Thanks to the BBC: we now live in a weird world of so called ‘rights’ that never existed before the TV license. This morning I listened to Julia Hartley-Brewer (Talk Radio) on a report the a couple want too have a family on the NHS and require IVF. The problem quickly became apparent when they declared they were both ‘trans’ and unable to have children due to lack of basic equipment. No doubt the BBC will be busy formulating this as a right to have children, and the NHS should provide the plumbing, breasts, Womb and sundry other bits and pieces.
I also received a newsletter this morning on another ‘delicate’ subject on the same subject of TRANS problem the BBC are so vocal on.. A far better writer than I, wrote:
“‘TRANSWOMEN’: MILKING IT FOR ALL IT’S WORTH, by Frank Haviland. “It’s funny how times change. I can remember when Michael Jackson was black, Des O’Connor was white, and a man pretending to be a woman was the subject of comedy rather than a test of one’s bona fides. Cast-iron certainties have become somewhat corroded in the age of wokeness, and few remnants now survive from the past 200,000 years of collective human wisdom. Nonetheless, one thing I definitely didn’t have on my 2024 Bingo card was the denial that mothers might be slightly better equipped to breastfeed than fathers.”
I do despair that the NHS has to do the ‘impossible’ and make a a ‘man into a woman’ and then perform a miracle that nature – a birth- that would normally ensure the end of the species (due to stupidity and basic awareness), NHS forced to creating a ‘test tube’ baby from two false parents, totally ill equipped for the basic needs of a baby or the means to feed it biologically.
BBC will be all over it, as soon as they get the copy off tomorrows Guardian newspaper. Will explain why its possible, safe and affordable on the NHS.
As an afterthought, the BBC also admitted it had ‘sponsored’ the discredited ‘TAVISTOCK’ a NHS funded clinic which involved persuading children to use ‘chest-binders’ for girls who thought they should be boys. Leading to damage of the breast and deformity, requiring ‘surgery’ (breast removal) which they will later regret, when they cannot feed a baby.
The World ‘favorite’ trusted broadcaster: (In their Own Words). They think.
Also on the site European Conservative other links to the BBC narrative and good reasons why the BBC should never be trusted.
Do you remember the fuss on MSM about a woman having a womb transplant on the NHS.? There were an enormous number in the theatre team and it was hailed as marvellous because the woman wanted to have her own baby. Of course adoption might have been possible or if she must surrogacy. But no, she has a right, and at whatever the cost, the NHS must pamper to her rights. But let’s take it a stage further. If a womb can be implanted into a person who was a born a woman, could it lead to implantation into someone who was born a man and wants to identify as a woman? No wonder the BBC and Global News thought it a marvellous story.
In an essay about America Alone, Christopher Hitchens wrote that “Mark Steyn believes that demography is destiny, and he makes an immensely convincing case,” then detailed many points at which he disagreed with Steyn. Hitchens believed Steyn erred by “considering European Muslim populations as one.
A woman was JAILED for calling out to Anna Soubry on two occasions, yet the on the hour news keeps showing cameras trailing Lee Anderson outside parliament or outside his house
.. That does look like harassment.
Punishments for Lee Anderson for the crime of Islamophobia (The fear of violent Muslims, anti-Semites and Terrorists) is execution carried out by beheading with a sword, or can be performed by shooting or firing squad.
Yes, no doubt more lard arses wobbling along the fat blue line.
I have no need to call the police anymore, I just pop along to the local services next to the A1(M), groups of them can be found sitting next to MacDonalds and KFC most days and evenings.
I strongly suspect, although cannot prove it, that the frequent blue lights racing past the house are trafficking takeaways to the deskbound staff back in the station.
I also suspect there was a mini crime wave around the area when the A1(M) services opened the new German Kebab outlet.
It is reported that Dudley Council is set to spend more than £2m on eight four-bedroom homes to rent out as council houses.
The semi-detached homes, which have electric car charging points and heat pumps, were advertised for sale as ‘a stunning development of luxury homes’ with prices ranging from £305,000 to £315,000.
The authority offered them for rent on its website between January 25 and January 29 for £155.10 per week.
Dudley’s cabinet member for housing and communities said ‘we currently have urgent need for new family homes to ensure those families who are homeless or residing in temporary accommodation are housed as soon as possible.’
Homeless families requiring four-bedroomed houses with charging points and heat pumps?
Which families are these? As if we cannot guess . . .
The whole issue with the Lee Anderson thing proves for me at least that the UK media is massively biased to the Left.
Anderson makes a point that Khan is under the control of Islamists. There is no arguement even from the muppets on the Left that there is such a thing as Islamists, and yet instead of investigating whether the assertion has any validity, the media immediately moves to protect their boy Khan by use of the meaningless political bully words such as ‘Islamophbia’.
There might well be a very dangeerous situation developing in London, but we will never know about it because the media are too busy distracting instead of concentrating on whether what was said was true.
Not sure how true this is, well the info came from the BBC – but Lee Anderson is paid £100,000 per annum from GB News. Not bad (if correct) for an hour a week and the odd few minutes commentary on other occasions. So how much do the likes of regular contributors Matthew Stadler, Kelvin MCKenzie, Michael Coles et al get for their repeat appearances.
That is largely true , but it’s crazy to think that magician Paul Daniels just turned up and worked for an hour
He’d have to lots of research and practice
Something similar for Anderson
there’s researching the show, promoting the show etc.
From 2 November 2022 until 15 February 2023, a Presenter on GB News. I received £200 a week for each episode. Hours: 1 hr per week. (Registered 28 November 2022; updated 27 February 2023)
From 1 March 2023 until further notice, Presenter/Contributor on GB News. I receive £100,000 per annum, paid monthly. Hours: 8 hrs per week.
That works out as about £2K/week for 8 hours
ie £250/hour
How much Lee Anderson earns from his appearances on GB News doesn’t bother me too much. Nor how much the other presenters get…
However, I am concerned at the mega wage packets the likes of Gary Lineker and Graham Norton get, primarily because you and I have to pay for them.
At one time Lineker was on something like £1.75 million a year and Norton wasn’t too far behind him. Blimey, that’s not a bad old screw for waffling about football for an hour and a half every Saturday evening. As Yosser Hughes used to say, “I can do that; Gissa job”.
These people are pampered, overpaid propagandist parasites…
ITV local news started by being completely obsessed by Lee Anderson
ITV Asian political anchor Charanpreet Khaira “The cabinet is meeting in school at the train factory and Sunak wanted to talk about new rail plans, but it was all overshadowed by the Lee Anderson controversy”
tosh media people are the ones that made it about Anderson
We had her barracking Sunaq about Anderson
then for balance she then went to speak to Hull Muslim Sisters.. who also it’s Anderson , he’s the bad man.
That was the first 6 mins
Then finally we switch to actual talk of the train plans
And who was interviewed ?
Hull Labour MP Diana Johnson …. AGAIN.
I asked Rishi Sunak if he'd let Ashfield MP Lee Anderson back into the Tory Party.
You'll notice he wasn't keen to commit either way.
I see she claimed a gotcha against Guido on Feb14
“blatantly Islamophobic tweet from @GuidoFawkes”
portraying Muslims as “unsophisticated”
Em that is 2+2=5
It’s clear to me that in North London there are sophisticated Jews who immigrated decades ago
There maybe sophisticated Arabs in posh parts of London
but everyone knows in the provinces there are areas which seem to have recent unsophisticated Muslim immigrants who often don’t speak much English etc.
And they are the unsophisticated Muslims Guido was talking about.
… He did delete the tweet before the outrage bus got to it
BBC local news started with the same PM at the train factory item, but they did zero spin about Lee Anderson. Rather it was all about the transport plans including their one to one with Sunak.
But before the PM we did have 30 seconds of Labour’s Diana Johnson.
Their questions are now covering “stop the boats” and Scampton,
things being dumped on the north nuclear waste, solar farms, pylons
Now safety for MPs .. due to demonstrators etc.
Labour’s Twitter army froth at this local BBC presenter cos he doesn’t toe the Labour line.
Exclusive: Biden Admin Planted Operative in Fani Willis Office, Sources Say via @BreitbartNews Well, there it is my friends. As I predicted there is a direct connection to the White House in these operations.
I’m seeing an awful lot of support for Lee Anderson, and pushback against Khun’t and the Islamofascists rampaging through our streets – at least on social media.
Could it be that they have played their hand, and pushed their luck, once too often?
The British are slow to anger, but once roused, you’d better watch out.
I think it’s interesting when socialist principles come up against personal profit . Profiting from the sale of council properties was once an absolute no for a socialist. Now it’s even ok for the deputy leader …..
But at least it’s a distraction from corrupting the speaker of the commons in a ‘private meeting ‘….. right mr Hoyle ? Right mr starmer ? …
Don’t get me wrong – I give no value to their ‘commons ‘ – it has nothing to do with me and pretends to be a democracy …. But they pretend to occupy I higher morality – as Hoyle preaches even PMQs …. We need a revolution …but it’s not gonna happen …
BBC muslims seem out of control now with their pro muzzie obsessions RE MP comments (which the far majority of the population seem to agree with), Israel and even bloody car insurance because so many of them are crims.
You cannot get more dispassionate and obective than insurance actuaries but that’s not good enough for them either.
Khan was just on Channel 4, getting the sympathy speech in with Krishnan.
I honestly thought he was going to start crying.
He got a good five minutes with no interruptions.
Next up was an interview with a middle east expert. Interrupted every ten seconds, but not before he got a really valid point in. He said, “Dig up Israel and you get Jewish relics, dig up Gaza, you get tunnels full of mortars.”
