Start the Week 20th May 2024

Monday sees the cover up report about the infected blood the NHS injected into thousands of victims . The NHS is approved by the BBC so coverage of the report will rapidly disappear – to be replaced by traditional criticism of the current regime’s response to said inquiry …. The victims deserve to be remembered and helped and compensated . And for the NHS – don’t forget to clap

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291 Responses to Start the Week 20th May 2024

  1. Northern Voter says:

    I’ve just been surfing YouTube, a couple of blogs regarding the sports person. It’s surprising how many commenters are saying please let it be Gary Lineker. Oh by the way 1st. Pity he’s not after compo.


    • harry142857 says:

      BBC headline – Live –

      Reports say the helicopter – one of three travelling in a convoy – made a “hard landing” after it got into difficulties in heavy fog in the north of the country.

      Hard landing, isn’t that a crash?

      Impartial news from the Beeb’s ‘ finest ‘

      Updates from BBC Persian and Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet.

      Will there be much happening at midnight, local time.
      No mention of sports presenter arrested and questioned over kiddy fiddling. Surely not another BBC wrong-un.


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Northern – yes – a lot of references to ‘crisp salesman ‘ but it seems there is an injunction preventing publication of the name . I reckon it will be a ‘lesser ‘ presenter otherwise a ‘big name ‘ would have leaked …

    Meanwhile the President of Iran might hopefully be dead – will they blame the Israelis ?


  3. G.W.F. says:

    Missing Iranian politician. BBC shows people praying for his safety

    Elsewhere there are firework celebrations in anticipation of his departure for Allah Akibar

    Nioh Berg ♛ ✡︎ אסתר

    Celebratory fireworks in Iran after Ebrahim Raisi’s death.

    Iranians are overjoyed at the death of the Butcher of Tehran.


    • JohnC says:

      It takes a special kind of brainwashing to think that praying for something AFTER it has happened can influence what is already done.


      • atlas_shrugged says:

        Should we all be out dancing in the streets in celebration after the news from Iran?

        Just like they did after the news of innocent Israelis being butchered by hamas terrorists.

        No doubt the bBC will be in morning after the loss of THEIR president.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Atlas – I think our religious ( met) police would ban any celebration of the death of one of our enemies , Iran is an enemy – so anything which destabilises it is good . I’m sure the bbc will be playing somber music and the Iranian flag will be at half mast over the emir of londonistan ‘s place . ….


          • JohnC says:

            Just looked at their report and you are correct : their tone is very sombre and respectful as if someone had died who was a leader in the civilised world.

            Not some terrorist scum who the world is a better place without.


          • Deborah says:

            I just fear the past Iranian President will be replaced by something worse. (Mind you I fear that for the UK Prime Minister too).


            • Will Jones says:

              The Biden WH just issued a statement that they are worried that the replacement would be Satan or Trump and they are hoping for Satan.


  4. Deborah says:

    Well against my better judgment, I have bought Proms tickets. I had to get into the prewaiting room between 7.20 and 9pm on Saturday morning to be assigned a random place in the queue. I was around the 5000 mark and going down for a few minutes before blinking hard to find I was 500 places more than I had been when I first got on. Eventually I got to the head of the queue. Not only was the Royal Albert Hall charging a booking fee, but they wanted me to insure against being unable to attend, they wanted me to donate towards sponsoring young musicians and they wanted me to donate to the restoration of the Hall. None of these amounts were insubstantial .

    Meanwhile a friend I was also buying tickets for, went on line about 10am out of curiosity to find herself 50,000 in the queue (yes really). By this time Florence and her machine were already sold out according to the message on the waiting room page. Now I have no idea how popular Florence is (I have heard of her), nor how popular the sordid Sam Smith is. But imagine either were playing Wembley for one night. I presume either could fill the arena. Was it people wanting these two proms inflating the waiting room numbers? It would provide the evidence that the proms are more popular than ever and what a wonderful organisation the BBC is to put on music for the cultural elite. Nothing happens at the BBC by chance. Perhaps there was a plan for their inane programming.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Deborah – maybe the BBC should cut costs by folding the proms into their Euro gay contest – they can get rid of all those tedious British traditions at the same time – handing out EU rainbow flags by the score …. I bet this year will have a ‘Hamas theme ‘…


    • Deborah says:

      Whoops – line 2 it was a.m. not p.m.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Debs, in the good ol’ days I used to work nearby and it was £3 a ticket back then!


  5. tomo says:


    • JohnC says:

      The Left – and especially the BBC – don’t give a flying f*ck about any of these young Ukranians being sent into the meatgrinder to be blown into pieces.

      They only care about poor old women who have to leave their family homes because Russia are coming. Or a few civilians killed by inevitable collateral damage – especially if some are children. Those are their favourite. Second only to a baby being rescued from rubble.

