In the last week the BBC has been forced to release 3000 emails concerning the fraud on Princess Diana , the publications of anti semitic hate social media by a BBC manager and yesterday the story of BBC manager giving ‘expert evidence ‘ to support criminal Somalians trying to get ‘asylum ‘… take your pick – and that’s just the vile BBC stuff we know about .
And you still pay for the BBC ?
Start the week 5th February 2024
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Damn! Missed the new thread being posted!
Professor Tracy Smart, Military and Aerospace Medicine; Air Vice-Marshal brags about getting 6th COVID jab (Australia)
I have noticed how people, especially those working in the NHS, tell me proudly how many covid vaccinations they have had. I smile sweetly but murmur some nothingness. I have had some, but how many is my business. But the doctors usually follow up with something like, ‘but you’re fully vaccinated, right?’ Again I just smile sweetly and say nothing. The world changed with the omicron variant but I think someone is putting something into the drinking water in our hospitals or brainwashing them all.
There is nothing in the water but there is a conspiracy to defraud the tax payer by the vast majority of the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry.
Those giving the injections get between £10 and 20 per injection and of course the mark up on the ‘vaccines’ is large. The whole thing has become a billions per year rip off of the tax payer.
The spitting image of Det Const Peter P1sspot. I thought the image was parody at first, but no, true life is stranger than fiction.
It is especially strange throughout the world the relationship between covid vaccination and the military.
(I had to repost this. The image is just too similar)
Wow! Surely the covid vaccination manufacturers should add this ill effect to their list to warn the public? This condition, kindly displayed by the individual in the picture, could be more serious than the likes of myocardia……. Who knows.
Fed’s been at the sherry again. He’s been all over the shop with timings this weekend !
I switched time zones – I’m back to 1972 …
Time Lord.
Hmmm so am I after 4 or 5 gins, and break into singing Telegram Sam !
Countryfile viewers are happy as always
Another points out a contradiction
“Bodmin Moor special
we move from a section regarding attempts to safeguard and encourage increased numbers of a rare bird
to one attempting to re-introduce, safeguard and increase numbers of wildcat”
There used to be loads of tweets from viewers
couldn’t read them all
Now it takes just a few minutes
(The Kent Weather Book – Bob Ogley, Ian Currie, Mark Davison)
I heartily recommend this book, which describes the weather experienced in Kent, since the 17th Century!
The illustrations are incredibly well chosen, and the whole book contains well-written facts about the horrendous storms, hurricanes, floods etc., experienced by the county over all these years.
And it is factual, with the information taken from recorded incidents, and has none of the screaming, dribbling headlines that we see on the BBC, and other dead tree rags today!
The current weather patterns from way back, appear to have been far worse than what we are experiencing today, it’s just that the constant boring lies about ‘climate change’ which are spouted with incessant monotony by Beeboids and others who should know better, are really turning people off the MSM in droves!
We gave up Countryfile long before we stopped watching the Beebicle crap, as it had got down to a really crass ‘statement’ of utter rubbish, and I didn’t think it could get much worse, but apparently it has!
Thanks you sort of make my view on the ‘man made ‘climate change hysteria for me – I believe the science behind weather ‘patterns ‘ is just not mature enough to base serious economic / personal government on them .
Let’s face it – global accurate records of the weather has been reliable since …what ? Satellites in the 1980s?
And the science behind CO2? Even more recent ….
So when books from a hundred years ago describe ‘extreme ‘ weather they have to ignored .
The weather / climate is always changing … and then we have another ice age coming .. in a few hundred years – are they going to stop that ? ( if we survive another week that is )
Gloom on a gloomy Monday but I think of the consequences of this hysteria whenever I see my ‘smart meter ‘…
Thanks MM – that’s the one!
Brissles, you’d recognise loads of the pics!
Now, more is being done to support Muslims in the countryside – in particular, the new campaign focuses on facilitating prayer whilst outdoors. Muslims pray in the direction of Mecca up to five times a day, so signs pointing to the holy city have been introduced along Cave Dale, in Derbyshire.20 Mar 2023
“the new campaign focuses on facilitating prayer whilst outdoors.”
“the new campaign focuses on facilitating prayer whilst outdoors.”
Are they praying or are they releasing methane into the atmosphere?
Someone should tell Greta.
so many “hikers” and not a single compass or mobile phone with a compass app ????
might have looked a little better if adidas hadnt dressed them in matching isis outfits
Take the signs down or at least point them in the wrong direction!
If I came across that bunch I would think I’d stumbled on an Isis training camp.
And you might be right.
@MarkyMark – One more step in the conquest of the West, the subjugation of us infidels, the spread of the Ummah and the imposition of the worldwide Caliphate by stealth, deceit and force.
Next, when they have sufficient numbers: convert, pay the Jizya tax, or die.
Islam only wants one thing … just one thing … not too much to ask for…..
Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
Clapham attack: ‘I thought three-year-old victim was going to die in my arms’
I see the BBC have entered the full-on empathy ‘victims’ stage of this story already.
“But before I did, she just went limp. I thought the youngest of the two girls was about to die in my arms. Luckily the three-year-old woke up and started to call for her mum.”
Once again I call a big fat BBC lie. Nobody talks like that : it’s been constructed by ‘Greg’ so it includes all the relevant information in the right way.
I’ve noticed the BBC are doing this more and more. They will argue it’s OK because ‘it captures the sentiment’. But when they do it to promote their agenda stories – like the excellent English from the residents of Gaza – it’s cynical, deliberate lies.
