Start the Week /St George’s Day 23April 2024

I thought I’d mention St George’s Day in this Thread because the way things are going it might be the last time it is ‘celebrated ‘ – the BBC will traditionally claim that St George was not British or didn’t exist and put their VERIFY Propaganda department on the case . So many traditions are no approved – together with British history and culture – Saint George is someone the BBC would gladly bin 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

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340 Responses to Start the Week /St George’s Day 23April 2024

  1. Northern Voter says:

    Made it this time, I hope! I noticed that the thing that used to be the BBC spotted all the Palestinian flags on the marathon course. Keep bombing IDF.


  2. harry142857 says:

    Absolute certainty that on Tuesday, the BBBC will tell us St George was born in Turkey.


    • moggiemoo says:

      And that he was a trans, Muslim, climate change activist and remainer.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I hate it when they do that. St George was born in what is now Turkey, but then was part of the Hellenistic world, before the Turks came from Central Asia to conquer it and make it the place we now know, a haven of peace, freedom and democracy.


      • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

        From the CBBC webpage (Childrens BBC)

        Headline: “St George’s Day: Who was England’s patron saint?

        Article: “…St George isn’t just the patron saint for England. He also holds this position for … PalestineIstanbul … and Venice … he was born in Cappadocia – an area which is now in Turkey …. His mother took George to live in the Middle East, where she was originally from… Legend has it George came to a city called Silene, in a country called Libya, where there was a dragon … One thing that we do know about St George is that he wasn’t actually English


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      Yes, because we all know there are loads of dragons in Turkey… you know, I’m pretty sure St George was always more symbolic than real, given the whole dragon slaying story and all.

      I recall reading a BBC (actually, a Guardian story – translated into idiotese for the BBC) article stating categorically that THE real St George was definitely (100% certain, no doubts allowed, how dare you question it?!) Ethiopian. At least they have damsel eating croco-dragons in Ethiopia, I suppose.

      Happy St George’s Day tomorrow everyone! Who cares where he supposedly came from, one thing is for sure, real, or not, he IS the patron saint of ENGLAND.


  3. Deborah says:

    I cannot believe what I have just heard on GBNews. The Mayor will meet Sir Mark Rowley tomorrow to discuss community relations. I am not usually speechless, but this was reported at the top of the hour with a straight face by Sophie Wenzler. Did the BBC report it? I can hear Sir Mark walking into the room with only the Mayor present. ‘Well done’ the Mayor will say, ‘your men have shown the Jews they are not wanted in London and they cannot expect any help from the police whatever crime is committed against them’. Sir Mark will respond with, ‘it all went better than we hoped. As the Jews leave Barnet there will be a lot of properties for sale, and with forced sales, house priced will fall. You will have a great story to report than you have created lots of available housing and no longer have need for recently arrived people to be placed in hotels.


    • Foscari says:

      I wonder when “Kristallnacht” will be instigated in the capitol?


      • R P McMurphy says:

        I had an aunt, sadly not with us anymore, who actualy experienced ” Kristallnacht ” in Manheim. She does tell an interesting story though. When the mob came for her brother other residents of the appartment block, good Christian people hid him and in effect saved his life.
        There are millions in this country I am more than sure would do the same here.


  4. pugnazious says:

    John Simpson [Liberator of Khandahar] is at it again….

    ‘The BBC is as fair as it can be in its Israel-Gaza coverage’

    Lol…..if that’s ‘fair’ god knows what bias would look like.

    Yes, yes, we, the BBC, may have told an enormous and dangerous lie that an Israeli rocket killed hundreds at a hospital and that the hospital was completely destroyed, yes we may have suggested that Israeli forces were ‘happy to kill children’, yes we might have suggested that the creation of Israel was a mistake, yes we might have suggested that Israel was committing war crimes, was committing genocide and ethnic cleansing, yes we may have broadcast to the world inflated and exaggerated casualty figures from unreliable sources and claimed they were all women and children, yes we may have called Gaza the world’s biggest and worst ‘open prison’ and yes, we may have said Israel was murdering 10’s of thousands of Palestinians, and yes…we may have fostered and fomented anti-Semitism around the world…but hey… colleagues and I genuinely do our utmost to be entirely balanced and honest….the BBC is by far the most trusted provider of impartial coverage of the war in Gaza.

    Simpson’s a blinkered old buffoon who hasn’t a clue what the BBC’s coverage is like…or rather chooses to ignore the truth and bury his head in the sand.


  5. Guest Who says:
    Whenever the election is, it’s going to be quite the night on @Channel4

    Clearly going for balance.


    • Thoughtful says:

      When Jordan Peterson ripped the Commie to pieces it was notable tha Marxist Tories sided with Newman and not Peterson.

      I think that was one of the moments the scales fell from my eyes and I realised what the Tories had truly become.


    • tomo says:



      • Fedup2 says:

        Is that a spoof ?


        • Guest Who says:

          So what you are saying is, the inclusion of Mad Al suggests they don’t really care about balance?


