In the last week the BBC has been forced to release 3000 emails concerning the fraud on Princess Diana , the publications of anti semitic hate social media by a BBC manager and yesterday the story of BBC manager giving ‘expert evidence ‘ to support criminal Somalians trying to get ‘asylum ‘… take your pick – and that’s just the vile BBC stuff we know about .
And you still pay for the BBC ?
Start the week 5th February 2024
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Breaking News. Charles has cancer and will be treated for such. No public duties, but will deal with paperwork.
Next in line – Queen, then William, then oh dear God – Harry.
I think it’s William Windsor then his oldest kiddie …
William’s three kids come before Horrible Henry.
The children must never, ever, be allowed to travel together.
A WEF King WFH. In his 15 minute neighbourhood?
Sorry I should have said, I meant for grown up duties- and it .now ir appears Hapless is coming home and may fill in for his father in some visits.
Lots of olive branches mentioned in the media, and in sickness families pull together, perhaps someone should mention Meghans dad then
No ITV local news prog, instead we have boring SPECULATION
King has some kind of cancer, not prostate one
BBC having to pretend it’s the BBC for 5 minutes – 6pm news treating story like he is already dead ….
… I’m sure mr Windsor won’t be on a waiting list ….
Maybe they’ll finally get round to offering prostate testing on any taxpayer over 50 / 60 ….i had to ‘go private ‘….
UK Has a Problem: Alarming Post-Jab Trends With Data Analyst Ed Dowd. Reporting of data for UK children:
No doubt the MSM will now be bombarding the public with horrific tales of long waiting lists for cancer treatment and blaming the covid plandemic and lockdowns. Big pharma probably working at warp speed to produce a vaccine. As to the causes of the sudden surge of cancer diagnosis, there may be other reasons for it.
Noticeable that the royal cancer announcement didn’t mention ‘benign ‘ …. Which will up the speculation …
2018 .. Jeremy Hunt gave wrong information on scale of NHS breast cancer screening errors, review says
Error ‘caused unnecessary concern to the public and additional distress to women affected’, independent review says
Alex Matthews-King
Health Correspondent
Friday 14 December 2018
Nearly 500,000 women were needlessly plunged into uncertainty after Jeremy Hunt told the House of Commons, based on incorrect advice, that NHS breast cancer screening errors had led to hundreds of deaths, a review has found.
Douglas Murray was prevented from giving a talk yesterday by the Islamofascists and their fellow-travellers on the Left.
He’s seething with rage, and calling for the police, the politicians and the general public to grow a pair and show some courage in the face of the existential threat to our freedoms.
Thank Allah for platforms like Talk TV and GB News, without which we’d never even know, if it were left up to the BBC to inform us.
That said, it might already be too late, short of an almighty uprising.
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’ – Nick Robinson BBC
“Thank Allah for platforms like Talk TV and GB News” – I welcome our future overlords.
. . . . ..
How Saudi Arabia bought the world
From magazine issue:
17 June 2023
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
I’m seeing that some fellow in Pakistan is actually being proclaimed as The Mahdi
Could get spicy
6 years ago
BBC issues apology to Douglas Murray
Thing is with GBN now is the amount of “resident” opinionaters who are on a rota system. Matthew Laza and Matthew “this is important” Stadler who are on a nice earner on a daily basis. Clearly they spend their time in the green room all day until their next 20 minute appearance.
GB News has its problems but it’s still a hundred times better than most other broadcasters and a thousand times better than the BBC.
And it’s free.
It seems the dud broadcasters – bbc – itv – c4 are starting up some sort of internet channel – ‘freely ‘ in the summer ….. despite something called ‘britbox ‘ having been dumped last year after failing .
Do you get the reason ? It’s because so much of the output is woke crap – and the archive becomes woke crap who 85% plus of the population realise and won’t watch – broadband or not …..
