250 Responses to Weekend 3rd February 2024

  1. Deborah says:



  2. Deborah says:

    They did it to Ronald Reagan. After his death the MSM praised him in spite of during his life never having a good word for him. So yesterday we had nothing but good words for Derek Draper although when he was Brown”s henchmen we still only had good words.


    • Scroblene says:

      Spitting Image did for Ronald Reagan, and also several other ‘satirical’ (sic) progs on the BBC – and ITV…

      Most of them were unkind, but nothing like the nasty, evil bile we get from third-rate ‘comedians’ and other dross who infest the channels nowadays.

      They’re just not funny, like this great man was!


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.

      Ronald Reagan


    • Mrs Kitty says:

      Re the death and sainthood of Dereck oDraper. Have to say in our house the air was blue and given that the leftist reaction to the death of anyone right of Stalin was to. cheer we’re no longer nice guys we cheered. No longer will we have to hear how Derek is.


  3. Nibor says:

    You can o to the web page of the Socialist Workers Party , you can see the web of the Chinese Communist Party , you can get the web of the German Die Linke party , which is a coalition of left wing parties including the SED which ruled East Germany , responsible for many German deaths and anti democratic regime .

    But you can’t , still , go to the website of the AFD , Alternative Fur Deutschland.


    • StewGreen says:

      The AfD website is accessible from Germany and Austria
      so people suggest it’s set to reject connections from other countries to prevent DDS attacks.

      Their other website works


      • Nibor says:

        Thank you Stew ,

        Unfortunately, for those of us only semi computer literate, it’s hard to get on .
        Plus it’s only in German.

        Previously we could easily go to an English language section and see for ourselves.. . Unfiltered and undoctored by the BBC .

        The point remains why are the AFD , a libertarian party worried but not communists .


      • tomo says:

        It wasn’t last week – unless they’re blocking several VPN providers ( didn’t try Austra)


  4. StewGreen says:

    Media bubbleworld folk like Rigby and Paul Lewis hate Brexit
    .. Yet in the real world the EU gave us the contaminated
    meat scandal
    and today there are photos of empty supermarket shelves across the EU


    • MarkyMark says:

      Theresa May is winning!

      “Brexit: Chequers plan gives no competitive advantage to Britain over EU, UK negotiators admit
      Brexiteers and Remainers alike seized on the admission

      Jon Stone
      Friday 07 September 2018 “


    • G says:

      I could have it wrong (probably dozed off for an hour without realising it) but, Farming Today, on a Saturday, normally starts at 0645; weekday, 0545?


  5. AsISeeIt says:

    Exceptional edition

    Our BBC online news website’s press review headline refers to: Killers ‘unmasked’ – and Yessiree bob! Boy, are they unmasked… publically shamed, pilloried in the public square, pelted with epithets – and whipped… all the way to the gallows (metaphorically speaking that is)

    The UK football coaching book descibes a tactic known as the high press and US basketball terminology cites a strategy known as the full-court press

    Warped teens with ‘thirst for killing’ planned brutal and sadistic murder… Pure Evil… Vile thugs (Daily Mirror); Unmasked: Evil monsters… The sadistic young murderers… (Daily Express); As twisted teenagers named and jailed… (Daily Mail); Teenager’s lust for fame led to murder… was obsessed with serial killers and had ‘desire to kill again’(Telegraph); ‘Exceptionally brutal’: Teens jailed for murder (Guardian)

    Exceptional coverage there, I think you’ll agree. Particularly from the left-leaning Guardian – a paper not best known for its sensationalism in terms of the headlining of crime reports. I’m guessing the NHS isn’t in so much of a crisis mode this week.

    As always, do draw your own conclusions.

    I seem to get the message we don’t think more public funding for youth clubs would have helped in this case?

    [Idris] Elba put pressure on the government when this month he launched the Don’t Stop Your Future campaign to tackle youth violence. As well as a ban on zombie knives and machetes, the campaign is calling for more funding for youth services. (Guardian, Thursday 25th January)

    There are four national titles that today neglect this exceptional crime story (on their frontpages at least) and for that omission (perhaps) they find themselves relegated to the bottom end of the BBC’s press line-up.

    The Times leads with: Outcry over asylum for suspect in alkali attack… Home Office was unable to reject third attempt

    And to be fair to the gynaeceum that is our BBC staff press pickers their newspaper review does (secondarily) reference the Times headline: Newspaper headlines: Killers ‘unmasked’ and Clapham suspect asylum ‘outcry’ (BBC)

    My chemical romance

    The perpetually, chronically, coronaphobic left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper remarks on: Covid jabs to go on sale for over-12s in chemists… Superdrug in talks to offer private vaccinations for first time – call this next feature one of those funny clashing little narrative-busting juxtapositions – if you like – I shouldn’t comment: Tips to get well – and stay healthy (‘i’)

    The ‘i’ leads with: Cut income tax to ease cost of living crisis, voters urge Hunt – and carries the plea: Police plead with chemical attack suspect to hand himself in

    One tends to hear that plea when the plod’s dragnet doesn’t deliver glory for themselves with a suspect in cuffs within the first 48 hours or so and they start to feel public pressure for a result.

