214 Responses to Weekend 10th February 2024

  1. tomo says:


    • Fedup2 says:

      Tomo – thanks she is always good value and 4 minutes of ‘ what could be ‘… I’ve an idea – why not turn her career into a comedy show … call it veep…


      • tomo says:

        Gavin Newsome as POTUS, Michelle Obama VP, Kamala to The Supreme Court

        Kremlinologists watching closely…


  2. Fedup2 says:

    So the first HMS no aircraft I was unable to do the NATO exercise and was replaced by HMS noaircraft II – which as of Sunday afternoon – is broken and can’t go and play ….am I having a go at the navy ? No . Reporting what maybe the truth ….


    • Rob in Cheshire says:


      HMS Noaircraft? Please try and grow up. Both carriers have an air group, and you must surely know it.

      We must wait to find out why HMS PoW did not sail, hopefully it will not be major.


  3. tomo says:


  4. Dickie says:


  5. digg says:

    It seems a major probe is being launched into how a British man managed to bypass border force security and board a plane to New York with no ticket or paperwork. He was returned next day to the UK by US officials. Probably end up doing some time!

    I think another much bigger probe needs to be made into the UK border force concerning hundreds of incoming ticketless and paperworkless arrivals who are meekly accepted welcomed and rehomed without a peep of objection and zero danger of being returned to where they came from.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think – by now – border force now consists of relatives of those coming across in the boats – and is totally corrupted ….


  6. Dickie says:

    German politics – The Duran


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Germans upset by the 80th anniversary of losing Shepetovka in the Ukraine, to the Russians.


  7. BRISSLES says:

    Now I’m not against any disabled person having access Io anything that makes life easier, but I fail to understand why a deaf person cannot just turn on the subtitles on tv.

    I recorded a film, which I’ve just settled down to watch and put on the subtitles – I have ok hearing but the articulation of actors can be abominable. Then what do I see ? An interpreter in the bottom right doing sign language ! Why ??? If I can follow a film with subtitles (and audio titles) why can’t a deaf person ? I scrapped the film, as the interpreter was too much of a distraction.

    Rant over.


  8. tomo says:

    there’s taking the piss and then there’s UK Civil Service

    Pyjama-clad mandarins

    Despite repeated calls from ministers, civil servants don’t seem to have got the message that it’s time to return to the office. This week it emerged that more than half of home office mandarins were still working from home.

    Our chief executive, John O’Connell, rightly told Daily Mail readers: “Too many departments sit empty, while performance continues to slide.” It’s time these bureaucrats in pyjamas were told some home truths.


  9. Richard Pinder says:

    A Symbol of slaying Evil and Chaos

    2019: Old World Order: Queen Elizabeth supports Saint George slaying the Dragon.

    A Symbol of an alliance with Evil and Chaos

    2024: New World Order: King Charles in alliance with the dragon to “Reduce the surplus population”


    • Eddy Booth says:

      I thought the dragon was historically islam.
      Anyway the new banknotes have been released:



    • MarkyMark says:

      “The oath has three parts; the first to govern in compliance with the laws and customs of the people, the second to govern justly, and the third, to uphold Protestant Christianity and the rights of the Church of England, reflecting the monarch’s role as Supreme Governor of the Church of England.”

      “The Prince of Wales accepted bags containing millions of euros in cash during meetings with a senior Qatari politician, according to a report. Prince Charles was said to have been given a total of €3m (£2.6m) during meetings with Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani, the former prime minister of Qatar.26 Jun 2022”


    • Up2snuff says:

      RP: interesting sermon to that effect from Bridge Lane Sunday before last: https://jan-mar-2024.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/280124eThisMonthInProphecyJanuary2024TonyPearce.mp3


  10. Up2snuff says:

    TWoTWeee Watch #1 – and the BBC and Naughtie wee wee’d all over former President Trump

    After the 1 p.m. News had been read it was all anti-Trump right up to about 1.25 p.m. and the centenary of the first performance of a Gershwin tune. It was a disgraceful bit of anti-Trump propaganda by the BBC.


