Midweek 7th February 2024

BBC still on full Royal duty to keep the ‘powers that be ‘ onside – they;l soon revert to hating Britain and the people who still pay the licence ….( hope it’s not you )

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469 Responses to Midweek 7th February 2024

  1. Zephir says:

    Some apposite statemants in the midst of thick as shit students and other racist protesters:

    Golda Meir:

    We Jews have a secret weapon in our struggle with the Arabs; we have no place to go.

    The Egyptians could run to Egypt, the Syrians into Syria. The only place we could run was into the sea, and before we did that we might as well fight.

    We don’t thrive on military acts. We do them because we have to, and thank God we are efficient.

    We have always said that in our war with the Arabs we had a secret weapon – no alternative.

    We do not rejoice in victories. We rejoice when a new kind of cotton is grown and when strawberries bloom in Israel.


  2. Zephir says:



  3. Terminal Moraine says:

    I recall right off the bat during the war Ukraine were promoting the DIIA — a “state in a smartphone” (their words) — with lots of backing from USAID, Google, Visa etc. It seemed odd to me that a country only recently on a war footing were excitedly promoting new tech with all of its endless convenience to the world. By coincidence their Minister of Digital Transformation has just been in Davos agreeing to set up a new 4th Industrial Revolution base in Ukraine.

    Now Reuters report on the Ukraine bill in parliament which contains online call-ups and the freezing of assets of any wannabe draft dodgers:

    “The bill would allow courts to freeze assets and impose restrictions on going abroad or driving a vehicle for people who fail to abide by the mobilization rules and do not report to registration centres. Citizens of military age would be obliged to carry military registration documents with them and police would have the right to check them at any time.” Ukraine MoD: “This is a list of complex but extremely necessary solutions that are designed to make our state stronger in the face of the challenges of a long-term war”.

    Meanwhile European countries all seemingly in lockstep are being nudged to prepare for potential future war while pursuing CBDCs and ‘health passports’.



  4. Zephir says:



  5. Terminal Moraine says:

    Ireland —

    “This is truly disturbing. A couple of years ago, during Ramadan 2022, two gay Irish men were brutally murdered in Sligo by Muslim man, Yousef Palani. A third had his eye cut out.

    The trial revealed Palani exclusively targeted Irish men. Since then, Gardaí have attended Palani’s mosque and tried to recruit people like him into An Garda Síochána.”




    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Sad to see Ireland busily destroying itself. Why do they have to copy Britain? What was independence all about? Did any Irishman fight to turn his Celtic country into a multicultural dystopia?


  6. Dickie says:


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Hats off to Tucker Carlson and Vlad Putin for putting the Leftwaffe into meltdown. How entertaining it is watching them in a frenzy simply because they can’t stop someone from speaking.8f5f44f0366d5b4a8edecbd07e228014_w200.gif


  7. Eddy Booth says:

    “Police looking for the Clapham chemical attack suspect have raided two addresses in Newcastle, including where he worked..”

    The “Armed police” must have been amazed Abdul wasn’t there doing a shift.
    So they’ve raided him home and now his work, wonder if they’ll take their guns and search his local mosque next 🤔?


  8. StewGreen says:

    Matthew “we know better than you” Sweet weighs in to support Sopel


    • tomo says:

      Sweet really is an absolute caricature funky spectacled poseur BBC arsewipe that fancies himself rather too much.


  9. MarkyMark says:

    Stephen Fry has praised King Charles for sharing his cancer diagnosis, calling his openness “marvellous”.

    … next BBC bulletin … King III releases pictures of his stool and announces the NHS was a success for HIM***

    *** NHS for you. Private health care for him and family.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      King Charles says he has Cancer. Stephen Fry tells him this is “marvellous”.


  10. Docmarooned says:

    Hoping his arse licking virtue signalling will bang him a gong. Bloody sycophant!


  11. andyjsnape says:

    As we know the bbc often talks allowed of poo, and here confirms it:-

    Mount Everest: Climbers will need to bring poo back to base camp

    Of all the “news” the likes of the bbc can drag up, they report on this


  12. StewGreen says:

    It seems that Chris Packham also piled in replying to Sopel against Neil Oliver

    There are 20 replies to Packham all hatey sneering at Neil Oliver
    but strangely no trace of Packham’s original tweet


    • tomo says:

      Packham’s prominence on Twitter means (afaics) that he’s a favoured 77th Brigade content provider together with XR and JSO. I’ve seen visibilty oddness on Packham’s tweets too – but cannot be arsed to try and map out how it works…


  13. Flotsam says:

    Interesting links regarding climate. Ice ages were not as dry as we thought, according to surprising new Australian cave study.
    So climate surprises the scientists, perhaps the science isn’t ‘settled’ after all.