……on the upside if the bbc wastes more money on another failure that can only be good for us …
However, following backlash of the show’s content, it was removed from streaming services including BBC iPlayer and Netflix. The BBC shared they chose to remove Little Britain as ‘times have changed’ but in 2022, the comedy show returned to iPlayer whilst Netflix continues with the ban.16 Dec 2023
Marky – I was vaguely aware of britbox but didn’t realise it had been scrapped – perhaps because I couldn’t give a damn . I don’t really watch live tv anymore any way – so not subjected to the coloured male / white female coffee kids which I understand is the norm now as advertisers extinguish white people
Don’t watch – BBC is a great 100% comedy show 24/7.
Go woke go broke.
BritBox didn’t die rather the kept it abroad
and in the UK the same shows went into ITVX premium
“BritBox will continue to exist as a standalone app, which you can continue enjoying as long as you have a BritBox subscription. However, all your favourite BritBox shows are moving to ITVX where you will need an ITVX Premium subscription to watch them.”
Tweet advertisers multiple foreign versions of Britbox
Australian customer asks why all Brits are now black
some people are going to lose their minds over Carlson if he gets the interview…
I suppose the feds will arrest him on his return to the US and give him an Epstein …
ANdrew to go back to check if King left any evidence?!
“Andrew took at least FOUR flights on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express private jet: Flight records reveal Duke of York’s trips including one to financier’s now notorious Caribbean island
Flight logs have been found which show the Duke of York did fly on Epstein’s jet
Investigation found Prince Andrew flew on ‘the Lolita Express’ at least four times
They included flights both to and from Epstein’s Caribbean island, Little St James
In his BBC interview, Andrew admitted he had flown on Epstein’s ‘private plane’“
ha ha ha ha ha!
Wear a hijab to stand with Islamic women.
Throw acid to stand with Jo Brand and Asian women!
I got this wrong. Really sorry. The photo was included in a group of others of the crowds greeting Khomeini on his arrival in February 1979, but I’m now told it was of a later demonstration against compulsory hijab. Apologies.
Going well then.
The BBC now have a royal correspondent outside a palace where the king isn’t and a medical correspondent outside a clinic where the king also isn’t.
Sky at it as well. Newspaper reviewers stood outside Buck House, why ? Bloody ridiculous.
Brissles- because of the media’s (particularly the BBC’s) hysterical over the top coverage I’m bored with it already.
“Opposition parties attack Rishi Sunak over £1,000 Rwanda bet”
How long has the BBC got ?
How long have the Tory Government got ?
BBC will be all over this?
Some midwit teenager will no doubt be tasked with report filed in a regional section..
No electric motorhomes then ? ….. tragic loss.
Not that Redmond will send a warning to every Windows licensee…
Last week we saw interruption of service on Outlook email and Office 365 Cloud services. It would seem that server access for MSeis’s server machines was also affected since you couldn’t VPN in to servers / domains. (saw all this unfold last Wednesday onwards)
Please see the linked video : (YouTube)
Microsoft themselves got massively compromised.
It seems likely that they won’t release the entirety / full extent of the security failure for months although the video does give some detail.
Whodunnit? I don’t know – but I don’t expect an honest answer from Microsoft or the US/UK governments.
I wonder if the EU or UKOIC will saddle up for a negligent data breach action?
Absolutely puggy : that whole articles stinks of 1% truth, 99% BBC fabrication where all the residents of Gaza – right down to 6 year olds – speak excellent English and perfectly encapsulate the general tone of the current BBC agenda in concise sentences.
Just look at this:
‘”Where is the International Court of Justice? Why are presidents sitting in their chairs?” Hind’s mother, Wissam, asked’
It’s clearly another fake article written by an activist BBC reporter based on a few nuggets of truth and who knows nobody can prove otherwise.
It’s a good example of what the BBC have become. It’s not news at all. It’s part of their leftist anti-Jew, pro-Muslim campaign.
Another from this one who has caught the spotlight here for me several times. And always in a bad way:

If only the dinosaurs had driven a Tesla?!
More on the Pakistan modern day Mahdi – or a Life of Brian sort of a thing?
Douglas Murray event moved at eleventh hour after venue staff refuse to work
My phone threw this at me this morning and basically what happened is that it was a fundraiser for an Israeli Institute of Technology. It seems someone in the theatre leaked all the staff emails to some far-lefties who then sent threatening emails to them all about what would happen to them if they went to work.
