In a week where Islam has threatened the politics of Britain we might wonder how the BBC continues to unquestionably support the Islamic way of life ….
“Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.[To Hindu priests complaining to him about the prohibition of Sati religious funeral practice of burning widows alive on her husband’s funeral pyre.]”
― Charles James Napier
“Fantastic scenes from Trafalgar Square as Eid celebrations begin in London and around the world. Sending my warmest wishes to everyone observing—from my family to yours, #EidMubarak.”
I want to post this to enlighten the readers of these columns of the people pulling the strings, of how they prepare for over a week for a gotcha interview with politicians.
I have to say never have I felt so unsettled by someone in an interview, I am convinced this man is a Demon, but see what you think of him – he does after all work for the BBC
Bit rich for someone like this creature yearning for the long form interview – when the likes of him create Maitliss and Robinson and Marr whose prime purpose is to sneer at the unapproved and give ‘friends ‘ an easy time …
… I’m sure he consistently managed the decline in viewer numbers of the programmes he was involved in …. I got to 20 minutes before the off switch came …..
I got the feeling this was 2 lefty mates wasting air …and for him to refer to Brian Walden insults himself for what politics of TV was and the crappy approved only kidult crap it is now ….
It kind of chimes with the advert on the bbc with comrade Simpson telling us with a straight face that the bbc tells the truth and is unbiased …. Which is self defeating – because it is a lie ….
I went back to the interview and carried on from 20 minutes . Since these 2 are ‘pals’ the episode where Johnson refused the Andy Neil interview in the last election was glossed over – in that the hostility of the bbc to Johnson was an obvious reason for ‘ducking ‘ the bbc …..
The creature reeks of self entitled undemocratic swamp power . I guess he now works for some labour outfit and preparing to end any remaining democracy in Britain when the landslide comes …..
I’m constantly surprised – still – that these people see the world they do …. and the revelation that this character has Parkinson’s speaks a lot ….. on top of his arrogance ….. and lies …
maxi, where is that apology you owe me?
And, where did Thoughtful refer to a “Jewish Cabal” on this Thread?
Are you an anti-Semite? It seemed that way from your posts about the Ukrainian Pogroms.
“There is a dirty bomb in New York. It is being moved around to prevent detection. It is actively shielded to prevent authorities being able to use the usual methods to detect where it is… The Orthodox Jews have moved their kids out of the city early to a Summer camp North of New York.”
“there appears to be in America a cabal of corrupt Jewish people intent on enriching themselves and pushing an evil political agenda without regard to the consequences providing they enrich themselves in the process.”
Lucy, maxi is just not up to date just like some others on here. Yes, Stew, I’m thinking of you! And he never posts about the BBC and its shortcomings although they are many.
Yes, I know Thoughtful does post nonsense and even “anti-Jewish conspiracy nonsense” from time to time but when the troll maxi attacks I will leap to Thoughtful’s defence.
“it’s only in the interests of a few corrupt Jews in Washington and Ukraine who are making hundreds if not thousands of millions of Dollars out of its continuation.”
I was balancing between taking all those posts down or leaving a few up to show what the troll is doing and how it is distracting from the real enemy – Islam ….
Maxincony has saved up some what appears anti Semitic comments from one poster and hopes he will be defended by others here . Thus he will portray the whole of this site as Nazi .
And then by extension claim anyone against the BBC is a neo Nazi .
I watched him post them taff – first all the posts then he went down the list and clicked like for each.
Typical troll : tries to swamp a feed to rubbish the whole thing and they are all in response to posts elsewhere which we can’t see to get any context at all. Typical bottom-feeder trick.
The fact a far-left troll is trying to imply it’s us here who are the anti-semetic nazis is so ridiculous, it’s funny and if my estimation of maxi’s personal ethics and scruples was not already at the bottom of the gutter, I would lower it another notch.
Clearly by the usual time of posting he has been on the sauce or snorting something again and just needed to vent his spite.
As has been said in the past, the truth is the truth and cannot anti or phobic or ist.
For comment to be anti Semitic it has to be again ALL Jews, not just pointing out that one or two or a group are up to something bad.
People will frequently have a go at the Masons, does that make them anti White?
Again others will have a go at the Black Panthers or BLM, does that in itself make them anti Black?
No of course it doesn’t, but Maxi appears to be suggesting that it does. These comments as often is the case with the Left so old I can’t even recall them, and they are of course taken as short snippets out of context.
It’s a pretty normal dirty trick of the Left, but I take responsibility and stand by all of them, especially the ones about the corrupt Jews in the Democrat party and Merrick Garland. The proof is there to support all of this.
The troll is deflecting away from the true enemy – Islam – file this comment too – as well as the unhamas propaganda stance the BBC has strengthened – keep going IDF ….
Nibor, I think maxincony is an anti-Semite. I think back to his postings on the Pogroms in Ukraine and his using his chosen commentator to say what I had posted was wrong. Still no apology from him. As you say typical Gramscian.
Of course some of the worst persecution of Jews took place in Communist Russia and that is why not long after the USSR was dismantled and people there were free to travel that large numbers made aliyah from Russia and its previous Soviet states to Israel.
Can I make a formal complaint about this maxincony guy?
I never posted the above caricature of a Jew. I don’t post pictures. I am pro-Jewish and a strong supporter of the state of Israel as any regular reader of my posts on this site will know. Maxincony is absolutely wrong in attributing that antisemitic picture to me.
As for the quote, I may have said it but I would not have been referring to Jews and I would not have been using it as a derogatory term. I regard the human species as made up of three races or subspecies – whites, blacks, and orientals. When I use the term “subspecies”, it is simply descriptive.
I don’t know if maxincony is confusing “subspecies” with “subhuman”. That of course is the term the Nazis used to describe Jews.
The scumbag has even edited that picture himself and put the name of the forum at the bottom !.
I guarantee he’s used that on other forums to discredit this one.
Way to go maxi : you’re one class piece of work.
The irony which is totally lost on this scumbag is that it’s the Left who have exposed their hatred of Jews over Gaza, including the BBC. It’s those on the Right who are defending them.
Zelatek – yes you can – the troll posted something with an image on it which I took down Friday night . I will review what the troll has put up and remove those which do not refer to the bbc .
Troll – I think I’m going to remove any of your ‘comments ‘ which fail my subjective and biased test – I suggest you eff off and celebrate the sort of cancellation your kind celebrate ….
BTW – I don’t think will publish the personal details of trolls here ….
Who is the bad man ?
If someone posted an image so inflammatory on Friday night that Fed had to delete it , they are the bad man
(unless they made a Friday night mistake and didn’t understand the image)
If Maxi takes a quick screenshot that’s his right
If people put anti-Jewish conspiracies .. then it is right that it’s done in the open so people can challenge them.
If Maxi inflames by waving around posts, but omits the context that the post was removed, then that is deception by omission
and he/her is the bad man.
Fair discussion is OK
but if someone turns up throw volleys of mud
yet never answers questions
Then that is not good faith debate.
Yet is does show us that those who support the BBC are not good faith actors.
The pattern of posting tends to suggest the trol is either drunk or drugged when it posts . I am impressed by the amount of ‘research ‘ it does – whether it is one person or another is difficult to determine. Likewise with its’ employment by the BBC – to which I don’t think I have ever seen reference…
Personally I’d take the troll off the site – but as moderator I feel I need to tread more lightly – such as leaving some of its’ comments on the site to function as a reminder ….
The TBI was accused of pursuing a neoliberal agenda and serving as an ideological vehicle for Tony Blair. Tony Blair’s possible pursuit of personal interests, the possible influence of private donors and the cooperation with authoritarian governments such as Rwanda and Saudi Arabia were also criticized.[19] The left wing of the British Labour Party complained about the TBI’s close contacts to party leader Keir Starmer and Tony Blair’s large influence on him. The Guardian described Blair as more powerful in 2023 than during his time as prime minister.[20]
“This is an organisation bankrolled by billionaires, which continues to advise and take money from the murderous Saudi government. What’s worse, its solutions reflect these corporate interests, with Tony Blair laughably claiming that Britain’s economic crisis is a result of too much tax and spend.”
And your point is? As I’ve often said, we pay our politicians very poorly in Britain and people have said that is a good thing and that if someone else is prepared to pay them then that is a good thing regardless of the consequences, well here are some of the consequences so this has to be a good thing ?
Some interesting points to hear Keir Starmer talk of borders …
“(borders) this is something I’ve (Keir Starmer) been talking a
lot about over the last few days very
often people say progressive shouldn’t
talk about border security that we
should say nothing on the issue not
trespass into that area I disagree I
think it’s a progressive issue and you
know the moment a government has lost
control of its borders then its criminal
gangs that run them”
Lee Anderson is getting it in the neck for having the temerity to suggest that Islamists are taking over and SadDick Khan is in thrall to them. Readers sympathetic to this should ask so what? Where now?
What guts me about this is the tactical ineptitude. By over blowing the case without substantiation, he just plays into the hands of the Far Left and more crucially the liberal softies, and the usual suspect activists can easily launch the usual torrent of self-righteous indignation. The BBC will of course side with the latter. Anderson can do so much better with so little extra thought.
For in the news today we’ve also had Shamima Begun, alkali thrower Abdul Azedi, and the knife murder of three children, the youngest was called Mohammed. The other day we heard that the overseer of the Prevent strategy has asserted that the whole thing underplays radical Islam as a threat and overplays the right wing threat, which apparently MI5 is not doing ( surprisingly hard to find via google but not so the leftie response). So a cheer unusually for the Guardian.
If Anderson could just then wait for the Rochdale bi-election, certain to be won on religion-of- peace racist/ religious lines, and then for example reference Tower Hamlets, whose council is run by the pro-Bangla Deshi Aspire party, he could make claims backed by hard examples which have the benefit of being provable and true.. Surely that would have more impact for ordinary people and undecideds and be far harder for the intelligentsia and pro- immigration lefties and the BBC to dismiss out of hand.
The left may be wrong but they are tactically superior. Time to wise up and play them at their own game.
Worse than Lee Anderson Nigel Farage has come out and said he would like to be Starmer’s Ambassador to the USA!
The Reform Party is facing a by-election in Rochdale in less than a week. Somebody should remind him that he is still honorary president of the Reform Party and as such should not be undermining the hard work the candidate and the party members have been putting into it. Farage should shut his self-promoting gob until the by-election is over.
Farage said he may join the Tories, now he is willing to work for Starmer and by that he is suggesting that the election is a foregone conclusion. You never, ever do that while your volunteer workers are out in the streets campaigning. It’s a kick in the guts.
Reform would do well to ease this swollen headed has-been from his position before he eventually turns on them like he did with Ukip.
Perhaps the powers that be in reform are aware of his potential departure? I notice that Ben Habib said last week that Reform was bigger than any one person and the party was here to stay. This was good to hear. It suggests that Habib, a good politician, will not let the party be used as a short term campaign vehicle and that it will allow other capable members to shine and not become a one man band.
Best of luck to Reform in Rochdale this coming Thursday.
“Nigel Farage has offered to work alongside a Labour Government and strengthen a potential relationship between Donald Trump and Keir Starmer.The GB News presenter said he would be “ideal” for the role of Britain’s ambassador to US if both Labour and the Republicans win power this year.”
The BBC have wet their panties over this story and it seems it is pro-Democrat so it’s being shouted from the rooftops.
But actually I don’t care about the story : the BBC is worthless as a news source in my eyes now. I just check these to look at their wording. And look what I found:
‘The all-Republican justices decided that …’
‘Mr Biden said in a post on X, formerly Twitter, that the Alabama decision was only possible because of the 2022 ruling by the US Supreme Court – which has three Trump appointees – to nullify abortion rights.’
Amazing how selective the shameless BBC activists are about telling us when something is politicially biased.
Bloody unbelievable what this shower of absolute sh@t would like us to think poses a threat in this country.
This is a country that has seem MUSLIMS bombing us, knifing us and gang raping our children for years over and over, with many many British dead and mutilated and childrens lives ruined.
and what do OFCOM talk about ???
a far right attack in New Zealand as an prime example of online hate.
This is a country that has seen an outpouring of hate by MUSLIMS against Jews since the Gaza attacks upon Israel, with many jews attacked and in fear of leaving their homes.
and what do OFCOM talk about ?
“anti-Muslim and antisemitic hatred”
NO OFCOM: it is just antisemitic hatred that is the problem.
It is paraded in our steets and outside Parliament and on the streets of London every bloody week. openly displayed, by MUSLIMS.
I didn’t know I even had a Bookface ‘account’, until several spam items appeared in my emails telling me that ‘someone’ had logged into my ‘accounnt’!
Apparently, decent broadcasters – even the Bbbc, now have a ‘Wotsap’ account address or whatever, so presumably they still hanker after the children who spend all day sending tiresome little messages to each other!
How about a new regulatory body to monitor all this stuff!
If the government doesn’t like the post covid death stats, the solution is simple. Change the basis of the stats!
Meanwhile governments in many countries just shy away from the inconvenient truths and refuse to investigate.
Ukrain will give up precisely when the USA tell them to. We’ve already seen the sabotage of attempts to stop the war and we’ve also seen that Ukraine cannot last a few weeks without a constant supply of American weapons.
The pro-Ukraine/anti-Russian propaganda is coming thick and fast at the moment from the BBC. I presume it’s to try and cover up the significance of the Adiivka defeat. It proves beyond doubt that even with all the equipment the West can give them, Ukraine are going to lose. All we are doing is making sure a lot more young men die in the process. Which is precisely what the USA want. Russia must be bled to make it weak. The deaths of the Ukrainians are just collateral damage.
Of course absolutely none of this is included in the BBC report.
Instead we get lines like:
‘The idea of a compromise or concession to Russia is viewed as a defeat. It’s existential.’
What absolute nonsense. Putin views stopping NATO occupying Ukraine as an existential threat to Russia. If the war stopped today, Ukraine would remain exactly as it is now.
And of course – as in every BBC propaganda article – it quickly degenerates into pure empathy with lines like this:
‘In a symptom of the world Ukrainians live in, I now associate playgrounds with death. The last time I saw children play in one was at a school next to my flat in Kyiv, before the invasion.’
I found the BBC author doing some interview with somebody and I’ve noticed many of these reporters are a bit odd in the same way that in retrospect, a lot of teachers I remember were a bit odd. They often pull strange faces while they are talking and their eyes are all over the place. I never realised until I paid attention – but it’s a characteristic of many of the more extreme Lefties. They are just not quite normal and can’t really cope with the real world so they retreat into their own ideolgical version.
When they say ‘record rise in temperature’, they mean since they have been counting. We are rather on the cool side at the moment with ‘record low’ amounts of CO2.
This will be known as the ‘grabbing period’ where vast amounts of money will be paid out to make very little difference until finally the game is up and the funding stops.
So the bbc is getting bored with Gaza then ? …I maybe the way they have helped whip up the anti Israel protests they’ve decided to pull back for a while …have they got any MPs killed yet ?
There won’t be a lot more Ukrainian men dying because there aren’t any left!
My fear is that the corrupt Jews of the Demonrat party who are behind all this will never allow the money flow back into their pockets to cease until they are removed from power.
The other fear is that they will never allow this war to end, and if Russia decides to halt at the Dnipro river then Kyiv will continue lobbing missiles and drones at them until it becomes intolerable and Russia is forced to take the entire country.
Lee Anderson has handed the selective media outrage depts., Naga.. Beff… and their Twitter storm colleagues an easy one by being poor at optics, at the very least.
Some might feel he could have been inserted to take out areas of concern from within when problems arise with the plan.
Russia just got 25,000 men freed up from Adiivka and are now pushing along the entire 600 mile front. Meanwhile that BBC report says:
‘But with minimal Ukrainian progress and growing Russian dominance’ – which is saying there is some progress but not much. Another BBC ‘without giving any evidence’ report.
The bottom line for this is that Russia will not let the war stop because then Ukraine will go straight into the arms of NATO. They will take as much as they can (to the Dnipro river has been my bet from the start) then they will dig in and just keep grinding Ukraine down until a formal agreement for them not to join NATO is reached.
What is more dangerous and quite possible is that the Ukranian army just collapses and Russia start to make big gains. That’s how the cretin in the Whitehouse could start WW3 : we’ve seen what he can do when he puts his mind to it in Afghanistan.
How is Ukraine going to lose? Putin has thrown everything he has at it, and he has not been able to advance beyond the land he took in 2020.
That is not to say Ukraine will “win”, in the sense of expelling Russia from Ukrainian land. That might not be possible. But equally I cannot see Russia making any further major advances. This is not the Russian army which defeated the Germans, not even close.
I turned on the 0700 news. Leeeesss doooset ‘hosting ‘ today because it’s anniversary porn day with Ukraine …. But in thr news – any mention that the medical mafia – so caring – is striking for the 11th time …. ? Who cares their victims were gonna die anyway -right ? Off switch .
It’s alright Fed, Cameron has just said that the UK is giving the Ukraine £250,000,000 to restock their ammunition dumps! Has the magic money tree re-appeared?
That’s about four quid each over here…
I could have used that money to buy some basic comestibles for the family!
Cameron is corrupt and a liar! As Douglas MacGregor pointed out there is no ammunition available to buy as wars around the globe started by the corrupt Demonrats have used them all up.
Hello Scroblene … all .. well ?
Seems to to me once full on hostilities return in the spring Ukraine won’t have the people to use the kit being thrown at them .
I can’t see putin limiting which bits of Ukraine he wants – if I were him I’d want the lot … and I’d be busy preparing for the next target – which is likely to be a reichEU country – which should shake the tree .. he has the time money and resources – and it seems – will to keep going . The woke west has none .
Year Zero (Khmer: ឆ្នាំសូន្យ, Chhnăm Sony [cʰnam soːn]) is an idea put into practice by Pol Pot in Democratic Kampuchea that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and that a new revolutionary culture must replace it starting from scratch. In this sense, all of the history of a nation or a people before Year Zero would be largely deemed irrelevant, because it would ideally be purged and replaced from the ground up.
The new rulers of Cambodia call 1975 “Year Zero”, the dawn of an age in which there will be no families, no sentiment, no expressions of love or grief, no medicines, no hospitals, no schools, no books, no learning, no holidays, no music, no song, no post, no money – only work and death.
John Pilger, Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia (1979)[1]
The first day of “Year Zero” was declared by the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975 upon their takeover of Cambodia in order to signify a rebirth of Cambodian history.[2][better source needed] Adopting the term as an analogy to the “Year One” of the French Revolutionary Calendar,[3][better source needed] Year Zero was effectually an attempt by the Khmer Rouge to erase history and reset Cambodian society, removing any vestiges of the past.
The Cambodian genocide[a] was the systematic persecution and killing of Cambodian citizens[b] by the Khmer Rouge under the leadership of Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot. It resulted in the deaths of 1.5 to 2 million people from 1975 to 1979, nearly a quarter of Cambodia’s population in 1975 (c. 7.8 million).[1][3][4][5]
Thoughtful, yes, definitely worth a watch. Not too long. And the lecturer was good. Who was it? I got Tom (di Lorenzo?) from his name tag and where was it taking place?
Conservative family values versus warped sexual fantasy, with a splash of conspiracy theories edition
Loser backs a loser: UK reaffirms Ukraine support on war anniversary… Rishi Sunak said the UK would do “whatever it takes” for Ukraine to achieve victory (BBC)
And straight to one of those awkward little juxtapositions of close proxity conflicting headlines that give the lie to some of our mainstream messaging…
And here they are, side by side on the cover of this morning’s Telegraph
Health Secretary gives backing to decriminalisation of abortion
Well-wishers tell grateful King: Family is the main thing
Has the mildly conservative editor of the Telegraph suddenly gone boss-eyed? Does he read his frontpage headlines penned by his minions? Does he read Mr AsI’s daily reviews perhaps and is having a bit of a giggle serving up gratefully received funny ironic juxtapositions?
He’s only gone and done it again this morning…
MoD ‘betraying’ Army families with housing provision changes
Britain to spend £250 million on artillery shells for Ukraine
You keep tossing ’em up, sir, and I’ll keep batting ’em for six
Operation Mincemeat – file closed
Abdul Shokoor Ezedi: Body found in Thames confirmed as Clapham suspect… A post-mortem examination carried out on Wednesday confirmed his cause of death was drowning… Met Police Cdr Jon Savell said work had been undertaken to formally identify Ezedi as “quickly as possible” (BBC) – I’ll bet it was! So was it his dental records or was it his DNA? We’re not told.
Just to enlighten the teenagers among us: Operation Mincemeat was a successful British deception operation of the Second World War to disguise the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily… Two members of British intelligence obtained the body of… a tramp who died from eating rat poison, dressed him as an officer of the Royal Marines and placed personal items on him… the plan began by transporting the body to the southern coast of Spain by submarine and releasing it close to shore, where it was picked up the following morning by a Spanish fisherman (Thank you Wiki)
While we’re on the subject of World War Two
Plymouth WW2 bomb found in garden detonated at sea… Earlier on Friday, Lt Col Rob Swan said the bomb would be taken to a depth of at least 14 metres (46 feet) before a diver would place a charge on the bomb to ignite it…Defence Secretary Grant Shapps praised the “bravery and fortitude” of those involved in the “highly complex operation” (BBC)
And in totally and completely unrelated news: Sweden closes probe into explosions on Nord Stream pipelines, saying it doesn’t have jurisdiction… officials said… that they have decided to close their investigation into the September 2022 explosions on the underwater Nord Stream gas pipelines which were built to carry Russian natural gas to Germany. Sweden’s investigation was only one of three into the explosions. Denmark and Germany are also examining the blasts… The source of the sabotage has been a major international mystery. (AP News, 2 weeks ago)
Cost of living crisis
The Sun goes downmarket: I was so broke I went to Lidl to save cash… Mel B – a state of the nation story there, I think you’ll agree. Spice Girl Cool Britannia era star fallen on hard times.
The Ladykillers was a 1955 British black comedy crime film… It starred Alec Guinness, Cecil Parker, Herbert Lom, Peter Sellers, Danny Green, Jack Warner, and Katie Johnson as the old lady
Esther: My joy MPs can bring in right to die law (Daily Express)
Who remembers the family board game Cluedo? Or Clue as they call it in the States? There’s one for the teenagers
Miss Scarlet with the dagger in the common room… she did it… allegedly… and now we learn – allegedly – she was the daughter of Professor Plum
Vile cat killer who went on to murder… Oxford don’s transgender daughter picked victim at random – and was then betrayed by her escort lover who called the police… warped sexual fantasy… Scarlet Blake, 26… who is transgender had a fixation with murder and killed for her ‘sexual gratification’ according to prosecutors (Daily Mail) – juicy tabloid stuff eh? This case of course not given the wall-to-wall cause celeb status in the liberal media afforded to: Teenagers jailed for ‘exceptionally brutal’ murder of Brianna Ghey… Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe were partly motivated by 16-year-old victim’s transgender identity, judge says (Guardian); Life sentences for teenagers who murdered Brianna Ghey… Mrs Justice Yip said Jenkinson was motivated by a “deep desire to kill” while Ratcliffe’s motivation was in part hostility to Brianna’s transgender identity. (BBC)
And as the Daily Express (which tabloid title just happens to rhyme with RNHS) said to Esther Rantzen: Legalise it, we’ll advertise it
Chill out zone… Germany relaxes marijuana law (FT)
If one were actively searching for THE most corporate-crony globalist liberal-minded unconservative wet Tory headline imaginable… here it comes…
Obviously we’re in pink paper territory: Local Conservatives fail to address gender disparity… Some 70 per cent of local Tory parties that have chosen election hopefuls have picked a male (FT)
Shock horror… oh the humanity! And it’s worse than that… because we all know even the poor downtrodden patriarchy-harrassed 30 per cent of female Tory picks are doomed to lose in the upcoming election.
If only there more girl bosses. Then we’d have much improved ethics and behaviour in business and politcs, right?
Well looky here – the FT gifts us yet another awkward juxtaposition that busts the mainstream narrative – to go with their plea for more female Tory MPs…
Husband of ex-BP mergers boss admits insider trading after eavesdropping call… overhearing his wife talking about a deal… (FT) – allegedy… no point in both of them going down on this rap, eh?
At least he’s playing the man: Tyler Loudon admitted to making $1.7mn… faces up to 5 years in prison… no evidence that she knowingly leaked information but nonetheless [her employer] terminated her employment. Loudon’s wife began divorce proccedings last June (FT)
Asiseeit – pity there was no side by side story of Esther championing killing old people ( and others ) with making it easier to kill babies …. And surely the baby killing industry must be worried about job losses – queues of unemployed abortionists ….
And Amazon reporting a 1000% increase in diy abortion kits . Shortages of kits . 9 month delay in delivery …..
And why stop at killing inconvenient unborn babies – why not make it ok upto 12 months from birth …?
Kermit Barron Gosnell (born February 9, 1941) is an American former physician,[3] abortionist, and serial killer. He provided illegal late-term abortions at his clinic in West Philadelphia. Gosnell was convicted of the murders of three infants who were born alive after using drugs to induce labor, the manslaughter of one woman during an abortion procedure, and of several other abortion- and drug-related crimes.[4][5][6][7][8] Staff at Gosnell’s clinic testified that there were hundreds of infants born alive during abortion procedures, and subsequently killed by Gosnell.[9][10][11][12]
As usual the old boy’s a bit late with this, so apologies…
A few weeks ago, the former actor and now political campaigner, Laurence Fox, went to the high court where he was in a spot of bother for calling three people “Paedophiles” We all know what led to this and the outcome, so I won’t go over it again…anyway…
A couple of them were “drag queens”…one of whom is extremely litigious…and because I don’t have two million quid or a billionaire backer…I must make it clear he is certainly NOT A PAEDOPHILE! Honestly, the thought never crossed my mind…
Anyway, one of these creatures is on You Tube and I saw part of his act in front of a bunch of primary age kids. Honest to God, it knocked me sideways.
When I was their age my mum might have taken me to see Punch and Judy or to a Christmas panto, where we would roar with laughter at Widow Twankey and the Ugly Sisters. This geezer, who is certainly NOT A PAEDOPHILE was nothing like those…
He was much more like something from The Rocky Horror Show, decked out in stilettoes and leather and gyrating and twerking, before finishing his act by simulating masturbating a black plastic dildo in front of the kids. Oh, how sweet…what treasured memories they’ll have…
It wasn’t so much that I found this repulsive creature who is definitely NOT A PAEDOPHILE so utterly repellant, it was their parents that really shocked me, particularly their “mothers”. They loved it.
The kids looked bemused, a bit frightened and confused, but the right-on mums were squealing their delight and whooping competitively between themselves as they vied to show who was the most enlightened and progressive. It was the sort of idiotic squealing you hear during Radio 4 comedies. They absolutely sickened me.
I can just imagine my old mum, all those years ago, taking my brother and I to see some performer, who is absolutely NOT A PAEDOPHILE, masturbating a plastic penis in the faces of eight year olds. She wouldn’t have whooped or squealed…but the drag queen would when she stormed up to him and kicked him a hard one in the knackers.
I’m guessing those same women who so enjoyed the drag act would condemn Benny Hill as sexist and the Ugly Sisters as misogynistic stereotypes…but give me them any day…
By the way, just in case I haven’t made this absolutely clear; this drag queen is definitely, absolutely and certainly NOT A PAEDOPHILE! Phew…
And those pathetic, squealing and whooping women certainly aren’t mothers…
Jon Sopel, a former BBC News chief political correspondent who spent eight years as its North America editor, said: “In the US, I witnessed the polarisation of TV, where it was not news to inform but to affirm what people already thought, and I thought that was such a dangerous road to go down …
The original image with the white hand is bylined Getty Images and was used on the BBC news website in 2018 in an article about lowering the voting age in Wales. The altered image with the black hand was used in March last year in a story about Welsh council elections.25 Aug 2023
News management seems to me often very crude . The State is desperately trying to keep a lid on resistance to Islam . It’s very 1930s really – and it just puts off the time when the situation must be resolved . I can’t see that happening in the near future .
Islam will continue to subvert the red Labour Party but I wonder if a time will come when a group of -say 30 or 40 Muslim MPs break away to ‘represent their people’ a bit like the SNP ….at least the enemy will be clearer for the blind to see …
Sad, but can’t help but feel Don’t Be That Guy’s tweet image is unfortunate in light of Khan’s latest media swallowed lunacy.
Ten years of Russia’s war against Ukraine. Two years of intense horror.
My thoughts today are with Ukrainian people who are fighting tyranny & evil on behalf of all Europe. They must not stand alone. Freedom must prevail!
#SlavaUkraini 🇪🇺🇺🇦
Think every ULEZ donation from London’s Remain ‘Mare will come with an EU key fob
Facing down a T-14 in a ‘92 Jag might be iffy.
My thoughts are with the amount of our tax money that has been thrown down the Ukrainian hole … but at least Russian military kit will be better at the end …
The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with US Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance,[3] prohibited Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, “except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.” As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.[4][5]
According to the BBC, we’ve had the Covids ‘crisis’, with tactics out of a futuristic kids’ comic! We’re having the Gaza ‘crisis’ with tactics out of all sorts of politicians and ‘interested’ parties! We’re NOT in the middle of an Islamic ‘crisis’, with our country soon to become a maelstrom of illegal, fanatical thugs waving knives at everyone…
Does the team think that we are due yet another ‘crisis’ to complete the set?
Answers on a BBC TV tax reminder please…
(I’m putting my meagre Saturday Shilling on an International Banking ‘crisis’, and that will run and run as the Central Banks’ debts roll up higher and higher…)
“If you tell Google that you would like to see images of ‘Black men’ the images that come up are all portrait photos of black men. Indeed, it takes more than a dozen rows of images before anybody who isn’t black comes up in the images. By contrast a search for ‘White men’ first throws up an image of David Beckham – who is white – but then the second is of a black model. From there every line of five images has either one or two black men in the line-up. Many of the images of white men are of people convicted of crimes with taglines such as ‘Beware of the average white man’ and ‘White men are bad’.”
― Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
It’s remarkable how sensitive the detection of ‘far right’ ideology has become that it is now anonymous ‘likes’ and retweets that triggers the monitors’ panic about a fourth Reich, whereas the fact of the offending news broadcaster’s PAINFUL inclusion of cross-spectrum perspectives counts for nought. It’s a desperate smear machine, and shame on you for indulging it.
Recall that once the entire msm went mental… well more…. because a division of outrage researchers has uncovered that a building a meeting was to be held in by a non approved party was once designated by the Wehrmacht as an HQ as the invasion of Britain, which failed to transpire, unfolded.
Proof of guilt by association is a BBC favourite, the more obscure the better, as is being selective on who targeted.
Do you notice how popular the term ‘shame on you “ has become ? I guess it’s a relative of ‘who is to blame ‘ and ‘I want an apology ‘…. … just observation…
The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants.
2023 … 2023!!! From rapes from 1997 and 2013 … 2023 ….
Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar was a ringleader of a gang in Rotherham that sexually exploited and abused young girls between 1997 and 2013, a court had heard
The 42-year-old was one of six men who were jailed after a trial in 2018 heard one girl had been sexually abused by “at least 100 Asian men” – of British Pakistani heritage – by the time she was 16, while another described being passed around.
Rishi applies Russian Sanctions – his father in laws country gets richer – what’s not to like – UK gets poorer and has to borrow more money to keep the lights on.
Lord Cameron’s deal with China to send investment is working!
“The International Energy Agency says Russia is still exporting 8.3 million barrels of oil a day – having increased supplies to India and China.”
I watched the latest Clarkson / May / Hammond episode on Amazon Prime last night. More jolly japes but one thing made me laugh out loud…
At the end, on the beach, news comes through that there were riots in Dakkar. Clarkson takes his phone and says he is going to look at the BBC News page. He flicks through several pages saying “climate change, climate change, climate change, flooding, climate change, climate change … I’ll look somewhere else”.
14 October 2022, received £276,130 from the Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers (CIAB), 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 750 Washington DC, 20004-2608 US, for a speaking engagement. £276,130 £276,130 £276,130 £276,130 £276,130
The arrival of former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made Kyiv feel slightly 2022, but this is a different war now.
The former leader has arrived along with the current prime ministers of Italy, Canada and Belgium, as well as President of the European Commission Ursula Von De Leyen.
Conservative mayoral candidate Susan Hall called the rebranding “stuff of nonsense”, adding that Mr Khan has “so many serious issues he needs to get to grip with”.
“The Central line is falling apart,” she said. “I’m surprised he didn’t call one of them the ‘Sadiq line’.
Oh dear – a bbc favourite girl has hit the glass ceiling – one Paula vennels is no longer a CBE – Charles Windsor has taken it away … maybe wimmins hour will do a 5 part series about nasty men – or is that every day ……
… the victims of vennels and others will not be getting the compensation they deserve – I bet a lot will still be way out of pocket …. Fujitsu and the post office should be picking up the tab – those prosecuted and convicted? Compensation starting at a million ? Prison time .. a lot more ….
.. but that story has gone now – the msm has other toys ….
Welby worked for eleven years in the oil industry, five of them for the French oil company Elf Aquitaine based in Paris. In 1984 he became treasurer of the oil exploration group Enterprise Oil plc in London, where he was mainly concerned with West African and North Sea oil projects. He retired from his executive position in 1989 and said that he sensed a calling from God to be ordained.[24]
Yes, he’s a corporate creature, an administrator at best, no true spirituality at all. And woke as F.
I believe the useless Welby supported the useless Vennells in her bid to become Bishop of London, thereby showing his utter lack of judgment.
No wonder the C of E is dying.
And guess which religion is waiting in the wings to take its place?
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
NET ZERO = YEAR YEAR = “The new rulers of Cambodia call 1975 “Year Zero”, the dawn of an age in which there will be no families, no sentiment, no expressions of love or grief, no medicines, no hospitals, no schools, no books, no learning, no holidays, no music, no song, no post, no money – only work and death.“
Further to Lee Anderson’s remarks about Islamicist takeovers, let’s glance at today’s Times.
Page 1 A leading pro-Palestinian activist told protesters he wanted ‘parliament to have to lock its doors’.
Page 2 three women who displayed terrorist images were given conditional discharges by a judge who ‘liked’ a ‘free Palestine’ social media post
Page 3 Saudi Arabia pays for awards from Guinness World Records to improve its reputation
Page 8, whole page story, George Galloway, Rochdale’s front runner, is…….tapping into Muslim anger.
Page 11 Shamima Begun has lost her legal appeal. Her legal team are ‘not going to stop fighting until she gets justice’.
It appears Mr Anderson was on to something……..
If only the spineless Tories would latch on instead of trying to appease a group who will never vote for them anyway.
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
Saudi Arabia pays Guinness World Records in ‘new whitewashing’ ruse – and is awarded records for stunningly boring achievements including ‘largest multi-effect distillation desalination unit’ and ‘largest dental hospital’
PUBLISHED: 12:19, 24 February 2024 | UPDATED: 12:26, 24 February 2024
Before 2019, it was given 54 awards, but this number flew to 160 after this period. Last year alone, it managed it set 56 niche records, such as ‘Largest intellectual property lesson’.
Largest house cleaning lesson: 2,030
Largest gathering of people with type 1 diabetes: 752
Largest reverse osmosis water desalination plant: 600,000 cubic metres
Largest paint store: 1,682 sq metres
Lowest twinning rate: 4.9 twins per 1,000 deliveries
Most text messages received in one hour: 19,469
Most supplements inserted into broadsheet newspapers in one minute: Ten
Largest intellectual property lesson: 758
Largest multi-effect distillation water desalination plant: 3 million cubic metres
Smallest floating golf green: 1 sq metre
Smallest number of CHURCHES in the World (i added that one)
I wonder how long it will be before the neoliberal establishment, worried about the reaction of ordinary Brits to the Speakers cowardice/ prudence re the threat of Islamic terror, alight upon the idea of staging a bit of far right terror ,false flag of course, to balance stuff out and distract?
I know that some think that Joe Cox’s murder might have been such a false flag operation . I don’t know the truth about that.
Two questions that I have for the government are, A. if you are scared to death about your safety , what about the ordinary people who have no protection at all and B. why on earth are you still importing so many of the very people who you are scared off?
When in a hole stop digging?
Of course the answer to the second question is that the governing class are too frightened of the Islamic backlash to even consider stopping Muslim immigration .
On December 30, 2022, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed into law a bill that would expand the power of government to regulate media outlets and journalists in the country, over the objections of journalists and international press freedom groups.
2007 …. “…and it shouldn’t have been our high commissioner (UKs) called in by the Pakistani Government to be lectured, we should have pulled in the envoy of Pakistan here and said ‘Stop that right now (protesting by blowing things up), or do without the aid we give you (Pakistan) …'”
– Christopher Hitchens had a point in 2007
A former head of a Ukrainian regional military recruitment office has been caught with $1 million USD in shoe boxes (footage of the raid):
2024 …
“The UK has signed a new deal with the EU’s border agency to work more closely together to stop small boats crossing the English Channel.
The agreement with Frontex is intended to lead to more sharing of information and expertise.”
Scotland urged to use cruise ship to house asylum seekers
5 days ago
Home Secretary James Cleverly has urged the Scottish government to use a cruise ship and other large sites to accommodate more asylum seekers.
2022 …
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
An undercover reporter was told it would cost up to £2,800 per person to reach the UK. Migrants were also filmed using a free bus service to get to French beaches.
From Labour to Conservative to Reform then to the Islamic Party of Britain with George Galloway!
George removed this from his Wiki Party Entry – ha ah ha ha haha ha ha
So Lee Anderson has had the whip withdrawn for his comments about the mayor of London being controlled by Islamists. He may well have it restored if he issues a fulsome apology and in doing so denies the truth that he has spoken..
The current situation is reminiscent of Enoch Powell being thrown out of the Tory party after his Rivers of Blood speech and we can all see how right he was about that. If only we had followed his wise advice over 50 years ago.
The evidence that we are being taken over by Islam and are too frightened to fight back is now overwhelming . Only complete idiots or liars can deny it.
I note that in the Telegraph they have featured a lot of articles in the past few month saying that we have a severe problem with Islamists . This was something which they were much less vocal about until recently, so there has been a change in editorial policy for some reason and they edging closer to the truth.The likely purchase of the DT by Arabs may have something to do with this telling the semi truth. However , they are very careful to paint Islamists as the villains of the piece not Muslims in general. Hopefully they will get to the full truth in due course !
I noted on GB News that when Lee Anderson was saying this the GBN political correspondent Christopher Hope , was pulling faces , anxious to be seen by his liberal bien pensant friends as dissociating himself from Anderson’s remarks. Farage once took Hope to meet real people in a pub and Hope seemed scared to death by them. It might have been the first time this Westminster bubble dweller has ever met real voters outside of his dinner party circuit friends.
Announcing the decision in a written parliamentary statement, Rudd instead published a 430-word summary of the report, including that some extreme Islamist groups receive hundreds of thousands of pounds a year in funding, mainly from UK-based individual donors.
INteresting … “What a Middle Eastern owner does for a newspaper
The Independent’s Arabic version has set alarm bells ringing over the prospect of a UAE-owned Telegraph”
No doubt Anderson will be accused of some breach of parliamentary rule or other – supported by an Islam friendly lefty speaker – and if plod can find some ‘hate crime ‘ they will – and have the case listed by a Muslim civil servant to fix a Muslim bench ….
BTW – I notice Bob Stewart won his appeal against being fitted up with another political crime – public order crap – but the cost – I’m sure – is very high …
…. We are declining almost by the day … but keep going IDF …. You have to destroy UNhamas …wherever they may be ….
We have sold the Nations soul for two wrong Yuans ….
“But Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary, said this did not go far enough, and the public “has a right to know if any governments, foreign or domestic organisations or individuals are funding extremism in this country”.” 2017
“Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent” 2022
Some were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, while others were threatened with guns, made to watch “brutally violent rapes” and warned they would be next if they told anyone.
Fourthly, we continue to help the people of Yemen by delivering humanitarian aid and supporting a negotiated peace. The UK has committed £88 million in humanitarian support this year, feeding 100,000 Yemenis every month, with aid arriving through the very sea routes that, ironically, the Houthis are targeting.
“With the cost-of-living crisis having been making an impact on families across the country, an Arla report has now revealed that four million children MAY go to school with an empty stomach in the UK, something it says puts them at a disadvantage in learning and achieving their goals.1 Nov 2023″
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume….
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
tomoMar 13, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025
Aaaaaaaagh ! Top of the pile…. yessss!
Theresa May say we should NEVER seek competitive edge!
When you reach my age all rules and expectancies go out of the window ! I make my own up 🙂
Winning 24/7!
Paaah! When you get to MY age, I’m always asleep by the fire when Fed starts his posts!
The empty Scotch glass by my side has nothing to do with it…
Congratulations Brissels, you deserve it.
C’mon Debs, and Lucy get up here…
“Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.[To Hindu priests complaining to him about the prohibition of Sati religious funeral practice of burning widows alive on her husband’s funeral pyre.]”
― Charles James Napier
“Fantastic scenes from Trafalgar Square as Eid celebrations begin in London and around the world. Sending my warmest wishes to everyone observing—from my family to yours, #EidMubarak.”
Burning widows or Sutti was a Hindu, not a Muslim practice.
We have other people’s cultures projected over the UK’s culture – which will win?
One needs a plug and the other one, a foundation…………
‘ If the referendum result goes wrong ‘
Nick Robinson to Lord Tebbit on the BBC Radio 4 .
I want to post this to enlighten the readers of these columns of the people pulling the strings, of how they prepare for over a week for a gotcha interview with politicians.
I have to say never have I felt so unsettled by someone in an interview, I am convinced this man is a Demon, but see what you think of him – he does after all work for the BBC
Bit rich for someone like this creature yearning for the long form interview – when the likes of him create Maitliss and Robinson and Marr whose prime purpose is to sneer at the unapproved and give ‘friends ‘ an easy time …
… I’m sure he consistently managed the decline in viewer numbers of the programmes he was involved in …. I got to 20 minutes before the off switch came …..
I got the feeling this was 2 lefty mates wasting air …and for him to refer to Brian Walden insults himself for what politics of TV was and the crappy approved only kidult crap it is now ….
And were you as unsettled as I was Fed? I’ve watched lots of interviews and I’ve never felt this unease I did while watching him.
It kind of chimes with the advert on the bbc with comrade Simpson telling us with a straight face that the bbc tells the truth and is unbiased …. Which is self defeating – because it is a lie ….
I went back to the interview and carried on from 20 minutes . Since these 2 are ‘pals’ the episode where Johnson refused the Andy Neil interview in the last election was glossed over – in that the hostility of the bbc to Johnson was an obvious reason for ‘ducking ‘ the bbc …..
The creature reeks of self entitled undemocratic swamp power . I guess he now works for some labour outfit and preparing to end any remaining democracy in Britain when the landslide comes …..
I’m constantly surprised – still – that these people see the world they do …. and the revelation that this character has Parkinson’s speaks a lot ….. on top of his arrogance ….. and lies …
“the Jewish Cabal in NY is making sure that only certain individuals get ahead”
maxi, where is that apology you owe me?
And, where did Thoughtful refer to a “Jewish Cabal” on this Thread?
Are you an anti-Semite? It seemed that way from your posts about the Ukrainian Pogroms.
“There is a dirty bomb in New York. It is being moved around to prevent detection. It is actively shielded to prevent authorities being able to use the usual methods to detect where it is… The Orthodox Jews have moved their kids out of the city early to a Summer camp North of New York.”
“Merrick Garland is yet another wealthy corrupt Jew”
maxi, where did Thoughtful say that on this thread?
“there appears to be in America a cabal of corrupt Jewish people intent on enriching themselves and pushing an evil political agenda without regard to the consequences providing they enrich themselves in the process.”
maxi, where did Thoughtful say that on this Thread?
It wasn’t on this thread but the last one. I notice it. She posts anti-Jewish conspiracy nonsense sometimes. There is no point in denying it.
Lucy, maxi is just not up to date just like some others on here. Yes, Stew, I’m thinking of you! And he never posts about the BBC and its shortcomings although they are many.
Yes, I know Thoughtful does post nonsense and even “anti-Jewish conspiracy nonsense” from time to time but when the troll maxi attacks I will leap to Thoughtful’s defence.
“it’s only in the interests of a few corrupt Jews in Washington and Ukraine who are making hundreds if not thousands of millions of Dollars out of its continuation.”
Hopefully there is only one commentator on this forum who is proud of what the ‘Team marxi’ people detailed in this museum did:
I was balancing between taking all those posts down or leaving a few up to show what the troll is doing and how it is distracting from the real enemy – Islam ….
maxi, where did Thoughtful state that on this Thread?
Deleted – moderator –
What’s rattled you cage this weekend? You have a lot of posts this evening .
Still getting you telly tax free?
Taffman ,
Maxincony has saved up some what appears anti Semitic comments from one poster and hopes he will be defended by others here . Thus he will portray the whole of this site as Nazi .
And then by extension claim anyone against the BBC is a neo Nazi .
Typical Gramscian .
IMHO he has been ‘up ticking’ his own posts.
I watched him post them taff – first all the posts then he went down the list and clicked like for each.
Typical troll : tries to swamp a feed to rubbish the whole thing and they are all in response to posts elsewhere which we can’t see to get any context at all. Typical bottom-feeder trick.
The fact a far-left troll is trying to imply it’s us here who are the anti-semetic nazis is so ridiculous, it’s funny and if my estimation of maxi’s personal ethics and scruples was not already at the bottom of the gutter, I would lower it another notch.
Clearly by the usual time of posting he has been on the sauce or snorting something again and just needed to vent his spite.
As has been said in the past, the truth is the truth and cannot anti or phobic or ist.
For comment to be anti Semitic it has to be again ALL Jews, not just pointing out that one or two or a group are up to something bad.
People will frequently have a go at the Masons, does that make them anti White?
Again others will have a go at the Black Panthers or BLM, does that in itself make them anti Black?
No of course it doesn’t, but Maxi appears to be suggesting that it does. These comments as often is the case with the Left so old I can’t even recall them, and they are of course taken as short snippets out of context.
It’s a pretty normal dirty trick of the Left, but I take responsibility and stand by all of them, especially the ones about the corrupt Jews in the Democrat party and Merrick Garland. The proof is there to support all of this.
The troll is deflecting away from the true enemy – Islam – file this comment too – as well as the unhamas propaganda stance the BBC has strengthened – keep going IDF ….
Nibor, I think maxincony is an anti-Semite. I think back to his postings on the Pogroms in Ukraine and his using his chosen commentator to say what I had posted was wrong. Still no apology from him. As you say typical Gramscian.
Of course some of the worst persecution of Jews took place in Communist Russia and that is why not long after the USSR was dismantled and people there were free to travel that large numbers made aliyah from Russia and its previous Soviet states to Israel.
Can I make a formal complaint about this maxincony guy?
I never posted the above caricature of a Jew. I don’t post pictures. I am pro-Jewish and a strong supporter of the state of Israel as any regular reader of my posts on this site will know. Maxincony is absolutely wrong in attributing that antisemitic picture to me.
As for the quote, I may have said it but I would not have been referring to Jews and I would not have been using it as a derogatory term. I regard the human species as made up of three races or subspecies – whites, blacks, and orientals. When I use the term “subspecies”, it is simply descriptive.
I don’t know if maxincony is confusing “subspecies” with “subhuman”. That of course is the term the Nazis used to describe Jews.
The scumbag has even edited that picture himself and put the name of the forum at the bottom !.
I guarantee he’s used that on other forums to discredit this one.
Way to go maxi : you’re one class piece of work.
The irony which is totally lost on this scumbag is that it’s the Left who have exposed their hatred of Jews over Gaza, including the BBC. It’s those on the Right who are defending them.
I second that, why he has been allowed on here for so long with no comments regarding the bbc and just ad hominem attacks is beyond me
time to go M
Zelatek – yes you can – the troll posted something with an image on it which I took down Friday night . I will review what the troll has put up and remove those which do not refer to the bbc .
Troll – I think I’m going to remove any of your ‘comments ‘ which fail my subjective and biased test – I suggest you eff off and celebrate the sort of cancellation your kind celebrate ….
BTW – I don’t think will publish the personal details of trolls here ….
Who is the bad man ?
If someone posted an image so inflammatory on Friday night that Fed had to delete it , they are the bad man
(unless they made a Friday night mistake and didn’t understand the image)
If Maxi takes a quick screenshot that’s his right
If people put anti-Jewish conspiracies .. then it is right that it’s done in the open so people can challenge them.
If Maxi inflames by waving around posts, but omits the context that the post was removed, then that is deception by omission
and he/her is the bad man.
Fair discussion is OK
but if someone turns up throw volleys of mud
yet never answers questions
Then that is not good faith debate.
Yet is does show us that those who support the BBC are not good faith actors.
maxi, are you drunk?
But I’d rather have a bottle in front of me,
Than have to have a frontal lobotomy.
I might be drunk, but at least I’m not insane.
maxi only posts very late at night after the pubs have shut and he is forced to go home.
The pattern of posting tends to suggest the trol is either drunk or drugged when it posts . I am impressed by the amount of ‘research ‘ it does – whether it is one person or another is difficult to determine. Likewise with its’ employment by the BBC – to which I don’t think I have ever seen reference…
Personally I’d take the troll off the site – but as moderator I feel I need to tread more lightly – such as leaving some of its’ comments on the site to function as a reminder ….
Fed, if I recall correctly the troll a.k.a. maxincony has a job in theatreland hence my post above yours.
The TBI was accused of pursuing a neoliberal agenda and serving as an ideological vehicle for Tony Blair. Tony Blair’s possible pursuit of personal interests, the possible influence of private donors and the cooperation with authoritarian governments such as Rwanda and Saudi Arabia were also criticized.[19] The left wing of the British Labour Party complained about the TBI’s close contacts to party leader Keir Starmer and Tony Blair’s large influence on him. The Guardian described Blair as more powerful in 2023 than during his time as prime minister.[20]
With more than 800 staff in 40 countries, the former PM is arguably more powerful than he was in No 10
“This is an organisation bankrolled by billionaires, which continues to advise and take money from the murderous Saudi government. What’s worse, its solutions reflect these corporate interests, with Tony Blair laughably claiming that Britain’s economic crisis is a result of too much tax and spend.”
Keir Starmer
And your point is? As I’ve often said, we pay our politicians very poorly in Britain and people have said that is a good thing and that if someone else is prepared to pay them then that is a good thing regardless of the consequences, well here are some of the consequences so this has to be a good thing ?
Some interesting points to hear Keir Starmer talk of borders …
“(borders) this is something I’ve (Keir Starmer) been talking a
lot about over the last few days very
often people say progressive shouldn’t
talk about border security that we
should say nothing on the issue not
trespass into that area I disagree I
think it’s a progressive issue and you
know the moment a government has lost
control of its borders then its criminal
gangs that run them”
We keep having this conversation.
So now you’re saying if we pay them a huge amount they will be virtuous?
What is the full sum [ wages + expenses + anything else ] we should pay them ?
Suppose we could pay Diane Abbott 10 million and see if she improves?
To those of us who grew up with Popeye on the tele, is it just me that sees a resemblance between Popeye’s arch enemy Bluto and James Cleverley ?
Lee Anderson is getting it in the neck for having the temerity to suggest that Islamists are taking over and SadDick Khan is in thrall to them. Readers sympathetic to this should ask so what? Where now?
What guts me about this is the tactical ineptitude. By over blowing the case without substantiation, he just plays into the hands of the Far Left and more crucially the liberal softies, and the usual suspect activists can easily launch the usual torrent of self-righteous indignation. The BBC will of course side with the latter. Anderson can do so much better with so little extra thought.
For in the news today we’ve also had Shamima Begun, alkali thrower Abdul Azedi, and the knife murder of three children, the youngest was called Mohammed. The other day we heard that the overseer of the Prevent strategy has asserted that the whole thing underplays radical Islam as a threat and overplays the right wing threat, which apparently MI5 is not doing ( surprisingly hard to find via google but not so the leftie response). So a cheer unusually for the Guardian.
If Anderson could just then wait for the Rochdale bi-election, certain to be won on religion-of- peace racist/ religious lines, and then for example reference Tower Hamlets, whose council is run by the pro-Bangla Deshi Aspire party, he could make claims backed by hard examples which have the benefit of being provable and true.. Surely that would have more impact for ordinary people and undecideds and be far harder for the intelligentsia and pro- immigration lefties and the BBC to dismiss out of hand.
The left may be wrong but they are tactically superior. Time to wise up and play them at their own game.
Worse than Lee Anderson Nigel Farage has come out and said he would like to be Starmer’s Ambassador to the USA!
The Reform Party is facing a by-election in Rochdale in less than a week. Somebody should remind him that he is still honorary president of the Reform Party and as such should not be undermining the hard work the candidate and the party members have been putting into it. Farage should shut his self-promoting gob until the by-election is over.
Farage said he may join the Tories, now he is willing to work for Starmer and by that he is suggesting that the election is a foregone conclusion. You never, ever do that while your volunteer workers are out in the streets campaigning. It’s a kick in the guts.
Reform would do well to ease this swollen headed has-been from his position before he eventually turns on them like he did with Ukip.
Perhaps the powers that be in reform are aware of his potential departure? I notice that Ben Habib said last week that Reform was bigger than any one person and the party was here to stay. This was good to hear. It suggests that Habib, a good politician, will not let the party be used as a short term campaign vehicle and that it will allow other capable members to shine and not become a one man band.
Best of luck to Reform in Rochdale this coming Thursday.
“Nigel Farage has offered to work alongside a Labour Government and strengthen a potential relationship between Donald Trump and Keir Starmer.The GB News presenter said he would be “ideal” for the role of Britain’s ambassador to US if both Labour and the Republicans win power this year.”
Alabama IVF ruling a political gift for Democrats, headache for Republicans
The BBC have wet their panties over this story and it seems it is pro-Democrat so it’s being shouted from the rooftops.
But actually I don’t care about the story : the BBC is worthless as a news source in my eyes now. I just check these to look at their wording. And look what I found:
‘The all-Republican justices decided that …’
‘Mr Biden said in a post on X, formerly Twitter, that the Alabama decision was only possible because of the 2022 ruling by the US Supreme Court – which has three Trump appointees – to nullify abortion rights.’
Amazing how selective the shameless BBC activists are about telling us when something is politicially biased.
More viewers leave the BBC in droves. Enjoy!
GW posted a link on the last thread about OFCOM and online hate:
Bloody unbelievable what this shower of absolute sh@t would like us to think poses a threat in this country.
This is a country that has seem MUSLIMS bombing us, knifing us and gang raping our children for years over and over, with many many British dead and mutilated and childrens lives ruined.
and what do OFCOM talk about ???
a far right attack in New Zealand as an prime example of online hate.
This is a country that has seen an outpouring of hate by MUSLIMS against Jews since the Gaza attacks upon Israel, with many jews attacked and in fear of leaving their homes.
and what do OFCOM talk about ?
“anti-Muslim and antisemitic hatred”
NO OFCOM: it is just antisemitic hatred that is the problem.
It is paraded in our steets and outside Parliament and on the streets of London every bloody week. openly displayed, by MUSLIMS.
Jews are attacked every week, by MUSLIMS.