  14. Lucy Pevensey says:

    This from BBC on Yootoob……

    ‘Climate Change; World’s first year-long breach of key 1.5c warming limit |BBC News’

    Displayed with a dramatic image of a fire-fighter. Giving the wrong impression that climate change is causing fire-disaters. Or perhaps we can extinguish global-warming with a fire hose?

    This isn’t in the public interest at all. It’s just a scare-story. BBC so obviously have sponsors. I’m sure it wouldn’t take much work for a team of auditors and lawyers to make the case that BBC are in breach of their “public” funding entitlement.


    • digg says:

      This kind of partisan juvenile “journalism” is what the BBC have sunk to now. Blue Peter level crap.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Greta predicts an increase of 1.5c per month until August caused by ‘Global Boiling’

      BBC Countryfile predicts that the Plants will all start to die in the Spring and then fry in the Summer.

      BBC Farming Today predicts that the farmers will sow the seeds in Autumn and reap the harvest in the depths of winter.


      • Up2snuff says:

        RP, I would be very happy if average temperatures in the northern hemisphere climbed by 1.5°C per month. Heading into mid-February we are in double digit territory already – if we can have Greta’s increase backdated for the start of February – then we will be only at 20°C by the end of July. Bit of a cool summer for June & July. 23°C for August Bank Holiday Monday would be very acceptable as long as it is dry/stops raining soon. Should get an Indian Summer in October. 🙂

        The year of 2020 when we had a warm Easter but could not enjoy it, is a firm but increasingly distant memory


    • StewGreen says:

      Was 2023 a El Nino Year ? YES
      They are always hotter .. there will be colder La Nina years to come

      It’s a lie to say it’s the first breach of 1.5C warmer than their arbitrary base year, cos thousands of years have been hotter than 2023 i the Earth’s History
      Thermometers in towns do get influenced by the urban heat island effect.
      British weather is always variable
      MSM Climate new is always #PRasNews
      That photo looks photoshopped


      • Charlie Farley says:

        StewGreen ,
        As mentioned here a few days ago ” The Kent Weather Book ” managed to find one locally , very good with lots of info on past disasters…..obviously all caused by so called Climate Change 😀 ,
        BRISSLES….lots of pics that you will recognise , I spent a few year’s in and around Ramsgate , Margate and Broadstairs in the 1960s….Happy Days….back when the BBC reported News and not their crusading agendas !


      • Up2snuff says:

        Stew, Justin Rowlatt did hyperventilate that fact of an El Nino year last year in the Pacific Ocean this morning. He did have me speculating how long he would last if washed overboard in his so-called warmed oceans. I reckon in the Pacific now, despite El Nino, with a lifejacket on Justin would last about an hour before hypothermia claimed him and he was DoA in Fortaleza Hospital or whereever he, Rowlatt, washed up.


  15. Dickie says:

    Alleged transcript of Tucker Carlson and President Putin interview:



  16. digg says:

    As the US election run up gets dirtier on the Dem side. And as Biden’s mental state continues to worsen and as Trumps popularity grows with the electorate, If I were team Biden I would be wary of coming under friendly fire designed to create public outrage and to try to implicate the Republicans were responsible.

    Remember Lee Harvey Oswald?


  17. Sluff says:

    The Scottish Health Secretary has resigned after his kids racked up an £11,000 bill on his taxpayer funded iPad.

    It’s on the BBC webshite.

    But the funny thing is, the initials SNP do not appear anywhere in the article!

    So with no hint about devolution the omission gives the possibility and thought that the ‘Scottish Health Secretary’ could be part of the UK government and therefore an ‘evil corrupt Tory’ trying to trouser some cash.

    The BBC. They just can’t help themselves.


