BBC still on full Royal duty to keep the ‘powers that be ‘ onside – they;l soon revert to hating Britain and the people who still pay the licence ….( hope it’s not you )
Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin will be published tomorrow evening American prime time – at 18:00 Washington time (2:00 Moscow time) on Tucker’s website and on his Twitter account
Tucker Carlson wanted to interview Boris Johnson. But Boris is as scared of Tucker as he was with Nigel Farage. The coward also runs away from Andrew Bridgen.
“A rip-roaring and hilarious memoir from Stanley Johnson – father of London mayor Boris Johnson.
Stanley’s story begins with a loud bang – when his father, an RAF pilot in the Second World War, crash-lands a Wellington bomber on a Devon airfield. A few years later Stanley’s parents buy a sheep farm on nearby Exmoor, where Stanley does much of his growing up.
Stanley would keep his links with this much-loved rural idyll throughout his life – while going on to become an explorer, author, occasional politician and also one of the world’s first environmentalists”
I believe quite relevant in response to Pugnacious’ post as it raises awareness of the modus operandi involving extreme violence of this “organisation” which operates identically to blackshirt fascists both 6 years ago and today
“As we talk, Jacqui calmly explains the evidence for democide in the UK, much of which is hidden in plain sight, and she explains the complicity of the Government and its agencies—including the NHS—and of those who wrongly behave as its agencies, including courts and the police. Significantly, parliamentarians and the British legacy media are also complicit by their silence. “
“At an event held by the Broadcasting Press Guild, the Match of the Day man was asked what he thought about the BBC’s new social media guidelines for star presenters who work outside news and current affairs. And St Gary claimed: “I was partly involved in drawing them up.””
Perhaps someone can help me out . The BBC has heightened my ‘racial awareness ‘… so when I saw an ‘Africa cup ‘ game was on bbc2 this evening – I noticed a number of things – e coloured pundits in the studio – including Jermaine- still on his driving ban – but then the 2 teams – all coloured – the ref and linos – coloured …. And they didn’t ’take the knee ‘ before the game started …
Am I missing something in this lack of diversity ? Is this racism ? Is the bbc condoning it?
Why would the police think that he might be being helped to hide by the Muslim community.
I thought he feared for his life being a Christian if he were to live with Muslims.
BBC … The man suspected of carrying out an attack on three people in London has “very significant” injuries which could be fatal if not treated, Cmdr Jon Savell says.
Officers are still hunting the man – Abdul Shokoor Ezedi – a week after a woman and her two children were attacked with a corrosive substance in Clapham.
The woman, who remains sedated in hospital, is believed to have agreed to a meeting with the attacker, Cmdr Jon Savell says.
If ever convicted, I hope his eventual parole involves mandatory church attendance for life with a requirement to sing every hymn.
Also, mandatory learning the trumpet and tambourine and attendance at every Salvation Army street concert, and attending back street pubs on a Friday and Saturday night to sell the the War Cry magazine to aggressive drunks only waiting for the meat raffle and their turn on the karaoke to sing “I Did it My Way”..
I am not keen on almost anything EU. Can’t say journalists are high on the list either.
Tucker… meh.. take him or leave him. No intention of watching the interview, though doubtless it will be referenced. I doubt it will be too exciting as he’s sitting in a room with windows and stairs. I wonder if Vlad will conduct it in American? Given Sleepy now appears keen on Klingon.
What does grind a few gears is selective outrage, especially when suddenly lawyers get involved. A bit like the ICJ via the sweethearts at ‘Kill The Boer’.
I am really hoping it will be possible to get ‘None of the Above’ validated as an acknowledged voter response option on ballots in this country.
Too long the politico media establishment has relied on ‘spoiled ballot’ as a means of dismissing the public can’t abide any of the options presented by pantie wetters in studios.
Yes, it is sad is it not, although blues music influenced most of 60s and 70s rock, those influenced took an idea and transformed it into something entirely else.
Where are they “celebrated ” on the bbc et al ? mostly nowhere.
Led Zeppelin were arguably the biggest rock band of the seventies, entirely ignored and that is just how they became successful.
They refused most interviews as the hugely influential Rolling Stone magazine gave their first album bad reviews.
They built their reputation on touring, people actually seeing what they were and not being able to read about it.
Donald Trump….I am not saying I am politically affiliated but, the same applies.
And, believe me, seeing Led Zeppelin live, or should I say feeling, was an experience to behold, I say feeling, one of my acquaintances was a roadie who said:
“no one was allowed near the stage, at Knebworth we were under the stage scaffolding holding onto the poles just to get a sight, when they started the vibration was so much from the drums and bass, we could not hold onto the poles”
Not just volume, but drums and bass in perfect snyc, not appreciated at the time by my mother who was in Lister Hospital 5 miles away.
Another day- another blue labour MP stand down – this one is called Nickie aitkin – whose husband works in thr cabinet office but has now sold out to the UAE – where he won’t be sharing any secrets …right ? Nickie the MP is going with him ….
.. spend 12 ? Years dragging the country down – taking the money – then running away …. Kwazi went yesterday – who goes tomorrow – ?
The legal system is addicted to power. By a process of judicial activism they have infested themselves into every aspect of decision making in this country.
Letting our country be invaded
Criminality on our streets every day
Our homes are no longer a castle
Mass warehousing of men by privatised companies.
Breaking up the family
This is all good for business. But how ironic that the legal system is itself addicted to another kind of power and without it it can’t run:
And look at the epic image quality, just like the crystal clear images of car number plates taken from half a mile away for the purposes of issuing a fine. I wouldn’t recognise my wife on an image like this. Probably not even myself.
Don’t worry it will be a Chinese made security camera and the Chinese will be able to have/get perfect images via their backdoor. They sold the stupid Brits access to only to the thumbnail images.
They also delayed all images by 24 hours which means the wet-police are chasing round londonistan like the keystone cops.
Somehow the EU is going to impose ‘sanctions ‘ on Tucker Carlson because he interviewed president putin . I wonder if they’ll do an AFD on the interview – ? Although X has promised to put it up in its’ entirety .
Personally I think Putin is not our ‘friend ‘… but we should be able to listen to what he says . If he has a case – he’ll make it – if he has nt -we can judge …
What are the odds of a moslem turned Catholic been hidden away by the medieval death cult?
Isn’t leaving islam punishable by violence by the religion of peace?
It must be very comforting for the current king to know his youngest son did an 11000 mile round trip to spend 45 minutes with him …. I wonder how much carbon dioxide is produced ?( actually I don’t care because I believe the more carbon dioxide the better ) .
Doesn’t seem to be much coverage on the inquest into the killing of 3 men by a third world vermin in reading a year or two ago …..
Looks like some minority groups are more important than others ….
Israel doesn’t owe Gaza, food, water or medicine. Gaza is not part of Israel. Every single day the people of Gaza should pray towards Mecca all 5 times a day and thank Allah that there neighbors are the peaceful Israeli’s and not the US, Germany or France.
Since Oct 7th, an average of 150 missiles per day have been shot from Gaza at Israel. If Luxembourg sent 150 missiles into Germany one time, Germany would destroy Luxembourg. If Monaco launched 150 missiles into France, Monaco would no longer exist. If Mexico sent 150 missiles into Texas, the Texans would take Mexico before the US forces got involved. In all 3 of these cases it’s a single attack and the attacking country is totally destroyed.
