The current version of the British National Health Service’s National Programme for IT has been canceled. The program was created in 2002 to ensure that every National Health Service (NHS) patient had an individual electronic health record that could be easily shared across the NHS. However, the rollout of the program has taken longer and cost much more than many expected, and has been called “unworkable” by the Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee. Originally, the program was expected to cost only £2.3 billion over three years. The most recent estimate was £12.7 billion over 11 years and the completion date was pushed back to 2014–2015. The Public Accounts Committee report has shown that even this date was implausible.
£12.7 billion over 11 years £12.7 billion over 11 years
As a web-and-database developer over many years I developed a web store and customer control system for a long time client. It was all bespoke coding and as the Company was expanding rapidly and I wasn’t getting any younger they decided it might be wise to replace it with a blue-chip US designed system.
The US company recommended several IT companies in the UK who were supposedly savvy with putting it into action.
My client selected one and awarded it a six figure contract to implement the system with a load of cash up front.
There followed months of what was little progress and after investing hundreds of thousands of pounds progress stopped completely and the IT company threw in the towel and collapsed leaving my client with sweet FA other than a few hundred thousand pounds down the drain.
Now the US company were supposedly blue-chip and I would guess that most people on here would have heard the name. Nevertheless, catastrophe ensued.
Biggest is not always best as big tech employees, especially sales are often on bonus contracts for securing licenses and orders as their key driver.
Although semi-retired I am presently assisting a second contender company to pick up the pieces meaning my client will end up paying twice for what was supposedly an off the shelf, top draw solution.
Shame. Maybe the NHS should enlist the help of the CCP. After all, the CCP already have CDBC’s in the bag, facial recognition and much more, all to control their population. And that’s 1.3Billion. The UK and its ‘rapidly growing population’ should be no problem for the chinese…………….
Ah I have found a 2008 Daily Mail article which predates the ITV drama by 15 years
“Village whipround saves postmistress from prison after she admits £36,000 fraud”
To get around the Fujitsu and Post Office lawyers the article used this line Hamilton, 51, blamed the fraud on the fact that she “didn’t have a clue” about using the post office’s computer system.
Then the article makes it clear it wasn’t actually her fault
Prosecutor Richard Jory said that when Hamilton took over the post office services in 2003, she found it difficult to get to grips with the computerised system. A Post Office audit in 2005 revealed a shortfall of £36,644.89.
Hamilton told the organisation’s bosses that she was suffering “systematic difficulties” with the computerised system. However, she did not accept that she had taken the cash.
Not as bad a the USA but copping a plea is sane when fighting it can cost a hundred times more.
The perps here should be crapping themselves – they should be held personally liable.
I know of one instance where challenging a £3000 traffic fine (contrived prosecution) would’ve initially cost £30,000 just to bring the disputed matter to court.
Breaking News: Poland in crisis as Conservative MPs are arrested after Police storm the Presidential Palace in Warsaw.
Polish nationals are reportedly taking to the streets in protest at what appears to be Globalists using the security forces to silence their opposition.
“Breaking News: Poland in crisis as Conservative MPs are arrested after Police storm the Presidential Palace in Warsaw.
Polish nationals are reportedly taking to the streets in protest at what appears to be Globalists using the security forces to silence their opposition.
second number, a half english pidgin speaking woman with a screaming child in the background who has not a clue about anything really
no need to worry here
if we declared war it would be lost in translation, especially if the kid needs feeding
next time I can be bothered to ring it will be posing as a noodle salesman / bloody chicken feet or fish eyes and I srongly suspect I will will get straight through
Can we move the entire membership of the SNP to North Rona and bomb them with 5 tons of porridge every 3 months?
Parents who refuse to accept their children identifying as transgender could face seven years in jail under a new law in Scotland.
Can you imagine what an independant Scotland would look like? We would have to build a secure border fence and make sure they couldn’t escape by boat either.
I cannot imagine that Scots would be able to feed themselves within a couple of years and they would soon die out. The greatest act of Darwin Award stupidity ever.
Until he admit it then it has to be ‘alleged’ but it was leaked to wikileaks
If it was acted upon it would lead to WWIII and I don’t particularly want to die because some corrupt old bloke in the Middle East doesn’t want to go to prison.
To me the proof that someone like Starmer and the CPS should have stepped in earlier was the 15 March 2019, appeal judgement by Mr. Justice Fraser
The Court of Appeal has found that the investigative and disclosure failings of Post Office Limited were “so egregious as to make the prosecution of any of the “Horizon cases” an affront to the conscience of the court” and that, in their conduct of the prosecutions, the Post Office “reversed the burden of proof”.
I guess that in the eyes of the ivory towersters at Kings College – this is a terrorist web site ? Where’s the lame house troll when you need it?
A counter-terrorism course for civil servants run by @KingsCollegeLon was suffused with extremism to the extent that a speaker asks how can we suppress the ‘far right’ @DouglasKMurray? Depressing further evidence of the Left’s capture of the institutions.
Thoughtful – perhaps it did produce surpluses which he haven’t been told about yet …. Funny isn’t it – often things are about asking the right question – in this case it was ‘ why have the number of fraud cases by sub post office managers increased so hugely and so quickly ? Inside the post office they knew – but it seems no journos got to it .
Btw – apparently the bbc is repeating a documentary about it from a few years ago – Wednesday night …
The Computer Weekly piece elaborates that the testers in 1998-2000 had discovered “thousands” of bugs….
Reminds me of the Scicon review of the RAF’s Chinook FADEC system software for the Chinook helicopter where they reviewed half the code and found the same and actually said in an interim report to the MoD “we’ve seen enough – we’re stopping there – it’s utter garbage from stem to stern” – BIN IT.
That Post Office (and ICL-Fujitsu) senior management plugged away forcing it on users for another 20 years is criminal.
Whiff of desperation indeed tomo. This is deluded nonsense that I take more heed of if it was published in Viz. At least then I would laugh. Serious kidult journalism – eh!
Breitbart found that 76% of converts mentioned in the media are ginger. Google backs this up. Fiyaz Mughal of Tell MAMA, a Muslim support org., agrees.
Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
I caught some comedy early evening on the BBC – a bloke waving his arms about and spouting lies about cutting taxes – at first I thought it was one of those adverts for ‘new daz’ or a hotel website – but no – it was the outgoing blue labour PM telling fibs about tax cuts – when the thresholds are held until 2028 ?
Desperate – losers..
“Waitrose are selling Medjool dates from Israeli settlements, without a clear ‘Country of Origin’ displayed on the packaging. They refused to meet with protesters who wanted to discuss this.
1. Boycott Medjool dates.
2. Boycott Waitrose!”
Living abroad,I sometimes use the Red button to check exchange rates, see what my pension will be, anyway I often look at the Bangladeshi Broadcasting Corporation’s idea of the news.
Ongoing discussion of the Post Office disaster. Seven sub continental sub postmasters were complaining that their cases vis a vis the disaster, were racist. For ferks sake, 1% of the cases are racist, would it not make more sense to say the other 99% were racist.
Oh ed davey – a plan for a sub post mistress to stand for parliament in his Kingston? Constituency … Eddie – thinking about ‘standing down ‘ next time … comes around …
Just read this in DT. Its also an apt description of the BBC which is a quango, posing as a private company.
“The Post Office is fully state-owned but is an independent body, a quango run by a well-paid board. Captured by its own management, accountable in practice to nobody – not voters, not shareholders and not politicians – guilty of calamitous failings, suffering from absurd technical deficiencies, it epitomises what happens when the state pretends to be a private company: we get the worst of all worlds, overpaid, mercenary mediocrities with an all-consuming sense of entitlement. Quangos should be abolished, run directly by ministers and government departments, or privatised. “
We know what happened next. At one point I read that Ed Davey (of the Liberal Democrats) was earning £860 per hour working out where the picture stamp should be placed. He now blames the Post Office for not telling him where the Post Office money got all the stamps comes from.
If he later gets a job at the BBC he will be just as ignorant as who pays the BBC TV license, but the BBC pays very, very well and (again) attracts the ‘left’ kind of people who claim to be responsible and then blame everyone else when they move on. I still cannot believe he was paid £863 per hour by the Post Office, imagine what he could earn as a pink shirted BBC manager and earn even more with very little effort and a lot of fluff.
The UK is now run by such quangos. The Post Office, the NHS and the BBC (add in several hundred more such as National Trust) are clearly a job lot of failures of management.
In a better world the magic roundabout of non exec – charity – public bodies – huge wages and a guaranteed gong would stop – failure is not punished – they just move on – o even worse – get multiple jobs …..
This will never stop of course because it’s the fall back for politicians …..
I can tell you from practical experience that out of control quangos are a plague… They are stuffed with incompetent and arrogant gits who know that they’re beyond the reach of Ministers and Parliament – in fact they swagger + thumb their noses at oversight / accountability repeatedly. The Tories started the quango thing but it took Blair’s goons to hand a load of unaccountable power to grasping and greedy bureaucrats. All carrots and sticks are verboten.
The Conservatives are aware of this but they don’t know (I reckon) what to do about it (The Javier Millei chainsaw option terrifies most of them)
I’ve my own spat with the Environment Agency who ignore Judge’s instructions from Judicial Review, lie and misrepresent on an industrial scale, ignore The Ombudsman’s recommendations about their proven (and agreed) maladministrations and indulge in persistent, malicious and devious mistreatment of those holding assorted environmental licenses. Fraud is in there too.
The only way presently to legally (afaics) punish a dissolute, misbehaving out of control quango is to withhold their Treasury budget. That scares the hell out of the Sir Humphreys and they’d be next for the chop – so we’re seeing dozens of instances of poor or just evil quango decision taking being kicked into the long grass – to the point where Parliament itself is colluding in the cover ups, with official “on the record” documents disappearing from Parliamentary records. I thought Lindsay Hoyle was a stand-up chap until I dealt with his minions….
I just have this feeling that there’s been an acceleration in the process since Major’s time – and that accountability has been ignored.
Quangos are usually devoid of any mechanisms to control them once they start to misbehave/malfunction (and I feel they all do) – being “independent”/ autonomous ‘n all….. – there’s no “quasi” about them.
The government / Parliament can’t disband them – they can only be defunded…?
It’s not a question of “helpful” – some have powers – and those powers in my opinion mean that full autonomy is flat out wrong. The lawyers are clucking around the grain bowl of “private prosecution” which is legal BS.
The only redress for wrongs inflicted on the public by these items is the ombudsmen – and it’s clear now that delinquent quangos can just say GFY to them without fear of any consequences whatsoever.
The trial is a farce – I’ve lost track of the utter fantastical bullshit spouted in the Guardian about it.
They (AG James and Judge Engoron) declared him guilty before the f-ing trial !
Any speechifying DJT might do (and I suspect he won’t *inside* the court) is dwarfed by the avalanche of BS emanating from the AG and judge and the blatant fabrication of “evidence”.
Talk about bringing the legal system into disrepute.
“Within the total, outstanding credit card debt came to £67.6 billion, an increase of 8.7% in the year to September 2023. Credit card debt averaged £2,409 per household and £1,272 per adult.”
I don’t have a credit card, and I suspect many others here either don’t or clear their balances every month, so for every household to have an averaged debt of £2409 I dread to think what the balances some cards must be owing.
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Canada : Hows this for a violent assault by this journalist wearing a hat on this cop ?
Actually the cop stood in his way and then Menzies walked around , the cop reached out his arm
and claimed Menzies barged into him
and he was arresting him for assault and put him in handcuffs
The cop refused to give his name & badge number
For 5 mins cops pounced on Menzies put him in a squad car and told him he’s was being taken to police station.
Only then to drive off in the wrong direction and drive a couple of miles to a school.
“There’s been a change of plan, we’re releasing you”
… No MSM reported it .
