This thread is only for debating the situation in the Middle East – as opposed to views about the BBC – which is the primary subject of this site . It was requested by a contributor.
The Islamic Hamas v Israel Thread
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Lots of these “free Plasticene” signs about..
What about Play Dough ?
Play Dough deserves all he gets. Him and that Aristotle…
I knew the UN was a multi billion corrupt clown show, but even for them…
The guy who tried to lay the foundations for a dominating European global super power 80 years ago, much like the UN is now, worked on the principle that the only rule of war was to win at whatever cost to the enemy, in fact, the more cost the better. what changed?
BBC Verify: Six months on, how close is Israel to eliminating Hamas?
This ridiculous article by the huge ‘BBC Verify’ team is highly amusing because they talk all hoity-toity as if they are real experts then verify nothing at all as far as I can make out.
Here’s some snippets:
‘BBC Verify has combed through public statements and social media posts by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and assessed the evidence behind Israel’s stated aims.’
‘The IDF publishes names of individuals who it says are senior Hamas leaders who have been killed, but it is not possible to verify whether they are members of the group.’
‘However, experts we spoke to said many of the group’s prominent leaders in Gaza, including Yahya Sinwar, are still believed to be alive.’
Hamas says the number of dead hostages is higher – the result of IDF air strikes. But it is not possible to verify these allegations.
‘The two youngest hostages taken in the Hamas attacks were Ariel and Kfir, who were 4 years and 9 months old respectively at the time of their abduction. Their deaths have been reported, but not confirmed.’
‘Hamas has previously said that its tunnel network stretches for 500km (311 miles), although there is no way to independently verify this.’
‘We asked the IDF how many tunnels, and what proportion of the total tunnel network, they had destroyed. In their reply, they said their forces had “destroyed a great deal of the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza”.’
And then the whole article degenerates into the usual description of how many women and children Hamas say have been killed and how many buildings destroyed.
What is this sentence verifying ?
‘Residential areas have been left ruined, bustling streets reduced to rubble, universities destroyed and farmlands churned up.’
And to summarise the whole article, here’s what this fact-finding team have to say in conclusion:
‘Six months since the war began, it is still unclear whether Israel has met its aims in the war.’
They are a complete and utter joke. This article has no point whatsoever apart from to repeat the same old agenda rhetoric. All they do is monitor social media and google maps.
It’s painfully clear that their entire purpose is to use the word ‘verify’ to imply what they say must be true.
We can’t verify any of this stuff but we’re going to tell you anyway
BBC news says two members of Israel defence force sacked over killing of “aid workers”, but my son pointed out on another news source they been redeployed. BBC and emotive language again .
@Johnda ..big claim made there
Is there any big evidence ?
Apologies for the long post, I have copied Melanie Philips letter here, but not the full list of the signatories because sadly the list is so long. I noticed the list of names contains many names that are not traditional Yorkshire names, nor anywhere else in Britain (or perhaps they are these days). Mr D read out the Charles Moore article in The Telegraph today. Apparently he signed because he believes Israel to be more western than Gaza and therefore holds Israel to a higher level of account. I can only presume that he, like the others that signed, forgot what happened on October 7th. I haven’t heard much of punishment for Hamas/Gazans for war crimes committed in October.
Melanie Phillips wrote:
The 600 British lawyers who have signed a letter to the Prime Minister denouncing Israel for breaking international law and potentially committing genocide deserve nothing but contempt.
Not only have they parroted the falsehoods and distortions with which Israel is being demonised and delegitimised across the world. They have also shockingly misrepresented January’s ruling by the International Court of Justice in the case brought against Israel by South Africa.
The letter, which is signed by 60 KCs and three former Supreme Court judges, says that the ICJ “concluded that there was a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza”.
This is a wicked lie. The court said nothing of the kind. Here’s what the legal commentator Joshua Rozenberg (in whom I declare an interest) has written on his Substack:
In its third paragraph, the letter says that on 26 January 2024 the International Court of Justice “concluded that there was a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza”. This error is repeated by the Guardian in its report of the letter. There are several further references in the lawyers’ letter to “the ICJ’s finding of plausible risk”.
