With so many calls for the termination of the TV tax being bandied about, it seems to me that any election manifesto will include some reference to how financial support for the BBC will be maintained.
The poor quality and political bias which Beeboidists are capable of, will mean that anyone of the ‘right of centre’ will have all sorts of bile thrown at them during the election campaign, so therefore, all Labour has to do is keep schtum about the issue until the very last minute, when they’ll announce their plans to centralise the TV tax into general taxation. This frees up the most vulnerable, elderly taxpayers, (even if they still do pay), and guarantee the bloated existence of the state broadcaster for ever and a day!
Nobody will take much notice of any ‘Conservative’ promise, as all they’ve done over the years has been to fart around the issues, like most important subjects they ignore! The Reform party may make a few waves, (we’ll vote for them), but sadly there are still too many citizens who just won’t bother!
So it’ll be the Fence-Sitter, with Crayons and a few sundry lefties taking over, and their PR crowd in W1AA will be their propaganda mouthpiece from the end of this year!
Like electric cars, I’ll be gone before their thirteen years are up, so as the saying goes, ‘I don’t want to leave you, but I think I ought to go’!
(On a lighter note, why does Wayne Rooney get so much flak about the Post Office scandal – he looks more like Ed Davey than the bloke in the cave from ‘The Goonies’)!
And as if by magic, Richard Branson’s name appears and suddenly the BBC seem to have lost interest.
A quick search of google for ‘Brexit Richard Branson BBC’ shows us why : we get a long list of headlines like ‘Richard Branson calls for new Brexit vote’, ‘Brexit: No-deal will near-bankrupt UK, says Branson’, ‘Branson warns pound to plummet in no-deal Brexit’ and amazingly enough the last two were both opened for HYS. He is one of their darlings who says all the right things.
So they are protecting him.
What I found VERY interesting was the comments. No spiteful-schoolboy comments to be seen : this was in the top-rated:
‘Branson spouting his usual rubbish.
Don’t be fooled. He doesn’t give a cr@p about you or I.
He only mentions the exchange rate as it will cost
Virgin more to operate their already overpriced services.’
276 upvotes and 96 downvotes. How the voting used to be.
‘Another “scorched earth” policy from a dying government, doing nothing for ordinary hard pressed people, but making sure their mates can continue to rake it in. Absolutely abhorrent set of charlatans and spivs.’
1980 upvotes, 128 downvotes.
What a simply amazing turnaround in favour of the Leftist view !.
It stinks of troll-farm corruption. The BBC know it, OFCOM know it and neither wants to do anything about it. Dirty b@stards. Just like the Democrats.
Early on Branson was caught in a sting
short of money he’d load the van with records and get on the ferry to Holland
Then put in for a VAT refund cos the records had been exported
but he’d turn around without unloading the records
then bring them back and sell them in his shop full price
After he did it a few times ..Customs marked the records with UV
He did get wind and staff had to go through the shop in the middle of the night checking
Instead of taking him to court customs offered to settle for money.
It was before VAT, I think it was Purchase Tax which Branson was evading. He could easily have gone to prison, but luckily for him his father was a barrister, and a few strings were pulled.
London Underground drivers today demanded a 12 per cent pay rise just hours after Sadiq Khan used £30million of taxpayers’ money to avoid a week-long Tube strike.
Tube drivers currently earn £63,901 – about double the salary of some station staff.
The union now wants its ‘original claim for an RPI+ pay rise of around 12 per cent – based on last February’s RPI rate – and a cut in working hours to be met in full’.
The BBC endorse the flawed thinking behind Idris Elba’s campaign to ban zombie knives. It will “help stop more young people losing their lives,” says Sophie Raworth.
It’s as if these zombie knives have a life of their own. These inanimate objects appear to have a murderous intent towards young people.
Anybody with an ounce of sense knows that even if these knives are banned, thugs will just use other kinds of knives or find other weapons.
BBC reporter Adina Campbell lists the causes of knife crime as poverty, social media, gang culture, and fear. And the victims are “vulnerable young people”.
Unadulterated poppycock.
Loose-living, dope-smoking, lefty liberals like the Beeboids hate the idea of individual responsibility and cannot bear the thought that knife crime is the result of decisions taken by actual human beings with moral agency. Better to blame inanimate objects or vague impersonal concepts like “fear”.
I agree though that the government isn’t doing enough. They could start by making sure the ethnicity of every victim is recorded.
I want the restoration of the death penalty for murder. Liberals of course don’t want that. They don’t believe capital punishment has a deterrent effect. Yet they simultaneously believe that banning zombie knives somehow will stop these killings.
Society is regulated by a system of rewards and punishments, incentives and penalties, carrots and sticks. It’s found in every aspect of our lives and it’s the cornerstone of the justice system itself. If some crime is getting out of control, we increase the fines or lengthen the prison sentence. And it works. But somehow for the crime of murder, liberals can’t see that increasing the severity of the punishment will bring a reduction in the number of murders.
If you increase the cost of apples, fewer people buy apples. If you increase the cost of committing murder, fewer people commit murder.
Zelatek – would you really want the death penalty back ? Hanging 14 year old murderers ? I do ….
In a way it depends whether you’ve had personal experience of this vermin – they live feral lives and resort to violence on a very short fuse – in groups they are worse ….
Yes, Fed, I really do want the death penalty back. I wouldn’t hang 14 year olds though. I regard them as children.
However, I believe that if murderers are hanged, the deterrent effect percolates through the whole of society. Murder becomes the most awful of crimes because it is associated with the most awful of punishments. Children and young teenagers would absorb this idea even though they would not themselves be executed if they committed murder.
I’m in two minds about 14 year olds being hanged – maybe it should be an option depending on the circumstances. Locking people up is just a waste of time and money ….
Execute judges and prosecutors? That’s unreasonable, tomo. Anyway, it’s juries that find defendants guilty.
Executions cost so much in the USA because of the lengthy appeals process. Murderers can be on death row for decades. Their justice should be speeded up.
And would you be happy for the Left to hang you for the crime of being White? That is the unfortunate result of every Socialist regime- that it murders its citizens on an industrial scale, in fact nothing including malaria has ended as many lives as Socialism has in the time the two have co-existed.
The fact is that as we are seeing now with the Post Office malefactors can and do pervert the course of justice, and although those people can hopefully gain some restitution if you take their life you can never give it back again.
Look at Colin Stagg who the Police fitted up – there was some poor sod in Manchester fitted up for rape, and the Police knew he hadn’t done it, and they had the evidence to prove he hadn’t, but they deliberately sat on it instead of having him released.
I’m sorry but UK ‘justice’ is very poor indeed and yes there might be open and shut cases but others aren’t, and it’s hardly fair to jail one and hang another for the same crime.
I was waiting for that one to come along . It’s an empty discussion because in its’ current woke state it is more likely to end prisons than bring back executions ….
… meanwhile the petition to withdraw the CBE from the vicar who used to be CEO of the post office is heading for 1. 2 million – …. I’m surprised the mail hasn’t tracked her down yet – but the cash she is getting from all those public sector jobs buys sunny security …
As I Christian I often wonder what God makes of someone like Vennells, who knowingly and repeatedly bears false witness and wrecks the lives of others, and then presumably pray for forgiveness for what she had done, before going to work and then doing it all over again.
The DT today lists the members of the managerial class and their CVs responsible for the mass prosecutions and miscarriages – including the chief engineer for Fujitsu who is apparently due to give evidence to the post office inquiry in May . He has x2 asked for immunity from prosecution . The way things are going he may well be in handcuffs before then ….
The whole affair shows how there is a revolving door of the over paid managerial class which moves between the boards of public and private executive board rooms – spouting woke crap but looking at their ‘performance £ package ‘…
“Zombie knives” are not really weapons, indeed they are useless as weapons. They are bizarre artifacts which I think derive from computer games. The most deadly weapon is a sharpened screwdriver, which can penetrate the body deeply and do real damage, but it is just not sexy for a “star” like our Idris to call for screwdriver control.
The BBC and the Post Office have a lot in Common as its the fact that Starmer was in charge of DPP (CPS) at the exact time that Saville at the BBC openly abused children and teens (he ignored all allegations), at the same time the now infamous Rochdale abuses were covered up by both the BBC and the local authorities. Again: (he ignored all allegations) and allowed claims that it was ‘racist’ to point out the culprits. Now we have The Post Office embroiled on a huge cover up to protect themselves when they knew the Horizon system was creating errors. (he again ignored all allegations). As head of DPP / CPS Starmer he was in charge of all of this and could have enquired into each claim. which he ignored as did the BBC.
Instead he did nothing, nor did the BBC report anything at the time;,as it was effectively ‘covered up’ with politically correct ‘red tape’. Starmer was then in power and the BBC knew exactly what was going on in Rochdale but they claimed it was racial discrimination to report it…
Now Starmer wants to be Prime Minster based on his human rights record. As for the BBC, we shall see how independent they all are as soon as the Labour general election starts in the Autumn. The BBC will do everything they can to claim impartiality when they were a large part of Tony Blair’s team even submitting its own staff to become MP’s and being re-employed by BBC when they lost the job.
The head of the failed Post Office left to become a senior head at the NHS(!), based on her experience (failures) at the post office. and that is another reason the NHS is in crisis. All failures.
You really could not make this kind of corruption up. Farage (GB news) makes the point today that the CPS totally failed to address any the concerns – and in each case, the BBC fell silent or was asked NOT to report it.
Now Starmer claims he knew nothing. “On Monday, the Labour leader called for prosecution powers to be stripped from the Post Office and previous convictions to be looked at again. Speaking during a visit to Loughborough, in the East Midlands, he said: “I think that the prosecution should be taken out of the hands of the Post Office and given to the Crown Prosecution Service.
“I used to run the Crown Prosecution Service, we’ve prosecuted for other departments, we can do it here – that should be done straight away. And these convictions, the remaining convictions, need to be looked at en masse.”
Yeah right. Indeed he used to run the CPS. That was the key problem. Our next big problem if he becomes the next PM, as the BBC will once again get a huge pay rise overall to ‘deliver the message’, and another twenty years TV license everyone else on the left of camp – as once again we rejoin the EU where things are great! If your of the Left. You ignore all the problems of a socialist paradise.