K G-M couldn’t get the usual, “That’s all we’ve got time for” excuse to cut him off in quickly enough, despite having half an hour of the show to go.
Farage hits the nail on the head: the BBC and most of the msm are much happier screaming about Lee Anderson than the real scandal of last week, namely the intimidation of Parliament by the Islamofascists outside.
At last some sense and a fine assessment of our Muslim mayor happy to watch muslim racists in London and say nothing.
Would Tommy Robinson be allowed to march weekend after weekend illegally blocking roads and bridges and intimidating MP’s and Jews and shouting racist slogans ?
Muslims are.
And Suella Braverman is forced out of a job for pointing this out.
Just look at the smug, smiling islamic moron, likely a while ago bowing and scraping to get into this country, now seen as the nasty vicious bully he is, once he gets his grubby hands on a British passport.
An article on Radio 4 about the housing shortage and who and what is to blame etc . You can guess what’s put into the mix and what’s left out .
I paraphrase here but there was ‘ new houses needing to be built for local communities’ . ?!!?
What local communities need new housing built?
Local communities? Not neighbourhoods, villages, towns, the countryside?
Who wants more houses built anywhere?
There was a time in America where they felt there was a Manifest Destination for [ white folk] people to conquer and settle the vast expanse of the west. That was in the 1800s .
But Britain in the 21 century? Is Gloucestershire a vast untamed wilderness that needs to be peopled by Persimon Homes ?
It’s NO to all of the above . It’s the Powers That Be , infested by the Gramsci, the Clerissy, and the new nomenclature that import millions of people into our country, then tell us that we “want “ , our desire is for any agricultural land [ no farmers , no food ] to be built over for our ‘ community’ .
PJW it’s faux outrage
.. yep and the normal libmob projection
They accuse others of stoking hate and division
when anti-Israel demonstrators have been doing this day in day out
Just been reading something about it which came up on my phone and apparently Savid Javid was the main complainer behind forcing the PM to act and some of the other left-wing ‘conservatives’ didn’t think that was a good image so they joined in.
And it seems the BBC don’t see fit to report that the police have put in patrols at his house because of fears of violence against him. THAT is the real problem here and nobody dare say it because they might be next on the end of a knife.
Gaza is the first major consequence of what we have been warning about for years. They have reached a critical mass where government policy is now being changed through threats of violence. They’ve brought their 3rd world culture to us and now we are paying the price.
And the BBC are right behind them because they just got rid of another Right-Wing conservative they hate. They too stupid to realise it will be their turn one day.
Don’t let libmob change the narrative using Lee Anderson as a ScapeSquirrel
SCAPESQUIRREL, noun: After "scapegoat". A socially acceptable/politically convenient target invoked by politicians and partisan political commentators to try to distract voters from a well-established threat or actual culprit.
Apparently someone called ‘Charlotte church ‘ is in trouble by showing her support for Hamas … surely she needs a name change – Charlotte mosque perhaps ?( sorry ) …
Here’s my entry for the irony of the week award.
On ITV, as on the BBC, the msm are creaming their pants about Lee Anderson saying hurty things about Islamists in Londonistan.
The very next item was …….an assassination plot by the Iranian revolutionary guard to kill two people in the UK.
Isn’t Iran a Muslim theocracy?
Readers may be able to spot a link between the two stories the news editors somehow manage to have missed.
In the UK we have an organisation which publishes data on the worlds military equipment and its capabilities called “Janes” in the US the equivalent is called Deagel, it also makes forecasts about the future and it has been noticed by observers that its population forecast is truly shocking.
It forecasts a 70% drop in Western population the US from 327 million down to just 99.5 million France from 67 Million to 39 million.
Countries in the rest of the world however appear unaffected. There is no explanation as to why Deagel have forecast this or what calamity might happen to cause it, but this is not some wild tinfoil hat conspiracy site, it’s a respected military data gathering and publishing organisation, and cannot easily be brushed aside like that.
These six facts could be the explanation for that possibility:
(1) 70.2% of the population have had mRNA Jabs.
(2) 80% of Autopsies have found long stringy blood clots in the mRNA jabbed, but none in the unvaccinated.
(3) Disease X is designed to kill the mRNA jabbed, but not the unvaccinated.
(4) The Chinese Communists did not use mRNA Jabs.
(5) The left-wing Democrats and Tories have banned Ivermectin.
(6) The CIA is on the side of the left-wing Democrats/Chinese Communists, and at war with the right-wing Republicans/American Libertarians.
“The key element to understand the process that the USA will enter in the upcoming decade is migration. In the past, specially in the 20th century, the key factor that allowed the USA to rise to its colossus status was immigration with the benefits of a demographic expansion supporting the credit expansion and the brain drain from the rest of the world benefiting the States. The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. Jobs offshoring will surely end with many American Corporations relocating overseas thus becoming foreign Corporations!!!! We see a significant part of the American population migrating to Latin America and Asia while migration to Europe – suffering a similar illness – won’t be relevant. Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Take into account that the Soviet Union’s population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Might we say “Twice the pride, double the fall”? Nope. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. At least younger people can migrate. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union’s one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.
Over the past two thousand years we have witnessed the Western civilization built around the Mediterranean Sea shifting to Northern Europe and then by the mid 20th century shifting to an Atlantic axis to finally get centered into the States in the past 30 years. The next move will see the civilization being centered in Asia with Russia and China on top. Historically a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. They killed themselves by a psychological factor. This is not mainstream but it is true. A new crisis joins old, well known patterns with new ones.
Sorry to disappoint many of you with our forecast. It is getting worse and worse every year since the beginning of the pre-crisis in 2007. It is already said that this website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. We are not linked to any government in any way, shape or form. We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. It is not God’s word or a magic device that allows to foresee the future.”
The fact they need th eprotection from the Far-Left and Muslims is an absolutely enormous elephant in the room.
If and when the BBC report it, you can be 100% sure they infer (but do not say) that the threat is as much from the far-Right -who will be named as such but the others will not.
I sense the fascist Left just escalated their war against the Right.
“Mr Anderson, who is a presenter on the channel, said he has had “absolutely phenomenal” support from constituents in the wake of the row.
He said: “I know I’m not everybody’s cup of tea and I do speak in a different language to a lot of people in Parliament. When I went into pubs in Ashfield at the weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, which I did, I got a round of applause and I went in. These are normal working class people.
“Some people over in that place (Westminster) might not like that sort of response, but this is what normal people are thinking in places like Ashfield.
“My inbox has exploded with support. I cannot keep up with my WhatsApp messages, my text messages, my Facebook messages, Instagram, whatever social media platform I’m on. The amount of support coming through is absolutely phenomenal.
“They’re saying, ‘Lee please speak out for us. Don’t back down. Don’t apologise because you’re speaking for millions of people across the country.’”
Mr Anderson admitted his language may have been “clumsy” but insisted Mr Khan is “definitely not in control of the streets of London”.
He pointed to a pro-Palestine protest in Westminster last Wednesday which saw the “from the river to the sea” slogan projected onto Parliament.
He said: “I stick by my words in that we have lost control or losing control of the city.”
The normal biased Line of the Hamas broadcasting company is that “ Lee Anderson has refused to apologise …..’ as though he has said something wrong – when decent British people know he is one of the very few on the side of the right .
However – I think his comment about the emir was wrong because khan is not taken over by Islam – he is Islam – and has created an Islamic city – londonistan …. Big trouble coming …..
Mr Anderson has courageously refused to apologise. Well done hats off to him. But I note that he is keen to emphasise that only 0.1 % of UK Muslims are Islamists.
There are 40,000 Muslims on the terror watch list , which means that if Lee is correct there must 40 million Muslims in the UK!
Leaving nit picking aside , the climate in this country is such that even a brave chap like Mr Anderson has to ensure that he toes the official line by saying that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are good citizens who want to be peaceful members of our western ,liberal ,tolerant , pluralist society.
We all know that most Muslims don’t agree with that official line. They want to impose Islam on us. Conversion by the book or by the sword is the way that their religious ideology works. That no one dare say this shows what a mess we are in. Politicians on the continent are saying exactly that, Wilders, Zemmour just to name two.
This is an interesting story because of all the questions nobody wants to answer.
Firstly his religion is being kept secret. Why ?.
Second his statement of no longer wanting to be complicit in what is going on in Gaza makes no sense whatsoever. He and the US Air Force are not involved in any way with what is going on. So the guy is very clearly suffering some kind of pshycological issues.
Thirdly – assuming he does have mental issues – I can absolutely believe that the relentless, totally lop-sided propaganda being put out by the likes of the BBC and Leftists MSM could trigger a weak person like that. I am 100% certain the guy did not have a balanced and realistic view of what is going on and why. They never mention what Hamas are doing which causes all these deaths.
But whatever the truth, I suspect it will not come forward soon as I am certain the Leftist scumbags at the BBC will be very happy about this story and will squeeze as much propaganda out of it as they can while they can. His mental state won’t be explained until later. And even then it won’t be near the top of the article.
‘Islamophobia’ is a label invented by the Left to use against the Right. What it should be is ‘Anti-Islam sentiment’ but you can’t easily spit that out at people you hate so the Left just ignored what it really means.
This is what ‘phobia’ actually means:
‘A fear, horror, strong dislike, or aversion; esp. an extreme or irrational fear or dread aroused by a particular object or circumstance.’
That does not apply to what Anderson said in any way, shape or form.
