497 Responses to Midweek 17th April 2024

  1. Up2snuff says:

    No, I do not pay for the BBC. The BBC cheese me off with their pro-Islam, pro-Palestinian, pro-UN, pro-UNRWA, pro-AGW&CC, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, Hard Left, Far Left stance. The fact that I can count 20 people, Vice Presidents and Patrons of the Humanist Society with links to the BBC must make them biased.

    See whether you agree: https://humanists.uk/about/our-people/patrons/


    • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

      The BBC went beyond bias some time ago into a full blown activist, lobbying, propaganda organisation including associating itself with woke activist organisations and Islamic terrorist groups among others.


    • Deborah says:

      Only 20 Up2? Did you give up counting? I must admit I gave up scrolling down but was thinking it was the whole flippin lot. Even the non obvious, for example Clare Gerada used to be President of the Royal College of GPs but when I was still listening to the BBC, she was the go to GP for the Today programme for years after she had stood down.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Debs, the list of Patrons appears to have grown in the wake of the Michaela School decision. It goes on forever, now. You are right about Clare Gerada. But I make the same point to you as I did to Scrobie: what does it say about the Humanist Society that so many of their VPs and Patrons are comedians and commediennes?


    • Scroblene says:

      Interesting list Uppers – well found!

      Immediately I realise that among lists of names like that, there are very few, if any, names associated with creating wealth for the UK, by building, manufacturing, retail etc., and that just about all of them are ‘talking shoppers’, it becomes clear that they consider themselves better placed to pontificate to Normal Citizens from a somewhat bizarre but precarious, lofty position, only understood by themselves.

      As there are so many ‘lecturers’ and ‘politicians’ in that lot, it’s no wonder that designers, engineers, chemical experts, construction professionals etc., are all avoided, because there lies the real body of prosperity providers for our country!

      Not many foreigners in that cluster either…

      Wonder why?


      • Up2snuff says:

        Scrobie, thanks to the odious Polly Toynbee of BBC and Guardian fame. Yyukkkkk!

        Shappi Korsandi is a standout dusky Vice President and is all over the BBC. You make a good point about the prosperity providers. What does it say about the Humanist Society that so many of their VPs and Patrons are comedians and commediennes?


    • Fedup2 says:

      An interesting list . I bet there is no one on that list not approved by the BBC . … and plenty responsible for the loss of moral fibre / compass infecting the UK now . No ‘ mohammeds’ on the list …


  2. Northern Voter says:

    First, yippee! Apparently I’m not. Grr


    • Up2snuff says:

      NV, you get a Bronze Medal. Rumour has it that Bronze Medal winners are happier with their medals than those who receive Silver Medals.


      • Scroblene says:

        Uppers, you should have been here at ‘The Turrets’, looking at old YouTube memories of our great spin Bowler, Derek Underwood…

        If I’d had any Scotch, the bottle would have been finished in a flood of emotion, but I didn’t, so I watched just about everything I could find with a clear head!

        When you next speak to Brissles, (well it is only a month to the Pakistan series, old thing), she can join in at any time!

        Ahem, and unabashed…


        Most of the clips were with Richie Benaud, CM-J and Co., and back when the BBC ran a great cricket commentary both on the wireless and TV. It’s such a shame that they’re ruined all that now.


        • Up2snuff says:

          Scrobie, yes I remember Deadly Derek. I seem to recall that he put in a Test winning last wicket stand with John Snow (or was it Ken Higgs?) at some ground or other. I was Middlesex man by birth and inclination (Kent is my adopted county) but I always admired Derek Underwood almost as much as Freddie Titmus.

          You are right about cricket on BBC TV and radio. Ruined!


      • Lunchtime Loather says:

        I’ve often said the Olympic Motto should be: Silver Medals are for losers. 😉


  3. Thoughtful says:

    Thankfully it wasn’t the end of the world quite yet, although there’s still time before the weekend.


  4. Flotsam says:

    Listening to BBC local radio the other day I found myself listening to self professed Meteorologist, Climate Expert, Jim Dale. Yes, the eco-loon appears to be a contributor to the BBC , I only knew him to broadcasting on GBNews up to now. I assume his support and promotion of climate hysteria is the main reason for the BBC to appear.


  5. MarkyMark says:

    BBC News Channel
    3 December 2023

    In a report about COP28 we said that 1 in 4 deaths around the world are linked in some way to climate change. To be clear the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 1 in 4 deaths “can be attributed to preventable environmental causes and climate change is exacerbating these risks.”



    . . . .

    BBC Radio 4, Monday 15 July 2019
    In a report about cases of anti-Semitism within the Labour Party, our correspondent said according to party figures, “the number of allegations only concern 0.6% of the party membership.”

    In fact Labour says the correct figure is 0.06%.



  6. MarkyMark says:

    They live in a bubble of their own making … “The former prime minister has been on holiday in the Dominican Republic but is set to return to London after telling an ally that he (BORIS) will run (INTO THE GROUND) to lead the country again (OUT OF AFGHANISTAN).”


    • Up2snuff says:

      MM, I hope Bojo is not going to run the country into the ground as he did when PM last time!


      • MarkyMark says:

        £350K for a speech – to listen to Boris – do they pay for him to shut up?


  7. Deborah says:

    Marky, I am still worrying about these 1 in 4 deaths. Accepting that we all have to go sometime, even if we believed in man made climate change, then if we sorted it, these 1 in 4 would still have to die, it would just be delayed. I think.


  8. Thoughtful says:

    This is an interesting, and perhaps topical historical piece which outlines the policies for nuclear war by Britain.

    Many of us will remember some of these policies although not know why they had been put in place or why they were later abandoned.

    This is not a survival how to video, it’s history of our country.

    Here is a map of all the Royal Observer Corps bunkers, you will probably find there is one near to you.



