BBC Careers are advertising roles for ‘Future Voices – Trainee Journalism Scheme’:
“Aspiring young journalists passionate about news, you should be curious about the world around us both in the UK and internationally, a great communicator and brimming with creative ideas and imaginative ways to tell stories. You should be bilingual in English and one of the languages below, or have a strong connection to one of the communities below.”
Afaan / Oromoo
French (for Africa)
Portuguese (for Latin America)
Spanish (for Latin America)
“Our ambition is that the BBC is for everyone and should include everyone.”
Just so long as you’re not European, American, Australian etc.
3 teachers hide in tolerant UK from tolerant people of religion whilst watching on news how tolerant people are in tolerant bradford city of culture and tolerance.
When anyone claims Israel is holding Palestinians prisoners because of the wall they've built, Egypt is now reinforcing their existing barrier to keep them out of Egypt
I see that Biden has again told the inept Marxist Rishi Washee that the US will not sign a trade agreement with Britain. Trump would have signed an advantageous trade agreement with Britain, but the previous Marxist incumbent Boris the liar, lied that we were unable to negotiate a trade deal until Brexit negotiations were finalised and until his leftist hero Biden siezed power.
A stong conservative leader would tell Biden where to shove it, negotiate cheap rate supplies of oil and gas from Russia to bolster the UK economy, start encouraging German industry to move here, and apply to join the BRICS trading group. 90% of the world doesn’t have sanctions against Russia and couldn’t care less about the Ukraine war, which lets face it is little more than a money laundering operation for greedy Jews in the Democrat sphere.
Any retaliation economically from the USA could be dealt with by WTO, there’s not much America produces anymore that the UK needs and the panic in Washington as one of their closest allies moves away from them would force even the dimmest mind in the White house to sign a highly advantageous trade agreement.
But we have Rishi Washee a Pakistani by decent born to African British migrants, and his mission is to destroy the UK as quickly as possible to build back a Marxist utopia where almost everyone who disagrees with his is executed in fine Marxist tradition !
Wonder how they’re going to PR their way out of this?
🇩🇪Germany to end e-vehicle subsidy programme
Germany's electrical vehicle subsidy programme will end prematurely on Monday after paying out some 10 billion euros since 2016, the Economics Ministry said, the latest sign of belt-tightening following the adoption of a revised 2024…
McDonald’s Opens First Fully Automated Location in Texas A first-of-its-kind McDonald’s has opened in White Settlement, TX, a suburb of Ft. Worth. The location is almost entirely automated, with machines handling every aspect of the consumer experience — including the drive-thru…
Why is nobody pointing out that Rishi is just putting off making any decisions on the migrants until the GE when he will be kicked out of number 10 and it becomes Starmer’s problem.
He doesn’t want to be the one to make the decision to leave the echr for example.
LMAO why do people never learn anything. Allow me to spell it out once again.
I hope that has got through! Stop reading media lies! You are allowing fake news op eds to think for you!
Bliar made the ECHR superior to British law – no other country in Europe has done this. France recently ignored a judgement by the court quite rightly to deport a Khazak (?) migrant with zero come back, the problem is not the ECHR it is the Uni Party.
All we need do is reduce the importance of the ECHR to advisory only and the job is done – no hoo hah, no countries refusing to trade with us.
Oh and just to make things even worse for you, the Northern Ireland Peace Agreements very existance relies on us being a member of the ECHR !
For Gods sake stop listening or reading the MSM and believing their distractions from where the blame really lies – with a weak and incompetent Marxist Tory government.
In Heilongjiang’s Yichun, a record low of minus 47.9 C (minus 54.2 F) was recorded in January 1980. This was broken early this week, according to a meteorological forecaster from the area
The BBC will run a few articles saying China needs more wind turbines? – and bray on about tropical rain in Oz etcetera.
Rod Liddle’s comments on TalkTV were very good: “she managed to enscapsulate what an awful lot of people think is the Conservative party, which is a bunch of brass-necked people from posh backgrounds on the make and who don’t give a monkeys about other people and who have no moral compass”.
Herr Starmer is correct – she shouldn’t be in the House of Lords, but then neither should anyone else. Time to scrap all this nonsense, along with titles such as ‘Baroness’ and ‘Sir’ (surely he’d rather be known as Comrade, rather than Sir?). We’re living in the 21st Century, not the 12th Century.
I have no problem with people calling for the abolition of the HoL providing they are the ones who will finance the new upper house by agreeing to pay an extra £3 – £5000 of income tax per year.
Currently members do not get paid, they receive a derisory allowance which doesn’t even cover the accommodation expenses a peer of the realm might expect let alone food etc.
The average MP with their expenses costs the taxpayer £300K A HoL member costs less than £50K and there are no expenses. there are 800 eligible to sit in the HoL this means that it would cost an extra £200 Million a year to provide an elected house.
I have no issue with this other than the obvious problems other countries have with it, but only if those people who want it are prepared to finance it without limit and in perpetuity from their own pockets, which is often when these people change their minds very quickly.
Revealed: Peer claims £18,000 expenses for ‘doing nothing’
New House of Lords expenses scandal as member claimed ‘daily allowance’ to attend, despite never speaking or voting
Records show that he claimed £18,088 in tax-free “attendance allowance” in the 12 months until April 2022, despite having no record to show for his work.