Russia’s RT and Sputnik barred from UK conference on media freedom
This article is more than 4 years old
Foreign Office says news outlets refused entry over ‘active role in spreading disinformation’
Media freedom and journalists under threat: Foreign Secretary’s speech
EnglishالعربيَّةDeutschРусский языкShqipTürkçe
On day 1 of the Global Conference for Media Freedom, Jeremy Hunt explained why we must stand with those who seek to report the truth and bring the facts to light.
Foreign & Commonwealth Office and The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP
10 July 2019
Guardian “it has emerged from official reviews that 10 cases taken by the CPS resulted in convictions.
Three occurred while Starmer was DPP.”
(BTW I think prosecutions was the tip of the iceberg. PO got loads of submasters to pay up without prosecutions)
Starmer, who was director of public prosecutions between 2008 and 2013, addressed questions about what he knew about up to 38 prosecutions of post office operators initiated by the CPS.
“No, I wasn’t aware of any of them.
I think there was a small number within a 20-year window, that’s all I know,” he said.
“No, I wasn’t aware of any of them. I think there was a small number within a 20-year window, that’s all I know,” he said.
The funeral of the Muslim Albanian 27 who died on the Bibby Stockholm.
“Mr Farruku’s body had been repatriated to his native Albania for burial after his family raised more than £18,000 through an online appeal”
A guy comes from a safe country to UK
taxpayers then fund his life
then he dies at 27
Then Albanian supporters give family £18K.. that’s way over what it costs to repatriate a body I guess
An illegla immigrant who commits suicide get a lengthy, emapthy laden article like this from the BBC. Including:
‘Mr Farruku’s roommate, Yusuf Deen Kargbo, has told BBC News other barge residents might harm themselves if conditions on board did not improve.’
This article demonstrates beyond any doubt just how little the BBC activists care about the white people of Britian. There must be a million more deserving stories they could cover about bad things to DECENT people in our country who kill themselves every day. But the BBC aren’t interested. They despise the white majority as racist Brexiteers and prefer to virtue-signal with article like this which are totally out of real-world perspective.
The BBC are 100% institutionally racist. They have reached a level where they only have staff who are racists. It’s now completely self-propagating from management down.
No wonder they are so scared of only being paid if people want to subscribe to read the utter nonsense they write these days. They would quickly go under and they know it.
It’s always obvious when the arrogant BBC has a personal vendetta against someone else because the most ridiculous of things suddenly become major headlines. Why on Earthe would this be at the top fo the front news page ?.
This one is clearly hoping to apply a final coup-de-grace and finish them off alltogether.
The BBC smell blood after their earlier ‘investigation’ I remember commenting when their idiot ‘sleuth’ worked for them for 10 weeks and came back with such damning claims like this one:
“Go in low and if you’re not getting anywhere then just say that you can get it cheaper elsewhere. I’m just lying. I just lie,” she says one former colleague told her.
100% the BBC added the explicit bit about lying on the end. Nobody would use a sentence like that.
And I expect THOUSANDS of companies use the same trick to try to get lower prices. BooHoo weren’t doing anything whatsoever illegal as far as I can see. It’s an unfortunate fact that the successful people in EVERY company in a competitive market are ethically-challenged scum. They make it by getting there by trampling on others. And I’m absolutely certain the BBC ‘corridors of power’ are as unpleasant as any of them.
That whole report has amateur idiot written all over it.
I would LOVE to know what her ‘workmates’ thought of her while she was undercover. No doubt they thought she was utterly useless.
The problem here is that the BBC think they are above the law. They think they are the moral arbiters for the whole country. This example highlights exactly why them having that kind of power is wrong. They use it against the ones they don’t like. ‘Panorama’ has become a complete farce.
It’s ridiculous that the public are FORCED to pay them to do it.
Lets see who in the BBC is behind these articles:
I suspect this picture is where they are both lost in a field of long grass because someone else didn’t put signs up telling them to get out. A very typical thing for Lefties who we all know are totally clueless in the real world.
The Giardian – today – reports on a complaint to BBCOFCOM about GBNews . It seems Nigel Farage did a monologue ‘targeting ‘ St Ed Davey over his failure to manage the post office unlawful prosecution of sub post office managers . The Liberal Democrats didn’t like the comments – it complained it wasn’t offered a right to reply ….
Putting aside the detail – the idea that it is okay for a political party to complain about the output of a TV show over comments about it ? Freedom of speech? Where did that go ?
Day in day out the anti bkue labour stance of the BBC is ignored ….
The bit which made me nearly laugh out loud in that report andy was the top reason the BBC have that the defence chief should have kept quiet:
‘Children’s rights organisation Bris said that its national helpline did not usually receive calls about the possibility of war.’
How pathetic can the BBC get ?.
We long since passed the point where the BBC consider following the agenda narrative is more important than reporting truth. It’s their biggest failing and the reason OFCOM should be strung up.
Why is virtually every advert have to have a black person in it!
Or nearly all adverts have to have all types of families, or mixed race people living with everyone, or visiting
Whether that is adverts on the internet, tv etc etc
Remember watching some tv from Ireland a few months back, then I realized why the advert seemed funny/wrong – there was ONLY white people in it
What a messed up world this has started to become. Imagine going for a job interview being white/male – unlikely to get the job because of box ticking – even though the candidate could be utter rubbish based on the colour of their skin
That’s why nearly all my clothes come from Cotton Traders! They apply the race percentages correctly!
Great company to deal with, but there again, it was started by two international rugby players, who started when Rugby Union was pretty much all amateur! Tough guys on the field though…
I seem to remember that it was thought that Fran Cotton had a heart attack on the field once, but it was a ‘false alarm’!
A quick credit where credit is due – our BBC comes up trumps for once with a stock photo of an NHS waiting room – with a realistic ethnic balance (at least where Mr AsI lives – maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner): two-thirds diverse to one third white: The key NHS targets that have never been met… for at least seven years across the UK, BBC News research shows.
Gosh, I wonder what’s happened in Britain during the last seven or so years that might have caused that overload of demand on our NHS?