Oh – and there is still a Nationwide manhunt going on for a chemical-throwing, convicted sex offender asylum seeker from Afghanistan. But the BBC don’t seem too interested in that.
I discovered that we refused to grant this man ‘Abdul Shokoor Ezedi’ asylum at first – but when he said he had changed to be a Christian and the Muslims would kill him if we sent him back, we let him stay.
You just couldn’t make it up. That worked out well didn’t it. How many others like him ?.
What I wonder is whether Greg chose the priorities in this report himself or he was directed to concentrate less on the attacker by some BBC political commissar.
Here’s Greg. I notice how all these ‘reporters’ are very rarely white English males these days.

Bet he makes a mean sausage roll though, John…;0)
John. The con goes on, aided and abetted by naive clergyman, bent lawyers and pinko liberals.
Forty’ refugees on the Bibby Stockholm Barge are attending local church services amid fears that Christianity conversion may be new ‘loophole’ to remain in country after Clapham chemical attack suspect’s asylum claim was supported by church.
Forty refugees on the Bibby Stockholm have reportedly started attending local churches amid fears that Christianity conversion may be a new ‘loophole’ to remain in the country.
Worshippers in Portland, Dorset — where the barge is moored — claim that a number of migrants are converting to Christianity through UK courses such as Christian Alpha, while others have converted in their home country.
An estimated one in seven of the 300 migrants currently housed on the lighter are said to be attending churches under supervision of faith leaders.
It comes as Clapham chemical attack suspect, Abdul Ezedi, was able to gain asylum in the UK after claiming he had converted to Christianity, despite being convicted of a sexual offence three years prior.
Grandmother tried to stop ‘XL Bully’ puppies fighting with broom
3.7k viewing now
The Church of England has since come under fire for allegedly ‘facilitating industrial-scale bogus asylum claims’, with former Home Secretaries Suella Braverman and Dame Priti Patel accusing church leaders of ‘political activism’.
But the Church of England said it is currently not aware of any links to its churches. A Church spokesperson also added that it is ‘the role of the Home Office, and not the church, to vet asylum seekers and judge the merits of their individual cases’.
The current Home Secretary, James Cleverly, is expected to receive an initial report detailing the full facts of the case on Monday.
He will consider whether laws need to be changed to better scrutinize conversion claims, and he will examine whether to enable the automatic deportation of convicted foreign criminals such as Ezedi.
“An estimated one in seven of the 300 migrants currently housed on the lighter are said to be attending churches under supervision of faith leaders.”
Conjures up memories of the Pastor in War of the Worlds………………..
The, ‘Death Ray’ from the Martians got him in the end………..
Let them take the communion wine and then revisit the canteen and have a bag of pork scratchings and a pint before a roast pork Sunday lunch, followed by a ‘who can spot the nutter ‘ competition when cartoons of various religious prophets are shown.
“He will consider whether laws need to be changed to better scrutinize conversion claims” Forget that nonsense, just scrap it and deport the lot, they have come from France where we all go on holiday – simples !
What is the difference between an Ordinary Thief (OT) & a Political Thief (PT) ?
1.The Ordinary Thief steals your Money, bag, watch, gold chain etc.
But, The Political Thief steals your future, career, education, health & business !
2. The hilarious part is :
The Ordinary Thief will choose whom to rob. But, you yourself choose the Political Thief to rob you.
3. The most ironic one :
Police will chase and nab the Ordinary Thief. But, Police will look after and protect the Political Thief !
Sadiq Khan has no money – where is it coming from?
He’s obviously “borrowing it” using chaos consequent from a collapse in London transport infrastructure as a motivator…
How many times have TfL blackmailed HM Treasury now?
Wouldn’t some of this cash come from the HS2 budget, as the new under-budgeted, over-expensive track and ridiculous new stations poking around in London somewhere or other, where the NewGLC with Mare Khaaaan handing out money like a man with no arms can waste it?
Yet another reason never to go to London again!
Labour have a plan….
They have deduced that the best way to win the election is to give other peoples money away to attract more voters….
It’s only when one of their chosen ones goes too far that the BBC are obliged to meekly act. The point being how many more of these probably dodgy screaming diversity hires have they got in the wings distorting their output?
When we see what happened here we can understand why the BBC has transformed into the pile of anti-UK shite it has become over the last few years.
It really is time for the BBC to privatise or shut up shop. If this were ever to happen then as with the Post Office scandal they should be obliged to pass the proceeds of sale of their empire back to license fee payers.
Sorry if the above link doesn’t open.. its Tony Blair getting out of a Range Rover in Miami, seems to think he’s a celebrity
Meanwhile at The Grammys last night (not., I reckon, something the BBC will report on)
Not forgotten
Lilly Allen says they would have been burnt at school anyway?!
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
And I can’t find any evidence with google that the BBC even reported it.
Presumably for the same reason they don’t report so many things which Muslims (and Black people) do. Because it doesn’t help the agenda. And that’s all they care about.
I still have trouble working out why the Left support these people despite everything they do. The only answer I end up with is simply to use them as ‘victims’ against the Right when they get angry about it.
— ‘The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.’
Hmmm… BBC in the crosshairs?
Only a question of time before Labour bring back some of their past leaders then?
I’m guessing that the clampdown on bogus self employment will not be extended to cover sellers of the Beeg Ishyoo Pleez. The publication was started to help the homeless, but the vast majority of sellers are now Romani gypsies. Copies are purchased in bulk by gangmasters and distributed to the sellers. The sellers are registered as self-employed, meaning they are eligible to claim benefits. The scam was facilitated by the free movement of people when we were in the EU (I mean formally in the EU, we are still in it but it’s a less formal arrangement).