    • Fedup2 says:

      Im much rather go with a H bomb . Much greener than inferior brands – more economical too .

      But i really think if there is to be a nuclear exchange it will happen by accident / cock up .

      A few incidents have been reported since the 1960s but i bet there are more .

      But then again a dirty bomb is more likely to be detonated but more capable of being managed that state built devices …


      • G says:


        “But i really think if there is to be a nuclear exchange it will happen by accident / cock up .”

        Not forgetting the deranged & erratic islamic occupiers of the Middle East


        • Thoughtful says:

          Given that there is only one nuclear armed country in the Middle East and they are not Islamic you might want to reconsider that.

          As for Iran which the propagandists have lied for over 30 years is only weeks away from having a nuclear bomb, the mullahs there have issued a Fatwah against ever making one, and declared all weapons of mass destruction to be Haram.

          More likelyhood of the little rocketman popping one off, or India Pakistan


          • Up2snuff says:

            Thoughtful, you do not seem to be very thoughtful to me. You also appear to believe everything a Muslim tells you.

            Teheran is one of the most polluted cities on earth. Nuclear power does have peaceful uses, for example in power generation and in medical uses. The Iran regime also back Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis to name but three. The people running Iran also want to see the nation and people of Israel wiped from the map.

            It is one thing to have a supply of enriched uranium for power and medical uses and the next step is also to use it for military use. I am sure the mullahs can be persuaded by the IRG to declare a nuclear weapon ‘non-haram’. While it is relatively easy to make a nuclear bomb, it is quite a difficult thing to design a reliable trigger. It was said that when Pakistan achieved nuclear status, if they wished to deliver a bomb to India it would have to be put in a 747 and for the crew to fly it on a suicide mission.


      • Thoughtful says:

        Did you check the bunker map to see if there is one close to you?

        There isn’t one particularly near to me, but it seems that UK government policy now is basically we’re all doomed.


  9. tomo says:

    I saw a claim that Rachel Reeves had her MPs credit card confiscated due to poor management?

    Oh boy, if they get in we’re really in for some trouble…


    • Scroblene says:

      Not only going to spend other peoples’ money, she’ll be doing the same with other peoples’ credit as well then…

      Wonder if she’ll manage to spend other peoples’ Bitcoin as well?


    • Thoughtful says:

      Here is the full list and it’s not just her, there are 19 in total:

      MPs – and amount owed when their card was suspended

      Ben Gummer – £1,290.07
      Brian Binley – £575.02
      David Willetts – £1,172.05
      Debbie Abrahams – £2,586.90
      Eric Joyce – £12,919.61
      Iain Duncan Smith – £1,057.28
      Ian Liddell-Grainger – £1,023.94
      Ian Paisley Jr – £6,195.94
      Jack Dromey – £1,328.46
      John Woodcock – £1,756.13
      Mark Lancaster – £600.00
      Mike Crockart – £720.64
      Pamela Nash – £6,929.29
      Paul Farrelly – £213.00
      Rachel Reeves – £4,033.63
      Simon Danczuk – £3,645.67
      Simon Hughes – £826.56
      Stephen Gilbert – £2,925.76
      Toby Perkins – £693.30

      Reeves is going to struggle as anyone who is Chancellor will thanks to the collapse of the US economy by the US Demonrats.

      America is supposedly the strongest economy in the world so comprehensively destroying that in just four years is quite an achievement!


    • Up2snuff says:

      tomo, be careful who you vote for!


  10. JohnC says:

    Trump trial jury selection complicated by opinionated New Yorkers

    This article dedicates the first part of it’s narrative to describing one juror who was dismissed:

    ‘He breezily answered the first few screening questions: what he did for a living (finance), what he did in his free time (golf), which podcasts he enjoyed (Barstool Sports).
    But the biggest question of all stopped him short: Could you judge the defendant impartially?’
    He said he spent a lot of time with Republicans, and was raised in Texas, a state that skews conservative.
    He told the courtroom he felt he might have “unconscious bias”.
    ‘It might be hard to be impartial’ he said.

    He was ‘swiftly dismissed’ by Judge Merchan.

    Nobody else gets such attention. They get things like:

    ‘When Mr Blanche repeatedly pressed another man to give his true opinion of Mr Trump, the individual blithely replied: “If I was sitting in a bar I’d be happy to tell you.”
    But he insisted he would set any personal feelings aside in a court of law.’

    I think everybody knows that this trial is basically election interference exactly in line with what Biden said they would do to keep Trump from running again. If it suited them, the BBC would drag up that video in a link after every report like this. Same as they did for for the drug-addict career criminal George Floyd.

    But the key point here is that non of the MSM are even suggesting it. It’s as clear as day Trump cannot possibly get a fair trial now – but the only time the BBC put it in their reports is to quote Trump – which they only do because they have to for his ‘right to reply’.

    This is all way beyond Donald Trump now : it’s pure Left Wing fascism and the BBC are 100% complicit.

    The two clones (including Madeline Halpert who was on anti-depressants at 17) are joined by this one for this report:

    She’s the one on the Left interviewing the extreme misandrist and racist far-left Alexandria Cortez. Her constituency in New York is 50% latino – same as her – so I’ll assume she got elected by the racist vote. Same as Khan.


    • tomo says:

      Strange how little mention “The Justice Democrats” who erected AOC and other “squad” members gets.

      I’d bet AOC’s last employer is happy that she’s no longer waitressing.


    • Thoughtful says:

      This would never have happened had senile old RINO the corrupt Mitch McConnell had sent a few Dollars to the Republican guy running for governor who very nearly defeated the Demonrat.

      Instead because McConnell is bent and full of self interest he sent money to a safe seat in Alaska to back a candidate who supported him as house leader. The Republicans would have won the seat either way and the only reason to send that money was corruption, but McConnell ran a disastrous campaign that snatched defeat from the jaws of victory !