Here Gaza is doing this every day and complaining that Israel is mean to them. Any other country attacked like this, would have completely and utterly destroyed Gaza. Gaza is lucky that the Israeli’s are so peaceful, anyone else would have wiped them out
Errr a bit misleading that Zephir. Gaza is occupied territory and as such according to international law Israel absolutely owes free and adequate access to water (especially water) food and medicine.
It might be true the Israelis have put up with a lot of s*** from Gaza, but don’t forget that they started HAMAS, and now they have a lunatic who has seized power and is refusing to accept the hostages back.
The other issue depending on whose propaganda you listen to, (and I’m quoting the usual 3 US you tube colonels) is that Israel is not doing anything like as well as it would like to have the world think in Gaza.
Having to withdraw more than half their force to redeploy to the Northern border hasn’t helped their cause, but then the longer Netanyahu can keep this war going the longer he and his wife can stay out of prison.
Err according to international law a country that is invaded and has hostages taken has the right to defend itself from continual rocket attacks and take those hostages back.
And just for a while, have a look at the bloody map and see Isreal surrounded by a bunch of sub humans, and I say that because they are dedicated to killing other people
any doubt ?
see below Hamas
Doctrine of Hamas
Since its creation in December 1987, Hamas has invoked militant interpretations of Islam to spearhead a Sunni extremist movement committed to destroying Israel.
Israel created Hamas, so if its that bad whose fault is it? I don’t deny Hamas is indeed a groups of jihadist nutters who like a rabid dog will attack anyone and anything around it, but is Israel also a rabid dog?
Surely we expect better of a civilised country?
Netanyahu has specifically refused to take the hostages back, therefore when they are killed by the IDF whose fault is that?
Israel has a problem with Netanyahu, he is a criminal who has seized power in what amounts to a coup d’etat. As soon as the war calms down he and his wife will be put on trial for corruption.
You appear to be viewing this in black and white terms Gaza bad Israel good, and anything, literally anything Israel does is OK. Well it’s not and it’s a childish way of looking at any situation.
Netanyahu has just 3% support in Israel, this is not a war between Israel and Hamas, it’s a war between Netanyahu and Hamas and he is running the risk of not only WWIII but also the destruction of the state of Israel.
Is that a price worth paying? You wipe Hamas and Gaza off the map and then Israel is wiped off the map in return. What a success but at least Bebe doesn’t have to stand trial !
Black and white terms, I understand where you are coming from, but Israel BOUGHT their land from arabs that made a lot of money out of it (Golda Meir)
but, I tend to judge people from their actions rather than their words
Egypt doesnt want them, Jordan Doesnt want them and many more muslim run countries beacuse of their violence and insurrection, in fact the only country that will accept the racist, genocidal nutters is…..
Something tells me the “The Emperor’s New Clothes” namely “Net Zero” will shortly be exposed ?
Anyone see the Biased Broadcasting Corporation’s absurd photograph of a polar bear sleeping on a small drifting iceberg?
Smacks of photoshop to me and more ‘global warming’ propaganda .
Brissles has suggested a certain person has his own forum.
Considering the sad state of the NHS ( the cause of which another lie is told widely)
maybe we need a biased NHS forum, F2 has his own experience as do I and others,
I am quite of the opinion you either laugh or cry if you have no power to change or influence, either voting for Reform or spoiling ones ballot paper,
A gynecologist waits on his last patient, who does not arrive…
After an hour, he makes a gin and tonic to relax. After he settles into an armchair to read the newspaper, he hears the doorbell ring.
It’s the patient, who arrives all embarrassed and apologizes for the delay.
“It doesn’t matter,” answers the doctor. “Look, I was having a gin and tonic while waiting. Do you want one to help you relax?”
“I accept, thanks! I had a very hectic day.” She answers.
He gives her a drink, sits down in front of her and they start talking.
Suddenly someone is heard opening the entrance office door.
The doctor looks worried, gets up, and says: “My wife!
Quick, take off your clothes and spread your legs, otherwise, she might think there is some nonsense going on”
So here we have the BBC most firmly on anybodies side who is not on Sunaks side. The accusation seems pathetic to me so I thought I’d check it out.
There is a video of it here:
The part in question is at 2:00 in from the start.
The first thing which struck me about that video is how absolutely and utterly pathetic both individuals come across. Starmer is like a pound-shop David Brent (from The Office) and Sunak is like a schoolboy playing a game.
But the best part of all is Starmers reaction. Just watch his face as he stands up. Everything about this man is fake. He should have been ridiculed to high heaven for his virtue-signalling hypocrisy.
But of course not at the BBC. They don’t even mention the withering look the Speaker gave him and said ‘I think the member is getting carried away’. Right on both counts : Starmer is a member and he should get carried away – by men in white coats.
Maggie must be turning in her grave at what the likes of the BBC have done to our once great ‘Democracy’.
Isn’t it deplorable that these two individuals can stand and bellow at each other, while totally disregarding the fact that the billions of tax-payers’ money is at stake!
You’d think that every sentence they spout should be to bring prosperity to our country, but with the aid of Beeboid-like fakery, lies and unaccountability, neither of them have a clue what to do!
Still, never mind, Crayons will be chancellor by November, when we’ll get all the answers.
There’s one big frontpage story that dominates the popular press this morning and that’s our on going, never ending, Royal soap opera.
All the big circulation titles, freebie Metro, The Sun and Daily Mail, splash with the lastest instalment in the Royal soap opera.
Wingmen… Tom [Cruise] and Wills last night at London gala (Sun)
Speaking of posh nights out the mildly conservative Telegraph meanwhile frets about the ballet: Unhealthy obsession Inside ballet’s toxic culture.
The old Labour, blue collar Mirror however, splits its frontpage between the Royals: Wills thanks the nation… as Harry flies home – and the rather middle class new Labour obsession with winning the culture war: Tone-deaf Tories… Shame on you… PM’s trans jibe…
The gynaeceum that is the BBC Staff online news press reviewers certainly enjoyed the Mirror’s straddling of those two camps: Newspaper headlines: Prince William ‘gives thanks’ and ‘tone-deaf Tories’ (BBC)
I can’t hear the word Tone without the image of one Tony Blair popping into my head.
But come on Rishi, read the room, you should know these days you need to self-censor your bluer material: We went to see controversial Edinburgh Fringe comic Jerry Sadowitz and found it awkward… The 61-year-old is known for his dark sense of humour and reportedly left multiple people offended enough to storm out of his show at Pleasance last year who later complained to the venue… After being cancelled during last year’s Edinburgh Fringe (Edinburgh Live)
Rishi Sunak is accused of shaming the Commons by joking abouit trans people (Mirror)
Graham Linehan and cancel culture: Is comedy becoming bland? The writer of some of TV’s most successful comedies – including Father Ted, Black Books, and The IT Crowd – has found a new home at a comedy night for cancelled performers. (Sky News)
That’s right, Rishi, take your stand up act to some secluded little out of the way club, far from the public spotlight – and you may be able to get away with saying what you want.
‘Where I live, many people don’t have teeth’… says the 67-year-old (BBC) – no wonder dentists can’t make a good living in your part of town.
