The BBC carries on over Christmas so we do too . The site is offering a prize for the best ‘woke / Far Left insert ‘ to a Christmas programme – Radio or TV – the prize will consist of a warm feeling …
Christmas Weekend December 2023
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Happy Christmas one and all.
Anyone else had any round robins tucked into their Christmas cards? I have had two or three, from my left leaning friends. They list their exotic holidays they had in 2023. Don’t they know the word is literally on fire? No, I don’t think so either but these friends are exactly the ones who tell me they are terribly concerned about the climate.
Deborah, many thanks for giving me the chance for a moan! I’ve just received my usual lengthy Christmas news e-mail from my posh and slightly left-leaning old friends in Surrey.
(Their most memorable e-mail came at the end of the Brexit year. My friend broke off her list of fancy European holidays to rage about the Brexit result – so infuriated she was applying for Irish citizenship! She later got it.)
Their most recent offering features yet more tourism listings, along with their children’s achievements and their membership of clubs. I would have no objection if any of this had featured colourful anecdotes. Regrettably, I shall never know whether anything hilarious occurred during their archaeological tour of Albania!
I don’t post much these days. (Living in Australia causes difficulties.) But I’d like to take the chance to wish all the regulars a happy new year!
A round robin has lots of signatories. A letter written to lots of people is a circular letter.
Merry Christmas All
Time to unwrap the Strategic Air Command internet monitor of Santa going across the world …. I just hope when he gets near the holy land the ‘iron dome ‘ doesn’t shoot him down ….. I guess in Gaza the 25th December will be just another day …..
Three ladies at the top of the Thread, whoo hooo! Well, done to all three and excellent posts all. Tough, digg, but more opportunities will present themselves in 2024.
I would wish to greet everyone here and wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous and peaceful New Year.
A big thank you to Fed for reading all the posts (I tend to do the same, they are interesting after all, hence my recent temporary leave of absence for ‘domestic difficulties’ – heating related) and to Robert and backroom team who keeps the site going. Not forgetting Stew Green who provides useful links and posts which keep us all in order.
May we all be blessed by God in true Tiny Tim fashion in our personal lives and in our battles with the BBC.
Debs. Hand up, I’m guilty of the newsy letter. I know what you mean though, as I generally receive those that trumpet the achievements of their offspring. I do try to be more adventurous than the normal three topics – holidays, kids, and medical issues, and speak of my lustings of the young fit window cleaner, or why, being a certain age , am I deemed only suitable to receive endless tins of biscuits at Christmas!!
Yes Brissels, I don’t mind a catch up in a card, prefer self deprecating, but other people’s holidays are not usually very interesting (unless they were there when a volcano blew for example but then I want to know rather more than that it was a bit dusty and the hotel cleaners didn’t turn up.)
The best whingeing one we had from some arch-lefties, was the year of the fabulous Brexit vote and President Trump’s success!
We still laugh about their moaning and the misery it caused them!
Still, one of the pair used to ‘work’ for the Beebicle, so that was to be expected!
Happy Christmas everyone!
(If anyone would like to see a post of the ‘Lament of the Surveyor’s Twelve Days of Christmas’, then I’ll copy it here – it’s getting on a bit, but is still relevant – I think…)!
Scrobie, yes that was wonderful when a friend of mine suddenly developed Trump Derangement Syndrome. I’m not a fan of DJT but I’m secretly hoping he will win in 2024 just to see the hyperbolic rage of the Lefties. Could be another Krakatoa moment …..
A sign of age. Sending Xmas cards to old friends is now like a fisherman casting a net. An inevitable call when the spouse of an old friend receives the card addressed to them both. Message?
So sorry, x passed away earlier in the year and I forgot to get in touch………………
Common expression in those boasting letters is “somehow we muddled through” – from people who never muddled at anything.
Whenever I go to social occasions I like to make sure every one knows that in 2023 I travelled 178 000 miles by airplane – which apparently is 7 times around the planet – I ensure green people know this for their discomfort – I don’t know how many tons of carbon it is but I hope it is a lot … !
The more you increase CO2, the more good you are doing. Not many scientists are brave enough to come out and say this.
And then Fed you drop the punchline….. you’re an airline pilot ! !
I can remember the terms ‘Trolly Dolly’ and ‘Dragon Wagon’, but what’s the third one?
Cart tart? Galley hag? Trolley trollop? Flight deck floozy?
Yup, the first one is the answer, but I love the others too MM!
Thank you!
Just remembered a yarn from way back, when a chap was flying in some godforsaken African country, and asked for a window seat!
The curt answer was, ‘There’s only one window, an’ the Captain’s got that”!
Brissles, my dear old thing (as dear old Blowers would say if he is still alive, well, it will be a cricket season somewhere soon) our Fed is a passenger. Cue for song?
We don’t often get the chance to have a real go at the LibDems. But here’s a corker, shown on ITV London from Sutton.
A new housing estate has lost its hot water and heating supply THIRTY times in the last 2 years. How so?
It’s a community heating scheme. How touchy-freely. The energy provider is council owned ( isn’t that so LibDem) and has a contract for 25 years. Residents cannot thus change supplier. It’s effectively a statist monopoly. But it gets worse. The scheme is supposed to be ‘green’ and tied into a nearby waste incinerator. Except that they haven’t bothered to connect it up properly.
Proof here of two things. One is that the LibDems are increasingly statist and socialist. And two, they cannot not run a p***up in a brewery.
An entire estate was left without heating or hot water for eight hours after the 30th outage on the local energy network since 2021 on Wednesday, December 6.
The Sutton Decentralised Energy Network (SDEN) is a heat supply network that is the sole provider of the 700-home estate’s heating and hot water.
Since the Sutton Council-owned network was introduced on the estate in 2016, it has been dogged by numerous outages.
Residents of New Mills Quarter in Hackbridge “thought they’d turned a corner”, believing that the network had started to improve, before the most recent heating failure.
There is a parody Twitter account
Sutton Decentralised Energy Network parody@SDEN_ltd
Parody of Libdem District heating project in Hackbridge.
I call it the Pioneer Fallacy
when dumb UK politicians insist Britain must be “world leader” in some new dream tech.
and thus rush in and screw it all up
Wasting lots of money, whilst other countries learn for free from our mistakes.
Doesn’t much of Peterborough suffer from central water distribution and heating?
