246 Responses to Weekend 30th December 2023

  1. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I’m re-reading The Hitch Hiker’s guide to the Galaxy and was reminded of one of the situations Ford and Arthur found themselves in. It’s where they end up on the B Ark which is transporting a huge number of people to a ‘new planet’ as they were told their current planet was doomed.

    It was full of hairdressers, telephone sanitizers and suchlike.
    They were told they would be joined by Arks A and C full of doctors and engineers (real ones, not the channel crosser types,) but that would never happen.

    This was a planet’s solution to getting rid of all the useless non job people.

    We could do with something like that now, send it off full of ‘diversity officers, gender management officers, equality resources officers and the like. All those in industry stopping work from being done and in general all those (woke) who are just a right pain.


  2. Doublethinker says:

    As we approach another year I can’t help but cast my mind to say the new year of say forty years ago 1983 and compare the freedoms we then had with the encroachment of the state on our private lives that we have today.
    It is of course true that Lady Thatcher’s policies were causing high unemployment as heavy industry was losing its protection from overseas competition. Privatisation also saw many made redundant but there were price reductions and better service as state industries were forced to become efficient in the private sector. It was tough medicine but in the end it worked for many and the UK experienced high economic growth with low ish inflation in subsequent years.
    These days we see large sections of the state becoming ever more authoritarian in implementing a woke neoliberal agenda eg the judiciary, the police, the Civil Service, the Quangocracy, the entire education sector, almost all MPs, the MSM and their OFCOM enforcer, the charity sector , on and on the list goes.
    Ordinary folks self censor what they put on SM platforms , afraid of visits from Plod, and are careful what they say to some family members. Freedoms is speech is dead and even dissent is becoming risky.
    We wonder if we really will be forced to buy heat pumps to replace gas and oil boilers. Will our homes lose value if we don’t? Will we be forced to buyEVs ?
    Will our countryside disappear under solar farms and thousands of wind farms and transmission pylons?
    Will we be forced into unchallengeable lockdown at the whim of the WHO?
    Will we have a load of young Muslim men billeted in our village or at a local hotel?

    The list of things which the public doesn’t want but which may be forced upon us is long and will ruin our lives and the lives of future generations. Clearly something has gone wrong with the way we are governed , democracy has been reduced to a sham , our views and wishes don’t count and instead we are ruled by an the same unaccountable elite no matter who we vote for. Increasingly this seems to be the same in most Western countries.
    It will be interesting to see what the next ten years bring us!


    • taffman says:

      “It will be interesting to see what the next ten years bring us!”
      It will depend on the muppets we put in parliament.
      Time for a change – time for reform .


  3. tomo says:


    • Docmarooned says:

      So speaks a global expert on health. WTF does this piece of excrement think he is qualified to pronounce such nonsense. A tech billionaire who uses his money to try and silence properly qualified experts.


  4. tomo says:


    • Scroblene says:

      The twat can pay for it from his idiot ulez scheme.

      What a nasty little shit that bloke is.


  5. tomo says:

    Thread requires liberal translating – but a damning series of connections for SNP in there….


  6. pugnazious says:

    Well, thank heavens for that as Lyse Doucet gasps admiringly that ‘Heroic reporters in Gaza have changed perceptions of the war…’….from Israel responding to savage Hamas terrorism to one of the war criminal Israel committing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

    Followed by a news report, completely unironically, that Hamas tells the BBC that 100 Palestinians have been murdered by Israel….naturally the BBC makes no effort to distinguish between civilians and Hamas terrorists in that number. Why call these places refugee camps? It’s Palestinians on Palestinian land…they’re home……otherwise we could of course call Israel a refugee camp for the world’s Jews….which it is in fact….and Israeli settlers in the West Bank not illegal occupiers but undocumented migrants…surely?

    This is the BBC, via the massive ego that is Nick Robinson, who told us that this was a conflict between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs…which kinda misses the wholepoint of the conflict…it’s between Jews and Muslims not ‘Arabs’….don’t see the ‘Arabs’ fighting to free Pakistan and allow millions of Hindus and Sikhs a right of return…coz Pakistan is Muslim.
    Robinson, in that totally unbiased and non-anti-Semitic way that he has, did state a while back that Gaza was the world’s biggest and worst ‘open prison’….nevermind not even occupied by Israel at that time.

    If I was Jewish I don’t think I’d be paying for the BBC….why pay for a news service that clearly hates you?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yesterday dooset said an attack on journalists is an attack on democracy – I beg to differ … journalists must be ‘approved ‘ – there is no democracy – it’s a lie .


      • JohnC says:

        My current position is that I despise journalists as the most corrupt people of all.

        They are now – in general – left-wing activists who want to change the world to agree with them and are motivated by a hatred of the Right.

        Starting with the run-up to Brexit, I have been stunned by their complete lack of any sense of ‘journalistic ethics’ to report the whole truth. And it has steadily got worse each time they get away with it.

        Our ‘democracy’ has now failed completely because the fox is guarding the henhouse. We are now committed to the path where it will eventually lead. I wonder where that is.


  7. vlad says:

    African migrants riot in Lonon.

    Mahyar Tousi is on the story from his spare room, but the massively funded BBC don’t seem to know about it – or care.


