“More than one in five working-age adults in the UK are not actively looking for work […] This number has been persistently high since the pandemic, with an increase in long-term sickness one of the major reasons behind the rise.”
BBC says the rise is increasingly affecting young people, and is “something we’re only starting to understand”. It also quotes the ONS who put a large part of this down to including “depression, bad nerves or anxiety”. Bad nerves eh? Let me check my science books on that clinical diagnosis.
From the ONS which recently chopped two thirds of excess deaths off its books by changing its reporting methodology. Good science this ain’t… in fact it brings to mind Wolfgang Pauli’s immortal words “it’s not even wrong”. But the BBC won’t notice and don’t care.
Just on that thing about OFCOMBBC – surely it would be better if all programmes planned for public viewing should be pre vetted by of BBCOFCOM so that it can be approved .
Such vetting will improve quality and remove unapproved programmes – it could be called ‘censorship ‘ ….
BBC running a story about the Russian election being fixed . I kept substituting Biden for putin – and ask where the evidence of the ‘fix’ is ….. it’s just ranting about an unapproved leader ….
The same noise will be made if president trump were to unfix the US election . At least the UK is already in the bag … with the Indian using his green card on the day after ….
Islam Channel Ltd (“Islam Channel” or “the Licensee”) in
respect of its service Islam Channel (Ofcom TLCS licence
For: Breaches of the Ofcom Broadcasting Code (the “Code”)2 in
respect of:
Rule 3.2: “Material which contains hate speech must not be
included in television…programmes…except where it is
justified by the context”.
Ofcom’s Decision is that the appropriate sanction is to:
i. impose a financial penalty of £40,000;
The right to freedom of expression is applicable not only to “information” or “ideas” that are
favourably received or regarded as inoffensive or as a matter of indifference, but also to those
that offend, shock or disturb. It is open to broadcasters to include programmes which
interrogate the merits of prominent conspiracy theories. However, the greater the risk for the
Was the Russian election well ordered, with in person voting with ID, and no postal voting.
Or was it a right royal mess tumbling about all over the place?
Oh no, my vote got stuck to the top of the ballot box and lost😕
Former chief prosecutor Nazir Afzal is happy with a full house of zero white men in power. Others lived in hope that ability might factor as a requirement of the job.
And they are the worst set of leaders in living memory. 🤷🏽♂️
Can we get BBC Verify to confirm if this reporter is actually outside on a bridge in Islamabad? 🤔 5 seconds of footage on loop with a Truman Show-esque repeating reappearance of that bus. Makes the Kate Middleton photo look plausible @BBCNewspic.twitter.com/U87zZpvIBM
We’re not sure where Olympics fans expected the BBC pundits to be commentating from this year, but it’s safe to say they were not prepared for a green screen in Salford.
Ronson ‘I was kind of obsessed with our mutual friend who let it take over his life to the extent that he lost all of his work and his family’
Doh whereas Ronson & Buxton conform to Guardianland to keep the $$$, Linehan took a stand for women’s rights vs trans
“This is a bit embarrassing now that the NHS has blocked puberty blockers because of the irreversible damage they do to children. Graham Linehan was right all along
and @jonronson and others that did not stand by their friend are complete cowards.”
Released at the same time as the WPATH files and the ban on puberty blockers in the UK.
This is what happens when you think you are keeping your hands clean by not engaging with an opinion you disagree with.
You end up looking like an absolute out-of-touch pillock.
Funny that these self regarding morons are talking on ‘Things Fell Apart’.
I’ll tell you what things fell apart – the whole edifice of puberty blocking, maiming, and abusing children in the name of a nonsense ideology.
… That’s what has fallen apart recently.“
another reply from Leo Kearse
It’s interesting to hear why Adam Buxton and Jon Ronson sidelined Graham Linehan over his “trans obsession”.
I wonder how they’ll react now the WPATH scandal is revealing that Graham was right, and experimenting on confused children to sterilise and castrate them isn’t the benevolent panacea we were promised.
““This is a bit embarrassing now that the NHS has blocked puberty blockers because of the irreversible damage they do to children. Graham Linehan was right all along
and @jonronson and others that did not stand by their friend are complete cowards.””
As a contributor to Alamy I can tell you that their images are watermarked and they trackdown and force misusers to pay for the use of their images. I think you should delete this ASAP.
I f people really are so desperate for foodbanks
then why do I see them advertising on Facebook all the time ?
“Here’s some photos of our jammed shelves
come on down and get some FREE stuff”
IMHO Foodbanks are not about DEMAND, they are about the supply
.. The point is the supermarkets have masses of cheap food and new laws mean it can’t be thrown away .. as a result the Foodbank supply is massive
never cease to amaze us. You are all so wonderful. These donation boxes are always full every time we turn up. Your heart and kindness is truly overwhelming. Thank you also to Sainsbury’s for allowing to us to have the donation boxes in your store. God bless you all.
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
Also of interest .. Ten most inane things in Obama’s awful speech “Otherwise, virtually everything was confused or misleading. More than that, he revealed he has no idea what he’s doing.” {washingtonpost – Jennifer Rubin – Conservative – may2013}
Just wondering why Banksy can graffiti pretty much any wall he chooses whereas if you or I were caught doing it we would almost certainly get a fine and criminal record?
US President pays visit to number 10 Mohammed street to personally give him his new Green Card ….. and maybe they’ve decided to ditch Ukraine and Israel
Simpo is opining instead of getting off the sofa again.
