Before I address my main point, just a note on the BBC Scotland v France rugby coverage.
The pro-Scottish (Naionalist?) commentary is deplorable, endless Scots lauding it over their team, especially at around 29 minutes. ‘In control of the game’, ‘haven’t put a foot wrong’ etc.
So what fun when 1 minute later the French score a try which is converted from the touch line.
Egg on face all round.
I digress.
The Times this morning publish poll results for voting intentions of Muslims.
Labour 60% ( down from 86% in 2019 due to Gaza), Tories 8%.
With that simple piece of information, the pro- mass immigration policies of Labour, left activists, the civil service and trade unions these past two decades is made abundantly understandable. And ditto the BBC coverage of Rochdale, Rotherham, the Manchester bombing, Gaza, to name but four..
Apparently – so the Guardian tells us – the imminent bankruptcy of councils the length and breadth is due to ‘the disastrous Truss budget…’
So nothing to do with awarding themselves obscene pay-packets, grossly over-staffing their ‘management’ or hiring ludicrous numbers of socially aware uni-jobsworths, or shelling out vast amounts of Council taxpayers’ money on vanity projects.
Truss may well have overestimated her available resources, but whatever she did was just a year or so ago – not in any way responsible for decades of serial mismanagement and self-indulgence. Even though the tossers at the Guardian might wish otherwise.
I see that a respected economist, a committee member at the Office of Budget Responsibility, has acknowledged what many of us have suspected for some time.
While high levels of immigration, which the OBR has evaluated as a boost to public finances in the short term (as workers from overseas bring in more tax than they cost in public services) the effect is not permanent. The reason? Migrants grow old and have children so that ‘the favourable tax to spending balance does not persist’.
Wow! Who would have thought it!
All those doctors and engineers, to say nothing of the unskilled workers, will eventually cost the country money. As a result, the rising demand for public services coupled with sluggish growth means that ‘debt repayments would likely become unaffordable’ in the long term. Welfare reform would be ‘fiscally highly advantageous’.
So there you have it. Higher and higher taxes reduce the incentive to work while welfare payments will exceed our ability to borrow.
Thank you, Mr Blair for putting us on this course and to Mr Sunak and his Conservative predecessors for not doing something about it.
No time for Horton hears a Graun topic, but Laura does rather highlight the reality that politics and media is just a game they play to make a lot of money by ‘winning’
The amount of Green on Green friendly fire flying about is amazing.
I’m guessing that, by now, they are safely ensconced in a nice hotel somewhere with appointments to see a doctor, dentist, optician, benefits officer, housing officer, the room service menu and an immigration lawyer to arrange transport for all their relatives. Our veterans sleep on the streets, innit. Oh, and we’re still a bunch of racists.
TV people rig stuff
Random switch on and BBC one are round the house of a perfect Muslim hijab wearing family
In the Michael Mcintyres Big Show he claims to pop out of the theatre and find a random family who are watching the show and have left their curtains open .. they have to pause their TV and then the TV crew come in and film a quiz show segment in their house with celebs walking in, then the family are whisked to the theatre VIP box
On Twitter people are stating why they think this Ilford family called Ahmed is a set up ..1, 2,
BBC Web-site Watch #2 – employing the illiterate now, are you BBC? . Was Michael Jackson afraid of vampires? That is the impression given by the BBC’s title for this article. It would have made more sense to state “A stake in the sale of Michael Jackson’s effects have been bought by Sony Music Group.” There is space at the top of the article or the BBC could adjust the font pitch to suit the space.
I have a very low IQ which is probably why I am keen on voting.
Here, we have just thrown out a Labour government which was out of control and quite determined to fix the voting system in its favour forever. So all us thickos voted it out.
We now have a government that has reversed the direction the anti-democratic socialists and media were taking the country!
Silly us, eh?
If Reform doesn’t gets third place or better in Wellingborough this week then the UK is in a perilous place. It will mean the population has surrendered.
“@bbcapprentice @BBCOne @Lord_Sugar I see there has been no response to this bloke here with his online marriage service for Muslim men where he finds good subservient Muslim women”
“Almost one in three Brits now say they do not believe in monogamy and over a quarter of people would consider an open relationship (27%). Almost one in four said they would be open to a polyamorous relationship (23%) as well.5 Aug 2022”
“Children in polygynous families suffer more abuse, neglect, and violence than those in monogamous families, and have more physical, emotional, and behavioral problems. Infant mortality is much higher in polygynous than in comparable monogamous societies.28 May 2022”
Dropped to 4% – so HALF! HA HAHA HAHHA! City of UK FURTURE Culture!
“Ten years ago researchers studying the health of more than 30,000 people in Bradford found that about 60% of babies in the Pakistani community had parents who were first or second cousins, but a new follow-up study of mothers in three inner-city wards finds the figure has dropped to 46%.”
I have been thinking about the DoJ report into Biden being a well meaning elderly man with memory issues, and the way the MSM have reacted to it.
The DoJ are a Democrat headed part of the swamp, and they don’t do anything which might harm the Democrats, so here they are damning with faint criticism. The men pulling the strings encourage the elderly man to go out and make a fool of himself perfectly timed a day after Putin is interviewed, and so they are able to convince everyone the feeble old man not only needs to go, but is a danger to world peace, and America.
The Left know Biden cannot win against Trump, and they need a way to prevent him running in 2024 which doesn’t embarass them, they have failed to persuade him to stand aside, this is the dirty tricks campaign which they will run against their own.
The preferred candidate is Gavin Newsome, who is even worse than Biden, having wrecked California, he will wreck the USA given half a chance.
One of the biggest conundrums I see right now is why so many liberated western women rush to defend the most anti-female, oppressive cults in so many Middle Eastern countries on the face of the planet.
You could even include pretty much every Muslim Country.
It has to be a death wish or maybe a bit of brutal male domination is seen as attractive?
Women don’t really want what they say they want – kind, considerate, gentle men who will share parenting duties and do household chores, who talk about their feelings and are in touch with their feminine side. Women soon lose their sexual desire for a guy if he turns into that kind of henpecked toerag.
No, what women actually want are bad boys, alpha males, the leaders of the packs, dirty, sweaty brutes brimming with testosterone and toxic masculinity. They dream of being mounted by an animal they can never tame.
Not many of those men left in the civilised West. But plenty in the Third World.
It is evident that young women are attracted to power and strength. It does not matter if they are bad guys as long as they are not being bad to them. Also known as Bonnie and Clyde syndrome.
There are plenty of videos of young women fluttering around the Eagle’s Nest in traditional dress – for example.
Another really bizarre example was with one of the worst serial killers of women in the US, Ted Bundy, who while in jail was inundated with letters from women wanting to marry him and have his babies.
You’re not wrong there Zalazek ! Any idea where I can find one ? Most male specimens in my neck of the woods are pale, obese young men munching a Greggs sausage roll or very much cardigan wearing grandad types with thinning hair and bad breath !
This is huge news because it puts the UN staff as directly complicit with Hamas. But the BBC have not reported it. What an absolute disgrace they are.
