Earlier, tomo posted a clip from BBC East Midlands showing some future doctors and engineers clearly brandishing huge, vicious looking zombie knives in the streets.
Predictably, the BBC had blurred their faces. The caption ran: video showing youths apparently wielding machetes…
The good news is the comments: they unanimously lambast the BBC for blurring their faces and for adding the word ‘unanimously’ (some below). I stopped reading after the first few dozen.
The point is that on the BBC’s own Twitter page, thousands of readers are scathing about the rotten Corporation. They’re waking up. Now stop paying the extortion tax.
– You cheered these conquerors on for the last 20 years
– Why blur their faces and what is the ‘apparently’ for?
– Import the third world, get the third world.
– Diversity is our strength
– How much contempt does the BBC have for average hard working citizen to blur and protect the identity of would be murders in the streets
– BBC is apparently attempting journalism after failing on an hourly basis!
– Doctors and engineers. We know their immigration status BBC no need to hide their faces.
Is it just chance or is this an example of the insidious bias of the BBC?
On a recent edition of Call the Midwife, part of the plot involved standing for Mayor in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. We were told what a marvellous place it was. All those white councillors for instance.
Are we meant to think that it is still like it was in 1969?
Because it isn’t. It’s 40% Muslim, 27% non UK born, 15% site Bangla Desh as their country.
The council is run by the Aspire Party, ( ever heard of them) founded and entirely informed by religious/ racial lines. Non white of course.
So what we have here is the BBC insidiously seeking to normalise by false association what me might call Bangla Desh on Thames.
The goons pulling Biden’s strings are the problem – and they are intent on making a drooling dotard the focus of public enmity to effect their getaway.
President Dotard doesn’t remember declaring war on one-third of the country, smearing them as White Supremacists, discriminating against them in employment, and jailing J6ers, while lawfaring their preferred candidate.
Podesta and Khan. Two more loathsome individuals you would struggle to find. Unsurprising they might enjoy each other's company. Gag-inducing. 🤢 https://t.co/upIlvJQeJm
STARTS A BBC editor was hired as an expert witness to help at least 15 Somalian criminals fight deportation – including a vile offender who sexually attacked a deaf teenage girl.
Last year, The Mail on Sunday exposed how Mary Harper, Africa Editor for the World Service, was paid to give expert witness evidence for Somali gang rapist Yaqub Ahmed during his five-year legal battle to stay in the UK.
Now an investigation by this newspaper can reveal Ms Harper has given expert witness evidence in a string of other controversial deportation appeals by Somali offenders – including for another three sex attackers, three drug dealers and a career criminal who spent a decade in British jails.
Following a series of questions from the MoS, the BBC last night announced that Ms Harper was leaving the Corporation, but refused to say whether she had been sacked or had quit.
In one of the most shocking cases, Ms Harper warned that a Somali man who committed a horrific sexual assault on a profoundly deaf 17-year-old girl would be at ‘severely heightened risk’ if he was sent back to Somalia because he had committed a sex crime.
A judge disagreed and threw out his appeal against deportation. Astonishingly, this newspaper has discovered that, 16 months later, the 29-year-old attacker, who the MoS is banned from naming by a court order, has still not been kicked out of Britain and is living with relatives in a council flat.
The shocking revelations come just days after it emerged that an Afghan man currently on the run after a horrific chemical attack was granted asylum despite having a conviction for sexual assault.
Ms Harper’s extensive work as an expert witness last night plunged the BBC into an impartiality row.
Tory deputy chairman Rachel Maclean MP said she was ‘flabbergasted’ at the number of immigration cases Ms Harper had been involved in and demanded the Corporation review its guidelines.
‘What are the families of those affected by these criminals thinking when a BBC employee is giving evidence to say they should stay in the country?,’ she said. ‘To me there is something very wrong with that.’
Our exclusive investigation also reveals how:
Ms Harper suggested that a violent criminal convicted of assault and robbery would be at risk from terrorists in Somalia as his tattooed arms would be seen as a ‘sign of homosexuality’;
She claimed another prolific criminal would face ‘great difficulties’ in Somalia due to a lack of family and financial support – despite the court hearing the offender’s mother had enjoyed three holidays to Dubai;
Ms Harper warned a third criminal’s long history of offending in the UK – 39 convictions for 80 crimes over 17 years – would result in him being shunned by his clan if he returned to Somalia;
A Somali who flooded a Hampshire town with drugs was allowed to stay in the UK after Ms Harper gave evidence. Ahmed Ali Jama, 29, claimed he would be in danger in Somalia because his father and sister are popular singers;
Judges twice questioned Ms Harper’s objectivity and in a third case branded some of her evidence ‘speculative and not supported by any broad range of views’;
In another tribunal, the Home Office said information she had mistakenly attributed to a terrorist source was ‘in fact obtained from an office cleaner’.
Educated at £42,000-a-year Bedales School in Hampshire, Ms Harper became a BBC Africa Editor in 2009. The mother of two first visited Somalia in 1994 at the height of its civil war and has written books about the nation and the Al-Shabaab terror group.
On her website, she describes herself as ‘an expert witness in Somali-related legal cases’ as well as referring to her BBC job.
Court papers reveal she has been providing expert witness evidence in immigration cases for at least a decade, and has links with Wilson Solicitors, the London law firm that represented Yaqub Ahmed during his relentless cycle of dubious human rights appeals.
Ahmed, 34, who was jailed in 2008 for raping a 16-year-old girl, was deported last August – five years after his removal was thwarted following a mutiny of virtue-signalling passengers on the same flight.
The MoS has identified 12 immigration cases in which Wilson Solicitors asked Ms Harper to either write a report or give evidence in court.
Despite repeated requests, Ms Harper and the BBC have refused to disclose how much she has been paid to give evidence. Legal sources say expert witnesses can be paid up to £2,500 for producing a report in legal-aid-funded cases.
Seven of the 15 Somali criminals whose cases involved evidence from Ms Harper were successful in their appeals. The Home Office last night refused to say how many of the others have been deported.
In 2019, Ms Harper provided evidence during a bid to block the deportation of a Somali who had been jailed for seven years for an appalling sex attack.
Known as AMW after a court order was imposed to protect his anonymity, the man, now 29, repeatedly sexually assaulted his deaf 17-year-old girlfriend at a party in 2013, causing her to scream in pain, after she objected to him having sex with another woman.
Court papers state he attacked the girl, who had learning difficulties and mental health problems, ‘to humiliate and punish her’. In 2018, the Home Office stripped him of his refugee status and issued a deportation order, prompting a human rights challenge.
The next year, after considering a report from Ms Harper, an immigration judge allowed AMW’s appeal, but the decision was challenged by the Home Office and referred to the Upper Immigration Tribunal. Ms Harper’s evidence again formed a crucial part of the case.
She warned that, if deported to Mogadishu, he would be at risk because of his ‘lack of understanding’ of Somalia’s capital. She wrote: ‘I believe the facts that [AMW] has never been to Somalia, does not speak the language well, has no family or other contacts in the country and has committed a sexual offence would… make it impossible for him to survive.’
But in September 2022, a judge dismissed AMW’s appeal, saying his analysis ‘differs markedly from Mrs Harper’s’.
Despite the ruling, AMW’s brother last week told an MoS reporter that the offender remains in the UK, living with relatives in a flat. And a cousin added: ‘He has already served his time. He is a free person right now.’
In another astonishing case, Ms Harper provided expert reports for Somali drug dealer Ahmed Ali Jama, who was jailed for four years and eight months in May 2018 after he admitted his role in a county lines network that had distributed more than a kilogram of Class A drugs to Aldershot in Hampshire.
He had previously been jailed for 26 weeks for possession of a knife in 2013, and 13 months in July 2015 after he was involved in a fight outside a kebab shop.
The 29-year-old claimed during an immigration tribunal that he would be in danger from Islamists if sent back to Mogadishu because his father and sister are ‘popular Somali singers’.
In June 2023, following an appeal, Jama was allowed to stay in the UK after Ms Harper provided two expert reports which focused on the job opportunities for people returning to Somalia and the living conditions in the refugee camps where she said some have been forced to live.
