223 Responses to Start the Week 13th May 2024

  1. tomo says:


  2. tomo says:



  3. tomo says:


  4. StewGreen says:

    Warren Smith the critical thinking teacher
    persuaded students not to just join the dogmatic HATE gang against J K Rowling
    Normally he would have been fired straight away , but was protected by the way Elon Musk made his video go viral

    Only now after 6 months , his school have suddenly fired him and seized his computer.


    • Guest Who says:

      The vicious inevitability of this does not surprise but still shocks.

      One day there must be an accounting.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Three teachers in Batley UK ask if they can come out from hiding yet?


  5. andyjsnape says:

    Putin hails army ‘heroes’ and warns off West in WW2 parade

    bbc trying to make a story, for example

    “There were 9,000 people marching across the square. Sounds a lot. But in previous years – before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – the numbers were often higher” Often higher? So not always then!

    Didn’t bother to read on


  6. Guest Who says:

    Try reading Animal Farm before quoting from your the dust jacket. Alex. You clearly haven’t understood who Orwell was thinking of when describing the Pigs

    It hardly seems possible, but he is actually dumber and more pompous than Simpo.

    And wrong.


    All five in eight hrs.


  7. tomo says:

    Been on the sherry?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Can we kick her door down? Or just others?
      Is it a front door or back door?
      Can we enter via the skylight?


      • Fedup2 says:

        She really is the ideal deputy head of State -and maybe embodies the Times 
.. -I was going to write ‘ and people voted for her and her boss ‘- but actually they didn’t that much 


        • MarkyMark says:

          Word Soup ….

          Boris Johnson praises Peppa Pig in bizarre CBI speech


          • Rob in Cheshire says:

            I wrote to my MP after that speech, saying Boris was clearly unfit to be PM.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      We’ve all had a drink.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I bloody luv yoo – yoo looking at my bird ?( he ain’t worth it fed up – leave it ) 
 30 minutes of east Enders there 


        • Rob in Cheshire says:

          Sleepy Joe is all that stands between her and the presidency!


  8. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      Desmond Tutu starring Warwick Davis and Justin ‘Black Faced’ Trudeau


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yes – another image of the insanity of our time 

      In the enlightened future ( if there is one ) they will look at that at wonder ‘ what were they thinking ‘
 although in the alternative Orwellian future there will be no ‘thinking ‘ – you’d get a FPN or bullet for that crime of thought 


  9. tomo says:

    The Guardian…


    • Docmarooned says:

      Sounds like that well known GB News expert the clown Jim Dale who has no qualifications whatsoever but is touted as an expert. He knows nothing and is a tedious bore.


    • StewGreen says:

      Senior senior senior meteorologist Jim NR Dale @BritWeatherSvs
      tweeted back
      “I see you are still in desperate mislead zone đŸ€«”

      He got 6 Likes


  10. MarkyMark says:

    On YouTube – to left clickable image – Hijab Fashion Unveiled – HA H AH AH AHAHA HA!

    “Modest fashion, major style
    Step into the diverse world of Hijabi fashion, where creators share tips, tricks, and their go-to styles for every occasion”




    • Jeff says:

      There’s a button on You Tube that allows you to report inappropriate or offensive material.

      So, that’s what I did…

      This is just more quite blatant Islamification of our country. They even have the cowardly gall to use the Islamists own phrases like, “modestly dressed.”

      They won’t be satisfied until we’re all kneeling, facing east and praising Allah.

      God, these pathetic gimps make my flesh crawl…


  11. tomo says:




  12. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story 
 BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’

 sorry if this makes you feel sick or generates hatred, but why aren’t the BBC interested in Maria Ladenburge’s killer being brought to justice and why the killer did it 

      The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid {gatesofvienna.net sep2017}

      The accused entered the courtroom with shackles on hands and feet at 9:05am. First he read out loud a letter of apology, and he asked the family of the murdered Maria Ladenburger for forgiveness, Focus reports.

      “I wish I could undo everything. What I have done, I am deeply sad about that from the bottom of my heart.” (Hussein K.)

      Then he went on to recount the events of the night of the murder:

      He had been drinking with three friends and he had smoked hashish. Because he was extremely drunk, he was thrown out of the bar. At some time after that, he was on his way home. At the [river] Dreisam, the girl on her bicycle approached him.

      He kicked against the bicycle, which caused the girl to fall off. She screamed. He held her mouth shut. Then he strangled her with her shawl until she was unconscious.