I’m still slightly stunned that nobody in the UN is being held accountable for their involvement with these terrorists. I simply assumed whoever was in charge would immediately resign. I obviously misjudged just how completely corrupt that organisation is now the Lefties have infested it.
Meanwhile the BBC are running yet another story about the poor little girl who got killed in the car with her relatives.
This is BBC ‘journalism’ at it’s lowest form. Multiple articles about one, utterly insignificant person in the scheme of things because they can squeeze lots of empathy-porn out of it to help their agenda. The real dirty part of this story is that they focus entirely on cute pictures of the girl instead of actually giving us some context about what happened. All we are told is that they were ‘fleeing’. We are not told they were going in a different direction to the one they were told to use by the IDF and it’s no surprise to me that they got hit if they drove towards the tanks.
What a shame the vile BBC creature who wrote it wasn’t so bothered about all the children Hamas tied together and burned alive in cold blood. Because that is why this happened.
Outrage after Labour candidate claims Israel deliberately allowed 1,400 of its citizens to be massacred on October 7 in order to give it the ‘green light’ to invade Gaza… <Sir @Keir_Starmer & @UKLabour sure knows how to pick them
A Haitian woman was selling charcoal on the empty edges of her small town when a white, uniformed United Nations peacekeeper offered her a lift in his marked vehicle. He raped her shortly after she got in. “I could not fight back,” said Marie Badeau (a pseudonym) when I interviewed her in 2016, more than four years after the rape. “I felt outside of my body like I did not have all my senses.”
After we talked, she introduced me to her daughter conceived from the rape.
It seems the BBC have so many useless quota clones now, they are putting them on anything they can come up with which loosely fits the overall agenda.
As soon as I saw this headline I knew exactly where it was going.
Sure enough – after depserately trying to squeeze as much empathy from a complete non-story from 40 years ago, we get to it:
‘He is still angry at Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government – in office at the time.’
‘”They could have given me a loan,” he says in tears.’
Absolutely pathetic.
I checked what other gems ‘Lucy Wallis’ of the BBC has produced.
One is called: ‘Earning the trust of a 40-stone silverback gorilla’
What I found very amusing was this one where she changed the headline from:
‘French and Saunders: How they proved that women can be funny’
‘French and Saunders: How they proved that women are funny’
I wonder how much the BBC are paying this one. Can’t find any picture of her so I’ll do what the BBC do and use one ‘which captures the sentiment’:
Most of their stuff nowadays doesn’t seem to have been written by anyone other than The Agenda Commisariat in W1AA!
A by-line used to be a prize worth having in jornalism, but now, as your diligence proves, the Radio One Listeners cooperative seems to tap the whole lot of their childish tat into an old iPad, and call it ‘news’!
Ex President Trump did not say Russia should attack NATO allies .
He said that NATO allies should pay their dues if they want America’s protection , you know like you can only be insured if you pay the premiums.
Or would you , BBC , with your unique way of funding , want people to watch the BBC if they don’t buy the telly tax ?
Honestly, I don’t often buy the Daily Mail, but it is excellent for getting my log burner started and if I run out of other household essentials it’s extremely absorbent. Other than that…
Anyway, I picked it up yesterday and had a peruse of Boris Bunter’s latest bile filled column. He was having a predictable pop at Tucker Carlson, who got the interview all the other “journo’s” would sell their grandmother’s false teeth for, but who now pretend they wouldn’t touch with a bargepole; his chat with Putin.
According to Bunter, Tucker was fawning and a stooge…actually, two descriptive terms I’d have used for our former, utterly gutless PM, who was too much of a wimp to stand up to Whitty and Vallance, but I digress.
Naturally, he likened Putin to Hitler, and clearly fancied himself (again) in the roll of Winston Churchill, warning a slumbering world about the impending perils of Nazism.
He compared Carlon’s interview with those undertaken by WR Hearst with Hitler, prior to the war. “Exactly like Hitler” Boris tells us. Well, no he’s not actually and Biden isn’t anything like Roosevelt and neither you nor Rishi are anything like Churchill.
Of course, Putin did have a pop at Boris and said that the war would have been settled yonks ago had fatty not intervened. I don’t think he’s wrong there either.
Putin might be an absolute blighter (a bit of a Borisism there) but when compared to Biden, who is both senile and as bent as a nine bob note, he doesn’t seem quite so horrendous. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost…and to what end?
Boris waffles about stopping a sovereign nation being invaded, when the country he actually led is invaded every single day…and he did sweet FA…
Yes, Putin is a tyrant, but he’s hardly Hitler. The German war machine rolled through France in a few weeks, Russia is bogged down in the Ukraine. Undoubtedly Putin needs to be contained, but it won’t be down to Biden and Boris, the Laurel and Hardy of politics.
Anyway…it’s a bit nippy, I need to start the fire…
What’s making a splash in the mainstream this weekend edition
Former Cabinet members Sajid Javid and Dominic Raab are among dozens of Conservatives who will soon leave the House of Commons (Telegraph): Quitting Tory MPs Asked To Stagger Their Announcements… So far 54 Tory MPs have announced that they will not contest the next general election. (Politics Home) – calm down dears…
It turns out that the stuffed shirt, personality by-pass, flip-flopping U-turning, weather vane that is Sir Keir and his looney tunes gang of assorted Labourites, Blairites, Trotskyites, Hamasites and public teat paracites… they ain’t the main problem at all…
Gove warns democracy is in danger if young can’t get houses… Minister fears a swing to authoritarian leaders… could spike a rise in populism (Sunday Times)
The Guardian on Sunday that is The Observer is in its happy place and senses this pre-Valentines weekend is the moment to acknowledge that battle of rainbows, unicorns, hearts and minds has now been won: 12 Love songs chosen by novelists; We’ve given up the fight, say Tories as poll defeat looms… Party has descended into ‘death spiral’
Sometimes hereabouts we enjoy those funny little juxtapositions of clashing reports on the same page of a newspaper which put the lie to a cherished mainstream narrative.
Mr AsI is a British monarchist at heart, despite the personality and human failings of some our present royal incumbents. He likes our old constitution (despite Tony Blair’s tampering) and even thinks the late Queen ought perhaps to have intervened to knock heads together on behalf of the demos at that crucial moment after 2016 when parliament twisted and turned and convulsed itself in every which way… except Brexit.
But this juxtaposition in the same double whammy print review headline from our BBC brought a half smile to the historian in even a jaded Mr AsI: Newspaper headlines: Democracy in danger and King’s heartfelt thanks (BBC)
John Pym and his circle… detailed Charles I’s abuses, both real and imagined, since 1625… On 4 January 1642 the King entered the Commons chamber with an armed guard to effect the arrest himself of the MPs. (Parliament UK)
Mind you, to claim that the left is in a happy place at present is somewhat of an over simplification – for we know for sure that the left can never rest on its victory laurels
Green policy U-turn… Is this sorry saga a precident for how Labour will handle the gritty battles of government? (Andrew Rawnsley, Observer)
Speaking of which…
Our favourite cartoonist Matt is on barnstorming form in the Telegraph as he sketches a chap on the telephone: “Hello, police? My car has been stolen. It’s electric, so they can’t have got far…”
In crime news…
They seek him here, they seek him there
Those coppers seek him everywhere
Is he in heaven or is he in hell?