The words “plausible risk” appear nowhere in the court’s order. They are a misrepresentation of what the court concluded in paragraph 54 of its judgment:
“In the court’s view, the facts and circumstances mentioned above are sufficient to conclude that at least some of the rights claimed by South Africa and for which it is seeking protection are plausible. This is the case with respect to the right of the Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from acts of genocide and related prohibited acts identified in article III [of the Genocide Convention], and the right of South Africa to seek Israel’s compliance with the latter’s obligations under the convention.”
This finding is quoted accurately on the second page of the lawyers’ letter. But that makes the letter’s multiple misrepresentations all the more unforgivable…In simple terms, it is the Palestinians rights’ that were found to be plausible — not the risk they may face. This is a distinction of major importance. The most that the court found was that there was a risk of irreparable prejudice to the rights found by the court to be plausible if provisional measures were not issued. If that meant there was a plausible risk of genocide, the court would have said so.
This falsehood about “plausible risk” in the ICJ’s ruling was promulgated immediately after the judgment by a number of Israel’s enemies in the media and other lazy “progressive” sources. It seems that the letter’s signatories have reproduced that falsehood without even referring to the text of what the ICJ actually said that was accurately reproduced within their own letter. This suggests not merely a startling degree of sloppiness. The signatories also seem to have assumed that what they read in the media was correct. And that suggests in turn a mindset which assumes that whatever the “progressive” world says must be true.
These signatories aren’t just a few lefty “usual suspects”. They include some of Britain’s most distinguished legal figures. Yet their suggestion that Israel might be committing genocide is one of several blood libels they commit.
They repeat claims of “imminent famine” in Gaza and the “deliberate infliction of starvation”. But there has been no famine and no starvation in Gaza. There are areas where supplies are scarce because Hamas has been stealing them. But many current videos on social media show elsewhere in Gaza well-stocked food markets and shwarma stalls. Information released every few days by COGAT, Israel’s co-ordinator of humanitarian aid in Gaza, shows hundreds of aid trucks being admitted. Yet these lawyers accuse Israel of deliberately starving Gaza civilians to death.
The lawyers repeat the Hamas claim that more than 32,000 Palestinians have now been killed in Gaza of whom seventy percent were women and children. But these figures are ludicrous. They fail to include even one of the 13,000 combatants who Israel estimates it has killed, while statisticians have dismissed the Hamas figures as implausible and simply fabricated.
The lawyers claim that Israel has been deliberately firing upon “starving” Palestinians queuing for food, and cited as one example the incident in February when 118 civilians were killed and 760 were injured around a food truck.
But according to a preliminary IDF inquiry, that disaster was caused by people being trampled in a stampede — a conclusion now reportedly corroborated by testimonials from captured Hamas terrorists, who have said the disaster was caused not by IDF fire but by overcrowding.
The lawyers quote claims made by UNWRA of Israeli abuses, and cites as evidence the killing of a large number of UNWRA workers themselves. Yet they make no reference to the thousands of UNWRA workers who have been identified as Hamas operatives and the likelihood that UNRWA workers may have been killed for that reason.
In short, this disgusting letter by these lawyers says nothing about Israel. It says instead everything about them. A full list of these signatories follows. No-one with a shred of decency should ever trust anything that any of them says ever again.
Deborah – lawyers being lawyers – i reckon those signing see more money in supporting islam than in The West ..
… its like when lawyers talk about ‘justice ‘ it just means money for them …
No doubt if sunak doesnt use that letter as an excuse to dump israel starmer will …
Keep going IDF
And if more ‘aid workers ‘ and their ‘security ‘ get killed – that is war…..
And Imagine being a hostage for 6 months ….
Knowing these scum lawyers they probably asked for a fee in exchange for signing it.
Apologies to Charles Moore, it was Mr Moore writing about Lord Sumpton who signed to say he was holding Israel to a higher standard.