  8. Thoughtful says:

    Looks like Biden and Ursual Von der Brain Dead are both about to destroy the West in a collective act of scorched Earth – on our side.

    They are proposing to seize Russian assets which is about the most insane thing any country could do. It’s happening because the US Demorats are so utterly corrupt and devoid of a moral compass that they cannot see stealing other peoples stuff is not only wrong, it’s against the law.

    Not that Socialists / Marxists care they do as they please and hang the consequences which most often never visit them.

    But it’s the long term effect which is the issue, because what other country which might buy Western Debt (bonds stock, property etc) or invest in our countries would do so if they know any capricious greedy government might steal it from them on a whim?

    This is the end of the USD as world reserve, and the end of the Euro full stop as Von Der Brain Dead drives it full speed into the ditch. It’s probably going to be the death of the pound as well and Europe might well descend into a civil war.

    De-Dollarisation as a result of sanctions is already underway, this will accelerate it and even if they don’t do it the talk of it is going to be enough to worry investors.

    As for the “little people” reading this, don’t think you’re safe, because if they can come after Russias assets, what’s to stop them coming after yours? That house you lived in was acquired by “White privelege” it’s the states now for a family of migrants you oppressed.

    I’m sure you get the picture of where this leads.


  9. Jeff says:

    Just seen something of a riot on You Tube, taking place in Camberwell, south London. This incident appears to be down to “Tensions in the Eritrean community.” Now, I’ll be honest, I didn’t actually know that we had an Eritrean community in London, but I’m not surprised…I mean, every other bugger seems to be there…

    I’m afraid I’m not sure what their beef is about, but it’s getting quite heated with the police coming under sustained attack. No firearms as far s I can see, just planks of wood and bricks. Ah bliss, the endless benefits of multiculturalism…

    You know, if it’s not one lot of malcontented immigrants then it’s another. Every Saturday we’ve got the ragheads on the rampage, wanting to annihilate Jews. Caribbeans love a spot of unpaid shopping in the West End (they get quite shirty when they’re asked to part with any money) and there are numerous internecine feuds that have nothing whatsoever to do with native Londoners…Oh and we’ve got a useless runt Pakistani as mayor.

    Thank the Lord I had the good sense to move out. London is now a multiethnic shithole, that’s swiftly heading down the sewer. Best place for it.

    And on that cheerful note…

    Happy New Year!


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Wait until the establishment and its BBC lackies experience “Tensions in the English community”.

      ‘But we are the people of England; and we have not spoken yet.’ – The Secret People, G.K.Chesterton


  10. Pete says:

    Import 3rd World people, get 3rd World problems. Simples.


  11. pugnazious says:

    Eitreans bringing their homeland conflicts to the streets of London and the BBC is reluctant to mention the rioting, tucking it away on the England page and even then only in the ‘updates’ feed….and then only reporting minimally about the event…whereas the Mail reveals the riot was outside the Eritrean embassy and was between two opposing factions…..what that has to do with the UK you may ask….send ’em home to fight it out there.

    Always the way with the BBC…doesn’t report issues concerning migrants or downplays and omits relevant facts that are negative for the migrants.

    The Mail…


    The BBC’s effort….



  12. tomo says:

    one might think some enterprising hack might think to ask WHO Dr. Tedros about it – as it seems one of the few things that he has direct experience of?


  13. tomo says:

    Attendance mandatory for all Labour Party members in a 30 mile radius geographical area.

    I wonder if Burnham was there?


  14. tomo says:

    Not pumping pig slurry into parliament yet – but give them time….


  15. StewGreen says:

    ITV’s tweet
    “Protesters armed with sticks clash with Met Police amid ‘community tensions'”

    Yeh Like : “Oct 7th Protesters armed with guns cross the border into Israeli from Gaza amid ‘community tensions’ ” ?

    Oh it was Ethiopians vs Eritreans


    • taffman says:

      The benefits of “diversity “.
      Unless the boats are “stopped”, we can expect a mass of “diversity” heading across the English Channel when the weather improves.
      The British Government will know this , but what will it do about it ?


  16. tomo says:


    • Fedup2 says:

      Tomo – thanks for this – I’ve got mr belfort’s book – which will be on the 2024 list ( Wolf that is ) ….his point about bannng politicians from share dealing is a good idea – but no one would do that would they ?

      The show is worth the full 50 minutes …and you can feel ‘truth ‘ coming out the screen ….. the last third is about taking drugs – something to avoid – in my view …

      As for pelosi and Biden Obama and all those corrupt vermin – at least no one lives for ever ….


      • tomo says:

        bannng politicians from share dealing is a good idea – but no one would do that would they ?

        iirc Vivek’s been on that page for a while now?


  17. JohnC says:

    ‘Bangladesh sees dramatic rise in lightning deaths linked to climate change’

    Here’s a new BBC weasel-word : ‘linked’ to climate change instead of ‘due to’. It could mean absolutely anything.

    If ever a report needed the old ‘Without providing evidence ..’ leader we only get for Trump, Israel and Russia : this is it.

    So I did a bit of checking and found this report.