Maybe best to ask the MP – er – oooops…
I’m not sure the PIRI has been implemented yet
(Peterborough’s Integrated Renewable Infrastructure (PIRI)
will deliver energy for the Peterborough community through an integrated renewable energy system
It’s a Conseravtive Party project)
My Christmas wish?
I wish our politicians, especially when in Government, would stop ‘willy waving’ ie. pretending to be the best (have the biggest!) in the world and, instead, just look after the people for which they are held responsible at Election time.
Archbishop Welby to be Knighted, apparently a personal favour from King Charles. It sets the tone for things to come.
I have a neighbour who is a double for Welby. When I greet him I call him Archbishop and/or Welby which annoys the hell out of him as he hates Welby as much as many on here do.
Did Israel Possess Foreknowledge of Recent Attacks?
Suspicious Stock Market Activity and Ignored Warnings Abound
I read somewhere that it was Hamas leaders who had been shorting on Israeli companies and made $2 billion.
I also have read information ahead of the attacks was ignored by the Israeli Chief of Staff and not passed on to Netanyahu because he is a left leaning hater of Netanyahu (if you remember there were a lot of left wing demonstrations in Israel in the weeks before the October 7th attack because the Left didn’t like the result of the elections).
I find it scary that it is ok for the Left to claim, ‘not on my name’ when Trump, Boris or Netanyahu is elected. Meanwhile Americans wandering about in government buildings on January 6th have been jailed without trial.
Bibby Stockholm “residents” prepare for “boring” Christmas says the Guardian….
Now call me an ignaramous but I never knew Muslims would be likely to be upset if they couldn’t celebrate Christmas by opening presents and getting pissed!
“Bibby Stockholm “residents” prepare for “boring” Christmas says the Guardian….”
Do all major media have Bibby Editors embedded.
Surely they have tvls and are looking for Mrs. Brown’s boys?
Maybe if they put on the ‘Mrs brown ‘ box set on repeat across the next week amnesty international will accuse the government of torture – and maybe these invaders will go ‘home ‘ ….
I’ve never seen that programme as its’ reputation precedes it ….
BTW – bbc viewing figures are expected to continue the rapid decline this Christmas – which is a sort of present / gift …
Boring ? 2 Bibby guys out of 39 are on police bail
“Two asylum seekers living on board the controversial Bibby Stockholm migrant barge have been arrested for a suspected sexual assault in a nearby nightclub.
The suspects, aged 24 and 27, were detained in relation to an incident that occurred at the Kika Beach Bar in Weymouth”
I sexual assault covers a lot it could be accidental touching, it could be a false report etc.
They could watch Dr Who, but I would not be cruel enough to force them.
Merry Christmas to all (It’s not Happy Holidays)
Not from the BBC or other pinko organisations.
Asylum seekers stopped at airport ‘trying to leave Britain and go home for the holidays’
A police chief has revealed that asylum seekers have been stopped at airports trying to go home for Christmas.
Border Force Chief Phil Douglas was talking to LBC about how the Border Force conducts outbound checks during Christmas time when he mentioned the incidents.
He said: “We do outbound checks on people to certain flights that are prevalent.
“We do find a lot of people who have claimed asylum in this country and are heading back to their home country for holidays which obviously isn’t allowed.”
Chief Douglas’ comments came as Home Secretary James Cleverly claimed that some people coming to the UK are economic migrants.
Mr Cleverly said the UK had always been “a very generous country to…people who are genuinely seeking protection from persecution, from war, from violence”.
He added that the government recognised there were a lot of people who were “fundamentally economic migrants” and to them, his message was that if they came here illegally they would be sent home.
From Daily Express
Well I knew that the Home Office numpties were dead keen to get as many of these migrants into the Country as possible with the minimum of checks and fuss but I had no idea they were so attached to them that they won’t let them leave but I suppose it makes Mickey Mouse sense in the fruit-loop la-la-land they inhabit!
” Big Brother I know here at the BBC diversity department
we chose the contestants for Celebrity Mastermind.
And I know that we have to be inclusive, in our selection of
contestants. And even have a white male at least once a week.
BUT don’t you think that the contestants should be asked
before they go on air that they know even a smidgen
about their “specialist” subject? For example if it is the
two times table. We could ask them what two times two is.
Then we would know that at least they know something if
they say four.
Last night 22/12 two of the contestants knew NOTHING
about their specialist subjects. Yes , I know we can give
them points on general knowledge . Such as what do you
call a special Christmas show which begins with PANTO ?
NO!!! Fairbrother. Diversity, Inclusiveness, Quotas, Positive
Discrimination comes before anything else on the BBC.
And do you think we are going to have white males on
more than once a week? The one last night scored 17 points
against the right choice of contestanrs . Even if they did score
nothing !!
On BBC” at 6.00 was a quiz, Richard Osman’s House of Games.
Had to have the right might mix of celebrity contestants.
They did a champions week once.
Only problem was 95% of the winners were white folk.
Easy solution in week 2, bring back an ethnic that had lost in their original non-champions run !
I sometimes wonder why these people are referred to as ‘celebrities’, as yours truly, Mrs yours truly and many millions more normal indigenous British citizens have never heard of them!
For instance, I never watch football, either the blokes, or the women’s or the transwotsits, so none on those names mean anything to me!
Any soap people are an anathema to us, most actors in modern films are unheard of, I don’t know any ‘comedians’ after Lee Evans, who was funny, and all my musical tastes of recent years, are firmly stuck in the prog rock years from some time ago, but of course, if Delius or Vaughan Willams had been alive today, they’d be my Celebrities!
(Tell me Mr Delius, which of the Spice Girls is married to a promising footballer…)
So as usual, the lazy idiot sleb programme ‘controllers’ just stick a pin in the ‘B’ list, give the first few a call, and sit back while all the ‘agents’ start bickering and yapping!
Well worth £159 a year don’t you think…
Scroblene- I have wondered if Vaughan Williams may have heard one of the first performances In Wien or Germany of the
Bruckner uncompleted 9th symphony. He was in Germany ar
the time. His ” Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis ”
The wide luscious opening chords really does have a
resemblance to the chords we hear just before the climatic
dissonance towards the end of the Bruckner third movement.
Before the “farewell to life ” finally of the movement.
Scroblene you may be asking why am I writing this on
a biased BBC website. The only reason is that BRUCKNER
would be one of my specialist subjects if I was ever to be
on Mastermind. BUT there are two hopes for that No Hope ,
or Bob Hope. I am afraid I don’t tick the right boxes so far
as the biased BBC is concerned.
By the way I love ” Eventyr” by Delius. Happy Christmas.