      Meanwhile the brave men at the front are dying in their thousands and the BBC don’t care one bit. No empathy in it and thus no chance of an award at the next incestuous BBC free dinner.


      • tomo says:

        “No Surrender”


    • G says:


      Somewhat foolish for ‘Chay Bowes’ to say, “Scenes like this would never be tolerated in Germany, France, London or New York.” In the current febrile atmosphere.


      • tomo says:

        G, pitiful skewed reporting in the MSM tends to confirm your view….


  6. atlas_shrugged says:

    In a pure gas-lighting move the eu announces that from October UK citizens taking the eurostar will need to be fingerprinted and photographed like common criminals.

    Meanwhile the eu send us their unwanted illegal migrants (free buses and a friendly wave-off from the Clouseau cops). These invaders can arrive here with no documents and then straight into a 4-star hotel.


    Stop the boats you MP morons.


  7. JohnC says:

    Slovakia PM attacker ‘may not have been lone wolf’

    If you research this guy with google, you learn the BBC is omitting huge amounts of information on this case. They have done the old trick of concentrating on the events after the shooting. The only hint we get to anything relating to why he did it is:

    ‘Local media have described him as a poet who has been involved in political organisations with various ideologies.’

    In particular they don’t quote what the government said:

    ‘Lubos Blaha, Slovakia’s deputy parliament speaker and deputy chairman of Fico’s Smer party has said:’
    “You, liberal media and political opposition. What hatred you spread against Robert Fico.”

    Absolutely bang on Lubos. And the BBC are doing exactly the same against their right-wing enemies here in the West. Just check out any article about Boris, Trump, Farage or JRM which has HYS opened on it in the last few years. The hatred and spite are off the scale. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened.

    The truth of this is that he dabbled with various organisations, but the one which drove him to attempt murder was as a pro-EU Lefty who didn’t like what the right-wing government were doing.

    What disgust me most of all is how the Democrats (with full BBC support) are trying to make out that it is Trump who has caused the huge social divisions.


  8. JohnC says:

    Diddy apologises after video shows attack on ex-girlfriend

    Oh how very generous of you to give him a soapbox the grovel for his career BBC. It’s not because he is black is it ?.

    Let me tell you a secret unidentified BBC clone who wrote the article : he’s not sorry at all. He’s done it hundreds of times and will do it again. He’s only sorry that he got caught.

    Amazing how the BBC change the headline depending on the agenda. Take this one:
    ‘Strictly Come Dancing star Giovanni Pernice rejects claims over teaching methods’

    Could so easily have been:
    ‘Numerous serious complaints made about Giovanni Pernice’s behaviour while filming Strictly.’

    The first infers innocence, the second infers guilt. A standard BBC lie technique which I call ‘Lying by inference’.


    • Docmarooned says:

      Thought this was to do with David “diddy” Hamilton. Surely not – whiter than the driven snow from radio 1 days of yore. Clicked on it stupidly to be enlightened.


  9. andyjsnape says:

    bbc website has a new page/heading called InDepth,

    It gives us, apparenty:-
    Thought-provoking analysis from our top journalists that informs, feeds your curiosity, and helps you make sense of a complex world

    Instead of just giving us the “news”

    Another heading before you actually get to the UK news

    I wonder when they will remove the “Cost of living” – maybe when the next unfortunate labour government come in


    • Scroblene says:

      The cost of living has also nearly swallowed up the pension increases this year, Andy.

      The ‘green’ power scam is eternally with us all now! I was ‘asked’/’it was suggested’ by my electricity company what I should pay per month, so I dropped the DD by about £18, as I was well in credit. That lasted a couple of months, and then I get another message saying they’re upping it by another whopping £34!

      Immediately after that, I get yet another message offering me a fixed deal for a year at – you’ve guessed it – what I proposed in the first place! Funny that this happened about the same time that the Offwatt crowd are predicting a 7% reduction in the three-monthly climate power scam-regulations!

      I think that the Cubiclists in W1AA will gently drop the clamour over the cost of living, especially over electricity and gas, as they are priced far too high now, but as they’re ‘green’, the Beeboid mentalists will just shrug their puny shoulders and claim it’s all to save the planet!


  10. andyjsnape says:

    Is the move to electric cars running out of power?

    “Buoyant electric car sales are a must if we’re to hit our climate targets. But EV sales in the West are down and if governments want them to recover it may have to be at the expense of their own economies”

    Great! if we want to hit our climate targets – but ….

    No thanks, happy with my petrol car. Fill up drive off in a few minutes


    • Scroblene says:

      Chinese manufactured EV components are made in coal-fired power stations…

      Funny that!


  11. tomo says:


    A repeat ..