In 2021, three judges said Ms Harper ‘speaks with a degree of authority’ and that ‘in general’ they found her evidence helpful.
But her evidence has also been criticised. In a 2014 case involving three Somalis, Ms Harper warned deportees could be attacked by ‘criminals, militias, government troops, African Union soldiers and Al-Shabaab.’ Three judges later ruled this ‘appears to be an overstatement’.
The following year another judge said he could attach ‘little weight’ to a report prepared by Ms Harper, adding that it ‘lacks the objectivity demanded’, while during the Yaqub Ahmed legal case three judges said they had ‘concerns’ about the objectivity of some of her evidence.
Former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith said, ‘For a judge to question her evidence on the basis of lack of impartiality is astonishing’ and raised questions for the BBC.’
The MoS understands Ms Harper will leave the BBC this month. A spokesman declined to say whether her departure was linked to the MoS’s revelations.
BBC staff are expected to seek permission from bosses before undertaking external work. It is unclear whether Ms Harper ever sought or received such approval to act as an expert witness. The BBC said: ‘While there is nothing in the BBC’s rules to prevent staff acting as expert witnesses, they are required to be objective and impartial in their evidence.’
Ms Harper did not respond to requests to comment. ENDS
I just had a 5 minute look around Ms Harper’s blog and web site + other stuff from a quick name + BBC search.
Quite why she’s so obviously gone well out of her way to do what she’s done?
She seems to be a bonkers blind compulsive do-gooder (Messiah complex) who’s wallowing in the attention. She’ll move on to cats or dogs when humans get tired of her?
Just having a glance at the BBC UK news page to see what they consider to be the important news for us all.
First thing which stands out is all the faces looking at me:
I can see:
8 males of which 2 are white English
17 females of which 2 are black
So of 25 people, we get 2 white English males. One is Starmer and the other is called ‘Kai Widdingtrom’.
This must be that ‘equality’ the BBC and the Left keep banging on about. Doesn’t seem very equal to me. Looks a lot like blatant sexist and racist discrimination from where I’m sat.
…. and tucked away right at the bottom of the page in ‘More from the UK’ we have this story. It’s almost like the BBC don’t really want us to see it.
‘They confirmed on Saturday the victim was 26-year-old Mohammed Duraab Khan.’
‘Three men, aged 22, 23 and 46, were arrested on suspicion of murder and remain in custody.’
I’m sure there will be no surprises about these 3 if we are ever allowed to know who they are. Which will not be until they are formally charged and the BBC are forced to tell us.
Just another commonplace stabbing by our enrichment who make up such a small percentage of the population yet commit such a vastly disproportionate amount of murders. A fact NEVER mentioned by the BBC.
It seems Nottingham is being turned into another shithole to be avoided. Only the other day we had black youths there waving machetes in broad daylight.
Karachi – Over in Pakistan, a mob of Sunni Muslims attack a mosque with hammers. Why? Because this mosque belonged to the Ahmadiyya who have a slightly different belief 🇵🇰🥷 pic.twitter.com/e2UZC2uH4u
You’re absolutely right – any challenge very often triggers and makes both absolutely furious, the hate is the catalyst and unless doused with freezing water violence follows ….
Tucker Carlson is in Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin.
Uncensored on X. The US deep state and the Biden administration must be in panic mode because Putin (the most censored man in the West) will expose their propaganda and lies. pic.twitter.com/OXq9j8O3GX
I’ll be honest, I trust what Putin says more than I trust what Zelensky says.
It will be very interesting to watch to add his information to the pot.
Very low chance the BBC will report it. If they do, it will just be selected parts they can nit-pick and they will ignore the important stuff which is true. Just like maxi does.
Jamming foreign radio broadcasts was common practice by Russia and Communist states during the 1950’s-70’s, the cold war. We in the West used to sneer at their oppressive regimes with propagandised State broadcasting and censorship. Move forward to now, we have the British State propaganda outlet, the BBC, obvious censorship, nonsensical ‘truths’ we have to comply with or we are non people and we have silenced the Russia Today TV broadcast. In case you are thinking we have the freedom of the internet, moves are being made to censor and control that.
I have given up on believing or trusting any public individual or institution. Perhaps it was always thus but we seem to be fed lies on just about every topic under the sun by just about everyone who appears in the media be it TV, radio, newspapers etc.
Since Tucker left Fox he’s been accumulating a sort of TDS aura – several people I’ve come across won’t even watch any of his interviews and in a peremptory way too – reflexive, not rational, but not quite the red face spluttering insults and expletives. This interview might get Carlson over the line.
British Member of Parliament Bob Blackman criticises British media for biased reporting of the Ram Mandir consecration in Ayodhya. During a speech in the UK parliament, he criticised the BBC’s coverage of the event. He urged other members to call for a debate on the impartiality of the news outlet.
On Toady on Sunday the BBC sought to denigrate Suella Braverman’s heretical suggestion that some of these Muslims claiming asylum by claiming to have converted to Christianity might not be entirely honest. The Clapham alkali attacker being a case in point. There are others.
Cue an interview with a woman down in Weymouth where the famous asylum seeker ship is finally getting some work. She claims that 40, yes 40 of its ‘inmates’ have converted. And she has not one shred of doubt.
Utterly delusional of course, but given the first story on the programme by our very own impartial Islamic Broadcasting Corporation.
Just imagine the bbc’s faux outrage if this was another “institution”, especially GB news, or anything Conservative, behaving in this manner:
“Princess Diana interview scandal takes new turn as BBC refuses to release the explosive letter Buckingham Palace sent the Beeb just four days before Martin Bashir’s Panorama broadcast”
Now you’re talking Z. I think that was the last album before Gabriel left and the rest of the group turned into a bee gees tribute act.
I remember buying “trick of the tail” which I think was the first one without him; what a load of tosh, sounded like the tweenies had recorded it.
I only saw Genesis once, around 1973. “I’m not sure lads, but the singer seems to be a fox in a red dress”.
Sign of the times – they were supporting Lindisfarne.
Not prog, but of course Gabriel went on to record “Don’t give up” with Kate Bush.
I’m not saying it’s the best song in the world, but it’s definitely in the top one.
MnM absolutely agree about Gabriel Don’t give Up, a beautiful song, and of course Solsbury Hill, Here comes the Flood, Mercy Street.
I am downloading “Shaking the Tree” album as we speak, a prog weekend, next some early Genesis albums, some Yes, Pink Floyd, Marillion, maybe Gentle Giant, and King Crimson and ELP ….
New contract next week for a few years with an hour commute either way so that should keep me going !
look at Father Son on youtube, some comments below it;
“This is the last song i ever shared with my dad.
I spent a week with him, took off the work. He was dying from alcoholism.
I laid with him and tried my best to get him through the meds.
He refused. I sat with him in the living room, we listened to music , our catalyst for connection.
I played sledgehammer, he didnt know i like gabriel, but of course he knew of him having grown up through it all.
I played “i grieve”. At this point my emotions are uncontrollable and im looking at my dying dad through tear filled eyes.
He loves the song.
I played this, 15 times in a row at his request. until he fall asleep.
THe next day my mom, his ex wife arrived to take over, he passed the next day.
My last interaction with my father was over this song. A devastating memory , tied eternally to this song.
Its lyrical content and the context it holds in my memories have turned this song into a sort of still frame of one of the hardest moments of my life.
What have i learned? Hold onto your dad, Because nothing in life has come close to the loss ive felt in these 2 years without him. Hold your dad close.”
The BBC have been up to their usual sneaky tricks…
There was a nasty series of stabbings at the Gare de Lyon in Paris the other day. The Beeb, true to their dubious form, told us that the crimes were committed by a foreigner on an Italian passport. Well, yes, that’s true as far as it goes but…the clear suggestion was that this miscreant was an Italian. He isn’t.
It transpires that this young chap actually hails from the dark continent (surprise-surprise!) and was in France as an asylum seeker, using an Italian passport.
I’ve checked up on the BBC news page to see if any more information has been made available, but the story has disappeared…not important enough, I suppose. However, they’ve got pieces about Billie Eilish starring at the Grammy awards and someone wants to ban children from using social media apps and apparently there could be a cash offer for childcare workers. But the mass stabbings and carnage, carried out by an African asylum seeker in gay Paris has disappeared into the mists of time. Gone…kaput…
They have been very cunning with this story; not actually lying, but nor are they giving us the full facts that completely alter the political complexion of this outrage.