This is what they’ve changed it to on Wiki:
‘Islamophobia is the fear of, hatred of, or prejudice against the religion of Islam or Muslims in general’
Note they have tacked ‘predjudice’ on the end which is nothing like the first two. Since when did ‘predjudice’ mean anything remotely like what phobia means ?. They key point of ‘phobia’ is that it is irrational.
This is all to make it easy for them to supress people by tarring them with labels like they are doing with this. They are the new fascists.
The trouble is that Wiki is basically written by activists. And there are a LOT more Lefty activists than there are Right. That’s because Leftsism is an ideology for the young who think they could run the world better than anyone else. They have no clue about the realities of life : I doubt many of them could even check their oil or tyre pressures.
Once people have experience, they realise that they knew nothing when they were young. But by then they are too busy with real life to bother spending hours on social media.
Theres a reason people move the Right when they get older. They see the full picture and realise the amount of hate, spite, jealousy, greed and supidity in this world means socialism and all the theory does not work.
Those that don’t learn the lessons continue their activism by becoming teachers or journalists with their dream job being on the taxpayers teat at the BBC.
Yes it’s a good point – it is neither ‘irrational ‘ nor a ‘fear ‘ – it is stronger than a ‘fear’ . We know it is a totally alien belief without any ability to change or ‘integrate ‘ – it is an enemy within …. You can have as many tame Muslims playing football or baking cakes but they are still alien ….
Every form of Islam includes the teaching that Muslims must fight against non-Muslims, subdue them, impose Islamic law upon them, and deny them basic rights.
Islam alone among the major religions has a doctrine of violence towards unbelievers.
Yes – I don’t think enough non Muslims who support Islam know quite what it is . There can be no integration . It’s the nature of their way of life . Such a mistake importing it . It needs to be exported ….
You just need to stay with a Muslim family for a while (like I did in Indonesia a few times) and you realise just how the religion permeates and dictates every aspect of their lives. If you don’t see it, you would never realise.
I remember once getting up to use the toilet at about 2am and some movement in a room caught my eye. There stood the mother and one of her daughters completely dressed in the costumes for praying.
And this was a family who considered themselves extremely moderate.
I take issue with the use of the word ‘fanatics ‘ in your first sentence.I reckon that most Muslims are more than willing to use or to support the use of the tactics that you outline in your second sentence.
If Liebour get in at the next election they will send monstrous regiments of poodle men into schools to show boys how to behave and to combat misogyny.
The kneeler-in-chief is considered an example of a perfect submissive male.
THIS is only a single example of the intimidation I referred to earlier, by those that were pleading and begging to get into this country, and once they get their foot in the door…….
Lee Anderson is wrong. Sadiq Khan and the Met Police have not lost control of the streets, they are in control of the streets. Khan is allowing London to become a focus for Islamic and anti Israel demonstrations.
Anderson’s speech was not racist, for Khan, Labour and supporters to assume racism is a symptom of paranoia and victimhood.
Khan has also allowed and/or encouraged Just Stop Oil protests which screw up London. No racism there but JSO helps his anti car agenda.
Lee Anderson is quite unusual for a politician – representing the constituency of his birth – far too many MPs care nothing about their constituencies – yet alone the people who vote for them . Instead they get drugged by the ‘glamour ‘ of Westminster and fantasise about boosting their careers with no regard for voters – plus there are the ‘bungs’ and gongs dangled by whips and lobbyists .
I hope mr Anderson keeps his seat next time round – and wonder whether Islam will try or kill him . He certainly won’t get proper protection from Islamic plod ….
Good to know – now where are the pork chops ? I bet they’ve got cameras all over the halal section – so perpetrators need to wear a mask – maybe a burka ?
One understands why this sort of mischief occurs, but it should not be condoned. However, let’s look at matters in a slightly different light. In the above photo, the section in Tesco is clearly marked ‘Halal’, and that’s fine as it clearly identifies the produce for those who wish to consume it, and by implication for those who wish to avoid it e.g. for considerations of animal welfare, religion and so on. Yet British supermarkets do not label the majority of the halal meat they sell, meaning that people are unwittingly buying and consuming it, even though they might not do so if they knew what it was. How so? Because there is no legal requirement to identify it and all attempts to introduce labelling have been aggressively opposed by MPs. Around 70% of all lamb and over 20% of all chickens slaughtered in the UK are halal. If you consume New Zealand lamb it is almost certainly halal. If you consume ready made meals then the chicken in it is likely to be halal. Effectively, the only way to avoid halal meat is by only eating pork and derived products, or by shopping at a local and trustworthy butcher, or by dealing directly with a farm, or having your own livestock. Some of the above are clearly not options for most people.
This state of affairs is both deplorable and hypocritical. Food in this country is subject to all sorts of labelling and identification: meat has to be traceable down to the level of the farm where it came from, organic and free range is promoted heavily, levels of sugar, salt, fats have to be stated, additives have to be declared. And yet when it comes to this – nothing.
In this country we have people who do not want to eat halal meat, some who do, and some who do not care either way. It does not seem unreasonable to cater for these preferences in an open and honest manner, leading to the question of: Why isn’t it being done already?
A brilliant jump in a time of lords and landowners, peasants and serfs edition
Get into the groove
Boy you’ve got to prove
Your love to me, yeah…
So sang Madonna on the track Into The Groove featured in the 1985 film Desperately Seeking Susan
Decidedly back in the groove this morning are the OG Guardian and its junior poundshop version, the left-leaning youth-oriented ‘i’ newspaper, which together bag the top two spots again today after their having won top spots yesterday with the gynaeceum that is BBC Staff in their online press line-up.
I say gynaeceum – perhaps I should dispense with the Boris Johnson-esque classical reference and say instead sorority sisters that are BBC Staff
Check this BBC article for the giveaway clues that come at the end of the extract: Leasehold flats: ‘I wish I had never touched them’… Words born of bitter experience by Liz Winstanley… She bought her two-bed leasehold flat in Manchester in 2018. When Storm Eunice battered Britain two years ago, the roof of her top floor apartment started to leak badly… Liz had to move out. She pleaded with the managing agent, FirstPort, to find her suitable temporary accommodation, and eventually they did. “It was in a dodgy area of Salford,” said Liz. “There were parties all the time, and drug use in the block. One day they found a dead body. I couldn’t stay there, I didn’t feel safe.”… Leasehold dates back hundreds of years – before women even had the right to own property – to a time of lords and landowners, peasants and serfs. (BBC) – quote straight out of a You-Knee feminist social studies course, or what?
But we digress… the Guardian and the ‘i’ take poll position and runner up spot two days in row in the mysterious handicap race that is the BBC online press review – and why wouldn’t they?
Experts warn Hunt over ‘dubious’ case for unfunded tax cuts… Chancellor’s financial plan ‘lacks crediblity’, says IFS thinktank (Guardian) – so the Tories’ multi-billion pound unfunded splurges on Lockdowns, Mass vaccinations of the young healthy invulnerable, Net Zero, HS2 and the Ukraine Proxy War – they were all sound prudent judicious well-advised cost-benefit positive public expeditures – whereas the odd penny or two off National Insurance… that ain’t?
Hunt has six days to find tax cuts to save Tory MPs… Jeremy Hunt is still clinging to hope that he can cut 2p off personal taxes… despite forecasts suggesting it is ‘unaffordable’ (‘i’) – Oh how we enjoy a ‘despite‘ in the morning – to mangle a famous movie quote from Apocalypse Now, “I love the smell of despite in the morning… it smells like… Keir Starmer’s… victory”
Déjà vu
Someone doesn’t know what day it is. The globalist FT is represented in this morning’s BBC press review by yesterday’s edition.
No new FT, no new comment…
Top frontpage feature photo story there yesterday – back for an encore with the BBC again today – was that little bearded bloke in khaki fatigues standing in front of the old yellow and blue flags with his hand out begging for more: Zelenskyy plea US aid needed within month – other alternative spellings are available – although apparently policies other than never-ending ever-continuing proxy war are not.
‘A historic day’ Sweden to join Nato (Guardian); Sweden clears final hurdle to join Nato in historic move (‘i’) – straight from the mouth of the neocon official press release copied verbatim to the frontpages of our left-liberal media
A British soldier takes part in the Brilliant Jump Nato joint exercises – as a squadie emerges from billowing orange smoke to excite Guradian readers in their frontpage feature photo – did someone say something about the smell of napalm in the morning? Imagine that same picture accidentally wrongly catalogued by Getty Images with the caption: Israeli soldier takes part in operation Brilliant Jump ground offensive in Gaza – oh the humanity!
Why conscription could be part of Britain’s future (‘i’) – whatever did happen to give peace a chance over there on our political left?
I’m proof that Britain isn’t racist, says Sunak (Times) – afterall, the British people elected me, an Indian (albeit high caste) as their top elected representative… oh, actually no… the Conservative party membership elected me… oh, forget that too. I was in fact levered into office via a Westminster palace financial market engineered coup.
Majority of Britons hold unfavourable opinion of Rishi Sunak… 24% are favourable towards Rishi Sunak (+2pts from October) and 52% are unfavourable (+1pt) (Ipsos, November 2023)
£25m cost of demos… anti-Israel protests – littered with terror and hate offences – have cost £25m to police… ministers prepare to spend £15million on personal bodyguards to protect MPs from extremists (The Sun) – no futher comment require there.
Taxes to rise £100bn amid migrant surge… raid on workers and businesses will cost the country £100bn in taxes by the end of the decade as rising net migration piles more pressure on public services (Telegraph)
Not to worry, Baldrick Jeremy has a cunning plan
Hunt lines up new vaping tax and cut to national insurance… “vaping products levy”… The tax is modelled on 15 similar schemes across Europe (Times) – keeping us in that old EU groove, eh Jeremy?
