Brissles, my dear old thing, well it is the cricket season in India. I moved aside so that you or Debs could take top spot. Now taffman has got it. Well done taffman! I guess it eases the pain of the rugby union match at Twickenham.
Meanwhile in Rochdale……
‘ Labour candidate Azhar Ali apologises for Israel comments…..
Labour’s candidate in the Rochdale by-election has apologised for remarks he made about Israel in a community meeting.
In a secret recording obtained by the Mail on Sunday, Azhar Ali reportedly said Israel had “allowed” the deadly attack by Hamas gunmen on 7 October.’
Rochdale ? The Jew hating red labour candidate is still the candidate because he said ‘sorry ‘ …. I don’t know if he is related to any of their paedo gangs but it wouldn’t make any difference would it ?
Rochdale – The town where I was born. I haven’t been back in many years though. I suspect they might not be typical Lancashire lads but a newly- imported diverse variety.
I feel your pain Lucy. I spent summer holidays in Rotherham at granny’s and where all the relatives lived, so knowing of the abominations carried out by Pakistani imports makes me sick to the stomach.
GBnews just now
“Due to election rules we can’t talk about candidates in upcoming elections, but does Starmer have a problem with anti-Israel people ?”
WTF The Labour candidate voiced a wacky conspiracy that Israel deliberately set up Oct 7th
.. He was later made to apologise
Ony Labour would insist we can’t talk about this .
Paul Richards’ former Labour advisor on GBNews talking about house owning talked about low earning nurses and teachers. Many of them are on quite good pay.
Quite puzzled that the BBC website doesn’t seem to be covering the Rochdale story. I don’t make a habit of questioning the BBC’s news judgment, which is generally good. But this seems to me obviously of strategic significance. And the candidates apology verifies the story.
Farming Today and on to Today, no mention whatever within my listening time of any protesting farmers and their tractors. Farmers protests now also in Wales apparently. Turned off before 0700 news.
I think it’s one of the reasons the State allows the BBC its ’agenda ‘ ( apart from the civil service agreeing with it ) that the state knows the bbc will censor / omit stories like farmer protests …. They know a good few will source their information from more reliable sources than the BBC ( easy )but there will be plenty of less thoughtful people who don’t know what they don’t know …
Yet strangely a false ? community note pops up
“This post says it is based on reporting by the Wall Street Journal but no link is given. A search of recent articles on provides no plausible published stories that support the claims.
Readers should consider this claim as UNSOURCED until a citation is provided.”
That is a strawman the article is NOT recent it’s from July 2023
However that WSJ article doesn’t mention Tucker
So the Breitbart had confused it with a New York Post article
which does actually contain the words
In one stunning case, the White House also reportedly requested to know why Facebook did not delete footage from Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program, according to the emails. Facebook responded by saying it was “ready to tell the White House that it had demoted a video posted by Tucker Carlson by 50% in response to the White House’s demands, even though the post didn’t violate any policies.”
Here we go : expect a lot more of this from the BBC. And expect it to get more and more desperate as things for Sleepy Joe fall apart.
It’s clear Trump didn’t literally mean he wants Russia to attack any NATO state who doesn’t pay. He was making a point that all countries must pay the agreed amount for the protection it gives.
Russia knows that an attack on any member is an attack against them all. And so does everybody else trying to paint Trump as the ‘warmonger’ here.
And just look at what senile Joe had to say:
President Joe Biden called Mr Trump’s comments “appalling and dangerous”, suggesting his predecessor intended to give Russian President Vladimir Putin “a green light for more war and violence”.
The statement is the exact opposite of that : it was intended to get MORE funding for NATO.
I’ve noticed that the general MSM plan now is to portray Trump as ‘unhinged’. I’ve seen it in several articles now and it’s that weird thing where they all start singing from the same hymn sheet as if they all got together to plan it. I’ve also noticed how they are once again starting to say he will cause WW3.
It’s about the most extreme Leftist case of ‘projection’ I’ve ever seen considering Biden doesn’t know where he is half the time and since he got in, everyone is fighting because they know how weak he is.
And of course the BBC are still doing their best to promote Nikki Hayley who they want to replace Trump. What is now clear is that she is hanging in there like a tagnut hoping something bad happens to Trump and she gets in by default.
Stew, I don’t think so, it was a reply to a question recently put to DJT by a media person. For sure, when Trump was President he rattled the NATO collecting tin and said the European countries were not ‘pulling their weight’ including the UK. We increased our contribution up to the 2% of GDP that the Treaty requires but some other European countries are still in default.
@Up2snuff you are wrong I immediately went to youTube scanned the video for the words I’d just heard on the radio
then posted the transcript and video link here.
See my comment below about people just BELIEVING hyperbolic claims put to them in news bulletins and tweets.
It’s strange here you so firmly stated a false scenario.
Stew, you are in conflict with the BBC who are reporting that it was on Saturday in response to a question posed to DJT. But I don’t believe everything/anything the BBC tell me.
Do you not think it strange that all the National newspapers here, whether Conservative supporting, liberal leaning or positively Leftist, which you would expect, picked up on the comments as being made on Saturday 10 February 2024?
Stew, another two reasons why I think you are wrong and I am correct to say that former President Trump made those remarks on Saturday is that it is the Republican Primary season and they have moved to South Carolina for the third rally in the season: Iowa, New Hampshire and now, South Carolina. Secondly, when he was President from 2016 – 2020, Donald Trump was consistent in saying NATO members must make their full susbscription. Would you rather have an consistent President in the US or one who is inconsistent like Keir Starmer who blows in the prevailing wind like a weather vane? I know which I would choose.
Fed, no it was an answer to a recent question in South Carolina. There is lots of evidence. Stew Green is wrong. A stupid reply by Trump because it gave/gives ammunition to the former Presidents opponents as I pointed out in the Weekend Thread. At least DJT is consisent.
@Up2Snuff what you even talking about ?
by “Trump didn’t say what he said at the weekend in South Carolina. ”
On Sunday I actually already posted the transcript of that part of Trump’s speech.
Then on Monday you turned up with some false narrative you heard on the BBC and are insisting, that is the truth.
Then you are mistakenly saying I claim the speech was not on Saturday.