Only noticed when too late to edit
The lying , for that is exactly what it is, about the Israeli /Hamas war grows more brazen every day.
Infact lying by the elite and their chums in the MSM about every contentious issue in which they have a vested interest grows like Topsy eg global warming , Net Zero, immigration, Islamification, political opposition to the elite, free and fair elections, equal justice under the law, to name but a few.
I think that Brexit and the election of Trump , made the hyperglobalist elite determined that ordinary people would never again threaten to derail their project and they decided to ditch any thoughts of impartiality or honesty.
They have already started on political intimidation and suppression of opposition eg. Trump , Marine Le Pen and the AfD. Things are likely to get much worse very quickly if they can’t extinguish the threat to their power.
Many here will be of an age to recall the ridiculous left wing campaign to free armed robber George Davies. The spineless home secretary capitulated and released him, and it only took a few weeks before Davies re-offended and was re-incarceratred.
At the time Britain was a place where fun and laughter had not been stamped out by Po Faced Lefties and the grafitti “Free George Davies” was invariably added to with further quips such as “with every box of cornflakes”
Alas those days have gone but I would love to see the “Free Palestine” signs similarly ‘corrected’.
Indeed Thoughtful. I remember it well. I saw the Who at this time and Roger Daltrey was indeed sporting the famous “George Davis is innocent” slogan on his t-shirt. Technically he was “fitted up” by the police with dodgy evidence and was subsequently released. However he quickly reverted back to his true form and was subsequently banged up properly for further armed robberies.
I have been monitoring the BBC website for many years and it has become a bit of a habit. On the day of the Hamas attack the BBC had a running news story where a BBC reporter added an entry along the lines describing the Hamas attack as “audacious” and “understandable” to get the world to realise the “plight” of the Palestinians.
Then when Israel said they were going to war with Hamas – the BBC said Israel was going to war with Gaza.
Then the BBC ran articles explaining why they wouldn’t be describing Hamas as a terrorist organisation.
Then the BBC dropped the Oct 7th Hamas attack on Israel when they opened up their “Israel-Gaza War” news section – just beginning with the Israeli reprisals on Oct 9th.
When Egypt locked their borders to Palestinians wanting to escape GAZA the BBC ran an article explaining why it was necessary for Egypt to do this.
When Hezbollah launched missiles into North Israel the BBC reported it as “Israel launches attack into Lebanon” ignoring that this was a response to Hezbollahs attack.
When Israel recently killed an Iranian General in Syria who was head of the Iranian Al Quds military wing (Al Quds = arabic name for Jerusalem) the BBC ran an article where BBC Persia called in “experts” to give advice on how Iran should get their “revenge” on Israel.
I have noticed patently false stories such as interviewing a teen released from Israel prison where the teen was bandaged up and they reported he had been injured and abused in an Israeli jail – despite the Israeli’s releasing footage of the teens release where he walked unaided onto a bus with no injuries apparent.
I have noticed how the BBC would run very inciteful front page stories every late Thursday / Friday about how the Israelis were killing babies and women and hospital staff to coincide with the Saturday March for Palestinians in London and elsewhere.
Then I would notice how the BBC would not report stories when it involved Muslims killing innocents around the world. They have described why in the past – to prevent Islamophobic responses in Britain…
BOBOTC, of all the things you highlighted, the one I think is worst, is that the BBC started their timeline from 9th October. That alone shows their bias.
I am sure that BBC Verify can respond to this statement
And the UK lawyers
Scotland’s hateful Islamic Leader, Humza Yousaf, said that a ‘Hate Law’ was needed to deal with a “rising tide of hatred”.
But the new ‘Hate Law’ in Scotland is “stirring up hatred”.
Since the new ‘Hate Law’ came into effect, thousands of complaints have been received by the police about a hateful speech by the anti-White and anti-Semitic leader of the Scottish National Party, a party full of Scottish people who hate the English.
New laws are needed in Scotland so that Scottish Unionists can get the police to imprison SNP members for the ‘hatred of the English’ under the guise of Scottish Nationalism.
