Gas and coal power are workers who turn up when you need them
Wind power is an unreliable worker who turns up or goes home when he feels like it
.. and gets THREE times the hourly rate
.. oh, and has to come from a great distance so imposes huge grid transportation costs.
So a grid with windpower is massively more expensive than one without.
So everything you pay for costs a lot more
that’s thousands of pounds per household per year.
Yet today’s new bulletins spoke of a £40 a household extra cost cos the grid can’t handle extra wind
Dream on if you think wind only costs you £40/year extra
Radio Humberside is closely aligned with wind industry PR and the item quoted the wind industry lobby group RenewablesUK so I guess it’s PRasNews for them
A point I heard yesterday which I had never thought about before is that wind and solar farms take up many times the land area that a gas or coal fired power station takes up. Consequently they do great damage to the environment by habitat destruction.
Yet another downtick against renewables to add to the growing list.
Here’s a thought: people who believe in so-called renewable energy can sign-up for it and pay the £40 subsidy to the (mainly foreign) owners of the windmills. The rest of us will stick with nuclear, gas, and especially coal (to show solidarity with the developing world) and will not pay the subsidy.
I’m now a great believer in, ‘Renewables’. I simply renew the contents of my diesel generator fuel tank when it runs low. Gonna get rid of mains within the next few months and save on the ‘Green Premium’ masquerading as, “Standing Charge”. Highly recommend investigation.
The unreliable windpower worker also gets to have his own trench to put his own cable.
Naturally the scar of that trench should be 100s of meters wide and should extend inland as much as possible (e.g. south of Norwich). So that when the wind blows the wind farm gets paid not to produce and some gas fired power station gets paid to fire up to compensate for the lost wind power. Kerching kerching.
This mafia like business reminds me of the Sicilian windmills which get driven by motors so the ‘families’ can claim the feed in tariff.
Why I think this must be a racket is because communities along the coast (e.g. Sheringham) are not given the option of free or cheap energy as a way of dumping the excess power during excess wind. Naturally the companies could never do that because naturally they never forced the people to have smart meters – they were only for turning off the power!
“Most protesters don’t really know why the are there protesting”
These guys asked Anti-Israel protesters why they’re trying to shut down Zara. Most of them didn’t have a clue.
The answer is due to stupidly believing that a Zara campaign depicted dead Palestinians despite being shot in September, before the conflict 🤦🏽
The UN/WEF et al. are doing the CCP work for them, diligently and relentlessly. Might be another hiccup though. How do the muslims fit in with the World Plan to do away completely with any extraneous country/personal autonomy? Beat me but, I’m sure China has a plan.
By virtue of age, I won’t be around to see the outcome.
The CCP simply interned and did away with the Uigyr muslims. They will tolerate them as long as they continue to degrade and destroy the West. About another 20 years will finish us off.
Utterly, shameless, distorted, dishonest made up, mendacious kerrapp from Carbon Tracker – retailed by the BBC.
The practice of switching off wind farms and ramping up power stations is known as “wind curtailment” and the costs are passed on to consumers, it said.
And I’m waiting for comrade rowlatt to explain how much ‘pollution. ‘ is being thrown out by those eruptions in Iceland …should Iceland have to pay a big carbon tax …?
Here are the main pieces of advice to headteachers:
Teaching staff should go to parents straight away if a child wants to identify as the other sex.
No punishment for using the wrong pronouns unless it’s bullying.
Schools should keep and protect single-sex spaces like toilets and changing rooms.
Use discretion, though generally keep boys out of girls’ sport.
** please note, election around the corner. Gov will say A then do B. Repeat – your vote is important to us for one day only.
I wonder if United tickets have found their way to family and friends?
Anybody know how big Khant’s entourage was / is?
The man who is saving London — and the planet — from climate change and 'toxic air' flies business class freebees for promoting CO2 emissions and air pollution.
Not long ago, you couldn’t move without seeing a TV story or reading a piece on ‘CRT’! It was everywhere.
Now it’s ‘DEI’ everywhere & hardly anyone mentions ‘CRT’.
This isn’t a coincidence. The right are masters of manufacturing new & fake controversies, crises, & moral panics.
Had to go to the USA and become a brown American to peddle this. Then even MSNBC couldn’t cope with him. Last day iirc.
Back on the BBC soon? or… Sky?
