Racist muslims on our streets again courtesy of muslim Khan:
“Pro-Palestine march LIVE: Anti-Israel thug yells five-word threat at Jewish counter-rally. Pro-Palestine supporters have clashed with demonstrators waving Israeli flags during a march in London today with one man shouting “you don’t want the hostages” and another making a “cut-throat” gesture.”
Calling out the latter gesture made by a man towards the Israel supporters, conservative commentator Chris Rose asked Met Police why they didn’t take action when they were nearby.
Posting on X Mr Rose said: “Hi Met Police UK, was this pro Palestine protestor who made a cut-throat gesture towards Israeli protestors in front of your police officers arrested? If not, why? It’s a clear death threat.”
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.” http://www.steynonline.com/6296/the-churchill-bust
A few signs though. I could live with all the genius scientists being young women or black men, and the military squeeze being a dashing Asian, but the ruthless government guy wrangling them is an old white guy. And he has been deemed ‘fascist’ a few times already.
But sticking with. The notion of military triage/greater good was addressed fairly well.
We’ll see. Doing what you have to when there are others relentlessly determined to kill you is of course topical.
Finished “3 body problem” It is superb. As I said previously slight wokery but excellent. Doubt the bBBC could afford to make it but they would wreck it anyway. Fallout just started on Prime. First episode is stunningly brilliant. Again not possible from the atrocious beeb. May have to watch all episodes quickly in case WW3 breaks out soon.
Global death count by crazy Muslims added to in Australia by six or seven. I guess in the grand scheme of diversity shite that’s not that significant so best for the MSM including the BBC to overlook or excuse it this time. I am sure they have plenty of “nice” Muslims on staff for “balance”.
What is it going to take to wake these media c **nts up?
These are the direct actions of a primeval quasi-religious death cult!
What sub-human would stab a baby? If he had not been shot dead, (god bless the lady cop who did it), I would happily volunteer to share a locked room with this vile twat while wearing a pair of knuckle dusters and wielding a sledge hammer.
If you’re going to post that Digg could you at least give a link which confirms it? It’s very easy to say “crazy Muslim” but without the supporting evidence it’s just name calling.
The circumstances need no confirmation, it was a simple race based slaughter by a bloke with a crazy religious mania. It’s very unlikely he just didn’t like people shopping! One and one makes two.
Plus the media will conceal the real reason and facts until they have to to minimise he fallout.
The sickening thing is that the Aussie bigwigs will now probably go quiet on facts to avoid stirring up animosity instead of taking action to protect their own citizens because like most western leader coward types they want it to just go away for a quiet life so they can get on with their careers.
Not BBC but it could have been.
Was on a BA flight and the safety video came in,
Now this is not an exact science but I counted more or less equal numbers of black and white people on the video with speaking parts.
Does this reflect the percentages among the UK population? ( answer- clearly no)
Or even the percentage of people by ethnicity on my own flight? ( answer – definitely not)
So it is impossible to conclude other than this is yet another example of positive discrimination, therefore discrimination pure and simple, by a remote woke Leftoid elite telling us what to think.
Thoughtful -now that it seems Iran has fired mucho drones at Israel I’d like to thank you and everyone else for their contributions to the site and hope that their is a Sunday morning …
Now confirmed the drones are inbound on UK media, but how did I know so early?
Now we have to wait to see what the global thug will do in retaliation.
If Biden supports Israel he’s screwed, if he doesn’t he’s screwed. He should have acted sooner to remove Netanyahu and he might have stood a chance.
All playing out exactly as I said it was going to do.
Now we have the problem of Israel promising to hit Iranian oil facilities followed by Irans promise if they do that they will destroy all other facilities in the region.
Anyone fancy paying £1000 to fill the car if you can get fuel at all?
And that’s if Russia China Turkey and just about every other country in the world don’t join in to destroy Israel.
Cruise missiles now reported as being launched from Iran which are faster than the drones. Saudi refusing USAF launch or fly over rights. Houthis attacking Israel, Hezbollah attacking Israel.
Unconfirmed reports the Straits of Hormuz being closed fill cars and anything which holds fuel !
Israel can’t do much against Iran even America couldn’t defeat Iran back at the time of the gulf war, it’s got no chance today.
Israel has absolutely no chance of any significant damage as all the military establishments are deep underground, even a nuclear bomb won’t affect them.
Double standards. Can you imagine if Iran had launched an air strike on an Israeli Embassy and killed several senior people?
I posted a piece on how an attack on an embassy was an act of war. It is explicitly not a military target and Israel should not get a free pass to do what the hell it likes in defiance of international law.
You and I and our families might die as a result of their criminal lawlessness and arrogance, is that OK with you because it’s not with me!
The US Embassy in Iran was another example of the utter incompetence of the worlds worst intelligence agency the CIA. It happened nearly 50 years ago during a revolution before a proper government was established – a revolution caused directly by the global thug acting as arrogantly as usual and getting everything wrong – as usual, and then losing, as usual.
Michael Moore wrote a book entitled “stupid white men” and while it’s tongue in cheek it at least raises the question as to just how stupid some of the decisions these idiots in senior positions make really are.
Is this mass drone launch the sort of ‘proportional response’ for the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy that all the Israel haters have been saying should be happening in Gaza.
It’s not a proportionate response, it’s an act or war in reponse to a declaration of war, that’s how interntational law works, save in Israels case it doesn’t seem to think the laws which apply to every other state apply to it.
Well here comes the answer to that arrogance.
What would you like to see happen next? Half a dozen thermo nuclear bombs on London to deter the idiotic criminally corrupt Scameron from sending any more weapons over there?
What is going to take to convice you this is an incredibly dangerous game, and it’s one which shouldn;t be being played.
I told people here this might lead to Israels destruction, so who is the hater here? Me who argued for peace and Israels survival, or you who wanted a fight and the state of Israels possible destruction as a result.
Moggie – I think one nuke used on londonistan would be a waste . I read a hugely entertaining piece in – I think – the DT a few days ago on ‘tips for surviving a nuclear war ‘ …
… it included the valuable – use shampoo but don’t use conditioner because it absorbs nuclear particles . I intend to remember that when the big one drops should I have the misfortune to survive it .
Are there queues for petrol yet? Empty shelves ? No bottled water … ?
There’s a bit of me that says we deserve it ….
Vladimir Putin is now stating that if the US attacks Iran in any way Russia will come to its aid and attack US targets in the area.
Syria has now launched missiles at Israel and that makes countries now attacking it.
This is panning out exactly as I told people here it was going to, and unless someone steps in to remove Netanyahu, imprison him and install a more dovish leader prepared to speak the language of peace the Nation of Israel might well cease to exist by this time next year.
Nice to know who our political masters really are – while we the taxpayer pay for all this the treacherous Scameron is no doubt lining his pockets.
Which countries are the RAF going to be flying over because they have no permission for airspace in any other country than Israel.
Seems Biden is now going ful WWIII AIPAC will of course force him to destroy the world to save Israel and announced he will attack nuclear installations, in return Russia will obliterate all the US bases in the Middle East and what happens then?
Most of this nonsense will play out on your TV screens. Like much of what is happening in this world, it is largely fake. The targets are the local populations, the perpetrators are the respective governments. Your Government wants you locked down, impoverished, and preferably dead. Whatever happens next, it is worth keeping that in mind. Oh and by the way, there are no nuclear weapons. They do not exist. They are good at this game.
Reply to Thoughtfull: You seem to be an Iranian supporter – Iran which is controlled by an Islamic Regime. Remember this thread is for commenting on the BBC reporting not spreading your own political opinions. Looking at your flood of comments you are blaming Netanyahu for this rather than the belligerent Muslim Terrorist groups and the Iranian regime and you are condemning all actions by the West to come to Israel’s aid.
ps: Two days ago and unreported by the BBC the Argentinian Supreme Court found Iran responsible for the attack on the Israeli Embassy and the Jewish Community Centre In Buenos Aires that took the lives of over 120 people in 1994.
The Islamic Republic of Iran have been behind many attacks against Israeli diplomatic missions in the years following. It has also supplied weapons, training and finance to the terrorists of Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad who have taken the lives of many hundreds of Israelis.
Another from the school of non sequitur failing logic!
Charlie Kirk the centre right activist addresses this normally Left wing inability to think properly.
conflating the factual reports of what is happening with support for what is happening indicates low IQ and a reaching for an easy reconcilliation of the dissonance.
You don’t like what you are hearing therefore the person telling you the information is far RIght far Left insert which ever perjoritive you choose.
And yes this is absolutely Netanyahus fault, there is no doubt whatsoever he is trying to drag America into war with Iran. It’s a war America cannot win, but Netanyahu doesn’t care, the man is a monster, a criminal who will be in prison soon after he steps down.
All this is on the record, none of it is controversial, just because you can’t accept it does not diminish its truth – facts don’t care about your feelings!
I am condemning Scameron because I know he is being bribed by certain people and I know he is activing illegally, if he was acting legally he would release the legal advice he has been given.
And I believe the King of Jordan King Abdullah will pay a heavy price for opening his airspace, as he has a huge Palestinian population which might well over throw him and he is a huge force for peace in the region.
Time will tell if this intervention was a mistake, however it seems this was more a gesture by Iran than a serious attack.
My view in all this is that unless Netanyahu is removed, Israel will cease to exist in the near future, is that a future you want?
Seems like it, go down fighting rather than live in peace?
Before October 7th the region appeared stable and peaceable. No one has ever explained how or why the HAMAS attack was allowed to happen, but it does seem like Netanyahu stood down the IDF to allow it so he could create this situation, and before you emit yet another meaningless perjoritive I’ll challenge you to provide evidence to the contrary, because there’s plenty which supports it.
Quoting from “Thoughtful”: “it does seem like Netanyahu stood down the IDF to allow it so he could create this situation … I’ll challenge you to provide evidence to the contrary”
Well obviously we can’t disprove a negative can we but it enables you to continue in your mind that 7th October is all Netanyahu’s fault and following that Israel’s fault which is the type of talk I have seen on those other sites that push certain ideologies.
What we do know is that we have a history of actions from Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Islamic Republic of Iran other Islamic States and groups. We also have it in their documents some founding documents.
You are clearly unpersuadable and you ignore things that are convenient for you to ignore or you just don’t see it because you are unable to see certain things.
Once again let me remind you that this platform and this thread focusses on the BBC reporting. There was a special thread opened for you after you requested it. I suggest you use that rather than create a blizzard of posts about how you believe Netayanhu is going to destroy Israel and the World if America comes to his aid.
Broadcasting -on – behalf – …..thoughtful enjoys engaging in non BBC subjects on this site – I even stuck up a thread for it and now regret it .
A message to ALL – if you want to fight the Middle East war on the internet – please so find a better site to do it on – or concentrate on the BBC/ MSM response to the end of the world …
Thanks Thoughtful for your contributions on this website.
We all know by now how literate you are. Did your
lecturer at university come from the Frankfurt school?
Recondita Harmonia di belleze diverse. E bruna Thoughtful
L’ardente amanti mia.
Lets discuss your favourite opera. Mines Verdi’s Otello.
Did you know that during the Risorgimento . Verdi’s
name was plastered on walls for Victor Emmanuel
Rei De Italia.
At my university we discussed at the music society which
Bruckner symphony we liked best. I always thought that the
Choral coda in the first movement of the sixth , with over thirty modulations
was something very special.
What did you discuss Thoughtful ? How to bring down
Theie reporter writes:
‘Further escalation will truly take the region into perilous, uncharted territory.’