A Referendum would stir up hatred of the English, Unionists and Nationalists. So could be banned by the SNP?
The biggest crime in Scotland is having that muslim racist supposedly in charge
Yes. Humza wants the UK to officially recognise the state of Palestine and he wants Scotland to accept Palestinian refugees. Terrible ideas, both of them. The man is a menace.
When I was a boy I loved Greek myths. I could easily accept the existence of the Greek gods and their interactions with mortals. But what I found hugely implausible was that the Trojans would freely choose to haul the suspicious-looking Wooden Horse inside the walls of their city of Troy. If I had been in charge, I would have set alight that weird thing and destroyed it.
Now of course I see that opening the city gates to let the barbarians in is how people normally behave, not just today but throughout history.
Somehow we have allowed Humza Yousaf to become First Minister of Scotland. He is a practising Muslim but he said that Islam would have no influence on his policies. He claimed to be in favour of gay marriage. Yet somehow he was absent for the vote on its legalisation in 2014.
The spirit of this hate crime act is alien to Scotland’s Christian and Enlightenment traditions. What it is not alien to is the totalitarian tradition of Humza’s religion.
In spite of his wearing tartan ties and shoulder plaid, Humza is not one of us and never will be. He and his co-religionists should never have been allowed inside our country. But that’s what doomed people have done throughout history – opened the gates to let the barbarians in.
The Greeks didn’t become Trojans once they were inside Troy. And Pakistani Muslims don’t suddenly become enlightened, freedom-loving, free speech-advocating, Christian Scots when they come to Scotland.
Well as usual to take the thread slightly off topic I thought I would post about the Islamic Zionists.
Yes just as there are anti Zionist Jews who do not believe in an Israeli state there are Muslims who do believe in an Israeli state – although you might not have heard about this with the usual Islamists attempting to portray their view as being a unified and total one.
“After World War I, the Sharif of Mecca, Hussein bin Ali and his son, the King Feisal of Hijaz and then of Iraq, proclaimed pro-Zionist views. According to Sheikh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi, the Wahhabi position, in contrast, was extremely anti-Zionist”
That would be the first king of Saudi Arabia being pro Zionist.
The resources of the country [Palestine] are still virgin soil and will be developed by the Jewish immigrants (…) we have seen the Jews from foreign countries streaming to Palestine from Russia, Germany, Austria, Spain, and America. The cause of causes could not escape those who had a gift of deeper insight. They knew that the country was for its original sons [abna’ihi-l-asliyin], for all their differences, a sacred and beloved homeland. The return of these exiles [jaliya] to their homeland will prove materially and spiritually an experimental school for their brethren who are with them in the fields, factories, trades and all things connected to the land.
It’s worth a read to learn some background history of the region and that the support for a Jewish homeland was long in the making and had considerable support in the region from Arabs.
There are also contemporaneous Prominent Muslims also supporting the state of Israel.
It might be said on a darker note however that the final days cannot be enacted until there is a state of Israel and the Muslims fight the Jews. As most Muslims claim to want their ‘Mahdi’ to arrive it cannot happen if there is no state of Israel !
Big story, people in Gaza are hungry.
Oh! and as a by line, Israel has recovered the body of a captive obviously butchered in cold blood by these same animals. Lots more left to keep murdering at will though. Where is the Media and for that matter The UN outcry?
I guess they are only Jews.
Marcus Rashford faces fine of up to £650,000 after star ‘went on 12-hour tequila bender in Belfast that ended at 3am before calling in sick’
Marcus Rashford reportedly went on a 12-hour bender in Belfast last week
Did you see Marcus Rashford on his Belfast night out? Contact
Marcus Rashford thinks he is untouchable – he has no respect for the manager or his team-mates. He is out of control – Listen to It’s All Kicking Off podcast
PUBLISHED: 11:11, 30 January 2024 | UPDATED: 14:41, 30 January 2024
This video is more about the North of Israel with the Lebanon border.