That demned elusive Pimpernel
Police believe Clapham chemical attack [sic] may have died in Thames (BBC)
Prone as he may be to the odd typo or misspelling, Mr AsI still yet finds it hard to excuse the BBC for their professional slips. Particularly since he suspects it was the extreme community cohesion tendency to moderate phraseology that caused the fubar thereabouts.
We’ve heard of memory holing an uncomfortable story – but chucking one into the depths of the Thames – how very mainstream.
Migrants dupe church leaders to avoid deportation, say judges – and so the game of passing the buck begins in the Telegraph this weekend. Over to you, Reverend, then back to you M’lud.
Vanessa Feltz I’m SINGLE but certainly NOT celebate (Daily Mail) – a calm down, dear appropriate here? – Or perhaps it’s a wait until you’re asked, luv?
Democracy is apparently in danger and over the pond the Democrats are in desperation: Trump says he would ‘encourage’ Russia to attack Nato allies who do not pay their bills (BBC)
How is this statment much different to: EU threatens to silence Hungary if it blocks Ukrainian funds… Leaders may consider invoking the “nuclear option” of kicking Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán out of the EU voting process. (Politico)
Housing crisis: Gove eyes quick shop conversions to create more homes (BBC)
Gotta house them millions of new Britons somehow
And we may as well do something with all those forlorn deserted high streets of ours
I’m oddly reminded of the classic 1970s tv sitcom written by David Croft, Are You Being Served, and in particular that opening credits scene sound track of ringing cash tills combined with the voice of the department store lift announcer:
Ground floor track suited and leather-clad, gun-toting Albanians, peddling coke and stealing cars… Going Up… First Floor mosques, temples, rival Indian and Pakistani cricket fans, Palestinian supporters battling it out as the police look on down your high street… Going Up… Second Floor incomprehensible GPs, nails bars, insurance car crash scams, money laundering fronts and grooming gangs, Going Down…
I heard the Radio4 Appeal this morning on behalf of Future Talent. It featured the sound of Poppy playing ‘The Lark Ascending’ by Vaughan Williams. The gentleman rattling the cash tin for Future Talent explained that when Poppy’s mother became ill and could not work, the possibility of Poppy’s violin lessons being discontinued threatened her progress.
No mention of the father stumping up the cash, then? IN OTHER NEWS we learn of another failing UK Agency, no doubt stuffed full of highly paid executives, OBE/MBE winners and Diversity Managers – the Family Support Agency – and the fact that there is a backlog of claims by, I guess, deserted women against ‘absent fathers’.
Curiously no mention of this failure on the BBC web-site despite it being a BBC R4 news item. Surely the BBC are missing out on an opportunity to attack a Conservative government?
Founded in 2004 by The Duchess of Kent and Nicholas Robinson, we break down barriers, create opportunities and harness the power of music to transform the lives of young musicians across the UK.
With over 4.2 million children living in poverty in the UK and thousands of children with exceptional musical abilities failed by society every year, we want to achieve an equal reality where all gifted young musicians from low-income backgrounds flourish.
MM, are you rattling the collecting tin for Future Talent and ignoring feckless fathers and their responsibilities to support their children? It sure seems like it!
“Housing crisis: Gove eyes quick shop conversions to create more homes”
Something tells me that the government are expecting more ‘arrivals’ coming across the English Channel as the weather improves.
They must be running out of 4 star hotels?
“Stop the boats”!
The Guardian and the BBC both have top billing for a quite ridiculous claim that Trump encourges Russia to attack any NATO Nation who doesn’t pay their fair share. This story seems to have been lazily picked up from the lefty CNN who are also headlining it today.
This appears to have been resurrected from a chance remark in a conversation while he was still President so probably a few years back. There is little doubt that this has been cobbled together to try to hit back at and smear The Tucker – Putin interview.
It’s a text book example of how the left huddle to attack.
I think it’s a desperate attempt to deflect from the dementia Biden – …. Obama must have a big decision to make before democrat nomination show in …. June … either to keep him or kill him …..
The contingency for bidens’ mental state being ‘discovered ‘ across the last 4 years must have been in place – but for it to become apparent in such a dramatic way might be a bit tricky ….
I guess they must throw more mud at president trump to lay the ground for Biden to be retired …. And die soon afterward ..
Telegraph : Boss of Siemens wind turbines admits,
“If you want to have cheap energy, you need to be gas fired. That’s the cheapest way, the most secure way if you calculate the whole thing, from the beginning to the end.”
This coming week should see me complete a separate power system to the house. I calculate about 1.5 litres max a day of red diesel for charging batteries, less when the solar panels come on line later in the year. Given a couple of months running a parallel system successfully, I’ll tell the current supplier to shove it saving a further £15 a month in green taxes. (Otherwise known as, “Standing Charges”).
I am reliably informed that many pubs (of the few left around here) are installing generators and saving money.
You do have to wonder at the intelligence of former President Trump and I do, I do indeed. Needless to say he has given his enemies on the Left (and that includes the BBC here) ammunition with which to attack him and also to suggest that he is unpatriotic and also that he is “in league with Putin”. Needless to say, there is an instant item on the BBC web-site: “Trump ‘encourages’ Russia to attack non-paying Nato allies.”
I wonder if the person who asked the question that provoked such a silly answer from the former President was a Democrat supporter or voter?
I thought the only mistake President Trump made was to lay out his account so truthfully . Does the US need NATO ? No – not as much as Europe needs US protection – and too many countries have been living off US protection for decades without paying their share – or lying about contributions ….
It’s so sad the election is fixed – really doesn’t matter what President Trump says – the Obama fix is in ….. btw – has Biden had his ‘fall ‘ yet ?
Atlas – yes I muse on that . I think that lunatic ‘Alok sob sharma ‘ actually turned up to hit the detonators … maybe as a full on WEF he’d taken the bung – or was working for putin .
To physically destroy something like that is beyond green crap zealotry – it’s insane …..
So far the UK has got away without rationing electricity but demand is going up but the production is reducing . Being reliant on local ‘friends ‘ …just is not acceptable .
And I don’t think red labour will prioritise power generation until they have to and just blame blue labour for its’ full scale incompetence…..when the lights go out ….
I read your framing
then I watched Gove’s video and I entirely got his points.
He did claim Labour blocked reform plans, but in the video LK doesn’t ask him how Labour blocked a Tory gov who have a majority.
I know I will become persona non grata so far as
St Greta and her number one disciple the BBC are
concerned. BUT I have just taken my springer
spaniel bitch Mimi out for a walk in Totteridge
North West London in some SPRING sunshine.
Yes , call it Global Warming. And call me selfish and
I will apologize to all of you in the Highlands ,if your
bollocks are still frozen. But I LIKE the mild early
February temperatures we are having in the South East.
The central heating is turned off. The daffs are sprouting.
OK , we in the SE and I expect other parts of the UK are
now having much more like a Western France climate.
Somewhere like Nantes.
Mimi even jumped into the pond on Totteridge Green.
for a swim. To be honest she is rather infamous. If
you google” Oh Mimi! When I said fetch” You can read
more about her ,with a feature in the Daily Mail.