    ‘Dewan et al. [2017] consider two major factors that
    resulted in this large increase in lightning casualties:’

    ‘Potentially the most important factor is that reporting of
    lightning casualties was due to an increase in cellular
    phone subscribers’

    ‘Bangladesh increased in population from 107 million in
    1990 to 163 million in 2016’

    Click to access Lightning%20Fatalities%20and%20Injuries%20in%20Bangladesh%20from%201990%20through%202017_R.L.%20Holle%20et%20al.pdf

    Climate change is nowhere to be seen.

    And none of them are mentioned in the BBC report. It gives very vague statements inferring it is entirely due to climate change then quickly changes to the full-on empathy stories of the victims.

    Here’s the usual clone responsible for it: hqdefault.jpg

    Absolutely pathetic. This is a very dirty way of pushing their leftist agenda : infer what you want people to believe at the start then swamp it with empathy to stop them thinking about it or questioning it. Exactly like they are doing in Gaza.


    • Guest Who says:

      That face.


      • G.W.F. says:

        Guest Who
        That face reminds me of sloths. They are almost human in their expressions


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          They’re vicious critters. Don’t be fooled by the ‘cuddly’ face and apparently slow movements, they can strike lightning quick and will attempt to claw your eyes out given half a chance, even jaguars are scared to tackle them, and they do not make good pets (despite Hollywood idiots) – seriously!


          • Guest Who says:

            UK TV likes that face. Because… reasons.

            Thing is, no matter what the age, behind it is seldom a very pleasant person to match.

            Given the media commitment to backendofbusism though, it’s going sour quickly, as they start off looking like Narinder, pass through this Myskaesque phase and end up a twisted YAB.

            No wonder the males seem unkeen.


    • tomo says:

      I saw that “lightning linked” Bangladesh thing … – right next to the BBC pumping “doom in Antarctica”.

      It is relentless repetition = truth, which we know is one hallmark of cultish thinking.

      drip, drip, drip

      The omissions and simple untruths pile up.

      They are taking the piss.


      • StewGreen says:

        “Nasa, the UN and the government of Bangladesh cite increased storminess due to climate change as a reason for the increase in deadly strikes.”

        300 a year die of lightning vs 20 in the US

        Tweeted by @BBCNewsAsia and @BBCScienceNews (X has suppressed 2 of the 5 replies)

        story by Rajini Vaidyanathan (photo above) her previous climate tweets


        • tomo says:

          As per usual citing doesn’t equate to actual evidence – Bangladesh is, iirc one of the rainiest places on the globe (the fabled Cherrapunji “rainiest place” is just over the northern border) and I might well be wrong but at those latitudes (and in Indian subcontinent) rain rarely happens without associated thunderstorms.

          Bangladesh 1200 peeps /sq km, USA is 35 /sq km as in 35x denser population for starters – there are other variables not least topography and reporting standards that confound comparison.

          More utterly mendacious climate BS from an outfit determined to be the leader in climate lies and misdirection.

          The subhead should read “Contrived Rubbish + Lies”


          If we stop driving cars and pay more taxes I’m sure it’ll save hundreds of Bangladeshis from electrocution.

          As for X – I reckon Musk only has a tenuous grasp of the outstations like UK where they really haven’t changed their ways since he bought the outfit as far as I can see.



          • BigBrotherCorporation says:

            Just a random thought, re: lightning strikes in Bangladesh, but as you increase the density of human bodies in a country, mathematically the odds of anyone of those bodies getting hit by lightning must increase.

            Another random thought, but if you chop down a lot of the trees in a country (cf. increasing density of population) then you must not only increase the likelihood of being hit by lightning, and of flooding and soil erosion, but also impact on the local humidity and weather conditions, and thus ‘climate’ (cf. chopping down all the trees reduces shade).

            Seems to me most (all?) of Bangladesh’s many problems boil down to not knowing when to stop having babies.


            • tomo says:

              It’d be useful to see if there’s any common threads in the electrocution deaths that might be susceptible to mitigation via simple fixes.

              All too easy to imagine that the hut the family sheltered in had a tin roof that wasn’t tied to ground. A charge sensor install in at “risk” areas maybe?

              I’d wager that there are some areas of exceedingly dense lightning strikes in Bangladesh – I wonder if the fatalities are clustered where the blue map bits are? 4 metres of rain is almost 5 times more than Manchester.


              – but squawk !!! Climate Crisis !!

              is far more to the BBC git taste, isn’t it?


        • digg says:

          And obviously nothing to do with houses often being crammed to the gills with huge extended Bangladeshi families including multiple generations meaning that a strike on a dwelling would probably put at risk 20 or 30 people in the house rather than the average of 3 or 4 in European home for instance.

          We are already seeing instances of houses in the North of England being super-sized to home multiple generations of immigrant families. No doubt the local planning authorities would rather stick pins in their eyes than investigate such dangerous overcrowding as wel.


          • Scroblene says:

            “20 or 30 people in the house rather than the average of 3 or 4 in European home for instance.”

            And around Southall…


  18. Guest Who says:

    BBC Co-cheek regular Martha likes her tv like she likes her

    Vicars, tennis and a black sleuth… it would be a mystery if the BBC hadn’t updated Agatha Christie | Martha Gill

    UPDATE: in one singular direction.


  19. vlad says:

    In this vid, Dr Gavin Ashenden spells out the clear and present danger that islam poses to the UK and the West. He also discusses Leftism, immigration, so-called racism, apocalyptic environmentalism and more.