  12. tomo says:



  13. tomo says:


    • Fedup2 says:

      Tomo – hey come on – it’s only 15 TV licence fees ….


    • MarkyMark says:

      Nationalise the money!


    • Deborah says:

      Funnily enough I was looking at train fares yesterday from Yorkshire to London . Not as bad as these but I decided I will drive instead. Those 15 minute cities are coming because we won’t be able to afford to travel even by public transport.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I don’t travel by train much but I invested in a rail card giving me a 20% discount …. I used it the other day … but couldn’t find it on the day so had to buy a full fat one . My ticket got inspected . I asked what would have happened if I couldn’t produce the railcard with the discount ticket – answer £100 fine .
        Railways are just ways of ripping punters off …


  14. tomo says:


  15. Sluff says:

    The infected blood scandal report is due today. The victims have waited some FORTY years for this.

    They were infected with HIV and Heapatitics C contaminated blood by the NHS. Yes, this nationalised industry has avoided accountability and strung it out with government connivance for 40 years, a huge compensation package is thought likely to be paid for, of course, ultimately by the taxpayer. For those still alive. Many have died. This all happened under the auspices of the NHS. Are you still clapping?

    Meanwhile the Post Office horizon scandal enquiry is underway. This one is only a mere TWENTY years after it happened.

    What these two things have in common is to see how nationalised industries behave when they get things wrong.
    They avoid, deny, obscure, delay for as long as they can. They literally hope people will die in the meantime to avoid compensation. The perpetrators of course get away without. There is no accountability whatever.

    Yet amazingly, people want more nationalisation. Railways, water. The socialists exploit every failure of the private sector – look at the traction to the water quality issue in the West Country last week. Would it really not happen under nationalisation? Or would we just not hear about it for forty years?


    • Sluff says:

      And PS. Reading tomo’s post about rail fares above.
      Do you remember a few years ago there were ridiculous complaints about the ‘complexities’ of rail ticket prices.
      All that is now solved. The East Coast Main Line is quasi-nationalised and fare structures are simpler. All the cheap tickets have gone and the prices have skyrocketed!!!!!! But at least it’s simpler. So that’s OK. Hahahah. I used to travel to Yorkshire regularly on the same line as Tomo above and know this to be true. Another victory for the state over the gullible public.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Sluff – the medical mafia will never change – the report will do nothing apart from sort of compensating those affected . I wonder if my cousin will get money for the death of her husband – aged 25 – whom the NHS infected with a hepatitis / HIV combo – which killed him slowly and ‘badly ‘…. ?

      The trauma of it was spread across the family and persists to this day . It’s one of the many reasons I have little trust in the medical mafia – more self interested than patient care ….

      The report is big – apparently – thousands of pages . Who will ever read it ? Who will ever change as a result ? Certainly not those killed by the NHS ….


  16. Foscari says:

    I have sent my condolences to BBC on hearing of the
    death of the ” Butcher of Tehran” I hope it gives solace to
    the all but media partners of Hamas .Who with
    Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Houthis in Yemen.
    Bashar al_Assad in Syria. The ” River to the Sea” mobs.
    he nourished .


  17. MarkyMark says:

    A) Your article tells people how to think from point one:

    “The first thing you need to know about the so-called demographic timebomb facing countries such as the UK and US is to never call it that.”

    B) Your article is lacking in thought and I’d like to know who made this statement:

    “There are basically two ways in which a country can deal with a falling birth rate – you can keep your population heathier and employed for longer, or you can have large-scale immigration. There isn’t really a third option.”

    — third option – give better incentives to have bigger families to ensure there is an increasing population (see Africa for details on how to do this).
    — third option – use technology to assist in improved living.
    — third option – stop scaring the population into not having kids – see “Anti-natalists: The people who want you to stop having babies”
    — third option – have so many kids that they go and replace other countries populations who are failing to have kids.

    C) Remember that the migrated people get old as well.

    D) You could quote some of our politicians:

    From a Theresa May speech … “As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’

    Mark H.


  18. MarkyMark says:

    Two articles on BBC news page next to each other.

    “How should countries deal with falling birth rates?”

    “‘As a bisexual, there’s no one you can really relate to'”

    Destroy the family unit!


  19. tomo says:


    • tomo says:

      5 hardened bananas and a GoPro


      • Sluff says:

        Absolutely brilliant.


      • Mrs Kitty says:

        Watched it twice as I particularly enjoyed it, where we are we get an influx of morons on bikes , e-bikes and scooters during the summer. Going the wrong way around a roundabout, wrong way down the one way streets and crossing roads from cycle path to cycle path without looking. We go out once a week to shop and are gibbering wrecks by the time we get back. Hate them.