The Apollo cancelled the event, but they managed to hold it elsewhere.
Now this is about as relevant to ‘Democracy’ and ‘free speech’ as you can get. And is absolutely the type of theing the nasty Left and their Muslim friends do to people they don’t like. So it seemed that it would be a good test of the BBC’s bias – because in the right circumstances, this would make the front page.
Nada on the BBC. Nothing. They didn’t report it. And I didn’t expect them to. Because they will have been pleased about it.
Once again we see free speech curtailed by intimidation – fascist Lefty style.
John -One expects nothing different from the BBC. It
is bedfellows with the Guardian and Novarra Media.
And has far too many ” Julius Streicher’s” in it’s
Just looking on Facebook and some of the news from around the world, unlike the fluffy “news” the bbc choose to tell us.
IE the farmers in Belgium, Holland, Germany – maybe the bbc would like to be honest and tell us more about it
IE whats going on in the Irish Republic over the illegal immigrants, and how people actually feel
IE all the terrorist supporters in favour of Hamas and protests in major cities around the world. The take over of the muslim world in the west and what a sh*t hole it is becoming
Has Blairs legacy also managed to infect the judiciary ?
We all know only too well one only has to give a certain sector here an inch and they will take a country mile.
This is all they need to create havoc in our country about an issue that is little do to with us.
A minority trying to subvert our country for one reason only, the terrorists they support are of the same death cult far right religion.
If that religion is as good as they scream and shout about, why are they all running away from each and every country controlled and governed by that religion ?
“Anti-Zionist views protected in landmark tribunal ruling as it found in favour of a sacked University of Bristol professor who called the ‘Zionist movement’ one of the ‘five pillars of Islamophobia'”
Not just the judiciary…
So, King Charles, who has been cosseted since birth, best food, best healthcare, who also avoids meat, dairy and fish a few days a week, eats linseed for breakfast and only organic food with no additives; has cancer .
He could easily pass for eighty years old by his looks…
Meanwhile, although many have fallen by the wayside, many rock musicians such as ex Beatles, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page and Jagger (maybe not Keith Richards) look fine in their old age after a normal 1950s childhood followed by a mountain of alcohol, cocain and heroin, with endless touring, living in hotels and travelling thousands of miles around the world over and over, with little sleep for most of their lives.
Genetics ? luck ? who knows.
Sod the linseed for breakfast and no meat and dairy, enjoy life while you can.
How to spot a TV licensing scam
“Scammers are pretending to be from TV Licensing in order to steal people’s hard earned cash”
No bbc, the scam is paying for a licence to promote your views
More than 50,000 were caught in Greater London, more than 21,000 in Glasgow and more than 10,400 in Birmingham. Other cities with a high number of evaders caught include: Manchester (more than 7,800) Liverpool (more than 7,500),Liverpool%20(more%20than%207%2C500)
Scrap the licence!
There , sorted it.
That’s going to make a few heads explode.
TITS huh?
– can’t be anything but deliberate that – good on him.
Join up – chip implant to the brain mandatory – free tiktok into the brain 24/7.
Cochlear implants seem to be on balance a good thing although not everybody benefits – I know one woman who’d been deaf and she’s a fan.
I doubt that sensing impure thoughts and applying a high voltage to a rectal implant will appear anytime soon.
@ Tomo
There’s already a waiting list in Brighton for the latter
China bans electric shock treatment used to ‘cure’ young internet addicts
This article is more than 14 years old
Ministry of health steps in after safety fears raised
Definition of addiction is too vague, say experts
Dear Dawn Queva – I am writing to you as a
recruitment officer at the BBC. We are pleased to
be able to offer you a job as a senior scheduling
coordinator at the BBC . As you tick all the boxes
One important proviso is that you should not put
your personal views on any of the social networks
such as Facebook or Twitter. Of course most of us at the
BBC hold similar views to you. And that is why you ticked so many
May I suggest that if at any time
you find that you cannot control your hatred against
“the chosen people” and have to make these feelings known
on the social network. I am afraid that only Gary Lineker is allowed to do this.