Get into the groove
Boy you’ve got to prove
Your love to me, yeah…
Which is where we came in this morning – or yesterday if you’re over there at the FT.
And finally…
Farmers spay manure in Battle of Brussels… Angry farmers doused police officers and tried to storm barbed-wire barricades erected to protect an EU meeting… At least 900 tractors rumbled into the Belgian capital… (Telegraph)
Mr Punch used to be a staple of British newspaper political cartoonery – his catchphrase was “That’s the way to do it!“
I wonder if anyone – anyone – really thinks if the outgoing chancellor -who may well lose his seat – comes up with any tax cut it will save the blue Labour Party from righteous oblivion .
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone writing support for them – and with a handful of badged tories – they are reds and a waste of rations ….
AISI, you spotted it! Well done. I remember the advertising campaign for the FT, too. With major BBC HQs in London and Salford, how difficult is it to get a copy of a daily newspaper? Very difficult if you are the lackadaisical, couldn’t care less, BBC, apparently.
The Director-General of the BBC needs to get a grip on his domain or it might be taken away from him.
The Daily Mail is also missing today; newspapers are frequently missing from the on-line Blog although they are mentioned in the text. Amazing! Sometimes even though they are missing a front page photo in the on-line site they still have a copy in the TOADY studio. You can hear the pages being turned by the TOADY presenter!
BBC this morning report that cancer treatment in the UK is way behind other countries. Diagnosis times, chemotherapy use, outcomes, all poor. Apparently Australia is good by comparison.
What of course is not mentioned is that only the UK of these countries runs a statist, centralised, nationalised health service. Australia runs on Medicare and health insurance.
The BBC solution and that of the left is to pour even more money into the black hole that is the NHS. And after all these years of propagandised state brainwashing about the wonderful NHS, the spineless Tories have still not taken on the vested interests and advocated reform.
Clap. Clap. Clap.
Or should that be die, die, die.
South Korea’s government has launched an investigation into the death of a woman in her 80s after her ambulance was denied entry to several hospitals due to the ongoing doctors strike.
The patient died in the ambulance after suffering cardiac arrest.
About 70% of junior doctors have been on strike for the past week protesting plans to train up more physicians.
That’s put emergency rooms under pressure, with the government alleging doctors have risked public health.
Paramedics in the city of Daejon on Friday had called around seven hospitals to take the woman, but were turned away due to a lack of staffing and beds.
If Starmer truly went to Sir Lindsay, and presented him with a credible assertion that failure to allow the Labour amendment presented a real and immediate threat to the lives of MPs (or even an MP), Hoyle was right to allow it.
Its easy to say “MPs should just lump it” as someone who isn’t being asked to potentially come home to a firebombed home and a dead family for the sake of voting on a war we aren’t directly involved in. I don’t expect MPs to put themselves and this families at real threat of violence. They shouldn’t have to, and we as a country are failing badly if that’s happening.
However, IF this was true, then I’d also expect Starmer and Sunak to be making a joint press conference where they explain that the choice of votes was to protect the safety of MPs. That that was required means we are now effectively at war with an internal terrorist enemy that has successfully driven Parliamentary agenda through threats to MPs.
They will therefore co-sponsor a cross party bill to bring forward a war time package of measures to rip out Islamist terror in the UK. With fast track courts, updated treason laws, massive funding for Prevent, and an aggressive force bringing together GCHQ, the Armed Forces and the security services to hunt down, and either imprison, deport or, if necessary, eliminate Islamist terrorist actors in the UK.
THAT is an appropriate response to our democracy being crippled by MPs living in credible fear for their lives if they vote a certain way or not.
Zephir – if a senior politician asked to see the speaker in such circumstances it would seem ‘fair ‘ to either have another independent officer of parliament present – or even more fairly – other interested party’s – just like chambers meetings in trials ….
Otherwise it’s as dodgy as VAR …
It’s a huge mystery to the BBC why insurance companies
should charge more for car insurance in large “ethnic”
areas. It may be well be as difficult as E = MC squared to suss out.
BUT I don’t see what’s the elephant in the room so difficult to suss out in this
“mystery.” And I aint any Albert Einstein.
Do any of you watch the You Tube video clips of police
in the USA going into supermarkets or stopping cars
just leaving them full of stolen goods ?
I wont say what ethnic group 95% of the perpetrators
come from. Just lets say quite a few come from the
relations we find in the “room”
The first thing we hear as they start to ger hysterical
about being questioned about their misdemeanours is
” that they know their rights.” Then as the car is emptied
of $100’s worth of stolen goods and they are arrested.
It appears that a type of George Floyd syndrome sets in.
Thankfully the police officers have got their camcorders on.
Otherwise I expect they would be going away for years in
Terminal MoraineMar 14, 12:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 There is a noticeable absence of interest or countering voices to Starmer abolishing NHS England. BBC seem fine with jumping…
vladMar 14, 12:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Douglas Murray clash with Nigel Farage & Matt Goodwin “No point in Reform without mass deportations”
tomoMar 14, 12:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 14, 12:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 UN judge claims immunity…
JohnCMar 14, 12:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 More Right vs Left Lucy. And the majority of English people have right-wing views now. The extreme response of Starmers…
taffmanMar 14, 11:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 We are being invaded ! Our jails are being filled up with foreign criminals. Time to get rid of the…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 11:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 “What was most mind-blowing, she said, was the revelation from 1993 when the FBI wiretapped Hamas members in a Philadelphia…
Fedup2Mar 14, 11:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 Good to see the UN judge convicted of slavery in Oxford has found attention in the US …. The left…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 14, 11:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 The “mountain” scenes were filmed here in Snowdonia.
Thanks to the BBC: we now live in a weird world of so called ‘rights’ that never existed before the TV license. This morning I listened to Julia Hartley-Brewer (Talk Radio) on a report the a couple want too have a family on the NHS and require IVF. The problem quickly became apparent when they declared they were both ‘trans’ and unable to have children due to lack of basic equipment. No doubt the BBC will be busy formulating this as a right to have children, and the NHS should provide the plumbing, breasts, Womb and sundry other bits and pieces.
I also received a newsletter this morning on another ‘delicate’ subject on the same subject of TRANS problem the BBC are so vocal on.. A far better writer than I, wrote:
“‘TRANSWOMEN’: MILKING IT FOR ALL IT’S WORTH, by Frank Haviland. “It’s funny how times change. I can remember when Michael Jackson was black, Des O’Connor was white, and a man pretending to be a woman was the subject of comedy rather than a test of one’s bona fides. Cast-iron certainties have become somewhat corroded in the age of wokeness, and few remnants now survive from the past 200,000 years of collective human wisdom. Nonetheless, one thing I definitely didn’t have on my 2024 Bingo card was the denial that mothers might be slightly better equipped to breastfeed than fathers.”
I do despair that the NHS has to do the ‘impossible’ and make a a ‘man into a woman’ and then perform a miracle that nature – a birth- that would normally ensure the end of the species (due to stupidity and basic awareness), NHS forced to creating a ‘test tube’ baby from two false parents, totally ill equipped for the basic needs of a baby or the means to feed it biologically.
BBC will be all over it, as soon as they get the copy off tomorrows Guardian newspaper. Will explain why its possible, safe and affordable on the NHS.
As an afterthought, the BBC also admitted it had ‘sponsored’ the discredited ‘TAVISTOCK’ a NHS funded clinic which involved persuading children to use ‘chest-binders’ for girls who thought they should be boys. Leading to damage of the breast and deformity, requiring ‘surgery’ (breast removal) which they will later regret, when they cannot feed a baby.
The World ‘favorite’ trusted broadcaster: (In their Own Words). They think.
Also on the site European Conservative other links to the BBC narrative and good reasons why the BBC should never be trusted.
Chemsex Support
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Do you remember the fuss on MSM about a woman having a womb transplant on the NHS.? There were an enormous number in the theatre team and it was hailed as marvellous because the woman wanted to have her own baby. Of course adoption might have been possible or if she must surrogacy. But no, she has a right, and at whatever the cost, the NHS must pamper to her rights. But let’s take it a stage further. If a womb can be implanted into a person who was a born a woman, could it lead to implantation into someone who was born a man and wants to identify as a woman? No wonder the BBC and Global News thought it a marvellous story.
switch on bingo.. right now, both GBnews and TalkTV are both doing the Lee Anderson story obsessively
.. Why would they do that ?
It’s like the lefty civil service controlled Nudge Unit is pulling the strings.
Fashion week in Pakistan twinned with Bradford City of Culture
…. “people can be heard chanting that those who blaspheme must be beheaded.”
3pm show starts and it’s a complete change on @TalkTV & @GBnews
… errno .. they are still banging on about Lee Anderson
… and GBNews “There is only one place to start here’s Starmer today about Lee Anderson”
now on @TalkTV “coming up after the break ..Is the Conservative Party Islamophobic ?”
Labour is no longer Antisemitic!
Team Starmer are shouting Sunaq is WEAK for not executing Lee Anderson
#irony Starmer/Rayner are so weak they pandered the BLM mob
by doing the kneeling photo stunt
2018 … HA HA HA HA HA H AHA!
The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism {THE SHAMI CHAKRABARTI INQUIRY 30jun2016}, Islamophobia or other forms of racism.
Further, it is the party that initiated every single United Kingdom race equality law.