You can bet that if anybody from OFCOM gets murdered by a Muslim, it’ll turn out he was a far right Muslim.
I suspect that – just like facebook – 99.99% of all of these stories are completely fake.
I doubt FB has a monopoly on made-up shit – these days it pervades everything.
I didn’t know I even had a Bookface ‘account’, until several spam items appeared in my emails telling me that ‘someone’ had logged into my ‘accounnt’!
Apparently, decent broadcasters – even the Bbbc, now have a ‘Wotsap’ account address or whatever, so presumably they still hanker after the children who spend all day sending tiresome little messages to each other!
How about a new regulatory body to monitor all this stuff!
We could call it ‘Off-Face…’
Most days I get an email telling me an account I don’t have has been accessed. They brighten up my existence.
Get Marianna onto it
If the government doesn’t like the post covid death stats, the solution is simple. Change the basis of the stats!
Meanwhile governments in many countries just shy away from the inconvenient truths and refuse to investigate.
Two years into Russia’s invasion, exhausted Ukrainians refuse to give up
Ukrain will give up precisely when the USA tell them to. We’ve already seen the sabotage of attempts to stop the war and we’ve also seen that Ukraine cannot last a few weeks without a constant supply of American weapons.
The pro-Ukraine/anti-Russian propaganda is coming thick and fast at the moment from the BBC. I presume it’s to try and cover up the significance of the Adiivka defeat. It proves beyond doubt that even with all the equipment the West can give them, Ukraine are going to lose. All we are doing is making sure a lot more young men die in the process. Which is precisely what the USA want. Russia must be bled to make it weak. The deaths of the Ukrainians are just collateral damage.
Of course absolutely none of this is included in the BBC report.
Instead we get lines like:
‘The idea of a compromise or concession to Russia is viewed as a defeat. It’s existential.’
What absolute nonsense. Putin views stopping NATO occupying Ukraine as an existential threat to Russia. If the war stopped today, Ukraine would remain exactly as it is now.
And of course – as in every BBC propaganda article – it quickly degenerates into pure empathy with lines like this:
‘In a symptom of the world Ukrainians live in, I now associate playgrounds with death. The last time I saw children play in one was at a school next to my flat in Kyiv, before the invasion.’
I found the BBC author doing some interview with somebody and I’ve noticed many of these reporters are a bit odd in the same way that in retrospect, a lot of teachers I remember were a bit odd. They often pull strange faces while they are talking and their eyes are all over the place. I never realised until I paid attention – but it’s a characteristic of many of the more extreme Lefties. They are just not quite normal and can’t really cope with the real world so they retreat into their own ideolgical version.
Good morning all. Here in the deep South of Merrie England the temperature is – 1.5C with frost adorning everything. Global boiling – MY ARSE!!
Lefty – sorry but has it got something to do with it being winter ….? There’s an ice age coming … again ….
When they say ‘record rise in temperature’, they mean since they have been counting. We are rather on the cool side at the moment with ‘record low’ amounts of CO2.
This will be known as the ‘grabbing period’ where vast amounts of money will be paid out to make very little difference until finally the game is up and the funding stops.
So the bbc is getting bored with Gaza then ? …I maybe the way they have helped whip up the anti Israel protests they’ve decided to pull back for a while …have they got any MPs killed yet ?
There won’t be a lot more Ukrainian men dying because there aren’t any left!
My fear is that the corrupt Jews of the Demonrat party who are behind all this will never allow the money flow back into their pockets to cease until they are removed from power.
The other fear is that they will never allow this war to end, and if Russia decides to halt at the Dnipro river then Kyiv will continue lobbing missiles and drones at them until it becomes intolerable and Russia is forced to take the entire country.
Lee Anderson has handed the selective media outrage depts., Naga.. Beff… and their Twitter storm colleagues an easy one by being poor at optics, at the very least.
Some might feel he could have been inserted to take out areas of concern from within when problems arise with the plan.
But hey, just a theory.
Timing is all.
It’s not just what you say, but who gets stirred up by you saying it.
Just Sadiq being Sadiq.
Mehdi Hasan now wears suits and moves around the US TNI networks.
A cult following indeed.
Reminds me of how thoroughly the msm ‘investigated’ XR founders’ aims and ambitions.
Russia just got 25,000 men freed up from Adiivka and are now pushing along the entire 600 mile front. Meanwhile that BBC report says:
‘But with minimal Ukrainian progress and growing Russian dominance’ – which is saying there is some progress but not much. Another BBC ‘without giving any evidence’ report.
The bottom line for this is that Russia will not let the war stop because then Ukraine will go straight into the arms of NATO. They will take as much as they can (to the Dnipro river has been my bet from the start) then they will dig in and just keep grinding Ukraine down until a formal agreement for them not to join NATO is reached.
What is more dangerous and quite possible is that the Ukranian army just collapses and Russia start to make big gains. That’s how the cretin in the Whitehouse could start WW3 : we’ve seen what he can do when he puts his mind to it in Afghanistan.
How is Ukraine going to lose? Putin has thrown everything he has at it, and he has not been able to advance beyond the land he took in 2020.
That is not to say Ukraine will “win”, in the sense of expelling Russia from Ukrainian land. That might not be possible. But equally I cannot see Russia making any further major advances. This is not the Russian army which defeated the Germans, not even close.
I turned on the 0700 news. Leeeesss doooset ‘hosting ‘ today because it’s anniversary porn day with Ukraine …. But in thr news – any mention that the medical mafia – so caring – is striking for the 11th time …. ? Who cares their victims were gonna die anyway -right ? Off switch .
It’s alright Fed, Cameron has just said that the UK is giving the Ukraine £250,000,000 to restock their ammunition dumps! Has the magic money tree re-appeared?
That’s about four quid each over here…
I could have used that money to buy some basic comestibles for the family!
Cameron is corrupt and a liar! As Douglas MacGregor pointed out there is no ammunition available to buy as wars around the globe started by the corrupt Demonrats have used them all up.
Hello Scroblene … all .. well ?
Seems to to me once full on hostilities return in the spring Ukraine won’t have the people to use the kit being thrown at them .
I can’t see putin limiting which bits of Ukraine he wants – if I were him I’d want the lot … and I’d be busy preparing for the next target – which is likely to be a reichEU country – which should shake the tree .. he has the time money and resources – and it seems – will to keep going . The woke west has none .
Thanks for asking Fed…
Quiet but listening, so as Chief Nurse – I really do have to listen…
Worth a watch
Year Zero (Khmer: ឆ្នាំសូន្យ, Chhnăm Sony [cʰnam soːn]) is an idea put into practice by Pol Pot in Democratic Kampuchea that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and that a new revolutionary culture must replace it starting from scratch. In this sense, all of the history of a nation or a people before Year Zero would be largely deemed irrelevant, because it would ideally be purged and replaced from the ground up.
The new rulers of Cambodia call 1975 “Year Zero”, the dawn of an age in which there will be no families, no sentiment, no expressions of love or grief, no medicines, no hospitals, no schools, no books, no learning, no holidays, no music, no song, no post, no money – only work and death.
John Pilger, Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia (1979)[1]
The first day of “Year Zero” was declared by the Khmer Rouge on 17 April 1975 upon their takeover of Cambodia in order to signify a rebirth of Cambodian history.[2][better source needed] Adopting the term as an analogy to the “Year One” of the French Revolutionary Calendar,[3][better source needed] Year Zero was effectually an attempt by the Khmer Rouge to erase history and reset Cambodian society, removing any vestiges of the past.
The Cambodian genocide[a] was the systematic persecution and killing of Cambodian citizens[b] by the Khmer Rouge under the leadership of Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot. It resulted in the deaths of 1.5 to 2 million people from 1975 to 1979, nearly a quarter of Cambodia’s population in 1975 (c. 7.8 million).[1][3][4][5]
Thoughtful, yes, definitely worth a watch. Not too long. And the lecturer was good. Who was it? I got Tom (di Lorenzo?) from his name tag and where was it taking place?
Conservative family values versus warped sexual fantasy, with a splash of conspiracy theories edition
Loser backs a loser: UK reaffirms Ukraine support on war anniversary… Rishi Sunak said the UK would do “whatever it takes” for Ukraine to achieve victory (BBC)
And straight to one of those awkward little juxtapositions of close proxity conflicting headlines that give the lie to some of our mainstream messaging…
And here they are, side by side on the cover of this morning’s Telegraph
Health Secretary gives backing to decriminalisation of abortion
Well-wishers tell grateful King: Family is the main thing
Has the mildly conservative editor of the Telegraph suddenly gone boss-eyed? Does he read his frontpage headlines penned by his minions? Does he read Mr AsI’s daily reviews perhaps and is having a bit of a giggle serving up gratefully received funny ironic juxtapositions?
He’s only gone and done it again this morning…
MoD ‘betraying’ Army families with housing provision changes
Britain to spend £250 million on artillery shells for Ukraine
You keep tossing ’em up, sir, and I’ll keep batting ’em for six
Operation Mincemeat – file closed
Abdul Shokoor Ezedi: Body found in Thames confirmed as Clapham suspect… A post-mortem examination carried out on Wednesday confirmed his cause of death was drowning… Met Police Cdr Jon Savell said work had been undertaken to formally identify Ezedi as “quickly as possible” (BBC) – I’ll bet it was! So was it his dental records or was it his DNA? We’re not told.
Just to enlighten the teenagers among us: Operation Mincemeat was a successful British deception operation of the Second World War to disguise the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily… Two members of British intelligence obtained the body of… a tramp who died from eating rat poison, dressed him as an officer of the Royal Marines and placed personal items on him… the plan began by transporting the body to the southern coast of Spain by submarine and releasing it close to shore, where it was picked up the following morning by a Spanish fisherman (Thank you Wiki)
While we’re on the subject of World War Two
Plymouth WW2 bomb found in garden detonated at sea… Earlier on Friday, Lt Col Rob Swan said the bomb would be taken to a depth of at least 14 metres (46 feet) before a diver would place a charge on the bomb to ignite it…Defence Secretary Grant Shapps praised the “bravery and fortitude” of those involved in the “highly complex operation” (BBC)
And in totally and completely unrelated news: Sweden closes probe into explosions on Nord Stream pipelines, saying it doesn’t have jurisdiction… officials said… that they have decided to close their investigation into the September 2022 explosions on the underwater Nord Stream gas pipelines which were built to carry Russian natural gas to Germany. Sweden’s investigation was only one of three into the explosions. Denmark and Germany are also examining the blasts… The source of the sabotage has been a major international mystery. (AP News, 2 weeks ago)
Cost of living crisis
The Sun goes downmarket: I was so broke I went to Lidl to save cash… Mel B – a state of the nation story there, I think you’ll agree. Spice Girl Cool Britannia era star fallen on hard times.
