489 Responses to Midweek 10th January 2024

  1. Terminal Moraine says:

    R5’s Nihal Arthanayake’s Twitter content these days makes Lineker look like a skillful, balanced social commentator in comparison. I can’t imagine paying their wages / license fee.

    — Nihal: “If these angry men spent half as much time actually fighting racism, rather than attacking me for highlighting it, the World would be a better place.”

    — Reply: “No one is angry, if you stopped seeing racism in everything and perpetuating it to make a living the world world be a better place.”

    — Nihal: “White man lectures brown man about racism?”



  2. tomo says:

    Vatican to allow men to become nuns.


  3. tomo says:


  4. Guest Who says:


    Including the BBC in that group?


    Starmer will probably win the next GE and hand Labour a very large majority, that’s almost certain.

    All it takes though is one crisis in the Middle East, where those peaceful proponents of tolerance, dignity and diversity in Iran (heavy, weapons grade sarcasm intended), starting attacking innocents in all directions, and you see the Labour Party’s real colours shine through.

    Every single British person who has spoken out in support of Hamas, Iran and their proxies needs their head examined. Those groups would kill every British person without a moment’s pause.


  5. Guest Who says:

    If there was ever any doubt what value the impartial media have in ensuring a smooth political season…



  6. Lefty Wright says:

    I was born in 1940.
    In 1949, under the fledgling N.H.S. I had a surgical operation on my left ear to remove a very painful mastoid infection which, apparently, saved my life. Thus, I owe my long life to our N.H.S.
    However, it would appear from the website below that our health service was dependent on immigration from the West Indies.
    I’m willing to bet that Mr Attlee failed to inform the British public of this before he opened our borders


  7. BRISSLES says:

    Interesting reading LW. I wonder if Aids wards are still in existence, and I’m still trying to figure out what is meant by the “first climate friendly baby born…. ” in 2021.
    Disappointed I didn’t get a mention as the first baby at Ramsgate Hospital to receive Sunshine Treatment (around 1950). 😢


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Oh come on baby Brissles surely by now you have learned to live with disappointment.
      I’m certain I must have disappointed so many people over the decades that I just don’t give a s–t any more.
      After 62 years of marriage Mrs Wright still seems happy so what the hell?
      By the way I have signed up to leave my worthless carcass to medical science in the hope that it may be of assistance to our junior doctors in their quest to discover a cure for all human ills.
      However. at the moment it would appear that our junior doctors are more interested in political regime change than the furtherance of medical knowledge.


  8. atlas_shrugged says:

    Now we are at war with the Houthis and have given them a visitation they have sworn revenge. This is unlikely to be a direct attack and more likely to be one of the asymmetrical variety. The thing is they do not need to invade as they are already here in the UK.

    ‘pparently 4 out of every 5 potential terrorists in the UK is a crazed islamic radical. We have more than 20,000 of them in the UK under watch so it must be one of them. So who could this be? It could be Mohammad who works at the Sizewell nuclear power station, or it could be Mustafa at GCHQ, or it could be Jusuf at 10 Downing Street, or it could be Ali working at RAF Lakenheath, or it could be Trevor who works in the canteen. I reckon it will be Trevor.

    More to the point once these lovelies start coming out of the woodwork what should we do with them? During WWII Germans and other suspects e.g. Mosley were interned. But why not do these people a favour? It must be so terrible living with all these kafir unbelievers here in the UK. So what about a national homeland for them?

    So Make the Sinai Peninsula Great Again (MSPGA).


    • Fedup2 says:

      Atlas- sobering stuff – ending the current thread and sliding into the weekend ones – thanks all …