Our “friend” Vlad the Bad” has made a comment ,and
I wouldn’t call it facetious that global warming has a
very good potential for Siberia. Namely agriculture.
But for me with a south facing back garden. It could well
be time for a vineyard. Already vineyards in the UK are
producing sparkling wine every bit as good as champagne.
Yes, I reckon before long we could have more than a
flourishing wine industry in the UK. Bring it on!
Leeds Uni has form in 2022 a student was about to graduate
but they failed her essay about Hamas, cos it didn’t criticise Israel
later they re-marked it but too late for her to begin her masters
She sued them and they took a year to settle out of court.
The German anti-Green MEP who has to live in hiding cos of the threats
very good performance on the Neil Oliver show
(Christine Anderson)
“The EU is just doing a tactical retreat and will turn course after June 9th election”
“The trans industry will ‘blow up’ eventually…because of lawyers…..people who were groomed by the trans lobby, schools, mdia, politicians etc, will turn around and sue them for taking them as young, vulnerable, suggestive children and corrupting and perverting their minds and bodies.”
That is assuming there will/can be accountability (i.e. ‘Justice’) eventually. That has all to do with whether we have any semblance of a working, ‘Legal System’ when the time comes.
Personally, with the rate of massive decline, I doubt it.
R4 Just now
Of course I don’t listen to radio4 news cos it is just hateylefty student radio
and sure enough they are using a DOCTORED Trump speech to say Trump is going to abandon countries and let Russia march in.
They clipped the audio before “and the money came flowing in”
which shows Trump was actually explaining how IN THE PAST he got countries to pay to NATO
I check Twitter and the whole lefty school bully gang, like CNN, Guardian are promoting the misleading version
Actual “let’s say that happened no I would not protect you in fact I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want
you got to pay you got to pay your bills
*and the money came flowing in *
and Henry would know this if I said yes I will you don’t have to pay yes I will most politicians have said to that yes we will protect you under any circum well then they’re never paying up
I said no no you have to understand you don’t pay your bills you get no protection
it’s very simple hundreds of billions of dollars came into NATO and that’s why they have money today because of what I did
and then I hear that they like Obama better they should like Obama better you know why because he didn’t ask for anything
we were like the stupid country of the world and we’re not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer
we’re not going to be got bad under under this guy so he now wants to send him 50, 60 billion dollars I have to say one thing I think the greatest salesman ever in history is zalinski and I like zalinski ….”
Gardeners Question Time on Radio 4. Just finished.
It’s only a small thing but for ages now I have been irritated by the presenters announcing this programme as GQT.
Why is there any need for this? Why after over 70 years is this thought desirable? It sounds silly and pretentious.
I’d guess that ‘Gardeners Question Time’ takes no longer to say than ‘Gee Queue Tee’.
There are so many three consonant trigrams around these days, in shop and business names, and in business speak. They don’t help understanding if there are so many of them that you have to stop and think what they stand for.
George Orwell – 1984. ‘It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words. Of course the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as well. It isn’t only the synonyms; there are also the antonyms.
Playing the ignorant armchair general role …. I wonder if putin will really push on this year as the US gets bogged down in election rituals ?
Also – if it is true that Russian industry has really geared up for the war – versus a lazy Europe – it would be in an ideal position if putin want to ‘annexe’ another target territory …..
… just how long can Ukraine go if it’s running out of people and kit ..?
Yeah – being of the ‘right ‘ inside US courts has to be an instant loss …. Judge – jury – prosecutors – system – appeals ….
But at least the Supreme Court hasn’t the Far Left taint yet …
MarkyMarkFeb 6, 09:41 Midweek 5th February 2025 Trump – living rent free in everyone’s head!
MarkyMarkFeb 6, 09:40 Midweek 5th February 2025 When Donald Trump gets sworn in, the White House is in line for a decorating update [img][/img]
diggFeb 6, 09:37 Midweek 5th February 2025 The bleating from the sheep pens which are the BBC and The Guardian over Trumps Gaza suggestion is at fever…
tomoFeb 6, 09:36 Midweek 5th February 2025 Grenfell Tower? West London’s diversity obelisk outlives its usefulness? Let me guess, UV has got to the tarps that cover…
Guest WhoFeb 6, 09:33 Midweek 5th February 2025 Like Labour in office; they know the end is nigh and spending like fury before it arrives.
MarkyMarkFeb 6, 09:31 Midweek 5th February 2025 1988 .. Satanic Verses Book Burning 2025 … BRADFORD CITY OF UK FUTURE CULTURE 2025 … Sweden man shot by…
MarkyMarkFeb 6, 09:26 Midweek 5th February 2025 “At that rate Labour will spend £8.3 million on flights over a year. That’s enough to fund: The salaries of…
atlas_shruggedFeb 6, 09:26 Midweek 5th February 2025 > a member of staff from local Labour MS Buffy Williams’ office. 10 years in jail for this false accusation.…
Before I address my main point, just a note on the BBC Scotland v France rugby coverage.
The pro-Scottish (Naionalist?) commentary is deplorable, endless Scots lauding it over their team, especially at around 29 minutes. ‘In control of the game’, ‘haven’t put a foot wrong’ etc.
So what fun when 1 minute later the French score a try which is converted from the touch line.
Egg on face all round.
I digress.
The Times this morning publish poll results for voting intentions of Muslims.
Labour 60% ( down from 86% in 2019 due to Gaza), Tories 8%.
With that simple piece of information, the pro- mass immigration policies of Labour, left activists, the civil service and trade unions these past two decades is made abundantly understandable. And ditto the BBC coverage of Rochdale, Rotherham, the Manchester bombing, Gaza, to name but four..
Apparently – so the Guardian tells us – the imminent bankruptcy of councils the length and breadth is due to ‘the disastrous Truss budget…’
So nothing to do with awarding themselves obscene pay-packets, grossly over-staffing their ‘management’ or hiring ludicrous numbers of socially aware uni-jobsworths, or shelling out vast amounts of Council taxpayers’ money on vanity projects.
Truss may well have overestimated her available resources, but whatever she did was just a year or so ago – not in any way responsible for decades of serial mismanagement and self-indulgence. Even though the tossers at the Guardian might wish otherwise.
I see that a respected economist, a committee member at the Office of Budget Responsibility, has acknowledged what many of us have suspected for some time.
While high levels of immigration, which the OBR has evaluated as a boost to public finances in the short term (as workers from overseas bring in more tax than they cost in public services) the effect is not permanent. The reason? Migrants grow old and have children so that ‘the favourable tax to spending balance does not persist’.
Wow! Who would have thought it!
All those doctors and engineers, to say nothing of the unskilled workers, will eventually cost the country money. As a result, the rising demand for public services coupled with sluggish growth means that ‘debt repayments would likely become unaffordable’ in the long term. Welfare reform would be ‘fiscally highly advantageous’.
So there you have it. Higher and higher taxes reduce the incentive to work while welfare payments will exceed our ability to borrow.
Thank you, Mr Blair for putting us on this course and to Mr Sunak and his Conservative predecessors for not doing something about it.