Rishi Sunak is under pressure to back an immediate ceasefire in Gaza after 10 senior Conservative MPs accused Israel of carrying out the “brutalisation of the civilian Palestinian population”
Helen M, what number of dead journalists would be horrifying to you? Correct – foreign journalists are being blocked from entering but our Palestinian colleagues are inside and being killed at a rate and numbers that far exceeds any war ever
Replying ‘under pressure’ is usually a sign they are desperate. They are. #CCBGB
When a particular brand of social engineering rapidly takes over the media, academia, education, business and government policy it’s very unlikely that ‘the right’ has manufactured a fake response.
Back in my schooldays when men were men, if I’d walked into a classroom and said “hello everyone, I really want to turn into a girl” then after all the sniggering had died down I suspect I’d have had a damn good kicking at lunchtime just behind the bike sheds.
A damn good kicking which ironically enough might have mutilated my genitals.
The Welsh Government and Refugee Council use little school girls to encourage refugees to claim benefits and housing in Wales, a 'sanctuary country'.
Absolutely disgusting, using little girls to encourage fighting age men to come to the UK who see nothing wrong in diddling kids.…
Then he went on to recount the events of the night of the murder:
He had been drinking with three friends and he had smoked hashish. Because he was extremely drunk, he was thrown out of the bar. At some time after that, he was on his way home. At the [river] Dreisam, the girl on her bicycle approached him.
He kicked against the bicycle, which caused the girl to fall off. She screamed. He held her mouth shut. Then he strangled her with her shawl until she was unconscious.
“When I saw how pretty she was, I wanted to have sex with her.” (Hussein K.)
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
According to his testimony he was too drunk to achieve an erection, so he inserted his hand. Since he had a previous injury from a bicycle accident, he pulled her into the river to wash his blood from her body. There he left her and fled.
BBC Last Touched on this story “Afghan murder suspect in Germany was jailed in Greece (convicted of attempted murder in Greece)” { dec2016}
Germans were outraged by the murder of Maria L, a student in Freiburg who volunteered for a refugee charity.
He was given a 10 year-sentence but was apparently freed after about 18 months.
– BBC £3.5bn News Service Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’ found wanting, the real world is just to horrible to report
– Lady Gaga reveals chronic illness, with fibromyalgia featuring in her new documentary (sales pitch!)
Seems nowadays kids get no education just hard gender ideology propaganda. Glad my kids are adults now. If this nonsense had been on the go 15 odd years back I know what I would have done if they were being exposed to this crap.
The inexplicable push by so many in the teaching profession to allow them to control small children’s sexual direction is puzzling at first glance.
The only conclusion I can come to is that the teaching profession has attracted huge numbers of candidates with an “unusual” attitude to sex and gender, possibly including their own, hence they are using the kids to shore up and normalise their own preferences for the future in addition to smashing society norms to dilute the power of the state and what would otherwise be a solid society by instilling a hate of a cohesive “normal” society in young minds.
Children are easily influenced by their peers to stand out so pushing some into becoming “unusual” members of society is likely to lead to a “me-too” trend as children like to be in with the flow for added attention and status as it were.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if they instead turned their attention and energies to the job they signed up for which is to maximise the educational capabilities of their young students rather than get involved in their sex lives to such a degree?
They should be teachers not pseudo activist lifestyle workers.
R4 had a programme on rum. Interesting, I thought… a friend of mine has recently got into buying expensive rums online and I’ve never given the spirit much thought beyond Bacardi. Ok so far so good… oh what’s that? Something about rum’s ‘dark history’. Ah. Didn’t take long… and now we get to BLM. Presenter pic below.
From the blurb: “But while rum has a sociable, sunny image thanks to its Caribbean heritage, not many people want to talk about its darker history and how it was once used as currency to buy enslaved Africans.”
Climate dooming is in fact relentless physcological campaigning along Stalin lines, the end goal is to convince joe public that they know nothing and must be cajoled or even forced into right-think for their own good.
The epitome of deep state in fact which wants ALL decisions and power to be in the hands of a select few who think they know best and are determined to take all decision making away from the herd to bolster their own positions.
It always amuses me when BBC threat-O-grams warn me that I may not use BBC iplayer online.
As if I would go the trouble! BBC is not worth the effort of pressing the TV power button. Much less of firing up the laptop, finding their player, signing up & searching for a program.
They just can’t get their heads around the fact that the crap they produce is unwatchable.
New film — “A war is coming to London as the gap between rich and poor is stretched to its limits in the trailer for Netflix‘s The Kitchen.