  11. tomo says:

    It won’t go away……


  12. JohnC says:

    Sydney church stabbing was ‘terrorist’ attack, police say

    Why did you put quotes around the word terrorist BBC ?. Did the police waggle the index finger of each hand in the air as they said that word ?. Or did you add it yourself because you personally don’t think these attacks are terrorism when Muslims do it ?.

    Anyway, it struck me how much they focussed on the angry reaction rather than the terrorist so I did a word count.

    They wrote 352 words about the angry response compared to 198 about the actual terrorist.

    It reminded me on the Finsbury park attack by the whiote guy in his van. This is the latest BBC headline:

    Finsbury Park terror attack: Threat still very real, mayor says

    No quotes around ‘terror’ there BBC.

    And I remember how the Muslim mob took him and were going to murder him for what he did. And I have absolutely no doubt they would have. But an imam stopped them (like the Priest gave the man sanctuary in the church until the police arrived). How did the BBC report that ?.

    ‘Mohamed Mamoud – the imam who was hailed for calming fellow Muslims and preventing retaliation after the attack – was appointed OBE for services to the community in London.’

    Totally different.

    More immense agenda-based double standards by the BBC.


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      What’s sauce for the goose …

      Suppose we all start using slanted punctuation, such as “… the ‘British’ Broadcasting Corporation …” ?

      Or more correctly: “… the ‘British’ ‘Broadcasting’ Corporation [sic] …”


  13. Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

    I think this could be a great PM and deputy. I don’t care which is which.

    No doubt the BBC will be covering the outrageous shutting down of the conference in Brussels


    • taffman says:

      Question ; Does our present Prime Minister take orders from the European Union & ECHR?
      Why are the boats still landing on our beaches ?


      • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:


        Answers ; 1) Most definitely. 2) Because the powers that be want them to.

        Suggestion ; Vote Reform.

        There is a by-election coming up on 2nd May in Blackpool South. Let’s hope for a huge show of support for Reform there.


        • JohnC says:

          It’s an interesting debate about how we should vote in the next election.

          People say you should always vote. I disagree. If you don’t care who is elected, you should not vote. Only those with an actual opinion should vote otherwise a random choice just negates a deliberate choice.

          Second I believe that you should always vote IF you have an opinion no matter how disgusted you are with the politicians – otherwise you just go down as someone who doesn’t care.

          For the next election, a vote for anyone other than the Tories guarantees Starmer as PM and Lammy as foreign secretary. The mere thought horrifies me. But the Tories absolutely do not deserve my support after what they have done to themselves since Brexit (with lots of help from the BBC).

          So for me I have to vote Reform and accept we are going to get a Labour government. But if enough people vote Reform, it might just give the Tories a kick up the backside to actually start representing the silent majority to keep power – which is the one and only reason we got a referendum on the EU. There is no chance whatsoever Sunak will resign until he has led them to disaster. He has too much support from the gloablist Left because basically he’s one of them. The BBC will continue to discredit him, but not enough to bring him down.

          The big fly in the ointment is that Labour will keep the BBC as it is and they will continue their agenda to get rid of any popular right wing politicians. The only chance we have there is for everyone to stop paying the license fee and force it to be changed.


          • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

            “Labour will keep the BBC as it is…” . So will the Tories. They have done next to nothing to reign in this monster and they have no intention of doing so. They might make a few remarks from time to time just like they do on immigration but they have proved themselves deceitful in the end. Nothing will change even if the Tories do somehow squeak in. Unless, of course, there is a huge vote for the British resistance, and the leader of that movement at the moment is clearly the Reform Party.
            I have been a little critical of aspects of Reform and still have some concerns, but they are minor considerations in situation the UK is in now. The coming general election presents a golden opportunity to deal the establishment a huge smack in the face.
            It is too late to talk about other alternative parties now. Even more so to talk of dingbat non-voting strategies at this stage.
            It is time to show the country that what is being classed as fringe opinion is in fact the mainstream opinion.
            A good politician knows when to act and that time is now in the UK. As Mark Steyn says “The future belongs to those who turn up for it”.


            • Up2snuff says:

              John, Yasser, and Fed, my MP is Labour. She will be returned thanks to the dimwits at Canterbury Uni and other colleges in the City and elsewhere. Rosie Duffield has had her battles within the Labour Party and I keep praying for her to ‘cross the floor of the House’.


            • moggiemoo says:

              ‘They have done next to nothing to reign in this monster and they have no intention of doing so.’

              ‘They have done next to nothing.’

              There you go, fixed it for you.


          • Fedup2 says:

            I think the decision is very easy – obviously socialism is a poison – so neither labour or the former Tory party can be voted for – green/ liberal crap is the same – so either a reform or independent candidate is the answer .

            I don’t believe we live in a democracy – no party truly represents me – not even Reform – I don’t believe in parliament and very very few politicians …. I think the Uk is finished and on its way to being a failing state …. It’s being destroyed from within with speed


      • G says:



    • Fedup2 says:

      So many references to the 1930s these days – a peaceful ‘respectable ‘ political conference silenced by a Muslim mayor – unless Islam is stopped the outcome for Britain / Europe is dark – done by the left liberal regimes who in their turn will be destroyed by the likes of the emir …


      • MarkyMark says:

        Mark Steyn: ‘The lamps are going out all over Europe all over again.’


    • MarkyMark says:

      23 February 2024, received £19,920.60 from Ananda Bazar Patrika (ABP) Network, FC -12, Film City, Sector 16A, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301, India, via Coulthwaite Group Pte Ltd (trading as CWG Speakers), 21 Woodlands Close, #08-44, Primz Bizhub Singapore 737854, for a speaking engagement. The payer also provided my husband and I with accommodation valued at £600, plus non-taxable expenses including flights for myself. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 04 March 2024)


      . . . .