    Ashenden is a temperate, erudite and thoughtful speaker.
    He’s also that rarest of creatures: a man of the cloth (former Chaplain to the Queen) with any balls.
    (Contrast with limp-wristed Welby.)

    Should be required viewing for beeboids.
    (Note: the interviewer has a slight nervous affliction.)


    • Thoughtful says:

      People love Islam in the UK, they can’t get enough of it! If they can get Saudi Arabia to pay MPs to Islamise the country, and they don’t have to pay the going rate themselves, they will take all the Islamising the MPs can give them.

      They really are that stupid.


  20. Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

    Happy New Year to everyone. I haven’t posted much this year but I still read the information wisdom that is to be gleaned here.
    Actually when I do get the urged to write a long meaningful comment I generally find that Doublethinker has already written what I was going to say, and is more coherent and convincing than I can be.
    One resolution this year is to contribute a bit more to this site.

    Keep up the good work folks!
    It is just about one hour to midnight here and I am going to be a typical non-conformist and go to bed at 11.55

    See ya next year


    • Fedup2 says:

      Well happy New Year Yasser ….i hope you got sleep …. More comments are always welcome – except for Marky and the troll who never mentions the BBC ….
      The news seems to have bored with Gaza and now reporting missile exchanges on the Ukraine Russian border – some of which seem to be paid for by the British Taxpayer …..
      No doubt there is a lot of secret squirrel stuff going on – but I wonder how / what revenge putin will take on the UK – and if he does – whether Biden will stick to Article 5 of the NATO charter –
      Judging by the lack of close relationship I reckon the UK would be on its’ own again – after all the special relationship was no where to be seen during 1940 – except for taking our gold of course ….

      Being a bit sleepless I checked the cost of a Eurostar and `ba flight to Paris from londonistan today – £800 tonight on Eurostar – £450 today on BA – this Wednesday it’s £71 …..


      • Thoughtful says:

        Biden and his corrupt Jewish cronies started the Ukraine war in order to get their greedy hands on the mineral wealth of both Ukraine and Russia.
        This has been US policy ever since Obama. Alexi Navalny is a known CIA Washington plant and the US appears to have badly under estimated Russias intelligence and defence capabilities.

        It gets worse though because the money the US is now pumping into the claws of defence contractors is being used to produce the same old tied weapons systems of yesterday, without the realisation war has moved on and is no longer the same as it was.

        Both Ukraine and Israel have shown a need to develop greater anti drone and missile tech at reasonable costs.

        We have a situation in Northern Israel where Hezbollah is firing empty pipes across the border and the expensive missile interceptors are going after them. Same now in the Red Sea, It all ‘Merica F*** yeah when they shoot down a houthi drone, but they never report the drone cost $10k and the missile $20 million plus !

        The bigger question is how does America extricate itself from Ukraine, especially as most of the Ukrainian army has been killed, and they are now press ganging the women into fighting?

        The Ukrainian army was prepared and equpped for war for many years. It was the biggest army in Nato (all Europe combined) and after two years it’s been wiped out. The US can’t even beat Iran let alone Russia their star is waning fast and it appears the damage Biden has done to the country will be the stuff of history books if they haven’t been revisionised !


        • Rob in Cheshire says:

          Shame we can’t downvote comments here.


          • Thoughtful says:

            And why is that Rob?


            • Dickie says:


            • Rob in Cheshire says:

              Because I think you are talking anti-Semitic nonsense.


              • Thoughtful says:

                Ah yes the usual woke nonsensical response! Rob, do you actually know what anti Semitism is or is it just a convenient word to reach for when you have no idea how to respond, but don’t like what is being said?

                Have you ever considered that before I wrote such a piece I actually had all the evidence and the name and the history to hand, and you haven’t got a clue?

                how about emitting the other meaningless isms and fauxbias? I’m sure you can manage waycism sexism, homofauxbia ableism etc etc,all of them meaningless and all of them always deployed when someone has lost an argument and cannot put forward any opposing view.


                • Rob in Cheshire says:

                  I expect you think what you are writing is true. Doesn’t make it so. I dislike your anti-Semitic tropes.


  21. tomo says:

    Enough “hate speech” in the replies to entertain Constable Savage and his crew well into the New Year.


  22. tomo says:

    Given the amount of deranged lefty / eco nut stuff swilling around this seems a bit slow to take off in Blighty…?


  23. Fedup2 says:

    Perhaps a bad day for the BBC – it’s Hamas wing reports the ‘loss’ – actually – killing – of one Abdel-Fattah Maali…. A senior Hamas terrorist ( my words ) ….in an air strike – let’s hope he didn’t go too quick …… ( I know suck reports should be treated with deep caution … like anything related to the BBC ….


  24. Loobyloo says:

    I need a bit of help here folks, not finding much to be positive about in the new year.

    The Palestian liberation gang are trying to organize the biggest ever demo, and if you don’t support you are complicit in genocide…unless you’re working that day. Also encouraging a boycott of BAe systems- so targeting our legitimate businesses too.

    Eritreans and Ethiopians fighting and attacking the police in London.

    More obvious evidence that Islam is taking over.

    Two big elections in the west with all the guff that brings, not to mention the outcomes.

    At least with an Islamic takeover we don’t have to worry about the gender rubbish. Positive?