That is some superb detail you describe, Foscari!
I’m not very good on Bruckner, but clearly as your chosen subject you’d have more than enough detail there!
Vaughan Williams’ music is of the goose-pimple variety for me, and I still turn to jelly on hearing the last movement of The Sea Symphony, but it has to be with Andre Previn conducting Heather Harper and John Shirley-Quirk! I once heard one version with another well-known soprano, and by George, she didn’t quite make the final top note, and ruined my day – my week even – I still have nightmares!
I’m listening to Eventyr now – it’s sublime!
Happy Christmas to you too,
Scrobs, my celebrity list would be a Who’s Who from the Golden Age of Hollywood from Parkys chat shows. When Fred Astaire, James Cagney, Bette Davis, Gene Kelly, Jimmy Stewart et al were on, it was compulsive viewing in our house..
They’d be fabulous Brissles!
I love the ones he did with Michael Caine and also Peter Sellers!
And I can still remember first hearing the title song from 42nd Street movie, with the original cast, and being absolutely blown away – it is such a fabulous song! Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler were just fantastic!
Oooh 42nd Street. Have seen the show 6 times in London. Being an ex-hoofer, the tap dancing chorus line is one of the best moments in musical theatre / on film
Morning, yo ho ho, etc.
The bbc are in a helpful mood today. There’s a story about the middle east events, “Stakes are high as biden urges Israel to change course.” At the top of the article there’s a publicity shot of a serious looking man and woman, who have obviously been told to pose in an “American Gothic” re-creation sort of way.
And who are these megastars? They are the reporters of the article. Thanks bbc, I really wanted to know what these people look like (Not Kuennesburg though).
At least it’s not springster, she’s definitely on the naughty step.
To round off the report, have you been wondering about the phrase “Boots on the ground?”
Well ponder no longer, here’s a helpful picture of some boots. On the ground.
The tv licence is worth every penny I spend on it, i.e. nothing at all.
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas – so sang Bing Crosby – or Michael Bublé – depending on your era and your favourite cultural references – and there’s plenty of my cultural references referenced below, dear readers
The formerly patriotic Times newspaper, as it edges inexorably ever closer to the politics and outlook of the Guardian, decides to celebrate and lionise a lefty cartoonist in a big way: Peter Brookes Cartoons of the year a 60-page special (Times Magazine) – to be fair our politics has served up an awful lot of cartoonish material lately – although some might say it’s moved beyond satire and ever closer into the realms of dystopian horror
Despite the example of the Guardian in recent times having to bin some of their favourite cartoonists for encroaching too closely on that anti-semitic territory, last seen published in Julius Streicher’s Der Stürmer, the Times goes there this morning featuring Mr Brooke’s anti-Suella Braverman gag, first published at the time of her resignation.
We see a placard of Rishi’s face – big sticky-out ears and all – overlaid with one of those international road signs for “NO!” – a red circle with a red dividing line through it – call it a Red Wall, perhaps? “Out out out!” reads the legend on the placard held by the first in line of a duplicated veritable battalion of goose-stepping, angry-mouthed, red dress uniformed Suellas.
Remember that MTV pop video Robert Palmer did for his 1986 track Addicted to Love? The militaristic drum beat intro then the loud incessant fuzzbox guitar riff. Palmer in shirtsleves and tie, the ultimate cool 80s yuppie getting in some rockin’ after a hard day at the office. Five six-foot (in their high heels) identikit expression-less catwalk model-types played his band. Feminism wasn’t such a big thing in the media back then.
They looked like clones, with their heavily made up eyes, impossibly red lips, instruments at the finger tips and no expression whatsoever. Shot by fashion photographer Terence Donovan, “Addicted to Love” became a sensation, in large part because of the band of women who held on to their Sphinx-like expressions while grooving to Palmer’s song. (Firstpost – Indian news website owned by Reliance Industries, which also runs CNN-News18 and CNBC TV18. It has posted misinformation on multiple occasions – so says Wikipedia – but they nailed the look of that iconic Robert Palmer video)
Anyway, cartoonist Brooke’s satirisation of our Suella (Indian heritage and married to a jew, mind you) as a monstrous brigade of nazified women reminded this observer of the Addicted to Love video – I’ve got a brain that works that way.
Of course the Times is addicted to the Tory soft wet pro-hyper-immigration centre. That’s when they’re not awarding interview after interview to Sir Keir Starmer.
What is it about leftists and knighthoods?
King honours man who crowned him – despite his attacks on Tories… Charles to knight archbishop Welby (Daily Mail)
Which newspapers still carry chess problems?
Here’s my chess puzzle clue to a recent news report:
In one move: King to knight bishop, that frees queens to mate, so as to check white squares
Did you guess it?
Church of England backs services for gay couples (BBC)
Some good economic news – for the usual suspects: Revenues at Blair’s institute climb to $140mn as 40-plus nations seek advice (FT)
What does the Tony Blair Institute actually do? Spreading its neoliberal ‘reform’ mission around the world, the institute has been raking in the cash working for any government that pays — now it’s looking at Britain – that’s the rather jaundiced view of Solomon Hughes at the editorially communist Morning Star – however, despite the sour grapes over Corbyn, they could be onto something: Blair has cashed in on his political influence working for other nations but clearly wishes he could be involved again with running a British government. I don’t know why the institute, based in London, does its accounts in US dollars, but I suppose it reflects Blair’s long-held belief in US hegemony… if Labour is elected the Tony Blair Institute is likely to get very big behind-the-scenes influence guiding Labour’s corporate-friendly “reforms.”
Meanwhile the FT goes full-on Drop The Dead Donkey on Gaza
You’ll recall the fakey foreign war correspondent Damien Day (played by Stephen Tompkinson) in that tv newsroom comedy satire. He used to pack a tatty teddy bear in his travel bag so as to artfully place the toy in the rubble for his ultimate think of the children bleeding heart award-winning photo journalism.
The FT does a Damien Day at one remove – it features frontpage: Celebrations cancelled as war dims holy city’s spirit… One church has remodelled its Nativity scene with a manger made of shattered concrete ‘Jesus under the rubble’ says its pastor
Well that’s just giving ideas to our very own Londinistan Concrete Avenue state primary school for their Nativities
Hey, grandad, see what we’ve got you this Christmas – euthenasia
Express readers send national treasure messages of support… Esther’s thanks: ‘You’ve given me strength when I needed it most’… battling to legalise assisted dying (Daily Express)
The Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express may no longer be united with the people of Ukraine this Christmas on their masthead – and I’m never going to let them forget it – but that medieval crusader figure of their’s is wearing a red Santa hat and they’ve hung a bauble on the title. Plus there’s a Scrooge-like sub-headline that would bring a tear to a glass eye: Christmas tills are jingling all the way
Ah Yes – the tedious and corrupt New year ‘honours ‘ list ….