The world’s media are prevented from reporting from inside Gaza. If we had seen the daily reality there in detail, I suspect the international pressure on Israel would have been even stronger than it is.
One for Simpo? Verify? The security guy who opens the side door? The tea lady?
Even Fatah now says Hamas is responsible for the war in Gaza. And yet the woke left still blames Israel for everything. This is lunacy. The fact is if you invade a country and rape and butcher its citizens, there will be consequences, says Brendan O’Neill
Sheffield I have mentioned before the allegedly pervy evangelical priest.
Today he just had a quick court appearance for charges to be read
but ITV news PR have a detailed web report with reports
and TV report with videos of his face
“A priest who led an evangelical movement in the 1980s and 1990s has appeared in court to face multiple allegations of sexual offences against former members of a church congregation.
The Reverend Christopher Brain led the so-called Nine O’Clock Service in Sheffield between 1986 and 1995.
Brain appeared at Sheffield Magistrates’ Court for a four-minute hearing on Monday, where he faced charges in relation to 11 women.
one count of rape and 33 counts of indecent assault, alleged to have been committed between 1981 and 1995.
As the weather on the English Channel gets milder with the improving weather , what contingency plans has our Tory Government got to defend our shores from invasion,
How about “Stop The Boats ” perhaps?
Over to our top national news broadcaster to keep us up to date us ………
Not BBC but on Channel 4 tonight there is a programme about Orania, a small town in South Africa set up by whites who want to get away from black violence.
This is how the programme is described:
“In the heart of South Africa is one of the most extreme communities on the planet: the ‘whites only’ town of Orania. Ade Adepitan ventures into the lion’s den, as he spends a week living in the town and tries to find common ground with its residents.”
I am not expecting a fair-minded programme about white people who just want to live in peace.
Just wanting to live in peace and let the rest do their bizarre thing seems the sole province of islanders off India.
I thought about a refuge once, but knew full well that after a short while doing my own thing a collection of media pondweed would demand access to ‘report’, then insist a bunch of their favoured importees were allowed in, and then… U.K. 2.0
ITV local news PR main item
anti -fracking protesters gather in Misson to celbrate concreting up of the well
Fawning report with them drinking champagne
They were 97% women with the odd man on the periphery of the crowd
I tweeted the link to the catch-up complaining about the bias
Then my friend pointed out the item was not on the catch-up version.
For the first time ever ITV Calendar the northern version onto both the northern page and southern page. So southern viewers can’t check the programme they watched.
It’s called Capital Mall
I doubt it’s at Palestine Square’ cos no tweet has ever mentioned them both
long videos on Twitter are better
but last week I saw multiple tweets about a truck barging a car in Bradford, as if had just happened
but the same video was also tweeted 6 months earlier.
Countryside racist ?
no it’s the metro-elites who bully and control the countryside people
During the anti fracking protests we were told we were ‘collateral damage’ in their quest to destroy our shale gas industry. We already lived in a gas field & knew there was nothing to be scared about. But we were silenced while the paid activists plied the media with BS. #NIMN
Seems Hamas UN BBC is claiming the gazanarians are starving again – they’ve got to all be dead by now has they’ve been claiming that for weeks … meanwhile 200 tons of freebies arrived for Hamas yesterday …. Hope it was all halal ….
BBC News theatrics ..using a green screen to pretend they are live on a motorway bridge in Pakistan
Can we get BBC Verify to confirm if this reporter is actually outside on a bridge in Islamabad? 🤔 5 seconds of footage on loop with a Truman Show-esque repeating reappearance of that bus. Makes the Kate Middleton photo look plausible @BBCNewspic.twitter.com/U87zZpvIBM
Does he agree with his brother – Hattem Ealeawa – who was overjoyed on Oct 7 – praising Allah and celebrating that he was alive for Jihad?
And does he agree with his wife – Razan – who celebrated the terror attack on 27 January 2023 in which 7 Israelis were murdered? 2/3 pic.twitter.com/mF5fquQ9qW
BBC Verify,the misinformation and propaganda unit. (Yours for just £150 per year and no questions asked)
(edited) By Jake Wallis Simmons writing in DT
Hamas and how the broadcast media ( BBC – mainly), aid organisations, international bodies and world leaders take its disinformation as gospel. Last week it became clear that this gullibility may have led to a crime against reality. The figures, repeated by everyone from the White House to the BBC, are freighted with familiarity: 30,000 dead in Gaza, 70 per cent of whom are women and children. Yet it now seems overwhelmingly likely that these statistics are fabricated. Prof Wyner found, showing little daily variation. Obviously, this bore no resemblance to any plausible version of reality. Then there was the fact that, according to Hamas data from 29 October, 26 men came back to life; and the fact that on several days, no men were apparently killed at all, but only women. Were we really supposed to believe any of this?
It’s not that there is a lack of journalistic curiosity in large parts of the media. It’s just that, when it comes to Israel, facts are subordinated to assumptions. In February, BBC Verify quoted a World Health Organisation official: The [Hamas] ministry has “‘good capacity in data collection’ and its previous reporting has been credible and ‘well developed’”. This was the same WHO that had singled out Israel for condemnation at an international assembly largely devoted to Covid. And this was the same BBC Verify that had partly based a story on an eyewitness who had reportedly worked for an Iranian state news outlet and celebrated the deaths of Jews on social media.