And once again the BBC doesn’t shy away from the diversity in this footage: Watch: Looters overrun streets in Papu New Guinea – well, they didn’t have to rely on Getty Images to illustrate the story – this was documentary reportage or cinéma-vérité, if you will.
The total refusal of the BBC to even acknowledge that Biden has mental issues is one of their biggest ever lies by omission and one which confirms just how corrupt the entire BBC/OFCOM/Politician triangle really is. I am simply amazed nobody ever pulls them up for things like this.
What harm can it do they might ask. The Afghanistan bloodbath and the slaughter in Ukraine are two examples which spring to mind. That river of blood is on the hands of everyone who has covered this up.
News: Despite her cockup at the Post Office in 2019, Ms Vennells was made head of Imperial College London Healthcare NHS Trust. Yes the birthplace of lockdowns, Prof Neil Ferguson, ULEZ, Chris Whitty and the demand for universal JABS for all.
The Covid inquiry will not start hearing evidence about the development of vaccines and other drugs this summer: more time needed to prepare for a separate investigation into the impact of Covid on the NHS.
“Kay Burley says she was an ‘idiot’ for breach of Covid rules last year”
“Jeremy Corbyn has apologised after he was photographed breaking the government’s coronavirus “rule of six”. ”
“Government scientist Neil Ferguson, 51 – whose death toll projections sparked lockdown – QUITS after admitting he allowed married mistress, 38, to break stay-at-home rules to visit him for trysts”
“A by-election has been triggered after MP Margaret Ferrier, who was suspended from the Commons for breaking Covid lockdown rules, lost her seat in a recall petition. She had travelled to London while feeling ill in 2020 then got a train home after a positive Covid test.”
“In November singer Rita Ora was caught ignoring the national lockdown, as well as government guidelines to isolate for 14 days after she returned from a gig in Egypt, in order to throw a pretty lavish birthday party.”
“Newcastle United’s Joelinton was fined £200 after posting a snap at the barbers”
“Piers Morgan calls for Covid anti-vaxxers to be banned from getting NHS treatment”
JohnC i was musing about where we could source gilotine ( spelling ) . Theyd be very busy .
Im sure 77 brigade et al ( security ‘ community ) is monitoring the number of times the word ‘ revolution’ turns up … certainly i think there is a strong view that the current system will not fix things because the current system is the problem ..
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume….
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
tomoMar 13, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025
The current version of the British National Health Service’s National Programme for IT has been canceled. The program was created in 2002 to ensure that every National Health Service (NHS) patient had an individual electronic health record that could be easily shared across the NHS. However, the rollout of the program has taken longer and cost much more than many expected, and has been called “unworkable” by the Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee. Originally, the program was expected to cost only £2.3 billion over three years. The most recent estimate was £12.7 billion over 11 years and the completion date was pushed back to 2014–2015. The Public Accounts Committee report has shown that even this date was implausible.
£12.7 billion over 11 years
£12.7 billion over 11 years,easily%20shared%20across%20the%20NHS.
An interesting aside…
As a web-and-database developer over many years I developed a web store and customer control system for a long time client. It was all bespoke coding and as the Company was expanding rapidly and I wasn’t getting any younger they decided it might be wise to replace it with a blue-chip US designed system.
The US company recommended several IT companies in the UK who were supposedly savvy with putting it into action.
My client selected one and awarded it a six figure contract to implement the system with a load of cash up front.
There followed months of what was little progress and after investing hundreds of thousands of pounds progress stopped completely and the IT company threw in the towel and collapsed leaving my client with sweet FA other than a few hundred thousand pounds down the drain.
Now the US company were supposedly blue-chip and I would guess that most people on here would have heard the name. Nevertheless, catastrophe ensued.
Biggest is not always best as big tech employees, especially sales are often on bonus contracts for securing licenses and orders as their key driver.
Although semi-retired I am presently assisting a second contender company to pick up the pieces meaning my client will end up paying twice for what was supposedly an off the shelf, top draw solution.
Big is not always the best choice!
Most important that our health records are shared with US Defence contractors such as Palantir.
What I would like to know is why?
Shame. Maybe the NHS should enlist the help of the CCP. After all, the CCP already have CDBC’s in the bag, facial recognition and much more, all to control their population. And that’s 1.3Billion. The UK and its ‘rapidly growing population’ should be no problem for the chinese…………….
Ah I have found a 2008 Daily Mail article which predates the ITV drama by 15 years
“Village whipround saves postmistress from prison after she admits £36,000 fraud”
To get around the Fujitsu and Post Office lawyers the article used this line
Hamilton, 51, blamed the fraud on the fact that she “didn’t have a clue” about using the post office’s computer system.
Then the article makes it clear it wasn’t actually her fault
Prosecutor Richard Jory said that when Hamilton took over the post office services in 2003, she found it difficult to get to grips with the computerised system. A Post Office audit in 2005 revealed a shortfall of £36,644.89.
Hamilton told the organisation’s bosses that she was suffering “systematic difficulties” with the computerised system.
However, she did not accept that she had taken the cash.
Mr Jory said that despite her initial insistence that she had not taken the money, by her guilty pleas she had now accepted acting dishonestly.
Not as bad a the USA but copping a plea is sane when fighting it can cost a hundred times more.
The perps here should be crapping themselves – they should be held personally liable.
I know of one instance where challenging a £3000 traffic fine (contrived prosecution) would’ve initially cost £30,000 just to bring the disputed matter to court.
The miserable BBC creeps contrive an emote-fest for the Post Office….
“Breaking News: Poland in crisis as Conservative MPs are arrested after Police storm the Presidential Palace in Warsaw.
Polish nationals are reportedly taking to the streets in protest at what appears to be Globalists using the security forces to silence their opposition.
More details to follow.
#Poland #PresidentialPalace #Police #ConservativesArrested”
I recant…
Spit roasting is too quick and easy
RE Black Swan
I hope they don’t try a Chinese war, I just won’t believe it
Any one that has ever tried to call the Chinese embassy, as I have had to once or twice
the first phone number just does not exist
second number, a half english pidgin speaking woman with a screaming child in the background who has not a clue about anything really
no need to worry here
if we declared war it would be lost in translation, especially if the kid needs feeding
next time I can be bothered to ring it will be posing as a noodle salesman / bloody chicken feet or fish eyes and I srongly suspect I will will get straight through
“second number, a half english pidgin speaking woman with a screaming child in the background who has not a clue about anything really”
Nah, you somehow got your local chippie. Was the first response one of, “Wha-U-Wont”?