The Ladykillers was a 1955 British black comedy crime film… It starred Alec Guinness, Cecil Parker, Herbert Lom, Peter Sellers, Danny Green, Jack Warner, and Katie Johnson as the old lady
Esther: My joy MPs can bring in right to die law (Daily Express)
Who remembers the family board game Cluedo? Or Clue as they call it in the States? There’s one for the teenagers
Miss Scarlet with the dagger in the common room… she did it… allegedly… and now we learn – allegedly – she was the daughter of Professor Plum
Vile cat killer who went on to murder… Oxford don’s transgender daughter picked victim at random – and was then betrayed by her escort lover who called the police… warped sexual fantasy… Scarlet Blake, 26… who is transgender had a fixation with murder and killed for her ‘sexual gratification’ according to prosecutors (Daily Mail) – juicy tabloid stuff eh? This case of course not given the wall-to-wall cause celeb status in the liberal media afforded to: Teenagers jailed for ‘exceptionally brutal’ murder of Brianna Ghey… Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe were partly motivated by 16-year-old victim’s transgender identity, judge says (Guardian); Life sentences for teenagers who murdered Brianna Ghey… Mrs Justice Yip said Jenkinson was motivated by a “deep desire to kill” while Ratcliffe’s motivation was in part hostility to Brianna’s transgender identity. (BBC)
And as the Daily Express (which tabloid title just happens to rhyme with RNHS) said to Esther Rantzen: Legalise it, we’ll advertise it
Chill out zone… Germany relaxes marijuana law (FT)
If one were actively searching for THE most corporate-crony globalist liberal-minded unconservative wet Tory headline imaginable… here it comes…
Obviously we’re in pink paper territory: Local Conservatives fail to address gender disparity… Some 70 per cent of local Tory parties that have chosen election hopefuls have picked a male (FT)
Shock horror… oh the humanity! And it’s worse than that… because we all know even the poor downtrodden patriarchy-harrassed 30 per cent of female Tory picks are doomed to lose in the upcoming election.
If only there more girl bosses. Then we’d have much improved ethics and behaviour in business and politcs, right?
Well looky here – the FT gifts us yet another awkward juxtaposition that busts the mainstream narrative – to go with their plea for more female Tory MPs…
Husband of ex-BP mergers boss admits insider trading after eavesdropping call… overhearing his wife talking about a deal… (FT) – allegedy… no point in both of them going down on this rap, eh?
At least he’s playing the man: Tyler Loudon admitted to making $1.7mn… faces up to 5 years in prison… no evidence that she knowingly leaked information but nonetheless [her employer] terminated her employment. Loudon’s wife began divorce proccedings last June (FT)
Well, we came in with losers
And on that bum note, we’re out of here.
Asiseeit – pity there was no side by side story of Esther championing killing old people ( and others ) with making it easier to kill babies …. And surely the baby killing industry must be worried about job losses – queues of unemployed abortionists ….
And Amazon reporting a 1000% increase in diy abortion kits . Shortages of kits . 9 month delay in delivery …..
And why stop at killing inconvenient unborn babies – why not make it ok upto 12 months from birth …?
Why not indeed. Why not make it up to 90yrs of age………….
Kermit Barron Gosnell (born February 9, 1941) is an American former physician,[3] abortionist, and serial killer. He provided illegal late-term abortions at his clinic in West Philadelphia. Gosnell was convicted of the murders of three infants who were born alive after using drugs to induce labor, the manslaughter of one woman during an abortion procedure, and of several other abortion- and drug-related crimes.[4][5][6][7][8] Staff at Gosnell’s clinic testified that there were hundreds of infants born alive during abortion procedures, and subsequently killed by Gosnell.[9][10][11][12]
It was also claimed that he charged $1,600–$3,000 for each late-term abortion, and had made $10,000-$15,000 per day from the clinic.[38][39]
AISI, the Goon Show version is really quite good, you know*: ‘The Man Who Never Was’ (Same title as the book about Operation Mincemeat).
* Augghhh! Am starting to sound like Wallace Greenslade.
As usual the old boy’s a bit late with this, so apologies…
A few weeks ago, the former actor and now political campaigner, Laurence Fox, went to the high court where he was in a spot of bother for calling three people “Paedophiles” We all know what led to this and the outcome, so I won’t go over it again…anyway…
A couple of them were “drag queens”…one of whom is extremely litigious…and because I don’t have two million quid or a billionaire backer…I must make it clear he is certainly NOT A PAEDOPHILE! Honestly, the thought never crossed my mind…
Anyway, one of these creatures is on You Tube and I saw part of his act in front of a bunch of primary age kids. Honest to God, it knocked me sideways.
When I was their age my mum might have taken me to see Punch and Judy or to a Christmas panto, where we would roar with laughter at Widow Twankey and the Ugly Sisters. This geezer, who is certainly NOT A PAEDOPHILE was nothing like those…
He was much more like something from The Rocky Horror Show, decked out in stilettoes and leather and gyrating and twerking, before finishing his act by simulating masturbating a black plastic dildo in front of the kids. Oh, how sweet…what treasured memories they’ll have…
It wasn’t so much that I found this repulsive creature who is definitely NOT A PAEDOPHILE so utterly repellant, it was their parents that really shocked me, particularly their “mothers”. They loved it.
The kids looked bemused, a bit frightened and confused, but the right-on mums were squealing their delight and whooping competitively between themselves as they vied to show who was the most enlightened and progressive. It was the sort of idiotic squealing you hear during Radio 4 comedies. They absolutely sickened me.
I can just imagine my old mum, all those years ago, taking my brother and I to see some performer, who is absolutely NOT A PAEDOPHILE, masturbating a plastic penis in the faces of eight year olds. She wouldn’t have whooped or squealed…but the drag queen would when she stormed up to him and kicked him a hard one in the knackers.
I’m guessing those same women who so enjoyed the drag act would condemn Benny Hill as sexist and the Ugly Sisters as misogynistic stereotypes…but give me them any day…
By the way, just in case I haven’t made this absolutely clear; this drag queen is definitely, absolutely and certainly NOT A PAEDOPHILE! Phew…
And those pathetic, squealing and whooping women certainly aren’t mothers…
Hey Sopel, who is the little fascist doing smear instead of if fair debate ?
School bully gang behaviour.
#BiasedBBC #HateyLefties being hatey
Hatey Carol Vorderman too
A certain one above who allegedly libelled one who police are taking no further action against and was not even charged
is likely to get the rubber tits sued off her
Jon Sopel, a former BBC News chief political correspondent who spent eight years as its North America editor, said: “In the US, I witnessed the polarisation of TV, where it was not news to inform but to affirm what people already thought, and I thought that was such a dangerous road to go down …
The original image with the white hand is bylined Getty Images and was used on the BBC news website in 2018 in an article about lowering the voting age in Wales. The altered image with the black hand was used in March last year in a story about Welsh council elections.25 Aug 2023
News management seems to me often very crude . The State is desperately trying to keep a lid on resistance to Islam . It’s very 1930s really – and it just puts off the time when the situation must be resolved . I can’t see that happening in the near future .
Islam will continue to subvert the red Labour Party but I wonder if a time will come when a group of -say 30 or 40 Muslim MPs break away to ‘represent their people’ a bit like the SNP ….at least the enemy will be clearer for the blind to see …
Sad, but can’t help but feel Don’t Be That Guy’s tweet image is unfortunate in light of Khan’s latest media swallowed lunacy.
Ten years of Russia’s war against Ukraine. Two years of intense horror.
My thoughts today are with Ukrainian people who are fighting tyranny & evil on behalf of all Europe. They must not stand alone. Freedom must prevail!
#SlavaUkraini 🇪🇺🇺🇦
Think every ULEZ donation from London’s Remain ‘Mare will come with an EU key fob
Facing down a T-14 in a ‘92 Jag might be iffy.
My thoughts are with the amount of our tax money that has been thrown down the Ukrainian hole … but at least Russian military kit will be better at the end …
The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with US Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance,[3] prohibited Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, “except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.” As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.[4][5]
Send rockets to Ukraine to end CO2 climate boiling change!
According to the BBC, we’ve had the Covids ‘crisis’, with tactics out of a futuristic kids’ comic! We’re having the Gaza ‘crisis’ with tactics out of all sorts of politicians and ‘interested’ parties! We’re NOT in the middle of an Islamic ‘crisis’, with our country soon to become a maelstrom of illegal, fanatical thugs waving knives at everyone…
Does the team think that we are due yet another ‘crisis’ to complete the set?
Answers on a BBC TV tax reminder please…
(I’m putting my meagre Saturday Shilling on an International Banking ‘crisis’, and that will run and run as the Central Banks’ debts roll up higher and higher…)
Google Gemini AI. Laugh or cry.
Advert for some thing at 3 minutes up to 4 minutes – off switch
Just skip through it, it takes seconds.
“If you tell Google that you would like to see images of ‘Black men’ the images that come up are all portrait photos of black men. Indeed, it takes more than a dozen rows of images before anybody who isn’t black comes up in the images. By contrast a search for ‘White men’ first throws up an image of David Beckham – who is white – but then the second is of a black model. From there every line of five images has either one or two black men in the line-up. Many of the images of white men are of people convicted of crimes with taglines such as ‘Beware of the average white man’ and ‘White men are bad’.”
― Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
It’s remarkable how sensitive the detection of ‘far right’ ideology has become that it is now anonymous ‘likes’ and retweets that triggers the monitors’ panic about a fourth Reich, whereas the fact of the offending news broadcaster’s PAINFUL inclusion of cross-spectrum perspectives counts for nought. It’s a desperate smear machine, and shame on you for indulging it.
Recall that once the entire msm went mental… well more…. because a division of outrage researchers has uncovered that a building a meeting was to be held in by a non approved party was once designated by the Wehrmacht as an HQ as the invasion of Britain, which failed to transpire, unfolded.
Proof of guilt by association is a BBC favourite, the more obscure the better, as is being selective on who targeted.
Do you notice how popular the term ‘shame on you “ has become ? I guess it’s a relative of ‘who is to blame ‘ and ‘I want an apology ‘…. … just observation…
Used by those supporting murderers, gang rapists and baby killers, cognitive dissonance at its finest
I think plod was taken over by Islam / third world long ago … rapid decline …
The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants.
Don’t forget about sixty-six and ninety-nine 🙂
2023 … 2023!!! From rapes from 1997 and 2013 … 2023 ….
Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar was a ringleader of a gang in Rotherham that sexually exploited and abused young girls between 1997 and 2013, a court had heard
The 42-year-old was one of six men who were jailed after a trial in 2018 heard one girl had been sexually abused by “at least 100 Asian men” – of British Pakistani heritage – by the time she was 16, while another described being passed around.
650 MPs we are scared – one girl raped 100 times!
“It’s important to be aware of the potential impact of our actions, especially when they involve sensitive topics like race and ethnicity.”
…. real world ….
Amazon book – “Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race: The #1 Sunday Times Bestseller Paperback – 8 Mar. 2018″
” Fellow white people: It’s our responsibility as to read this book “
Rishi applies Russian Sanctions – his father in laws country gets richer – what’s not to like – UK gets poorer and has to borrow more money to keep the lights on.
Lord Cameron’s deal with China to send investment is working!
“The International Energy Agency says Russia is still exporting 8.3 million barrels of oil a day – having increased supplies to India and China.”
Cameron family fortune made in tax havens
This article is more than 11 years old
Revealed: David Cameron’s father built up legal offshore funds in Panama and Geneva
I watched the latest Clarkson / May / Hammond episode on Amazon Prime last night. More jolly japes but one thing made me laugh out loud…
At the end, on the beach, news comes through that there were riots in Dakkar. Clarkson takes his phone and says he is going to look at the BBC News page. He flicks through several pages saying “climate change, climate change, climate change, flooding, climate change, climate change … I’ll look somewhere else”.