Shall we predict ?
Popular common type – girly footy type
Old Actor popular type – insert name – preferably coloured
Services to woke – insert name – preferably coloured
Retired Green Crap type
Someone coloured for being coloured
Charidee donor ( non Arab )
Charidee ‘worker ‘- CEO ( £200 k pa )
Jobsworth civil servant
School dinner lady ( always )
‘Tame ‘Muslim
Must take issue with your designation of ‘jobsworth civil servant’ ( singular).
This should definitely be ‘jobsworth civil servants’
The Order of the Bath and Order of St Michael and St George are more or less reserved just for them. Senior civil servants, military, FCO, and a few others.
‘Sir Peregrine Farquerharson for services to turning up for work……’
Sluff – indeed you are correct – it is the jobsworths I have in mind – what sort of system pays these people shed loads of public cash – whether they are any good or not – inc pension – then throw gongs at then to up their ‘remuneration ‘ when they join boards as non execs ?
However – should I be offered a gong for services to destroying the BBC I’d happily accept a top Jonnie Knighthood ….
Meanwhile tonight I’m travelling to Nakatomi Tower…..
Which of these would be John Bercow Fed?
All of them maybe…?
I just thank the Lord we have got through another year without Beckham getting his oh so desperately wanted knighthood. Let’s see how much sucking up to William he does in 2024.
AISI, Peter Brookes, the Times’s cartoonist, is – in my view – a nasty, mean-spirited and very unfunny man when compared to the intellectually clever, witty and humourous, Matt in the Telegraph.
“Good-natured” – that is also one of Matt’s characteristics; and it never stops him being funny.
Trump’s strategy to delay trial may be winning
Don’t care at all what the BBC have to say about Trump these days. I thought I’d just jump in half way, find the first person the BBC are relying on the push their rhetoric and came across ‘Gene Rossi’.
Searched for him on google and found:
‘Gene Rossi was a 2017 Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor of Virginia.’
The BBC just describe hims as ‘Gene Rossi, a former federal prosecutor with decades of experience at the US justice department.’.
They don’t mention him being a Democrat in yet another lie by omission.
The BBC are just beyond ridiculous now. They have descended into 100% activism with just the odd ‘opposing view’ tacked the end on so they can claim they are impartial.
Fascination analysis of Trump’s businessman’s outlook, and why the opposition can’t understand him, here:
(Apols, but during a clearout of old stuff, this appeared…)
President Obama goes to a primary school to talk to the kids. After his talk he offers question time.
One little boy puts up his hand, and Obama asks him his name.
” Walter,” responds the little boy.
“And what is your question, Walter?”
“I have four questions:
First, Why did the USA Bomb Libya without the support of the
Second, Why do you keep saying you fixed the economy when it’s
actually gotten worse?
Third, Why did you say that Jeremiah Wright was your mentor,
then said that you knew nothing about his preaching and beliefs?
Fourth, Why are we lending $ to Brazil to drill for oil, but
America is not allowed to drill for oil?”
Just then, the bell rings for recess. Obama informs the kiddies that
they will continue after recess.
When they resume Obama says, “OK, where were we? Oh, that’s right: question time.. Who has a question?”
Another little boy puts up his hand. Obama points him out and asks him his name.
“Steve,” he responds.
“And what is your question, Steve?”
Actually, I have two questions.
First, Why did the recess bell ring 20 minutes early?
Second, What the f*#k happened to Walter?”
Still relevant as Obarmy is pulling Biden’s strings.
vlad, and Blair is still pulling the UK’s strings as well as the rest of the world.
BBC News – No News . Or none that they want to tell us about?
“Charles knights Welby.”
Well, of course he does.
Two peas in a pod.
Other possible headlines:
Woke idiot knights woke idiot.
Or: head of one dying institution knights head of another.
Or: Captain of the Titanic knights captain of the Hindenburg.
You get the idea.
In a hundred years’ time will the caliph of al-Britani be giving honours to the chief imam?
Merry Christmas to all
except Mark Drakeford
Labour tweet there got 154 Likes
Yet there are 252 Replies opposing it
Voice of Wales got 384 Likes for exposing Labour’s prioritising making Wales “The first Nation of Sanctuary”
Wales, once a great, proud, little nation is being wrecked from within by leftist Marxists and poor leadership by politicians who do not consult the taffmen.
And a Wales where you can’t go anywhere faster than 20mph.
20 mph speed limits in Wales clearly working:
Thanks to Mr “Snailford”
Ben Pile exposes Climate PR BS
Feynman always said that you run idea/model against REALITY/NATURE
Now the Met Office think they can decide government policy by running model against model
In the Christmas spirit of goodwill to all men, let us spare a thought for the poor French pro-immigration politician who got brutally beaten up by, erm, North African immigrants.
You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh.
Some people, it’s the only way they’ll learn.
I wonder if she’ll vote Le Pen next time – or perhaps she likes a bit of rough?
Strangely, I couldn’t find the story on the BBC webshite, but I’m sure they’ll get round to it.
I can just imagine her squealing “but I’m on your side” as they chased her up and down the street trying to rape her, beat her up some more and probably kill her, in no particular order.
Sometimes, red pills are tough to swallow.
This is what awaits all of them but they’re too stupid to recognise the fact.
A school friend of mine got beaten up by black youths on his way home from a Rock Against Racism concert. My how we laughed.
Did he get the message?
The old adage that a liberal is just a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet, doesn’t always apply.
Many double down even after the mugging.
Too true. The right on never learn.
How did she see the Northern Lights in the South Atlantic?
A very big telescope?
10000 mile selfie stick?
seeing stuff in Wales is complicated
” the NCA confirmed that allegations relating to “serious information security breaches” had been upheld against Ms Holland.”
“While the panel did not find any malign intent in the breaches, the NCA expects the highest standards of conduct from all of our officers.”
named some names ?
The allegations as shown in the link are very vague. Is there something more factual elsewhere?
You claim to be the first
but about 50 of the 65 replies to the BBC tweet already mentioned that.