Can we move the entire membership of the SNP to North Rona and bomb them with 5 tons of porridge every 3 months?
Utter insanity. Wish I could prosecute them for child abuse. They will be gone soon anyway hopefully under section to a secure mental health unit!
Can you imagine what an independant Scotland would look like? We would have to build a secure border fence and make sure they couldn’t escape by boat either.
I cannot imagine that Scots would be able to feed themselves within a couple of years and they would soon die out. The greatest act of Darwin Award stupidity ever.
Nicola Sturgeon on future: I’ve got ‘plenty left in the tank’
..of red diesel it would seem.
Look at the history of North Rona
No more Barnett Formula I say !!
NHS that convert child to be sued?
“‘My first thought as I came round was Oh God! What have I done?’: Man suing the NHS over trans surgery he bitterly regrets has bravely waived anonymity to share his ordeal
Ritchie Herron, 35, says life has been unbearable since surgery four years ago”
It’s just a mistake – Hunter Biden just wanted to go to the toilet – BBC VERIFIED!
“Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.”
Here is a story from Wikileaks about the plans the Netanyahu government has for Gaza.
That word… ‘alleged’?
Until he admit it then it has to be ‘alleged’ but it was leaked to wikileaks
If it was acted upon it would lead to WWIII and I don’t particularly want to die because some corrupt old bloke in the Middle East doesn’t want to go to prison.
Old blokes are an issue.
Simpo just ‘reporting’, like JezBo. Using CathyNewmanism by third parties.
If only women were in charge, like The Squad.
Mehdi and Clive. BBC dream twins.
Clive Lewis MP
Labour MP Clive Lewis apologises for ‘get on your knees’ comment
“get on your knees bitch”
To me the proof that someone like Starmer and the CPS should have stepped in earlier was the 15 March 2019, appeal judgement by Mr. Justice Fraser
The Court of Appeal has found that the investigative and disclosure failings of Post Office Limited were
“so egregious as to make the prosecution of any of the “Horizon cases” an affront to the conscience of the court” and that, in their conduct of the prosecutions, the Post Office “reversed the burden of proof”.
It is extremely rare for the Court of Appeal to decide that a prosecution has amounted to an affront to justice. That such a finding has been made in relation to so many cases, and in relation to the conduct of a single private prosecutor, is unprecedented.
Oh my error as I skimmed, that’s a quote from the 2021 judges
The 2019 judgement has many similar quotes
So my point stands
I guess that in the eyes of the ivory towersters at Kings College – this is a terrorist web site ? Where’s the lame house troll when you need it?
Whoever said that could be dismissed from breaking the civil service code, however when you have a Marxist government it’s just never going to happen.
FAR LEFT CORBYN – Hamas are our friends?!
Here’s a question never asked about the Post Office Horizon system.
We are told that it was ‘buggy’ that is somehow failed to correctly calculate or would alter figures somehow at random.
If that is true though, how come it only ever appears to have thrown losses, and never surplusses ?
This is one of the main reasons why I believe it was deliberate..
Thoughtful – perhaps it did produce surpluses which he haven’t been told about yet …. Funny isn’t it – often things are about asking the right question – in this case it was ‘ why have the number of fraud cases by sub post office managers increased so hugely and so quickly ? Inside the post office they knew – but it seems no journos got to it .
Btw – apparently the bbc is repeating a documentary about it from a few years ago – Wednesday night …
The Computer Weekly piece elaborates that the testers in 1998-2000 had discovered “thousands” of bugs….
Reminds me of the Scicon review of the RAF’s Chinook FADEC system software for the Chinook helicopter where they reviewed half the code and found the same and actually said in an interim report to the MoD “we’ve seen enough – we’re stopping there – it’s utter garbage from stem to stern” – BIN IT.
That Post Office (and ICL-Fujitsu) senior management plugged away forcing it on users for another 20 years is criminal.
Trouble in paradise.
The pylon wars continue with another non-expert voice opposing vital upgrades to the national grid
Graun experts are not BBC experts.
Horton hears a violin. A while ago, and she posts rarely, but gold…
Helena Horton
27 Sep 2016
Corbyn plays the violin as a child dabs behind him. Beautiful
Jez is currently chumming up with South African types. Lovely place, as I recall.
Whiff of desperation?
Whiff of desperation indeed tomo. This is deluded nonsense that I take more heed of if it was published in Viz. At least then I would laugh. Serious kidult journalism – eh!
Burgon has… wait for it… a poll.
Richard Burgon MP
71% of the British public now support a ceasefire in Gaza, according to a new poll.
Our Government should stop ignoring Israel’s war crimes and listen to the public and demand a Ceasefire Now!
5:19 pm · 10 Jan 2024
Amazing if some lefty mp thinks the UK has any influence …
He has access to many tv studios simply by ‘saying’.
Saudi is the new KING of the WORLD.
Revealed: Saudi Arabia’s $6bn spend on ‘sportswashing’
Beware the gingers
Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
Because its normal to wear a headcovering so they can hide their ginger hair 🤔?
More likely something to do with neanderthal genetics
I caught some comedy early evening on the BBC – a bloke waving his arms about and spouting lies about cutting taxes – at first I thought it was one of those adverts for ‘new daz’ or a hotel website – but no – it was the outgoing blue labour PM telling fibs about tax cuts – when the thresholds are held until 2028 ?
Desperate – losers..
This is who runs stuff soon.
“Waitrose are selling Medjool dates from Israeli settlements, without a clear ‘Country of Origin’ displayed on the packaging. They refused to meet with protesters who wanted to discuss this.