There’s a big difference between people who want to replace the House of Lords with an elected chamber, and those who want a unicameralist system of government i.e. a single chamber of government. There is no cost associated with the latter, indeed it represents a saving if we are not having to pay tens of millions of pounds each each year for a second chamber.
Parliament publishes summaries of the allowances and expenses claimed by the ‘Lords’ on a monthly basis.
The BBC are now at the stage where they present statements from officially designated terrorist groups as fact without anywhere telling us that they are terrorists.
And we also have in the main headline:
‘.. as the UK, France and Germany step up global calls for a ceasefire’
That is a blatant lie. The UK and Germany agreed it should only happen when Hamas could not break it and France actually asked for ‘for a “new humanitarian truce”’.
Can these terrorist supporting, anti-semetic scumbags get any lower ?. They are out of control.
In the US, controversy over extremist material appearing on the site has led to an advertising boycott, a bitter row between Mr Musk and a campaign group, and even questions about whether X could end up going bankrupt.
The Democrats don’t like Musk’s independent mindedness and willingness to challenge their antics in several areas and Media Matters and other Democrat controlled attack dogs have been set on him – NOT JUST AT TWITTER.
When the DNC was wagging the Twitter dog they had no problem with allowing murderous thugs on Twitter and indulging in automated unperson-ing of anybody on a whim or who mocked TDS or challenged their narratives.
I wonder if Tom Singleton used an automated edit tool to push out that kerrapp.
Lots of people must realise this but……………..Rwanda flights will not work. The reason? The illegals aren’t securely housed, the moment the flights/deportations are legally unchallenged (if they ever are), the migrants will disappear. There could be serious implications of having large numbers of unidentifiable migrants roaming around. As I’ve said before, without an ID card system it will be difficult to identify who is entitled to be here or not. The Police challenging every black or brown person to see if they are illegal will be determined to be discriminatory.
The ‘Asylum Seekers’ will have to be put in internment camps.
The asylum system is a massive scam perpetrated on the British people by a Marxist government and media dedicated to pulling the wool over your eyes – and look how good at it they are.
If you are White and from a White country the government can manage to get rid of you literally within seconds, look at Boris Becker, but as your skin colour darkens they just don’t bother and failed asylum seekers are never removed.
The latest one is the bloke living in the shed by the Thames – a failed asylum seeker who will never be removed.
They lied through their teeth to the people that once an asylum seeker fails the court appeal they lose their government funding. The government stops paying them the benefits directly, but it uses a charitable front of lefties such as refugee action to provide funding through the back door to make sure failed asylum seekers never have to leave the UK.
There are millions of them here who have never been and never will be returned to their countries of origin.
Here’s a bit of food for though for you. There’s a ‘ethnic’ restaurant down the road from you, you happen to know for certain they are employing illegal migrants, who are you going to report this to and what is the contact number?
Flotsam ,
Microchip as with dogs plus Branding as they used to with cattle , immediate return any that get here ……why we can’t stop the RNLI Taxi Service and Border Farce picking up the Invaders it just crazy , Someone on Facebook has said RNLI get £125 per Migrant….BBC Verify need to check this !
Truck Drivers caught hiding Migrants are prosecuted and fined … why are RNLI exempt from people Smuggling ?
I seem to remember, and don’t know if it has been rescinded, that there was a law that for every illegal immigrant on a lorry , the driver of said lorry would face a fine of £2,000. Simple really, fine the RNLI 2 grand for every illegal they land. They’d soon stop.
Imagine white guys did something similar at a Muslim religious festival, there feet wouldn't touch the ground until they were in a cell.
Our Police won't touch the Muslims cos Islamphobia, can we start Christianphobia, it's rife in the UK, our Christian country is lost through…
It’s too late for the west, the bastards are now so emboldened because they know the cowardly authorities and police will protect them at the expense of native white populations. Even a counter protest would have the police swinging batons. The next step is murdering people in the streets, not long now.
BRADFORD CITY OF CULTURE …. A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
As I’ve said before, my son and I have little to worry about – sure, the novelty of banging our heads on the concrete five times a day will soon wear off, and I do like a bit of bacon (as do a lot of Muslims, I can’t help noticing). I think a big bushy beard will suit me though, and I quite fancy wearing a Muzzie hat, a great big one to annoy the people behind me in the cinema.
It’s my wife and daughter (and all the other women of this country) I feel sorry for… although, on the upside, the feminists will stop moaning all the time (one way or another), and if the wife moans too much, she can always be traded in for four younger models. … (I am joking… about the wife, anyway).
I love that one where he says that his book the Qur’an has a guaranteed future by Allah and that Allah will protect his Qur’an, and yet Allah allowed a tame goat to come into a tent and eat an entire Surah which had been left on a table.
“The Verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed1, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it.”
Prior to that at the battle of Badr the Qur’an had not been written down but was committed to memory, in seperate Surahs, several of the Muslims in the battle were killed and several Surahs were lost !
Rwanda can send back anyone we send to them (I know, ha ha ha) if they want to.
Any ‘migrant’ sent there (ha ha ha) just needs to commit some crime and they will be returned here. No need to make the long journey from Rwanda to Calais, they will be flown back and put up in their hotel again.Send 50 and if they all start stealing or fighting then all 50 can be sent back.
How’s that for a loophole.
Of course, it’s all academic as nobody will ever be sent there.
BBC market rate talent digging deeper holes is always a pleasure.