      “When I saw how pretty she was, I wanted to have sex with her.” (Hussein K.)

      Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:

      “It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)

      According to his testimony he was too drunk to achieve an erection, so he inserted his hand. Since he had a previous injury from a bicycle accident, he pulled her into the river to wash his blood from her body. There he left her and fled.

      BBC Last Touched on this story “Afghan murder suspect in Germany was jailed in Greece (convicted of attempted murder in Greece)” {bbc.co.uk dec2016}
      Germans were outraged by the murder of Maria L, a student in Freiburg who volunteered for a refugee charity.
      He was given a 10 year-sentence but was apparently freed after about 18 months.

      – BBC £3.5bn News Service Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’ found wanting, the real world is just to horrible to report
      – Lady Gaga reveals chronic illness, with fibromyalgia featuring in her new documentary (sales pitch!)


      • StewGreen says:

        @Marky apologies for double checking, you did err
        I searched bbc.co.uk for Maria Ladenburger Freiburg
        We shouldn’t be lulled into the false idea that the BBC IGNORES evil migrant crimes
        cos it is worse than that : It SPINS them to be able to say “The far right are the danger”

        7 March 2019 – How the far right hijacked a teenager’s murder

        8 June 2018 : quick mention in a list of similar migrant crimes

        22 March 2018 – Germany migrant jailed for life for murdering Freiburg student

        12 January 2018 – Apple health data used in murder trial

        5 September 2017 – German Freiburg murder: Migrant posed as 16 in asylum bid

        9 December 2016 – Germany migrants: Freiburg murder arrest fuels tensions


        • MarkyMark says:

          No one goes to the second page!

          Good work – I think I searched for “Maria Freiburg”


        • MarkyMark says:

          “To err is human, to forgive divine” a quote from Alexander Pope’s poem An Essay on Criticis


    • Fedup2 says:

      Tomo – I wonder how many countries do this -? And whether the ‘table’ wouid reflect the same third world hierarchy across Euroistan?

      Non publication of readily available data just smacks of the appeasement policy so loved by the current uni party regime 


  13. Guest Who says:

    ‘Funnily’ enough, the last time Allison Bailey was starting a court hearing, the BBC did this on the same day, while deliberately ignoring the case.
    I’ve no doubt that it will also ignore Allison’s hearing today as it platforms more male drag
    it’s becoming a habit

    Luckily the national broadcaster is not all about such as this, Eurofarce, Newsnight on Ice with Boas
 it is also that Lineker Thing, That Champion Thing, That


    • StewGreen says:

      Are you suggesting the TransSupremacist BiasedBBC has been doing some more drag PR today ?

      They have .. and they got really ratioed : 16 Likes vs 260 replies

      Does the BBC give disproportionate positive coverage to trans and drag queens ?
      @bbcworldservice here
      and @bbcworld here
      and @bbcnews here

      BTW they already did PR for that same performer 3 weeks ago
      .. https://twitter.com/BBCNews/status/1782650212084797811


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        Why would a drag queen have a beard? It makes no sense. I don’t recall Danny La Rue ever sporting a full set, not even a moustache.


        • Scroblene says:

          You’ve clearly never enjoyed the pleasures of Mrs Amelia Nosepoultice, of 12, Acacia gardens, Scunthorpe!

          Her extraneous bodily hair-arrangement routine is one to make your superbly sexual fantasies quibble, and even extend, and don’t take it from me, just ask around…

          Some Russian Politicians have been known to change their views on communism after half an hour on the Workmate with the good lady…


  14. MarkyMark says:

    “Weight loss jab ‘could reduce heart attack risk'”

    Lisa Shaw: Presenter’s death due to complications of Covid vaccine
    Published 26 August 2021
    “The inquest heard the condition linked to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was very rare.”

    AstraZeneca withdraws Covid-19 vaccine worldwide, citing surplus of newer vaccines Wed 8 May 2024 03.18 BST


  15. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      Here are the Arab countries …

      “Neom: Confront Saudi leaders over futuristic city death, human rights groups urge UK
      Published 10 hours ago”

      “Hundreds of migrants killed by Saudi border guards – report
      Published 21 August 2023”

      “Iran is responsible for the “physical violence” that led to the death of Mahsa Amini in September 2022 and sparked nationwide protests of the country’s mandatory headscarf, or hijab, laws and its ruling theocracy, a United Nations fact-finding mission said Friday.9 Mar 2024”


      • Guest Who says:

        Construction cities of actual death vs….