  18. Richard Pinder says:

    Emails show that the Biden Administration Pressured Amazon to Censor COVID-19 Books

    Ten books the BBC don’t want you to read:

    (1) The Real Anthony Fauci: by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
    (2) Vax-Unvax let the Science Speak: by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
    (3) The Truth about COVID-19: by Dr Michael Crossley
    (4) MRNA Vaccine Toxicity: by Doctors for COVID Ethics
    (5) The War on Ivermectin: by Dr Pierre Kory
    (6) Rise of the Fourth Reich confronting Covid Fascism: by Daniel Horowitz
    (7) The Death of Science: by Professor Angus Dalgleish
    (8) What the Nurses Saw: by Ken McCarthy
    (9) COVID-19 LAWLESSNESS: by Dr Willem van Aardt
    (10) The Great Awakening: by Alex Jones


    • atlas_shrugged says:


      What a great list, Thanks. I have read 1) and 2) and could recommend these books to everybody.

      If folks want some light entertainment order any of these books to borrow from your local library. It is likely to make the blue hair brigade heads explode.


    • tomo says:

      Surprised that “Viral” isn’t on that list


  19. andyjsnape says:

    We’ve discussed on this site about the amount of adverts with so many black people in, or the bbc using GettyImages of certain people 80% plus, of the time in their reporting.

    So far today, out of about 15 adverts i’ve seen on Facebook that ALL are black people

    Luckily I’m not looking for a career in advertising with all the racist adverts in this country now


    • G says:


      Yes, I’ve noticed the increase over the recent years. If YouTube, I simply sacrifice watching the video I want and ‘back button’ – ‘out’. My loss and their loss but my feelings of discomfort trump watching the particular video / adverts with disproportionate black/white. When that procedure shortly means that I cannot watch uninterrupted YT, I’ll no longer look at YT. Done it with the BBC, so to do it with YT is no hardship.


      • Eddy Booth says:

        Download Brave browser and watch YouTube on that, it does a great job of removing ads.
        You might need to disable the YouTube app, or whatever, to stop it defaulting to that.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Adverts from corrupt charities, all trying to persuade people to leave their home in their will, to a Charity, after they suddenly die from heart failure or turbo cancer, due to being jabbed with a bioweapon. From the RNLI to the United Nations. Thousands drowning off the coast of France, Mistreated donkeys by foreigners, Eye operations for black kids, plastic surgery to correct the deformed mouths of African children and white men digging wells for lazy Africans.

      The money goes to rich white liberal charity chief executives not black Africans.

      I think Lenny Henry is the only known black person to have dug a ‘Well for Africa’.


  20. Johnda says:

    Bbc news have discovered a scam where companies house has registered flack companies who then take bank loans and never repay. No they haven’t discovered I am sure this was mentioned over a month ago somewhere else. Obviously the journalist who discovered this must have missed it the first time it was reported on social media , no ne news just a different agenda


  21. StewGreen says:

    TalkTV : Lawyer Hahjab Singh explaining there used to be 13,000 forced deportations per year (mostly ex-convicts)
    Yet this has fallen greatly to 3,300 in 2020
    … This is a Home Office failure ,eg they failed to send a lawyer to acid man’s third court appearance.

    (surely there is partial Covid year effect)


    • tomo says:

      The Home Office simply isn’t fit for purpose.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Tomo – I remember John Reid saying that even – I think – before they split the ‘justice ‘ bit of it off …. I’m trying to think of a single home sec going back to Merlin Rees who thought the Home Office was worth much – self serving – Far Left – corrupt …


  22. MarkyMark says:

    BBC (self advertising) breaking news … “”I thought it was chocolate!”
    While sampling the ingredients, Foluso eats truffle powder thinking it’s chocolate.” 08 February 2024″



  23. StewGreen says:

    What the libel case against Mark Steyn and stringing it out over 12 years is really about.

    Jury decision is due today .. BTW In any normal court Steyn would win by miles, but DC juries are usually super biased
    “Lawfare one of the Left’s great swords.”


    • MarkyMark says:

      In other related news … “Climate chiefs admitted net zero plan based on insufficient data, leading physicist says
      Key committee only looked at ‘a single year of data’ when making controversial green energy claims”

      Edward Malnick,
      20 January 2024 • 6:00pm

      “We welcome Sir Chris’ work, which considers other aspects of the energy challenge in 2050, under different assumptions about the future energy mix.” Asked if the CCC disputed Sir Chris’s account, the spokesman said: “We’ve got nothing further to add.”**

      ** the science is settled for one year at least



    • StewGreen says:

      A Mann win will greenlight a lot more Climate censorship


      • MarkyMark says:

        China laugh and build coal power stations whilst the West buys solar panels and wind farm components and cheap oil from Russia!
        HA H AHA HA …


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      It is useful to think of the law and lawfare as like a Psychopath. Why would they want to do the right thing when instead they can be so cruel and take pleasure in making the wrong decision. This wrong decision will not only harm Steyn and Co but billions of poor worldwide.