      Until 30 July 2021, I was a member and director of Michaela Community School, a company (registration 07645701) limited by guarantee, incorporated 24 May 2011, and a registered charity. (Registered 05 June 2015; updated 24 November 2021)

      . . . . .

      Michaela school will keep its prayer ban – but as a Muslim teacher I know it doesn’t have to be this way
      Nadeine Asbali

      Increasingly, we are seeing innocuous expressions of Muslim identity being viewed as extreme or anti-British, and the upholding of Michaela’s ban reinforces the idea that – as Birbalsingh herself puts it – we need to sacrifice certain things in the name of Britishness. For Muslims, that comes at a higher price than it does for others.


    • Thoughtful says:

      What an utter gas bag! She is utterly clueless! An utterly useless!

      “We need to leave the ECtHR”

      Farage “well it’s not going to happen is it”

      Gasbag “Well I’m going to keep calling for it” !

      Shows what a fantasy land these people inhabit because it’s a million miles from the real one!


      Get used to this! Russia is a signatory to the Charter you think they’re going to follow any of the diktats of these petty foggers?

      The problem Britain has is in the way BLiar made the ECtHR superior to British law, other countries have much lesser importance attached to theh act right down to advisory only, in which case they can simply say “well we hear you advice and thanks for that, but we’re not going to follow it”

      All it needs is for the UK to drop the standing of the ECtHR to one of the lower importance one and the problem is solved.

      Gasbag knows this of course. She also knows we can’t leave, so she is playing to a gallery of ignorants. This is a way of remaining as we are within the ECtHR and changing nothing and then blaming someone else for a failure which was engineered.

      She has sat in the cabinet of a Marxist Party and done nothing to further the cause of conservatism, and there is no reason to believe she will change. It’s a convincing act for some, but for others we can see right through her.


  14. JohnC says:

    Me and the missus watched the recent BBC ‘Howards End’ series the other week and it was painfully excrutiating for me. BBC agenda everywhere : totally over-opinionated and bossy women with the usual white-facing of blacks where whites should be.

    But most ridiculous part was the poor clerk whose working-class cockney wife was black. And not attractive in any way – presumably because they didn’t have many to choose from. She was the sensible one and he was the weak one. Every scene with her was just wrong – but the most ridiculous part was when it transpired the main upper-class man had had his own affair with her in the past !!!. It made no sense whatsoever. She was a totally different class, not attractive at all and black – all in Victorian London. Never in a million years.

    It was so wrong, we then watched the original film to see what the BBC had changed. In that one, the women were still opinionated but in a much more normal, non-aggresive way.

    But the big part is that the cockney woman was white and acted like a real scrubber, not the sensible one in the house like the black woman. And of course when she met the main man, she knew him because she was formerly a prostitute. Exactly in line with her character.

    It seems that the BBC decided the strong black woman could not be a prostitute so they changed it to be an affair. And instantly ruined all the credibility of the story.

    An excellent example of what Leftist interference does to everything. It ruins it.


    • MarkyMark says:



      • JohnC says:

        lol, I just tried that with ‘copilot’ AI and it refuses to do it.

        Seems I am only allowed to know approved history.

        This is the real future of AI : a mass brainwashing tool.


        • MarkyMark says:

          Omission is the greatest lie – or colouring in the past!

          . . . . . . .

          Douglas Murray The Truth about Google Images

          4YEARS AGO.

          88K views 4 years ago
          Douglas Murray talks about the social engineering of google search results.


  15. Zephir says:



  16. Zephir says:



    • JohnC says:

      It’s not the odd Muslim extremists who run amock with kitchen knives taped to their hands so they don’t drop them when they are slippery with blood which force me to judge them, it’s the fact that there are tens of thousands of others in our country who are considered to be sufficient a risk of doing the same thing that they need to be monitored by MI5.

      219 people were detained in 2023, up a third on previous year and highest figure since 2019

      ‘The figures also showed there were 244 prisoners behind bars in the UK for terrorism offences last year.
      Of these, 65 per cent were classed as holding Islamist-extremist views, while 26 per cent held extreme right-wing ideologies. The remaining 9 per cent were deemed to have other motivations.’

      As usual, the article is doing it’s level best to avoid the elephant in the room.

      Here’s the truth: 65% of all those terrorists in jail are from 6.3% of the population. If you work it out, it means your average Muslim is 37 times more likely to be a terrorist than a far-right white person.

      You won’t read that on the BBC.


  17. Zephir says:



  18. Zephir says:



  19. andyjsnape says:

    50,000 Russian soldiers confirmed dead by the bbc
    (headline changes when you click on the link)

    “confirmed by the bbc” – its a wonder they didn’t do a Verify on it – but then that would only be confirming what they are confirming, or something like that 🙂

    Dont forget to mention the death toll for Ukraine, oww go on, then forget it

    PS the 50,000 is about twice as many as the bbc employ – why so many people, why so many channels


    • JohnC says:

      Just been reading that myself andy.

      When the BBC are spending so much time and resources on propaganda stories like that instead of the actual war, what it’s really telling you is that Ukraine are losing.

      The enormous elephant in the room of course is how Ukraine can say or do anything they like without questions. Same as the terrorist Hamas.

      Here’s lead author : looks exactly like all the other clones entrusted to inform us of important world events by the BBC. She too can’t believe she actually got that job and is too dumb to realise why.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Mummy and daddy are very proud ( and probably are connected to the BBC)….

        As for Ukraine – I wonder if putin will take on other bits of the soviet empire once he was won ? I would …he know the West under Obama has neither the will – kit or attention span to take on Russia in its own back yard …


  20. Fedup2 says:

    Inflation has fallen a bit ( a lie ) but not as much as was forecast . Regimes on both sides of the pond will cut interest rates before they should for electoral reasons – meaning inflation will be higher and go on longer …. And helped by higher fuel costs if the Iran Israel war gets going …


    • MarkyMark says:

      Train fares went up – and are still up? How come?