At this rate he might even get dropped from the Waitrose delivery news sheet that acts as a funding boost to BBC staff to keep Islington tofu types feeling warm and fuzzy.
Only one in 25 Jewish people is satisfied with the BBC’s coverage of the “Israel-Hamas crisis”, according to polling by the organisation Campaign Against Antisemitism 🔽
Surprised it is that high, given JonDon, JezBo etc are still in role and the rolling thread JohnC cites is a travesty.
An episode of The Live Desk on GB News broke our due impartiality rules.
The show promoted a GB News campaign calling for a new law on the status of cash. Our investigation focused on GB News’ compliance with our rules – not the campaign’s merits.
How many complaints about their mates at The BBC get through to them and of these upheld?
Interesting info (off GBN) that Ireland – a population of 5 mill – has 1 in 5 migrants. They perceive that by 2050 more than half will not be Irish born and the culture will be eroded. They have a big a problem as we do if not bigger.
BBC running a special because care homes haven’t got enough immigrant workers and old patients are falling over, falling out of bed, not being fed or medicated.
They insist the only way to stop this carnage of the sick and elderly is to import zillions more immigrants who are apparently all expert care home staff.
Would it be prudent to buy shares in companies manufacturing cctvs ? As I can see an upsurge in sales by families installing them in their loved ones care home rooms.
Maybe we should all buy spy cameras for that “just in case” time.
“Civilians said they are trapped in Gaza’s only Catholic church after an alleged IDF sniper gunned down two women outside the building. ”
Killing Hamas is one thing, but using a sniper to shoot elderly women is beneath contempt. No one can justify this because there is no justification. It is a war crime
Can’t read the article due to a huge cookie banner…
Might have been a Palestinian gunman or just made up bullshit.
Didn’t Israel suggest cilvilians should head south many weeks ago.
It’s disturbing to think that someone as thick as Lammy is an MP and will be an important part of our next Government. One might reckon that being thick is an essential quality to be a Labour supporter.
It’s pretty obvious that people like Lammy are included in Labour’s front Bench because of their race rather than fitness for office. What is more disturbing is that Lammy is pretty obviously anti British as well as being anti white. Perhaps by choosing people like Lammy to be close to him it would make someone like Starmer look good.
Our BBC serves up some unpleasantness for us this morning: Homelessness: ‘I was raped while sleeping under a pier in Blackpool’ – presumably by another homeless person?
Michael Gove to the rescue…
New homes to be forced through… Councils risk losing planning powers if they reject developments… Gove insists Tories can deliver 300,000 properties a year (Times)
But what of our formerly green and pleasant land?
Don’t worry about it: Gove vows not to concrete over countryside in planning revamp (Telegraph) – ah, the perfect and ultimate politician’s promise – tell two different and opposing stories and make two contradictory promises aimed to please two different audiences at the same time. Tony Blair himself would be proud of our Michael.
Mr AsI has consistently told readers hereabouts that the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper was and remains the most coronaphobic of titles. Hypercondriac par excellence.
Paul Waugh – Covid is back… and we need Chris Whitty on our screens (‘i’)
Oh, how the big corporates enjoyed that Lockdown: Bankruptsies soar as high rates and end of Covid aid hit businesses hard (FT) – you know the drill by now… Bankruptsies soar as high rates and end of Covid Lockdown aid hit businesses hard
But this Covid Inquiry of ours will get to the very nub of the epidemiological issues for us…?
Or perhaps they’re not really interested in investigating the public health issues – seems they’re more interested in chasing some cheap political gotchas: Gove set to be quizzed about Mone at Covid inquiry (‘i’)
Another left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper obsession was and remains – Remainerism: Farmers say governemnet has broken Brexit promises (‘i’) – and don’t we all just know it!
New Brexit fingerprint checks for UK travellers start in 2024 (‘i’) – this from an EU meanwhile subject to: In 2022, there were approximately 331,000 illegal border crossings made at borders of the European Union, with Syrians being the most common nationality, at 98,360 (Statista) – methinks the EU is less concerned with defending its borders and more interested in bullying Brexit Britain
There’s an old saying that goes – Is the Pope Catholic?
Apparently these days he’s not: Same-sex blessings permitted by pope (Guardian)
Britain’s most fabulous institution – the NHS… is ailing
The 1950s notion of healthcare for all free-at-the-point-of-access hasn’t aged too well – what with our open borders
NHS dentists on the brink… Worst crisis in 75 years could see services slashed, report warns (Daily Mail)
Comedy of errors Mark Steel on his bungled cancer treatment (Telegraph)
Doctors’ strikes mean there are just four days when the NHS is fully functional in the next three weeks (Telegraph)
Euthenasia could save the NHS billions. So whenever a celeb comes out in favour, it’s inevitably presented to us as frontpage news – nudge, nudge: Esther Rantzen says she’s joined assisted dying clinic (BBC); Why I’ve joined Dignitas (Daily Mirror); Rantzen: Diginitas may be the way to go (Telegraph); I may ‘buzz off’ to Dignitas for sake of my family… Star calls for a vote on assisted dying… (Daily Express)
Smart meter, anyone?