          • Fedup2 says:

            You can bet BBCOFCOM will be closely monitoring C4 and ITV and Sky and the BBC – the only ‘fault ‘ they’ll find will be on the enemy GB news – if it still exists by …. October ? …


      • Docmarooned says:

        A totally unbiased selection of presenters – Ha Ha! Never watched this garbage channel in years. More adverts than content. bBBC is worse though.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Doc – unfortunately i think you are wrong . This is because no on watches c4 so no one advertises on it – apart from woke outfits like the RNLI and give your money to africa type outfits ..,


  6. StewGreen says:

    First tweet


  7. tomo says:


  8. tomo says:


    • Philip_2 says:

      The proof is out there. Unsurprising really, the willing media (BBC) US and UK corporates WANTED to believe it.

      How a few billionaires helped push climate science to the extremes
      ‘The corruption of climate science occurred because some of our most important institutions have let us down. The scientific peer review process has failed to catch obvious methodological errors in research papers. Leading scientific assessments have ignored conflicts of interest and adopted flawed methods. The major media has been selectively incurious as to the impact of big money in climate advocacy on climate science, assessments, and policy.’


  9. tomo says:

    Rod Liddle

    This dial only turns to the left
    The American journo Uri Berliner has been forced to resign from America’s National Public Radio, having irritated colleagues by suggesting the station was ever so slightly left of centre. The absence of a single Republican in the newsroom was just one of the observations that raised the hackles of, among others, the boss of NPR, Katherine Maher.

    The truth or otherwise of Berliner’s remarks does not matter, of course, because truth is not terribly highly regarded by Maher. She said recently that “our reverence for the truth might be a distraction that’s getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done”.

    That’s become a familiar trope for those on the liberal left: when their idiotic ideology conflicts with the facts, it’s the facts that bite the dust.


  10. JohnC says:

    Ukraine aid package could help Kyiv slow Russia’s advance

    The BBC are still lying to us all:

    ‘When the aid arrives, Ukraine can potentially challenge Russia’s air superiority, frustrate their supply lines and slow advancing troops.’

    ‘It won’t give Ukraine the instant means to start liberating territory and force Russia back – but it gives a window for that to happen in the future.’

    ‘”Russia doesn’t want to negotiate,” he explains. “They don’t want this middle ground that Europe and the US think will end this war. They want it all.”‘

    These are all ‘lies by quotation’ from ‘Vitaliy, a serving soldier who we bump into’ and the BBC are doing it a lot these days. I doubt he even exists. It’s how they can present a totally false narrative as truth without accountability. They do it a lot for Ukraine and Gaza because it’s the only way to push their agenda without direct lies.

    But of course deliberately misrepresenting the truth like this is still a lie however you do it. It just means the fact-checkers can’t point it out. It’s dirty.


  11. Zephir says:

    Considering the behaviour of so many children nowadays, especially the females and their continual high pitched screams (which I get every weekend in the spring/ summer months) starting last week in the gardens, on the obligatory single mother trampolines, a mark of achievement in their world I believe on the benefit hierarchy, (we have rows of them in the gardens).

    I don’t have a problem with the following, when the parent (s) are all staring into their mobile phones while their kids are allowed to run around screaming and disturbing all:

    Supermarkets and bookshops next please:

    “Pub landlord’s mic-drop response to viral ‘child free’ sign that’s caused widespread fury.
    A pub landlord has welcomed the huge publicity the sign has garnered, explaining the “child free” aspect has been in place for a decade”

    “The contentious sign was erected following complaints from patrons about unclear policies regarding children on the premises. Mr Worcester elaborated: “I just want to create an environment where my customers can sit and relax, it only takes one child to kick off and that spoils it for absolutely everybody.”


  12. Zephir says:

    And, while I am on the subject, I spent 45 minutes browsing a record shop yesterday with two teenagers behind the counter who decided that a female screaming, yes, just screaming, at full volume, for over 30 minutes on a record playing at full volume in the shop over a background of death metal music was appropriate background music for a gentle Sunday morning browsing.

    It just went on and on and on, track after track.

    I got so sick of it I actually asked them to change the music and they looked at me as if something was wrong with me.


  13. Zephir says:

    Funnily enough, regarding the out of control children, in my experience it rarely happens in France on trains or in restaurants.

    Whilst working in London in the summer I struggled to find a carriage without at least one or more screaming wailing child who had been dragged around the capital all day in a heat wave, with the mothers just casually chatting to each other completely ignoring the child.

    That and the “crisp eaters” God, I vividly recall a train journey from Birmingham to London with one idiot with a massive bag of bloody crisps, for over two hours in a reserved seat so couldn’t move, scrabbling around in the packet every 20 seconds then munching away.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I do wonder what the long term effect of widespread drug use is going to be … the use of ‘grass’ or whatever it is caused now causes zapped heads – and cocaine use – to me – causes loss of control – temper – patience – attention span – zapped heads ….
      The media goes on about ever increasing ‘mental health ‘ issues – but add drugs to the social media fetish and the degeneration of generations goes on …

      .. I bet BBC staff wouldn’t like Random drug testing ..


      • tomo says:

        That would be a good thing…. maybe they can analyse the sewage for drug residue from BBC premises?