I got sucked into the adult braces trend Esther Walker (Times)
In chemical news… no, the plod still haven’t caught that man…
Millions will have fluoride in their water (Telegraph)
‘People will keep dying’: Fentanyl crisis grips Mexico’s border cities (BBC) – but Fentanyl never did any harm to George Floyd, apparently.
One Day: I rarely saw people like me in lead roles, says Ambika Mod… the actress tells BBC News… Mod, now 29, was born in Hatfield to Indian immigrant parents. Growing up, she says she didn’t see many people from ethnic minority backgrounds taking on lead roles in western productions. (BBC) – Mr AsI hasn’t noticed an awful lot of white people in lead roles in Bollywood productions – but hey ho.
On the theme of stand up comedy – timing is everything
Starmer abandons £28bn green pledge (Telegraph)
Just as our online BBC news leads with: World’s first year-long breach of key 1.5C warming limit – which news comes in the very nick of time: Brace yourself… Return of the Beast from the East… Boffins fear deadly combo of snow and ice… (Daily Star)
Despite the BBC linking their latest dire alarmism report with the COP28 title so as to keep on-message climate-wise, seems they just can’t help themselves: Live Snow and ice weather warnings in force (BBC)
Boogers: The facts – promises the Daily Star. When did we stop calling them bogeys – that’s what I’d like to know?
‘King Charles’ diagnosis reminds us of how common cancer is’
reports the bbc
‘Anyone experiencing symptoms that are worrying to them should go to the GP’
Go and see your GP, but wont be seen by the NHS for 1 or 2 years
I was firstly on a 34 week waiting list, to be removed and placed on a 12 month waiting list – this month I will be seen by the 1st consultant
I’ve been on a 12 month waiting list to see the 1st consultant
My wife’s recent experience is quite the opposite. She saw a GP in October, went for several scans before Christmas, was diagnosed with a rare but treatable carcinoma, and starts radiotherapy next week. It would have been even earlier but for a week when she missed an important scan because she was ill.
I’m reliably informed that would not happen in Bradford where they actually see a GP same day and consultants referrals within weeks.
I’ve pondered long and hard on why this should be. Can’t for the life of me see why Bradford should be very different from virtually anywhere else in the UK……………
I should add that we’re both white (i.e. apparently right wing racists) and live in Leicester. Even worse, we’re Brexiteers. It’s only a matter of time before we’re interned.
I can’t take Neil Oliver seriously at all. But he’s entitled to his view. He’s voicing an opinion that quite a lot of people will believe regardless, and the only way the truth is going to come to the fore is if it’s comprehensively debated. Sopel doesn’t want that debate to happen and he doesn’t want other journalists to have the freedom to debate it. So while I regard Neil Oliver as a generic populist trope bingo caller, the likes of Sopel are a magnitude worse – especially when they operate on the misguided presumption that mainstream news channels aren’t corrupted to the core. A good journalist leaves room for the possibility they might be wrong. Working in a metropolitan media bubble, self-awareness is critical, but Sopel’s BBC addled brain just isn’t that sophisticated.
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected”
Sargon weighs in to point out that Sopel and the establishment have SELECTIVE outrage
anti-Guardianland BAD
pro Guardianland GOOD …. #ItsOKwhenWeDoIt
so Sopel had no outrage about a Marianna prog that LIED
about Sargon
Rationing toady – catching the 0810 with comrade Robinson . Nobody from the Labour Party was available to talk about the coming announcement that the policy of borrowing £28 thousand million pounds for green crap is being ditched .
On my read it was one of those feel good policies put up be oppositions when they think they have no hope of winning .
But now it looks certain the red labour will win big – and looking at the books – the level of borrowing – labour cannot justify the cost – add the cost of borrowing going up and the thing looks crap ….
But more deeply – supposing someone comes along and proves – really proves – that the whole global warming thing is crap ( as I believe ) ?
Anyone going against the hysteria wouid be buried along with the truth ….
BTW – starmer and reeve will announce the policy ditch this afternoon – and to add the popcorn – the putin Carlson interview is released at 11pm Thursday night ….
“….the level of borrowing….”. It is probably all figured into the international conspiracy that is now, by the individual conspirators, “the political elite”, all blending together quite nicely such as illegals arriving by fishing boat on a California beach et al. Where have we seen this before?
The international criminal conspiracy to destroy everything worldly moves apace. The main essential elements have been in place since WW2 and I think it became a workable concept from Margaret Thatcher’s reign. Trump in 2016 accelerated the conspiracy to, “get it done” before another risk like Trump entered the scene. Problem is, its outrageous advance worldwide cannot now be stopped.
Just following on from the tucker Carlson interview being released tonight – just how banned will it be ? How much will be shown by the bbc ? What will be the reaction ? Some in the US want his passport removed . Some in the EU want to ban him .
Will UK politicians call for banning ?
Whatever the content of the interview this will be a good test of where what used to be freedom of speech – is ….
Don’t worry F2 the 0.3 percent of trans opinions are widely available, as are the 5 % blacks on the bbc
Anyone outside of Londitastan may feel under represented but who cares, the bbc don’t
some might say its the marxist takeover:
MARXIST GOAL #38: Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.
MARXIST GOAL #40: Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
Again, the family is seen as the primary rival of the state for supremacy and allegiance, and they saw promoting promiscuity and easy divorce as effective weapons for destroying the family, and thereby eliminating this rival to Marxist totalitarian control of society.
As reported in The Naked Truth (page 133 of the 2017 edition), Marxists have been very effective is accomplishing this goal as well. From 1958 to 1990 the divorce rate in America increased over 100%. The reason the rate of divorce has flattened out since then is because of a more troubling reason—fewer people are getting married, choosing rather to cohabitate without marriage. In 1958 the cohabitation rate in America was near zero, now more couples are choosing to do this rather than get married, and an increasing percentage of children are born out of wedlock, making the next Marxist goal easily achievable.
MARXIST GOAL #41: Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks, and mentally retarded children to the suppressive influence of parents.
It is basic Marxist doctrine that all children belong to the state, not their parents. Marxists quickly seized upon Freud’s theories attributing almost all mental disorders to the family structure and parents imposing Dark Age beliefs and prejudices on their children. As soon as Goal #38 is achieved giving arresting powers to social services, and as Marxist states are quick to establish any deviation from Marxist doctrine a form of insanity, they will use this to arrest parents and seize their children, making them wards of the state.
In Europe and America all of these goals used to attack and destroy the family have made so much progress that strong families are becoming a rarity. Bills have been proposed in Congress that by their subtle wording make devotion to a family, being a political conservative, or being devoutly religious, to be recognized as forms of insanity for use in taking children from such homes, denying Second Amendment rights, and other forms of totalitarian suppression of our freedoms.
MARXIST GOAL #42: Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political, or social problems.
Does this sound like the rationale being used for recent and present insurrections, violence, and attacks on public property at universities and in our cities? Does this sound like the excuses the Democratic Party has used to refuse to condemn this violence, and even justify it? This is another example of how effective the Marxists have been to infiltrate and sow discord into our schools and country.
We also can see the hypocrisy of how any type of protest done by conservatives or those on the right, Democrats are quick to call it “insurrection,” or even “treason.” Because of the media it may seem that most of America falls for this propaganda, but actually it does not.
There remains about one-third of Americans that are hard left and will believe anything the leftist media propagates, but the other two-thirds of Americans are not so naïve and slow of reasoning that they hope we are. That is why the media has now fallen even below Congress in the trust of the American people.