  11. digg says:

    If the Labour Party do not denounce this crazy Muslim activist and remove him from the election candidacy and cut all ties with him they are craven cowards….


    But they won’t because they are bought and sold by the Muslim community.

    We will remember!


  12. Dickie says:


  13. Philip_2 says:

    BBC plans more radio stations!

    BBC: Still bereft by the loss of Ken Bruce (and his listenership), the Corporation is launching nostalgic ‘spin-off stations’. It makes no sense to launch several more radio stations as it loses market share across the board to commercial rivals.

    “The news that BBC Radio is to launch several spin-off stations feels unnecessary, at least, in an age when we already have too much choice…the Corporation have realised they should have fought harder to keep Ken Bruce, and are looking on with envy as the figures for his show on Greatest Hits Radio, which includes the extraordinarily successful PopMaster segment, continue to grow. When he started on the Bauer station last April, Bruce had an audience of 2.2million a week. In the final quarter of last year, this had grown to 3.8million.”


    Good for Ken Bruce and Co. Although I am an avid radio listener, I now ignore the BBC as its ‘the BBC’ and for the sake of sanity (what;s left) I cannot take any more BBC waffle, BBC drama, BBC opinions and addlled leftish clap-trap. At one time I only listened to BBC ,back in the days when ‘progressive’ meant John Peel late nights and perhaps the Old Grey Whistle test. Now BBC progressive means: Abortion, veganism, Genetics (racial purity of coloured people), Cuban communism, culture change (wokeism), Climate change (apocolypse), hatred of the Jews (denying the holocaust), defining human rights as (being only) defined by the EU. Open Borders for all (Soros) immigrants, benefits for all foreign nationals, Alignment with global socialism and US Biden/Obhama and Clinton as saviours of the universe.

    And they have declared only ten years ago that ‘Radio’ was dead. That they would only wanted a ‘yoof’ market (Radio 6 Rap music) and have admitted that they do not have any conservative values. And they hate the Conservatives. Reform party included.
    They love the Liberals, but only if they don’t upset the TV license.

    Have I missed anything out?

    I also read last week that SPOTIFY now is worth £3.8 Billion in subscriptions. Spotify (I think) was based in Norway. The BBC has slightly more income but its forced (on you) in UK law to pay for it – even if you don’t watch it. The BBC makes another £4 Billion selling in sales to other countries (US and Canada mainly), that do not have to pay a TV license. So in effect, the BBC global ambitions are limited by its inability to make any money with or WITHOUT the TV license. We end up paying for it all. That includes radio, which is doomed to fail. Even if they have several more, copying all the commercial stations. And they do, often copy commercial rivals. So commercial station are not happy about it. The BBC is still a public funded monopoly.


    • StewGreen says:

      Based Sweden actually
      Users Free: 379 million… Paying: 236 million
      annual turnover about $14bn, $9bn paid to music rights owners


  14. digg says:

    What a woeful indictment of the useless Met Police when they go to look for a body they suspect might be in the Thames and come up with two they didn’t even know were there.

    What a shithole London has become aided and abetted by the useless Met. Not to mention its pantomime strutting mayor!


  15. StewGreen says:

    BBC1 now black police drama, ITV now black police drama

    Channel5 Idris Elba is on the screen “black superman”, but it is a Jason Stathan film


    • StewGreen says:

      BBC4 Konnie Huq ” kids TV a force for social change”
      “I was transfixed by Floella Benjamin” “She was the first diverse background person on TV” .. “Windrush”
      “There were only 4 black players in top football”


  16. StewGreen says:

    That GBnews video .. go to 3m15s that’s the bit about Yes Prime Minister

    BTW here is part of the episode 6 transcript “Naturally we’ll be voting on the Arab side”

    Richard: The Arabs have put down a motion at the United Nations condemning Israel. Naturally, we’ll be voting on the Arab side.

    Humphrey: Naturally.

    Richard: But I gather that the PM wants us to abstain.

    Humphrey: Surely not! Why?

    Richard: Something about the PLO starting it this time, faults on both sides. The usual sentimental nonsense.