The article says she works in Orkney and did a months cover work in the Falklands
“She is on a rota with seven other doctors who each spend one week in eight in Orkney.”
It says ” seeing … king penguins to the northern lights.”
later it says “Last summer she fulfilled a dream to spend a month in the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic Ocean approximately 400 miles (650km) off South America”
“Dr Payne recently worked as a flying doctor in the Falklands”
Not the first time and definitely not the last time a BBC staffer shows geography awareness that would shame a lot of primary school kids.
I would hope she knows the difference between the Aurora Australia and the Aurora Borealis, even if the geographically illiterate (but, presumably multiple box ticking) BBC clown doesn’t.
Of course, the BBC reporter may be wrong about other details too… recalling that BBC ‘article’ on global warming of long ago that mentioned the terrible struggles polar bears were having, finding enough penguins to eat, due to melting polar ice caps.
moggie, she stood on her head like all Climate Cultists.
Radio 3 currently has a Christmas concert of film music (Christmas films) followed by the British folk music Christmas.
The film music sounds very good, it’s a live concert.
Stew wrote this at 2.07 pm.
I call it the Pioneer Fallacy
when dumb UK politicians insist Britain must be “world leader” in some new dream tech.
and thus rush in and screw it all up
With this in mind I offer the observation that a vaccine has been developed for malaria. The first ever. And by a British organisation no less.
With malaria as a known killer in Africa, a vaccine of even limited effectiveness would clearly statistically save a lot of lives. You’d think that would be worth something. But no. Instead of selling the vaccine at a good profit (Pfizer, Moderna) the UK snowflakes are giving it away at $4 per dose. After all, we can’t make any money out of improving healthcare, can we? We’re not allowed to monetise healthcare, are we? ( see NHS). The Far Left would be aghast.
PS our economy is heading for recession and people are complaining their living standards have barely improved in over 10 years. Can you wonder why?
Sluff, if the Climate Cultists (AGW/CC/C-E mob) are really worried about CO2 and methane they would try to eliminate mosquitoes (which emit CO2) and their habitats (which emit methane) but no, there is no scientific common sense when you have a Climate Cult going full pelt.
It’s good to get the details, but many of us had guessed as much. GB News craved respectability and acceptance from the Establishment, partly for understandable reasons like Ofcom and advertisers, as well as other financial considerations like the rumoured purchase by a media group. Sadly, giant broadcasters like the BBC have dragged the Overton Window of acceptable discourse so far to the Left that everyone gets ensnared by it.
Another reason to smash up the quasi monopoly.
I prefer his new hair style.
Hatun Tash has been missing for just over a month. She was last seen on the 19th of November. Jay Smith has released a video plea for help.
“Her team have given the police numerous “Missing Person’s Notices”, all of which the police have closed down.
Because nothing has been done for almost a month now, her team have decided to go public with their request. Thus the reason I am uploading this video. So, this is where you can help us. For those living in the UK, please write your local MP, asking them why the police keep shutting down these reports without any explanations. You can quote them the following report REFS: MPF-4127-23-0101-IR CAD 2485/27NOV23 MAS-3630-23-0101-C MAS-3639-23-0101-C MAS-3650-23-0101-C MAS-3657-23-0101-C CAD 4559/14Dec23 CAD 4166/29Nov 23
You can also email the head of the Metropolitan Police, Mark Rowley ( and ask him why they have not followed up on these ‘missing persons’ requests.
Finally, some of you can contact Toby Young at the ‘Free Speech Union’ (help@, who knows Hatun well. He has contacts with GBNews, who should want to cover this story. Let’s all work together to find out what has happened to our dear sister, and let’s all continue to pray that she is safe.”
Full explanation here;
Lucy – Very worrying.
A few months ago, David Wood issued a warning to islamists that if anything happened to Hatun, he would come after Islam like nothing they’d ever seen before.
For those who don’t know, David Wood is a fierce critic of Islam and a diagnosed sociopath and psychopath who does not experience normal human emotions, including fear.
If anything has happened to Hatun, things could get very ugly.
Who’s she missing from?
Or just missing from Speakers Corner of something.
Some of her close associates like Jay Smith have declared her missing.
If she had just gone off radar for a while, they should have known and would not be reporting her missing to the police and the public. There might turn out to be an innocent explanation but at this point it all sounds suspicious, especially just after an islamist was sentenced for her attempted murder.
She was supposed to have attended a hearing on the 16th Dec but didn’t show.
– for the sentencing of a Muslim convert who had in 2022, planned to buy a gun and shoot her.
Hmm on Dec 4 a few accounts tweeted things like this
“Hatun Tash update: I have been reliably informed that Hatun is safe and well and had just gone off radar for a bit. #relief”
Since then people have tweeted
‘The last time anyone has seen Hatun Tash was on Nov 19, and the last time anyone has talked to her by phone was on Nov 20’
Then mentions emails were sent but may not be authentic.
The trial of a guu plotting to murder her has just finished
so it is likely some info was suppressed
BBC news “most of the people killed in the war are not Hamas fighters, they are women and children,
… and little puppies and kittens
and unicorns and griffins”
The enormous elephant in the room which the BBC know full well is that those women and children only got killed because Hamas were deliberately fighting the IDF from where they were.
And if most were women and children then I presume that means all the males were ‘Hamas fighters’.
These ‘lies by omission’ from the BBC are beyond disgusting.
JohnC, Hamas are well known for using ‘civilians’ as human shields. But the BBC are despicable for believing everything without question that they are told by Hamas and the UN but say on air when the IDF release information “This has not been independently verified.”
I am now of the opinion that the BBC should be closed down and its assets distributed among other broadcasters, including GB News. It will not happen because the political Parties all fear the BBC.
Lies Doucet of course using the bbc playbook in complement.
“I feel heartbroken for #Gaza…It pains me that the world sees it as only a pile of destruction and grief” @BBCArabic @adnanelbursh & other colleagues on #TheConflict
She also cites the ever selective Shazbat…
Online disinformation about the Israel-Gaza war has led to an unprecedented surge in denial of atrocities and human suffering, including a notable rise in false claims of staged deaths, crisis actors and fake victims.
Analysis by @O_Rob1nson and me.
A lot of expensive bbc propaganda personnel for not many people engaging at all, much less positively.
I feel terrible for the unicorns and griffins.
Funny you should say that vlad because when I watched videos from Apache gunships attacking ISIS terrorists – the ideological brothers of Hamas – I only felt sorry for the donkeys.