  14. andyjsnape says:

    Met Police apologises to Stephen Lawrence’s mother after breaking promise

    bbc move on


    • Fedup2 says:

      Andy – yes – a new week – a new ‘apology ‘ from the head of the londonistan religious police – this time another one for dot Lawrence ( who can do no wrong ) – she’ll still be getting apologies from plod long after she is dead ….

      I had a peak at ‘today ‘ but as soon as I heard the deadly combo of comrade Robinson and meesh that was enough – back to anything – better than listening to those two …..

      … I’m guessing it will be another day of silence on the BBC regarding Rayners ‘tax fiddling – contrast with obsessive coverage of ‘partygate ‘ ….. and the BBC claims to be fair and unbiased ….

      I understand they’ve dug up John Simpson to tell us how great the bbc is – the fact that they keep doing that is testimony to the truth that the BBC is far from honest or decent or British any more ……


      • andyjsnape says:

        Hello Fedup2

        I heard the other day that new police recruits into the Met have to be vetted by a panel this includes a muslim, if they dont like the look of you, you dont get into the police force…


        • Fedup2 says:

          Andy – no surprise – my reference to the londonistan religious police was only slightly in jest…
          But who decides the complexion of such panels … and I wonder if they’ve introduced a language and nationality requirement yet ….?


        • Guest Who says:

          A panel of 25? All men?

          And if the brother is ok with his choice, the other 24 don’t count?


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        It’s just as well no young black men have been stabbed to death since Stephen Lawrence isn’t it? The House of Lords would have hundreds of new Lords and Ladies otherwise.


  15. andyjsnape says:

    Ukraine aid package could help Kyiv slow Russia’s advance

    “could” help Kyiv slow Russia’s advance

    He said the aid “could” save thousands of lives

    Ukraine “can potentially” challenge Russia’s air superiority, frustrate their supply lines and “slow advancing troops” – not win, just slow

    etc etc

    The whole article is nothing more than propaganda by the bbc


    • Fedup2 says:

      The Money will be in Swiss bank accounts by the end of the week …


    • JohnC says:

      Don’t forget when the BBC gleefully told us how cluster bombs would actually SAVE lives by shortening the war.

      Then quickly brushed the story under the well-stuffed Ukranian carpet.

      Another whopping ‘lie by quotation’ from a convenient idiot in the Ukraine government. It has just delayed the inevitable and these things are now being spread over the whole country as Ukraine withdraw.

      Of course if it suited them, the person who decided to give them cluster bombs would have been painted as a child-murdering scoundrel. But as it was sleepy Joe, he got a free pass. Trump would have been nailed to the wall. It illustrates perfectly the extreme agenda-based double-standards of the BBC these days.


  16. Fedup2 says:

    I didn’t notice anyone comment here but there was a piece in the press on Friday that GBnews has sacked ( fired ) 40 staff immediately …
    I don’t go near GBnews now so I don’t know if their dire broadcasting standards have improved or got even worse …. Nor – actually – do I care …. The red labour culture secretary will get BBCOFCOM to just close it down for ‘public safety ‘ reasons ….


  17. Zephir says:

    From a while ago:


    • Fedup2 says:

      The sky guy wanted to keep his job – his producer shouting in his ear … attack attack …at least ‘talk TV ‘ didn’t get mentioned ….


  18. tomo says:


    • Fedup2 says:

      Big mistake ever taking the masks off – although some people still wear them . I saw a bloke paddling in the sea wearing a mask once – I wish I’d taken a picture ….

      .. imagine if a really really bad virus turns up – flu is due …


  19. pugnazious says:

    Muslim Mishal [Israel has no right to exist] Husain just called the Jewish man who was threatened with arrest during the hate march a disingenuous liar out to antagonise the innocent protestors.

    If you’re a gun-toting gangsta who tries to run over police officers you’re an innocent unarmed Black man but a Jewish man trying to continue with his life in London is someone trying to provoke violence and who is demonising a loveable police office just trying to do his job which is to prevent a breach of the peace….by the Jew.

    About time we had a clear out at Today…and that includes Emma Barnettt even before she gets her feet under the desk.


    • Deborah says:

      Pug, did she really imply that? Or worse still actually say that.

      I have kept quiet about the incident because I wasn’t sure quite what I thought. The Jewish man was obviously trying to prove a point, and the point was better made than anyone might have foreseen.

      The policeman’s words were ill chosen but he presumably under stress, but were the words his subliminal thoughts? And would the demonstrators tore the Jewish man limb from limb had he crossed through them? What I saw confirmed what Jewish people think, that in a situation between Jewish people and Muslims, the police will take the Muslim side. This may be because of numbers and that the police feel they cannot control large numbers. The nastier reason may be un undercurrent of institutional antisemitism within the police force.


      • Guest Who says:

        Erring on poor thick rozzer taking the fall for a briefing by thick weedy bespectacled high heeled seniors up the greasy pole.
        Or the women.


      • Fedup2 says:

        How many Jews in the Met ? How many Muslims ? Bet I can guess … how many Muslims subject to discipline ?

        I understand that this chap got Tommy Robinson arrested at a March ….?


        • Up2snuff says:

          Fed, the PC? Or the ‘openly Jewish’ man?