        • tomo says:

          Mrs Kitty you might try Cambridge…. >> year round

          I’m OK with bikes but Belgian / Dutch implementation is better, in Belgium I just don’t notice them


          • Mrs Kitty says:

            These are the French doing what they do best, just being french. It’s the ones coming towards you 2 abreast down the wrong way who scream at you for driving in the correct direction that really scrambles our brains


        • Fedup2 says:

          Really cheered me up – which was vine ?

          If a push bike hit me I’d have trouble trying not to kick the downed rider in the head for causing damage ….


    • Fedup2 says:

      At least when the war comes we won’t have to worry about cycle lanes any more ….


    • MarkyMark says:

      The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy Paperback – 28 Jun. 1996

      “Sowell presents a devastating critique of the mind-set behind the failed social policies of the past thirty years. Sowell sees what has happened during that time not as a series of isolated mistakes but as a logical consequence of a tainted vision whose defects have led to crises in education, crime, and family dynamics, and to other social pathologies. In this book, he describes how elites,the anointed,have replaced facts and rational thinking with rhetorical assertions, thereby altering the course of our social policy.”


    • markh says:

      Jeremy Clarkson is so right. Little man Khan’t is the biggest idiot of the lot but we’re stuck with him because of the oppressed ethnic vote.


  20. tomo says:

    Relevant to the blood scandal….


  21. tomo says:

    Where’s the helicopter and bad weather when you really need them?


  22. AsISeeIt says:

    …failings over infected blood scandal… PM’s apology for worst treatment disaster in NHS history – insists the ever-excitable Daily Mail

    Worst ever… really?

    If only there were some currently sitting (or is it presently in recess?) official public inquiry that could look into that.

    Final report on infected blood scandal… Public inquiry into scandal is expected to call for those responsible to face possible prosecution (Guardian) oh, the irony…

    Covid mutants take hold… spreading worldwide and stoking fears… potentially ease collective immunity (FT) – so that thing known as collective immunity to a virus does exist afterall?

    Now here’s an innovative new take on our media’s favourite and now familiar ‘lone wolf’ formulation: Slovakia PM attacker ‘may not have been lone wolf’ (BBC) – you mean to say there were a pack of them?

    Please, not again with the same lame pun: Cannes do… Sienna shares the red carpet spotlight with daughter, 11… see page three (Mail) – not appropriate

    How Britain fell in love with bao buns (Guardian) – do pass the frittata please Tarquin

    What else is on the menu, we wonder?

    Heston: I’m bipolar (freebie Metro) – we’ve heard these chefs can be a bit moody

    Nigella Lawson The food that makes me happy (Times)

    What to EAT to get your love life sizzling again (Daily Mail) – calm down dear

    Tit for tat

    G7 allies warm to US plan of rushing funds to Ukraine as Trump threat rises… Seized Russian assets to be used (FT top headline)

    Meanwhile tucked away in the news briefing: Russia seizes bank assets… St Petersburg court seized… assets from three western banks, after the ECB told Eurozone lenders to speed up their exit plans (FT)

    Nesrine Malik The Black Lives Matter era is over – what did it teach us? (Guardian) – answers on a postcard please?


  23. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Britain spends £500,000 a year to keep Channel migrants’ boats piled up in a car park in case the ‘owner’ comes forward to claim them – and now plans to build a £2MILLION processing facility in Dover. Britain spent an estimated £500,000 in the past year storing boats used by migrants to cross the Channel.7 Aug 2021”


    • MarkyMark says:

      Foreign aid = local aid!


    • G says:

      What the hell? Its only taxpayers money. Plenty more where that comes from………….


  24. Eddy Booth says:

    “Years of sanctions have left Iranian aircrafts unsafe”
    Jeremy Bowen

    Of course it’s the weather, Israel, political enemies, sanctions
    It doesn’t enter Jeremy’s little head, it might be because Iranians are just inbred idiots, too busy developing rockets,

    “However, President Raisi had many enemies, and there will be plenty of people who will be very happy that he’s dead.

    Back in the 80s, he effectively signed the death warrants for thousands of dissidents who were mainly leftists.”

    Might be a good point here, for you to explain why the leftist BBC now care so much about him .


    • Fedup2 says:

      I suppose it was inevitable that an enemy ‘propagandist ‘ like bowen would attribute responsibility for the happy death of Iranian politicians ( killers ) to the US via sanction …


  25. tomo says:

    Those Frida Karlo trinkets were an indicator – no mistake.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Just so many reasons for voting for ( correction – NOT) her party – cameron may nut nut truss green card – a whole list of failures –

      Btw – the running tally of invaders is 36000 up year on year if l heard right . How can rwanda be a deterrent? Its just a distraction.

      The red team will fund the increasing invasion using the community charge … there will be a different meaning to leveling up .

      Yesterday a paper carried a story about the effect on the invasion in Eire – destroying a fragile tourist industry by taking over hotels .