Anyone who defends Hamas are similar types of scum IMHO. And ‘defend’ includes protecting them by not telling us what they are doing. Which is what the BBC are doing.
This left-wing empathy for the civilians is completely fake. They don’t care one bit who dies if it doesn’t fit the agenda. We’ve seen that a hundred times in Londonistan when 15 year old black boys murder other 15 year old black boys with a knife and it goes straight under the BBC carpet.
Quite a few of them were Israeli Jewish women and children too, from what I recall, that’s what started this all off… they seem to be conveniently forgotten now though.
StewGreen “most of the people killed in the war are not Hamas fighters, they are women and children”
Have you worked out why there are so many ‘women and children’ in the same place Israel are shooting at yet maxi ?.
Take your time.
a clue ?……….
Human Shields .
Russia bans anti-war candidate from challenging Putin
‘The immediate slap-down of a Putin critic will be seen as evidence by some that no dissent will be tolerated in the campaign.’
Contrast with:
‘Colorado Supreme Court kicks Trump off ballot, citing ‘insurrection”
“We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law, without fear or favor, and without being swayed by public reaction to the decisions that the law mandates we reach.”
It’s not amusing any more. We must be rid of these activists. Merge them with The Guardian and let them rely on public support to fund them.
No doubt the begging at the end of articles will become more desperate.
The LibDem BANES Council in Bath are a f’ing menace …
They’ve fortified Bath city centre and installed a ludicrous and intrusive LEZ and LTN coupled to aggressive parking enforcement and pricing
For decades people from a considerable radius of Bath would head there on a Saturday before Christmas – I’d wager that footfall is down by nearly half. today.
Never any mention of WHY all our Towns and Cities need these bollards of course.
In the case of Bath the utterly moronic BANES LibDem Council fractional wits have the taxpayers on the hook for £500,000+ a year in interest on the loan it took out to pay for the terrorist barriers…
– and as I understand an actual promised explanation of the rationale for the project is MIA for over a year.
Putting barriers everywhere is all about racking up fear of terrorist strikes in our cities.
No way would terrorists strike in the above example or in similar (other) places. This because there would be a whole nation forever grateful for the removal from the future gene pool of our: Blairs, Camerons, Goves, Hancocks, Sunaks, Johnsons etc.
Putting in barriers is not about local democracy as it is not possible for all these local councils to go stark raving mad all simultaneously.
How about putting some barriers across the English Channel?
Seems in complement to ‘mare Khan deciding London no longer needs business rates or tourists.
In more SW News
Stonehenge and Palestine….
Nutters at Stonehenge AGAIN.
As a lifetime resident of that part of the world, I’d really, really appreciate it if everyone just fecked off and left OUR stones alone – thanks.
@BrightonPSC have a reputation
Some have just started suspended sentence so can be called to jail if a court says they broke the law
“Tony Greenstein, founder and key member of local hate group @BrightonPSC”
ruling 9th July 2021 “The Court Of Appeal confirmed that it is factually correct to refer to Tony Greenstein as a notorious antisemite.”
He had already been thrown out of the Labour Party
Look at this woman at one of their events
(All people Palestinians and Jews need support from violence, but this is not the way)
more ..
The Mail reported that In the past they have tried to close Jewish shops in Brighton
As a lifetime resident of that part of the world, I’d just like to politely ask those who live in B&NES to please stop voting for fecking loonies – you know it makes sense.
And so the wokeness within the National Trust continues.
I received a reply to a query I posed. It came from an ‘Officer’ . Her name S….. N……… followed in brackets by (she/her).
Stop the world I wanna get off !
You mean the Tory party? The NTs biggest donor is the UK government AKA “The Tory party”
If you are neither he nor she then you are an it.
By the way you cannot alight from the world until your name is called. XX
Stop your donations!
Simples .
Bob Moran is a treasure
source :
“Man arrested over removal of Banksy road sign”
A man has been arrested on suspicion of theft and criminal damage after a street sign featuring work by the elusive artist Banksy was removed, the Metropolitan Police has said.
The piece of street art – a red stop sign with three military drones on – was unveiled on the corner of Commercial Way, Peckham, on Friday.

It was taken by a man with bolt cutters within an hour as witnesses took photos.
Police said investigations are ongoing.
They added the arrested man remains in custody.”
So why zero interest in arresting Mr Banksy?
He defaced public property, obscured a warning sign by sticking shyte on in.
Clown world
What a shame Banksy didn’t put picture of Hamas terrorists on there instead of drones.
Then I wouldn’t think he’s just another far-left activist who’s not worth the life of a single one of those innocent Palestinians.
“They won’t take even ONE Palestinian refugee and for a damn good reason.”
Ever get a feeling of déjà vu?
“But now… when the nation is no longer willing to be sucked dry by these parasites, on every side one hears nothing but laments. But lamentations have not led these democratic countries to substitute helpful activity at last for their hypocritical questions; on the contrary, these countries with icy coldness assured us that obviously there was no place for the Jews in their territory.” (Nuremberg, 1938)
care to elaborate?
Never answers any questions .
Just like the BBC he undoubtedly speaks for?
maxi, where is that long awaited apology for me?
Hey marxi
You have made a really good point. The nazis and the arabs were best mates during WW2 – united in their hatred of the Jews.
Speaking of best mates your team (the mad marxists) were best mates with the nazis too via the molotov-ribbentrop pact.
On to modern times just how are you getting on with torturing innocent Ukrainian civilians? Your team were not very nice either with the previous residents of Crimea i.e. the Crimean Tartars + Cossacks etc.
Europe is stuffed, like the turkey
No women or children either
Google gives a rough translation into English
Alfonso Gonçalves in Portugal demystifies some notions about immigration
Part 1
Part 2
The media hints that things will run out for Christmas
that food is so expensive high paid nurses need foodbanks
Yet the supermarkets seem full of food
Our local Coop has marked down chickens to £1.13 (some are 1.7Kg)
I’ve just bought 4 pork chops for 70p
2 L of milk is discounted to 18p (1% fat) etc.
Aldi Xmas veg 15p per bag, sainsburys 19p? I think. I think they’re just hoping you buy other stuff whilst in there but you can’t complain really
Some of the supermarkets look like a plague of locusts have descended, now it might all be financed on credit, and my theory is January is going to catastrophic.
I believe that the sales of non food items are going to be down on last year and store will be desperately trying to shift unsold stock post Christmas.
Got to be some new mental disorder- where the afflicted feel compelled to buy endless overflowing trollies of food.