It’s another financial and these videos do tend to be less biased and more fact driven because they have to be. Biden is again draining the Strategic Petroleum reserve to the point that he appears to view it as an electoral aid he can use without any kind of sanction, however it’s getting to the point where he’s not going to be able to for much longer which will bring inflation roaring back into the US economy.
Oil is now approaching $90 a barrel, and it’s likely to hit $100 again before the Summer. There are predictions of new records being hit of around $150 a barrel before year end potentially higher if something happens in the Middle East.
Thankfully the Arabs no longer possess the power they once had to engineer an oil crisis as they did in the 1970s, but the current situation is not going to make them any more sympathetic to the West, and they will look more towards Russia and China than they currently are doing.
Natural gas prices are also rocketing higher and you can expect to pay considerably more for your heating this Winter once again.
Gold is performing well with it increasing in value around 15% since the start of March in USD so anyone who did take my advice and bought in should be quite pleased with that performance.
22 March 2024
Summary of complaint
We received complaints from people who felt that the item on dentistry was not suitable for Countryfile.
Our response
Countryfile covers a wide range of rural affairs issues affecting rural areas and communities. In this programme, Countryfile investigated the lack of NHS dentistry provision in Devon and Cornwall. Our film acknowledged this is a national problem but focused on the stories of those living in rural areas. Previously the programme has produced diverse films including shortfalls in Special Education Needs provision and the difficulties recruiting Midwifery staff in rural areas.
“This thread is only for debating the situation in the Middle East – as opposed to views about the BBC”
it says at the top of this page
Ops! Sorry!
Times radio update on the situation from an Israeli perspective. I’m not a fan of Times Radio which seems to me to be overtly agenda driven, but this piece does appear at least to offer some insights as to what is going on there and largely unreported.
Just reading a story about how Hamas execute people for the most trivial of charges and the BBC don’t even report it. They are however up in arms running daily headlines when Israel accidentally hit a car they thought was carrying terrorists and apologise for it afterwards.
I am continually astounded at the immense agenda-based double standards of the BBC (and the Left in general) and how they all carry on as if it’s perfectly acceptable.
But the part in the story which caught my eye was this.
This is how the BBC summarise the war now:
‘Much of the Gaza Strip has been devastated during the Israeli military operations that began after Hamas gunmen attacked southern Israel on 7 October, killing about 1,200 people and seizing 253 hostages.
More than 33,091 people have been killed in Gaza since then, the Hamas-run health ministry says.’
And here is how The Times of Israel describe it:
‘War was triggered by the October 7 attack on Israel by Palestinian terror group Hamas which killed 1,200 people amid horrific atrocities. The thousands of attackers who burst through the border with the Gaza Strip and into southern Israel also abducted 253 people who were taken as hostages to Gaza.
Israel responded with a military campaign to topple the Hamas regime in Gaza, destroy the terror group, and free the hostages, 130 of whom remain in captivity.
The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry says that at least 31,184 Palestinians have been killed since October 7, and some 72,899 have been injured. The terror group’s figures are unverified, however, and don’t differentiate between civilians and combatants, of whom Israel has said it killed some 13,000 inside Gaza and an additional 1,000 inside Israel in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre.’
Night and day difference. The BBC deliberately miss out all the important qualifiers because they are inconvenient to their activist agenda. They don’t actually care one bit who has died and why.
I have witnessed someone going on a rant saying Israel must be stopped and the Jews are scum citing the BBC articles of the 7 aid workers killed and the 5 month report of the BBC – he used the words murdered and genocide. If that is not evidence that the BBC incites people to hate Israel and to anti Semitism then I don’t know what would constitute evidence.
No such thing as Anti Semitism, just like there’s no such thing as ‘Racism’, we’ve seen that here and in the post above.
They didn’t accidentally hit the car, they absolutely targetted all three of them in what might amount to a war crime.
And if you think that’s me saying that, think again because it was the IDF themselves.
It’s no good being so blinkered and biased yourself that you fail to see the wood for the trees.