FFS I’d already posted the actual transcript the day before you turned up
JohnC, it was the same after the 2016 Presidential Election in the US; the Supreme Leader in N.Korea had been rattling his sabres and claiming he could reach the US with his missiles and there were rumours of WW3 then if Kim Jong-Un a.k.a. FatBoy tried to re-unify Korea. What did Trump do in response?
He visited North Korea and charmed the socks off the Supreme Leader and brokered a meeting with Presidents of NK and SK. All that has been forgotten by the Lefty BBC and the Democrats in the US.
The problem in Britain is that so many people hear some outrageous claim on the news
or see some outrageous claim in a tweet
and rush to voice an opinion just accepting the claim as TRUE
without considering that the claim is probably not true.
Scottish Curling @scottishcurling
The National Governing Body for Curling in Scotland
“We have been notified by BBC Sport they are no longer able to stream the semi-finals and finals of the Scottish Curling Championships 2024.
This is due to BBC Sport reviewing editorial guidelines on ‘Undue Prominence’. ” (of advertising logos)
Big claim made by big Israeli accounts
A laptop that belonged to Muhammad Washah, an @AlJazeera journalist, was recovered by @IDF in the northern Gaza Strip.
It has pics proving he also serves as a senior Hamas military operative in the anti-tank missile system and worked in the R&D of aerial weapons
News via @N12News
In Re ; Ex president Trump and NATO partners not pulling their weight.
Trade Unionists will understand . Imagine them striving to get the best for their members, and those that didn’t pay their subscriptions or join also got the benefits . Wouldn’t they be happy if the laggards got sacked but the members weren’t because the union protected them ?
‘Police have issued an appeal for anyone who was in the area or may have seen something to get in touch.’
Perhaps a description of the four boys they want to know if people saw would have helped here.
What are the odds it is Muslim boys raping a white girl because they have been taught that white girls who show skin are trash and only fit for the pleasure of good Muslims ?. Because THAT is what they think:
‘She narrated, “When I was being beaten, I was called a white slag, white whore and white cunt (sic).” Dr. Hill pointed out that her white skin was always on the mind of her Muslim perpetrator. She revealed that grooming gangs viewed white girls as ‘easy meat’ because they sing, dance, drink alcohol – things considered ‘immoral’ and ‘worthy of punishment (rape and beating in this case).’’
It’s worse than rape : it’s racist rape.
You will never see anything which goes anywhere near that on the BBC. They just ignore anything which doesn’t fit their own racist narrative.
We should lend them some of our thousands upon thousands of fighting age men that we seem to have inherited. Many of them are experts with dinghy’s, explosives and knives, and are particularly adept at invading other countries.
One of those happenstance frontpage juxtapositions of two side by side clashing headlines that serve to put the lie to mainstream media messaging arrive to kick us off this morning.
Probably the most iconic line in cinema of all time – prior to the modern decay of the genre with the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “I’ll be back!”, was in the movie Casablanca where Humphrey Bogart remarks “Of All The Gin Joints In All The Towns In All The World, She Walks Into Mine.”
And to give context to such remarkable happenstance: In the year ending March 2022, there were 696 homicide offences recorded in England and Wales. (House of Commons Library) – and by the way goodness knows how many murders were pleaded down to manslaughter: Nottingham attacks: Witness recalls horror of student killings… The attacker is being detained at a high-security hospital after admitting manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. (BBC)
This morning the liberal Tory wishy-washy Rishi lackey loyalist mouthpiece Daily Express (some time allied with and indeed:‘United with the people of Ukraine’ – nowadays not so much) decides to commemorate: ‘Amazing’ Brianna remembered a year on from brutal murder
[Sympathy and condolence to family and friends of course]
Mirroring the major frontpage feature photograph report in the left-leaning Guardian: Family, friends and allies… many wearing pink… first anniversary of her murder…
Back to the Number 10 Downing Street mouthpiece Daily Express for that awkward juxtaposition where a Tory boy minister is wheeled out to spout some vaguely conservative-sounding platitude: Shapps: Woke culture is poisoning common sense
Let’s recall how – 13 years on as we tend to say – this empty statement is sitting apparently comfortably beside: ‘Amazing’ Brianna remembered a year on from brutal murder
And one is left to recall Humphrey Bogart’s amazement and wonder at: “Of All The Gin Joints In All The Towns In All The World, She Walks Into Mine.”
Of all the murders, all the rapes, all the robberies, in all the towns, in all of Britain… ?
Talking of allies…
Nato chief says Donald Trump comments ‘undermine all of our security’ (BBC)
Weather permitting
New Nato hitch… Second carrier yet to join drill… The Royal Navy said HMS Prince of Wales was still expected to sail soon, subject to suitable tide and weather conditions (FT)
Let’s hope Putin’s Ruskies don’t attack us at a time when there’s… the wrong kind of… surf… in the Channel?
Seems there’s no such sailing concerns for these brave fighting age chaps: Channel Migrants: More than 1,300 people cross in January (BBC)
Our deep state ruling elites never saw a single foreigner they didn’t want to invite over to live here: Overseas students in push to clear names over English tests ‘cheating’… Thousands were forced to leave UK in apparent miscarriage of justice… 10 years on… (Guardian)
Meanwhile over there at the chronically coronaphobic left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: Fears for poorest pupils as Covid catch-up tutoring faces axe – were there similar fears from the education establishment when schools were closed in Lockdown – not so much
Let’s do a quick calm down dear and get out of here
Zut alors! Even the French aren’t having sex anymore Tatty Macleod (‘i’) – no wonder those 1300 blokes a month are heading away from France to try their luck over here.
Grim day for the BBC – hostages rescued by the IDF – Meesh couldn’t wait to switch to the attack of Islamic Hamas on Rafa- meesh is worried that the IDF might kill more Islamic Hamas terrorists hiding behind Palestinians …. Keep going IDF ….
Maybe meesh could ask one of our friends in Islamic Hamas why they took hostages and why they won’t release them …
On Toady useless Hussein was positively gushing about how wonderful they were, and an interviewee did the same, and railed against Private Equity.
Well, errr, no, I used to supply them and they were totally hypocritical. Of course they didn’t test materials on animals. They just bought materials where someone else had already done the testing. And they preferred cheap industrial grades of materials to higher quallity grades made to purer standards.
Yet the BBC obviously think they were wonderful. If only they’d had been nationalised.