No doubt the BBC will be commenting.
No time for Horton hears a Graun topic, but Laura does rather highlight the reality that politics and media is just a game they play to make a lot of money by ‘winning’
The amount of Green on Green friendly fire flying about is amazing.
I’m guessing he was the wrong colour for widespread left wing sympathy?
15 migrants who stole a French fishing boat have been rescued by a French maritime vessel, handed over to UK Border Farce and towed into Dover.
This was reported by GB News a few hours ago.
We must be near critical mass of Stupid.
I’m guessing that, by now, they are safely ensconced in a nice hotel somewhere with appointments to see a doctor, dentist, optician, benefits officer, housing officer, the room service menu and an immigration lawyer to arrange transport for all their relatives. Our veterans sleep on the streets, innit. Oh, and we’re still a bunch of racists.
Anything on Al Beeb about this absurdity ? How much are we paying the French ?
Is our Tory government complicit ?
Next time vote for Reform – “Net Zero Immigration” ………………..
Sorry, but Reform is an alternative to nothing. We’re now a 1 party state.
So who do you suggest, UKIP?
TV people rig stuff
Random switch on and BBC one are round the house of a perfect Muslim hijab wearing family
In the Michael Mcintyres Big Show he claims to pop out of the theatre and find a random family who are watching the show and have left their curtains open .. they have to pause their TV and then the TV crew come in and film a quiz show segment in their house with celebs walking in, then the family are whisked to the theatre VIP box
On Twitter people are stating why they think this Ilford family called Ahmed is a set up ..1, 2,
Pic 2 :
People also complain AJ Odudu has a contract with Google Pixel and is advertising her Google Pixel phone on the show
Next BBC1 prog .. a dumb gan=meshow with Romesh and celebs … seems Jo Brand was not available
BBC Web-site Watch #2 – employing the illiterate now, are you BBC? . Was Michael Jackson afraid of vampires? That is the impression given by the BBC’s title for this article. It would have made more sense to state “A stake in the sale of Michael Jackson’s effects have been bought by Sony Music Group.” There is space at the top of the article or the BBC could adjust the font pitch to suit the space.
I apparently have a high IQ, maybe it explains why I just don’t see the point of voting, there is no real democracy in this country.
I have a very low IQ which is probably why I am keen on voting.
Here, we have just thrown out a Labour government which was out of control and quite determined to fix the voting system in its favour forever. So all us thickos voted it out.
We now have a government that has reversed the direction the anti-democratic socialists and media were taking the country!
Silly us, eh?
If Reform doesn’t gets third place or better in Wellingborough this week then the UK is in a perilous place. It will mean the population has surrendered.
Apprentice story (just in case no one already posted it)
“@bbcapprentice @BBCOne @Lord_Sugar I see there has been no response to this bloke here with his online marriage service for Muslim men where he finds good subservient Muslim women”
“Almost one in three Brits now say they do not believe in monogamy and over a quarter of people would consider an open relationship (27%). Almost one in four said they would be open to a polyamorous relationship (23%) as well.5 Aug 2022”
“Children in polygynous families suffer more abuse, neglect, and violence than those in monogamous families, and have more physical, emotional, and behavioral problems. Infant mortality is much higher in polygynous than in comparable monogamous societies.28 May 2022”
Dropped to 4% – so HALF! HA HAHA HAHHA! City of UK FURTURE Culture!
“Ten years ago researchers studying the health of more than 30,000 people in Bradford found that about 60% of babies in the Pakistani community had parents who were first or second cousins, but a new follow-up study of mothers in three inner-city wards finds the figure has dropped to 46%.”
Strange that he’s in a competition to take money from a Jew. He does realise that Sugar’s Jewish doesn’t he?
I think the taqqiya is strong with this one. Anyway, I wouldn’t trust a man who clearly spends so much time primping his beard.
I have been thinking about the DoJ report into Biden being a well meaning elderly man with memory issues, and the way the MSM have reacted to it.
The DoJ are a Democrat headed part of the swamp, and they don’t do anything which might harm the Democrats, so here they are damning with faint criticism. The men pulling the strings encourage the elderly man to go out and make a fool of himself perfectly timed a day after Putin is interviewed, and so they are able to convince everyone the feeble old man not only needs to go, but is a danger to world peace, and America.
The Left know Biden cannot win against Trump, and they need a way to prevent him running in 2024 which doesn’t embarass them, they have failed to persuade him to stand aside, this is the dirty tricks campaign which they will run against their own.
The preferred candidate is Gavin Newsome, who is even worse than Biden, having wrecked California, he will wreck the USA given half a chance.
One of the biggest conundrums I see right now is why so many liberated western women rush to defend the most anti-female, oppressive cults in so many Middle Eastern countries on the face of the planet.
You could even include pretty much every Muslim Country.
It has to be a death wish or maybe a bit of brutal male domination is seen as attractive?
I think it is the latter, digg.
Women don’t really want what they say they want – kind, considerate, gentle men who will share parenting duties and do household chores, who talk about their feelings and are in touch with their feminine side. Women soon lose their sexual desire for a guy if he turns into that kind of henpecked toerag.
No, what women actually want are bad boys, alpha males, the leaders of the packs, dirty, sweaty brutes brimming with testosterone and toxic masculinity. They dream of being mounted by an animal they can never tame.
Not many of those men left in the civilised West. But plenty in the Third World.
It is evident that young women are attracted to power and strength. It does not matter if they are bad guys as long as they are not being bad to them. Also known as Bonnie and Clyde syndrome.
There are plenty of videos of young women fluttering around the Eagle’s Nest in traditional dress – for example.
Another really bizarre example was with one of the worst serial killers of women in the US, Ted Bundy, who while in jail was inundated with letters from women wanting to marry him and have his babies.
It is a bloody strange world if you ask me.
Whatever they are attracted to, its only another stepping stone.
You’re not wrong there Zalazek ! Any idea where I can find one ? Most male specimens in my neck of the woods are pale, obese young men munching a Greggs sausage roll or very much cardigan wearing grandad types with thinning hair and bad breath !
A Valentines verse for Braford – or Luton, or many other cities
Roses are red
Violet are blue
my wife’s 11
I’m 52
Mahyar Tousi TV : Islamist Base UNCOVERED Inside UNRWA HQ
Owen Jones has deleted his first tweet
but put up a similar one …
Here as well:
Directly beneath UNRWA’s Gaza headquarters, IDF uncovers top secret Hamas data center
This is huge news because it puts the UN staff as directly complicit with Hamas. But the BBC have not reported it. What an absolute disgrace they are.
I’m still slightly stunned that nobody in the UN is being held accountable for their involvement with these terrorists. I simply assumed whoever was in charge would immediately resign. I obviously misjudged just how completely corrupt that organisation is now the Lefties have infested it.
Meanwhile the BBC are running yet another story about the poor little girl who got killed in the car with her relatives.
This is BBC ‘journalism’ at it’s lowest form. Multiple articles about one, utterly insignificant person in the scheme of things because they can squeeze lots of empathy-porn out of it to help their agenda. The real dirty part of this story is that they focus entirely on cute pictures of the girl instead of actually giving us some context about what happened. All we are told is that they were ‘fleeing’. We are not told they were going in a different direction to the one they were told to use by the IDF and it’s no surprise to me that they got hit if they drove towards the tanks.