          • Fedup2 says:

            Yes – I think I read a tweet from mr yaxley Lennon describing how he was fingered to the plod by mr ‘look too Jewish ‘ and as a result the Religious Police swept down on him the vengeance of the Lord – or in their Case Allah – smiting said man as a non believer … or similar …

            By the way – I think that chap knew what was going to happen at that Hamas March and the religious police played straight into his plan. They were wrong on so many levels with either the unapologetic assistant commission or the top chap having to ‘go’ – except that the emir will express full confidence in his non Muslim lackey and kick back at the Hindu in 10 Mohamed street ….who is packing his bags anyway …


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        The muslims have won, by weight of numbers and being willing to use violence at the drop of a hat. The police are scared of them, and the emir of London has their back.


  20. digg says:

    One of the top stories on the BBC this morning…

    All about how polluted is the Thames, particularly it seems along the wealthy stretches through Berkshire such as the one which is home to their naturalist presenter in the segment, Steve Backshall….

    Environmental “expert”pops up to give an overview of how nasty the privatised water companies are behaving, lots of dipping with stuff in glass jars etc. etc….

    Then in my view, the real reason for the item… Both the expert and Mr Backshall reminded viewers at the end of the footage that an election is coming up so “remember to use your vote wisely”….

    Yep just another BBC Labour campaign underway it transpires.


  21. pugnazious says:

    The BBC keeps calling the murder of Stephen Lawrence ‘racist’…but was that ever proven? Maybe there was some other cause, maybe it was a ‘senseless tragedy’.


    • moggiemoo says:

      I wonder if the murder of Lee Rigby was racist? Oh sorry, I forgot, it never happened, did it?


  22. micknotmike says:

    morning Pug,
    It’s nothing to do with the lawrence story. The Jewish incident (And it’s more than a slip of the tongue, but letting an underlying hate show for once) has put the bbc in a flap. so they wheel out their #1 victim, good ol’ baroness L.
    That will get pushed off the front page when they find a moslem who was frightened in 1973 by a bacon sandwich.

    I’m also willing to bet that all of the Ukranian aid has been stolen by now.


  23. tomo says:

    Cyclists targeted by City of London police – wonder if it’s going to get a mention from the cubicle dwellers?


  24. pugnazious says:

    The new narrative…a Sky video exposes the truth as Jewish man was trying to cross the road and thus antagonizing and provoking protestors.

    Hmmm…except this is not new news at all…the Mail clearly stated that the man wanted to cross the road three days ago…and it doesn’t change the original narrative as the police were going to arrest him for just standing where he was….his mere presence atagonsing….

    ‘After the defiant man attempts to walk across the road in the Aldwych area, the officer blocks him and says: ‘I don’t want anybody antagonising anybody… and at the moment sir, you are quite openly Jewish. This is a pro-Palestinian march. ‘

    ‘If you choose to remain here because you are causing a breach of peace, with all these other people, you will be arrested.”

    This is an attempt to muddy the waters and blame the victim by a pro-Palestinian media….pretty shameless…just as the BBC tried to suggest a bus full of young Jewish people had provoked Muslims to attack their bus.

    Why would any Jew trust the BBC or any in the media when the evidence rapidly mounts that the 1930’s are back….to use a line the BBC itself likes to deploy all too often?


    • Guest Who says:

      The anologies in response on Twitter to media narratives are noticeable by the media not going near.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Not so long ago the police cautioned a lady standing outside an abortion clinic deep in prayer – well she had her eyes closed anyway. Meanwhile at the end of my road late at night, drug dealers are plying their trade…..


      • tomo says:

        Same here – car based transactions In a quiet residential street at 11pm …..


  25. AsISeeIt says:

    Let’s begin with what our BBC considers a big sports story

    London Marathon 2024 results: Peres Jepchirchir breaks women’s only world record (BBC)

    I’m comfused. I though women held plenty of world records, in fact, their own world records in most of the very same track and field events as male athletes?

    Naturally this morning’s Guardian, in so far as our Guardianistas ever take a headline interest in sport – which is only when there’s some diversity issue involved – go on their frontpage with: Peres Jepchirchir of Kenya hails her victory in the London Marathon, breaking the world record for a women-only race

    There’s no more than a mere hyphen between BBC and Gruan reporting there – so Mr AsI seeks clarification of this new terminology: women only / women-only

    … a record for a marathon run on a course without any male athletes in the race (BBC) – Oh, I think I understand. So women only marathons are obviously a good thing. Unlike men only clubs – which are ripe for criticism and to be discouraged: Top civil servant Simon Case asked why he is member of all-male club (BBC); Top civil servant and MI6 boss quit all-male club (BBC) – discouraged effectively – given the lack of courage displayed by those guys.

    So what’s the differentiation between women only and mixed marathon world records?

    Olympic champion Peres Jepchirchir stormed to victory in a women’s only world-record time of two hours 16 minutes and 16 seconds in the London Marathon. (BBC); As of October 2023, Tigist Assefa held the record for the fastest women’s marathon time, running the Berlin Marathon in 2:11:53 in 2023. The second-fastest time was run by Sifan Hassan, who completed the 2023 Chicago Marathon in 2:13:44… Paula Radcliffe (London 2023) 2 hours 15 minutes 25 seconds (Statista) – I guess the girls run just that little bit faster when there are men in the race with them? Pace runners were a thing when Roger Bannister ran his famous 4-minute mile.