BBC verify is an interesting development. If, as the BBC claim all reports are trustworthy across the network, fact checked and edited by the largest news gathering team in the entire UK (sum of 21,000 BBC full time and part time journos) more than any UK Newspapers (all of them staff combined). Often root out the truth with investigation when the BBC does not. Time and time again, the BBC choose ‘lazy journalis’m and ‘risk free’ repeats straight off the REUTERS ‘tele-prompt’ without checking anything, or perhaps they do and reject it.
BBC Verify unit claims they have 60 ‘house trained journos’ on its staff. why does it not trust its own BBC staff network, do they not trust them to report the ‘truth’?
But when you check ‘BBC VERIFY unit’ its clear its a form of censorship against topical news it then disapproves of. “BBC Verify has little to do with exposing misinformation, and more to do with discrediting truths (sorry, ‘conspiracy theories’) the establishment disapproves of.” https://europeanconservative.com/articles/commentary/whos-verifying-bbc-verify/
Stew Greens link above is also informing about the complete and utter pro palestinian bias in bbc “verify” reporting using activists who are “doctors” in Gazan hospitals and arab journalists who post messages celebrating attacks upon Israel and other extremely antisemitic content:
“BBC Verify – a hostile land of make believe.
Everyone makes mistakes. But I learnt a long time ago that the true levels of integrity and professionalism are seen in how people react when things go wrong. BBC Verify was caught basing a story on the words of an Iranian regime mouthpiece. Its response was to deflect, deny and double-down.
The headlines
A check of BBC Verify articles shows a clear bias against Israel
The BBC verify lens is set up to prosecute only Israel
The reliance on BBC Arabic destroys the credibility of BBC Verify
BBC Verify has numerous agency problems – resulting in articles consistently built upon unreliable witnesses.
Analysis of social media activity of the BBC Verify team underscores the bias.
Almost none of the BBC Verify team bothered to post anything until long after October 7
Some of the BBC Verify team have reposted the opinions of anti-Zionists and shared other fake news material demonising Israel
It is clear the BBC is wrong when it says BBC Verify do not have an (anti-Israel) agenda.
On March 1 the BBC Verify team published a story built around the eyewitness testimony of a Palestinian journalist named Mahmoud Awadeyah. It was Awadeyah who told the BBC that the Israelis had fired ‘purposefully’ at the men approaching the aid trucks. He was the only eyewitness to the actual event quoted by BBC Verify and so without him – they didn’t really have a story to write.
I hunted the journalist down online and found he worked for outlets connected to Hamas and the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard. I also found him celebrating deadly terrorist attacks, along with images of him dining with a leading Islamic Jihad terrorist.
BBC: “We stand by our journalism and reject the allegations in this piece.
It is jaw-dropping that they reduced the long list of Awadeyah’s failings to him simply ‘expressing an opinion’. Working for the IRGC, dining with a commander of the Islamic Jihad, and dancing when Jews are murdered – is hardly just ‘expressing opinion’. It is as if they are talking about which toppings he prefers on his Pizza.
On Tuesday 12 March, BBC News / BBC Verify published an exclusive story that accused Israel of abusing Gazan medical staff. Because demonisation of Israel acts as a fix to a nation experiencing an addiction to antisemitism, the item was widely shared. In the end even the British Foreign Minister David Cameron felt the need to respond, calling the report ‘very disturbing’. The BBC played its part by holding the item on the front page far longer than usual.
But when you break the BBC exclusive down, cracks emerge in the story. In fact the entire piece relies on human input from just six separate sources. Three of them were Arabic speaking journalists – the other three were witnesses from the hospital.
Soha Ibrahim BBC Arabic journalist
Marie-Jose Al Azzi BBC Arabic journalist
Muath Al Khatib Palestinian WAFA journalist
Dr Atef Hout, Doctor at Nasser hospital
Abu Sabha, Doctor at Nasser hospital
Hatem Raba, Doctor at Nasser hospital
Two of the three journalists actually work for the BBC. From their timelines it is clear nobody at the BBC is checking the BBC Arabic staff.
The first is Soha Ibrahim. Her timeline is toxic beyond measure. Just two examples of Ibrahim liking posts that celebrated and supported the Oct 7 attack
The second journalist Marie-Jose Al Azzi –has already deleted some of her timeline. She was caught a few years ago supporting BDS and trying to persuade artists not to perform in Israel.
Despite this, she is still on the BBC payroll. And then there is the Palestinian, Muath Al Khatib . He went to Thailand and was triggered by the number of Jewish people he saw there.
The three ‘doctors’
Then there are the three doctors who act as the reliable witnesses in the BBC story. The first is Dr Atef Hout. He was the witness who told the BBC that ‘anyone who moved would have been shot’ by the IDF. Here he is in 2021 celebrating rocket attacks against innocent Israeli civilians.
Next up was Ahmed Wael Abu Sabha – he claims he was beaten and abused by the IDF. In this post he is glorifying the terrorist Uday Al Tamimi:
And finally there is Hatem Raba. He told the BBC people were ‘dying of thirst’. I found a Facebook profile of him as a doctor in Gaza. But the profile is only three months old. Before this he had a different profile, showing him as a political activist for Fatah.
It really is this easy to fool the BBC. He also shares material that glorifies terrorism.
Six sources – and all of them are problematic. Between the six sources listed above they could contrive anything – and BBC Verify would swallow it whole. Which is exactly how the BBC ends up acting as a Hamas propaganda outlet.
🧵Probably the most sophisticated Al Jazeera “journalist” psy-op yet:
You may have seen the headlines today about Al Jazeera journalist Ismail al-Ghoul, who was apprehended by the IDF in Shifa Hospital while it was battling terrorists.