    FT Weekend signals: US payroll surge sinks rate cut bets – ah the globalist FT, where the headlines read like crossword puzzle clues.

    You’ve heard a lot about the cost of living… the jokey blokey Daily Star goes with the: Price of Love?

    In case you were wondering: £9.67 a day! …according to not very romantic boffins…

    What’s that? You want a calm down dear?

    Esther’s victory – was it ever in doubt? Vote on assisted dying closer as 107,000 sign petition (Daily Express – let’s not forget it’s the most loyal to Number 10 of any national print title) – nudge, nudge…


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yes all those people plotting to ‘off’ those inconveniences 107k murders in waiting …’. The road evil is full of good intentions ‘ or something …. And I recall the nazi killing of the disabled started off with well intentioned doctor ….

      And as for the like of coloured actors calling for ‘more yoof services ‘ ….. surely they can come up with smarter solutions than that tired old idea ? Inner cities are more violent because imported ‘enrichment ‘… and will become only more so as the numbers grow without control – see the alkali guy – as an example ….


  6. StewGreen says:

    Farming Today was about the European farm protests
    Did they give the last word to those supporting them or those opposing them ?

    Green Dream farmer Joe Stanley got the last few minutes
    ‘conspiracy theories .. That group NoFarmers NoFood say they have no political agenda but they are so negative, they speak against elites, Net Zero and Climate Change and retweet things from the right
    We shouldn’t be paying attention to such fringe groups’

    Doh, panicking about Climate is negative

    XR is a wacky fringe group, that is full of conspiracy theories about BigOil etc

    projection is a libmob characteristic


    • Sluff says:

      Yes yes yes.
      The additional point is the unchallenged by the BBC implication that anyone who even questions nett zero and climate change and global warming parties must be Far Right.
      A charge clearly made by the Wet Green dreamer you mention against the farmers with their tractors.


      • StewGreen says:

        He tweeted in triumph about his appearance on the show
        There are 6 replies
        Twitter is completely hiding all 4
        (sometimes the count is wrong cos someone has deleted their own tweet..but I doubt that happened 4 times”


  7. Sluff says:

    The other night the BBC announced this
    ‘interest rates are to remain at 5.25%, the highest for 15 years’

    The aim clearly was to invoke a certain level of anti-government outrage.

    But since the interest rate was ‘remaining’ at 5.25%, it was presumably the highest rate for……..errrr……..one month.

    A truer description. But not quite so headline grabbing!!!
    BBC bias in action.


  8. Sluff says:

    Reference the alkali attack by the Afghanistan sex offender and failed asylum seeker eventually given asylum by a utterly pathetic tribunal, apparently because he had (conveniently) converted to Christianity and so would be at risk if he returned.

    On Toady the local female Labour MP was brought on to talk about the attacks. She barely mentioned them at all but launched into a left wing feminist tirade about evenly men not allowing women to be safe out on the streets.

    On sending failed asylum seekers back she had very little to say. But then, it’s always fun when the Far Left get their knickers in a twist when two activist agendas clash.
    The Toady presenter, needless to say, let her rant and did not call her to account.

    PS why is this story such headline news, now for three days? People are knifed to death all the time in Londonistan and the BBC don’t give a toss.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Sluff – the methods used to ‘vet’ these invaders as to whether they are granted ‘asylum ‘ status is – I think – chaotic – sinister – maybe – with junior ( corrupt ) civil servants making decisions based on bribes and their woke beliefs .

      Politicians won’t do anything because they just want the numbers to ‘fall ‘ …. And care less what vermin are allowed in to cause suffering to taxpayers …btw I guess the alkali victim was a member of the ‘community ‘….


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      It is time these illegal invaders had to have a sponsor. Instantly a crime is committed the invader is kicked out and the sponsor and the ‘iriots’ who allowed them to stay get jailed.

      When can we see the AFD website again?


    • G says:

      Despite the obvious Taqiyya, as a ‘reformed’ and now Christian muslim, he will be hiding in a mosque somewhere.


      • Deborah says:

        Somewhere there must be a CofE priest who knows he is responsible for the life changing damage done to a woman and possibly her children. Does he feel an iota of guilt. How many others are thinking, but for the grace of….. there go I? Will this change their view of helping possible asylum seekers who change their faith for dishonourable means?


  9. Fedup2 says:

    You know when you read a story and go ‘what ? Or in my case WTF ? Well the removal of major RN patrols around the Falklands – or soon to be Malvinas – just smacks of history repeating itself .
    Britain is unable to defend its own shores – yet alone the Falklands – and let’s face it – who cares ? A dying country.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Fed, Argentina has no money. It is even more bust than the UK. Milei is behaving like an African dictator (Mugabe comes to mind, strange that) keeping the Argie military happy and no doubt the Argie Police Force as well. We had better get the RN patrolling there again pretty smartish.