  24. StewGreen says:

    BBC new now “Labour faces backlash as it plans to announce end of £28bn green pledge”
    .. WTF backlash from who ? The ever flying climate hypocrites celebs?

    On TalkTV Kevin O’Sullivan
    “Labour’s £28bn/year Climate pledge has collided with reality”


  25. StewGreen says:

    15:18pm R4 Open Country
    Presenter leading on “and this is Climate Change ?”
    guest “An undoubtable sign of Climate Change”

    You can always cherrypick to get that answer

    River Coyle in Downpatrick .. then they talk about how boardwalks have been built all along the river
    Doh that will effect rain run off


    • StewGreen says:

      Spelt Quoile River actually
      Then they start talking bout MANMADE changes in the area … that Netflix built a huge set for Game Of Thrones on the water
      Now mentioning that in 1957 Strangford Loch had a barrage built
      so that completely changed the ecology
      It used to be an estuary now it’s fresh water.

      So how can they pin recent floods on Climate Change ?


  26. Fedup2 says:

    Must be due here soon …


    • MarkyMark says:

      NHS ! GET IT FREE! About fentanyl
      Fentanyl is a strong opioid painkiller. It’s used to treat severe pain, for example during or after an operation or a serious injury, or pain from cancer.

      It’s also used for other types of long-term pain when weaker painkillers have stopped working.

      It works by blocking pain signals between the brain and the rest of the body. It also reduces the anxiety and stress caused by pain.



      • atlas_shrugged says:

        No problems from NHS about describing fentanyl responsible for thousands of US deaths.

        But ask the *anychess* website search engine to tell you about ‘ivor-mac-tin’ one of the safest drugs and widely used to treat River Blindness and Scabies etc etc and the anychess knows nothing:

        No results found for ivermectin


  27. vlad says:

    As soon as I heard of Brianna Ghey’s murder, I knew it would become an excuse to shut down any discussion of trans-scepticism.
    Henceforth, anyone daring to question the trans mental derangement fad would be accused of murdering poor Brianna, as Rishi is finding out to his cost.
    So now we have the new crime of ‘transphobia’, and yet another protected class of untouchables and uncriticisables – along with muslims, gays, blacks etc.
    Of course the opposite argument could be made: that it is the ‘progressives’ and the wokies who, by promoting this latest mental derangement among impressionable youngsters, have created a whole generation of confused adolescents like Brianna, and are therefore responsible for her murder.



  28. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I heard someone describing this Christian acid attacker as a ‘Paranoid schizophrenic’

    Does that mean he thinks he is following himself.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.”
      Or in this case he’s paranoid because they don’t seem to be seriously after him, or something like that.


  29. Althepalerp says:

    Is the acid attacker hiding in a church somewhere?
    Has anyone asked the C of E?


    • MarkyMark says:



      • digg says:

        Perhaps when he had finished prostrating himself about the events of 1919 mr Welby could have visited the the multiple sites of massacres 20 odd years before where various factions of Indian mutineers carried out obscene attacks on British Troops and their families including children. Maybe this is why the British troops were a bit trigger happy?

        typically… this extract from Wiki regarding just one of the atrocities carried out….


        …Finally, on 15 July, an order was given to murder the women and children imprisoned at Bibighar. The details of the incident, such as who ordered the massacre, are not clear.[16][18]

        The rebel sepoys executed the four surviving male hostages from Fatehghar, one of them a 14-year-old boy. But they refused to obey the order to kill women and the other children.[4] Some of the sepoys agreed to remove the women and children from the courtyard when Tatya Tope threatened to execute them for dereliction of duty. Nana Sahib left the building because he didn’t want to be a witness to the unfolding massacre.