    In other news – British government exhibits extreme policy confusion on Rishi’s ‘flagship’ smoking ban

    MoD hands out free cigarettes to Ukrainian troops training in UK (Telegraph) – to be fair it’s a long-held tradition that any man condemned to face certain death at the hands of an enemy firing squad are offered one last cigarette… and a blindfold. I can refer to that last item somewhat metaphorically in this instance – oddly enough, something of a blindfold has fallen over our BBC’s: Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia – not updated since 21 February

    Although I may be confusing Russian and Mexican traditions here. Shunning all the spectacle and fanfare of the Latin Americans, Soviet Russian firing squads have tended to go for the single bullet in the back of the head. A dark basement deep within the Lubyanka as the venue. No last requests offered there in any flamboyant ceremonious show of chivalry.

    Speaking of Mexico

    How Chinese firms are using Mexico as a backdoor to the US (BBC) – gosh, who would have guessed the US under Joe Biden had a wide open backdoor on its southern border?

    The MoD may be flouting Sunak’s flagship latest major health intervention legacy – meanwhile another civil service department is also dead set against publicly stated government policy: Foreign Office ‘went against Rwanda plan’ (Telegraph)

    Despite (as journos love to say these days) that thumping Tory majority, the Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express puts out the No10 line that Labour are to blame for his repeatedly botched Rwanda policy. Not the civil servants. Not the courts. Not the NGOs… the liberal media… the charity activists… Not Rishi’s own lilly-livered apparent lack of will (as laid bare by our Suella’s resignation note)

    Blame it on Labour: Stop meddling! PM warns Labour it must pass Rwanda bill (Daily Express)

    Of course it is something of a truism that the blob that is our public sector would be a lot more comfortable working under a Labour-branded administration. The unions are already thinking of putting in big pay claims: Labour on course to inherit pay talks with agitated unions, amid demand for for more generous deals (‘i’)

    Because of course our public sector has been working so very hard recently and achieving super levels of service satisfaction to we tax payers (sarc – as the teenagers tend to text)

    Bearing in mind ‘openly’ English people with flags of St George can be nicked all day long by Mayor Khan’s Met police: PM refuses to back under-fire Met chief… Sir Mark Rowley faces questions over force’s ‘appaling’ treament of Jewish man (Telegraph); Jewish leaders call on Met chief to quit (Daily Mail) – the day that a British leader calls on the Met to show remorse over the treatment of an openly Englishman will likely be the day hell freezes over…

    Met Police apologises to Stephen Lawrence’s mother after breaking promise (BBC) – no further comment required there.

    In entertainment news

    Mr AsI was amused to note a poster hereabouts positing the teasing suggestion that our BBC was on the verge of launching a dedicated Taylor Swift channel

    Just the one BBC Swifty reference picked up for this review – and it’s a stonker of fan service: 13 times Taylor Swift made history

    As she releases her new album, The Tortured Poets Department, we’re bringing up Taylor Swift’s history: from dizzying Grammy records to reaching billionaire status and everything in between. (BBC)

    Now Mr AsI couldn’t hum a tune by our Swifty – even if his life depended on it – let’s imagine he was facing a Mexican firing squad. But I’m going to guess her sassy yet somewhat sex-less girly power persona targets mainly the schoolgirl and gay male demographics.

    The Daily Mail falls victim to the hype: What I discovered about the real Taylor Swift when I visited her £40m home. By her biggest superfan

    ‘I can’t breathe, nothing can beat this’: Taylor Swift gives a super-fan the best surprise ever as she turns up to her home to deliver tour merchandise

    The Mail pictures a smiley young chap receiving a little peck on the cheek from his idol while he’s wearing what looks to be a quickly improvised T-shirt with a home-made coloured felt-tipped pen slogan:‘ I Wanna Girl Like Taylor Swift’

    Wild speculation here but I’d wager this bloke has no girlfriend who would be likely to be discomforted by this pic. Perhaps there’s a boyfriend out there who would be jealous – that it wasn’t him that got to meet their idol?


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      > I guess the girls run just that little bit faster when there are men in the race with them?

      When I was at University more than eight centuries ago we had a very nice retired couple come along to coach athletics. They always used to set the girlies off first. This was great psychology because the boys ran faster to chase the girls, and the girls ran faster to escape the boys.


  26. JohnC says:


    Why did I immediately think of Jo Brand when I saw this ?


  27. andyjsnape says:

    Thames Water makes bid to lift bills by up to 44%

    But not immediately as the headline suggests, but over 5 years!

    “Thames Water is seeking to persuade the regulator to let it raise consumer bills by up to 44% over the next five years by increasing investment”

    Internet Search:- “In its annual report for the year ending 31 March 2022, Thames Water had reported annual revenues of around £2bn, generating a profit before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of around £1bn (a margin of around 50%).”

    “Thames Water is handing its new boss an annual salary worth £850,000, on top of £102,000 in yearly pension payments, and a £15,000 car allowance. He is also eligible for an annual bonus worth up to 156% of his salary – or £1.3m”

    Maybe the bbc could verify that!