      • Fedup2 says:

        How can any British government reduce the security of the Falkland – is this another sign of a totally insane regime ( it’s not a government )


  10. Scroblene says:

    Perhaps we should hand all asylum seekers over to organisations like the ones which extort the TV tax, and offer a bonus of a grand or two, for every illegal they deport, plus another few quid if they’re gone within a week.

    I bet beeboids would have the screaming hab-dabs at that, which would be even more satisfying!

    It’s a little-known fact that civil serpents in immigration spend on average, three days a month wittering on to each other about their pension prospects. The other two days they ‘work’ are spent looking out of the windows towards Wellesley Road.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Scrobs, it would only give them more fodder for their intention to become the Black Broadcasting Corporation. Silent Witness was almost entirely black this week – only 4 white cast members. And why are police chiefs in dramas – here and the US always non-white?


      • markh says:

        I watched it earlier this week and can’t remember a thing about it apart from (1) the actor playing the Jewish guy whose ‘acting’ is the worst I’ve ever seen and (2) the deaf girl obviously thrown in as the token woke, whose every clunky scene slows down the narrative. Used to be worth watching. Thanks BBC.


        • Up2snuff says:

          BRISSLES and markh, you want to buy some DVDs of Homicide: Life on the Street with the excellent Yaphet Cotto playing a mixed race Italian/Black American called Al Giardello or ‘G’ as his team affectionately call him.


          • Scroblene says:

            Well, I’m probs the last person on Earth to start watching ‘Frost’ after all these years…

            Pretty damn good stories withjust a sprinkling of non-whites in some characters, but all in all, an even balance – with some superb story-lines!


    • taffman says:

      How many asylum seekers have been employed by the Home Office ?


  11. atlas_shrugged says:

    It was only last year at a Paris train station and I bet they were thinking it’s time to have another one:

    Paris knife attack: Three wounded at Gare de Lyon station


    But here is the kicker from the bBC: “The motive is unknown”.

    Could it be climate change? Everything else is!


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      … and later on today:

      The man, a Malian national, went on a stabbing spree at around 7:35 am (0635 GMT) at the station, which operates domestic trains as well as those heading to Switzerland and Italy.

      One person suffered serious injuries to the abdomen while two others were lightly wounded, police said.

      A terrorist attack has been ruled out at this stage and an enquiry launched.

      Police arrested the suspected attacker, who showed signs of mental disorders, Paris police chief Laurent Nunes told reporters. “We found medicine on him which suggests he was undergoing treatment.”


      You really do not need AI to auto-generate the script for this!

      ‘mental disorders’ give me strength!


      • taffman says:

        IMHO the French will soon take drastic action and lead the rest of the Europe out of the EU.
        The Porous Borders will soon close in the interest of security. It is coming our way sooner than later .
        The Conservative Government is not ‘Conservative’ any more . Britain has been betrayed.
        Bill and Ben could have done a better job! ie .,
        The Bill and Ben Club. (BBC)


        • Fedup2 says:

          No Taffman – the reichEU is a Franco German construction with other bits added on – they’ll never end a monster of their own making – even if the WEF got Le Pen in under a false right wing flag ….
          The fun is the attempts to suppress the ADF – you can’t kill an idea and if the swamp does the Germans will get even more ..fed up …

          I think the best that can be hoped for is solid national borders again but killing off free movement goes against the central tenet of the Union …..maybe was will resolve it …


        • Up2snuff says:

          Weeeed! taffman.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Just importing third world vermin …


  12. G says:

    Propagandise R4 ‘Farming Today’ (“The latest news about food, farming and the countryside”)? “Nah” I hear you mutter. But no, earlier, our Worlds Most Trusted blatantly excelled themselves by a totally unbelievable bit of propaganda whose designs are so obvious it’s not true.

    I wouldn’t normally do this but here’s a link to something called a, “Podcast” if anyone is interested-

    Briefly, you will know that, hated by the BBC, the European farmers are jointly challenging European Governments and the EU to halt the intended destruction of their livelihoods/farms and starvation of humans. Yes?

    So, Farming Today interviews one, “Tim Stanley”, ‘who is’? (I hear you say), on his opinions over the farming disruption currently in Europe. Me? never heard of him but he spoke like someone who knows about ‘Farming’ things. “Tim but Dim” (henceforth, ‘TbD’) fits the bill.

    According to Tim, the European Farmers have been brainwashed into the nonsense that Governments + EU want to strip them of their businesses and farms. No says Tim: all “Conspiracy Theories”. I’ll hint no further about the nonsense spouted by, ‘TbD’s’ . Just look at, “Tim’s” biography, tells you all you need to know about Tim’s views on anything :


    A right regular BBC ‘hanger-on’ / go-to acolyte & spouter of BBC policy.