    Answers on a postage stamp pls, they’re no good for anything else.


  25. Guest Who says:

    Lies shares with ‘all of us’.

    Honoured & delighted to start the last day of the year with all of you 📻☕️☕️

    Well, the 50-odd who listen to the BBc globally.


  26. The Mouse says:

    The Rwanda (Straw man) type solution will not work. It is an obfuscation and something for the government to use. They will say ‘look we did try but the lefty lawyers and labour prevented us’.

    Here is why it will be easy for the migrants (in truth they are all illegal if they come over from a safe country into UK without UK permission).

    Step 1.
    Claim asylum. Claim life is at risk from country they have ‘escaped’ from.

    Step 2.
    Wait and see outcome of asylum claim. (Always the option to ‘disappear’ into a city and join accomplices, gangs, family members, etc).

    Step 3
    In the unlikely event that asylum claim fails and in the unlikely event they cannot disappear into a city then – they will receive unexpected good news. A communication from friend/relative/other from their home country to inform them that the government/militia etc has softened its position, removed the threat, mistakenly identified the individual, etc. Therefore it is now safe to return.

    Step 4.
    Get the lefty lawyer to explain that Rwanda can be removed as a solution for the individual as they can now return home.

    Step 5.
    (i) Can go home for a holiday and maybe try again.
    (ii) Having now spent many months/years in UK get lefty lawyer to explain they are settled and have a life in UK (pregnant girlfriend, many friends, a settled home-life, etc).
    (iii) If all of the above looks like failing after many months/years, use city contacts and ‘disappear’ into a city.

    Rwanda solution is just one more lie.

    Labour and Tory are like 2 bald men fighting over a comb (a solution). Both pretend they want it and need it but the real purpose for the squabble is to ‘play to the gallery’.

    Same with the ‘let’s smash the trafficking gangs”, whilst there’s a need there will always be gangs. (Rhetorical question – Why do we see an endless supply of drug gangs). As one is broken more appear.

    PS: I would sincerely love to be proved wrong but I think the above will be very close to how this will all play out in the LibLabCon future.

    REFORM party – last chance saloon.


  27. Jeff says:

    Sometimes I think I must be developing masochistic tendencies. Okay, I haven’t, as yet at least, resorted to donning nipple clamps and visiting Big Bertha for a spot of supervised “correction”, but I do occasionally take a gander at the Guardian website. Ouch!

    I must confess I had a chuckle at their TV reviewer, who was giving us her take on the new Doctor Who, pretty much loathed by everyone else, but loved by her…and the BBCs equally appalling corruption of Agatha Christie’s, Murder is Easy…Ditto…

    I can just imagine this female reviewer…almost certainly white, definitely middle class, probably privately educated, permanently fretting about the environment, probably a vegan…and about as much fun as a Radio 4 comedy starring Eddie (Suzie) Izzard…

    It’s really like visiting Pseuds’ Corner. She was cooing about the new Doc’, some gay black geezer and telling us, “This is the first doctor I can imagine having a sex life.” Eugh! You know, that’s just so typical of these ghastly white liberals. Most of us don’t watch sci-fi and think about the intimate lives of our fictional heroes… But then, I’m guessing, most of us never thought about William Hartnell or Patrick Troughton in that way. Too white, too normal, too heterosexual…And in those long lost and innocent days, “Beam me up Scotty” wasn’t an unpleasant euphemism.

    And she was wetting herself over Murder is Easy. She absolutely loved the way the bigoted little Englanders were shown up, making comments about “mud huts” and “Bongo-Bongo land.” This is how she wants the English to be perceived…but Agatha wrote none of this tripe and the only bigots here are the people producing this crap and this stuck-up woman who reviewed it.

    And that’s what the BBC gives us these days; nasty, anti-white propaganda camouflaged as a ‘tec drama, comedy and even period pieces.

    We pay for these parasites and they hate us…


    • digg says:

      The Guardian obviously missed a trick by overlooking the BBC’s latest release of The Famous Five. I sort of recognised four of the five characters complete with 1940/50’s children’s clothes but they appear to have uncovered a new elder cousin who is not only a “her” called George and black but also sports the latest fashion in clothes which makes for an odd looking group photo to say the least!


      • Scroblene says:

        Usual beebist downcrapping of decent children’s stories.

        They hate Enid Blyton, and this is their way of showing it!


  28. vlad says:

    Andrew Lawrence gives his unique take on the Eritrean and Ethiopian enrichers rioting last night – that the BBC did its best to avoid before burying it in Regions.

    Small footnote: in the BBC report, they write: “Footage of the incident seemed to show people wielding sticks clashing with officers.”

    ‘Seemed’… really? Oh, no, BBC, they were most definitely and blatantly wielding sticks.

    Happy new year of more enrichment.



  29. Lunchtime Loather says:

    Eurostar “major disruption”, “plans for thousands were in ruins” and yet the only people the BBC can find for photos look as though they are enjoying the whole experience. No miserable people around, or did they rightly just tell the BBC bod to F-Off?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Lunchtime – funny isn’t it ? If you see my post from early Sunday morning if you really wanted to go to Paris today – it could have been done – pricy – but do able … dinghies at Dover are quite cheap for a ‘return journey ‘ too …


  30. Fedup2 says:

    Comrade John Pilger dies – red flags at half mast …. Wonder if he died ‘poor ‘?