The shops are closed for a whole day, so I guess their utter panic is warranted😄
Richard Vobes
Feel good episode of Kojak 1975 S03E14
“How Cruel the Frost, How Bright the Stars”
“Christmas Eve is anything but peaceful for Kojak and his men. A woman is convinced her boyfriend is going to commit some kind of crime-but she doesn’t know what; and a jealous husband is looking to kill his cheating wife.”
A sad thing for Christmas, the Paedophile symbolism rife in films, especially Disney.
We think perhaps it’s something of our time, but in DIckens Christmas Carol, completely glossed over is the appalling abusive childhood of Ebenezer Scrooge whose father discovers the schoolmaster is sexually absuing the boy, and allows it to carry on in exchange for waiving the school fees.
Of course the Bible tells us the correct way to deal with these people, to tie a mill stone around their neck and cast them into the deepest part of the sea.
IIRC there’s no such subplot in A Christmas Carol. The only scene I remember of Scrooge as a child at boarding school is when he remains there when all the other boys have gone home for Christmas. His sister Fan arrives to bring him home, telling him that father is so much kinder now and home is like heaven.
And that Mail article looks like junk journalism (and doesn’t mention Disney). If triangular spirals are indisputable paedophile symbols then anyone who has tried to make a living sketching graphics must be under suspicion.
Is it about protest or showing they own London ?
That’s a long Twitter thread with more info
With moslems it’s always about control, – always…
Is our “Tory” government strong enough to stand up to these bullying foreigners that are taking over country ?
You tell me .
“Tourist town’s Christmas charging blackout”
Lessons to be learned?
That’s a huge long article about Wales having slightly less public chargers than England
It cherry picks one town for having no working chargers
Then at the end it mentions the reasons why Scottish Power has not connected the bank of chargers the council built
.. is cos that same council has not completed the necessary permissions for the work.
The article fails to mention just over the small bridge Coed Helen Caravan Park has six 22kW chargers
(£1 connection fee, then 35p/kWh)
However their status is marked as “unknown” on the ZapMap
I’ll make another exception to seasonal goodwill …. Never mind the 4x4s
Is there any way to send the little Khant to Kyiv permanently?
It’s bad enough him sending all those ‘polluting’ cars to make matters worse for Ukrainians, gasping in the fumes, but why should they have to put up with him ruining their city even more, so soon after buggering up London?
Otherwise, on second thoughts, I think you have a great idea here!
Bet ya’ll can’t wait?
Ha ha ha!
By coincidence, we’ve been watching ‘To play the King’, which is from ‘The House of cards’ trilogy with Ian Richardson as PM and Michael Kitchen as the King.
Hellfire, it could have been written just yesterday, and – no spoiler intended – the words are (will be) identical!
Anyway, we won’t watch it as we don’t have a TV tax receipt, and I have a rather nice bottle of Fleurie to polish, admire, pour and demolish!
2024? I’ll vote for the party that states categorically that it will remove the country from the ECHR and then restore the death penalty for Treason. I will, I won’t, I will, I won’t. I don’t know? Whether my Christmas wish will come true:
See the erection of gallows on Parliament Square……………
Yes seems King will do a GreenSupremacist POLITICAL Christmas message
Daily Mail: Eco-activist King’s green Christmas Day message
I’ll give it a miss.
‘Folks, let me introduce myself’: The Gazan boy who found fame after death.
I thought this might have been about the Hamas terrorist who phoned his parents on a dead Israelies mobile to tell them how proud they should be as he had butchered 3 of them himself.
But no. It’s a 100% empathy piece about another victim. Because that’s what the BBC do when the main story doesn’t fit the agenda : they concentrate on ‘victims’ and ignore the cause of it completely.
So this boy set up a youtube gaming channel. And got killed because of Hamas. Very sad. Like everyone else who has had to die in this war.
So that’s basically the story. How big an article do you think that warrants in the scheme of things ?.100 words ?. 200 ?.
Not for a BBC top-agenda piece !! – it’s 1,511 words long. And is basically every dirty-trick a BBC ‘journalist’ knows to make people have sympathy for people in Gaza. The BBC have actually contacted the family to get material. And as usual, I am certain the BBC have worded most of the ‘quotations’ themselves.
Unfortunately they didn’t ask if any of his family were members of Hamas. Which I think would have been very relevant if they wanted any actual truth in the article.
But then again, what do you expect from the standard-issue BBC ‘reporter’:

This is all they can do.
You could do a BBC Rogue Reporters set of playing cards.
The Queen of Lies
The Ace of Omissions
What position would you award jeremy Bowen. Naga, Nick Robinson, Jeremy Vine, Lineker etc. ?
Great idea.
Remember the pack of playing cards the US army had made with all the Iraqi officials on them.
I would buy a BBC deck.
Lineker : The King of arrogance
Bowen: The Knave of half-truths
No one daring a Clive of Kviv for a full hou… hotel?
Maybe frequent BBC legal expert Jolyon as six of clubs?
Marijuana Spring
Several Christmas messages, economic lessons, a touch of grammar, Mr AsI’s Christmas wish… and a dominatrix in a Sun exclusive (you’ve gotta put something sexy in the headline)
The Daily Mail frontpage is safe for work as far as the boys and girls in BBC offices are concerned once again today.
Our BBC can increase the stats on hated Tory rags topping their online press pile as the Mail today goes with: Eco-activist King’s green Christmas Day message… Charles has long championed green causes… Charles puts sustainability at heart of his annual address – beside Palace tree adorned with envirnomentally friendly decorations – baubles, says Mr AsI
The Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express prefers a frontpage Christmas message splash not from Charlie Three our defender of faiths (including the nutty green one) but a message from the very darkest heart of mammon (the Treasury): In an upbeat festive message, Chancellor says Britain has finally ‘turned the corner’
The Daily Express you’ll recall is sadly no longer united with the people of Ukraine on a masthead title that this morning is dusted with snow – which only tends to remind this reader of bad news on the Russian front – more of that later
Don’t let Scrooges drag you down – runs the Jeremy Hunt-inspired (there’s a contradiction in terms) screamer on the cover of the Express. Surely that’s an illiterate misreading of the Dickensian character? Scrooge wasn’t a prophet or even an economic pundit. This almost makes one nostalgic for the classicism of Boris Johnson who would have more correctly referenced the biblical Jonah as a prophet of doom or Greek Cassandra as the doom-monger prophetess par excellence.