Given the multiple instances since October 7th of Al Jazeera journalists moonlighting as Hamas operatives (or vice versa), I figured I’d take a look into al-Ghoul as well.
What I found was a highly sophisticated, concerted effort to – for lack of a better word – manufacture a “legitimate journalist” out of whole cloth.
Ben Wallis – the retired defence minister – tells his party to walk toward the guns – when in fact – it’s more like walk toward the mine field ….i won’t do parallels with the Somme – day one – but blue labour really is going to be slaughtered – hopefully ministers such as hunt will lose their seats . Vote Reform .
Biden has told Netanyahu “it would be a mistake to enter Raffa”, and Netanyahu has agreed to send a delegation to Washington.
Why is this important? Because the Israeli lobby in Washington is very strong, and if Biden is taking this position it is because others have told him to.
If Netanyahu has lost, or is in danger of losing the support of that US group he will not be in charge for much longer.
All the Chinese scooter and bike hire schemes *will* fail. If only because the build quality of battery cells and wiring is simply pathetic.
I wonder at the RoI on the Santander Boris bikes in London – it has to be absolutely appalling. Once the novelty attenuated the usage rates must be absolutely miserable.
The new strategy is designed to harness a major expansion in green energy that will see Britain’s offshore windfarm capacity growing to become the biggest in Europe and larger even than the USA’s.
But ‘bottlenecks’ in the current grid system prevent renewable electricity being transported from where it is generated to where it is used.
Britain’s electricity grid, which dates back to the 1950s, was designed around coal-fired power stations in the centre of the country, which has required only small upgrades since.
But growth in the demand for power from the grid will accelerate over the next decade as motorists switch to electric cars and more heating needs are met through electricity rather than gas.
‘The current grid is reaching its capacity and is unable to transport much more electricity,’ the report said.
‘Currently, energy is being wasted as the grid cannot transport it to where it can be used.
‘Because of these bottlenecks, as the system operator, we sometimes have to ask wind farms to switch off to prevent the grid becoming overloaded – wasting cheap, sustainable, home-grown wind power.’
The plans are in addition to £60billion of investment in infrastructure needed by 2030 that was laid out in a previous report, but which the new document says will ‘only get Britain so far in its journey towards producing the greener and cheaper electricity that will be needed’.
“Hanging by a thread! Kanye West’s wife Bianca Censori risks wardrobe malfunction in one of her most daring outfits yet as her huge cleavage is held up by see-through rubber strap”
“That equates to roughly 4 years Foreign Aid Budget, plus the 15+ Billion it’s costing us paying to look after ILLEGAL people.”
How much (£ millions £) has the Tory Government wasted in “stopping the boats” ? How many have been stopped ?
Expect more to come across The English Channel as the weather improves. All after free housing, education, health and free money. All paid for by the working people of Great Britain . Reform and UKIP could take many votes from the Consocalists this October… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68612041
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
From something called the BBC’s analysis editor —
“More than one in five working-age adults in the UK are not actively looking for work […] This number has been persistently high since the pandemic, with an increase in long-term sickness one of the major reasons behind the rise.”
BBC says the rise is increasingly affecting young people, and is “something we’re only starting to understand”. It also quotes the ONS who put a large part of this down to including “depression, bad nerves or anxiety”. Bad nerves eh? Let me check my science books on that clinical diagnosis.
From the ONS which recently chopped two thirds of excess deaths off its books by changing its reporting methodology. Good science this ain’t… in fact it brings to mind Wolfgang Pauli’s immortal words “it’s not even wrong”. But the BBC won’t notice and don’t care.
Starve them .
Just on that thing about OFCOMBBC – surely it would be better if all programmes planned for public viewing should be pre vetted by of BBCOFCOM so that it can be approved .
Such vetting will improve quality and remove unapproved programmes – it could be called ‘censorship ‘ ….
BBC running a story about the Russian election being fixed . I kept substituting Biden for putin – and ask where the evidence of the ‘fix’ is ….. it’s just ranting about an unapproved leader ….
The same noise will be made if president trump were to unfix the US election . At least the UK is already in the bag … with the Indian using his green card on the day after ….
Islam Channel Ltd (“Islam Channel” or “the Licensee”) in
respect of its service Islam Channel (Ofcom TLCS licence
For: Breaches of the Ofcom Broadcasting Code (the “Code”)2 in
respect of:
Rule 3.2: “Material which contains hate speech must not be
included in television…programmes…except where it is
justified by the context”.
Click to access Decision-Islam-Channel-Ltd.pdf
Ofcom’s Decision is that the appropriate sanction is to:
i. impose a financial penalty of £40,000;
The right to freedom of expression is applicable not only to “information” or “ideas” that are
favourably received or regarded as inoffensive or as a matter of indifference, but also to those
that offend, shock or disturb. It is open to broadcasters to include programmes which
interrogate the merits of prominent conspiracy theories. However, the greater the risk for the
Was the Russian election well ordered, with in person voting with ID, and no postal voting.
Or was it a right royal mess tumbling about all over the place?
Oh no, my vote got stuck to the top of the ballot box and lost😕
‘Russia ‘in breach of constitutional standards’ – election watchdog’
As legitimate as the US election
Former chief prosecutor Nazir Afzal is happy with a full house of zero white men in power. Others lived in hope that ability might factor as a requirement of the job.
India to be ruled by a blacked faced Trudeau! HA H AHA HA H!