The tactics being used by the IDF are not winning them this war and worse still it’s making Israel very vulnerable to attack. Again last night the son of a retired IDF General saying he thought this might well be the begining of the end of Israel.
Listen to the clip above and you will find it’s not the black and white picture in Israel you appear to think it is.
I’m never going to put up a separate non BBC subject thread again – if you loy wanna fight the Gaza war why not go find a suitable site ? I’m really fed up with armchair battles about it here …
All of these posts and virtually every one supports your point of view, and you have no problem with it, but the first one which mildly discords and you write that.
We call this cancel culture where dissent or alternative views are simply not allowed.
How are you any better than the raging Left wing loons who we complain about for doing just this?
The whole point surely is to have an open free speech discussion where ideas can be tested, as supported by just about every right of centre speaker on the circuit.
My ideas are not radical or off beam, they are the majority view of the people of Israel and largely of the world. They are views expressed by plenty of Jews outside of Israel, and I know because I actually talk to them.
The views expressed here, appear to be the extremist right wing views following Netanyahu with his coalition some of which are openly describing themselves as ‘Fascist’.
Free speech we say here is an important yet delicate privelege, if you wanted a thread where only pro Netanyahu pro WWIII pro nuclear anihilation views were posted why not post that at the top of the thread?
Some of us are deeply concerned for the future not only of Israel, but the entire world. If you watch some of the videos I have recently posted you will see what a distinct possibility that now is.
I Don’t want to die for Gaza or Israel, if you are comfortable with that, can I suggest once again you go and join the IDF who are always looking for volunteers.
NZ tightens visa rules over ‘unsustainable’ migration
Time for JonDon to break out the canoe?
Here is a cut and paste taken from Fox News ….
Hamas defector tells pro-Palestinian activists they belong in ‘a mental asylum’ in brutal debate
‘Pro-Palestine people need to go to a mental asylum,’ says Hamas defector Mosab Hassan Yousef
It’s very disappointing to see Americans supporting Hamas and thinking that Hamas is a cool thing, while Hamas does not respect any of those followers, while those followers don’t know that Hamas would torture them and massacre them with no mercy. They call them useful idiots. They don’t know that Hamas is a dark black hole,” Yousef said on an April 2 episode of “Dr. Phil Primetime.”
“[Pro-Palestinians are] absolutely idiots because they don’t know what they are supporting. They are supporting a monster that has been hijacking an entire society and endangering the entire Middle East, pushing the world towards a global war. … What’s happening is insanity. Those pro-Palestine people need to go to a mental asylum.”
Funeral in Spain cancelled after UK passport mishap – BBC News < it seems @BBCNews the ‘last bastion of accuracy’ needs to brush up on its geography. The UK is part of Europe so he was already in Europe 🤷♂️
Surprised they did not get in Femi and Tarzan to ‘discuss’.
Notice the pattern ? Third world ‘Illegal ‘ throws corrosive at third world ‘family’ ( dies in Thames ) illegal on ‘student visa ‘ kills ‘woman known to him ‘ …. Import the third world … get the third world ….
Blimey…. – has anybody asked Terry Gilliam about this?
Why do they all dress like Sith Lords?
I thought this was the Hamas / Israel thread ?
oops just clicked a link and didn’t read the URL
Meanwhile ….
£1 in Nigerian beans?
Right thread this time.
If you watch one thing today…
A lot has been and can be said about @joerogan but I gotta hand it to him for actually listening and having some integrity.
This is an important video.
A debate between this young man and the entire U.K. msm, bar a few, would be interesting.
Might even see YAB, Narinder, etc emigrate for real.
“Ukraine war: UN body urges restraint after Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant hit”
Usual boring bbc propoganda, only interesting part:
‘The facility stopped generating power in 2022, but needs a constant supply of electricity to cool one of its reactors which is in a state of “hot conservation”, meaning it is not fully offline.’
So why is one reactor in a different state to the others?
If only the BBC had a real science reporter they could consult to explain.
BBC Passport “story.”