Boots. Believe it or not, and in my first hand opinion their standards were higher and arguably more ethical. An opinion recently validated unprovoked by a contact still in the industry.
Sluff – that’s very interesting – thanks – but if a ‘woke ‘ outfit is approved they can do no wrong …. Nice to see the tired old ‘body shop ‘ going …. I wonder if John Lewis can survive in its current form …. Never knowingly sold cheap …
I used to use Body Shop henna. I went in one day as the assistant was taking the packets off the shelves. Apparently they were being recalled because they weren’t ethically enough grown. I pleaded to be able to buy some but ‘rules were rules’. I reluctantly moved to Lush (pro Palestinian) but a couple of years ago they changed the formula to one that left my hair the colour it already was, and tripled the price. But now with the internet I just buy pure henna on-line. Basing life on ‘go woke, go broke’, I assume the sickly sweet smell slipping out of Lush, should not be polluting our high streets for much longer.
I once made a cup of tea and put the freshly boiled kettle in the fridge, demented old fart. Although my mum put it on the front step with an empty bottle for the milkman. Milkmen, did they really exist or am I dreaming?
moggie, milkman are making a comeback in some parts of London and delivering milk in glass bottles, too, from an electric float just like the good ol’ days, if you can afford the price now.
As soon as we realised how biased the BBC was many years ago we guessed that they would censor/ban many of their excellent old comedy’s so went on a DVD buying spree. It ain’t half hot mum, yes Minister and yes prime minister to name but two. Friends of ours said why DVDs when you can stream them, I really think the penny dropped when you realise that they can edit and censor so they also went on a buying spree.
R4 advert … laugh out loud moment – Kirsty is doing ‘start the week ‘ with some lefties flogging their books called ‘why multiculturalism is so great ‘ and ‘why the west is crap ‘ I almost spilled my tea on such a flagrant selling of the BBC doctrine …
Meanwhile I bet the invasion is busy today – sink the boats …
Nice easy bias – bbc – our Justin describes the rescue of hostages as being ‘released ‘ … sounding as though they have been ‘released ‘ and not ‘rescued ‘ and freed by their country’s army ….
‘Released ‘….
@JustinOnWeb asks Shadow Minister Nick Thomas-Symonds, who tells #R4Today ‘it’s unfair to draw that conclusion’, after by-election candidate Azhar Ali apologises for ‘deeply offensive’ comments about October 7th.
Champion and squad hoping no one notices things are going very badly for the narrative, and an fellow Islamist apologist citing a JezBo ‘report’ guessing the mood of a TNI optics obsessed dementia President’s team will be enough to swerve a war in part initiated by the taking of hostages by her brown eyed boys, still refusing to release those not sacrificed to the propaganda gods.
Make no mistake, the propagandist media which will be in every studio she can, and will be welcomed.
The BBC has its own script with president trump – who – in office – said to countries not paying their fair share on NATO – pay – or don’t expect the US to pick up the tab any more – a wholely fair idea – but not when spun by the BBC …
Our Justin interviews someone called ‘shinecock’ ( true ) who was an advisor to billy Clinton – it was about what to do about the ga ga Biden . The msm seems to have collectively decided ‘there is a problem ‘ – but – of course having a man suffering from dementia in the Oval Office is far better than President `trump – who is a demon and no one will vote for .
The big problem for me is that you see the bbc lies – to us and itself – but then calls itself ‘true’ which is a lie in its self …
The mail is carrying a story of an attempted acid attack on a bus in Croydon on Sunday night … is this on the bbc ? Or is it d noticed ? 77 brigade – comment ?
The medical costs of treating ear infections in particular at the seaside never get a look-in – I’ve had several episodes over the years attributable to sewage outfalls discovered later.
The brainless of it all is gob-smacking. How on earth can injecting yourself with poison give you more protection if you inject it into both arms rather than just into one? Answers on a postcard to Dr. Gates or Dr. Tedros, former Ethiopian Marxist terrorist but now genuinely nice man who really cares about your health.
A football fan has spoken of how he was stabbed eight times by the London Bridge attackers as he attempted to single-handedly fight off all three of them unarmed.
Recalling the events of Saturday night, he said “They had these long knives and started shouting about Allah. Then it was, ‘Islam, Islam, Islam’.
“Like an idiot I shouted back at them. I thought, ‘I need to take the piss out of these bastards’. I took a few steps towards them and said, ‘Fuck you, I’m Millwall’. So they started attacking me.”
He described how the three extremists smashed open the door of the restaurant to gain entry and he later saw them shot dead by police officers when they left the premises.
Not a lot of info in the video .. it’s just a gang running down the street seen through a pub window
All the info is the framing in the tweet words
Surprisingly no extra info was on Twitter
There is a mail article Moment gang of armed thugs try to invade pub
Wellingborough and also Kingsmill? (Whatever ) by-elections this Thursday -prediction
Turn out 30 % or less
Labour wins both
Blue labour lose deposit in at least one
Reform ( if running ) come second
Review on Thursday when Starmer struts around the place trying to do the ‘PM in waiting “ gig and all reds screeching for General Election ….
Meanwhile some sacrificial blue labour minister will be sent out ( gove ?) to say “ it was a bad night for the conservatives – we will listen to the voters -but the economy is turning around ( all lies of course )….
A poll today predicts half the rural blue labour seats will be red next time with notable cabinet ministers gone – including Hunt …
Too late for the blue Labour to do anything about the mess they’ve made by not being conservative …
Islamic prayers in Rochdale up against the walls of a church while that useless treacherous scumbag George Galloway looks on!
I don’t think this is a church, I think it’s Rochdale Town Hall, and Galloway is a convert anyway.
I can’t see how people can complain about this to be be honest. When I pointed out that Netanyahu’s murderous campaign in Gaza would lead to this the majority of voices said it was worth it.
So suck it up you have what you said was worth it !
Lucy I can remember what was said and if you go back through the history on the site you will find it accurate.
I warned this would happen, now it is doing, the inevitable consequence of sectarian politics in our country.
@thoughtful do you really believe if the jews would just behave themselves then the muslims in britain are going to stay quiet forever ????
do you really think if we just dont offend them (difficult as they are offended by everything) they will just quietly keep voting for the labour party and everything will be hunky dory ???