In this instance I don’t think the BBC stand guilty as accused, although the general point of them wishing to obfuscate is valid e.g. ‘Christian from Newcastle’ when they mean ‘Invader from Afghanistan’ with regard to last week’s attack in Clapham.
Grateful to the MoS for forcing out Mary Harper, Africa Editor at BBC World Service, after revealing she was paid as an expert witness to help at least 15 Somalian criminals fight deportation, including one man who sexually attacked a deaf teenage girl.
Unusually for a broadcast journalist , Ms Harper refused to comment on any of the cases or the money she was paid ( thought to be £2K a case) and the BBC wouldn’t say if she was fired last night or quit.
In her “expert” testimony Ms Harper said a Somali man, who committed a horrific sex attack on a profoundly deaf 17-year-old, would be at severe risk if sent back to his native country because he had committed a sex crime.
To my mind that would be good news.
In another case, a violent criminal convicted of robbery would be at risk from terrorists in Somalia if deported as his tattooed arms would be seen as a sign of homosexuality.
And in another, Ms Harper warned one criminal’s offending history – 39 convictions for 80 crimes over 17 years- would result in him being shunned by his clan in Somalia.
How very sad that nobody would talk to him. Perhaps he could get counselling out there.
We are such bloody mugs.
Yesterday Nick de Bois was explaining how scam bastards almost stole his bank account.
He got a call from the bank explaining that co of all the problems they would move him to a much better Executive account which pays interest etc,
After 2 days and the third confirmation call he was sure it was genuine cos they could name his recent transactions. Then some suspicion made him call the bank
they explained that their was a new phone number on his account and that came from him giving the scammers enough info
but because he hadn’t validated this new number with his old phone or another way, the scammers could only see his accounts, not actually move his money.
You join us this morning as our liberal media, by and large, suddenly appear to cotton on to the damage that’s been caused to our society of late and to our leftist-inspired cultural and institutional malaise.
‘Hollowed out’ forces not ready to fight Russia… Lack of soldiers and arms must be addressed with major shake-up warns landmark report (Sunday Telegraph) – Major Shake-up…? Major Shake-up reporting for duty, Sah! Remind us who’s been in power since 2010? Major Shake-up, you’ll be taking over from our present CO, Major Cock-up.
Your country needs you
Britain’s ‘not equipped for all out war’ (Sunday Express)
But which country? Whose side are you on?
Jail for activists who climb on war memorials… Yesterday thousands of protesters descended on London for another pro-Palestine march. Some were filmed chanting “Yemen, Yemen make us proud…” (Telegraph) – this report however neglects to explain who precisely it is that Tory home secretary James Cleverly expects to make these arrests or to enforce the sentences… Sir Mark Rowley Met commissioner, perahps? Sadiq Khan London Mayor and our capital’s equivalent of a Police and Crime Commissioner? Our left-leaning courts and justices maybe?: Greta Thunberg found not guilty of public order charge as judge finds ‘no evidence’ against her (Channel 4 News)
Fugitive may have gang links… (Sunday Times) – Fugitve? You know the one they mean: Last night the National Crime Agency, Britain’s equivalent of the FBI, was drafted in… Officers from the agency are focusing on whether he may be receiving any help from an organised crime group… but we’re constantly told to treat asylum seekers as vulnerable victims…
Help from an organised crime group…?
Sometimes these segueways write themselves
BBC editor paid to help 15 Somalian criminals to stay in UK (Mail on Sunday) – I’m sure friends hereabouts will have relayed the gory details on this one. They do tend say illegal arrivals here are doctors and engineers. Let’s just savour this journalistic ‘despite’ conscerning our alleged ‘chemist’: …allowed to remain here, despite being a convicted sex offender – sex offender seems to be somewhat of a requisit for remaining rather than a bar: 15 Somalian criminals… including a vile offender who sexually attacked a deaf teenage girl… another three sex attackers… (Mail on Sunday)
Onward Christian Soldiers muslim men of fighting age?
Church aiding asylum claims on mass scale, say Patel and Braverman… “became aware of churches… facilitating industrial-scale bogus asylum claims”… The clergy’s role in offering conversions… (Telegraph)
Our left-liberal media loved the Punch and Judy show starring Westminster Tory Boris versus the wee Scots Nat Nicola…
Well, the curtain has come down… that show has come to an end… the sad clown has packed up and gone home and now the circus camper van has left town (so to speak)
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up kiddies for opening act in the newest bestest little tent show…
The Sunday Times frontpage instinctively mimicks the Guardian on Sunday that is the Observer for their weekend photo call – enter our lastest feisty nationalist anti-English star pin-up girl: Sinn Fein marches into the history books (Times); Stepping into history (Observer)
Here’s a novel notion… how about our political system ministers firstly for once to us poor beleaguered English?
Sinn Féin’s Michelle O’Neill takes her palce in Stormont yesterday as Northern Ireland’s new first minister, the first nationalist ever to hold the post (Observer, photo credit Charles McQuillan/Getty)
Michelle O’Neill became Northern Ireland’s first minister yesterday… (Sunday Times, photo credit Peter Morrison/AP)
On a lighter note… like those news bulletins that tend to close with a funny ‘and finally’ feature – mind you, one can’t help but notice the BBC habitually closes their online print line-up with the jokey blokey Daily Star – and that habit rather puts the lie to any claims that they don’t carefully curate for effect the order in which they display the various titles.
Killer ghost keeps flushing my bog… Chuckle Brother Paul Elliott says an evil spirit is taking the pee – by flushing the toilet in the dead of night (Daily Star Sunday)
From a few months back a takedown of Ash Sarkar
“We are different, not influenced by billionaires”
.. yeh except Soros is one of your main funders
.. https://youtu.be/5euPmtAw_SA
Count Dankula : ‘The Leeds sticker man will go to jail’ (On March 1st)
‘Marxists are allowed to put up stickers that stir up aggression against capitalists and have posts of Mao and Marx’
… (similarly on large scale pro Palestinians seem to stir up aggression against Jews and probably allowed to have posters of Hamas leaders)
Count argues that it is of course wrong to start violence, but if the court bans people from expressing political opinions using posters, then that itself will stir some nutters to go the violence route.
If putting up stickers that don’t call for violence, can get you prosecuted for stirring up people to cause criminal damage with a racially aggravated element.
… then what about years of the advertising industry stirring up people by having vastly disproportionate black faces, and very few straight white men ?
In the spirit of ‘claims’, I have seen some suggesting it to be a set up of which he was unaware.
Trouble is, these are preceded by folk saying this could have via (the most accurate, delicate, unnoticed) slap in the world, and no rozzer could be that dumb as they would fired slightly quicker than a BBC3 editor giving a nasty look to a tranny.
On ‘The Talk’ yesterday (GB News) one of the panellists said to Tory MP Alby Aminkone(spelling) that people were not voting for the conservatives directly because of people like him who belong in the libdem party and not in the Conservative Party.
His (AA) face was a picture. You should have seen it.
The truth shocked him and he didn’t seem to realise just how accurate this was.
yep clearly he must be too far to the right to be in the Tory party which unbelievably managed to select as PPCs two members of the Chinese Communist Party, and had to reverse the decision because of the intervention of MI5
The Tory party is now Marxist, not seen to be so by the Marxist activists stuck in the 1920s “class war” which they are still trying to fight, and not believing it’s real Marxism unless ther is a flash bang wallop revolution with bodies in the streets.
There are more and more rumours about the Americans having lied about which base was struck by the drone and that the real target was in Syria which would make their reponse illegal under international law.
If the base was in Jordan then it is legal, but the bases in Iraq and Syria are illegal because the government of that country does not want them there and has told them to leave, which they have refused to do.
There are now more rumours surfacing that the drone was in fact launched by Israeli agents in order to drag the US into the conflict which Israel knows it cannot win.
More reports from Israel IDF suggest they have managed to neutralise just 20% of the HAMAS tunnels and they have no idea how large the network might be (which begs the question how they know they have neutraised 20%).