Even so, the third of Americans who are on the left are now on the hard left, and are being increasingly radicalized. We must keep in mind that Lenin and the Bolsheviks numbered far less than 1% of the Russian population when they began the revolution there, and they succeeded. There were two main factors that enabled them to do this with such a tiny percentage of the population:
They made alliances with other liberal or anti-Tsarist groups, who thought that they could control the Marxists and keep them in their place after the revolution was won, but were completely unprepared for the ruthlessness of the Marxists by which they dominated after the success of the revolution.
The Bolsheviks promised amnesty to all soldiers and citizens who would surrender their weapons. When the army and the citizenry had been disarmed, the Bolsheviks then killed millions who could no longer protect themselves. This included leaders and members of other liberal groups that had been allies of the Marxists during the revolution, calling them “useful idiots,” ridding the country of any potential rivals as they quickly and easily established their totalitarian control.
The Bolsheviks didn’t have the internet, that two-edged sword, to discern some truth. If the stats show the Marxists influence is about one-third, it follows that the other two-thirds will seek the truth on the internet.
Stand by for more limits on the ‘truth’ via the internet. “Big Tech” playing their part in destroying the World as we know it.
I think you under estimate the easy swaying of people and the power of the HERD – the reason the FAR left win is the message is repeated without reason or facts – then they win simply from ….
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”
― Mark Twain
I try and repeat things to show that it has all been here before and the future is becoming an echo of the past. With no anchor in the past we will drift into the future.
Scarlett McCgwire is a hatey lefty spreading division
.. went to school in Moscow for 2-3 years
Always seems pro Soviet and anti-British
(father worked in embassy)
Did I just see halfwit @ScarlettMccG on @GBNEWS arguing with Farage about the dangers of a Muslim party & her answer was that we’ve had women only parties & they didn’t take over.
Yes…cos women hav sons brothers and husbands and fathers to consider.
“Mobo awards for (not white) culture in Sheffield last night.
These are 100% massively racist.
Imagine if there was an awards ceremony for white music and culture.”
. . . .
In his lyric, Stormzy said: “Yo, Theresa May where’s the money for Grenfell? What, you thought we just forgot about Grenfell? You criminals, and you got the cheek to call us savages? You should do some jail time, you should pay some damages. You should burn your house down and see if you can manage this.”
TOADY Watch #1 – worried about the mental health of children, BBC, yesterday? You should be after ….
… Justin Rowlatt has spouted his Global Warming hyperventilation this morning. I have not known the BBC’s Climate Editor (how do you edit Climate by the way?) get this worked up for a long time. He was outputting half the world’s CO2 all on his own judging by the forcefulness of Justin’s words in the 6 a.m. News.
Last night said high ground might get snow
and low ground would just get rain
We are on low ground .. it’s been snowing since 10am
before that it was rain and snow
The app now say snow will continue until 3pm
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the TRANS man”? Aristotle.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 95% clean power by 2030 ** does not include bombing Russia [img][/img]
Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now they’re pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
vladMar 4, 10:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wokies and normies and the BBC think that giving Ukraine enough arms and money to keep feeding their men into…
JohnCMar 4, 10:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Any more ‘Lammy’ and he will pop. When someone looks like that, it is usually an indicator to the character…
JohnCMar 4, 10:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 They told you wrong : they have paused, not halted, offensive operations only against Russia. Nothing to do with ‘monitoring’…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Why is Gwyneth Paltrow selling a candle that smells like her vagina? This article is more than 5 years old…
JohnCMar 4, 10:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The answer to all these BBC headlines phrased as questions is always ‘No but we wish it was yes’.
Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin will be published tomorrow evening American prime time – at 18:00 Washington time (2:00 Moscow time) on Tucker’s website and on his Twitter account
(1 million views)
Alex Jones
This is great news! Very dangerous to sit on the biggest interview in history! Free speech is rising! Fuck the NWO!!
Tucker Carlson wanted to interview Boris Johnson. But Boris is as scared of Tucker as he was with Nigel Farage. The coward also runs away from Andrew Bridgen.
Tucker should interview his father – who’s had years of exclusively softball interviews to spout his daft tosspottery unchallenged.
“A rip-roaring and hilarious memoir from Stanley Johnson – father of London mayor Boris Johnson.
Stanley’s story begins with a loud bang – when his father, an RAF pilot in the Second World War, crash-lands a Wellington bomber on a Devon airfield. A few years later Stanley’s parents buy a sheep farm on nearby Exmoor, where Stanley does much of his growing up.
Stanley would keep his links with this much-loved rural idyll throughout his life – while going on to become an explorer, author, occasional politician and also one of the world’s first environmentalists”
@ Pugnacious
Regarding antifa all masked, cowardly attacks:
Headline says:
“Video: ‘Tommy Robinson’ gets in a fight with antifascist protesters ”
Reality, nope, Tommy Robinson ATTACKED by antifa,7 or 8 of them who then RUN AWAY when he fights back, watch yourself and judge:
6 years ago…
I believe quite relevant in response to Pugnacious’ post as it raises awareness of the modus operandi involving extreme violence of this “organisation” which operates identically to blackshirt fascists both 6 years ago and today
As usual, guess whose side the police and the msm were on.
The REAL Nazis calling others nazis
Nasty Socialists
America had its truckers’ protests, Europe is having its tractor protests…
Come on, Brits!
Tractor protest?
In the UK, it will no doubt be a Morris Men work to rule / overtime ban or something of the kind.
Maybe some scarecrows on a sit down strike.
Although it might get a bit more interesting out in the sticks where the family trees don’t branch much.
Steps onto street and bangs pot!
No, west indian steel bands have complained about cultural appropriation
I might have made that up
Police recognise your micro aggression – please wait by your keyboard.
“As we talk, Jacqui calmly explains the evidence for democide in the UK, much of which is hidden in plain sight, and she explains the complicity of the Government and its agencies—including the NHS—and of those who wrongly behave as its agencies, including courts and the police. Significantly, parliamentarians and the British legacy media are also complicit by their silence. “
Quelle surprise…
Daily Telegraph today:
“At an event held by the Broadcasting Press Guild, the Match of the Day man was asked what he thought about the BBC’s new social media guidelines for star presenters who work outside news and current affairs. And St Gary claimed: “I was partly involved in drawing them up.””
Perhaps someone can help me out . The BBC has heightened my ‘racial awareness ‘… so when I saw an ‘Africa cup ‘ game was on bbc2 this evening – I noticed a number of things – e coloured pundits in the studio – including Jermaine- still on his driving ban – but then the 2 teams – all coloured – the ref and linos – coloured …. And they didn’t ’take the knee ‘ before the game started …
Am I missing something in this lack of diversity ? Is this racism ? Is the bbc condoning it?
Relax – racism is a one way street!
It would be informing to see how the dusky footballists from Africa deal with a lady referee, especially during red and yellow card offences
“fit in or f@ck off the black African lady said, twice”
hmmmmmmmm what a concept…
And ALL protesters to be unmasked and unhooded or stopped from protesting
Watch: Machete-wielding youths clash in Nottingham city centre
Confrontation leaves employees at a nearby gallery fearing for their lives
“Detectives are investigating what happened as a matter of urgency and are working at speed to identify all the young people involved.”
Officers have released CCTV images of people they wish to trace as part of their investigation.