      I wonder if Eire will rebel before anyone else ? ( i doubt it as theyve been conditioned to accept their doom )


      • gb123 says:

        No worries, the Irish will deploy their wierdo-vsion song contest entrant “they them” Thug to chant at them. Gets very confusing with the pronouns. Hopefully that will be a deterrent.


        • Fedup2 says:

          It also gets very confusing with the nomenclature – I saw something about a protest March by Irish people with a lot of Irish flags – these ‘nationalists ‘ were labelled as ‘far right ‘ …. Whereas the IRA supporting BBC would label them as anti colonial freedom fighters against the evil hated British – or ‘Brits ‘ as the IRA call us ..


    • MarkyMark says:

      “… there have been 551 asylum claims in Britain from people from other EU countries – like Poland and Spain. All but a handful were turned down – but they cost over £4 million to the British tax payer. So we will end this absurdity ….” – Theresa May – Oct2015 – @25:05


  26. tomo says:

    That’ll stick it to those damn wikkid wushinz!


  27. tomo says:

    Meanwhile in Brussels


    • Mrs Kitty says:

      Well they ( in 1945 ) were fellow Germans. So the EU would mourn greatly.


  28. tomo says:

    Counter battery fire guaranteed?


  29. tomo says:


  30. tomo says:

    deserves to rot in hell


    • MarkyMark says:

      “The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest on December 16, 1773, by the Sons of Liberty in Boston in colonial Massachusetts.[2] The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts. The Sons of Liberty strongly opposed the taxes in the Townshend Act as a violation of their rights. In response, the Sons of Liberty, some disguised as Native Americans, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company.”


    • tomo says:

      A fan?



    • Mrs Kitty says:

      @ Tomo @ 11.29 and 12.08 The embalmed look is on trend this year.


  31. Fedup2 says:

    From the Guardian – BBCOFCOM really doesn’t like GBNews – must be due to do an RT to it … free press indeed …

    STARTS Ofcom is considering a statutory sanction against GB News over “serious and repeated” breaches of British television laws relating to the channel’s lack of impartiality.

    The media regulator said the channel breached regulations by allowing the Conservative prime minister, Rishi Sunak, to be interviewed on air without sufficient challenge to his views.

    Ofcom, which has carried out 23 formal investigations amid 13 breaches of broadcast rules by GB News, accepted there was nothing wrong in principle with the format of the hour-long programme, broadcast in February, in which Sunak answered questions from 100 voters in County Durham.

    However, GB News failed to challenge his arguments, provide alternative point of view, and generally failed to “ensure that an appropriately wide range of significant views”.

    As a result the prime minister had a “mostly uncontested platform to promote the policies and performance of his government in a period preceding a UK general election”.

    Ofcom said it would now start its process for deciding the punishment for the channel, which could take up to two months, with the channel facing a fine over repeated breaches of impartiality rules.

    Among other issues with the programme, Ofcom concluded:

    Audience members were not able to challenge the prime minister’s responses and the presenter Stephen Dixon – a former Sky News host – did not push back to any “meaningful extent”.
    The prime minister was able to set out future policies he planned to implement if re-elected. Neither the audience nor the presenter challenged or otherwise referred to significant alternative views on these.
    Sunak criticised aspects of Labour’s policies and performance – but neither Labour’s views or positions on those issues were included in the programme.
    GB News did not include a reference in the programme to an agreed future programme in which a wide range of significant views on the major matter would be given due weight.
    GB News, which has challenged many of the longstanding norms around news broadcasting in the UK, has become a major headache for Ofcom, which has been accused of being asleep at the wheel.

    The rightwing channel has pushed boundaries – and built a loyal and growing audience – by adopting an openly rightwing slant on the news agenda. It also employs serving Tory MPs as presenters and has complained that Ofcom is a vessel of the establishment intent on shutting down free speech.

    GB News is part-owned by hedge fund boss Paul Marshall, who is preparing a bid to buy the Daily Telegraph. He recently stepped down from his role as chairman of the GB News’s parent company but has been replaced by Lord Agnew – a former Tory minister and active Conservative member of the House of Lords.

    Ofcom is also facing the challenge of Nigel Farage – who controls the Reform UK party but does not currently intend to stand for election to parliament – presenting a nightly politics show during the general election.

    In a statement, GB News said: “Ofcom’s finding against GB News today is an alarming development in its attempt to silence us by standing in the way of a forum that allows the public to question politicians directly.

    “The regulator’s threat to punish a news organisation with sanctions for enabling people to challenge their own prime minister strikes at the heart of democracy at a time when it could not be more vital.”

    GB News also called itself the “people’s channel” and the “independently selected group of undecided voters” questioned Mr Sunak “robustly, intelligently, and freely”.