It reminded me of something I nearly commented on the other day where one of them wrote how ‘… the USA would certainly be seriously concerned if Isreal …’
These are the BBC’s opinions. They are not news. I’ve noticed that they have started to do this more and more recently : report the news then add something of their own at the end to nudge your opinion in a certain direction.
It annoys me so much because in other circumstances, they use the excuse of just reporting the facts given to them as a reason they don’t mention any huge elephants in the room for agenda topics such as Muslim terrorism and black violence.
‘The US will want to de-escalate this situation as much as possible and may be forced to reign in the Israelis when calibrating their response. America and Israel will be urged to proceed cautiously and make any retaliation proportional.’
Sounds a LOT more like the BBC trying to influence what the USA do by reporting what they want them to do in worthless opinion ‘news’ like this.
Urged by who BBC ?. You, the UN and all the other Muslims ?. The BBC are clearly very concerned their terrorist Muslim friends in Iran and all the other terrorist states around there are going to get their arses kicked.
Stand by for more pictures of Muslim ‘victims’ by evil Israel and sustained daily pressure from the BBC for the retalliation to stop.
So the BBC show a video of the murderer on an escalator. Interesting I thought : I might get so see what he looks like. So I start the video and 8 seconds later it abruptly ends without giving anything away. Instant alarm bells because there would be no reason for some to release such a short video.
Then I read ‘Authorities say the 40-year-old killer was “known to police”, but they haven’t revealed a motive for the rampage – only indicating it likely wasn’t terrorism.’. Another slightly odd quote because they usually quote whoever said it.
And then the article reverts to trying to make us feel empathy for the poor victims and the bravery of the people involved.
And no mention whatsoever anywhere in the article about the huge elephant in the room and what EVERYBODY is wondering : was it another Muslim terrorist attack ?.
So I check elsewhere and sure enough, the same video as the BBC is available. Here it is on Sky news:
In THIS version we get to see the actual video – not the one the BBC have edited to stop us being able to see he looks just like a Muslim.
And ‘The Times of Israel’ report headline is ‘6 killed in Sydney mall stabbing; police say terror not ruled out as motive’.
It seems form what I can find that the police used the phrase ‘terror-related’. This is a term the Leftists have invented to mean it doesn’t have direct links to ISIS and they use it to hide the motivation of attacks like this. If a white man driving his van at a queue of Muslims at a bus stop is plastered all over the media as terrorism, I’m dam sure close up stabbing of 6 people by a Muslim is.
The lies are coming thick and fast from the BBC now.
Seems like this mass-attack consists of 2 very rare events:
The first is that the murderer is not a Muslim terrorist.
The second is that he has been named and pictured within a day.
Could the two be connected ?.
I wonder what other information might come to light in the next few days once it’s died down. They seem to be telling us it probably wasn’t terrorism a lot – which usually means it probably was.
Our government will regret its failure to defend our borders as we have now acquired a very large ‘fifth column’ , thanks to our next to useless , Home Office .
That is disingenuous. The American fleet is not for protecting Israel’s border – it is for protecting shipping especially oil – as well the numerous bases the US has in the region. These types of comparison are often found on certain websites pushing a certain ideology. That this is being posted now while Israel is under attack is also instructive.
You really are invested in all of this. You even like throwing the word pejorative around when it doesn’t apply, making things up in the form of assertions.
“The mystery over Angela Rayner’s name change on the electoral roll as deputy Labour leader faces probe over housing arrangements
Ms Rayner bought former council house in Vicarage Road, Stockport, in 2007, She was listed at the time as Angela Bowen on the roll, but changed it in 2013”
Listened to Radcliffe and Macony from yesterday and somehow the report for the BBC news Raynor story quickly became a lengthy recap of Boris and partygate.
Here’s a piece I read elsewhere which may be a clue as to why Strummer doesn’t seem too concerned about what will happen to Angie Baby…
“Actually if Labour won an election she would probably be out of a job as Cabinet roles are in the sole gift of the Prime Minister, including the role of Deputy Prime Minister IF he chooses to have one. True she is the democratically elected deputy leader but currently has no official paid Parliamentary position other than as a MP, unlike Starmer who is paid to be Leader of the Opposition. If Starmer became PM he could send Crayons to the back benches or even to the Lords and there is nothing that she or the Labour party could do about it.”
h/t Ex Observer.
Of course, I can’t verify that this is true, so I’ll leave it to the beebiclists to spit out the bones…
Iteresting tweet there, GW, as further down, there’s Khan’s lie that Susan Hall wants to stop ALL childrens’ school meals, whereas she said quite clearly that she wanted to stop these free meals going to people who can clearly afford it!
Looks like there’s going to be a Bergerac remake this Summer.
Irish chap – Aidan Turner – in the frame as the bloke in the Triumph Roadster, (or possibly a Nissan Leaf…), but wither the rest of the cast…
Mo Hungerford…?
I hope that the Irish chap likes the odd glass of stout, as we always felt that the John Nettles character could have been much better without the dark alcoholic inferences! Slurping pints of orange juice is bad for your teeth!
The on-camera roles are yet to be cast, but screenwriter Toby Whithouse (Doctor Who, Being Human) is confirmed as one of the show’s writers, alongside Brian Fillis (Trust), Catherine Tregenna (Three Pines) and Polly Buckle (Love Rat).
Whithouse said in a statement: “It’s a rare honour to bring back a show as beloved and iconic as Bergerac. Our mission was always to respect the show’s history and legacy, WHILE MAKING IT IMPACTFUL AND RELEVANT FOR A MODERN DAY AUDIENCE.”
Your last few words in capitals are the first sign that there’ll be all sorts of foreigners, odd genders, solar panels, climate activists, stop-oil stuff in the diversity department’s script and the main ‘story’ won’t actually get a look in!
They call it all ‘reimagining’, which is a by-word for f*****g up a perfectly good series from several years ago! I understand that Rebus is also being ‘reimagined’, so if the SNP have anything to do with it, that’ll go the same way!
Thanks for the warning – but anyway, as we never watch live stuff – especially ‘reimaginers’, I’ll stick to YouTube!
Actually, that’s not true, as I’m watching the original ‘To serve them all my days’, with the superb John Duttine in the principle role! Senora O’Blene isn’t watching anything at the moment, so I watch it sitting on my own with a large Scotch on one side, and small/large dog on the other, and yesterday evening I was sitting there feeling like needing huge sobs after such a memorable episode!
And for any beeboid spylets watching, there’s a couple of foreign boys in the cast, so you should be well pleased!
John Duttine, a Yorkshireman, has an almost perfect Welsh accent in the story! Taffman could maybe find a few words and phrases out of kilter, but I certainly thought he was Welsh through and through from the start! He stated that if anyone tried to emulate a Yorkshire accent, he’d be pretty upset if they got it wrong, so he practised long and hard to get it just right!
It’s one of the best series I’ve seen in many a year! Sadly, I guess the original Beeboid staff have been long kicked out to ‘re-education or retirement…’
(ps – ‘re-education or retirement…’ now equals ‘reimagining’ in some peculiar minds…)!
Isn’t it sad that there aren’t enough bright sparks to actually write a completely new series all by themselves, without any outside help from their carers, or from the diversity department’s range of accepted ideals…
Just a reminder that the BBC and others on the Far Left hate Netanyahu but he is the democratically elected Prime Minister of a free country. I no longer watch the BBC but their hate will probably be reflected in their reporting.
Comments on the Daily Mail website seem to be saying as the Iron Dome and the UK Air Force has stopped all the drones, it doesn’t matter that they were sent. The BBC website has an article about Israeli in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv continuing to party, this puts the subliminal message that these drones were only like Chinese Lanterns coming over and never any real threat. Not sure BBC employees would want them being sent to Chiswick, Hampstead or Highgate or wherever they live these days.
Just a reminder Deborah that the people of Israel also hate Netanyahu and if there was an election tomorrow he would lose as badly as Rishi Washee.
Leaks by whistleblowers to the Times of Israel has revealed Netanyahus cold indifference to the plight of the hostages, and he does not appear to want their release.
I would also question following the interview Tucker Carlsson did with the Palestinian Christian Priest whether Israel actually is a genuine Democracy (but then I don’t believe Britain is either.)
From what I can gather Netanyahu has seized power in what amounts to a coup d’etat, and that certainly isn’t democratic. As soon as he ceases to be in charge he will be put on trial for corruption, and whether you agree he is guilty or not it’s a powerful incentive to start and keep a war going as long as possible.
Deborah, just because you don’t like the facts doesn’t mean that they are politically biased, facts don’t care about your feelings!
The Times of Israel can hardly be decribed as Far Left, however Netanyahu can undeniably be decribed as on the far Right and his coalition are self described Ultra Far Right.
Would that be an accurate description you Deborah? Supporting such people does generally indicate you hold similar political views.
Now I know Haaretz is the Israeli equivalent of the Guardian, but even they get it right sometimes and a spectrum of opinion is good to know so here’s an article on the nature of the current Israeli cabinet:
Quote from Thoughtful: “Netanyahu can undeniably be decribed as on the far Right and his coalition are self described Ultra Far Right.”
Yes and I have seen these assertions being made on certain websites pushing a certain ideology. Quoting Haaretz is a nice touch exploiting the fact that Israel has a free press able to make all sorts of polemical statements.
Yes Deborah.
Our resident Anti-Semite must have been wetting it’s knickers last night at the prospect of its pariah state possibly being wiped of the map and the start of the Third World War…
I really don’t know why it swamps this site with its ramblings that vary from wild conspiracy to the flaming obvious.
Oh I forgot. Apparently it has some secret contacts that give it the moral high ground on the Middle East that none of us ignorant uneducated peasants have.
I really wish Fed would remove it, and give us a break from the bullshit it spreads, so we can actually discuss BBB matters…
I second that that davylars. I am sick of his nonsense comments. Maybe he should bugger off to some palestinian supporting site. I scroll through his posts as they are all the bloody same. Go IDF!
Pair of you SNP anti free speech supporters and far Leftists.
It’s a known practice of the woke snowflakes to make these meaningless smears such as Anti – Semite so davylars present your evidence or shut up and apologise – but neither of these will happen, the woke left never apologise because they can’t accept they are ever wrong!
As seen from the post earlier, conflation of fact and support for is common on the brainwashed Left, it happened when people said Russia was going to win the hard of thinking immediately responded with “oh yer a Putin shill” now it’s obvious Russia is going to win they forgot their previous idiocy.
As for the information I shared last night, was I able to share this way before it hit the MSM? the proof is there because it’s timestamped.
I really wish we had rules like the SNP do so I don’t have to hear other opinions which conflict with mine, – cancel culture is really great and I’m such a snowflake I need a safe space to protect me !
How are either of you two any different from Humza Yousef of the SNP and his anti free speech laws?
Just for a little balance, an article just read; cut and pasted:-
‘Here are many misunderstandings about Israel in the international media, but one of the most bewildering is the suggestion that if it weren’t for the presence of Benjamin Netanyahu the war would end. It is one of those mistakes that at best mixes up hope with analysis, and at worst displays a dumbfounding ignorance.
Let me give you an example. In recent months I think I’ve interviewed everybody in Israeli politics who might some day replace Netanyahu. It doesn’t matter if they’re from the right or the left of the political spectrum, not one would be doing anything different from what he is doing now.