Scrooge, as a London small business owner – if his business had survived Lockdown, Business Rates and Ulez plus Jacob Marley’s inheritance tax bill – certainly wouldn’t have been in favour of Hunt’s high tax regime, although he would have enjoyed the low wage economy and likely sacked Bob Cratchit and employed an Abdul Mohammed instead.
Oh dear me, you have a really silly off-the-wall thought only to find the leftists have already gone there: Why Dev Patel in Dickens could change film for ever… David Copperfield has been pale and posh ever since Charles Dickens published the novel… But, in a landmark instance of “colour-blind” casting, Dev Patel, a Londoner of Indian heritage, is to play Copperfield in a new film by Veep’s Armando Iannucci. (Guardian)
From English Lit lessons to English Language – the Telegraph features a report headlined with a fine grammatical example of a non sequitur (In Latin – “it does not follow”) …it meant a conclusion that does not follow from the statements that lead to it (thank you Merriam-Webster): PM feared migrant curb would hit tax cuts (Telegraph) – that claim simply does not follow from the preceding premise
Suella Braverman… has accused the OBR of largely “ignoring” the costs of higher migration from increased pressure on the NHS, schools and housing market… Conservative MPs have criticised the OBR for “scoring” migration policies largely on the basis of the benefits the additional labour brings to the economy (Telegraph) – there in a nutshell we have the Treasury explantion as to why our civil service visa factory (the one and only department of government that’s been increasing productivity) has been working overtime – and although there’s no mention of the cultural national suicide argument against third world hyper-immigation – there is from our Suella the external economic costs case.
External costs (also known as externalities) refer to the economic concept of uncompensated social or environmental effects. (European Commission EU Urban Mobility Observatory – who would have guessed there was such a thing?); Externalities pose fundamental economic policy problems when individuals, households, and firms do not internalize the indirect costs (International Monetary Fund) – which goes to show our supranational overlords are perfectly aware of the concept of external costs – but amusingly if you check their websites their preferred examples are always about… pollution.
And if you thought things couldn’t get any worse: Cameron: malign Iran is threat to world… Foreign Secretary vows to take tough line over Tehran’s meddling on British soil (Telegraph) – Mr AsI’s Christmas wish: Please Dave, don’t involve us as the willing poodle in yet another American-inspired forever war
You wouldn’t know it if you clicked on the BBC’s War in Ukraine online news tab – where apparently everything is just tickety-boo proxy war-wise – but they did slip this report out four days ago: Russia has also made advances north east of Kupiansk, north of Bakhmut, and south west of Avdiivka (BBC) – amusingly on BBC maps Russian gains are classed as ‘Claimed Russian control’ or ‘Limited Russian military control’ whereas minor Ukraine gains are boldly ‘Held or regained by Ukraine’
Seems Sadiq Khan’s Ulez wasn’t really about saving the planet from CO2 afterall – it was in fact a token virtue signal – followed up by another token virtue-signal the Tories are more than happy to get onboard with: Give Kyiv 4x4s for Christmas, says Wallace (Telegraph)
Sadly for Ukraine in an immitation of Mayor Khan’s London the zone on the map in which Zelenskyy can freely be driven around in one of his 4x4s is shrinking by the hour (see above report)
The Sun has a report about another footballer who can’t keep it in his shorts: Couple row over hotel girl… TV Jess dumps love rat Pennant… Star playing for Liverpool… accused him of spending the night with a dominatrix… Jess, 34, star of BBC drama Strike was “heartbroken”
Nevertheless… all that said… to quote Dickens’ Tiny Tim: ‘A Merry Christmas to us all; God bless us, everyone!’
And as comedian Dave Allen would say: May your god go with you…
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwasi Kwarteng
ASI see it – I was only going to visit the site today to tell my favourite rhohypnol joke but it seems the drunk Home Sec has already told it to a room full of journos and other feminists at a number 10 bash – and this is clearly a crime for which a Fixed penalty ticket is required to signal only wokery is approved ….
…. Any way – I’ve nothing to say about the BBC today – but using the roads of east londonistan today I can only say that the roads are dangerous and full of more loons than even normal
So be safe if you have to engage ….
On an admin note – I will put up the start the week / Christmas thread at about 2100 Christmas Eve… so start queueing now …
Fed, the Conservatives are really their own worst enemies, are they not?
Up2 – happy Christmas – the current regime sort remind me of the end of John major when it was one dumb thing after another …at least cleverly has done a Darwin job on his career with his mouth ….
They share that characteristic with the BBC of happy self destruction ….
Elsewhere …. I reckon this time of year is getting madder and madder by the year…
Christmas greetings from Southern Water
“Do you know what Christmas food is the worst culprit for sewer blockages in Sussex?”
Mixed race couple pictured in the kitchen – him the white guy in a naff Xmas jumper by the sink doing the washing up – her black with a wine glass in hand.
“Keeping your taps running and toilets flushing over the festive period”
Plus promoting miscegenation, feminism and hyper-immigration all on the back of your water rates.
“Southern Water is a 365-day-a-year, seven-day-a-week, 24-hours-a-day operation – and as our communities gather to celebrate Christmas, New Year, Buddhism’s Bodhi Day, Jewish Hanukah, the Sikh commemoration of the Martyrdom of Ajit and Jujhar Sing, or even the Drudic Winter Solstice”
No wonder they’re covering all bases – faith-wise…
Britain’s Southern Water suspends dividend amid growing debt pile, rating downgrade. July 7 (Reuters) – Britain’s Southern Water said on Friday it has suspended dividend at least until 2025 following its credit rating downgrade as water companies in the country struggle to raise fresh funds to tackle mounting debt
“Do you know what Christmas food is the worst culprit for sewer blockages in Sussex?”
Deep fried turkey? Appears to be a popular cooking method amongst US Black people.
‘Britains’s Southern Water?’
Hardly. It’s owned by Greensands Holdings Ltd, the largest shareholders of which is the Australian Macquarie Group. The other big finger in the pie is JP Morgan Asset Management (American, nominally). Most of ‘Britain’s’ water suppliers have foreign ownership.
Isn’t Blair a ‘consultant’ to JPM?
How many fingers in pies does one have to have?
Halal water …
Tweet of the saison. So far.
I’ll post for not twitterers later but dude deserves the hits.
As opposed to the guy who deliberately mis spelled it as “Free plastacine”
Brilliant GH!
Q: Going to London for Hogmanay.
What’s the best way to avoid pro-Hamas hate marches?
A: Leader SW3
Join the Metropolitan Police