^^ blurred faces on report! HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Regarding the Christian acid attacker.
Why would the police think that he might be being helped to hide by the Muslim community.
I thought he feared for his life being a Christian if he were to live with Muslims.
No need to answer as we all know what’s going on.
BBC … The man suspected of carrying out an attack on three people in London has “very significant” injuries which could be fatal if not treated, Cmdr Jon Savell says.
Officers are still hunting the man – Abdul Shokoor Ezedi – a week after a woman and her two children were attacked with a corrosive substance in Clapham.
The woman, who remains sedated in hospital, is believed to have agreed to a meeting with the attacker, Cmdr Jon Savell says.
Nasimi, from the Afghan charity, stresses that this attack is “not a reflection of the people of Afghanistan who are in the UK”.
If ever convicted, I hope his eventual parole involves mandatory church attendance for life with a requirement to sing every hymn.
Also, mandatory learning the trumpet and tambourine and attendance at every Salvation Army street concert, and attending back street pubs on a Friday and Saturday night to sell the the War Cry magazine to aggressive drunks only waiting for the meat raffle and their turn on the karaoke to sing “I Did it My Way”..
Free Mohammed drawing competition pencil set!
“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”
― William Shakespeare, King Henry VI, Part 2
I am not keen on almost anything EU. Can’t say journalists are high on the list either.
Tucker… meh.. take him or leave him. No intention of watching the interview, though doubtless it will be referenced. I doubt it will be too exciting as he’s sitting in a room with windows and stairs. I wonder if Vlad will conduct it in American? Given Sleepy now appears keen on Klingon.
What does grind a few gears is selective outrage, especially when suddenly lawyers get involved. A bit like the ICJ via the sweethearts at ‘Kill The Boer’.
The likely future leader of South Africa calls for genocide of the 4 million whites who live there
Rishi to evacuated all Whites and send them to Saudi to build the new Neom city as slaves?!
6pm bbc news – the alkali guy – the plod detectives now believe he is still on this planet – on the ground – or maybe in the Thames … yawn .
“She received fewer votes than “None of these candidates” by a large margin, the Associated Press projected.”
fewer votes than “None of these candidates” !!!
fewer votes than “None of these candidates” !!!!!
I am really hoping it will be possible to get ‘None of the Above’ validated as an acknowledged voter response option on ballots in this country.
Too long the politico media establishment has relied on ‘spoiled ballot’ as a means of dismissing the public can’t abide any of the options presented by pantie wetters in studios.
Guest, it’s a little-known fact that private money was put up in various Norwegian constituencies for these three candidates!
Nona Thislot
Teeka Mahbocks
Votah Formeh
All three candidates got more votes than the Greens and the Libdems!
“This is the last seen image of Abdul Shokoor Ezed”
The only conclusion you can come to is the police are taking the piss.
“Why is it taking so long to find Ezedi?”
Is it cos the police gave him 16 hours start before releasing any kind of ID , and then an old photo 🤔
An Abdul with hoodie and trainers, that’ll narrow it down
Bible under arm and singing …
Madeleine McCann cops released sketch of ‘egg with side parting’ days after disappearance
Maybe Hummer beamed him up to the U/S Scotland?
Search for Abdul latest:
1) Police have decided to stake out every Turkish barbers
2) Police call out for 50,000 more recruits
Latest picture of our chum in The Beegg Ishew…
ITV local news is a Music Of Black Origin special
.. same again tmw apparently.
Yet this TV region doesn’t have many black people.
It only needs 1 for all programming to be biased towards them.
Yes, it is sad is it not, although blues music influenced most of 60s and 70s rock, those influenced took an idea and transformed it into something entirely else.
Where are they “celebrated ” on the bbc et al ? mostly nowhere.
Led Zeppelin were arguably the biggest rock band of the seventies, entirely ignored and that is just how they became successful.
They refused most interviews as the hugely influential Rolling Stone magazine gave their first album bad reviews.
They built their reputation on touring, people actually seeing what they were and not being able to read about it.
Donald Trump….I am not saying I am politically affiliated but, the same applies.
And, believe me, seeing Led Zeppelin live, or should I say feeling, was an experience to behold, I say feeling, one of my acquaintances was a roadie who said:
“no one was allowed near the stage, at Knebworth we were under the stage scaffolding holding onto the poles just to get a sight, when they started the vibration was so much from the drums and bass, we could not hold onto the poles”
Not just volume, but drums and bass in perfect snyc, not appreciated at the time by my mother who was in Lister Hospital 5 miles away.
And they did only one single!
John Paul Jones didn’t actually have his work cut out on that particular piece, did he…
Knebworth’s acoustic qualities are incredible though!
Another day- another blue labour MP stand down – this one is called Nickie aitkin – whose husband works in thr cabinet office but has now sold out to the UAE – where he won’t be sharing any secrets …right ? Nickie the MP is going with him ….
.. spend 12 ? Years dragging the country down – taking the money – then running away …. Kwazi went yesterday – who goes tomorrow – ?
How ironic:
The legal system is addicted to power. By a process of judicial activism they have infested themselves into every aspect of decision making in this country.
Letting our country be invaded
Criminality on our streets every day
Our homes are no longer a castle
Mass warehousing of men by privatised companies.
Breaking up the family
This is all good for business. But how ironic that the legal system is itself addicted to another kind of power and without it it can’t run:
Substation blows up at Old Bailey.
Just including the very latest bbc / police images of Abdul, as
I’d hate for a biased BBC member to miss out on the 20k reward..
And a screenshot of the police video:
“Watch: Newly released CCTV shows Ezedi on Westminster Bridge”
Funny how despite several images and a short video, he never shows any interest in his “injured” face/ eye.
No one ever gets paid the Police rewards, they have become a standing joke.
And look at the epic image quality, just like the crystal clear images of car number plates taken from half a mile away for the purposes of issuing a fine. I wouldn’t recognise my wife on an image like this. Probably not even myself.
Don’t worry it will be a Chinese made security camera and the Chinese will be able to have/get perfect images via their backdoor. They sold the stupid Brits access to only to the thumbnail images.
They also delayed all images by 24 hours which means the wet-police are chasing round londonistan like the keystone cops.
Like the bBC I could have made this up.
That’s because he is equipped with a silicone rubber fake injury patch for his face. He wears it for CCTV images.
and removes to be unnoticed.
Somehow the EU is going to impose ‘sanctions ‘ on Tucker Carlson because he interviewed president putin . I wonder if they’ll do an AFD on the interview – ? Although X has promised to put it up in its’ entirety .
Personally I think Putin is not our ‘friend ‘… but we should be able to listen to what he says . If he has a case – he’ll make it – if he has nt -we can judge …
@ Eddy
Are you quite sure you have not been confused with the latest Sasquatch / bigfoot sightings ?
They have been looking for proof for years, that first picture …
You can write your own cheque, go for it
They used a hot water bottle to give big foots belly the right motion; wonder what they used for Abdul’s face “injury” ..
Alex Christoforou
What are the odds of a moslem turned Catholic been hidden away by the medieval death cult?
Isn’t leaving islam punishable by violence by the religion of peace?
Harry – as an RC -I think the C of E would be an easier touch …
It must be very comforting for the current king to know his youngest son did an 11000 mile round trip to spend 45 minutes with him …. I wonder how much carbon dioxide is produced ?( actually I don’t care because I believe the more carbon dioxide the better ) .