        The British women and children were ordered to come out of the assembly rooms but they refused to do so and clung to one another. They barricaded themselves in, tying the door handles with clothing. At first around twenty rebel soldiers opened fire from the outside of the Bibighar, firing through holes in the boarded windows. The soldiers of the squad that was supposed to fire the next round were disturbed by the scene and discharged their shots into the air. Soon after, upon hearing the screams and groans inside, the rebel soldiers threw down their weapons and declared that they were not going to kill any more women and children.

        An angry Begum Hussaini Khanum denounced the sepoys’ act as cowardice and asked her aide to finish the job of killing the captives.[4] Her lover hired butchers, who murdered the captives with cleavers, leaving when it seemed that all the captives had been killed. However a few women and children had managed to survive by hiding under the dead bodies. It was agreed that the bodies of the victims would be thrown down a dry well by some sweepers. The next morning the rebels arrived to dispose of the bodies and found three women who were still alive and also three children aged between four and seven years old .[2] The surviving women were cast into the well by the sweepers, who had also been told to strip the corpses. The sweepers then threw the three little boys into the well one at a time, the youngest first. Some victims, among them small children, were therefore buried alive in a heap of butchered corpses. None survived.[5]”

        Always two sides to any story unless you are British of course!


      • Docmarooned says:

        I feel a sense of deep shame and disgust to see this woke clown making his usual arse of things.


      • vlad says:

        Nothing he likes better than wallowing in guilt about long gone events instead of saving his dying church.


      • Sluff says:

        When we visited this site a few years ago a group of rather sweet Indian women were keen to take a photo of me with them. I was happy to oblige and we all exchanged smiles and giggles.
        It appears they were a little more relaxed about the past evils of the British than the Archbishop of Woke.
        In the interests of fairness and impartiality I do have to say that the Golden Temple is absolutely fantastic.


        • Guest Who says:

          The post conflict attitudes of various cultures is interesting.

          Germany and Japan seemed to ‘move on’ ok, though I doubt a Japanese vet will be too welcome in Nanjing.

          We have loved our trips to Vietnam. I guess winning helps if the losing side is sensible too. Certainly all the US vets were treated fine. And were hugely respectful back.

          Remarkable given what went down.


  30. StewGreen says:

    The bank have sent an Scam alert warning
    The photo is of a black woman sitting at a computer
    I guess that is supposed to respresent the customer.

    Some might take it to be a photo of a scammer, since they a large proportion are in Nigeria.


  31. Althepalerp says:

    SO, Labour have announced they will no longer spend the £28b on green projects.
    £8b of which is already being spent by the Torries.
    SO, Labour are now promising to spend LESS!


    • Fedup2 says:

      I’m think of voting red labour now – it looks like they will be more fiscally sound than the current regime ….. ( you might need to spot the fib )
      And it looks like the bbc wants to spend £28 billion a year on green crap – maybe they can fund it using the licence fee . I’ve calculated that if every one with a licence pays an additional 1300 pounds a year that will do it

      …….and thinking about it -why not do away with income tax and transfer the tax burden to the TV licence – perhaps if it was £20 000 per licence a year that would fund welfare and the NHS … no military of course – or transport – and close all the schools when the weather might be iffy tomorrow …


  32. StewGreen says:

    Lancashire: cops raid someone’s house for one thing , then find from his tablet that a couple of years earlier in 2019 he’d tweeted a couple of crazy things on Gab
    – Something like ‘those MPs that bloke who killed Jo Cox , we could do with another 650 of him, one for each MP’
    he’s just got 2 years 8 months in jail for “supporting terrorism”.

    The prosecution also said he praised video of the NZ mosque attack
    In 2 posts he also said
    “Cheers. Just the thing to put a smile on my face before heading to work this morning.”
    In another post, he said: “It should be on repeat on ITV every couple of hours instead of Jeremy Kyle”

    The court didn’t believe his defence that he was being humerous..
    It doesn’t say how many people saw the post.
    I can’t imagine he was ever going to tip anyone over into actual terrorist action

    Surely people get away with all kind of death speak against Tories, and against Trump.



    • atlas_shrugged says:

      So when is Jo Brand going to get done for supporting Terrorist Battery Acid Attacks?

      This is Minority Report stuff where they are making up the crime you never were going to commit.

      Were any of the religion of peace in the UK prosecuted for celebrating 9/11?


  33. Thoughtful says:

    The UN is not the International Criminal Court, but if you want a real criminal act the UK government carried out then the Post Office seizure of private assets without compensation takes some beating.

