welcome punch on the nose’ for Israel”
I am sure we will be provided with examples of indigenous English doctors who fell short in many ways.
From personal experience I can recall at least one who was nutty as a fruitcake, who was renouned for providing the address of the nearest off license rather than a prescription.
But I don’t think any of them were marching up and down the streets with placards and shouting into microphones celebrating genocide.
Correct me if I am wrong, of course
There is always a benefit though
One can spend a fortune learning different languages, but I recommend being semi conscious for 12 hours in hospital as the cheapest and best way.
I am pretty sure I can navigate my way through most of South East Asia now without any problems and confidently comment on the local political landsape with any pub landord / mosque etc
After the shift change at 6 AM I think it was South America, I may be wrong but the Falkand Islands and Brazils last offside decision gave me that impression
Ask AI a question based on any far-left/woke agenda and the answer tells you it is very much biased by the people who program it.
I tried:
‘Which ethnic group commits the most murder’
I got:
‘I’m sorry, but it’s not appropriate to generalize crime rates based on ethnicity. ‘
‘Let’s focus on promoting understanding and equality among all people.’
The real threat from AI is it permeating our daily lives and constantly drip-feeding us the agenda. I am also sure governments will try to use it to monitor what people are doing. It might just be the tool which brings ‘1984’ into reality.
Vivek … hammer meet nail
A bit buried in the news section (just managed to find it):-
ICO’s criminal investigations team looks into claims BBC withheld documents
We all know when the bbc doesn’t like someone and they go on and on about something.. Guess as this is already buried, it will be a case of we did tell you for 5 minutes on a certain date
bbc reports:-
“UN aid has entered Gaza directly from Israel for the first time since fighting broke out, but humanitarian workers say it’s getting increasingly difficult to distribute supplies in the territory”
Yes because they steal it off the trucks!
Hamas officials say Israeli strike kills 90 as Gaza ceasefire calls grow
I have to admit I’m somewhat stunned by the level of bias and attempts to influence government policies the BBC are getting away with over this conflict.
Once again they tell us there are even more demands for a ceasefire. So I looked through the articles for their evidence. All I found was these:
‘Wallace says he is not calling for a ceasefire. “You can’t have a ceasefire with Hamas unless they are prepared to declare one,” he says.’
‘At the UN Security Council, the US is said to be seeking to tone down the words of a new draft resolution calling for a cessation of hostilities’
This is the nearest they get:
‘Israel is also expected to face pressure to scale back its major combat operations when US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin visits later.’ and that isn’t even asking for a ceasefire either.
This seems to be a new form of BBC lie to add to my list. And this one is a blatant lie : they ‘summarise’ their articles into a headline which reflects what the BBC want – not what the articles say. Not sure one to call it – maybe the ‘Lie by false summary’.
They are quoting Hamas information as if they are a reliable, trustworthy source. They are now ‘Hamas health officials’ and any reference to what barbaric terrorist scum they are is totally omitted. They actually treat Hamas statements with more credibility than those from Israel who get things like ‘Israel insists …’.
I know why the BBC are doing it : they want to stay ‘friends’ with Hamas and all the other Muslim’s in the region. They are being very careful not to write anything which might upset them. And they think THAT is more important than reporting the truth.
That and their standard far-left anti-semetism of course.
If people are quickly scrolling through the news on their mobile, or their work PC, they often only have time to read the headlines.
For many, that is all the ‘exposure’ to the news they get on a daily basis.
Absolutely BBC – and hence the multitude of ‘morphing headlines’ they use which are damning on the front page (which disappears in time) but then morph into something nowhere near as extreme in the actual article (which is archived and can be fact-checked).
Their latest trick for Gaza is to put an empathy-laden picture of some suffering Palestinians (usually children) next to the headlines which has nothing whatsoever to do with any of the stories.
Like this one today:

Hello JohnC
I always notice the very clean clothes though in these images
Absolutely Andy : we have reached the stage of Leftists activism now where virtually all the pictures we see have been carefully staged. And the racists at Getty are masters of it – they’ve been doing it for years.
“Graphic images of Israeli terror victims confirmed an awful truth – editorial.
And yet, after reporters who visited one of the kibbutzim targeted by the genocidal terrorist group last weekend reported that dozens of children had been brutally murdered, the response from some wasn’t horror and revulsion, but rather mockery and incredulity.”
And a muslim doctor employed by the NHS calls this a punch in the nose for Israel
and they complain about islamophobia
Dec 11 Dr Abdul Wahid on Piers Morgan show
… https://twitter.com/PiersUncensored/status/1734313347317662085
Three questions for the BBC over their condemnation of the killing of the three Israeli men being “released” by Hamas….
1. Why did Hamas select three young Israeli males to release which they have not done so far.
2. Why did Hamas select 3 fighting age young men who could visually pass for Palestinians and dress them like Hamas fighters?
3. Why did Hamas make the men carry a white flag suggesting they were enemy fighters and thus possibly booby trapped?
I see exactly what Hamas wanted to achieve with this deception. They are anxious to get the World onside if they can and try to break Israeli solidarity. Basically very devious and clever liars.
Cease fire NOW
We can murder. rape, torture women and children ,now you are sending soldiers against us
Its just not fair
The stand-out thing for me digg is how the BBC did not even entertain the possibility of what you suggest. Despite all evidence that it is EXACTLY the kind of scumbag thing the terrorists Hamas would do.
Despite being analysed’ up the whazoo by BBC and Sky propaganda shills, not a single question.
You have to laugh or you’d cry and we need a ban edition
Tory boy Grant Shapps provides the humour this morning. Quoted in the Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express (formerly United with the people of Ukraine) he opens with the gag: Britain will smash small boat gangs
That’s got us warmed up, his audience already chuckling in the aisles. To quote Irish comic Frank Carson – we’ve heard ’em all before but it’s the way he tells ’em
Britain will destroy the business model of evil small boat gangs, Grant Shapps has declared (Daily Express)
Perhaps he’s convinced himself he’s Jean-Luc Picard, commander of the USS Enterprise, in the latter Star Trek incarnation, and all he needs to do is to announce the order “Make it so!”
The Defence Secretary believes the UK and allies can defeat human traffickers and “stand strong” against enemy states using mass migration as a form of warfare – who exactly are our allies here? France…? Does he refer perhaps to our so-called special relationship? Is the US ‘standing strong’ against mass migration?
Nearly 45.3 million immigrants lived in the United States in 2021, the most since census records have been kept (Migration Policy.org); The United States has more immigrants than any other country in the world. Today, more than 40 million people living in the U.S. were born in another country, accounting for about one-fifth of the world’s migrants. (Pew Research); Migrant caravan heading through Mexico to US grows in numbers… A group of thousands of migrants who have set off on foot for the United States from southern Mexico is steadily growing in size. (BBC, Novemeber 2023)
But wait, you haven’t heard the best bit yet from the Tory boy. I hope presently you’re not eating or drinking. Or operating any heavy machinery. Because you’ll split your sides laughing at this hilarious punch line from Shapps: He accused Russia of employing the tactic to destabilise Western democracies and said the UK can lead an “international conversation” on reforming global asylum rules (Express)
Because every man jack of those chaps turning up at Dover, shepherded ashore by our own government payroll public employees (mind you) of course they all have Russian snow on their Nike trainers and directions to adresses in Luton and Leicester sent direct from Putin on their mobile phones.
He lost me at “international conversation” – seriously, that might have been our PM-in-waiting Sir Keir Starmer saying that. Which just goes to show we live under the regime of a ‘uniparty’ who are wedded to mass migration but when we the public get a bit uppity about it they protest that they ain’t.
The Guardian shows us where all this tough Tory talk on stemming their own policy of hyper-immigration will hit the buffers of the blob: ‘Cruel’ family visa rules to face court challenge… Multinational families threatened with division or exile by tough income thresholds for living together in the UK are planning legal action to overturn “cruel and inhumane” policy. Multinational families?
Meanwhile the BBC is getting stuck in to the issue so as to undermine any potential government efforts to staunch the inward flow of cheap migrant labour (albeit half-hearted token efforts): An undercover reporter for Panorama took a job as a care assistant at Addison Court in Ryton, near Newcastle… Like many care homes in the UK, Addison Court relies heavily on workers from overseas. In the year to September 2023, 140,000 visas were issued for overseas health and care workers to come to the UK – more than double the previous year. Of these, 39,000 were issued to people from India. If they leave their job, they have 60 days to find another suitable post – otherwise they have to return to their home country. Concerns have been raised about the power this gives employers. (BBC) – which tends to rather more than imply the BBC want our immigration rules slackened further – rather than tightened.
