I’m hearing rumours the reason the US based in Jordan didn’t detect the incoming drone, or thought it was one of theirs, because it was.
I’ve no evidence to offer at this time other than the circumstantial fact that the US has not launched an attack on anyone (yet). Normally we would see some wreckage being displayed but I’ve yet to see any, and the usual Shaheed drone is a very distinctive delta wing with a small pusher prop, the Ukrainians have no problem shooting them down.
Time will perhaps shine more of a light on all of this.
The eight contestants on University Challenge yesterday who
didn’t know that the UK was not in the EU. Are
probably like the plethora of their brothers and sisters, screaming
on the pro Hamas marches, ” From the river to the sea Palestine
will be free. ” And haven’t got the foggiest idea what they are
screaming about.
Fed, friend I knew worked at the University of East Anglia, frequently shortened and described as UEA. He used to refer to it as the Un-Exceptional Academics. Am not sure whether he was refering to the teaching staff or the students!
Tommo – The question was name two countries
that are members of the EU and the Commonwealth.
The Oxford undergraduate managed to buzz first and
answered ” The UK and Malta” Amol Rajan the Qiuiz
Master said ” No” The second bright spark
buzzed in quickly afterwards and answered ” The UK
and Cyprus.” Maybe I am not being fair. Because only two
contestants are allowed to attempt the answer. But I expect
we may well of got Sweden and Slovakia if one of the other
future heads of something like the BBC would of had a chance to answer.
Amol Rajan did help them afterwards by reminding them that there
had been a Brexit Referendum in 2016. And the UK had left the
But to be honest Tomo all this is a bit of fun. What really
worries me are the lecturers from the ” Frankfurt School”
turning these undergraduates into ” Manchurian Candidates,”
When they graduate and do the bidding of their anarchist
Marxist lecturers in the outside world.
Foscari, half correct answers from two students. Got to be two prospective Parliamentary candidates there, rather than prospective employees for the BBC.
I have been struck recently by the number of contributors to BBC Radio4, on TOADY or TWatO, say, who are University Professors and female.
“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”
― G.K. Chesterton
“they then become capable of believing in anything”
Poor BBC : they have no choice but to come clean. However they didn’t have chance to read any yet so no details we don’t already know for this story. Very convenient.
At the end we get:
‘BBC News is editorially independent when reporting on the BBC as a corporation.’
Is that supposed to make us think they are unbiased ?.
Except of course they have put this inconvenient article up at 11pm at night and whats the chance it will disappear off the front page before breakfast ?. Like so many ‘inconvenient’ articles before it …
However omission seems to be a major part of BBC reporting…
Funnily enough. They forgot to include this….
Why they were in the hospital in the first place…
In a joint statement, the IDF, Shin Bet, and police said the leader of the terror cell, Muhammad Jalamneh, 27, had been in contact with Hamas officials abroad. He was previously injured while preparing a car bomb attack,
Israel showing the world yet again the only way to deal with terrorists. Absolute heroes. The obvious contrast is that if the tables were turned and it was Hamas in a hospital in Israel, they would have just killed everyone they could.
This from the BBC report:
‘Hamas, an armed Palestinian Islamist group which is fighting a war with Israel in Gaza ..’
After the initial uproar, the BBC tacked on disclaimers at the end of a few article telling us Hamas were a proscribed terror group. Then they stopped doing it and nobody said anything – so now I haven’t seen them mention it for weeks.
Because of course the BBC support Hamas.
Just look at the Labour support for terrorists. And these people are going to be our next government.
A mystery why Mossad did not use the *anychess* to do the job. They use ventilators and when that does not work Midazolam together with Morphine is very effective. Using guns is so yesterday.
“The negative perception of Muslims. An underlying, unfounded mistrust. A misinformed suspicion of people who follow Islam.
Now it’s our duty to counteract this perception of Muslims. (a perception problem is different to facing the truth) To those who say that there is a conflict of being loyal to Britain and a Muslim, you have to look no further than Mohamed Farah. Our national hero is a practising Muslim. The double gold medallist saw no conflict between crossing the finish line in the Union Flag and dropping to the ground in prayer.(was the flag submitting to Allah in this display of Patriotism?) In fact, he showed how seamlessly religion and patriotism can go together.
As one survey revealed (no reference given), 83% of Muslims said they were proud to be British, compared to 79% of Britons overall.”
But we have conflicting data …83% Muslims proud to be British verses 1% Muslims want Freedom of Speech/Press
“…BBC poll in 2015 found that 27% of British Muslims had quote ‘Some sympathy’ (27% or a third) for the people who went into the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed the cartoonists, editors and journalists there. Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.”
– Douglas Murray (2016?)
Stand by for PMQ’s Wednesday. The Scottish Natural Palestine leader, Stephen Flynn will once again make mini speeches about Gaza on behalf of his leader.
A new single malt has been distilled in Scotland, SNP Special, to be served with ice……………..SNP On the Rocks.
The left can keep on trying to stifle the flames of truth across the Western World but it only fans the flames and pretty soon they will have a conflagration of such size it will swamp them….
digg, what I suspect we will get then is a socialist or Socialist world government that will be more far right/hard right or fascist than even Germany in WW2 or Russia, North Korea, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia and China post-WW2
Just watching the latest video where Biden demonstrates he is unable to say a single sentence without stumbling and calls Trump ‘a sitting president’.
So as part of my own new ‘Verify the BBC’ team, I checked what headline the BBC ran and which came up top in Google:
Search: Trump mental BBC
‘Trump’s mental health and why people are discussing it’
‘The mental rigours of being US president
Donald Trump is not the first president to be called unhinged.’
Search: Biden mental BBC
‘Biden healthy, vigorous and fit for job, says doctor’
Joe Biden: ‘Why the hell would I take a cognitive test?’
It’s just beyond ridiculous. How anyone can think the BBC is not biased is beyond me : they must be either stupid or left-wing hypocrites trying to defend them.
The article is all about destruction and extreme empathy story telling about the poor civilian victims which is not news at all.
Which is BBC speak for ‘The Russians have won’.
It’s always interesting to realise how little the BBC tell you when they don’t want you to know the truth if you already know the real picture from other places on the internet.
I’m only surprised they haven’t said how unimportant the Town was anyway.
You can safely assume they do the same for EVERY agenda article.
Lenny Henry aims to put the ‘comic’ back into ‘comic relief’.
By letting someone else host it.
Just look at the line-up for this year:
Aisling Bea : Irish Woman from Channel 4
Fatiha El-Ghorri : Muslim Woman from Morocco
Joel Dommett : White Male !!!
Mawaan Rizwan : Pakistani Male
Rosie Jones : Cringeworthy Female comedian with cerebal palsy (she’s the fashion now)
Sara Pascoe : White woman of Channel 4 and BBC
Lenny : Completely unfunny, top-notch pr1ck. And black.
Don’t care much what goes on in that corrupt sh1thole. My main reason for reading the article was to observe how the BBC weave their opinions with selected facts and omit things that don’t fit to leave the reader with the impression they want.
But the bit which caught my eye was this:
‘For the electorate, fights between the political elite matter little in comparison to actually reducing inflation, creating jobs for young people and securing investment for Pakistan’s long term future.’
THAT is what the BBC want us to think about the people of Pakistan. They are are caring, forward-looking civilised people who put youngsters and their country above personal wealth.
And I can tell you with 100% certainty that is 100% total BS made up by the BBC ‘journalist’. The people want one thing : as much as they can get for themselves. There is no ‘noble ambition’ whatsoever for the vast majority of the population.
Lets see what star employees at the BBC wrote this:
This one:
And this one:
Why is it that all the articles on the BBC which stand out as complete tripe and are 80% agenda, 20% fact turn out to be written by the same type of people ?.
I notice Imran Khan, the Cricketer turned Politician has been jailed for ten years. I know absolutely nothing about what he’s supposed to have done but given what passes for a legal system in Pakistan I have my doubts. As a cricket lover it’s terrible to see a once great sportsman felled.
“…….but given what passes for a legal system in Pakistan…”. Don’t knock it: Coming to a town or city near you soon – the groundwork is increasingly now in place.
Speaking of groundwork G. A friend in Gillingham, Kent, sent me a photo of construction works being carried out next to a Catholic primary school……… its being described as the UKs largest Mosque with its own in-house crematorium. Needless to say the locals ain’t happy.
John – I appreciate that you analyse these details to expose the bias here, because I avoid BBC news now, knowing full well what it’s like.
Unfortunately Sky is just as bad, and the DT is becoming a joke, shortly to be owned by Arabs.
Hardly ever watch TV news
Thanks Looby.
Many times I start looking at what the BBC are force-feeding people and I have to just close it all down in exasperation. They are relentless.
But sometimes articles which I already have an interest in catch my eye because there is something just not quite right in their wording.
And every single time you investigate why, it’s because they are trying to manipulate the reader to have a specific overall impression. Like the staged ‘poor victims’ in Gaza pictures on the front page to accompany articles which they have nothing whatsoever to do with.
JohnC…. Because they all left radical uni education recently and were set up, indoctrinated and sent out by their professors into the World with a mission to break down society in order to bring about a Marxist society.
Lots more of this crap like this coming down the line.
Permacrisis five times the size of Birmingham edition
The gynaeceum that is our BBC news staff would have us believe it’s somewhat of a slow news day today, as they flippantly headline their press review: Newspaper headlines: Robbie Williams’s Port Vale bid and ‘Rise of the cyborgs’ (BBC)
I’m all for an occasional hat tip to the frontpages of the red top Sun or the jokey blokey tabloid Daily Star – but when the BBC feels the need to highlight those lightweight headline screamers as the nation’s top press stories – then, like Elon Musk’s cyborg with a computer chip in his head my antennae begin to twitch and I start to wonder why the BBC along with Robbie are suddenly saying Let Me Entertain You
From what other serious reports in the papers, dear reader, would our BBC desire to distract us?