Co-directed by Daniel Kaluuya and Kibwe Tavares, the upcoming science fiction drama pits the underclass of a dystopian London against a brutal ruling class in a society where social housing has been eliminated. Instead, the working class make up the residents of ‘The Kitchen,’ including British actor and rapper Kane Robinson’s Izi.”
“In France, there are people who wait for you,” one Albanian man told me, after reaching the UK by small boat this summer. “Everybody in the world knows where to go, if you want to get to England.”
Watched the trailer, and it looks to me like it’s about race war in London town. Poor ‘The Kitchen’ dwelling blacks, against nasty, racist whitee plod in riot gear… you know, it could happen.
I’m curious, if this had been written and directed by a couple of whitees, would Netflix have been so keen to run with it?
The BBC have completely lost the plot now regarding the terrorists in Gaza. They mention Hamas 34 times on the live feed page and do not mention once that they are terrorists. I haven’t seen them include that FACT for weeks now.
Quite the opposite – we get:
‘The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza says 19,667 people have now been killed in the enclave since 7 October.
In an update on social media, the ministry says a further 52,586 people have been injured.’
‘The new death toll comes amid intensified pressure from the international community …’
What new death toll BBC ?. Are you inferring the one supplied by the terrorists themselves – who readily attack Israel from from schools and hospitals to use the civilians as human shields – is an accurate figure ?.
I did a bit of research to try and find out why the BBC never accuse Hamas of war crimes. I discovered an article where they tell us:
‘Israel did not consider itself at war with Hamas before 7 October, despite previous rounds of conflict stretching back many years.
For Israel, this was an act of terrorism, not war.’
But the BBC won’t call them terrorists either. Just ridiculous.
And of course a typical BBC lie. I also discovered:
From The International Criminal Court (ICC):
‘War crimes include torture, mutilation, corporal punishment, hostage taking and acts of terrorism.’
And Hamas did them all. One more blatant, agenda drive BBC lie.
And of course they just lump all the terrorists who killed in with everyone else so we think they are all civilians. But what do you expect when all the figures they quote are from Hamas ?. At the very least they should make it clear just how unreliable these reports are.
I know I’ve commented on this same thing many times now – but if anything, the BBC are getting worse and worse. They are using the same snippets of propaganda again and again in multiple articles.
And no BBC report would be complete without the staged propaganda photo:
What was the man with the camera doing up there if it isn’t staged ?.
Following seasonal updates to the Hello Lamp Post platform, members of the public are being encouraged to start up a conversation with lamp posts, bus shelters, and fences in Dundee about the climate and nature emergency.
Dundee Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service (DDARS)
For support with your drug or alcohol use please contact DDARS
Our office is open from 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Dundee Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service (DDARS)
Constitution House
55 Constitution Road
T: 01382 632542
“Scottish mortality rates to drug misuse and related deaths are the highest in Europe, and higher than the United States. This rate is 3.5 times higher than England and Wales.”
Most readers here will I am sure be more than aware that Britain now is a Marxist country with a party determined to make it as far Left as they possibly can.
So how about this one for a new Marxist idea the Tories have come up with and appear to have used the media very well to distort the truth of it.
Ofgem the energy regulator is going to allow energy companies to increase the maximum bills in order to recoup £3 Billion in losses.
Most people including media given the way it’s been presented have been annoyed that this is a way to allow those energy companies to claw back the losses they made, however this is completely wrong.
This £3 Billion loss originates from people refusing to pay their power bills and the inept Marxist Tories barring the power companies from disconnecting them.
So now the rest of us proles are going to be forced to pay the scroungers bills for them!
This is absolutely unbelievable! Why are the tories stopping the money out of their benefits? Why are they now cutting off their power and seizing every penny they can?
SImple comrade, because the Tories believe in ekwalitee and if you have money and are honest it’s more palatable to them to make you have less and the scroates have more!
G that mindset is more prevalent than you think. I’m the only one in my family to have broken the mould. Grandads and dad were all miners, and yes in their day it was the workers versus the mine owners so there was a real rich v abject poverty divide, and now there isn’t a fag paper between the parties.
The DT is showing a video of a mother and child in a pram escaping a rogue chelsea tractor driver:
“Mother and child miraculously escape serious injury as car overturns”
The article is probably behind a paywall. But don’t you go thinking that the 40 year-old woman driver had blacked out at the wheel just like you see all those footballers on the pitch doing. No, no, no no it is nothing to do with the jabba jabba – that would be misinformation.