    Oh, btw, TbD thought that British Farmers are stoic and sensible enough to see through the “Conspiracy Theories”. And hence, you have the BBC/Government message not too succinctly directed at the British Farming community.


    • StewGreen says:

      G, see my post above


      • G says:


        I did not see. My view above provides the important link to TbD’s background for the validity of his background to spout. Not sure he is a ‘farmer’ though he may well ‘dream’ of being one……. All that, ‘Capitalist’ owning of land…………

        Anyway, he’s just a tame bird on the BBC’s list headed:

        “Interviewees that think our way”


        • StewGreen says:

          @G you got the name wrong, so your Wikipedia link is wrong
          It’s farmer @JoeWStanley NOT Tim Stanley the Moral Maze panelist who’s a Telegraph journalist.


  13. Foscari says:

    The end result of a Labour victory in the next General
    Election will be the further expansion of the Islamists
    objective of turning the UK into a theocracy.
    Even with just 4.5 million of the population they
    are well punching above their weight.

    With the acquiescence of media organizations , such as
    the BBC not reporting on such matters of a knife wielding
    fanatical anti-Semitic Islamist attacking Jews in Golders Green
    in NW London . Or as keeping as quiet as they can about
    grooming raping mostly Muslim gangs in towns all over England. As treating a British Pakistani anti-Semitic cricketer
    as a saint . Because of banter against him by colleagues. As
    the all but media partner of Hamas in the UK. By reporting
    everything that Hamas tells them as gospel . The BBC has
    nailed their colours to the mast. So far as Islamism is concerned.
    A Labour victory at the next General Election will show that
    in time that Labour will be more dependent on the Muslim vote
    as their population grows and grows. UNTIL the day comes. And
    it will, in the most four generations . When the Islamists in the UK
    wont need the Labour Party to do their bidding. And the BBC
    can start their morning programmes with the Adhern.
    Colonel Gaddafi of Lybya will have been proved right. That terrorism is not needed for
    a take over a country. Birth rates will do the job.


    • gaxvil says:

      Labour has a very tricky fence-sitting time ahead with the likes of Rayner etc., feeling threatened by the pro-Palestine groups.


      • Guest Who says:

        Tricky indeed.

        This explains why there are so few deportations, as every deportation is a lost vote.
        As happened this week, you can literally assault police officers in broad daylight in New York, be released with no bail, give everyone the finger and *still* not be deported!!

        Doubtless the thirst for power at any price will prevail.


  14. Althepalerp says:

    Londoners don’t bother paying the TV tax.
    Its never reported.


    • Sluff says:

      No point paying for a service that is in a foreign language which you can’t understand


    • MarkyMark says:

      ““It is not the people, not the farmers who are the extremists. The real extremists are sitting on the German government bench!” MEP Christine Anderson told the European Parliament on 17 January.

      “Tears of joy were shed here in this House when you declared a ‘climate emergency’ and thus created a further basis for making citizens pay, pay and pay again,” she said.

      Adding, “Well, you can see the result in Germany. Our economy is in tatters, a wave of bankruptcies is sweeping the country. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of farmers, hauliers, entrepreneurs are being fleeced like Christmas geese.”

      “The citizens are fed up and are finally taking to the streets. Rightly so!””


  15. Guest Who says:

    Vile’s chief gob has an anology.

    Imagine asking Muslims not to wear face coverings to a peaceful protest. Bit like asking Tommy Robinson lot they can’t march if they have tattoos and a football shirt on.


    Wait until Meesh, Raisin Brane and the rest chime in.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “The 2002 Mecca girls’ school fire occurred on 11 March 2002 at a girls’ school in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and killed fifteen people, all young girls. Complaints were made that Saudi Arabia’s “religious police”, specifically the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, had prevented schoolgirls from leaving the burning building and hindered emergency services personnel because the students were not wearing modest clothing. ”


      According to at least two reports, members of the CPVPV, also known as Mutaween, would not allow the girls to escape or to be saved from the fire because they were “not properly covered”, and the mutaween did not want physical contact to take place between the girls and the civil defense forces for fear of sexual enticement, and variously that the girls were locked in by the police, or forced back into the building.[4][5][6]


  16. Thoughtful says:

    Yesterday at the err tastefully named Gobblers Knob, the Prognosticator of prognosticators, Punxatawny Phil did not see his shadow, and therefore there shall be an early spring !


  17. Thoughtful says:

    Urgent appeal as teenage boy goes missing from home


    Someone should inform the Tory Party a younger Boris Johnson has fallen through a time warp!