    The channel also said that the Ofcom ruling was a “watershed moment that should terrify anyone who believes, as we do, that the media’s role is to give a voice to the people of the United Kingdom”.ENDS

    It will be gone ( online only ) by Christmas


  32. MarkyMark says:

    “You can visit someone in an immigration removal centre or short term holding facility.”

    Brook House, Gatwick
    Colnbrook, Middlesex
    Derwentside, County Durham
    Dungavel House, South Lanarkshire
    Harmondsworth, Middlesex
    Larne House short term holding facility, Antrim
    Manchester short term holding facility
    Swinderby short term holding facility
    Tinsley House, Gatwick
    Yarl’s Wood, Bedfordshire

    You can ask for somewhere to live, a cash allowance or both as an asylum seeker.

    You’ll be given somewhere to live if you need it. This could be in a flat, house, hostel or bed and breakfast.

    You cannot choose where you live. It’s unlikely you’ll get to live in London or south-east England.

    HA HA HA HAHA H! London is SAGE!


    • MarkyMark says:

      “When we hold the @NATO Washington Summit in July, we’ll take tangible steps to increase NATO’s role in building a capable Ukrainian force, supporting its ongoing reforms, better integrating Ukraine into the Alliance.”

      . . . . .

      The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with US Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance,[3] prohibited Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, “except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.” As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.[4][5]


  33. andyjsnape says:

    OnlyFans complaint over BBC investigation rejected by Ofcom


    GB News could face Ofcom punishment after breach

    “could” face, so might not, maybe, who knows


  34. Terminal Moraine says:

    On Friday morning I posted a criticism of the Senior Health and Misinformation reporter. Also on Friday she announced on Twitter she was leaving her post at the BBC after eight years. It was only 7hrs 51mins later. I know this is accurate because I fact checked myself.

    This struck me as potentially significant, so I decided to spend the entire weekend designing a study to see if my disparaging comments caused her departure. Unfortunately due to the presence of confounding variables my results are inconclusive. But I’m looking for funding to see if I can replicate my findings with other BBC employees who are similarly underqualified in their roles.

    If anyone would like to contribute to my research please get in touch. Lightning can strike twice after all.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Terminal – sorry but could you repeat the contents of the issue and who is involved …


      • Terminal Moraine says:

        Fedup it was this —


        Yesterday at Congress the NIH admitted that they had indeed been funding gain of function research at Wuhan prior to C19. This confirms what many have known, and what Fauci had flat out rejected at Senate hearings, calling such an accusation “egregiously incorrect”.

        This is big news, especially so given the crusade that gov and media are on pretending to disseminate only accurate medical info. Somewhat masochistically I like to periodically check on the BBC’s Senior Health and Misinformation reporter. Here’s her latest post on Twitter.

        I am probably not alone in wishing I could get refunded for the years I did pay the licence fee, such is the failure of intelligence.

        Sobering to realise you’re the same age as Miss McKenzie in Busted’s What I Go to School for


        • Fedup2 says:

          Terminal – thanks – I’m punch drunk at the moment because of the blood inquiry ….


  35. Fedup2 says:

    Looking at the infected blood inquiry report – volume 7 – the final one – deals with destruction of documents – and the cover up is pitched at ‘routine destruction ‘ of documents …. And – no doubt – criminal culpability for the killings of NHS patients ….

    The outcome of this report will be the same as the post office – no one will be held responsible – no one will be punished – nothing will change …. 2 state bodies defending themselves against the public victims –

    The medical mafia will never change – it’s institutionally corrupt …
    Remember to clap ..


    • tomo says:


      David is a good man who’s been working that beat for years.

      Bent NHS managers have been furtively sneaking into offices over weekends to delete incriminating emails and other records. It’s not routine – it’s usually in direct conflict with data retention policies and it’s criminal.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Fire up the Blair Shredders!¬

      “MPs’ EXPENSES: Blair’s £43,000 expenses were shredded ‘by incompetence’
      UPDATED: 01:40, 14 May 2009”


  36. Thoughtful says:

    Although I had from the get go serious doubts Israel had anything to do with the downed helicopter and the death of the Iranian President they have denied anything to do with it.

    I wondered if it were more likely Turkey had shot it down if indeed anyone had. The News agencies don’t seem to be showing maps but the location is in the far North of the country East of Turkey, half way to the Caspian Sea, and South of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    The world is in a delicate enough state as it is without this having been an assasination by any country, and even now it becomes more dangerous as a power struggle begins for the two senior roles in the Iranian government.

    Can we hope for sober serious reporting from the UK media? No of course not, if it’s not on side almost celebrating, and the other comiserating there’s not much analysis of the potential consequences going on from any where, but that’s pretty much the constant state of the MSM these days.