        Of course the new political regime is shoehorning mental health in from birth to grave.

        Maybe because they and their media supporters are a few boas short of a flounce.


        • MarkyMark says:

          “Three quarters of UK construction workers with poor mental health said at some point they continued to work in a dangerous situation despite the increased risk involved. In addition, more than one quarter of construction workers (27%) have taken time off in the last 12 months due to poor mental health, with almost half of them (46%) taking at least one week off.”


      • Fedup2 says:

        That’s a very good point – bearing in mind that the oil producers are making more money than they know what to do with – one might think they’d be the ones doing airdrops and building harbours rather than the US or UK

        But maybe they just prefer buying football clubs 


  16. StewGreen says:

    The Allison Bailey court case today mentioned above is an appeal
    .. black barrister Allison Bailey, was subject to a pile on by trans-extremists instigated by Stonewall which asked her employer to sack her
    In the first case she won her claim for unfair dismissal
    however the court declined to find Stonewall responsible.
    Today the case is an appeal against that part.
    .. https://twitter.com/BluskyeAllison/status/1789741069007036631
    .. I expect no result will come quickly


  17. wwfc says:

    Just a few years ago this was all a conspiracy theory and they would never get people to eat bugs lol


    • MarkyMark says:

      ‘Disgust factor’ must be overcome if planet-friendly insect food to become mainstream
      Only 13% of the 603 people questioned said they would be willing to regularly eat insect snacks – many expected it to look unappealing and taste bad.

      Tuesday 14 May 2024 07:00, UK

      . . . . . .



      • Fedup2 says:

        I reckon once they put out cricket crisps©at the food bank they’ll be fighting for them 
 cockroach crunch ©might be a harder sell 

        But I do recall in my A level biology class doing something with pure protein insect thoraxes ? Which suggested they be ‘good eating ‘

        Maybe as far as the ‘obesity crisis ‘ when red labour give out food tokens instead of taxpayers ‘ cash their calorie intake might come down a bit 
        Whether 8 million ? ‘Economically inactive ( not working ) equates with the number of fatties I don’t know 
. But maybe one way of cutting benefits would be it have food taxes 


    • StewGreen says:

      As ever you first ask “is this #PRasNews ?”
      then you skip to the end of the article
      “The study’s findings are being presented at this week’s European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Venice.”

      yes the article is another of today’s #PRasNews articles promoting the ECO
      .. Note the article doesn’t have a byline naming a journo.

      Comcast Skynews own tweet got heavily ratioed
      and this reply got 8 times more Likes
      One reply got 8 times more Likes


      • Fedup2 says:

        Bet the buffet will be ‘industrial ‘..


        • StewGreen says:

          Ha I did a quick search on
          @EASOobesity dinner
          .. No huge gotchas except for one fat chap at the BBQ with a big plate of meat
          I guess their PR people keep an eye out

          It is a serious subject .. and isn’t lobster like a large insect ?
          We used to catch and eat grasshoppers in Korea .. no taste


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      And if the mountain of propaganda doesn’t work there’s always gene editing to make you comply with the diktat.

      Matthew Liao / Director of the Center for Bioethics, NYU School of Global Public Health:


      • MarkyMark says:

        “However, this has begun to shift during the past two to three decades. The growing demands, influences from Western-style diets, rising incomes and social status are the forces that are driving China to consume more meat.”


  18. Guest Who says:

    https://twitter.com/pressgazette/status/1790335581634928993New: BBC makes ‘substantial payout’ to Diana chauffeur over Martin Bashir slander



    • StewGreen says:

      Add the new payment to the list that LICENCE PAYERS
      have paid out due to Martin Bashir



  19. Terminal Moraine says:

    BBC getting another pummelling in the comments about their strange fetishes:


  20. Guest Who says:

    To gather the information requested, the state broadcaster said an extensive manual search and review of each contract concluded by the corporation would be required. What sort of toxic work environment is this taxpayer-funded behemoth percolating?

    Seems oddly familiar. Is CBC part of TNI?


  21. wwfc says:


  22. Fedup2 says:

    The biggest threat is from the Far Right – read on from the DT

    STARTS Two men have appeared in court accused of plotting to carry out an Islamic State-inspired marauding gun attack against the Jewish community in the North West.