The BBC are running an item about a man who has fallen foul of a particularly spiteful EU requirement regarding the validity of passports, this time the Spanish have refused entry because, although valid in all meaningful respects it fails on an arbitrary rule about its date of issue.
A better story perhaps would be ,just why does the British government put up with this crap. There are those who would claim creating the same difficulties for EU citizens visiting GB would be petty, a tit for tat nonsense. So what , do it and see what happens…a fairly immediate end to bogus extra requirements would be my bet.
The Government has daily opportunities to make itself relevant in a real sense, each one it ignores or seemingly thinks is just too difficult. That is why it is not worth re-electing.
Obviously Mr kier starker wouldn’t be any better but other parties are available.
Government loving the anti Brexit fallout.
These stories have been appearing for a while
Too easy for the passport office just to contact most of those affected and tell them.
Just stop oil have now departed from their usual ridiculous protests preventing decent people going about their business and making a living and shown their true colours by attacking the Labour party HQ with red paint as a ‘protest’ over the Gaza war.
It will be interesting to see now if when they are prosecuted they have to pay for the damage they caused.
Israel-Gaza war: Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh says three sons killed in air strike
Every now and then the BBC push their agenda so far I am stunned by what I read. This is one such article.
Usually they quickly backtrack and edit it. I suspect they are confident enough to leave this one as it is and it will set yet another new line in the sand.
Since when has it been acceptable to write full-on empathy pieces giving a soapbox to officially recognised terrorist leaders like this ?.
This man is reponsible for the orders to commit atrocities in the terrorist attack against Israel. He is the reason all those poor hostages are living every day under threat of death and having who knows what done to them by the most savage of scum you can imagine.
So remembering that, here’s what the BBC write to make us feel sorry for him:
‘The group was reportedly on its way to a family celebration..’
Not relevant at all.
‘Mona, Amal, Khaled and Razan – were among those killed in what they called the “treacherous and cowardly” strike.’
Using first names is a common BBC trick to make you feel connected to people. They did it with Shamima Began.
‘Haniyeh said he heard the news as he was visiting wounded Palestinians ‘
Totally irrelevant to the story and almost certainly a complete lie. This man WANTS dead Palestinians for people like the BBC to report.
‘.. he thanked God for the “honour” bestowed on him by what he called the “martyrdom of his children and grandchildren”.’
If ever a story deserved a lengthy description of how evil this man is and what he has done to others to get some proper context for how sorry we should feel for him, this is it. A few pictures of children burned alive or raped women missing their faces after they were shot at point blank range for example.
This is what the BBC think is sufficient:
‘Hamas-led gunmen attacked Israel on 7 October, killing 1,200 people and taking more than 250 hostage.’
That’s it.
This must be the most disgusting article from the BBC yet.
Here’s the clone who wrote it – but under very close BBC management direction for the content I am sure. Just following orders ….
I think it’s worth posting what I have been told about the modern day Hamas, because it differs from most people beliefs.
Basically it’s morphed into a criminal organisation along the lines of the mafia. It’s leaders live nowhere near the conflict zone in total luxury whilst others do the leg work.
The conflict is almost a secondary aspect with them handing out weapons to any Gazan willing to discharge them and call themselves ‘Hamas’ when they are little more than ordinary people with a gun.
The’ve financed the tunnel building the smuggling, the rocket launches and this and that and people assume it’s all been financed by Iran, but it hasn’t. A great deal is self funded through organised crime.
This is why it’s going to be very difficult for Israel to destroy if not impossible, because like the Mafia, its spread out across the globe and it’s not always clear who the criminals really are working for.
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to be indifferent to the fate of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza and has undermined efforts to reach a deal with Hamas to secure their release, two members of Israel’s negotiating team told Channel 12.
The negotiators, who were identified only by the letters “A” and “D,” spoke anonymously with Ilana Dayan, the host of the leading investigative show “Uvda,” which aired on Thursday night.”
I don’t think there should be any illusions now, when Netanyahus own negotiating team come out to say he has no interest in the release of the hostages, you know there are ulterior motives and this is a man who cares nothing for even the lives of his own people.