  28. JohnC says:

    Israel military intelligence chief quits over 7 October

    No tinterested in anything the BBC might write about somethin glike this. I’m more interested in checking their morphing ‘official summary’ they include at the end of every article.

    ‘about 1,200 Israelis and foreigners – mostly civilians – were killed and 253 others were taken back to Gaza as hostages’

    ‘More than 34,000 Palestinians in Gaza – most of them children and women – have been killed in the conflict’

    This bugs me because the BBC are directly trying to infer an equivalence between the two as if the ‘killing’ is the same.

    Just imagine the uprorar from the Muslims and the Left if they wrote:

    ‘about 1,200 Israelis and foreigners – mostly civilians – were murdered and 253 others were taken back to Gaza as hostages’

    But that is what it actually was. I checked the definition with google. But it seems nobody wants to challenge the BBC about their refusal to acknowledge what happened was a terrorist attack any more.

    I think the protests and the treatment of people who do not conform by the Muslims and the BBC together have achieved the intended level of intimidation. This is how the Left will rule the world if they ever do manage their globalist dream free from any meaningful elections.


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello JohnC

      I read the “news” the bbc choose to tell us, and always double check it. Its the sheep that take it for gospel makes me laugh 🙂


  29. G says:

    Amazing. Met Office 7 day forecast for my Postcode. You make a mental note of the future 7 days as they predict but you only need to go in to check the very next day and that day and the future 3/4 provide something very different. the remainder up to 7 days will be bland and cloudy. Thus confirming that the Met Office is only truly any good for the next 2 days.

    Best bet? Stick yer head out the window and take a look…………..


    • moggiemoo says:

      On Saturday i was looking forward to it being dry all but one day this week. Last night that had changed to rain all week. 2 days? You must be joking. I often hear our local BBC news telling me how nice it is as I watch the rain running down the windows.


      • Deborah says:

        Friday Met forecast for Sunday night into Monday was a huge blue area covering most of the country but by yesterday the Met had reconsidered and it was going to be dry last night with just a white cover on the map, indicating cloud for today. I have just driven through 100 miles of pouring rain followed by 100 miles in lighter rain (stil needed the wipers on). So Friday’s forecast was more accurate than yesterday’s but the young lady on GBNews as I drove along talked about showers. Ruddy great big shower that followed me for 100 miles.


  30. StewGreen says:

    Tommy Robinson seemingly incredible news
    near the start of trial

    @MahyarTousi tweets
    Met Police officer, in court, admits the order against Tommy Robinson was not lawful.

    They completely messed this up.

    Of course UK courts are not a place for justice
    so I expect they will still stitch TR up

    The Met have been exposed again.


    • StewGreen says:

      Recent tweets from SGR
      Sounds like they found some body cam footage of Tommy’s arrest. Police previously couldn’t find any.
      It’s a “miracle”.

      … Police offer involved in the arrest says he was concerned about a “right wing group” and the crowd laughs. …

      This is the officer who issued the dispersal order.
      He claims to have given it “a lot of thought” and considered the right to free assembly, free expression before issuing it. To be “proportionate.”

      Claims he kept the order banning Tommy as small as possible, geographically speaking. And only issued it for 30 hours.
      (But it didn’t stay that way, did it?)

      Tommy’s lawyer gets the officer to admit he should have been careful and considerate when restricting rights.
      Officer, however, says he took two days to deliberate before issuing a dispersal order.

      There’s a problem with the dispersal order, it doesn’t seem to be properly signed or in effect.
      Officer: there’s a problem with the paperwork”

      Tommy’s lawyer: Do you have confidence there was a proper order in place?
      Officer: (shrugs) no

      Officers that day were told to deal with criminality and not peaceful assembly.

      The officer -the one who issued the clearly flawed dispersal order- was 4 miles away from the protest at the Israeli embassy.

      The officer is shown a document about how to deal with journalists at protests.
      Officer said he would need to see a press card.

      But Tommy’s lawyer shows him police advice which says digital journalism has changed the landscape, press cards largely irrelevant

      Oh ok. The officer explains he has dyslexia to excuse his paperwork errors.
      I’m not sure dyslexia will make you edit a document after the arrest of
      @TRobinsonNewEra to make a dispersal order valid, retroactively.


      • StewGreen says:

        Better live tweets from @potkazar
        Seems the officer making the order thought it was a PRO Palestine rally

        Police inspector Parker said there was a @PSCupdates demo.
        When asked what does PSC stand for? He said he didn’t know because he was dyslexic!
        (Palestine Solidarity Campaign)

        Gallery laughing at outrageous police inspector witness statements.
        Magistrate warned he will clear the public gallery if this continued


    • StewGreen says:


      Sky News reporter left the court room the moment the judge decided Tommy’s address shouldn’t be made public.
      Most likely coincidence in terms of timing… 😉


    • Guest Who says:

      Just got an email from Rebel News.

      They deserve the numbers so please visit.

      I’ll sample just one para also used by Stew:

      As if that wasn’t enough, it turns out one of the police officers who arrested Tommy doctored the paperwork after the fact — and he excused himself by saying he’s dyslexic.

      Does dyslexia make you do things like change paperwork?
      (Ed: Maybe Keir Starmer can not take a look?)