Funny on my YouTube account they’ve pushed a panorama from august 2015 with John Sweeney of all people with ‘trouble at the post office ‘… 9 years ago …
tsk… taffman – no need to both about a minor domestic thing in a land far away about which
Like the man said:
When life give you hundred reasons to cry, show life thousand reasons to smile. How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing.
Tomo – I also have been secretly digging my secret bunker at the bottom of the garden – next to the secret green house which will be used as a secret food source when ‘the event ‘ hits us
But let’s face it these people have more money than they know what to do with so inevitably one day – whilst under the influence – they start googling ‘secret bunker’ and land up building one …. But it is comforting that no one beats the grim reaper – who really does call the shots …
A truly wonderful Islamic Hamas propaganda piece between their spokesman – meesh and one Rev Daniel Burton – who runs a ‘charity ‘ of disabled and special needs kids in Hamas city – sorry – formally Gaza .
Burtons charity apparently put out a press release how the evil IDF has raided the charity ‘school ‘ and wrecked it when no one was there ….for no reason .
Meesh and the rev were at one over the evil IDF – they might as well told us they just hate Jews .
I noticed meesh didn’t ask the rev exactly how he knows the truth of his allegations – after all – he is in Manchester – when was he last in Hamas city ? Not asked –
Some might suspect the IDF is searching for more terrorist bases – after all – their evil mo is to exploit civilian facilities for their terrorism .
Some might also say that his charity is lucky the IDF didn’t drop a 500 pound bomb on it … but after that piece I think I might add it to the target list ….
At the end meesh ‘balanced ‘ the piece by reading an IDF statement – 30 seconds – about how the IDF is hunting for Hamas …..I reckon the BBC doesn’t want IDF spokesmen on any more as they whip the floor the Hamas spokesman like meesh …
Yes it might be a propaganda piece for the Palestinians, and yes I fully agree that the BBC are massively anti Israeli and have been for years.
Post October 7th the whole world (almost) stood in sympathy with Israel, but after the IDF action pretty much the world stood against Israel.
There were ways that Israel could have eliminated Hamas without so many civilian casualties and colateral damage.
Now you might think that you don’t care and the deaths of 100 000 innocent children is perfectly fine as long as Hamas are eliminated.
But this isn’t the 1970s, not the 80s or the 90s. Biden is a senile old man who probably cannot get his mindset past those years when America did as it pleased and everyone else had to get in line. The other side the BRICS nation are making massive political capital out of this, and we in Britain will suffer for it directly as a result.
Time and time again we are shown we are run by clueless morons who will be hard pressed to even make a decision let alone the right one. Most times they appear to leave it to our enemies in Washington who use us as a tool taking the damage for them and never speaking out against them.
The latest pointless lunacy being Ukraine. Biden is given a choice – abandon Ukraine or look after America and close the Southern border. Biden chose to do nothing to look after America, but ordered his European patsies to pick up the slack. All this from a man who attacked Europe by destroying the Nordsteam pipeline, pushing the cost of energy up so high it has destroyed the economies and quality of life in most of Europe.
Just imagine for a moment that the countries surrounding Israel decide they have had enough and are going to invaded. Israel cannot defend itself save with its nuclear option, and by the time it’s enemies were in control the West would not even have time to intervene.
Is that a price worth paying ?
Israel is now the West only (questionable) ally in the Middle East, all the rest have moved over to BRICS.
I rather like eating. I think part of living in a developed country is energy and basic necessity security, we are likely to lose this in the future.
I think people are in a dream world about the dangers we are facing. I think they believe that it’s been this way all their lives and it’s always going to be this way. I can tell you – it isn’t. You are sleep walking into disaster focussed on something which you should be focussed on stopping if you don’t want this dire future.
This is not the 1970s the world is very much different now and readers here seem so insulated from world events they can’t envisage the dangers they are in.
Time to wake up guys before the future not only bites you in the arse but eats you for breakfast !
Thoughtful, in the 1960s we had the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Six Day War, in the 1970s we had the Yom Kippur War, followed by the OPEC led crisis. And all this with two nuclear powers (Russia and the US) facing each other with nuclear weapons and ‘Mutually Assured Destruction’.
The creation of the nation of Israel in 1948 was a very significant event even though it was messed up with Middle East politics and US & UK meddling in the aftermath of WW2 and the need for oil to fuel the recovery of both the UK and US although the latter had a self-sufficiency of oil until the Democrats messed up.
I have a memory buried deep within my brain that the 20th century was significant for not having a single year of peace in the world. In other words, 20thC had a war somewhere in the world every year. Do I recall that correctly? Do help to correct my ageing memory if you know the true fact.
In the Bible, the seventieth week of Daniel is divided in two as the Great Tribulation. There is very little agreement among Biblical scholars as to where the rapture of the church and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to start his millennial reign as King of Kings comes. I know a preacher at Bridge Lane Chapel (known as The Bridge) who makes a good case for a pre-Tribulation rapture although Tony Pearce is weakening his view on that a little. He does an end-of-month address each month on ‘This Month in Prophecy’. Each talk is about an hour long. I recommend listening although Tony is not easy to listen to, as he has a mouth that produces too much saliva which he sucks it away with an obvious sound in the recording. Tony also has a habit of turning away from the microphone to look at projected images on the screen behind him for the congregation to view. https://bridgelane.org.uk/sermons
My personal thinking from searching the Scriptures is that ‘the church invisible’ (ie. true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ) have to go though all or most of the Great Tribulation but some significant events have to occur first. First the Temple needs to be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Secondly, the ‘Man of Disobedience’ has to be revealed. Thirdly, ‘The Man of Disobedience’ has to call on the world to worship him and not any other god especially the Christian God and the God of Israel. (I think they are one and the same but that would take too long to explain.) By then the ‘Man of Disobedience’ will be controlling who has the financial power – power to buy and sell – and will control currency. (This is largely already in place in the world systems.) Finally, Jerusalem and Israel will be ringed with armies hell-bent on the destruction of Israel.
At this time, Israel will repent and call on the Hamashiach Yeshua to save Israel from destruction. And Yeshua will return at that point.
Guest who – one of those stats which maybe well be true – but even before the current regime came in — things were bad – hence the red labour lot being thrown out …
“Emissions from Israel’s war in Gaza have ‘immense’ effect on climate catastrophe”
“Analysis: China’s emissions set to fall in 2024 after record growth in clean energy”
“China now dominates global cement production, and has done for more than a decade. In the charts below we see it in the context of the world’s cement output. In 2014 it produced 60% of the world’s cement, and it has fallen only slightly since then to 56% in 2019.6 Mar 2023”
“As China’s economy has developed, pollution in the Yangtze and its lakes has multiplied – particularly from industries and agriculture, including large-scale fish and pig farming. Dams are a big issue too. More than 50,000 dams have been built in the Yangtze basin since 1950, and more are planned.”
“China’s meat consumption has increased steadily over the past three decades. Now, China is the world’s largest consumer meat market, comprising 30% of the world’s total in 2021.”
Here is a short video about what is going on in the world which isn’t being reported because the Medja doesn’t understand it and even if it did, it wouldn’t want people to know the full horror of what Biden is doing.
With a name like Petrova I suspect she’s Russian but she is a certified financial advisor.
You might want to read the piece I posted above which is linked to this.
This is just a set of symptoms the reasons for those are outlined above and the consequences of them for us are terrible. People are not understanding at all, and getting them out of their torper usual meets with hostility.
Thoughtful – I’ve now read your earlier piece . I agree that the assumptions of ‘power relationships ‘ are not static and things and times change …. Yes the outlook is bleak . But what are the solutions ?
How can an individual – even a whole electorate – polarised between red and blue or UK v EU – do anything to change what seems inevitable – big big trouble ?
It’s probably now too late. Biden and his lunatics made a terrible mistake not reining in Netanyahu, or at least distancing themselves from him.
The Left in America haven’t just polarised their own country, they have polarised the world against them and us.
I don’t know if you are aware but these ignorant muppets have been attempting to force gay rights on Muslims and Africans. As one from central Africa said “The Chinese are here building a hospital, the Americans have come to lecture us on gay rights, who do you think we are going to ally with”?
Biden stupidly told MBS he was going to make Saudi Arabia a pariah state because they would not give gays equal rights ! Now we can see the fall out from that.
The West is no longer in the position of strength it once was, and all Biden has done is to destroy the goodwill which was left to him by past generations.
America is in a fortunate position in that it is self sufficient in land resources and food, Europe, especially Britain is not, and now we have treacherous leftists trying to prevent farming taking place here.
We are all going to die if these people are not stopped – permanently stopped and if that means killing them in order to do so then that is going to have to be done.
The debts we have incurred are so large they can never be repaid, and what are those debts from? Largely socialist lunacy which has resulted in absolutely nothing of any value at all.
This is not going to be a gentle decline I fear, it is likely to be fast and violent and people are going to get one hell of a shock as their soft comfortable lives change dramatically, and many are going to die.
Thoughtful – yes with you on that ( 77 brigade to note ) … really can’t see the sane side of Europe holding back the tide now …. I feel a bit sorry for the kids …
Look at the state in Argentina, when Mellei announces he doesn’t want to go with BRICS and instead wants to stay with America and the USD.
China then backs away, but there’s no money in it for the greedy Jews in the Democrat party, so they do nothing to help him out and Millei is forced to go crawling back to China for support which they have grudgingly given him in part.
And before the woke nutters here start screaming anti Semism and other woke names, I can name every single one of these people and what they have been doing while in office, how they have sought to enrich themselves and push their own political agenda on an America which neither wanted it nor voted for it.
We’re accustomed to an occasional ladies day in our media. Today feels more akin to a ‘boss girl’ themed day.
In showbiz news, somewhat paradoxically, the Guardian tells us: Not Barbie’s Night Oppenheimer wins big as Hollywood awards season begins – and yet instead of picturing the Irishman Cillian Murphy (best actor in a drama motion picture) we’re presented with a frontpage pin-up of: Margot Robbie at the Golden Globes – resplendent in Barbie pink frock – I’m not sure if this a victory for feminism or for misogyny over there at the Gruan – you decide.