      • Up2snuff says:

        MM, you need ‘deflation’ to remove the effects of inflation. People tend to get an attack of the collywobbles if you use the word ‘deflation’, I therefore prefer ‘negative inflation’ instead of ‘deflation’. 🙂


  21. Guest Who says:

    Several ironies to this.

    In note the “source” does not own up to being from GMP. If not, how do they know what is being investigated? This ridiculous attack on Angela Rayner will – like “beergate” – backfire on every institution colluding with it.

    An ex bbc journalist concerned about the use of ‘sources’ (single quotes) being one, and restricting replies being another.


  22. andyjsnape says:

    Cheap booze prices to rise as MSPs vote on minimum cost

    Who does the bbc quote from a balanced “report”:-

    1) A doctor
    2) Someone in recovery

    Maybe an average person in the street, see what they think of the additional tax being imposed


  23. andyjsnape says:

    USC student’s graduation speech cancelled in Israel-Gaza hate row

    Daily we see muslims a threat to security worldwide, maybe bbc Verify could do a Verity on that


  24. AsISeeIt says:

    Struggling to understand descisions made edition

    On a morning when: Smacking children must be outlawed, say doctors (Times)

    Spare the rod, spoil the child…?

    Whack-O!, a British sitcom TV series starring Jimmy Edwards, was written by Frank Muir and Denis Norden… broadcast from 1956 to 1960 and 1971 to 1972… on the BBC… Edwards took the part of Professor James Edwards, M.A., the drunken, gambling, devious, cane-swishing headmaster who tyrannised staff and children at Chiselbury public school (Thank you Wiki, it was a different time)

    Meanwhile the Star observes of the nation’s favourite Aunt Sally comedy couple Harry & Meghan: Publicity-shy Royals now flogging jam

    The Daily Mail dubs her brave: Victory for bravest headteacher in Britain – whilst the giveaway corporate free-sheet that is the Metro brands her strict: Strict head’s praytime win… Tough at the top: Headteacher Katherine Birbalsingh

    The Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express attempts to claim this court decision – that a headmistress can in fact make the rules in her own school – as somehow in some way being a victory for our wet Tories – skulking as usual in a cowardly manner back there at the back of the class whenever the word muslim is spoken: ‘Victory for all schools’ as prayer ritual ban is backed… Minister Esther McVey says High Court decision is a triumph for ‘common sense’ (Express)

    “Hallelujah, praise the Lord… from time to time we struggle to understand descisions made in the courts…” – Esther McVey, Tory minister with some made up nothing burger portfolio is quoted as saying – Mr AsI comments from time to time he struggles to understand who’s supposed to be running the country and why bother to vote for any politicians when judges make our laws – but hey-ho

    Maths keen headboy and playground prefect Rishi Sunak may have slightly outgrown his uniform (his mum says it’s not worth buying him a new one for just the one short term he has left – and he got into trouble the other day wearing his trainers) but he’s now got his beady eye on what’s going on behind the bike sheds and is ready to report miscreants: Rishi’s flagship smoking ban gets support of Commons (Express) – flagship, huh?

    The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror admires this bit of nanny state legislation just as much as the Rishi lackey loyalists: Vote for smoking ban… The cig-free generation (Mirror)

    Our BBC admire that one for their frontpage press line-up: Newspaper headlines: School’s prayer ban win and ‘cig-free generation’ (BBC)

    Inevitably, at the mere mention of the term generation…

    The Who from 1965

    Why don’t you all f-f-fade away (talkin’ ’bout my generation)

    The left-leaning poundshop Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper inevitably supports the notion of confiscating fags from the kids in terms which tend to reveal how whatever the colour of the political rosette being worn we’re now trapped under the heel of a supranational western liberal push-me pull-you nudge factor managerial regime: UK makes history as MPs back smoking ban – watch out for the EU, US, Canada, Aussie & Kiwi-dom to follow

    Our BBC is explicit in reminding us that there’s now no such thing as conservative-flavoured as opposed to socialist-flavoured, government policies – just the ever-onward march of liberal managerialism: Political longevity of Sunak smoking ban likely to outlast PM (BBC)

    I’ve got items in my fridge that are likely to outlast this PM

    Mr AsI is a non-smoker – but I’m with Kemi on this one: ‘I don’t think the ends justify the means. It didn’t feel right to me’ – as quoted in the Graun

    And as if further proof were required that the ultimate wet Tory wet dream is a half decent write-up from the BBC and Guardian – and they can’t ever achieve that without an ineviatble generous helping of grudging: Tory divisions exposed as Sunak smoking ban moves a step closer… Flagship bill passes but Badenoch and Truss lead sizable revolt (Guardian) – safe in the knowledge that any token resistance will be more than outweighed by Labour’s non-opposition votes.

    [Sunak] is the instigator of a smoking plan with substantial, cross-party political support, which looks set to herald a sizeable social change… Labour wouldn’t scrap it if they win the election. (BBC)

    In the formerly serious Times newspaper: Cathy Newman I was a victim of deepfake porn – so what I’m saying is… don’t flatter yourself, luv.

    Sex work is work – argues the Financial Times: Sex workers angry over blocked bank accounts… Around 72,800 people are thought to earn money by selling sexual services in the UK, 88 per cent of them women – reports the FT, rather precisely with the numbers there – someone’s been busy running the stats on this subject – gender pay and employment gap anyone?