When he arrived, he was asked to sign a contract. It said that if he left the company within five years, he would have to pay Prestwick Care more than £4,000, which included the money the company had already paid to the Home Office, and the legal fees for his visa… Ahmed says he was told: “If you don’t want to stay here on that contract, you can go back to India.” – so what our BBC, via their Panorama platform, are saying here is that they envisage a reformed situation where the Prestwick Care corporation brings Ahmed here for free, or pays the Home Office fee for him but Ahmed can leave his job, and presumably having gained his UK visa can swan off and work for Uber or Deliveroo instead.
Prestwick Care, you ask? Bunty Malhotra, CEO of the Malhotra Group, which owns Prestwick Care. He told Ahmed, “What you have done is immoral, unethical and terrible.”… A three-year visa would only have cost £551 if they had applied directly through the UK government website. (Our BBC with some helpful money-saving advice for migrants there)
You have to laugh or you’d cry – which is where we came in this morning.
Apparently we can’t get any new powerplants built over here in the UK, and yet: Rolls-Royce may build Ukraine nuclear plants (Telegraph)
The FT returns once again to their regular feature ‘far-right’ watch: Meloni says cutting immigration is hard as Musk and Sunak attend far-right party – you’ll have noticed the Financial Times is more of a Bill Gates, Tony Blair, Zelenskyy and von der Leyen shill. Anything else is just ‘far-right’
Talking of regular features it’s time to close with a quick calm down dear for the ladies care of the Daily Mail, astonishingly titled Inspire – but heyho: Why I refuse to buy my husband and children ANY gifts this Christmas
And on that sour note perhaps there’s a moment for just one final festively themed story from the Daily Mirror – tell the children to look away now: Reindeer horror… Brit firm is offering trips to slaughter the animals… reindeer shooting hunts… in Norway… We need a ban.
I’ll betcha that’s one international trade the government can manage to stem due to public outrage.
The comment by the idiot Shapps shows just how out of touch blue labour is . Do they really think anyone believes them about anything now ?
At least with red Labour you know what you are getting – a continuous full on civil war between various shades of red …. Truly loopy legislation – even more borrowing to pay off their pals …
But the fraudulent blue Labour Party is just a continuous lie ….
Once upon a time I’d hesitate to not vote Tory – but now – I just want them gone – destroyed for both what they have done and what they have failed to do …
Is that ‘idiot Shapps’ by any remote chance the same idiot Shapps who, when Transport Secretary showered the anti-car lobby with billions for cycle lanes, road closures, low traffic neighbourhoods – thus producing more traffic jams than ever before?
TOADY Watch #1 – whoo hooo a 7-0 thrashing for Justin Webb!
Or as Just RemainIn Webb would prefer me to put it a 50-0 thrashing for his favourites, Bath RFC. Kalon Levy (spokesman for the Israeli Government, apologies if I spelt the name incorrectly) was the man who scored three maybe more of the goals in the defeat of the pro-Hamas BBC!
I think this comment by a Tory MP regarding the BBC’s disgustingly biased reporting about the meeting of Sunak and Meloni perfectly illustrates the vile anti-British rot that infests the National Broadcaster.
The sooner it is dismantled and forced to rely on subscriptions from it’s loyal band of Daily Worker and Guardian viewers the better for the quality of life and well-being of everyone in this Country.
“Brendan Clarke-Smith, the Tory MP for Bassetlaw, told The Telegraph: “It’s quite remarkable that the BBC finds it appropriate to refer to our allies, prominent leaders and their political parties as ‘far Right’ for simply being conservative-minded. It’s also incredibly disrespectful to our own Prime Minister, who has spoken there too. Contrast this with their point blank refusal to describe Hamas as terrorists and it’s clear there is a lack of balance and a great deal of hypocrisy.”
BBC in outrage over ‘culture of hate’ in the USA:
End ‘culture of hatred’, says mother of boy shot in US
“I don’t believe for a single minute that we can change any of the gun laws in America, but I feel that today within the teenage youth there’s a terrible culture of hatred, instead of kindness.”
Along with pictures of the boy who was shot and his friends. All white and 99% certain the 15 year who shot him is white too.
A completely pointless and irrelevant agenda story which is really about USA gun control and the usual efforts by the BBC to make us think whitey is the biggest problem.