  31. Flotsam says:

    New Year’s fireworks, London………..Palestinian colour fountains


  32. friend of yogi bear says:


    You have to be able to laugh at the BBC offerings at the end of the year. Old , long retired James Naughtie wheeled out of retirement to talk to even older and more out of touch George Robertson about how awful Donald Trump is , blah, blah, Putin would love it if Trump were to be elected…tired boring unbalanced nonsense.
    CAREFULL don’t mention the other option . Yes young vigorous , on the ,ball, deft, skilled Uncle Joe Biden.

    How many people listened to two ancient “Jocks” simply talking b*ll*cks, l’ve overheard more interesting jabber sat on the bus.

    Let’s look forward to a further decline in audience, reputation and funding for this tired out of touch “organisation”.


    • Guest Who says:

      Decline? It’ll be down to single figures soon.


      Not feeling the love.

      Ah, but that world beating ‘news’.

      greatly appreciated @bbclysedoucet naming ‘Journalists’ collectively as her ‘Person to Watch in 2024’ on Radio 4 yesterday, especially her pointing to how “the heroic reporting of the Gaza journalists has helped to change our perception of the war”.

      Raj’s timeline shows why he is a fan of lies. So much so, she retweeted it to massive applause.


  33. Guest Who says:

    The rest of the thread trail back is fun too.

    Is this old stuff or has the poisonous, yip-yapping git Hasan been found another kennel?


  34. Thoughtful says:

    The problem with todays media, and the internet is knowing the media is lying all the time with omission of news, and the problem of finding reliable sources for that news which isn’t being told.

    The latest is a story about the bloodthirsty and destructive Nettenyahu and his attempts to destroy Israel. To this end he has not only threatened to assasinate the head of Hamas, who happens to be in Qatar (?) but also the head of Hezbollah, who is in Lebanon.

    We know Nettenyahu is a derranged lunatic who wants to drag America and the West into a war which they cannot win with Iran, and by extention China and the entire Muslim world, and also that Biden is a senile corrupt idiot who will do what ever the Jewish lobby in Washington tell him to do.

    Now I understand that Israel faces threats from several of its neighbours and that it needs to defend itself, but there are ways of doing this effectively, competently and most importantly with a degree of safety.

    What you don’t do is open a second third fourth fifth and sixth front with enemies who are infinitely more powerful than the small one you are currently struggling with in the belief that as you begin to lose it will force your large powerful ally to come to your rescue.

    So now Israel has been forced to evacuate parts of Northern Israel as a result of Nettenyahu goading Hezbollah to war. Don’t think for a moment that this is the tea towel, sandal wearing poorly equipped tribesmen of old, because it’s far from it. Hezbollah are well trained and equipped and more than a match for the IDF these days.

    The Russians in Iraq and Syria are taking a very measured approach. They have turned on the S300 and S400 anti air systems, although not to target Israeli jets – yet, but they are destroying the ordnance they are attempting to deploy.
    These systems are regarded as the best in the world, and the West has nothing of a similar nature. Over the past week, the Ukrainians fired three HARM (air launched anti radar missiles) at Russian air defence and all were destroyed.

    None of this is being reported in Western media, despite the fact that it could easily lead to a massive escalation in a regional war. There is also growing concern the Demonrats are planning to suspend the next Presidential elections and declare martial law to remain in power, which would almost certainly lead to civil war in America.

    Maybe the Russians and Chinese are playing a clever game against a remarkable arrogant a stupid opponent in America. Who knows, but 2024 does not look like being a good year for anyone in the West.


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘we’ doing some serious lifting there.

      You may be correct in some or indeed all, but I ‘know’ little of what you are privy to, and hence will watch with continued dread.


    • tomo says:

      I think we see enough “Western Media” examples on here to know that mostly, they spout skewed rubbish and all too often omit gert slabs of important stuff.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Thoughtful – why would the Democrats need to ‘cancel ‘ an election they’ve already won ?are you implying the Biden really won the last one ? Really ?


      • Thoughtful says:

        He is the sitting President, for another year at least. Today I was listening to some of the quotes of previous Israeli leaders – household names at the time openly stating the control they have over the US.
        Anyone who agrees to their control is left alone, but those who don’t agree find the Jewish lobby financing their opponents, first in the primaries, and if they still win through, financing the opposition so long as they agree to toe the line.

        However listening to US comentary, the situation in Gaza is so indefensible that senators and congressmen are finding their voting base is so appalled they risk losing more support if they do support Israel, and even Biden is being forced to unwillingly concede some demands to what are reasonable people.

        Nettenyahu is a dangerous man, in my opinion he is derranged, he claims part of this war is about getting back the hostages, yet when Hamas has offered a hostage swap Nettenyahu has rejected it and wanted to carry on indiscriminately killing civilians. He has had to be forced by Washington to accept the exchange, but he didn’t want to.

        Things going on unreported such as the bulldozing of a cemetary to expose and mutilate the dead is beyond disgusting, and even if it isn’t being shown here it is in other parts of the world.
        Dropping several bombs on a refugee camp because they ‘suspected’ a HAMAS commander was there, without absolute proof killing hundreds of innocent people, and even after the murder there was no proof the commander was even there. This constitutes a war crime.

        I would like to see a state of Israel, a homeland for the Jews where other religions are able to visit use and practice their religions there, if the Palestinian state is re-established it’s doubtful that will carry on.

        It’s also not common knowledge that Israel was in a virtual state of civil war prior to the HAMAS attacks such was the misguided rule of Nettenyahu

        The US has the power to remove him, and it needs to excercise it if Israel is to have any kind of long term future.


        • tomo says:

          A hot mess really … Obama’s antipathy towards Israel has been detailed around the place (he continuously and very deliberately rubbed the Israelis up the wrong way as well as other regional players) – but obviously, he’s Obamessiah to many and it’s liberal heresy to question the smug, jug-eared spook who in cahoots with his mates / sponsors installed the Biden embarrassment.

          Biden is unravelling and the consequent desperation has manifested in a slew of mad policy choices – I don’t think there’s many sane people around Biden who have properly working relationships with Israel or indeed much grasp of what they’ve even got themselves into.

          Nettenyahu does not operate in a vacuum and we aren’t as usual getting any clear picture from the keffiyeh sporting goons in the international Anglophone press corps as to what the assortment of groups in Israeli politics are actually up to and where public sentiment inside Israel is.

          Obvious to say really … but it’s still a potentially explosive situation on a regional basis. I’ve no confidence that the White House neocon nutters have the skills or insight to contain a regional conflagration.


    • Zephir says:

      “Anything you say may be taken in evidence and used against you”

      “Yes I know, I’m married”


  35. Richard Pinder says:

    Western defence technology is becoming outdated. Appointing Black and Transsexual Generals in dresses is more important than military staff with brains. Pilots are drooping like flies after constantly being jabbed with the junk mRNA poison. Like with Climate science and vaccines, scientists have to agree with the administrators if they are to be paid. So the scientists push junk. Those scientists who are not positive about junk are demoted and sacked. So modern progressive vaccines and military equipment turn out to be junk. Trump and Kennedy could stop the rot. But they want to remove them from the ballot. The CIA wont protect Kennedy from assassins, and want Trump to be locked up in Guantanimo Bay.


  36. JohnC says:


    Family ‘heartbroken’ after Britons die in avalanche

    Except everyone else covered it 2 days ago. Amazing what makes the headlines when actual murders (usually by 15 year old black boys with knives) often go straight to ‘regions’.

    I often wonder what extremist at the BBC decides which stories get run as headlines and which get buried.


  37. Fedup2 says:

    Ok hands up – I used to sort of ski – a girlfriend made me do it – I’m 6’4 which is not good for ski ing ( apparently ) and my excuse –
    I hated it . I thought I’d was dangerous and ‘unneceary ‘ – but each to their own …

    Another confession – I hate new years’ Eve ‘events ‘ I’ve been to some in londonistan which did not end well – so when I see that the weather might be a bit stormy – as it has been in east londonistan this afternoon – I wonder if the Emirs’ fireworks will be rained off ….?


  38. Scroblene says:

    For everyone who’ll avoid Mare Khaaan’s wet fireworks, (£20 a head, no refunds), here’s some rather disturbing introspection…

    What’s the betting on the cancellation of the 2024 US election then?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Democrat Federal agencies clearing the way for the election fraud again – blame the Russians – sure they’ll prefer Obama to do a 4th term rather than President Trump …

      I wouid think the tabletops are to make sure the next voter fraud can’t be evidenced …. ( like the last one )

      Twice she was asked what would trigger cancellation of the election – twice she didn’t answer – fruit loop ….


  39. BRISSLES says:

    I’m hosting a whisky tasting event – for 10.
    If I surface tomorrow I’ll let you know how it went
    If I don’t, you’ll know it went well.


    • Zephir says:

      If whisky actually tasted nice, I don’t think there would be many Scotsmen left.


      • Thoughtful says:

        I have to agree, it’s the one spirit I cannot drink, the smell of it knocks me sick for some reason. Brandy which isn’t really much different does not produce the same effect.

        As for the Scotsman, any people who regard the agony bags as tuneful deserve their national drink!

        Meanwhile tonight I have a bottle of Piper Heidseick Red Label.


        • Zephir says:

          They have invented many things though, I am led to believe copper wire was invented by two Scotsmen fighting over a penny.

          And don’t fall for that one that the Chinese invented everything, they eat with chopsticks.

          Thats why they never invented custard.


        • moggiemoo says:

          I’m ok with some whiskies but there are others whose smell alone makes me heave, I have no idea why. So I no longer drink it.


    • JohnC says:

      Any particular favourite Brissles ?.

      I have a range myself – all the way from Lagavulin to Glen Grant – though I have to say the Lagavulin only comes out when I fancy something REALLY different.

      I think I own a square foot of peat bog somewhere up there from a promotion they did once.


      • Zephir says:

        I got rather ill on Springbank 10 year old one New Years Eve on the Scottish west coast and had to play golf the next day, but it was at the coast so plenty of opportunity to recycle it at frequent intervals.


        A vibrant cereal note introduces our flagship Springbank dram, along with notes of gooseberries, mango, vanilla pods, grapes and honeycomb.

        The fruit and cereal notes carry through to the palate in hints of oatmeal, malted barley and orange pulp. Heather honey, hard toffee, nutmeg and cinnamon notes develop.