  18. Jeff says:

    My apologies for being, once again, rather late to the party, but…

    Last Saturday’s Mail had a puff piece by the unlamented and useless former PM, Boris Johnson. Honestly, he’s gone from merely being a berk into becoming so bloody stupid he’d slot straight into a PG Wodehouse story about out of touch upper class twits. Boris Fink Nottle, the notoriously lecherous and light-fingered chum of Bertie Wooster. A buffoon of the first order.

    In this gormless piece he’s urging us Brits to relish the “opportunity” of national service. “Would I sign up to fight for King and country?” he muses. “Yes, Sah! Lance Corporal Johnson reporting for duty, Sah!”

    There then follows the usual litany of half-baked bollocks about why we have to be prepared to deter would be aggressors, like Vladmir Putin. Of course, at no time does he ever mention deterring potential acid throwing psychopaths from entering our country…which we actually could and should do…No Sah…

    Nor does he mention why a white working-class bloke should relish the opportunity of defending a country that clearly despises him. We are loathed by the powers that be…Our daughters are raped on an industrial scale and the man who is most hated is the chap who has brought this awful sin to our attention. There are thousands of these Pakistani paedophiles who will never face justice. While Tommy Robinson has been in nick more times than Boris has shagged some other geezer’s wife.

    The white working class is despised, mocked and ridiculed on a daily basis on the BBC. They don’t just dislike us, they hate us. If we are ever shown we’re depicted as being ignorant, yobbish, almost certainly racist and sexist and invariably drunken, tattooed and violent. And that’s on a good day…

    The army, navy and RAF have bent over backwards to promote minorities. Only a month ago white men were told they weren’t wanted as fighter pilots. Okay…

    But actually, they don’t need to worry… there’s no problem…thousands of fighting age men have been safely ferried from Calais to Dover, been clothed, fed, had all their medical problems sorted and housed in the best hotels that we can afford. There’s no need for “Tommy this and Tommy that” to come to the country’s rescue. I’m sure Abdul and Mohamed will show their gratitude by fighting for king and country…even though they didn’t show much appetite in fighting for their own countries…

    So, sorry Boris, Private Jeff will not be reporting for duty. Not this time, Sah!

    My conscription papers seem to have been lost in the post…Sah!


    • Thoughtful says:

      He also failed to point out that as a Eton toff and ex PM, the chances of him being an NCO are nil! He would be immediately be a commissioned officer with a very fast promotion track where his utter incompetence would be put to maximum effect confusing the enemy into thinking we were serious about winning.


    • G says:


      Methinks the ‘floated concept’ of conscription is merely an experiment to establish the public’s views.


  19. moggiemoo says:

    Why would they fight for their own countries, they’re already a dead loss? Surely better to fight for a country they’re still turning into a dead loss?


  20. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    There will never be an end to the immigration farce.

    As long as only one side plays by the rules the other side will take advantage and simply lie their way in.

    Murderers, rapists (groomers) stabbers, drug dealers, benefit cheats and the whole lot of other traits they have in common, simply say “I’m a Christian now” and you’re in.
    Say “I’m gay” and you’re in.
    No if’s no buts….you’re in forever.

    When only one side plays by the rules.
    Of course, our so called civil ‘servants’ are stuffed full of woke virtue signalling gullible useless lefties so they rarely need an excuse to keep the doctors and scientists here and will pass the lot, straight off their dinghies, as new British citizens.

    I’ve made a list of everything I can think of where the ‘enrichers’ have ‘enriched’ (once) Great Britain.

    1. Goat Curry.
    ….. that’s about it! (and I don’t eat it)


    • G says:


      “….our so called civil ‘servants’ are stuffed full of woke virtue signalling gullible useless lefties….”. For my own observation from frequent meetings with various Gvt Depts, admittedly a few years ago, the CS is virtually all manned by foreigners. Got to be total now, a white minister merely retained to persuade the long suffering population that ‘whitee’ still exists.


    • Guest Who says:

      Endorse? They are actively rigging it any way they can.


      This guy is a pure ideological activist.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Joe Stanley 🇺🇦
        Good context & analysis on farmer protests across Europe from

        Proud of my contribution highlighting why farmers should embrace the unique & positive role we have to play in society’s green transition.

        Joe Stanley 🇺🇦
        Farmer | Conservationist | Columnist | Author
        East Midlands, Englandjoewstanley.co.ukJoined July 2017
        982 Following




  21. gaxvil says:

    So Labour will be expecting a landslide and all the damage they’ve done over the years along with their buddies the Tories and Liberals will be forgotten?
    I constantly hear that the majority of the populous is very canny but how can that be? Very many will be sulking and not vote while the rest think it’s time for the other lot to have a go.


  22. Fedup2 says:

    Not BBC – but my londonistan borough is rapidly declining – in the last week two separate murder trials have ended- with – I think maybe 6 ‘children ‘ convicted .

    The latest one involves a 16 year old dead coloured boy – murdered after school at the danger hour which i see in 4pm weekdays ….