      What a circus.

      Can be seen at

      If you can help me cover the cost of my economy-class airfare from Canada, and my modest hotel room, please do — unlike Sky News, Rebel News isn’t a large corporation, and unlike the BBC, we don’t get any government money.

      Yours truly,

      Sheila Gunn Reid
      Chief Reporter
      Rebel News

      I just might just contribute, but these days that gets you logged.


  31. Terminal Moraine says:

    R5 just now on Rwanda statement — who do the BBC turn to for their lengthy commentary? That’s right an Australian human rights lawyer heading up the charity Freedom from Torture: caption = ‘Refugees welcome, always’. Sonya thinks UK “numbers are very small in the big scheme of things” and that “we” are not taking so many in comparison.


    Photo for JohnC’s pleasure.



    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I wonder how many Afghans she’s got in her spare room?


    • Guest Who says:

      What’s that you say… the BBC goes straight out to find a reliable expert quotee to run with?
      The narrative that has been pushed is not accurate’
      Former Met Police Chief Superintendent Dal Babu spoke to #BBCBreakfast about how police treated antisemitism campaigner Gideon Falter during a pro-Palestinian demonstration in London

      The BBC is the biggest narrative pusher in the infirmament.


      • digg says:

        I noticed that, the guy was rolled on with such speed that “Damage Limitation” comes to mind. The guy also managed to use the interview to roll out the old chestnut about black police not having the same opportunities as white ones. This told me all I needed to know about this fella and his agenda!


    • taffman says:

      We are a small nation with insufficient infrastructure and space . e.g., land space / population. There are many countries on the globe that can take them. Why always GB?


  32. Terminal Moraine says:

    Not BBC but Guardian obfuscation:

    “‘Honour-based’ abuse in England increases 60% in two years”. And up 193% since 2016. Lawyer Imran Khodabocus thinks it’s down to undefined global political issues, delays in the family courts… and more of something called ‘rigid thinking’ that results in vague scenarios where unspecified people “feel they must defend their, or their families’, honour.”

    Who knows what that means? Some sort of boom in medieval chivalric orders? Imran doesn’t say, nor does the Guardian hack Haroon Siddique, both of whom we can trust not to obscure any obvious factors that could better explain the rapid rise.


  33. digg says:

    The left-wing US press and more quietly the BBC are revelling in the Trump Trial.

    There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the current White House and the legal profession have joined forces to push this almost criminal action. I think they at the very least hope that this will hamper Trump’s ability to campaign by dragging out the trial as long as possible throughout the campaigning season in the hope that this will damage Trumps chance of election.

    However I think a lot more US people than they think also see what is going on and will be prepared to reject a vicious and unparalleled political process that is desperate enough to use bogus third World tactics to stay in power.

    I just hope that the majority of the American public can see which way the Dems are taking The Country and the Justice system with this desperation and give them the heavy boot out they deserve.

    However much they dislike it, the left cartel cannot pursue and punish every American who votes the “wrong” way and I believe there will be hordes, whatever the outcome of the Trump case.

    It brings the phrase”Trumped Up Charges’ into sharp focus.


  34. tvlicensingblog says:

    More new articles from the BBC TV Licensing Blog for the start of the week:
    BBC Commits to £6m Investment in Online Education Platform
    Former BBC News Presenter Martine Croxall Begins Discrimination Legal Action

    If you haven’t already done so, please download our totally free ebook TV Licensing Laid Bare.

    The 70 page book is packed full of information about the harassment and intimidation meted out by the BBC in the name of TV licence enforcement.

    Happy St George’s Day to everyone (when it arrives): Fly the flag proudly.


    • taffman says:

      The Royal Navy has flown the St George Flag for hundreds of years, its part of the White Ensign. Why are so many English people against it ?

      It is also part of the Union Flag, is it not ?

      Dark forces are at work undermining our nation’s patriotism and pride . They have been for more than twenty years. We are a great nation, hence ‘Great Britain’, be proud of it!


      • Fedup2 says:

        Taffman – depends on your definition of ‘English ‘…. We are an endangered species these days due to Far Left planning to destroy the country – and I think they’ve done it …

        The vermin washing up at Dover each day are going to cause more serious damage than we know …. Sink the boats …


        • Scroblene says:

          Fed, an old chum was at an England v France rugby match a few years ago, and when La Marseillaise was started, he just yelped a few unintelligible squawks, shouted some stupid gobbledegook in tune with the music, and generally made people next to him very inquisitive to have such an eloquent follower of ‘Les Bleus’ in their midst!

          He even got welcomed – as we do in England – to their bunch of supporters, and congratulated on his knowledge of the words to the anthem!

          My chum never knew a single word of the song, and, after several pints, (more than several – ahem), wouldn’t have been able to sing them anyway…


  35. StewGreen says:

    There is an Australian based Twitter account “Syrian Girl @Partisangirl” with an incredible 384K followers
    Posts are very anti-Israel and very pro Hamas

    Yet last week she was Community Noted for tweeting
    “the #BondiJunction attacker’s name, Benjamin Cohen”
    a wacky conspiracy theory that the Bondi attacker was a Jewish terrorist

    Then today she was Community Noted for tweeting a video and labeling it “Colombia rises for Palestine.”
    … yet the video actually shows People were marching in protest against the government’s policies in Colombia


  36. tomo says:


  37. tomo says:

    The Duran guys opine on Germany….