Doesn’t seem to be much coverage on the inquest into the killing of 3 men by a third world vermin in reading a year or two ago …..
Looks like some minority groups are more important than others ….
Yes, for example the Palestinians
Israel doesn’t owe Gaza, food, water or medicine. Gaza is not part of Israel. Every single day the people of Gaza should pray towards Mecca all 5 times a day and thank Allah that there neighbors are the peaceful Israeli’s and not the US, Germany or France.
Since Oct 7th, an average of 150 missiles per day have been shot from Gaza at Israel. If Luxembourg sent 150 missiles into Germany one time, Germany would destroy Luxembourg. If Monaco launched 150 missiles into France, Monaco would no longer exist. If Mexico sent 150 missiles into Texas, the Texans would take Mexico before the US forces got involved. In all 3 of these cases it’s a single attack and the attacking country is totally destroyed.
Here Gaza is doing this every day and complaining that Israel is mean to them. Any other country attacked like this, would have completely and utterly destroyed Gaza. Gaza is lucky that the Israeli’s are so peaceful, anyone else would have wiped them out
Well said.
Errr a bit misleading that Zephir. Gaza is occupied territory and as such according to international law Israel absolutely owes free and adequate access to water (especially water) food and medicine.
It might be true the Israelis have put up with a lot of s*** from Gaza, but don’t forget that they started HAMAS, and now they have a lunatic who has seized power and is refusing to accept the hostages back.
The other issue depending on whose propaganda you listen to, (and I’m quoting the usual 3 US you tube colonels) is that Israel is not doing anything like as well as it would like to have the world think in Gaza.
Having to withdraw more than half their force to redeploy to the Northern border hasn’t helped their cause, but then the longer Netanyahu can keep this war going the longer he and his wife can stay out of prison.
Err according to international law a country that is invaded and has hostages taken has the right to defend itself from continual rocket attacks and take those hostages back.
And just for a while, have a look at the bloody map and see Isreal surrounded by a bunch of sub humans, and I say that because they are dedicated to killing other people
any doubt ?
see below Hamas
Doctrine of Hamas
Since its creation in December 1987, Hamas has invoked militant interpretations of Islam to spearhead a Sunni extremist movement committed to destroying Israel.
There, right there racism and genocide
Israel created Hamas, so if its that bad whose fault is it? I don’t deny Hamas is indeed a groups of jihadist nutters who like a rabid dog will attack anyone and anything around it, but is Israel also a rabid dog?
Surely we expect better of a civilised country?
Netanyahu has specifically refused to take the hostages back, therefore when they are killed by the IDF whose fault is that?
Israel has a problem with Netanyahu, he is a criminal who has seized power in what amounts to a coup d’etat. As soon as the war calms down he and his wife will be put on trial for corruption.
You appear to be viewing this in black and white terms Gaza bad Israel good, and anything, literally anything Israel does is OK. Well it’s not and it’s a childish way of looking at any situation.
Netanyahu has just 3% support in Israel, this is not a war between Israel and Hamas, it’s a war between Netanyahu and Hamas and he is running the risk of not only WWIII but also the destruction of the state of Israel.
Is that a price worth paying? You wipe Hamas and Gaza off the map and then Israel is wiped off the map in return. What a success but at least Bebe doesn’t have to stand trial !
Black and white terms, I understand where you are coming from, but Israel BOUGHT their land from arabs that made a lot of money out of it (Golda Meir)
but, I tend to judge people from their actions rather than their words
Egypt doesnt want them, Jordan Doesnt want them and many more muslim run countries beacuse of their violence and insurrection, in fact the only country that will accept the racist, genocidal nutters is…..
with a muzzi in charge,
lock up your daughters in the highlands
The US Border bill has failed and now there will be a vote on funding for Ukraine and Israel in the Senate.
Hopefully the Ukraine funding will pass so our idiot PM won’t be giving away our money for no good reason to help his far left US masters out.
Tucker’s timing is quite accurate ….
Our wind power generation which for the last week has been steady at around 18GW has today fallen off a cliff and is now about 2GW.
Is that because wind turbines are like our trains and the slightest bit of snow or ice brings them to a grinding halt?
Leaves on the turbines, they’ve stopped trains before
cut all the trees down, that’ll sort it, oh wait…
On the topic of South Africa
Rabid Racist… genocidal…. nooo can’t be?
I wonder whose side the BBC will be on?
That is where I get the temptation to use the ~N word, and in hackney on a saturaday night
and yet, the democrats divisivness continues
Zephir, your thinking of the dog in Dambusters? although this is now blanked out in the film
Maybe they’re planning to insert a black dog on the next revival.
Something tells me the “The Emperor’s New Clothes” namely “Net Zero” will shortly be exposed ?
Anyone see the Biased Broadcasting Corporation’s absurd photograph of a polar bear sleeping on a small drifting iceberg?
Smacks of photoshop to me and more ‘global warming’ propaganda .
Go fishing, have a try for carp, you will be told you are not allowed to fish throughout their breeding seaseon, June to July.
Go fishing in September…they are still breeding
Its February and snowdrop flowers are all around,
Brissles has suggested a certain person has his own forum.
Considering the sad state of the NHS ( the cause of which another lie is told widely)
maybe we need a biased NHS forum, F2 has his own experience as do I and others,
I am quite of the opinion you either laugh or cry if you have no power to change or influence, either voting for Reform or spoiling ones ballot paper,
A gynecologist waits on his last patient, who does not arrive…
After an hour, he makes a gin and tonic to relax. After he settles into an armchair to read the newspaper, he hears the doorbell ring.
It’s the patient, who arrives all embarrassed and apologizes for the delay.
“It doesn’t matter,” answers the doctor. “Look, I was having a gin and tonic while waiting. Do you want one to help you relax?”
“I accept, thanks! I had a very hectic day.” She answers.
He gives her a drink, sits down in front of her and they start talking.
Suddenly someone is heard opening the entrance office door.
The doctor looks worried, gets up, and says: “My wife!
Quick, take off your clothes and spread your legs, otherwise, she might think there is some nonsense going on”
Rishi Sunak faces calls to apologise over trans jibe to Starmer at PMQs
So here we have the BBC most firmly on anybodies side who is not on Sunaks side. The accusation seems pathetic to me so I thought I’d check it out.
There is a video of it here:
The part in question is at 2:00 in from the start.
The first thing which struck me about that video is how absolutely and utterly pathetic both individuals come across. Starmer is like a pound-shop David Brent (from The Office) and Sunak is like a schoolboy playing a game.
But the best part of all is Starmers reaction. Just watch his face as he stands up. Everything about this man is fake. He should have been ridiculed to high heaven for his virtue-signalling hypocrisy.
But of course not at the BBC. They don’t even mention the withering look the Speaker gave him and said ‘I think the member is getting carried away’. Right on both counts : Starmer is a member and he should get carried away – by men in white coats.
Maggie must be turning in her grave at what the likes of the BBC have done to our once great ‘Democracy’.
Isn’t it deplorable that these two individuals can stand and bellow at each other, while totally disregarding the fact that the billions of tax-payers’ money is at stake!
You’d think that every sentence they spout should be to bring prosperity to our country, but with the aid of Beeboid-like fakery, lies and unaccountability, neither of them have a clue what to do!