Because they have withdrawn their troops to defend the Northern border they have to all intents and purposes lost control of Gaza both North and South.
Netanyahu is a criminal – a man of absolute corruption who would be in prison along with his wife had he not seized power in something akin to a coup and who will as soon as the war calms down, be arrested and put on trial.
And that is the critical point. A man who is pretty certain to be convicted is avoiding justice by keeping his country in a state of war to save his own ass and the even more corrupt Demonrat party in America is aiding and abetting him in the process.
It’s destroying Israel, even without the military threat, the economic destruction being wrought on the country by keeping it on a war footing extracts a greater toll every day.
Biden could and should pull the rug from under Netanyahu to save Israel and allow justice to take its course, but he won’t.
I would hope given the state of the US and it’s commander in chief who we are told was legitimately elected by a majority of Americans, that there are plenty here robsutly questioning the actions of the US and its military.
The previous President had a term marked by peace and even managed to calm the little rocket man, so no I’m not a fan one little bit, and I would expect you weren’t a Biden fan either?
Not huge on either, or most predecessors, but as ‘politics of the least bad’ applies here as much as there, if Trump could dial down the bombast enough to get a few onside he might get back to being supported looking after his country. And see what is a military of mostly lions led by rainbow unicorns regain its mojo and national respect.
As a political leader, adverse allegation is not a surprise but I have not heard much beyond you, political opponents and ideological media.
Maybe just one credible link from a credible source?
No, I’m sorry this is after all an internet site and if wikipedia is not credible then there are no credible sources available as nothing on the internet is alas credible enough.
The US military could not currently be described as lions in any way, sorry that I have no credible sources such as a sworn affidavits by military personnel in front of a judge, however here is one from the US military that 70% of US military are overweight or obese:
Another rumour I am hearing, and remember these are leaks from sources which shouldn’t be leaking them, they are not going to go on the record. The Biden administration with NATO intends to start a major war in October of this year (one month before Presidential elections.)
There was much more detail to this leak about NATO putting troops into Ukraine and imposing a no fly zone over Western Ukraine. You will know the truth of this if and when you see a no fly zone being imposed.
This is utterly brilliant. A student accuses @jk_rowling of being transphobic. This teacher skilfully dissects the claim and challenges it by asking questions.
He teaches not what to think, but how to think critically.
We knew the BBC worshipped blacks, Muslims, sex offenders and illegal immigrants, so it should come as no surprise that a BBC editor helped a whole bunch of Somali criminals fight deportation.
Thank you Mary Harper, Africa Editor, for making our country just a little bit shittier.
Full story in today’s Mail on Sunday.
When it come to Ukraine the sheer greed and corruption of Jews within the Democrat party and without is staggering. Nuland is of course also Jewish and part of the Cabal seeking to use Ukraine as a fulcrum point to weaken Russia and to break it into it’s provinces and then to profit from it’s natural mineral wealth.
It didn’t go as planned, but we already have Blackrocks Larry Fink (Democrat supporting Jewish member of the Cabal) buying up Ukrainian farmland on the cheap.
The woman is a complete cretin, a total incompetent with no control of her brief.
If she had known what she was talking about instead of deflecting about the victims, she would have asked Phillips what he expected the government to do?
The man is from Afghanistan and as far as I know we can’t even send diplomats there or anyone else let alone return refugees so what is Phillips proposing we do with him?
Yet again this is the fault partly of Biden but partly of weak Marxist Tory ‘government’ in failing to take action when they could and should have done.
Is it time to move to a more liberal country like China or North Korea maybe ?
“‘My political views have nothing to do with you’: Newcastle United fan who was banned from matches until 2026 ‘for her trans views’ reveals Premier League compiled ‘Stasi’ dossier about her where she was called ‘the target’
Linzi Smith, 34, was the subject of a four-month investigation by a special unit. It complied a 11-page dossier on her including where she lived and worked.
She was banned from the club’s St James’ Park stadium until 2026”
With huge knives and machetes being openly brandished on the streets in Nottingham, and young people losing their lives on a regular basis across the land and especially in London surely its long overdue for a significant shift in law enforcement.
As the law and the police exist primarily to protect innocent citizens from those who wish to flout it. it must be time for two major pieces of legislation to be ordered to be rigorously enforced.
1. The return of stop and search regardless of the howls from those who oppose it.
2. The use of automatic jail terms for anyone thinking they can ignore the weapon laws in order to enhance their street gang cred. The carrying of obvious highly dangerous weapons in public should attract automatic lengthy jail sentences with no appeal via dodgy solicitors.
Come on police do your job instead of chasing thought or hate speech crime even though it means working a bit harder.
Don’t normally watch a celebrity reality show, but I gave the 2018 pilgrimage to Rome a go. Motley mix, 3 of whom never heard of.
At one point a trek through some woods was part of the walk. Here’s the thing, a big black and gay guy – a dj, and a young Asian female radio presenter, admitted to NEVER having been in any woods before ! He said he’d never been outside of his city life, and she said that the countryside didn’t fit in with her Muslim culture, and if she suggested to her family to go for a walk in the country they’d think her crazy.
Having remembered many reports that the countryside is white and unwelcoming to minorities, here was evidence that they don’t want to step out of their accessibility to kebab shops and nightclubs. They wouldn’t even know what a pair of wellies look like.
Oh come on – he’s good for a laugh … maybe identify should be illegalised completely – and names – let’s replace names with numbers – I’m sure I read that in a book …
The last place on the bbc I went to was football commentaries . All those great commentators- Coleman – Davies – …motson . And now ? Just dregs – talking about anything apart from the game .
I’ve just turned the arsenal Liverpool game off because all the commentator wants to talk about is a rugby player who has died . Or advertising some other bbc programme …. Enough for me … I just hope the vile Liverpool lose ….
Khans goons have so many cameras in London they can identify and prosecute anyone they like just for driving a frigging car but the Met can’t find one utter aresole who everyone has seen pics of, is a convicted Villian and has a massive visible scar on his face to the point they are reduced to offering Joe Public do their job for £20000….
Not really sure that it’s a ‘threat to democracy ‘ because there is nt much by way of democracy – they just like to tell there is …
All those ridiculous ‘traditions ‘ are just used to camouflage the lie ….
And let’s face it – what use is parliament ? Covid – failure – post office – failure – economy – failure – military – failure – borders – failure – confronting the EU ….i could go on and on …
A few other things you probably don’t know: illegals in America can get bank loans, mortgages, insurance, driver’s licenses, free healthcare (California & New York) and in-state college tuition.
What’s the point of being a citizen if an illegal gets all the benefits, but doesn’t…
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
We are fast becoming the dustbin of Europe and the world.
Whatever the criminal charge, you cannot be deported from the UK.
“Hotel California” ?
Earlier, tomo posted a clip from BBC East Midlands showing some future doctors and engineers clearly brandishing huge, vicious looking zombie knives in the streets.
Predictably, the BBC had blurred their faces. The caption ran: video showing youths apparently wielding machetes…
The good news is the comments: they unanimously lambast the BBC for blurring their faces and for adding the word ‘unanimously’ (some below). I stopped reading after the first few dozen.
The point is that on the BBC’s own Twitter page, thousands of readers are scathing about the rotten Corporation. They’re waking up. Now stop paying the extortion tax.
– You cheered these conquerors on for the last 20 years
– Why blur their faces and what is the ‘apparently’ for?
– Import the third world, get the third world.
– Diversity is our strength
– How much contempt does the BBC have for average hard working citizen to blur and protect the identity of would be murders in the streets
– BBC is apparently attempting journalism after failing on an hourly basis!
– Doctors and engineers. We know their immigration status BBC no need to hide their faces.
Typo: not unanimously – ‘apparently’.
Is it just chance or is this an example of the insidious bias of the BBC?
On a recent edition of Call the Midwife, part of the plot involved standing for Mayor in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. We were told what a marvellous place it was. All those white councillors for instance.
Are we meant to think that it is still like it was in 1969?
Because it isn’t. It’s 40% Muslim, 27% non UK born, 15% site Bangla Desh as their country.
The council is run by the Aspire Party, ( ever heard of them) founded and entirely informed by religious/ racial lines. Non white of course.