    There is no way to control the ferals – they live separate street lives with their own code – and really best avoided . A look -now – can get someone beaten or killed …

    I think – soon – there will be increased white flight from those who can get out of cities or – indeed the country ….


  23. tomo says:


  24. tomo says:

    “direct him to Gary Lineker’s house”


  25. tomo says:

    An effective analogy…


    • MarkyMark says:

      Racist Ford?

      “Any color the customer wants, as long as it’s black.” Henry Ford


  26. vlad says:

    In Thursday’s Newsshite, the BBC bravely addresses the story of the acid attack by the asylum seeker from Afghanistan.

    Well, not quite.

    In the studio discussion with Kirsty Squawk, the 2 guest MPs almost immediately and dismissively bat away any question about the bastard’s provenance or his residence status. And most definitely his religion.
    What they really want to talk about is the more nebulous subject of ‘violence against women’ and in particular ‘micro aggressions’.
    So, a muslim illegal immigrant from Afghanistan causes horrific injuries to a woman and her children, and what the girlies want to discuss is hurty emails.
    You see, the real problem is, basically, men. Yep, it’s them men again.

    Ah – sigh of relief – we’re back in our comfort zone, our happy place.

    Talk about avoiding the real subject.
    The cowardly BBC and cowardly MPs did the same thing over the murder of MP David Amess, blaming it on ‘online hate’ (those hurty emails again) instead of islam.



    • G says:


      Bit like all the interviewees in support of hammas when the BBC interviewer fails to ask the Elephant question i.e. ‘How do the Gazanians and hamas feel about their October 2023 attack on Israel now?’


    • MarkyMark says:

      @10:34 “To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.


  27. tomo says:


    • tomo says:


      • moggiemoo says:

        I’m glad it has a secret intelligence as it clearly doesn’t have an overt one.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “Nudge Unit”
        The Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the ‘Nudge Unit’, is playing a big role in helping the government formulate its response to coronavi

        11 MAR 2020

        What are nudges?
        Nudges mean thinking harder about the way people approach decisions and using those insights to design policy. In 2010, the Institute for Government set out some of those approaches in its MINDSPACE report, which suggests that both the messenger and the message were important and that defaults mattered. It remains the Institute’s most downloaded report.

        The approach depends a lot on experimentation, and the Nudge Unit has championed wider use of experiments in government.



  28. Richard Pinder says:

    The below misinformation is now a jailable offence

    Government Criminalises ‘BBC Fake News’

    A new false communications offence will outlaw the BBC from intentionally sending false information and bolster a government clamp down on dangerous disinformation fear porn from its left-wing behavioural scientists.

    The government has introduced an offence to criminalise “BBC fake news” under the Online Safety Act.

    On Wednesday, the government announced that new offences have kicked in “meaning that BBC staff and left-wing behavioural scientists can face up to five years behind bars for their demeaning and dangerous actions.”
    It said that BBC online services now face a fleet of tough new jailable offences from today as offences for misinformation, disinformation, malinformation and propaganda are written into the statute book, after the Online Safety Act gained Royal Assent.

    A new false communications offence, will outlaw the intentional sending of false information by the BBC that could cause psychological harm to viewers. This means that BBC staff will be committing a jailable offence if they send messages and fear porn from the governments behavioural scientists.

    The unpopular left-wing Tory government said that this “will bolster the government’s strong commitment to clamping down on free speech and populism”

    An example is that “if the BBC encouraged people to get an mRNA jab to cure themselves of coronavirus, a court would have to prove that the BBC knew this was not true before broadcasting it.”

    Only alternative and independent media are exempt from this provision.

    Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan said that from today, “critics of the government, including BBC staff, will be prosecuted and put behind bars for their cowardly and menacing acts—ensuring the government is protected and can have better peace of mind when online.”. She said that “our pioneering Online Safety Act is already setting a global standard for other authoritarian states, and pivotal protections for the government like these will keep populists off our streets and unable to endanger the government online.”

    The ‘Office For Censorship, Obedience & Manipulation (OFCOM)’ will ensure these changes will be implemented as quickly as possible. If social media platforms do not comply in banning ‘Free Speech’, Ofcom can fine them up to £18 million or 10 percent of their global annual revenue, whichever is biggest—meaning fines handed down to the biggest platforms could reach “billions of pounds.”

    However if Trump or Kennedy win in America. Britain could face isolation and international pariah status, unless the British people rise up and destroy this loony left-wing Tory Government and its behavioural scientists, the BBC and its Television Newspeak International (TNI) and the Office For Censorship, Obedience & Manipulation (OFCOM) and its censorship and propaganda services.

    The above misinformation is now a jailable offence



  29. tomo says:

    absolutely…. X100


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Send the picture to Mzzzzz Frazer MP and ask her why the bBC are blurring the faces of knife wielding criminals and when she is going to defund the bBC.

      Tomorrow another black boy will be stabbed to death in londonistan or birminghamstan or nottinghamstan and because of her inaction and malfeasance in public office she will have blood on her hands.