  38. digg says:

    Oh my god, climate change is causing flooding in South East Asia.

    I lived in Singapore as a child in the 1950’s for two years and from May onwards for the next couple of months we witnessed massive downpours which would flood the roads to a depth of 3 feet or so in half an hour or so. Then the rain clouds would pass and the sun would dry out the roads in an hour or so.

    Hey BBC and all you climate zealots, it’s called the monsoon season and happens most years, some heavier than others….


  39. StewGreen says:

    Huw Edwards resignd “Leaving on Medical advice”


    • Eddy Booth says:

      BBC has done a great job not mentioning that the young person was male.


  40. Fedup2 says:

    The country mourns … classic FM 4am beckons …


  41. tomo says:


  42. tomo says:

    and so it begins


  43. tomo says:


  44. andyjsnape says:

    Bye Huw, hope he’s not been on full pay c/o the tv licence


    • Scroblene says:

      290,000 quid in his pocket since all that…

      Nearly three-hundred grand!

      1,715 TV tax payers must feel so happy, knowing that he’s had all that money for doing sod all. Fat cats in W1AA rub their grubby little hands together, knowing that it’ll all blow over very soon.

      What an utter disgrace the ‘national’ broadcaster is these days – squirting out payoffs to deny their incompetence, and showing nothing more than a puffed-up pretence at being a decent organisation.

      A proper commercial firm would have disciplined and got rid of the bloke within days, but beeboids always protect their own.



  45. tomo says:


    • Guest Who says:

      Liz still around?

      This episode of Blondes Have Fun Stirring seems to have energised the outrage community.

      As one trained in engineering and science I still concede the latest stuff in climate escapes me, but I do know how to look at things to see if they add up.

      Way before computer modelling bridges still had to avoid falling down. Lives depend on it. Clifton Suspension.. Golden Gate etc. Don’t mention Tacoma Narrows.

      However, I look at computer modelling results in the field, and these things stills seem at best punts. The MET Office, that randy bloke from UCL, etc.

      So I place myself on par with Liz.

      Except I know precisely what Chris actually ‘knows’, and it is likely on par with poor Luke, invited on to drive ratings by some PPE grads in the production room as the gormless bimbo gurns.

      So really it’s just a media cluster FUBAR monkey spanking fest, where ‘truth’ is when a fellow dimwit agrees with them.


      • Scroblene says:

        Nicely summed up Guest…

        Isn’t Packham an irritating git! He’s on track to lose so many votes for red-labour’s ridiculous nutzero ‘policies’, he may as well stand for Diane’s seat for what it’s worth!


  46. StewGreen says:

    Tommy trial : the arresting officer failed to use the correct section 35 wording
    missing the words “without reasonable excuse”

    When Tommy tried to explain to an officer he was trying to work ( in other words, offer a reasonable excuse as per the mandatory wording of the dispersal notice),
    another officer replied “I don’t care.”
    It’s on video.

    There were 35 seconds between the presentation of the dispersal order and the arrest of Tommy Robinson
    In those 35 seconds, Tommy is moving with officers, not resisting.

    There are 3 accounts sympathetic to TR who re live tweeting the trial
    .. no establishment or MSM are live tweeting it


    • tomo says:

      .. no establishment or MSM are live tweeting it

      of course – just chuck him in jail again….. job done.


    • StewGreen says:

      Seems Chief inspector Fisher issued a section 35 order that said 2pm
      #1 his authority didn’t cover the area.
      #2 Sergeant Valdi was on the ground and enforced the order incorrectly cos he did the wrong time 1pm
      #3 also used the wrong wording
      #4 The computer officer Fipps Parker then altered the order afterwards and said he couldn’t find the original
      #5 Sergeant Valdi made multiple contradictions eg aid TR was given a map, when there was no map to give


  47. tomo says:

    Okay…. MI6 boss uses pronouns and ….


  48. tomo says:

    not so happy …..


  49. BRISSLES says:

    Alan Whittaker aside, Michael Palin is the best of travelogue reporters, yet like Parkinson, the Beeb cocked up the relationship with these guys and lost them to other channels.
    Palin in Nigeria (channel 5) is another gem, but Michael is 81 and was probably loaded up to his eyes with inoculations, to combat his vulnerability in the poverty stricken areas of Lagos. However it will be a very sad day when he hangs up his shoulder satchel for good.


  50. andyjsnape says:

    Police in Bradford inundated with female runners’ abuse stories

    “As a crackdown on the behaviour continues”

    Surely not in a foreign city like Bradford


    • Eddy Booth says:

      An inundation so great that the BBC can’t even quote a single solid example of the exact abuse; nearest is “funny looks …beeping their horn at you or shouting things.”


    • Guest Who says:

      Ah, I see the issue here now, thanks to all in politics and media the last few days.

      What these females should not be doing there is provoking the locals by being outdoors, running.


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      Clearly the police should have arrested these running girlies for breach of the peace. Don’t these wimmin realise that there could be muslims walking along these roads?