However if the worse comes to the worse . There is always The Guardian .Or better still Novarra Media. I am sure that Owen Jones and Ash Sarkar would welcome you with open arms.
Foscari – I predicted she’d get a job with Channel 4 next …. Anyway – I was thinking about the BBC and its’ attitude to the House of Windsor .
We know – here – how much the BBC hates white normal Britain . It is denigrated at the drop of a hat – yet with the royals – there is an exception – even when they have obvious sinners such as Andrew Windsor – the adoration of royalty continues .
And the reason for this ? I reckon there are several –
1 a lot of people still have great regard for royalty – and to cross them might force a government to do something
2 the government gives out the previous gongs royalty bestows – and this must be a career aspiration for so many of our enemies in the BBC – don’t want to kill off the golden goose
3 criticising the monachy is still ‘avoid ‘ policy – see bashir
4 there is still a kind of institutional memory -a small bit – where the bbc really was the bbc – and not a far left Britain hating Marxist social ‘justice ‘ monster intent on making the UK a failed socialist state.
BTW – the king with cancer story must be a real challenge for some of those truly loony red labour MPs to not say something ‘unpleasant ‘….
40 of the 300 illegal migrants on the barge have converted to Christianity. It’s obviously a scam but whatever one thinks of this, perhaps we should praise the 260 migrants that at least have some principles and remain with their Moslem faith.
Incidentally, abandoning the Moslem faith is apostasy, punishable by death. One might wonder what tensions might arise on the barge.
I know the Church from Welby down could be viewed as do-gooding idiots for allowing the Church to be used this way, I actually can’t blame them. If someone knocks on the door of the Church asking to become Christian, they can’t really refuse can they?
Maybe they need to flee to a church and claim asylum as it would not be safe on the barge.
Don’t fancy being that vicar.
Flotsam-i must tell you what I consider an amusing
story. A religious Jewish bloke I know went to prison
for quite a serious offence , not involving violence.
There was only one other Jew in the prison as far as he knew.
However he thought he would do some “good” in prison.
He is very bright fellow. And he started running different classes .
. The governor of the prison was very pleased with him.
However there was a problem. All the prisoners in his classes
got to know that he was able to get KOSHER food brought in .
And some of you may know how nice a plate of chicken soup
with all the extras is, followed by a salt beef sandwich.
All of a sudden a plethora of prisoners of all different faiths
and even Muslims who didn’t rate the Halal stuff brought in .
As well as atheists decided that they wanted to become Jewish.
And were even willing to be circumcised to have a plate of
kosher chopped liver!
So becoming a Christian without being circumcised for being
allowed to stay in the UK . Even if you have committed crimes
for which you should be deported , is child’s play, in comparison.
circumcised = free meat for everyone?!
There’s one huge ‘drawback’ with that Fosc…
I don’t think apostasy will worry them Flotsam, they have probably already told their fellows that they are simply employing taqqia against the infidels, eg lying to gain an advantage which is actively encouraged under Islam’s law.
Open Borders. Open Legs. Open Minds. Open YOUR wallet.
Lucy is on it in the BBC Moaning Emole.
Mystery fate of Gazan girl trapped in Israel-Hamas warzone
“Will you come and get me?” was the desperate plea from six-year-old Hind Rajab to an emergency call operator a week ago. It’s thought she was the last living passenger of a car that was caught in an active combat zone in Gaza City. Her fate since making that phone call remains unknown. Our Middle East correspondent Lucy Williamson speaks to Hind’s mother and grandfather and the call operator as they search for answers about what has happened to this little girl and hope she’s found alive.“
So… with her brother or dad in an active combat zone?
The moral of the story is of course that when an army with tanks tell you will be safe if you take the road Souht, you don’t decide to go East and run into them.
They might think you are a car full of terrorists with anti-tank missiles and RPG’s.
Same as all the black people who get shot by the police. When a policeman tells you to put your hands up, you do that. You don’t lunge for a gun under your passenger seat.
All of this is common sense. But what ISN’T is how the BBC never include how people broke those rules in their reports which led directly to their demise. They want portray them as innocent victims and swamp the story with empathy so you don’t question it.