It’s left to the jokey blokey Daily Star to express what we’re all really thinking: Dreary celebs put on fancy dresses and tell each other how amazing they are
The FT habitually bemoans: Lack of diversity in UK executive pipeline points to slow progress for female CEOs – and enthusiastically supports: FTSE companies push for a quarter of female CEOs by 2025 (FT) – with no convincing explanation of how come this is supposed to be either a desirable or an economically efficient outcome
There is of course a wider debate between appointments motivated by prioritising ability or representation: Channel 4 in diversity row over white bosses (Telegraph)
But let’s concentrate on sex
We recall the recent: Ex-NatWest chief Alison Rose to forfeit £7.6mn after Nigel Farage scandal (FT) – her failing, techinally, was the breaching of longstanding banking rules – but specifically it was the getting caught out pandering to a politically woke agenda still hysterical about Brexit, lying about it, then gossiping her fibs to a BBC hack
The giveaway Metro taps into public concerns and today urges on the shaming of another boss girl: Outrage over scandal boss… Im say strip Post Office Paula of CBE; Shameless – shouts the Express: As national revulsion over Post Office scandal mounts…
The left-leaning ‘i’ our poundshop half-arsed half-baked half-a-quid Guardian – Get i digital for a whole year for only 50p a week – shifts focus from the personal to the corporate: Post Office scandal firm Fujitsu gets major Government contract – and besides running defence for the Lib Dems: Tories accused of ‘weaponising’ Lib Dem role… – only gets around to a mention of: ex-Post Office boss Paula Vennells – in their fifth and final frontpage bullet point
The ‘i’ does provide us with a timely reason to say calm down dear: Opinion Taylor Swift’s sexuality is none of our business Rebecca Reid – you said it, luv.
Variations on a Theme was a work by Johannes Brahms, based on a composition, reputedly by Joseph Haydn – we’ve had quite enough of my rock and pop references from the 1970s and 80s lately
Variations on a boss girl theme
Bet365 boss’s £300mn payout trumps salaries of leading US company chiefs… Denise Coats… pay and dividends from the gambling group, cementing her position as one of the world’s best-paid executives (FT)
Gray builds influence in Labour’s high command… Former civil servant Sue Gray is rapidly emerging as Sir Keir Starmer’s political fixer… after ‘Partygate’ spurred some Tories to suggest her move to Labour tarnished Whitehall’s reputation for political neutrality (FT)
Our media likes to forecast on-coming wind, rain and snow storms – not so much the impending economic storms
In rather serious economic news: Deluge of debt feeds fear of backlash in bond markets… Election pledges drive up borrowing… Investors are warning governments around the world over “unmoored” levels of public debt (FT)
And in just a one small example of a worrying trend: Sadiq Khan, London’s mayor… found £30m to avert a strike by RMT members (Times)
And finally, a BBC bod – somewhat unconvincingly – insists: ‘Streaming will never replace radio’ New Radio 6 host Huw Stephens on the magic of the airwaves (‘i’) – well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?
I wonder if anyone would dare chart the behaviour of various female CEOs over recent years – not including the current pantomime villain ( CBE petition – now at 1.2 million ) ? Certainly the lady at bet365 with her 260 million ? Annual pay packet shows ‘success ‘ – but others ? The one at John Lewis ? Nat west ?
I’m old fashioned – I think ability should trump anything else but it don’t tick boxes …
The bet365 lady is owner of a private business and that is the most tax efficient way of getting her money out. There’s no shareholders to worry about and I believe a lot of the money comes from foreign activity so is an ‘export’ effectively.
The problem with the women appointed to boards is that they usually come up through HR where they have been responsible for impelementing the ‘diversity’ policy, and once they gain unrestricted power they go nuts with it.
Thoughtful – sadly I have been on the receiving end of HR too many times in too many places – they run the operation now – and have even spouted new branches like ‘diversity managers ‘ and the newer ‘mental health advisors ‘… doomed doomed …
I am sure they may be some interesting info contained within, but I am increasingly getting frustrated with some youtube speakers, and find myself shouting:
“please stop gibbering !”
“stop repeating yourself, yes I heard you the first time !”
and increasingly:
“get to the bloody point will you !”
this chap is one of the worst to the point of being unwatchable unfortunately, even fast forwarded offers no solace here, if they want to post on video, I wish they would at least take a short tutorial on public speaking….
I avoid this stuff on you tube and talking heads always get the – dump first 3 minutes then x2 speed until bored … concision is a skill often not shown on those wandering you tubes …. And anyone sitting in front of a book case gets a c minus …
Yes – the quality of YouTube has been plummeting and it wasn’t that good to start with.
In part I feel that this is in equal parts people who have only vestigial self awareness and the capacity to done on endlessly and in part YouTube themselves messing with content providers minds and the selection of content for a visitor.
The bias is variable and sometimes ludicrously overt…
Much YouTube content could be edited down to 10% of its actual length without losing much of anything. The use of automated narration is a plague, as is counterfeit, well known voices. YouTube’s Like, Share, Subscribe and pivot to clickbait and dumbass TikTok copying “Shorts” isn’t helping.
YouTube is now an influence operation. My feed has filled with US election nonsense, very obviously curated by Democrats….
My subscriptions aren’t updating and garbage rains down…
– sorry for the droner there – Sturgeon’s prior antics seemed a marginally worthwhile thing to share – but in truth it seems clear that she’s a “protected pol”…
Moderna CEO: “You could see some countries where you had scientific debate and political debate and social media… you got those three things — then vaccine rates were very, very low…”
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel speaking at WEF 23 Davos criticises countries that had scientific, political and public debate about COVID-19 Vaccine products saying such discourse led to lower vaccination rates. Bancel is especially critical of debate on social media #wef23pic.twitter.com/LPHEngVi29— Rukshan Fernando (@therealrukshan) January 18, 2023
First day of Fauci’s C19 testimony to the House yesterday (unfortunately it isn’t a public hearing).
BBC not interested. Their health disinfo reporter has not tweeted for over three months… and BBC Science today goes with “Late barn owl brood in County Down causes surprise and shock”.
— Dr. Fauci claimed he “did not recall” pertinent COVID-19 information or conversations more than 100 times.
— Dr. Fauci profusely defended his previous Congressional testimony where he stated NIH does not fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
— He repeatedly played semantics with the definition of gain-of-function in an attempt to avoid conceding that NIH funded potentially dangerous research in China.
— Dr. Fauci testified that he signed off on every foreign and domestic NIAID grant without reviewing the proposals.
As time goes on, more and more of the green agenda resembles an attempt by the global upper-middle classes to pull the drawbridge up behind them and leave the peasants on the other side of the moat forever. A recently televised children’s pantomime, and some coincidental news stories about the EU Regulation on deforestation-free products, illustrate all of this quite neatly, bringing to the fore the extent to which the environmental movement seeks to keep the poor in what Karl Marx called “rural idiocy”. Those of us who care about conservation and the environment have bitter cause to regret this, and the backlash to which it is now giving rise……read on below
As the days pass and the story unfolds, we can breathe a sigh of relief.
It is becoming clear that the “real victim” of the Post Office scandal is none other than “sir ” dead Davey, who was cruelly mislead about the horizon computer system , by those wretched devious officials. Poor old Ed.
Even the BBC have made references to his involvement. He was followed in office by that other”top talent” Jo “I really could be prime minister”Swinson, remember her?
Still Sir Ed, who has wanted the public to notice him for so long, seems to have got his wish come true.
Friend – Eddie gets a pass because he has a disabled kid – end of – and his income outside parliament – that’s okay too …
.. Eddie is one of those yapping dogs for ever demand ‘justice ‘ and ‘ resign’ – yet when it comes to his own negligence or incompetence or laziness – he is still there ….
… I wonder what he will say in parliament ? I guess he ll try to blame someone else instead of doing his job …. But he can say who exactly lied to him as minister – and what’s to be done with them ….
Tim Stanley – the young DT columnist – with a much older wiser head – today describes the House of Commons yesterday . In the afternoon there was a debate on Gaza – the labour benches were full – followed by the debate on the Post Office mass miscarriage – only 30 labour MPs but a full blue labour bench – and no Eddie Davey …..
Mr Stanley wondered what the red labour respinse would be if one of the sub post offices was in Gaza ….
Ukraine buys 50,000 women’s military uniforms The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has announced the purchase amid a struggle to mobilize enough men for the front pic.twitter.com/dWDg76lwPk
Working from home but re watching the ‘ascent of man’ – from 1973 when I was XX old – and watched it then ….. bronowski talks about our evolution and throws in that things really took off 12000 years ago when the ice age ended – I would add that we are in the gap between the next one ….
.. I wondered what Dr Bronowski – whose mind wasn’t about what happened ‘since records began ‘ but across geological time – wouid make of the current green crap fetish …..?
Meanwhile stay warm – there’s an ice age coming … I wonder why ….?
Interesting that there are a good few commentators who now see the uni government as an active enemy of the UK – and not just weak or incompetent – which is my default . It would explain why so many things are crap … and getting crappier .
I choose the word crap because it seems the most appropriate and to the point ….
Top down rule from low IQ criminals would explain why so many things are crap … and getting crappier.
All the problems are caused by Leaders, Generals and Administrators threatening Scientists and Doctors with the sack if they find errors in the corrupt system.
Ten examples: (1) A bioweapon funded by the CIA and released from Wuhan fails to kill more people than flue. (2) A vaccine that does not work but kills more people than all the viruses put together. (3) Computers that vote for Biden and punish postal workers. (4) Atmospheric Physicists banned by the BBC for not agreeing with Greta. (5) Mass murder by banning Ivermectin for viruses and cancer. (6) David Davis trying to get the ONS to release data on Excess deaths comparing the vaccinated with the unvaccinated (7) The Editor of the Daily Mail protecting the Prime Minister from being revealed as a criminal by Doctors for COVID Ethics after being sent the book “mRNA Vaccine Toxicity” (8) Scientific papers finding that sexual perversion politics in London is caused by chemicals found in the Thames Water supply. (9) The 555 subpostmaster scandal dwarfed by the mass media censorship of the thousand fold more serious scandal of the 555,000 people killed and injured by the mRNA vaccines (10) The make America great again Soldiers fighting back against the military leaders who have killed and injured the rank and file on behalf of China and China Joe: https://midvalleynews.com/organizers-of-effort-to-hold-military-leaders-accountable-over-vaccine-mandate-say-theyre-being-censored/
Even the act of the former CEO of the post office volunteering to give her ‘honour ‘ back seem sort of dirty – better to have been striped of it … who gave it to her ?
As Noel Thomas – infamously jailed Welsh postmaster – put it: ‘Hit them in their pockets…..’
Starting with Vennels’ £5m farewell package and a high percentage of her final £717k salary, together with the £390k given on ‘retirement’. That should form the basis of percentage repayments from all concerned, from Fujitsu to ministers, through upper and lower management to investigating officers and most especially the crooked legal charlatans coining away so diligently on their own behalf. Loss of assets resulting in bankruptcy, housing and savings should at least partially provide some sort of redress.
Writs of Attainder were certainly an effective means of cancelling. Title, rank, privilege, perquisite, estate and demesne – the lot, everything – could be taken.
Though removed from the statute books in the in the mid-19th C, since they were originally in the sole domain of the sovereign, it’s not easy to see how parliament legally cancelled their intention. Interesting.
As you say, they should most certainly be brought back and put to good purpose – with the current Post Office and certain princes high on the list for scrutiny.
The BBC take on the Post Office… makes it sound like some blame free “accident” (oh gosh, a meteorite!) rather than a contrived takedown or criminal incompetence, criminally covered up.
An elaboration of exactly what happened, who knew and who sanctioned it is too much for the miserable creeps obviously.
Maybe they’ll make a Dr Who episode about it.
Vennells gives a gong back? WGAF? – When will they be jamming a microphone in her face demanding answers to pointed and evidenced questions? Give her the Russell Brand treatment?
The ‘democrats’ in the USA must be keeping an eye on the post office computers and the possibility of using them in case their preferred computer vote counting system is somehow nobbled.
Always prepared to save the best til’ last, after a raft of mind-boggling ‘facts and figures’ to set the scene, our Justin revealed that the life threatening average world temperature rise was 0.17.
Journalists frequently use drones. My team has for years. The IDF has denied it’s targeting journalists but the Dahdouh family’s been hit three times and at least 70 other journos killed in #Gaza An independent inquiry is being called for @jodieginsberg
Creating safe space for journalists is not the primary aim of any military trying to fight a war.
I go more with this commenter:
Perhaps in a war zone it just might be considered a little unwise to control a drone from a moving vehicle. Independent risk assessment required prior to doing so, rather than independent enquiry afterwards.
And this one does pose a question seldom asked:
If that family has anything to do with journalism, show me how many reports they filed about diversion of cement for tunnels, location of tunnels, stealing water pipes for rockets, of summary executions, lack of elections..by hamas in Gaza.
If not, flitting around a firefight launching stuff…. seems silly.
But yay… an ‘independent inquiry’. Maybe Nadia Whitholm and Clive checking the bogs in Qatar mansions?
If you were a soldier in a war zone, confronted with a drone, or someone operating one, what would your logical reaction be? If it’s not your side’s then it’s the enemy’s and it’s not there to do you and your side any good, is it?
AKA if you wander around a war zone toting a gun, don’t be surprised if you’re fired upon.
I wonder if this is connected to the ‘might’ excitement at Sky inspired by Call me Dave?
BREAKING: Foreign Secretary, Lord David Cameron has told the foreign affairs select committee ‘Israel might have taken action that might be in breach of international law in Gaza’
I am quite certain I despise media as much as politicians.
Apparantly today one Suzanna Reid managed to show there is some questioning in the biased media after all, although the question was so worthless trivial and biased that she might as well not have bothered.
She asked an entrapment question of Tory MP Paul Scully, who thought it appropriate to award a CBE to Paula Vennells clearly unaware the honours committee dishes out thank you for coming to work awards willy nilly and ministers have little or no say over them.
It’s a ridiculous trivial question because when it comes to the truly important questions these people never ask them.
Here’s one which should have been asked years ago. Who was it who ordered the Royal Taxi Service to bring Salaman Abedi to the UK as a refugee, a man who went on to murder several children in Manchester at an Arianna Grande concert.
To this day I have wondered why he in particular was deemed suitable and why the person who made that decision has never been called to account over it.
Here is another issue in the Sub Post Office saga which is giving me cause to think.
Tony B Liar signed off the Horizon system. He did so knowing the system had problems and was unreliable and was warned by several people including of all people Harriet Harman (although how she came to know I am at a loss over).
Regardless of all the warning he ploughed ahead anyway, however despite both him and Harman both knowing about the possible flaws, during the entire sorry saga not one of them came forward to voice their reservations, nor to advise the subsequent ministers or government.
No one is asking these questions for obvious reasons, but while Ed Davey is being Pilloried (and probably rightly so) no one is doing the same with BLiar despite the even bigger role he played in all of this !
Here we go again with covid idiocy starting all over again.
I cleared my throat in a shop and accidently and suddenly came out with a small cough, some Welsh idiot came over and said, “put your hand over your mouth when you cough”..
Told him to get lost in so many words but he wandered away saying “have you learned nothing from the past two years”
I thought of many possible replies in the ensuing hour as no one knows how to react when someone is so obnoxious, , but none of sufficient effectiveness at the time, c’est la vie
“have you learned nothing in the last two years ?”
“yes, plenty, especially not listening to Welsh twats telling me how to behave in public, I would ask you to f’ck off but it would only be at 20mph so why bother ”
apologies to Taffman, Welsh but not a twat
How many screaming kids and screeching dogs, which are allowed to piss all over my wheelie bin and car offend my senses yet …
There are a lot of people like that out there – there’s several main road facing garage doors around here with rainbows and “Thank You NHS” 8ft square multicolour vinyl banners on them that’ve been there for nearly 2 years…
I notice masked fractional wits parading around supermarkets in increasing numbers with an unmistakable smugness – it’s pathetic.
I will repeat an old post, just after lockdown one of these hippy crystal shops and a sign
“you will use hand sanistiser even if you are wearing gloves”
I see it as a fetish of the far left, so concerned about disease, yet they never see what causes the rise in diptheria and other immigrant diseases that had all but disappeared from this country but are all back now, and where they come from…
Article on the DM website today, written by an A&E doctor on why we should go back to wearing masks. There is hope though. When I looked the most highly rated comment referred to the Chochran review and reminded readers that it had come to the conclusion that masks don’t work. And most of the comments were a mix of masks don’t work or people were just not going to wear them.
AsISeeItMar 13, 07:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Could Starmer’s regulation shake-up mean a ‘bonfire of the quangos’? – prompts our BBC… All together now, readers… Betteridge’s law…
andyjsnapeMar 13, 06:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 bbc reports.. ‘Roofers took my savings for job I didn’t ask for’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c93nke05gwjo “A 91-year-old man says he lost his…
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/ace/standard/976/cpsprodpb/ac6e/live/c2564f90-ff8e-11ef-b50e-9d086302645f.jpg.webp[/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy5ng663d1wo “The…
With so many calls for the termination of the TV tax being bandied about, it seems to me that any election manifesto will include some reference to how financial support for the BBC will be maintained.
The poor quality and political bias which Beeboidists are capable of, will mean that anyone of the ‘right of centre’ will have all sorts of bile thrown at them during the election campaign, so therefore, all Labour has to do is keep schtum about the issue until the very last minute, when they’ll announce their plans to centralise the TV tax into general taxation. This frees up the most vulnerable, elderly taxpayers, (even if they still do pay), and guarantee the bloated existence of the state broadcaster for ever and a day!
Nobody will take much notice of any ‘Conservative’ promise, as all they’ve done over the years has been to fart around the issues, like most important subjects they ignore! The Reform party may make a few waves, (we’ll vote for them), but sadly there are still too many citizens who just won’t bother!
So it’ll be the Fence-Sitter, with Crayons and a few sundry lefties taking over, and their PR crowd in W1AA will be their propaganda mouthpiece from the end of this year!
Like electric cars, I’ll be gone before their thirteen years are up, so as the saying goes, ‘I don’t want to leave you, but I think I ought to go’!
(On a lighter note, why does Wayne Rooney get so much flak about the Post Office scandal – he looks more like Ed Davey than the bloke in the cave from ‘The Goonies’)!
The hooker who bedded Wayne Rooney claims “Wayne tried to talk filthy to me but wasn’t quite up to it”
Well you should have dressed up as a referee then.
Court documents allege sex tapes taken of Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Sir Richard Branson by Jeffrey Epstein
And as if by magic, Richard Branson’s name appears and suddenly the BBC seem to have lost interest.
A quick search of google for ‘Brexit Richard Branson BBC’ shows us why : we get a long list of headlines like ‘Richard Branson calls for new Brexit vote’, ‘Brexit: No-deal will near-bankrupt UK, says Branson’, ‘Branson warns pound to plummet in no-deal Brexit’ and amazingly enough the last two were both opened for HYS. He is one of their darlings who says all the right things.
So they are protecting him.
What I found VERY interesting was the comments. No spiteful-schoolboy comments to be seen : this was in the top-rated:
‘Branson spouting his usual rubbish.
Don’t be fooled. He doesn’t give a cr@p about you or I.
He only mentions the exchange rate as it will cost
Virgin more to operate their already overpriced services.’
276 upvotes and 96 downvotes. How the voting used to be.
Contrast that with what happens now:
June this year:
Is Brexit behind the UK’s inflation shock?
‘Slow clap for far right Brexiteers.’
410 upvotes, 174 downvotes
Then this from October:
‘Cap on bankers’ bonuses to be scrapped’
‘Another “scorched earth” policy from a dying government, doing nothing for ordinary hard pressed people, but making sure their mates can continue to rake it in. Absolutely abhorrent set of charlatans and spivs.’
1980 upvotes, 128 downvotes.
What a simply amazing turnaround in favour of the Leftist view !.
It stinks of troll-farm corruption. The BBC know it, OFCOM know it and neither wants to do anything about it. Dirty b@stards. Just like the Democrats.
Early on Branson was caught in a sting
short of money he’d load the van with records and get on the ferry to Holland
Then put in for a VAT refund cos the records had been exported
but he’d turn around without unloading the records
then bring them back and sell them in his shop full price
After he did it a few times ..Customs marked the records with UV
He did get wind and staff had to go through the shop in the middle of the night checking
Instead of taking him to court customs offered to settle for money.
It was before VAT, I think it was Purchase Tax which Branson was evading. He could easily have gone to prison, but luckily for him his father was a barrister, and a few strings were pulled.
Trump keeps getting mentioned but no mention of DJT throwing Epstein out / off Mar-a-Largo.
No detail either – go figure….as they say
London Underground drivers today demanded a 12 per cent pay rise just hours after Sadiq Khan used £30million of taxpayers’ money to avoid a week-long Tube strike.
Tube drivers currently earn £63,901 – about double the salary of some station staff.
The union now wants its ‘original claim for an RPI+ pay rise of around 12 per cent – based on last February’s RPI rate – and a cut in working hours to be met in full’.
Tube drivers currently earn £63,901
The BBC endorse the flawed thinking behind Idris Elba’s campaign to ban zombie knives. It will “help stop more young people losing their lives,” says Sophie Raworth.
It’s as if these zombie knives have a life of their own. These inanimate objects appear to have a murderous intent towards young people.
Anybody with an ounce of sense knows that even if these knives are banned, thugs will just use other kinds of knives or find other weapons.
BBC reporter Adina Campbell lists the causes of knife crime as poverty, social media, gang culture, and fear. And the victims are “vulnerable young people”.
Unadulterated poppycock.
Loose-living, dope-smoking, lefty liberals like the Beeboids hate the idea of individual responsibility and cannot bear the thought that knife crime is the result of decisions taken by actual human beings with moral agency. Better to blame inanimate objects or vague impersonal concepts like “fear”.
I agree though that the government isn’t doing enough. They could start by making sure the ethnicity of every victim is recorded.
I want the restoration of the death penalty for murder. Liberals of course don’t want that. They don’t believe capital punishment has a deterrent effect. Yet they simultaneously believe that banning zombie knives somehow will stop these killings.
Society is regulated by a system of rewards and punishments, incentives and penalties, carrots and sticks. It’s found in every aspect of our lives and it’s the cornerstone of the justice system itself. If some crime is getting out of control, we increase the fines or lengthen the prison sentence. And it works. But somehow for the crime of murder, liberals can’t see that increasing the severity of the punishment will bring a reduction in the number of murders.
If you increase the cost of apples, fewer people buy apples. If you increase the cost of committing murder, fewer people commit murder.
Zelatek – would you really want the death penalty back ? Hanging 14 year old murderers ? I do ….
In a way it depends whether you’ve had personal experience of this vermin – they live feral lives and resort to violence on a very short fuse – in groups they are worse ….
Yes, Fed, I really do want the death penalty back. I wouldn’t hang 14 year olds though. I regard them as children.
However, I believe that if murderers are hanged, the deterrent effect percolates through the whole of society. Murder becomes the most awful of crimes because it is associated with the most awful of punishments. Children and young teenagers would absorb this idea even though they would not themselves be executed if they committed murder.
I’m in two minds about 14 year olds being hanged – maybe it should be an option depending on the circumstances. Locking people up is just a waste of time and money ….
I saw something recently about it costing more to execute than incarcerate in the USA system….
I’m happy to have capital punishment as long as there’s a provision to execute the judge and prosecution in the case of wrongful conviction.
Execute judges and prosecutors? That’s unreasonable, tomo. Anyway, it’s juries that find defendants guilty.
Executions cost so much in the USA because of the lengthy appeals process. Murderers can be on death row for decades. Their justice should be speeded up.
Not when prosecutors withhold exculpatory evidence with the knowledge of the judge.
And would you be happy for the Left to hang you for the crime of being White? That is the unfortunate result of every Socialist regime- that it murders its citizens on an industrial scale, in fact nothing including malaria has ended as many lives as Socialism has in the time the two have co-existed.
The fact is that as we are seeing now with the Post Office malefactors can and do pervert the course of justice, and although those people can hopefully gain some restitution if you take their life you can never give it back again.
Look at Colin Stagg who the Police fitted up – there was some poor sod in Manchester fitted up for rape, and the Police knew he hadn’t done it, and they had the evidence to prove he hadn’t, but they deliberately sat on it instead of having him released.
I’m sorry but UK ‘justice’ is very poor indeed and yes there might be open and shut cases but others aren’t, and it’s hardly fair to jail one and hang another for the same crime.
I was waiting for that one to come along . It’s an empty discussion because in its’ current woke state it is more likely to end prisons than bring back executions ….
… meanwhile the petition to withdraw the CBE from the vicar who used to be CEO of the post office is heading for 1. 2 million – …. I’m surprised the mail hasn’t tracked her down yet – but the cash she is getting from all those public sector jobs buys sunny security …
As I Christian I often wonder what God makes of someone like Vennells, who knowingly and repeatedly bears false witness and wrecks the lives of others, and then presumably pray for forgiveness for what she had done, before going to work and then doing it all over again.
Would God forgive such a person?
You make a good point – up to a point – but is there any evidence that she has done it all over again since she left the Post Office?
She isn’t in a position to excercise such power and influence, but if she were a witness in court would you trust her evidence?
The DT today lists the members of the managerial class and their CVs responsible for the mass prosecutions and miscarriages – including the chief engineer for Fujitsu who is apparently due to give evidence to the post office inquiry in May . He has x2 asked for immunity from prosecution . The way things are going he may well be in handcuffs before then ….
The whole affair shows how there is a revolving door of the over paid managerial class which moves between the boards of public and private executive board rooms – spouting woke crap but looking at their ‘performance £ package ‘…
“Zombie knives” are not really weapons, indeed they are useless as weapons. They are bizarre artifacts which I think derive from computer games. The most deadly weapon is a sharpened screwdriver, which can penetrate the body deeply and do real damage, but it is just not sexy for a “star” like our Idris to call for screwdriver control.
X2 stabbings last night in londonistan – but only one fatal so far – it’s ok though he was in his 20s – Idris Need not worry ….
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
US litigation
The BBC and the Post Office have a lot in Common as its the fact that Starmer was in charge of DPP (CPS) at the exact time that Saville at the BBC openly abused children and teens (he ignored all allegations), at the same time the now infamous Rochdale abuses were covered up by both the BBC and the local authorities. Again: (he ignored all allegations) and allowed claims that it was ‘racist’ to point out the culprits. Now we have The Post Office embroiled on a huge cover up to protect themselves when they knew the Horizon system was creating errors. (he again ignored all allegations). As head of DPP / CPS Starmer he was in charge of all of this and could have enquired into each claim. which he ignored as did the BBC.
Instead he did nothing, nor did the BBC report anything at the time;,as it was effectively ‘covered up’ with politically correct ‘red tape’. Starmer was then in power and the BBC knew exactly what was going on in Rochdale but they claimed it was racial discrimination to report it…
Now Starmer wants to be Prime Minster based on his human rights record. As for the BBC, we shall see how independent they all are as soon as the Labour general election starts in the Autumn. The BBC will do everything they can to claim impartiality when they were a large part of Tony Blair’s team even submitting its own staff to become MP’s and being re-employed by BBC when they lost the job.
The head of the failed Post Office left to become a senior head at the NHS(!), based on her experience (failures) at the post office. and that is another reason the NHS is in crisis. All failures.
You really could not make this kind of corruption up. Farage (GB news) makes the point today that the CPS totally failed to address any the concerns – and in each case, the BBC fell silent or was asked NOT to report it.
Now Starmer claims he knew nothing. “On Monday, the Labour leader called for prosecution powers to be stripped from the Post Office and previous convictions to be looked at again. Speaking during a visit to Loughborough, in the East Midlands, he said: “I think that the prosecution should be taken out of the hands of the Post Office and given to the Crown Prosecution Service.
“I used to run the Crown Prosecution Service, we’ve prosecuted for other departments, we can do it here – that should be done straight away. And these convictions, the remaining convictions, need to be looked at en masse.”
Yeah right.
Indeed he used to run the CPS. That was the key problem. Our next big problem if he becomes the next PM, as the BBC will once again get a huge pay rise overall to ‘deliver the message’, and another twenty years TV license everyone else on the left of camp – as once again we rejoin the EU where things are great! If your of the Left. You ignore all the problems of a socialist paradise.
YEP, What Ed Davy is to Post Office Scandal investigations
.. Starmer is to Jimmy Savile investigations
The BBC German Farmers protest article has this line
“The demonstration drew widespread condemnation and sparked fresh fears about the radicalisation of political debate in Germany.”
FFS do the BBC use similar lines when the BLM an XR cranks do their protests ?
Obviously everyone who calls out the Guardianland establishment is A DANGEROUS RADICAL
Funny on my YouTube account they’ve pushed a panorama from august 2015 with John Sweeney of all people with ‘trouble at the post office ‘… 9 years ago …
Doctors and Dentists in West Yorkshire being such an asset to the UK:
Although I may have this wrong. They could be Teachers or Nurses. They might even work for the bBC.
Anything on Al Beeb about the big demos in Germany ?
Censorship in action , anyone ?
tsk… taffman – no need to both about a minor domestic thing in a land far away about which
Like the man said:
Tomo – I also have been secretly digging my secret bunker at the bottom of the garden – next to the secret green house which will be used as a secret food source when ‘the event ‘ hits us
But let’s face it these people have more money than they know what to do with so inevitably one day – whilst under the influence – they start googling ‘secret bunker’ and land up building one …. But it is comforting that no one beats the grim reaper – who really does call the shots …
YouTuber Colin Furze is the gold standard!
tomo, only those who are found ‘in Christ’ will survive “The Event” when the Lord Jesus Christ returns.