We demand more Albinos in all roles!
Ending albino persecution in Africa
Context : he was not chief prosecutor for England, just for one region North West of England
Simpo scolds OFCOM
David Lammy? Diane Abbott?
Reporters on a green screen?
I thought the BBC could afford better AI
We’re not sure where Olympics fans expected the BBC pundits to be commentating from this year, but it’s safe to say they were not prepared for a green screen in Salford.
Ofcom to fine BBC 1000 billion!
No replies allowed
Islamic Front?
Competition always brings out the hidden Nazi in Commie left-wingers like Abbott.
We want our country back!
The final nail in the coffin for the Tory government would be Nigel Farage deciding to lead ‘Reform UK’.
Then we would see the boats finally stop .
Diane Abbott: Chairman Mao “on balance did more good than harm”
p.s. Diane Abbott was taught history by BBC’s Simon Schama.
Portillo’s face says everything you need to know following that inane and totally stupid remark by clueless Abbott.
“West condemns Russian election (Rishi was selected) but China (selling tech) and India (buying cheap oil for Rishi’s father in law) back Putin’s win”
China and India want cheap oil to sell to Europe! HA H AHA HA!
“Who congratulated Putin and who refused to?”
Refused? Doesn’t that suggest they were asked to ,,,
Probably leaders of half the worlds population did.
Allegedly the Pope too.
‘ When Ukrainians write about Russia’s presidential “election” they put the word in quote marks. ‘
Ok why doesn’t Ukraine suspend marital law and hold their own election that’s due?
Guess men could leave the country in that case, so they don’t.
Jon Ronson is trending cos he and his buddy Adam Buxton did a new Radio4 prog
where they sneer and slag off Graham Linehan for his line on trans
.. They are ratioed https://twitter.com/BBCRadio4/status/1767954502198435993
Ronson ‘I was kind of obsessed with our mutual friend who let it take over his life to the extent that he lost all of his work and his family’
Doh whereas Ronson & Buxton conform to Guardianland to keep the $$$, Linehan took a stand for women’s rights vs trans
“This is a bit embarrassing now that the NHS has blocked puberty blockers because of the irreversible damage they do to children. Graham Linehan was right all along
and @jonronson and others that did not stand by their friend are complete cowards.”
Released at the same time as the WPATH files and the ban on puberty blockers in the UK.
This is what happens when you think you are keeping your hands clean by not engaging with an opinion you disagree with.
You end up looking like an absolute out-of-touch pillock.
Funny that these self regarding morons are talking on ‘Things Fell Apart’.
I’ll tell you what things fell apart – the whole edifice of puberty blocking, maiming, and abusing children in the name of a nonsense ideology.
… That’s what has fallen apart recently.“
another reply from Leo Kearse
It’s interesting to hear why Adam Buxton and Jon Ronson sidelined Graham Linehan over his “trans obsession”.
I wonder how they’ll react now the WPATH scandal is revealing that Graham was right, and experimenting on confused children to sterilise and castrate them isn’t the benevolent panacea we were promised.
Oh an essay https://twitter.com/soppystern/status/1769649254853705733
The actual 1 minute clip https://twitter.com/TwisterFilm/status/1769320096583839985
“experimenting on confused children to sterilise and castrate them isn’t the benevolent panacea we were promised.” religion of peace?
They would have taken other drugs anyway (c) Lily Allen
1400 raped kids cannot be un raped!
““This is a bit embarrassing now that the NHS has blocked puberty blockers because of the irreversible damage they do to children. Graham Linehan was right all along
and @jonronson and others that did not stand by their friend are complete cowards.””
As a contributor to Alamy I can tell you that their images are watermarked and they trackdown and force misusers to pay for the use of their images. I think you should delete this ASAP.
bbc trying to oust another Prime Minster? Its the way its “un”biased reporting is going
Kemi Badenoch dismisses speculation about ousting Rishi Sunak
Mood among Tory MPs darkens as Rishi Sunak faces leadership questions
Biden and Netanyahu to hold calls today
“US President Joe Biden will speak with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today, the BBC’s US broadcast partner CBS News has confirmed”
Always makes me cringe when the likes of the bbc quote cbs as its joined at the hips partner – definitely not a source to go to for news then
I f people really are so desperate for foodbanks
then why do I see them advertising on Facebook all the time ?
“Here’s some photos of our jammed shelves
come on down and get some FREE stuff”
IMHO Foodbanks are not about DEMAND, they are about the supply
.. The point is the supermarkets have masses of cheap food and new laws mean it can’t be thrown away .. as a result the Foodbank supply is massive
Those charity trolleys past the checkouts always seem to me like performative virtue signalling.
never cease to amaze us. You are all so wonderful. These donation boxes are always full every time we turn up. Your heart and kindness is truly overwhelming. Thank you also to Sainsbury’s for allowing to us to have the donation boxes in your store. God bless you all.
Extremist org, using new GOVE terminology ….
They believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas?
“Wouldn’t it just be better to blow a hole in the side of the earth and just have done with everything?”
UK self reliance … ha ha ha ha . . . . local jobs for local people!
“Blast furnace 5 will continue to operate despite the closure with coke imported from elsewhere.”
Dr Iain McGilchrist reads part 1 of the introduction from his new book The Matter With Things
wtf is that sleezebag doing at Downing Street?
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
Also of interest .. Ten most inane things in Obama’s awful speech “Otherwise, virtually everything was confused or misleading. More than that, he revealed he has no idea what he’s doing.” {washingtonpost – Jennifer Rubin – Conservative – may2013}
. . . . .