Still, never mind, Crayons will be chancellor by November, when we’ll get all the answers.
Can’t wait…
Labour ditches £28bn green investment pledge
“Sir Keir had set a deadline of Thursday to finalise his party’s draft general election manifesto” Daft? or Draft
bbc report goes on as if Labour are electable, what a joke
For the Many,
Not the Jew!
Pakistan election: Internet access cut off as controversial polls begin
“An interior ministry spokesman said the measure was warranted, citing recent incidents of terror in the country”
Surely not, a muslim country with terrorist incidents!
We import the 3rd world and become the 3rd turd in the UK/West
“Symbols like polar bears and peacocks are on the ballot” what a backward country it is
3 teachers hide in Batley waiting for the results in Pakistan!
Timing is everything edition
There’s one big frontpage story that dominates the popular press this morning and that’s our on going, never ending, Royal soap opera.
All the big circulation titles, freebie Metro, The Sun and Daily Mail, splash with the lastest instalment in the Royal soap opera.
Wingmen… Tom [Cruise] and Wills last night at London gala (Sun)
Speaking of posh nights out the mildly conservative Telegraph meanwhile frets about the ballet: Unhealthy obsession Inside ballet’s toxic culture.
The old Labour, blue collar Mirror however, splits its frontpage between the Royals: Wills thanks the nation… as Harry flies home – and the rather middle class new Labour obsession with winning the culture war: Tone-deaf Tories… Shame on you… PM’s trans jibe…
The gynaeceum that is the BBC Staff online news press reviewers certainly enjoyed the Mirror’s straddling of those two camps: Newspaper headlines: Prince William ‘gives thanks’ and ‘tone-deaf Tories’ (BBC)
I can’t hear the word Tone without the image of one Tony Blair popping into my head.
But come on Rishi, read the room, you should know these days you need to self-censor your bluer material: We went to see controversial Edinburgh Fringe comic Jerry Sadowitz and found it awkward… The 61-year-old is known for his dark sense of humour and reportedly left multiple people offended enough to storm out of his show at Pleasance last year who later complained to the venue… After being cancelled during last year’s Edinburgh Fringe (Edinburgh Live)
Rishi Sunak is accused of shaming the Commons by joking abouit trans people (Mirror)
Graham Linehan and cancel culture: Is comedy becoming bland? The writer of some of TV’s most successful comedies – including Father Ted, Black Books, and The IT Crowd – has found a new home at a comedy night for cancelled performers. (Sky News)
That’s right, Rishi, take your stand up act to some secluded little out of the way club, far from the public spotlight – and you may be able to get away with saying what you want.
‘Where I live, many people don’t have teeth’… says the 67-year-old (BBC) – no wonder dentists can’t make a good living in your part of town.
I got sucked into the adult braces trend Esther Walker (Times)
In chemical news… no, the plod still haven’t caught that man…
Millions will have fluoride in their water (Telegraph)
‘People will keep dying’: Fentanyl crisis grips Mexico’s border cities (BBC) – but Fentanyl never did any harm to George Floyd, apparently.
One Day: I rarely saw people like me in lead roles, says Ambika Mod… the actress tells BBC News… Mod, now 29, was born in Hatfield to Indian immigrant parents. Growing up, she says she didn’t see many people from ethnic minority backgrounds taking on lead roles in western productions. (BBC) – Mr AsI hasn’t noticed an awful lot of white people in lead roles in Bollywood productions – but hey ho.
On the theme of stand up comedy – timing is everything
Starmer abandons £28bn green pledge (Telegraph)
Just as our online BBC news leads with: World’s first year-long breach of key 1.5C warming limit – which news comes in the very nick of time: Brace yourself… Return of the Beast from the East… Boffins fear deadly combo of snow and ice… (Daily Star)
Despite the BBC linking their latest dire alarmism report with the COP28 title so as to keep on-message climate-wise, seems they just can’t help themselves: Live Snow and ice weather warnings in force (BBC)
Boogers: The facts – promises the Daily Star. When did we stop calling them bogeys – that’s what I’d like to know?
‘King Charles’ diagnosis reminds us of how common cancer is’
reports the bbc
‘Anyone experiencing symptoms that are worrying to them should go to the GP’
Go and see your GP, but wont be seen by the NHS for 1 or 2 years
I was firstly on a 34 week waiting list, to be removed and placed on a 12 month waiting list – this month I will be seen by the 1st consultant
I’ve been on a 12 month waiting list to see the 1st consultant
Everyone to be crowned so they get to the front of the cancer queue!
My wife’s recent experience is quite the opposite. She saw a GP in October, went for several scans before Christmas, was diagnosed with a rare but treatable carcinoma, and starts radiotherapy next week. It would have been even earlier but for a week when she missed an important scan because she was ill.
I’m reliably informed that would not happen in Bradford where they actually see a GP same day and consultants referrals within weeks.
I’ve pondered long and hard on why this should be. Can’t for the life of me see why Bradford should be very different from virtually anywhere else in the UK……………
I should add that we’re both white (i.e. apparently right wing racists) and live in Leicester. Even worse, we’re Brexiteers. It’s only a matter of time before we’re interned.
Sopes in summary
I can’t take Neil Oliver seriously at all. But he’s entitled to his view. He’s voicing an opinion that quite a lot of people will believe regardless, and the only way the truth is going to come to the fore is if it’s comprehensively debated. Sopel doesn’t want that debate to happen and he doesn’t want other journalists to have the freedom to debate it. So while I regard Neil Oliver as a generic populist trope bingo caller, the likes of Sopel are a magnitude worse – especially when they operate on the misguided presumption that mainstream news channels aren’t corrupted to the core. A good journalist leaves room for the possibility they might be wrong. Working in a metropolitan media bubble, self-awareness is critical, but Sopel’s BBC addled brain just isn’t that sophisticated.
See also… JezBo, Simpo…
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected”
Sargon weighs in to point out that Sopel and the establishment have SELECTIVE outrage
anti-Guardianland BAD
pro Guardianland GOOD …. #ItsOKwhenWeDoIt
so Sopel had no outrage about a Marianna prog that LIED
about Sargon
… The ECU refused to correct the record
Another reply
“From the bloke who told us Nigel Farage having his banks closed was all just a conspiracy until it all became true.
Rationing toady – catching the 0810 with comrade Robinson . Nobody from the Labour Party was available to talk about the coming announcement that the policy of borrowing £28 thousand million pounds for green crap is being ditched .
On my read it was one of those feel good policies put up be oppositions when they think they have no hope of winning .
But now it looks certain the red labour will win big – and looking at the books – the level of borrowing – labour cannot justify the cost – add the cost of borrowing going up and the thing looks crap ….
But more deeply – supposing someone comes along and proves – really proves – that the whole global warming thing is crap ( as I believe ) ?
Anyone going against the hysteria wouid be buried along with the truth ….
BTW – starmer and reeve will announce the policy ditch this afternoon – and to add the popcorn – the putin Carlson interview is released at 11pm Thursday night ….
“….the level of borrowing….”. It is probably all figured into the international conspiracy that is now, by the individual conspirators, “the political elite”, all blending together quite nicely such as illegals arriving by fishing boat on a California beach et al. Where have we seen this before?