1. Boycott Medjool dates.
2. Boycott Waitrose!”
Living abroad,I sometimes use the Red button to check exchange rates, see what my pension will be, anyway I often look at the Bangladeshi Broadcasting Corporation’s idea of the news.
Ongoing discussion of the Post Office disaster. Seven sub continental sub postmasters were complaining that their cases vis a vis the disaster, were racist. For ferks sake, 1% of the cases are racist, would it not make more sense to say the other 99% were racist.
Wondered how long that would take to rear its head!
Oh ed davey – a plan for a sub post mistress to stand for parliament in his Kingston? Constituency … Eddie – thinking about ‘standing down ‘ next time … comes around …
Just read this in DT. Its also an apt description of the BBC which is a quango, posing as a private company.
“The Post Office is fully state-owned but is an independent body, a quango run by a well-paid board. Captured by its own management, accountable in practice to nobody – not voters, not shareholders and not politicians – guilty of calamitous failings, suffering from absurd technical deficiencies, it epitomises what happens when the state pretends to be a private company: we get the worst of all worlds, overpaid, mercenary mediocrities with an all-consuming sense of entitlement. Quangos should be abolished, run directly by ministers and government departments, or privatised. “
We know what happened next. At one point I read that Ed Davey (of the Liberal Democrats) was earning £860 per hour working out where the picture stamp should be placed. He now blames the Post Office for not telling him where the Post Office money got all the stamps comes from.
If he later gets a job at the BBC he will be just as ignorant as who pays the BBC TV license, but the BBC pays very, very well and (again) attracts the ‘left’ kind of people who claim to be responsible and then blame everyone else when they move on. I still cannot believe he was paid £863 per hour by the Post Office, imagine what he could earn as a pink shirted BBC manager and earn even more with very little effort and a lot of fluff.
The UK is now run by such quangos. The Post Office, the NHS and the BBC (add in several hundred more such as National Trust) are clearly a job lot of failures of management.
In a better world the magic roundabout of non exec – charity – public bodies – huge wages and a guaranteed gong would stop – failure is not punished – they just move on – o even worse – get multiple jobs …..
This will never stop of course because it’s the fall back for politicians …..
Which is why the BBC aren’t reporting on Argentina?
– just maybe?
New bbc news intro
I can tell you from practical experience that out of control quangos are a plague… They are stuffed with incompetent and arrogant gits who know that they’re beyond the reach of Ministers and Parliament – in fact they swagger + thumb their noses at oversight / accountability repeatedly. The Tories started the quango thing but it took Blair’s goons to hand a load of unaccountable power to grasping and greedy bureaucrats. All carrots and sticks are verboten.
The Conservatives are aware of this but they don’t know (I reckon) what to do about it (The Javier Millei chainsaw option terrifies most of them)
I’ve my own spat with the Environment Agency who ignore Judge’s instructions from Judicial Review, lie and misrepresent on an industrial scale, ignore The Ombudsman’s recommendations about their proven (and agreed) maladministrations and indulge in persistent, malicious and devious mistreatment of those holding assorted environmental licenses. Fraud is in there too.
The only way presently to legally (afaics) punish a dissolute, misbehaving out of control quango is to withhold their Treasury budget. That scares the hell out of the Sir Humphreys and they’d be next for the chop – so we’re seeing dozens of instances of poor or just evil quango decision taking being kicked into the long grass – to the point where Parliament itself is colluding in the cover ups, with official “on the record” documents disappearing from Parliamentary records. I thought Lindsay Hoyle was a stand-up chap until I dealt with his minions….
Sorry Tomo,
// “The Tories started the quango thing”
Simply not true.
With apologies for referencing the BBC site which refers to “major review of quangos in 1980”:
Every government fills quangos with their mates and the next government considers a “bonfire of the quangos” that are not “helpful”.
They’ve been around and filling their boots with our taxes as long as I can remember.
yes… I stand corrected.
I just have this feeling that there’s been an acceleration in the process since Major’s time – and that accountability has been ignored.
Quangos are usually devoid of any mechanisms to control them once they start to misbehave/malfunction (and I feel they all do) – being “independent”/ autonomous ‘n all….. – there’s no “quasi” about them.
The government / Parliament can’t disband them – they can only be defunded…?
It’s not a question of “helpful” – some have powers – and those powers in my opinion mean that full autonomy is flat out wrong. The lawyers are clucking around the grain bowl of “private prosecution” which is legal BS.
The only redress for wrongs inflicted on the public by these items is the ombudsmen – and it’s clear now that delinquent quangos can just say GFY to them without fear of any consequences whatsoever.
Sounds too wow to be true.
Guardian headline is
“Judge blocks Trump plan to deliver own closing argument in New York fraud trial”
That’s normal, you do get to defend yourself
but you are not allowed to makes speeches.
The trial is a farce – I’ve lost track of the utter fantastical bullshit spouted in the Guardian about it.
They (AG James and Judge Engoron) declared him guilty before the f-ing trial !
Any speechifying DJT might do (and I suspect he won’t *inside* the court) is dwarfed by the avalanche of BS emanating from the AG and judge and the blatant fabrication of “evidence”.
Talk about bringing the legal system into disrepute.
Maybe these events are the reason the very rich are buying islands and building bunkers as more people become Fedup ….
I rather like the Afrikaans “gotvol”
Here are some of the UKs November debt figures, some aren’t as bad as I thought, others however are a cause for concern.
“Within the total, outstanding credit card debt came to £67.6 billion, an increase of 8.7% in the year to September 2023. Credit card debt averaged £2,409 per household and £1,272 per adult.”
I don’t have a credit card, and I suspect many others here either don’t or clear their balances every month, so for every household to have an averaged debt of £2409 I dread to think what the balances some cards must be owing.
I wonder at the state of The Public Sector Loans Board – not enough to check – but councils a beating on it for loads of cash…
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Musk tweeted
“Open borders will kill America
8:21 PM · Jan 9, 2024”
only 28K Likes
and that was 24hours ago
Musk probably isn’t in residence at X HQ
– Got rockets to fettle in Texas…
I see the Post Office is tasking the BBC re-writers
Canada : Hows this for a violent assault by this journalist wearing a hat on this cop ?