There are loads of drivers leaving the roads and crashing into people and things, and this is all just a coincidence.
A lot of people telling me I'm far right these days. I can't be arsed to argue. You'll shit your pants when a real far right shows up. But it's not me who has the explaining to do. I mean, you've got what you want. You've got your open borders. You've got feral migrants harassing…
It’s yet another one of those scratch the surface and it doesn’t quite stand up left wing statistics again.
Britain invaded Egypt, well yes we did and got our asses handed to use.
Or Britain invaded Egypt, well, yes we did but only so we could get at the French in the battle of the Nile.
Same all over North Africa, it wasn’t the country the British were after it was the army of the Ottoman empire, which happened to occupying the country.
Other silly comments such as the opium wars, yes we invaded China, but we never intended to conquer it, nor to colonise it, just to make trade more fair.
I’m not sure we as a country ever invaded India, the East India Company might have but that isn’t Britain !
Same for Pakistan etc because it didn’t exist at the time.
We ‘invaded’ Iceland but by invitation to stop the Germans in WWII getting a nice U-Boat base in the N Atlantic.
The list goes on and on like this, it’s as usual highly misleading.
Lucy Pevensey ,
More like Islamabad ……we’re finished aren’t we .
This once pleasant Land of the 1950s when I was born , a happy and safe time . Hope my Grandchildren survive 🙏
I have memories of visiting as a teenager, when my grandparents were still alive in the ’80s. Yes, it was a craphole, but my grandfather seemed to know virtually everyone in the Market on first name terms, and they were 90%+ white, most of the rest being Sikh.
Terminal MoraineMar 14, 12:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 There is a noticeable absence of interest or countering voices to Starmer abolishing NHS England. BBC seem fine with jumping…
vladMar 14, 12:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Douglas Murray clash with Nigel Farage & Matt Goodwin “No point in Reform without mass deportations”
tomoMar 14, 12:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 14, 12:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 UN judge claims immunity…
JohnCMar 14, 12:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 More Right vs Left Lucy. And the majority of English people have right-wing views now. The extreme response of Starmers…
taffmanMar 14, 11:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 We are being invaded ! Our jails are being filled up with foreign criminals. Time to get rid of the…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 11:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 “What was most mind-blowing, she said, was the revelation from 1993 when the FBI wiretapped Hamas members in a Philadelphia…
Fedup2Mar 14, 11:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 Good to see the UN judge convicted of slavery in Oxford has found attention in the US …. The left…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 14, 11:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 The “mountain” scenes were filmed here in Snowdonia.
Did she keep her deposit ? Hope not
Thin end of the wedge. BBC nudge.
Gas and coal power are workers who turn up when you need them
Wind power is an unreliable worker who turns up or goes home when he feels like it
.. and gets THREE times the hourly rate
.. oh, and has to come from a great distance so imposes huge grid transportation costs.
So a grid with windpower is massively more expensive than one without.
So everything you pay for costs a lot more
that’s thousands of pounds per household per year.
Yet today’s new bulletins spoke of a £40 a household extra cost cos the grid can’t handle extra wind
Dream on if you think wind only costs you £40/year extra
Radio Humberside is closely aligned with wind industry PR and the item quoted the wind industry lobby group RenewablesUK so I guess it’s PRasNews for them
A point I heard yesterday which I had never thought about before is that wind and solar farms take up many times the land area that a gas or coal fired power station takes up. Consequently they do great damage to the environment by habitat destruction.
Yet another downtick against renewables to add to the growing list.
That’s a cornerstone of the book Renewable Energy without the Hot Air
The BBC headline admits it’s PR for a lobby group
but could have explained who
“Wasted wind power adds £40 to household energy bills, says think tank”
Here’s a thought: people who believe in so-called renewable energy can sign-up for it and pay the £40 subsidy to the (mainly foreign) owners of the windmills. The rest of us will stick with nuclear, gas, and especially coal (to show solidarity with the developing world) and will not pay the subsidy.
I’m now a great believer in, ‘Renewables’. I simply renew the contents of my diesel generator fuel tank when it runs low. Gonna get rid of mains within the next few months and save on the ‘Green Premium’ masquerading as, “Standing Charge”. Highly recommend investigation.
The unreliable windpower worker also gets to have his own trench to put his own cable.