Which makes them activists who are quite prepared to cynically ‘lie by omission’ when it suits their agenda. But we’ve known that for a long time now. And so have OFCOM.
Cause for concern edition
My old mum used to have something of a catchphrase she would deploy in response to certain items she heard on the BBC tv news: “Here’s another cause for concern”
You can guess at the sort of items she was responding to on our old telly – not news events as such but those reports and articles fashioned from whole cloth, so to speak. A giveaway might be a headline beginning: “A shock report out today…” “Statistics reveal…”; “A committee of MPs/campaign group/charity/community leaders… say…”
BBC online news, anxious to preserve an outward show of balance representing some semblance of political neutrality, will often ‘scare quote’ for the sake of deniability when they carry regime appoved claims about the world – whereas our more frankly left-liberal media will headline their claims as read and only get around to some attribution deep within the small print.
So it is we read: Social media ‘fuelling playgroud mysogyny’ – on the frontcover of the Guardian this morning : …according to a report. Researchers said… – full attribution will only be revealed on page 2 of the Gruan. (beyond our remit) However…. “Here’s another cause for concern”
One can only guess at the fashioned out of whole cloth nature of this study: …content suggested by TikTok over a five-day period as the algorithm served more extreme videos that were often focused on anger and blame directed at women. (Guardian)
Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Width was a British television sitcom first broadcast in 1967… plots revolve around two tailors in business together… (Thank you Wiki); It’s a saying used to persuade you that quantity is more important than quality. Originating from unscrupulous London backstreet tailors palming you off with cheap material instead of the good stuff for your suit (Thank you Catherine Jones, trainer & coach, social media strategy, LinkedIn)
We’re sophisticated enough to know – those of us hereabouts at least who are paying attention – that the constant drumbeat of social media ’cause for concern’ scare stories carefully curated and placed into the mainstream is an accompanyment to centralised moves to censor and control dissident voices.
Brianna Ghey’s mother calls for children to be banned from social media apps (Independent)
‘It’s the Wild West’: Brianna Ghey’s mum calls for social media ban for under-16s to prevent similar tragedies (LBC)
But gosh, I wonder what sort of mainstream cultural messaging might be ‘fuelling playgroud mysogyny’ as the Guardian suggests – which sounds as though young males think they may be in some form of a highly competitive sex war with the females of the species?
Now for one of those side by side juxtapositions of headlines that tend to give the game away in terms of media messaging – because beside the Guardian report: Social media ‘fuelling playgroud mysogyny’ – we have an article seized on by our BBC online news site press review pickers and headlined by the gynaeceum that is BBC Staff as simply: ‘women dominate Grammys’
Record breaker… Taylor Swift makes history as women dominate the Grammys… Lucy Dacus, Taylor Swift and Pheobe Bridgers at the Grammy awards… (Guardian)
Mr AsI will have to declare a non-interest here. He has never knowingly heard a Taylor Swift song.
He does, however, recall an old gag about Canadian songstress of a slightly earlier era named Alanis Morissette – she has sold 85 million albums, none of them to men
By the way, the Guardian frontpage this morning is a female only space. Top headline: King Charles diagnosed with cancer – is under the byline: Caroline Davis. Sally Weale Education correspondent writes that Social media ‘fuelling playgroud mysogyny’ report.
Overseas-based journo Emine Sinmez in Tirana writes about the decidedly male habit of fighting age Albanians getting into rubber boats to arrive by sea illegally in Britain: A life cut short From Tirana to Bibby Stockholm.
Then there’s the feature teaser: Felicity Huffman on life after prison… ‘Some people have been kind. Others not’ – calm down dear.
Who she, you ask?
Felicity Huffman says she broke the law to give her child ‘a chance at a future’ This article is more than 2 months old. Actor paid $15,000 for an exam proctor to change her daughter’s answers on the SAT and spent 11 days in prison in 2019 (Guardian) – 11 days is not exactly what they term a long stretch.
Gay male celeb Ryan Clark does get a crack of the Guardian frontpage whip – but one might reflect that it’s just because he’s seen as a bit of a victim: ‘Nothing made sense’ Ryan Clark on surviving a breakdown (Guardian) – buck up, man.
Oh, and putting the Gruan frontpage under the microscope one discovers that one Francis Specker/Getty Images (gender orientation unknown) has the photo credit for the Grammy winners pic.
Asiseeit it – you missed one ‘ the bbc has learned ….’
Thanks for the daily summary ….
dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex).
> misandry
And if I am not mistaken does not appear in the Collins and maybe also the Oxford English dictionary
Our green and pleasant future
“And did those feet, in ancient times….”
25 to 30 years
“The industry standard for most solar panels’ lifespans is 25 to 30 years. Most reputable manufacturers offer production warranties for 25 years or more.11 Sept 2023”
A few hailstorms will sort that out
Yes, just imagine if we were at war, just a few shots from a catapult with some pebbles and no more energy
“Solar panels can generally withstand a hailstorm. In some parts of the country, where hailstorms are more frequent and powerful, a hailstorm can be severe enough to damage them. Look for quality materials and take steps to protect your investment if you live in those areas.17 Jan 2023”
Also not much good next to a golf course, there’s a pic somewhere of a house near a green with a whole roof-full of dents and smashes from budding Nick Faldos…
BBC staff upset edition.
My 86 year old mother was asked by her doctor to go the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff at 4pm yesterday to get a severe chest infection assessed. She’s still there, sitting stoically on a hard plastic chair all night. What’s going on? #NHSCrisis
Presumably you are there with her Jez? Maybe use the time to count the diversity advisers in the Welsh NHS… under….?
King Charles to open the new ward once he’s seen his private doctor at one of his 10 houses! Oh dear.
Is she in a Gaza hospital?
Run by Mark Drakeford on behalf of Hummer?
20mph ambulances.
Calling JusRol
Electric cars: Lords urge action on ‘misinformation’ in press
Oh… ‘the press’. BBC exempted.
Free e-cars for all Lords!
. . . . .
Taxpayers foot the bill: MPs are charging their electric cars for free at the Palace of Westminster — as Ministers consider whether to hike petrol duties
MPs are charging car batteries at the Palace of Westminster paid by taxpayers
But Ministers may rise petrol duties – even though a full charge could cost £25
Commons’ Admin Committee chair Sir Charles Walker said users should pay
Meanwhile, over at BBc Three
It’s hardly a ringing endorsement for multiculturalism when you lose a significant amount of support from one demographic group for not sympathising with Hamas propaganda enough.
Zarah Sultana MP
Polling released today shows a dramatic fall in support for Labour from British Muslims.
This should be a wake up call, reminding us of the risk of taking voters for granted.
I fear if this warning isn’t quickly heeded, there could be long-lasting damage for the party. 1/2
4:51 pm · 5 Feb 2024
. . . . . . .
So much contradiction between data … who to believe?
….As one survey revealed (no reference given), 83% of Muslims said they were proud to be British, compared to 79% of Britons overall. {by Baroness Warsi – jan2013 }
Proud to be British – but what is British? Is being British having freedom to draw cartoons …
“ Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.” {by Douglas Murray}
video blocked x
What percentage of UK RoP peeps are going to be swept up in the new Mahdist cult?
Like I said up thread – it could get spicy
Mahdist cult?
okay… he’s a bit late – hence my “Life of Brian” comparison.
Take this shit seriously, they mean what they say
Anybody wanting to explore where Islam might go can do a lot worse than reading The Siege of Mecca – seriously
Hundreds of Islamic radicals led by Saudi preacher Juhayman al-Otaybi invaded the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Islam’s holiest shrine, on Nov. 20, 1979. The intruders included men from all over the Muslim world and a handful of American converts. Tens of thousands of worshipers were trapped inside the compound. The battle for the shrine lasted two weeks, causing hundreds of deaths and ending only after the intervention of Saudi National Guard and French Special Forces.
Will NEOM have Sharia law?
No Sharia law in the mega-city
NEOM will be fully owned by Saudi Arabia’s sovereign Public Investment Fund (PIF) until its listing, and will attract investments from companies in renewable energy, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and entertainment, the PIF has said.
I’m seeing NEOM promotional stuff mostly related to media production.