  37. Eddy Booth says:

    “War and popularity keep Zelensky in power despite term expiring”

    So tomorrow he’s an illegitimate president, but that’s fine by the BBC, as he’s popular.
    Meanwhile the recent Putin’s election win was dissected to death.



    • Thoughtful says:

      As Vladmir Putin ominously warned we do not seek to kill elected leaders.
      Zelensky could have held elections but disolved his opposition and has effectively set himself up as dictator and might well not last much longer.


  38. Fedup2 says:

    I think the blood inquiry will disappear quite quickly – but – just think – receiving blood / products via the medical mafia across decades was a lottery – you – me – could have been infected .

    And as a result family could have died – you – me – could have died because their NHS killed us …..

    .. during the press conference one of the victims raised the general point about state mafia – be it the civil service – legal mafia – health mafia … and how these protect themselves …

    … and Kenneth Clarke – the main on point for failing to deal with blood products is the focus of big criticism _ but it should be remembered that Ken Clarke isn’t a human being – he is a barrister – and barristers have no humanity – just ‘the brief ‘…

    BTW – in the post office inquiry Vennels is due to give evidence this week – I bet she doesn’t swear on the Bible …


  39. Fedup2 says:

    Was looking at the wiki for Karim Khan – ICC prosecutor going after a warrant for the PM of Israel – I see he is a Muslim – enough said for me ….

    He claims to be going after Islamic Hamas too – but that’s just a cover to get elected Israeli politicians

    Keep going IDF …


    • Thoughtful says:

      And how is this related to the BBC Fed?

      For Some background which you won’t like, he was both the US and Israeli choice who both saw him as very manipulable and basically a puppet of the USA and their allies.


      • Fedup2 says:

        The BBC reported this – but left out the bit about this lawyer being a Muslim – which I would regard as a relevant factor in any judgement about him and his conduct – looks like he has one fan though …


        • Thoughtful says:

          At the time of his appointment he had plenty of fans in the USA and Israeli government, he was their choice. The fact he is Muslim is pretty irrelevant in this case, as he is an Amahdi Musli.

          Here’s his bio, I think even you will agree he has had a glittering career.


  40. tomo says:

    Meanwhile, up in SNP-land


  41. MarkyMark says:

    NHS – leaders in assisted deaths since 1970 **

    ** The Liverpool Care Pathway for the dying: what went wrong?
    ** NHS and government covered up infected blood scandal


  42. MarkyMark says:

    Overview and Recommendations
    Lessons to be Learned
    List of Chapters

    4. What happened and why?
    Role of Government: Response to Risk
    Haemophilia Centres: Policies and Practice
    Pharmaceutical Companies
    Haemophilia Society

    February 1985 first public statement from the Government rejecting calls
    for compensation.

    (10 Jun 1983 – 11 Jun 1987 Second Thatcher ministry)

    January 1987 The Northern Echo begins a campaign for compensation and the
    Government maintains that there will be no state compensation.
    February 1987 Secretary of State seeks legal advice as to the possible
    liability of the NHS.
    May 1987 Tony Newton gives evidence to the House of Commons Social Services
    Committee maintaining the position of no scheme to compensate for “unavoidable
    adverse effects” of medical treatment.
    July 1987 Tony Newton considers the option of providing a sum to the
    Haemophilia Society.
    August 1987 Tony Newton writes to John Moore about the “considerable parliamentary
    and public pressure … to do something”.
    3 November 1987 John Moore and Tony Newton meet the Haemophilia Society.
    4 November 1987 John Moore writes memorandum proposing a once and for all
    payment to the Haemophilia Society to distribute to people infected.
    10 November 1987 Cabinet Sub-Committee on AIDS considers the memorandum.
    16 November 1987 Government announces a grant of £10 million to the Haemophilia
    Society to enable it to establish a special fund.


    • kingkp says:

      This is a great money spinner for those with their snouts in the trough and there are an awful lot of snouts.
      A timeline from the infected blood inquiry page 76 you linked to.
      20 May 1983 isolation of a viral particle (then called “LAV”) in Paris by Dr Luc Montagnier.
      It turns out to be the same as HTLV-3 and HIV
      On 23 April 1984, Dr Robert Gallo announced he had found the virus which causes AIDS.

      Fascinating stuff. Why did Gallo never receive the Nobel Prize and Montaignier did? In the early 1990s Gallo’s lab was being investigated for medical fraud. He would have been convicted had the Republicans not taken the House in the 1994 mid-terms. From then on he retired from the NIH and led a life out of the spotlight.
      If you try and find Gallo’s scientific papers that prove the isolation of HIV and that it causes AIDS you will be wasting your time. They are not publicly available. What you will find is articles like this
      The Discovery of HIV as the Cause of AIDS
      Authors: Robert C. Gallo, M.D., and Luc Montagnier, M.D.Author Info & Affiliations
      Published December 11, 2003
      N Engl J Med 2003;349:2283-2285
      DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp038194
      VOL. 349 NO. 24
      Note it was published in 2003.