Meanwhile in THIS country:
‘Live Greenwich DLR stabbing updates as boy in critical condition after double knife attack on train’
‘A boy is fighting for his life after being stabbed on a DLR train in Greenwich on Sunday (December 17). Cutty Sark station was closed by police after they received reports of the incident at around 5.30pm.’
No demands to stop this culture of hate in Britain. And no information at all about who was stabbed and who did the stabbing.
What’s most ridiculous is the appeal for witnesses without giving any details of what they looked like.
And this:
Man stabbed in neck in horror London Underground attack as police launch manhunt
Here’s who did it:

Neither even reported by the BBC. Because they don’t care and they don’t want us to know. And we all know why : Black Lives Don’t Matter to the BBC unless racist whitey can be blamed.
If one didn’t know better, one might think that some sort of social conditioning is going on. Within a short time, 10-20 years perhaps, the activities of feral ethnics will not just be “Part and parcel of living in a great global city” – to paraphrase Sadiq Khan – but part and parcel of living in any town, village or hamlet in Britain. The BBC sees its role as to simultaneously hide and yet prepare you for this eventuality by normalising it, whilst never mentioning the role of the sell-out politicans who have created it and their own perverted participation in the process.
– are the CCTV captures of suspects so rubbish ?
There is photo enhancement software available the results from a second of video are impressive.
It’s like there’s no interest in catching them.
Brighton and Hove council are under fire for spaffing millions on a vanity project called i360, a monstrous and pretty stupid tower which is now haemorrhaging cash at a massive rate.
The interesting thing about this is the spin the BBC put on the story…
They report that the Greens and Conservatives councillors are blamed for being responsible for this ridiculous monstrosity.
“A debt-ridden tourist attraction should not have been financed with public money, a council leader has said, Labour’s Bella Sankey said the decision by Green and Conservative councillors to use Brighton and Hove City Council’s funds on i360 was “unforgivable”.”
As usual, I smell a BBC fish so decided to look at the current state of the local council and found as below:
Councillors by party:
Labour = 35
Greens = 7
Conservatives = 6
Other = 3
Independent = 1
So to believe the BBC’s report it would have you think that a combined total of 13 Green and Conservative councillors managed to push this through against the wishes of 39 Labour and other councillors!
Like a fish, the BBC rots from the head down.
Shoplifter, 40, kicked Co-op worker with high heel, threatened man with syringe, then did a poo on the floor
What a cesspit we now live in
Now, now, we shouldn’t be judgemental in such cases. Some groups just have different cultural values. Who are we to say that a culture which believes in law, order, reponsibility and decent public behaviour is in any sense better that one that goes in for threatening people with syringes and shitting on the floor? Remember: all cultures are equal and diversity is our strength.
No today for me today as I’m ’in Transit ‘… but I was reflecting on the main story the world at one on Sunday gave to the drug problem in the US – oregan .
3years ago the local state – leaning strangely not mentioned …( democrat fruitloops ) decriminalised possession of all drugs …
This has led to a disaster with the central bit of Portland becoming a no go tent city and good people leaving the State causing a big shortfall in taxes ….
To add to the disaster the US is now plagued by fentinyl ? A synthetic drug now replacing others and which is both potent and addictive …. Coming our way soon .
Anyway – that drug user – Jonnie dymond interviewed some NZ fruit hoop – ex PM – who runs some international outfit encouraging drug misuse by Legalising it …
Said fruit loop thought 3 years of legalisation wasn’t long enough and it should be assessed after ‘ bedding in ‘ ….. the State meanwhile -is seriously working on ‘re criminalising a lot of drugs ‘ because of the huge social cost ….
It can only be a matter of time before ‘progressive ( lefty MPs ) here go for more legalisation because the coloured folk and other nut jobs want their hit …
… but this fentynl thing sounds …. Worrying ….
It wasn’t a fair piece – an ex cop – immediately labelled as ‘Republican ‘ explained the damage Oregon has done to itself but Jonnie could care less …same with the BBC methinks …
It’s the same up the coast in BC.
Cannabis stores are almost as common as off-licences, and Water Street in Vancouver has a vey distinctive ‘smell’……
Fentanyl already killing druggies here Fed:
There was a local guy in Bath – long term, heroin junkie, died from a dose of it quite recently.