No one, left or right, would be doing anything different from what Netanyahu is doing now
You might ask why. The answer is obvious. If you had 1,200 of your citizens slaughtered in the most barbaric ways, what would you do? If hundreds of your citizens had been taken hostage and more than a hundred were still being held in a densely populated civilian area, what would you do? Add in a few other factors. Imagine if all this had been done by a terrorist group who do not wear uniforms that distinguish them from the general population, that the terrorists want to maximise civilian casualties on their own side, that much of the civilian population are actually complicit in hiding hostages, storing weapons in their houses or hosting entrances to the terrorists’ huge underground tunnel networks then, again, what would you do?
The geniuses in the armchair class tend to say things like ‘There should be peace’, as though this has never occurred to the Israelis. Or they say: ‘There must be an end to the fighting.’ Again, as though this were some fantastically original insight. But all these things are wanted in Jerusalem. Who wants to have to fight a war in the same place for 18 years?
Still, in Washington, Paris and London the mistaken idea continues that what is happening in Gaza might stop if there were only a change in Israel’s leadership.
I can say with a considerable degree of certainty that this war would be going almost exactly the same way whoever the prime minister of Israel was. No leader, from the left, centre or right, would have been able to sit back and allow Hamas to get away with its massacre on 7 October. No Israeli leader would have been able to allow Hamas to rape, torture and brutalise Israeli hostages without doing everything they could to get them back.
One of those suggested as a possible Israeli PM is Benny Gantz, a minister in the war cabinet and long-time rival of Netanyahu. Last month he went on a trip to the US which was highly controversial in Israel – seen as it was by some as an opportunity for Gantz to present himself as a more acceptable face in Washington.
What Gantz said on the visit might have surprised some of those at the top of the US government and the leadership of the Democratic party. Then, as now, the whole world’s attention was focused on the south Gazan city of Rafah – the last hiding place for the remaining leadership of Hamas and the suspected holding place of the surviving Israeli hostages. Rafah is also home to a large population of Gazan civilians, which makes the operation infinitely tougher for the Israelis, though very helpful for Hamas, who forever boast about (and demonstrate) how much they love death.
The intense global focus on that operation alone is noteworthy. I was in Ukraine the year before Gaza and at no stage was there any comparable concern about the operations or tactics of the Ukrainian army. Nor was there then – or since – any special concern that the Ukrainians might be harming too many Russian or Ukrainian civilians in their effort to win the war. One explanation is that much of the world still sees Israelis as the aggressors and Hamas as the victims, even in a war which was demonstrably, provably, bloodily started by Hamas. But picking apart that particular pathology might be a job for another day.
What was interesting about Gantz’s appearance in Washington was that he said, clearly, that ‘ending the war without clearing out Rafah is like sending a firefighter to extinguish 80 per cent of the fire’.
Indeed it is. Just as there is no point in putting out 80 per cent of a fire, so there is no point in destroying 80 per cent of Hamas and not getting all the hostages back. Calls from people like our own Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron, to stop the war ignore the fact that what they are doing is asking the Israelis not to win.
One of the other contenders for the top job in Israel told me a few months ago that he had the chance to destroy Hamas in 2009 when there was another round of the war, that time caused by the terror group launching rockets into Israel. He could have done it then, he said, but an international outcry caused domestic political pressure, and so he was pulled back from finishing the job. All that the people back then (who thought they had done such a wonderful service) had actually done was to cause every conflict that has occurred since, including the one that Hamas and Israel are currently engaged in.
Everyone who stands any chance of leading Israel knows that the only way to stop the ‘cycle of violence’ is for Israel to win.
Some people will of course resile at that statement. Some who do so want a Hamas victory. Others believe that their calls are simply aimed at avoiding any more Palestinian casualties. They could not be more wrong. Anyone who wants to stop the endless rounds of violence should notice who started the fire and who is the firefighter. They should want Hamas to lose, for Israel to win, and for some non-Hamas Palestinian leadership to emerge out of Hamas’s defeat.
Will it happen? Who knows. At present the world is trying to force Israel to another draw. What they are in fact doing is setting the groundwork for ceaseless war.’
I agree that most Israelis support the prosecution of the Gaza war, however that is not the sole issue facing Israel and Netanyahu.
At the same time the Gaza war was taking place he made catastrophic errors provoking Hezbollah and later Iran. Whilst he believed he could drag the West into a war with Iran what happened was that threats to Israels Northern border has meant a considerable amount of the IDF has had to be redeployed to protect that, and the threat he created is so severe that he has been forced to withdraw forces from Gaza to redeploy to the North.
The other issue of course is whether HAMAS actually can be ‘defeated’ and what is meant by ‘defeat’ only around 17% of HAMAS has been destroyed, but at what cost?
The other question no one ever seems to want to ask is how did October the 7th even happen given the sophisticated security Israel had? Why were the warnings from Egypt ignored? Why were IDF officers threatened with disciplinary action for reporting issues?
Just checking the BBC news page and true to form, it’s open season on the Sydney stabbings now we know he wasn’t a Muslim. I count 5 different headlines on the main page already. No doubt we will get lots more articles now loaded with empathy and most likely some history of the guy himself.
But what they are REALLY hoping for is some kind of link to the Far-Right. It will run for weeks if they get it.
They do say that it’s not so much the original cause of the scandal that wrecks a political career but rather those botched attempts at cover-ups
BBC admits pulling Rayner clip… after a request from the Labour party… Nick Watt, the political editor of Newsnight, had asked Labour’s deputy leader… Rayner, 44, declined to answer the question during the interview… Afterwards, Labour’s press office asked the BBC not to broadcast the footage… Sunday Times was notified of the omission on Friday and contacted Newsnight. The programme broadcast the footage hours later, including an on-air explantion by Nick Watt. He said: “I decided at the time for editorial reasons that we shouldn’t run that… the Labour team did raise concerns.” (Sunday Times)
Beeboid journo declines to air his gotcha because… the spin doctors got to him?
Our mate Matt, in-house cartoonist in the Telegraph, is back on form. He sketches two flat-capped northerners sharing pints in a pub: “Two homes? In my day the deputy leader of the Labour party had barely two Jags to rub together”
The reference is of course to Tony Blair’s very own working class hero and deputy Labour leader John Prescott – there’s one for the teenagers: Originally, Prescott’s nickname was “Prezza”, but as various misfortunes befell him the sobriquets became more colourful, leading to “Two Jags”, which set the template for later nicknames. Prescott owns one Jaguar, and had the use of another as his official ministerial car. (Thank you Wiki)
I’m inevitably reminded of Monty Python’s sketch comedy Four Yorkshiremen: “House? Why would ah say house? It were only a hole in the ground, covered by a couple foot o torn canvas. But they were house to us!”
“We were evicted from our hole in the ground. We had to go livin in lake.”
“You were lucky to have a lake. There were 150 of us, livin in shoebox at middle o’ motorway.”
She is lying, Rayner aide tells police… Dramatic intervention by Labour Deputy’s ex-adviser piles even more pressure on her to finally come clean (Mail on Sunday)
Come clean…? We used to fantasize about coming clean… 20 of us kids used to bathe in now’t but a tin tub with pigeon sweat fo’ soap of a mornin’
Karen says
‘No terror link’ found in stabbing rampage… New South Wales police commissioner, Karen Webb, said… Six people were killed and several others injured… the injured include a nine-month-old baby… Police did not believe his motive was related to terrorism (Elias Visontay, Tasmin Rose & Nikki Marshall, Sydney, The Observer)
Well, that’s all ok then. Nothing to worry about there then. All just fine and dandy. “Sorted, respect due” – as absurdist comedian Harry Hill’s blue glove puppet, Stouffer the cat, would tend to remark.
Calm down dear
Ruby Wax inserts herself into an old story: The day OJ Simpson threatened to stab me (The Sunday Times) Don’t panic! – A Los Angeles County Court has assured the public that although there may have been a bit of a miscarriage of justice – it did not believe OJ’s motive was related to terrorism
Angela Rayner’s former aide has written to police contradicting her claims in the row over her previous living arrangements.
Matt Finnegan gave a statement to Greater Manchester Police (GMP) saying he visited her at her then-husband’s address in Lowndes Lane, Stockport, in 2014.
The ex-staffer said there was “no doubt in my mind that this was Ms Rayner’s family home”.
The Labour deputy leader has insisted she lived separately from Mark Rayner after they married in 2010 at her former council house about a mile away in Vicarage Road.
It comes as GMP is investigating whether Ms Rayner, who denies any wrongdoing, broke electoral law after allegations that she may given false information about her main residence a decade ago.
Mr Finnegan’s statement, reported by the Sunday Times, said: “There was no doubt in my mind that this was Ms Rayner’s family home, where she lived with her then-husband, Mark.
“I remember it quite vividly because Ms Rayner was not at home at first and I had to wait for some time in my car before she eventually arrived.
Just reading some news articles about this and that (mainly that) and it occured to me : why do the Left chose to use the words ‘anti-semetic’ instead of ‘racist’ ?.
‘anti-semetic’ is about as clear cut an example of actual racism as you can get. It refers to a specific ethnic group of people. Yet I don’t recall the BBC ever using the word ‘racist’ to describe what we are seeing.
On the other hand though, they are more than willing to trumpet any anti-Muslim sentiment as racism when it is nothing of the sort. A Muslim is a person who follows Islam. Nothing to do with ethnic grouping or race. It is ‘Anti-Islam sentiment’. Not ‘Racist’ in any way and certainly not ‘Islamophobia’ which is an absurd word.
Yet a search for ‘Muslim racist BBC’ throws up many articles. And not a single one about Muslims themselves being racist of course. A similar search for Jews always has ‘anti-semetism’ as the headline.
IMHO using ‘anti-semetic’ instead of ‘racist’ is itself racist. They are trying to make a lesser-sounding thing by using a softer word.
This is all part of the strange modern world the Left have created where everyone accepts these things without question even though they are so clearly wrong. Brainwashing is a powerful thing : people simply won’t accept the notion that they might be wrong.
Theres no such thing as ‘racism’ nor anti Semitism either, this is provable fact.
There is such a thing as race hate or anti Jewish hate, nor any of the plethora of fake isms and fauxbias the far Left have dreamed up to leverage their own agenda with.
When something like the Hamas terrorist attack happens, someone like the BBC should removed their long-term proven biased reporters from the story and use fresh people who can see it objectively. Then bring the embarassments back once things are normal again.
Instead the BBC are so smug and confident that they can get away with anything now, they put them writing the main, front-page world news articles.
I have noted on other sites an analysis of the so called “death statistics” and they have been analysed as demonstrably false being perfectly linear when plotted againt time,
Europe relies on a huge gas storage facility in Ukraine supplied by Russia into Eastern Europe, and despite all the denials Europe still is buying and using Russian gas, even if it is indirectly.
There are now fears this facility might be targetted as part of the war and European gas prices have risen 10% this month and are currently higher than they were last Winter.
If the lunatics running the EU and the associated countries carry on with their beligerance they might well find they have no energy supplies this Winter.
Not that any of this will bother the leaders, they will always make sure they are alright, it will be the long suffering fools who elect them who suffer.
In the early hours of this morning the BBC launched a fierce attack on the people of Britain — launching wave after wave of flying Doucets, which make a high-pitched droning sound as they head for their targets. Fortunately, these once-terrifying weapons are now rather out of date and take hours to get anywhere, but in large numbers they can still be dangerous. Many veered off course, spun out of control and crashed in the middle of nowhere, but most were obliterated in mid-flight by the public using their own “channel changers”, which instantly make the Doucets go silent and disappear. As the tension mounted Clive Myrie was put on High Alert Standby and issued with a new flak jacket, but the threat was over before he had time to have the sleeves altered. The Prime Minister angrily denounced the BBC’s “reckless attempt to sow chaos in its own backyard” and threatened to consider the possibility of one day maybe setting up a committee to choose a panel of experts who might discuss the unlikely prospect of slightly modifying the BBC’s licence to print money.