The United Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal was a major political scandal that emerged in 2009, concerning expenses claims made by members of the British Parliament in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords over the previous years.[1] The disclosure of widespread misuse of allowances and expenses permitted to members of Parliament (MPs) aroused widespread anger among the UK public and resulted in a large number of resignations, sackings, de-selections and retirement announcements together with public apologies and the repayment of expenses. Several members or former members of both the House of Commons, and members of the House of Lords, were prosecuted and sentenced to terms of imprisonment.
. . . . . . . .
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Hello tomo
“Bogus second employment” a bit like being paid for being in opposition
Police release video of “search” of acid man’s Newcastle flat….
PC1. Hallo….anyone home?….
PC2. Clear?
PC1. Yep!
Right back to the station for coffee then!
Did they really expect to find him at home with his feet up watching TV with a cuppa?
Not to mention telegraphing every move they make to the perpetrator and not to mention he could walk down almost any street in parts of London and look exactly like everyone else on the pavement. He could also be tucked up in the usual multi-use flat over any kebab shop in the Country.
I reckon he will be back on/under a Lorry to France by now or hiding out in a local Church, he has form!
The bBC could continue to play wack-a-mole like this:
… or it may be better to close the whole rotten institution down. Who cares who they have been captured by: The Frankfurt school, mad-marxists, ISIS. Just close it down and put it out of its own misery.
“France was the third country most bombed by the Allies” – France was occupied?
Britain to only bomb targets designated by Germany?
“China can now monitor government-funded projects 24/7”
Why stop there? Why not implant a Elon Musk brain implant?
Next week is the Wellingborough by- election. It would be a huge gain if Reform could pull off a win. Especially as many Tories have already joined and with more to come. .
Only 10 days to go what could go wrong? Oh wait, there is one prominent Reform member who is considering switching to the Tories.
Who might that be? No surprises there.
Yasser – thanks for mentioning that bi election . I think the level of turn out will be as interesting as the outcome . Is that the one caused because of Peter bone falling off the naughty step ? I thought he was one of those rare Conservatives in the blue Labour Party so I supposed they’d get him sooner or later …..
Ps – just looked at the Northampton telegraph and all is not well in the blue labour camp – if their 18000 majority is wiped out by red labour then maybe a few more blue labour MPs will run for the Lords .
On my gut feeling – red labour to win – reform a fair second – blue labour wipe out – lost deposit ?
Yes Fed, Wellingborough was Peter Bone’s seat, I understand his girlfriend is standing for the Tories. Ben Habib is an excellent candidate and has a good chance of making an impact for Reform.
There is another By-election taking place the same day in Kingswood
(South Gloucs or Avon to some) where loyal Party member Rupert Lowe is standing for a seat that will disappear come next election.
Full marks to him.
Wait there’s more…! Another by-election will be held in the constituency of Rochdale on 29th February. Simon Danzuk former Labour MP is standing for Reform. Another chance for a good result.
Reform is the best deal in town at the moment by far and I hope a lot of effort is Going into Ben Habibs campaign.
What is Reform’s party president doing? Why, of course, flirting with the Tories and well known flibbertigibbet Liz Truss.
When it is by-election time in the first past the post voting system it is a time that smaller parties can shine. The last thing they need is disunity at that moment.
Will Mr Egomaniac announce his defection during this vital month? I wouldn’t put it past him.
Yasser – I saw that the ‘senior tories ‘ are not bothering to do their photoshoots in Wellingborough…. But as for Farage – I don’t watch him any more on his show – and the prancing about with blue labour characters is – unseemly ? Frustrating ? Ego driven ?
Maybe he just enjoys being a big fish outside the pond than being drowned inside it – maybe he can make shadow Foreign secretary one day …. It’s academic to me as no one is right enough for me ….( right in the sense of small state – smaller NHS – lower taxes and benefits _yet alone the border …)
“many Tories have already joined and with more to come” – the Tory party but with a different name?
Hamas used UNRWA and USAID sacks to build tunnels
IMPACT-se identified at least 118 participants in the Oct. 7 Hamas assault as former students of UNRWA schools.
Keep going IDF – plenty of targets …
Toady – I’m avoiding – but switched on for the 0810 big interview – I lasted 2 minutes of meesh going on about ‘child poverty ‘- if you can’t afford them don’t have them …
I also suspected the demographics of breeding wouid reveal a huge proportion being third world expecting handouts … this of course – wouid not feature in the bbc narrative .
In the preamble to this thread I mentioned the coloured anti semite and her repeat slurs on social media … she has now ‘left the BBC ‘ so she’ll pop up working at sky or channel 4 eh?
‘left the BBC ‘ with pension and book deal?!
Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be and weather conditions as advertised may be different where you are edition
The formerly serious Times newspaper attempts to emulate the FT’s Briefing frontpage column, where it surveys the day’s subsidiary stories, with its own coverpage footer entitled: In the news
But our one time paper of record fails to pull off the mimicry to the level of the market watching pink paper’s unique crossword puzzle-like style of phrasing – where we try to wrap our brains around headlines such as: Emirates chides Boeing – your guess is as good as mine, dear reader
In fact this morning the Times stoops almost to the sad dephs of that old journalistic saw: Man bites dog
Dogs kill woman (Times)
This is of course pure tabloid territory – red meat for our red tops and an eye catcher for the BBC news online press line up. And combined with a nod to the weather alarmists among us forms a fine day’s double whammy: Newspaper headlines: ‘Horrifying’ dog attack and ‘bonkers’ week of weather (BBC)
‘Banned dogs’ kill amazing grandmother – regrets the Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express – do they mean to tell us that the latest Dangerous Dogs Act has failed and Rishi (seat-warmer for Starmer) will need to look elsewhere for his legacy?