    Britain facing pussy crisis (Daily Star) – it’s not what you think

    And finally, NHS tells sick woman to calm down dear: Lucy Rose couldn’t lift her baby – she was told to get over it (BBC)

    Her GP was no help, either – embedded within a lengthy BBC article: By Mark Savage… Rose is telling me this story over a Zoom call from Spain, where she’s taking a holiday to gather her strength – touching on: a rare form of pregnancy-associated osteoporosis (PAO), a condition that weakens the bones and can lead to fractures… our non-advertising BBC tips us the wink:…before the release of her exquisite fifth album, This Ain’t The Way You Go Out, on Friday.


  25. Scroblene says:


    You commented on the Start The Week posts regarding charities, and I wanted to follow that up, but have just found the post which describes the failing Brown years much better than me…

    That is so true.

    The education system, the civil service, the BBC, the UN, and virtually all the ‘human-rights’ charities are thoroughly infiltrated by Leftists now.

    Here’s the post I wanted to revive…



  26. Guest Who says:


    @BBCNews ‘at it’ again when they say:
    “Wednesday’s new figures mean that the cost of living stands at its lowest level in two and a half years.”
    Can someone correct this @BBCGaryR @mmgeissler @BBCDouglasF ?

    Walking down the streets of Southall today, British Asians feel a lot more at home.
    But in the 1970s, with the rise of racist attacks and the far-right National Front, West London could feel like a dangerous place to even set foot in.

    Luckily, under Asian Mayor Khan, everyone stands a fair risk of attack.


  27. tomo says:


  28. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      UK first ‘chemsex’ kits to safeguard trend users

      Burrell Street, in Southwark, is giving out kits containing clean, colour-coded needles and is offering counselling and psychotherapy services to men taking part in ‘chemsex’, also known as ‘slamming’.

      . . . . . . . .

      Does the NHS need any diversity officers at all?
      17 February 2023, 4:33pm

      The NHS has pledged to reduce the number of diversity officers in the NHS by 40 per cent – although you can still pick up a job if you hurry: Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust in Liverpool is currently advertising for an equality and diversity manager on up to £47,672 a year.


    • Thoughtful says:

      I’ve heard Muslims have a name for that flag, they call it the flag of Sodom.

      Given the ridiculous nature of Leftist lunacy and how all these greivance groups collide and no one know who has superiority over whom would it be Islamofauxbik to suggest calling it the Flag of Sodom was in any way wrong?


      • MarkyMark says:

        ‘My first thought as I came round was Oh God! What have I done?’: Man suing the NHS over trans surgery he bitterly regrets has bravely waived anonymity to share his ordeal
        Ritchie Herron, 35, says life has been unbearable since surgery four years ago
        His case first emerged after he shared experience on Twitter under pseudonym
        He claims NHS failed to take mental health crisis into account before procedure

        PUBLISHED: 22:11, 25 June 2022 | UPDATED: 17:16, 28 June 2022


  29. Doublethinker says:

    I watched two extended interviews with Liz Truss about her new book, one by Nigel Farage on GB News anyone by Fraser Nelson ,the editor of the Spectator , on its TV channel.
    Firstly, there was much to agree with in what Liz Truss said, particularly that British people had been disenfranchised as Parliament had transferred massive amounts of power to unelected quangos. This had rendered ministers impotent to get through legislation that the civil service and quangochracy didn’t agree with. I think we can all see the truth of this and that it was Blair’s most malign legacy.
    The other stand out feature of the two interviews was the attitude of the interviewer themselves.
    Farage was broadly sympathetic and recognised much of what Truss said about the Tories having accepted the Blair consensus about government and Britain. Of course he told her the Tories had only themselves to blame which I think she accepted.
    Nelson however was quite aggressive and it was clear that he simply couldn’t accept that there should be any legitimate challenge to the Blair hyperglobalist consensus. Basically he thought that was how the world worked and the Tories must work within the Blair framework. Remember he is the editor of the Spectator , virtually the House Magazine of the Tories. Obviously he is a One Nation hyperglobalist and is exactly people like him that is the reason why the Tories have so comprehensively failed their voters and the country.
    I look forward to Liz Truss joining Reform the sooner the better.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I look forward to the likes of Truss and all those red labour MPs being buried at the next election

      She had her turn . She had her chance . She screwed it up . If we are lucky we might get a right wing regime in 10 years or so .. but i think the one party state is here for a very long time …


      • Doublethinker says:

        You are too pessimistic. If the right wing of the Tories and Reform can join forces after the election then I think millions of people will at last have a party which Represents them and be able to vote for it.
        In Europe the globalist elite are running scared , events in Brussels yesterday confirm this. European electorate is shifting to the right. In France RN will win by a landslide in June and Macron will be hobbled . After another dismal Labour government why won’t the UK do the same ?


        • Fedup2 says:

          Double – i see myself as a realist and pessimist. The EU will subvert all Right wing parties across the EU . The ‘ vote again ‘ technique. It will take bloodshed in smaller countries- such as eire before any change for the better takes place… unless islam uses that to beat down liberal states of course


          • Doublethinker says:

            It’s true that elites never give up power without a struggle. Their control over the news is weakening thanks to the Internet and the ordinary people of Europe are beginning to realise that if the globalists stay in power then they can kiss goodbye to their way of life. That is a powerful motivator.
            Once right of centre nationalist governments are in power then the struggle against the internationalist bureaucrats and quangos begins. The long March through the institutions in reverse but this time with the explicit agreement of the people , a full democratic mandate.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “British people had been disenfranchised as Parliament had transferred massive amounts of power to unelected quangos”





      • Doublethinker says:

        Your point is what?


        • Fedup2 says:

          Irony – too subtle…


        • MarkyMark says:

          “Parliament had transferred massive amounts of power to unelected quangos”


          “Parliament had transferred massive amounts of power to unelected EU”

          quangos are controlled by gov?! HA HA HAHA!


          • Doublethinker says:

            I’m sorry but I still don’t fully understand the point that you are making? Truss was a Remainer . But remember the proverb of the prodigal son. She has finally understood what Brexit was about, why and how it was betrayed and why the Tories are toast. If she stays in politics she will join reform post the election.