    Walid Saadaoui, 36, and Amar Hussein, 50, were arrested at addresses in Wigan and Bolton last week and were also allegedly planning to target police officers and members of the military.

    They appeared at Westminster magistrates’ court on Tuesday charged with the preparation of terrorist acts between Dec 13 2023 and May 9 2024.

    Bilel Saadaoui, 35, also appeared before the court accused of making arrangements for Walid Saadaoui – his brother – after his death.

    He pleaded not guilty to a charge of failing to disclose information about an act of terrorism between the same dates.

    ‘Intention to cause fatalities’
    Prosecutor Rebecca Waller told the court: “Mr Saadoui and Mr Hussein, are said to have planned a Daesh-inspired terrorist attack in the UK during which they intended to cause multiple fatalities using automatic weapons.

    “The main targets of their attack plans were the Jewish community in the northwest of England and members of both law enforcement and military.

    “Both defendants took significant steps to prepare, and by May 2024 had reached the point at which, they believed, they were in a position in which they were ready to launch the attack. Bilel Saadoui is Walid Saadoaui’s younger brother.


  23. wwfc says:


  24. Fedup2 says:

    It seems the massive manhunt for the French escapee has ended in a dinghy at Dover 
 this may not be true 
but no one will check it 


  25. MarkyMark says:

    “Yeo says he wanted to “minimise the visual distractions and allow people to connect with the human being underneath””





  26. MarkyMark says:

    From a Theresa May speech …

    As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’




  27. MarkyMark says:

    “Turkish forces target villages in Manbij, northern Syria, with artillery”


    “Turkish bombing renewed on SDF positions in Maranaz and the vicinity of Tal Rifaat, north of Aleppo”


  28. The Mouse says:

    The labour idiots and/or liars tell us that they will smash the gangs landing the ‘foreign’ migrants on our shores. This they tell us can be done by working closely with the French.

    Today we see the report on the BBC news website about France, please read below the dotted lines. If they can’t control what goes on within their own borders does anyone really believe they want to help us control ours. It’s all crap for the electorate to swallow. Tories are no better. Vote REFORM.

    BBC report (14th May 2024)
    A ‘spectacular explosion of violence’ in French drugs trade
    As we just reported, today’s ambush came on the same day a French Senate report says France is being “submerged” by drugs crime. Here are some quotes from that report:

    “With the simultaneous explosion of both supply and demand, no part of the national territory and no social class is beyond the reach of drugs crime
 drugs traffic is infiltrating everywhere, with a concomitant exacerbation of violence”
    “The spread of drugs crime is not just the result of foreign mafias. It is also the work of structured and dangerous French organisations who act without any limit be it financial, territorial or in the exercise of violence”
    “The intensification of drugs traffic in rural areas and medium-sized towns is accompanied by a spectacular and disturbing explosion of violence which can expose citizens to veritable scenes of war”

    Expect UK to follow.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “The labour idiots and/or liars tell us that they will smash the gangs landing the ‘foreign’ migrants on our shores. This they tell us can be done by working closely with the French.”

      . . . . . . previously ……

      Diane Abbott – Harris Report youtube

      A bit of background before you start watching Diane Abbott in action. The Lord Harris Review (oct2016) on terror attacks said we should put up barriers (recommendation 31) on the Bridges in London to protect pedestrians, Diane had not read or forgotten the report – who if elected would be in charge of UK security.

      Diane Abbott struggles to answer questions on anti-terror report – video


    • MarkyMark says:

      2019 …

      Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade

      This article is more than 5 years old

      ‘They’re sophisticated, clever – and they always deliver’: from the ports of Europe to the streets of London, one criminal network is now at the top of the UK’s £5bn trade

      Mark Townsend Home Affairs Editor
      Sun 13 Jan 2019 07.00 GMT



  29. G.W.F. says:

    BBC News. People of Georgia, led by the yang, want to look to the future, want to join the EU.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Enlargement of the European Union


      “During the enlargement process, the Commission helps countries wishing to join the EU to meet the necessary criteria for membership, and supports them in implementing the related economic and democratic reforms.

      Results of reforms must be solid, sustainable and irreversible.”

      sustainable and irreversible.
      sustainable and irreversible.
      sustainable and irreversible.
      sustainable and irreversible.

      Candidate countries
      Current candidate countries are:

      Bosnia and Herzegovina
      North Macedonia


      • kingkp says:

        The European Union is just an extension of the Soviet system. It has its own Politburo just like every Western ‘Democracy’. I suggest you read ‘The Perestroika Deception’ by KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn. Many swivelled-eyed conspiracy loons understand that the Soviet system was established and controlled by the same Wall Street bankers that currently control the FED and the BIS. Democracy in the West has always been a charade. It’s just a question of how much freedom your controllers are willing to allow you.
        As that great psychopath, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov stated – ‘The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves’. The Bolsheviks, just like the Nazis, could never have gained political control without the backing of the Wall Street bankers. It’s also the reason why the war in Ukraine will last many years as it drains the resources of the West and leaves it prey to the vultures. If this were a real war, you would not destroy your infrastructure and energy security whilst simultaneously threatening another country with annihilation. It is all choreographed.
        We are seeing the final unraveling, the great lament, the apocalypse call it what you will. But you haven’t seen anything yet as things are going to get considerably more weird over the next few years.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think they are all thinking of getting a dinghy from Calais 


  30. StewGreen says:

    “Walid Saadaoui and Amar Hussein* have been charged with the preparation of terrorist acts between 13 December 2023 and 9 May 2024.
    * assisted by an Arabic interpreter’”

    BBC “Mr Saadaoui’s 35-year-old brother Bilel,.., was tearful as he pleaded not guilty to failing to disclose information about the alleged plans.”

    intended to target “the Jewish community in the North West of England
    and members of both law enforcement and military“.

    “Prosecutor Rebecca Waller said the alleged plan had been inspired by the Islamic State group.”

    What’s the proper headline ?
    since at least 1 seems foreign born
    ..”Immigrant pair inspired by ISIS in court for planning terrorist attacks
    .. brother helps in cover up ” ?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Build more Mosques (c) Rishi Theresa Cameron


      • StewGreen says:

        I suspect their 3D chess logic is that , they should beat up more Tommies
        cos that that would signal to Muslim immigrants that the police are pro Muslim, therefore they feel less alienated
        and are less inclined to do actual terrorist attacks .

        Anyway good work by the police in the aspect of stopping this planned attack.


  31. MarkyMark says:

    For fun ..
    “Doreen passes on valuable lessons from her recent Unconscious Bias training course.”



  32. wwfc says:

    Again nice English names ..


  33. Foscari says:

    I wonder if the same BBC “crew” who pick the
    audiences for ” Question Time” were involved in
    picking the jurors for the Uk’S representation for
    the Eurovision Song Contest?
    What were the requirements for these jurors? What
    boxes did the have to tick. Could one of them been
    that they had to be supporters of Hamas? Because they
    gave the Israeli entry NUL points. Whilst the popular vote
    from the UK gave Israel the top 12 points. As did 13 other


  34. wwfc says:


  35. StewGreen says:

    New Farage clip on Mass Immigration getting traction


  36. Thoughtful says:

    US consumer debt has hit a new record. Normally when times are good this would be a sign of irresponsibility and confidence, but this is a really bad sign, US families cannot afford the cost of living and are running huge debts just to survive, buying the essentials of life.

    The big question is, what happens when the credit cards are maxed out and there’s no credit left?

    “Total consumer debt in the US surged by $184 billion, or 1.1%, from the prior quarter to a fresh high of $17.69 trillion in Q1 2024. Overall borrowing levels are $3.5 trillion above they were at the end of 2019. Mortgage balances shown on consumer credit reports increased by $190 billion during the first quarter of 2024 and stood at $12.44 trillion at the end of March. Credit card balances, which are now at $1.12 trillion outstanding, decreased by $14 billion during the first quarter but remain 13.1% above the level a year ago. Auto loan balances increased by $9 billion, continuing the upward trajectory that has been in place since 2020Q2, and now stand at $1.62 trillion. Other balances, which include retail cards and other consumer loans, decreased by $11 billion. Overall delinquency rates hit 3.2% during the first quarter of 2024, up from 3.1% in the last three months of 2023, but remained below the 4.7% seen at the end of 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic.”