Actually the cop stood in his way and then Menzies walked around , the cop reached out his arm
and claimed Menzies barged into him
and he was arresting him for assault and put him in handcuffs
The cop refused to give his name & badge number
For 5 mins cops pounced on Menzies put him in a squad car and told him he’s was being taken to police station.
Only then to drive off in the wrong direction and drive a couple of miles to a school.
“There’s been a change of plan, we’re releasing you”
… No MSM reported it .
Is that real?
Russia’s RT and Sputnik barred from UK conference on media freedom
This article is more than 4 years old
Foreign Office says news outlets refused entry over ‘active role in spreading disinformation’
Media freedom and journalists under threat: Foreign Secretary’s speech
EnglishالعربيَّةDeutschРусский языкShqipTürkçe
On day 1 of the Global Conference for Media Freedom, Jeremy Hunt explained why we must stand with those who seek to report the truth and bring the facts to light.
Foreign & Commonwealth Office and The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP
10 July 2019
HS2 is now estimated will cost £66Bn for just London to Birmingham.
The original estimate was £33Bn for London to Manchester and Leeds.
They’ll be telling us next that HS2 will cost £100Bn to go from London to Watford.
I’d be happy for a £66Bn spend just to build a wall to stop Brummies getting out of Birmingham.
*I’d like to apologise to contributors in Birmingham. It must be awful for you.
* Plagiarising Victoria Wood.
Guardian “it has emerged from official reviews that 10 cases taken by the CPS resulted in convictions.
Three occurred while Starmer was DPP.”
(BTW I think prosecutions was the tip of the iceberg. PO got loads of submasters to pay up without prosecutions)
Starmer, who was director of public prosecutions between 2008 and 2013, addressed questions about what he knew about up to 38 prosecutions of post office operators initiated by the CPS.
“No, I wasn’t aware of any of them.
I think there was a small number within a 20-year window, that’s all I know,” he said.
“No, I wasn’t aware of any of them. I think there was a small number within a 20-year window, that’s all I know,” he said.
The funeral of the Muslim Albanian 27 who died on the Bibby Stockholm.
“Mr Farruku’s body had been repatriated to his native Albania for burial after his family raised more than £18,000 through an online appeal”
A guy comes from a safe country to UK
taxpayers then fund his life
then he dies at 27
Then Albanian supporters give family £18K.. that’s way over what it costs to repatriate a body I guess
Bibby Stockholm asylum seeker Leonard Farruku’s funeral held
An illegla immigrant who commits suicide get a lengthy, emapthy laden article like this from the BBC. Including:
‘Mr Farruku’s roommate, Yusuf Deen Kargbo, has told BBC News other barge residents might harm themselves if conditions on board did not improve.’
This article demonstrates beyond any doubt just how little the BBC activists care about the white people of Britian. There must be a million more deserving stories they could cover about bad things to DECENT people in our country who kill themselves every day. But the BBC aren’t interested. They despise the white majority as racist Brexiteers and prefer to virtue-signal with article like this which are totally out of real-world perspective.
The BBC are 100% institutionally racist. They have reached a level where they only have staff who are racists. It’s now completely self-propagating from management down.
No wonder they are so scared of only being paid if people want to subscribe to read the utter nonsense they write these days. They would quickly go under and they know it.
Boohoo put ‘Made in UK’ labels on clothes made overseas
It’s always obvious when the arrogant BBC has a personal vendetta against someone else because the most ridiculous of things suddenly become major headlines. Why on Earthe would this be at the top fo the front news page ?.
This one is clearly hoping to apply a final coup-de-grace and finish them off alltogether.
The BBC smell blood after their earlier ‘investigation’ I remember commenting when their idiot ‘sleuth’ worked for them for 10 weeks and came back with such damning claims like this one:
Fast fashion: Boohoo breaks promises on ethical overhaul
“Go in low and if you’re not getting anywhere then just say that you can get it cheaper elsewhere. I’m just lying. I just lie,” she says one former colleague told her.
100% the BBC added the explicit bit about lying on the end. Nobody would use a sentence like that.
And I expect THOUSANDS of companies use the same trick to try to get lower prices. BooHoo weren’t doing anything whatsoever illegal as far as I can see. It’s an unfortunate fact that the successful people in EVERY company in a competitive market are ethically-challenged scum. They make it by getting there by trampling on others. And I’m absolutely certain the BBC ‘corridors of power’ are as unpleasant as any of them.
That whole report has amateur idiot written all over it.
I would LOVE to know what her ‘workmates’ thought of her while she was undercover. No doubt they thought she was utterly useless.
The problem here is that the BBC think they are above the law. They think they are the moral arbiters for the whole country. This example highlights exactly why them having that kind of power is wrong. They use it against the ones they don’t like. ‘Panorama’ has become a complete farce.
It’s ridiculous that the public are FORCED to pay them to do it.
Lets see who in the BBC is behind these articles:

I suspect this picture is where they are both lost in a field of long grass because someone else didn’t put signs up telling them to get out. A very typical thing for Lefties who we all know are totally clueless in the real world.
And I bet the owner of Boohoo has a very Indian name.
The Giardian – today – reports on a complaint to BBCOFCOM about GBNews . It seems Nigel Farage did a monologue ‘targeting ‘ St Ed Davey over his failure to manage the post office unlawful prosecution of sub post office managers . The Liberal Democrats didn’t like the comments – it complained it wasn’t offered a right to reply ….
Putting aside the detail – the idea that it is okay for a political party to complain about the output of a TV show over comments about it ? Freedom of speech? Where did that go ?
Day in day out the anti bkue labour stance of the BBC is ignored ….
Swedish alarm after defence chiefs’ war warning
Referring to Russia, or the immigrants already there? Just look at Malmo, Sweden 🙁
I visited Malmo back in 1999, beautiful place then, unlike now
The bit which made me nearly laugh out loud in that report andy was the top reason the BBC have that the defence chief should have kept quiet:
‘Children’s rights organisation Bris said that its national helpline did not usually receive calls about the possibility of war.’