            • MarkyMark says:

              I think you are hoping for a big change – all I see is a woman who looked at the EU and liked it, still likes it but says she does not like it so she gets your vote.

              Another example here …..

              I’m confused … Philip Hammond said he did not vote for more EU in 2015 … then in 2016 he backed the more EU campaign?

              Those who want to remain in the EU:
              Prime Minister David Cameron
              Chancellor George Osborne
              Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond

              Phil Hammond 2015 says he did not know what he voted for ….

              “And like millions of others, I (Phil Hammond) believed I was voting for an economic community that would bring significant economic benefits to Britain, but without undermining our national sovereignty. I (Phil Hammond) don’t remember anybody saying anything about “ever closer union” or a single currency.

              But, Mr Speaker, the institution that the clear majority of the British people voted to join has changed almost beyond recognition in the decades since then.




              • Doublethinker says:

                Yes I am hoping for a big change but I know it won’t start to happen until 2029 and will take a long to be completed after that.
                If that change doesn’t happen or is thwarted by the elite then by sometime after 2050 we will be well on the way to becoming an Islamic country . By the end of the century that process will be complete.


            • Fedup2 says:

              Welcome to marky world with its tedious HAHAHA for some reason totally beyond me . …


              • MarkyMark says:

                At Christmas I start to use HO HO HO!

                I laugh because there is not much else to do – we are no longer looking into the Asylum but are part of it, walking the wards and wondering if our words have hurt the feelings of the trans Islamic mullah who demands we wear a headscarf to protect their religion from being ridiculed and Scotland the land of the Brave becomes land of the rave-ing lunatic.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Conservative? HA HA HAHA!

      “Samantha Cameron: Chinese factories can be better than British ‘sweat shops’ Some of Britain’s factories have lower standards than those in China, Samantha Cameron has claimed, during a discussion about “sweat shop” conditions in the UK.26 Jun 2020″


    • MarkyMark says:

      Elizabeth Warren tries to explain why she listed ‘American Indian’ on Texas Bar document


    • JohnC says:

      The excuse of ‘reparation’ compensation is as blatant a money grab as you can possibly get.

      If reparations are due, they should be the offer of a free one-way flights back to an African country of their choice along with an assisted change to African citizenship and a lump sum to tide them over for 3 months to let them get a job.

      And if they refuse, they must swear to STFU about it all.

      How many do you think would take up the offer ?.

      It’s simply ridiculous.


  30. MarkyMark says:

    Arabs are losing faith in democracy to deliver economic stability across the Middle East and North Africa, according to a major new survey.

    Nearly 23,000 people were interviewed across nine countries and the Palestinian territories for BBC News Arabic by the Arab Barometer network.




  31. tomo says:

    Oh, just dandy….

    You know he’s going to cry at the acceptance ceremony?


  32. JohnC says:

    100% as expected, I see the mental white gay escort stabbing story still has 5 articles on the BBC main page. Even the mall reopening warrants the front page for that one.

    And also 100% as expected, the REAL terrorist stabbing attack shortly after has been dropped completely without any details being given about who did it at all.

    This is what the world becomes when the Left get to run it. Fascist suppression and lies by omission. The BBC have been nudging the red-line further and further out to the point where they can now do this without fear of being called out.


  33. tomo says:

    He’s not wrong


    • Fedup2 says:

      I dont think there will be much difference between the red lot and the blue lot… although the BBC will do its’ best to protest its ‘ friends – as has happened with angie –

      Any remaining’ independence’ in organisations will be expunged similarly to what obama did in the states …

      I think we are entitled to know who bought this case as they have used all that taxpayers money … and will continue to do so


  34. MarkyMark says:

    Brussels NatCon Shutdown…

    “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.
    This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. 2.
    The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected.

    EU – Article 11 – Freedom of expression and information


  35. Sluff says:

    The BBC. Which is very curious about some things and remarkably incurious about others.

    Yesterday they reported the welcome news that a school in Londonistan does not have to provide dedicated space for Muslim pupils to pray. A court has ruled on this.

    The BBC did however manage to find a remarkable number of people who did not agree with this decision. What a surprise.

    The court case was brought by a pupil. Note that. By a pupil. Since when have pupils at schools unilaterally been able to take cases to court?

    In other words, who was backing her? Who put her up to it? Who funded her? Who provided the legal support, the lawyers, the barristers? What pressure groups were involved.

    That, surely is a key component of the story.
    About that, we had nothing from the BBC.


    • MarkyMark says:



      • JohnC says:

        I wonder how many times the author of that Time piece has had a serious problem in life and has sought out a 12 year to ask advice.

        It’s hypocrisy on an epic scale. Using a child with mental issues like this is abuse – but these scum think their ends justify the means.

        Greta is alreayd halfway to the rubbish heap now. I wonder what she will be like in 10 years. Probably like David Ike.


      • Mrs Kitty says:

        They also gave that award to Hitler and to Stalin twice. Probably best used in the bottom of budgie cages.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The case was funded by £150k legal aid – with the mother being used by – presumably the local mosque .

      Im sure this finding will be overturned once either the ECHR get hold of it or the muslim red labour party does …

      The ascendency of islam cannot be stopped by a woke west and the weakness fully exploited


      • MarkyMark says:

        “After Paris, the idea that Islam and its prophet is a religion that can be mocked is now literally a dangerous one about which there can be no festival.

        A solemn and dignified Ramadan indeed. Sometimes it takes a clown to speak the truths that others won’t face.



      • BRISSLES says:

        And astonishingly this mother has another child registered to start at this school in September ! She causes chaos with one kid, and now wants another one schooled there ?


        • MarkyMark says:

          More kids = more power = more influence.