  37. StewGreen says:

    Interesting FoxNews take on the Trump trial


  38. Foscari says:

    I just watched on the Londonistan Programme on the BBC.
    A political party broadcast in support of Hamas. For
    nearly ten minutes we saw student supporters of the
    terrorists , in their face masks telling us that we in the UK
    should have nothing to do with the Yids.
    Maybe not everyone knows that the government want
    nothing to do the N.U.S. who want to ban their Jewish
    I expect that one of the plethora of anarchist Marxist news
    editors gave permission for the students be allowed to be interviewed in their masks. The one Jewish student who did
    not have a face mask . Told us how the Jewish students feel
    very threatened by the supporters of Hamas at their
    universities and colleges in the capitol.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I wonder what Islamic Hamas would have to do to be referred to as a ‘terrorist group ‘ by the BBC ? Live slaughter of ‘the one show presenters ‘ ? Full assault on a Saturday night dancing show ? Or maybe that’s just Israel’s fault 


  39. Guest Who says:

    Who is having a L’OrĂ©al moment now?


    Beeb SALARIES:

    Robinson ÂŁ275-280k Simpson ÂŁ178-185k
    Furness ÂŁ400k
    Spring, 27yo: an FoI request was REFUSED, because the BBC is “independent and impartial”, right.



    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      I assume you mean (Ms D) Turness instead of “Furness”, what with the letters “f” and “t” being so close on the keyboard.


  40. Thoughtful says:

    What is the name of the drug? If it’s Ozempic then there is plenty of testing by the loony Americans falling over their fat guts to get hold of it.


  41. Philip_2 says:

    Princess Diana’s ex-chauffeur compensated by BBC after The Crown revealed Bashir lied about him

    (excerpt) DT – Today: 14th May 2024

    ‘The BBC is to pay compensation to Princess Diana’s former chauffeur after the Netflix programme The Crown revealed that Martin Bashir had lied about him.

    Steve Davies lost his job in March 1996 “without explanation” after “many years” in the role but is now thought to have been paid around £20,000 by the BBC in compensation.

    “Steve Davies (chauffeur) feeds Today newspaper;” he wrote, adding that Bashir had advised: “Change your chauffeur”.

    However the detail had received little attention in the reporting of Lord Dyson’s findings until it was picked up by the producers of Netflix drama The Crown, and used in season five, broadcast in late 2022.

    The scene showed Bashir telling the Princess that his sources at MI6 had informed him that Mr Davies, as well as other members of her staff, was in on a deal to spy on her because she was considered a threat. Mr Davies sued the BBC for slander, citing Bashir’s “serious and unfounded allegations”.

    “In all the circumstances the claimant holds the BBC liable for the serious impact the repetition of this false allegation has had,” she added.

    The BBC accepted that the allegations were totally fabricated.
    Samuel Rowe, for the BBC, apologised to Mr Davies on behalf of the corporation.

    The BBC is understood to have paid Mr Davies around £20,000 in compensation, as well as his legal fees. BBC insiders suggested the payment was for “essentially a Netflix portrayal”.

    Lord Dyson, the former Master of the Rolls, published a scathing report in 2021, concluding that Bashir had deployed “deceitful behaviour” to secure the explosive interview and that the BBC had covered it up in a “woefully ineffective” internal investigation led by former director-general Lord Hall.

    Tim Davie, director-general of the BBC, issued a statement at the time vowing never to show the discredited interview in whole or in part again. He said the BBC had let the late Princess, the Royal family and its audience down.

    The BBC has also paid £100,000 in damages to Patrick Jephson, Diana’s former private secretary, a settlement worth an estimated £750,000 to Matt Wiessler, the graphic designer who forged documents for Bashir, and £50,000 to Mark Killick, the former Panorama journalist who first raised concerns about the interview more than 25 years ago


    As an afterthought. I wondered where the BBC gets all its money from – (to pay the many justified claims against the lifeless corporate body). But (in answer) I soon realised that almost ALL complaints against the BBC are ignored. Unless its really BIG court case and ONLY then do they admit it when the evidence is clear and they loose the court case.

    Its a fact. We know the BBC lies constantly. Its a war against the UK public who are forced to pay for it and pick up the legal fees. Its what they do best.

    BBC upheld just 25 complaints of bias in five years
    The BBC’s internal watchdog has been dismissed as “unfit for purpose” after it emerged that just 25 complaints of bias have been formally upheld in the past five years.
    In the same period, the BBC received 1.7 million complaints, of which more than 600,000 are likely to have been about bias, based on previous data.”


  42. Fedup2 says:

    Standard state broadcaster appeasement 
 don’t mention Islam or Mohammed – just tell the punters about 14 year olds with pictures of Hitler on their bedroom wall – the threat from the Far Right – right 77 brigade ? ( note to file )


  43. Fedup2 says:

    Midweek thread starts here . Thanks for contributions