Having the vapours
Well, there is Mr Sunak’s other prize slice of legislation that has saved us from the curse of the vapes. Parliament spending precious time and effort banning those things will mean we never hear from them again. They won’t be driven underground or suddenly become the cool thing to do?
Exclusive ‘balloon’ addict… Prem ace in rehab for party gas… Police found dozens of nitrous oxide cannisters… Usage is said to be rife among players despite it being banned (The Sun) – keen-eyed pedestrians will have clocked dozens of discarded little silver bottles in the gutters of Britain and keen-eyed readers will have spotted a common or garden journalistic ‘despite’ in the headline thereabouts.
Let’s also throw a bone to our broadsheets: Grandmother killed by XL bullies despite ban (Telegraph) – again with the despite.
It feels as though this morning our press have wrapped all their ‘despites’ in gold foil and handed them around on a serving tray like the Ferrero Rocher – you’re spoiling us, mainstream media.
But we digress
They told us something must be done… and it was… and we still have the problem…
Yet another victim… Gran, 68, mauled by two crazed ‘XL Bullys’… Horrifying… Time for action on danger dogs – the Mirror even has the mugshot: …right, one of the dogs thought to be involved
Our sympathy extends to the family involved, of course.
They do say the time frame for nostalgia to kick in has contracted considerably of late. One might certainly be nostalgic for the Blairite 1990s nowadays. That’s almost de rigueur in our media. Or perhaps we ought to look back a little earlier and more sceptically: The worst year in pop… Remember Showaddywaddy, Mud and the Wombles (Telegraph)
Over there at the perpetually coronaphobic left-leaning youth-orientated ‘i’ newspaper we’re told of: Lockdown nostalgia… Why a third of young adults were ‘happier’ during pandemic
That’ll be because they were given the green light to bunk off school. And that was just the teachers.
There’s still a lot of it about: Outrage as civil servants take 1.8m days off long-term sick (Express)
Mr AsI’s contention is that Lockdown demoralised the workforce.
This third of our young adults said to have been happier in Lockdown… I’m guessing there’s very little over-lap with: Quarter of Brits want Trump back in the White House (‘i’)
While we’re on the ‘i’ frontpage we may as well take advantage of a handy calm down dear…
I tried being an optimist but ran out of unicorn dust… by Lucy Mangan (‘i’)
Are we witnessing a modern Road FROM Damascus Epiphany?
Forty barge migrants convert to Christianity (Telegraph)
The period of barbarian conversion spans the time from the early fourth century, with the Edict of Milan, when Christianity was basically tolerated in the Empire, and the first signs appeared of the barbarian incursions into the Roman empire (Thank you Mary Foundation at
I suppose we have to take a look at the weather report that so excited the gynaeceum that is the BBC staff press pickers
Bonkers Britain… Three seasons in one week! 15c spring heat will turn to autumnal floods, then sub-zero winter whiteouts (Daily Star) – but don’t expect any refund on your 90p cover price if all that weather doesn’t happen where you are.
‘Forty’ refugees on the Bibby Stockholm Barge are attending local church services amid fears that Christianity conversion may be new ‘loophole’ to remain in country after Clapham chemical attack suspect’s asylum claim was supported by church.1 hour ago
. . . .. .
3 teachers hide in Batley!!! HA HA HA HA!
40 less halal meals to supply then ???
CHristian HALAL is next!
bbc has finally caught up:-
Russian oil getting into UK via refinery loophole, reports claim
Yes we know India buys it from Russia and add a mark up, then sells it to the UK, people were talking about this years ago
The UK consumer is being ripped off
BBC – never knowingly knowing.
I see the BBC have finally fired the horrible Dawn Queva after being pressured to do so, however the story raises a number of unusual questions.
Who is this woman? She appears to be Pakistani but the surname is Spanish
Her real name is Dawn Las Quevas – Allen
Why does a senior employee of the BBC have no linkedin page?
She claims she is 55 but her photos show someone who looks more in their early 30s
More importantly why has Khans Gestapo not arrested her for hate speech? They certainly would have arrested someone White for far milder comments is this the proof that the Met are operating a two tier policing policy?
Why have the useless Marxist Tories not made any comment about the future of their state propaganda outlet?
“More importantly why has Khans Gestapo not arrested her for hate speech? ” – free speech is important to those who are free to speak.
bbc search = 0 results – just Dawn French!
Thoughtful – I expect Dawn Las Quevas -Allen could well
be an anagram. I will try and suss it out. However she
could well be one of 90% of those working at the BBC
who think exactly like her. The BBC make no
pretence about being the media partner of Hamas in the UK .
As 200 migrants float across the busiest channel in the world …
“… there have been 551 asylum claims in Britain from people from other EU countries – like Poland and Spain. All but a handful were turned down – but they cost over £4 million to the British tax payer. So we will end this absurdity ….” – Theresa May – Oct2015 – @25:05
551 Asylum Claims @ £4 million?! (£7,259 per claim)
Asylum from Poland and Spain??????
We’re still unable to access the AFD (Alternative Fur Deutschland) website even via a link of Wikipedia. Stew what is the DDS thing that stops it ?
It’s not a “denial of service attack” (DDOS) – a web server is there – it’s just set up to refuse any requests for web pages.
The German state has gagged them – end of.
Basically the site will deny you access if you’re outside Germany to prevent idiots overwhelming it.
Only way around it is to spoof your location to appearing to be in Germany.
To do that, you need a VPN, and choose a Germany server.
Just remember to switch vpn off when you’ve finished as it can be slower internet.
Eg on android
Free VPN Proxy by Planet VPN
Then you’ll have to translate from German, eg Brave browser can do that.
Not sure there’s anything that’s revolutionary to anyone here, as we’re all enlightened anyway.
Immigration | Asylum
“No further immigration to the social systems
End tug services
Enable asylum seekers to be identified without any doubt
No family reunification in our social systems
The cost of unaccompanied underage foreigners is exploding
No to dual citizenship
Islam is not part of Germany
An Islam that does not respect or even fight our legal system and claims to rule as a single religion is not compatible with the liberal-democratic basic order of Germany. Many Muslims live lawfully and are valued members of our society. However, the AfD wants to prevent isolated Islamic parallel societies from spreading further, in which Muslim “peace judges” TAG1 “apply Sharia law and undermine the state monopoly of law enforcement and jurisprudence.
The AfD fully recognizes freedom of belief, conscience and confession. However, it demands that the practice of religion be restricted by law.
The AfD opposes defamation of rational criticism of religion as „ Islamophobia “ or „ racism “. We want to prevent Muslims from radicalizing to violent salafism and terror.
The financing of the construction and operation of mosques by Islamic states or foreign donors or their middlemen is to be prevented.
Imams must be fully committed to our Basic Law. The sermons in mosques in Germany are to be kept in German. Imams who agitate against the Basic Law are banned from preaching and are deported if the legal requirements are met.
The Islamic theological chairs at German universities must be abolished and the positions of the non-confession Islamic studies transferred.
Burka and Niqab build a barrier between the wearer and her environment through the facial covering, making it difficult to live together in society. No headscarf is to be worn in the public service, in educational institutions neither by teachers nor by schoolchildren based on the French model.
The AfD calls for a general ban on full veiling in public and public service.”
I tried VPN last week (3 of them) – the site still refused to serve any web pages. Some VPNs are better than others …
Maybe it’s changed ?
Have you actually tried it?
Yes tried it, but agree these things are hit and miss, especially in the long run.
I reckon… the people who work in cyber war departments are (after some years) onto the VPN thing and have lists of endpoints to block. That was the case a few years ago when I went down the rabbit hole of BBC geographically tailored web content during the 2016 US election – VPNs were obviously being recognised as using acquaintances in the USA as endpoints gave different pages to commercial VPN and archive org …
‘Tug Services’ ??????
Angela Rayner, 41, claims her mother fed her dog food and shaving foam because she could not read labels and in ‘modern times’ she ‘definitely’ would have been taken away by social services as she opens up about growing up in poverty
Angela Rayner has detailed her upbringing on a council estate in Stockport
Labour deputy told how she was mistakenly given dog food to eat as a child
She said she believes she would have been taken into social services today
PUBLISHED: 11:55, 24 September 2021 | UPDATED: 13:43, 24 September 2021
I have better things to do with £1.
Obviously that image show up on your screen
It doesn’t on Windows here
so I went into the HTML and got the address
It shows A parking sign saying £1 for 30 mins and Angela Rayner standing next to it
(calling her a prostitute is a bit childish )
That reminds me of an old joke ….
How come you’ve only earned £1 and Sixpence ? ……who gave you the Sixpence ?……
They all did !
To be cleat , is the £1 is how much she is paying? If so, not enough would want a lot more!
More than I’d be willing to pay.
I see the murder of the trans kid is being moulded to fit the pre-approved template.
Brianna Ghey’s mum on R5 last night carries no hate… “hate is such a harmful emotion.” A forensic psychologist is on hand to call such a reaction to your kid getting murdered full of courage, compassion and dignity. Just once it would be interesting to hear a responder to some terrible calamity on the BBC step outside the controlled narrative and say I’m full of boiling rage and want to string the killer, and everyone else responsible, up by their balls.
Then the problems of social media. Does the mum think her daughter would have been safe if only there had been more safeguards in place to flag up what the killers were viewing online? Of course she does, because Kuenssberg just spoon-fed her the question. And now on to the dark web.
Just like David Amess and Mike Freer, it doesn’t matter the originating cause, all roads lead to the problems of online hate and its state-endorsed remedies.
Morning TM,
When the knife -weilding n3gro killed three innocents in Nottingham, one of the three was a chap just coming up to retirement. The media interviewed his brother. He said exactly what any sane person would be thinking, telling the worthies exactly where they could stick their candles and flowers, and that he would plant a haymeker on any idiot singing “look back in anger”. He also said something along the lines of “The killer should be jailed for seven days; you can build a gallows in that sort of time”. I only saw the interview once, and haven’t seen him since. My kind of sentinments though, if he started a political party he’d get my vote.
Nottinghamshire knife victim Ian Coates was 65 and should have retired already, except the government has to keep extending the age, to make sure there’s enough workers to look after the immigrants…
mick — interesting, I didn’t see or hear that. Not a surprise the media would drop him.
Ghey’s mum wasn’t a model parent either: her 15 year old boy was dressing as a schoolgirl, wearing a mini skirt and dancing and miming songs on TicToc, for tips, no doubt from fat middle aged pedos.
And he provided sex change info / encouragement to other children.
Also the meeting in the park was him tricked into going there to buy drugs.
Not BBC but an online ad I received. When you think of prostate cancer what target demographic comes to mind?
It’s a curious but predictable choice of picture. However, prostate cancer is more prevalent in black men than other demographics – it is believed that this is due to higher levels of testosterone, which may also account for increased levels of aggression and violence in that group (it’s also a reason why testosterone supplements are restricted in some countries). So, it can be argued that getting black people involved is appropriate, as is getting women involved, as they have husbands, fathers, brothers who are susceptible to this disease.
However, the photograph is clearly inappropriate. A better choice might be a group of people, emphasising the message that prostate cancer affects a wide group of people. If 25 people were in the photograph, 1 of them could be black, reflecting the fact that around 4% of the UK population fall into that category, so it would be realistic.
If higher testosterone is a factor in prostate cancer by , why do older men who get it most.
Did they keep up with the word soup!
The terms can also mask disparities between different ethnic groups and create misleading interpretations of data. In March 2021, the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities recommended that the government stop using the term BAME.
That’s a strange one , cos the tweeter didn’t put that picture in his tweet rather he linked to a page
so then a link photo automatically got inserted
Some people make a reference to the picture being removed
but it does still show up on my device
I presume the page he linked to originally had the photo in and then they removed it
That page is not racist cos most of the images are white
but they know it throws up an image of 1 black woman on Twitter
cos it did that 6 months ago when they tweeted that page before.
Keir Starmer: It’s wrong to say ‘only women have a cervix’
Parisians vote for rise in parking fees for SUVs
A reduction then for smaller vehicles? Oww no its just another tax
Oddly, the practice is believed to trace back to something of a twisted “celebration.” During the late 1990s, a trend of burning cars on New Year’s Eve emerged in certain neighborhoods of the eastern city of Strasbourg. The car fires spread across France and acquired an almost ritualistic nature.30 Jun 2023
The proposals were approved by 54.55% of voters, but
turnout was only about 5.7%.
approved by 54.55% turnout 5.7%
approved by 54.55% turnout 5.7%
approved by 54.55% turnout 5.7%
An electorate of 193 people.
If eleven turn out to vote, and five are in favour, that makes 54.55% approval and 5.7% turnout.
5.7% ?
I wonder if a postal vote?
Something tells me an organised stitch up by the loopy lefty Mayor Anne Hidalgo who’s no need of a parking space herself since the broomstick can fit just inside the front door.
It’s come to my attention that a man called Chris Bryant, who is an M.P. is” out and about” on the media , today he is saying that a future Labour government will reform the house of lords, well good for him and I agree, reform is much needed .
He asks, rhetorically “how on earth did we end up in the current situation with so many dreadful people in the upper chamber?”( l paraphrase.)
Well Chris, the answer is simple, Tony Blair’s administration did this. So let’s give Labour a 2nd chance at this eh?
Let’s all hope whatever happens by way of reform, we don’t end up with people in the upper chamber who have appeared on dubious dating apps, wearing only a pair of grubby looking underpants,I’m sure as an ex vicar Chris would agree, mm, or maybe not.
And imagine this … creature …. Wanted to be the Speaker of their House of Commons … I bet the fools who voted for him( Rhondda?) are proud …
Emma Hayes: Chelsea manager says lack of female coaches ‘a massive issue’
Quotas apparently are needed based on men and women, any idea why?
More male volley ball?
… “come up with more creative ways” to address it
I expect this has been discussed previously but I haven’t read any of yesterday’s postings.
24hrs without news/internet/tv and the first 10 minutes back online I see this. At least BBC is consistent. The exceeding low-calibre of it’s staff is something we can rely on.
Scampton BBC Lincolnshire news had a weird report yesterday and this morning saying protesters had been attacked at Scampton Main Gate
but was bizarrely lacking in detail
The newspaper cannot be taken at face value . It says at 2:30am morning 12 far right thugs turned up and started beating people up
and then shows photos of someone with bloody lip
and someone else with leg cuts
.. then it confuses by saying that local protesters had decided to move from their normal site and take over the main gate (Gate 8) camp that National protesters had been at.
Digging deeper shows a video from Friday from a guy who runs a different camp at Gate 6. He mentioned “I’m staying out of the trouble at Gate 8”
Then another video from last week appears to show the two groups sitting together at the main gate. But one guy wondering around saying his tools have gone missing , another woman taking down a protest sign and burning it, another woman apologising for losing her temper. That video was secretly filmed by the guy who later got a bloody lip on Sunday.
So it seems to me it’s not an attack but part of a long running friction between the national and local protesters about flags and stuff going missing etc.
And when someone says 12 men attacked me, it was likely much less than that
Much later video from Sunday lunchtime shows the police turning up in about 10 vehicles and commenters say they turned up 10 hours too late.
It’s strange that no video from the actual Sunday morning scuffle is around
That suggests both sides think they made mistakes.
Given police antics around the 2000 fuel protests I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if there’s more than a few agents provocateurs in among the protesters.
bbc promotion for Greta the great
Greta Thunberg: Who is the climate activist and what has she achieved?
Just incase you have been living in a cave, and dont know who she is
Skip school and stand with a piece of card!
“Greta Thunberg: Who is the climate activist and what has she achieved?”
“M s Q The rac!!st antisemite has been sacked from the BBC, why? because she was found out. If she had not been found out she would be coming to work today at the BBC. They have a history of hiding obnoxious people, too many to mention.
Her aim was not only on ju!sh people she also hates wh!te people.
“describing white people as ‘barbaric’ and ‘bloodthirsty’. In other posts, she referred to the UK as the ‘UKKK’ – a reference to the Ku Klux Klan.”
No mention was made of the African nations that sold their Brethren into slavery, perhaps they were poor innocents corrupted by wh!te man.”
Just a few bad apples.
“Revealed: How BBC journalists are ‘liking’ tweets spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Israel despite Corporation vow to crackdown on bias – as staff reveal it’s ‘frightening’ to be Jewish at the Beeb” : Daily Mail Online
These are of course right wing papers, so the facts used might be islamaphobic and racist. Somehow.
‘as staff reveal it’s ‘frightening’ to be Jewish at the Beeb”’
‘as kids reveal it’s ‘frightening’ to be Near the Beeb”
Will the last Jew working at the BBC leak the Balen Report. The report is in a safe in room 101. The password is the ‘Number of the Beast’ plus the number of chapters and verses in the ‘Book of Numbers’: 666361288
Christine Anderson MEP scathing about a Green Deal uber alles:
She rips into the looting of citizens using the climate narrative.
So sad about the death of Ian Lavender – 77? I think the last of Dads ‘ Army . RIP pikey
Don’t tell him, Pike! – Dad’s Army 50th Anniversary
And only recently did Phillip Maddock leave us – but he is currently appearing in ‘manhunt ‘ on talking pictures as a proper SS b stard ….i want crisp chips – not soggy chips ..
BBC title “Parisians vote for rise in parking fees for SUVs”
Real Life “5.7% of Parisians vote for rise in parking fees for SUVs”
5.7% HA HA HA HA HA!
“97.1% of 11,944 science papers …. ” @9:25
“He wrote to the scientific paper saying ‘take me off your fucking mailing list’ with a diagram. They wrote back saying your paper has been accepted.”
Intuition: An understanding that comes from the ‘unconscious’ which turns out to be superior to ‘conscious’ reasoning.
But to deflect from ‘Intuition’ the evil socialists at the BBC and the Governments Behavioural Scientists use brainwashing techniques to create fear, stress, anxiety and other emotions to divide society and stop the British people from thinking intelligently and calmly about whether its wise to injure and kill themselves with mRNA jabs, which Injure the Heart of ALL Vaccine Recipients and Cause Myocarditis in Up to 1 in 27.
Butterflies & testicles?
‘Your best sexual partner is yourself’
“Clapham attack: Manhunt for Abdul Shookor Ezedi continues”
“Police say anyone found to have harboured or helped Ezedi, 35, will be arrested.”
So what’s the offence?
Isn’t he innocent until proven guilty
“Police say anyone found to have harboured or helped Ezedi, 35, will be arrested.”
100+ Police protecting a pink boat = 100+ Police NOT Policing Citizens
Yesterday I posted about armed Police storming a train at Manchester piccadilly station, and reports it was the one eyed so called acid attacker. Around about 18 hours later the medja catches up and reports on the situation, but that the suspect was mis identified.
The mind boggles as to whether some innocent one eyed Pakistani man was dragged off a train because someone thought he looked like Ezedi !
Anyone with a birthmark on their face is advised to remain indoors until further notice.
Bet the person who rang it in, was mentally spending the £20k as the police swooped.
Have you ever heard of the Gestapo actually paying out those rewards they promise? SO many stories of them not doing so now that no one should be silly enough to expect them to keep their promises.
Number of public sector employees in the civil service UK 1999-2023. There were around 1.18 million people working as in the public administration roles in the United Kingdom as of the third quarter of 2023, of which 529,000 worked for the civil service.16 Jan 2024
The BBC and much of the msm are baffled that the muslim Afghan illegal immigrant who threw acid at a family can’t be found.
Indeed, it’s surprising that a man with half his face missing and his photo everywhere could just disappear.
Unless, of course, a certain ‘community’ is sheltering him.
If so, they should all be tried for harbouring a criminal, aiding and abetting or whatever.
They’re also baffled as to his motive. Well, in certain parts of the world and in a certain ‘religion’, acid attacks are common retaliation if a woman disses a man. Perhaps she turned down his amorous advances, in which case she had it coming, as sharia courts might agree – and they’re coming soon.
Or he’s going around with his face covered with a Niqab or Burkha ?
2017 .. Everything you know about acid attacks is wrong
There is a common understanding of acid attacks in the UK that goes something like this: the attacker is male; the victim female. Both are South Asian, and the violence has something to do with the man’s so-called ‘honour’.
But the most comprehensive set of data yet on acid attacks in London paints a different picture.
WINNING “The UK has one of the highest recorded rates of violent acid attacks in the world.”
Comment pieces and news stories speculating that white supremacist acid throwers were targeting Muslims all over the UK began appearing on news sites and blogs.
Acid throwing dates to Victorian times, he added – and Britain is witnessing a “new phase” of the violent attacks.
“We’ve had acid throwing in this country for over 200 years, and there’s been a new development of it,” said Dr Harding. “But it’s not new and it’s not imported.”
. . . . ..
BBC Three, eh?
Nice crowd.
Hats off to those workers.
Better than heads, given what is now known. Now, why does BBC Feedback follow our Bri?
Douglas Murray was scheduled to host a fundraiser for Israeli soldiers in London tonight, but the event was cancelled after workers refused to staff it even when they were offered triple pay.