Sir Grayson potty over £39,000 energy bill… EDF Energy said “unusual changes” can occur when an erroneous meter reading is recorded on the system and denied there was a wider problem. Journalist Jon Sopel said EDF had raised his direct debit from £152 to £19,274 a month and asked “Is there human rather than a bot we can talk to?” (Telegraph)
The FT presents us with one of those funny little accidental juxtapositions of clashing headlines this morning: FT financial literacy campaign goals for 2024 – compare and contrast with: Opaque wage data delays rate cuts, says BoE deputy
On an economics clarification note – inflation is NOT caused by wage increases – it IS caused by money printing – an increase in the money supply chasing the same amount of goods will inevitably lead to price increases.
Here endeth the lesson – as they used to say.
The jokey blokey Daily Star profers some sort of a cure for our ailing NHS: Doctor Who is a life saver– not for recent BBC viewing figures he’s not.
You mention someone reporting that covid / flu is back – well it is that time of year – anecdotally – perhaps infections are increasing a lot …
But is there any reaction to it ?the state is going through an expensive opera of an ‘inquiry ‘ going into frankly ridiculous distractions about the machinations of the obviously disfunctional regime ( not a government ) – yet as I write we may well be getting more infection …..
… so maybe the inquiry will recommend that the virus doesn’t turn up between – say December 18 and January 10 when all the Important People go on the Christmas Holidays …
… lessons will not be learnt ….
I hope those reporting infection on this site are continuing to get better …
Toady now seems to be one long tedious advert for something called a ‘podcast ‘ starring comrade Robinson and the foreign one …..
The bbc – as obsessed with sex as ever – keeps going on about’ binary ‘ or not with children at school . I don’t want to know about that stuff – I suffer from being normal – I have no time for perversions – I guess I’d be classified as a bigot – which presumably is now a criminal offence – it goes hand in hand with my racism – I assume the worse until the burden shows itself – my assessment is normally correct … ]
But the ‘gender ‘ stuff ? No wonder there is more mental illness than ever …
Must be a new record for hitting the ‘off’ button after ‘Today’ came on my alarm-radio this morning at 6.30.
We had the ‘news’ – Chinese earthquake 118 dead, sub-zero
(it’s at least -15C and record breaking actually), then Icelandic Volcano has gone off, lava flowing (Most MSM have headlines/pictures), more shipping in Red Sea hit overnight by (Iran), tensions grow.
Today ‘proper’ begins with the main story of the day – Kids who think they might be a multitude of genders !
That was as far as I got – OFF.
And they wonder why their audience is falling…. sheesh !
Zephir – I tell myself I listen out of duty – but maybe it’s something else …
I turned toady on again – journos talking to each other – they’ve got fed up with Ukraine – they’ve got fed up with Gaza – all they want to do is promote their effing podcast .
Another journo – ester ranzen bubbled on about topping herself – every one should be able to top themselves – particularly if old – music to bbc ears – they don’t care about the old – they cater for kidults – so if you are old – for the bbc – go die – unless you are an Attenborough of course – then you must live for ever …
As for the podcast promotion – could it be that comrade Robinson and the others are looking about their income after the BBC ? That bottle blond one who left newsnight and the trump hater went off to cash so maybe comrade Robinson is looking to do the same …
The BBC 100 Women Twitter account has the bio
“Putting women at the front and centre of news stories”
That seems like using licence payers money for CAMPAIGNING for ACTIVISM
Its focus is their November 26th story
not many whites … seems anti-white
.. of course whites are a global minority.. but still significant.
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume….
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
tomoMar 13, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025
BBC Careers are advertising roles for ‘Future Voices – Trainee Journalism Scheme’:
“Aspiring young journalists passionate about news, you should be curious about the world around us both in the UK and internationally, a great communicator and brimming with creative ideas and imaginative ways to tell stories. You should be bilingual in English and one of the languages below, or have a strong connection to one of the communities below.”
Afaan / Oromoo
French (for Africa)
Portuguese (for Latin America)
Spanish (for Latin America)
“Our ambition is that the BBC is for everyone and should include everyone.”
Just so long as you’re not European, American, Australian etc.
3 teachers hide in tolerant UK from tolerant people of religion whilst watching on news how tolerant people are in tolerant bradford city of culture and tolerance.
Oh, watch out, they have found fire now
Trump warned Sweden years ago.
They laughed.
Oh Gawd, not Ellwood again
Surely that was when they had sails?
The BBC seems to have missed this enriching story of a muslim migrant urinating on pork in a supermarket.
Bon Appétit.
Islam marinate pork – BBC Verified
Get that man on Master Chef, pronto.
Maybe pair him up with Nadiya.
The WEF at Davos need to be targetted
Language warning.
I see that Biden has again told the inept Marxist Rishi Washee that the US will not sign a trade agreement with Britain. Trump would have signed an advantageous trade agreement with Britain, but the previous Marxist incumbent Boris the liar, lied that we were unable to negotiate a trade deal until Brexit negotiations were finalised and until his leftist hero Biden siezed power.
A stong conservative leader would tell Biden where to shove it, negotiate cheap rate supplies of oil and gas from Russia to bolster the UK economy, start encouraging German industry to move here, and apply to join the BRICS trading group. 90% of the world doesn’t have sanctions against Russia and couldn’t care less about the Ukraine war, which lets face it is little more than a money laundering operation for greedy Jews in the Democrat sphere.
Any retaliation economically from the USA could be dealt with by WTO, there’s not much America produces anymore that the UK needs and the panic in Washington as one of their closest allies moves away from them would force even the dimmest mind in the White house to sign a highly advantageous trade agreement.