I assume we will see a picture of obama with starmer and angie snd the whole shadow cabinet in waiting and Diana and … and ..,
He s very tall isnt he ? He should be president again. Whats that ? He still is ?
Just wondering why Banksy can graffiti pretty much any wall he chooses whereas if you or I were caught doing it we would almost certainly get a fine and criminal record?
US President pays visit to number 10 Mohammed street to personally give him his new Green Card ….. and maybe they’ve decided to ditch Ukraine and Israel
Maybe play the stock exchange for 5 minutes and order some cheap Russian oil from India!
Marcus Rashford to ensure the UK Tax payer pays to solve the Gaza food crisis and the UK school meals in one blow –
All footballers to hand in their ferraris!
Where does he drive that? Round here the spoiler would last 5 minutes.
I worship the ground upon which she walks ….
On occasion I see a tweet of hers from her ‘show’.
She has nice hair. Like Pelosi.
That square jawline, beetling dark brows….I’m coming round to the opinion that Our Marianna of the Rack is trans!
Simpo is opining instead of getting off the sofa again.
The world’s media are prevented from reporting from inside Gaza. If we had seen the daily reality there in detail, I suspect the international pressure on Israel would have been even stronger than it is.
#ccbgb Pompous old fool.
One for Simpo? Verify? The security guy who opens the side door? The tea lady?
Even Fatah now says Hamas is responsible for the war in Gaza. And yet the woke left still blames Israel for everything. This is lunacy. The fact is if you invade a country and rape and butcher its citizens, there will be consequences, says Brendan O’Neill
Sheffield I have mentioned before the allegedly pervy evangelical priest.
Today he just had a quick court appearance for charges to be read
but ITV news PR have a detailed web report with reports
and TV report with videos of his face
“A priest who led an evangelical movement in the 1980s and 1990s has appeared in court to face multiple allegations of sexual offences against former members of a church congregation.
The Reverend Christopher Brain led the so-called Nine O’Clock Service in Sheffield between 1986 and 1995.
Brain appeared at Sheffield Magistrates’ Court for a four-minute hearing on Monday, where he faced charges in relation to 11 women.
one count of rape and 33 counts of indecent assault, alleged to have been committed between 1981 and 1995.
Other cases don’t seem to get as much coverage
As the weather on the English Channel gets milder with the improving weather , what contingency plans has our Tory Government got to defend our shores from invasion,
How about “Stop The Boats ” perhaps?
Over to our top national news broadcaster to keep us up to date us ………
Not BBC but on Channel 4 tonight there is a programme about Orania, a small town in South Africa set up by whites who want to get away from black violence.
This is how the programme is described:
“In the heart of South Africa is one of the most extreme communities on the planet: the ‘whites only’ town of Orania. Ade Adepitan ventures into the lion’s den, as he spends a week living in the town and tries to find common ground with its residents.”
I am not expecting a fair-minded programme about white people who just want to live in peace.
Just wanting to live in peace and let the rest do their bizarre thing seems the sole province of islanders off India.
I thought about a refuge once, but knew full well that after a short while doing my own thing a collection of media pondweed would demand access to ‘report’, then insist a bunch of their favoured importees were allowed in, and then… U.K. 2.0
ITV local news PR main item
anti -fracking protesters gather in Misson to celbrate concreting up of the well
Fawning report with them drinking champagne
They were 97% women with the odd man on the periphery of the crowd
The weird thing is it’s not news from today .. , when I searched on twitter there is noting new
.. Contractors had already finished before 15th Feb
I tweeted the link to the catch-up complaining about the bias
Then my friend pointed out the item was not on the catch-up version.
For the first time ever ITV Calendar the northern version onto both the northern page and southern page. So southern viewers can’t check the programme they watched.
The BBC 6pm PR theatrics prog are claiming
“famous secret posh hippy artist does more graffitti” is news
FFS #Banksy
Fellow Islington millionaire Corbyn is sorely testing his Tena Pants.
Biased BBC is now ending our live coverage of the latest horse and cart developments in Gaza.
You mean this Gaza?
Always presume that if someone serves up information, but omits context they are are deceiving you
The same photo appears in this 2017 article
It’s called Capital Mall
I doubt it’s at Palestine Square’ cos no tweet has ever mentioned them both
long videos on Twitter are better
but last week I saw multiple tweets about a truck barging a car in Bradford, as if had just happened
but the same video was also tweeted 6 months earlier.
The mall in the picture is, (was ) Palestine Square.
It now looks like this after being flattened and bulldozed by the IDF.
BBC speak……
Underneath the square, a network of tunnels and shafts were found (although this cannot be independently verified)
They were allegedly occupied by Hamas ( proscribed as a terror organisation by the UK Government and others’)
Keep it up IDF.
Holiday snaps?
Countryside racist ?
no it’s the metro-elites who bully and control the countryside people
Seems Hamas UN BBC is claiming the gazanarians are starving again – they’ve got to all be dead by now has they’ve been claiming that for weeks … meanwhile 200 tons of freebies arrived for Hamas yesterday …. Hope it was all halal ….
BBC News theatrics ..using a green screen to pretend they are live on a motorway bridge in Pakistan
“pretend” is what BBC News do….
– all the effin time
The Russians are saying the King is dead ? Surely elvis is still crooning somewhere ….
Someone— I can’t recall their bias — says I should be executed publicly for something I tweeted. There are an awful lot of throwbacks around, aren’t there?