Take That Britain
We alight upon the cover page of the Financial Times for one of those cherished juxtapositions of two side by side reports that expose some glitch in the matrix, a contradiction in terms, a slip in the approved narrative.
Population will surge to 70mn by 2026 on higher net migration, ONS predicts (FT) – but surely this is good economic news, or so we’re always told…?
Britain struggles to keep up in infrastructure race… ‘We have a shortfall that is manifest in appalling services’ (FT)
Excuse me a moment while I go back to that first headline and do one of my quick editorial corrections: Population will surge to 70mn by 2026 on higher net migration immigration
When it comes to the subject of our hyper-immigration (we know it is a big number and some dare to call it mass-immigration but it is also extraordinarily rapid and recent in its present form – so I like to refer to hyper-immigration. Some might say it presently amounts to colonisation or invasion speed and they speak darkly of population replacement – as always draw your own conclusions)
What is inescapable is the big number. The FT goes with: surging: to 70mn
The rather complacent mildly conservative Telegraph is happy to accept that same number: Net migration to push population to 70mn
The Times pushes on a tad past that figure: Migration to push Britain’s population past 70mn a decade early
The Sun sees the number rushing on past 70mn: Migration to see UK hit 73M
The Rishi wishful thinking Sunak lackey loyalist Daily Express does the magical thinking (TM Suella Braverman) on immigration: Migration rules will halt shock population rise – so says James Cleverly our mixed heritage home secreatry. Meanwhile the Express in a fit of schizophrenia whilst on the one hand attempting to reassure us neveretheless wins this morning’s hyper-immigration numbers auction with: …population soaring to a startling 74 million… equivalent to five cities the size of Birmingham – if you can imagine such a horror – five Birminghams, I mean. Oh, the humanity.
Here we go again: State of NHS should be declared national emergency, experts say (Guardian) – one reads on so as to discover how long it might be this time we have to save our NHS… three weeks to flatten the curve, a fortnight, 24 hours in A&E, perhaps…?
Three Months to Save the NHS (Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, August 2022)
…the NHS has to continually move forward so that in 10 years’ time we have a service fit for the future (NHS England)
24 Hours to Save the NHS (Socialist Health Association quoting Tony Blair’s 1997 election slogan)
100 hours to save the NHS…Labour’s manifesto analysed (Open Democracy quoting Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham, May 2015)
You get the picture. Ploughing through today’s Guardian article in search of one of those classic time frames we find this phrase which brings a smile: Whoever wins power after the general election… – the Labour affiliate Gruan there despite finding itself deep inside the coop, pecked from all sides and covered in guano and a mountain of feathers – but determined still not to count its chickens.
Instead of suggesting some time scale plucked (sometimes these puns write themselves) out of the air for saving the NHS we are today instead presented with the concept of: “permacrisis” (Guardian)
Even so, the Guardian does find some cause for cheer this morning: Power-sharing deal brings united Ireland closer, says Sinn Féin – smiles all round from your frontpage pin up girls: Mary Lou McDonald and Michelle O’Neill – they may not be to everyone’s taste but at least they’re not Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams
Back to the consequences of our immigration figures, I’m afraid…
Labour fears loss of Muslim support… one of their staunchest bases… (Guardian)
The Daily Mail begs the question: Why insuring this Range Rover costs £3,351 in Cornwall but £13,721 in Manchester – does one really have to ask?
The Mail delivers a further headline our BBC would prefer to gloss over this morning: Martin Bashir blamed his ‘non-white’ status at the BBC for the scandal over his Diana interview – of course he did.
Asiseeit – I’m trying to avoid the bbc as much as I can – new year resolution …. But I did hear that the 3000 bashir emails have been ‘released ‘… showing bashir had the normal ethnic chip ….
But the report omits the amount of tax payers ‘ cash used to try to prevent publication ……very bbc …..
… meanwhile – it’s nice to see the population figures banded about – but not linked to the need for a NHS ‘national emergency ‘…. I mean … what is the point of declaring a ‘national emergency ‘ over the NHS ?
Working practices by the medical mafia will not change under any regime – punters still treated as an inconvenience – demand increasing as the population rises – any medic worth anything going abroad…. Same old same old ….
But that population increase is gonna screw us even more – with no will to stop it ….. sometimes I’m glad I’m not under 30 …
BBC staff have reportedly been told not to hire candidates who are “dismissive” of diversity and inclusion.
Julia Hartley-Brewer: “So basically, you have to play along with the nonsense, or you won’t get a job.”
To be fair, there must be millions of people in thousands of organisations (particularly public sector bodies) who are rolling their eyes and playing along with the ‘diversity and inclusion’ rubbish because they need their pay-cheque.
Its themes are rooted in the unique heritage and character of Bradford and will reveal the magic of the district that is held in its people, its ambition, and above all, its potential. https://bradford2025.co.uk/
Someone is worried that Leanne Mohammed is coming for his seat. He’s changed his tune hasn’t he? 😂
Too little too late Wes. We see you for the conman that you are. #FreePalestine #Ceasefirenow 🇵🇸
“Reports are coming in that the Labour candidate in Rochdale, Azhar Ali, tried to canvass in the town today and was chased off the streets. People are so angry at Labour’s support for the genocide.”
“Someone is worried that Leanne Mohammed is coming for his seat. He’s changed his tune hasn’t he? 😂
Too little too late Wes. We see you for the conman that you are. #FreePalestine #Ceasefirenow 🇵🇸”
“Treatments for seven conditions such as sore throats and earaches are now available directly from pharmacists in England, without the need to visit a doctor.
GP Dr Nighat Arif and pharmacist Thorun Govind spoke to #BBCBreakfast about the change
“Having a mixed heritage and growing up in three different countries made me curious and respect and accept differences from a young age. I was fed up with opening the newspaper every morning with headlines about male Muslim terrorists and oppressed Muslim women. I started doing community engagement work and working with the media to encourage dialogue, challenge prejudice and present an alternative narrative. Working in public health, humanitarian medicine and as a GP in an inner city practice have deepened my understanding of global, structural and social influences on health and healthcare institutions.The Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba case really brought this home, raising uncomfortable questions about an institution I deeply cherish and that is regarded as a national treasure.”
£101K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will offer a supplementary school with an
educational outreach service focussed on helping parents
improve academic support for their children. The project
aims for children to improve success at school, increase
confidence and aspirations (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£28K From BBC Children In Need FUnd This 3 year grant will provide Somali children experiencing
poverty and poor educational attainment with a
supplementary school and confidence-building workshops to
improve attainment, build self-confidence, and develop
better relationships.
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Supplementary lessons at weekends during term time for 75
local Bangladeshi and Somali young people in the Tower
Hamlets area. Children will feel more included in their
communities, increase their confidence and increase positive
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Funding for support work for 150 5-18 year olds with special
education needs from minority ethnic (Somali WOmen) backgrounds. The
project aims to increase children’s ability to manage negative
feelings, to further their self-expression and reduce social
£54K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will provide supplementary education to young
people from the Somali community, who live in areas of
poverty, unemployment and low levels of literacy and
aspiration. It will improve educational attainment,
communication skills and confidence
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£21K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will deliver educational support for disabled
Somali children and those experiencing local deprivation. The
children and young people will gain academic skills,
confidence and improve their physical well-being.
£15K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
The project will provide holiday activities to children, young
people and their families who have been affected by the
Grenfell Tower tragedy. The activities will improve children’s
well-being, support stronger family bonds and broaden
horizons. (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£10K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 1 year grant will provide supplementary education in
English, Maths and Science to Somaili children with low
educational attainment to increase attainment, empower
BBC Children in Need
Grant Funded Projects
London and South East England
As at November 2017
I don’t want to cause offence – but it seems Blighty is to ‘deploy ‘ one of those aircraft carriers to ‘the med ‘… I wonder how far it gets before it has to be fixed …..?
Fedup2 ,
Isle of wight 😄
Do we have any aircraft on them yet ?
Still avoiding any BBC in my life and it’s many years without a TV LICENCE……so much money saved !
Charlie – I somehow think it won’t happen – but I suppose they might try putting American aircraft on the British ship as some kind of ‘special relationship ‘ crap .
The navy made a big thing about firing a drone off of one of their big boats a month ago ….
… personally I’d rather see the Channel controlled but no one has the guts to do it ….
My thoughts exactly……we managed to stop the Germans invading us costing thousands of lives….and now RNLI Taxi Service bring Invaders here and we put them in Hotels….utter madness
You should well know that 617 Squadron is available for the carrier force, and 809 is forming. The US Marines have also operated from them and proved that this works well. Why are you always so down on the navy? What did they ever do to you? Do you hate the army and RAF too?
North Korean smuggling operations
North Korean smuggling operations
North Korean smuggling operations
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Dickie – whilst studying ‘criminology ‘ ( yawn ) the role of plod got a lot of attention ….. particularly the eager move toward becoming paramilitary .
If you ever see a plod now look at the kit they carry – and how that has evolved from the tunic …..I know the argument that it’s because deference has been lost – particularly due to the arrival of enriching third worlders – but as the article suggests – plod is not plod anymore and is highly politicised …..
This leads to the breakdown of the ‘consent ‘ model which was a deal between plod about mutual backscratching – such as turning up when needed versus providing information about crimes ….
If you look at those daily serious wrong-doing reports by plod you can see they are best avoided and not to be trusted …
.. unless you are coloured of a Hamas supporter of course …
End of article … “What power would there be in a once Christian land to stop police forces from going a step further, and becoming unashamed left-wing militias empowered to crush dissent from the neo-Marxist diktats of the secular State?”