But we have Rishi Washee a Pakistani by decent born to African British migrants, and his mission is to destroy the UK as quickly as possible to build back a Marxist utopia where almost everyone who disagrees with his is executed in fine Marxist tradition !
You need to learn the difference between India and Pakistan.
Huh? why?
Wonder how they’re going to PR their way out of this?
Nothing will go wrong
Nothing will go wrong
Nothing will go wrong:
Good luck to the automated McDonald’s customers!
Why is nobody pointing out that Rishi is just putting off making any decisions on the migrants until the GE when he will be kicked out of number 10 and it becomes Starmer’s problem.
He doesn’t want to be the one to make the decision to leave the echr for example.
It won’t become Starmer’s problem because Starmer doesn’t see it as a problem.
Emmanuel Goldstein
GE ?
If I was a tory MP, I would be very worried .
“Stop the boats” Rishi, stop the boats!
We are being invaded,
LMAO why do people never learn anything. Allow me to spell it out once again.
I hope that has got through! Stop reading media lies! You are allowing fake news op eds to think for you!
Bliar made the ECHR superior to British law – no other country in Europe has done this. France recently ignored a judgement by the court quite rightly to deport a Khazak (?) migrant with zero come back, the problem is not the ECHR it is the Uni Party.
All we need do is reduce the importance of the ECHR to advisory only and the job is done – no hoo hah, no countries refusing to trade with us.
Oh and just to make things even worse for you, the Northern Ireland Peace Agreements very existance relies on us being a member of the ECHR !
For Gods sake stop listening or reading the MSM and believing their distractions from where the blame really lies – with a weak and incompetent Marxist Tory government.
Rishi says he will send money to anyone except the UK citizens! COP28 was a great fun! eat bugs!
Temperatures in parts of China hit their lowest levels since records began, state broadcaster said. The provinces affected included Shanxi, Hebei and Liaoning as a cold wave gripped large swathes of the country.
In Heilongjiang’s Yichun, a record low of minus 47.9 C (minus 54.2 F) was recorded in January 1980. This was broken early this week, according to a meteorological forecaster from the area
The BBC will run a few articles saying China needs more wind turbines? – and bray on about tropical rain in Oz etcetera.
Must be global warming
“Wales 20mph limit: Enforcement start date confusing, campaigner says”
The Welsh Assembly is short of cash – they need the money !
The BBC are being criticised for describing the Sunak-Meloni meeting as a ‘far-Right rally’.
Well, of course: if you’re as far left as the BBC, everything is Far-Right to you.
“Michelle Mone should not be in Lords, Keir Starmer says
Follow the money and scrap the House of Lords!
Rod Liddle’s comments on TalkTV were very good: “she managed to enscapsulate what an awful lot of people think is the Conservative party, which is a bunch of brass-necked people from posh backgrounds on the make and who don’t give a monkeys about other people and who have no moral compass”.
Herr Starmer is correct – she shouldn’t be in the House of Lords, but then neither should anyone else. Time to scrap all this nonsense, along with titles such as ‘Baroness’ and ‘Sir’ (surely he’d rather be known as Comrade, rather than Sir?). We’re living in the 21st Century, not the 12th Century.
I have no problem with people calling for the abolition of the HoL providing they are the ones who will finance the new upper house by agreeing to pay an extra £3 – £5000 of income tax per year.
Currently members do not get paid, they receive a derisory allowance which doesn’t even cover the accommodation expenses a peer of the realm might expect let alone food etc.
The average MP with their expenses costs the taxpayer £300K A HoL member costs less than £50K and there are no expenses. there are 800 eligible to sit in the HoL this means that it would cost an extra £200 Million a year to provide an elected house.
I have no issue with this other than the obvious problems other countries have with it, but only if those people who want it are prepared to finance it without limit and in perpetuity from their own pockets, which is often when these people change their minds very quickly.
Revealed: Peer claims £18,000 expenses for ‘doing nothing’
New House of Lords expenses scandal as member claimed ‘daily allowance’ to attend, despite never speaking or voting
Martin Williams
25 February 2023,
Records show that he claimed £18,088 in tax-free “attendance allowance” in the 12 months until April 2022, despite having no record to show for his work.
There’s a big difference between people who want to replace the House of Lords with an elected chamber, and those who want a unicameralist system of government i.e. a single chamber of government. There is no cost associated with the latter, indeed it represents a saving if we are not having to pay tens of millions of pounds each each year for a second chamber.
Parliament publishes summaries of the allowances and expenses claimed by the ‘Lords’ on a monthly basis.
The biggest problem with the elected chambers is the overall pitiful calibre of the representatives and the fourth estate.
There’s some that earn their pay and there’s a whole raft of eejits or much, much worse.
Previous attempts to reform the House of Lords have not always been successful.
I think she’s exactly the type of person that fits in the House of Lords.
Hamas officials say Israeli strikes kill 110 as Gaza ceasefire calls grow
The BBC are now at the stage where they present statements from officially designated terrorist groups as fact without anywhere telling us that they are terrorists.
And we also have in the main headline:
‘.. as the UK, France and Germany step up global calls for a ceasefire’
That is a blatant lie. The UK and Germany agreed it should only happen when Hamas could not break it and France actually asked for ‘for a “new humanitarian truce”’.
Can these terrorist supporting, anti-semetic scumbags get any lower ?. They are out of control.