    • MarkyMark says:

      BBC to make hands white?


    • vlad says:

      No, we must protect the thugs, especially if they’re enrichers.


  30. Althepalerp says:

    All civilizations eventually decline and die.
    Western civilization is no different.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      But they generally don’t voluntarily put their heads in the noose.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Relax – Islam is on the up!

      “Jinns and glass palaces: how Saudi’s dystopian desert city borders on the occult”

      “As a fundamental belief, jinn will continue to feature in Saudi society and culture, even if the country is becoming more secular as it undergoes rapid social transformations and modernisation. In the case of The Line, and unlike the Valley of the Jinn, driverless cars will be explained through the existence of AI rather than supernatural occurrences, and the “glass palace” will most likely be constructed by cheap, foreign, underpaid labourers, rather than invisible beings.


  31. tomo says:

    we talk to Brixton councillor, Sharbaz Mandela, who details how Tory cuts to local youth services are behind the rise of acid attacks. In fact, she explains, “acid attacks are traditionally an English custom adopted by immigrant communities”.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Bring back Suttee! ENd the pension crisis!

      “suttee, the Indian custom of a wife immolating herself either on the funeral pyre of her dead husband or in some other fashion soon after his death. Although never widely practiced, suttee was the ideal of womanly devotion held by certain Brahman and royal castes.5 Jan 2024”


  32. Richard Pinder says:

    How Britains Intelligence Services and the Governments Behavioural Scientists use ‘Fifth Generation Warfare’ against the British people, using the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) the BBC and OFCOM, where people’s conscious minds are targeted, and information streams are controlled. Dr. Robert Malone, co-host of the new show “Fallout” on EpochTV, talks about the hidden psychological operations developed by the British, that used to control peoples thinking. How the British Government uses the BBC to spread lies, misinformation, disinformation, malinformation and propaganda.

    This brainwashing does not work on people who “think for themselves”



    • MarkyMark says:

      “He introduces us to cheerful, friendly, ordinary men who killed without hesitation or apparent remorse for years on end, in docile obedience to an authority theyhappily accepted as legitimate. It is a valuable corrective to the idea of German uniqueness and offers a much more chilling picture of human beings as avidly suggestible and desperate for an organising purpose in their lives, however disgusting.”



    • Doublethinker says:

      To be effective this this form of covert brainwashing by TV requires its targets to watch it ! Fortunately fewer and fewer of us are and this is even more pronounced amongst younger people.
      Even if a future governments pays the BBC out of our taxes they still can’t make us watch it. At least they can’t yet!


  33. tomo says:


  34. Dickie says:


  35. MarkyMark says:

    Radio 4, 25 January 2024

    In a broad discussion around algorithms and social media and whether they might be technology which was changing humans, we talked about how TikTok was an example of a brand distracting teenagers who scrolled from one post to another. We’re happy to make it clear that TikTok has announced measures to try to protect children including a default screen time limit of 60 minutes for under 18s and says this led to three-quarters of UK teen TikTok users setting a daily screen time limit.



    Reporting Scotland
    BBC One Scotland, 31 December 2023

    During our report on energy prices and cost of living, we said the Scottish Government was spending £104 billion supporting households with bills. We should have said it was the UK Government that was responsible for this expenditure. We apologise for this error.


    We should have said it was the UK Government HA HA HA HA HA HA!


  36. taffman says:

    “Could the Covid inquiry reshape the UK?”

    Has the enquiry established 1- Do ‘lockdowns’ work. 2 Are face masks effective ? What have we learned from the so called “inquiry”?
    Or, was it all just a method to control the population of Great Britain ?


    • MarkyMark says:

      April 27, 2022
      How Has Africa Largely Evaded the COVID-19 Pandemic?
      SHP master’s student Tofunmi Omiye looked at why so few Africans have been hit by the coronavirus compared to the rest of the world. He recently presented this conundrum at Stanford’s 8th Annual Global Health Research Convening.


      . . . . .

      ‘He was ambushed with cake’ and other stories: Tories get creative to defend PM

      . . . . .
      Sir Keir Starmer cleared by police over Durham lockdown beers
      8 July 2022


      • kingkp says:

        “April 27, 2022
        How Has Africa Largely Evaded the COVID-19 Pandemic?”
        There have been no excess deaths in Africa over the last 5 years including the ‘pandemic’ year. Excess deaths started in the West in 2021. In the UK alone we have over 150,000 excess deaths since the beginning of 2021. ‘Doctors’ and ‘Experts’ are baffled.


  37. Thoughtful says:

    A better explanation of what is going on in the Middle East than the media is providing


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Looks absolutely retarded from the thumbnail.
      I’ll pass.


    • taffman says:

      To save time, please could you paraphrase his statement ?