Click to access Chakrabarti-Inquiry-Report-30June16.pdf
In a crowded field of deranged US TV “anchors” – this crazy lady’s one of the leaders…
In an essay about America Alone, Christopher Hitchens wrote that “Mark Steyn believes that demography is destiny, and he makes an immensely convincing case,” then detailed many points at which he disagreed with Steyn. Hitchens believed Steyn erred by “considering European Muslim populations as one.
Isn’t her dyed blonde hair cultural appropriation?
“From the River to the Sea
Britain will be Islam free”
Lets try that on a placard and see how far it goes
Love it !
Can we start with the Channel !
It’s amazing isn’t it…
We managed to fight off the mighty Spanish Armada, the invading forces of Napoleon, the terrifying Blitzkrieg of the German Luftwaffe and the U-boats.
But some swarthy looking geezers slowly floating across in dinghies and we’re completely fxxxed.
The great Winston must be doing somersaults.
“We will escort them up the beaches…”
A woman was JAILED for calling out to Anna Soubry on two occasions, yet the on the hour news keeps showing cameras trailing Lee Anderson outside parliament or outside his house
.. That does look like harassment.
Punishments for Lee Anderson for the crime of Islamophobia (The fear of violent Muslims, anti-Semites and Terrorists) is execution carried out by beheading with a sword, or can be performed by shooting or firing squad.
Sadiq Aman Khan – Supreme Leader of Londonistan
In comedy gold British Transport Police Axes Compulsory Fitness Test – Because ‘Bleep Test’ Is Unfair on Wimmin:
I guess a ‘Macbethian menopausal old-hag’ is still able to give Brenden Kavanaugh the piano player a hard time.
Yes, no doubt more lard arses wobbling along the fat blue line.
I have no need to call the police anymore, I just pop along to the local services next to the A1(M), groups of them can be found sitting next to MacDonalds and KFC most days and evenings.
I strongly suspect, although cannot prove it, that the frequent blue lights racing past the house are trafficking takeaways to the deskbound staff back in the station.
I also suspect there was a mini crime wave around the area when the A1(M) services opened the new German Kebab outlet.
The madness continues.
It is reported that Dudley Council is set to spend more than £2m on eight four-bedroom homes to rent out as council houses.
The semi-detached homes, which have electric car charging points and heat pumps, were advertised for sale as ‘a stunning development of luxury homes’ with prices ranging from £305,000 to £315,000.
The authority offered them for rent on its website between January 25 and January 29 for £155.10 per week.
Dudley’s cabinet member for housing and communities said ‘we currently have urgent need for new family homes to ensure those families who are homeless or residing in temporary accommodation are housed as soon as possible.’
Homeless families requiring four-bedroomed houses with charging points and heat pumps?
Which families are these? As if we cannot guess . . .
All facing east, we assume ?
An advert for how marvellous Transport for London is.
Come on, Lee Anderson. Get stuck in to this brazen abuse of the electoral system.
The whole issue with the Lee Anderson thing proves for me at least that the UK media is massively biased to the Left.
Anderson makes a point that Khan is under the control of Islamists. There is no arguement even from the muppets on the Left that there is such a thing as Islamists, and yet instead of investigating whether the assertion has any validity, the media immediately moves to protect their boy Khan by use of the meaningless political bully words such as ‘Islamophbia’.
There might well be a very dangeerous situation developing in London, but we will never know about it because the media are too busy distracting instead of concentrating on whether what was said was true.
hear hear
Not sure how true this is, well the info came from the BBC – but Lee Anderson is paid £100,000 per annum from GB News. Not bad (if correct) for an hour a week and the odd few minutes commentary on other occasions. So how much do the likes of regular contributors Matthew Stadler, Kelvin MCKenzie, Michael Coles et al get for their repeat appearances.
That is largely true , but it’s crazy to think that magician Paul Daniels just turned up and worked for an hour
He’d have to lots of research and practice
Something similar for Anderson
there’s researching the show, promoting the show etc.
From 2 November 2022 until 15 February 2023, a Presenter on GB News. I received £200 a week for each episode. Hours: 1 hr per week. (Registered 28 November 2022; updated 27 February 2023)
From 1 March 2023 until further notice, Presenter/Contributor on GB News. I receive £100,000 per annum, paid monthly. Hours: 8 hrs per week.
That works out as about £2K/week for 8 hours
ie £250/hour
Never seen Paul Daniels on GB News, is that part of the trick ?
(bet there’s a trap door under the news desk or something)
How much Lee Anderson earns from his appearances on GB News doesn’t bother me too much. Nor how much the other presenters get…
However, I am concerned at the mega wage packets the likes of Gary Lineker and Graham Norton get, primarily because you and I have to pay for them.
At one time Lineker was on something like £1.75 million a year and Norton wasn’t too far behind him. Blimey, that’s not a bad old screw for waffling about football for an hour and a half every Saturday evening. As Yosser Hughes used to say, “I can do that; Gissa job”.
These people are pampered, overpaid propagandist parasites…
Norton’s salary has always been double Linekers, but BBC say cos his shows are done through BBC Studios corp they can not declare it publicly.
Basically stars are paid for their PR weight
not for how many pressups they do
“Thank God for that” says Jo Brande
ITV local news started by being completely obsessed by Lee Anderson
ITV Asian political anchor Charanpreet Khaira “The cabinet is meeting in school at the train factory and Sunak wanted to talk about new rail plans, but it was all overshadowed by the Lee Anderson controversy”
tosh media people are the ones that made it about Anderson
We had her barracking Sunaq about Anderson
then for balance she then went to speak to Hull Muslim Sisters.. who also it’s Anderson , he’s the bad man.
That was the first 6 mins
Then finally we switch to actual talk of the train plans
And who was interviewed ?
Hull Labour MP Diana Johnson …. AGAIN.
I see she claimed a gotcha against Guido on Feb14
“blatantly Islamophobic tweet from @GuidoFawkes”
portraying Muslims as “unsophisticated”
Em that is 2+2=5
It’s clear to me that in North London there are sophisticated Jews who immigrated decades ago
There maybe sophisticated Arabs in posh parts of London
but everyone knows in the provinces there are areas which seem to have recent unsophisticated Muslim immigrants who often don’t speak much English etc.
And they are the unsophisticated Muslims Guido was talking about.
… He did delete the tweet before the outrage bus got to it
The sophisticated : The calm respectful probIsrael marches
The unsophisticated : the shouty, hatey, law breaking, anti Israeli marches
BBC local news started with the same PM at the train factory item, but they did zero spin about Lee Anderson. Rather it was all about the transport plans including their one to one with Sunak.
But before the PM we did have 30 seconds of Labour’s Diana Johnson.
Their questions are now covering “stop the boats” and Scampton,
things being dumped on the north nuclear waste, solar farms, pylons
Now safety for MPs .. due to demonstrators etc.
Labour’s Twitter army froth at this local BBC presenter cos he doesn’t toe the Labour line.
BBC main news is ending…They are doing PRasNews for a claim that Ethnic areas pay higher insurance
emm is it a surprise that recent immigrants in high crime city areas are more of a risk ?
American Thinker wrote about this a week ago. Breibart pretty slow off the mark here. They’re a Leftoid outfit, aren’t they?
I’m seeing an awful lot of support for Lee Anderson, and pushback against Khun’t and the Islamofascists rampaging through our streets – at least on social media.
Could it be that they have played their hand, and pushed their luck, once too often?
The British are slow to anger, but once roused, you’d better watch out.
Same here, all over Quora from around the world
Farage is saying it seems Angela Rayner committed fraud over her council house.
So what ? It’s OK when they do it .. that’s the rule
I think it’s interesting when socialist principles come up against personal profit . Profiting from the sale of council properties was once an absolute no for a socialist. Now it’s even ok for the deputy leader …..
But at least it’s a distraction from corrupting the speaker of the commons in a ‘private meeting ‘….. right mr Hoyle ? Right mr starmer ? …
Don’t get me wrong – I give no value to their ‘commons ‘ – it has nothing to do with me and pretends to be a democracy …. But they pretend to occupy I higher morality – as Hoyle preaches even PMQs …. We need a revolution …but it’s not gonna happen …
Guido gives a wider picture about Ginger Growler Slagella Rayner’s right-to-buy flipping and possible electoral registration misdeeds.
A fair assessment.
Andrew Lawrence’s new warning about the danger of the Far Right
who mob the streets in their cloaks of invisibility
Nailed it andrew …. Which mp is gonna be next on the receiving end of the religion of peace ?
Great comment on the above on Youtube:
“We’re far right, because we’re not f**king far wrong.”
BBC muslims seem out of control now with their pro muzzie obsessions RE MP comments (which the far majority of the population seem to agree with), Israel and even bloody car insurance because so many of them are crims.
You cannot get more dispassionate and obective than insurance actuaries but that’s not good enough for them either.
Khan was just on Channel 4, getting the sympathy speech in with Krishnan.
I honestly thought he was going to start crying.
He got a good five minutes with no interruptions.
Next up was an interview with a middle east expert. Interrupted every ten seconds, but not before he got a really valid point in. He said, “Dig up Israel and you get Jewish relics, dig up Gaza, you get tunnels full of mortars.”
K G-M couldn’t get the usual, “That’s all we’ve got time for” excuse to cut him off in quickly enough, despite having half an hour of the show to go.
Yes amazing how he can turn from Grumpy into Tearful, was there one called that ? maybe not, but he’s certainly not Bashful.
Hi Ho
Farage hits the nail on the head: the BBC and most of the msm are much happier screaming about Lee Anderson than the real scandal of last week, namely the intimidation of Parliament by the Islamofascists outside.