That is not what was said all those weeks ago, what was said was in accordance with the majority of people in Israel and other voices in the world that the situation in Gaza could and should have been handled differently.
Netanyahu has seized power in what amounts to a coup d’etat. If he hadn’t done so both he and his wife would be on trial for corruption which they are pretty much certain to be found guilty of.
He has a 3% approval rating in Israel and it is beyond me why anyone on these forums would support a man like that. If this was a Muslim leader the condemnation would be absolute, the fact he is Jewish should not make any difference.
The writing is on the wall for Biden, now that everyone can see he’s senile – everyone except the BBC, that is.
We, here, have known it for years, but now even the Democrats and their tame mouthpieces in the msm are waking up to the fact.
The question is, who will they replace him with? The useless Newsom who has all but destroyed California, the repulsive (and useless) Kamala, or the awful Michelle who will thereby give Obama his fourth term if one includes the current one.
What a shower. The tragedy of course is that the American electorate might buy it, with the help of the biased media such as the BBC who will be delighted to swing behind any of those candidates, while ceaselessly denigrating Trump.
BBC Bitesize is asking you to play detective by presenting three statements about some well-known and well-loved subjects. Two of the statements are true, one is an out and out lie. The thing is, can you find the fib? Start playing below, by clicking on the sentence you believe is untrue.
MM, there is one on there which the BBC claimed is true but is not: Not since 2013 at least. A bit of an Oooooops! moment for the BBC and Stew Green.
Guest WhoFeb 21, 14:15 Midweek 19th February 2025 Given the next big money pit after DEI is bungs to Greens, looks like more coming. Wonder who stumped…
Terminal MoraineFeb 21, 14:11 Midweek 19th February 2025 “Trump ends deportation protection for 500,000 Haitians” in 2018 when he referred to a number of countries incl. Haiti as…
MarkyMarkFeb 21, 13:42 Midweek 19th February 2025 The investigation found no evidence that President Trump or any of his aides coordinated with the Russian government’s 2016 election…
Fedup2Feb 21, 13:36 Midweek 19th February 2025 Interesting the Ferguson delivers the speech without reference to the changes being made in the US in the next 3…
Fedup2Feb 21, 13:32 Midweek 19th February 2025 One sick theory is that the injuries to the lady who has not been returned are so bad that BBCHAMAS…
Guest WhoFeb 21, 13:22 Midweek 19th February 2025
Fedup2Feb 21, 13:20 Midweek 19th February 2025 Busy week for 47 next week – Monday is Macron – Thursday is TTK – and I think JD Vance…
Fedup2Feb 21, 13:17 Midweek 19th February 2025 Canada air crash – the female pilot was under qualified and under experienced . The male ‘main’ pilot was under…
atlas_shruggedFeb 21, 13:16 Midweek 19th February 2025 No doubt this black feminist MP who wants to send UK men to war will be pinning white feathers onto…
Fedup2Feb 21, 13:15 Midweek 19th February 2025 They gave the Red Cross the wrong keys for the coffins . They stuck stuff inside the coffins – propaganda…
Where’s everyone?
I was collaborating with the Russians. добрый вечер
Oooooo bugger, bugger, bugger !
I was en point, lurking at 915 ish, but Fed was clearly snoring his brains out again !
Brissles, my dear old thing, well it is the cricket season in India. I moved aside so that you or Debs could take top spot. Now taffman has got it. Well done taffman! I guess it eases the pain of the rugby union match at Twickenham.
It certainly does !
There’s always next time .
Snuffy – When I first dipped in you were in pole position, now the line-up is all over the shop. But what a gent you are dear man !
First and foremost a cricketer
from the age of five years onwards …..

If you don’t mind – I was watching the nations of Africa football cup and rooting for the only white guy …. So much for diversity ….
Yes, and look at the chaos caused at the top of the tree on here ….
Fed, was that the referee? I thought you didn’t have a TVLicence …
I was going to say the referee too Snuff
Youtube….and it was the ref …
Meanwhile in Rochdale……
‘ Labour candidate Azhar Ali apologises for Israel comments…..
Labour’s candidate in the Rochdale by-election has apologised for remarks he made about Israel in a community meeting.
In a secret recording obtained by the Mail on Sunday, Azhar Ali reportedly said Israel had “allowed” the deadly attack by Hamas gunmen on 7 October.’
In other words, just another Labour Muslim person sucking up to his electorate.
PS elsewhere in this fine centre of multiculturalism, 4 teenagers have been arrested on suspicion of raping a young female.
Rochdale: “Four boys aged 12-14 arrested on suspicion of rape”
What’s going on in Rochdale?
Rochdale ? The Jew hating red labour candidate is still the candidate because he said ‘sorry ‘ …. I don’t know if he is related to any of their paedo gangs but it wouldn’t make any difference would it ?
Rochdale – The town where I was born. I haven’t been back in many years though. I suspect they might not be typical Lancashire lads but a newly- imported diverse variety.
I feel your pain Lucy. I spent summer holidays in Rotherham at granny’s and where all the relatives lived, so knowing of the abominations carried out by Pakistani imports makes me sick to the stomach.
I lived there briefly on 2 separate occasions. It’s a foreign town.
Lucy, I thought you were a figment of C.S. Lewis’s vivid imagination ….
Alexander Mercouris re Ukraine
GBnews just now
“Due to election rules we can’t talk about candidates in upcoming elections, but does Starmer have a problem with anti-Israel people ?”
WTF The Labour candidate voiced a wacky conspiracy that Israel deliberately set up Oct 7th
.. He was later made to apologise
Ony Labour would insist we can’t talk about this .
Paul Richards’ former Labour advisor on GBNews talking about house owning talked about low earning nurses and teachers. Many of them are on quite good pay.
Quite puzzled that the BBC website doesn’t seem to be covering the Rochdale story. I don’t make a habit of questioning the BBC’s news judgment, which is generally good. But this seems to me obviously of strategic significance. And the candidates apology verifies the story.
Farming Today and on to Today, no mention whatever within my listening time of any protesting farmers and their tractors. Farmers protests now also in Wales apparently. Turned off before 0700 news.