Yesterday I watched a Uncommon Knowledge podcast from last October where two chaps from US Think Tanks discussed with host Peter Robinson the strategic position of the USA .
As you might expect they concluded the situation was dire, the US military was far too small and it would take it five to ten years of high spending to get it back to strength were it could deter China and its allies. The political will of the Biden administration was also weak and they wondered if Biden would abandoned Israel and Taiwan. Pretty much as you would expect.
What struck me was their lack of comment on how three decades of neo liberalism has sapped not just the political will but the will of the people , of the nation itself. Young men , who would have been proud to be army recruits , no longer volunteer, the army is under strength.
After years of being told they and their families are deplorables , knuckle draggers , left behinds , not just by politicians but astonishingly by army commanders, these young men must think , well if you think that of us you can stuff your army and your country, it isn’t my country I don’t recognise it and I won’t fight for it.
The damage done to the psychology of the West by decades of neo liberalism is immense and will take a lot more than lashings of money and five to ten years to recover from.
“There are people sent to depress us, and prominent among them is Mark Steyn, whose speciality is apocalyptic predictions. Following his bestseller America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It, which was about the collapse of all of the Western world with the exception of the United States, he is now predicting the collapse of the US as well, leaving the entire ‘free world’, as it used to be called, at the mercy of those great enemies of freedom, China and Islam.”
This is a pirate video taken from Andrew Napolitano’s judging freedom, you can tell by his voice.
There are alas many of these spivs copying other peoples inteviews, removing the video and inserting someone elses and then reintroducing the audio and making money out of it.
It’s damn annoying to click on something ages old and no longer relevant which claims to have been recently uploaded.
Please be aware and don’t give this scammers any views by posting their stolen copy for them.
TOADY Watch #1 – is that a deflection or misdirection I see before me?
I’m looking daggers at the BBC this morning. Martin Bashir has wriggled before to get himself of the hook of the illegality around his interview with Princess Diana, now he is claiming or screaming, even, that it “is waycism!”. Sorry that will not work with me. I know that the BBC has endless Diversity and Inclusion Managers now, and the BBC probably had them even back in 1995 when ‘the interview’ took place.
#InMyShoes: Rhys Aldous – Mass Immigration
Rhys lives in Clanfield, which is just outside of Portsmouth.
Rhys talks about how immigration has affected him personally. He also talks about his struggle to find work due to immigrants taking the jobs which are ‘meant’ for British workers.
He also talks about the problems he now faces with his local services because of an increase of population where he lives.
To have your say and to find more #InMyShoes, follow us on Twitter.
Rhys is part of BBC Generation 2015, visit their website for more information.
In the good old USA they are working towards jailing people for up to 11 years who turn up to pray outside abortion death camps, whilst at universities crowds are able to run riot and call for the slaughter of everyone in Israel with no response.
What a warped and sick society the left produce given half a chance!
The girl who shouted “shame on you” at Konstantin Kisin on QT last week when he wanted to talk up Britain. Seems to ticks all the boxes.
I don’t wish to dig her out personally, but this is where the post-modern, intersectional society leads. People that relate to their confusion and struggle as things to bolster their credentials in the public eye.
“UK considering recognising Palestine state,”
Says the man who tried to keep us in the EU and then threw his toys out of the pram when we voted OUT .
Is he aspiring to become the replacement for “Stop the boats Rishi”? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68137220
When you’re eventually rumbled for digitally rigging elections there’s always another way… attorney claims NY Mayor is pushing to allow illegal migrants the vote.
“NYC passed an ordinance a couple of years ago allowing non-citizens to vote in the NYC elections…That was struck down but do you know that Mayor Adams in NYC is appealing that decision? What would you be doing that? Put two and two together…They’re bringing in hundreds of thousands of unvetted illegal migrants across the southern border, shipping them into NYC and he’s fighting to get them the right to vote. It’s unbelievable.”
Sturgeon using the blubbing defence to deflect from being the monster she is . Fixated on ‘independence ‘ from the hated English ….
The SNP used Covid to push independence …
At least after the coming election we can return to the familiar far left Scot’s labour types …..
The likes of Sturgeon, Drayford, Varadker, Trudeau and now Biden have done more to break up the solidarity of the free western world between them than all the foes it has faced for years.
2018 … “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. (Boris Johnson)
But it cannot survive treason from within.(Theresa May)
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. (Anjem Choudary)
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.(Jeremy Corbyn)
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
‘I was in charge of gathering the bodies after the Nova Festival massacre… they were still smouldering 12 hours later’: Israeli official gives devastating account of sickening scene after the Oct 7 Hamas terror attack that plunged the world into crisis
Haim Otmezgin led the clean-up effort at the Nova Festival massacre
He said he only slept four hours a night when he worked there
Haim has spoken out about his experience for the first time
By Perkin Amalaraj
Published: 00:58, 31 January 2024 | Updated: 07:36, 31 January 2024
Scandal-stained Israeli ‘rescue’ group fuels October 7 fabrications
Max Blumenthal·December 6, 2023
Founded by a serial rapist known as the “Haredi Jeffrey Epstein,” Israeli ultra-Orthodox rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to “mass rape” to a fetus cut from its mother.
Secretary of State Tony Blinken and President Joseph Biden have each echoed demonstrably false ZAKA testimonies about Hamas atrocities.
Marred by allegations of financial fraud, ZAKA is leveraging October 7 publicity to raise unprecedented sums of cash.
Its rival, United Hatzalah, has spun out bogus tales of babies baked in ovens as it closes in on a $50 million fundraising goal.
I’m about 10kg over weight . So – after being bombarded by the daily daily telegraph ‘ 10 things how to lose weight ‘ I thought I’d go for the most basic – the 24 hour fast …. This can be tough but is just a matter of self disciplne – so is cheap and doable and at the end you appreciate food just a bit more ….
… but I don’t know how a PM can do it for 36 hours – unless he doesn’t work as hard as one might think / hope ….
Anyway – I hope the 24 hour fast thing is worth it – as I really can’t be asked to exercise .. apart from searching for the remote ….
Quite right, G. Also many people have spinal curvatures as they age. Not necessarily related to sitting at a desk. Many a physio has seen a patient in their underpants and stated “You have a lateral curvature of your spine.”
Fed, try and engineer a visit to a Physio Department where they still have a marvellous bit of kit, a ‘vibrating rack’. (Last I heard they were busy getting rid of the ‘racks’, that’s our NHS for you, something that works well and saves people from serious conditions; then get rid of it.)
What the rack does for you is they attach a belt to your hips and another to the shoulders and the machinery vibrates the table supporting the patient while, stretching you, in order to pull you apart. You’ll get those two inches back unless you have osteoporosis.
post-TWatO Watch #1 – very trendy Mr Hislop but it made me switch off
In his series, looking for early English/Welsh/Scottish humour Ian Hislop indulged himself this lunchtime in some very trendy pro-feminism and misandry. You are the loser, Ian, as I switched off the radio at that point.
Happy birthday to Johnny Rotten, 68 today. “Never thought I’d live to see the day when the right wing would become the cool ones giving the middle finger to the establishment, and the left wing becoming the sniveling self-righteous twatty ones going around shaming everyone.” pic.twitter.com/ecQTBCHp2K
The head of the WHO has warned sovereign nations that those states that refuse to comply with the globalists’ “New Order” will pay the price when “Disease X” is unleashed on the public.
The WHO convened a group of more than 300 scientists in November 2022 to study Disease X.
Disease X has a mortality rate 20 times that of COVID-19 and was first developed by a WHO expert committee made up of virologists and disease experts between 2017 and 2018. Its release was simulated at two events in May 2018 and October 2019. The two events were held under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHCHS), with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). The WHO expert committee met in Geneva in early 2018, categorising Disease X as a “global threat.” This was reinforced during a May 2018 tabletop simulation held in Washington, D.C. titled “Parainfluenza Clade X.” According to the simulation event’s description, “the scenario begins with an outbreak of a novel parainfluenza virus that is moderately contagious and moderately lethal, and for which there are no effective medical countermeasures.”
The release of “Disease Parainfluenza Clade X” was planned to follow the release of a deadly coronavirus pandemic which was simulated during “Event 201”, held in October 2019 in New York City.
Bill Gates warned that while the risks of severe disease from COVID-19 “have dramatically reduced,” another pandemic “is all but certain.” On 5th May 2009, Bill Gates met with David Rockefeller at Rockefeller University, New York. Warren Buffet and George Soros were also invited. The issues discussed in the top-secret meeting included health care and how to slow the global population growth. Gates was most impressive, convincing them that overpopulation was a priority that needed to be dealt with. Gates and Buffett said that they had been worried about Malthusian population problems for years. Gates outlined a plan to try to cap the world’s population at 8.3 billion people, rather than the projected 9.3 billion at which the population is expected to peak. So Bill Gates planned to prevent the birth of, as well as murder one billion people using pandemics. The first planned pandemic would use a gain of function coronavirus, this would be followed by a much more deadly gain of function parainfluenza virus. Disease X is to be released in countries that refuse to sign the WHO Treaty.
Ivermectin pills will only be available for Bill Gates and his friends.
“Ivermectin pills will only be available for Bill Gates and his friends.” And, I’ll fight to the death to keep the 100 I acquired during Covid directly from India………….
Of course the eminently medically qualified billionaire bastard should really have a say here. Still with the standards of todays politicians,WHO and UN are we surprised.