As for cannabis, my neighbourhood, out here in the rural sticks reeks of it some days. Yesterday, I took the dog out for his morning walk c. 8:30, and I don’t know if it was the cold air, or what, but there was a thick, stinking pall of it from our neighbour’s all the way to the woods and back. Gave me a headache. When I got back, the missus could smell it on my coat and on the dog’s fur – she asked if I was experimenting with a new form of ‘stress relief'(!)
Used to think it was the neighbour’s waster sons, but back in the summer I met my neighbour and his wife (reckon they’re in their late 60s) in their front garden and they were openly sharing a big fat, stinky joint.
(And they have the cheek to complain about the wood smoke from my chimney being ‘harmful’!)
Geopolitics – Ukraine & Mid East
Biased BBC football report.
Did you see the main BBC news sports coverage of Southend v Bromley ? Southend won 2-1 in the Vanarama National league. The attendance was 6,718.
Nope, you didn’t see it because there wasn’t any.
There was however news coverage of Man U women versus Liverpool women. And here it is.
The attendance for this key clash was…err…..6,303.
So. Absolutely no equality agenda whatever. LOL.
PS The equivalent men’s match had a record Anfield attendance of 57,158.
It’s getting increasingly blatant and absurd. I happened to see the BBC Sports website at about 1pm yesterday and the headline was that Manchester United were beating Liverpool 1-0. Well that’s odd I thought, as the match wasn’t due to kick off until 4:30pm. I then saw that it was a report on so-called Wimmin’s football, a sort of variant which fits inbetween pub teams and under-8s boys football and is of minimal interest to the general public.
However, in fairness I must point out that an attendance of 6,303 for such an event is exceptional. Apparently the average attendance for games is 26, comprising the 22 players, 2 coaches, the referee, plus a wimmin reporter with purple hair from BBC local radio.
I know I have written about this before. BUT it is even
getting worse. At 18.30 each evening when the
Londonistan Programme On BBC TV makes its 3rd
appearance of the day . One can turn over to any other channel
because this garbage of a programme is not meant for
the over the stlll sizable minority 3 million indigenous
Londoners. The anarchist Marxist editors make sure of this.
However in the morning if one is watching the
morning programme. We are taken over to the London
studio for the local headlines. Before one has time to
turn it off . We are basically told 18/12 how racist
whities are.
Do you have such programmes in other parts of the country?
Ben Wallace warns Israel over ‘killing rage’ in Gaza
The BBC are making an absolute mountain out of this snippet from Ben.
It’s from the DT article here:
Who – unlike the BBC – open such things for comment. And the comments are a very different story. Wallace gets a proper panning.
I notice that on the DT – like the BBC HYS – comments on certain topics get absolutely flooded with the ‘spiteful schoolboy’ style. Whereas others (like this one) have sensible comments.
This relatively recent ‘far-Left troll farm’ spamming is becoming a major issue but nobody seems to want to even mention it. Contrast it with what they accused Russia of for Trump and Brexit – which were far, far less intrusive as far as I am concerned.
I presume mr Wallace has an ‘agenda ‘ – perhaps fees from Muslims when he and the rest are kicked out of office .. I’ve only been is Israel once – on holiday – but it really struck me how they live under constant real threat – not a one off attack by some Muslim fruitloops such as 7/7 – but all the time – every day – and always have .
The mindset will be different from Cameron or Wallace or anyone else in Europe … I just hope they get the job done before the arms embargo kicks in from the US EU and the rest .
Although I’d hope Israel has been stockpiling to do what needs to be done … as those tunnels described yesterday showed …
Wallace is a ‘former’, but still an idiot. Hence perfect BBC quote fare.
One notices the BBC has not opened for comment, perhaps because that headline is pure oil on the fire and leaving all it aspires whilst banning sensible comments would look obvious.
“Thus, by comparing the Warsaw Ghetto to Gaza or the accidental deaths of civilians in warfare to Auschwitz or indeed by describing the whole Israel Palestine conflict as Jews committing genocide against Palestinians, the goal is to minimise as far as possible the Holocaust”
This is now the attempt by most of the twitter harpies, pols and BBC.
No doubt there are some pissed off squaddies with itchy trigger fingers. But they are faced by a foe with no regard for any rules of anything, so pretending a ‘little bit pregnant’ brand of combat will keep things sweet in the newsrooms and assemblies is the reasoning of a village idiot. Or ex Minister. Or BBc editor.