“The New Hollywood” – that seems a bit incompatible with the Taliban approach to media?
Mollywood – Mohammed Would?
Hundreds of people queued outside a new dental practice in Bristol yesterday in hope of registering as NHS patients.
Tara Miran is part of a group campaigning for more dental places in the area and tells #R4Today this shows ‘a snippet of the state of dentistry in this country’.
Might this group of Ms. Miran’s be recent in the area?
And keen on MPs like Misses Begum and Raisin Brane?
You should note that it was Tony BLiars nu Liebour party which destroyed NHS dentistry, and it looks like kneeling surkeer will do the same to the NHS too.
We saw a great move during BLiars time to the use of private medical companies which have greatly improved efficiency.
I am given to understand that Red Labour MPs are being given large sums by private medical companies and we can only hope they will begin the destruction of the woefully bloated and far Left NHS monster.
I also note the increased benefits of diversity in the Bristol region exemplified by the lady in question and queue.
A few more than the BBC post manages.
Today’s news that (absolutely !) isn’t fit to print / broadcast is the Microsoft data breach.
If you’ve a Microsoft product – you’re affected. Even Apple and Linux users cannot be smug if their login credentials were anywhere in Microsoft servers. The bandits operated for two months before being found / intruders acted against.
That’s a lot of people and a humongous exposure.
I wonder what the BBC would announce if they were to show Blazing Saddles ?
Nelson Mandela’s wife just sold necklaces that were a tad hot!
The Another blue labour MP is to ‘stand down ‘ from parliament – this time it is the half wit Kwazi Kwatang… off to spend more time with his golden goodbye and his certain place in the Lords … I wonder if Elizabeth Truss will be going too ?
50 blue labour MPs after the election …. And so well deserved …btw apparently the 7 million on benefits are getting their extra £299 straight to their bank accounts from today …. Free money !
Two videos reportedly put up by the racist lunatic who went on a stabbing spree at the Gare du Lyon:
disclaimer: please do not click on the link if you have a snowflake tendency, or a dodgy pacemaker. These are probably the rantings of a lunatic:
IMHO the importance of the video is to show civil society what they are up against. The videos would never be shown by the bBC.
These colleagues… ‘investigating’….
Will the poisonous Private Pike of the Guardian make it onto a BBC sofa to repeat this shit?
The UK government must move to proscribe Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). On 12 January 2023, the House of Commons debated a motion calling for the government to swiftly take this action, with the vote unanimously in favour.
The IRGC is a violent, Islamist-extremist organisation that operates no differently to proscribed groups in the United Kingdom, including the Islamic State (ISIS), al-Qaeda and Hizbullah. This is apparent from its formal programme of indoctrination designed to radicalise members to adopt its hardline Islamist-extremist ideology as well as its use of terrorism, militancy, hostage-taking and hijacking as a modus operandi.
For more than 43 years, the IRGC has been responsible for plotting global terrorist attacks, hostage-taking and other offences on foreign soil – including in Europe and the UK – as well as human-rights violations in Iran.
Information from the internal training manuals used by the IRGC to radicalise recruits as part of its indoctrination programme:
This evidence clearly showed that the ideology of the IRGC is both violent and extremist, and is based on a distortion of Islamic scripture no different to proscribed Islamist groups in the UK – from Hizbullah to ISIS and al-Qaeda.
The IRGC justifies, glorifies and prioritises armed jihad against what it describes as the “enemies of Islam”, identified as non-Muslims and opponents of the regime (including Muslims).
The materials used to radicalise the IRGC’s members explicitly calls on recruits to kill Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians through armed jihad because they “do not have true and acceptable faith” while underlining that it is “obligatory for Muslims to fight them to pressure them to give up their devious beliefs and to accept Islam”.
The IRGC’s indoctrination materials also require its members to torture Iranians who oppose the Islamic Republic prior to their execution on the basis they are “waging war against God” (moharebs). The Guard’s textbooks outline four specific punishments for moharebs: “execution, hanging, cross-amputation (cutting off a hand and the opposite foot) and exile.
The ongoing and recent protests in Iran have resulted in several protestors being executed and tortured on the charges of being a mohareb.