BBC staff have been told not to hire these ‘ten types’ of people:
(1) People who do not have a protected characteristic
(2) People who have a diversity of thought different from BBC groupthink
(3) People who do not support left-wing diversity ideology
(4) People who support ‘merit’ over physical characteristics
(5) People with unapproved politically diverse opinions
(6) White heterosexual men wearing a poppy or other right-wing symbol
(7) Christians and other people who do not have an inclusive common purpose
(8) Critics of critical race theory and think ‘all’ lives matter
(9) Unvaccinated critics of Big Pharma and Bill Gates
(10) People who do not have an inclusive groupthink.
Or recent video: (45mins) – It sets the BBC clock on who and why they are doing it. They are creating something deeply sinister which takes us back to the (so called) intellectuals in pre-war Germany who sought a similar net zero, solution and eugenics… Chilling…
A huge chicken farm in Texas is currently on fire cause unknown. It’s the latest in a long line of these plants being destroyed and it’s bound to have a knock on effect on food supplies.
It might not seem that bad at first until you consider the amount of foodstuffs eggs go into that it makes sense how many products will go into short supply and increase in price.
The ‘conspiracy theorists’ are suggesting it’s part of a plot to make people eat ze bugs as they force food into short supply, who knows, but it does appear as if another concerted attack on US food manufacturers is under way again.
Seems the met plod have ‘apologised ‘ over the conduct of one of their Bulgarian special WPCs after the Oxford street incident …
There is no mention of what has been done with the east European thug – eg deported / fired …..
Anthony Zurcher
North America Correspondent
Hello from Washington, and welcome to US Election Unspun, the newsletter that cuts out the noise surrounding the presidential race. In this weekly email, I’ll give you my thoughts on the state of play.
Daily Mail Online
Ex-NHS doctor who stars in next series of The Apprentice is given diversity and inclusion training by the BBC over string of ‘anti-Semitic’ posts on social media https://trib.al/iyFjDFO
With much fanfare the BBC tell us that you can now have a medical appointment directly with a chemist which will help doctors avoid doing what they are paid for.
Why not take this a step further?
Throw open medical appointments to say Specsavers or even Halfords or Quickfit then GP’s would have even more time to do other important stuff like work on the side for BUPA or wave placards at passing motorists or something.
I expect we will no doubt soon witness the inevitable upcoming poor soul who is given a packet of aspirin by his pharmacist then kicks the bucket a few weeks later with a burst appendix or brain bleed or something.
Oh the inevitable wringing of hands and excuses by medic top brass that will follow.
Maybe the chemists could also double as part time firemen or possibly drive some trains while the actual train drivers wave placards.
I suppose they’re trying to keep pharmacists relevant..
What’s the point of them? , checking the barcode matches what’s on the prescription and sticking the item in a bag..
I recall at one time GPs got paid per registered patient (is this still the case?) paid £160 per patient (2022) How many patients are allocated per GP?
I can’t help looking at value for money and utterly pissed off with tales of 9 hour waits to be assessed at the nearest A&E and insane incompetence and stupid text messages from the local GPs.
“The smoking gun email that ‘PROVES Nicola Sturgeon was using Covid to break up the UK’: Inquiry is shown message between SNP deputy and ex-First Minister opposing travel ban on Spain in 2020 – ‘because they might never let Scotland join the EU’
Ms Sturgeon told the hearing that she used a personal phone to conduct government business, saying she had not been advised it was inappropriate;
She said she had ‘never seen messages before’ in which an official reminded civil servants in a WhatsApp group where the ‘clear chat’ function was and that ‘plausible deniability is my middle name’;
Messages exchanged between Ms Sturgeon and her former chief of staff Liz Lloyd showed the SNP leader having a detailed conversation about how to change hospitality rules;
Ms Sturgeon fended off questions about whether she repeatedly ‘gazumped’ Westminster by announcing action before Boris Johnson, saying the Scottish public was ‘desperate’ to know what was going on;
Ms Sturgeon conceded it was ‘instinct’ for her to campaign for independence, but said her only aim in the early stages of the pandemic was to ‘do the best we could to keep people safe’. ”
“Rotherham councillor who remained silent on grooming gangs starts snoring after falling ASLEEP during meeting on child sexual exploitation – as he blames his ‘age and weight'”
Fedup2Mar 3, 20:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Someone made the observation that the woke king did 3 happy Islam twitters but noe for Wales on St David’s…
Up2snuffMar 3, 19:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 tomo, I have watched the Oval Office stuff, just now, and I did not get the same impression as you.
Fedup2Mar 3, 19:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Northern – true enough -but to put them all in one place could have … advantages …
Northern VoterMar 3, 19:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed the down side to your thinking is that TTK can just fill up those empty RAF bases with brown…
G.W.F.Mar 3, 19:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ramadamalinglong at Windsor Castle. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po
atlas_shruggedMar 3, 19:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The 24 year-old afgee was the Munich car driver rammer – it could be his twin brother I guess.
MarcoMar 3, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so is Europe ,the loons in parliament are all deluded and all…
JeffMar 3, 18:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, I agree, but… Within a couple of generations the native British will be a minority in our own homeland.…
NW NinepenceMar 3, 18:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sorry Fed in response to your earlier comment, Posted this a few times. (Have it on a poster behind my…
I’m hearing rumours the reason the US based in Jordan didn’t detect the incoming drone, or thought it was one of theirs, because it was.
I’ve no evidence to offer at this time other than the circumstantial fact that the US has not launched an attack on anyone (yet). Normally we would see some wreckage being displayed but I’ve yet to see any, and the usual Shaheed drone is a very distinctive delta wing with a small pusher prop, the Ukrainians have no problem shooting them down.
Time will perhaps shine more of a light on all of this.
The eight contestants on University Challenge yesterday who
didn’t know that the UK was not in the EU. Are
probably like the plethora of their brothers and sisters, screaming
on the pro Hamas marches, ” From the river to the sea Palestine
will be free. ” And haven’t got the foggiest idea what they are
screaming about.
all of them ?
pfff…. I can’t say I don’t believe you!
All of them.
University of Cambridge Ringroad ?
Fed, friend I knew worked at the University of East Anglia, frequently shortened and described as UEA. He used to refer to it as the Un-Exceptional Academics. Am not sure whether he was refering to the teaching staff or the students!
Tommo – The question was name two countries
that are members of the EU and the Commonwealth.
The Oxford undergraduate managed to buzz first and
answered ” The UK and Malta” Amol Rajan the Qiuiz
Master said ” No” The second bright spark
buzzed in quickly afterwards and answered ” The UK
and Cyprus.” Maybe I am not being fair. Because only two
contestants are allowed to attempt the answer. But I expect
we may well of got Sweden and Slovakia if one of the other
future heads of something like the BBC would of had a chance to answer.
Amol Rajan did help them afterwards by reminding them that there
had been a Brexit Referendum in 2016. And the UK had left the
But to be honest Tomo all this is a bit of fun. What really
worries me are the lecturers from the ” Frankfurt School”
turning these undergraduates into ” Manchurian Candidates,”
When they graduate and do the bidding of their anarchist
Marxist lecturers in the outside world.
Foscari, half correct answers from two students. Got to be two prospective Parliamentary candidates there, rather than prospective employees for the BBC.
I have been struck recently by the number of contributors to BBC Radio4, on TOADY or TWatO, say, who are University Professors and female.
“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”
― G.K. Chesterton
“they then become capable of believing in anything”
Martin Bashir: BBC releases 3,000 emails about Princess Diana interview scandal
Poor BBC : they have no choice but to come clean. However they didn’t have chance to read any yet so no details we don’t already know for this story. Very convenient.
At the end we get:
‘BBC News is editorially independent when reporting on the BBC as a corporation.’
Is that supposed to make us think they are unbiased ?.
Except of course they have put this inconvenient article up at 11pm at night and whats the chance it will disappear off the front page before breakfast ?. Like so many ‘inconvenient’ articles before it …
I wonder if BBC editors get a ‘guide’ on what events to avoid , minimise , dump ….? Maybe it’s based on 1984 …
JohnC, the e-mails have been read by the BBC as we know they have been redacted, ie. blanked out in places.
At the BBC they are very upset and horrified that The Israel armed forces entered a hospital in the West Bank and killed 3 Palestinian terrorists..
However omission seems to be a major part of BBC reporting…
Funnily enough. They forgot to include this….
Why they were in the hospital in the first place…
In a joint statement, the IDF, Shin Bet, and police said the leader of the terror cell, Muhammad Jalamneh, 27, had been in contact with Hamas officials abroad. He was previously injured while preparing a car bomb attack,
Israel showing the world yet again the only way to deal with terrorists. Absolute heroes. The obvious contrast is that if the tables were turned and it was Hamas in a hospital in Israel, they would have just killed everyone they could.
This from the BBC report:
‘Hamas, an armed Palestinian Islamist group which is fighting a war with Israel in Gaza ..’
After the initial uproar, the BBC tacked on disclaimers at the end of a few article telling us Hamas were a proscribed terror group. Then they stopped doing it and nobody said anything – so now I haven’t seen them mention it for weeks.
Because of course the BBC support Hamas.
Just look at the Labour support for terrorists. And these people are going to be our next government.
A mystery why Mossad did not use the *anychess* to do the job. They use ventilators and when that does not work Midazolam together with Morphine is very effective. Using guns is so yesterday.
bBC to Verify.
The Verify logo is showing up more on Gaza reports…
“The negative perception of Muslims. An underlying, unfounded mistrust. A misinformed suspicion of people who follow Islam.
Now it’s our duty to counteract this perception of Muslims. (a perception problem is different to facing the truth) To those who say that there is a conflict of being loyal to Britain and a Muslim, you have to look no further than Mohamed Farah. Our national hero is a practising Muslim. The double gold medallist saw no conflict between crossing the finish line in the Union Flag and dropping to the ground in prayer.(was the flag submitting to Allah in this display of Patriotism?) In fact, he showed how seamlessly religion and patriotism can go together.