Now do the Bidens….
You didn’t see what you saw
A truly wonderful Islamic Hamas propaganda piece between their spokesman – meesh and one Rev Daniel Burton – who runs a ‘charity ‘ of disabled and special needs kids in Hamas city – sorry – formally Gaza .
Burtons charity apparently put out a press release how the evil IDF has raided the charity ‘school ‘ and wrecked it when no one was there ….for no reason .
Meesh and the rev were at one over the evil IDF – they might as well told us they just hate Jews .
I noticed meesh didn’t ask the rev exactly how he knows the truth of his allegations – after all – he is in Manchester – when was he last in Hamas city ? Not asked –
Some might suspect the IDF is searching for more terrorist bases – after all – their evil mo is to exploit civilian facilities for their terrorism .
Some might also say that his charity is lucky the IDF didn’t drop a 500 pound bomb on it … but after that piece I think I might add it to the target list ….
At the end meesh ‘balanced ‘ the piece by reading an IDF statement – 30 seconds – about how the IDF is hunting for Hamas …..I reckon the BBC doesn’t want IDF spokesmen on any more as they whip the floor the Hamas spokesman like meesh …
There’s always Vile.
And a propaganda poster.
What do you think?
Yes it might be a propaganda piece for the Palestinians, and yes I fully agree that the BBC are massively anti Israeli and have been for years.
Post October 7th the whole world (almost) stood in sympathy with Israel, but after the IDF action pretty much the world stood against Israel.
There were ways that Israel could have eliminated Hamas without so many civilian casualties and colateral damage.
Now you might think that you don’t care and the deaths of 100 000 innocent children is perfectly fine as long as Hamas are eliminated.
But this isn’t the 1970s, not the 80s or the 90s. Biden is a senile old man who probably cannot get his mindset past those years when America did as it pleased and everyone else had to get in line. The other side the BRICS nation are making massive political capital out of this, and we in Britain will suffer for it directly as a result.
Time and time again we are shown we are run by clueless morons who will be hard pressed to even make a decision let alone the right one. Most times they appear to leave it to our enemies in Washington who use us as a tool taking the damage for them and never speaking out against them.
The latest pointless lunacy being Ukraine. Biden is given a choice – abandon Ukraine or look after America and close the Southern border. Biden chose to do nothing to look after America, but ordered his European patsies to pick up the slack. All this from a man who attacked Europe by destroying the Nordsteam pipeline, pushing the cost of energy up so high it has destroyed the economies and quality of life in most of Europe.
Just imagine for a moment that the countries surrounding Israel decide they have had enough and are going to invaded. Israel cannot defend itself save with its nuclear option, and by the time it’s enemies were in control the West would not even have time to intervene.
Is that a price worth paying ?
Israel is now the West only (questionable) ally in the Middle East, all the rest have moved over to BRICS.
I rather like eating. I think part of living in a developed country is energy and basic necessity security, we are likely to lose this in the future.
I think people are in a dream world about the dangers we are facing. I think they believe that it’s been this way all their lives and it’s always going to be this way. I can tell you – it isn’t. You are sleep walking into disaster focussed on something which you should be focussed on stopping if you don’t want this dire future.
This is not the 1970s the world is very much different now and readers here seem so insulated from world events they can’t envisage the dangers they are in.
Time to wake up guys before the future not only bites you in the arse but eats you for breakfast !
Thoughtful, in the 1960s we had the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Six Day War, in the 1970s we had the Yom Kippur War, followed by the OPEC led crisis. And all this with two nuclear powers (Russia and the US) facing each other with nuclear weapons and ‘Mutually Assured Destruction’.
The creation of the nation of Israel in 1948 was a very significant event even though it was messed up with Middle East politics and US & UK meddling in the aftermath of WW2 and the need for oil to fuel the recovery of both the UK and US although the latter had a self-sufficiency of oil until the Democrats messed up.
I have a memory buried deep within my brain that the 20th century was significant for not having a single year of peace in the world. In other words, 20thC had a war somewhere in the world every year. Do I recall that correctly? Do help to correct my ageing memory if you know the true fact.
In the Bible, the seventieth week of Daniel is divided in two as the Great Tribulation. There is very little agreement among Biblical scholars as to where the rapture of the church and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to start his millennial reign as King of Kings comes. I know a preacher at Bridge Lane Chapel (known as The Bridge) who makes a good case for a pre-Tribulation rapture although Tony Pearce is weakening his view on that a little. He does an end-of-month address each month on ‘This Month in Prophecy’. Each talk is about an hour long. I recommend listening although Tony is not easy to listen to, as he has a mouth that produces too much saliva which he sucks it away with an obvious sound in the recording. Tony also has a habit of turning away from the microphone to look at projected images on the screen behind him for the congregation to view. https://bridgelane.org.uk/sermons
My personal thinking from searching the Scriptures is that ‘the church invisible’ (ie. true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ) have to go though all or most of the Great Tribulation but some significant events have to occur first. First the Temple needs to be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Secondly, the ‘Man of Disobedience’ has to be revealed. Thirdly, ‘The Man of Disobedience’ has to call on the world to worship him and not any other god especially the Christian God and the God of Israel. (I think they are one and the same but that would take too long to explain.) By then the ‘Man of Disobedience’ will be controlling who has the financial power – power to buy and sell – and will control currency. (This is largely already in place in the world systems.) Finally, Jerusalem and Israel will be ringed with armies hell-bent on the destruction of Israel.
At this time, Israel will repent and call on the Hamashiach Yeshua to save Israel from destruction. And Yeshua will return at that point.
Guest who – one of those stats which maybe well be true – but even before the current regime came in — things were bad – hence the red labour lot being thrown out …
Bureaucratic scumminess in Queensland…
Chris Mason: A TV drama may help deliver change for sub-postmasters
All okay then as Chris Mason is on the case
650 MPS did nothing?! HA HA HA!
MM, democracy inaction!
Greta says NO to cheap food.
There’s BS, and then…
Emissions from Israel’s war in Gaza have ‘immense’ effect on climate catastrophe
“Emissions from Israel’s war in Gaza have ‘immense’ effect on climate catastrophe”
“Analysis: China’s emissions set to fall in 2024 after record growth in clean energy”
“China now dominates global cement production, and has done for more than a decade. In the charts below we see it in the context of the world’s cement output. In 2014 it produced 60% of the world’s cement, and it has fallen only slightly since then to 56% in 2019.6 Mar 2023”
“As China’s economy has developed, pollution in the Yangtze and its lakes has multiplied – particularly from industries and agriculture, including large-scale fish and pig farming. Dams are a big issue too. More than 50,000 dams have been built in the Yangtze basin since 1950, and more are planned.”
“China’s meat consumption has increased steadily over the past three decades. Now, China is the world’s largest consumer meat market, comprising 30% of the world’s total in 2021.”
GW, wot abaht USUKEUcrane? Sudan? Yemen? DRC? Nigeria?
Here is a short video about what is going on in the world which isn’t being reported because the Medja doesn’t understand it and even if it did, it wouldn’t want people to know the full horror of what Biden is doing.
Thoughtful – thanks – what is she ?is she AI ? The theme of the decline of the US empire continues ….. when does the US go bust – Obama’s 4th term ?
With a name like Petrova I suspect she’s Russian but she is a certified financial advisor.
You might want to read the piece I posted above which is linked to this.
This is just a set of symptoms the reasons for those are outlined above and the consequences of them for us are terrible. People are not understanding at all, and getting them out of their torper usual meets with hostility.
Thoughtful – I’ve now read your earlier piece . I agree that the assumptions of ‘power relationships ‘ are not static and things and times change …. Yes the outlook is bleak . But what are the solutions ?
How can an individual – even a whole electorate – polarised between red and blue or UK v EU – do anything to change what seems inevitable – big big trouble ?
It’s probably now too late. Biden and his lunatics made a terrible mistake not reining in Netanyahu, or at least distancing themselves from him.
The Left in America haven’t just polarised their own country, they have polarised the world against them and us.
I don’t know if you are aware but these ignorant muppets have been attempting to force gay rights on Muslims and Africans. As one from central Africa said “The Chinese are here building a hospital, the Americans have come to lecture us on gay rights, who do you think we are going to ally with”?
Biden stupidly told MBS he was going to make Saudi Arabia a pariah state because they would not give gays equal rights ! Now we can see the fall out from that.
The West is no longer in the position of strength it once was, and all Biden has done is to destroy the goodwill which was left to him by past generations.
America is in a fortunate position in that it is self sufficient in land resources and food, Europe, especially Britain is not, and now we have treacherous leftists trying to prevent farming taking place here.
We are all going to die if these people are not stopped – permanently stopped and if that means killing them in order to do so then that is going to have to be done.
The debts we have incurred are so large they can never be repaid, and what are those debts from? Largely socialist lunacy which has resulted in absolutely nothing of any value at all.
This is not going to be a gentle decline I fear, it is likely to be fast and violent and people are going to get one hell of a shock as their soft comfortable lives change dramatically, and many are going to die.
This is Bidens Socialist legacy to us all.
Thoughtful – yes with you on that ( 77 brigade to note ) … really can’t see the sane side of Europe holding back the tide now …. I feel a bit sorry for the kids …
Look at the state in Argentina, when Mellei announces he doesn’t want to go with BRICS and instead wants to stay with America and the USD.
China then backs away, but there’s no money in it for the greedy Jews in the Democrat party, so they do nothing to help him out and Millei is forced to go crawling back to China for support which they have grudgingly given him in part.
And before the woke nutters here start screaming anti Semism and other woke names, I can name every single one of these people and what they have been doing while in office, how they have sought to enrich themselves and push their own political agenda on an America which neither wanted it nor voted for it.
2hrs, 7 comments… of which one…
“Thank you @MishalHusain @BBCr4today for an Arab point of view”
Yes -mas I described above meesh is on form today ….. I bet they are in mourning for the latest dead Islamic terrorist leader …
Arab view?
“Arabs believe economy is weak under democracy
6 July 2022”
We’re accustomed to an occasional ladies day in our media. Today feels more akin to a ‘boss girl’ themed day.