Woodenfish – I loved the ‘flying Doucet’. I have it on good authority that she went to school in Frankfurt so she is more dangerous than Kryptonite – bBC verified fact.
Laura Kuenssburg thanking Jeremy Bowen for coming on this morning. Saying she knows how busy he is and taking time out to come on the programme
HOLD ON – That`s his job.
Border Force is a law enforcement command within the Home Office. We secure the UK border by carrying out immigration and customs controls for people and goods entering the UK.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
All muslims should boycott Mecca until there is Justice …. Sadiq Khan and Savid Javid and Warsi and all Muslims should ban travelling until the law is changed in Saudi for LGBT.
Wonder if the UK did pay for release of hostages and how much of that money bought missiles that we shot down with RAF fighters to protect Israel whilst letting 104 land on Kent beaches?
“Iran has not received £400m agreed by UK at time of Zaghari-Ratcliffe release. The historic £400m debt the UK paid to Iran at the time of the release of British-Iranian dual nationals Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Anoosheh Ashoori has still not reached Tehran, according to Iranian government sources.27 Apr 2022”
“As Big Zuu prepares for his pilgrimage to Mecca, he and Tubsey debate whether its possible to be a good Muslim and engage in acts typically prohibited in Islam, such as drinking alcohol. ” PLUS, sex with minors like Mohammed did under Gods watchful eye and hating Jews?
OH wait, this was cancelled last time – now it is OK! HA HA HAHA! Pay BBC and get Islamic content 24/7.
A multi faith prayer room is available at Anfield. The prayer room is accessible from 97 Avenue and located next to the hospitality ticket collection booth. This will be available from 1pm each show day.
Having had a little time to think through what has been said here and Feds request to stay on the BBC topic I should like to say this.
For any site to have respect and influence it has to be seen to be the purveyor of pretty mainstream respectable views. If it is a site which largely expresses extremist views it can be easily batted away as unrepresentative or even far right.
In the current far Left climate even media sites such as the Daily Mail are disregarded as not representing mainstream views and being that of the Tory right.
So I have to ask the question do you as the site owner want the site to be taken seriously?
When faced with the barrage of opposing views I have this morning I always want to check it’s not me holding some form of “whack job” “fruit loop” views so I went to the comments section of that bastion of traditional centre right views the comments section of the Daily Mail and here’s the top comments on the RAF involvement yesterday.
“mate – it’s not a badge of honour, sort out our own problems first..”
“Exactly. None of our business. Sort the mess out which is the UK. This international interference over domestic duties has to stop. ”
“Why do we insist on involving ourselves in middle east conflicts? The majority of the issues we have with extremists is because we keep interfering in their lands and culture ”
“Here we go. Another UK PM rushing to ‘stand shoulder to shoulder’ on the world stage. But can’t stop the crime and the takeover of the UK.”
There are many many more along the same lines expressing conservative views, pretty much the same as I have expressed here.
So I have to ask the question again, what is it you want this site to achieve? Because if it genuinely is to influence the future of the BBC and its massive bias, promoting extremists views and comments is the wrong way to go about it!
“what is it you want this site to achieve” – can I quote George Orwell?
“To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.”
This world view might be related to the BBC or BBC’s view of the World, the interesting thing is that BBC say it is unbiased and to be relied on with a dedicated BBC Verify dept that can see the truth that you cannot.
“It’s hard to see what is happening in the World when you are not allowed to have an opinion that does not cause hate or anger (perceived) from someone else who asks that you use the correct pro-nouns which they can change with the flip of a coin. J.K.Rowling can have an opinion because she is rich and was once loved by the left for getting kids to read books and adults to believe in magic.” MarkyMark
Thoughtful: “… For any site to have respect and influence it has to …. If it is a site which largely expresses extremist views …. So I went to the comments section … of the Daily Mail and here’s the top comments on the RAF involvement yesterday…. ”
I think you are cherry picking for confirmation bias. This site is focused on commenting on the BBC “reporting”. The remit is very clear and this site has continued as the BBC has continued – even though there are those that would like nothing better than to close this site down whether done intentionally or done blindly.
At this juncture I would like to take an opportunity to thank FedUp2 and the others for keeping this site going when the founder and original moderators stepped down.
On another issue I would be interested in knowing what happened to this site when Russia started their special military operation into Ukraine – whether people stuck to the remit or whether some let emotion get the better of them and started pushing a view on it rather than focusing on the BBC reporting. On other forums I have seen them tearing each other apart over this subject.
No, I wasn’t looking for confirmation bias, I was quite open minded. I speak to any number of people including Jewish people and it’s a pretty similar MOR view I appear to hold.
If you check the reports on what are broadly regarded as centre right media sites you will get similar views too. The view appears to be similar in the USA with exceptions there but the main thrust is “Sort out the problems here before adventuring abroad” and often the founding fathers statement “avoid foreign entanglements” comes up.
The picture Marky posted of the Border patrol agent on the horse sums it up.
If memory serves the Russia Ukraine war appeared to have been pretty consensual at first, everyone shocked because of the propaganda fed by the news media and a slow dawning of realisation what was being said was not the truth and a great deal of money laundering and corruption was going on.
Speculation on Nordstream coalesced into agreement when Seymour Hirsch delivered his damning verdict.
I don’t recall there being any kind of acrimonious debate over Russia Ukraine
Speaking of the media however they have utterly failed to cover anything of the Russia / Israel issues. Not many world leaders like Netanyahu on a personal level, but the one person he did get on with was Vladimir Putin. Putin perhaps rightly thought Netanyahu had stabbed him in the back when he sent Mossad agents to assist Ukraine and amunition as well, although Netanyahu would probably claim pressure from Biden.
Either way Russia is making settlement proposals to the Palestinian issue which involve the dissolution of Hamas. I can foresee a time when Russia has much greater influence and connections with Israel than it currently does.
Russia has a huge Jewish population and a number of Israeli Russians serve in the IDF, so many the USA has placed restrictions on their access to certain sensitive military technology.
None of this has been reported on any UK media site I have seen, although others might correct me. Take a look at the Russian solution to Hamas it might impress you.
Lutfur Rahman
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The people of Tower Hamlets are more important than profits.
I'm thrilled to announce that we've decided to bring our leisure services back in house, a move I know will benefit everyone. 🏊 1/5
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Racist muslims on our streets again courtesy of muslim Khan:
“Pro-Palestine march LIVE: Anti-Israel thug yells five-word threat at Jewish counter-rally. Pro-Palestine supporters have clashed with demonstrators waving Israeli flags during a march in London today with one man shouting “you don’t want the hostages” and another making a “cut-throat” gesture.”
Calling out the latter gesture made by a man towards the Israel supporters, conservative commentator Chris Rose asked Met Police why they didn’t take action when they were nearby.
Posting on X Mr Rose said: “Hi Met Police UK, was this pro Palestine protestor who made a cut-throat gesture towards Israeli protestors in front of your police officers arrested? If not, why? It’s a clear death threat.”
A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
Bliar had his deputy, Two Jags Prescott
Smarmer has his deputy, Two Houses Rayner
Except she has more than two! At least four by my count and maybe more
Next portion of ‘3 Body Problem’ later.
So further, so good.
A few signs though. I could live with all the genius scientists being young women or black men, and the military squeeze being a dashing Asian, but the ruthless government guy wrangling them is an old white guy. And he has been deemed ‘fascist’ a few times already.
But sticking with. The notion of military triage/greater good was addressed fairly well.
We’ll see. Doing what you have to when there are others relentlessly determined to kill you is of course topical.
Can’t see the BBC managing it well.
Finished “3 body problem” It is superb. As I said previously slight wokery but excellent. Doubt the bBBC could afford to make it but they would wreck it anyway. Fallout just started on Prime. First episode is stunningly brilliant. Again not possible from the atrocious beeb. May have to watch all episodes quickly in case WW3 breaks out soon.
Lucky no folk ‘known to the police’ in the carriage with them.
Honoured to have helped escort this Rt Hon chap to Parliament Square 🇵🇸
Free free Palestine ❤️
Bit more of this here might be the go.
Global death count by crazy Muslims added to in Australia by six or seven. I guess in the grand scheme of diversity shite that’s not that significant so best for the MSM including the BBC to overlook or excuse it this time. I am sure they have plenty of “nice” Muslims on staff for “balance”.
What is it going to take to wake these media c **nts up?
These are the direct actions of a primeval quasi-religious death cult!
What sub-human would stab a baby? If he had not been shot dead, (god bless the lady cop who did it), I would happily volunteer to share a locked room with this vile twat while wearing a pair of knuckle dusters and wielding a sledge hammer.
Also I’m waiting for the total denunciation of this animals actions by the global Muslim community but I won’t be holding my breath!
If you’re going to post that Digg could you at least give a link which confirms it? It’s very easy to say “crazy Muslim” but without the supporting evidence it’s just name calling.
The circumstances need no confirmation, it was a simple race based slaughter by a bloke with a crazy religious mania. It’s very unlikely he just didn’t like people shopping! One and one makes two.
Plus the media will conceal the real reason and facts until they have to to minimise he fallout.
And now we know it wasn’t anything of the kind, and making wild claims is very dangerous.
Some are reporting the guy who challenged the stab idiot was Russian .
Guess most Australian males are fags these days.
The sickening thing is that the Aussie bigwigs will now probably go quiet on facts to avoid stirring up animosity instead of taking action to protect their own citizens because like most western leader coward types they want it to just go away for a quiet life so they can get on with their careers.
Not BBC but it could have been.
Was on a BA flight and the safety video came in,
Now this is not an exact science but I counted more or less equal numbers of black and white people on the video with speaking parts.
Does this reflect the percentages among the UK population? ( answer- clearly no)
Or even the percentage of people by ethnicity on my own flight? ( answer – definitely not)
So it is impossible to conclude other than this is yet another example of positive discrimination, therefore discrimination pure and simple, by a remote woke Leftoid elite telling us what to think.
In my opinion “positive discrimination” is nothing more or less than discrimination against white people.
Just hearing reports Iranian Shaeed 136 drones against Israel.
In other news Iran have seized an Israeli owned container ship belonging to the “Zionist regime”
Seems to me I’ve heard those words before used by the Labour party under a certain J Corbyn, and other left wing groups.
Thoughtful -now that it seems Iran has fired mucho drones at Israel I’d like to thank you and everyone else for their contributions to the site and hope that their is a Sunday morning …
Now confirmed the drones are inbound on UK media, but how did I know so early?
Now we have to wait to see what the global thug will do in retaliation.
If Biden supports Israel he’s screwed, if he doesn’t he’s screwed. He should have acted sooner to remove Netanyahu and he might have stood a chance.
All playing out exactly as I said it was going to do.
Now we have the problem of Israel promising to hit Iranian oil facilities followed by Irans promise if they do that they will destroy all other facilities in the region.
Anyone fancy paying £1000 to fill the car if you can get fuel at all?
And that’s if Russia China Turkey and just about every other country in the world don’t join in to destroy Israel.
Go IDF? Gone Israel as a result.