As one survey revealed (no reference given), 83% of Muslims said they were proud to be British, compared to 79% of Britons overall.”
But we have conflicting data …83% Muslims proud to be British verses 1% Muslims want Freedom of Speech/Press
“…BBC poll in 2015 found that 27% of British Muslims had quote ‘Some sympathy’ (27% or a third) for the people who went into the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed the cartoonists, editors and journalists there. Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.”
– Douglas Murray (2016?)
But at the end of the day the majority view is pretty similar across both the Labour parties Blue and Red, as might be expected !
Keep going IDF –
Stand by for PMQ’s Wednesday. The Scottish Natural Palestine leader, Stephen Flynn will once again make mini speeches about Gaza on behalf of his leader.
A new single malt has been distilled in Scotland, SNP Special, to be served with ice……………..SNP On the Rocks.
Judging Freedom – Judge Andrew Napolitano and Scott Ritter
Want to know about the Alternative Fur Deutschland party thats the biggest in Germany at present ?
Well you still are forbidden to see their website .
Democracy huh !
The web site has been taken offline and AfD must’ve been threatened enough to not complain in public.
A news blackout appears to be in operation.
There is a web server attached to the internet at afd.de :
I get the same but if I use the translation page then I can access the site.
I’m ’overseas ‘ and just tried to go to the site – verboten …
can you see if the translation page is an external cache or an unblocked url?
got a link / address?
The left can keep on trying to stifle the flames of truth across the Western World but it only fans the flames and pretty soon they will have a conflagration of such size it will swamp them….
digg, what I suspect we will get then is a socialist or Socialist world government that will be more far right/hard right or fascist than even Germany in WW2 or Russia, North Korea, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia and China post-WW2
The thing which shows beyond doubt it is the rise of the new Leftist Nazis is that they are doing exactly the same to Trump.
What makes me laugh the most is that they say they are doing it ‘to protect democracy’. It’s the polar opposite !!!.
If they really wanted democracy, they would let the people decide at the ballot box.
“Reconstruction” photos photos offered as evidence to a jury and an actual photo of the incident scene actually blocked !!!
Just watching the latest video where Biden demonstrates he is unable to say a single sentence without stumbling and calls Trump ‘a sitting president’.
So as part of my own new ‘Verify the BBC’ team, I checked what headline the BBC ran and which came up top in Google:
Search: Trump mental BBC
‘Trump’s mental health and why people are discussing it’
‘The mental rigours of being US president
Donald Trump is not the first president to be called unhinged.’
Search: Biden mental BBC
‘Biden healthy, vigorous and fit for job, says doctor’
Joe Biden: ‘Why the hell would I take a cognitive test?’
It’s just beyond ridiculous. How anyone can think the BBC is not biased is beyond me : they must be either stupid or left-wing hypocrites trying to defend them.
Ukraine war: Nothing but rubble in shattered ghost town Avdiivka
The article is all about destruction and extreme empathy story telling about the poor civilian victims which is not news at all.
Which is BBC speak for ‘The Russians have won’.
It’s always interesting to realise how little the BBC tell you when they don’t want you to know the truth if you already know the real picture from other places on the internet.
I’m only surprised they haven’t said how unimportant the Town was anyway.
You can safely assume they do the same for EVERY agenda article.
I see itvx have picked their replacement for the white male Paul O’Grady.
Can you guess which one she is in this pic ?.
No doubt another success by whitey-male hijacked for the agenda and turned to brain-dead crap for idiots.
Next step, getting an OBE or MBE, (like Nadya and Jay) for services to …… ge ‘ing the job coz I’m black, right ?
Comic Relief 2024: Sir Lenny Henry to host for final time
Lenny Henry aims to put the ‘comic’ back into ‘comic relief’.
By letting someone else host it.
Just look at the line-up for this year:
Aisling Bea : Irish Woman from Channel 4
Fatiha El-Ghorri : Muslim Woman from Morocco
Joel Dommett : White Male !!!
Mawaan Rizwan : Pakistani Male
Rosie Jones : Cringeworthy Female comedian with cerebal palsy (she’s the fashion now)
Sara Pascoe : White woman of Channel 4 and BBC
Lenny : Completely unfunny, top-notch pr1ck. And black.
Can’t wait. Hope it comes out on DVD as well.
Hello JohnC
Just saw your comment, I added a few mins ago a comment, saying Apparently he’s a comedian
Quite andy.
IIRC, he was slightly funny once on TISWAS by accident. A trick never to be repeated.
Luckily for him he is black. So doors opened which would have been securely locked if he was white.
Pakistan election 2024: Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan reverse roles
Don’t care much what goes on in that corrupt sh1thole. My main reason for reading the article was to observe how the BBC weave their opinions with selected facts and omit things that don’t fit to leave the reader with the impression they want.
But the bit which caught my eye was this:
‘For the electorate, fights between the political elite matter little in comparison to actually reducing inflation, creating jobs for young people and securing investment for Pakistan’s long term future.’
THAT is what the BBC want us to think about the people of Pakistan. They are are caring, forward-looking civilised people who put youngsters and their country above personal wealth.
And I can tell you with 100% certainty that is 100% total BS made up by the BBC ‘journalist’. The people want one thing : as much as they can get for themselves. There is no ‘noble ambition’ whatsoever for the vast majority of the population.
Lets see what star employees at the BBC wrote this:

This one:
And this one:

Why is it that all the articles on the BBC which stand out as complete tripe and are 80% agenda, 20% fact turn out to be written by the same type of people ?.
I notice Imran Khan, the Cricketer turned Politician has been jailed for ten years. I know absolutely nothing about what he’s supposed to have done but given what passes for a legal system in Pakistan I have my doubts. As a cricket lover it’s terrible to see a once great sportsman felled.
I expect it’s the same as here in Thailand. Anyone who is anyone in politics is corrupt. They could not have got there if they weren’t.
“…….but given what passes for a legal system in Pakistan…”. Don’t knock it: Coming to a town or city near you soon – the groundwork is increasingly now in place.
Not all that has already arrived.
I will be joining my Muslim brothers and sisters and taking my vote elsewhere.
Does Pippster and gang have an inkling of where this is inevitably headed?
Speaking of groundwork G. A friend in Gillingham, Kent, sent me a photo of construction works being carried out next to a Catholic primary school……… its being described as the UKs largest Mosque with its own in-house crematorium. Needless to say the locals ain’t happy.
I thought Islamites *had* to bury their dead? fatwah on combustion.
John – I appreciate that you analyse these details to expose the bias here, because I avoid BBC news now, knowing full well what it’s like.
Unfortunately Sky is just as bad, and the DT is becoming a joke, shortly to be owned by Arabs.
Hardly ever watch TV news
Thanks Looby.
Many times I start looking at what the BBC are force-feeding people and I have to just close it all down in exasperation. They are relentless.
But sometimes articles which I already have an interest in catch my eye because there is something just not quite right in their wording.
And every single time you investigate why, it’s because they are trying to manipulate the reader to have a specific overall impression. Like the staged ‘poor victims’ in Gaza pictures on the front page to accompany articles which they have nothing whatsoever to do with.
JohnC…. Because they all left radical uni education recently and were set up, indoctrinated and sent out by their professors into the World with a mission to break down society in order to bring about a Marxist society.
Lots more of this crap like this coming down the line.
Comic Relief 2024: Sir Lenny Henry to host for final time
Apparently he’s a comedian
Only if the definition of ‘comedian’ is rewritten.
Lenny is one of those very unfunny alternative to comedians.
Permacrisis five times the size of Birmingham edition
The gynaeceum that is our BBC news staff would have us believe it’s somewhat of a slow news day today, as they flippantly headline their press review: Newspaper headlines: Robbie Williams’s Port Vale bid and ‘Rise of the cyborgs’ (BBC)
I’m all for an occasional hat tip to the frontpages of the red top Sun or the jokey blokey tabloid Daily Star – but when the BBC feels the need to highlight those lightweight headline screamers as the nation’s top press stories – then, like Elon Musk’s cyborg with a computer chip in his head my antennae begin to twitch and I start to wonder why the BBC along with Robbie are suddenly saying Let Me Entertain You
From what other serious reports in the papers, dear reader, would our BBC desire to distract us?
Take That Britain
We alight upon the cover page of the Financial Times for one of those cherished juxtapositions of two side by side reports that expose some glitch in the matrix, a contradiction in terms, a slip in the approved narrative.
Population will surge to 70mn by 2026 on higher net migration, ONS predicts (FT) – but surely this is good economic news, or so we’re always told…?
Britain struggles to keep up in infrastructure race… ‘We have a shortfall that is manifest in appalling services’ (FT)
Excuse me a moment while I go back to that first headline and do one of my quick editorial corrections: Population will surge to 70mn by 2026 on higher
net migrationimmigrationWhen it comes to the subject of our hyper-immigration (we know it is a big number and some dare to call it mass-immigration but it is also extraordinarily rapid and recent in its present form – so I like to refer to hyper-immigration. Some might say it presently amounts to colonisation or invasion speed and they speak darkly of population replacement – as always draw your own conclusions)
What is inescapable is the big number. The FT goes with: surging: to 70mn
The rather complacent mildly conservative Telegraph is happy to accept that same number: Net migration to push population to 70mn
The Times pushes on a tad past that figure: Migration to push Britain’s population past 70mn a decade early
The Sun sees the number rushing on past 70mn: Migration to see UK hit 73M
The Rishi wishful thinking Sunak lackey loyalist Daily Express does the magical thinking (TM Suella Braverman) on immigration: Migration rules will halt shock population rise – so says James Cleverly our mixed heritage home secreatry. Meanwhile the Express in a fit of schizophrenia whilst on the one hand attempting to reassure us neveretheless wins this morning’s hyper-immigration numbers auction with: …population soaring to a startling 74 million… equivalent to five cities the size of Birmingham – if you can imagine such a horror – five Birminghams, I mean. Oh, the humanity.