In showbiz news, somewhat paradoxically, the Guardian tells us: Not Barbie’s Night Oppenheimer wins big as Hollywood awards season begins – and yet instead of picturing the Irishman Cillian Murphy (best actor in a drama motion picture) we’re presented with a frontpage pin-up of: Margot Robbie at the Golden Globes – resplendent in Barbie pink frock – I’m not sure if this a victory for feminism or for misogyny over there at the Gruan – you decide.
It’s left to the jokey blokey Daily Star to express what we’re all really thinking: Dreary celebs put on fancy dresses and tell each other how amazing they are
The FT habitually bemoans: Lack of diversity in UK executive pipeline points to slow progress for female CEOs – and enthusiastically supports: FTSE companies push for a quarter of female CEOs by 2025 (FT) – with no convincing explanation of how come this is supposed to be either a desirable or an economically efficient outcome
There is of course a wider debate between appointments motivated by prioritising ability or representation: Channel 4 in diversity row over white bosses (Telegraph)
But let’s concentrate on sex
We recall the recent: Ex-NatWest chief Alison Rose to forfeit £7.6mn after Nigel Farage scandal (FT) – her failing, techinally, was the breaching of longstanding banking rules – but specifically it was the getting caught out pandering to a politically woke agenda still hysterical about Brexit, lying about it, then gossiping her fibs to a BBC hack
The giveaway Metro taps into public concerns and today urges on the shaming of another boss girl: Outrage over scandal boss… Im say strip Post Office Paula of CBE; Shameless – shouts the Express: As national revulsion over Post Office scandal mounts…
The left-leaning ‘i’ our poundshop half-arsed half-baked half-a-quid Guardian – Get i digital for a whole year for only 50p a week – shifts focus from the personal to the corporate: Post Office scandal firm Fujitsu gets major Government contract – and besides running defence for the Lib Dems: Tories accused of ‘weaponising’ Lib Dem role… – only gets around to a mention of: ex-Post Office boss Paula Vennells – in their fifth and final frontpage bullet point
The ‘i’ does provide us with a timely reason to say calm down dear: Opinion Taylor Swift’s sexuality is none of our business Rebecca Reid – you said it, luv.
Variations on a Theme was a work by Johannes Brahms, based on a composition, reputedly by Joseph Haydn – we’ve had quite enough of my rock and pop references from the 1970s and 80s lately
Variations on a boss girl theme
Bet365 boss’s £300mn payout trumps salaries of leading US company chiefs… Denise Coats… pay and dividends from the gambling group, cementing her position as one of the world’s best-paid executives (FT)
Gray builds influence in Labour’s high command… Former civil servant Sue Gray is rapidly emerging as Sir Keir Starmer’s political fixer… after ‘Partygate’ spurred some Tories to suggest her move to Labour tarnished Whitehall’s reputation for political neutrality (FT)
Our media likes to forecast on-coming wind, rain and snow storms – not so much the impending economic storms
In rather serious economic news: Deluge of debt feeds fear of backlash in bond markets… Election pledges drive up borrowing… Investors are warning governments around the world over “unmoored” levels of public debt (FT)
And in just a one small example of a worrying trend: Sadiq Khan, London’s mayor… found £30m to avert a strike by RMT members (Times)
And finally, a BBC bod – somewhat unconvincingly – insists: ‘Streaming will never replace radio’ New Radio 6 host Huw Stephens on the magic of the airwaves (‘i’) – well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?
I wonder if anyone would dare chart the behaviour of various female CEOs over recent years – not including the current pantomime villain ( CBE petition – now at 1.2 million ) ? Certainly the lady at bet365 with her 260 million ? Annual pay packet shows ‘success ‘ – but others ? The one at John Lewis ? Nat west ?
I’m old fashioned – I think ability should trump anything else but it don’t tick boxes …
The bet365 lady is owner of a private business and that is the most tax efficient way of getting her money out. There’s no shareholders to worry about and I believe a lot of the money comes from foreign activity so is an ‘export’ effectively.
The problem with the women appointed to boards is that they usually come up through HR where they have been responsible for impelementing the ‘diversity’ policy, and once they gain unrestricted power they go nuts with it.
Thoughtful – sadly I have been on the receiving end of HR too many times in too many places – they run the operation now – and have even spouted new branches like ‘diversity managers ‘ and the newer ‘mental health advisors ‘… doomed doomed …
Sorry AIS can’t help you with any Brahms tribute bands
Hi Tomo,
Not your fault, I know, but
I am sure they may be some interesting info contained within, but I am increasingly getting frustrated with some youtube speakers, and find myself shouting:
“please stop gibbering !”
“stop repeating yourself, yes I heard you the first time !”
and increasingly:
“get to the bloody point will you !”
this chap is one of the worst to the point of being unwatchable unfortunately, even fast forwarded offers no solace here, if they want to post on video, I wish they would at least take a short tutorial on public speaking….
As the NASA Peregrine 1 launch team might say,
“It’s not rocket science”
I avoid this stuff on you tube and talking heads always get the – dump first 3 minutes then x2 speed until bored … concision is a skill often not shown on those wandering you tubes …. And anyone sitting in front of a book case gets a c minus …
Yes – the quality of YouTube has been plummeting and it wasn’t that good to start with.
In part I feel that this is in equal parts people who have only vestigial self awareness and the capacity to done on endlessly and in part YouTube themselves messing with content providers minds and the selection of content for a visitor.
The bias is variable and sometimes ludicrously overt…
Much YouTube content could be edited down to 10% of its actual length without losing much of anything. The use of automated narration is a plague, as is counterfeit, well known voices. YouTube’s Like, Share, Subscribe and pivot to clickbait and dumbass TikTok copying “Shorts” isn’t helping.
YouTube is now an influence operation. My feed has filled with US election nonsense, very obviously curated by Democrats….
My subscriptions aren’t updating and garbage rains down…
– sorry for the droner there – Sturgeon’s prior antics seemed a marginally worthwhile thing to share – but in truth it seems clear that she’s a “protected pol”…
Aviation safety
What a dismal YouTube – even at x2 speed – glad I’m flying on Thursday …
.. why doesn’t this idiot show yoy pilot issues ‘ to evidence is loopy view
Another YouTube hamster wheeler
DailySkeptic are reporting that one of the founders of BioNTech and developer of the mRNA Covid gene therapy is showing symptoms of Bell’s Palsy:
Here is a video for you to judge for yourselves:
Discussing things is bad.
Moderna CEO: “You could see some countries where you had scientific debate and political debate and social media… you got those three things — then vaccine rates were very, very low…”
(Sorry embedding from Twitter still doesn’t work for me for some reason)
Get ’em young. Our kids showed not the slightest interest in Ceeebebies. ‘I am weasel’ and ‘Cow and chicken’ however…
Flintstones they were not.
Always fascinated by the route #prasnews takes.
Let’s see how this gets framed.
Currently following Not a lot… on eVs. Seems media are not just forgiving, but covering, along with authorities.
Consumers, possibly less so.
First day of Fauci’s C19 testimony to the House yesterday (unfortunately it isn’t a public hearing).
BBC not interested. Their health disinfo reporter has not tweeted for over three months… and BBC Science today goes with “Late barn owl brood in County Down causes surprise and shock”.
— Dr. Fauci claimed he “did not recall” pertinent COVID-19 information or conversations more than 100 times.
— Dr. Fauci profusely defended his previous Congressional testimony where he stated NIH does not fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
— He repeatedly played semantics with the definition of gain-of-function in an attempt to avoid conceding that NIH funded potentially dangerous research in China.
— Dr. Fauci testified that he signed off on every foreign and domestic NIAID grant without reviewing the proposals.
More here: https://oversight.house.gov/release/wenstrup-releases-statement-following-first-day-of-dr-faucis-testimony/
“isn’t a public hearing”
Puts and calls on pharma companies – only for insider dealing congress people of course …
As time goes on, more and more of the green agenda resembles an attempt by the global upper-middle classes to pull the drawbridge up behind them and leave the peasants on the other side of the moat forever. A recently televised children’s pantomime, and some coincidental news stories about the EU Regulation on deforestation-free products, illustrate all of this quite neatly, bringing to the fore the extent to which the environmental movement seeks to keep the poor in what Karl Marx called “rural idiocy”. Those of us who care about conservation and the environment have bitter cause to regret this, and the backlash to which it is now giving rise……read on below
Meanwhile in Drakeford’s domain….
‘Deeply worrying’ research suggests 25% of nurses in England are obese
Upsetting news for the bbc:-
Electric car vandalised by climate activists in Bristol
As the days pass and the story unfolds, we can breathe a sigh of relief.
It is becoming clear that the “real victim” of the Post Office scandal is none other than “sir ” dead Davey, who was cruelly mislead about the horizon computer system , by those wretched devious officials. Poor old Ed.
Even the BBC have made references to his involvement. He was followed in office by that other”top talent” Jo “I really could be prime minister”Swinson, remember her?
Still Sir Ed, who has wanted the public to notice him for so long, seems to have got his wish come true.
Excellent all round.
Friend – Eddie gets a pass because he has a disabled kid – end of – and his income outside parliament – that’s okay too …
.. Eddie is one of those yapping dogs for ever demand ‘justice ‘ and ‘ resign’ – yet when it comes to his own negligence or incompetence or laziness – he is still there ….
… I wonder what he will say in parliament ? I guess he ll try to blame someone else instead of doing his job …. But he can say who exactly lied to him as minister – and what’s to be done with them ….
I do see some ‘news’ from dead tree and broadcasters online.
Newquest to BBC, they are almost universally a joke.
Newquest titles get about a dozen mocking them, and BBc is folk form abroad, activist nutters, or mocking.
Tim Stanley – the young DT columnist – with a much older wiser head – today describes the House of Commons yesterday . In the afternoon there was a debate on Gaza – the labour benches were full – followed by the debate on the Post Office mass miscarriage – only 30 labour MPs but a full blue labour bench – and no Eddie Davey …..
Mr Stanley wondered what the red labour respinse would be if one of the sub post offices was in Gaza ….