Cruise missiles now reported as being launched from Iran which are faster than the drones. Saudi refusing USAF launch or fly over rights. Houthis attacking Israel, Hezbollah attacking Israel.
Unconfirmed reports the Straits of Hormuz being closed fill cars and anything which holds fuel !
Iran will regret it, Israelis don’t play.
Israel can’t do much against Iran even America couldn’t defeat Iran back at the time of the gulf war, it’s got no chance today.
Israel has absolutely no chance of any significant damage as all the military establishments are deep underground, even a nuclear bomb won’t affect them.
Apparently France has already surrendered. In advance of getting involved. Just in case. Vive the spirit of May 1940!
Astonishing watching Al Jazeera with an interview of an Iranian expressing faux-outrage at the attack on the annex to the Iranian embassy in Syria.
Interesting he did not mention what the Iranians did to the US embassy in Iran.
Double standards. Can you imagine if Iran had launched an air strike on an Israeli Embassy and killed several senior people?
I posted a piece on how an attack on an embassy was an act of war. It is explicitly not a military target and Israel should not get a free pass to do what the hell it likes in defiance of international law.
You and I and our families might die as a result of their criminal lawlessness and arrogance, is that OK with you because it’s not with me!
The US Embassy in Iran was another example of the utter incompetence of the worlds worst intelligence agency the CIA. It happened nearly 50 years ago during a revolution before a proper government was established – a revolution caused directly by the global thug acting as arrogantly as usual and getting everything wrong – as usual, and then losing, as usual.
Michael Moore wrote a book entitled “stupid white men” and while it’s tongue in cheek it at least raises the question as to just how stupid some of the decisions these idiots in senior positions make really are.
Is this mass drone launch the sort of ‘proportional response’ for the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy that all the Israel haters have been saying should be happening in Gaza.
It’s not a proportionate response, it’s an act or war in reponse to a declaration of war, that’s how interntational law works, save in Israels case it doesn’t seem to think the laws which apply to every other state apply to it.
Well here comes the answer to that arrogance.
What would you like to see happen next? Half a dozen thermo nuclear bombs on London to deter the idiotic criminally corrupt Scameron from sending any more weapons over there?
What is going to take to convice you this is an incredibly dangerous game, and it’s one which shouldn;t be being played.
I told people here this might lead to Israels destruction, so who is the hater here? Me who argued for peace and Israels survival, or you who wanted a fight and the state of Israels possible destruction as a result.
Satisfied now it’s actually happening?
Half a dozen nukes on London would improve the city no end.
Moggie – I think one nuke used on londonistan would be a waste . I read a hugely entertaining piece in – I think – the DT a few days ago on ‘tips for surviving a nuclear war ‘ …
… it included the valuable – use shampoo but don’t use conditioner because it absorbs nuclear particles . I intend to remember that when the big one drops should I have the misfortune to survive it .
Are there queues for petrol yet? Empty shelves ? No bottled water … ?
There’s a bit of me that says we deserve it ….
More news that Netanyahu has fled the country on a private jet and the Israeli doomsday plane has taken off carrying the Israeli war cabinet.
I expect some commenters here will be really happy with this turn of events, after all they were warned and urged more and more of the same.
Apparantly Netanyahu is on the Doomsday plane, some confusion over the ID of the plane.
Thoughtful sounds like it’s enjoying itself
Vladimir Putin is now stating that if the US attacks Iran in any way Russia will come to its aid and attack US targets in the area.
Syria has now launched missiles at Israel and that makes countries now attacking it.
This is panning out exactly as I told people here it was going to, and unless someone steps in to remove Netanyahu, imprison him and install a more dovish leader prepared to speak the language of peace the Nation of Israel might well cease to exist by this time next year.
“British fighter jets took off from Cyprus to intercept UAVs and missiles launched from Iran towards Israel”
Nice to see them doing something positive for a change.
The drones will probably turn around soon and go back home.
Nice to know who our political masters really are – while we the taxpayer pay for all this the treacherous Scameron is no doubt lining his pockets.
Which countries are the RAF going to be flying over because they have no permission for airspace in any other country than Israel.
“Jordan has opened its airspace to Israeli Air Force fighters.
Together with American aircraft, they are intercepting Iranian drones.”
Reports of Hezbollah ground troops now moving into Northern Israel. Early stages and not a great deal of information at the present time.
This is perhaps why the IDF withdrew from areas of Gaza a few days ago.
Seems Biden is now going ful WWIII AIPAC will of course force him to destroy the world to save Israel and announced he will attack nuclear installations, in return Russia will obliterate all the US bases in the Middle East and what happens then?
Most of this nonsense will play out on your TV screens. Like much of what is happening in this world, it is largely fake. The targets are the local populations, the perpetrators are the respective governments. Your Government wants you locked down, impoverished, and preferably dead. Whatever happens next, it is worth keeping that in mind. Oh and by the way, there are no nuclear weapons. They do not exist. They are good at this game.
Reply to Thoughtfull: You seem to be an Iranian supporter – Iran which is controlled by an Islamic Regime. Remember this thread is for commenting on the BBC reporting not spreading your own political opinions. Looking at your flood of comments you are blaming Netanyahu for this rather than the belligerent Muslim Terrorist groups and the Iranian regime and you are condemning all actions by the West to come to Israel’s aid.
ps: Two days ago and unreported by the BBC the Argentinian Supreme Court found Iran responsible for the attack on the Israeli Embassy and the Jewish Community Centre In Buenos Aires that took the lives of over 120 people in 1994.
The Islamic Republic of Iran have been behind many attacks against Israeli diplomatic missions in the years following. It has also supplied weapons, training and finance to the terrorists of Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad who have taken the lives of many hundreds of Israelis.
Another from the school of non sequitur failing logic!
Charlie Kirk the centre right activist addresses this normally Left wing inability to think properly.
conflating the factual reports of what is happening with support for what is happening indicates low IQ and a reaching for an easy reconcilliation of the dissonance.
You don’t like what you are hearing therefore the person telling you the information is far RIght far Left insert which ever perjoritive you choose.
And yes this is absolutely Netanyahus fault, there is no doubt whatsoever he is trying to drag America into war with Iran. It’s a war America cannot win, but Netanyahu doesn’t care, the man is a monster, a criminal who will be in prison soon after he steps down.
All this is on the record, none of it is controversial, just because you can’t accept it does not diminish its truth – facts don’t care about your feelings!
I am condemning Scameron because I know he is being bribed by certain people and I know he is activing illegally, if he was acting legally he would release the legal advice he has been given.
And I believe the King of Jordan King Abdullah will pay a heavy price for opening his airspace, as he has a huge Palestinian population which might well over throw him and he is a huge force for peace in the region.
Time will tell if this intervention was a mistake, however it seems this was more a gesture by Iran than a serious attack.
My view in all this is that unless Netanyahu is removed, Israel will cease to exist in the near future, is that a future you want?
Seems like it, go down fighting rather than live in peace?
Before October 7th the region appeared stable and peaceable. No one has ever explained how or why the HAMAS attack was allowed to happen, but it does seem like Netanyahu stood down the IDF to allow it so he could create this situation, and before you emit yet another meaningless perjoritive I’ll challenge you to provide evidence to the contrary, because there’s plenty which supports it.
Quoting from “Thoughtful”: “it does seem like Netanyahu stood down the IDF to allow it so he could create this situation … I’ll challenge you to provide evidence to the contrary”
Well obviously we can’t disprove a negative can we but it enables you to continue in your mind that 7th October is all Netanyahu’s fault and following that Israel’s fault which is the type of talk I have seen on those other sites that push certain ideologies.
What we do know is that we have a history of actions from Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Islamic Republic of Iran other Islamic States and groups. We also have it in their documents some founding documents.
You are clearly unpersuadable and you ignore things that are convenient for you to ignore or you just don’t see it because you are unable to see certain things.
Once again let me remind you that this platform and this thread focusses on the BBC reporting. There was a special thread opened for you after you requested it. I suggest you use that rather than create a blizzard of posts about how you believe Netayanhu is going to destroy Israel and the World if America comes to his aid.
Broadcasting -on – behalf – …..thoughtful enjoys engaging in non BBC subjects on this site – I even stuck up a thread for it and now regret it .
A message to ALL – if you want to fight the Middle East war on the internet – please so find a better site to do it on – or concentrate on the BBC/ MSM response to the end of the world …
Just hearing from someone in Israel that it’s 8 hours for the drones to arrive, minutes for the missiles.
Thanks Thoughtful for your contributions on this website.
We all know by now how literate you are. Did your
lecturer at university come from the Frankfurt school?
Ah the usual smear from the hard of thinking !
Recondita Harmonia di belleze diverse. E bruna Thoughtful
L’ardente amanti mia.
Lets discuss your favourite opera. Mines Verdi’s Otello.
Did you know that during the Risorgimento . Verdi’s
name was plastered on walls for Victor Emmanuel
Rei De Italia.
At my university we discussed at the music society which
Bruckner symphony we liked best. I always thought that the
Choral coda in the first movement of the sixth , with over thirty modulations
was something very special.
What did you discuss Thoughtful ? How to bring down
Iranians have just launched a combined Drones and BALLISTIC MISSILE attack on Israel. The BBC are calling it a RETALIATORY measure from Iran against the Israeli aggressors.
Theie reporter writes:
‘Further escalation will truly take the region into perilous, uncharted territory.’
It reminded me of something I nearly commented on the other day where one of them wrote how ‘… the USA would certainly be seriously concerned if Isreal …’
These are the BBC’s opinions. They are not news. I’ve noticed that they have started to do this more and more recently : report the news then add something of their own at the end to nudge your opinion in a certain direction.
It annoys me so much because in other circumstances, they use the excuse of just reporting the facts given to them as a reason they don’t mention any huge elephants in the room for agenda topics such as Muslim terrorism and black violence.
And here again:
‘The US will want to de-escalate this situation as much as possible and may be forced to reign in the Israelis when calibrating their response. America and Israel will be urged to proceed cautiously and make any retaliation proportional.’
Sounds a LOT more like the BBC trying to influence what the USA do by reporting what they want them to do in worthless opinion ‘news’ like this.
Urged by who BBC ?. You, the UN and all the other Muslims ?. The BBC are clearly very concerned their terrorist Muslim friends in Iran and all the other terrorist states around there are going to get their arses kicked.
Stand by for more pictures of Muslim ‘victims’ by evil Israel and sustained daily pressure from the BBC for the retalliation to stop.
Update: The BBC has changed “retaliatory” for “unprecedented” in the headlines but I saved the original headlines and titles as has the wayback machine.
Sydney stabbing: Typical Saturday of shopping at Westfield turns to horror
So the BBC show a video of the murderer on an escalator. Interesting I thought : I might get so see what he looks like. So I start the video and 8 seconds later it abruptly ends without giving anything away. Instant alarm bells because there would be no reason for some to release such a short video.
Then I read ‘Authorities say the 40-year-old killer was “known to police”, but they haven’t revealed a motive for the rampage – only indicating it likely wasn’t terrorism.’. Another slightly odd quote because they usually quote whoever said it.
And then the article reverts to trying to make us feel empathy for the poor victims and the bravery of the people involved.
And no mention whatsoever anywhere in the article about the huge elephant in the room and what EVERYBODY is wondering : was it another Muslim terrorist attack ?.
So I check elsewhere and sure enough, the same video as the BBC is available. Here it is on Sky news:
In THIS version we get to see the actual video – not the one the BBC have edited to stop us being able to see he looks just like a Muslim.
And ‘The Times of Israel’ report headline is ‘6 killed in Sydney mall stabbing; police say terror not ruled out as motive’.
It seems form what I can find that the police used the phrase ‘terror-related’. This is a term the Leftists have invented to mean it doesn’t have direct links to ISIS and they use it to hide the motivation of attacks like this. If a white man driving his van at a queue of Muslims at a bus stop is plastered all over the media as terrorism, I’m dam sure close up stabbing of 6 people by a Muslim is.
The lies are coming thick and fast from the BBC now.
There are lies, damn lies and the BBC.
Scrap the outfit , it is anti British and not fit for purpose .
Seems like this mass-attack consists of 2 very rare events:
The first is that the murderer is not a Muslim terrorist.
The second is that he has been named and pictured within a day.
Could the two be connected ?.
I wonder what other information might come to light in the next few days once it’s died down. They seem to be telling us it probably wasn’t terrorism a lot – which usually means it probably was.
Our government will regret its failure to defend our borders as we have now acquired a very large ‘fifth column’ , thanks to our next to useless , Home Office .
Trump to replace Biden ?
That is disingenuous. The American fleet is not for protecting Israel’s border – it is for protecting shipping especially oil – as well the numerous bases the US has in the region. These types of comparison are often found on certain websites pushing a certain ideology. That this is being posted now while Israel is under attack is also instructive.
Yes it is for protecting Israels border and in case you didn’t know Israel has a Red Sea port.
You really do like throwing those perjoritive around don’t you? The Hallmark of someone who has lost the argument.
You really are invested in all of this. You even like throwing the word pejorative around when it doesn’t apply, making things up in the form of assertions.
For the UK border…..NOTHING
UK Border:

“The mystery over Angela Rayner’s name change on the electoral roll as deputy Labour leader faces probe over housing arrangements
Ms Rayner bought former council house in Vicarage Road, Stockport, in 2007, She was listed at the time as Angela Bowen on the roll, but changed it in 2013”
Listened to Radcliffe and Macony from yesterday and somehow the report for the BBC news Raynor story quickly became a lengthy recap of Boris and partygate.
Here’s a piece I read elsewhere which may be a clue as to why Strummer doesn’t seem too concerned about what will happen to Angie Baby…
“Actually if Labour won an election she would probably be out of a job as Cabinet roles are in the sole gift of the Prime Minister, including the role of Deputy Prime Minister IF he chooses to have one. True she is the democratically elected deputy leader but currently has no official paid Parliamentary position other than as a MP, unlike Starmer who is paid to be Leader of the Opposition. If Starmer became PM he could send Crayons to the back benches or even to the Lords and there is nothing that she or the Labour party could do about it.”
h/t Ex Observer.
Of course, I can’t verify that this is true, so I’ll leave it to the beebiclists to spit out the bones…
This seems to fall under ‘nothing to see here’
Oh now the BBC are helping to cover Rayner’s tracks…
Come on…this is getting ridiculous now.
Iteresting tweet there, GW, as further down, there’s Khan’s lie that Susan Hall wants to stop ALL childrens’ school meals, whereas she said quite clearly that she wanted to stop these free meals going to people who can clearly afford it!
He doesn’t seem to understand the truth, does he!
John C:
Hardly surprising for those two left wing professional northerners. I wonder why they feel so at home in the BBC?
Looks like there’s going to be a Bergerac remake this Summer.
Irish chap – Aidan Turner – in the frame as the bloke in the Triumph Roadster, (or possibly a Nissan Leaf…), but wither the rest of the cast…
Mo Hungerford…?
I hope that the Irish chap likes the odd glass of stout, as we always felt that the John Nettles character could have been much better without the dark alcoholic inferences! Slurping pints of orange juice is bad for your teeth!
The on-camera roles are yet to be cast, but screenwriter Toby Whithouse (Doctor Who, Being Human) is confirmed as one of the show’s writers, alongside Brian Fillis (Trust), Catherine Tregenna (Three Pines) and Polly Buckle (Love Rat).
Whithouse said in a statement: “It’s a rare honour to bring back a show as beloved and iconic as Bergerac. Our mission was always to respect the show’s history and legacy, WHILE MAKING IT IMPACTFUL AND RELEVANT FOR A MODERN DAY AUDIENCE.”
To right Harry!
Your last few words in capitals are the first sign that there’ll be all sorts of foreigners, odd genders, solar panels, climate activists, stop-oil stuff in the diversity department’s script and the main ‘story’ won’t actually get a look in!
They call it all ‘reimagining’, which is a by-word for f*****g up a perfectly good series from several years ago! I understand that Rebus is also being ‘reimagined’, so if the SNP have anything to do with it, that’ll go the same way!
The next, yet to be broadcast, series of Midsomer Murders features an episode centred around a drag act, I kid you not.
Oh sod that then, Harry!
Thanks for the warning – but anyway, as we never watch live stuff – especially ‘reimaginers’, I’ll stick to YouTube!
Actually, that’s not true, as I’m watching the original ‘To serve them all my days’, with the superb John Duttine in the principle role! Senora O’Blene isn’t watching anything at the moment, so I watch it sitting on my own with a large Scotch on one side, and small/large dog on the other, and yesterday evening I was sitting there feeling like needing huge sobs after such a memorable episode!
And for any beeboid spylets watching, there’s a couple of foreign boys in the cast, so you should be well pleased!
John Duttine, a Yorkshireman, has an almost perfect Welsh accent in the story! Taffman could maybe find a few words and phrases out of kilter, but I certainly thought he was Welsh through and through from the start! He stated that if anyone tried to emulate a Yorkshire accent, he’d be pretty upset if they got it wrong, so he practised long and hard to get it just right!
It’s one of the best series I’ve seen in many a year! Sadly, I guess the original Beeboid staff have been long kicked out to ‘re-education or retirement…’
(ps – ‘re-education or retirement…’ now equals ‘reimagining’ in some peculiar minds…)!
Oh dear, “modern day audience”, the three words guaranteed to kill any show. It will be dreadful.
Yup, see above Rob!
Isn’t it sad that there aren’t enough bright sparks to actually write a completely new series all by themselves, without any outside help from their carers, or from the diversity department’s range of accepted ideals…
We shall see how many BAME police there are on Jersey. My guess would be at least 50%.
Rob in Cheshire ,
Death in Jersey………what more can I say !
Wonder if they’ll have any small boats lining up at St Helier to drop off a few foreigners?
Diamante Lil had better watch out…
Isn’t she just gorgeous?
Just a reminder that the BBC and others on the Far Left hate Netanyahu but he is the democratically elected Prime Minister of a free country. I no longer watch the BBC but their hate will probably be reflected in their reporting.
Comments on the Daily Mail website seem to be saying as the Iron Dome and the UK Air Force has stopped all the drones, it doesn’t matter that they were sent. The BBC website has an article about Israeli in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv continuing to party, this puts the subliminal message that these drones were only like Chinese Lanterns coming over and never any real threat. Not sure BBC employees would want them being sent to Chiswick, Hampstead or Highgate or wherever they live these days.
Just a reminder Deborah that the people of Israel also hate Netanyahu and if there was an election tomorrow he would lose as badly as Rishi Washee.
Leaks by whistleblowers to the Times of Israel has revealed Netanyahus cold indifference to the plight of the hostages, and he does not appear to want their release.
I would also question following the interview Tucker Carlsson did with the Palestinian Christian Priest whether Israel actually is a genuine Democracy (but then I don’t believe Britain is either.)
From what I can gather Netanyahu has seized power in what amounts to a coup d’etat, and that certainly isn’t democratic. As soon as he ceases to be in charge he will be put on trial for corruption, and whether you agree he is guilty or not it’s a powerful incentive to start and keep a war going as long as possible.
Any thoughts on the BBC political ed agreeing to edit an interview with a senior Labour Party official as they asked nicely…. For ‘editorial reasons’.
I have close contacts in Israel who don’t have your view Thoughtful. Your views come from the Far Left.
Ha ha ha!
Deborah, just because you don’t like the facts doesn’t mean that they are politically biased, facts don’t care about your feelings!
The Times of Israel can hardly be decribed as Far Left, however Netanyahu can undeniably be decribed as on the far Right and his coalition are self described Ultra Far Right.
Would that be an accurate description you Deborah? Supporting such people does generally indicate you hold similar political views.
Now I know Haaretz is the Israeli equivalent of the Guardian, but even they get it right sometimes and a spectrum of opinion is good to know so here’s an article on the nature of the current Israeli cabinet:
I like many here don’t support Rishi Sunak – that doesn’t make me a Labour supporter or someone on the far Left.
As for Netanyahu and October 7th I asked for proof not smears, clearly you are not able to provide any proof.
Quote from Thoughtful: “Netanyahu can undeniably be decribed as on the far Right and his coalition are self described Ultra Far Right.”
Yes and I have seen these assertions being made on certain websites pushing a certain ideology. Quoting Haaretz is a nice touch exploiting the fact that Israel has a free press able to make all sorts of polemical statements.
Yes Deborah.
Our resident Anti-Semite must have been wetting it’s knickers last night at the prospect of its pariah state possibly being wiped of the map and the start of the Third World War…
I really don’t know why it swamps this site with its ramblings that vary from wild conspiracy to the flaming obvious.
Oh I forgot. Apparently it has some secret contacts that give it the moral high ground on the Middle East that none of us ignorant uneducated peasants have.
I really wish Fed would remove it, and give us a break from the bullshit it spreads, so we can actually discuss BBB matters…
I second that that davylars. I am sick of his nonsense comments. Maybe he should bugger off to some palestinian supporting site. I scroll through his posts as they are all the bloody same. Go IDF!
Pair of you SNP anti free speech supporters and far Leftists.
It’s a known practice of the woke snowflakes to make these meaningless smears such as Anti – Semite so davylars present your evidence or shut up and apologise – but neither of these will happen, the woke left never apologise because they can’t accept they are ever wrong!
As seen from the post earlier, conflation of fact and support for is common on the brainwashed Left, it happened when people said Russia was going to win the hard of thinking immediately responded with “oh yer a Putin shill” now it’s obvious Russia is going to win they forgot their previous idiocy.
As for the information I shared last night, was I able to share this way before it hit the MSM? the proof is there because it’s timestamped.
I really wish we had rules like the SNP do so I don’t have to hear other opinions which conflict with mine, – cancel culture is really great and I’m such a snowflake I need a safe space to protect me !
How are either of you two any different from Humza Yousef of the SNP and his anti free speech laws?
Comments noted . This site is meant to be about the bbc . I ask AGAIN – please try to stick to the subject .
Just for a little balance, an article just read; cut and pasted:-
‘Here are many misunderstandings about Israel in the international media, but one of the most bewildering is the suggestion that if it weren’t for the presence of Benjamin Netanyahu the war would end. It is one of those mistakes that at best mixes up hope with analysis, and at worst displays a dumbfounding ignorance.
Let me give you an example. In recent months I think I’ve interviewed everybody in Israeli politics who might some day replace Netanyahu. It doesn’t matter if they’re from the right or the left of the political spectrum, not one would be doing anything different from what he is doing now.
No one, left or right, would be doing anything different from what Netanyahu is doing now
You might ask why. The answer is obvious. If you had 1,200 of your citizens slaughtered in the most barbaric ways, what would you do? If hundreds of your citizens had been taken hostage and more than a hundred were still being held in a densely populated civilian area, what would you do? Add in a few other factors. Imagine if all this had been done by a terrorist group who do not wear uniforms that distinguish them from the general population, that the terrorists want to maximise civilian casualties on their own side, that much of the civilian population are actually complicit in hiding hostages, storing weapons in their houses or hosting entrances to the terrorists’ huge underground tunnel networks then, again, what would you do?