      Yet the original papers themselves, demonstrating how to reproduce the results Gallo claimed are non-existent.
      Few people have ever seen them. AIDS is a syndrome. In the early 1980s, AIDS included two diseases, Kaposi’s sarcoma and PCP. The CDC continually extended the syndrome over the years so it now includes 30 well-known diseases that all existed before the appearance of AIDS. If you go to a hospital with cervical cancer, pneumonia, or tuberculosis and test positive with one of their PCR assays for HIV you will be treated as an HIV/AIDS patient. You won’t be treated for cervical cancer, pneumonia, or tuberculosis but with dangerous HIV anti-virals that will eventually kill you. When you die you will be listed as an HIV/AIDS death. I remember at the end of the 1980s they were telling us 1/5th of the world’s population would be dead from HIV/AIDS by the end of the decade.
      It’s the same old scam and forty years later people still fall for it. Does the template sound familiar?


  43. digg says:

    The ICC have asked for an arrest warrant for Netenyahooo and “The leader of Hamas” for war crimes….

    Guess which one is the least likely to show up to any trial?

    They are trying the get Trump lefty rigged up show trial shite now aren’t they! Must have had a word with Biden.

    It seems to be a lefty thing!


    • MarkyMark says:

      he leader of Hamas – HE WO CANNOT BE NAMED?



    • tomo says:

      “The leader of Hamas”

      – the one already in the morgue?


    • Thoughtful says:

      The head of the ICC is a US / Israel puppet, so make what you will of this.

      The more interesting side is how the US is going to do its usual global thug routine demanding that Putin is arraigned by the ICC for supposed war crimes and that the court it wholly legitimate and following the course of law

      And then arguing the exact opposite when it comes to Israel, but switching back once again when it comes to the Hamas group.

      Of course none of these people are ever going to show up for a trial, maybe a Hamas one will but the reality is that it’s only ever been African war lords who are arrested and they call it the international colonial court as they see is as grossly unfair.

      However if AIPAC decide to ditch Netanyahu they might well throw him under the bus to have a fresh start.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Digg – enemies of Israel will seize on the attempt to indict democratically elected politicians and naively think it is balanced because the surviving (sadly ) leaders of Hamas will be held to account too ….

      The friends of Islamic Hamas – such as South Africa – are practicing law fare like the democrats against trump – with plenty of sympathisers here – unfortunately ….

      Keep going IDF – Do what must be be done ——


      • MarkyMark says:

        UK PM Rishi = selected not elected.


      • Thoughtful says:

        I have to say it’s a bizzare way to view this situation.

        I hope that you you do not include me as a sympathiser of HAMAS here Fed, that would be beyond risisble and the kind of baseless ad hominem the woke left usually resort to when they lose.

        It would also appear that you regard Yoav Gallant and Binyamin Nettanyahu as actually being Israel itself – allow me to disabuse you of this delusion, they are two men who today would be voted into oblivion by the people of Israel were there to be an election.


  44. Richard Pinder says:


    King Charles

    Adolf Hitler

    Joseph Stalin

    Mao Zedong

    Justin Trudeau

    Nation of Islam


  45. MarkyMark says:

    Iran to Join NATO and the EU now their dictator leader has died?!


    • Thoughtful says:

      I’m sure the CIA will be ‘assisting’ the people there who wish the CIA had never had a hand in installing the Mullahs in the first place – albeit their meddling was on the other side and failing to read the way the situation was going.

      Hopefully this time they won’t F*** it up like they have on every other occasion they’ve been involved.


  46. Thoughtful says:

    This talk of the ICC has reminded me that the neighbour had passed by the spot where the Muslims were accosting drivers for money for Gaza / Hamas which is of course illegal, and last time when I asked him if he called the Police he said he hadn’t because they would probably arrest him for being white or anti Muslim or some dreamed up reason.

    However this time it was different. The two tier Gestapo we now have instead of Police were sat in their car simply watching them and doing nothing. probably protecting them in case someone took offence or nicked the money.

    And so the elderly neighbour was pretty much proven right.


  47. Sluff says:

    An example of BBC bias in an unexpected way.

    On Have I Got News for You last Friday, one of the panellists came out with a joke against Labour !!!!!!!

    So why the bias?

    The ‘funny’ thing is…..absolutely nobody in the audience laughed! Or did they just not dare?

    Whereas of course mention in the most feeble way the government and…….howls of apoplectic laughter.

    It is the same system as Question Time. Ensure a Far Left audience and the bias takes care of itself.