Another wonderfully vague punt.
Simpo Deffo first in the bunker with Springster and, possibly, India Willy and its Secret Service detail.
David Collier has more
His new long article
BBC Verify,the misinformation and propaganda unit. (Yours for just £150 per year and no questions asked)
(edited) By Jake Wallis Simmons writing in DT
Hamas and how the broadcast media ( BBC – mainly), aid organisations, international bodies and world leaders take its disinformation as gospel. Last week it became clear that this gullibility may have led to a crime against reality. The figures, repeated by everyone from the White House to the BBC, are freighted with familiarity: 30,000 dead in Gaza, 70 per cent of whom are women and children. Yet it now seems overwhelmingly likely that these statistics are fabricated. Prof Wyner found, showing little daily variation. Obviously, this bore no resemblance to any plausible version of reality. Then there was the fact that, according to Hamas data from 29 October, 26 men came back to life; and the fact that on several days, no men were apparently killed at all, but only women. Were we really supposed to believe any of this?
It’s not that there is a lack of journalistic curiosity in large parts of the media. It’s just that, when it comes to Israel, facts are subordinated to assumptions. In February, BBC Verify quoted a World Health Organisation official: The [Hamas] ministry has “‘good capacity in data collection’ and its previous reporting has been credible and ‘well developed’”. This was the same WHO that had singled out Israel for condemnation at an international assembly largely devoted to Covid. And this was the same BBC Verify that had partly based a story on an eyewitness who had reportedly worked for an Iranian state news outlet and celebrated the deaths of Jews on social media.
BBC verify is an interesting development. If, as the BBC claim all reports are trustworthy across the network, fact checked and edited by the largest news gathering team in the entire UK (sum of 21,000 BBC full time and part time journos) more than any UK Newspapers (all of them staff combined). Often root out the truth with investigation when the BBC does not. Time and time again, the BBC choose ‘lazy journalis’m and ‘risk free’ repeats straight off the REUTERS ‘tele-prompt’ without checking anything, or perhaps they do and reject it.
BBC Verify unit claims they have 60 ‘house trained journos’ on its staff. why does it not trust its own BBC staff network, do they not trust them to report the ‘truth’?
But when you check ‘BBC VERIFY unit’ its clear its a form of censorship against topical news it then disapproves of.
“BBC Verify has little to do with exposing misinformation, and more to do with discrediting truths (sorry, ‘conspiracy theories’) the establishment disapproves of.”
Stew Greens link above is also informing about the complete and utter pro palestinian bias in bbc “verify” reporting using activists who are “doctors” in Gazan hospitals and arab journalists who post messages celebrating attacks upon Israel and other extremely antisemitic content:
“BBC Verify – a hostile land of make believe.
Everyone makes mistakes. But I learnt a long time ago that the true levels of integrity and professionalism are seen in how people react when things go wrong. BBC Verify was caught basing a story on the words of an Iranian regime mouthpiece. Its response was to deflect, deny and double-down.
The headlines
A check of BBC Verify articles shows a clear bias against Israel
The BBC verify lens is set up to prosecute only Israel
The reliance on BBC Arabic destroys the credibility of BBC Verify
BBC Verify has numerous agency problems – resulting in articles consistently built upon unreliable witnesses.
Analysis of social media activity of the BBC Verify team underscores the bias.
Almost none of the BBC Verify team bothered to post anything until long after October 7
Some of the BBC Verify team have reposted the opinions of anti-Zionists and shared other fake news material demonising Israel
It is clear the BBC is wrong when it says BBC Verify do not have an (anti-Israel) agenda.
On March 1 the BBC Verify team published a story built around the eyewitness testimony of a Palestinian journalist named Mahmoud Awadeyah. It was Awadeyah who told the BBC that the Israelis had fired ‘purposefully’ at the men approaching the aid trucks. He was the only eyewitness to the actual event quoted by BBC Verify and so without him – they didn’t really have a story to write.
I hunted the journalist down online and found he worked for outlets connected to Hamas and the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard. I also found him celebrating deadly terrorist attacks, along with images of him dining with a leading Islamic Jihad terrorist.
BBC: “We stand by our journalism and reject the allegations in this piece.
It is jaw-dropping that they reduced the long list of Awadeyah’s failings to him simply ‘expressing an opinion’. Working for the IRGC, dining with a commander of the Islamic Jihad, and dancing when Jews are murdered – is hardly just ‘expressing opinion’. It is as if they are talking about which toppings he prefers on his Pizza.
Another horrific reporting error
On Tuesday 12 March, BBC News / BBC Verify published an exclusive story that accused Israel of abusing Gazan medical staff. Because demonisation of Israel acts as a fix to a nation experiencing an addiction to antisemitism, the item was widely shared. In the end even the British Foreign Minister David Cameron felt the need to respond, calling the report ‘very disturbing’. The BBC played its part by holding the item on the front page far longer than usual.
But when you break the BBC exclusive down, cracks emerge in the story. In fact the entire piece relies on human input from just six separate sources. Three of them were Arabic speaking journalists – the other three were witnesses from the hospital.
Soha Ibrahim BBC Arabic journalist
Marie-Jose Al Azzi BBC Arabic journalist
Muath Al Khatib Palestinian WAFA journalist
Dr Atef Hout, Doctor at Nasser hospital
Abu Sabha, Doctor at Nasser hospital
Hatem Raba, Doctor at Nasser hospital
Two of the three journalists actually work for the BBC. From their timelines it is clear nobody at the BBC is checking the BBC Arabic staff.