The geniuses in the armchair class tend to say things like ‘There should be peace’, as though this has never occurred to the Israelis. Or they say: ‘There must be an end to the fighting.’ Again, as though this were some fantastically original insight. But all these things are wanted in Jerusalem. Who wants to have to fight a war in the same place for 18 years?
Still, in Washington, Paris and London the mistaken idea continues that what is happening in Gaza might stop if there were only a change in Israel’s leadership.
I can say with a considerable degree of certainty that this war would be going almost exactly the same way whoever the prime minister of Israel was. No leader, from the left, centre or right, would have been able to sit back and allow Hamas to get away with its massacre on 7 October. No Israeli leader would have been able to allow Hamas to rape, torture and brutalise Israeli hostages without doing everything they could to get them back.
One of those suggested as a possible Israeli PM is Benny Gantz, a minister in the war cabinet and long-time rival of Netanyahu. Last month he went on a trip to the US which was highly controversial in Israel – seen as it was by some as an opportunity for Gantz to present himself as a more acceptable face in Washington.
What Gantz said on the visit might have surprised some of those at the top of the US government and the leadership of the Democratic party. Then, as now, the whole world’s attention was focused on the south Gazan city of Rafah – the last hiding place for the remaining leadership of Hamas and the suspected holding place of the surviving Israeli hostages. Rafah is also home to a large population of Gazan civilians, which makes the operation infinitely tougher for the Israelis, though very helpful for Hamas, who forever boast about (and demonstrate) how much they love death.
The intense global focus on that operation alone is noteworthy. I was in Ukraine the year before Gaza and at no stage was there any comparable concern about the operations or tactics of the Ukrainian army. Nor was there then – or since – any special concern that the Ukrainians might be harming too many Russian or Ukrainian civilians in their effort to win the war. One explanation is that much of the world still sees Israelis as the aggressors and Hamas as the victims, even in a war which was demonstrably, provably, bloodily started by Hamas. But picking apart that particular pathology might be a job for another day.
What was interesting about Gantz’s appearance in Washington was that he said, clearly, that ‘ending the war without clearing out Rafah is like sending a firefighter to extinguish 80 per cent of the fire’.
Indeed it is. Just as there is no point in putting out 80 per cent of a fire, so there is no point in destroying 80 per cent of Hamas and not getting all the hostages back. Calls from people like our own Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron, to stop the war ignore the fact that what they are doing is asking the Israelis not to win.
One of the other contenders for the top job in Israel told me a few months ago that he had the chance to destroy Hamas in 2009 when there was another round of the war, that time caused by the terror group launching rockets into Israel. He could have done it then, he said, but an international outcry caused domestic political pressure, and so he was pulled back from finishing the job. All that the people back then (who thought they had done such a wonderful service) had actually done was to cause every conflict that has occurred since, including the one that Hamas and Israel are currently engaged in.
Everyone who stands any chance of leading Israel knows that the only way to stop the ‘cycle of violence’ is for Israel to win.
Some people will of course resile at that statement. Some who do so want a Hamas victory. Others believe that their calls are simply aimed at avoiding any more Palestinian casualties. They could not be more wrong. Anyone who wants to stop the endless rounds of violence should notice who started the fire and who is the firefighter. They should want Hamas to lose, for Israel to win, and for some non-Hamas Palestinian leadership to emerge out of Hamas’s defeat.
Will it happen? Who knows. At present the world is trying to force Israel to another draw. What they are in fact doing is setting the groundwork for ceaseless war.’
Reasonable or deluded?
I agree that most Israelis support the prosecution of the Gaza war, however that is not the sole issue facing Israel and Netanyahu.
At the same time the Gaza war was taking place he made catastrophic errors provoking Hezbollah and later Iran. Whilst he believed he could drag the West into a war with Iran what happened was that threats to Israels Northern border has meant a considerable amount of the IDF has had to be redeployed to protect that, and the threat he created is so severe that he has been forced to withdraw forces from Gaza to redeploy to the North.
The other issue of course is whether HAMAS actually can be ‘defeated’ and what is meant by ‘defeat’ only around 17% of HAMAS has been destroyed, but at what cost?
The other question no one ever seems to want to ask is how did October the 7th even happen given the sophisticated security Israel had? Why were the warnings from Egypt ignored? Why were IDF officers threatened with disciplinary action for reporting issues?
This question is of primary importance.
“only around 17% of HAMAS has been destroyed” – is this because Hamas is located in London?
. . . .. . .
Revealed: the Hamas chief who lives in a London council house
Fugitive who ‘ran the group’s terrorist operations in the West Bank’ was given a British passport and has recently bought a home with £112,000 discount
. . . . …
Just checking the BBC news page and true to form, it’s open season on the Sydney stabbings now we know he wasn’t a Muslim. I count 5 different headlines on the main page already. No doubt we will get lots more articles now loaded with empathy and most likely some history of the guy himself.
But what they are REALLY hoping for is some kind of link to the Far-Right. It will run for weeks if they get it.
Red and blue glove puppets edition
They do say that it’s not so much the original cause of the scandal that wrecks a political career but rather those botched attempts at cover-ups
BBC admits pulling Rayner clip… after a request from the Labour party… Nick Watt, the political editor of Newsnight, had asked Labour’s deputy leader… Rayner, 44, declined to answer the question during the interview… Afterwards, Labour’s press office asked the BBC not to broadcast the footage… Sunday Times was notified of the omission on Friday and contacted Newsnight. The programme broadcast the footage hours later, including an on-air explantion by Nick Watt. He said: “I decided at the time for editorial reasons that we shouldn’t run that… the Labour team did raise concerns.” (Sunday Times)
Beeboid journo declines to air his gotcha because… the spin doctors got to him?
Our mate Matt, in-house cartoonist in the Telegraph, is back on form. He sketches two flat-capped northerners sharing pints in a pub: “Two homes? In my day the deputy leader of the Labour party had barely two Jags to rub together”
The reference is of course to Tony Blair’s very own working class hero and deputy Labour leader John Prescott – there’s one for the teenagers: Originally, Prescott’s nickname was “Prezza”, but as various misfortunes befell him the sobriquets became more colourful, leading to “Two Jags”, which set the template for later nicknames. Prescott owns one Jaguar, and had the use of another as his official ministerial car. (Thank you Wiki)
I’m inevitably reminded of Monty Python’s sketch comedy Four Yorkshiremen:
“House? Why would ah say house? It were only a hole in the ground, covered by a couple foot o torn canvas. But they were house to us!”
“We were evicted from our hole in the ground. We had to go livin in lake.”
“You were lucky to have a lake. There were 150 of us, livin in shoebox at middle o’ motorway.”
She is lying, Rayner aide tells police… Dramatic intervention by Labour Deputy’s ex-adviser piles even more pressure on her to finally come clean (Mail on Sunday)
Come clean…? We used to fantasize about coming clean… 20 of us kids used to bathe in now’t but a tin tub with pigeon sweat fo’ soap of a mornin’
Karen says
‘No terror link’ found in stabbing rampage… New South Wales police commissioner, Karen Webb, said… Six people were killed and several others injured… the injured include a nine-month-old baby… Police did not believe his motive was related to terrorism (Elias Visontay, Tasmin Rose & Nikki Marshall, Sydney, The Observer)
Well, that’s all ok then. Nothing to worry about there then. All just fine and dandy. “Sorted, respect due” – as absurdist comedian Harry Hill’s blue glove puppet, Stouffer the cat, would tend to remark.
Calm down dear
Ruby Wax inserts herself into an old story: The day OJ Simpson threatened to stab me (The Sunday Times) Don’t panic! – A Los Angeles County Court has assured the public that although there may have been a bit of a miscarriage of justice – it did not believe OJ’s motive was related to terrorism
A laugh, of sorts, is needed.
“…joined by @BowenBBC in the studio @bbclysedoucet on the ground in Jerusalem and @bronwenmaddox to help us understand what’s going on..”
Maybe they can explain this one?
Hopefully we witness the destruction of Israel
Seems to be a spoof or a Lineker fan. Or both.
Angela Rayner’s former aide has written to police contradicting her claims in the row over her previous living arrangements.
Matt Finnegan gave a statement to Greater Manchester Police (GMP) saying he visited her at her then-husband’s address in Lowndes Lane, Stockport, in 2014.
The ex-staffer said there was “no doubt in my mind that this was Ms Rayner’s family home”.
The Labour deputy leader has insisted she lived separately from Mark Rayner after they married in 2010 at her former council house about a mile away in Vicarage Road.
It comes as GMP is investigating whether Ms Rayner, who denies any wrongdoing, broke electoral law after allegations that she may given false information about her main residence a decade ago.
Mr Finnegan’s statement, reported by the Sunday Times, said: “There was no doubt in my mind that this was Ms Rayner’s family home, where she lived with her then-husband, Mark.
“I remember it quite vividly because Ms Rayner was not at home at first and I had to wait for some time in my car before she eventually arrived.
Angee must be praying for the nuclear war as it will take attention away from her alleged sins …
Just reading some news articles about this and that (mainly that) and it occured to me : why do the Left chose to use the words ‘anti-semetic’ instead of ‘racist’ ?.
‘anti-semetic’ is about as clear cut an example of actual racism as you can get. It refers to a specific ethnic group of people. Yet I don’t recall the BBC ever using the word ‘racist’ to describe what we are seeing.
On the other hand though, they are more than willing to trumpet any anti-Muslim sentiment as racism when it is nothing of the sort. A Muslim is a person who follows Islam. Nothing to do with ethnic grouping or race. It is ‘Anti-Islam sentiment’. Not ‘Racist’ in any way and certainly not ‘Islamophobia’ which is an absurd word.
Yet a search for ‘Muslim racist BBC’ throws up many articles. And not a single one about Muslims themselves being racist of course. A similar search for Jews always has ‘anti-semetism’ as the headline.
IMHO using ‘anti-semetic’ instead of ‘racist’ is itself racist. They are trying to make a lesser-sounding thing by using a softer word.
This is all part of the strange modern world the Left have created where everyone accepts these things without question even though they are so clearly wrong. Brainwashing is a powerful thing : people simply won’t accept the notion that they might be wrong.
Spot On John !
It’s called lying and misleading.
Theres no such thing as ‘racism’ nor anti Semitism either, this is provable fact.
There is such a thing as race hate or anti Jewish hate, nor any of the plethora of fake isms and fauxbias the far Left have dreamed up to leverage their own agenda with.
Never forgot this from – I think – a University Challenge question many years ago, when the BBC was reliable, truthful and interesting…
Define ‘Sinophobia’.
“Sinophobia is the fear, intense dislike or hatred of China and anything or anybody from China, with a history dating back centuries.”
I have just developed that…and the rest of my family
they can stick their chopsticks where the sun doesn’t shine.
Claim to have invented just about everything, but thanks to bloody chopsticks they missed out on custard and fried eggs..
Muslim inventions that shaped the modern world
By Olivia Sterns for CNN
January 29, 2010 — Updated 1253 GMT (2053 HKT)
When something like the Hamas terrorist attack happens, someone like the BBC should removed their long-term proven biased reporters from the story and use fresh people who can see it objectively. Then bring the embarassments back once things are normal again.
Instead the BBC are so smug and confident that they can get away with anything now, they put them writing the main, front-page world news articles.