We are all equal?!
Brian Tweedale
From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs. Socialist. Parent. Cyclist. Dog lover,Liverpool & Blades fan.
SheffieldJoined April 2011
10.7K Following
“If privatisation worked we wouldn’t have this.”
Bri and doubtless many a Beeboid like a trip to and from Bristol. Not by bike.
Parker @MLud47674547
May 12, 2023
Seems reasonable that those that travel from London to Bristol of which I have never done and unlikely to ever do pays its cost themselves rather than be subsidised by me.
I think that is a fake comparison
BBC More Or Less covered it in 2019
It assumes you just turn up and buy
But that’s crazy everyone knows you buy in advance and get a good discount.
“Reality Check verdict: The claim is based on very narrow research.
The UK has some of the most expensive tickets in Europe if bought on the day of travel but some of the cheapest tickets if bought far enough in advance.”
In the replies someone pointed out that the App was selling tickets for £27 even on the day
It’s crazy to invest in the UK cos generally people are so thick they believe a wild claim made in a tweet.
Feedback follows anyone who tweets to them
Her partner / girlfriend – ( also a senior ex met plod )was on the bbc explaining how plod are going to catch the alleged suspect …. No doubt they will eh? Or maybe not … don’t want to upset ‘the community ‘…
Brazilian electricians are advised to stay indoors
Thank Allah she’s gone, but the latest gormless git is no better.
Piers Morgan versus the Prime Minister has aired and it’s an entertaining watch. After admitting that his children don’t think it’s “cool” to have him as their dad, Sunak tried to show how confident he was with his Rwanda plan that he shook on a £1,000 bet with Piers that he’d get flights off the ground by the election. Chump change…
Whilst he tried to assure the public that his “stop the boats” priority will be achieved, he admitted that his government has failed on the one of the other pledges: cutting NHS waiting lists. Last month, he told Laura Kuenssberg that measures he’s put in place will see a reduction in waiting times by spring. Now it seems he’s accepted defeat…
. . . . . . . .
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
The number of people in Bradford’s Pakistani community who have married a cousin has fallen sharply in the past 10 years, a study suggests. Higher educational attainment, new family dynamics and changes in immigration rules are thought to be possible reasons.
Strange really – the blue labour lot replaced an elected buffoon with an unelected technocrat – who turns out to be a sort of technocrat buffoon – such as making dumb promises which will be either cheated or failed .
How can a country be left without a choice of effective government … pee poor really isn’t it ?
King Charles’ new Equerry is to be a certain Captain Kat Anderson, female and of mixed race. Being part Malaysian, she might be muslim (?).
Perhaps she was chosen strictly on merit, but given Charles’s previous form, I wonder if we’re seeing DEI infiltrating the Royal Family. If so, Charles would do well to remember that last time they introduced a bit of ‘cool’ diversity in the form of Meghan, it ended in tears.
. . . . .
Police officer Carol Howard v the Met: ‘I was absolutely humiliated’
This article is more than 9 years old
Rachel Williams
As one of the force’s only female firearms officers, Carol Howard was subjected to a ‘vindictive and spiteful’ campaign of discrimination and smears, an employment tribunal ruled. She explains how her boss ‘tried to break me’
Netflix must have already signed her up …
Did you know that the NHS is one of the largest employers in the world? And with 1.3 million staff, it is the biggest employer in Europe. The NHS offers a huge range of exciting and challenging opportunities for people who are passionate about making a difference.
NHS Waiting lists too long !
Stopping the boats – Still crossing !
There’s a link there somewhere ……
How many Illegals are on the waiting list ?
Absolutely none, there’s no chance they have to wait, that’d be racist, innit.
Too many ‘penpushers’, not enough nurses and doctors . Simples
I wish people would stop trying to make a difference and just do their job properly.
I see Millei’s Argentina is experiencing more disastrous economic problems.
A few weeks ago I said he made a major error in reaching out to Bidens USA who did absolutely nothing to assist him. China pulled away as a result, and Millei had also tried to distance his country from BRICS as well.
As a result of all this inflation in Argentina has reached 211% and there are huge demonstrations on the streets.
He doesn’t seem an unintelligent man, but what on Earth was he thinking to trust the US Dollar when it’s clear Biden is doing his best to destroy it !
His most disastrous error was to go to Davis and tell them the truth, that they , the WEF crowd are the problem and that the people want shut of them.
Once he said that he had to go but first his policy will be shown to be totally , absolutely , unquestioningly wrong.
Then a technocrat will be appointed by the WEF who rescues Argentina by a good dose of WEF approved financial orthodoxy.
A familiar train of events.There is a heavy price to be paid if you go against the WEF.
In the above excerpt they discuss how celebrity endorsements influence decisions of swing voters in elections, asking whether they can think of any historical instances of this happening in the UK, as well as personally for Miliband. Ed scratched his head as Geoff unsuccessfully encouraged him to search for an example.
Note – Carved in Stone 4. “Controlls on Immigration.”
“Controls” may go up and down.
‘Edstone, dead voters changing gender …
Am I jumping to the unwarranted conclusion that Starmer’s Labour are the undead?
Hand comes out of the earth to a crescendo of Hammer inspired organ music…
The Mass invasion of Britain should have triggered the call for a ‘State of Emergency’.
The Tory government and their chums in Labour – all of them, should should resign ‘enbloc’ !
Time for Reform before its too late.
Has the BBC covered the mass invasion ? Scrap the outfit because its not fit for purpose.