Here we go again: State of NHS should be declared national emergency, experts say (Guardian) – one reads on so as to discover how long it might be this time we have to save our NHS… three weeks to flatten the curve, a fortnight, 24 hours in A&E, perhaps…?
Three Months to Save the NHS (Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, August 2022)
…the NHS has to continually move forward so that in 10 years’ time we have a service fit for the future (NHS England)
24 Hours to Save the NHS (Socialist Health Association quoting Tony Blair’s 1997 election slogan)
100 hours to save the NHS…Labour’s manifesto analysed (Open Democracy quoting Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham, May 2015)
You get the picture. Ploughing through today’s Guardian article in search of one of those classic time frames we find this phrase which brings a smile: Whoever wins power after the general election… – the Labour affiliate Gruan there despite finding itself deep inside the coop, pecked from all sides and covered in guano and a mountain of feathers – but determined still not to count its chickens.
Instead of suggesting some time scale plucked (sometimes these puns write themselves) out of the air for saving the NHS we are today instead presented with the concept of: “permacrisis” (Guardian)
Even so, the Guardian does find some cause for cheer this morning: Power-sharing deal brings united Ireland closer, says Sinn Féin – smiles all round from your frontpage pin up girls: Mary Lou McDonald and Michelle O’Neill – they may not be to everyone’s taste but at least they’re not Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams
Back to the consequences of our immigration figures, I’m afraid…
Labour fears loss of Muslim support… one of their staunchest bases… (Guardian)
The Daily Mail begs the question: Why insuring this Range Rover costs £3,351 in Cornwall but £13,721 in Manchester – does one really have to ask?
The Mail delivers a further headline our BBC would prefer to gloss over this morning: Martin Bashir blamed his ‘non-white’ status at the BBC for the scandal over his Diana interview – of course he did.
Asiseeit – I’m trying to avoid the bbc as much as I can – new year resolution …. But I did hear that the 3000 bashir emails have been ‘released ‘… showing bashir had the normal ethnic chip ….
But the report omits the amount of tax payers ‘ cash used to try to prevent publication ……very bbc …..
… meanwhile – it’s nice to see the population figures banded about – but not linked to the need for a NHS ‘national emergency ‘…. I mean … what is the point of declaring a ‘national emergency ‘ over the NHS ?
Working practices by the medical mafia will not change under any regime – punters still treated as an inconvenience – demand increasing as the population rises – any medic worth anything going abroad…. Same old same old ….
But that population increase is gonna screw us even more – with no will to stop it ….. sometimes I’m glad I’m not under 30 …
Chips with everything.
BBC staff have reportedly been told not to hire candidates who are “dismissive” of diversity and inclusion.
Julia Hartley-Brewer: “So basically, you have to play along with the nonsense, or you won’t get a job.”
And there are 20,000 with ‘the job’.
To be fair, there must be millions of people in thousands of organisations (particularly public sector bodies) who are rolling their eyes and playing along with the ‘diversity and inclusion’ rubbish because they need their pay-cheque.
The Muslim Hikers teamed up with Adidas TERREX and Wiggle in a bid to make the outdoors a more inclusive space.
Haroon Mota, from Coventry, said the group had received “disgusting and shocking” abuse since the announcement.
In a video posted on Twitter, Mr Mota encouraged the community to stand together against hatred.
“The Times pushes on a tad past that figure: Migration to push Britain’s population past 70mn a decade early
The Sun sees the number rushing on past 70mn: Migration to see UK hit 73M”
. . . . . . . .
How could Theresa May back REMAIN and say this in 2012?
‘It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’ – THERESA MAY 12dec2012 speech
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Its themes are rooted in the unique heritage and character of Bradford and will reveal the magic of the district that is held in its people, its ambition, and above all, its potential.
Not thinking through the message they send much?
Someone is worried that Leanne Mohammed is coming for his seat. He’s changed his tune hasn’t he? 😂
Too little too late Wes. We see you for the conman that you are. #FreePalestine #Ceasefirenow 🇵🇸
And here is the national broadcaster.
About ‘the change’.
“Reports are coming in that the Labour candidate in Rochdale, Azhar Ali, tried to canvass in the town today and was chased off the streets. People are so angry at Labour’s support for the genocide.”
“Someone is worried that Leanne Mohammed is coming for his seat. He’s changed his tune hasn’t he? 😂
Too little too late Wes. We see you for the conman that you are. #FreePalestine #Ceasefirenow 🇵🇸”
“Treatments for seven conditions such as sore throats and earaches are now available directly from pharmacists in England, without the need to visit a doctor.
GP Dr Nighat Arif and pharmacist Thorun Govind spoke to #BBCBreakfast about the change
. . . . .
“Having a mixed heritage and growing up in three different countries made me curious and respect and accept differences from a young age. I was fed up with opening the newspaper every morning with headlines about male Muslim terrorists and oppressed Muslim women. I started doing community engagement work and working with the media to encourage dialogue, challenge prejudice and present an alternative narrative. Working in public health, humanitarian medicine and as a GP in an inner city practice have deepened my understanding of global, structural and social influences on health and healthcare institutions.The Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba case really brought this home, raising uncomfortable questions about an institution I deeply cherish and that is regarded as a national treasure.”
And I don’t suppose the BBC will tell you this
All those claiming benefits in London…where there are the most jobs…
Remember this:-
Comic Relief will stop sending celebrities to Africa
Or in other words, we’ll take your money but whitey can’t be involved
£101K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will offer a supplementary school with an
educational outreach service focussed on helping parents
improve academic support for their children. The project
aims for children to improve success at school, increase
confidence and aspirations (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£28K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 3 year grant will provide Somali children experiencing
poverty and poor educational attainment with a
supplementary school and confidence-building workshops to
improve attainment, build self-confidence, and develop
better relationships.
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Supplementary lessons at weekends during term time for 75
local Bangladeshi and Somali young people in the Tower
Hamlets area. Children will feel more included in their
communities, increase their confidence and increase positive
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Funding for support work for 150 5-18 year olds with special
education needs from minority ethnic (Somali WOmen) backgrounds. The
project aims to increase children’s ability to manage negative
feelings, to further their self-expression and reduce social
£54K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will provide supplementary education to young
people from the Somali community, who live in areas of
poverty, unemployment and low levels of literacy and
aspiration. It will improve educational attainment,
communication skills and confidence
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£21K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will deliver educational support for disabled
Somali children and those experiencing local deprivation. The
children and young people will gain academic skills,
confidence and improve their physical well-being.
£15K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
The project will provide holiday activities to children, young
people and their families who have been affected by the
Grenfell Tower tragedy. The activities will improve children’s
well-being, support stronger family bonds and broaden
horizons. (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£10K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 1 year grant will provide supplementary education in
English, Maths and Science to Somaili children with low
educational attainment to increase attainment, empower
BBC Children in Need
Grant Funded Projects
London and South East England
As at November 2017
Click to access CN0187_Grants_Listings_London_and_South_East_England.pdf
I don’t want to cause offence – but it seems Blighty is to ‘deploy ‘ one of those aircraft carriers to ‘the med ‘… I wonder how far it gets before it has to be fixed …..?
Fedup2 ,
Isle of wight 😄
Do we have any aircraft on them yet ?
Still avoiding any BBC in my life and it’s many years without a TV LICENCE……so much money saved !
Charlie – I somehow think it won’t happen – but I suppose they might try putting American aircraft on the British ship as some kind of ‘special relationship ‘ crap .
The navy made a big thing about firing a drone off of one of their big boats a month ago ….
… personally I’d rather see the Channel controlled but no one has the guts to do it ….
My thoughts exactly……we managed to stop the Germans invading us costing thousands of lives….and now RNLI Taxi Service bring Invaders here and we put them in Hotels….utter madness
You should well know that 617 Squadron is available for the carrier force, and 809 is forming. The US Marines have also operated from them and proved that this works well. Why are you always so down on the navy? What did they ever do to you? Do you hate the army and RAF too?
“Joint Royal Navy and South Korea patrols to target North Korean smuggling operations”
North Korean smuggling operations
North Korean smuggling operations
North Korean smuggling operations
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Another boat load of Royal Navy recruits ……just look at the experience they have !
They can’t all be Doctors and Scientists can they ?
NHS is saved?
More diversity = more success!
Hello Charlie Farley
Certainly not all Doctors/Scientists
Out of the 15 in the boat, only 15 are terrorists
Have another dig at our navy and our sailors why don’t you? The armed forces are one of the few good things left about this country.
I’ll tell you what – in order not to offend you – I’ll sell censor …
Please feel free.
“but he selected people whom he thought might be good to interview ”
“and they said anything overtly anti-Semitic then it wouldn’t be recorded”
Interesting comments
Dickie – whilst studying ‘criminology ‘ ( yawn ) the role of plod got a lot of attention ….. particularly the eager move toward becoming paramilitary .
If you ever see a plod now look at the kit they carry – and how that has evolved from the tunic …..I know the argument that it’s because deference has been lost – particularly due to the arrival of enriching third worlders – but as the article suggests – plod is not plod anymore and is highly politicised …..
This leads to the breakdown of the ‘consent ‘ model which was a deal between plod about mutual backscratching – such as turning up when needed versus providing information about crimes ….