I think it’s one of the reasons the State allows the BBC its ’agenda ‘ ( apart from the civil service agreeing with it ) that the state knows the bbc will censor / omit stories like farmer protests …. They know a good few will source their information from more reliable sources than the BBC ( easy )but there will be plenty of less thoughtful people who don’t know what they don’t know …
G, I heard the bit about farmers’ protests in Holland, Germany and France but curiously no mention of protests in England or Wales … hmmnnn.
As noted by all here, the most pernicious example of the BBC’s partial agenda is what they don’t cover, who they don’t invite.
It is almost impossible to see a valid criticism gain traction, especially if raised with them.
Even if they are on the right the people who don’t put dates on things are MIS-LEADERS
The claim is not new.. it comes from a Breitbart article from July 2023
Yet strangely a false ? community note pops up
“This post says it is based on reporting by the Wall Street Journal but no link is given. A search of recent articles on provides no plausible published stories that support the claims.
Readers should consider this claim as UNSOURCED until a citation is provided.”
That is a strawman the article is NOT recent it’s from July 2023
However that WSJ article doesn’t mention Tucker
So the Breitbart had confused it with a New York Post article
which does actually contain the words
In one stunning case, the White House also reportedly requested to know why Facebook did not delete footage from Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program, according to the emails. Facebook responded by saying it was “ready to tell the White House that it had demoted a video posted by Tucker Carlson by 50% in response to the White House’s demands, even though the post didn’t violate any policies.”
Nato chief says Donald Trump comments ‘undermine all of our security’
Here we go : expect a lot more of this from the BBC. And expect it to get more and more desperate as things for Sleepy Joe fall apart.
It’s clear Trump didn’t literally mean he wants Russia to attack any NATO state who doesn’t pay. He was making a point that all countries must pay the agreed amount for the protection it gives.
Russia knows that an attack on any member is an attack against them all. And so does everybody else trying to paint Trump as the ‘warmonger’ here.
And just look at what senile Joe had to say:
President Joe Biden called Mr Trump’s comments “appalling and dangerous”, suggesting his predecessor intended to give Russian President Vladimir Putin “a green light for more war and violence”.
The statement is the exact opposite of that : it was intended to get MORE funding for NATO.
I’ve noticed that the general MSM plan now is to portray Trump as ‘unhinged’. I’ve seen it in several articles now and it’s that weird thing where they all start singing from the same hymn sheet as if they all got together to plan it. I’ve also noticed how they are once again starting to say he will cause WW3.
It’s about the most extreme Leftist case of ‘projection’ I’ve ever seen considering Biden doesn’t know where he is half the time and since he got in, everyone is fighting because they know how weak he is.
And of course the BBC are still doing their best to promote Nikki Hayley who they want to replace Trump. What is now clear is that she is hanging in there like a tagnut hoping something bad happens to Trump and she gets in by default.
BBC and anti-TRump media lied by omission
He was speaking in the past tense about what he did years ago
KIsin’s tweet explains
Stew, I don’t think so, it was a reply to a question recently put to DJT by a media person. For sure, when Trump was President he rattled the NATO collecting tin and said the European countries were not ‘pulling their weight’ including the UK. We increased our contribution up to the 2% of GDP that the Treaty requires but some other European countries are still in default.
@Up2snuff you are wrong I immediately went to youTube scanned the video for the words I’d just heard on the radio
then posted the transcript and video link here.
See my comment below about people just BELIEVING hyperbolic claims put to them in news bulletins and tweets.
It’s strange here you so firmly stated a false scenario.
Stew, you are in conflict with the BBC who are reporting that it was on Saturday in response to a question posed to DJT. But I don’t believe everything/anything the BBC tell me.
Do you not think it strange that all the National newspapers here, whether Conservative supporting, liberal leaning or positively Leftist, which you would expect, picked up on the comments as being made on Saturday 10 February 2024?
Stew, another two reasons why I think you are wrong and I am correct to say that former President Trump made those remarks on Saturday is that it is the Republican Primary season and they have moved to South Carolina for the third rally in the season: Iowa, New Hampshire and now, South Carolina. Secondly, when he was President from 2016 – 2020, Donald Trump was consistent in saying NATO members must make their full susbscription. Would you rather have an consistent President in the US or one who is inconsistent like Keir Starmer who blows in the prevailing wind like a weather vane? I know which I would choose.
Care to apologise?
The way I heard it was that president trump was describing what he had said about nato when he was in office ….
Fed, no it was an answer to a recent question in South Carolina. There is lots of evidence. Stew Green is wrong. A stupid reply by Trump because it gave/gives ammunition to the former Presidents opponents as I pointed out in the Weekend Thread. At least DJT is consisent.
@Up2Snuff what you even talking about ?
by “Trump didn’t say what he said at the weekend in South Carolina. ”
On Sunday I actually already posted the transcript of that part of Trump’s speech.
Then on Monday you turned up with some false narrative you heard on the BBC and are insisting, that is the truth.
Then you are mistakenly saying I claim the speech was not on Saturday.
FFS I’d already posted the actual transcript the day before you turned up
Jens Stoltenberg is jet-un-udder another Swedish chef / “dog king” spokesperson put on the podium as a humiliation exercise – farce.
JohnC, it was the same after the 2016 Presidential Election in the US; the Supreme Leader in N.Korea had been rattling his sabres and claiming he could reach the US with his missiles and there were rumours of WW3 then if Kim Jong-Un a.k.a. FatBoy tried to re-unify Korea. What did Trump do in response?
He visited North Korea and charmed the socks off the Supreme Leader and brokered a meeting with Presidents of NK and SK. All that has been forgotten by the Lefty BBC and the Democrats in the US.
The problem in Britain is that so many people hear some outrageous claim on the news
or see some outrageous claim in a tweet
and rush to voice an opinion just accepting the claim as TRUE
without considering that the claim is probably not true.
Assisted in no small part by the reliably mendacious state broadcaster who maintains a stock of made up shite.
Stew, do you care to apologise?
Scottish Curling @scottishcurling
The National Governing Body for Curling in Scotland
“We have been notified by BBC Sport they are no longer able to stream the semi-finals and finals of the Scottish Curling Championships 2024.
This is due to BBC Sport reviewing editorial guidelines on ‘Undue Prominence’. ” (of advertising logos)
The Scottish Curling championship has crowned both the men’s and women’s winners amid anger around BBC Sport cutting the live streams of the events
Big claim made by big Israeli accounts
A laptop that belonged to Muhammad Washah, an @AlJazeera journalist, was recovered by @IDF in the northern Gaza Strip.
It has pics proving he also serves as a senior Hamas military operative in the anti-tank missile system and worked in the R&D of aerial weapons
News via @N12News
Times article : by Jeremy Bowen @BowenBBC
Sadly my mother isn’t the only one who has not had the treatment she deserves with *Britain’s* NHS.
Where is his mother ? In Wales
He forgot to mention in his article that Labour control her NHS
He did not forget.
They bbc likes this fact to be avoided. Often with extreme prejudice.
Schools in budget crisis as PFI charges soar
Here’s the widest-shot I could find of ‘Middlefield community primary school’ used in the story:
Here’s the one the BBC used:

And these are the BBC racists who chose it:


2018 … “Tony Blair and Gordon Brown saw Private Finance Initiatives as a way to deliver infrastructure projects without huge capital expenditure”
The great PFI heist: The real story of how Britain’s economy has been left high and dry by a doomed economic philosophy
In Re ; Ex president Trump and NATO partners not pulling their weight.
Trade Unionists will understand . Imagine them striving to get the best for their members, and those that didn’t pay their subscriptions or join also got the benefits . Wouldn’t they be happy if the laggards got sacked but the members weren’t because the union protected them ?
Saw another good anology about the bbc tvl and how those not ‘contributing’ get actively pursued on top of simply not enjoying the services.
Rochdale: Four boys aged 12-14 arrested on suspicion of rape
Rochdale hey, probably more muslims
‘Police have issued an appeal for anyone who was in the area or may have seen something to get in touch.’
Perhaps a description of the four boys they want to know if people saw would have helped here.
What are the odds it is Muslim boys raping a white girl because they have been taught that white girls who show skin are trash and only fit for the pleasure of good Muslims ?. Because THAT is what they think:
‘She narrated, “When I was being beaten, I was called a white slag, white whore and white cunt (sic).” Dr. Hill pointed out that her white skin was always on the mind of her Muslim perpetrator. She revealed that grooming gangs viewed white girls as ‘easy meat’ because they sing, dance, drink alcohol – things considered ‘immoral’ and ‘worthy of punishment (rape and beating in this case).’’
It’s worse than rape : it’s racist rape.
You will never see anything which goes anywhere near that on the BBC. They just ignore anything which doesn’t fit their own racist narrative.
100% effective ….. 50% …. 20% … ok … 5%.
It’s the famous German sense of humour.
No party to vote for – politically homeless.
Roads falling apart, turning into an Africa state – not maintained so you have to use trains?
MPs bribed by other countries with a foreign secretary who actively courted China.
Race to net zero as we buy expensive oil from India who bought it cheap from Russia whilst UK spends billions on Ukraine.
Boris said to come back to lead Conservatives with his Oven Ready Brexit.
Islamists can say what they want and stay in Labour, others will lose their jobs – see “The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism, Islamophobia or other forms of racism.”
Starmer to rub his cervix and watch as Rishi Sunak swims in his cost of living swimming pool. ** half full due to Ukraine expenses.
Steel operations in UK to close as MP Schapps demands we get more people to get ready to fight Russia with Net Zero Tanks and solar panelled guns.
BBC report that we need more diversity – but diverse people not wiling to pay for BBC – ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Let the madness continue. BBC can trigger you ….
The trial heard Osborne became “obsessed” with Muslims in the weeks leading up to the attack, having watched the BBC drama Three Girls, about the Rochdale grooming scandal.
“Army to relax security checks for recruits in diversity drive
Leaked document describes vetting as ‘primary barrier to non-UK personnel’ being enlisted into the officer corps
Steven Edginton10 February 2024 • 8:30pm”
History ….. >”Hasan’s colleagues had been aware of his increasing Islamic radicalization for several years. The failure to prevent the shooting led the Defense Department and the FBI to commission investigations, and Congress to hold hearing”
The first ever women only army to defeat Russia? Men to look after the children and breast feed?
We should lend them some of our thousands upon thousands of fighting age men that we seem to have inherited. Many of them are experts with dinghy’s, explosives and knives, and are particularly adept at invading other countries.
They’d be ideal.
Allies edition
One of those happenstance frontpage juxtapositions of two side by side clashing headlines that serve to put the lie to mainstream media messaging arrive to kick us off this morning.
Probably the most iconic line in cinema of all time – prior to the modern decay of the genre with the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “I’ll be back!”, was in the movie Casablanca where Humphrey Bogart remarks “Of All The Gin Joints In All The Towns In All The World, She Walks Into Mine.”
And to give context to such remarkable happenstance: In the year ending March 2022, there were 696 homicide offences recorded in England and Wales. (House of Commons Library) – and by the way goodness knows how many murders were pleaded down to manslaughter: Nottingham attacks: Witness recalls horror of student killings… The attacker is being detained at a high-security hospital after admitting manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. (BBC)
This morning the liberal Tory wishy-washy Rishi lackey loyalist mouthpiece Daily Express (some time allied with and indeed:‘United with the people of Ukraine’ – nowadays not so much) decides to commemorate: ‘Amazing’ Brianna remembered a year on from brutal murder
[Sympathy and condolence to family and friends of course]
Mirroring the major frontpage feature photograph report in the left-leaning Guardian: Family, friends and allies… many wearing pink… first anniversary of her murder…
Back to the Number 10 Downing Street mouthpiece Daily Express for that awkward juxtaposition where a Tory boy minister is wheeled out to spout some vaguely conservative-sounding platitude: Shapps: Woke culture is poisoning common sense
Let’s recall how – 13 years on as we tend to say – this empty statement is sitting apparently comfortably beside: ‘Amazing’ Brianna remembered a year on from brutal murder
And one is left to recall Humphrey Bogart’s amazement and wonder at: “Of All The Gin Joints In All The Towns In All The World, She Walks Into Mine.”
Of all the murders, all the rapes, all the robberies, in all the towns, in all of Britain… ?
Talking of allies…
Nato chief says Donald Trump comments ‘undermine all of our security’ (BBC)
Weather permitting
New Nato hitch… Second carrier yet to join drill… The Royal Navy said HMS Prince of Wales was still expected to sail soon, subject to suitable tide and weather conditions (FT)
Let’s hope Putin’s Ruskies don’t attack us at a time when there’s… the wrong kind of… surf… in the Channel?