Can’t wait for it to be on R4 wimminsour
Men and women are equal – why different uniforms?
Men can have a cervix (c) Keri Starmer
The one nearest seems specially selected for more than her aiming technique. Quite what the next one is going for…
I like to see the hand grenade throwing training videos.
Yes the promotional videos must have had a few takes
“here she goes erm Bang”
next one..
Working from home but re watching the ‘ascent of man’ – from 1973 when I was XX old – and watched it then ….. bronowski talks about our evolution and throws in that things really took off 12000 years ago when the ice age ended – I would add that we are in the gap between the next one ….
.. I wondered what Dr Bronowski – whose mind wasn’t about what happened ‘since records began ‘ but across geological time – wouid make of the current green crap fetish …..?
Meanwhile stay warm – there’s an ice age coming … I wonder why ….?
Some excellent comments:
Interesting that there are a good few commentators who now see the uni government as an active enemy of the UK – and not just weak or incompetent – which is my default . It would explain why so many things are crap … and getting crappier .
I choose the word crap because it seems the most appropriate and to the point ….
Top down rule from low IQ criminals would explain why so many things are crap … and getting crappier.
All the problems are caused by Leaders, Generals and Administrators threatening Scientists and Doctors with the sack if they find errors in the corrupt system.
Ten examples: (1) A bioweapon funded by the CIA and released from Wuhan fails to kill more people than flue. (2) A vaccine that does not work but kills more people than all the viruses put together. (3) Computers that vote for Biden and punish postal workers. (4) Atmospheric Physicists banned by the BBC for not agreeing with Greta. (5) Mass murder by banning Ivermectin for viruses and cancer. (6) David Davis trying to get the ONS to release data on Excess deaths comparing the vaccinated with the unvaccinated (7) The Editor of the Daily Mail protecting the Prime Minister from being revealed as a criminal by Doctors for COVID Ethics after being sent the book “mRNA Vaccine Toxicity” (8) Scientific papers finding that sexual perversion politics in London is caused by chemicals found in the Thames Water supply. (9) The 555 subpostmaster scandal dwarfed by the mass media censorship of the thousand fold more serious scandal of the 555,000 people killed and injured by the mRNA vaccines (10) The make America great again Soldiers fighting back against the military leaders who have killed and injured the rank and file on behalf of China and China Joe: https://midvalleynews.com/organizers-of-effort-to-hold-military-leaders-accountable-over-vaccine-mandate-say-theyre-being-censored/
Even the act of the former CEO of the post office volunteering to give her ‘honour ‘ back seem sort of dirty – better to have been striped of it … who gave it to her ?
As Noel Thomas – infamously jailed Welsh postmaster – put it: ‘Hit them in their pockets…..’
Starting with Vennels’ £5m farewell package and a high percentage of her final £717k salary, together with the £390k given on ‘retirement’. That should form the basis of percentage repayments from all concerned, from Fujitsu to ministers, through upper and lower management to investigating officers and most especially the crooked legal charlatans coining away so diligently on their own behalf. Loss of assets resulting in bankruptcy, housing and savings should at least partially provide some sort of redress.
It’s known as a bill of attainder, it used to be an option in British law, it should be brought back in some instances.
Writs of Attainder were certainly an effective means of cancelling. Title, rank, privilege, perquisite, estate and demesne – the lot, everything – could be taken.
Though removed from the statute books in the in the mid-19th C, since they were originally in the sole domain of the sovereign, it’s not easy to see how parliament legally cancelled their intention. Interesting.
As you say, they should most certainly be brought back and put to good purpose – with the current Post Office and certain princes high on the list for scrutiny.
The BBC take on the Post Office… makes it sound like some blame free “accident” (oh gosh, a meteorite!) rather than a contrived takedown or criminal incompetence, criminally covered up.
An elaboration of exactly what happened, who knew and who sanctioned it is too much for the miserable creeps obviously.
Maybe they’ll make a Dr Who episode about it.
Vennells gives a gong back? WGAF? – When will they be jamming a microphone in her face demanding answers to pointed and evidenced questions? Give her the Russell Brand treatment?
The ‘democrats’ in the USA must be keeping an eye on the post office computers and the possibility of using them in case their preferred computer vote counting system is somehow nobbled.
Fujitsu already on the $ case $
And its make your mind up time !
Which is it ? …………………………….
“2023 confirmed as world’s hottest year on record”
“Beijing shivers through coldest December on record”
Always prepared to save the best til’ last, after a raft of mind-boggling ‘facts and figures’ to set the scene, our Justin revealed that the life threatening average world temperature rise was 0.17.
Risible Rowlatt. What a tosser.
The great green crap fetish …is our gas storage running down yet ?
Who exactly, closed down our gas storage facilities ?
“Journalists…. journalists everywhere!”
That was what popped into my mind when I got to this.
Journalists use equipment like cameras and drones for their work. It does not make them terrorists and should certainly not make them targets. 2/2
Because Gaza already has an awful lot of folk in blue flak jackets running around.
As no doubt JezBo and his cameraman did back in the day a Sony shoulder job was a hefty looking piece of kit.
And now this woman feels launching drones in a combat zone is ok too? Because they have never been used before as anything militarily unpleasant.
Seems the ‘press’ industry is trying to saturate the area with decoys and the IDF is disinclined to buy it.
Sky’s War Babe is on it.
Journalists frequently use drones. My team has for years. The IDF has denied it’s targeting journalists but the Dahdouh family’s been hit three times and at least 70 other journos killed in #Gaza An independent inquiry is being called for @jodieginsberg
Creating safe space for journalists is not the primary aim of any military trying to fight a war.
I go more with this commenter:
Perhaps in a war zone it just might be considered a little unwise to control a drone from a moving vehicle. Independent risk assessment required prior to doing so, rather than independent enquiry afterwards.
And this one does pose a question seldom asked:
If that family has anything to do with journalism, show me how many reports they filed about diversion of cement for tunnels, location of tunnels, stealing water pipes for rockets, of summary executions, lack of elections..by hamas in Gaza.
If not, flitting around a firefight launching stuff…. seems silly.
But yay… an ‘independent inquiry’. Maybe Nadia Whitholm and Clive checking the bogs in Qatar mansions?
If you were a soldier in a war zone, confronted with a drone, or someone operating one, what would your logical reaction be? If it’s not your side’s then it’s the enemy’s and it’s not there to do you and your side any good, is it?
AKA if you wander around a war zone toting a gun, don’t be surprised if you’re fired upon.
I wonder if this is connected to the ‘might’ excitement at Sky inspired by Call me Dave?
BREAKING: Foreign Secretary, Lord David Cameron has told the foreign affairs select committee ‘Israel might have taken action that might be in breach of international law in Gaza’
I am quite certain I despise media as much as politicians.
A sad day for us taffmen ………………………….
Apparantly today one Suzanna Reid managed to show there is some questioning in the biased media after all, although the question was so worthless trivial and biased that she might as well not have bothered.
She asked an entrapment question of Tory MP Paul Scully, who thought it appropriate to award a CBE to Paula Vennells clearly unaware the honours committee dishes out thank you for coming to work awards willy nilly and ministers have little or no say over them.
It’s a ridiculous trivial question because when it comes to the truly important questions these people never ask them.
Here’s one which should have been asked years ago. Who was it who ordered the Royal Taxi Service to bring Salaman Abedi to the UK as a refugee, a man who went on to murder several children in Manchester at an Arianna Grande concert.
To this day I have wondered why he in particular was deemed suitable and why the person who made that decision has never been called to account over it.
Here is another issue in the Sub Post Office saga which is giving me cause to think.
Tony B Liar signed off the Horizon system. He did so knowing the system had problems and was unreliable and was warned by several people including of all people Harriet Harman (although how she came to know I am at a loss over).
Regardless of all the warning he ploughed ahead anyway, however despite both him and Harman both knowing about the possible flaws, during the entire sorry saga not one of them came forward to voice their reservations, nor to advise the subsequent ministers or government.
No one is asking these questions for obvious reasons, but while Ed Davey is being Pilloried (and probably rightly so) no one is doing the same with BLiar despite the even bigger role he played in all of this !
Here we go again with covid idiocy starting all over again.
I cleared my throat in a shop and accidently and suddenly came out with a small cough, some Welsh idiot came over and said, “put your hand over your mouth when you cough”..
Told him to get lost in so many words but he wandered away saying “have you learned nothing from the past two years”
I thought of many possible replies in the ensuing hour as no one knows how to react when someone is so obnoxious, , but none of sufficient effectiveness at the time, c’est la vie
My preferred reply
“have you learned nothing in the last two years ?”
“yes, plenty, especially not listening to Welsh twats telling me how to behave in public, I would ask you to f’ck off but it would only be at 20mph so why bother ”
apologies to Taffman, Welsh but not a twat
How many screaming kids and screeching dogs, which are allowed to piss all over my wheelie bin and car offend my senses yet …
There are a lot of people like that out there – there’s several main road facing garage doors around here with rainbows and “Thank You NHS” 8ft square multicolour vinyl banners on them that’ve been there for nearly 2 years…
I notice masked fractional wits parading around supermarkets in increasing numbers with an unmistakable smugness – it’s pathetic.
I will repeat an old post, just after lockdown one of these hippy crystal shops and a sign
“you will use hand sanistiser even if you are wearing gloves”
I see it as a fetish of the far left, so concerned about disease, yet they never see what causes the rise in diptheria and other immigrant diseases that had all but disappeared from this country but are all back now, and where they come from…
Article on the DM website today, written by an A&E doctor on why we should go back to wearing masks. There is hope though. When I looked the most highly rated comment referred to the Chochran review and reminded readers that it had come to the conclusion that masks don’t work. And most of the comments were a mix of masks don’t work or people were just not going to wear them.
Cases of potentially fatal diphtheria rise again in the UK
According to GlobalData epidemiologists, 92% of one-year-olds received three or more doses of the diphtheria vaccine in the UK in 2022.
The Americas (Haiti and the Dominican Republic)
Asia and the South Pacific
Eastern Europe
Middle East
Immigrants welcome here !