You mean the BBC or Hamas?
Same thing, I guess.
Hello JohnC
When I read the headline earlier, I was thinking the same “Hamas Officials” – gives the terrorist organisation some sort of legitimacy
What has the bbc become 🙁
The BBC proudly informs us that the EU is to investigate Musk over disinformation.
Quite right: disinformation is their job, not his.
They hired an ex BBc ‘reporter’ who is still looking after a trip stateside.
Maybe Eu activities off books could be investigated too?
The Democrats don’t like Musk’s independent mindedness and willingness to challenge their antics in several areas and Media Matters and other Democrat controlled attack dogs have been set on him – NOT JUST AT TWITTER.
When the DNC was wagging the Twitter dog they had no problem with allowing murderous thugs on Twitter and indulging in automated unperson-ing of anybody on a whim or who mocked TDS or challenged their narratives.
I wonder if Tom Singleton used an automated edit tool to push out that kerrapp.
Lots of people must realise this but……………..Rwanda flights will not work. The reason? The illegals aren’t securely housed, the moment the flights/deportations are legally unchallenged (if they ever are), the migrants will disappear. There could be serious implications of having large numbers of unidentifiable migrants roaming around. As I’ve said before, without an ID card system it will be difficult to identify who is entitled to be here or not. The Police challenging every black or brown person to see if they are illegal will be determined to be discriminatory.
The ‘Asylum Seekers’ will have to be put in internment camps.
Errrrrrr what do you think happens now?
The asylum system is a massive scam perpetrated on the British people by a Marxist government and media dedicated to pulling the wool over your eyes – and look how good at it they are.
If you are White and from a White country the government can manage to get rid of you literally within seconds, look at Boris Becker, but as your skin colour darkens they just don’t bother and failed asylum seekers are never removed.
The latest one is the bloke living in the shed by the Thames – a failed asylum seeker who will never be removed.
They lied through their teeth to the people that once an asylum seeker fails the court appeal they lose their government funding. The government stops paying them the benefits directly, but it uses a charitable front of lefties such as refugee action to provide funding through the back door to make sure failed asylum seekers never have to leave the UK.
There are millions of them here who have never been and never will be returned to their countries of origin.
Here’s a bit of food for though for you. There’s a ‘ethnic’ restaurant down the road from you, you happen to know for certain they are employing illegal migrants, who are you going to report this to and what is the contact number?
The answer is that there isn’t one and you can’t!
And if there was and you did, you can bet your life you’d be arrested for a racist hate crime.
You can report illegal migrants by calling 0300 123 7000 or on this government website:
Local authorities and police forces have their own reporting mechanisms. Here’s an example:
Perhaps they may not act on the information, but it is incorrect to say that there is no contact number or nobody to report it to.
Flotsam ,
Microchip as with dogs plus Branding as they used to with cattle , immediate return any that get here ……why we can’t stop the RNLI Taxi Service and Border Farce picking up the Invaders it just crazy , Someone on Facebook has said RNLI get £125 per Migrant….BBC Verify need to check this !
Truck Drivers caught hiding Migrants are prosecuted and fined … why are RNLI exempt from people Smuggling ?
I seem to remember, and don’t know if it has been rescinded, that there was a law that for every illegal immigrant on a lorry , the driver of said lorry would face a fine of £2,000. Simple really, fine the RNLI 2 grand for every illegal they land. They’d soon stop.
Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas
It’s too late for the west, the bastards are now so emboldened because they know the cowardly authorities and police will protect them at the expense of native white populations. Even a counter protest would have the police swinging batons. The next step is murdering people in the streets, not long now.
BRADFORD CITY OF CULTURE …. A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
Don’t Toronto Stores have security guards?
Or the parks
They just assume they will soon take over in UK, Europe and the West. And they’re probably right.
Poland, anyone?
As I’ve said before, my son and I have little to worry about – sure, the novelty of banging our heads on the concrete five times a day will soon wear off, and I do like a bit of bacon (as do a lot of Muslims, I can’t help noticing). I think a big bushy beard will suit me though, and I quite fancy wearing a Muzzie hat, a great big one to annoy the people behind me in the cinema.
It’s my wife and daughter (and all the other women of this country) I feel sorry for… although, on the upside, the feminists will stop moaning all the time (one way or another), and if the wife moans too much, she can always be traded in for four younger models. … (I am joking… about the wife, anyway).
I love that one where he says that his book the Qur’an has a guaranteed future by Allah and that Allah will protect his Qur’an, and yet Allah allowed a tame goat to come into a tent and eat an entire Surah which had been left on a table.
“The Verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed1, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it.”
Prior to that at the battle of Badr the Qur’an had not been written down but was committed to memory, in seperate Surahs, several of the Muslims in the battle were killed and several Surahs were lost !
So much for Allah protecting his Qur’an.
Rwanda can send back anyone we send to them (I know, ha ha ha) if they want to.
Any ‘migrant’ sent there (ha ha ha) just needs to commit some crime and they will be returned here. No need to make the long journey from Rwanda to Calais, they will be flown back and put up in their hotel again.Send 50 and if they all start stealing or fighting then all 50 can be sent back.
How’s that for a loophole.
Of course, it’s all academic as nobody will ever be sent there.
The “Con-servatives” are shuffling around a “media tax” ?
The Reform Party want the TV Licence abolished ……….