    As was recently claimed, the UK goverment is little short of a crime syndicate, takeing what ever it pleases without fear of punishment or the law.


  34. tomo says:

    Hilary Clinton is a monster


  35. Philip_2 says:

    The BBC’s latest climate coverage makes XR look moderate
    By Ross Clark writing in in DT today.

    I heard it this morning on the BBC Today programme. There were no fewer than five separate items on it, by my count. First we had Justin Rowlatt telling us we are all going to go to hell in a handcart because global temperature last year averaged 1.5 Celsius above 19th century levels.
    Then we had Prof Sir Bob Watson, former chair of the IPCC, telling us that the Earth’s weather “far exceeds anything that is unacceptable” – as if it were somehow something that is decided by world leaders. That comment says much about the mentality of people who populate these international global non-government organisations: they really do see themselves as gods.
    Barry Gardiner, Labour’s former climate change spokesman, hauled on the show and invited by Nick Robinson to say that Starmer had got it utterly wrong, and allowed to spew out spurious guesstimates on how much climate change is costing the UK. “Storms are getting bigger,” he said, again directly contradicting the evidence –
    I waited, too, for someone to argue that actually Biden’s green bungs aren’t the only story behind the US having faster economic growth than Britain.
    Another somewhat crucial matter is that US administrations – Biden’s included – have unapologetically pursued a policy of energy security and self-sufficiency, built on huge expansion of shale oil and gas. Britain’s carbon emissions are less than one per cent of the global total.


    And yet for the BBC this is a betrayal. They believe in climate change that is the end-of-the-world – if we do NOT pay the TV license. The two are connected. No forced climate, no forced pay.

    The BBC are totally wrong extremists. Not that they will admit that. But the facts are clearly against the BBC global corps predictions. Which are funded by the usual suspects (usually US Billionaires).

    This is the reality (below)

    “As you look across Europe, politicians who reject climate alarmism and Net Zero scaremongering are on the rise. The days of green radicalism, and other luxury beliefs, are on the wane. The political landscape will look very different by the end of 2024.”

    “Net Zero was an attempt to defy the laws of physics and thermodynamics. It was irrational and bound to fail. Cannier politicians are starting to see its fatal flaws. The retreat has begun, and will continue inexorably for years to come. It’s now just a question of how long it takes, and how much damage will be done to society before sanity returns.” see pdf.



  36. Zephir says:

    More NHS stuff on here

    I went to the doctor last week and

    well i might have made that up,

    Brissles, can I borrow your tent and a thermos flask ? my phone battery runs out after a couple of hours


  37. Lucy Pevensey says:

    A cunning plan?

    The HOL is blaming Edmund Blackadder for declining EV sales.


  38. Thoughtful says:

    A little Biblical Eschcatology is 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

    “3Let no man deceive you by any means, to the effect that surely no revolt will first come and The Man of Sin, The Son of Destruction, be revealed, 4He who opposes and exalts himself against everything that is called God and religion, just as he will sit in the Temple of God, as God, and will show concerning himself as if he is God.”

    Well here is a web site which claims that a certain George Soros fulfills this prophecy as the man of lawlessness, see if you agree:



    • Philip_2 says:

      He is a wrong’un for sure! He finances some of the hard Left practices from anti Brexit to anti family, he funds it all using charity aid, (Open Society) which is tax free. BBC pay no tax either.

      “Just take a look at Mr. Soros’ IRS 990s (of his $20 billion Open Society Foundation), and you can see the scale of the funding efforts to defeat everything from the free market system to the structure of the timeless nuclear family.

      Why destroy the family unit, you ask? Because Mr. Soros knows that the nuclear family has been the basis upon which every single stable civil society has been built since the beginning of time. It’s why Marxist ideology also sought the demise of families composed of a mom and a dad.”

      He is now currently funding Anti TRUMP supporters in the US….



    • Lucy Pevensey says:


      Biblical eschatology takes committed, serious study. I love to discus this because I have studied it for years.

      I don’t say this sarcastically or in jest-
      The Spirit of Lawlessness is definitely stirred up in the world . Soros is influenced by it, Tony Blair is influenced by it, as are many others in powerful positions. But Soros is not THE man of sin who is yet to come.

      Every book in the Biblical collection is part of the picture. All the prophetic writing from Moses to John and Paul are woven together in a tapestry.