The UK government must move to proscribe THE UK GOV as a hostile force!
What do you do when rape of the living will see you stoned to death or beaten to death ? Well the sickos in Pakistan have the answer – you rape the dead!
The rise in necrophiliac rape is so widespread that parents of girls and young women have had to resort to putting locked gates on their graves to stop them being dug up and defiled.
Don’t expect British media to be carrying this news, they’re too busy distancing Paklstani Muslims from child rape, acid attacks, jihadi terrorism, Islamism, and cartoons of their prophet to be carrying this news.
Green grate at the grave, shepherds near getting a fright.
Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی, lit. ’boy play’)[1] is a practice in which men (sometimes called bacha baz) buy and keep adolescent boys (sometimes called dancing boys) for entertainment and sex.[2][3] It is a custom in Afghanistan and in historical Turkestan and often involves sexual slavery and child prostitution by older men of young adolescent males.[4]
According to German ethnographic research, the phenomenon is up to a thousand years old. As far back as the 9th Century or 10th Century, the mountainous regions that are now northern Afghanistan were known for this practice.[5]
A Labour MP has called for greater understanding of this cultural practice, and for the term necrophilia to be banned as it stigmatises the practitioners. Instead, the term ‘Attracted to Non-Living Persons’ or ANLP should be used. The MP stated: “A generation ago, LGBTQ+ people suffered hatred and prejudice for their preferences and nature, but now we accept that ‘All Love Is Love’. This is no different, and the sooner that society accepts both Minor Attracted Persons (MAP) and ANLPs, the better it will be”.
The above is a hoax, but don’t be surprised to hear something similar in the future from a Labour MP. One of those gobby wimmin’ ones with a room temperature IQ and dependent on a certain demographic in her constituency.
I am getting cremated when the time comes.
Some have said I’ve got one foot in the grate already.
You can afford that much gas?
Set to simmer!
BBC Director Of Comedy Jon Petrie announces six shows
The announcement includes the return of fan favourites alongside a new sitcom
Roles and responsibilities
Jon Petrie’s roles and responsibilities will be published shortly.
Jon Petrie’s biography will be published shortly.
Annual remuneration (as at July 2023)
Full Name Grouping Sub-Type Reason Date Incurred Amount £
Amount £
Mr Jon Petrie Other
Entrance Fees &
Tickets Assessing Talent-theatre 06/01/2023 65 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Meeting with producer 10/01/2023 46.13 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Talent Meeting 11/01/2023 22.5 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Meeting with talent 17/01/2023 80.13 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Meeting with Producer 17/01/2023 69.75 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Meeting with talent 18/01/2023 133.88 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Meeting with Talent 25/01/2023 132.34 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Meeting with commissioner 31/01/2023 54.59 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Meeting with talent 09/02/2023 52.72 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Lunch with talent 10/02/2023 45.85 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Meeting with Talent 03/03/2023 57.94 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Meeting with talent 09/03/2023 44.1 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Meeting with talent after Press Event 07/03/2023 30.4 0
Mr Jon Petrie
Hospitality for
Business Contacts Meeting with Producer 09/03/2023 73.21 0
“BBC Director Of Comedy”
They don’t do “comedy”, just Woke .
he doesn’t need to update this yet…
This is getting… feisty as election season looms.
One can actually share JezBo’s frustration, but some are redirecting it the wrong way.
Move to Gaza for better waiting times?
Jeremy bowen criticising the labour run Welsh NHS …. Sack him at once … but don’t forget to clap ….
… I think as time goes by that clapping phenomenon is going to look more like a sign of national hysteria than ever…. As well as how easy it is to indoctrinate fools
Piece in the bbc online about Spanish farmers joining their European counterparts taking action over the EU – good for them …
King Charles criticised for appointing pro-homeopathy doctor
This article is more than 1 month old
Campaigners say monarch’s decision to put Dr Michael Dixon in charge of royal medical household is ‘inappropriate’
Would imagine that clown Dixon appearing as in the great homeopathy sketch by Mitchell and Webb.
They don’t call him King Charles the stupid for nothing !