I have noted on other sites an analysis of the so called “death statistics” and they have been analysed as demonstrably false being perfectly linear when plotted againt time,
hamas terrorists lack imagination it seems.
Here is a disturbing report which I was previously unaware of and has been brought to my attention:
Europe relies on a huge gas storage facility in Ukraine supplied by Russia into Eastern Europe, and despite all the denials Europe still is buying and using Russian gas, even if it is indirectly.
There are now fears this facility might be targetted as part of the war and European gas prices have risen 10% this month and are currently higher than they were last Winter.
If the lunatics running the EU and the associated countries carry on with their beligerance they might well find they have no energy supplies this Winter.
Not that any of this will bother the leaders, they will always make sure they are alright, it will be the long suffering fools who elect them who suffer.
In the early hours of this morning the BBC launched a fierce attack on the people of Britain — launching wave after wave of flying Doucets, which make a high-pitched droning sound as they head for their targets. Fortunately, these once-terrifying weapons are now rather out of date and take hours to get anywhere, but in large numbers they can still be dangerous. Many veered off course, spun out of control and crashed in the middle of nowhere, but most were obliterated in mid-flight by the public using their own “channel changers”, which instantly make the Doucets go silent and disappear. As the tension mounted Clive Myrie was put on High Alert Standby and issued with a new flak jacket, but the threat was over before he had time to have the sleeves altered. The Prime Minister angrily denounced the BBC’s “reckless attempt to sow chaos in its own backyard” and threatened to consider the possibility of one day maybe setting up a committee to choose a panel of experts who might discuss the unlikely prospect of slightly modifying the BBC’s licence to print money.
Fish, brilliant, I nearly choked on my cornflakes…!
Woodenfish – I loved the ‘flying Doucet’. I have it on good authority that she went to school in Frankfurt so she is more dangerous than Kryptonite – bBC verified fact.
RAF fighter jets deployed to shoot down Iran drones, MoD says
1 hour ago
PM Rishi Sunak condemned Iran’s “reckless attack”, pledging the UK would “continue to stand up for Israel’s security”.
Laura Kuenssburg thanking Jeremy Bowen for coming on this morning. Saying she knows how busy he is and taking time out to come on the programme
HOLD ON – That`s his job.
Busy spilling propaganda!
Border Force ? hardly,
maybe Muslim Border Transport Service ?
All we need now is a catchy slogan and some ads
“Special Ramadan offer, suitcase allowance doubled !”
“No passport ? no problem!”
“Typhoid ? diptheria ? rape convictions ? Don’t worry hop aboard !”
What about:
“Try the Border Force…
The most popular cruise line in the North Sea”
“Book your own personalised passport disposal service, just for you”
“Your housing benefits, Your way”
“Border Force…You’ll love where we take you, benefits, hotels, houses and schoolgirls, just waiting for you”
Border Force is a law enforcement command within the Home Office. We secure the UK border by carrying out immigration and customs controls for people and goods entering the UK.
Border Force is part of the Home Office.
We are responsible for:
checking the immigration status of people arriving in and departing the UK
searching baggage, vehicles and cargo for illicit goods or illegal immigrants
patrolling the UK coastline and searching vessels
gathering intelligence
alerting the police and security services to people of interest
Our priorities are to:
deter and prevent individuals and goods that would harm the national interests from entering the UK
deter and prevent individuals and goods that would harm the national interests from entering the UK
deter and prevent individuals and goods that would harm the national interests from entering the UK
deter and prevent individuals and goods that would harm the national interests from entering the UK
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
All muslims should boycott Mecca until there is Justice …. Sadiq Khan and Savid Javid and Warsi and all Muslims should ban travelling until the law is changed in Saudi for LGBT.
RAF fighter jets deployed to shoot down Iran drones, MoD says
21 minutes ago
Laser beam that shoots down drones fitted to Royal Navy ships ‘within five years’
The £10 a shot DragonFire weapon is being fast-tracked amid growing threat of conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine
Makes you proud to be foreign doesn’t it …
The same people about Ukraine:
‘Death to all Russians.’
Welcome to the world of the Leftists immense double standards.
1001 Inventions: Discover the Muslim Heritage in Our World

Invention 1002 – how to intimidate your enemies so they cannot say no ….

Wonder if the UK did pay for release of hostages and how much of that money bought missiles that we shot down with RAF fighters to protect Israel whilst letting 104 land on Kent beaches?
“Iran has not received £400m agreed by UK at time of Zaghari-Ratcliffe release. The historic £400m debt the UK paid to Iran at the time of the release of British-Iranian dual nationals Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Anoosheh Ashoori has still not reached Tehran, according to Iranian government sources.27 Apr 2022”
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The UK government confirmed on Wednesday that they had made a payment of £393.8million in settlement of the 40-year-old debt. The debt was for Chieftain tanks bought by the former Shah of Iran but never delivered after the 1979 Islamic Revolution that removed him from power.
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Big Zuu Goes to Mecca
“As Big Zuu prepares for his pilgrimage to Mecca, he and Tubsey debate whether its possible to be a good Muslim and engage in acts typically prohibited in Islam, such as drinking alcohol. ” PLUS, sex with minors like Mohammed did under Gods watchful eye and hating Jews?
OH wait, this was cancelled last time – now it is OK! HA HA HAHA! Pay BBC and get Islamic content 24/7.
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BBC axes Nadiya Hussain’s Mecca pilgrimage series
Called The Hajj, it was set to the TV presenter as she left her home in Buckinghamshire to join the millions of muslims who make the annual journey to the holy city in Saudi Arabia.
Everyone is joining in … “Israel says more than 300 drones and missiles launched at it from Iran, Iraq and Yemen, ”
big up anfield for the prayer room
A multi faith prayer room is available at Anfield. The prayer room is accessible from 97 Avenue and located next to the hospitality ticket collection booth. This will be available from 1pm each show day.
Multi-faith = Islamic prayer room. Another misuse of words and phrases.
No other faiths demanded it – why now?
“NEW: Liverpool have agreed with Saudi Arabia ministry of investment to open branches of international academy throughout the Saudi Kingdom.”
Having had a little time to think through what has been said here and Feds request to stay on the BBC topic I should like to say this.
For any site to have respect and influence it has to be seen to be the purveyor of pretty mainstream respectable views. If it is a site which largely expresses extremist views it can be easily batted away as unrepresentative or even far right.
In the current far Left climate even media sites such as the Daily Mail are disregarded as not representing mainstream views and being that of the Tory right.
So I have to ask the question do you as the site owner want the site to be taken seriously?
When faced with the barrage of opposing views I have this morning I always want to check it’s not me holding some form of “whack job” “fruit loop” views so I went to the comments section of that bastion of traditional centre right views the comments section of the Daily Mail and here’s the top comments on the RAF involvement yesterday.
“mate – it’s not a badge of honour, sort out our own problems first..”
“Exactly. None of our business. Sort the mess out which is the UK. This international interference over domestic duties has to stop. ”
“Why do we insist on involving ourselves in middle east conflicts? The majority of the issues we have with extremists is because we keep interfering in their lands and culture ”
“Here we go. Another UK PM rushing to ‘stand shoulder to shoulder’ on the world stage. But can’t stop the crime and the takeover of the UK.”
There are many many more along the same lines expressing conservative views, pretty much the same as I have expressed here.
So I have to ask the question again, what is it you want this site to achieve? Because if it genuinely is to influence the future of the BBC and its massive bias, promoting extremists views and comments is the wrong way to go about it!
“what is it you want this site to achieve” – can I quote George Orwell?
“To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.”
This world view might be related to the BBC or BBC’s view of the World, the interesting thing is that BBC say it is unbiased and to be relied on with a dedicated BBC Verify dept that can see the truth that you cannot.
Deborah Turness, BBC News CEO
Annual remuneration (as at July 2023)
£233,000 (paid from NHS nurses being prosecuted at the stake)
“can I quote George Orwell?”
No! Put it in your own words.
“It’s hard to see what is happening in the World when you are not allowed to have an opinion that does not cause hate or anger (perceived) from someone else who asks that you use the correct pro-nouns which they can change with the flip of a coin. J.K.Rowling can have an opinion because she is rich and was once loved by the left for getting kids to read books and adults to believe in magic.” MarkyMark
How about that Eddy?
Thoughtful: “… For any site to have respect and influence it has to …. If it is a site which largely expresses extremist views …. So I went to the comments section … of the Daily Mail and here’s the top comments on the RAF involvement yesterday…. ”
I think you are cherry picking for confirmation bias. This site is focused on commenting on the BBC “reporting”. The remit is very clear and this site has continued as the BBC has continued – even though there are those that would like nothing better than to close this site down whether done intentionally or done blindly.
At this juncture I would like to take an opportunity to thank FedUp2 and the others for keeping this site going when the founder and original moderators stepped down.
On another issue I would be interested in knowing what happened to this site when Russia started their special military operation into Ukraine – whether people stuck to the remit or whether some let emotion get the better of them and started pushing a view on it rather than focusing on the BBC reporting. On other forums I have seen them tearing each other apart over this subject.
No, I wasn’t looking for confirmation bias, I was quite open minded. I speak to any number of people including Jewish people and it’s a pretty similar MOR view I appear to hold.
If you check the reports on what are broadly regarded as centre right media sites you will get similar views too. The view appears to be similar in the USA with exceptions there but the main thrust is “Sort out the problems here before adventuring abroad” and often the founding fathers statement “avoid foreign entanglements” comes up.
The picture Marky posted of the Border patrol agent on the horse sums it up.
If memory serves the Russia Ukraine war appeared to have been pretty consensual at first, everyone shocked because of the propaganda fed by the news media and a slow dawning of realisation what was being said was not the truth and a great deal of money laundering and corruption was going on.
Speculation on Nordstream coalesced into agreement when Seymour Hirsch delivered his damning verdict.
I don’t recall there being any kind of acrimonious debate over Russia Ukraine
Speaking of the media however they have utterly failed to cover anything of the Russia / Israel issues. Not many world leaders like Netanyahu on a personal level, but the one person he did get on with was Vladimir Putin. Putin perhaps rightly thought Netanyahu had stabbed him in the back when he sent Mossad agents to assist Ukraine and amunition as well, although Netanyahu would probably claim pressure from Biden.
Either way Russia is making settlement proposals to the Palestinian issue which involve the dissolution of Hamas. I can foresee a time when Russia has much greater influence and connections with Israel than it currently does.
Russia has a huge Jewish population and a number of Israeli Russians serve in the IDF, so many the USA has placed restrictions on their access to certain sensitive military technology.
None of this has been reported on any UK media site I have seen, although others might correct me. Take a look at the Russian solution to Hamas it might impress you.
Two postal votes even better! From a different country even better!
Vote early vote often !
2019 … Multiple failings meant the Met Police failed to catch electoral fraud during the 2014 Tower Hamlets mayoral election, according to a watchdog.
Former mayor Luftur Rahman was found guilty of corrupt and illegal practices by an Election Court in 2015.
. . . . .
2024 … Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Lutfur Rahman
Mayor of Tower Hamlets. For surgery appointments: mayors.enquiries@towerhamlets.gov.uk ☎️ 020 7364 4000
Tower Hamletsdemocracy.towerhamlets.gov.uk/mgUserInfo.asp…Joined December 2010
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The people of Tower Hamlets are more important than profits.
I’m thrilled to announce that we’ve decided to bring our leisure services back in house, a move I know will benefit everyone. 🏊 1/5