Naturally the scar of that trench should be 100s of meters wide and should extend inland as much as possible (e.g. south of Norwich). So that when the wind blows the wind farm gets paid not to produce and some gas fired power station gets paid to fire up to compensate for the lost wind power. Kerching kerching.
This mafia like business reminds me of the Sicilian windmills which get driven by motors so the ‘families’ can claim the feed in tariff.
Why I think this must be a racket is because communities along the coast (e.g. Sheringham) are not given the option of free or cheap energy as a way of dumping the excess power during excess wind. Naturally the companies could never do that because naturally they never forced the people to have smart meters – they were only for turning off the power!
The cost of installing and maintaining offshore wind is astronomic.
“Most protesters don’t really know why the are there protesting”
Elon Musk, Tesla and the Deep State
Forget the “Deep State”. That’s just a minor hiccup for the UN/Chinese Government/WEF. They will resolve that in due course.
The World Plan? Communism with Chinese/UN/WEF control.
No wonder Rich Sunak and all the western leaders, including Biden, are enamoured with and closely following the plan.
For an idea of what’s in the future?
The UN/WEF et al. are doing the CCP work for them, diligently and relentlessly. Might be another hiccup though. How do the muslims fit in with the World Plan to do away completely with any extraneous country/personal autonomy? Beat me but, I’m sure China has a plan.
By virtue of age, I won’t be around to see the outcome.
The CCP simply interned and did away with the Uigyr muslims. They will tolerate them as long as they continue to degrade and destroy the West. About another 20 years will finish us off.
Yeah, but not the billions worldwide who follow the muslim cult. Maybe a directed illness affecting arabs and others only……
Recommendation and approved by the bbc
Amazon to make Warhammer 40,000 shows and movies
Best not to watch then
“BBC Science News” = amplifying wind lobby PR
What’s the story got to do with science ?
BBCscienceNews really equals BBCgreenPoliticalCampaigning
Like King Canute they cannot hold back nature as it spurts billions of tonnes of CO2 and particulates
“Volcano erupts in south-west Iceland”
Utterly, shameless, distorted, dishonest made up, mendacious kerrapp from Carbon Tracker – retailed by the BBC.
is a willful misrepresentation.
And I’m waiting for comrade rowlatt to explain how much ‘pollution. ‘ is being thrown out by those eruptions in Iceland …should Iceland have to pay a big carbon tax …?
Here are the main pieces of advice to headteachers:
Teaching staff should go to parents straight away if a child wants to identify as the other sex.
No punishment for using the wrong pronouns unless it’s bullying.
Schools should keep and protect single-sex spaces like toilets and changing rooms.
Use discretion, though generally keep boys out of girls’ sport.
** please note, election around the corner. Gov will say A then do B. Repeat – your vote is important to us for one day only.
The people having a thrifty, vintage, money-saving Christmas
tv licence?
I wonder if United tickets have found their way to family and friends?
Anybody know how big Khant’s entourage was / is?
Climate is boiling! Zoom meetings?
Bent as a nine bob note.
British Media.
Precedent, Champion… precedent.
Judge not a man by his avatar..
A man with this profile pic accuses me of being a narcissist. You can’t make this stuff up.
Almost at China. Still employed.
It’s how they rake in the local audiences.
bbc helps talk up prices, as usual
Fears of higher oil prices after Red Sea attacks
Not long ago, you couldn’t move without seeing a TV story or reading a piece on ‘CRT’! It was everywhere.
Now it’s ‘DEI’ everywhere & hardly anyone mentions ‘CRT’.
This isn’t a coincidence. The right are masters of manufacturing new & fake controversies, crises, & moral panics.
Had to go to the USA and become a brown American to peddle this. Then even MSNBC couldn’t cope with him. Last day iirc.
Back on the BBC soon? or… Sky?
Rishi Sunak is under pressure to back an immediate ceasefire in Gaza after 10 senior Conservative MPs accused Israel of carrying out the “brutalisation of the civilian Palestinian population”
Helen M, what number of dead journalists would be horrifying to you? Correct – foreign journalists are being blocked from entering but our Palestinian colleagues are inside and being killed at a rate and numbers that far exceeds any war ever
Replying ‘under pressure’ is usually a sign they are desperate. They are. #CCBGB
Alex doing a Mishal/Orla Combo is impressive.
Flavour of the month for ‘virtue signallers’ ?
When a particular brand of social engineering rapidly takes over the media, academia, education, business and government policy it’s very unlikely that ‘the right’ has manufactured a fake response.
Most people see this even if Mehdi can’t.