What a shame the vile BBC creature who wrote it wasn’t so bothered about all the children Hamas tied together and burned alive in cold blood. Because that is why this happened.
Maybe they are at last focussed closer to home?
Outrage after Labour candidate claims Israel deliberately allowed 1,400 of its citizens to be massacred on October 7 in order to give it the ‘green light’ to invade Gaza… <Sir @Keir_Starmer & @UKLabour sure knows how to pick them
Or, maybe, not.
UN Peacekeeping has a Sexual Abuse Problem
Published in:
The Hill
A Haitian woman was selling charcoal on the empty edges of her small town when a white, uniformed United Nations peacekeeper offered her a lift in his marked vehicle. He raped her shortly after she got in. “I could not fight back,” said Marie Badeau (a pseudonym) when I interviewed her in 2016, more than four years after the rape. “I felt outside of my body like I did not have all my senses.”
After we talked, she introduced me to her daughter conceived from the rape.
Miners’ strike: ‘We had to bury our baby in a stranger’s coffin’
It seems the BBC have so many useless quota clones now, they are putting them on anything they can come up with which loosely fits the overall agenda.
As soon as I saw this headline I knew exactly where it was going.
Sure enough – after depserately trying to squeeze as much empathy from a complete non-story from 40 years ago, we get to it:
‘He is still angry at Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government – in office at the time.’
‘”They could have given me a loan,” he says in tears.’
Absolutely pathetic.
I checked what other gems ‘Lucy Wallis’ of the BBC has produced.
One is called: ‘Earning the trust of a 40-stone silverback gorilla’
What I found very amusing was this one where she changed the headline from:
‘French and Saunders: How they proved that women can be funny’
‘French and Saunders: How they proved that women are funny’
I wonder how much the BBC are paying this one. Can’t find any picture of her so I’ll do what the BBC do and use one ‘which captures the sentiment’:
Getty images running out of crayons, John?
Most of their stuff nowadays doesn’t seem to have been written by anyone other than The Agenda Commisariat in W1AA!
A by-line used to be a prize worth having in jornalism, but now, as your diligence proves, the Radio One Listeners cooperative seems to tap the whole lot of their childish tat into an old iPad, and call it ‘news’!
Trump ‘encourages’ Russia to attack non-paying Nato allies
The use of single bbc ‘quotes’ suggests this may need checking.
Nothing the BBC says about Trump is ever true.
The way the war looks to me this weekend, viewed from Jerusalem
Most prefer reporting on news, especially war, based on what things are, rather than what ‘it looks to be’ from a hotel bar or posing in a ditch.
Some things are just ‘not newsworthy’
“It’s not inconceivable that electricity bill for the @UNRWA headquarters in Gaza suddenly being ten times the amount wouldn’t raise suspicion.”
I wonder if JezBo wears his flak jacket in bed In Jerusalem?
Totally impartial.
Sadly my mother isn’t the only one who has not had the treatment she deserves with Britain’s NHS.
Ex President Trump did not say Russia should attack NATO allies .
He said that NATO allies should pay their dues if they want America’s protection , you know like you can only be insured if you pay the premiums.
Or would you , BBC , with your unique way of funding , want people to watch the BBC if they don’t buy the telly tax ?
Good analogy.
The BBC’s penchant for partisan student Union editorialising for effect is moving further into dangerous territory
And single ‘quotes’ is a classic red flag warning. Along with what ‘seems to be’ pervading a W1A with a supposed fact checking unit.
Where is JonDon now?
They don’t care whether you’re watching or not. As long as you’re paying.
They’re deliberately omitting the context which is that he was talking about a meeting with NATO allies in which he was encouraging them to meet their obligations to fund NATO.
Because… ?
Redacted news and comments
Honestly, I don’t often buy the Daily Mail, but it is excellent for getting my log burner started and if I run out of other household essentials it’s extremely absorbent. Other than that…
Anyway, I picked it up yesterday and had a peruse of Boris Bunter’s latest bile filled column. He was having a predictable pop at Tucker Carlson, who got the interview all the other “journo’s” would sell their grandmother’s false teeth for, but who now pretend they wouldn’t touch with a bargepole; his chat with Putin.
According to Bunter, Tucker was fawning and a stooge…actually, two descriptive terms I’d have used for our former, utterly gutless PM, who was too much of a wimp to stand up to Whitty and Vallance, but I digress.
Naturally, he likened Putin to Hitler, and clearly fancied himself (again) in the roll of Winston Churchill, warning a slumbering world about the impending perils of Nazism.
He compared Carlon’s interview with those undertaken by WR Hearst with Hitler, prior to the war. “Exactly like Hitler” Boris tells us. Well, no he’s not actually and Biden isn’t anything like Roosevelt and neither you nor Rishi are anything like Churchill.
Of course, Putin did have a pop at Boris and said that the war would have been settled yonks ago had fatty not intervened. I don’t think he’s wrong there either.
Putin might be an absolute blighter (a bit of a Borisism there) but when compared to Biden, who is both senile and as bent as a nine bob note, he doesn’t seem quite so horrendous. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost…and to what end?
Boris waffles about stopping a sovereign nation being invaded, when the country he actually led is invaded every single day…and he did sweet FA…
Yes, Putin is a tyrant, but he’s hardly Hitler. The German war machine rolled through France in a few weeks, Russia is bogged down in the Ukraine. Undoubtedly Putin needs to be contained, but it won’t be down to Biden and Boris, the Laurel and Hardy of politics.
Anyway…it’s a bit nippy, I need to start the fire…
Where’s Boris?
What’s making a splash in the mainstream this weekend edition
Former Cabinet members Sajid Javid and Dominic Raab are among dozens of Conservatives who will soon leave the House of Commons (Telegraph): Quitting Tory MPs Asked To Stagger Their Announcements… So far 54 Tory MPs have announced that they will not contest the next general election. (Politics Home) – calm down dears…
It turns out that the stuffed shirt, personality by-pass, flip-flopping U-turning, weather vane that is Sir Keir and his looney tunes gang of assorted Labourites, Blairites, Trotskyites, Hamasites and public teat paracites… they ain’t the main problem at all…
Gove warns democracy is in danger if young can’t get houses… Minister fears a swing to authoritarian leaders… could spike a rise in populism (Sunday Times)
The Guardian on Sunday that is The Observer is in its happy place and senses this pre-Valentines weekend is the moment to acknowledge that battle of rainbows, unicorns, hearts and minds has now been won: 12 Love songs chosen by novelists; We’ve given up the fight, say Tories as poll defeat looms… Party has descended into ‘death spiral’
Sometimes hereabouts we enjoy those funny little juxtapositions of clashing reports on the same page of a newspaper which put the lie to a cherished mainstream narrative.
Mr AsI is a British monarchist at heart, despite the personality and human failings of some our present royal incumbents. He likes our old constitution (despite Tony Blair’s tampering) and even thinks the late Queen ought perhaps to have intervened to knock heads together on behalf of the demos at that crucial moment after 2016 when parliament twisted and turned and convulsed itself in every which way… except Brexit.