The international criminal conspiracy to destroy everything worldly moves apace. The main essential elements have been in place since WW2 and I think it became a workable concept from Margaret Thatcher’s reign. Trump in 2016 accelerated the conspiracy to, “get it done” before another risk like Trump entered the scene. Problem is, its outrageous advance worldwide cannot now be stopped.
Fed – did not hear of the California Dunkirk invasion – interesting…
Jan 2024 … “Shocking moment boat full of migrants arrives at San Diego’s famed La Jolla Beach before sprinting into neighborhood where average home costs $2.2M: City saw more than 43,000 migrants arrive in 3 months”
More than 20 migrants were filmed storming the beach on Wednesday morning and disappearing into the southern California enclave
Marky – shape of things to come …. More and more …
Just following on from the tucker Carlson interview being released tonight – just how banned will it be ? How much will be shown by the bbc ? What will be the reaction ? Some in the US want his passport removed . Some in the EU want to ban him .
Will UK politicians call for banning ?
Whatever the content of the interview this will be a good test of where what used to be freedom of speech – is ….
Country File
Muslim Hikers suffer online abuse over Peak District prayer signs
22 March 2023
Can’t they just walk out and enjoy it? HA HA HA HA HA HA!
The Tories back them to the hilt.
Don’t worry F2 the 0.3 percent of trans opinions are widely available, as are the 5 % blacks on the bbc
Anyone outside of Londitastan may feel under represented but who cares, the bbc don’t
some might say its the marxist takeover:
MARXIST GOAL #38: Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.
MARXIST GOAL #40: Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
Again, the family is seen as the primary rival of the state for supremacy and allegiance, and they saw promoting promiscuity and easy divorce as effective weapons for destroying the family, and thereby eliminating this rival to Marxist totalitarian control of society.
As reported in The Naked Truth (page 133 of the 2017 edition), Marxists have been very effective is accomplishing this goal as well. From 1958 to 1990 the divorce rate in America increased over 100%. The reason the rate of divorce has flattened out since then is because of a more troubling reason—fewer people are getting married, choosing rather to cohabitate without marriage. In 1958 the cohabitation rate in America was near zero, now more couples are choosing to do this rather than get married, and an increasing percentage of children are born out of wedlock, making the next Marxist goal easily achievable.
MARXIST GOAL #41: Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks, and mentally retarded children to the suppressive influence of parents.
It is basic Marxist doctrine that all children belong to the state, not their parents. Marxists quickly seized upon Freud’s theories attributing almost all mental disorders to the family structure and parents imposing Dark Age beliefs and prejudices on their children. As soon as Goal #38 is achieved giving arresting powers to social services, and as Marxist states are quick to establish any deviation from Marxist doctrine a form of insanity, they will use this to arrest parents and seize their children, making them wards of the state.
In Europe and America all of these goals used to attack and destroy the family have made so much progress that strong families are becoming a rarity. Bills have been proposed in Congress that by their subtle wording make devotion to a family, being a political conservative, or being devoutly religious, to be recognized as forms of insanity for use in taking children from such homes, denying Second Amendment rights, and other forms of totalitarian suppression of our freedoms.
MARXIST GOAL #42: Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political, or social problems.
Does this sound like the rationale being used for recent and present insurrections, violence, and attacks on public property at universities and in our cities? Does this sound like the excuses the Democratic Party has used to refuse to condemn this violence, and even justify it? This is another example of how effective the Marxists have been to infiltrate and sow discord into our schools and country.
We also can see the hypocrisy of how any type of protest done by conservatives or those on the right, Democrats are quick to call it “insurrection,” or even “treason.” Because of the media it may seem that most of America falls for this propaganda, but actually it does not.
There remains about one-third of Americans that are hard left and will believe anything the leftist media propagates, but the other two-thirds of Americans are not so naïve and slow of reasoning that they hope we are. That is why the media has now fallen even below Congress in the trust of the American people.
Even so, the third of Americans who are on the left are now on the hard left, and are being increasingly radicalized. We must keep in mind that Lenin and the Bolsheviks numbered far less than 1% of the Russian population when they began the revolution there, and they succeeded. There were two main factors that enabled them to do this with such a tiny percentage of the population:
They made alliances with other liberal or anti-Tsarist groups, who thought that they could control the Marxists and keep them in their place after the revolution was won, but were completely unprepared for the ruthlessness of the Marxists by which they dominated after the success of the revolution.
The Bolsheviks promised amnesty to all soldiers and citizens who would surrender their weapons. When the army and the citizenry had been disarmed, the Bolsheviks then killed millions who could no longer protect themselves. This included leaders and members of other liberal groups that had been allies of the Marxists during the revolution, calling them “useful idiots,” ridding the country of any potential rivals as they quickly and easily established their totalitarian control.
The Bolsheviks didn’t have the internet, that two-edged sword, to discern some truth. If the stats show the Marxists influence is about one-third, it follows that the other two-thirds will seek the truth on the internet.
Stand by for more limits on the ‘truth’ via the internet. “Big Tech” playing their part in destroying the World as we know it.
During the last night on BBC World Service. Only the BBC could describe the chinese property market as, “being in decline” rather than its ‘collapse’.
Appeasing their future masters.
Barry Gardiner has £500K to invest.
tweet : FT China @ftchina Jan 31
Chinese investors buy gold as property and stock markets fall
@ MM
please give it up about Barry Gardiner 30 or more times is enough
Closely followed by George Orwell and pink boats in London and science is racist
Could I possibly suggest a title for your new blog as suggested by Brissles?
Deja vu by marky mark
You really underestimate people on here if you think you have to constantally drill the same information into them over and over
I think you under estimate the easy swaying of people and the power of the HERD – the reason the FAR left win is the message is repeated without reason or facts – then they win simply from ….
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”
― Mark Twain
I try and repeat things to show that it has all been here before and the future is becoming an echo of the past. With no anchor in the past we will drift into the future.
The Orwell memory hole is getting bigger …
Scarlett McCgwire is a hatey lefty spreading division
.. went to school in Moscow for 2-3 years
Always seems pro Soviet and anti-British
(father worked in embassy)
“Mobo awards for (not white) culture in Sheffield last night.
These are 100% massively racist.
Imagine if there was an awards ceremony for white music and culture.”
. . . .
In his lyric, Stormzy said: “Yo, Theresa May where’s the money for Grenfell? What, you thought we just forgot about Grenfell? You criminals, and you got the cheek to call us savages? You should do some jail time, you should pay some damages. You should burn your house down and see if you can manage this.”
TOADY Watch #1 – worried about the mental health of children, BBC, yesterday? You should be after ….
… Justin Rowlatt has spouted his Global Warming hyperventilation this morning. I have not known the BBC’s Climate Editor (how do you edit Climate by the way?) get this worked up for a long time. He was outputting half the world’s CO2 all on his own judging by the forcefulness of Justin’s words in the 6 a.m. News.
MM, if you believe that then you will believe anything!
I think its because Greta told them that 100 degrees Fahrenheit is boiling point.
Greta also probably told the United Nations to ignore scientists who say that 100 degrees centigrade is boiling point.
This is because climate scientists who say that 100 degrees centigrade is boiling point are sceptics of “Global Boiling”
Last night said high ground might get snow
and low ground would just get rain
We are on low ground .. it’s been snowing since 10am
before that it was rain and snow
The app now say snow will continue until 3pm
Usually I can see the hills, but not today
I bet it wasn’t snowing in August. So, climate change, innit.