14 October 2022, received £276,130 from the Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers (CIAB), 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 750 Washington DC, 20004-2608 US, for a speaking engagement. £276,130 £276,130 £276,130 £276,130 £276,130
The arrival of former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made Kyiv feel slightly 2022, but this is a different war now.
The former leader has arrived along with the current prime ministers of Italy, Canada and Belgium, as well as President of the European Commission Ursula Von De Leyen.
That doesn’t pay for a four million pound Cotswolds manor house! It probably doesn’t even pay the alimoney he has to pay for all his abandoned kids!
Conservative mayoral candidate Susan Hall called the rebranding “stuff of nonsense”, adding that Mr Khan has “so many serious issues he needs to get to grip with”.
“The Central line is falling apart,” she said. “I’m surprised he didn’t call one of them the ‘Sadiq line’.
Love this one …
Oh dear – a bbc favourite girl has hit the glass ceiling – one Paula vennels is no longer a CBE – Charles Windsor has taken it away … maybe wimmins hour will do a 5 part series about nasty men – or is that every day ……
… the victims of vennels and others will not be getting the compensation they deserve – I bet a lot will still be way out of pocket …. Fujitsu and the post office should be picking up the tab – those prosecuted and convicted? Compensation starting at a million ? Prison time .. a lot more ….
.. but that story has gone now – the msm has other toys ….
NEW TV SCANDAL – TOO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM …. forget the last one –
“ITV blood scandal drama needs to be shown faithfully – victim”
17 hours ago
She is also an Anglican priest.
Welby worked for eleven years in the oil industry, five of them for the French oil company Elf Aquitaine based in Paris. In 1984 he became treasurer of the oil exploration group Enterprise Oil plc in London, where he was mainly concerned with West African and North Sea oil projects. He retired from his executive position in 1989 and said that he sensed a calling from God to be ordained.[24]
Yes, he’s a corporate creature, an administrator at best, no true spirituality at all. And woke as F.
I believe the useless Welby supported the useless Vennells in her bid to become Bishop of London, thereby showing his utter lack of judgment.
No wonder the C of E is dying.
And guess which religion is waiting in the wings to take its place?
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
NET ZERO = YEAR YEAR = “The new rulers of Cambodia call 1975 “Year Zero”, the dawn of an age in which there will be no families, no sentiment, no expressions of love or grief, no medicines, no hospitals, no schools, no books, no learning, no holidays, no music, no song, no post, no money – only work and death.“
Should be a black cat! Trans DOG!
Khun’t should be sacked immediately – and preferably imprisoned.
And Mark Rowley too, of course, who’s no better than his predecessor, Hapless Dickless as I affectionately call her.
I think the word you were looking for is shot.
Even better.
Further to Lee Anderson’s remarks about Islamicist takeovers, let’s glance at today’s Times.
Page 1 A leading pro-Palestinian activist told protesters he wanted ‘parliament to have to lock its doors’.
Page 2 three women who displayed terrorist images were given conditional discharges by a judge who ‘liked’ a ‘free Palestine’ social media post
Page 3 Saudi Arabia pays for awards from Guinness World Records to improve its reputation
Page 8, whole page story, George Galloway, Rochdale’s front runner, is…….tapping into Muslim anger.
Page 11 Shamima Begun has lost her legal appeal. Her legal team are ‘not going to stop fighting until she gets justice’.
It appears Mr Anderson was on to something……..
If only the spineless Tories would latch on instead of trying to appease a group who will never vote for them anyway.
2018 …. 2018!!!!
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
Saudi Arabia pays Guinness World Records in ‘new whitewashing’ ruse – and is awarded records for stunningly boring achievements including ‘largest multi-effect distillation desalination unit’ and ‘largest dental hospital’
PUBLISHED: 12:19, 24 February 2024 | UPDATED: 12:26, 24 February 2024
Before 2019, it was given 54 awards, but this number flew to 160 after this period. Last year alone, it managed it set 56 niche records, such as ‘Largest intellectual property lesson’.
Largest house cleaning lesson: 2,030
Largest gathering of people with type 1 diabetes: 752
Largest reverse osmosis water desalination plant: 600,000 cubic metres
Largest paint store: 1,682 sq metres
Lowest twinning rate: 4.9 twins per 1,000 deliveries
Most text messages received in one hour: 19,469
Most supplements inserted into broadsheet newspapers in one minute: Ten
Largest intellectual property lesson: 758
Largest multi-effect distillation water desalination plant: 3 million cubic metres
Smallest floating golf green: 1 sq metre
Smallest number of CHURCHES in the World (i added that one)
I wonder how long it will be before the neoliberal establishment, worried about the reaction of ordinary Brits to the Speakers cowardice/ prudence re the threat of Islamic terror, alight upon the idea of staging a bit of far right terror ,false flag of course, to balance stuff out and distract?
I know that some think that Joe Cox’s murder might have been such a false flag operation . I don’t know the truth about that.
Two questions that I have for the government are, A. if you are scared to death about your safety , what about the ordinary people who have no protection at all and B. why on earth are you still importing so many of the very people who you are scared off?
When in a hole stop digging?
Of course the answer to the second question is that the governing class are too frightened of the Islamic backlash to even consider stopping Muslim immigration .
“But Mr Khan criticised Rishi Sunak and his Cabinet for what he called a “deafening silence”.”
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Let this man explain all about why Islam is better …
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sadiq Khan says Saudi Arabia’s silence on the new NO JEW GO ZONES is deafening !
Khant (some pronunciations deemed offensive)
Sadiq Khan fired for Misgendering Uncle Toms!
Keir Starmer – Uncle Toms can have a cervix to!
They always say very different things when they’re among their own than when in hearing range of whitie.
It’s called Taqiyya. or lying for islam.
Rishi to send more …. “A former head of a Ukrainian regional military recruitment office has been caught with $1 million USD in shoe boxes”
……………… more news ………………..
The suspect received USD 5 thousand from a person liable for military service for declaring him unfit for military service for health reasons and removing him from the military register. The man was then able to leave the country without any obstacles.
….. more good news for Rishi ……………..
On December 30, 2022, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed into law a bill that would expand the power of government to regulate media outlets and journalists in the country, over the objections of journalists and international press freedom groups.
2007 …. “…and it shouldn’t have been our high commissioner (UKs) called in by the Pakistani Government to be lectured, we should have pulled in the envoy of Pakistan here and said ‘Stop that right now (protesting by blowing things up), or do without the aid we give you (Pakistan) …'”
– Christopher Hitchens had a point in 2007
Point of order- that’s a pop up toaster box.👍
FFS ….
2024 …
“The UK has signed a new deal with the EU’s border agency to work more closely together to stop small boats crossing the English Channel.
The agreement with Frontex is intended to lead to more sharing of information and expertise.”
Scotland urged to use cruise ship to house asylum seekers
5 days ago
Home Secretary James Cleverly has urged the Scottish government to use a cruise ship and other large sites to accommodate more asylum seekers.
2022 …
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
An undercover reporter was told it would cost up to £2,800 per person to reach the UK. Migrants were also filmed using a free bus service to get to French beaches.
2018 …. UK to pay extra £44.5m for Calais security in Anglo-French deal
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak: My Plan to Stop the Boats
Blue labour suspends lee Anderson from the crap party – I take it he will now be a Reform MP and vote against every sunak lefty law ….
From Labour to Conservative to Reform then to the Islamic Party of Britain with George Galloway!
George removed this from his Wiki Party Entry – ha ah ha ha haha ha ha
The WPB advocates for a planned economy and is supportive of China, Cuba and the former Soviet Union. It is also a vocal supporter of Palestine.
The Neo Liberal Establishment Exerts it’s Power
So Lee Anderson has had the whip withdrawn for his comments about the mayor of London being controlled by Islamists. He may well have it restored if he issues a fulsome apology and in doing so denies the truth that he has spoken..
The current situation is reminiscent of Enoch Powell being thrown out of the Tory party after his Rivers of Blood speech and we can all see how right he was about that. If only we had followed his wise advice over 50 years ago.
The evidence that we are being taken over by Islam and are too frightened to fight back is now overwhelming . Only complete idiots or liars can deny it.
I note that in the Telegraph they have featured a lot of articles in the past few month saying that we have a severe problem with Islamists . This was something which they were much less vocal about until recently, so there has been a change in editorial policy for some reason and they edging closer to the truth.The likely purchase of the DT by Arabs may have something to do with this telling the semi truth. However , they are very careful to paint Islamists as the villains of the piece not Muslims in general. Hopefully they will get to the full truth in due course !
I noted on GB News that when Lee Anderson was saying this the GBN political correspondent Christopher Hope , was pulling faces , anxious to be seen by his liberal bien pensant friends as dissociating himself from Anderson’s remarks. Farage once took Hope to meet real people in a pub and Hope seemed scared to death by them. It might have been the first time this Westminster bubble dweller has ever met real voters outside of his dinner party circuit friends.
How Saudi Arabia bought the world
From magazine issue:
17 June 2023
Rudd’s refusal to publish full report into extremist funding ‘unacceptable’
Opposition parties criticise ‘security-led’ decision to release only summary, saying mention of Saudi Arabia is being buried
Announcing the decision in a written parliamentary statement, Rudd instead published a 430-word summary of the report, including that some extreme Islamist groups receive hundreds of thousands of pounds a year in funding, mainly from UK-based individual donors.
‘Sensitive’ UK terror funding inquiry may never be published
Investigation into foreign funding and support of jihadi groups operating in UK understood to focus on Saudi Arabia
To be clear the potential purchase by Arabs is very unwelcome by Telegraph staff so they trying to resist it.
INteresting … “What a Middle Eastern owner does for a newspaper
The Independent’s Arabic version has set alarm bells ringing over the prospect of a UAE-owned Telegraph”
No doubt Anderson will be accused of some breach of parliamentary rule or other – supported by an Islam friendly lefty speaker – and if plod can find some ‘hate crime ‘ they will – and have the case listed by a Muslim civil servant to fix a Muslim bench ….
BTW – I notice Bob Stewart won his appeal against being fitted up with another political crime – public order crap – but the cost – I’m sure – is very high …
…. We are declining almost by the day … but keep going IDF …. You have to destroy UNhamas …wherever they may be ….
We have sold the Nations soul for two wrong Yuans ….
“But Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary, said this did not go far enough, and the public “has a right to know if any governments, foreign or domestic organisations or individuals are funding extremism in this country”.” 2017
“Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent” 2022
“These comments pour fuel on the fire of anti-Muslim hatred,” Mr Khan said.
Some were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, while others were threatened with guns, made to watch “brutally violent rapes” and warned they would be next if they told anyone.
Fourthly, we continue to help the people of Yemen by delivering humanitarian aid and supporting a negotiated peace. The UK has committed £88 million in humanitarian support this year, feeding 100,000 Yemenis every month, with aid arriving through the very sea routes that, ironically, the Houthis are targeting.
“With the cost-of-living crisis having been making an impact on families across the country, an Arla report has now revealed that four million children MAY go to school with an empty stomach in the UK, something it says puts them at a disadvantage in learning and achieving their goals.1 Nov 2023″