      It’s fascinating. But I think everyone can see that lawlessness abounds without looking at a Bible.

      The many details included might astound some though if they regard the Biblical record as fiction or mere history. And it’s not a fortune-teller’s cache either it’s more complex.


  39. atlas_shrugged says:

    After our wind power generation mysteriously plunged from near 20GW yesterday to near 1GW it has now made a miraculous recovery back to near 20GW. Meanwhile the Dogger bank seems to be stuck at zero. So did Rishi mean to make the below comment in 2026?


    UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said:

    “That’s why it’s fantastic to see the world’s largest wind farm, Dogger Bank, generating power for the first time today from UK waters, which will not only bolster our energy security, but create jobs, lower electricity bills and keep us on track for Net Zero.”10 Oct 2023


    • Philip_2 says:

      The French make a killing out of us,selling electricity at peak prices. The import is flat out i see… French (9.37%) . Its been that way for years, even before wind vanes (currently 48%) but remember its done nothing much most of the day. And we have had quite a few windless days. Its not even a cold day (demand is just 32 GW, when it was 45GW a few weeks ago.) Then we had no wind. And that is the problem, when its really cold in the UK, we get no wind.


  40. JohnC says:

    What does Vladimir Putin gain from his Tucker Carlson interview?

    Ahhh – here we go. The BBC doing their usual Leftist trick to try and destroy the messenger before we get to hear the message.

    Note the headline : it instantly restricts the article to be about what Putin will gain and deliberately excludes all of the other reasons this interview is so important. Most people are not interested in what Putin will gain, we are interested to learn the other side of the story which nobody will tell us. I have been stunned by the extent which the MSM have banded together to present the same narrative on Ukraine without any question or attempts to show balance. Exactly as they have for Gaza.

    This will give us the view from the other side of the fence which I am sure will be as biased as the BBC’s output but will allow us to better appreciate the real picture.

    You know when the BBC don’t like someone because we start seeing the phrase: ‘Mr Carlson has falsely claimed that …’ which is now reserved for the Right.

    The BBC are clearly getting desperate. Watch out for ‘BBC Verify’ getting involved to cherry-pick snippets from the interview in an attempt to smear the whole thing.


  41. Lucy Pevensey says:


  42. StewGreen says:

    This two weeks Radio4 Advertise Your Book Twice a Day slot went to Tim Spector
    (..jobs for their Guardianland mates)

    Tuesdays was “Eating Green”

    Paul Homewood wrote an article about the claims

    and here another listener complains


  43. JohnC says:

    Hot on the heels of the investigation report : front page, top world news item:

    ‘My memory is fine’ – Biden hits back at special counsel

    ‘He slammed a claim that he could not recollect when his son died, saying: “How the hell dare he raise that?”‘

    Joes nasty side coming straight to the surface. This BBC article tries to say one thing but inadvertantly tells us the opposite.

    ‘”Frankly, when I was asked the question I thought to myself, was none of their damn business,” he said.’

    Take a test then Joe. It seems this would be the perfect place for the BBC to remind us how Biden refuses to take any cognitive decline tests. And now would be the perfect time for him to rebuke this article by taking one.

    But both he and the shameless activists at the BBC will not go near that. Because they know full well what the result would say and that might let Trump get back in.

    Watching that video of Putin brought it home to me just what a stark contrast he is to Biden who cannot even string a coherent sentence together.

    This situation is EXACTLY what the free press was supposed to prevent. What do you do when the MSM is just as corrupt as the politicians ?.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The problem the Obama regime now has is ‘how do we show that Biden ok ?’ – even an unscripted one to one interview is going to be a problem unless it is heavily edited … they have to avoid Biden doing anything live to camera .

      All the years as the incapacity has been on record – ignored by the swamp bbc – but now they are being forced to confront it .

      Whatever happens – the fix is in like last time .


      • Guest Who says:

        Well, the BBC is running cover. Today’s Moaning Emole headline:

        Biden hits back over ‘poor memory’ claim

        Yeah, that will do it.


  44. tomo says:

    Labour controlled by big oil Tories …


  45. tomo says:

    Next week Tucker interviews Joseph Biden



    • tomo says:



    • Guest Who says:

      Maybe the BBC’s finest… Rosenberg, Lurch… can pop in a request for a one on one with sleepyhead? Then sulk when the red head ex shill gets the gig with the gay idiot of color.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Rosenberg was on ‘today’ sulking about not getting the putin gig – and going through the expected bitter pointing out of areas Carlson didn’t cover in the interview.