” Reform the BBC: Bloated, wasteful
and obligatory. The licence fee needs
abolishing. People should be free to
Pointless information.
Who knew there were so many Pointless (and unknown) ”comedians ‘ ‘impressionists’ and ‘kids presenters’.
You have to admit that the programme name works on more than one level.
Racists calling me a racist is peak 2023 on this platform.
BBC market rate talent digging deeper holes is always a pleasure.
At this rate he might even get dropped from the Waitrose delivery news sheet that acts as a funding boost to BBC staff to keep Islington tofu types feeling warm and fuzzy.
Only one in 25 Jewish people is satisfied with the BBC’s coverage of the “Israel-Hamas crisis”, according to polling by the organisation Campaign Against Antisemitism 🔽
Surprised it is that high, given JonDon, JezBo etc are still in role and the rolling thread JohnC cites is a travesty.
Still Sky is orders worse.
An episode of The Live Desk on GB News broke our due impartiality rules.
The show promoted a GB News campaign calling for a new law on the status of cash. Our investigation focused on GB News’ compliance with our rules – not the campaign’s merits.
How many complaints about their mates at The BBC get through to them and of these upheld?
Interesting info (off GBN) that Ireland – a population of 5 mill – has 1 in 5 migrants. They perceive that by 2050 more than half will not be Irish born and the culture will be eroded. They have a big a problem as we do if not bigger.
Well, what do you bloody know!
BBC running a special because care homes haven’t got enough immigrant workers and old patients are falling over, falling out of bed, not being fed or medicated.
They insist the only way to stop this carnage of the sick and elderly is to import zillions more immigrants who are apparently all expert care home staff.
Would it be prudent to buy shares in companies manufacturing cctvs ? As I can see an upsurge in sales by families installing them in their loved ones care home rooms.
Maybe we should all buy spy cameras for that “just in case” time.
More evidence the IDF IS operating a shoot to kill policy against innocent people in Gaza:
“Civilians said they are trapped in Gaza’s only Catholic church after an alleged IDF sniper gunned down two women outside the building. ”
Killing Hamas is one thing, but using a sniper to shoot elderly women is beneath contempt. No one can justify this because there is no justification. It is a war crime
Can’t read the article due to a huge cookie banner…
Might have been a Palestinian gunman or just made up bullshit.
Didn’t Israel suggest cilvilians should head south many weeks ago.
Straight in the made up bull file.
An interesting new film coming out soon.
In the near future, a team of journalists travel across the United States during a rapidly escalating civil war that has engulfed the entire nation.
Th two tier policing thing in Canad
For the insomniacs.
History Debunked on David Lammy 😂.
How do you shame the shameless ?
It’s disturbing to think that someone as thick as Lammy is an MP and will be an important part of our next Government. One might reckon that being thick is an essential quality to be a Labour supporter.
It’s pretty obvious that people like Lammy are included in Labour’s front Bench because of their race rather than fitness for office. What is more disturbing is that Lammy is pretty obviously anti British as well as being anti white. Perhaps by choosing people like Lammy to be close to him it would make someone like Starmer look good.
Tolerance is afforded to some. especially Mr Lammy
you make a mistake
thats ok
you make another mistake thats also ok
You clearly demostrate you are stupid, despite some of the best education facilties trying their hardest thats OK
you are a non marxist / non far left / or a white male
God help you, you will be thrown to the wolves
Our BBC serves up some unpleasantness for us this morning: Homelessness: ‘I was raped while sleeping under a pier in Blackpool’ – presumably by another homeless person?
Michael Gove to the rescue…
New homes to be forced through… Councils risk losing planning powers if they reject developments… Gove insists Tories can deliver 300,000 properties a year (Times)
But what of our formerly green and pleasant land?
Don’t worry about it: Gove vows not to concrete over countryside in planning revamp (Telegraph) – ah, the perfect and ultimate politician’s promise – tell two different and opposing stories and make two contradictory promises aimed to please two different audiences at the same time. Tony Blair himself would be proud of our Michael.
Mr AsI has consistently told readers hereabouts that the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper was and remains the most coronaphobic of titles. Hypercondriac par excellence.
Paul Waugh – Covid is back… and we need Chris Whitty on our screens (‘i’)
Oh, how the big corporates enjoyed that Lockdown: Bankruptsies soar as high rates and end of Covid aid hit businesses hard (FT) – you know the drill by now… Bankruptsies soar as high rates and end of
CovidLockdown aid hit businesses hardBut this Covid Inquiry of ours will get to the very nub of the epidemiological issues for us…?
Or perhaps they’re not really interested in investigating the public health issues – seems they’re more interested in chasing some cheap political gotchas: Gove set to be quizzed about Mone at Covid inquiry (‘i’)
Another left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper obsession was and remains – Remainerism: Farmers say governemnet has broken Brexit promises (‘i’) – and don’t we all just know it!
New Brexit fingerprint checks for UK travellers start in 2024 (‘i’) – this from an EU meanwhile subject to: In 2022, there were approximately 331,000 illegal border crossings made at borders of the European Union, with Syrians being the most common nationality, at 98,360 (Statista) – methinks the EU is less concerned with defending its borders and more interested in bullying Brexit Britain
There’s an old saying that goes – Is the Pope Catholic?