          “Erdogan calls on Turkish families in Europe to have five children to protect against ‘injustices’
          Raf Sanchez
          17 March 2017 • 6:34pm”

          Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called on Turkey’s citizens in Europe to step up their rates of procreation and have five children each, saying a booming Turkish population would be the best answer to the EU’s “vulgarism, antagonism, and injustice..


  36. Thoughtful says:

    Here is a story from the Labour Supporting Manchester Evening News concerning the Tory and Islamist Party of GB, and one of their candidates called Natalie Shalom, who I am guessing is Jewish (?)

    She has made comments which the Left are alleging are ‘Islamofauxbik.’

    Here are some of the ‘egregious’ comments, see what you think:

    “Who paid for the UNRWA (the United Nations Relieve and Works Agency)?
    Western; Which countries are the Muslims flooding into an slowly taking over?
    Western. Which governments are giving in to the Muslims? Western. Which universities did Arab nations give billions to? ”

    Another retweet accuses Palestinians of using a healthy girl to stage a photograph of the suffering in Gaza in a ‘Pallywood scene’. In her own alleged tweet, she accuses the Red Cross of standing by and watching Jews die in concentration camps as well as the hostages (taken by Hamas on October 7) suffering

    Another apparent post said: “What is Islamaphobia???? Seriously what Islamaphobia?? I don’t see anyone in [the] streets of [the] UK calling for the obliteration of Muslim countries, threatening Muslims, in fact the only threat to Muslims is OTHER Muslims..look around the world..the rest of us just want peace.”

    I would suggest anyone who takes any of this seriously as Islamophobia is deranged and has left the path of sanity.

    I would however go further and suggest that these complaints from the Left smack of the anti Semitism and pro Hamas sentiment Labour is famous for, and if the Tories had any spine at all (which clearly they don’t) they would be firing these accusations straight back at the Left. I am sickened by the Tories over this and they have sunk even lower in my estimation if that was even possible.



  37. Fedup2 says:

    The judgement in the michaela case is already online . Its 83 pages . I will read it all and report back . Mona sidique – the academic the bbc today programme appeared for the ‘ student ‘ … no surprises.

    The school asked to remain anonymous due to threats but was refused as no actual violence had been proved .

    The mother didnt go to the parents’ evening and claimed to have not known of the ban on all worship – and never asked …

    Islam really is flexing its ‘ muscle now – christians jews liberals queers are on the target list …. Using legal aid of course


    • MarkyMark says:

      “refused as no actual violence had been proved” – 3 teachers in batley wait to read this report of how a girl needs to pray!


    • Thoughtful says:

      But this is the price of having bargain basement politicians, if we the people won’t pay them others will and we know from recent cases that the oil rich Middle East is very active in providing money to politicians.
      He who pays the piper calls the tune and here’s the evidence of that.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      With plenty of help from the beeb… R5 had a lengthy input yesterday from the Imam Ajmal Masroor who tried to put the case that secular rules were intolerant, because they were restricting Muslims in this case.

      His brother is Mustafa al-Mansur, who organised the Grenfell Tower demo and was once arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences.

      Quite the little in-group.


  38. MarkyMark says:

    Western families – stop having kids due to climate change!

    Turkish families – Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called on Turkey’s citizens in Europe to step up their rates of procreation and have five children each, saying a booming Turkish population would be the best answer to the EU’s “vulgarism, antagonism, and injustice..


  39. tomo says:

    sheesh, just when you thought they couldn’t get more absurd…..


    • MarkyMark says:

      Living causes 100% of all known deaths. Ban living!


    • Sluff says:

      Dr John Campmbell has a video just now on ‘Japan data’ where researchers have found a correlation between covid jabs and a subsequent rise in cancer deaths.
      Just saying.


  40. tomo says:

    gawd… he’s mad as a hatter


    • MarkyMark says:

      Boris has money …. go for it! Take up arms! Send his own kids!

      GO GO GO!


      9 October 2019, received £2,355.18 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 22 October 2019)

      22 March 2019, received £122,899.74 from Living Media India Limited, K – 9, Connaught Circus, New Delhi 110001, for a speech to India Today on 2 March 2019. Hours: 3 hrs. Transport and accommodation also provided. (Registered 15 April 2019)

      November 2004, speech for the Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers (APCIMS) Up to £5,000) ( Registered 6 December 2004)

      12 July 2016, received £23,561 for Dutch royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 September 2016)


    • Fedup2 says:

      Too much Churchill disease …. No credibility at all –


    • Thoughtful says:

      It’ll be a catastrophic turning point in his corrupt income!


  41. andyjsnape says:

    bbc approves:-

    Brigitte Macron: French president’s wife to be subject of new TV drama

    I thought for a moment it was a remake of Planet of the apes


  42. tomo says:

    George Clooney is a fractional witted fascist


    • MarkyMark says:

      Force jab every vaccinated person surely?

      Is he a real doctor now?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Be something if that loon fell off the perch unexpectedly wouldn’t it ?


      • tomo says:

        I’m considering marketing a line of Ju-Ju dolls complete with a selection of pins.

        He’d be on any shortlist of ‘sleb models


  43. Fedup2 says:

    Jane Harbottle is the head of the legal aid agency – there are 7 on the board including 2 girls on a job share – isn’t that nice ? Gongs all round …

    Ban legal aid ….. or make it 50 50 ….


  44. dafydd says:

    BBC doing there best to defend Rayner and keep her safe by stating as of now she has done nothing wrong.

    What the presenter on the BBC News channel conveniently forgets it was Rayner that set the sleaze bar by stating that anyone just being investigated by the police must resign, why is this parasite still in office.

    Ive just realised, she’s from the Left and Labour and as such beyond reproach as Durahm Police proved


  45. MarkyMark says:


    “Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”
    ― Andrew Jackson



  46. tomo says:


  47. tomo says: