“Reading the Daily Mail gives you cancer”… so said a student friend, back in the day – unsurprisingly he was a bit of a lefty, until he got a mortgage and children, now he moans about the Tories and the BBC, and is a Reform supporter.
Made me think about principled and pragmatic politics
The World's First Invisible Sculpture Just Sold For $18,300
The "immaterial" piece is called "I am," and was dreamed up by sculptor Salvatore Garau as a way of challenging viewers' ideas about how humans construct meaning — and what makes art. pic.twitter.com/BPqDQ2at17
Related ….
Overnight the Home Affairs Committee released a report warning that Israel-Gaza marches are placing ‘unsustainable‘ pressure on the police, as Scotland Yard spent £19 million of taxpayers’ money on policing events in London, and £6 million outside the capital. The strain on the Metropolitan Police has caused over 4,000 officers to abandon rest days to ensure protests don’t get out of control. The City is tearing itself apart over the demonstrations…
Well most of that is never going to happen! Loads of tax cutting and nowhere near enough tax saving means higher government borrowing and the Liz Truss effect comes back.
We can’t leave the Human Rights charter – but then we don’t need to .
Can’t deport foreign criminals if their countries won’t accept them back !
Why ban Trans ideology in schools and leave all the other far Left ideology untouched? Critical Race Theory is far more dangerous.
Teachers in the education act are forbidden from any kind of political indoctrination of pupils yet I don’t believe a single one has been prosecuted for it. Begin active prosecutions long overdue.
How about scrapping junk degrees and why should someone ‘studying’ Lesbian Dance Theory have an interest free loan to do so?
How about making benefits dependent of first having done 5 years of work ? Then all the single mothers who have no intention of working and whose kids grow up to a life of crime destitute and forced to work to provide for their unwanted sprogs?
I am just thinking of the one on the list of writing off university fees for doctors and nurses. Sounds simple until I thought of the practicalities. Would these medics pay nothing until the 10 years were up? But then the ones who had gone off to Australia, if in those 10 years would have paid nothing back. Would all medics pay off something every year and then get a lump sum at the 10 year mark? But then would the women who had given birth and taken time off, and then gone part time have to do a longer time. You can imagine the squeals.
Besides I know a mature student nurse. He is getting his fees paid plus I think £18,000 a year while he is a student at the moment. He also has time to do some of the work he was doing prior to starting his degree. I don’t know his exact situation, but it seems somehow ahead of Mr Tice’s manifesto.
Sadiq Khan accuses Lee Anderson of ‘pouring petrol on the flames of Islamophobia’. The truth of the matter is that Khan is forging political opportunity, stoking up hate by pouring petrol petrol on the flames of division.
It would be hard to find a more revolting person than Sadiq Khan.
Nicky Campbell on R5 this morning was squeezing out every last drop, bemoaning Anderson’s comments as ‘causing division’.
They won’t see it but the country is already divided. It’s not down to a rogue comment causing rifts in society, but the BBC routinely muddle up cause and effect either deliberately or via ignorance.
“6.1% of Bradford households have no one with English as a main language, the national rate is 5%. 12.4% of Bradford residents do not have English as their main language.29 Nov 2022”
Covid: Language barrier in Bradford ‘putting lives at risk’
21 December 2020
I just hope these idiots never need a heart stent, an Israeli invention. They should never get diabetes, because the medication is an Israeli development. And thinking about it, they better give up their computers and mobile phones for the same reason.
In the interests of fairness and equity, they should pop over to the middle east and let the woman entertain a bunch of sex starved Gazans while her partner is made to watch the poor, oppressed gang rapists.
We have entered the Twighlight Zone and come out the other end …
” Assistant Sec. Rachel Levine announced a program for trans children to stay with trans-adoptive parents after being removed from biological homes via Child Services.
“Kids really need a home where someone understands them sexually,” Levine said, licking his lips.”
🚨JUST IN: Assistant Sec. Rachel Levine announced a program for trans children to stay with trans-adoptive parents after being removed from biological homes via Child Services.
"Kids really need a home where someone understands them sexually," Levine said, licking his lips. pic.twitter.com/dywmePuCQ2
Seems to me that Russia is missing a trick. Instead of banging on about Ukrainian nazis if instead they said they were going to sort out sexual deviants then they would probably be welcomed in to western countries with open arms.
A clue should be that both concepts share the same root word… to differentiate between types; separate from each other. You can’t unify separate elements without losing diversity so gov and media should at least understand what they’re talking about.
Rather than force endless social engineering programmes on everyone promising an unattainable fantasy world.
“United in diversity”, the motto of the European Union, first came into use in 2000. It signifies how Europeans have come together, in the form of the EU, to work for peace and prosperity, while at the same time being enriched by the continent’s many different cultures, traditions and languages.
MM the ghettoized Iranian, Indian, Romanian, Japanese, Pakistani and Albanian ‘communities’ on my doorstep is just such an example of the EU motto. I suppose we all use the same potholes. Unity!
Eva has had a dreadful day out and is “not very hopeful” she would get her money back but poses for a photo with a big smile on her face. Eva herself provided the photo but why would she be smiling? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czrlr3dw2x3o
At least Lydia looks suitably glum.
“The number of deaths where Covid is mentioned on the death certificate is now over 12,300 – that is by any measure a shocking figure and a terrible loss of life.
This includes the chap that was so depressed by the covid shenanigans that he committed suicide. This was put down as a covid death – to the outrage of his family.
In an essay for The Atlantic, Rubenstein explains how he realized — almost straight out of the gate after being hired at the Times in 2019 — things were not going in a sane direction
Today, in a backed room at W1A…. what more are they agreeing ‘they’ don’t say that the general public better not either… ?
Activist run media, media is in London, media runs what people can think, or say.
Every single political ‘news’ editor tweeting has just one source code.
The capital is lost, and the country not far behind.
“Nudge Unit”
The Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the ‘Nudge Unit’, is playing a big role in helping the government formulate its response to coronavi
Re: the self-immolation of the US serviceman outside the Israeli embassy —
Things are heading into a strange place when you’re sure such an act is ‘heroic’. Can’t help but feel our street protests have been rather tame so far compared to where they could go with more activist encouragement.
To the staff writers at The Guardian: The US airforce serviceman who burned himself alive in front of the Israeli Embassy did not, as you wrote, die "shouting about Palestine". No, he died heroically shouting Free Palestine. OK?https://t.co/eOJdNEOkCH
You are only a Hero in my book if you put your own life on the line to save another.
Greater love hath no man than one who lays down his life for a friend.
This man appears to have made a concious choice to protest, no one else was in danger nor was saved by his actions therefore he was in no way a ‘hero’.
Some of the early (and onwards, I stopped paying attention) XR training videos were clearly desperately hoping some idiot acolyte would get the hint and jump off a bridge to score top Alinsky martyr points with kindergarten media.
He now has a fanbase, apparently now upset a security guard did not put him out of his misery with a gun as opposed to running off to get a fire extinguisher.
Folk outside embassies in balls of flame might be worth steering clear of until sure. Some headed into airports here have been known to be vaguely incendiary or if headed into hospitals go boom.
A generation who have never been told no. Relaxing discipline in schools hasn’t helped, not when you get parents challenging every little decision and every child wins at Sports day
Not economically active (paid by a public fee), mental, suicidal, easily persuaded, astounding access to free time.. sounds just like the BBC staff roster.
I went to look for a news report on the BBC, the font of all knowledge on Polar Bears, nothing to see there. The only thing was this story about melting Antarctic Ice which I haven’t read yet.
It’ll be a cold day in hell before the BBC post a positive article on polar bear numbers. Can’t have the poster animal for the global warming scare doing well can we or people might wonder.
#28Gate plus a broadcaster turned pure propaganda machine
Ahhhh …… Boris will speak about it for £350K …. Former Covid medical officer Van-Tam takes role at vaccine maker Moderna
This article is more than 6 months old
One of UK’s public faces of pandemic, ‘JVT’ was known for football-related metaphors in No 10 briefings
‘Corrosive liquid’ thrown on two boys at Tube station https://t.co/ymTeTszOTN British Transport Police are looking for 3 people after a Acid Attack Saturday on the London Tube Network. Description wearing Black Puffer Jackets🤡🤡🤔🤔🙄 pic.twitter.com/E4zH04g3U9
“Manhunt for ‘acid thugs’ after gang including woman hurl ‘corrosive substance’ over two boys at London Elm Park Tube station before fleeing amid spate of terrifying attacks including Clapham suspect Abdul Ezedi’s assault on mum and kids”
Stop the pension crisis …. suttee, the Indian custom of a wife immolating herself either on the funeral pyre of her dead husband or in some other fashion soon after his death. Although never widely practiced, suttee was the ideal of womanly devotion held by certain Brahman and royal castes.5 Jan 2024
British Transport Police were unable to chase after the acid-attackers as they had to sit down for a rest – not needing to pass the fitness test any more. Thank-you for your understanding.
The reality of Essex’s gangland underworld: Acid attacks, stabbings and sexual assaults
C17 and Hellbanianz are two of the county’s most notorious gangs
19:47, 30 AUG 2019UPDATED12:56, 31 AUG 2019
He made the comment in radio and TV interviews on Monday, prompting accusations of Islamophobia and a rebuke from the prime minister.
Mr Scully had also said some people were “fearful for going out”.
Girl, 5, fined £150 for lemonade stand
21 July 2017
Seven years ago it looked like Lutfur Rahman’s political career was finished. An excoriating High Court judgment by the Electoral Commissioner Richard Mawrey QC had found the mayor of Tower Hamlets and his agents guilty of multiple counts of corrupt and illegal practices.
em 2 hours ago he was on TalkTV
seemingly continuing his comments
Didn’t look like an apology
Tory MP Paul Scully discusses his claim that there are ‘no-go areas’ in Birmingham and East London.
“There are parts of this country, whether it's Muslim, black, white, whatever, there are certain places that people do not feel comfortable going into.”@JuliaHB1pic.twitter.com/1fFOA2uyv4
Good news some parts of Africa are safer to go back to
“Senegal: Macky Sall announces a general amnesty bill
President Macky Sall announced, Monday, a general amnesty bill on the facts arising from the demonstrations occurring between 2021 and 2024 which he will submit to the National Assembly, …”
Do we hear such stories on the BBC ?
TWatO Watch #1 – oh dear, how sad, never mind. All over again.
I would seem that Kemi Badenoch, SoS for Business in a Conservative government was correct and Henry Staunton, ex-chair of the Post office (and sacked by Kemi Badenoch) was wrong. The big question not asked by Sarah, was will he apologise? Or will he stay quiet just like Stew Green and maxincony?
@Up2snuff It’s boring and timewasting and disrespectful to readers.
Alex Belfield is in jail for harassment
You were wrong I quoted your exact words
it’s not even important
You for some reason decided to be super offended and to hit back by claiming I was wrong, but never quoted my words .
How on Earth could the ancient continent of Europe end up with leaders so absolutely awful that we are now facing the destruction of the entire continent.
Of course there is one constant with Socialism or liberal leftism and that is the ending of lives in the tens if not hundreds of millions and the total; destruction of what ever they come into contact with.
Thanks to the corrupt Jews in Bidens Demonrat party we have a major conflict rumbelling on in Ukraine, and the destruction by the Demonrats of the Nordstream pipeline in order the enrich their backers has destroyed the European manufactuing powerhouse Germany.
At the same time the muppets of the Left have been bringing in violent fighting age men from other countries who appears devoid of any useable skills we are having to support.
And now because the muppets have realised that we the West are losing in Ukraine they are considering sending troops into the country in order the escalate the conflict. They have been warned that doing so will provoke a nuclear response and yet because they know they have private bunkers and will be safe they don’t care.
These are the delusional people so far detached from reality that the famers are having to bring violent protest to their doors, only then do they temporarily relent, before going straight back to the business of trying to destroy that which they have been given to care for.
No, they are insider trading, accepting campaign donations from corporations which are in recipt of tax payer funds.
They started the coup in Ukraine, they were taking bribes or at least corrupt payments out of Ukraine, and Biden & son weren’t the only ones.
The whole Ukraine war, the provocation of Russia was deliberate to enable transfers of large amounts of funds which could be transferred back to them and legitimised.
Would you like to know their names Lucy and their background along with some of the supporting evidence? It will be a long post but it is possible.
BBC “Three men have been charged with planning an attack on an Islamic education centre with a gun made using a 3D printer.”
claims : “Brogan Stewart 24 from Leeds, Marco Pitzettu* from Derby 24, and Christopher Ringrose, 33, from Cannock .. manufactured an FGC-9 semi-automatic firearm and identified potential targets for attack.
.. discussed a plan to attack an Islamic Education Centre in Leeds.”
So they had half a weapon .. and discussed a plan
That is something, you can’t print bullets .. so they weren’t fully prepared
* A Derby Twitter account in that name goes back to 2015
It talks having a gun to shoot ducks to eat/
There is another in that name says he is Italian.. the first account talks a lot about Italy too
TWatO Watch #2 – the present generation is not responsible for slavery, Sarah
One of the quibbles or may be stronger than that, a complaint about Gwyneth Williams increasing the length of TWatO to forty-five minutes is that the programme has to have quite a bit of ‘padding’ in it. The Montacutie went all luvvie and had an American talking about an American play that deals with the subject of slavery ….. yet again. (I thought they had done all that with ‘Hamilton’?)
The Four Evils campaign (Chinese: 除四害; pinyin: Chú Sì Hài), was one of the first actions taken in the Great Leap Forward in China from 1958 to 1962. Authorities targeted four pests for elimination: rats, flies, mosquitoes, and sparrows. The extermination of sparrows – also known as the smash sparrows campaign[1] (Chinese: 打麻雀运动; pinyin: dǎ máquè yùndòng) or the eliminate sparrows campaign (Chinese: 消灭麻雀运动; pinyin: xiāomiè máquè yùndòng) – resulted in severe ecological imbalance, being one of the causes of the Great Chinese Famine of 1959–1961.
t is widely regarded as the deadliest famine and one of the greatest man-made disasters in human history, with an estimated death toll due to starvation that ranges in the tens of millions (15 to 55 million).[note 1] The most stricken provinces were Anhui (18% dead), Chongqing (15%), Sichuan (13%), Guizhou (11%) and Hunan (8%).[1]
“Bob Stewart has had his conviction for a racially aggravated public order offence quashed” on appeal
That was on Feb 22nd
I missed that news
so was it the case the original conviction was given the BANGING ON treatment by the media
but the overturning of it NOT ?
Emily Maitlis and her outlet The News Agents were celebrating left-wing Hope Not Hate’s “exclusive” discovery of “conspiratorial” tweets from GB News owner Sir Paul Marshall yesterday. Marshall’s offending tweets have now been deleted…
#1 HnH are a nasty hatey Labour front group
#2 Maitliss herself recently deleted conspiracy tweets about the now absolved Dan Wootton
After the Burkina Faso attack on a church on Sunday morning (Attributed to Islamic State) there was one on a mosque
It looks like there are so many rebels it’s like a civil war
“Sunday attack against a mosque in Natiaboani in the Eastern region, causing the death of several faithful including the grand imam of the locality. While waiting for the official report, the information reaching us at present indicates 14 deaths among our faithful, including 2 who died in hospital.”
Another by Islamists
“Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin (JNIM) Militants Led an Armed Assault on Civilians and Burkinabe Military Forces in Natiaboani, Gourma Province, Burkina Faso – 25 February 2024”
Apparently there are no lefty terrorists
“Authorities Capture 30-Year-Long Wanted Daniela Klette of the Leftist Red Army Faction (RAF), Berlin, Germany – 26 February 2024 TRAC Top Line Daniela Klette was long wanted for being part of the left-wing extremist Red Army Faction (RAF
BTW in
Pakistan : suspected Quds Force Militants Assassinate Jaish al-Adl (Army of Justice) Leader, Haji Ayub Gwahramzaei, Malir Cantonment, Karachi, Pakistan – 26 February 2024
BBC refuses to use the “terrorist” word again
They tweeted at the same time I posted
“Daniela Klette: Far-left fugitive found in Berlin after decades on the run” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68415892
Definitely NOT a terrorist ../sarc “In 1991 the group launched a gun attack on the US embassy in the western city of Bonn.
No-one was injured, but traces of Ms Klette’s DNA was later found at the site.
Two years later, the group bombed and partly destroyed a new prison which had just been built.
Here is former head of the Post Office sacked by Kemi Badenoch being questioned by the committee. Decide for youself as you might if you were a jury member which one of them is telling the truth (because they can’t both be)
Thoughtful, Henry Staunton appears to me to be equivocating. He should have asked Sarah Munby outright, had she been instructed by HMTreasury to slow down on the Inquiry cost payment or the compensation payments or the Horizon replacement cost (surely Fujitsu Siemens should bear that cost as well as the compensation payments) and he should also have asked Sarah Munby if the Chancellor of the Exchequer was requesting economies on one of those three points. Guilty, m’lud.
It must be pretty tricky for someone who thinks he is a boy to ask someone who he has reasonable cause to suspect is a ‘girl ‘ out on-a ‘date ‘ .. and whether as part of the preliminaries he needs to send pictures of his private parts for approval –
Both the ‘asking ‘ and ‘sending ‘ may well be criminal offences involving life long membership of an offender register ….
BBC and their endless fascination with racism, should be headline news ?
Is that a pig I see airborne ?
“Estate agent is suspended for celebrating the death of Lord Rothschild and saying that she hoped all Israel supporters would die.
Amanda Hardy has been suspended from Barkers estate agent in Borehamwood”
“Former council house neighbours claim Angela Rayner ‘banged on the door demanding money’ for a new window when their son kicked a football through it – but was not living in the home at the time
Tory MPs have called for an investigation into the Labour deputy leader ”
Ten ways that the Government has caused Mental illness in Children:
(1) Government support for the BBC
(2) Government support for woke perverts
(3) Government support for unpatriotic wars
(4) Government support for Britains enemies
(5) Government support for Bill Gates and mass murder
(6) Government support for Censorship and Propaganda
(7) Government support for dangerous foreign enemies within
(8) Government support for mass antisocial solitary confinement (Lockdown)
(9) Government support for behavioural scientists to brainwash people into a state of FEAR
(10) Government support for the BBC ban on scientists who disagree with Greta & Alarmism
Angela Rayner, Right to Buy.
There are specific rules/Laws regarding RTB Council or Housing Association property.
The buyer has to be a Tenant be living at the property which must be the buyer’s sole property. And has to be a tenant for at least three years.
Under normal tenancy rules for social housing sub letting is disallowed.
Rayner looks to have some questions to answer although she could be innocent.
Name of donor: Waheed Ali
Address of donor: private
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation):
The use of a flat as accommodation for five nights, value £1,250
“Former neighbours of the council house at the centre of a row which has left Angela Rayner facing a potential police probe, say they had never seen her living there.
They said that in the time she owned it, the only time they recall the future Labour deputy leader visiting the property, was when her brother was living there – who he described as his landlady, despite her denying she ever was.
She appeared on the electoral roll at the property – on Vicarage Road – until it was sold, official documents seen by the Mail on Sunday show.
That is despite her husband Mark Rayner being listed as a voter at another property a mile away – in Lowndes Lane – following their 2010 marriage.
Yet when Ms Rayner re-registered the births of her two youngest children that same year, she gave his address on Lowndes Lane.
Anyone who knowingly provides false information about the address they are registered to vote at could face conviction and a prison sentence.”
Further to the Right to Buy rules. There is the so called ‘Right of First Refusal’. If the RTB buyer wishes to sell within Ten years of buying, it has to be offered back to the Council/Trust who have the Right to Buy it back at market value.
She may of course have complied with the requirement however a lot of Solicitors are not familiar with Right to Buy and I’m unsure if it appears on the deeds.
Who the f…. is Ishy Khan ? Apparently he’s an antiques dealer of 12 years (?) experience and sufficiently expert enough to grab a gig on Antiques Toad Show. Alongside other “experts” with no auction background or decades of being in the game – like some Scottish Indian called Roo, a China man called Gary, a beanie wearer called Chittinunga, and a black gypsy called Danny – have I left anyone out ? Oh yes, an Eastern European amazon of a woman with a shrieky laugh.
Only the BBC could cobble together a group of rainbow misfits and call them “experts”. I’ve (and thousands of others) wandered around antique fairs for decades and know more than that lot put together. I want Phillip Serrell Jonathan Pratt and all the other genuine professionals to inform me, not some pikey with a feather in his bowler !
“Fiona’s most memorable (and unusual) find on the Roadshow is a desiccated caul – it’s a foetal membrane that was once a pretty valuable commodity, and it was even thought to protect the owner from drowning!”
Charlie Bigham, he of the very, very pricy meat pie company says in the Guardian that he has seen no benefits from Brexit, so obviously the Guardian hand him a free promo slot.
A memo to Charlie. The UK is pretty much the only country in Europe who regularly partake of meat pies. Inhabitants of EU countries would probably rather pass. May explain why Brexit has not boosted your business?
“Police admit attempt to ‘silence’ Christian street preacher for criticising other religions and atheism was ‘disproportionate’ as they back down in free speech row”
It’s difficult to tell lefty loonies from parody
Like her profile gives her country as Swagistan
Yet Wiki says she’s a white British actress turned Muslim a few years ago.
The BBC says that BBC Verify checks the facts with the authorities and removes malinformation, misinformation and disinformation to instil order and trust in important people, appointed by those in authority due to protected characteristics, who regard news of deaths and injuries as less important than news about racist or sexist words. News about laptops and presidents with dementia is false news and is banned by the BBC. In fact Joe Biden is the font of all knowledge and truth. This truth is passed down to the CIA, then through FVEY to OFCOM and then on to the BBC to be broadcast on BBC News.
It will disappear faster than you can say ‘LabourParty’.
But for the record, at the Welsh covid enquiry it transpires that there was systematic deletion of what’s app messages by the devolved government. Which has healthcare under its remit. A Labour devolved government.
One of those who did that, BAME leadership contender Vaughan Gethin, accepted a £200,000 donation from a dodgy environmentalist.
Someone please tell me I’m dreaming. Sad IQ has a 25 point lead in latest poll, despite EVERYTHING that’s gone on in London.
I guess those are all his Islamist mates that Anderson warned us about.
Unlike whitie, they stick together and vote for their own.
Yes despite ULEZ the vote for him will be solid – the majority ethnics will vote for him whether they know it or not . Those who work for a living , pay taxes and drive cars will just get lost or not bother voting …. No one will be voting blue labour … I keep an eye on politics but have no idea who the Tory candidate is – nor do I care …
This may go some way towards explaining why we have islamic extremists allowed to vent their racism every weekend:
“Sadiq Khan’s past links to extremists are the basis of questions about his record as Mayor.
ANALYSIS: In 2016 Sadiq Khan successfully portrayed questions about his links to extremists as “Islamophobia” – but his record as Mayor raises new questions.
In August 2002, Khan was denied access to the US to help defend Zacarias Moussaoui, a member of Al Qaeda who was part of the 9/11 terrorist atrocities.
In 2016, convicted terrorist Babar Ahmad, who supported the Taliban and ISIS, tried to play down his relationship with Sadiq Khan in a BBC interview.
However, Ahmad’s sister Sara had a different recollection: “Sadiq Khan has been a friend of Babar’s since they were boys and a wonderful supporter since his arrest.”
In 2004, Khan and Jeremy Corbyn attended the Palestine: The Suffering Still Goes On conference at the Tooting Islamic Centre.
Sharing the platform was Stephen Sizer, who has promoted conspiracy theories that Israel was responsible for 9/11; Ibrahim Hewitt, chairman of Interpal, designated as “global terrorist organisation” by the US ,who supports Hamas and is also a member of the organisation that invited the “blood libel” cleric Raed Salah to Britain; and Dr Daud Abdullah, who led the Muslim Council of Britain’s boycott of Holocaust Memorial Day and advocated attacks on the Royal Navy if they tried to stop arms for Hamas being smuggled into Gaza.
Then in 2007, Khan attended and spoke at the 10th anniversary celebrations of the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), alongside Corbyn. PRC is banned in Israel and is described as “Hamas’s organisational branch in Europe” which organises “radical and violent activity” and has branded Israelis “Nazi Jews”.”
Khan has also advocated the introduction of Islamic law into parts of the UK.
In 2004, he wrote: “There are some other uncontroversial areas of Islam law which could easily be applied to the legal system we have in the UK.
In 2007, he opposed the banning of forced marriages, describing the Bill as stereotyping “ghetto” legislation.
There were other allegations including claims of links to the pan-Islamic group Hizb ut Tahrir, which preached an end to democracy and the “illegal” state of Israel, propagated jihad, and wanted to establish a unified “Islamic State””
“There are some 150,000 practising solicitors in the UK. A legitimate question to ask: why did so many extremely violent Sunni jihadists approach his firm? (The context was he became one of three bosses and an equity partner). They had around 50 employees to choose from! Why did he specifically work with these jihadi leaders? How on earth did they know to approach his firm and him?”
When is the BBC going to point out the incompetence of the Home Office and its failures to defend the people of Great Britain by the absence of border control?
Why hasn’t the BBC highlighted the false promises made by our Tory Prime minister to “Stop the boats”.
IMHO we are in great danger .
Vote Reform UK to kick out the Consocialists.
Over to you maxincony ………………..
For those interested the ‘maverick of Wall Street’ is back on YouTube after having been ‘cancelled ‘ for no apparent reason . His view is that inflation in the US has not been fully controlled and the Fed may have to put interest rates up – which goes against the narrative …. But I bet Obama will do all he can to stop that from happening until after the fixed election in November …
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Take that shit out now” Black woman sees white woman with braids in her hair. https://youtu.be/livlqSJC8NY?si=mi6FDYq4dw885Uaj&t=246 Lefties Losing It: Whoopi…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 Flying in 1979 It Was a New Experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psIbvgwrDZg Bernie Sanders Interviews Mall Punks (1988) [FULL] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxpsS2nTntQ
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Islamic terrorist motive for stabbing being investigated An 18-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of wounding with intent to do…
moggiemooMar 14, 15:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Why did she need to make anything up? We all know that taxes go up when Labour get into power…
Square-EyedMar 14, 15:09 Midweek 12th March 2025 Correct me if I’m wrong, but when India achieved independence, and by virtue of partition Pakistan, wasn’t the assumption that…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 15:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 ““I believe, this Government believes, in free and open trade, and will continue to make that point. We are in…
“Reading the Daily Mail gives you cancer”… so said a student friend, back in the day – unsurprisingly he was a bit of a lefty, until he got a mortgage and children, now he moans about the Tories and the BBC, and is a Reform supporter.
In Bejing?
Made me think about principled and pragmatic politics
Made me think
“spot the moderate muslim”
Bricklayers have certainly put their prices up.
Was it paid for with invisible money?
And defund the BBC?
Reform House of Lords = make worse normally without an acutal action .
1 Migrant in = 2 House Lords Out
1 Migrant in = 10 Immigration judges out
I refuse to vote for a party which is only cutting aid by 50% . They should be paying us for taking in their dregs ….
Reform House of Lords ? No – end House of Lords ….
40000 more plod ? Not so sure …. Maybe better vetting ….
End mayor of London – police ‘commissioners ‘ – fight fraud – regular benefits checks – deal with medical mafia – NHS –
40000 more plod ? Not so sure …. Maybe better vetting ….
– aren’t the MET completely corrupt?
FFS not again
Wonder if those who knelt for George Floyd should be sent to protect the 650 MPs from the Islamists?
Related ….
Overnight the Home Affairs Committee released a report warning that Israel-Gaza marches are placing ‘unsustainable‘ pressure on the police, as Scotland Yard spent £19 million of taxpayers’ money on policing events in London, and £6 million outside the capital. The strain on the Metropolitan Police has caused over 4,000 officers to abandon rest days to ensure protests don’t get out of control. The City is tearing itself apart over the demonstrations…
Super-tax on mosques to pay for: policing costs, benefit costs, rape-of-children costs etc.
Weasel words? “Freeze non-essential immigration”. What is “non-essential”?
Anything to repeal…………….
Well most of that is never going to happen! Loads of tax cutting and nowhere near enough tax saving means higher government borrowing and the Liz Truss effect comes back.
We can’t leave the Human Rights charter – but then we don’t need to .
Can’t deport foreign criminals if their countries won’t accept them back !
Why ban Trans ideology in schools and leave all the other far Left ideology untouched? Critical Race Theory is far more dangerous.
Teachers in the education act are forbidden from any kind of political indoctrination of pupils yet I don’t believe a single one has been prosecuted for it. Begin active prosecutions long overdue.
How about scrapping junk degrees and why should someone ‘studying’ Lesbian Dance Theory have an interest free loan to do so?
How about making benefits dependent of first having done 5 years of work ? Then all the single mothers who have no intention of working and whose kids grow up to a life of crime destitute and forced to work to provide for their unwanted sprogs?
I am just thinking of the one on the list of writing off university fees for doctors and nurses. Sounds simple until I thought of the practicalities. Would these medics pay nothing until the 10 years were up? But then the ones who had gone off to Australia, if in those 10 years would have paid nothing back. Would all medics pay off something every year and then get a lump sum at the 10 year mark? But then would the women who had given birth and taken time off, and then gone part time have to do a longer time. You can imagine the squeals.
Besides I know a mature student nurse. He is getting his fees paid plus I think £18,000 a year while he is a student at the moment. He also has time to do some of the work he was doing prior to starting his degree. I don’t know his exact situation, but it seems somehow ahead of Mr Tice’s manifesto.
Sadiq Khan accuses Lee Anderson of ‘pouring petrol on the flames of Islamophobia’. The truth of the matter is that Khan is forging political opportunity, stoking up hate by pouring petrol petrol on the flames of division.
It would be hard to find a more revolting person than Sadiq Khan.
He’s been falling (rapidly) in my estimation in recent years. That stupid Ulez scheme was the icing on the cake.
I can’t believe Londoners voted for him, okay, yes I can believe some demographics would, but anyone else?! What’s wrong with them?
Nicky Campbell on R5 this morning was squeezing out every last drop, bemoaning Anderson’s comments as ‘causing division’.
They won’t see it but the country is already divided. It’s not down to a rogue comment causing rifts in society, but the BBC routinely muddle up cause and effect either deliberately or via ignorance.
“6.1% of Bradford households have no one with English as a main language, the national rate is 5%. 12.4% of Bradford residents do not have English as their main language.29 Nov 2022”
Covid: Language barrier in Bradford ‘putting lives at risk’
21 December 2020
Poor English contributed to woman’s stair lift death – inquest
5 December 2023
If it is a lawyer set your estimation to rock bottom.
You will never be knowingly disappointed. Some examples:
B Liar
“Israeli goods”?
What do we import from Israel other than Kiwi Fruits and Oranges?
Do they mean things produced by part Jewish owned companies? If so, that’s practically everything on the shelves in any supermarket in the UK!
What do they do with the goods, once they’ve put them in the shopping trolley?
Would be a little annoying if you were managing one of these stores, I should imagine?
a shtreimel?
Stop buying Chinese to end the Muslim slave trade? HA HA H AH HA HA HA HA!
I just hope these idiots never need a heart stent, an Israeli invention. They should never get diabetes, because the medication is an Israeli development. And thinking about it, they better give up their computers and mobile phones for the same reason.
Notice the megaphone to shout over any objections
In the interests of fairness and equity, they should pop over to the middle east and let the woman entertain a bunch of sex starved Gazans while her partner is made to watch the poor, oppressed gang rapists.
We have entered the Twighlight Zone and come out the other end …
” Assistant Sec. Rachel Levine announced a program for trans children to stay with trans-adoptive parents after being removed from biological homes via Child Services.
“Kids really need a home where someone understands them sexually,” Levine said, licking his lips.”
Entering? It started a few decades after William Shatner started seeing gremlins.
And Toenails (yawn) tried to open a blatant piece of concocted propaganda in lie of journalism with a dumb analogy… “Imagine if you willl….” recently.
And few, even those targeted, batted an eyelid.
God that dates me and every other person who knows the Twilight Zone episode you referenced.
Seems to me that Russia is missing a trick. Instead of banging on about Ukrainian nazis if instead they said they were going to sort out sexual deviants then they would probably be welcomed in to western countries with open arms.
Division = bad
Diversity = good
A clue should be that both concepts share the same root word… to differentiate between types; separate from each other. You can’t unify separate elements without losing diversity so gov and media should at least understand what they’re talking about.
Rather than force endless social engineering programmes on everyone promising an unattainable fantasy world.
“United in diversity”, the motto of the European Union, first came into use in 2000. It signifies how Europeans have come together, in the form of the EU, to work for peace and prosperity, while at the same time being enriched by the continent’s many different cultures, traditions and languages.
MM the ghettoized Iranian, Indian, Romanian, Japanese, Pakistani and Albanian ‘communities’ on my doorstep is just such an example of the EU motto. I suppose we all use the same potholes. Unity!
@TerminalMoraine good point
I checked to see who said it on Twitter
The first tweet that poppedup was from 2010
It’s that obvious
Doesn’t uncontrolled immigration promote DIVISION ?
This happens a lot…
Eva has had a dreadful day out and is “not very hopeful” she would get her money back but poses for a photo with a big smile on her face. Eva herself provided the photo but why would she be smiling?
At least Lydia looks suitably glum.
“The number of deaths where Covid is mentioned on the death certificate is now over 12,300 – that is by any measure a shocking figure and a terrible loss of life.
Covid is mentioned
Covid is mentioned
Covid is mentioned
> Covid is mentioned
This includes the chap that was so depressed by the covid shenanigans that he committed suicide. This was put down as a covid death – to the outrage of his family.
BBC TNI partner
In an essay for The Atlantic, Rubenstein explains how he realized — almost straight out of the gate after being hired at the Times in 2019 — things were not going in a sane direction
Today, in a backed room at W1A…. what more are they agreeing ‘they’ don’t say that the general public better not either… ?
Activist run media, media is in London, media runs what people can think, or say.
Every single political ‘news’ editor tweeting has just one source code.
The capital is lost, and the country not far behind.
“Nudge Unit”
The Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the ‘Nudge Unit’, is playing a big role in helping the government formulate its response to coronavi
11 MAR 2020
The approach depends a lot on experimentation, and the Nudge Unit has championed wider use of experiments in government.
Re: the self-immolation of the US serviceman outside the Israeli embassy —
Things are heading into a strange place when you’re sure such an act is ‘heroic’. Can’t help but feel our street protests have been rather tame so far compared to where they could go with more activist encouragement.
You are only a Hero in my book if you put your own life on the line to save another.
Greater love hath no man than one who lays down his life for a friend.
This man appears to have made a concious choice to protest, no one else was in danger nor was saved by his actions therefore he was in no way a ‘hero’.
The term was resolved for me by Jeremy Clarkson’s story that concluded with his father in law.
Now it is likely a new category in media awards just snatched from Maitlis by Ferrari.
Some of the early (and onwards, I stopped paying attention) XR training videos were clearly desperately hoping some idiot acolyte would get the hint and jump off a bridge to score top Alinsky martyr points with kindergarten media.
Dr. Gail suggested getting arrested at least was worth a 100 media stories.
A small flaw in his plan is that suicide is decidedly forbidden in islam, and considered a huge sin.
But the story shows how strong this Free Palestine cult is.
He now has a fanbase, apparently now upset a security guard did not put him out of his misery with a gun as opposed to running off to get a fire extinguisher.
Hard to please too.
Waste of a fire extinguisher?
Bit late to the party.
This guy did it in 1963..
Folk outside embassies in balls of flame might be worth steering clear of until sure. Some headed into airports here have been known to be vaguely incendiary or if headed into hospitals go boom.
At least the gene pool dodged a bullet there.
“Jesse Baird: Human remains found in search for missing Sydney couple”
Story seems to be big in Australia, basically about 3 poofters – a ‘couple’ hairdresser and tv presenter, both shot dead by a dumped cop or something.
Pathetic State of Australia:
Bent males and XL morbidly obese females.
Daily mail photo
Sodomites meet Vegemites ( sorry )
@ Guest Who
Your link above, RE Alinsky, “Rules for Radicals” hides a truth that is ever more prevalent today, I quote:
“he writes, “we are dealing with people who are merely hiding psychosis behind a political mask.”
How often do we hear about our precious millenials and their “mental health battles” ?
even today we find so many are out of wor k because of this, but it doesn’t stop them protesting and mobbing people they dislike:
“DR MARTIN SCURR: Get a grip, Generation Snowflake! I know what’s causing ‘rising tide’ of mental health issues among the young… and who is to blame”
A generation who have never been told no. Relaxing discipline in schools hasn’t helped, not when you get parents challenging every little decision and every child wins at Sports day
Not economically active (paid by a public fee), mental, suicidal, easily persuaded, astounding access to free time.. sounds just like the BBC staff roster.
Certainly a troll
On a Homewood polar bear post:
In response to glenartney:
I went to look for a news report on the BBC, the font of all knowledge on Polar Bears, nothing to see there. The only thing was this story about melting Antarctic Ice which I haven’t read yet.
It’ll be a cold day in hell before the BBC post a positive article on polar bear numbers. Can’t have the poster animal for the global warming scare doing well can we or people might wonder.
#28Gate plus a broadcaster turned pure propaganda machine
we see you
The Sue grey club …
50 shades of gay!
Ahhhh …… Boris will speak about it for £350K …. Former Covid medical officer Van-Tam takes role at vaccine maker Moderna
This article is more than 6 months old
One of UK’s public faces of pandemic, ‘JVT’ was known for football-related metaphors in No 10 briefings
He’s following the money now.
not this time,
“Manhunt for ‘acid thugs’ after gang including woman hurl ‘corrosive substance’ over two boys at London Elm Park Tube station before fleeing amid spate of terrifying attacks including Clapham suspect Abdul Ezedi’s assault on mum and kids”
Stop the pension crisis …. suttee, the Indian custom of a wife immolating herself either on the funeral pyre of her dead husband or in some other fashion soon after his death. Although never widely practiced, suttee was the ideal of womanly devotion held by certain Brahman and royal castes.5 Jan 2024
British Transport Police were unable to chase after the acid-attackers as they had to sit down for a rest – not needing to pass the fitness test any more. Thank-you for your understanding.
CCTV images of three people officers want to speak to about the alleged attack have been released by the force.
OK at least 2 of the people wanted for questioning do appear to be white. The 3rd is too wrapped up to tell.
Fortunately –
“The two boys were treated in hospital and their injuries are not believed to be life-threatening or life-changing, BTP said.”
– Express
Import … become …
The reality of Essex’s gangland underworld: Acid attacks, stabbings and sexual assaults
C17 and Hellbanianz are two of the county’s most notorious gangs
19:47, 30 AUG 2019UPDATED12:56, 31 AUG 2019
Probably chucked hot coffee.
Police need to balance ethnic statistics so…
Paul Scully: Former minister and MP sorry for ‘no-go’ areas
17 minutes ago
He made the comment in radio and TV interviews on Monday, prompting accusations of Islamophobia and a rebuke from the prime minister.
Mr Scully had also said some people were “fearful for going out”.
Girl, 5, fined £150 for lemonade stand
21 July 2017
Seven years ago it looked like Lutfur Rahman’s political career was finished. An excoriating High Court judgment by the Electoral Commissioner Richard Mawrey QC had found the mayor of Tower Hamlets and his agents guilty of multiple counts of corrupt and illegal practices.
Last Friday Mr Rahman’s ambitions were fulfilled once again as he was swept back into power, winning the Tower Hamlets mayoralty with an even bigger margin of victory over Labour’s John Biggs than in the 2014 election.
Lutfur? Isn’t that what you scratch your back with, in the bath?
You scratch his back and he’ll give you a council contract to scratch your back.
Paul Scully: Former minister and MP sorry for ‘no-go’ areas comment
Whats the point to the political system we have in this country, when politicians aren’t allowed to be honest
em 2 hours ago he was on TalkTV
seemingly continuing his comments
Didn’t look like an apology
The magazine warned passengers to take “precautions” when visiting parts of London mainly populated by “Indians, Pakistanis and black people”.
FFS not again
Media websites have used that term in the past , including the BBC
Good news some parts of Africa are safer to go back to
“Senegal: Macky Sall announces a general amnesty bill
President Macky Sall announced, Monday, a general amnesty bill on the facts arising from the demonstrations occurring between 2021 and 2024 which he will submit to the National Assembly, …”
Do we hear such stories on the BBC ?
TWatO Watch #1 – oh dear, how sad, never mind. All over again.
I would seem that Kemi Badenoch, SoS for Business in a Conservative government was correct and Henry Staunton, ex-chair of the Post office (and sacked by Kemi Badenoch) was wrong. The big question not asked by Sarah, was will he apologise? Or will he stay quiet just like Stew Green and maxincony?
Last sentence spoiled a useful post. I recall the pile on by ALL the usual suspects when things were in the realm of ‘claim’ they preferred.
Guest, Stew and maxi have not apologised. I was right. They were wrong.
@Up2snuff It’s boring and timewasting and disrespectful to readers.
Alex Belfield is in jail for harassment
You were wrong I quoted your exact words
it’s not even important
You for some reason decided to be super offended and to hit back by claiming I was wrong, but never quoted my words .
Keyboards at dawn, the only way forward now…
the loser gets a framed print of a pink boat with police around it.
How on Earth could the ancient continent of Europe end up with leaders so absolutely awful that we are now facing the destruction of the entire continent.
Of course there is one constant with Socialism or liberal leftism and that is the ending of lives in the tens if not hundreds of millions and the total; destruction of what ever they come into contact with.
Thanks to the corrupt Jews in Bidens Demonrat party we have a major conflict rumbelling on in Ukraine, and the destruction by the Demonrats of the Nordstream pipeline in order the enrich their backers has destroyed the European manufactuing powerhouse Germany.
At the same time the muppets of the Left have been bringing in violent fighting age men from other countries who appears devoid of any useable skills we are having to support.
And now because the muppets have realised that we the West are losing in Ukraine they are considering sending troops into the country in order the escalate the conflict. They have been warned that doing so will provoke a nuclear response and yet because they know they have private bunkers and will be safe they don’t care.
These are the delusional people so far detached from reality that the famers are having to bring violent protest to their doors, only then do they temporarily relent, before going straight back to the business of trying to destroy that which they have been given to care for.
Sadiq Aman Khan – Supreme Leader of Londonistan
Humza Haroon Yousaf – Supreme Leader of Scotlandistan
Rishi Sunak – Supreme Leader of Britainistan
Leo Varadkar – Supreme Leader of Irelandistan
“Corrupt Jews”
Are they not observing Torah properly?
No, they are insider trading, accepting campaign donations from corporations which are in recipt of tax payer funds.
They started the coup in Ukraine, they were taking bribes or at least corrupt payments out of Ukraine, and Biden & son weren’t the only ones.
The whole Ukraine war, the provocation of Russia was deliberate to enable transfers of large amounts of funds which could be transferred back to them and legitimised.
Would you like to know their names Lucy and their background along with some of the supporting evidence? It will be a long post but it is possible.
BBC “Three men have been charged with planning an attack on an Islamic education centre with a gun made using a 3D printer.”
claims : “Brogan Stewart 24 from Leeds, Marco Pitzettu* from Derby 24, and Christopher Ringrose, 33, from Cannock .. manufactured an FGC-9 semi-automatic firearm and identified potential targets for attack.
.. discussed a plan to attack an Islamic Education Centre in Leeds.”
So they had half a weapon .. and discussed a plan
That is something, you can’t print bullets .. so they weren’t fully prepared
* A Derby Twitter account in that name goes back to 2015
It talks having a gun to shoot ducks to eat/
There is another in that name says he is Italian.. the first account talks a lot about Italy too
Islam will explain why the UK is racist …
FFS not again
It’s when bowls of petunias appear in low earth orbit you knows the shizzle is hitting the windmill.
TWatO Watch #2 – the present generation is not responsible for slavery, Sarah
One of the quibbles or may be stronger than that, a complaint about Gwyneth Williams increasing the length of TWatO to forty-five minutes is that the programme has to have quite a bit of ‘padding’ in it. The Montacutie went all luvvie and had an American talking about an American play that deals with the subject of slavery ….. yet again. (I thought they had done all that with ‘Hamilton’?)
I hope this play is not coming over here! There was an excellent article on the TCW Defending Freedom w-s all about this subject, yesterday: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/stop-saying-we-when-you-mean-they/ Highly recommended.