So what we have here is the BBC insidiously seeking to normalise by false association what me might call Bangla Desh on Thames.
The goons pulling Biden’s strings are the problem – and they are intent on making a drooling dotard the focus of public enmity to effect their getaway.
Working class white America to Biden: drop dead.
… that John Podesta?
Can they both visit Mecca? Oh wait …
Maybe they will enjoy some pizza later.
From the mail on Sunday –
STARTS A BBC editor was hired as an expert witness to help at least 15 Somalian criminals fight deportation – including a vile offender who sexually attacked a deaf teenage girl.
Last year, The Mail on Sunday exposed how Mary Harper, Africa Editor for the World Service, was paid to give expert witness evidence for Somali gang rapist Yaqub Ahmed during his five-year legal battle to stay in the UK.
Now an investigation by this newspaper can reveal Ms Harper has given expert witness evidence in a string of other controversial deportation appeals by Somali offenders – including for another three sex attackers, three drug dealers and a career criminal who spent a decade in British jails.
Following a series of questions from the MoS, the BBC last night announced that Ms Harper was leaving the Corporation, but refused to say whether she had been sacked or had quit.
In one of the most shocking cases, Ms Harper warned that a Somali man who committed a horrific sexual assault on a profoundly deaf 17-year-old girl would be at ‘severely heightened risk’ if he was sent back to Somalia because he had committed a sex crime.
A judge disagreed and threw out his appeal against deportation. Astonishingly, this newspaper has discovered that, 16 months later, the 29-year-old attacker, who the MoS is banned from naming by a court order, has still not been kicked out of Britain and is living with relatives in a council flat.
The shocking revelations come just days after it emerged that an Afghan man currently on the run after a horrific chemical attack was granted asylum despite having a conviction for sexual assault.
Ms Harper’s extensive work as an expert witness last night plunged the BBC into an impartiality row.
Tory deputy chairman Rachel Maclean MP said she was ‘flabbergasted’ at the number of immigration cases Ms Harper had been involved in and demanded the Corporation review its guidelines.
‘What are the families of those affected by these criminals thinking when a BBC employee is giving evidence to say they should stay in the country?,’ she said. ‘To me there is something very wrong with that.’
Our exclusive investigation also reveals how:
Ms Harper suggested that a violent criminal convicted of assault and robbery would be at risk from terrorists in Somalia as his tattooed arms would be seen as a ‘sign of homosexuality’;
She claimed another prolific criminal would face ‘great difficulties’ in Somalia due to a lack of family and financial support – despite the court hearing the offender’s mother had enjoyed three holidays to Dubai;
Ms Harper warned a third criminal’s long history of offending in the UK – 39 convictions for 80 crimes over 17 years – would result in him being shunned by his clan if he returned to Somalia;
A Somali who flooded a Hampshire town with drugs was allowed to stay in the UK after Ms Harper gave evidence. Ahmed Ali Jama, 29, claimed he would be in danger in Somalia because his father and sister are popular singers;
Judges twice questioned Ms Harper’s objectivity and in a third case branded some of her evidence ‘speculative and not supported by any broad range of views’;
In another tribunal, the Home Office said information she had mistakenly attributed to a terrorist source was ‘in fact obtained from an office cleaner’.
Educated at £42,000-a-year Bedales School in Hampshire, Ms Harper became a BBC Africa Editor in 2009. The mother of two first visited Somalia in 1994 at the height of its civil war and has written books about the nation and the Al-Shabaab terror group.
On her website, she describes herself as ‘an expert witness in Somali-related legal cases’ as well as referring to her BBC job.
Court papers reveal she has been providing expert witness evidence in immigration cases for at least a decade, and has links with Wilson Solicitors, the London law firm that represented Yaqub Ahmed during his relentless cycle of dubious human rights appeals.
Ahmed, 34, who was jailed in 2008 for raping a 16-year-old girl, was deported last August – five years after his removal was thwarted following a mutiny of virtue-signalling passengers on the same flight.
The MoS has identified 12 immigration cases in which Wilson Solicitors asked Ms Harper to either write a report or give evidence in court.
Despite repeated requests, Ms Harper and the BBC have refused to disclose how much she has been paid to give evidence. Legal sources say expert witnesses can be paid up to £2,500 for producing a report in legal-aid-funded cases.
Seven of the 15 Somali criminals whose cases involved evidence from Ms Harper were successful in their appeals. The Home Office last night refused to say how many of the others have been deported.
In 2019, Ms Harper provided evidence during a bid to block the deportation of a Somali who had been jailed for seven years for an appalling sex attack.
Known as AMW after a court order was imposed to protect his anonymity, the man, now 29, repeatedly sexually assaulted his deaf 17-year-old girlfriend at a party in 2013, causing her to scream in pain, after she objected to him having sex with another woman.
Court papers state he attacked the girl, who had learning difficulties and mental health problems, ‘to humiliate and punish her’. In 2018, the Home Office stripped him of his refugee status and issued a deportation order, prompting a human rights challenge.
The next year, after considering a report from Ms Harper, an immigration judge allowed AMW’s appeal, but the decision was challenged by the Home Office and referred to the Upper Immigration Tribunal. Ms Harper’s evidence again formed a crucial part of the case.
She warned that, if deported to Mogadishu, he would be at risk because of his ‘lack of understanding’ of Somalia’s capital. She wrote: ‘I believe the facts that [AMW] has never been to Somalia, does not speak the language well, has no family or other contacts in the country and has committed a sexual offence would… make it impossible for him to survive.’
But in September 2022, a judge dismissed AMW’s appeal, saying his analysis ‘differs markedly from Mrs Harper’s’.
Despite the ruling, AMW’s brother last week told an MoS reporter that the offender remains in the UK, living with relatives in a flat. And a cousin added: ‘He has already served his time. He is a free person right now.’
In another astonishing case, Ms Harper provided expert reports for Somali drug dealer Ahmed Ali Jama, who was jailed for four years and eight months in May 2018 after he admitted his role in a county lines network that had distributed more than a kilogram of Class A drugs to Aldershot in Hampshire.
He had previously been jailed for 26 weeks for possession of a knife in 2013, and 13 months in July 2015 after he was involved in a fight outside a kebab shop.
The 29-year-old claimed during an immigration tribunal that he would be in danger from Islamists if sent back to Mogadishu because his father and sister are ‘popular Somali singers’.
In June 2023, following an appeal, Jama was allowed to stay in the UK after Ms Harper provided two expert reports which focused on the job opportunities for people returning to Somalia and the living conditions in the refugee camps where she said some have been forced to live.
In 2021, three judges said Ms Harper ‘speaks with a degree of authority’ and that ‘in general’ they found her evidence helpful.
But her evidence has also been criticised. In a 2014 case involving three Somalis, Ms Harper warned deportees could be attacked by ‘criminals, militias, government troops, African Union soldiers and Al-Shabaab.’ Three judges later ruled this ‘appears to be an overstatement’.
The following year another judge said he could attach ‘little weight’ to a report prepared by Ms Harper, adding that it ‘lacks the objectivity demanded’, while during the Yaqub Ahmed legal case three judges said they had ‘concerns’ about the objectivity of some of her evidence.
Former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith said, ‘For a judge to question her evidence on the basis of lack of impartiality is astonishing’ and raised questions for the BBC.’
The MoS understands Ms Harper will leave the BBC this month. A spokesman declined to say whether her departure was linked to the MoS’s revelations.
BBC staff are expected to seek permission from bosses before undertaking external work. It is unclear whether Ms Harper ever sought or received such approval to act as an expert witness. The BBC said: ‘While there is nothing in the BBC’s rules to prevent staff acting as expert witnesses, they are required to be objective and impartial in their evidence.’
Ms Harper did not respond to requests to comment. ENDS
I just had a 5 minute look around Ms Harper’s blog and web site + other stuff from a quick name + BBC search.
Quite why she’s so obviously gone well out of her way to do what she’s done?
She seems to be a bonkers blind compulsive do-gooder (Messiah complex) who’s wallowing in the attention. She’ll move on to cats or dogs when humans get tired of her?
Just having a glance at the BBC UK news page to see what they consider to be the important news for us all.
First thing which stands out is all the faces looking at me:
I can see:
8 males of which 2 are white English
17 females of which 2 are black
So of 25 people, we get 2 white English males. One is Starmer and the other is called ‘Kai Widdingtrom’.
This must be that ‘equality’ the BBC and the Left keep banging on about. Doesn’t seem very equal to me. Looks a lot like blatant sexist and racist discrimination from where I’m sat.
Man stabbed to death at petrol station identified
…. and tucked away right at the bottom of the page in ‘More from the UK’ we have this story. It’s almost like the BBC don’t really want us to see it.
‘They confirmed on Saturday the victim was 26-year-old Mohammed Duraab Khan.’
‘Three men, aged 22, 23 and 46, were arrested on suspicion of murder and remain in custody.’
I’m sure there will be no surprises about these 3 if we are ever allowed to know who they are. Which will not be until they are formally charged and the BBC are forced to tell us.
Just another commonplace stabbing by our enrichment who make up such a small percentage of the population yet commit such a vastly disproportionate amount of murders. A fact NEVER mentioned by the BBC.
It seems Nottingham is being turned into another shithole to be avoided. Only the other day we had black youths there waving machetes in broad daylight.
Amazed the BBC hasn’t found this … although I can see they might have spotted that it might be applied to them and theirs…
Eat your own shit! Stop the planet from boiling!
Is it halal?
The important thing about what these people do is that they are not driven by anger, they are driven by hate.
Which is one of the few things they DO have in common with the Left.
You’re absolutely right – any challenge very often triggers and makes both absolutely furious, the hate is the catalyst and unless doused with freezing water violence follows ….
……………coming to Westminster Abbey soon
Religion of peace decides if more peaceful than religion of peace?!
The religion of peace strikes again.
This is going to kick off…
I’ll be honest, I trust what Putin says more than I trust what Zelensky says.
It will be very interesting to watch to add his information to the pot.
Very low chance the BBC will report it. If they do, it will just be selected parts they can nit-pick and they will ignore the important stuff which is true. Just like maxi does.
Jamming foreign radio broadcasts was common practice by Russia and Communist states during the 1950’s-70’s, the cold war. We in the West used to sneer at their oppressive regimes with propagandised State broadcasting and censorship. Move forward to now, we have the British State propaganda outlet, the BBC, obvious censorship, nonsensical ‘truths’ we have to comply with or we are non people and we have silenced the Russia Today TV broadcast. In case you are thinking we have the freedom of the internet, moves are being made to censor and control that.
I have given up on believing or trusting any public individual or institution. Perhaps it was always thus but we seem to be fed lies on just about every topic under the sun by just about everyone who appears in the media be it TV, radio, newspapers etc.
Since Tucker left Fox he’s been accumulating a sort of TDS aura – several people I’ve come across won’t even watch any of his interviews and in a peremptory way too – reflexive, not rational, but not quite the red face spluttering insults and expletives. This interview might get Carlson over the line.
I’m tempted to blame Derren Brown
One of my neighbours met Putin a couple of weeks ago.
Did bodybuilding bring on my early perimenopause?
Front page UK news no less.
By the BBC’s Angie Brown.
Nobody cares Angie. They’ve got you doing pointless stuff because you’re obviously not good enough to be given anything important to write about.
As if to prove that point, here she is ‘sharing stories with strangers on the listening bench for BBC news’:

And to think, OAP’s can go to jail if they refuse to fund her.
Q : Did bodybuilding bring on my early perimenopause?
A : It was them testosterone pills
Rab C Nesbitt territory
Just good fun!
** BBC Radio 2 Graham Norton – “there is no good or evil just shades of grey!”
Wear a hijab – end the war!
MP asking for debate on bbc bias !
British Member of Parliament Bob Blackman criticises British media for biased reporting of the Ram Mandir consecration in Ayodhya. During a speech in the UK parliament, he criticised the BBC’s coverage of the event. He urged other members to call for a debate on the impartiality of the news outlet.
On Toady on Sunday the BBC sought to denigrate Suella Braverman’s heretical suggestion that some of these Muslims claiming asylum by claiming to have converted to Christianity might not be entirely honest. The Clapham alkali attacker being a case in point. There are others.
Cue an interview with a woman down in Weymouth where the famous asylum seeker ship is finally getting some work. She claims that 40, yes 40 of its ‘inmates’ have converted. And she has not one shred of doubt.
Utterly delusional of course, but given the first story on the programme by our very own impartial Islamic Broadcasting Corporation.
Just imagine the bbc’s faux outrage if this was another “institution”, especially GB news, or anything Conservative, behaving in this manner:
“Princess Diana interview scandal takes new turn as BBC refuses to release the explosive letter Buckingham Palace sent the Beeb just four days before Martin Bashir’s Panorama broadcast”
They’ve tried everything else, Zephir, and the longer they try to hide the truth, the better the story will be when they’re eventually caught out!
Clearly The Mail is well onto the case, but there’ll be plenty of others digging, lawyering etc.!
Even the Graun and the Observer will have to admit that soemthing was very, very wrong, which will make it even more fun!
Yes, agree,
BTW dug out my copy of “Lamb Lies Down on Broadway last night” great memories flooding back !
Fabulous album, that one Zephir!
Was only humming ‘Broadway Melody of 1974’ this morning while walking the dog!
What a coincidence.. also was playing this, have not heard this band since 1979 !
Now you’re talking Z. I think that was the last album before Gabriel left and the rest of the group turned into a bee gees tribute act.
I remember buying “trick of the tail” which I think was the first one without him; what a load of tosh, sounded like the tweenies had recorded it.
I only saw Genesis once, around 1973. “I’m not sure lads, but the singer seems to be a fox in a red dress”.
Sign of the times – they were supporting Lindisfarne.
Not prog, but of course Gabriel went on to record “Don’t give up” with Kate Bush.
I’m not saying it’s the best song in the world, but it’s definitely in the top one.
MnM absolutely agree about Gabriel Don’t give Up, a beautiful song, and of course Solsbury Hill, Here comes the Flood, Mercy Street.
I am downloading “Shaking the Tree” album as we speak, a prog weekend, next some early Genesis albums, some Yes, Pink Floyd, Marillion, maybe Gentle Giant, and King Crimson and ELP ….
New contract next week for a few years with an hour commute either way so that should keep me going !
look at Father Son on youtube, some comments below it;
“This is the last song i ever shared with my dad.
I spent a week with him, took off the work. He was dying from alcoholism.
I laid with him and tried my best to get him through the meds.
He refused. I sat with him in the living room, we listened to music , our catalyst for connection.
I played sledgehammer, he didnt know i like gabriel, but of course he knew of him having grown up through it all.
I played “i grieve”. At this point my emotions are uncontrollable and im looking at my dying dad through tear filled eyes.
He loves the song.
I played this, 15 times in a row at his request. until he fall asleep.
THe next day my mom, his ex wife arrived to take over, he passed the next day.
My last interaction with my father was over this song. A devastating memory , tied eternally to this song.
Its lyrical content and the context it holds in my memories have turned this song into a sort of still frame of one of the hardest moments of my life.
What have i learned? Hold onto your dad, Because nothing in life has come close to the loss ive felt in these 2 years without him. Hold your dad close.”
The BBC have been up to their usual sneaky tricks…
There was a nasty series of stabbings at the Gare de Lyon in Paris the other day. The Beeb, true to their dubious form, told us that the crimes were committed by a foreigner on an Italian passport. Well, yes, that’s true as far as it goes but…the clear suggestion was that this miscreant was an Italian. He isn’t.
It transpires that this young chap actually hails from the dark continent (surprise-surprise!) and was in France as an asylum seeker, using an Italian passport.
I’ve checked up on the BBC news page to see if any more information has been made available, but the story has disappeared…not important enough, I suppose. However, they’ve got pieces about Billie Eilish starring at the Grammy awards and someone wants to ban children from using social media apps and apparently there could be a cash offer for childcare workers. But the mass stabbings and carnage, carried out by an African asylum seeker in gay Paris has disappeared into the mists of time. Gone…kaput…
They have been very cunning with this story; not actually lying, but nor are they giving us the full facts that completely alter the political complexion of this outrage.
Perhaps they need a fact checker…
It’s on the fourth sentence of the BBC report that the attacker is from Mali:
“Police say he is a Malian national who presented an Italian driving licence to officers.”
The report was last updated at around 3pm yesterday afternoon as I write this. The report is now in the European section of their ‘news’ website:
In this instance I don’t think the BBC stand guilty as accused, although the general point of them wishing to obfuscate is valid e.g. ‘Christian from Newcastle’ when they mean ‘Invader from Afghanistan’ with regard to last week’s attack in Clapham.
Certainly their back of camera guys are unlikely to be trustworthy.
Find this kind of thing really hard to understand dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1… Is this pathological altruism? Empathy? Oikophobia?
Grateful to the MoS for forcing out Mary Harper, Africa Editor at BBC World Service, after revealing she was paid as an expert witness to help at least 15 Somalian criminals fight deportation, including one man who sexually attacked a deaf teenage girl.
Unusually for a broadcast journalist , Ms Harper refused to comment on any of the cases or the money she was paid ( thought to be £2K a case) and the BBC wouldn’t say if she was fired last night or quit.
In her “expert” testimony Ms Harper said a Somali man, who committed a horrific sex attack on a profoundly deaf 17-year-old, would be at severe risk if sent back to his native country because he had committed a sex crime.
To my mind that would be good news.
In another case, a violent criminal convicted of robbery would be at risk from terrorists in Somalia if deported as his tattooed arms would be seen as a sign of homosexuality.
And in another, Ms Harper warned one criminal’s offending history – 39 convictions for 80 crimes over 17 years- would result in him being shunned by his clan in Somalia.
How very sad that nobody would talk to him. Perhaps he could get counselling out there.
We are such bloody mugs.
US geopolitics
Yesterday Nick de Bois was explaining how scam bastards almost stole his bank account.
He got a call from the bank explaining that co of all the problems they would move him to a much better Executive account which pays interest etc,
After 2 days and the third confirmation call he was sure it was genuine cos they could name his recent transactions. Then some suspicion made him call the bank
they explained that their was a new phone number on his account and that came from him giving the scammers enough info
but because he hadn’t validated this new number with his old phone or another way, the scammers could only see his accounts, not actually move his money.
You join us this morning as our liberal media, by and large, suddenly appear to cotton on to the damage that’s been caused to our society of late and to our leftist-inspired cultural and institutional malaise.
‘Hollowed out’ forces not ready to fight Russia… Lack of soldiers and arms must be addressed with major shake-up warns landmark report (Sunday Telegraph) – Major Shake-up…? Major Shake-up reporting for duty, Sah! Remind us who’s been in power since 2010? Major Shake-up, you’ll be taking over from our present CO, Major Cock-up.
Your country needs you
Britain’s ‘not equipped for all out war’ (Sunday Express)
But which country? Whose side are you on?
Jail for activists who climb on war memorials… Yesterday thousands of protesters descended on London for another pro-Palestine march. Some were filmed chanting “Yemen, Yemen make us proud…” (Telegraph) – this report however neglects to explain who precisely it is that Tory home secretary James Cleverly expects to make these arrests or to enforce the sentences… Sir Mark Rowley Met commissioner, perahps? Sadiq Khan London Mayor and our capital’s equivalent of a Police and Crime Commissioner? Our left-leaning courts and justices maybe?: Greta Thunberg found not guilty of public order charge as judge finds ‘no evidence’ against her (Channel 4 News)
Fugitive may have gang links… (Sunday Times) – Fugitve? You know the one they mean: Last night the National Crime Agency, Britain’s equivalent of the FBI, was drafted in… Officers from the agency are focusing on whether he may be receiving any help from an organised crime group… but we’re constantly told to treat asylum seekers as vulnerable victims…
Help from an organised crime group…?
Sometimes these segueways write themselves
BBC editor paid to help 15 Somalian criminals to stay in UK (Mail on Sunday) – I’m sure friends hereabouts will have relayed the gory details on this one. They do tend say illegal arrivals here are doctors and engineers. Let’s just savour this journalistic ‘despite’ conscerning our alleged ‘chemist’: …allowed to remain here, despite being a convicted sex offender – sex offender seems to be somewhat of a requisit for remaining rather than a bar: 15 Somalian criminals… including a vile offender who sexually attacked a deaf teenage girl… another three sex attackers… (Mail on Sunday)
Onward Christian
Soldiersmuslim men of fighting age?Church aiding asylum claims on mass scale, say Patel and Braverman… “became aware of churches… facilitating industrial-scale bogus asylum claims”… The clergy’s role in offering conversions… (Telegraph)
Our left-liberal media loved the Punch and Judy show starring Westminster Tory Boris versus the wee Scots Nat Nicola…
Well, the curtain has come down… that show has come to an end… the sad clown has packed up and gone home and now the circus camper van has left town (so to speak)
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up kiddies for opening act in the newest bestest little tent show…
The Sunday Times frontpage instinctively mimicks the Guardian on Sunday that is the Observer for their weekend photo call – enter our lastest feisty nationalist anti-English star pin-up girl: Sinn Fein marches into the history books (Times); Stepping into history (Observer)
Here’s a novel notion… how about our political system ministers firstly for once to us poor beleaguered English?
Sinn Féin’s Michelle O’Neill takes her palce in Stormont yesterday as Northern Ireland’s new first minister, the first nationalist ever to hold the post (Observer, photo credit Charles McQuillan/Getty)
Michelle O’Neill became Northern Ireland’s first minister yesterday… (Sunday Times, photo credit Peter Morrison/AP)
On a lighter note… like those news bulletins that tend to close with a funny ‘and finally’ feature – mind you, one can’t help but notice the BBC habitually closes their online print line-up with the jokey blokey Daily Star – and that habit rather puts the lie to any claims that they don’t carefully curate for effect the order in which they display the various titles.
Killer ghost keeps flushing my bog… Chuckle Brother Paul Elliott says an evil spirit is taking the pee – by flushing the toilet in the dead of night (Daily Star Sunday)
Simon Webb on the new Essex
Ilford Men, via Piltdown?
Joe vs. The Farmers.
No wonder the BBC think they have a new winner.
From a few months back a takedown of Ash Sarkar
“We are different, not influenced by billionaires”
.. yeh except Soros is one of your main funders
.. https://youtu.be/5euPmtAw_SA
Count Dankula : ‘The Leeds sticker man will go to jail’ (On March 1st)
‘Marxists are allowed to put up stickers that stir up aggression against capitalists and have posts of Mao and Marx’
… (similarly on large scale pro Palestinians seem to stir up aggression against Jews and probably allowed to have posters of Hamas leaders)
Count argues that it is of course wrong to start violence, but if the court bans people from expressing political opinions using posters, then that itself will stir some nutters to go the violence route.
If putting up stickers that don’t call for violence, can get you prosecuted for stirring up people to cause criminal damage with a racially aggravated element.
… then what about years of the advertising industry stirring up people by having vastly disproportionate black faces, and very few straight white men ?
The wrong type of sticker?
In the spirit of ‘claims’, I have seen some suggesting it to be a set up of which he was unaware.
Trouble is, these are preceded by folk saying this could have via (the most accurate, delicate, unnoticed) slap in the world, and no rozzer could be that dumb as they would fired slightly quicker than a BBC3 editor giving a nasty look to a tranny.
Excellent interview on GBN now with Eric Zemmour and Michael Portillo. And his take on Muslims taking over France.
On ‘The Talk’ yesterday (GB News) one of the panellists said to Tory MP Alby Aminkone(spelling) that people were not voting for the conservatives directly because of people like him who belong in the libdem party and not in the Conservative Party.
His (AA) face was a picture. You should have seen it.
The truth shocked him and he didn’t seem to realise just how accurate this was.
yep clearly he must be too far to the right to be in the Tory party which unbelievably managed to select as PPCs two members of the Chinese Communist Party, and had to reverse the decision because of the intervention of MI5
The Tory party is now Marxist, not seen to be so by the Marxist activists stuck in the 1920s “class war” which they are still trying to fight, and not believing it’s real Marxism unless ther is a flash bang wallop revolution with bodies in the streets.
first I’ve heard of that PPC thing – got names and constituencies?
that one flew under the radar I feel.
One might think BBC might’ve used it to diss Taw-wies but maybe they know that UK Labour has a closet-full of actual CCP items.
Guardian article :https://archive.is/YtmYV
There are more and more rumours about the Americans having lied about which base was struck by the drone and that the real target was in Syria which would make their reponse illegal under international law.
If the base was in Jordan then it is legal, but the bases in Iraq and Syria are illegal because the government of that country does not want them there and has told them to leave, which they have refused to do.
There are now more rumours surfacing that the drone was in fact launched by Israeli agents in order to drag the US into the conflict which Israel knows it cannot win.
More reports from Israel IDF suggest they have managed to neutralise just 20% of the HAMAS tunnels and they have no idea how large the network might be (which begs the question how they know they have neutraised 20%).
Because they have withdrawn their troops to defend the Northern border they have to all intents and purposes lost control of Gaza both North and South.
Netanyahu is a criminal – a man of absolute corruption who would be in prison along with his wife had he not seized power in something akin to a coup and who will as soon as the war calms down, be arrested and put on trial.
And that is the critical point. A man who is pretty certain to be convicted is avoiding justice by keeping his country in a state of war to save his own ass and the even more corrupt Demonrat party in America is aiding and abetting him in the process.
It’s destroying Israel, even without the military threat, the economic destruction being wrought on the country by keeping it on a war footing extracts a greater toll every day.
Biden could and should pull the rug from under Netanyahu to save Israel and allow justice to take its course, but he won’t.
Taken as read that you are not a fan of the US, its military or the Israeli PM..
These ‘rumours’ and ‘reports’ being from…?
There are too many allegations here and rumours to provide links to all of them, Netanyahu’s corruption is however widely known
I would hope given the state of the US and it’s commander in chief who we are told was legitimately elected by a majority of Americans, that there are plenty here robsutly questioning the actions of the US and its military.
The previous President had a term marked by peace and even managed to calm the little rocket man, so no I’m not a fan one little bit, and I would expect you weren’t a Biden fan either?
Not huge on either, or most predecessors, but as ‘politics of the least bad’ applies here as much as there, if Trump could dial down the bombast enough to get a few onside he might get back to being supported looking after his country. And see what is a military of mostly lions led by rainbow unicorns regain its mojo and national respect.
As a political leader, adverse allegation is not a surprise but I have not heard much beyond you, political opponents and ideological media.
Maybe just one credible link from a credible source?
No, I’m sorry this is after all an internet site and if wikipedia is not credible then there are no credible sources available as nothing on the internet is alas credible enough.
The US military could not currently be described as lions in any way, sorry that I have no credible sources such as a sworn affidavits by military personnel in front of a judge, however here is one from the US military that 70% of US military are overweight or obese:
US Navy not up to the task.
Another rumour I am hearing, and remember these are leaks from sources which shouldn’t be leaking them, they are not going to go on the record. The Biden administration with NATO intends to start a major war in October of this year (one month before Presidential elections.)
There was much more detail to this leak about NATO putting troops into Ukraine and imposing a no fly zone over Western Ukraine. You will know the truth of this if and when you see a no fly zone being imposed.
Well if you’ve read it on the internet it must be true.
Redemption, of sorts.
Interesting more for the relative positions.
To think The Economist was once respected.
… and vote by email?
Wish they could change the law to prevent morons like this low IQ specimen ever becoming an MP.
How sad that this kidult needs to get to Uni in order to be taught critical thinking skills I learned at O level English Lit.
Also how sad that he simply picks up other people accusations and runs with them without even considering the merit of them.
We knew the BBC worshipped blacks, Muslims, sex offenders and illegal immigrants, so it should come as no surprise that a BBC editor helped a whole bunch of Somali criminals fight deportation.
Thank you Mary Harper, Africa Editor, for making our country just a little bit shittier.
Full story in today’s Mail on Sunday.
BBC editor , who ?
Read the story in the link.
Cut and pasted above . It took a bit of an effort …
“cookies” Nuland rocks up in Kiev
When it come to Ukraine the sheer greed and corruption of Jews within the Democrat party and without is staggering. Nuland is of course also Jewish and part of the Cabal seeking to use Ukraine as a fulcrum point to weaken Russia and to break it into it’s provinces and then to profit from it’s natural mineral wealth.
It didn’t go as planned, but we already have Blackrocks Larry Fink (Democrat supporting Jewish member of the Cabal) buying up Ukrainian farmland on the cheap.
The woman is a complete cretin, a total incompetent with no control of her brief.
If she had known what she was talking about instead of deflecting about the victims, she would have asked Phillips what he expected the government to do?
The man is from Afghanistan and as far as I know we can’t even send diplomats there or anyone else let alone return refugees so what is Phillips proposing we do with him?
Yet again this is the fault partly of Biden but partly of weak Marxist Tory ‘government’ in failing to take action when they could and should have done.
Is it time to move to a more liberal country like China or North Korea maybe ?
“‘My political views have nothing to do with you’: Newcastle United fan who was banned from matches until 2026 ‘for her trans views’ reveals Premier League compiled ‘Stasi’ dossier about her where she was called ‘the target’
Linzi Smith, 34, was the subject of a four-month investigation by a special unit. It complied a 11-page dossier on her including where she lived and worked.
She was banned from the club’s St James’ Park stadium until 2026”
An admission from government that the BBC hasn’t picked up on.
Scrap the shambles !…………….
60 increased to 96 parasites?
Japanese Knotweed….
With huge knives and machetes being openly brandished on the streets in Nottingham, and young people losing their lives on a regular basis across the land and especially in London surely its long overdue for a significant shift in law enforcement.
As the law and the police exist primarily to protect innocent citizens from those who wish to flout it. it must be time for two major pieces of legislation to be ordered to be rigorously enforced.
1. The return of stop and search regardless of the howls from those who oppose it.
2. The use of automatic jail terms for anyone thinking they can ignore the weapon laws in order to enhance their street gang cred. The carrying of obvious highly dangerous weapons in public should attract automatic lengthy jail sentences with no appeal via dodgy solicitors.
Come on police do your job instead of chasing thought or hate speech crime even though it means working a bit harder.
Wouldn’t you just know it.
Don’t normally watch a celebrity reality show, but I gave the 2018 pilgrimage to Rome a go. Motley mix, 3 of whom never heard of.
At one point a trek through some woods was part of the walk. Here’s the thing, a big black and gay guy – a dj, and a young Asian female radio presenter, admitted to NEVER having been in any woods before ! He said he’d never been outside of his city life, and she said that the countryside didn’t fit in with her Muslim culture, and if she suggested to her family to go for a walk in the country they’d think her crazy.
Having remembered many reports that the countryside is white and unwelcoming to minorities, here was evidence that they don’t want to step out of their accessibility to kebab shops and nightclubs. They wouldn’t even know what a pair of wellies look like.
gawd…. another imbecile from Labour
Oh come on – he’s good for a laugh … maybe identify should be illegalised completely – and names – let’s replace names with numbers – I’m sure I read that in a book …
The last place on the bbc I went to was football commentaries . All those great commentators- Coleman – Davies – …motson . And now ? Just dregs – talking about anything apart from the game .
I’ve just turned the arsenal Liverpool game off because all the commentator wants to talk about is a rugby player who has died . Or advertising some other bbc programme …. Enough for me … I just hope the vile Liverpool lose ….
Khans goons have so many cameras in London they can identify and prosecute anyone they like just for driving a frigging car but the Met can’t find one utter aresole who everyone has seen pics of, is a convicted Villian and has a massive visible scar on his face to the point they are reduced to offering Joe Public do their job for £20000….
You just couldn’t make this lunatic shit up!
In londonistan he wouid nt stick out at all – he must have media team and legal team by now …. Or got a single ticket on paki airways …
Not really sure that it’s a ‘threat to democracy ‘ because there is nt much by way of democracy – they just like to tell there is …
All those ridiculous ‘traditions ‘ are just used to camouflage the lie ….
And let’s face it – what use is parliament ? Covid – failure – post office – failure – economy – failure – military – failure – borders – failure – confronting the EU ….i could go on and on …
Show support for Democracy !!!
in Germany