How pathetic can the BBC get ?.
We long since passed the point where the BBC consider following the agenda narrative is more important than reporting truth. It’s their biggest failing and the reason OFCOM should be strung up.
Hello JohnC
Hope your well, and always good to read your comments on here
You too andy.
Why is virtually every advert have to have a black person in it!
Or nearly all adverts have to have all types of families, or mixed race people living with everyone, or visiting
Whether that is adverts on the internet, tv etc etc
Remember watching some tv from Ireland a few months back, then I realized why the advert seemed funny/wrong – there was ONLY white people in it
What a messed up world this has started to become. Imagine going for a job interview being white/male – unlikely to get the job because of box ticking – even though the candidate could be utter rubbish based on the colour of their skin
all digging tunnels etc
well, some could do with the exercise
That’s why nearly all my clothes come from Cotton Traders! They apply the race percentages correctly!
Great company to deal with, but there again, it was started by two international rugby players, who started when Rugby Union was pretty much all amateur! Tough guys on the field though…
I seem to remember that it was thought that Fran Cotton had a heart attack on the field once, but it was a ‘false alarm’!
A quick credit where credit is due – our BBC comes up trumps for once with a stock photo of an NHS waiting room – with a realistic ethnic balance (at least where Mr AsI lives – maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner): two-thirds diverse to one third white: The key NHS targets that have never been met… for at least seven years across the UK, BBC News research shows.
Gosh, I wonder what’s happened in Britain during the last seven or so years that might have caused that overload of demand on our NHS?
And once again the BBC doesn’t shy away from the diversity in this footage: Watch: Looters overrun streets in Papu New Guinea – well, they didn’t have to rely on Getty Images to illustrate the story – this was documentary reportage or cinéma-vérité, if you will.
“our BBC comes up trumps”
yes, it does quite often, does’t come up biden that often
The total refusal of the BBC to even acknowledge that Biden has mental issues is one of their biggest ever lies by omission and one which confirms just how corrupt the entire BBC/OFCOM/Politician triangle really is. I am simply amazed nobody ever pulls them up for things like this.
What harm can it do they might ask. The Afghanistan bloodbath and the slaughter in Ukraine are two examples which spring to mind. That river of blood is on the hands of everyone who has covered this up.
And all just to keep Trump out.
If I’ve seen / heard this once…
What an excellent response.
Check 6:39 in the above video
all becomes clear
Am I surprised?
Her local church
not a surprise here, gender wise, although the curate could do with better make up
we are continually told we are all equal, why is it then that my local vicar decries eyeliner and lipsick before a sermon ?
and, as Hs2 a little brisk jog around the graveyard could benefit some
Larry Johnson – retired CIA analyst
Not bread + circuses
The BBC on the Post Office concentrates on victimology ‘n compo from taxpayers.
No hint of retribution.
into the long grass it goes………..
“Ministers could defy JCVI and go ahead with Covid jabs for all 12- to 15-year-olds”
“Kay Burley says she was an ‘idiot’ for breach of Covid rules last year”
“Jeremy Corbyn has apologised after he was photographed breaking the government’s coronavirus “rule of six”. ”
“Government scientist Neil Ferguson, 51 – whose death toll projections sparked lockdown – QUITS after admitting he allowed married mistress, 38, to break stay-at-home rules to visit him for trysts”
“A by-election has been triggered after MP Margaret Ferrier, who was suspended from the Commons for breaking Covid lockdown rules, lost her seat in a recall petition. She had travelled to London while feeling ill in 2020 then got a train home after a positive Covid test.”
“In November singer Rita Ora was caught ignoring the national lockdown, as well as government guidelines to isolate for 14 days after she returned from a gig in Egypt, in order to throw a pretty lavish birthday party.”
“Newcastle United’s Joelinton was fined £200 after posting a snap at the barbers”
“Piers Morgan calls for Covid anti-vaxxers to be banned from getting NHS treatment”
Starmer –×432/skynews-keir-starmer-beergate_5762738.jpg
Resistence to disease
told over and again, the “mediterrian diet
try to achieve that when you are working in London
or fresh fruit and vegetables when you are feeling virtuous and decide to have a tasteless meal
next day look at them all rotted
bacon meanwhile ….,
Terry Gilliam to make film about UK Post Office
bbc is doing a new “comedy”, apparently
Filming commences on David Mitchell’s BBC One comedy detective drama series Ludwig
How the bbc laughed, personally its bbc so unlikely to be comedy as we know it
Some of the cast is enough to put you off it:-
Dipo Ola and
Izuka Hoyle (Boiling Point, Big Boys) ? whatever that is
Mitchell and Webb: “Are we the baddies?”
He’s not black, woss goin on geezer
we don’ respeck education
we don’respeck families
we don’t respeck work
but you better respeck us or else
Africa in a nutshell
British Airways pilot was ‘kidnapped and tortured’ after being targeted outside a supermarket during stopover between flights in South Africa
Just when you thought our MSM-driven political system could not get any more ridiculous:
Post Office scandal: Prime minister backs calls to knight Alan Bates
Never have so few been given so much attention for something so insignificant to the general population.
Well, not since Windrush anyway.
Our society deserves to collapse and be rebuilt. Anyone available to destroy it ?.
[Kier sits in his chair going ‘mmm mmm mmm’ while frantically raising his arm]
It’s over for me and Sunak now. He’s not a great deal better than May. Reform it is.
JohnC i was musing about where we could source gilotine ( spelling ) . Theyd be very busy .
Im sure 77 brigade et al ( security ‘ community ) is monitoring the number of times the word ‘ revolution’ turns up … certainly i think there is a strong view that the current system will not fix things because the current system is the problem ..
I know one of the windrush people
now deceased
had a wonderful life here, obviously welcomed by the local cricketing community
worked (wont go into details for obvious reasons)
welcomed, wherever he went a life well spent with no problems
one of the few people I could say was a “gentleman”
His wife died through breast cancer when he was in his 30s he had four children and he brought them all up to be fine people