“Elected Ministers seemed to think if more was decided and performed by independent bodies at international or national level they would escape the blame if things went wrong”
Rendering them, as they have been for years. Pointless. #NOTAasnoptionNow
“The European Hamas mastermind is reportedly an individual from Britain”
Set for a QT panel or HIGNFY chair slot?
Premier Inn apologises to Paralympian Ellie Challis over broken lift
honestly, not much news to report then!
Personally, I think all the directors should have been flooged in public
It’s not so surprising when you see who wrote it:

She has to be given something to do – and it would be racist if they didn’t put her ‘work’ on the news page now and then.
Leave the poor girl alone, can’t you see she’s only got one hand, the left.I wonder how she manages to wipe her arris.
Another gas explosion. Anyone noticed how many there are now? There must be quite a few meter bypass installations around due to sky high energy prices. A consequence of the ludicrous ‘Green’ policies advocated by idiots and enacted by Government and Civil Service staffed by scientifically illiterate fools.
I’m not saying that today’s explosion is a meter bypass job by the way but it’s evident that they are in many recent cases.
I see Jordan Peterson is commenting in the Telegraph and predicting that if Labour form the next government in 20 years the UK will be like Venezuela. I have great regard for Prof Peterson but he is wrong this time. We won’t be like Venezuela but like an Islamic Republic or possibly, if Charlie boxes clever , an Islamic kingdom.
Eat a rabbit and bow to Mecca! We can have both worlds!
Maybe Cameron will do a deal while he is Kuwait at the funeral of the Emir – I wonder if Khan will bum a lift – complete with empty suitcases …
Dubai COP28 – plenty of jobs to server people their bug buns!
WSJ from November: “The West Should Welcome Gaza Refugees.”
“As the war continues … UN resolutions are doing nothing tangible to help Gaza’s residents. It is imperative that the international community explore potential solutions to help civilians caught in the crisis […] Global organizations with experience settling refugees should facilitate the relocation of Gaza residents who wish to move to countries willing to accept them. We simply need a handful of the world’s nations to share the responsibility of hosting Gazan residents.”
I don’t always agree with Iain Dale, but other than a roll on a pier he seems a civilised debating commentator, so do check out what he has to say.
“I sometimes despair of
book reviewersmost journalists and all BBC editors. Half the time they appear not to have read a word of the book they are supposedly critiquing, and often, instead of reviewing the book, they write about the awfulness of the author.Take Nadine Dorries’ book, THE PLOT. According to the reviewers it’s been a sales Christmas turkey. It hasn’t. They say it’s badly written. It isn’t. They say it’s a flight of fancy. Having read every word I can honestly say that while on occasion she overstates her case, it’s well researched, full of revealing interviews and horrifying anecdotes, many of which I can verify myself.
I’m not saying I necessarily agree all of her conclusions, but if you want to learn about how Boris Johnson governed and fell, this book is indispensable and horrifying at the same time.
A state media rammed with ideological propaganda juveniles has dragged this far down already.
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
I am interested in a broad swathe of topics, and so subscribe not just to titles I can’t stand to see what they are up to, but offer myself as a target for #prasnews
Usually horrifying or crass in equal measure, especially what I see a day before it becomes ‘news’, but also LOL.
That was a few days ago.
Currently there are literally hundreds by desperate PR agencies trying to pus desperate stories from desperate companies about COP, ‘sustainability’, etc, of such mind numbing idiocy I doubt many get clicked on.
PR release from ‘BlueSky Education’
Any organisation with a name like that needs to be shut down immediately.
Playing Stew’s switch-on bingo:
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah on R5 is excited to have on Akash Bakshi, CEO of biotech firm YourChoice Therapeutics. He’s a very camp sounding American talking about their male contraceptive pill currently on trial in the UK.
It’ll help men share the responsibility for not producing any more humans. Bakshi’s also selling his product as a “a carrot that brings men into the healthcare system.” Speaking for myself, I want to stay out of the healthcare system as much as possible seeing where it’s been heading.
Global equity’s reach is everywhere, because they care.
Overseas staff ‘exploited and trapped’ at UK care home
“One Indian nurse there told the reporter that she was unhappy in her job, but felt she could not quit, because her visa was sponsored by the company, and she believed she had no choice.”
Yes you have choices:-
1) Go home
2) Look for another job