Apparently these days he’s not: Same-sex blessings permitted by pope (Guardian)
Britain’s most fabulous institution – the NHS… is ailing
The 1950s notion of healthcare for all free-at-the-point-of-access hasn’t aged too well – what with our open borders
NHS dentists on the brink… Worst crisis in 75 years could see services slashed, report warns (Daily Mail)
Comedy of errors Mark Steel on his bungled cancer treatment (Telegraph)
Doctors’ strikes mean there are just four days when the NHS is fully functional in the next three weeks (Telegraph)
Euthenasia could save the NHS billions. So whenever a celeb comes out in favour, it’s inevitably presented to us as frontpage news – nudge, nudge: Esther Rantzen says she’s joined assisted dying clinic (BBC); Why I’ve joined Dignitas (Daily Mirror); Rantzen: Diginitas may be the way to go (Telegraph); I may ‘buzz off’ to Dignitas for sake of my family… Star calls for a vote on assisted dying… (Daily Express)
Smart meter, anyone?
Sir Grayson potty over £39,000 energy bill… EDF Energy said “unusual changes” can occur when an erroneous meter reading is recorded on the system and denied there was a wider problem. Journalist Jon Sopel said EDF had raised his direct debit from £152 to £19,274 a month and asked “Is there human rather than a bot we can talk to?” (Telegraph)
The FT presents us with one of those funny little accidental juxtapositions of clashing headlines this morning: FT financial literacy campaign goals for 2024 – compare and contrast with: Opaque wage data delays rate cuts, says BoE deputy
On an economics clarification note – inflation is NOT caused by wage increases – it IS caused by money printing – an increase in the money supply chasing the same amount of goods will inevitably lead to price increases.
Here endeth the lesson – as they used to say.
The jokey blokey Daily Star profers some sort of a cure for our ailing NHS: Doctor Who is a life saver– not for recent BBC viewing figures he’s not.
You mention someone reporting that covid / flu is back – well it is that time of year – anecdotally – perhaps infections are increasing a lot …
But is there any reaction to it ?the state is going through an expensive opera of an ‘inquiry ‘ going into frankly ridiculous distractions about the machinations of the obviously disfunctional regime ( not a government ) – yet as I write we may well be getting more infection …..
… so maybe the inquiry will recommend that the virus doesn’t turn up between – say December 18 and January 10 when all the Important People go on the Christmas Holidays …
… lessons will not be learnt ….
I hope those reporting infection on this site are continuing to get better …
German mayoral election win for Afd party. The lefties appear to be panicking
One born every minute, and here they are:-
The Somerset family travelling to Australia without flying
They decided to stop flying in 2002 “because of its effect on the climate”.
Next up, employers should give staff atleast 6 months off work to go on the ideal bbc holiday
In 1978, our Headmaster in his closing speech said:
“Pakistan is the biggest threat to this country, watch out for Pakistan”
Toady now seems to be one long tedious advert for something called a ‘podcast ‘ starring comrade Robinson and the foreign one …..
The bbc – as obsessed with sex as ever – keeps going on about’ binary ‘ or not with children at school . I don’t want to know about that stuff – I suffer from being normal – I have no time for perversions – I guess I’d be classified as a bigot – which presumably is now a criminal offence – it goes hand in hand with my racism – I assume the worse until the burden shows itself – my assessment is normally correct … ]
But the ‘gender ‘ stuff ? No wonder there is more mental illness than ever …
Must be a new record for hitting the ‘off’ button after ‘Today’ came on my alarm-radio this morning at 6.30.
We had the ‘news’ – Chinese earthquake 118 dead, sub-zero
(it’s at least -15C and record breaking actually), then Icelandic Volcano has gone off, lava flowing (Most MSM have headlines/pictures), more shipping in Red Sea hit overnight by (Iran), tensions grow.
Today ‘proper’ begins with the main story of the day – Kids who think they might be a multitude of genders !
That was as far as I got – OFF.
And they wonder why their audience is falling…. sheesh !
Jazz – yes – off switch – bbc obsession being inflicted on decent people … anyone still paying for that …
Well, a possible solution might be not to approach the on switch
I learnt this after losing contact wth the cat for a couple of days and some missing litter tray incidents
Zephir – I tell myself I listen out of duty – but maybe it’s something else …
I turned toady on again – journos talking to each other – they’ve got fed up with Ukraine – they’ve got fed up with Gaza – all they want to do is promote their effing podcast .
Another journo – ester ranzen bubbled on about topping herself – every one should be able to top themselves – particularly if old – music to bbc ears – they don’t care about the old – they cater for kidults – so if you are old – for the bbc – go die – unless you are an Attenborough of course – then you must live for ever …
As for the podcast promotion – could it be that comrade Robinson and the others are looking about their income after the BBC ? That bottle blond one who left newsnight and the trump hater went off to cash so maybe comrade Robinson is looking to do the same …
ester ranzen
yes, stood for election in Luton and insited she was commited to the Luton community, she did not win and, off she was elsewhere
I wonder what proportion of any MPs come from the place ‘represent ‘ or really really live in them? 10% ?
And I don’t mean those who have second homes in their constituency but really live somewhere nicer – …..
The BBC 100 Women Twitter account has the bio
“Putting women at the front and centre of news stories”
That seems like using licence payers money for CAMPAIGNING for ACTIVISM
Its focus is their November 26th story
not many whites … seems anti-white
.. of course whites are a global minority.. but still significant.
pic part 2