        A characteristic sea salt note rounds off this dram.”

        I didn’t notice these subtleties when it came back up the next day.

        I would have said :

        “a strong note of hydrochloric stomach acid with hints of old prawn vol au vents, Walkers crisps and cheese on a stick.

        doubled up on the beach gasping””


        • Scroblene says:

          Being a bit of a pillock, I still love Glenfiddich, as it ticks all my boxes for price, taste and enjoyment!

          It used to be Glenmorangie, but that started to smell a bit peaty after the odd glass, so it’s the market-square stuff for me!

          My neighbour made great friends of us when we bought some Laphroaig, and I still wonder why he just wandered in to ask some inane question, and while he was here, he’d glance across to the shelf of the bottles of the niceties…

          No I don’t!


          • JohnC says:

            lol, I meant Laphroaig Scrobs !. God knows why I wrote Lagavulin. Been ages since I had that.

            Of course it would be easier to call it TCP because that’s what it smells like.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        Careful John, that might make you liable for Scottish taxes.


  40. Eddy Booth says:



  41. Guest Who says:

    If Yemen want to stop Israeli ships passing through their seas, that’s their right.

    Many will be stunned to learn he is a journalist.
    Based at… the UN.


    • tomo says:

      Mister Medhurst comes over (after a shallow trawl) as Owen Jones with a beard…

      “Netanyahoo is trying to take over the Suez canal”

      A bit of a SWP / Student Trot?


      • Scroblene says:

        Jones is labelled as a ‘Toytown Trot’ somewhere, which makes me giggle more than somewhat!

        Luckily, I avoid everything the little twat spouts!

        (I just check occasionally, for a laugh, like…)!

        It’s so easy avoiding the Beedoid autocuers! They invite criticism, but are so thick that they don’t really understand that like other civil serpents, they’re just grey back-grounders, not serious professionals!

        Ha ha ha! They don’t get a penny from me these days, so sod the lot of them!


  42. atlas_shrugged says:

    Son of Comical Ali?

    In a statement published on Sunday, the Houthi group said the boats were performing tasks aimed at “establishing security and stability and protecting maritime navigation”.



  43. JohnC says:

    As I begin my customary New Years Eve descent into the abuse of alcohol and breathtaking consumption of the most unhealthy kinds of fare, I would like to wish all my like-minded friends here the best of health for 2024 and beyond.

    Happy New Year 🥳


    • Scroblene says:

      And may I offer my best wishes to you John!

      You seem to do so much research in your posts, and I relish the times when you uncover the trash that Beeboids and their autocue-readers litter the MSM with, so more strength to your elbow Young Man!

      A Happy New Year to you and all your family – wherever they may be!


      • JohnC says:

        Thank you kindly sir.

        As a software engineer, I relate to this computer stuff so it’s quite easy to research what the BBC just wrote. The giveaway is always the slightly unexpected wording in their reports. It’s ALWAYS deliberate to mislead without lying.


  44. Kaiser says:


    “The chairman of the Migration Watch UK think tank, Alp Mehmet added: “Either our immigration judges are totally gullible or they derive a perverse pleasure from siding with chancers, crooks and terrorists, and putting their interests before those of the British people

    Happy New Year


  45. Zephir says:

    “Swedish MEP ‘utterly destroys’ leftist in EU Parliament attack: ‘Bats*** crazy!’

    A sharp-tongued attack from a Swedish MEP on a “scruffy” anti-Israel Irish MEP from the Left group has earned plaudits from Jewish commentators.

    The brutal putdown from Sara Skyttedal saw the Christian Democrats representative describe Mick Wallace as a member of the “bats**t crazy left”

    During a debate on Israel in the European Parliament, Ms Skyttedal addressed the Irish MEP, who was dressed in a pink t-shirt, jeans and sandals.

    She told the house: “I am deeply concerned about my Irish colleague from the Left group. Antisemitism is on the rise throughout Europe and an elected official continues to spread antisemitic messages.

    “Also, this is a war that started because of terrorism, a war between a democratic state and a terrorist group. But in your upside down world you are calling the democratic state the terrorists and not even mentioning the atrocities by Hamas.

    “This, my dear colleagues, is a clear example of the bats**t crazy left that does not belong in any elected chamber let alone this one.”



  46. tomo says:

    Hopefully 2024 brings more of this – exasperatingly few in Westminster Parliament have the gumption to challenge the alarmist nuts and fraudsters.


  47. Thoughtful says:

    The replies are very amusing, including Jeremy Clarkson there doesn’t appear to be a single positive one!


    • tomo says:

      Looks like loadsamoney overtime and truncheoning those not moving fast enough out of town?


    • Lefty Wright says:

      This is London Mr Mayor.


    • Scroblene says:

      Why do the zombies in the Mare’s ‘office’ all have stary eyes?

      Must be a sort of complaint with lefties , like some sort of affliction, which you need to be able to ‘work’ there…


  48. tomo says:

    I’m confident that the BBC have 2024 committee meeting agenda menus full of stuff pertaining to how to monster this guy….



    Imagine what the reaction of Westminster and Whitehall goons would be to similar official travel rules here?

    Pay for your own helicopter if there’s a train service – I can imagine Charlie boy throwing quite a fit.