        But let’s face it – putin knows the BBC is a state funded morally superior monster and should be treated that way …


        • Guest Who says:

          I am quite sure Tucker steered clear of some stuff to get out the room.

          However, maybe Steve and gang could sit down with Patrick Crystis (sp?) or Konstantin or Calvin on stuff that W1A, especially ‘verify’, would not go near?


  46. Fedup2 says:

    The BBC can’t avoid the huge report by a U.S. special prosecutor – but obviously wants to bury any criticism of the false president ….. but … is traditional … they get on a U.S. member of the swamp …… and further in bbc tradition -it’s a democrat friendly to Biden – in fact a former speech writer for Obama …..
    Is this sudden revelation of the Biden ‘memory problem – ie dementia – part of the scheme to replace him ? Is that the next phase ? A weekend of ‘speculation ‘ ? With certain names put forward ? Michelle Obama ? Some other usual idiot ?

    Meesh gave the democrat mouthpiece an easy time . No balance and no reference to BBCOFCOM for bias …..

    … but it takes the heat off starmer and his green crap spending – bbc editorial decided it is more important for red labour to be supported for licence fee purposes …. The green crap is not as important as that …


  47. Fedup2 says:

    Amol interviews a girl who is apparently an assistance commissioner at the Met police . She likes the phrase ‘really hard ‘… in fact she used it 5 times in the 4 minute interview. She also likes the word ‘really ‘ a lot .

    She sounded like a woke airhead – going on about something to do with feral children – and when asked about the Muslim alkali man – reading between the lines -they are just watching cctv …. Pity we can’t opt out of paying for them ….


  48. Fedup2 says:


    Wow – meesh v Rachel reeve ….

    The bbc seems to be more green labour than red labour at the moment – the quite proper roll back on the £28 billion green crap policy just isnt approved by the BBC – which even more and more sounds like it is deciding how the UK is run …..

    Meesh really went for Rachel – going at her like a teenager who feels hard dun by – some say politicians are out of touch with the public which is fed up with green crap and overpaying for life – but the BBC is even more so ….

    … wouldn’t it be something if red labour got power and decided the BBC needs to be cut to size…. ? ( yes I know this is very unlikely )


    • tomo says:

      The disapproval of The BBC for Surkeer’s crashing the gears over Green madness is suffusing the coverage at the moment and 77th Brigade think I should see every bit of reaction by Caroline Lucas and people approving of Mucus’s opinions via UK Twitter.

      Tiresome, but I suppose I should be grateful that the propaganda is so crashingly obvious.


      • Guest Who says:

        There are now attempts to shunt it onto the Tories, but Labour claiming that when they make claims they can’t be expected to know what they were basing their claims upon is struggling to convince.

        Maybe JusRol can get in Bob Ward and Anthony Watt and Paul Homewood for a sit down? No? #28Gate still leaves a journalistic stink years on.


        • Guest Who says:

          Or… drag out Ed.

          Following today’s announcements, Labour have confirmed we will fight the election with a world-leading climate agenda:

          Great British Energy 🇬🇧
          National Wealth Fund 🏗️
          Warm Homes Plan 🏠
          British Jobs Bonus 👩🏼‍🔧
          Local Power Plan 🔋
          No new oil & gas licenses 🛢️
          2030 clean power ☀️

          Best carve in blancmange, Ed.


        • Guest Who says:

          Luckily, for true account holding, the msm serves up Foghorn, with Dale.

          “We can become electricity independent in five years and completely energy independent in ten years”
          @ShelaghFogarty speaks to Ecotricity founder Dale Vince about green investment opportunities, as Labour look set to strip back on their previous £28bn commitment

          This comment sums the media and the renewable lobby (Inc. Ed) up best…

          “we can have all these things if the government just endlessly subsidises wind farms why yes I do run wind farms but that’s hardly the point…”


          • tomo says:

            The more I see of Vince the more I dislike the guy. He wouldn’t be where he is if he weren’t pilfering our taxes and energy bills.

            He should be living in a rural yurt with no electricity beyond what he can generate himself, same goes for his clothes and food.

            Seems interchangeable with the Packham Prat.