      • Thoughtful says:

        While Col Douglas MacGregor says he can’t imagine why the US are in Syria / Iraq this guy makes it clear it’s to provide air cover for the Israeli air force attacking Iran.

        He also states it wasn’t tower 21 which was attacked which would legitimise the US response because they have authorisation to be in Jordan, but another base about 5 Km away across the border where they are an illegal occupying force.

        He states that the servers and senior inteligence staff captured on 7th October have been cracked and revealed 28 Mossad operation in foreign countries.
        That the smoke and mirrors of the atrocities were to disguise the real motive of the attack
        He then wonders about the motives of intelligence gathering.

        The bigger issue is of course that the Americans are completely stupid, and having bombed the largely Shia supporting militia, the Sunni ISIS terrorists who are even worse are already moving in making a bad situation even worse.- just as uncle Sam likes it”


  38. Eddy Booth says:

    “Watch: Police release footage of Newcastle flat search”


    “Video shows officers working on the manhunt for Abdul Shokoor Ezedi entering a property in Newcastle where containers with corrosive warnings on the label were found.”

    Bizarre, like making it some kind of gameshow manhunt.
    What next, a video of police searching the boot of his car?
    How about instead, explaining how 5 police officers were near enough to get injured, but couldn’t restrain him, or follow him?


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      > How about instead, explaining how 5 police officers were near enough to get injured, but couldn’t restrain him, or follow him?

      That is easy:

      1) First the wet-police need to do a ‘wisk’ assessment.
      2) Then Samantha has to get all her stab protection on (this takes time).
      3) Then remember not all officers can run fast as they no longer need to pass the shield test.
      4) Tax payers have to understand the officers are just there to earn a pension and not any longer to protect the public.
      5) Anything officers did do they would be in court quicker than you could say jack rabbit if the ‘customer’ had ‘mental issues’ (i.e. not from the UK). So why bovver?


  39. Richard Pinder says:

    The BBC lead ‘Trusted News Initiative’ members work together to build audience distrust and to find propaganda to tackle the challenges of scientific information to those in authority. Such as to censor scientific papers that do not agree with Greta Thunberg.

    By including media organisations and social media platforms, the TNI is the only forum in the world of its kind designed to censor the truth in real time. Whether it’s astronomers, meteorologists or atmospheric physicists, many scientists have an interest in hindering the lies about climate change. And their power cannot be underestimated: some are going to great lengths to try and inform the public of issues censored by the TNI. Mis- and dis-information from the BBC lead ‘Trusted News Initiative’ can take many shapes and forms – but what brings them all together is a fundamental censorship of scientific facts: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/why-the-media-blindly-endorse-the-rush-to-net-zero/


  40. tomo says:


  41. tomo says:


    The BBC really does employ a lot of (exclusively?) totally ignorant f-wits to type up stories.

    It also uses much less fuel than traditional planes – 10 barrels compared to 200 on one research flight – reducing the environmental impact of scientific research on the planet.

    That’d be ca. 2000L to 40,000L (using 200L barrels) – the fuel capacity of BAS’s Twin Otters is just under 1500L and their sole Dash-7 5600L

    Absurdly wrong again….

    Oh… it’s by By Georgina Rannard, BBC Climate and science reporter


  42. Richard Pinder says:

    BBC Radio airs programme in an attempt to stifle farmer protests in the UK: https://expose-news.com/2024/02/03/bbc-radio-airs-programme-to-stifle-farmer/

    The problem is that farmers no longer listen to far-left propaganda from ‘Farming Today’ or communist anti-Semitic BBC radio propaganda. So are not effected by BBC propaganda.

    The BBC propaganda says that the farmers are national socialist far right anti-Semites, for supporting the German farmers.


  43. Zephir says:

    Dickie posted a link above which is a book review.

    The following explains the bbc in a nutshell:

    “Meanwhile Western culture was being deliberately weakened by the ideology of Cultural Marxism emanating from the Frankfurt School. In Europe and the Anglosphere, the conservative predilections of faith, flag and family would be gradually dismantled through the old tactics of divide and rule, progressing beyond emancipatory egalitarianism to the subversive identity politics of today, with ‘woke’ warriors emulating Chairman Mao’s Red Guards in their visceral hatred of traditional norms.”

    “faith, flag and family” think about their various obsessions with anything other than heterosexuals, sniggering at the flag and anything other than Christianity.



  44. Sluff says:

    Knife attack at the Gare du Nord in Paris.
    He is of course an immigrant. From Mali.

    And, knock me down with a feather, he is reported as having psychiatric problems.

    So that’s all right then. For a moment there I thought the indigenous European population needed to be worried.



    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Sluff it was an attack at the Gare du Lyon.

      The attack at Gare du Nord was so last year.

      It is hard to keep track with all these racist attacks – they happen so often.


  45. tomo says:


    • taffman says:

      We are fast becoming the dustbin of Europe and the world.
      Whatever the criminal charge, you cannot be deported from the UK.