But this juxtaposition in the same double whammy print review headline from our BBC brought a half smile to the historian in even a jaded Mr AsI: Newspaper headlines: Democracy in danger and King’s heartfelt thanks (BBC)
John Pym and his circle… detailed Charles I’s abuses, both real and imagined, since 1625… On 4 January 1642 the King entered the Commons chamber with an armed guard to effect the arrest himself of the MPs. (Parliament UK)
Mind you, to claim that the left is in a happy place at present is somewhat of an over simplification – for we know for sure that the left can never rest on its victory laurels
Green policy U-turn… Is this sorry saga a precident for how Labour will handle the gritty battles of government? (Andrew Rawnsley, Observer)
Speaking of which…
Our favourite cartoonist Matt is on barnstorming form in the Telegraph as he sketches a chap on the telephone: “Hello, police? My car has been stolen. It’s electric, so they can’t have got far…”
In crime news…
They seek him here, they seek him there
Those coppers seek him everywhere
Is he in heaven or is he in hell?
That demned elusive Pimpernel
Police believe Clapham chemical attack [sic] may have died in Thames (BBC)
Prone as he may be to the odd typo or misspelling, Mr AsI still yet finds it hard to excuse the BBC for their professional slips. Particularly since he suspects it was the extreme community cohesion tendency to moderate phraseology that caused the fubar thereabouts.
We’ve heard of memory holing an uncomfortable story – but chucking one into the depths of the Thames – how very mainstream.
Migrants dupe church leaders to avoid deportation, say judges – and so the game of passing the buck begins in the Telegraph this weekend. Over to you, Reverend, then back to you M’lud.
Vanessa Feltz I’m SINGLE but certainly NOT celebate (Daily Mail) – a calm down, dear appropriate here? – Or perhaps it’s a wait until you’re asked, luv?
Democracy is apparently in danger and over the pond the Democrats are in desperation: Trump says he would ‘encourage’ Russia to attack Nato allies who do not pay their bills (BBC)
How is this statment much different to: EU threatens to silence Hungary if it blocks Ukrainian funds… Leaders may consider invoking the “nuclear option” of kicking Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán out of the EU voting process. (Politico)
Housing crisis: Gove eyes quick shop conversions to create more homes (BBC)
Gotta house them millions of new Britons somehow
And we may as well do something with all those forlorn deserted high streets of ours
I’m oddly reminded of the classic 1970s tv sitcom written by David Croft, Are You Being Served, and in particular that opening credits scene sound track of ringing cash tills combined with the voice of the department store lift announcer:
Ground floor track suited and leather-clad, gun-toting Albanians, peddling coke and stealing cars… Going Up… First Floor mosques, temples, rival Indian and Pakistani cricket fans, Palestinian supporters battling it out as the police look on down your high street… Going Up… Second Floor incomprehensible GPs, nails bars, insurance car crash scams, money laundering fronts and grooming gangs, Going Down…
Didn’t take The Guardian long to drop its sham sympathy for Charles did it?
Business as usual stirring their pit of lefty shite!
I heard the Radio4 Appeal this morning on behalf of Future Talent. It featured the sound of Poppy playing ‘The Lark Ascending’ by Vaughan Williams. The gentleman rattling the cash tin for Future Talent explained that when Poppy’s mother became ill and could not work, the possibility of Poppy’s violin lessons being discontinued threatened her progress.
No mention of the father stumping up the cash, then? IN OTHER NEWS we learn of another failing UK Agency, no doubt stuffed full of highly paid executives, OBE/MBE winners and Diversity Managers – the Family Support Agency – and the fact that there is a backlog of claims by, I guess, deserted women against ‘absent fathers’.
Curiously no mention of this failure on the BBC web-site despite it being a BBC R4 news item. Surely the BBC are missing out on an opportunity to attack a Conservative government?
Founded in 2004 by The Duchess of Kent and Nicholas Robinson, we break down barriers, create opportunities and harness the power of music to transform the lives of young musicians across the UK.
With over 4.2 million children living in poverty in the UK and thousands of children with exceptional musical abilities failed by society every year, we want to achieve an equal reality where all gifted young musicians from low-income backgrounds flourish.
Princess Michael of Kent—wife of Prince Michael of Kent, Queen Elizabeth II’s first cousin—was spotted wearing a racially offensive brooch on her coat while arriving to the palace with her husband. The accessory is a piece of blackamoor jewelry, which fetishize images of slavery.
MM, are you rattling the collecting tin for Future Talent and ignoring feckless fathers and their responsibilities to support their children? It sure seems like it!
“Housing crisis: Gove eyes quick shop conversions to create more homes”
Something tells me that the government are expecting more ‘arrivals’ coming across the English Channel as the weather improves.
They must be running out of 4 star hotels?
“Stop the boats”!
Convert Parliament into a Bed and breakfast!
House of Lords to become a Mosque!
How it works….
The Guardian and the BBC both have top billing for a quite ridiculous claim that Trump encourges Russia to attack any NATO Nation who doesn’t pay their fair share. This story seems to have been lazily picked up from the lefty CNN who are also headlining it today.
This appears to have been resurrected from a chance remark in a conversation while he was still President so probably a few years back. There is little doubt that this has been cobbled together to try to hit back at and smear The Tucker – Putin interview.
It’s a text book example of how the left huddle to attack.
I think it’s a desperate attempt to deflect from the dementia Biden – …. Obama must have a big decision to make before democrat nomination show in …. June … either to keep him or kill him …..
The contingency for bidens’ mental state being ‘discovered ‘ across the last 4 years must have been in place – but for it to become apparent in such a dramatic way might be a bit tricky ….
I guess they must throw more mud at president trump to lay the ground for Biden to be retired …. And die soon afterward ..
Discussion “The True Cost Of Net Zero
Even now the interconnectors are supplying 24.6 per cent of the UK’s electricity. So much for energy security.
Wind and solar have limped up to a combined 14.6 per cent and coal is providing 2.3 per cent.”
Such a scandal the UK blew up its coal fired power stations (coal only now 2.3 per cent as you say Stew)
Telegraph : Boss of Siemens wind turbines admits,
“If you want to have cheap energy, you need to be gas fired. That’s the cheapest way, the most secure way if you calculate the whole thing, from the beginning to the end.”
This coming week should see me complete a separate power system to the house. I calculate about 1.5 litres max a day of red diesel for charging batteries, less when the solar panels come on line later in the year. Given a couple of months running a parallel system successfully, I’ll tell the current supplier to shove it saving a further £15 a month in green taxes. (Otherwise known as, “Standing Charges”).
I am reliably informed that many pubs (of the few left around here) are installing generators and saving money.
You do have to wonder at the intelligence of former President Trump and I do, I do indeed. Needless to say he has given his enemies on the Left (and that includes the BBC here) ammunition with which to attack him and also to suggest that he is unpatriotic and also that he is “in league with Putin”. Needless to say, there is an instant item on the BBC web-site: “Trump ‘encourages’ Russia to attack non-paying Nato allies.”