If you look at those daily serious wrong-doing reports by plod you can see they are best avoided and not to be trusted …
.. unless you are coloured of a Hamas supporter of course …
End of article … “What power would there be in a once Christian land to stop police forces from going a step further, and becoming unashamed left-wing militias empowered to crush dissent from the neo-Marxist diktats of the secular State?”
“Starmer Marsh Family Parody Adaptation of Starman”
They should be on comic relief but they’re too good
Absolutely brilliant
Personal transport, EVs and fuel
Tax pedal cycles – licence – £100 a year …. Burn petrol now ..
Tax breathing – and farting!
Tax old people farting!
Cyclists are the easiest to wind up ….
In the latest of “BBC get a life” reporting
‘I regret posting online that I was Madeleine McCann’
By Marianna Spring
BBC disinformation and social media correspondent
bbc get a life, better things to worry about than name and shaming
Always gets her pic in.
Amazingly, outside a cubicle.
Someone needs to make a visit to the ladies hairdressers her next priority , me thinks ?
Washing hair is wasting Earth’s resources! GO GREEN!
Yesterday I watched a Uncommon Knowledge podcast from last October where two chaps from US Think Tanks discussed with host Peter Robinson the strategic position of the USA .
As you might expect they concluded the situation was dire, the US military was far too small and it would take it five to ten years of high spending to get it back to strength were it could deter China and its allies. The political will of the Biden administration was also weak and they wondered if Biden would abandoned Israel and Taiwan. Pretty much as you would expect.
What struck me was their lack of comment on how three decades of neo liberalism has sapped not just the political will but the will of the people , of the nation itself. Young men , who would have been proud to be army recruits , no longer volunteer, the army is under strength.
After years of being told they and their families are deplorables , knuckle draggers , left behinds , not just by politicians but astonishingly by army commanders, these young men must think , well if you think that of us you can stuff your army and your country, it isn’t my country I don’t recognise it and I won’t fight for it.
The damage done to the psychology of the West by decades of neo liberalism is immense and will take a lot more than lashings of money and five to ten years to recover from.
“There are people sent to depress us, and prominent among them is Mark Steyn, whose speciality is apocalyptic predictions. Following his bestseller America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It, which was about the collapse of all of the Western world with the exception of the United States, he is now predicting the collapse of the US as well, leaving the entire ‘free world’, as it used to be called, at the mercy of those great enemies of freedom, China and Islam.”
Some might say … realists …..
I’m a bit slow but I can’t quite be certain whether you think that Mark Steyn is correct in his analysis or not. Could clarify please.
I agree with Mark Steyn if that helps.
Thank you. So do I.
Col Douglas Macgregor commenting on mid East crisis.
Col Douglas Macgregor – don’t forget to mention Biden, he has made fools out of you too
This is a pirate video taken from Andrew Napolitano’s judging freedom, you can tell by his voice.
There are alas many of these spivs copying other peoples inteviews, removing the video and inserting someone elses and then reintroducing the audio and making money out of it.
It’s damn annoying to click on something ages old and no longer relevant which claims to have been recently uploaded.
Please be aware and don’t give this scammers any views by posting their stolen copy for them.
I must say that with the haircut and alternative ‘red’ Hitler moustache, he really looks the part.
TOADY Watch #1 – is that a deflection or misdirection I see before me?
I’m looking daggers at the BBC this morning. Martin Bashir has wriggled before to get himself of the hook of the illegality around his interview with Princess Diana, now he is claiming or screaming, even, that it “is waycism!”. Sorry that will not work with me. I know that the BBC has endless Diversity and Inclusion Managers now, and the BBC probably had them even back in 1995 when ‘the interview’ took place.
Martin Bashir Diana interview: BBC donates sales to charity
The BBC has given £1.42m from the sales of the 1995 Panorama interview with Princess Diana to charity.
The interview was subject to an investigation that found reporter Martin Bashir used fake documents to gain access to the late royal.
It said the donations come from its commercial revenue not the licence fee.
MM, can we trust the BBC?
Scrap the outfit or make it pay by subscription.
Sturgeon says she didn’t do ‘government business through informal messages’
“How do you know a politician is lying?” The answer is because their mouth is moving.
Plenty of fuel in the tank **
** camper van fuel tank!
Silvio Tattisconie 💎 ©™ 🇬🇧
I support pro UK party’s not a party, I vote for whomever I hate the least on the day. detest the SNP and everything they stand for.
DreghornJoined April 2022
24.5K Following
Genius’s research ….bet the tyres are bald too – public inquiry …
Question: Does the BBC cover the mass immigration/invasion of our country ? A mention, or a Peep even ?
Thank you Tories and Tory voters.
BBC search “mass immigration”
2015 … #InMyShoes: Rhys Aldous – Mass Immigration
#InMyShoes: Rhys Aldous – Mass Immigration
Rhys lives in Clanfield, which is just outside of Portsmouth.
Rhys talks about how immigration has affected him personally. He also talks about his struggle to find work due to immigrants taking the jobs which are ‘meant’ for British workers.
He also talks about the problems he now faces with his local services because of an increase of population where he lives.
To have your say and to find more #InMyShoes, follow us on Twitter.
Rhys is part of BBC Generation 2015, visit their website for more information.
31 March 2015
In the good old USA they are working towards jailing people for up to 11 years who turn up to pray outside abortion death camps, whilst at universities crowds are able to run riot and call for the slaughter of everyone in Israel with no response.
What a warped and sick society the left produce given half a chance!
Coming here pretty soon I rather think.
It’s already here, but the MSM don’t want you to know that so it just doesn’t get the coverage it deserves.
The girl who shouted “shame on you” at Konstantin Kisin on QT last week when he wanted to talk up Britain. Seems to ticks all the boxes.
I don’t wish to dig her out personally, but this is where the post-modern, intersectional society leads. People that relate to their confusion and struggle as things to bolster their credentials in the public eye.
Probably available for the Springsters Verify team. Seems totally qualified. Selfies,ultra woke, self obsessed and low IQ.
I think the reference to ‘my mental illness ‘ summarises this character up. ……BPD ADHD other capital letters …
Lunatics running the asylum comes to mind!
Another left wing liberal woman with mental health issues to add to the tally !
And Elmo’s efforts to support people’s emotional wellbeing were praised by President Biden himself, who said he agreed with the puppet.
“I know how hard it is some days to sweep the clouds away and get to sunnier days,” the president wrote on X.
“We have to be there for each other, offer our help to a neighbor in need, and above all else, ask for help when we need it
“Even though it’s hard, you’re never alone.”
Elmo responds to outpouring of angst on social media
“UK considering recognising Palestine state,”
Says the man who tried to keep us in the EU and then threw his toys out of the pram when we voted OUT .
Is he aspiring to become the replacement for “Stop the boats Rishi”?
If blue labour do it we really know we are in a one party state …..the sheer arrogance …
When you’re eventually rumbled for digitally rigging elections there’s always another way… attorney claims NY Mayor is pushing to allow illegal migrants the vote.
“NYC passed an ordinance a couple of years ago allowing non-citizens to vote in the NYC elections…That was struck down but do you know that Mayor Adams in NYC is appealing that decision? What would you be doing that? Put two and two together…They’re bringing in hundreds of thousands of unvetted illegal migrants across the southern border, shipping them into NYC and he’s fighting to get them the right to vote. It’s unbelievable.”
Sturgeon using the blubbing defence to deflect from being the monster she is . Fixated on ‘independence ‘ from the hated English ….
The SNP used Covid to push independence …
At least after the coming election we can return to the familiar far left Scot’s labour types …..
The likes of Sturgeon, Drayford, Varadker, Trudeau and now Biden have done more to break up the solidarity of the free western world between them than all the foes it has faced for years.
….Going just how Soros wants it to go really.
2018 … “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. (Boris Johnson)
But it cannot survive treason from within.(Theresa May)
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. (Anjem Choudary)
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.(Jeremy Corbyn)
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero
‘I was in charge of gathering the bodies after the Nova Festival massacre… they were still smouldering 12 hours later’: Israeli official gives devastating account of sickening scene after the Oct 7 Hamas terror attack that plunged the world into crisis
Haim Otmezgin led the clean-up effort at the Nova Festival massacre
He said he only slept four hours a night when he worked there
Haim has spoken out about his experience for the first time
By Perkin Amalaraj
Published: 00:58, 31 January 2024 | Updated: 07:36, 31 January 2024
Scandal-stained Israeli ‘rescue’ group fuels October 7 fabrications
Max Blumenthal·December 6, 2023
Founded by a serial rapist known as the “Haredi Jeffrey Epstein,” Israeli ultra-Orthodox rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to “mass rape” to a fetus cut from its mother.
Secretary of State Tony Blinken and President Joseph Biden have each echoed demonstrably false ZAKA testimonies about Hamas atrocities.
Marred by allegations of financial fraud, ZAKA is leveraging October 7 publicity to raise unprecedented sums of cash.
Its rival, United Hatzalah, has spun out bogus tales of babies baked in ovens as it closes in on a $50 million fundraising goal.
Not BBC – but a mix of rant and observation ….
I’m about 10kg over weight . So – after being bombarded by the daily daily telegraph ‘ 10 things how to lose weight ‘ I thought I’d go for the most basic – the 24 hour fast …. This can be tough but is just a matter of self disciplne – so is cheap and doable and at the end you appreciate food just a bit more ….
… but I don’t know how a PM can do it for 36 hours – unless he doesn’t work as hard as one might think / hope ….
Anyway – I hope the 24 hour fast thing is worth it – as I really can’t be asked to exercise .. apart from searching for the remote ….
Fed, we thought of you as a stick thin bean pole type.
Up2 – once upon a time . I now find myself a shrunken 6’2” having ‘lost” 2 inches in the last 20 years …no sniggering at the back …
That’s gravity at work Mass x (little) g.