And for now… a BBC TNI partner ramps it up…
NEW POLL: More than half of voters think Trump will act like a dictator if elected
Seems split between lefties ‘terrified’ and folk who think it is just possible the US MSM is full of it.
Saudi White Wash king laughs with Chinese democratic (one party) leader of China locking up Muslims! HA HA HA HA H!
Unlike in 2016, Trump has actually been president for four years. He did not act as a dictator then, so this project fear is just nonsense.
Transgender guidance: Schools to keep parents informed
“Teachers should inform parents if their child wishes to change their gender identity at school, under newly-published government guidance.”
By Lauren Moss, LGBT correspondent & Josh Parry, LGBT producer
Really? these are children, no idea what they want this week, and next week ?
Back in my schooldays when men were men, if I’d walked into a classroom and said “hello everyone, I really want to turn into a girl” then after all the sniggering had died down I suspect I’d have had a damn good kicking at lunchtime just behind the bike sheds.
A damn good kicking which ironically enough might have mutilated my genitals.
Yeah sexualise children younger and younger – take that innocence away – paedo heaven
2017 ….
Then he went on to recount the events of the night of the murder:
He had been drinking with three friends and he had smoked hashish. Because he was extremely drunk, he was thrown out of the bar. At some time after that, he was on his way home. At the [river] Dreisam, the girl on her bicycle approached him.
He kicked against the bicycle, which caused the girl to fall off. She screamed. He held her mouth shut. Then he strangled her with her shawl until she was unconscious.
“When I saw how pretty she was, I wanted to have sex with her.” (Hussein K.)
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
According to his testimony he was too drunk to achieve an erection, so he inserted his hand. Since he had a previous injury from a bicycle accident, he pulled her into the river to wash his blood from her body. There he left her and fled.
BBC Last Touched on this story “Afghan murder suspect in Germany was jailed in Greece (convicted of attempted murder in Greece)” { dec2016}
Germans were outraged by the murder of Maria L, a student in Freiburg who volunteered for a refugee charity.
He was given a 10 year-sentence but was apparently freed after about 18 months.
– BBC £3.5bn News Service Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’ found wanting, the real world is just to horrible to report
– Lady Gaga reveals chronic illness, with fibromyalgia featuring in her new documentary (sales pitch!)
We welcome anyone, but only at 20 miles an hour.
Cannot decide too many sweets is bad.
Can decide dislikes their penis.
Seems nowadays kids get no education just hard gender ideology propaganda. Glad my kids are adults now. If this nonsense had been on the go 15 odd years back I know what I would have done if they were being exposed to this crap.
The inexplicable push by so many in the teaching profession to allow them to control small children’s sexual direction is puzzling at first glance.
The only conclusion I can come to is that the teaching profession has attracted huge numbers of candidates with an “unusual” attitude to sex and gender, possibly including their own, hence they are using the kids to shore up and normalise their own preferences for the future in addition to smashing society norms to dilute the power of the state and what would otherwise be a solid society by instilling a hate of a cohesive “normal” society in young minds.
Children are easily influenced by their peers to stand out so pushing some into becoming “unusual” members of society is likely to lead to a “me-too” trend as children like to be in with the flow for added attention and status as it were.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if they instead turned their attention and energies to the job they signed up for which is to maximise the educational capabilities of their young students rather than get involved in their sex lives to such a degree?
They should be teachers not pseudo activist lifestyle workers.
“They are teachers not activist workers.”
Not know they are.
What on earth are they teaching them at yoonies these days ?
not “now” they are . typo !
‘LGBT correspondent’ and ‘LGBT producer’’- licence fee payers take note of how the BBC wastes your money on deviant crap.
More switch on bingo in the car yesterday —
R4 had a programme on rum. Interesting, I thought… a friend of mine has recently got into buying expensive rums online and I’ve never given the spirit much thought beyond Bacardi. Ok so far so good… oh what’s that? Something about rum’s ‘dark history’. Ah. Didn’t take long… and now we get to BLM. Presenter pic below.
From the blurb: “But while rum has a sociable, sunny image thanks to its Caribbean heritage, not many people want to talk about its darker history and how it was once used as currency to buy enslaved Africans.”
Yes but did you buy slaves using dark rum or white rum, the nation waits with bated breath, not.
Anyone notice that weather presenters now use the word ‘cooler’ in place of ‘colder’?
Global warming nudging ?