At last some sense and a fine assessment of our Muslim mayor happy to watch muslim racists in London and say nothing.
Would Tommy Robinson be allowed to march weekend after weekend illegally blocking roads and bridges and intimidating MP’s and Jews and shouting racist slogans ?
Muslims are.
And Suella Braverman is forced out of a job for pointing this out.
Breaking news: more intimidation by Islamofascists, this time in Stoke-On-Trent.
Just look at the smug, smiling islamic moron, likely a while ago bowing and scraping to get into this country, now seen as the nasty vicious bully he is, once he gets his grubby hands on a British passport.
Reform threat about threats of death and firebombing
Of course Twitter threats can be false flags or children just trolling
Didn’t take the scum long to show their true colours after playing the victim for so long did it ?
They see fairness and tolerance as weakness, Saddam Hussain and others were like they were for a reason maybe.
Bit late but
An article on Radio 4 about the housing shortage and who and what is to blame etc . You can guess what’s put into the mix and what’s left out .
I paraphrase here but there was ‘ new houses needing to be built for local communities’ . ?!!?
What local communities need new housing built?
Local communities? Not neighbourhoods, villages, towns, the countryside?
Who wants more houses built anywhere?
There was a time in America where they felt there was a Manifest Destination for [ white folk] people to conquer and settle the vast expanse of the west. That was in the 1800s .
But Britain in the 21 century? Is Gloucestershire a vast untamed wilderness that needs to be peopled by Persimon Homes ?
It’s NO to all of the above . It’s the Powers That Be , infested by the Gramsci, the Clerissy, and the new nomenclature that import millions of people into our country, then tell us that we “want “ , our desire is for any agricultural land [ no farmers , no food ] to be built over for our ‘ community’ .
PJW it’s faux outrage
.. yep and the normal libmob projection
They accuse others of stoking hate and division
when anti-Israel demonstrators have been doing this day in day out
Just been reading something about it which came up on my phone and apparently Savid Javid was the main complainer behind forcing the PM to act and some of the other left-wing ‘conservatives’ didn’t think that was a good image so they joined in.
And it seems the BBC don’t see fit to report that the police have put in patrols at his house because of fears of violence against him. THAT is the real problem here and nobody dare say it because they might be next on the end of a knife.
Gaza is the first major consequence of what we have been warning about for years. They have reached a critical mass where government policy is now being changed through threats of violence. They’ve brought their 3rd world culture to us and now we are paying the price.
And the BBC are right behind them because they just got rid of another Right-Wing conservative they hate. They too stupid to realise it will be their turn one day.
Don’t let libmob change the narrative using Lee Anderson as a ScapeSquirrel
Apparently someone called ‘Charlotte church ‘ is in trouble by showing her support for Hamas … surely she needs a name change – Charlotte mosque perhaps ?( sorry ) …
She might possibly be a couple of minarets short of a full mosque.
What a surprise:
“Nearly 75 per cent of transgender prisoners in Britain are behind bars for sex offences and violent crimes”
Here’s my entry for the irony of the week award.
On ITV, as on the BBC, the msm are creaming their pants about Lee Anderson saying hurty things about Islamists in Londonistan.
The very next item was …….an assassination plot by the Iranian revolutionary guard to kill two people in the UK.
Isn’t Iran a Muslim theocracy?
Readers may be able to spot a link between the two stories the news editors somehow manage to have missed.
Sorry to trouble readers with this, but it’s apparantly doing the rounds and you might as well hear it here.
In the UK we have an organisation which publishes data on the worlds military equipment and its capabilities called “Janes” in the US the equivalent is called Deagel, it also makes forecasts about the future and it has been noticed by observers that its population forecast is truly shocking.
It forecasts a 70% drop in Western population the US from 327 million down to just 99.5 million France from 67 Million to 39 million.
Countries in the rest of the world however appear unaffected. There is no explanation as to why Deagel have forecast this or what calamity might happen to cause it, but this is not some wild tinfoil hat conspiracy site, it’s a respected military data gathering and publishing organisation, and cannot easily be brushed aside like that.
Very odd indeed.
These six facts could be the explanation for that possibility:
(1) 70.2% of the population have had mRNA Jabs.
(2) 80% of Autopsies have found long stringy blood clots in the mRNA jabbed, but none in the unvaccinated.
(3) Disease X is designed to kill the mRNA jabbed, but not the unvaccinated.
(4) The Chinese Communists did not use mRNA Jabs.
(5) The left-wing Democrats and Tories have banned Ivermectin.
(6) The CIA is on the side of the left-wing Democrats/Chinese Communists, and at war with the right-wing Republicans/American Libertarians.
Did you not read the notes below the chart ?
“The key element to understand the process that the USA will enter in the upcoming decade is migration. In the past, specially in the 20th century, the key factor that allowed the USA to rise to its colossus status was immigration with the benefits of a demographic expansion supporting the credit expansion and the brain drain from the rest of the world benefiting the States. The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. Jobs offshoring will surely end with many American Corporations relocating overseas thus becoming foreign Corporations!!!! We see a significant part of the American population migrating to Latin America and Asia while migration to Europe – suffering a similar illness – won’t be relevant. Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Take into account that the Soviet Union’s population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Might we say “Twice the pride, double the fall”? Nope. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. At least younger people can migrate. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union’s one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.
Over the past two thousand years we have witnessed the Western civilization built around the Mediterranean Sea shifting to Northern Europe and then by the mid 20th century shifting to an Atlantic axis to finally get centered into the States in the past 30 years. The next move will see the civilization being centered in Asia with Russia and China on top. Historically a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. They killed themselves by a psychological factor. This is not mainstream but it is true. A new crisis joins old, well known patterns with new ones.
Sorry to disappoint many of you with our forecast. It is getting worse and worse every year since the beginning of the pre-crisis in 2007. It is already said that this website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. We are not linked to any government in any way, shape or form. We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. It is not God’s word or a magic device that allows to foresee the future.”
Sunday, October 26th, 2014
Feb 25th Guardian ran a story
“Muslim group calls for Tory inquiry into party’s ‘structural Islamophobia’ ”
No surprise the BBC phoned the guy up and put him on air
And let him ran with no challenging
and he promotes “From River to the see” in schools
Oh Guido had details 3 hours before my post
MPs get £15 million budget for personal protection (£23k each)
BBC OB teams have had this for a decade?
Dear Sir/Madam MP
I’ve just heard you’ve come down with a £23000 case of islamophobia
The fact they need th eprotection from the Far-Left and Muslims is an absolutely enormous elephant in the room.
If and when the BBC report it, you can be 100% sure they infer (but do not say) that the threat is as much from the far-Right -who will be named as such but the others will not.
I sense the fascist Left just escalated their war against the Right.
At last, an MP saying what the vast majority think, and with a spine:
“Lee Anderson vows he won’t apologise to Sadiq Khan ‘while I’ve got breath in my body'”
Lets all have a street protest in London every bloody week to support him.
“Mr Anderson, who is a presenter on the channel, said he has had “absolutely phenomenal” support from constituents in the wake of the row.
He said: “I know I’m not everybody’s cup of tea and I do speak in a different language to a lot of people in Parliament. When I went into pubs in Ashfield at the weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, which I did, I got a round of applause and I went in. These are normal working class people.
“Some people over in that place (Westminster) might not like that sort of response, but this is what normal people are thinking in places like Ashfield.
“My inbox has exploded with support. I cannot keep up with my WhatsApp messages, my text messages, my Facebook messages, Instagram, whatever social media platform I’m on. The amount of support coming through is absolutely phenomenal.
“They’re saying, ‘Lee please speak out for us. Don’t back down. Don’t apologise because you’re speaking for millions of people across the country.’”
Mr Anderson admitted his language may have been “clumsy” but insisted Mr Khan is “definitely not in control of the streets of London”.
He pointed to a pro-Palestine protest in Westminster last Wednesday which saw the “from the river to the sea” slogan projected onto Parliament.
He said: “I stick by my words in that we have lost control or losing control of the city.”
The normal biased Line of the Hamas broadcasting company is that “ Lee Anderson has refused to apologise …..’ as though he has said something wrong – when decent British people know he is one of the very few on the side of the right .
However – I think his comment about the emir was wrong because khan is not taken over by Islam – he is Islam – and has created an Islamic city – londonistan …. Big trouble coming …..
Mr Anderson has courageously refused to apologise. Well done hats off to him. But I note that he is keen to emphasise that only 0.1 % of UK Muslims are Islamists.
There are 40,000 Muslims on the terror watch list , which means that if Lee is correct there must 40 million Muslims in the UK!
Leaving nit picking aside , the climate in this country is such that even a brave chap like Mr Anderson has to ensure that he toes the official line by saying that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are good citizens who want to be peaceful members of our western ,liberal ,tolerant , pluralist society.
We all know that most Muslims don’t agree with that official line. They want to impose Islam on us. Conversion by the book or by the sword is the way that their religious ideology works. That no one dare say this shows what a mess we are in. Politicians on the continent are saying exactly that, Wilders, Zemmour just to name two.
Aaron Bushnell: US airman dies after setting himself on fire outside Israeli embassy in Washington
This is an interesting story because of all the questions nobody wants to answer.
Firstly his religion is being kept secret. Why ?.
Second his statement of no longer wanting to be complicit in what is going on in Gaza makes no sense whatsoever. He and the US Air Force are not involved in any way with what is going on. So the guy is very clearly suffering some kind of pshycological issues.