I wonder if the person who asked the question that provoked such a silly answer from the former President was a Democrat supporter or voter?
I thought the only mistake President Trump made was to lay out his account so truthfully . Does the US need NATO ? No – not as much as Europe needs US protection – and too many countries have been living off US protection for decades without paying their share – or lying about contributions ….
It’s so sad the election is fixed – really doesn’t matter what President Trump says – the Obama fix is in ….. btw – has Biden had his ‘fall ‘ yet ?
Trump does not help. Himself or getting things sorted properly.
The BBC attempt to twist this is hard to track but will be out there.
I see Verhofstadt using the ‘quote’ as required already.
They are all as twisted as their actual words.
Atlas – yes I muse on that . I think that lunatic ‘Alok sob sharma ‘ actually turned up to hit the detonators … maybe as a full on WEF he’d taken the bung – or was working for putin .
To physically destroy something like that is beyond green crap zealotry – it’s insane …..
So far the UK has got away without rationing electricity but demand is going up but the production is reducing . Being reliant on local ‘friends ‘ …just is not acceptable .
And I don’t think red labour will prioritise power generation until they have to and just blame blue labour for its’ full scale incompetence…..when the lights go out ….
I read your framing
then I watched Gove’s video and I entirely got his points.
He did claim Labour blocked reform plans, but in the video LK doesn’t ask him how Labour blocked a Tory gov who have a majority.
If that cretin ever had the plot he lost it long ago – he ll be on the lefty benches in the lords in a year… with other false Thatcherites …
Sleepy Joe on WWTBAM.
I know I will become persona non grata so far as
St Greta and her number one disciple the BBC are
concerned. BUT I have just taken my springer
spaniel bitch Mimi out for a walk in Totteridge
North West London in some SPRING sunshine.
Yes , call it Global Warming. And call me selfish and
I will apologize to all of you in the Highlands ,if your
bollocks are still frozen. But I LIKE the mild early
February temperatures we are having in the South East.
The central heating is turned off. The daffs are sprouting.
OK , we in the SE and I expect other parts of the UK are
now having much more like a Western France climate.
Somewhere like Nantes.
Mimi even jumped into the pond on Totteridge Green.
for a swim. To be honest she is rather infamous. If
you google” Oh Mimi! When I said fetch” You can read
more about her ,with a feature in the Daily Mail.
Our “friend” Vlad the Bad” has made a comment ,and
I wouldn’t call it facetious that global warming has a
very good potential for Siberia. Namely agriculture.
But for me with a south facing back garden. It could well
be time for a vineyard. Already vineyards in the UK are
producing sparkling wine every bit as good as champagne.
Yes, I reckon before long we could have more than a
flourishing wine industry in the UK. Bring it on!
Leeds Uni has form in 2022 a student was about to graduate
but they failed her essay about Hamas, cos it didn’t criticise Israel
later they re-marked it but too late for her to begin her masters
She sued them and they took a year to settle out of court.
The German anti-Green MEP who has to live in hiding cos of the threats
very good performance on the Neil Oliver show
(Christine Anderson)
“The EU is just doing a tactical retreat and will turn course after June 9th election”
“The trans industry will ‘blow up’ eventually…because of lawyers…..people who were groomed by the trans lobby, schools, mdia, politicians etc, will turn around and sue them for taking them as young, vulnerable, suggestive children and corrupting and perverting their minds and bodies.”
That is assuming there will/can be accountability (i.e. ‘Justice’) eventually. That has all to do with whether we have any semblance of a working, ‘Legal System’ when the time comes.
Personally, with the rate of massive decline, I doubt it.
After a break, we’re back!
New this week from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– Poacher Turned Gamekeeper: Ex-BBC Lawyer Suing TV Licensing Over Threatograms
– Rekindling the Lost Art of TV Licensing Goon Fishing: Now With Added TV Simulation
– The Missing Pieces of the SJP Jigsaw
Blog – comrade – good to see ya – keep up the fight ….!
R4 Just now
Of course I don’t listen to radio4 news cos it is just hateylefty student radio
and sure enough they are using a DOCTORED Trump speech to say Trump is going to abandon countries and let Russia march in.
They clipped the audio before “and the money came flowing in”
which shows Trump was actually explaining how IN THE PAST he got countries to pay to NATO
I check Twitter and the whole lefty school bully gang, like CNN, Guardian are promoting the misleading version
Actual “let’s say that happened no I would not protect you in fact I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want
you got to pay you got to pay your bills
*and the money came flowing in *
and Henry would know this if I said yes I will you don’t have to pay yes I will most politicians have said to that yes we will protect you under any circum well then they’re never paying up
I said no no you have to understand you don’t pay your bills you get no protection
it’s very simple hundreds of billions of dollars came into NATO and that’s why they have money today because of what I did
and then I hear that they like Obama better they should like Obama better you know why because he didn’t ask for anything
we were like the stupid country of the world and we’re not going to be the stupid country of the world any longer
we’re not going to be got bad under under this guy so he now wants to send him 50, 60 billion dollars I have to say one thing I think the greatest salesman ever in history is zalinski and I like zalinski ….”
Original Father Ted
As far as I can see the BBC are playing this down.
Michael Yon is absolutely on target imho. The UK has two “dog kings”.
you’ve watched it, obviously?
Gardeners Question Time on Radio 4. Just finished.
It’s only a small thing but for ages now I have been irritated by the presenters announcing this programme as GQT.
Why is there any need for this? Why after over 70 years is this thought desirable? It sounds silly and pretentious.
I’d guess that ‘Gardeners Question Time’ takes no longer to say than ‘Gee Queue Tee’.
There are so many three consonant trigrams around these days, in shop and business names, and in business speak. They don’t help understanding if there are so many of them that you have to stop and think what they stand for.
Guess they think it’s more edgy; they probably spend too much time on Reddit and Twitter.
I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve said “I don’t do initials “.
George Orwell – 1984. ‘It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words. Of course the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as well. It isn’t only the synonyms; there are also the antonyms.
NATO+ getting slowly hoofed out of Russian land.
Playing the ignorant armchair general role …. I wonder if putin will really push on this year as the US gets bogged down in election rituals ?
Also – if it is true that Russian industry has really geared up for the war – versus a lazy Europe – it would be in an ideal position if putin want to ‘annexe’ another target territory …..
… just how long can Ukraine go if it’s running out of people and kit ..?
I heard some interesting tittle-tattle … estate agents around Bath / Bristol are gossiping about Ukranian cash buyers…
The collapse of Ukraine will be nothing compared to the Balkanisation of the USA (see Duran video linked earlier)
Nice to see the money coming back … trickle down ….
The Daily Skeptic reports on the travesty of the Mark Steyn ‘Hockey Stick’ trial:
I fail to understand what on earth was in the minds of the DC Jury. It is almost as if climate science has become a cult.
DC Jury…. that’s the problem – and the vast majority of people in the USA who pay attention know it.
Yeah – being of the ‘right ‘ inside US courts has to be an instant loss …. Judge – jury – prosecutors – system – appeals ….
But at least the Supreme Court hasn’t the Far Left taint yet …
With Kamala as a supreme justice it’ll finish off the institution.