Quite right, G. Also many people have spinal curvatures as they age. Not necessarily related to sitting at a desk. Many a physio has seen a patient in their underpants and stated “You have a lateral curvature of your spine.”
Fed, try and engineer a visit to a Physio Department where they still have a marvellous bit of kit, a ‘vibrating rack’. (Last I heard they were busy getting rid of the ‘racks’, that’s our NHS for you, something that works well and saves people from serious conditions; then get rid of it.)
What the rack does for you is they attach a belt to your hips and another to the shoulders and the machinery vibrates the table supporting the patient while, stretching you, in order to pull you apart. You’ll get those two inches back unless you have osteoporosis.
post-TWatO Watch #1 – very trendy Mr Hislop but it made me switch off
In his series, looking for early English/Welsh/Scottish humour Ian Hislop indulged himself this lunchtime in some very trendy pro-feminism and misandry. You are the loser, Ian, as I switched off the radio at that point.
Generally speaking, the left are pretty vacant.
Next Psyop not reported by the BBC: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-world-hoax-organization-those
The head of the WHO has warned sovereign nations that those states that refuse to comply with the globalists’ “New Order” will pay the price when “Disease X” is unleashed on the public.
The WHO convened a group of more than 300 scientists in November 2022 to study Disease X.
Disease X has a mortality rate 20 times that of COVID-19 and was first developed by a WHO expert committee made up of virologists and disease experts between 2017 and 2018. Its release was simulated at two events in May 2018 and October 2019. The two events were held under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHCHS), with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). The WHO expert committee met in Geneva in early 2018, categorising Disease X as a “global threat.” This was reinforced during a May 2018 tabletop simulation held in Washington, D.C. titled “Parainfluenza Clade X.” According to the simulation event’s description, “the scenario begins with an outbreak of a novel parainfluenza virus that is moderately contagious and moderately lethal, and for which there are no effective medical countermeasures.”
The release of “Disease Parainfluenza Clade X” was planned to follow the release of a deadly coronavirus pandemic which was simulated during “Event 201”, held in October 2019 in New York City.
Bill Gates warned that while the risks of severe disease from COVID-19 “have dramatically reduced,” another pandemic “is all but certain.” On 5th May 2009, Bill Gates met with David Rockefeller at Rockefeller University, New York. Warren Buffet and George Soros were also invited. The issues discussed in the top-secret meeting included health care and how to slow the global population growth. Gates was most impressive, convincing them that overpopulation was a priority that needed to be dealt with. Gates and Buffett said that they had been worried about Malthusian population problems for years. Gates outlined a plan to try to cap the world’s population at 8.3 billion people, rather than the projected 9.3 billion at which the population is expected to peak. So Bill Gates planned to prevent the birth of, as well as murder one billion people using pandemics. The first planned pandemic would use a gain of function coronavirus, this would be followed by a much more deadly gain of function parainfluenza virus. Disease X is to be released in countries that refuse to sign the WHO Treaty.
Ivermectin pills will only be available for Bill Gates and his friends.
Jeffrey Epstein allegedly tried to extort Bill Gates over extramarital affair
This article is more than 8 months old
Convicted sexual offender reportedly threatened to expose Gates’s relationship with Russian bridge player Mila Antonova
Melinda Gates began divorce moves at time Bill’s meetings with Jeffrey Epstein revealed
“Ivermectin pills will only be available for Bill Gates and his friends.” And, I’ll fight to the death to keep the 100 I acquired during Covid directly from India………….
I’m OK
I have Lemsip and some Lockets. If it gets serious it’s out with the Fisherman’s Friends.
Of course the eminently medically qualified billionaire bastard should really have a say here. Still with the standards of todays politicians,WHO and UN are we surprised.
“Bill Gates warned that while the risks of severe disease from COVID-19 “have dramatically reduced,” another pandemic “is all but certain.””
Or to put it another way, if at first you don’t succeed, try try again.
BBC staff have been told not to hire these ‘ten types’ of people:
(1) People who do not have a protected characteristic
(2) People who have a diversity of thought different from BBC groupthink
(3) People who do not support left-wing diversity ideology
(4) People who support ‘merit’ over physical characteristics
(5) People with unapproved politically diverse opinions
(6) White heterosexual men wearing a poppy or other right-wing symbol
(7) Christians and other people who do not have an inclusive common purpose
(8) Critics of critical race theory and think ‘all’ lives matter
(9) Unvaccinated critics of Big Pharma and Bill Gates
(10) People who do not have an inclusive groupthink.
Richard: its worse than that. As described by UK prof Nial Freguson.
Here: (audio)
Or recent video: (45mins) – It sets the BBC clock on who and why they are doing it. They are creating something deeply sinister which takes us back to the (so called) intellectuals in pre-war Germany who sought a similar net zero, solution and eugenics… Chilling…
A huge chicken farm in Texas is currently on fire cause unknown. It’s the latest in a long line of these plants being destroyed and it’s bound to have a knock on effect on food supplies.
It might not seem that bad at first until you consider the amount of foodstuffs eggs go into that it makes sense how many products will go into short supply and increase in price.
The ‘conspiracy theorists’ are suggesting it’s part of a plot to make people eat ze bugs as they force food into short supply, who knows, but it does appear as if another concerted attack on US food manufacturers is under way again.
T, who owns it? I seem to recall one large chicken farm that caught fire in the US in 2019 or 2020 was owned by Chinese businessmen.
Seems the met plod have ‘apologised ‘ over the conduct of one of their Bulgarian special WPCs after the Oxford street incident …
There is no mention of what has been done with the east European thug – eg deported / fired …..
Do we kneel or clap on Thursday?
I laughed out loud.
Anthony Zurcher
North America Correspondent
Hello from Washington, and welcome to US Election Unspun, the newsletter that cuts out the noise surrounding the presidential race. In this weekly email, I’ll give you my thoughts on the state of play.
guest, don’t forget ‘Americast’ with JustRemainIn and Sarah.
Surprised the BBC didn’t hire him instead.
Daily Mail Online
Ex-NHS doctor who stars in next series of The Apprentice is given diversity and inclusion training by the BBC over string of ‘anti-Semitic’ posts on social media https://trib.al/iyFjDFO
Taxi to Glasgow Airport!
Trouble in Paradise
There are 8,500 Muslims here in Ashton angry with Rayner. She only has a 4k majority . Time she packed her designer shoes away and started looking for another job
Graun, Muslims and Labour’s deputy slapper so desperate for power but tied to Starmer’s coattails… for now.
Wonder is Meesh will get a one on one?
Bit late in the day to ‘fess up Danny boy. One eye on the coming election methinks.
With much fanfare the BBC tell us that you can now have a medical appointment directly with a chemist which will help doctors avoid doing what they are paid for.
Why not take this a step further?
Throw open medical appointments to say Specsavers or even Halfords or Quickfit then GP’s would have even more time to do other important stuff like work on the side for BUPA or wave placards at passing motorists or something.
I expect we will no doubt soon witness the inevitable upcoming poor soul who is given a packet of aspirin by his pharmacist then kicks the bucket a few weeks later with a burst appendix or brain bleed or something.
Oh the inevitable wringing of hands and excuses by medic top brass that will follow.
Maybe the chemists could also double as part time firemen or possibly drive some trains while the actual train drivers wave placards.
I suppose they’re trying to keep pharmacists relevant..
What’s the point of them? , checking the barcode matches what’s on the prescription and sticking the item in a bag..
imagine DEI resulting in Frank Spencer being a dispensing pharmacist?
I recall at one time GPs got paid per registered patient (is this still the case?) paid £160 per patient (2022) How many patients are allocated per GP?
The NHS England budget is £181,000,000,000
England population (2022) 60,200,000
– curiously there’s 63,049,603 patients registered at GPs… wtf?
181,000,000,000/60,200,000 = £3006.64
I can’t help looking at value for money and utterly pissed off with tales of 9 hour waits to be assessed at the nearest A&E and insane incompetence and stupid text messages from the local GPs.
“Russell Brand denies ‘very hurtful’ sexual abuse allegations”
Russell Brand has said accusations of sexual assault made against him are “very, very hurtful”.
“very, very painful”
“I’m aware that I put myself in an extremely vulnerable position by being very, very promiscuous”
What a BBC knob 😄
Someone buy him a thesaurus.
“The smoking gun email that ‘PROVES Nicola Sturgeon was using Covid to break up the UK’: Inquiry is shown message between SNP deputy and ex-First Minister opposing travel ban on Spain in 2020 – ‘because they might never let Scotland join the EU’
Ms Sturgeon told the hearing that she used a personal phone to conduct government business, saying she had not been advised it was inappropriate;
She said she had ‘never seen messages before’ in which an official reminded civil servants in a WhatsApp group where the ‘clear chat’ function was and that ‘plausible deniability is my middle name’;
Messages exchanged between Ms Sturgeon and her former chief of staff Liz Lloyd showed the SNP leader having a detailed conversation about how to change hospitality rules;
Ms Sturgeon fended off questions about whether she repeatedly ‘gazumped’ Westminster by announcing action before Boris Johnson, saying the Scottish public was ‘desperate’ to know what was going on;
Ms Sturgeon conceded it was ‘instinct’ for her to campaign for independence, but said her only aim in the early stages of the pandemic was to ‘do the best we could to keep people safe’. ”
And she still hasn’t been charged yet ….
I remember all those Sturgeon hair-dos – was it twice in one day?
No words:
“Rotherham councillor who remained silent on grooming gangs starts snoring after falling ASLEEP during meeting on child sexual exploitation – as he blames his ‘age and weight'”
Clap on Thursday with a pan to produce wind!