Climate dooming is in fact relentless physcological campaigning along Stalin lines, the end goal is to convince joe public that they know nothing and must be cajoled or even forced into right-think for their own good.
The epitome of deep state in fact which wants ALL decisions and power to be in the hands of a select few who think they know best and are determined to take all decision making away from the herd to bolster their own positions.
BBC Christmas 2023 TV and iPlayer line-up brings the festive spirit to the UK
Glad I dont fund this
Hello MarkyMark
Picture at the bottom right – thats the bbc remake of the movie The Sound of Music? lol
The best bit is when Captain Von Trapp (now known simply as T-Rapp) sings a moving rendition of ‘Edelschwarz.’
It always amuses me when BBC threat-O-grams warn me that I may not use BBC iplayer online.
As if I would go the trouble! BBC is not worth the effort of pressing the TV power button. Much less of firing up the laptop, finding their player, signing up & searching for a program.
They just can’t get their heads around the fact that the crap they produce is unwatchable.
Andyjsnape- and I thought last year was bad. This is painful.
New film — “A war is coming to London as the gap between rich and poor is stretched to its limits in the trailer for Netflix‘s The Kitchen.
Co-directed by Daniel Kaluuya and Kibwe Tavares, the upcoming science fiction drama pits the underclass of a dystopian London against a brutal ruling class in a society where social housing has been eliminated. Instead, the working class make up the residents of ‘The Kitchen,’ including British actor and rapper Kane Robinson’s Izi.”
Channel crossings: Albanian migrants recruited to the UK by gangs
4 November 2022
“In France, there are people who wait for you,” one Albanian man told me, after reaching the UK by small boat this summer. “Everybody in the world knows where to go, if you want to get to England.”
Thanks for the heads up Terminal. Will make sure I miss it.
Sounds like a woke lefties wet dream
Watched the trailer, and it looks to me like it’s about race war in London town. Poor ‘The Kitchen’ dwelling blacks, against nasty, racist whitee plod in riot gear… you know, it could happen.
I’m curious, if this had been written and directed by a couple of whitees, would Netflix have been so keen to run with it?
Michael Gove stamps his feet and demands Local Authorities allow more house building…………………………….
After all, those migrants have to live somewhere.
Follow the money
The money keeps deserting us. 🙁
Hamas officials say 20 killed in Rafah as UN discusses ceasefire vote
The BBC have completely lost the plot now regarding the terrorists in Gaza. They mention Hamas 34 times on the live feed page and do not mention once that they are terrorists. I haven’t seen them include that FACT for weeks now.
Quite the opposite – we get:
‘The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza says 19,667 people have now been killed in the enclave since 7 October.
In an update on social media, the ministry says a further 52,586 people have been injured.’
‘The new death toll comes amid intensified pressure from the international community …’
What new death toll BBC ?. Are you inferring the one supplied by the terrorists themselves – who readily attack Israel from from schools and hospitals to use the civilians as human shields – is an accurate figure ?.
I did a bit of research to try and find out why the BBC never accuse Hamas of war crimes. I discovered an article where they tell us:
‘Israel did not consider itself at war with Hamas before 7 October, despite previous rounds of conflict stretching back many years.
For Israel, this was an act of terrorism, not war.’
But the BBC won’t call them terrorists either. Just ridiculous.
And of course a typical BBC lie. I also discovered:
From The International Criminal Court (ICC):
‘War crimes include torture, mutilation, corporal punishment, hostage taking and acts of terrorism.’
And Hamas did them all. One more blatant, agenda drive BBC lie.
And of course they just lump all the terrorists who killed in with everyone else so we think they are all civilians. But what do you expect when all the figures they quote are from Hamas ?. At the very least they should make it clear just how unreliable these reports are.
I know I’ve commented on this same thing many times now – but if anything, the BBC are getting worse and worse. They are using the same snippets of propaganda again and again in multiple articles.
And no BBC report would be complete without the staged propaganda photo:

What was the man with the camera doing up there if it isn’t staged ?.
Jockland has some wonderful politicians.
Breaks the X parody rules?
This is a city that loves the SNP. The whole place needs sectioned under the mental health act if this nonsense is allowed.
drugs problem?
Dundee Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service (DDARS)
For support with your drug or alcohol use please contact DDARS
Our office is open from 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Dundee Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service (DDARS)
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“Scottish mortality rates to drug misuse and related deaths are the highest in Europe, and higher than the United States. This rate is 3.5 times higher than England and Wales.”
glue sniffing?