That first Twitter account has never mentioned Islam or Muslim
The second account shows zero tweets since 2011
Brogan is an Irish name for girls or boys
Relax – the EU LOVES YOU.
. . . . . .
The Four Evils campaign (Chinese: 除四害; pinyin: Chú Sì Hài), was one of the first actions taken in the Great Leap Forward in China from 1958 to 1962. Authorities targeted four pests for elimination: rats, flies, mosquitoes, and sparrows. The extermination of sparrows – also known as the smash sparrows campaign[1] (Chinese: 打麻雀运动; pinyin: dǎ máquè yùndòng) or the eliminate sparrows campaign (Chinese: 消灭麻雀运动; pinyin: xiāomiè máquè yùndòng) – resulted in severe ecological imbalance, being one of the causes of the Great Chinese Famine of 1959–1961.
t is widely regarded as the deadliest famine and one of the greatest man-made disasters in human history, with an estimated death toll due to starvation that ranges in the tens of millions (15 to 55 million).[note 1] The most stricken provinces were Anhui (18% dead), Chongqing (15%), Sichuan (13%), Guizhou (11%) and Hunan (8%).[1]
“Bob Stewart has had his conviction for a racially aggravated public order offence quashed” on appeal
That was on Feb 22nd
I missed that news
so was it the case the original conviction was given the BANGING ON treatment by the media
but the overturning of it NOT ?
Im glad to say it was mentioned on this site – but the cost to him was very high methinks
Oh also from Guido
Emily Maitlis and her outlet The News Agents were celebrating left-wing Hope Not Hate’s “exclusive” discovery of “conspiratorial” tweets from GB News owner Sir Paul Marshall yesterday. Marshall’s offending tweets have now been deleted…
#1 HnH are a nasty hatey Labour front group
#2 Maitliss herself recently deleted conspiracy tweets about the now absolved Dan Wootton
After the Burkina Faso attack on a church on Sunday morning (Attributed to Islamic State) there was one on a mosque
It looks like there are so many rebels it’s like a civil war
“Sunday attack against a mosque in Natiaboani in the Eastern region, causing the death of several faithful including the grand imam of the locality. While waiting for the official report, the information reaching us at present indicates 14 deaths among our faithful, including 2 who died in hospital.”
Another by Islamists
“Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin (JNIM) Militants Led an Armed Assault on Civilians and Burkinabe Military Forces in Natiaboani, Gourma Province, Burkina Faso – 25 February 2024”
Burkina Faso news site reports the attacks on Twitter
Apparently there are no lefty terrorists
“Authorities Capture 30-Year-Long Wanted Daniela Klette of the Leftist Red Army Faction (RAF), Berlin, Germany – 26 February 2024 TRAC Top Line Daniela Klette was long wanted for being part of the left-wing extremist Red Army Faction (RAF
BTW in
Pakistan : suspected Quds Force Militants Assassinate Jaish al-Adl (Army of Justice) Leader, Haji Ayub Gwahramzaei, Malir Cantonment, Karachi, Pakistan – 26 February 2024
BBC refuses to use the “terrorist” word again
They tweeted at the same time I posted
“Daniela Klette: Far-left fugitive found in Berlin after decades on the run”
Definitely NOT a terrorist ../sarc
“In 1991 the group launched a gun attack on the US embassy in the western city of Bonn.
No-one was injured, but traces of Ms Klette’s DNA was later found at the site.
Two years later, the group bombed and partly destroyed a new prison which had just been built.
AFP too
“*fugitive* member of the notorious far-left *militant* group the Baader-Meinhof gang
Good job lefties are never terrorists
Here is former head of the Post Office sacked by Kemi Badenoch being questioned by the committee. Decide for youself as you might if you were a jury member which one of them is telling the truth (because they can’t both be)
Thoughtful, Henry Staunton appears to me to be equivocating. He should have asked Sarah Munby outright, had she been instructed by HMTreasury to slow down on the Inquiry cost payment or the compensation payments or the Horizon replacement cost (surely Fujitsu Siemens should bear that cost as well as the compensation payments) and he should also have asked Sarah Munby if the Chancellor of the Exchequer was requesting economies on one of those three points. Guilty, m’lud.
It must be pretty tricky for someone who thinks he is a boy to ask someone who he has reasonable cause to suspect is a ‘girl ‘ out on-a ‘date ‘ .. and whether as part of the preliminaries he needs to send pictures of his private parts for approval –
Both the ‘asking ‘ and ‘sending ‘ may well be criminal offences involving life long membership of an offender register ….
No wonder suicide numbers are sadly up ….
BBC and their endless fascination with racism, should be headline news ?
Is that a pig I see airborne ?
“Estate agent is suspended for celebrating the death of Lord Rothschild and saying that she hoped all Israel supporters would die.
Amanda Hardy has been suspended from Barkers estate agent in Borehamwood”
BBC investigation ?
Is that a pig I see flying past ?
“Former council house neighbours claim Angela Rayner ‘banged on the door demanding money’ for a new window when their son kicked a football through it – but was not living in the home at the time
Tory MPs have called for an investigation into the Labour deputy leader ”
Can the Tories have their ball back please?
Their balls back… cos they haven’t got any
“The cave-in Tories”
Ten ways that the Government has caused Mental illness in Children:
(1) Government support for the BBC
(2) Government support for woke perverts
(3) Government support for unpatriotic wars
(4) Government support for Britains enemies
(5) Government support for Bill Gates and mass murder
(6) Government support for Censorship and Propaganda
(7) Government support for dangerous foreign enemies within
(8) Government support for mass antisocial solitary confinement (Lockdown)
(9) Government support for behavioural scientists to brainwash people into a state of FEAR
(10) Government support for the BBC ban on scientists who disagree with Greta & Alarmism
(11) Government say X and do Y whilst sending money to Z (not you)
Angela Rayner, Right to Buy.
There are specific rules/Laws regarding RTB Council or Housing Association property.
The buyer has to be a Tenant be living at the property which must be the buyer’s sole property. And has to be a tenant for at least three years.
Under normal tenancy rules for social housing sub letting is disallowed.
Rayner looks to have some questions to answer although she could be innocent.
Name of donor: Waheed Ali
Address of donor: private
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation):
The use of a flat as accommodation for five nights, value £1,250
The use of a flat as accommodation for five nights?
“Former neighbours of the council house at the centre of a row which has left Angela Rayner facing a potential police probe, say they had never seen her living there.
They said that in the time she owned it, the only time they recall the future Labour deputy leader visiting the property, was when her brother was living there – who he described as his landlady, despite her denying she ever was.
She appeared on the electoral roll at the property – on Vicarage Road – until it was sold, official documents seen by the Mail on Sunday show.
That is despite her husband Mark Rayner being listed as a voter at another property a mile away – in Lowndes Lane – following their 2010 marriage.
Yet when Ms Rayner re-registered the births of her two youngest children that same year, she gave his address on Lowndes Lane.
Anyone who knowingly provides false information about the address they are registered to vote at could face conviction and a prison sentence.”
Further to the Right to Buy rules. There is the so called ‘Right of First Refusal’. If the RTB buyer wishes to sell within Ten years of buying, it has to be offered back to the Council/Trust who have the Right to Buy it back at market value.
She may of course have complied with the requirement however a lot of Solicitors are not familiar with Right to Buy and I’m unsure if it appears on the deeds.
Bit difficult to flash her growler with a ball and chain round her ankle and a suit with arrows on it…
so there’s her career down the drain.
a second career beckoning as tobacco baron on D wing ?
Sharing cells with all the other labour MPs, they could form a gang and corner the market in snout.