Thirdly – assuming he does have mental issues – I can absolutely believe that the relentless, totally lop-sided propaganda being put out by the likes of the BBC and Leftists MSM could trigger a weak person like that. I am 100% certain the guy did not have a balanced and realistic view of what is going on and why. They never mention what Hamas are doing which causes all these deaths.
But whatever the truth, I suspect it will not come forward soon as I am certain the Leftist scumbags at the BBC will be very happy about this story and will squeeze as much propaganda out of it as they can while they can. His mental state won’t be explained until later. And even then it won’t be near the top of the article.
Hello JohnC
I couldn’t find a picture on the bbc yesterday of the airman, and suspected it was going to be a muslim as they weren’t showing a picture
Surprised it wasn’t, and usually whitey would be all over its news
I have a feeling there’s something about this story they don’t want us to know andy.
Anyone that understands the English language would know that a phobia is an irrational fear.
Why are people being lambasted and smeared for being frightened ?
Are the deranged left and islamic fascists demanding they all go to Paul McKenna for hypnotherapy to rid them of this fear ?
Why aren’t clowns complaining about coulrophobia (fear of clowns) ?
And where are the protests about those that fear birds, spiders, heights etc ?
Do you see lobsters on the streets protesting about ostraconophobia ? or droves of chickens with placards complaining about alektorophobia ?
If not, why not ?
‘Islamophobia’ is a label invented by the Left to use against the Right. What it should be is ‘Anti-Islam sentiment’ but you can’t easily spit that out at people you hate so the Left just ignored what it really means.
This is what ‘phobia’ actually means:
‘A fear, horror, strong dislike, or aversion; esp. an extreme or irrational fear or dread aroused by a particular object or circumstance.’
That does not apply to what Anderson said in any way, shape or form.
This is what they’ve changed it to on Wiki:
‘Islamophobia is the fear of, hatred of, or prejudice against the religion of Islam or Muslims in general’
Note they have tacked ‘predjudice’ on the end which is nothing like the first two. Since when did ‘predjudice’ mean anything remotely like what phobia means ?. They key point of ‘phobia’ is that it is irrational.
This is all to make it easy for them to supress people by tarring them with labels like they are doing with this. They are the new fascists.
Wikipedia needs changing then, not “muslims in general” but
the gobs out on the streets with placards exercising antisemitism,
the gobs intimidating and threatening OFSTED and teachers outside schools,
those gang raping our children and
those that hide it,
the imams who secretly approve of that,
those that knife, behead and bomb us,
those that mob up on police doing their job
those that teach hate in their secret schools
those that celebrate terrorist attacks
those that approve of attacks upon authors
those that hate jews just because of their race and religion
those that hate Hindus just because of their religion
those that attack elected representatives and
those that celebrate these attacks
those that celebrated the gang rapes, mutilations and murders of civilians by HAMAS
those that celebrate the same from ISIS
those that lie and cheat to get a british passport
those that help them
those that genitally mutilate children
those that attack in honour killings
those that want sharia law in the UK
Oh wait, that covers most of them anyway
The trouble is that Wiki is basically written by activists. And there are a LOT more Lefty activists than there are Right. That’s because Leftsism is an ideology for the young who think they could run the world better than anyone else. They have no clue about the realities of life : I doubt many of them could even check their oil or tyre pressures.
Once people have experience, they realise that they knew nothing when they were young. But by then they are too busy with real life to bother spending hours on social media.
Theres a reason people move the Right when they get older. They see the full picture and realise the amount of hate, spite, jealousy, greed and supidity in this world means socialism and all the theory does not work.
Those that don’t learn the lessons continue their activism by becoming teachers or journalists with their dream job being on the taxpayers teat at the BBC.
Yes it’s a good point – it is neither ‘irrational ‘ nor a ‘fear ‘ – it is stronger than a ‘fear’ . We know it is a totally alien belief without any ability to change or ‘integrate ‘ – it is an enemy within …. You can have as many tame Muslims playing football or baking cakes but they are still alien ….
Every form of Islam includes the teaching that Muslims must fight against non-Muslims, subdue them, impose Islamic law upon them, and deny them basic rights.
Islam alone among the major religions has a doctrine of violence towards unbelievers.
Are we justified in fearing and hating it?
Too bloody right we are.
Yes – I don’t think enough non Muslims who support Islam know quite what it is . There can be no integration . It’s the nature of their way of life . Such a mistake importing it . It needs to be exported ….
You just need to stay with a Muslim family for a while (like I did in Indonesia a few times) and you realise just how the religion permeates and dictates every aspect of their lives. If you don’t see it, you would never realise.
I remember once getting up to use the toilet at about 2am and some movement in a room caught my eye. There stood the mother and one of her daughters completely dressed in the costumes for praying.
And this was a family who considered themselves extremely moderate.
There are so many reasons to dislike islamic fanatics.
They use fear and intimidation as a weapon against those who took them in to their country, gave them free education, housing and jobs or welfare.
They then complain about those that fear them….go figure…
I take issue with the use of the word ‘fanatics ‘ in your first sentence.I reckon that most Muslims are more than willing to use or to support the use of the tactics that you outline in your second sentence.
Headline “I dont want dad to be remembered for how he died”
When clicking on the link, this changes to headline
Engineer’s family still seek answers over pop-up urinal death
Personally not heard about this, and if you get the likes of the bbc involved, millions now know and you’ve not helped to keep it quiet
I recall, an engineer who died in an “accident” in a toilet.
The fact that he is black seems to be why the bbc are still banging on about it.
If your dad/husband died in such circumstances, why would you launch a vendetta at the police ?. He’s not coming back and the police didn’t kill him.
Why would the family go to the BBC and convince them to run an article like that ?.
It’s got ‘briefed by lawyers to get compensation’ written all over it.
Checking the author ‘Harry Low’, it seems he’s a general office dogsbody who they send out to all the lowest grade muck like this.
If Liebour get in at the next election they will send monstrous regiments of poodle men into schools to show boys how to behave and to combat misogyny.
The kneeler-in-chief is considered an example of a perfect submissive male.
‘pparently skools are very worried cos Andrew Tate promotes sex
THIS is only a single example of the intimidation I referred to earlier, by those that were pleading and begging to get into this country, and once they get their foot in the door…….
Outside of Downing Street, of all places :
Record-breaking crowds at Europe’s largest Eid celebration
15 June 2018
Lee Anderson is wrong. Sadiq Khan and the Met Police have not lost control of the streets, they are in control of the streets. Khan is allowing London to become a focus for Islamic and anti Israel demonstrations.
Anderson’s speech was not racist, for Khan, Labour and supporters to assume racism is a symptom of paranoia and victimhood.
Khan has also allowed and/or encouraged Just Stop Oil protests which screw up London. No racism there but JSO helps his anti car agenda.
We are at war from within, absolutely no doubt about it.
Lee Anderson is quite unusual for a politician – representing the constituency of his birth – far too many MPs care nothing about their constituencies – yet alone the people who vote for them . Instead they get drugged by the ‘glamour ‘ of Westminster and fantasise about boosting their careers with no regard for voters – plus there are the ‘bungs’ and gongs dangled by whips and lobbyists .
I hope mr Anderson keeps his seat next time round – and wonder whether Islam will try or kill him . He certainly won’t get proper protection from Islamic plod ….
rotten borough
a borough that was able to elect an MP despite having very few voters, the choice of MP typically being in the hands of one person or family.
Good to know – now where are the pork chops ? I bet they’ve got cameras all over the halal section – so perpetrators need to wear a mask – maybe a burka ?
The size of that section, you just need to be big boned to block out the cameras
One understands why this sort of mischief occurs, but it should not be condoned. However, let’s look at matters in a slightly different light. In the above photo, the section in Tesco is clearly marked ‘Halal’, and that’s fine as it clearly identifies the produce for those who wish to consume it, and by implication for those who wish to avoid it e.g. for considerations of animal welfare, religion and so on. Yet British supermarkets do not label the majority of the halal meat they sell, meaning that people are unwittingly buying and consuming it, even though they might not do so if they knew what it was. How so? Because there is no legal requirement to identify it and all attempts to introduce labelling have been aggressively opposed by MPs. Around 70% of all lamb and over 20% of all chickens slaughtered in the UK are halal. If you consume New Zealand lamb it is almost certainly halal. If you consume ready made meals then the chicken in it is likely to be halal. Effectively, the only way to avoid halal meat is by only eating pork and derived products, or by shopping at a local and trustworthy butcher, or by dealing directly with a farm, or having your own livestock. Some of the above are clearly not options for most people.
This state of affairs is both deplorable and hypocritical. Food in this country is subject to all sorts of labelling and identification: meat has to be traceable down to the level of the farm where it came from, organic and free range is promoted heavily, levels of sugar, salt, fats have to be stated, additives have to be declared. And yet when it comes to this – nothing.
In this country we have people who do not want to eat halal meat, some who do, and some who do not care either way. It does not seem unreasonable to cater for these preferences in an open and honest manner, leading to the question of: Why isn’t it being done already?
A brilliant jump in a time of lords and landowners, peasants and serfs edition
Get into the groove
Boy you’ve got to prove
Your love to me, yeah…
So sang Madonna on the track Into The Groove featured in the 1985 film Desperately Seeking Susan
Decidedly back in the groove this morning are the OG Guardian and its junior poundshop version, the left-leaning youth-oriented ‘i’ newspaper, which together bag the top two spots again today after their having won top spots yesterday with the gynaeceum that is BBC Staff in their online press line-up.