The first is Soha Ibrahim. Her timeline is toxic beyond measure. Just two examples of Ibrahim liking posts that celebrated and supported the Oct 7 attack
The second journalist Marie-Jose Al Azzi –has already deleted some of her timeline. She was caught a few years ago supporting BDS and trying to persuade artists not to perform in Israel.
Despite this, she is still on the BBC payroll. And then there is the Palestinian, Muath Al Khatib . He went to Thailand and was triggered by the number of Jewish people he saw there.
The three ‘doctors’
Then there are the three doctors who act as the reliable witnesses in the BBC story. The first is Dr Atef Hout. He was the witness who told the BBC that ‘anyone who moved would have been shot’ by the IDF. Here he is in 2021 celebrating rocket attacks against innocent Israeli civilians.
Next up was Ahmed Wael Abu Sabha – he claims he was beaten and abused by the IDF. In this post he is glorifying the terrorist Uday Al Tamimi:
And finally there is Hatem Raba. He told the BBC people were ‘dying of thirst’. I found a Facebook profile of him as a doctor in Gaza. But the profile is only three months old. Before this he had a different profile, showing him as a political activist for Fatah.
It really is this easy to fool the BBC. He also shares material that glorifies terrorism.
Six sources – and all of them are problematic. Between the six sources listed above they could contrive anything – and BBC Verify would swallow it whole. Which is exactly how the BBC ends up acting as a Hamas propaganda outlet.
In pictures.
🧵Probably the most sophisticated Al Jazeera “journalist” psy-op yet:
You may have seen the headlines today about Al Jazeera journalist Ismail al-Ghoul, who was apprehended by the IDF in Shifa Hospital while it was battling terrorists.
Given the multiple instances since October 7th of Al Jazeera journalists moonlighting as Hamas operatives (or vice versa), I figured I’d take a look into al-Ghoul as well.
What I found was a highly sophisticated, concerted effort to – for lack of a better word – manufacture a “legitimate journalist” out of whole cloth.
Where’s the FLOUR?!
How many houses did she have?! 🤣😂
Meanwhile JezBo and Alex Crawford ponce about in blue flak jackets wailing about their stringers getting in the way of ordnance.
Ben Wallis – the retired defence minister – tells his party to walk toward the guns – when in fact – it’s more like walk toward the mine field ….i won’t do parallels with the Somme – day one – but blue labour really is going to be slaughtered – hopefully ministers such as hunt will lose their seats . Vote Reform .
Biden has told Netanyahu “it would be a mistake to enter Raffa”, and Netanyahu has agreed to send a delegation to Washington.
Why is this important? Because the Israeli lobby in Washington is very strong, and if Biden is taking this position it is because others have told him to.
If Netanyahu has lost, or is in danger of losing the support of that US group he will not be in charge for much longer.
I rather doubt Biden said anything that made sense – unless he managed to get through the large type teleprompter without losing it.
Look for the people who are writing Biden’s scripts, just maybe, one of them sidled into Downing Street today?
To be repeated across the country
BBC reporting setting = “IGNORE”
All the Chinese scooter and bike hire schemes *will* fail. If only because the build quality of battery cells and wiring is simply pathetic.
I wonder at the RoI on the Santander Boris bikes in London – it has to be absolutely appalling. Once the novelty attenuated the usage rates must be absolutely miserable.
Keir Starmer to check they have a cervix like real men!
“Keeping the lights on while meeting green energy targets will require £60 billion to fix the UK’s electricity grid, report warns”
The new strategy is designed to harness a major expansion in green energy that will see Britain’s offshore windfarm capacity growing to become the biggest in Europe and larger even than the USA’s.
But ‘bottlenecks’ in the current grid system prevent renewable electricity being transported from where it is generated to where it is used.
Britain’s electricity grid, which dates back to the 1950s, was designed around coal-fired power stations in the centre of the country, which has required only small upgrades since.
But growth in the demand for power from the grid will accelerate over the next decade as motorists switch to electric cars and more heating needs are met through electricity rather than gas.
‘The current grid is reaching its capacity and is unable to transport much more electricity,’ the report said.
‘Currently, energy is being wasted as the grid cannot transport it to where it can be used.
‘Because of these bottlenecks, as the system operator, we sometimes have to ask wind farms to switch off to prevent the grid becoming overloaded – wasting cheap, sustainable, home-grown wind power.’
The plans are in addition to £60billion of investment in infrastructure needed by 2030 that was laid out in a previous report, but which the new document says will ‘only get Britain so far in its journey towards producing the greener and cheaper electricity that will be needed’.
That equates to roughly 4 years Foreign Aid Budget, plus the 15+ Billion it’s costing us paying to look after ILLEGAL people.
in 2022, UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) spend was £12,795 million.
No one asking questions about the partner ?
I wonder why..
“Hanging by a thread! Kanye West’s wife Bianca Censori risks wardrobe malfunction in one of her most daring outfits yet as her huge cleavage is held up by see-through rubber strap”
“That equates to roughly 4 years Foreign Aid Budget, plus the 15+ Billion it’s costing us paying to look after ILLEGAL people.”
How much (£ millions £) has the Tory Government wasted in “stopping the boats” ? How many have been stopped ?
Expect more to come across The English Channel as the weather improves. All after free housing, education, health and free money. All paid for by the working people of Great Britain . Reform and UKIP could take many votes from the Consocalists this October…
Taffman – we need Farage