Yes please if you have some!
Most readers here will I am sure be more than aware that Britain now is a Marxist country with a party determined to make it as far Left as they possibly can.
So how about this one for a new Marxist idea the Tories have come up with and appear to have used the media very well to distort the truth of it.
Ofgem the energy regulator is going to allow energy companies to increase the maximum bills in order to recoup £3 Billion in losses.
Most people including media given the way it’s been presented have been annoyed that this is a way to allow those energy companies to claw back the losses they made, however this is completely wrong.
This £3 Billion loss originates from people refusing to pay their power bills and the inept Marxist Tories barring the power companies from disconnecting them.
So now the rest of us proles are going to be forced to pay the scroungers bills for them!
This is absolutely unbelievable! Why are the tories stopping the money out of their benefits? Why are they now cutting off their power and seizing every penny they can?
SImple comrade, because the Tories believe in ekwalitee and if you have money and are honest it’s more palatable to them to make you have less and the scroates have more!
Thoughtful – I cannot understand how anyone can contemplate voting for those imposters …
Another devolution success
Scrap the so called Welsh Government !
You need to have a word with your countrymen and women about that Taffman – I would, if I was you!
No need , they know and are of the same opinion .
I hope you’re right Taffman.
Heard it said only a week ago, from an ex miner, ‘yes, I always vote Labour and always will do, my father and his grandfather did the same………’
Welcome to Stonehenge.
The Welsh Language struggles with modern words which are basically the same as English:
English Welsh
Fire Fire
Wheel Wheel
Maybe they (Wales) need to follow Dundee’s lead and appoint a bus shelter (Cysgod bysiau) as First Minister?
(with apologies to René Magritte)
Devolved government eh?
G that mindset is more prevalent than you think. I’m the only one in my family to have broken the mould. Grandads and dad were all miners, and yes in their day it was the workers versus the mine owners so there was a real rich v abject poverty divide, and now there isn’t a fag paper between the parties.
In Wales, we may have to call in Médecins Sans Frontières to help out with medical care. NHS failing altogether at GP level.
Import the third world, become the third world. UN/WEF/China will be happy – well on the way to destroying the West.
net zero miles per hour travel!
The DT is showing a video of a mother and child in a pram escaping a rogue chelsea tractor driver:
“Mother and child miraculously escape serious injury as car overturns”
The article is probably behind a paywall. But don’t you go thinking that the 40 year-old woman driver had blacked out at the wheel just like you see all those footballers on the pitch doing. No, no, no no it is nothing to do with the jabba jabba – that would be misinformation.
There are loads of drivers leaving the roads and crashing into people and things, and this is all just a coincidence.
Have a listen to this climate denier from taffland
Rarely said – but a truth nonetheless I reckon.
And 80% is still a shite hole.

It’s yet another one of those scratch the surface and it doesn’t quite stand up left wing statistics again.
Britain invaded Egypt, well yes we did and got our asses handed to use.
Or Britain invaded Egypt, well, yes we did but only so we could get at the French in the battle of the Nile.
Same all over North Africa, it wasn’t the country the British were after it was the army of the Ottoman empire, which happened to occupying the country.
Other silly comments such as the opium wars, yes we invaded China, but we never intended to conquer it, nor to colonise it, just to make trade more fair.
I’m not sure we as a country ever invaded India, the East India Company might have but that isn’t Britain !
Same for Pakistan etc because it didn’t exist at the time.
We ‘invaded’ Iceland but by invitation to stop the Germans in WWII getting a nice U-Boat base in the N Atlantic.
The list goes on and on like this, it’s as usual highly misleading.
@THoughtful : it’s whataboutery
and against the principles of two bad things don’t make a right.
Absoloot-ely NOT on the BBC<
That “care in the community” thing….
Get your tits out for the boys!
Lucy Pevensey ,
More like Islamabad ……we’re finished aren’t we .
This once pleasant Land of the 1950s when I was born , a happy and safe time . Hope my Grandchildren survive 🙏
My parents’ hometown!
I have memories of visiting as a teenager, when my grandparents were still alive in the ’80s. Yes, it was a craphole, but my grandfather seemed to know virtually everyone in the Market on first name terms, and they were 90%+ white, most of the rest being Sikh.
There is a reason why people omit context details from tweets
and videos .. like the name of the actual shop
It’s deception.
Time for the midweek thread – which covers the shortest day of the year – then it’s all gravy ….