Seems there’s no such sailing concerns for these brave fighting age chaps: Channel Migrants: More than 1,300 people cross in January (BBC)
Our deep state ruling elites never saw a single foreigner they didn’t want to invite over to live here: Overseas students in push to clear names over English tests ‘cheating’… Thousands were forced to leave UK in apparent miscarriage of justice… 10 years on… (Guardian)
Meanwhile over there at the chronically coronaphobic left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: Fears for poorest pupils as Covid catch-up tutoring faces axe – were there similar fears from the education establishment when schools were closed in Lockdown – not so much
Let’s do a quick calm down dear and get out of here
Zut alors! Even the French aren’t having sex anymore Tatty Macleod (‘i’) – no wonder those 1300 blokes a month are heading away from France to try their luck over here.
Today watch
Grim day for the BBC – hostages rescued by the IDF – Meesh couldn’t wait to switch to the attack of Islamic Hamas on Rafa- meesh is worried that the IDF might kill more Islamic Hamas terrorists hiding behind Palestinians …. Keep going IDF ….
Maybe meesh could ask one of our friends in Islamic Hamas why they took hostages and why they won’t release them …
The Body Shop is to go into administration.
On Toady useless Hussein was positively gushing about how wonderful they were, and an interviewee did the same, and railed against Private Equity.
Well, errr, no, I used to supply them and they were totally hypocritical. Of course they didn’t test materials on animals. They just bought materials where someone else had already done the testing. And they preferred cheap industrial grades of materials to higher quallity grades made to purer standards.
Yet the BBC obviously think they were wonderful. If only they’d had been nationalised.
Boots. Believe it or not, and in my first hand opinion their standards were higher and arguably more ethical. An opinion recently validated unprovoked by a contact still in the industry.
Sluff – that’s very interesting – thanks – but if a ‘woke ‘ outfit is approved they can do no wrong …. Nice to see the tired old ‘body shop ‘ going …. I wonder if John Lewis can survive in its current form …. Never knowingly sold cheap …
I used to use Body Shop henna. I went in one day as the assistant was taking the packets off the shelves. Apparently they were being recalled because they weren’t ethically enough grown. I pleaded to be able to buy some but ‘rules were rules’. I reluctantly moved to Lush (pro Palestinian) but a couple of years ago they changed the formula to one that left my hair the colour it already was, and tripled the price. But now with the internet I just buy pure henna on-line. Basing life on ‘go woke, go broke’, I assume the sickly sweet smell slipping out of Lush, should not be polluting our high streets for much longer.
Ban Ovens! Ban Ovens that look like cribs! Ban them all. Go Net Zero!
““put the child down for a nap and accidentally placed her in the oven instead of the crib”.”
I did once mistakenly put a bottle of red wine in the fridge.
Ugh a pleb – bet it was screw top – yuk …
I once made a cup of tea and put the freshly boiled kettle in the fridge, demented old fart. Although my mum put it on the front step with an empty bottle for the milkman. Milkmen, did they really exist or am I dreaming?
moggie, milkman are making a comeback in some parts of London and delivering milk in glass bottles, too, from an electric float just like the good ol’ days, if you can afford the price now.
As soon as we realised how biased the BBC was many years ago we guessed that they would censor/ban many of their excellent old comedy’s so went on a DVD buying spree. It ain’t half hot mum, yes Minister and yes prime minister to name but two. Friends of ours said why DVDs when you can stream them, I really think the penny dropped when you realise that they can edit and censor so they also went on a buying spree.
R4 advert … laugh out loud moment – Kirsty is doing ‘start the week ‘ with some lefties flogging their books called ‘why multiculturalism is so great ‘ and ‘why the west is crap ‘ I almost spilled my tea on such a flagrant selling of the BBC doctrine …
Meanwhile I bet the invasion is busy today – sink the boats …
Nice easy bias – bbc – our Justin describes the rescue of hostages as being ‘released ‘ … sounding as though they have been ‘released ‘ and not ‘rescued ‘ and freed by their country’s army ….
‘Released ‘….
Our Justin gets the awks gig with the pr client. Meesh off kicking a cat.
BBC runs what the guy who lost the toss has been told to say.
“Is there someting wrong with the Labour party in Rochdale?”
@JustinOnWeb asks Shadow Minister Nick Thomas-Symonds, who tells #R4Today ‘it’s unfair to draw that conclusion’, after by-election candidate Azhar Ali apologises for ‘deeply offensive’ comments about October 7th.
Just in Rochdale?
Don’t worry Ash, the mighty leader of the hypocritical world – the USA has started to “lose patience”
It was just 30K dead for them to start losing patience!
Champion and squad hoping no one notices things are going very badly for the narrative, and an fellow Islamist apologist citing a JezBo ‘report’ guessing the mood of a TNI optics obsessed dementia President’s team will be enough to swerve a war in part initiated by the taking of hostages by her brown eyed boys, still refusing to release those not sacrificed to the propaganda gods.
Make no mistake, the propagandist media which will be in every studio she can, and will be welcomed.
The BBC has its own script with president trump – who – in office – said to countries not paying their fair share on NATO – pay – or don’t expect the US to pick up the tab any more – a wholely fair idea – but not when spun by the BBC …
Mariana Spring in a nutcshell
Mariana is far too wonderful to be a narcissist ….
Neffertiti reborn, maybe
without the hat
I bet Mariana told you that.
And then more
Our Justin interviews someone called ‘shinecock’ ( true ) who was an advisor to billy Clinton – it was about what to do about the ga ga Biden . The msm seems to have collectively decided ‘there is a problem ‘ – but – of course having a man suffering from dementia in the Oval Office is far better than President `trump – who is a demon and no one will vote for .
The big problem for me is that you see the bbc lies – to us and itself – but then calls itself ‘true’ which is a lie in its self …
The DC press pack have had the thumbs up for going after senile Joe (in an approved way) – takes the pressure nicely off Hunter….
“They” (Blinken, Nuland, Sullivan + DNC goons etc.) have a plan in place – that much is obvious.
If you mark your own homework you can never fail!