I say gynaeceum – perhaps I should dispense with the Boris Johnson-esque classical reference and say instead sorority sisters that are BBC Staff
Check this BBC article for the giveaway clues that come at the end of the extract: Leasehold flats: ‘I wish I had never touched them’… Words born of bitter experience by Liz Winstanley… She bought her two-bed leasehold flat in Manchester in 2018. When Storm Eunice battered Britain two years ago, the roof of her top floor apartment started to leak badly… Liz had to move out. She pleaded with the managing agent, FirstPort, to find her suitable temporary accommodation, and eventually they did. “It was in a dodgy area of Salford,” said Liz. “There were parties all the time, and drug use in the block. One day they found a dead body. I couldn’t stay there, I didn’t feel safe.”… Leasehold dates back hundreds of years – before women even had the right to own property – to a time of lords and landowners, peasants and serfs. (BBC) – quote straight out of a You-Knee feminist social studies course, or what?
But we digress… the Guardian and the ‘i’ take poll position and runner up spot two days in row in the mysterious handicap race that is the BBC online press review – and why wouldn’t they?
Experts warn Hunt over ‘dubious’ case for unfunded tax cuts… Chancellor’s financial plan ‘lacks crediblity’, says IFS thinktank (Guardian) – so the Tories’ multi-billion pound unfunded splurges on Lockdowns, Mass vaccinations of the young healthy invulnerable, Net Zero, HS2 and the Ukraine Proxy War – they were all sound prudent judicious well-advised cost-benefit positive public expeditures – whereas the odd penny or two off National Insurance… that ain’t?
Hunt has six days to find tax cuts to save Tory MPs… Jeremy Hunt is still clinging to hope that he can cut 2p off personal taxes… despite forecasts suggesting it is ‘unaffordable’ (‘i’) – Oh how we enjoy a ‘despite‘ in the morning – to mangle a famous movie quote from Apocalypse Now, “I love the smell of despite in the morning… it smells like… Keir Starmer’s… victory”
Déjà vu
Someone doesn’t know what day it is. The globalist FT is represented in this morning’s BBC press review by yesterday’s edition.
No new FT, no new comment…
Top frontpage feature photo story there yesterday – back for an encore with the BBC again today – was that little bearded bloke in khaki fatigues standing in front of the old yellow and blue flags with his hand out begging for more: Zelenskyy plea US aid needed within month – other alternative spellings are available – although apparently policies other than never-ending ever-continuing proxy war are not.
‘A historic day’ Sweden to join Nato (Guardian); Sweden clears final hurdle to join Nato in historic move (‘i’) – straight from the mouth of the neocon official press release copied verbatim to the frontpages of our left-liberal media
A British soldier takes part in the Brilliant Jump Nato joint exercises – as a squadie emerges from billowing orange smoke to excite Guradian readers in their frontpage feature photo – did someone say something about the smell of napalm in the morning? Imagine that same picture accidentally wrongly catalogued by Getty Images with the caption: Israeli soldier takes part in operation Brilliant Jump ground offensive in Gaza – oh the humanity!
Why conscription could be part of Britain’s future (‘i’) – whatever did happen to give peace a chance over there on our political left?
I’m proof that Britain isn’t racist, says Sunak (Times) – afterall, the British people elected me, an Indian (albeit high caste) as their top elected representative… oh, actually no… the Conservative party membership elected me… oh, forget that too. I was in fact levered into office via a Westminster palace financial market engineered coup.
Majority of Britons hold unfavourable opinion of Rishi Sunak… 24% are favourable towards Rishi Sunak (+2pts from October) and 52% are unfavourable (+1pt) (Ipsos, November 2023)
£25m cost of demos… anti-Israel protests – littered with terror and hate offences – have cost £25m to police… ministers prepare to spend £15million on personal bodyguards to protect MPs from extremists (The Sun) – no futher comment require there.
Taxes to rise £100bn amid migrant surge… raid on workers and businesses will cost the country £100bn in taxes by the end of the decade as rising net migration piles more pressure on public services (Telegraph)
Not to worry, Baldrick Jeremy has a cunning plan
Hunt lines up new vaping tax and cut to national insurance… “vaping products levy”… The tax is modelled on 15 similar schemes across Europe (Times) – keeping us in that old EU groove, eh Jeremy?
Get into the groove
Boy you’ve got to prove
Your love to me, yeah…
Which is where we came in this morning – or yesterday if you’re over there at the FT.
And finally…
Farmers spay manure in Battle of Brussels… Angry farmers doused police officers and tried to storm barbed-wire barricades erected to protect an EU meeting… At least 900 tractors rumbled into the Belgian capital… (Telegraph)
Mr Punch used to be a staple of British newspaper political cartoonery – his catchphrase was “That’s the way to do it!“
I wonder if anyone – anyone – really thinks if the outgoing chancellor -who may well lose his seat – comes up with any tax cut it will save the blue Labour Party from righteous oblivion .
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone writing support for them – and with a handful of badged tories – they are reds and a waste of rations ….
“Farmers spay manure in Battle of Brussels” DUE TO BREXIT – UK TO REJOIN EU TO STOP THIS MADNESS.
AISI, you spotted it! Well done. I remember the advertising campaign for the FT, too. With major BBC HQs in London and Salford, how difficult is it to get a copy of a daily newspaper? Very difficult if you are the lackadaisical, couldn’t care less, BBC, apparently.
The Director-General of the BBC needs to get a grip on his domain or it might be taken away from him.
The Daily Mail is also missing today; newspapers are frequently missing from the on-line Blog although they are mentioned in the text. Amazing! Sometimes even though they are missing a front page photo in the on-line site they still have a copy in the TOADY studio. You can hear the pages being turned by the TOADY presenter!
BBC this morning report that cancer treatment in the UK is way behind other countries. Diagnosis times, chemotherapy use, outcomes, all poor. Apparently Australia is good by comparison.
What of course is not mentioned is that only the UK of these countries runs a statist, centralised, nationalised health service. Australia runs on Medicare and health insurance.
The BBC solution and that of the left is to pour even more money into the black hole that is the NHS. And after all these years of propagandised state brainwashing about the wonderful NHS, the spineless Tories have still not taken on the vested interests and advocated reform.
Clap. Clap. Clap.
Or should that be die, die, die.
Is the medical mafia still on strike ? More holidays …. Don’t forget to clap …
Clap louder so they hear you in South Korea ….
South Korea’s government has launched an investigation into the death of a woman in her 80s after her ambulance was denied entry to several hospitals due to the ongoing doctors strike.
The patient died in the ambulance after suffering cardiac arrest.
About 70% of junior doctors have been on strike for the past week protesting plans to train up more physicians.
That’s put emergency rooms under pressure, with the government alleging doctors have risked public health.
Paramedics in the city of Daejon on Friday had called around seven hospitals to take the woman, but were turned away due to a lack of staffing and beds.
If Starmer truly went to Sir Lindsay, and presented him with a credible assertion that failure to allow the Labour amendment presented a real and immediate threat to the lives of MPs (or even an MP), Hoyle was right to allow it.
Its easy to say “MPs should just lump it” as someone who isn’t being asked to potentially come home to a firebombed home and a dead family for the sake of voting on a war we aren’t directly involved in. I don’t expect MPs to put themselves and this families at real threat of violence. They shouldn’t have to, and we as a country are failing badly if that’s happening.
However, IF this was true, then I’d also expect Starmer and Sunak to be making a joint press conference where they explain that the choice of votes was to protect the safety of MPs. That that was required means we are now effectively at war with an internal terrorist enemy that has successfully driven Parliamentary agenda through threats to MPs.
They will therefore co-sponsor a cross party bill to bring forward a war time package of measures to rip out Islamist terror in the UK. With fast track courts, updated treason laws, massive funding for Prevent, and an aggressive force bringing together GCHQ, the Armed Forces and the security services to hunt down, and either imprison, deport or, if necessary, eliminate Islamist terrorist actors in the UK.
THAT is an appropriate response to our democracy being crippled by MPs living in credible fear for their lives if they vote a certain way or not.
Zephir – if a senior politician asked to see the speaker in such circumstances it would seem ‘fair ‘ to either have another independent officer of parliament present – or even more fairly – other interested party’s – just like chambers meetings in trials ….
Otherwise it’s as dodgy as VAR …
Diane Abbot to say that Islamists just a wear a costume, just like she said to the Jews.
Have I read somewhere that NATO troops will officially be sent to Ukraine ? Is it the cheese eating surrender monkeys ?
One way to speed up the war to end all wars ….
Indians are fighting for Russia – we are entering WIII very quickly.
duped = took money and are complaining!
Nato and EU states ‘considering sending troops to Ukraine’
Don’t waste it on the plod, they’re used to the smell, save it for Westminster.
…..or, even better, those demonstrating regularly outside it.
It’s a huge mystery to the BBC why insurance companies
should charge more for car insurance in large “ethnic”
areas. It may be well be as difficult as E = MC squared to suss out.
BUT I don’t see what’s the elephant in the room so difficult to suss out in this
“mystery.” And I aint any Albert Einstein.
Do any of you watch the You Tube video clips of police
in the USA going into supermarkets or stopping cars
just leaving them full of stolen goods ?
I wont say what ethnic group 95% of the perpetrators
come from. Just lets say quite a few come from the
relations we find in the “room”
The first thing we hear as they start to ger hysterical
about being questioned about their misdemeanours is
” that they know their rights.” Then as the car is emptied
of $100’s worth of stolen goods and they are arrested.
It appears that a type of George Floyd syndrome sets in.
Thankfully the police officers have got their camcorders on.
Otherwise I expect they would be going away for years in