Who the f…. is Ishy Khan ? Apparently he’s an antiques dealer of 12 years (?) experience and sufficiently expert enough to grab a gig on Antiques Toad Show. Alongside other “experts” with no auction background or decades of being in the game – like some Scottish Indian called Roo, a China man called Gary, a beanie wearer called Chittinunga, and a black gypsy called Danny – have I left anyone out ? Oh yes, an Eastern European amazon of a woman with a shrieky laugh.
Only the BBC could cobble together a group of rainbow misfits and call them “experts”. I’ve (and thousands of others) wandered around antique fairs for decades and know more than that lot put together. I want Phillip Serrell Jonathan Pratt and all the other genuine professionals to inform me, not some pikey with a feather in his bowler !
The team
Meet the Antiques Roadshow team:
“Fiona’s most memorable (and unusual) find on the Roadshow is a desiccated caul – it’s a foetal membrane that was once a pretty valuable commodity, and it was even thought to protect the owner from drowning!”
The antique shop in Ampthill is worth a trip, three floors of stuff
Oooh, I know !
Charlie Bigham, he of the very, very pricy meat pie company says in the Guardian that he has seen no benefits from Brexit, so obviously the Guardian hand him a free promo slot.
A memo to Charlie. The UK is pretty much the only country in Europe who regularly partake of meat pies. Inhabitants of EU countries would probably rather pass. May explain why Brexit has not boosted your business?
He also does ready meals, I often wonder if they are marinated in gold leaf or garnished with rubys considering the price.
He’s charging so much to pay Richard Osman’s fees for the advertising.
Could Lee Anderson MP ‘up sticks’ and join Reform UK?
The British Media will not be happy about it.
what say you ?
taffman, think Lee Anderson could be an asset to Reform and a guaranteed MP for the Party. Near 6,000 majority at the 2019 General Election.
Anderson caved in on opposing Sunak’s Rwanda botch bill recentlym
Farage called him weak
Christianophobia, by the police, oh the horror….
“Police admit attempt to ‘silence’ Christian street preacher for criticising other religions and atheism was ‘disproportionate’ as they back down in free speech row”
What’s that thing where what is said..
“… Muslim voices have all but disappeared from public life…”
…but done…
You can watch our award winning BBC/CBC film « Finding Alaa » here: tinyurl.com/424ke94s
We have just been long listed @BAFTA
.. don’t equate?
Redolent of BLM celebs at the Oscars, MoBos….
It’s difficult to tell lefty loonies from parody
Like her profile gives her country as Swagistan
Yet Wiki says she’s a white British actress turned Muslim a few years ago.
The BBC says that BBC Verify checks the facts with the authorities and removes malinformation, misinformation and disinformation to instil order and trust in important people, appointed by those in authority due to protected characteristics, who regard news of deaths and injuries as less important than news about racist or sexist words. News about laptops and presidents with dementia is false news and is banned by the BBC. In fact Joe Biden is the font of all knowledge and truth. This truth is passed down to the CIA, then through FVEY to OFCOM and then on to the BBC to be broadcast on BBC News.
Mental health issues in young people.
I remember when we called it ‘Teenagers growing up’.
Which a headteacher of my acquaintance does, but only off the record, sadly.
It will disappear faster than you can say ‘LabourParty’.
But for the record, at the Welsh covid enquiry it transpires that there was systematic deletion of what’s app messages by the devolved government. Which has healthcare under its remit. A Labour devolved government.
One of those who did that, BAME leadership contender Vaughan Gethin, accepted a £200,000 donation from a dodgy environmentalist.
But he’s Labour. So all of this is OK. Obviously.
Someone please tell me I’m dreaming. Sad IQ has a 25 point lead in latest poll, despite EVERYTHING that’s gone on in London.
I guess those are all his Islamist mates that Anderson warned us about.
Unlike whitie, they stick together and vote for their own.
It’s just the one imam, responsible for the 15 million Muslim postal votes in London.
Yes despite ULEZ the vote for him will be solid – the majority ethnics will vote for him whether they know it or not . Those who work for a living , pay taxes and drive cars will just get lost or not bother voting …. No one will be voting blue labour … I keep an eye on politics but have no idea who the Tory candidate is – nor do I care …
“£50-an-hour? I wouldn’t get out of bed for that! Doctor faces criticism for claiming sum offered by NHS trust is ‘insulting’
Dr Matthew Evans claimed the locum shift sum was proof the country is ‘broken'”
This may go some way towards explaining why we have islamic extremists allowed to vent their racism every weekend:
“Sadiq Khan’s past links to extremists are the basis of questions about his record as Mayor.
ANALYSIS: In 2016 Sadiq Khan successfully portrayed questions about his links to extremists as “Islamophobia” – but his record as Mayor raises new questions.
In August 2002, Khan was denied access to the US to help defend Zacarias Moussaoui, a member of Al Qaeda who was part of the 9/11 terrorist atrocities.
In 2016, convicted terrorist Babar Ahmad, who supported the Taliban and ISIS, tried to play down his relationship with Sadiq Khan in a BBC interview.
However, Ahmad’s sister Sara had a different recollection: “Sadiq Khan has been a friend of Babar’s since they were boys and a wonderful supporter since his arrest.”
In 2004, Khan and Jeremy Corbyn attended the Palestine: The Suffering Still Goes On conference at the Tooting Islamic Centre.
Sharing the platform was Stephen Sizer, who has promoted conspiracy theories that Israel was responsible for 9/11; Ibrahim Hewitt, chairman of Interpal, designated as “global terrorist organisation” by the US ,who supports Hamas and is also a member of the organisation that invited the “blood libel” cleric Raed Salah to Britain; and Dr Daud Abdullah, who led the Muslim Council of Britain’s boycott of Holocaust Memorial Day and advocated attacks on the Royal Navy if they tried to stop arms for Hamas being smuggled into Gaza.
Then in 2007, Khan attended and spoke at the 10th anniversary celebrations of the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), alongside Corbyn. PRC is banned in Israel and is described as “Hamas’s organisational branch in Europe” which organises “radical and violent activity” and has branded Israelis “Nazi Jews”.”
Khan has also advocated the introduction of Islamic law into parts of the UK.
In 2004, he wrote: “There are some other uncontroversial areas of Islam law which could easily be applied to the legal system we have in the UK.
In 2007, he opposed the banning of forced marriages, describing the Bill as stereotyping “ghetto” legislation.
There were other allegations including claims of links to the pan-Islamic group Hizb ut Tahrir, which preached an end to democracy and the “illegal” state of Israel, propagated jihad, and wanted to establish a unified “Islamic State””
“There are some 150,000 practising solicitors in the UK. A legitimate question to ask: why did so many extremely violent Sunni jihadists approach his firm? (The context was he became one of three bosses and an equity partner). They had around 50 employees to choose from! Why did he specifically work with these jihadi leaders? How on earth did they know to approach his firm and him?”
When is the BBC going to point out the incompetence of the Home Office and its failures to defend the people of Great Britain by the absence of border control?
Why hasn’t the BBC highlighted the false promises made by our Tory Prime minister to “Stop the boats”.
IMHO we are in great danger .
Vote Reform UK to kick out the Consocialists.
Over to you maxincony ………………..
For those interested the ‘maverick of Wall Street’ is back on YouTube after having been ‘cancelled ‘ for no apparent reason . His view is that inflation in the US has not been fully controlled and the Fed may have to put interest rates up – which goes against the narrative …. But I bet Obama will do all he can to stop that from happening until after the fixed election in November …
Possibly his impersonation of Janet Yellen which is hillarious?
Or maybe pointing out Nancy Pelosi’s insider trading over Nvidia ?