If you have a good memory
The mail is carrying a story of an attempted acid attack on a bus in Croydon on Sunday night … is this on the bbc ? Or is it d noticed ? 77 brigade – comment ?
BBC front page:
“Could” as usual doing some heavy lifting.
Still nothing on prosecuting the perjuring shits at the Post Office then? no pension grabs or prosecutions for fraud?
Birds of a feather.
I tend to think that the idea water companies sewage leaks pose a great risk is PR BS.. cos there are no dead bodies to show
However the Post Office is different
.. could use proceeds of crime act to seize managers pensions
Dead bodies are returning to The Thames I’ve heard.
The medical costs of treating ear infections in particular at the seaside never get a look-in – I’ve had several episodes over the years attributable to sewage outfalls discovered later.
iz dat-rite Patrick?
Dr Hill
Fairly armless story methinks beejeez
The brainless of it all is gob-smacking. How on earth can injecting yourself with poison give you more protection if you inject it into both arms rather than just into one? Answers on a postcard to Dr. Gates or Dr. Tedros, former Ethiopian Marxist terrorist but now genuinely nice man who really cares about your health.
A football fan has spoken of how he was stabbed eight times by the London Bridge attackers as he attempted to single-handedly fight off all three of them unarmed.
Recalling the events of Saturday night, he said “They had these long knives and started shouting about Allah. Then it was, ‘Islam, Islam, Islam’.
“Like an idiot I shouted back at them. I thought, ‘I need to take the piss out of these bastards’. I took a few steps towards them and said, ‘Fuck you, I’m Millwall’. So they started attacking me.”
He described how the three extremists smashed open the door of the restaurant to gain entry and he later saw them shot dead by police officers when they left the premises.
Not a lot of info in the video .. it’s just a gang running down the street seen through a pub window
All the info is the framing in the tweet words
Surprisingly no extra info was on Twitter
There is a mail article
Moment gang of armed thugs try to invade pub
part and parcel of having this crap
one day after 1200 killed
In front of a memorial service
Pembrokeshire councillors set to debate record 21% tax hike
“Deputy leader Paul Miller said the fact the county has the lowest council tax in Wales means it needs a higher rise”
Alternatively the others are too expensive!
“Paul Miller” – pension and wages go up!
“Israel rescues two hostages in Rafah amid deadly strikes”
Good news.
Where were they held hostage?
Why? By whom? For how long?
Would they have been released had their country persisted?
Rather snookers the legal weasel narrative from Corbyn to the ICJ.
Accents you won’t hear in London anymore:
(Foul language warning
Thanks for posting. That is the most appalling power grab far beyond the Gillick ruling from our corrupt and irresponsible judges.
This is all about the nationalisation of our children.
Who knows what the wicked state would do? Probably convince the children to take a poison and tell them it is ‘safe and effective’.
Willy is back, bringing more woe for the Slava Ukraini crowd.
Got to give him a pass on his speech, he has the double handicap of being Australian and having a brain tumour…
Wellingborough and also Kingsmill? (Whatever ) by-elections this Thursday -prediction
Turn out 30 % or less
Labour wins both
Blue labour lose deposit in at least one
Reform ( if running ) come second
Review on Thursday when Starmer struts around the place trying to do the ‘PM in waiting “ gig and all reds screeching for General Election ….
Meanwhile some sacrificial blue labour minister will be sent out ( gove ?) to say “ it was a bad night for the conservatives – we will listen to the voters -but the economy is turning around ( all lies of course )….
A poll today predicts half the rural blue labour seats will be red next time with notable cabinet ministers gone – including Hunt …
Too late for the blue Labour to do anything about the mess they’ve made by not being conservative …
90% vote for none of above.
There is one being vetted.
Whether the parties will allow .gov to provide a means to serve that 90% is currently in limbo
What is wrong with Rochdale?
Episode 4
I don’t think this is a church, I think it’s Rochdale Town Hall, and Galloway is a convert anyway.
I can’t see how people can complain about this to be be honest. When I pointed out that Netanyahu’s murderous campaign in Gaza would lead to this the majority of voices said it was worth it.
So suck it up you have what you said was worth it !
Take your medication dear.
And the doctor might advise a change of name to avoid confusion
Lucy I can remember what was said and if you go back through the history on the site you will find it accurate.
I warned this would happen, now it is doing, the inevitable consequence of sectarian politics in our country.
@thoughtful do you really believe if the jews would just behave themselves then the muslims in britain are going to stay quiet forever ????
do you really think if we just dont offend them (difficult as they are offended by everything) they will just quietly keep voting for the labour party and everything will be hunky dory ???
That is not what was said all those weeks ago, what was said was in accordance with the majority of people in Israel and other voices in the world that the situation in Gaza could and should have been handled differently.
Netanyahu has seized power in what amounts to a coup d’etat. If he hadn’t done so both he and his wife would be on trial for corruption which they are pretty much certain to be found guilty of.
He has a 3% approval rating in Israel and it is beyond me why anyone on these forums would support a man like that. If this was a Muslim leader the condemnation would be absolute, the fact he is Jewish should not make any difference.
What a dark future the UK has ….
We have no future.
The Future Belongs to Those who Show Up
The writing is on the wall for Biden, now that everyone can see he’s senile – everyone except the BBC, that is.
We, here, have known it for years, but now even the Democrats and their tame mouthpieces in the msm are waking up to the fact.
The question is, who will they replace him with? The useless Newsom who has all but destroyed California, the repulsive (and useless) Kamala, or the awful Michelle who will thereby give Obama his fourth term if one includes the current one.
What a shower. The tragedy of course is that the American electorate might buy it, with the help of the biased media such as the BBC who will be delighted to swing behind any of those candidates, while ceaselessly denigrating Trump.
ah yes – Biden’s demise to be portrayed as ‘orrible deplorables attacking a vulnerable senior citizen then?
HA HA HA …. How good are you at sniffing out something suspicious?
BBC Bitesize is asking you to play detective by presenting three statements about some well-known and well-loved subjects. Two of the statements are true, one is an out and out lie. The thing is, can you find the fib? Start playing below, by clicking on the sentence you believe is untrue.
MM, there is one on there which the BBC claimed is true but is not: Not since 2013 at least. A bit of an Oooooops! moment for the BBC and Stew Green.